ocala banner. (ocala, florida) 1905-10-06 [p page...

t l r i y THE OCALA BANNER PAGE SEVEN J n n f SITUATION r STEADILY MENDING General Cleaning Up of City on October 14 and 15 PREPARING FOR THE PRESIDENT r Ths Public Schools Are All Open and w the Attendance Is GoodThe Situa x tlen of Surrounding Country Is De- cidedly ¬ Better New Orleans Oct 4Up to noon to- day ¬ y there were 21 new cases of yel- low ¬ fever and two deaths i New Orleans Oct 4 Cloudy weath- er ¬ continues here and more rain is predicted but the fever situation is steadily mending and the fears that a long spell of rainy weather would cause an appreciation In the number of cases and the changes of temperature affect the sick adversely have not been real ¬ izedThe explanation Is found in the re- daction ¬ of points of infection and the effectiveness of the precautions against mosquito breeding la addition to the public schools fcalf a dozen private schools and col legea have opened and all the others will be open by the end of the month Dr Warner has called a meeting Wednesday night of all the heads of the volunteer organizatioms to plan the general cleanup for Oct 14 and 15 The aim in part of this work is to show the president a reasonably clean Iowa Further advices are received by the success of Dr Whites trip in the su- gar ¬ parishes There is a shortage of 10000 laborers in the fields and it is expected that Dr Whites work will be of material assistance to the plant- ers ¬ la making up the deficiency Prospects Grew Brighter centers of foci being wiped out mew cases falling in number the list a ef sick being reduced and the death roll showing no appreciation the fe ¬ situation is taking on a brighter aspect every day both as to the city aid country One death occurred yesterday in tie whole outside of New Orleans and there Is a shrinkage in the number of peiats favorable to President Souchons suggestion of lifting quarantines or at least making considerable modifica- tion ¬ of them by the middle of the r i sitoeth or perhaps a week later and l If the improvement here is maintain- ed ¬ there will probably be many com- Munities willing to take the risk ol reopening communication Railroad officials are receiving in- quiries ¬ as to the possibility of excur- sions ¬ Into the city at the time of the presidents visit the date for which Ing been extended two days makes ore probable that at the time of pIs coming the fever will have been practically wiped out la many sections of Louisiana frost tight to occur shortly thereafter Superintendent Easton has complet- ed ¬ a list of the public school enroll- ment ¬ for the opening day With four schools closed the figures were 19533 List year they were 24969 The show lag is considered a fine one in view of the fact that there are still many people out of town while in the city some parents have postponed the send lag of their children to the schools aatll the middle of the month Health Officer Kohnke In an inter- View I today expresses the opinion at- by reason of the precautions that are being taken children will be more safe in the school room than in their awn homes National Quarantine the opening of the new real es exchange last night United States Senator cEury discussed the ques- tion ¬ opaatlonal quarantine and while favoring a considerable enlargement e11 the seope of the marine hospital service said la framlag a law for federal con trel ef quarantine there should be the vtBost endeavor to preserve all of the positive rights remaining to the tates This calamity however appal- ling should induce us to surrender any K these rights We are not yet ready- to destroy the states and make of this sveraaeat oae great centralized pow r without aay political subdivisions We save beea drifting that way until tte agar approach to an imperial COY del eat Is becoming alarming Three New Cases at Nachaz Natchez Oct 4Three new oases reported this morning one white and t aegroes Oae of tae cases Is a- sew focus aad is in a thickly popu- lated ¬ block Total foci 34 Total ews 111 Two patients were dif I Mtrp1 from the hospital today s r Six Persens tuned te Death Mfiagtoa W Va Oct 4Six per i Mesa two womea aad four chlldrea ears rimed to death in a cabin home last tight The two husbands of the L WS Si escaped TIle barred were- J A1 o aid her three children Yrs Jeeepa CardeMl and one Mid Their charred bodies wore found am the smekiag ruins of the cabin L r sY ta 1 A FOOLISH BOYISH ESCAPADE l the Way Attorney Levy Talks Abeut Forged Securities Case New York Oct 4Mlss Katherine Leonard sister of Harry A Leonard- the young man who confessed to the theft of more than 359000 worth of securities from the National City bank declared today that young Leonard was the victim of another man and that he was trying to protect the man and a woman Miss Leonard declared that she had given the womans name to the police and that she believed the unrestored portion of the securities was placed in a safe deposit vault by the woman Miss Leonard said I dont know the name of the man who has used Harry as his tool but- I do know the woman Miss Leonard denied the police story that part of the securities was found- In the Leonard home Lawyer Abraham Levy has been re ¬ tained to defend Leonard After a long talk with the prisoner Mr Levy