ocooioooaoo4v? ewe inr.rt -m1 ,' ullgtin · 2015-06-01 · day introduce an advertising schomo...

U)'"F " ; .'r . -M1 1 ,' ocooioooaoo4v? inr.rt WWWXH1HIMMW8 I Zto tAdvcrl 'sins Meitiihn. AooV' 77; OAfas 5 Vaee ZW AW ;r Bitlklm i ewe n i ULLGTIN Evening Paper Published you Don't Get ALL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands. It Reaches ALL the Teople. C, A I '. It - i mil eri iiirini t r- - i iitniiiii bIIVJll IfUUI J JV. It IIIUIIIII. v tKMtotOMomooooooo .te'oocimtoeottt Vol. III. No. 531. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1897.. Pkiok 5 Cents. ,.i-- ' J f. 'i,( i THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published every day except Sunday at 210 King Street, Honolulu, II. I. SUHSOIUI'TJON HATES. Per Month, anywherr In the Islands 3 75 Per Year. 8 00 Per Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or Mexico 1000 Per Year, postpaid, ether Foreign Countries 13 00 Payable Invariably In Advance. Telephone 256. P. O. Box 89. B. L FINNEY, Manager Picking up Knowledge is easy enouph If you look for It in the right place. This is the right k place to learn just what to do for that debilitating conditiou which warm weather always brings. Do you want to be cured of that languid feeling-- , get back your appetite, sleep soundly, and feel like a new being? Ayer's Sarsaparitla will do it. It has done it for thou, sands. It will do it for you. Try it. OR.J.CAYEAaCB.,Lowcll,Mats.,U.S.A. GOLD MEDALS at the World's Chief EiposllioiB. Ayer's Pills CURE constipation. Hollister Diug Co., Ltd. Bole Agents for the Itepublio of Hawaii. Hospital Flower Society CALICO BALL Independence .Park, FRIDAY, Fob. 12, 1897, At 8 o'clock p. m. Proceeds to le used in Aid of a Free Bod at the Hospital. Tickets, - $2.50. Admitting Oentlouian and Ladies and in- cluding buppor. fJF Tickets on sale at the Leading Druggists. f 513-fl- t Election of Officers. At a Mooting of the Shareholders of the Hawaiian Hagoy Institute held on Fob. SrJ, the following officers were elected : Alex. Young President W. It. Castle Vice President A. V. Gear Secretary J. A. Magoon ., Treasurer I.- - O. Abies, , i . .. .Auditor The above oflicors constitute the Board of Directors. A. V. GEAR, 527 3t Seoretury. The Honolulu Sanitarium 1032 King Street. A Qniot, nomelike Place, where Trained Nurses, Massage, "Swedish Movement," Baths, Electricity and Physical Training may bo obtained. P. B. KELLOQQ, M. D., Telephone 630. Superintendent, Kawaihau Quintette Club (Hawaiian Singers) ' All orders for Dance Musio. Picnics, Luaus, lleceptions, etc, etc., will bo filled at Bhort notice. ffiT Leave orders at Wall, Nichols Co. or with P. Sllva at W. O. Acid's office. BIng up Telephone No. 831. 517-0- Notice. During my abceuce from the Ha-wall- au Islands, Mr. Charles A. Rico will Imvo full oharge of tho business of the Walalae Dairy nnd Ranoli. PAUIjR IBKNBEUG. Honolulu, Feb. 6, 1S07. 620-2- W MUST HAVE INSPECTION ONLY TIIIM1 IIIAf IV 1 1. 1. r.K. TAIILIHII HAWAIIAN JOIIfKi:. Xrcrir.y to Sur Hie Small I'nrmrr It Won III More Hihii ltrin- - II Otra Cxptnm, Alexander Cookburn of Kailua, Hawaii, jnado a flying trip to Ho-nol- nln by tfieMateat trip of tho etoamor Mauna L'pa. Ho Jfiw been tho author and tho strong advo- cate, in the Hilo press, of a sys-tor- n of government inspectibn and stamping of Hawaiian coflom Upon this subject in particular ho was, on tnis occasion, Bpoken to by a Bulletin representative. "It is tho'koystone of tho cofToo industry in thoso islands, and you cannot make too maoh of it," Mr. Gockburn said. "Government inspection is the only thing that will save the small producers, tho. owners of home- steads thoy weroiuduced to buy from tho Government. "Tho official brand, of tho Gov- ernment is absolutely necessary to provont the degradation of Ha- waiian coffee in tho markets of tho world. Thoro is a lot of trash now being sold as Hawaiian coileo. Broken and decayed beans picked up at tho roots of tho trees aro mixed with whole and sound beans, both which boing ground togothor make an inferior artialo that will give Hawaiian coffoo a bad namo whorovor it'is sold. , "There is nothing to hinder the mixing of burnt cofenls with our genuine coffee and placing tho adulterated stuff on tho market as Hawaiian coffee. You may easily imagino what results Bixoh prac-- ' tisos would have upon tho reputo tion of our coffee abroad. It would simply bo destroyed. "Hawaiian coffee is equal to tho finest Mooha, and whorovor tho real article is introduced adomand is created. Once you allow trnBhy stuff to go into such a place, how-ove- r, tho good namo of our coffeo is destroyed. "An official gunranteo would koep tho market forus wherever it was gained. Say a housekeeper or a hotel manager sont out for a supply of coffee, and tho servant brought bnck a bag without any mark to guarantee it. If wo had a system of inspection and brand- ing hero, ho would say: 'What is this you have got ? I want Ha- waiian No. 1.' "This is one of tho most import- ant matters in this country today. If coffee inspection gained ono cent a pound in tho prico for us, it would well ropay tho oxponso of the system. But tho probability is that it would increase the prico of our coffoo uy four or five cents." 'How would it savo tho small farmors in distinction from largo concorns f " "Booauso the small farmors could sell their produot at a good price, ono in keeping, with the roputation of Hawaiian coffeo in, tho world's markets. Their stamped coffee might lie? in tho Government ware- house paying internal taxes whilo awaiting a rising market, for perhaps two or throo years and any banker would readily advance 75 por cont of its value. ''Wholesale merchants, on tho other hand, can doal profitably in even an inferior articlo, because thoy get their profit out of mer- chandise supplied to tho country trade in exchange for the product of tho small producers. Thoy can thuB afford, also, to sacrifice good coffoo at, a prico below its value, and ono that would bo simply ruinous to. tho small farmers. In this way it is only a matter of time,, as so'me predict without knowing tho truo reason, when the small coffeo farmers will havo to capitulate to largo corpora- tions." Questioned as to tho number of inspection and warehousing stations that would bo needed, Mr. Cockburn said that ono at Hilo and anothor at IIouolulu should be. sufficient. The fi would pay nil the expenses of the service. Ho pave many iiixiiinros (if tins value of official jguarantoes to various commodities of differ ont countries, and besidos inspec- tion ho suggested var'ioty in pack- ing as being likely to prove of great advantage to Hawaiian coffee. Havo it put up not mere- ly bagged in the bean, but en- closed ju attractive and conveni- ent packages for. household con- sumption. MVl'POKTIXM A KI.VU. OtiJertInunlIteprekfiintlrt4t?eui. lug Money for Samoa's .tliiiiarcliy. The House of Representatives on February 1 went into commit- tee of tho wholo, and took up tho consideration of tho diplomatic and consular appropriation bill. Hitt, .chairman of the Com- mittee on Foreign Affairs, who was in chargo of tho measure, ex- plained the provisions of the bill. Tho changes, he said, were' very slight. ' McCreary of Kentucky followed with a few observations, in tho course of which Turnor of Georgia asked him if thero was not an ap- propriation in the bill which m'ado the United States a party to the 'maintenance of a king of the Samoan Islands. McCreary said that whilo he did not approve of that provision of tho Berlin treaty, that treaty bound tho United States to pay annually S'GOOO to- ward tho maintenance of the King of Samoa and thb Government there. VfipA. Stone of Pennsylvania created a laugh by asking if tho king was under tho protection of the civil service rulos. McMillin of Tennessee protest- ed that no treaty obligations should compel tho people of tho United States to aid in tho sup- port of a kingly government. "Not oven the Queen of Hawaii ?" put in Morse of .Massachusetts. McCreary said tho treaty was made during tho Administration of Harrison. When this itom was reached iu the bill, McMilliu moved to strike it out, but tho Hou60, without division, declined to do so. Till: DILII'O HIM,. Suveriil a of Niirccat lor Ihr Social twill. Tho Calico Ball will undoubt- edly bo the social ovont of tho season. Tho Quiutotto Club, the pretty costumes, and tho following committees will guarautoe a suc- cessful evening: Reception Committeo: Mrs W 'G Irwin, Mrs F'M Swanzy, Mrs OL Carter, Mrs F A Schaefor, Mrs R 1) Walbridge, Mrs J S Walker, Miss Lowers. Floor Managors Messrs H M Whitney, Jr, U L Marx, W F W P Boyd, G. O Potter, A St M Mackintosh and'S Woods. Bofroshment Committee Mrs F W Maofarlano, Mrs A Fuller, Mrs J O Carter, Mrs SC Allen. Decoration Committeo MrsF M Swanzy, Mrs E D Tenney, Miss Helen Parkor, Miss Lowors, Mr Allan Herbert. For tho benefit of those who can't .toll until vory lato if thoy may attond, tickots will bo on sale at the door. A Tou Cent Nnle. Tho Temple of Fashion will to- day introduce an advertising schomo that has provon a winnor in tho States. It is a 10 cont counter. Tho 10 cent conntor has never been introduced in Honolulu. Tho object is to offor for 10 cents everything on one particular counter. In this in- stance the Temple of Fashion will put goods on their 10 cent coun- ter that have, never beon sold in Honolulu at this figure. Nun's voilings, cropos.a'nd satin surahs, all shades and colors, will bo tho first offering, and they aro only 10 conta tho yard. Lator other goods will bo placed on salo at tho samo figure. LATEST FOREIGN NEWS IM'.N'lt mil NUnrEKEIlK lltO.1I lA.llINi: INK I'l.AHtJUIN INIII4. In)ifrril Itiivaliui Opinion iiIikii llrbrU Claim Vlrlorlo-l'rcii- rli ' Nififftr nutlra. h Another insurrection in Croto is iinimueui. Rebels in Cuba claim victories iu soveral Into battles. " Matti;i:'inveutor of a famous riflo, haslhd in Switzorland. The Italians will -- romain in temporary possession of Kassala. Sir Thomas Spencer Wolls, a distinguished English physician, is dead. An alarm of troublo at the feast of llnuiadaiu iu Constantinople is raised. , Sims Reeves, the veteran Eng- lish singer, has gono bankruptin his old age. A Siameso mob attacked the German Minister in Bangkok. Tho Government apologized. The British Government will move for a special parliamentary committeo to investigate the Jamosou raid iu South Africa. Guatemala tias anothor revolu- tion. Rebels attacked two towns. One they sacked, but, in tho other caso, a garrison of 100 men chased thorn out, killing and wounding ten, and taking twelvo prisoners. Tho plague iB still increasing' in Uorabay. Thoro wore l'Ja cases reported one day tho last wek in January, which was tho highest since the beginning. It is planned in England to raise tivo million dollars for reliof of the starving people of India. Tho French Ghambor of Depu- ties hah adopted tho article of tho sugar bill fixing a surtax of 9 francs on imports of raw sugar aud 10 francs on refined sugar. It has also adopted a clause author- izing the Government to abolish all bounties paid whonover for- eign couutrios agreed to arrange for a similar reduction or abolition of bonuses paid on Bugar produc- tion. An inspired Russian papor says: "Russia cannot descend to tho pillage of Turkey together with Turkey's other creditors. Russia has givon Turkey 100 years to pay hor war indemnity, at tho rate of 11,000,000 roubles a year. Russia has shown she knows how to bo magnanimous, nor does Franco wish to oxchuugo tho in-tor- iu hor pockot for Russia's friendship. Russia nlways shows the samo traditional policy, namo-ly- , not to intorforo with tho inter- national affairs of other couutrios." I'ollco Court .Tlatlrrit. Two Chinese gamblers paid tho usual $10 fiuo this morning, whilo a third forfeited $12 bail rather than face Judge do la Vorgno. Tho case of Schaoffor charged with assaulting Mrs. Schaoffor, was nolfd pros'd. Tho trial of Petor Cbrroa, for assaulting anothor Portuguese, comos up this aftornoou, as doqs that of Minnio O. Riol accused' of deserting her husband. Hoard of Heallli. The fow minutes in which tho Hoard of Health waB in sossion yosterday aftornoon wbb devoted to a discussion of tuberculosis and tho dairy business in tho oity, but no dofinito action was takon. Tho application of J. A.'Rice for a license to practise modicino was referred to tho board of ex- amining physicians. m ONE OK LEAP YEAR. This Is the latest on leap year: A well known young gentleman declined to call upon a very charming young lady llvjng In Queen Anne town When pressed for a reason he said: "She is too much like Itanlo. Beer. She's bright, sparkling, and pure, and so full of life I am afraid she will 'pop. " On lap or in bottles at the Criterion. IN THE HIGHER' COURTS AN Ol'III.tl G'ONVlU'li:i) ItY A I'OKfc'HN JIIICV. Allothi - r Liquor' Cane Trlnl Trouxaenii Kxeciilon Auk Leave to Nrll Land. I In tho suit of Paul lsenberg and J. F. Hackfeld, doing busi- ness as H. Hackfeld & Co.f vs. Tho Hilo Portuguese Sugar Mill Company, tho plaintiffs havo filed a discontinuance of their bill to foreclose a mortgage. The plain- tiffs havo made arrangoraontB whereby thoy expect to receivo payment of tho deb.t out of tho proceeds of the defendant com- pany's ' " business. , In tho case of William M. Ma-huk- a vs. An tone Rosa, tho plain- tiff by his attorneys, A. S. Hum- phreys and J. T. Do Bolt, has filed a motion that an order bo made requiring the dofeudant to forth- with pay into Court tho sum of 83047.87. Tho motion is based on an affidavit of William M. Mahu-k- a which Bots forth among other things that tho said Antouo Rosa by his answer and statement on file admits tbnt- - ho has in his hands, duo from him to plaintiff, tho sura. of 830-17.87- ; that the said Antouo Rosa is insolvent, and, for othor reasons alleged, that uuIobs the ordor is tnado tho plaintiff will bo unable to collect tho debt or any part thdreof on execution up- on any judgment or otherwise. Tho motion . will bo presented to Judge Carter on Saturday next at 10 a. m., or as soon thereafter as counsel can bo hoard. Lum Wa, whoso trial took place yesterday, was found guilty of opium in possession, throe jurors disaontiug. Mr. Davis gave notice of motion for a new trial., Minna Cromraer is on trial to- day for selling liquor without licmiso before Judge Carter by tho following jury: M. Smith, A. Larnaoh,'Wm. Mutch, D. W. Mc-Nfco- ll, W. R. Sims, F. J. Turner, J. W. Lloyd, W. Tompleton, J. A. Gilman, O. O. Swain, O.H.Doment and H. E. Waity. Deputy Attor- ney .General 'Dolo for tho Re- public; Robortsou for tho dofond-an- t. Bruco Cartwright aud H. E. Mclntyro, exooutors of tho will of tho lato Geo. Trousseau, havo petitioned for leave to soil real ostato. Approved claims and judgmont of court mako tho in- debtedness of tho estate moro than thirty thousand dollars. The tors have Bold all tho porsonal property, and thoy havo 87000'in hand. Some of tho ,real ostato was encumborod by mortgages, which havo beon duly foreclosed. Thero are two pieces of laud amounting to G5J acres romaining, situato at Kapahulu in tho rear of Kapiolaui Park, which tho exe- cutors ask loavo to sell. THSNKW NIIIlSF.ItY. l'arty r Uoverumeiit OlllcluU Will Fix It Location Today. This aftornoon a prty of Gov-ornme- ut officials will go up to Nuuanu valloy in n wagonotto for tho purpose of deciding on a loca- tion for tho now government nursory to take the placo of the Makiki forest. In tho party will bo Minister Coopor, representing tho Cabinet; Dr. Emerson, of tho sanitary committeo of the Board of Health; Commissioner Marsdon, of the Bureau of Agriculturo, and Andrew Brown, superintend- ent of ,tho Water Works. P. A. Anderson, the 'well-kno- wn carpenter, will also bo of tho party, as the buildings to bo ore'eted will bo put up undor his diroction, Tho object of this array of offi- cials going over tho ground ia to Bol'oot a aito which will not admit by any possibility of tho drainago from tho nur'serios contaminating tho wat'or supply of tho city. IN THE GREAT REPUBLIC so.tir. Mi;u!ti:ics oif ,iieii.M.i:vs o.viiiNrr anXoiix:i:i. Malrr tlrlnllni; In Ciilia-M- rn ThiIIT l Ite I'ilhrcl-iTrrll- ts r Arbitration. Walter M. Castle and wifo aro bnck home iu Sau Francisco. Serious injury has beon done in tho oraugo crop iu Florida by n cold snap. Tho now tariff bill will be push- ed through at the extra session of Congress. ' The public debt of tho United StatOB wbb increased over four- teen millions in January. j Tho Venezuela boundary arbi- tration convention was to havo be6u signed at Washington on tho 2nd inst. Secrotary Olnoy is going to send, a treaty to the Senate for arbitra- tion of the Alaska boundary with Great Britain. . Tho number of National Guards- men in tho United States is 115,-02- 7, of which 100,251 aro privates and 9370 oflicors. Tho United States Supremo Court has granted a writ ot error in tho cose of tho filmustering vessel Three Friends. $& It is reported that Chauucey M. Depew, (ho N(Sw Yorkorator, has beon offered -- by -- MoKinloy tho ' post of Embassador to England. Bradley's bank nt Eldou, Iowa, was pluuderod ot fivo to eight thousand dollars by burglars, who blow open tho safo Vith nitro glycorinb. Tho Six Companies of Sau Francisco, tho mqst powerful or- ganization of Ghineeeover known in Amorica, becarao oxtiuct at Chinese Now Year's. ' Ex queon Liliuokalaiii called on Mrs. Clovoluud at tho Whilo House by invitation. Sho wat going to soo the publio buildings botoro leaving tho capital. A woman at.Vallojo, Cal., iden- tifies tho picturo of tho Australi- an moustor, Butler, as that of hor husband, who deserted his family at San Francisco four 'years ago. Corbott is tho favorito among big bottora in New York on his coming fight with FitzsimmouB. One oven bet of S1000 is noted, but ton to soven ou Corbett is tho rnlo.' It is expectod tho Anglo-Amcr-ica- n arbitration treaty will bo dofeated in tho United States Sen- ate by a two-third- s vote. Com- mitteo amoudmonts' havo alroady. practically destroyed tho arrange- ment. I MoKinloy's Cabiuot is partly given out as follows: State, John Shorman of Ohio; Treasury, Lyman J. Gago of Illinois; War, RubboU A. ,Algor of Michigan; Agrioulturo, James Wilson oE Iowa. Tho United States Governmont thinks tho caso of Sanguilly, an American citizon sentenced to lifo imprisonment in chains in Cuba, . ia ouo in which tho dxecutivo clomoncy of Spain ' may be roasotiably exorcised. It iB said disagreement dccurr6il ' betwoon U. S. Minister Taylor audi tho Spanish Minister of Foroign. Affairs, the Duko of Tetuan, ou two grounds. First, Mr. Taylor wanted tho Cuban tariff chaugea published tho same time as tho political reforms. Second, ho wanted discriminating duties in tho Cuban tariff in favor of tho United States. Tho Duko said the othor powers vould not consent to such an arrangement. : ' "Babbie, I should luiiik'Vyoit were too old to "allow yourmother ( to put you to bod at night." 'Pooh! Shut's nothiugV Fathor is a good deal older than I ml sho puts him to bed every morn- ing." Now York Herald. v I - P 'SW :; i i"1- j .'741 v :'. .V sJ tJ K-- : ' 'f4 .v m vii ' -- Ml rl J ? a ' W .. Val 4? i, y '.'"I . M v- - t . j i t S? i1'. a Vi (1 m

