occupy rick by the voice staff (mccpa 2nd place, division i)

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  • 8/2/2019 Occupy Rick by The Voice Staff (MCCPA 2nd Place, Division I)


    B SlsManaging Editor

    Students who have cho-en not to pump iron at the

    Wash ten aw Com mun ityollege Health and Fitnessenter because of the high

    membership prices mayave some added muscle

    rom WCC Board of Trusteeshair Pamela Horiszny.

    Its just too expensive,Horiszny said. It was nevermy intent to see students gonto debt over participating.

    Concerns over the highrice of membership fortudents were raised after aear-end operations report

    ad been issued to the trust-es during the Jan. 10 meet-

    ng. The report reected thathere had been a 19 percentecrease in the number oftudents at the end of the011 scal year, which had

    nitially planned for 1,680tudent memberships. The

    HFC, which is managed byhe Power Wellness tness

    management company, had

    ome up short with only360 student memberships,ccording to the report.For me, it isnt meeting

    he spirit of the original in-

    anuary 23, 2012 washtenawvoicW C C, A A, M

    MLK Day protesters gather to


    B Sls & Jad AglManaging Editor & Photo Editor

    On Martin Luther King Day, protesters from

    across Michigan encapsulated the spirit of thefallen Civil Rights leader to show Ann Arbor,and Gov. Rick Snyder, exactly what democracylooks like.

    If Democracy is good enough for Egypt, ifdemocracy is good enough for Libya, then itsgood enough for Michigan, said Rev. DavidBullock, president of the Rainbow andHighland Park chapter of the .



    Clockwise rom top: A large group o protesters marched toward Parker Mill Park on Geddes Road with signs criticizing Gov. Snyders policies; Two ocers with the Michigan State Police stood gthe entrance to Snyders gated community; the Rev. Charles Williams II l ooks toward the crowd while the Rev. David Bullock speaks to the protesters.

    Students pricedout of Health andFitness Center?

    oo expensive, Trusteeshair Horiszny tells board

    MLK ceremony hihihe by nveiin of pqe

    MLK: Check outmore refections

    on VoicesA4

    MUSIC: AnnArbors musicscene just gotFar out andWhyld B1



    Campus Saetyand Security getsa new outpostin the ParkingStructure A3



    OPENS: Nowthat the long-awaited solutionis here, arestudents usingthe parkingstructure? A3

  • 8/2/2019 Occupy Rick by The Voice Staff (MCCPA 2nd Place, Division I)


    2012 Michigan Community College Press Association Judging Form

    Place of award: Second PlaceFirst Place Second Place Third Place Honorable Mention

    Category: Headline Writing

    Headline/title of entry: Park the Whining; Occupy Rick; On target

    Contestants name: Voice Staff

    College name: Washtenaw CC

    Judges comments: Creative use of words; good description of what story wasabout. Park the Whining was particularly good!