said that he was satisfied that there was no criminal intent on the part of young Leonard and that the whole affair was a foolish boyish escapade When the young man Is arraigned- said Mr Levy I will make the con ¬ tention that there was no criminal intent and think I will fee able to con ¬ vince the court of that fact Mr Levy was he senior counsel for Nan Patterson REVEALED HIDDEN GOLD Daughter ef Miser Told Her Lover Where the Wealth Was I San Francisco Oct 4The mystery of the disappearance of 11008 a year I ago from a crock in which William Schmitz an aged painter had buried the savings of years in the cellar un ¬ der his home at 741 OFarrell street has been cleared by the confession of his daughter Miss Louisa Schmitz and the arrest of Edward Cordero to whom she betrayed the hoarding place as a result of her infatuation and his treats Miss Schmitz left her hame some time ago when her parents objected to the attentions of Cordero upon dis ¬ covering that he was a married man She says that she disclosed to him the hiding place of her parents gold un ¬ der stress of threats against her life Cordero she says finally began to abuse her and she returned to her fathers home and made a clean breast- of the whole affair Cordero has been arrested and is now in jail here pending an investi ¬ gation in his connection with the af- fair New Business Cost Too Much Binghamton N Y Oct 4 Assem- blyman ¬ John T Rogers of the Insur ¬ ance investigating committee in speak ¬ ing of the insurance developments yes- terday ¬ saM The coming week will be an interesting one as in my opin- ion it will develop the true cause of the insurance scandal which is the fact that the large insuance companies- have been paying in great deal more for new business than it is worth The developments will not be of a sensa- tional ¬ but rather of a statistical na ¬ ture but they will go a long way to ¬ ward solving the problem It is the purpose of the committee to Investi ¬ gate every Insurance company in the state large and small and close the hearing by January 15th Suicided with Dose of Aconite Detroit Mich Oct 4Robert G Cameron of Euclid Heights Cleveland said to have had charge of an automo bile garage there committed suicide In Washington park today by drinking- a quantity of aconite Letters found- on his person indicate that Cameron- had quarreled with his sweetheart One of the letters said that because of his sweethearts perfidy he had taken to drink Anotner note said that he hoped Gods curse would fall on those who had parted him and his sweet heart t River Is Again Navigable Columbus Ga Oct 4The heavy rains upstate have put the Chattahoo chee river In boating condition again and the regular steamboat schedules have been resumed Navigation was Interrupted only a few daya notwith ¬ standing the severity of the drought While the river was abnormally low for nearly a month the operation of manufacturing industries in this city was practically uninterrupted- Pert ef Vladivostok Opened Vladivostok Sunday Oct LTire first freight steamer left this port to- day ¬ for Che Poo thus reopening reg- ular commerce by sea between Vladi ¬ vostok and other ports A Russian traaaport sailed simultaneously with relief stores for the Kamchatkaa coast Navigation is stall risky owing to the Soitfag ines four of which were sighed fry small craft yesterday with la 14 stiles ef the harbor Awful Crime Negro I Aeworta Ga Oct 4During last might a aegro named Walter Brown knocked Us wife motherinlaw and + sisterla last oa the head with an ax aad made ais escape The mother and wife are la a very serious condi tiea and may die He made his ea eye Offteers are hmatiag the would M lsswderer I 4- e 1 t > i < < BULLETIN ISSUED- BY GOVERNMENT I Condition of Cotton Crop Oa September 25th BUREAU OF STATISTICS REPORTS Governments Estimate Is Shown by Reports from Agents and Correspon- dents Table Gives Averages for the Past Ten Years- Washington Oct 4The following bulletin on the condition of the cotton crop was issued by the department of agriculture at noon today The following table shows the con dition of the cotton crop by states on Sept 25 with the tenyear averages STATLS Sept 25 Tenyear 1905 Average Texas 69 61 Georgia 76 70 Alabama 70 67 South Carolina 74 69 Arkansas 72 66 Louisiana 59 68 North Carolina 77 70 Indian Teritory 78 70 Tennessee 79 71 Oklahoma 80 71 Florida 76 72 Missouri 81 76 Virginia 77 74 The crop estimating board of the bureau of statistics for the department of agriculture finds from the report of the correspondents and agents ol the bureau that the average condition- of cotton on Sept 25 was 712 as com- pared with 721 on Aug 25 1905 758 on Sept 25 1904 651 on Sept 25 1905 and a tenyear average of 661 SHOT BY HIGHWAY ROBBER Fanner Is Attacked by a Negro or Prominent Atlanta Street Atlanta Oct 4John Long was shot in the thign and hit on the head by a negro highwayman while crossing the Peters street viaduct a few minutes aL- ter 11 oclock last night The negro made his escape Long was sent to the Grady hospital Mr Long is a farmer He lives- a few miles south of West End After being attacked by the robber Mr Long was seen by a policeman who thinking he was drunk and tell- ing ¬ a fake story brought him to the police station Investigation revealed the