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Page 1: ocooioooaoo4v? ewe inr.rt -M1 ,' ULLGTIN · 2015-06-01 · day introduce an advertising schomo that has provon a winnor in tho States. It is a 10 cont counter. Tho 10 cent conntor

U)'"F " ; .'r .


1 ,'ocooioooaoo4v? inr.rt WWWXH1HIMMW8I Zto tAdvcrl 'sins Meitiihn.

AooV'77; OAfas 5 Vaee

ZW AW ;r Bitlklm i ewe n i ULLGTIN Evening Paper Publishedyou Don't Get ALL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands.It Reaches ALL the Teople. C, A I '. It- i mil eri iiirini t r-- i iitniiiiibIIVJll IfUUI JJV. It IIIUIIIII. v

tKMtotOMomooooooo .te'oocimtoeottt

Vol. III. No. 531. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1897.. Pkiok 5 Cents.

,.i-- '

J f.




Published every day except Sunday at210 King Street, Honolulu, II. I.

SUHSOIUI'TJON HATES.Per Month, anywherr In the

Islands 3 75Per Year. 8 00Per Year, postpaid to America,

Canada, or Mexico 1000Per Year, postpaid, ether Foreign

Countries 13 00

Payable Invariably In Advance.Telephone 256. P. O. Box 89.

B. L FINNEY, Manager

Picking upKnowledge

is easy enouph If you look for It inthe right place. This is the right

k place to learn just what to do for thatdebilitating conditiou which warmweather always brings. Do you wantto be cured of that languid feeling--,

get back your appetite, sleep soundly,and feel like a new being?


Sarsaparitlawill do it. It has done it for thou,sands. It will do it for you. Try it.


GOLD MEDALS at the World's Chief EiposllioiB.

Ayer's Pills CURE constipation.

Hollister Diug Co., Ltd.Bole Agents for the Itepublio of Hawaii.

Hospital Flower Society


Independence .Park,FRIDAY, Fob. 12, 1897,

At 8 o'clock p. m.

Proceeds to le used in Aid of a Free Bodat the Hospital.

Tickets, - $2.50.Admitting Oentlouian and Ladies and in-

cluding buppor.

fJF Tickets on sale at the LeadingDruggists. f 513-fl- t

Election of Officers.

At a Mooting of the Shareholders ofthe Hawaiian Hagoy Institute heldon Fob. SrJ, the following officers wereelected :

Alex. Young PresidentW. It. Castle Vice PresidentA. V. Gear SecretaryJ. A. Magoon . , TreasurerI.-- O. Abies, , i . . . .Auditor

The above oflicors constitute theBoard of Directors.

A. V. GEAR,527 3t Seoretury.

The Honolulu Sanitarium1032 King Street.

A Qniot, nomelike Place, where TrainedNurses, Massage, "Swedish Movement,"Baths, Electricity and Physical Trainingmay bo obtained.

P. B. KELLOQQ, M. D.,Telephone 630. Superintendent,

Kawaihau Quintette Club(Hawaiian Singers)

' All orders for Dance Musio. Picnics,Luaus, lleceptions, etc, etc., will bo filledat Bhort notice.

ffiT Leave orders at Wall, Nichols Co.or with P. Sllva at W. O. Acid's office. BIngup Telephone No. 831. 517-0-


During my abceuce from the Ha-wall- au

Islands, Mr. Charles A. Ricowill Imvo full oharge of tho businessof the Walalae Dairy nnd Ranoli.

PAUIjR IBKNBEUG.Honolulu, Feb. 6, 1S07. 620-2- W


ONLY TIIIM1 IIIAf IV 1 1. 1. r.K.


Xrcrir.y to Sur Hie Small I'nrmrrIt Won III More Hihii ltrin- -

II Otra Cxptnm,

Alexander Cookburn of Kailua,Hawaii, jnado a flying trip to Ho-nol- nln

by tfieMateat trip of thoetoamor Mauna L'pa. Ho Jfiw beentho author and tho strong advo-cate, in the Hilo press, of a sys-tor- n

of government inspectibn andstamping of Hawaiian coflomUpon this subject in particularho was, on tnis occasion, Bpokento by a Bulletin representative.

"It is tho'koystone of tho cofTooindustry in thoso islands, and youcannot make too maoh of it," Mr.Gockburn said.

"Government inspection is theonly thing that will save the smallproducers, tho. owners of home-steads thoy weroiuduced to buyfrom tho Government.

"Tho official brand, of tho Gov-ernment is absolutely necessaryto provont the degradation of Ha-waiian coffee in tho markets of thoworld. Thoro is a lot of trashnow being sold as Hawaiiancoileo. Broken and decayed beanspicked up at tho roots of thotrees aro mixed with whole andsound beans, both which boingground togothor make an inferiorartialo that will give Hawaiiancoffoo a bad namo whorovor it'issold. ,

"There is nothing to hinder themixing of burnt cofenls with ourgenuine coffee and placing thoadulterated stuff on tho market asHawaiian coffee. You may easilyimagino what results Bixoh prac-- 'tisos would have upon tho reputotion of our coffee abroad. Itwould simply bo destroyed.

"Hawaiian coffee is equal to thofinest Mooha, and whorovor thoreal article is introduced adomandis created. Once you allow trnBhystuff to go into such a place, how-ove- r,

tho good namo of our coffeois destroyed.

"An official gunranteo wouldkoep tho market forus whereverit was gained. Say a housekeeperor a hotel manager sont out for asupply of coffee, and tho servantbrought bnck a bag without anymark to guarantee it. If wo hada system of inspection and brand-ing hero, ho would say: 'What isthis you have got ? I want Ha-waiian No. 1.'

"This is one of tho most import-ant matters in this country today.If coffee inspection gained onocent a pound in tho prico for us,it would well ropay tho oxponso ofthe system. But tho probabilityis that it would increase the pricoof our coffoo uy four or five cents."

'How would it savo tho smallfarmors in distinction from largoconcorns f "

"Booauso the small farmors couldsell their produot at a good price,ono in keeping, with the roputationof Hawaiian coffeo in, tho world'smarkets. Their stamped coffeemight lie? in tho Government ware-house paying internal taxeswhilo awaiting a rising market,for perhaps two or throo yearsand any banker would readilyadvance 75 por cont of its value.

''Wholesale merchants, on thoother hand, can doal profitably ineven an inferior articlo, becausethoy get their profit out of mer-chandise supplied to tho countrytrade in exchange for the productof tho small producers. Thoy canthuB afford, also, to sacrifice goodcoffoo at, a prico below its value,and ono that would bo simplyruinous to. tho small farmers. Inthis way it is only a matter oftime,, as so'me predict withoutknowing tho truo reason, whenthe small coffeo farmers will havoto capitulate to largo corpora-tions."

Questioned as to tho number ofinspection and warehousingstations that would bo needed,Mr. Cockburn said that ono atHilo and anothor at IIouolulu

should be. sufficient. The fiwould pay nil the expenses of theservice. Ho pave many iiixiiinros(if tins value of official jguarantoesto various commodities of differont countries, and besidos inspec-tion ho suggested var'ioty in pack-ing as being likely to prove ofgreat advantage to Hawaiiancoffee. Havo it put up not mere-ly bagged in the bean, but en-closed ju attractive and conveni-ent packages for. household con-sumption.


OtiJertInunlIteprekfiintlrt4t?eui.lug Money for Samoa's .tliiiiarcliy.The House of Representatives

on February 1 went into commit-tee of tho wholo, and took up thoconsideration of tho diplomaticand consular appropriation bill.Hitt, .chairman of the Com-mittee on Foreign Affairs, whowas in chargo of tho measure, ex-plained the provisions of the bill.Tho changes, he said, were' veryslight. '

McCreary of Kentucky followedwith a few observations, in thocourse of which Turnor of Georgiaasked him if thero was not an ap-propriation in the bill which m'adothe United States a party to the'maintenance of a king of theSamoan Islands. McCreary saidthat whilo he did not approve ofthat provision of tho Berlin treaty,that treaty bound tho UnitedStates to pay annually S'GOOO to-

ward tho maintenance of the Kingof Samoa and thb Governmentthere.

VfipA. Stone of Pennsylvaniacreated a laugh by asking if thoking was under tho protection ofthe civil service rulos.

McMillin of Tennessee protest-ed that no treaty obligationsshould compel tho people of thoUnited States to aid in tho sup-port of a kingly government.

