
Obs Case -3- Name: Raghad Reyati is a 29 years old female patient, married for 3 years, not employed lives in Rafah blood group O+. She is Gravida 4, para 0, +3, living 0. She is a housewife, pregnant at 36 week and lives in Rafah. Her LMP is 15/1/2015 and EDD is 22/10/2015. She was admitted through the ER. At Monday 6 st April 2015 This history was taken by me Abdelrahman M sheikh Ahmad, from the patient herself who looks informative and cooperative. Chief Complaint: Vaginal bleeding 1 hour prior to admission. History of presenting complaint: The patient was doing well till 1 hr before admission when she started to suffer from painless vaginal bleeding 1 hour prior to admission, bleeding was about cup of tea in amount and red in color without clots, and has no odor. Also 5 days prior to admission She was complaining of little amount of watery vaginally discharge without odor and was painless. She also suffered from colicky lower abdominal pain radiated to the back 4 days prior to admission with gradual onset and intermittent course, no clear aggravating or relieving factors , pain takes 5/10 in severity scale. No history of trauma, no urinary symptoms, no headache There is no history of fever, weight loss, anorexia or night sweat.

Upload: abedelrahmanshekhahmad

Post on 26-Sep-2015




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  • Obs

    Case -3-

    Name: Raghad Reyati is a 29 years old female patient, married for

    3 years, not employed lives in Rafah blood group O+.

    She is Gravida 4, para 0, +3, living 0. She is a housewife, pregnant

    at 36 week and lives in Rafah.

    Her LMP is 15/1/2015 and EDD is 22/10/2015.

    She was admitted through the ER. At Monday 6st April 2015

    This history was taken by me Abdelrahman M sheikh Ahmad, from

    the patient herself who looks informative and cooperative.

    Chief Complaint: Vaginal bleeding 1 hour prior to admission.

    History of presenting complaint:

    The patient was doing well till 1 hr before admission when she

    started to suffer from painless vaginal bleeding 1 hour prior to

    admission, bleeding was about cup of tea in amount and red in

    color without clots, and has no odor.

    Also 5 days prior to admission She was complaining of little

    amount of watery vaginally discharge without odor and was


    She also suffered from colicky lower abdominal pain radiated to

    the back 4 days prior to admission with gradual onset and

    intermittent course, no clear aggravating or relieving factors ,

    pain takes 5/10 in severity scale.

    No history of trauma, no urinary symptoms, no headache There is

    no history of fever, weight loss, anorexia or night sweat.

  • There was no history of constipation, diarrhea, and distension.

    Systemic review:

    All other systems are normal.

    #Current pregnancy:

    The LMP was at 15th of January 2015 and expected date of

    delivery is 22th of October 2015, therefore she is pregnant at 36

    weeks gestational age.

    This pregnancy was planned, the patient noticed that she is

    pregnant by complaining from amenorrhea for 4weeks, associated

    with nausea, vomiting and tender breasts.

    Pregnancy was confirmed by serum pregnancy test in private clinic in

    15/2/2015 which was positive.

    At the beginning of pregnancy she diagnosed as a case of thrombophilia

    according to genetic study and takes heparin and aspirin

    The pregnancy was followed up by doing US scan in private

    clinic during routine follow up and it showed normal male fetus

    with cephalic presentation and her development is appropriate for

    gestational age.

    The patient had no problems early this pregnancy and had normal

    fetal movement.

    Past obstetric history:

    Gravida 4, para 0, +3, living 0

    She married 3 years ago and has 3 abortions

  • First pregnancy in first year of marriage and she aborted after 4

    weeks of gestation in private clinic without clear cause of


    Second pregnancy in second year of marriage and she aborted

    after 4 weeks of gestation in private clinic without clear cause of


    Third pregnancy in third year of pregnancy and she aborted after

    13 weeks of gestation in Emirati Hospital by curettage without

    clear cause of abortion

    #gynecological history

    Menarche was on 12 years old with regular period. Cycle is

    regular every 28 days and lasts for 4-5 days, she uses 2-3 tampons

    per 5 days and blood without clots

    No mid-cyclic pain, inter-menstrual bleeding neither post coital


    No use of any contraceptive methods and no gynecologcal

    problems as fibroid, endmoetriosis or breast diseases.

    The patient wasn't aware of cervical smear.

    #Past medical and surgical history:

    No chronic medical illnesses.

    No surgical history.

  • #drug history or allergy:

    She takes heparin 1 cm subcutaneous injection twice daily during

    last pregnancy until now with good compliance.

    And takes aspirin 81 mg once daily during last pregnancy with

    good compliance.

    She starts iron + folic acid tablets once daily during pregnancy.

    She takes OTC medications such as needed, No herbal uses.

    No history of drug or food allergy.

    #family history:

    No significant Medical history

    No inherited disease (hemophilia, bleeding tendency)

    No Pre-eclampsia, chromosomal or congenital anomalies

    no Fetal born error of metabolism

    #social history:

    1. Occupation: not employed

    2. Income and medical insurance: good income, they have medical


    No travel history

    College education

    Well ventilated and exposed to sun house