fact that Long had sustained the injuries he told of and immediately an ambulance was summoned and the man sent to the Grady hospital Long had over 100 on his person when searched at the station house The supposition is that his assailant knowing this lay in wait for him and when he failed to render him un- conscious by striking him on the head shot him I I Wholesale Druggists Meet New York Oct tThe thirtyfirst annual convention of the National Wholesale Druggists was opened by President Cary Peter last night with a reception at the Hotel Astor Between two and three hundred mem bers were present The committee on arrangements and entertainment I has completed the program for the five I days meeting The first business meeting will be held today Officers will be elected probably the last day of the session It was said yesterday- hat probably the most important matter to come before the convention would be the report of the committee- on proprietary medicines Wants to Enjoin GoUds St Louis Oct 4Suit for injunc tion was filed in the St Louis circuit court by Joseph Ramsey Jr president- of the Wabash against the Iron Moun- tain and Wabash Railway companies- the Mercantile Trust company of New York Walter S Wilson S M Walk- er and Gould In his petition Mr Ramsey asks the court to grant him an injunction preventing tie proposed annual meeting of George Gould and his associates at Toledo 0 where it Is proposed to elect a board of direc- tors ¬ and a president to control the Wabash road for the next year Three Hundred Men Discharged Dayton 0 Oct 4Three hundred employes of the National Cash Reg- ister company were notified that they had been discharged when they report- ed ¬ for work yesterday Following the decision to refuse the demands of the Typographical union for an eight hou day in the printing department tie company ordered all employes to re ¬ port in the assembly hall on Satur- day to listen to addresses by the com pany officials on the labor situation The men discharged are those who failed to attend the meetin Imperial Decree fer Election St Petersburg Oct 4An imperia decree was published today directing that immediate arrangements be made- to conduct elections of members of the national assembly The regula- tions ¬ for the conduct of the elections- are also published today in the Official I Messenger + il wae 7a3i It- r 1 jiI Ji Jt > > 0 A gfjJ < s 44 BANDITS HOLD UP I PASSENGERTRAltjI I Express Car is Blown Open and Safe is Robbed I EXPRESS MESSENGER IS INJURED Three Men Conducted the HoldUp- and Got Into the Express Car Two Boys Who Were Riding on Blind Baggage Were Arrested Portland Ore Oct 4A special to the Oregonian from Seattle says tHat the Great Northern Overland train was held up and the baggage and ex ¬ press cars dynamited half a mile east of Mile Post 10 about 5 miles from Ballard at 845 p m It was 11 oclock before the train pulled in Edmunds and the most mea ¬ ger news sent to the local office Three men are known to have done the work Two boys who got on the blind baggage here as soon as the holdup began entered the passenger coaches and began holding up the pas ¬ sengers They were captured They say two of the men were on the blind baggage when they got on and that tae third got on at Ballard- All were dressed in raincoats and had slouch hats on So far as reported no one has been killed but it is reported that Charles Anderson the express messenger is slightly wounded Manager Waring of the Great North- ern ¬ Express company said last night- he did not know the contents of tae safe but believed it was a small sum After securing the contents of the safe the three men started off In an easterly direction- It is believed that other members of the gang are ahead of the scene of the holdup and the robbers joined taem The train was standing near the brick yard and as the engineer slow ¬ ed up two men with raincoats climbed- over the tender and presented revol ¬ vers to his head When the train stopped the baggage and express car was uncoupled by one of the robbers and the engineer invited to pull ahead which he did for several hundred yards when he was again commanded- to stop Two of the robbers then jumped off making the engineer and fireman do tae same and all marched to the bag ¬ gage car door The messenger was commanded to open the door and re fusing an extra heavy charge of dyna- mite ¬ was put against it and exploded The explosion tore the car almost to pieces The safe was then dynamited- The train was delayed two hours and a half and then pulled into Ed ¬ munds making a brief report before proceeding to Everett The two boys claim they never met the holdups until they got on the train and are in no way connected with their work The idea to holdup the passengers occurred to them after the explosion Sheriff Smith has started out with- a posse While the robbers were engaged on the safe the two boys who had been riding on the blind baggage slipped- off and went through the train attempt- Ing to holdup the passengers They had no guns but took advantage of the timidity of the passengers while th eshooting was going on outside Tie boys who gave their names as Frank Alfred and Roland Gibbs are now in jail at Everett A passenger on the train says their method while go ¬ ing through the coaches consisted- more