"Not oven the Queen of Hawaii ?"put in Morse of .Massachusetts.

McCreary said tho treaty wasmade during tho Administrationof Harrison.

When this itom was reached iuthe bill, McMilliu moved to strikeit out, but tho Hou60, withoutdivision, declined to do so.


Suveriil a of Niirccat lor IhrSocial twill.

Tho Calico Ball will undoubt-edly bo the social ovont of thoseason. Tho Quiutotto Club, thepretty costumes, and tho followingcommittees will guarautoe a suc-cessful evening:

Reception Committeo: Mrs W'G Irwin, Mrs F'M Swanzy, MrsOL Carter, Mrs F A Schaefor,Mrs R 1) Walbridge, Mrs J SWalker, Miss Lowers.

Floor Managors Messrs H MWhitney, Jr, U L Marx, W F

W P Boyd, G. O Potter,A St M Mackintosh and'S Woods.

Bofroshment Committee MrsF W Maofarlano, Mrs A Fuller,Mrs J O Carter, Mrs S C Allen.

Decoration Committeo MrsFM Swanzy, Mrs E D Tenney, MissHelen Parkor, Miss Lowors, MrAllan Herbert.

For tho benefit of those whocan't .toll until vory lato if thoymay attond, tickots will bo on saleat the door.

A Tou Cent Nnle.

Tho Temple of Fashion will to-

day introduce an advertisingschomo that has provon a winnorin tho States. It is a 10 contcounter. Tho 10 cent conntorhas never been introduced inHonolulu. Tho object is to offorfor 10 cents everything on oneparticular counter. In this in-stance the Temple of Fashion willput goods on their 10 cent coun-ter that have, never beon sold inHonolulu at this figure. Nun'svoilings, cropos.a'nd satin surahs,all shades and colors, will bo thofirst offering, and they aro only 10conta tho yard. Lator other goodswill bo placed on salo at tho samofigure.


IM'.N'lt mil NUnrEKEIlK lltO.1IlA.llINi: INK I'l.AHtJUIN INIII4.

In)ifrril Itiivaliui Opinion iiIikiillrbrU Claim Vlrlorlo-l'rcii- rli '

Nififftr nutlra.

h Another insurrection in Crotois iinimueui.

Rebels in Cuba claim victoriesiu soveral Into battles.


Matti;i:'inveutor of a famousriflo, haslhd in Switzorland.

The Italians will -- romain intemporary possession of Kassala.

Sir Thomas Spencer Wolls, adistinguished English physician,is dead.

An alarm of troublo at the feastof llnuiadaiu iu Constantinopleis raised. ,

Sims Reeves, the veteran Eng-lish singer, has gono bankruptinhis old age.

A Siameso mob attacked theGerman Minister in Bangkok.Tho Government apologized.

The British Government willmove for a special parliamentarycommitteo to investigate theJamosou raid iu South Africa.

Guatemala tias anothor revolu-tion. Rebels attacked two towns.One they sacked, but, in tho othercaso, a garrison of 100 men chasedthorn out, killing and woundingten, and taking twelvo prisoners.

Tho plague iB still increasing'in Uorabay. Thoro wore l'Jacases reported one day tho lastwek in January, which was thohighest since the beginning. Itis planned in England to raisetivo million dollars for reliof ofthe starving people of India.

Tho French Ghambor of Depu-ties hah adopted tho article of thosugar bill fixing a surtax of 9francs on imports of raw sugaraud 10 francs on refined sugar. Ithas also adopted a clause author-izing the Government to abolishall bounties paid whonover for-eign couutrios agreed to arrangefor a similar reduction or abolitionof bonuses paid on Bugar produc-tion.

An inspired Russian papor says:"Russia cannot descend to thopillage of Turkey together withTurkey's other creditors. Russiahas givon Turkey 100 years topay hor war indemnity, at thorate of 11,000,000 roubles a year.Russia has shown she knows howto bo magnanimous, nor doesFranco wish to oxchuugo tho in-tor-

iu hor pockot for Russia'sfriendship. Russia nlways showsthe samo traditional policy, namo-ly- ,

not to intorforo with tho inter-national affairs of other couutrios."

I'ollco Court .Tlatlrrit.

Two Chinese gamblers paid thousual $10 fiuo this morning, whiloa third forfeited $12 bail ratherthan face Judge do la Vorgno.

Tho case of Schaoffor chargedwith assaulting Mrs. Schaoffor,was nolfd pros'd.

Tho trial of Petor Cbrroa, forassaulting anothor Portuguese,comos up this aftornoou, as doqsthat of Minnio O. Riol accused' ofdeserting her husband.

Hoard of Heallli.The fow minutes in which tho

Hoard of Health waB in sossionyosterday aftornoon wbb devotedto a discussion of tuberculosis andtho dairy business in tho oity, butno dofinito action was takon.

Tho application of J. A.'Ricefor a license to practise modicinowas referred to tho board of ex-amining physicians.


ONE OK LEAP YEAR.This Is the latest on leap year: A

well known young gentleman declinedto call upon a very charming younglady llvjng In Queen Anne town Whenpressed for a reason he said: "She istoo much like Itanlo. Beer. She'sbright, sparkling, and pure, and sofull of life I am afraid she will 'pop. "

On lap or in bottles at the Criterion.


AN Ol'III.tl G'ONVlU'li:i)


Allothi - r Liquor' Cane TrlnlTrouxaenii Kxeciilon Auk Leave

to Nrll Land.


In tho suit of Paul lsenbergand J. F. Hackfeld, doing busi-

ness as H. Hackfeld & Co.f vs.Tho Hilo Portuguese Sugar MillCompany, tho plaintiffs havo fileda discontinuance of their bill toforeclose a mortgage. The plain-tiffs havo made arrangoraontBwhereby thoy expect to receivopayment of tho deb.t out of thoproceeds of the defendant com-pany's ' "business. ,

In tho case of William M. Ma-huk- a

vs. An tone Rosa, tho plain-tiff by his attorneys, A. S. Hum-phreys and J. T. Do Bolt, has fileda motion that an order bo maderequiring the dofeudant to forth-with pay into Court tho sum of83047.87. Tho motion is based onan affidavit of William M. Mahu-k- a

which Bots forth among otherthings that tho said Antouo Rosaby his answer and statement onfile admits tbnt- - ho has in hishands, duo from him to plaintiff,tho sura. of 830-17.87- ; that the saidAntouo Rosa is insolvent, and, forothor reasons alleged, that uuIobsthe ordor is tnado tho plaintiff willbo unable to collect tho debt orany part thdreof on execution up-on any judgment or otherwise.Tho motion . will bo presented toJudge Carter on Saturday next at10 a. m., or as soon thereafter ascounsel can bo hoard.

Lum Wa, whoso trial took placeyesterday, was found guilty ofopium in possession, throe jurorsdisaontiug. Mr. Davis gave noticeof motion for a new trial.,

Minna Cromraer is on trial to-

day for selling liquor withoutlicmiso before Judge Carter by thofollowing jury: M. Smith, A.Larnaoh,'Wm. Mutch, D. W. Mc-Nfco- ll,

W. R. Sims, F. J. Turner,J. W. Lloyd, W. Tompleton, J. A.Gilman, O. O. Swain, O.H.Domentand H. E. Waity. Deputy Attor-ney .General 'Dolo for tho Re-public; Robortsou for tho dofond-an- t.

Bruco Cartwright aud H. E.Mclntyro, exooutors of tho will oftho lato Geo. Trousseau, havopetitioned for leave to soil realostato. Approved claims andjudgmont of court mako tho in-

debtedness of tho estate moro thanthirty thousand dollars. The tors

have Bold all tho porsonalproperty, and thoy havo 87000'inhand. Some of tho ,real ostatowas encumborod by mortgages,which havo beon duly foreclosed.Thero are two pieces of laudamounting to G5J acres romaining,situato at Kapahulu in tho rear ofKapiolaui Park, which tho exe-cutors ask loavo to sell.


l'arty r Uoverumeiit OlllcluU WillFix It Location Today.

This aftornoon a prty of Gov-ornme- ut

officials will go up toNuuanu valloy in n wagonotto fortho purpose of deciding on a loca-

tion for tho now governmentnursory to take the placo of theMakiki forest.

In tho party will bo MinisterCoopor, representing tho Cabinet;Dr. Emerson, of tho sanitarycommitteo of the Board of Health;Commissioner Marsdon, of theBureau of Agriculturo, andAndrew Brown, superintend-ent of ,tho Water Works.P. A. Anderson, the 'well-kno- wn

carpenter, will alsobo of tho party, as the buildingsto bo ore'eted will bo put up undorhis diroction,

Tho object of this array of offi-

cials going over tho ground ia toBol'oot a aito which will not admitby any possibility of tho drainagofrom tho nur'serios contaminatingtho wat'or supply of tho city.


so.tir. Mi;u!ti:ics oif ,iieii.M.i:vso.viiiNrr anXoiix:i:i.

Malrr tlrlnllni; In Ciilia-M- rn ThiIITl Ite I'ilhrcl-iTrrll- ts

r Arbitration.

Walter M. Castle and wifo arobnck home iu Sau Francisco.

Serious injury has beon done intho oraugo crop iu Florida by ncold snap.

Tho now tariff bill will be push-ed through at the extra session ofCongress.

' The public debt of tho UnitedStatOB wbb increased over four-teen millions in January. j

Tho Venezuela boundary arbi-tration convention was to havobe6u signed at Washington on tho2nd inst.

Secrotary Olnoy is going to send,a treaty to the Senate for arbitra-tion of the Alaska boundary withGreat Britain. .

Tho number of National Guards-men in tho United States is 115,-02- 7,

of which 100,251 aro privatesand 9370 oflicors.

Tho United States SupremoCourt has granted a writ ot errorin tho cose of tho filmusteringvessel Three Friends. $&

It is reported that Chauucey M.Depew, (ho N(Sw Yorkorator, hasbeon offered -- by --MoKinloy tho '

post of Embassador to England.Bradley's bank nt Eldou, Iowa,

was pluuderod ot fivo to eightthousand dollars by burglars, whoblow open tho safo Vith nitroglycorinb.

Tho Six Companies of SauFrancisco, tho mqst powerful or-ganization of Ghineeeover knownin Amorica, becarao oxtiuct atChinese Now Year's. '

Ex queon Liliuokalaiii calledon Mrs. Clovoluud at tho WhiloHouse by invitation. Sho watgoing to soo the publio buildingsbotoro leaving tho capital.

A woman at.Vallojo, Cal., iden-tifies tho picturo of tho Australi-an moustor, Butler, as that of horhusband, who deserted his familyat San Francisco four 'years ago.

Corbott is tho favorito amongbig bottora in New York on hiscoming fight with FitzsimmouB.One oven bet of S1000 is noted,but ton to soven ou Corbett is thornlo.'

It is expectod tho Anglo-Amcr-ica- n

arbitration treaty will bodofeated in tho United States Sen-ate by a two-third- s vote. Com-mitteo amoudmonts' havo alroady.practically destroyed tho arrange-ment. I

MoKinloy's Cabiuot is partlygiven out as follows: State, JohnShorman of Ohio; Treasury,Lyman J. Gago of Illinois; War,RubboU A. ,Algor of Michigan;Agrioulturo, James Wilson oEIowa.

Tho United States Governmontthinks tho caso of Sanguilly, anAmerican citizon sentenced to lifoimprisonment in chains in Cuba, .

ia ouo in which tho dxecutivoclomoncy of Spain ' may beroasotiably exorcised.

It iB said disagreement dccurr6il '

betwoon U. S. Minister Taylor auditho Spanish Minister of Foroign.Affairs, the Duko of Tetuan, outwo grounds. First, Mr. Taylorwanted tho Cuban tariff chaugeapublished tho same time as thopolitical reforms. Second, howanted discriminating duties intho Cuban tariff in favor of thoUnited States. Tho Duko said theothor powers vould not consentto such an arrangement.

: '"Babbie, I should luiiik'Vyoit

were too old to "allow yourmother(

to put you to bod at night."'Pooh! Shut's nothiugV Fathor

is a good deal older than I mlsho puts him to bed every morn-ing." Now York Herald. v

I- P


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t. ji





Page 2: ocooioooaoo4v? ewe inr.rt -M1 ,' ULLGTIN · 2015-06-01 · day introduce an advertising schomo that has provon a winnor in tho States. It is a 10 cont counter. Tho 10 cent conntor



t '


i i


4 -

V If



rmWF ' ? Iv

17 fp- -


o0GoeTho The

Best Rest. Test.There nro two kind ot sanaparllla: Tlie best nnd tho

rest. Tho troublo is they look allko. And when tho restdress llko tlio best who's to tell them apart ? Well, " tho trooIs known by IU fruit." That's an old test and a safe one.And tho taller tho trco tho deeper tho root That's anothertest. What's tho root, tho record ot theso sanaparlll.is ? Theono with tho deepest root Is Ayer's. Tho ono with tho richestfruit ; that, too, is Ayer's. Ayor's Sanaparllla has a rocord othalf n century of curci; a record of many medals and awardsculminating in tho medal of tho Chicago World's Pair, which,admitting Ayer's Sarsiparllla as the best shut its doors againsttho J est. That wa groater honor than tho medal, to be tho onlySarsaparilla admitted as an exhibit at tho Fair. If youwant to got tho best sarsaparilla of your druggist,, hero's aninfalllblo rule : Ask for tho best and you'll got Ayer's. Askfor Ayor's and you'll get the best.

Hollister Drug1895 Rambler,$75.00

Tmstirjg that you may bo in-

terested iu cycling, we take tholibpity o stutinp to you a fewincts nbout our wheels:

We need not trouble you withneedless description of tho "WorldFmued "RAMBLER" Bicycle,which by its easy running,

strength and lastingqualities has won for the makorsa name world renowned.

Thft "RAMBLERS" are equi-pe- d

with tho great G.&J. Detach-able Tiro, which since its intro-duction to Honolulu has proved,by tho numbers in uso, tho rnosisuccessful and necessary adjust-ment tpjft bicycle.

Wo$tnko great pleasure iu"

to our friends tho"RAMBLER" and trust that infurnishing one to any person thoywill never have occasion to regret.

Our terms aro such that a bicy-cle is no longer a luxury but anecessity in actual saving of timeand money. We would ask youto, but cM and got our figures.