of a begging character than a hcldup No one was injured seriously al ¬ though a continual fire of revolvers- was kept up Stories differ as to the number of robbers engaged in tae job There were at least four or even more The express messenger says he does not know how much was obtained by the holdups The local safe was not molested- EstimatedLosa 5000000 Manila Oct 4The estimated loss in the hempgrowing districts from the recent typhoon is 5000000 in gold The hemp in warehouses ready for shipment is also a total loss The plantations are impaired to such an ex tent that it will take a year to get them in condition again Reports- now coming in from the south indi ¬ cate a greater loss of life and proper- ty ¬ than was first estimated Only cao island the beach Is strewn with dead bodies among them those of some Americans in such a condition aa tA be unrecognizable Chicago Oct 4A new upheavaL laaneially took place today as are ¬ suit of the sensational litigation over the affairs of the Western Life Insur- ance company The assets of E I Bosenfeld general manager of the Western Life were ordered placed in the hands of a receiver The action was takes in the federal court by Judge S H Bethea who named as the received Edwin C Day Rosenfeld- was charged in a Ibm filed In court yes terday with being Ua trafficker in and- a wrecker of life insurance companies- for bis own personal profit and with I an utter disregard for the rights of toiler faaiders 1- F < i tybs < 1 1- U k Blind Headache About a year ago i writes Mrs Mattie Allen of p + 1123 Broadway Augusta Ga I suffered with blind sick headaches and backaches and could get no relief until I tried z TCARDUI Ytw a A NonIntoxicating Female Tonic- I Immediately commenced to improve and now I feel like a new woman and wish to recommend it to all sick women for I know that it will curt them as it- Cardui did me is a pure medicinal extract of vegetable herbs which relieves female FILLET y pains regulates female functions e seas ra t wily tones up female organs to a stases proper state of health Try 1ee it for your trouble 4aar f ss rtair > a Every druggist sells > + iett ISttisitsisteaNs sr txetrl sr tnaAY- Jerr ttsc wf art r r It in 100 bottles err z ry < 9 PRICE LIST OF EUREKA WINE LIQUOR CO- The Great Southern Hall Order Manse EXPRESS PREPAID Full Quart Measure Per Four Six Per Gallen Qaarts Quartzase Hatchetts PrivateStock 400 4 00 6 00 f ta oo r Hatchett > Thats Whiskey 4 SO 460 690 1375 Hatchetts Old Rycu 3 ao 330 480 960 Eureka N Apple Brandy 415 4 75- 33S 700 1400 N C Apple Brandy 3Ss 485 970 Eureka Malt u 400 400 600 I > 00 Eureka N C Peach Brandy 475 475 700 14 oe Ne Peaah Brandy 325 325 485 97 Eureka N C Corn w 35 3 as 48S 970 Eureka N C Corn XX u 300 300 460 9 00 Eureka N C Corn XXX 275 375 415 I JIt Eureka N C Cora XXXX z 50 260 375 7 P Old Crow Bourboa 4 SO 4 SO 6 i5f3 56 Sunny Brook Rye 37S 375 565 XI 3- H3 Sunny Brook Sour Mash 375 375 565 EchoSprlugu 450 465 690 1215- Silk Velvet 500 52S 7 as 1570 Oak and u n 375 400 600 1300 Gin Frem 250 to 350 per Oalisa Jiveretf Save twelve labels of Hatchetts Private Stock and secure a bottle free Save twelve labels of Hatchetts Old Rye and secure a bottle free Save twelve tables of Hatchetta Thats Whiskey and secure bottle free Save twelve labels of Eureka N C 4 Corn and secure a bottle free Save twelve tables of N C Apple Brandy and recare one bottle free Save twelve labels of Eureka Malt aad secare one Price of all goods bought at companys store are TOC per gallon less than when delivered No charge for jusrs bores or drayage All of my bottles are fun measure All standard brands of whiskies sold over my bar at toe per diink 10 fromi 5 leaves 5 for you All wines quoted on application We also tarry cheaper liquors than those quoted Special prices on large quantities packed any sizes desired Money refunded if goods not satisfactory EUREK WINE MB LIQUOR COMPANY 135 W Bay St Jacksonville Fla S v 4 r- M I 9 y- Fby y G r- r a J TRIWEEKLY SAILINGS g BETWE- ENJACKSONVILLE AND NEW YORKC- alling at Charleston S C both ways THE FINEST STEAMSHIPS IN TIE COASTWISE SERVICE THE CLYDE NEW ENGLAND AND SOUTHERN LINESD- IRECT SERVICE BETWEEN Jacksonville Boston and Providence- and Eastern Points Calling at Charleston Both Ways SEMI WEEKLY SAILINGS l Southbound From Ltwi Warf lasts Northbound rom foot of Cathtrint Street JaokSZ IUs CLYDE ST JOHHS RIVER LIRE Between Jacksonville and Sanford StQpP SI at Palatka Astor St Francis BtrMiord D Laad aai XnttmtilaU- Laaftiafs on St Jtku lira JACKSONVILLE a appo yt 3 = 1s1 Retununglave Safr4 Monday Wednesdays and Fridays 930 m m t a- S ithBsa SCHEDUL- Er Nrtraer Read Dew Ravi q r Y e 3 JO p m m Jackaevi Is ArrIve 2 0o a s S 45 P m Palatka Leave a a Po 3 0o a IlL Astor 3 JG Po t 430 a m se Fraud 3 0 p sa Btresford DeLtad > 1 Po uF- VJ Arrive 8 3o a m 1 ft Stfl1li oM i 9 JG a ss- to 0o II sa Rllterpr1Se ro 00 a is CDDUL rUBVBI AND rIODrOrllCl ua aSfU SD lACDOnutI- F i M IRONMONGER JRAsst Geal Pass Agent 122WaatYStJacboariU PIa ST w G COOPER Ja Freight Meat cP LOV speriatcMeat Foot ot Hogan Street JacksonvilleFf k A C HAGERTY Gen Eastn Pass Agt New urkCLYDB MILNE Geat Frt Akt NY THEO Go EGER WM P CLYDE a co Gaeral3Lauaget General aeaM- Ckesebrough Building r9 State SUfttNew York t > r