1896 Rambler.

As is customary, nearing thecloso of oach year, tho makers inorder to got ready for tho ensuingyear, offer tho present 1890wheels at reduced prices. Wo aronow prepared to give our cus-

tomers the benefit of those reduc-

tions as long as our stock holdsnut. For thoso wishiuE an up todate wheol of tho highest grade,one which wo can guarantee totho fullest extent, wo would offertho "RAMBLER." As to

for tho coming seasonwo would say wo anticipate none.Such changes which may bo madewill, as has been the past twoyears, bo changes immaterial tothe improvement of tho wheol ingeuetal.

Kindly givo this somo thoughtor rail your friends'attention to itand oblige.

Yours truly,

E. 0. Hall & SonLIMITED.


X vi rfsT n f)i v Xjl. t TU lTie,l r 1 IA 1T 7 wm

!;o ens- - o C ;f

g 2.v fD" It

....iiiAiiAiuiUiUtUcUttiUtttti i.ri21

m x





Co., Agents,

MUSIC. , . , For Everybody:

iThe only complete Hue of


In tho A few ofour vpecUlties

Kingsbury Pianos !

The perfection of art inPiano making.

CHICAGO CO ITAOE OttOAN.S, Unequaled lutoue, beauty and con-struction.

ItEGIXA MUSIC BOXES, the Klt.i:f all, plays over one thoubumi

tunes.AUTO HARPS, everybody's Instru-

ment, u ohlld can pluy It.GUITARS, we carry the celehrnteil

Htnry F. Mhhoii, Hn'uood amiother make', from Si up.

BANJ03, Siewart, Kairbinks &.

Cole and other wellkuowumakes.

ACCORDEON8, the celebrated "lmperlal" and other good lines.

And a thousand and oneotheismaller Instruments too numerous lomention.

Our celebrated Will. Nichols Co."Stab" Brand of


Are the best made Ue no other.

Sheet Music,Music Books,

INSTRUCTION BOOKSFor all instruments.

Our stock Is the most varied to befound this alile ot 'Frisco, and theprices the same aa you pay in theStates.

All instruments sold on easy month-ly payments.

WALL, NICHOLS CO.,The money savers for you.



3ugsl lugs!Volvot Pile,,



Sofa Rugs I Floor Rugs I

Mats! Mats!Tapestry niul Carpets,

Stair Carpets,Hall Carpets,

Crumb Cloths and Druggets.

All Just Received at

i i


',&' '.- - m"U. j. iitwl v- -' , .p,U


Mud. t Ham. With Trillin i:i.n ol l

Tim. ami Money.

A good refrigerator is not always posiblo where money is sctrro or thohomo is far removed from any town.Then, ngiiiti, tho rcfrigi-ruto- r is oftencrowded and an rxtra ico chest is then

demand. Country Gentleman fur-nlsli-

an illnstratod description of nslmplo homomado affair that can boproduced at trifling expense.

Ico will melt in it faster than in thoexpeniivo manufuctnred ico chests or

noMf maps ten cnr.ST.refrigerator?, but where n few poundsmoro or less do not count, this is ofsmall cotwquenco. A well nmdo drygoods box can bo tnado to servo ns thocloset, to which is fitted a door, dividedas shown. Tho front edgv'8 of tho closetaro covered wjth listing, to mako alltight when tho doors aro closed. TheBhclvcs havo opening nt tho ends fortlio cold air to paw tlironuli iu its downward courso unci for tho warmer nir to j

pass up throngh. On tho top shell isplaced a big pan with ico in it, held upfrom tho bottom of the pan by two bitsof wood, that tho ice may not stand intho water from its molting.

As tlio nir in tho top of tho closet isTooled by contacts with the ico, it fallsto tho bottom, because made heavier bycooling, and so forces up into contactwith tho ice tho wnituer uir below,which iu turn is cooled mid tlio processrepeated, thus keeping a constant circu-lation of cool nir through tho closet.

By covering tho ico in tho pan withan old woolen blanket, or, that lacking,with newspapers, tho molting of tlio icewill bo greatly retarded.

Making Oarrmnt Jellr.In making currant jelly euro must bo

taken not to have tho frait too ripe, orit will not form jolly readily. Froo thecurrants from leaves and stems. Putthem in a porcolain lined kottlo andmash part of the fruit, so that they willquickly form n juico and not bnni soreadily. Cover mid heat slowly. Whentho fruit becomes soft, pour tho hot cur-rants in n colander or coarse sicvo andpour out as much of tho jnlco as possi-

ble. Turn tho juico iuto a jelly bag and.strain. Measure and return to tho pre-serving kottlo. Pnt over tho firo again,and when it begins to boil skim it care-fully and let it boll 20 minutes.

Meanwhilo place in pons as many'pounds of granulated sugar as thoro aropints of jnloe, Ploco tho pans in theoven and allow tho sugar to becomoheated. Stir it frequently, taking carothat it does not brown. When tho juicelniH boiled 20 minutes add tho hot sugar,whicli will mako a hissing sound ns itgoes in. Stir until tho sugar is dissolvedand tho jnico is ngnin clear. Havo jellyglasses staudiug in a largo dripping puncontaining about nu inch or not wntcr.Fill tho glasscs"with tho liquid jellyand set away until it becomes formedand perfectly cold before covering.

IVach Shortcnke.Into a quart of sifted flour mix by

threo or four sittings 2 hcupiugof baking powder, a teaspoon-fil- l

Bait and S toospoonfuls sugnr. Nextrub iu lightly 3 tablespoonf uls of butterund add ouough water or sweet milkto form a dough that can bo mixedwith a spoon, but not sulucicntly stiffto handlo. Bako in two round, shallowtins, lined with greased paper, in aquick oven. When done, butter each cake,and over ono spread a thick layor otpeaches sliced thin. Powder well withsugar and cover with tho other cake.Oust a little fine sugar over tlio wholoand oat with plenty of rich cream.

To Mak m Ruminer Dewart.A novel and delicious dessert is called

stouo cream. To make it dissolvo liulfau ounce of gelatin iu u llttlo waterand a pint of sweetened milk in whichlemon peel has been boiled. As soon asit is cold pour 'over u layer of jam iu adoop glass dish. When tho mixture hets,stick strips of blanched almonds iutotho cream, place on ico und servo.

How to Mnkn Water Creu 'Salad,

After being well cleaned placo in saladhfiwl in which to boivo; makoudreshiugof mi egg well beaten ; add sugar, saltmid vinegar to taste and a tatdeHpoonfulmelted buttcri heat until woll mixed onback of scovo and stir constantly or thodressing will thicken ; then pour overcress and giruish with hard boiled eggscut fine.

nuoim.Y MTXED..

A pupil Ir tha lower grades at theSouth huhool bioiifjlit down this hoiibe

the other dny. His father was riuea-tlonln- p

him nbout his geography les-

son, and In the course of questioningasked what ia the highest mountainin this state. The boy answered withn flash: "Halnlerbpcr, pure nnd lnvls;.orating and 14,4-- feet high."

Cn tap or In lottleT r, the Criterion.

Portraits onlaod from smnlliihotoB nnd handsomely framed


Castle & Cooke

(ZLjiaacLlted.-- )

Sole Agents for

the Hawaiian


V-ss2- (T'i


.l Mail

ftar ROLLER.FL0U,m

V A Wfl"l"Kif if.fifcigigK!!,, il


Son FrnnnlRrn flfftce. i

ill2 California Btreot. Jnh mt'il Tj

"Crown Flour

makes sweeter

and whiter

Bread than

any other."


BAZAARNew Goods in All

Departments !

Just Received ex 8. 8. "Australia"a Full Line of

VALENTINES35o. Papeterle ; our price 25o.50o. " " " 3T,a.

7fio. and 85c. " " 60c.SOo. Tablets " " 25c.oOo. " " " 30o.50c. " " " 35o.

New NoveltiesIN

School GoodsSee Prices Iu Our Show Win- -


J. M.WEBB310 Fort Street.

Subscribe for the Evening Bul-

letin 75 cents per month.



Tia.st IE3scei"ved. perAttnores' Mince Meat in glass jars,

Old Homestcnd Mince Meat in 1 lb. pkgs.,Cuttings' Mince Meat in 2 lb. tins,

It. and K. Plum Pudding in 1, 2 and 3 lb. tins,Cranberries, Candied Peel,

California Sweet Potatoes,- New Crop Raisins, Nuts, Dates, Figs,

Apples, Queen Olives, Asparagus,Mnple.J3yrup, Edam Cheese,

Creamery Butter, Hams, Bacon,Crackers, Cheese, Etc., Etc., Etc.



Eorsaa, Cattlo, Sheep, Dogs, Swlnc, and Poultry,

The Marrelaus Ualr Kemedy which prevents



Sole Agent, Honolulu.piT Kent pamphlet free ou application. V. 0. Box 292, Telephone --ti.

HoxoLCLU, Appl 21, 1890.Mr. 0. W. Macfarlasei It nffonls me plonsure to n commend, to ny ono. whose hair

is falling out, thounoof l)lt. l'OTTIK'h II All! Oil,. My hair was coming out at suckurate as led me to behove that I would soon become bald. Aflernslng tlio oil lor live weekithis ceased entirely; none whatever h now falling out. I conaidtr it the ltt and onlyworthy remedy for thii trouble and abo recommend it as a stimulant to uow growth.

605 tf Yours truly, .T.B.DANIELS.

CLUBUTort Street, - - - - Tel. --3:7V

BOARDING, -:- - SALE -;- - AND -:- - LIVERY. v



THE- -

The best left with ub. CarefulBrakes.

J. T. LUM,Machinist, and Plating.



r-- AT

(Comer Fort and

Just Ex. Bk. it"


Chas. Musface



212 King Street.

OWN - - nDCTDJl.


.hjto- - o"crT.


i:l. INGHAM,Signs of Every Description I

on Glass a


lieretanht streets.)

nnsurtinent oi

WDLLIAMS, (Manager)Undertaker Embalmer

,A specialty.-- WE HAVE


of attention given to animal driver, respectfu.promptness. Hhoka, Snrries. Bnceies.Phnet-ons- , Watfnnettos.


Brass Signs and Electro-Platin- g

Nickel Silver


WORK617 AND 619

THE:- -,



Gitv Furniture Storereceived Albert



Gilding Specialty.


Main Office Telephone No. 53. P. 0. Box No. 222 Drunch Offlco Telephone No. 833 .

Oahu Lumber and Building Co., L'd.x

Lumber Merchants, Contractors & Builders.IMPOltTEItS AND DEALERS IN

Doors, Sashes, Paints, Oils, Builders' Hordwaro, "Wall Papors andMatting, Etc. Manufacture All Kinds of Moulding.

Main Office, Leleo, King street. Branch Office and Planing Mill, corner King andBethel streets. Lumber Yin (1b, Leleo and Lot near It. It. Detot. Private track connect-in- g

with O. It. & L, Co, U. It. runs through our yurda to II. It. wharf and any part o(Ewa and Waiauae stations. 483-- tf

Bulletin, 75c, ber Monthh. ...... J' ;.,.. . . i. 'J.& '" ...UjUL-AtSX'te-

u . v .


Page 3: ocooioooaoo4v? ewe inr.rt -M1 ,' ULLGTIN · 2015-06-01 · day introduce an advertising schomo that has provon a winnor in tho States. It is a 10 cont counter. Tho 10 cent conntor






Fine Japanese Matting, Rugs, &cFine Crepe Shirts Any Style!

' IPS?" Cheapest in the City. sr

MUEATA. & CO., 301

Chub BrnscxBLS. Wm. 0. Irwin.


San FranciKO AgmtTnz Nevada Bank or8am Francisco.


8an Fkanoibco Tho Nevada Bank of SaoFrancisco.

London The Union Bank of London, Ltd.New Tohk American Exchange. National

Bank.Chicago Merchant' National Bank.Paws Comptolr National d'Escompt de

Paris.BtiiLtN Dreedner Bank:Honokoxo and Yokohama Honf-kon- g

Shanghai Banking CorjioraUon.New Zealand and Australia Bank of Mew

Zealand.Victoria and Vancouver Bank ot Mont-


Transact a General Banking and Eicnaie Business

Term and Ordinary Depolsts Kccolved.Loans made on Approved Security. Com-mercial and Travelers Credits Issued. Billsof Exchango bought and sold.

Collections Promftlt Accounted For.

Established 1858


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and TravelersLetters of Credit issued, avail-

able in all the principal citiesof the world.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakoa b Halokauwila 8ts.

Has a large assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand,

Estipatos given for house wir-

ing and Eloctriual plautu.

Marine Wiring a Hpooialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- d Manager.

Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on enr line and on A

ROAD near FertilizingPlant,

These Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Tracts near the city andther Properties for sale.

BRUCE, WARING & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lands,

312 Fort Street, near King.Telephone 607. P. O. Box 821.

W. C. ACHI & CO,

Brokers & Dealers

realjtatetST We will Buy or Sell Real Estate in

all parts of the group.tST We will Sell Properties on Reason-

able Commissions i

OFFICE, 10 West King Street


1 House on Kinau stroet.

FOE JRE2STT.1 House on Kinau stroot.1- -2 Story Cottage on Fort street.2 Cottages on Port street.1 Furnished House, Eta ma

Square.G. E. BOATIDMA.N,

477-t- f Agent.


Merchant and Richards Streets.

J3f Sharpens Tools and CnttltiR Knives,Grinds Surgical Instruments to Order, FilesBaws, etc., etc. 4M-- tI

Nuuanu k 2 Hotel Streets.

Tjje Yokohama Specie BanlLIMITED.

Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000Paid Up Capital Yen 4.000,000Reserve Fund Yen 4,130,000


BRANCHES AND AGENOIES.Kobo, London, Lyons, New York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong, ,

Transacts a General Bonking and Ex-change Business.

Agency Yokohama Spetio,l!ankHew Repnblic Building. Ill King St, Honolnln.

S. KIMTTRA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wines.Liquors and Provisions, Bakl a specialty.

108 Keknanaoa Street. Telephone 703.

W. W. AhanaMakes Clothing to ORDER ot thvery best materials and in the verylatest style. , , .

.A. Perfect JPit


Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty




No. 324, Nnuanu street.