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Page 1: Ocala Banner. (Ocala, Florida) 1905-10-06 [p Page [Seven]].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00345/00496.pdf · t l r y THE OCALA BANNER PAGE SEVEN Ji n n f SITUATION r STEADILY

t l r


n n



General Cleaning Up of

City on October 14 and 15


rThs Public Schools Are All Open and

w the Attendance Is GoodThe Situax tlen of Surrounding Country Is De-




New Orleans Oct 4Up to noon to-



there were 21 new cases of yel-



fever and two deathsi

New Orleans Oct 4 Cloudy weath-


continues here and more rain ispredicted but the fever situation issteadily mending and the fears that along spell of rainy weather would causean appreciation In the number of casesand the changes of temperature affectthe sick adversely have not been real¬

izedThe explanation Is found in the re-



of points of infection and theeffectiveness of the precautions againstmosquito breeding

la addition to the public schoolsfcalf a dozen private schools and collegea have opened and all the otherswill be open by the end of the month

Dr Warner has called a meetingWednesday night of all the heads

of the volunteer organizatioms to planthe general cleanup for Oct 14 and 15The aim in part of this work is toshow the president a reasonably cleanIowa

Further advices are received by thesuccess of Dr Whites trip in the su-


parishes There is a shortageof 10000 laborers in the fields and itis expected that Dr Whites work willbe of material assistance to the plant-ers


la making up the deficiencyProspects Grew Brighter

centers of foci being wiped outmew cases falling in number the list

a ef sick being reduced and the deathroll showing no appreciation the fe ¬

situation is taking on a brighteraspect every day both as to the cityaid country

One death occurred yesterday intie whole outside of New Orleans andthere Is a shrinkage in the number ofpeiats favorable to President Souchonssuggestion of lifting quarantines orat least making considerable modifica-tion


of them by the middle of ther

i sitoeth or perhaps a week later and

l If the improvement here is maintain-ed


there will probably be many com-

Munities willing to take the risk olreopening communication

Railroad officials are receiving in-


as to the possibility of excur-sions


Into the city at the time of thepresidents visit the date for which

Ing been extended two days makesore probable that at the time of

pIs coming the fever will have beenpractically wiped out

la many sections of Louisiana frosttight to occur shortly thereafter

Superintendent Easton has complet-ed


a list of the public school enroll-ment


for the opening day With fourschools closed the figures were 19533List year they were 24969 The showlag is considered a fine one in view ofthe fact that there are still manypeople out of town while in the citysome parents have postponed the sendlag of their children to the schoolsaatll the middle of the month

Health Officer Kohnke In an inter-ViewI today expresses the opinion at-

by reason of the precautions that arebeing taken children will be moresafe in the school room than in theirawn homes

National Quarantinethe opening of the new real esexchange last night United States

Senator cEury discussed the ques-tion


opaatlonal quarantine and whilefavoring a considerable enlargemente11 the seope of the marine hospitalservice said

la framlag a law for federal contrel ef quarantine there should be thevtBost endeavor to preserve all ofthe positive rights remaining to thetates This calamity however appal-ling should induce us to surrender anyK these rights We are not yet ready-to destroy the states and make of thissveraaeat oae great centralized powr without aay political subdivisions

We save beea drifting that way untiltte agar approach to an imperial COY

del eat Is becoming alarming

Three New Cases at NachazNatchez Oct 4Three new oases

reported this morning one white andt aegroes Oae of tae cases Is a-

sew focus aad is in a thickly popu-lated


block Total foci 34 Totalews 111 Two patients were difI Mtrp1 from the hospital today


rSix Persens tuned te DeathMfiagtoa W Va Oct 4Six per

i Mesa two womea aad four chlldreaears rimed to death in a cabin homelast tight The two husbands of the

L WS Si escaped TIle barred were-J A1 o aid her three childrenYrs Jeeepa CardeMl and one

Mid Their charred bodies wore foundam the smekiag ruins of the cabin


sY ta 1


l the Way Attorney Levy TalksAbeut Forged Securities Case

New York Oct 4Mlss KatherineLeonard sister of Harry A Leonard-the young man who confessed to thetheft of more than 359000 worth ofsecurities from the National City bankdeclared today that young Leonard wasthe victim of another man and that hewas trying to protect the man and awoman Miss Leonard declared thatshe had given the womans name tothe police and that she believed theunrestored portion of the securitieswas placed in a safe deposit vault bythe woman Miss Leonard said

I dont know the name of the manwho has used Harry as his tool but-I do know the woman

Miss Leonard denied the police storythat part of the securities was found-In the Leonard home

Lawyer Abraham Levy has been re ¬

tained to defend LeonardAfter a long talk with the prisoner

Mr Levy said that he was satisfiedthat there was no criminal intent onthe part of young Leonard and thatthe whole affair was a foolish boyishescapade