V MERCHANT .TAILOR, VFine Snttlngs made to order at lowest prices.

145 Clothes cleaned and repaired.

SBLTJjNr LOY,623J Fort Street, Yee Sing Taf Building,

LadiBs Uress Maker.83?" Fine woik a specialty. Also, very

fine Underwear made to order. All workguaranteed.! 447-6i- n


L. AHLO,No. 337 Nuuanu street.

Eas just received a new line ofDRY GOODS, LADIES AND GENTS


Agent for the following rloa plantations iWaipio, Waiawa. Waimalu, Wulalua,Konoohe and Eaphlama.

BW My rice from Kaneoho is markedL A and is guaranteed Al.P. O. Box 114, .... Telephone 199,

FOR . . .Best Imported Chinese Tea,


WARE, CIGARS, ETC,Fine Chinese Teas freshly imported. Very

low prices. Go toWING TAI LUNG.

141-- ' 331 Nuuanu street.

' TOM CHUNG KEE,213 Nuuanu Street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Boots and Shoes to order. I use the bestmaterial. Goods warranted towear well. 142--


Importers and Dealers in

General Merchandise,H5-- Corner King and M&nnakea Sta.


Contractors, Builders,Furniture Dealers and Painters.


Fort Street, opposite Club Stables,


PLUMBER,Hotel St., near Fort. Tql. 802.



Wo are expecting a large

invoice of China from the fac-

tories in France and England.

The floods will he of tho same

fine quality that we have ul

ways carried in stock.

To make room for the new

and get rid of the old wo offer

at less than cost odd pieces in

French and English China.

These comprise Teas, Coffees,

Breakfast or Dinner Platep,

Vegetable Dishes and every

thing else ins China used en

the tabic. They arc not in

full sets but in odd pieces.

This is the first odd piece Bale

wo have held and you get a

great benefit if you talie ad-

vantage of the opportunity

presented. There are not many

pieces, and the first customer

gets a bargain.


Queen Street.


Art -:- - Fotos

The Most Complete

and Artistic Seriesof Island Views EverExhibited.

The Latest Applicnnccs for FineWork pertaining to Photography


52U Port St. Tel. 151


next to Lucas' Mill

Ships' Blacksmithing,Carriage Building

and RepairingDrays, Carts and '

Wagon Building




Carriage Manufactory013 to 621 Fort Street.

Carriage BuilderAND BErAIB.BR.

BlacUhinginAll lis Branches.

W. W. WKIGIIT, Proprietor.(Successor to O. West)


Real Estate and Commission Agent.

Stock llroker. Fire and Life In-surance,

Campbell Block, 200 Merchant Street.

11, 1897. , 3 JniMatwiwii"i iwiii mi ;j' '"' ''ws "-"-'"'" i--fl iJKHHOW TO ADORN THE COTTAGE.

Cae tit AtrnlnR nnil Clirrno Cloth Forhummer trttirrftluu.

AwniiiK cloth Is rouble of ninnything- - Tho coaches awl thodivmi th.itnro so popular mid so delightful uro excclltnt when upholster 1 with this sim-ple stuff, mul outdoor pillows mid cush-ions nro Simply perfect when coveredwith its broad stripes and rich, warmblues.

For hammock pillows and pinzzncushions it is Biraply all that need boaiked, and its vnrying color needs nodocorntiou ontsido itself, so that busywomen may well bo glad to hull itscoining. Tho peculiar stanchncss anddurability of thoolothnrc, of course, themuio, let tho color bo what it will, ni:dwhen really good, warm tones uro addedit i" indeed an excellent thing. Thcro isthat nbout on nbnndui't pillow supplythat-goc- s straight to the, woary heart,mid tin pinzzn or tho lmtuuiock that ipiled high with theso helps to comloriand to rest is iu itself mi invitationdifficult to resist. With tho help of thisnow dovico and of such other simplestuffs as nro well suited to hard usugoand to outdoor service, cither or bothcan bo obtained at little cost, and charm-ing, tempting pictures can bo mado oitho least pretentious summer homo.

Cheesecloth is so cheap that it islooked upon as fit only for tho plebeianservico of (lusting, for tho purely usefuloffices of tho'houschold and other simi-lar things, but iu reality it makes nscharming sash curtains or lunch cur-tains that aro haug against tho gloss asany woman need crave. Its soft textaroinsures folds that aro all tho most exact- -

ing need ask, vrhiloitho deep ivory tonomakes a perfect background for decora-tions.

Flowers of any simplo form aro goodas models, and utiy woman skilled everto slightly with tho brush can makecurtains for her homo that aro not onlycharming, bat that havo tho advantageof being unliko others that aro offeredfor solo.

Tho nasturtium blossoms aro admira-bi- o

for any yellow room or for nuyroom with which yellow harmonizeswell, but there aro hosta of other thingsthat will givo equally good results.Wild roses are charming for a younggirl's room and uro delightfully appro-priate as well.

MorniuK Kloides nro well suited toany woman's apartment. Loaf formsaro delightful, and, in fact, anythingthat can bo treated flat, as tho artibtsBay. Recently, too, thcro hascomo nninvention that greatly helps tho matteron. A woman clever in tho manipula-tion of paint has ditcovercd a mixingfluid by tho help of which ordinary oilpaints aro mado indoliblo and willwash. I hnvo tried tho experiment andAnd it a great success, so that you nioyvithout fear uso ullho colors of yonroalette.

llow to Make Creamed Unikroonu,Drain off tho liquor from the mush-

rooms and pluco in n bowl to bo usedfor tho sanca Pluco on tho firo in ugranito pan a tablrspoonful of butter.Heat slowly and odd a tablcspoouful offlour. Stir until they aro blended, batnot sufficient heat to brown, and gradually add tho liquor from tho mushroomsand enough cream to mako a thin sauce.Into this turn tho mushrooms, seasonwith salt and when thoroughly hotservo on fequurcs of toast.

Haw tu Die Old Linen.Tablecloths that aro much worn in

tho center will cftcn havo edges thataro really stout and strong enough tomako napkins that will provo amplygood to And their way next fall into thochildren's school lunch baskets. Thoschool luucli basket, it is well known,is u fatal spot to place a napkin that istho least valuable.

Tho towels with much worn centersmnko excellent wash cloths, nud, ifdoubled and bound with tape, admirable-eatin-

bibs for tho small boys and girlsof tho family. Tho old towol washcloths aro much better minus hems,deep overcasting and linen floss beinga more comfortablo finish for tho edges.

Hemstitching on ' linen is suoli adainty modo of finishing table linenthat tho neat houscwifo is over proud tohave her very best tablecloths mid nap-kins thus finished. A dozen damasknapkins to bo hemstitched will furnishthe nicest kind of "pick up" workwhen ono Is away on one's summor va-


How to Make lloee Jars.Put a layer of petals of any fragrant

variety of rose iu tho bottom of a jar.On this scatter somo coarse salt Covertho jar closely and put in the sun. Noxtday add another layer of rose leaves andsalt. Continue this until yon havo asmuoh material as desired,, then add cin-namon, orrisroot, cloves and other frag-rant apices or perfumes. Mix tho wbolawell and keep the jar closed.

Dr.0. B. High, dentist, "gra-

duate Philadelphia Dental Col-leg- o,

1892.' Masonic Tomplo.

King Bros, havo just received anew lot of "tissue paper, windowpolos, sash rods, artists' materials,picture frames, otc,

Singers load tho world. Over18,000,000 mnio and sold. High-e- st

awards at tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for excellence ofconstruction, regularity of motion,easo of motion, groat speed, ad-

justability, durability, easo oflearning and convonionco of ar-

rangement. B. Bergorsen, agont,1GJ Bethel streets.


Wo hnvo received an immense stock of Infants andInvalids Foods, consisting in part of . . "B&

Mellins', Westle's, Horlib!sMurdock's, Ridges',Lactated, Imperial Granum,

And last, but not Icost, the only

MALT NUTRINE.'B Wo haven't nny particular hobby to force on jou,

but if you want food for Infants or Invalids, the place to.get it is at the ......

HOLLISTER DRUG- - CO.F-or-t Street.


-- AND

Commission . Agents 1'

Dry Goods,Hardware and

Groceries.inn.iiiiii.iMni ii iyj vm,mmmmmmmH. HACKFELD & CO.

Importora and Dealers in


Plantation Supplies.


H. HACKFELD & CO.201 to 215 Fort' Street.



Groceries, Provisions and Feed.Now Goods Beceived by Every racket from the Eastern States and Europe

FRESH CALIFORNIA PBODUOK BY EVERT BTEAMEBJAll Orders faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to any

I'art of the City FBEE,

Islaxd Oboibs Somoitid, Saiumotiok Ouakanim.EAST OOBNEB TOUT AND KING STBEET8.

COA-L-For Family Use!

Just Received, ox "O: O. Punk," a cargo of

Wellington, Deparfcure Bail, CJoal

Whioh is offered in qvantllies to suit,

2240 lbs. to the Ton.DELIVERY FREE.

WILDER & CO., L'D.30P& 303 Fort stroet.


Mercantile Agency210 King street.

Difficult Collections a Specialty

-- V. O. "'


Ohia, Algeroba and Pise FirewoodCut and Split (ready for the Stove).



WHITE AND BLACK SANDAt Lowest Piicts, delivered to any part ot

the City. .TEtKPHONK I I 414

HUSTACE A; CO.,31 Quoon Street. v

Hawaiian FertilizingCOMPANY

Is prepared to furnish

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo ordir for 1696. ,

In Quantities to Suit:Orders solicited for a future dc-A- .

tiveryF. COOKE, Manager.

I ', 11 h''' ltHjfe. , rtr fe-'iUfrfr'-

r. :-- ;, ? v,h faif4fan!H&K&, fr. ,lg."i"v, .kS&Lu'...Tk.i:Mii ?.St


-.- ,







V ,


i ,


Page 4: ocooioooaoo4v? ewe inr.rt -M1 ,' ULLGTIN · 2015-06-01 · day introduce an advertising schomo that has provon a winnor in tho States. It is a 10 cont counter. Tho 10 cent conntor



1 i

r"'vf- -





5 Ever?ir?$ Bulletin

DANIEL, LOGAN, Editor.i l . . ,-

,- ;

THUUSDAY, FED. 11, 1897.



t -- JIt' is urniitfini! Hint tno collooDroivertfiofr.tuo country havo not.,, ".' ..,,Aiinu ui oii-i- t iiiuiv ii-- ivhjoi iiiuu mwo

been'tllo ciibo in tho quostiou ofollicial inspeetiou and marking oftho prodttut. There is not tholctist doubt tiiat Mr. Gockburu isright in claiming thnt this is thokuystouo of tho industry in theseislands, lln makes it clear thntwithout an olliuiul guarantee ofgenuineness for their product, thosmall colleo farmers are liabloto bo driven to tho wall. '

Tho interests of tho whole j

country aro at stako in thomatter besides, for, with ' thoamount or production assured inthe near future, onhauceniont oftho market value by even one centa pound would moan an increasedvalue of many thblisand dollarsto our annual exports. On thoother hand, tho coatiuuauco oftho present haphazard methods ofdisposing of the crop will certainlyhurt both tho doniaud and thoprico, possibly it not probably totho extent of making tho industryunpiolitablo to the owners ofsmall farms and homesteads. Thoexperience of other countries, intho matter of official inspection ofstaple commodities, is abundantlyin evidence as to its groat import-ance. Suvoral articles of com- -

mercn which enjoy an immenBO

doniaud would ha to been lostamongst inferior goods of thesame name were it not that theybore tho official guarantee ofquality from tho countries inwhich they wer produced. With-

out that means of assuring theirposition, indeed, tlieso suponorolusnen of given btaplos would notbe in the market. It would notpay to nvtko solectiou of the bestfor soparate packing, and pritno,modium, inferior and oven spurious would therefore be in variedmixture blended. Herring would

' bo herring, whether tho fish werebig or little, only some would bopickled anil some smoked. Thobest would 'be in the headsof the barrels, or the outsidolayors of tho boxes. Ourinucl' and deservedly vauntedcoffee, if not officially inspectedand guaranteed, Mill in tho sameway appear in market, good andbad at random, and it will eventually be tho raro cbanco of thocapital priiso in a lottery if a con-

sumer get hold of any Hawaiianaoll'cn that is genuino.not to .men-

tion primo. Now is tho time fortho indepeudout coffee growers oftho islands, while they yet retainthoir independence, to act in thismatter. , Delay is dangerous hereboyond tho general acceptation oftho proverb, for influences are atwork that will before long put thesituation out of tho control of thesmall producers. Whero is thoHawaiian Goffeo Planters' Asso- -


Wiiile United States Senatorsli'ive been shouting to tho gallerieson behalf of intervention in Oubacontrary to international law, thojul ministration 'has been quietlylooking after tho iutercsts ofAmericau aitizeus in Ouba. ItLas secured tho countermandingof Woylor'a prohibition of sugarcane grinding, so far as Amoricanplantocs aro concerned. Also itLas obtained good promise ofcloraenoy for . othor Americanswh$ took their ohaucoswith thoxebels. '

Iu all probability tho missionof tho Attorney Gohoral to Wash-

ington has little todo with an-

nexation oxpopt incidentally."What is- - likoly is that MinisterHutch has called for assistance inlooking aftor Hawaiian intorests

i r

Ma t.T&&& "jWJC i4 if.

when tlin now tarilt is being push-

ed through ut tho extra session.Tho judgment of thu Iluu.UTlN isthat nothing but iujury to thocaitHO would bo obtaiued byforciug tho annexation quostiouto ho front in tho speoial Rossion.At tho saino timo, the oxistonco ofthat ciuestiou cnu hardly fml to, . ., . .invn nil i M iinntirtn iirinii t p irnni

mont of Hawaiian rolatious whou, :..l-i- ;. ,.UltfSU JUU1U Ul 111 lUglSIHlllI U revision of tho tariff.

Nothing could bo moro ridicu-lous than tho insinuation that thepropounding of a plau of profitsharing is a schenio to throw dustin the eyes of tho American pub-

lic. Sufficient refutation of sucha thing is tho fact that many lead-

ing planters havo for years pastboouomployiug thbirbest thoughtsto discover n bettor system thanthat of contract labor.' Indeed,contract labor was far from exclu-

sively employed moro than tenyears ago.