When the young man Is arraigned-said Mr Levy I will make the con¬

tention that there was no criminalintent and think I will fee able to con¬

vince the court of that factMr Levy was he senior counsel for

Nan Patterson


Daughter ef Miser Told Her LoverWhere the Wealth Was I

San Francisco Oct 4The mysteryof the disappearance of 11008 a year I

ago from a crock in which WilliamSchmitz an aged painter had buriedthe savings of years in the cellar un ¬

der his home at 741 OFarrell streethas been cleared by the confession ofhis daughter Miss Louisa Schmitzand the arrest of Edward Cordero towhom she betrayed the hoarding placeas a result of her infatuation and histreats

Miss Schmitz left her hame sometime ago when her parents objected tothe attentions of Cordero upon dis ¬

covering that he was a married manShe says that she disclosed to him thehiding place of her parents gold un ¬

der stress of threats against her lifeCordero she says finally began to

abuse her and she returned to herfathers home and made a clean breast-of the whole affair

Cordero has been arrested and isnow in jail here pending an investi ¬

gation in his connection with the af-


New Business Cost Too MuchBinghamton N Y Oct 4 Assem-


John T Rogers of the Insur ¬

ance investigating committee in speak ¬

ing of the insurance developments yes-terday


saM The coming week willbe an interesting one as in my opin-ion it will develop the true cause ofthe insurance scandal which is thefact that the large insuance companies-have been paying in great deal morefor new business than it is worth Thedevelopments will not be of a sensa-tional


but rather of a statistical na ¬

ture but they will go a long way to ¬

ward solving the problem It is thepurpose of the committee to Investi ¬

gate every Insurance company in thestate large and small and close thehearing by January 15th

Suicided with Dose of AconiteDetroit Mich Oct 4Robert G

Cameron of Euclid Heights Clevelandsaid to have had charge of an automobile garage there committed suicideIn Washington park today by drinking-a quantity of aconite Letters found-on his person indicate that Cameron-had quarreled with his sweetheart Oneof the letters said that because of hissweethearts perfidy he had taken todrink Anotner note said that hehoped Gods curse would fall on thosewho had parted him and his sweetheart t

River Is Again NavigableColumbus Ga Oct 4The heavy

rains upstate have put the Chattahoochee river In boating condition againand the regular steamboat scheduleshave been resumed Navigation wasInterrupted only a few daya notwith¬

standing the severity of the droughtWhile the river was abnormally lowfor nearly a month the operation ofmanufacturing industries in this citywas practically uninterrupted-

Pert ef Vladivostok OpenedVladivostok Sunday Oct LTire

first freight steamer left this port to-


for Che Poo thus reopening reg-

ular commerce by sea between Vladi ¬

vostok and other ports A Russiantraaaport sailed simultaneously withrelief stores for the Kamchatkaa coastNavigation is stall risky owing to theSoitfag ines four of which weresighed fry small craft yesterday withla 14 stiles ef the harbor

Awful Crime NegroI

Aeworta Ga Oct 4During lastmight a aegro named Walter Brownknocked Us wife motherinlaw and


sisterla last oa the head with an axaad made ais escape The motherand wife are la a very serious conditiea and may die He made his eaeye Offteers are hmatiag the wouldM lsswderer


4-e 1 t

> i < <



Condition of Cotton Crop Oa

September 25th


Governments Estimate Is Shown by

Reports from Agents and Correspon-

dents Table Gives Averages for thePast Ten Years-

Washington Oct 4The followingbulletin on the condition of the cottoncrop was issued by the department ofagriculture at noon today

The following table shows the condition of the cotton crop by states onSept 25 with the tenyear averages

STATLS Sept 25 Tenyear1905 Average

Texas 69 61Georgia 76 70

Alabama 70 67

South Carolina 74 69

Arkansas 72 66Louisiana 59 68North Carolina 77 70Indian Teritory 78 70

Tennessee 79 71Oklahoma 80 71

Florida 76 72Missouri 81 76Virginia 77 74

The crop estimating board of thebureau of statistics for the departmentof agriculture finds from the reportof the correspondents and agents olthe bureau that the average condition-of cotton on Sept 25 was 712 as com-

pared with 721 on Aug 25 1905 758on Sept 25 1904 651 on Sept 251905 and a tenyear average of 661


Fanner Is Attacked by a Negro orProminent Atlanta Street

Atlanta Oct 4John Long was shotin the thign and hit on the head by anegro highwayman while crossing thePeters street viaduct a few minutes aL-

ter 11 oclock last nightThe negro made his escape Long

was sent to the Grady hospitalMr Long is a farmer He lives-

a few miles south of West EndAfter being attacked by the robber

Mr Long was seen by a policemanwho thinking he was drunk and tell-ing


a fake story brought him to thepolice station Investigation revealedthe fact that Long had sustained theinjuries he told of and immediatelyan ambulance was summoned and theman sent to the Grady hospital