It would bo hard lines for thepeople at large if all tho nowspa-por- s

of Honolulu rofusod to opentheir columns to expressions ofpublio opinion which thoir pub-

lishers might from eithor convic-tion or polioy bo not prepared toendorso. The letter of "FairPlay" elsowhoro was refusedpublication in tho Hawaiian Star.

France, whilo arranging importduties on sugar, goos on record asready to abolish the bounty sys-

tem whouover other countrios doso. Like the causo of internation-al bimetallism and sonio othorthings, the bounty horosy iseverybody's business to handle.Hence nobody among the nationsdare tacklo the matter.

Groat Britain is not going to bocaught napping in any suddenturn of thu Turkish quostiou, according to the news that sho hasdoubled her already formidablefleet at tho maritimo approachesto Constantinople. Hor flotilla offloating fortresBOs thoro 1b prodigious.

According to a contemporary an-

nalist, not 9110 of tho jury called ina certain causo was a reador of thoBulletin. It must have been astrange turn of tho ballots indrawing, - which should havobrought twelve illiterate raon to-

gether in a Honolulu jury box.

As a matter of fact, only onojuror in the Loouard-McLeuu- an

trial said ho had not read the arti-- .

ole in tho Bulletin. Ho wasprobably absent at tho Coast whenthe article appeared.


Editor Bulletin: The matterof tho contract for building thonew firo station, tho mannor inwhich tho award was made, andby which the taxpayers aro mulctedto the amount'of $2000, requires afull and complete publio oxplanation at the hands of tho Government, and especially from tho de-

partment of tho Minister of In-terior. tI wish to know, nnd thoro aromany others who also would liketo know:

1. Why wob tho contractawarded to ono of tho !iighost bid-ders ? v 1

2. Why wero tho samplos ofstono culled for boforo tho award.was mado ?

!). Who woro tho exports whoexamined the stono, if nny, andwheio iB thoir report, if any wasninrlf ?

If tho'foundation was well and'

truly laid, why was not Mr. E. B.Thomas, its builder, givon thocontract for tho superstructure, asho presoutpd tho lowest bid andtho best specimen of stone?

As tho matter now stands, with-out explanation of any kind boingoiforcdf it might be asserted thattho tactics of Bobb Two;d, of un-

savory memory, wore boing triedhoro, and tho attempt to obtainjustico is met with the inti-mutio- u

that "wo aro 'running

; t Kn ;4;, ,

Pr " "prypw"

liVJfiJSING BULLETIN, FElUlDAlll' 11. 10!7.rase:

What the Faculty of the

University of CaliforniaHas to Say.

Your committee have made a very careful examina-

tion of the ROYAL BAKING POWDER and arcsatisfied that it fulfills all the 'requirements which thepublic can make of a baking powder. For purity andcare in preparation it equals any in the market, and

Our test shows that it hasgreater leavening powerthan any other of whichwe have any knowledge.

Prof, Chemistry University of California and State Analyst.

Prof. Chemistry, College Pharmacy, of the University of California.

this thing to suit ourselves," as ifcontractors and builders "not withus," as it wcro, and called upon tosubmit upon estimates for publicworks, were to bo "used" to furtherthe interests of "our friends."

Bring out your experts, Mr.Itowell or Mr. King, and lot usknow upon what expert authorityyou justify tho payment of nearly$2000 for quality alono for onoclass of material that will not inits natural state cost $100.

Oomo out like men and con-vince tho taxpayers ' that youare not using your oligarchicalposition to help out your favorites.

Faik Pl.u.


Uatherliic of Wnr Ve.iel. Ntt theiioldcn Horn,

Within tho past few monthsthe fighting strength of tho Britishfhot in the immedi'itf vicinity oftho Aoginn entniuco to tho Dur- -

dnnelloH has boeu moro than?donbled Thoro are .now morothan forty war ves-ol- s iu thoiloot, eleven of which aro first-cla- ss

battleships, some of thebest in tho English navy, withnearly a scoro of first and secondclass cruisers and several thirdclass, besides torpedo dofouseboats, torpedo destroyeis, dispa-

tch-boat, tondors and supply-bo.its- .

Those ure distributed within easy distance of tho mouth ofthe straits that opon the road toConstantinople, at tho Isln ofTonedos, just south of tho straits,Basiku bay opposite and cruisingwithin sight of the guardian forts,Kum Ealih and Sodil B.ihe.

No buou warlike array has everboon gathered in thoso or anvothor waters certainly in reconttimes. The largo concerns ofGroat Britain in the fin 11 1 outcomeand settlements of tho Chineso-Japanes- e

war wore apparontlynot considered half so importantin tho oyes of tho British Ministryas what the immediate future maydevelop on and about the Bosporus.

Singors load tho world. Ovor13,000,000 mado and sold. High-est awards at tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for excellence ofconstruction, regularity of motion,easo of motion, groat speed, ad-

justability, durability, easo oflearning and convemouco of ar-rangement. B. Bdrgersen, agent,10J Bntlinl streets.

Below Cost!On account of my Removal to

New and Larger Quarters I amClosing Out my preseut- -


OF "


Below Cost


513 Fort Stkelt,

.'.MA' "..

"pmely fopiesON- -



During this sultry variableweather, so productive ofmoist shirt collars and limpneckwear, the mind naturallyreverts to something cool andrefreshing. It is not everyone that can afford one of thehandy refrigerators so much invogue, but an ICE CHESTwhich is juit what its nameimplies is within the reach ofniost people. We carry themin four sizes, They are cheap,economical handy and dur-able, and we have just receiveda fresh invoice of them.

We have also a new con-signment of the ALASKAREFRIGERATORS in fivesizes, at jrreatlv reduced prices.They are charcoal lined and


are the best in the market. I

We. have also the NOVEL--TY CIRCULAR REFRIGE-RATOR. ' It is made of metalthroughout, js handsomelypainted, has adjustable rotaryshelves which can be raised orlowered at any angle, will holdmore ice and more meat orprovisions than any ordinaryrefrigerator and takes up lessroom.

We have also a fresh invoiceof handsome painted AGATE-LINE- D

WATER COOLERS,suitable for hotels, offices andrestaurants.

For families we have thenatural stone GATE CITYFILTERS in all sizes.

THEHawaiian Hardware Co.


Opposite Spreokola' Bank,


TO LET.Tho lteolrience .of E. It. Hendry, corner

Kiimn mul Pentmcoln ulreotn. Hono con-tains Eight Itoomfl and has all the modern.conveniences. Large groumltt. Tel. SOI.

. FOR SALE.Corner of Imnalilo and Potisncola BtreeU,

Fivi LotH. 70 feet by 125 feet each. Thomost ilchirablo residence iiroiKTty for baleon tho Plains, For terms apply to

MllS. E. 11. 11ENDKY,185-t- f Telephone 301.


vlV'(Sfes-y;yf- .

u!yj'j V.

vr-vT'- Y Wu'i hJivJlmrshoFs


1 nmw

The Manufacturers Slioo

10c.-Pe- r Yard-IO- c.

NUNS VEILINGS,All Colors; suitable for Drosses.

lOe. Per Yard lOe.3S!

ah brmdes. iOc. per Yard.Satin Surahs! Satin Surahs!

All Colors; Latest Patterns. IOc, per Yard.AT THE

mnNHi 1 R4imjt,Fort Street, Honol q iu.


Goods For

Every -- Day

In the YEAR

Are tlio kind of goods wohandle. Whilst tho holidayshavo mado groat gaps in somelinos, most of tour lines willstill bo found very com-plot-

notably that of Watches.It takes good many salesmake impression' in oarstock, wo carry many.

Watches for $3

For mon and boys, and

.Watches for $300

For thoso with longorpurse and inclination forsomething out of tho ordinary.

Wo want to add you to ourlist of pleased watch customers,

matter how littlo howmuch you havo spend for thepurpose. We have tho goods,and our many years perieuco will bo uladly givon aidyouin seleoting ono which willbo best for you.



f 0




--Sk f Tin c c cwrcI f jj. ..r 1 I ".T U1 !' It .



a toan




no orto

of oxto

r " rfS-J-',,--'Vr iYVrROHpdR.

WgiW liWTORtv -


29 iarLclxoss

Sprouted CocoanutsFor Sale I

Small BoiiuIir CocoanutH readyfor trauBpluntiiiir. Apply to

522- -I m W. E. HOWELL.

Money to Loan.

$85,000toLoanOn Apirovid Security. Apply to

A. V. GEAR,522-3- t 210 KlnK street.

Oyster Cocktails


The Elite Ice Cream Parlors

To Let.

Residence at Waikiki,- -

Furnished or Unfurnished.519 lw W. O. PEACOCK.

Meeting Notice.

The rtegulHr Qnartf rly Mpptlng ofthe Unloii Fotd Compuuy, IAI, willhe held at the Company'a Ofllco onSalurditv. the l.tUi hiMimr. nf. mo'ulouk a. m. F. U. VIDA.

Secretary Union Feed Co.. Id.630 3t

Hawaiian Quintette Club.

Will proviso First-clas- s Musio for Re-ceptions. 1'ici.los, Lunns, Grand Hulls, oto.,eto. All onlors Riven prompt attention.8jr Leave order with "Ka HaloOiwl"W. W. Dimoud, or to Cain D. Wiliokal,1 1 1 liichurcis street. 615. Ira



Officki 208 Merchant Btrcot, CampbellBloolt rear of J, O. Carter' ofllco. V. O.Box 33

Furnished Rooms.

With Board, for two gentlemen.Apply at BuiOiKTiN Ottloe. 516-- w

mvMJur-,K- i iiH'k. '-- ...Lk :



Page 5: ocooioooaoo4v? ewe inr.rt -M1 ,' ULLGTIN · 2015-06-01 · day introduce an advertising schomo that has provon a winnor in tho States. It is a 10 cont counter. Tho 10 cent conntor


will moot this evon-,- .

ingfor biiBiuess nud drill.Minister Cooper now Presi-

dent of tho Board of Health.forpet call tho Tem-p- lo

of Fashion and inepoot tho lOocounter.

ThoY. M. C.A. orohostra willnot rohoarso this ovouing, tho hallboing rontod.

Tho long oxpected and pro--' nnrncl for cnlico ball comes off to- -

'. morrow night.Tho Spooio bank

clospd toduy, being a,national holiday.

Tho Board of Education willmoot this afternoon. No meetingwas hold

Chief Justice and Mrs. Juddcoutompluto a visit tho Statosin tho early summer.

The St. LouiB College LiterarySociety proaont "Tho IrishDuke" during theEastor

Minister Foreign AffairsGoneral

during absenco

tomuu.meeting Mountedcalled 5 o'clock

5K." ..'








Company A


Don't to at

Yokohama isit Japanoso




The ofwill act as Attornoy -

the of W. 0.

of thois for


(tuis auernoon ai mo iiairiciCourtroom.

At a meeting of tho Board ofDirectors of tho Myrtle Boat Club-las- t

night' seven now memborswere elootod.

Dr. McLennan, with his wifeand daughter, expects to leavo onthe Monowai for their home intho South Seas.

Tho assessed --valuo of farms in-th-

United States in 1880 wasov.er ton billions of dollars, and in1890 over thirteen billions.

Messrs. S. G. "Wilder and C. V.Dickey will represent PacificTenuis Club as dolegatos to tueHawaiian Tennis Association.

There was a meeting of bicyoloenthusiasts last evening over thoproposed track at Kewalo, butnothiug definite was accomplish-ed.

School teaohers and childrenaro already counting tho days totho Easter holidays. It is saidtwo weeks' vacation will be given

" this year.Tho Chicago Health Commis-

sioners have declared tho watersupply of that city to be unfit forchildren to drink aud havo shut itoff from the public schools.

D. B. Smith, the boot and shooman, left on the Australia yester-day. He will visit New York andexpects to see McKinley inaugur- -

atod at Washington on March i.A return match between tho

local players and an eleven fromH. M. S. Icarus comes off onSaturday at the ball grouuds. TheBritishers weio practising yester-day afternoon at the King streetgrounds.

The work of boring wells inWaipio gulch on tho now Oahuplantation will commence in afew days. It will be in ohargo ofJ. L. McCandless. His brotherJohn is on the road to Pittsburgto procure moro.machinory.

It is proposed in England tomake tho colouration of the six- -

. tioth year of the Queen's reign aseason of gifts to the poor and ofproviding parks for small townsand villages so tho people willliave good roason to enjoy the oc-


A Ohincso woman committedsuicido by hanging yestordayafternoon at a strawberry ranchowned by her husband in Nuuanuvalley. Tho man - had been intown all day and on returningfound his wife hanging to a door.She had been dead somo timo.

Harrv J. Hart. reDreBontinc tholarge importing house of CastleBrothors of San Francisco, audMrs. Hart a sistor of Harry,Fred aud Edgar Lewis of thia city

loavo on tho Monowai tomorrowfor Sydney. Mrs. Harry F.Lowis and son accompany themto tho Colonies, whore thoy willmake an extonded visit.

Gus Schuraan has just recoiveda consignment of Biirreys, ,

bug-gies and road wagons, also a fullaBBortment of buggy and surreyliarnoss, all new and flrstolass,be8t mako aud material. Thesogoods aro for sale at a very lowfiguro and can bo inspected at thoClub Stables, Fort stroet. Mr.Sohumau makes a specialty offine handmade surrey and buggyharness.

C. S. Desky expecU to loavo farHilo tomorrow morning.

Sixteon-hundredtl- iH of an inchof rain fell in town last night.

On account of romoval GHaffnor is soiling jewelry below (


Tho officors of the Icarus willgivo a danco on board that vesselthis ovoning.

Tlios. LindBay, jowelor, has oc-

cupied one of tho stores in thonow Loro building.

Commissioner Marsden has ro--ceived a lot of sample packages ofcoffee seed from Ceylon.

Soya, a Japanese truant, plead-ed guilty in tho police court thismorning. Sentence suspended.

A novelty in plows can bo seenat Tom King's cyolery in thoshapo of tho Spalding A Bobbins'.Rotary machine.

Tom McTicbo savs he is actinaas charge d' aifaires nd interimfor Macfarlane & Co. during thoabsenco of Olaronco White.

John D. Holt's successor iu thoPostal Savings Bank has not yetbeen appointed. Chas. Hyde istemporarily filling tho position.

Tho trial of Minna Cremmorfor soiling liquor without aliconsois occupying tho attention ofJudge Carter and a foreign jurytoday.

Tho trial of W. J , Coolho forembezzlement comes up in tho

court tomorrow. Ho willEolico by iCroighton &Correa.

J . J. Carden, having boon sup-plied with more material, has resumed work at making tho newcoment balcony on tho Judiciarybuilding.

Judgo Wilcox will occupy thobench of the District. Court tomorrow when tho Coolho casecomes up, Judgo do la Vergnoconsidering himself disqualified.

It is assertod on tho street todaythat tho same treaty presented toPresident Harrison's cabinet willbo brought forward immediatelyafter Prosident McKinley's in-


Dr. Wayson will moat likely botho physician in charge of theHagey Institute after the de-parture of Messrs. Kirkpatrickand Co wart to Austialia nextmonth. ,

Although this is tho dull sea-son of the year, tho HonoluluIron Works iiave a full force ofhands at work, with plenty oforders in sight and several largoontracts on hand.

Lata arrivals at the Arlingtonhotel are G. S. Hammond, SanFrancisco; Chas. E. Bosecrans,Labainalnna; Mrs. Osmor Abbott,Lahainaluna; Wm. Vaunatta,Hilo; H. 0. Vida, S. P. Woodsand T. N. Davis, city.

Dairymen wero on hand in largoforco at the meeting of tho Boardof Health, to discuss the questionof compensation for cattle de-

stroyed on account of tuborculosis.Thoy wero disappointed by thopostponement of the matter.

m m m

Intormntlori for Tourlftl.A passenger by tho last Colonial

steamer was mot on tho dock bya Milesiau American friond, whoresides in Honolulu. As tho pairwaited to nave tbo nowcomer'sgripsaok scrawled over with chalkmarks by tho CustomsInspectorat tho gate tho stranger remarkedto his friond "Do you 'ave muchrain 'ere?" Rainier mo boy,gallons of it, just como up to theAnchor Saloon whero thoy keepit always, clear and cool. We'lljust bo in time for luuch too andthat's tho only placo in townwhere thoy servo it up in properstylo with a glass of .IUinikrBeer to equilibrializo tho solidsThoy wont!

IkIiiiiU Iluttcr.There is butter and thoro i'b

butter but thoro is no buttor thatarrives in Honolulu so sweet audfresh as the Mikilua and WaianaoButtor. Its rapid transit by raildiroct from tho dairy to tho Pala-m- a

Grocery's large ico box soconveniently situated opposite thorailway dopot onablos us tohandle it to tho best advantago.No wonder wo aro doing euoIi alargo buttor business, wheh woaro soiling this fine buttor at 35o.per lb. Palama Grocery, oppo-sit- s

Bailway Depot, King street.Tolophono 755.



'I'i'MIhium) ill ii IIiiiiiiIiiIii .lien limit (itill" ,

The Osteopath, the official orgauof the Pacific School of Osteopa-thy and Sanitarium, Anaheim,California, in its January- - numbersays:

The fame of osteopathy hasspread oven unto tho islands ofthe sea. as is evidenced bv thefact that Mr. G. P. Castle of Ho-- I

uolulu ha3 recently visited this I

country for tho purpose of placing '

himself under treatment in thonew school.

"While at the mother iustitu- -

tion, ho learned, thanks to judi- - j

cious advertising, that a schoolfor tho dissomiuutiou of tho newphilosophy of euro existed on thePacific Coast, as well as a sanitarium Tor tue treatment of thopatients, and on his way homofrom the East made it a point tolook us up, visited Anaheim,whero ho spout a day interviewingtho teachers', patients and students,looking ovdr the buildings andclass rooms, with the idea of learn-ing something of our methods,and acquainting himself with ourfacilities for taking caro of ourguosts and pationts.

"He went away woll pleasedwith all ho saw, as well as ourclimate and location,and expressedhimself as having no hesitancy iurecommending his friends to us,both for treatmont aud instruction.

"Mr. Castlo impressed us as awido-awako- , up o gontleman,one who does not revel in thogolden age of tho past, believes inpresent achievements, aud seespossibilities in a bright futuremore glorious tlmu either.

"The iuterost which such gopeople manifest in this

science emphasizes tho fact thatin every age there is only ono wayor method of doing anythingwhioh the world recognizes asabove aud beyond competition;ana in the important matter otrelieving aud curiug human ills,tho sciouco of osteopathy marksout that perfect way.

"Mr. Castlo informs us thatthere is great need of osteopathicoperators in tho Hawaiian Islands.Young men, young womnn, horois your opportunity. Equip yourself with a thorough knowledgeof this now science and tho worldis your field from which to reapa goldeu harvest . and beuefithumanity."

itiat oiti.vit rn kik Niia Mt

Wrjltr Forced lo Mmclnd a RecentOrder.

New York, February 1. Aspecial to the World from Wash-ington says: American sugarplanters in Cuba at last havo tak-en a decided stand. On their de-ma- ud

Secrotary Olney has cabledto the Madrid Government thatthe grinding of sugar cane on Am-erican plantations in Cuba mustbo pormitted; to proceed immedi-ately claims or against Spuiu forheavy damages from January 1will bo filed at tho Stato Depart-ment. A reply came back fromMadrid that Goneral Weylor hadbeen instructed to countermandhis order prohibiting sugar grind-ing, and that tho work might be-gin forthwith. On tho strengthof this an agent of the sugarplanters left recently for Cuba toseo General Weylor and to starttho grinding.

--"TCltlseim Attention.

These aro dayB of considerableanxiety and porplosity to all whohavo possessions or other interestsin tho Bepublio of Hawaii, and itis time that our citizens catno to amutual understanding on severalimportant issues. Tho prospectsfor Annexation appear at presoutvague ami indistinct, and ourdestiny cannot be foretold withcortainty. Thero are those, also,who still fondly cling to the hopeof a return to the old ordor ofthings, and who cannot bo per-suaded otherwise, yet this outlook appears far more hazy thanthat of Annexation oveu to thomost hopeful disciples of thoMonarchy. But, fortuuately, intho midst of all this uncertaintythoro is solaco iu tho fact thatBuffalo Boor linn nnmn to ntnvr nndthat patrons of all sorts and,opinions may equally share thobenefits of its invigorating andsustaining properties. We aromoroover assured that this favoritobrow will continue to bo dispens-ed as horotoforo at tho ltoyal,Pacific and Cosmopolitan Sa-loons.


POWDERAbsolutely Pure.

Celebrated for ltuprcnt tenvcnlng strengthami lKMHliCtilnets. Anuren llio food uj;aliistalum anil all forms of luliflteraMnn commonto the cheap brnnili. Kovai, Biking Tovr-iie- ii

Co , New Yohk.

Have you a copy of the : :

: ,, : Hobron Drug Co's. new


BOOKThe book is diffcrontrfrom the

ordinary cook-boo- k. Its free to

anyone who will call or write.

Bettor get ono to-da-

o ' -

Hobron Drug Co.King & Fort.

MUSIC. , . , For Everybody:The only complete line of

MUSIC GOODSIn the I'lamlH. A few ofour ppechltle ....

Kingsbury Pianos !

Ttie perfection, of art InPiano making


Iu tone, beauty ami con-struction-.

ItEGINA MUSIC BOXES, tho Ktefrul nil, plays over one thousandtunes.

AUTOHARP3, everybody's Instru-ment, a ehllil can plity It.

GUITARS, we carry the celebratedHenry F. Mason, Harwood andntbor make', from $4 up.

BANJOS, Stewart, Fairbanks &Cole and other wellkuownmakes.

ACCORDEON8, the celebrated "Im-perial" and other good lines.And n thrmannri anil nnn nttmr

smxllfr Instrument)! too numerous' tomention.

Our celebrated Will, Nlnhola Co."Stak" Braud of


Arc the best made. Use no other.

Sheet Music,Music Books,

INSTRUCTION BOOKSFor all Instruments,

Our stpek Is the most varied to befound this side of 'Frisco, ami theprices' the same as you pay in theStulen.

All Instruments sold on easy month-ly iaymeuts. ,

WALL, NICHOLS CO.,Tho money savers for you,

i, , ,.,



520 Fort Street

-- ,...(

New Spring Goods

N. S. SACHS'JELonolulu.


Fancy Organdies, Printed JVEusIiiis,

DIMITIES, iPlQTJES,Grenadtizes, H(mzesunt Linens,

An entire new line in Stripes, Plaids, Checks, Pin Spots, etc.

Latest in 35Teck Wear,New Inchings, Latest Collars and Cuffs.

The 3STew Bolero JacketsIu Jet and Lace, in Black and White.

3STew Ribbons 1 New Trimmings I



Our Large of

i!lli38k Three B'.Jkmf m 'LMijr

Just Received Direct from the London Factory.


Tobaccos and Smokers' Articles.Corner Fort and Merchant Streote.

Lewis & Co.

Tho "Australia" brought usa lot of goods suitablo to allclasses of people and we sellthotn to dealers or consumors.Person buying in quantitiesget tho benefit of wholesalerates. Mnny of them do thisbecauso a penny saved is apenny earned.

We havo California Apples,Kidney Potatoes, WholeWheat Flour, Cream FlakeWheat or Oats and MorningMeal. Theso cereals aro whatovery person with a regard forhealth should use. Then wehave kits of choice Mackerelor Salmon Bellies, NavelOranges, Herrings and ChippedBeef, Extra Fancy CreameryButter in blocks or kits forfamily uso. Extra largo BloaterMackerel (wholesale or retail),Fat Salmon Bellies (to tradoor consumer), Sliced LmonCling- - Peaches, in 1 and 2lb.tin, largest variety of Cheeseover imported, Camenbert,Kronon Kaiser Fromago doBrio and evory known brand.

Thero aro besides tho abovo43 different items; more thanwo havo space to mention.

These goods aro fresh by tho"Austruliu" aud thero is varie-

ty enough for ono to pick outa very respectable dinner menu.Our goods aro woll-know- ii andtho quality of them has neverbeen surpassed in Honolulu.A telephone message will bringyou what you want.

Lewis & Co.,GHOGJERS.,

Kort Street, Honoiuiu.j



In many parts of "tho landof tho freo and the homo ofthe brave" at this timo of theyear building operations aresuspended, and overy man hashis eye on tho coal dealerwhile watching tho water pipesshowing a tendency to freezeup. In Honolulu whero springis four seasons in tho year,carpenters may work inside orout.

The unusual , operations ofthe past year has had a de-

pressing effect upon edge tools,for, like everything else, theygive way with too constantuso. Wo havo, in view of thoprospective domand, made abig buy of tho finest grade oftools obtainable in eastern mar-

kets; they aro what carpenterand machinists need all thetime and when buying tho bestthoy got is that which lastslongest and obviates thonecessity of "breaking in."

Wo havo the Millers FallsCompany ratchet braco, withdrill attachment. Tho Elkin'ssaw file. Bailoy's adjustableblade, wood and iron basepianos. Stool tape measures,guaranteed to bo accurato.Two-fo- ot rules in ivory andbound with German silverOlmstcad's improved mitro box-

es. Tho "Now Rogor's" footpower scroll saw with drill andemery attachments. Thesogoods are all guaranteed first-clas- s.



: n




, Z

ii. VI




i .


t wiJ--




Von Holt Block. NjlB

Page 6: ocooioooaoo4v? ewe inr.rt -M1 ,' ULLGTIN · 2015-06-01 · day introduce an advertising schomo that has provon a winnor in tho States. It is a 10 cont counter. Tho 10 cent conntor


Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

Look at Our Bargain List

Fine Straw Hats, 25c. up.

Crepe Pojamas, 1 a suit.Colored Bosom Shirts, G5c.

Ladies Kimonos, $1 up.

Gents Sox, 4 pairs for 25c.

Paper Napkins, 30c. a 100.

Ladies Leather Purses, 25c.

Silk Embroidered PillowCovers, 75c. a piece.

IWAKAMI,Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

Business AgencyL C. Allies & Co. A. V. Dear & Co.

Ollke 207 Merchant fit. Olllcc 210 King St.


Qeneral Business Agentsloans Negotiated and Collections


Stocks Bought and Sold.Books Audited and Accounts Adjusted.

Bills Bought Bnd NotesBlscountBO, ' i

Fire and Life Insurance Ageqitf

. mi

HAVING ESTABLISHED A MODERNplant for hnlling, polishing nnd assortingcoffee, we are prepared to buy and cleancoffee in the parchment.


Coffee !ST" Apply to



Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose,Sharpens Scissors,

In fact all kinds of Tools, nnd does nearlynil kinds of work that anyone requires.

J3. Work called for nnd returned byringing up

Telephone 852.EAWN MOWEUS TO LET.

VST" Remember wo do vork cheap tbiije.ir. MO-t- f

Henry Davis,320 Fort street, near Merchant.

Merchandise Broker,Commission Agent,

Custom House Brotor and Statistician


General Business Agent

W. H. RICKARD,Geneitil Business AgentWill attend to Conveyancing In

all its Branches, Collectingand all Business Matters

of trust.

All Business entrusted to himwill receive Prompt and CarefulAttention. OlUco:

Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii.

A New Abstract Office.

As a result of 15 year's experi-ence in the Abstract Business, Iam prepared to make Abstracts ofTitle in a most thorough, accurateand complete manner, and onshort notice.

F. W. Makinney.In W. O. Smith's Office, 818

Fort Street. 215-t- f

Consolidated Soda later Co., LIEsplanade,

Corner Allen & Fort Sis., Honolulu.

HOL LISTER & CO.,Agents.

A. V.

nSTotsbrr ZFia.TolIcTelephone 850, l t J : No. 210 Kln St.

IKS(i P 3 I

Is Lf8I- - Fs-- : "2.ff

Perry Davis'Pain Killer.

is the Universal Panaceafor all kinds of Aches andPains. Do not acceptany but the Genuine. Ifyour dealer does not haveit, call on or address tho

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Sole Agents for the Islands,

There is a difference be-

tween a Scrape and a Shave.


ber Shop can prove this.

Fort Street, near Hotel.

VETERENO CARRE1RO,Hotel Street Staying Parlor.