Long had over 100 on his personwhen searched at the station houseThe supposition is that his assailantknowing this lay in wait for himand when he failed to render him un-

conscious by striking him on the headshot him


I Wholesale Druggists MeetNew York Oct tThe thirtyfirst

annual convention of the NationalWholesale Druggists was opened by

President Cary Peter last nightwith a reception at the Hotel AstorBetween two and three hundred members were present The committeeon arrangements and entertainment

I has completed the program for the fiveI days meeting The first business

meeting will be held today Officerswill be elected probably the last dayof the session It was said yesterday-hat probably the most importantmatter to come before the conventionwould be the report of the committee-on proprietary medicines

Wants to Enjoin GoUdsSt Louis Oct 4Suit for injunc

tion was filed in the St Louis circuitcourt by Joseph Ramsey Jr president-of the Wabash against the Iron Moun-tain and Wabash Railway companies-the Mercantile Trust company of NewYork Walter S Wilson S M Walk-er and Gould In his petition MrRamsey asks the court to grant himan injunction preventing tie proposedannual meeting of George Gould andhis associates at Toledo 0 where itIs proposed to elect a board of direc-tors


and a president to control theWabash road for the next year

Three Hundred Men DischargedDayton 0 Oct 4Three hundred

employes of the National Cash Reg-

ister company were notified that theyhad been discharged when they report-ed


for work yesterday Following thedecision to refuse the demands of theTypographical union for an eight houday in the printing department tiecompany ordered all employes to re ¬

port in the assembly hall on Satur-day to listen to addresses by the company officials on the labor situationThe men discharged are those whofailed to attend the meetin

Imperial Decree fer ElectionSt Petersburg Oct 4An imperia

decree was published today directingthat immediate arrangements be made-

to conduct elections of members ofthe national assembly The regula-tions


for the conduct of the elections-are also published today in the Official


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Express Car is Blown Open andSafe is Robbed I


Three Men Conducted the HoldUp-

and Got Into the Express Car Two

Boys Who Were Riding on Blind

Baggage Were Arrested

Portland Ore Oct 4A special tothe Oregonian from Seattle says tHatthe Great Northern Overland trainwas held up and the baggage and ex¬

press cars dynamited half a mile eastof Mile Post 10 about 5 miles fromBallard at 845 p m

It was 11 oclock before the trainpulled in Edmunds and the most mea ¬

ger news sent to the local officeThree men are known to have done

the work Two boys who got on theblind baggage here as soon as theholdup began entered the passengercoaches and began holding up the pas ¬

sengers They were capturedThey say two of the men were on

the blind baggage when they got onand that tae third got on at Ballard-All were dressed in raincoats and hadslouch hats on

So far as reported no one has beenkilled but it is reported that CharlesAnderson the express messenger isslightly wounded

Manager Waring of the Great North-ern


Express company said last night-he did not know the contents of taesafe but believed it was a small sumAfter securing the contents of the safethe three men started off In an easterlydirection-

It is believed that other members ofthe gang are ahead of the scene of theholdup and the robbers joined taem

The train was standing near thebrick yard and as the engineer slow¬

ed up two men with raincoats climbed-over the tender and presented revol ¬

vers to his head When the trainstopped the baggage and express carwas uncoupled by one of the robbersand the engineer invited to pull aheadwhich he did for several hundredyards when he was again commanded-to stop

Two of the robbers then jumped offmaking the engineer and fireman dotae same and all marched to the bag ¬

gage car door The messenger wascommanded to open the door and refusing an extra heavy charge of dyna-


was put against it and explodedThe explosion tore the car almost topieces The safe was then dynamited-

The train was delayed two hoursand a half and then pulled into Ed ¬

munds making a brief report beforeproceeding to Everett

The two boys claim they never metthe holdups until they got on the trainand are in no way connected withtheir work The idea to holdup thepassengers occurred to them after theexplosion

Sheriff Smith has started out with-a posse

While the robbers were engaged onthe safe the two boys who had beenriding on the blind baggage slipped-off and went through the train attempt-Ing to holdup the passengers Theyhad no guns but took advantage ofthe timidity of the passengers whileth eshooting was going on outside

Tie boys who gave their names asFrank Alfred and Roland Gibbs arenow in jail at Everett A passenger onthe train says their method while go ¬

ing through the coaches consisted-more of a begging character than ahcldup

No one was injured seriously al ¬

though a continual fire of revolvers-was kept up

Stories differ as to the number ofrobbers engaged in tae job Therewere at least four or even more

The express messenger says he doesnot know how much was obtained bythe holdups The local safe was notmolested-

EstimatedLosa 5000000Manila Oct 4The estimated loss

in the hempgrowing districts from therecent typhoon is 5000000 in goldThe hemp in warehouses ready forshipment is also a total loss Theplantations are impaired to such an extent that it will take a year to getthem in condition again Reports-now coming in from the south indi ¬

cate a greater loss of life and proper-ty


than was first estimated Onlycao island the beach Is strewn withdead bodies among them those ofsome Americans in such a conditionaa tA be unrecognizable

Chicago Oct 4A new upheavaLlaaneially took place today as are¬

suit of the sensational litigation overthe affairs of the Western Life Insur-ance company The assets of E IBosenfeld general manager of theWestern Life were ordered placed inthe hands of a receiver The actionwas takes in the federal court byJudge S H Bethea who named as thereceived Edwin C Day Rosenfeld-was charged in a Ibm filed In court yesterday with being Ua trafficker in and-a wrecker of life insurance companies-for bis own personal profit and with

I an utter disregard for the rights oftoiler faaiders



< itybs <





Blind HeadacheAbout a year ago i writes Mrs Mattie Allen of p+

1123 Broadway Augusta Ga I suffered with blind sickheadaches and backaches and could get no relief until I tried




A NonIntoxicating Female Tonic-I Immediately commenced to improve and now I feellike a new woman and wish to recommend it toall sick women for I know that it will curtthem as it-


did me

is a pure medicinal extract ofvegetable herbs which relieves female FILLET


pains regulates female functions e seas ra t wilytones up female organs to a stasesproper state of health Try 1eeit for your trouble 4aar f ss

rtair > aEvery druggist sells > + iett ISttisitsisteaNs

sr txetrl sr tnaAY-Jerrttsc wf artr rIt in 100 bottles err z




EUREKA WINE LIQUOR CO-The Great Southern Hall Order Manse

EXPRESS PREPAID Full Quart MeasurePer Four Six Per

Gallen Qaarts QuartzaseHatchetts PrivateStock 400 4 00 6 00 fta oo rHatchett> Thats Whiskey 4 SO 460 690 1375Hatchetts Old Rycu 3 ao 330 480 960Eureka N Apple Brandy 415 4 75-

33S700 1400

N C Apple Brandy 3Ss 485 970Eureka Malt u 400 400 600 I> 00Eureka N C Peach Brandy 475 475 700 14 oeNe Peaah Brandy 325 325 485 97Eureka N C Corn w 35 3 as 48S 970Eureka N C Corn XX u 300 300 460 9 00Eureka N C Corn XXX 275 375 415 I JItEureka N C Cora XXXX z 50 260 375 7 POld Crow Bourboa 4 SO 4 SO 6 i5f3 56Sunny Brook Rye 37S 375 565 XI 3-

H3Sunny Brook Sour Mash 375 375 565EchoSprlugu 450 465 690 1215-Silk Velvet 500 52S 7 as 1570Oak and u n 375 400 600 1300

Gin Frem 250 to 350 per Oalisa JiveretfSave twelve labels of Hatchetts Private Stock and secure a bottle free Save twelve

labels of Hatchetts Old Rye and secure a bottle free Save twelve tables of HatchettaThats Whiskey and secure bottle free Save twelve labels of Eureka N C 4Corn and secure a bottle free Save twelve tables ofN C Apple Brandy and recareone bottle free Save twelve labels of Eureka Malt aad secare one Price ofall goods bought at companys store are TOC per gallon less than when delivered Nocharge for jusrs bores or drayage All of my bottles are fun measure All standardbrands of whiskies sold over my bar at toe per diink 10 fromi 5 leaves 5 for you Allwines quoted on application We also tarry cheaper liquors than those quotedSpecial prices on large quantities packed any sizes desired Money refunded ifgoodsnot satisfactory




4r-M I

9 y-



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Jacksonville Boston and Providence-and Eastern Points

Calling at Charleston Both WaysSEMI WEEKLY SAILINGS l

Southbound From Ltwi Warf lastsNorthbound rom foot of Cathtrint Street JaokSZ IUs

CLYDE ST JOHHS RIVER LIREBetween Jacksonville and Sanford

StQpP SI at Palatka Astor St Francis BtrMiord D Laad aai XnttmtilaU-Laaftiafs on St Jtku lira

JACKSONVILLEa appo yt 3=1s1Retununglave Safr4 Monday Wednesdays and Fridays 930 m m

t a-



NrtraerRead Dew Ravi qr


e 3 JO p m m Jackaevi Is ArrIve 2 0o a sS 45 P m Palatka Leave a a Po3 0o a IlL Astor 3 JG Po t430 a m se Fraud 3 0 p sa

Btresford DeLtad > 1 Po uF-


Arrive 8 3o a m 1ft Stfl1li oM i 9 JG a ss-

to 0o II sa Rllterpr1Se ro 00 a isCDDUL rUBVBI AND rIODrOrllCl ua aSfU SD lACDOnutI-



M IRONMONGER JRAsst Geal Pass Agent 122WaatYStJacboariU PIa STw G COOPER Ja Freight Meat cP LOV speriatcMeatFoot ot Hogan Street JacksonvilleFf k

A C HAGERTY Gen Eastn Pass Agt New urkCLYDB MILNE GeatFrt Akt N YTHEO Go EGER WM P CLYDE a co

Gaeral3Lauaget General aeaM-Ckesebrough Building r9 State SUfttNew York

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