Three Chairs. First-cla- ss Work.TRICES ItLUDCKD

Hair Cutting 15 o.Sharing 15 c.

Hotel street opposite Bcthol,425-0- m

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

2014 Merchant Street.

FOR SALE and TO LET.House on Itcrctania street, near 1'iikoi

street; 4 rooms, dining-room- , kitchen, bath-room and nu ompty lot to keep a home.

House on School street; parlor, severalbedrooms, kitchen, p.iutry, outhouses undstable formurly occupied by lion. V. II.Itice.

Ilonse on Itobello lime, Fnlnrua, 3dining room, kitchen, bathroom,

enrringo hnuss nnd stable, Urge yard.Lot opposite Lunahlo Home; healthy and

line locutiou.Furnished Itooms; Property in all parts

of the city.

DAVID K. BAKER,Florisfc,

Nnuium Valley, above the Mausoleum.

All orders Riven prompt and faithful at-tention. No extra charge for deliveringFlowers to any part of the city. Lets,Mountain Greens and Carnations' a spe-cialty. 265-t- f


A-ttorn-ey at Law

14 Kaahumanu Street.

Telephoao No. G82. 403-Or-


No. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Appraisement of HealEstate and Jburniture.

ROBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMerchant Street, Honolulu, H. I.

Over Hawaiian News Company'sBook Store. my 18.


Dpalors in Lumber nnd Coaland Building Materials of allkinds,

Queeu'tfStieot, Honolulu,

': I'' .. . - s.&.AKII.C tMmmmM ri-XifrX-&"i- i fetffi

B3imw.K i . oft- -




The Stcil of Clflllrntlun Hail AlreadyTnken Knot.

Tho writer staid nil night severalyears ago with nnativoof Missouri whohud moved himself and his "littlo fam-ily," as ho cnllcd It, of n wifo and 18

children, to tho Vackwoodsof Kansas toescape tho demoralizing influence of ad-vanced civilization In Missouri.

''But I didn't como soon enough," hosaid regretfully to rue.

"Why not?" I asked."Waal, my young uns got a kind of a

taint o' worldliness that 1 ain't ahlo tolick or argy out o' 'cm. Now, there'smy son Bill. He's full o' tho prido o'thoairth, Bill is."

Bill, a young man of about 20, longlegged and full bearded, was playingwitli a coon in tho yard.

"Now, that Bill o' mino won't go totown for anything until he's stopped anput on his shoes drat his pride I Anwhat yo reckon my daughter Mandywent an bought ono day out o' puroworldly prido?"

"I'm suro that I couldn't guess.""A toothbrush! Vcs, sir; wont an

spent 10 conts for a toothbrush. Neverwas Bich a thing heard of before in allmy fum'ly. It's all pride, pride, pridoan tho devil."

Ho groaned aloud beforo saying:,"An my daughter Jinny's gltthi so

worldly slip won't drink coffeo out o'her sosser any more. Bays sho's rendsomewhere that it ain't tho proper wayto drink it! I tell ye the devil has hisown way with young folks nowadays,no matter how careful they'ro broughtup. I ketchedj my son Jako cleanin hisfinger nails the, other day an Bill's wentan bought hfmsolf white shirt to w'arto mectin, an Jinny's gono to crimpinher ha'r. I tell ye, mister, it's kind o'hard for n father to see his youngunsgivin themselves np to prido an thodovil liko that I didn't lcavo Missourisoon enough. "Detroit Frco Press.

A Schema Worth Trying."Sayl" -

,It was evident that tho man who

stood in tho door of tho firo cngiuohouso was terribly in earnest

"What is it?" asked tho fireman."You havo an opportunity to prove

yourself a true friend to a great manypcoplo if you aro willing to do it "

"I'll do anything In reason," said thofireman. "What do yon want mo todo?"

"Why, yon see, I live in that bigapartment building on tho next corner,and there's a woman in tho flat abovemo who plays tho piano all tho time."

"Well?""Well, I thought niaybo if I turned

In a firo alarm it would givo you achanco to rush np there and ruin thatpiano beforo any one had timo to tellyou that it was a false alarm. What?Yon won't? I might have known youwere no true friend to humanity."Chicago Post

Expert Opinion."Uuclo, you have had a good deal to

do with chickens in your day, haven'tyou?"

"Deed I has, sah."'And in what way, in your opinion,

ato tho best results to bo obtainedfrom keeping them cooped up or fromletting thorn run at largo?"

"Dat dopen's, sail. Ef I dono keep'cm merfo'f, den I gits do mos' out ob'em by keopiu 'em in do coop, but ofmcr neighbor dono keep 'em den I gitsdo best 'zultH f 'din deir runnin loose,sah." Boston Courier.

Worth Slentiouluc.Thero is no better aid to digestion, in

certain instances, than tho cooked applo.To tako out iron rust cover the Bpot

with lino salt audi saturate with lemonjuico and lay on the grass. Repeat ifnecessary.

When boiling a ham see that "thokettle only smiles on ono sldo of itsmouth" i. o., that tho water merolysimmers.

A dish of water placed in a hot ovenwhoro pios, cakes or puddings aro beingbaked will prevent them from scorching.

Qftio tono of tho piuno improves whentho instrument is moved from tho wallof tho room.

A man who has tried it says that twoorthreodandolion leaves, chowed boforogoing to bed, will always iuduco sleep,no matter how nervous or worried aman may be. t

Salt sprinkled over tho carpet willeffectually lay tho dust and will maketho colors bright and last longer.

Nicely furnished rooms at thePopular House, 154 Fort street,from S1.00 per week up.

King Bros, have just filled anorder for 200 colored Hawaiianphotos for a party in America.

City Oarriago Co.. J. S. And.rado, manager. If you want ahack with good horse and caro-f- ul

drivor ring up Telophone 113,corner of Fort and Merchantstreets. Hack at all hours.

On today's Kinau tho PnrifioHardware Co. havo received afresh supply of Prof. Henshaw'sPlatinotypo and Sopia prints.Bond some of them to your friendBfor a Now Year's reminder.

Tho Vacuum oils aro sold intho Hawaiian Islands by tho Paci-fic Hardware Co.,Ltd:,of Honolulu,and aro delivered to the purchas-er in original packagos as shippedfrom our works. Vacuum OilCo., Edward Prizor, Soorotory.


409 Mason Avenue, ICanon City, Col., Jan. 13, 1894. J

"Wells, Richardson & Co.,

Dear Sirs: "Wo ubc Paine's Celery Compound in our family and could'

not keep house without it. Mrs. "Williams tliinks there is nothing equalsPaine's Celery Compound to cure nervous headachesand the like. Success to you in every way.


Pastor of Cumberland Presbyterian Church.


, Wholesale Agents

OXJWill Never Look

- - Like This

If you got your Clothes from

Medeiros & Decker,

The Hotel Street Tailors.

A Perfect Fit Guaranteed.

2020 Percent Discount


Wo will mako tho abovediscount . . .

For Cash OnlyOn all ordors received forSuits

H.S.Tregloan&SonFort and Hotel Streets,

--ZfA.J. J. Soixivah, j. nuciur,

1'reildouti Seo'r.

FasMonMesGo.,L'iHonolulu, II. I.

Sullivan & Booklet, Man'g'n,.

FINEST EQUIPPED CARRIAGESIn tho City, with Oompetont and Care-

ful Drivers.

Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets.

TeLEFOONE;v Haw'n Hotol Stables, 82.Pantheon Stables, 84,Fashion Stables, 118.

. AMERICANLivery and Boarding Stables

Corner Merchant and Richard Sts.


13f Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at allhours. TELEPHONE 400.

Building v Lot:fok sale.

Situated on the South corner ofBeretania and River streets. 100 feeton each fctreot; It will be one of thebest locations for business wiimn afew years.


MT'For further particulars, apply to W. O. ACHI & CO.

OlO-- H

Office To Let,At 207 Merchant Street.

Peerless Preserving Paint Company.502-t- f

C. B. DWIGHTTakes contracts for all kinds of STONE

WOltK, monument work, cement andstone sidewalks and curbing. I have onhand the best Hawaiian stone, Chinesegranite, eto. Fine stone for monumentalwork. Estimates given nud lowest pricesassured. Telephone 833.



f i

A Pastor's Story.

Rev. Mr. Williams

Could Not Keep

House Without

Paine's Celery


His Wife Strongly Rec-- 5

ommends It to Cure

Sick Headache.

Co.,for the Hawaiian Islands

John Nott?Importers nnd Dealers in

if.JVSteel and Iron Ranges,


DIMOND BLOCK.121 & 123 King Street.


My $10.00 Bath Tubs, lined with bestquality, Mo. 10 tine, 6 in. Pipe, Chain andl'lug, with wood Tim nil complete. Otherdealers are dumfounded, an1 resort to allmanner of Tricks and Eicubcs.

Bo not deceived, these Bath Tubs havebeen Bold for $U until I reduced the prices

I am prepurod to do all work in my lineand guarantee satisfaction: Estimates fur-nished.

If yon want a cood Job cheap for Cash..ring up Telephone 44, and I am yourmam

JA8. NOTT Jn,Tinsmith A plumber


Sailors' Homo RestaurantLu Hung Co., Proprietors.

Chicken and Ico Cream Sundays.All new, noat and cleun. . . .

Board (per month) $17.0021 Meal Tiokets 4 .00Single Meal 25

487 33m



Cor. Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu,

M. PHILLIPS & CO,,Wholesalo Importers and Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods.

Fort and Queen Streets,


mt0immwMm&MMMH&mamMk iMgiiiiuii . ,., ." " 'rc-- " -- r"'Tf ' ., iwmqMgmJ.i

Page 7: ocooioooaoo4v? ewe inr.rt -M1 ,' ULLGTIN · 2015-06-01 · day introduce an advertising schomo that has provon a winnor in tho States. It is a 10 cont counter. Tho 10 cent conntor

nMMMHlK IHHMHnfly .rt'TwaewgmBBi taHMNKsmHByiHHHm







Curry Powdor as made by us is prepared after the OriginnRecipe from the Purest Ingredients.


BENSON, SMITH & 00.527 Fort Street, corner Hotel.

ED. A. WILLIAMS,(Successor to C.jE. Williams, "Williams & Co.

and Williams Bros.

Undertaker and Embalmer,


516 Fort Street.r Telephone 179.



G. J. Walum - - - Manaokb.



Naw ContractorsRefrigerated Poultry

-- AND-


Mefoopolita Ileai, Go.

Telephone 45.

RING UP 104!The Central Meat Market

214NDDANU Street.

For Your ChoiceOrders

The Ernest

ReMgetoted -. Meat?Always on Hand. Orderspromptlv and caref ally attend-ed to. ( i


i Proprietors.


For the Equino Tablo in thoway of nil kinds First Glass

HAY, 0 FEEDjAro on sale by tho


138 Fort St. Tel. 422.


Old Armory, Beretanla Street.

L. H. Dee & Co.Hay, Oats. Bran, Middling!. Chop Feed,

Oil Cake Meat, Hock Salt, Hay,Flour, Holled Barley, Rolled Oats, CrackedCum and Wlieat. Oregon Burbank Potatoesshipped from California and Oregon regularly.

OISTOci: a

SfXtBLiSffif'' 'HPfFt TLTIW?

BPK f? .T.

H. H.


Night Telephone 815. "3

Fresh Grocerieslty Each Steamer.

Table .'. Delicac'est A specialty at

VOELLER & CO.'S,20 Beretanla Street, Waring Block.

W& Telephone 680 teaH. MY $ CO.,

Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 & 517 Fort St., Honolulu

Telephonor 2S5 P.O. Box 470

Commissioner of Deeds

--FOR TnK--

State of California.Having been appointed and commissioned

a Commissioner of Deeds for tho State of Cal-ifornia, I am prepared

To administer and certify oaths.To take and certify depositions and afflda

To take and certify the acknowledgment orproof of powers of attorney, mortgages,transfers, grants, deeds or other Instrumentsor record.

A. V. GEAK,Telephone 256. 210 King Street,

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 189G, $106, 645. 16

Money Loaned on Approved Security.A Savings Bank for Monthly Deposits.Houses Built on the Monthly Installment

Plan.Thirteenth Sorios of Stock now open.

For further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR, Soorotary.Chamber of Commerce Rooms,Office hours, 12:30 1:30 P.M. 373-t- f

J: S. WALKER,Geneual Agent roil Hawaiian Islands,

Iloyal Insnranco Company.Alliance Assurance Company.AUiuuco Murlno and poneral'Assnranco

Company.Bun Life Assurance Company of Canada,Wiluelum of Madgeburg Iusurauco Com-

pany.Scottish Union and National Insurance


Room 12 8preckcls Block, Honolulu, II, I.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager ot

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Ot the United States for the HawaiianIslands.

Orvor.i Merchant street, Honolulu.

-- v" -r- .$7Ct" "rt,f?; M. fiZGfflf.. fV

TO.' W, --'


How to Make lllackberrj Frotti.Blackberry froth is nn excellent way

of preparing tho latest of tho smallfrnlt& For this is needed oho cup ofblackberry juico and ono cap of sugar.Soak a half box of gclutin in u cup ofcold water for nn hour. Btir tho sugarin nnd pour tho boiling water over it.When it is qnito dissolved, ndil tho fruitjnioo, strain into n largo mold nnd soton ice. When tho Jelly bogliia to thicken,boat tho whites of fonr egga to a stifffroth nnd stir thoroughly into tho jelly.Let it stand nntll firm nnd cat withcream.

now Marriage of the Dead la Rolemnlitd.In sovcral quarters of tho globo this

strango custom prevails to this day.Tlicro is a region in the Caucasus moun-tains where, should a young man orwoman die single, tho mourning parentseek out Bomo neighbor who lins sus-

tained a similar bereavement and ne-

gotiations aro entered into for n mntrl-moni-

nllianco between tho deceased.Tho amount of tho dowry varies accord-ing to tho good or bad qualities of thogirl whilo alive, and n father has beenknown to givo so many as 80 cows inorder to obtain an oligiblo husband forliis dead daughter. If ono party to amarriago contract dies beforo tho unionhas taken place, tho ceremony is uover-.thclc- ss

proceeded with. In China thospirits of all' boys who dio in infancyare, in dno oourso of time, married tospirits of girls who havo been cut off attho samo early age. A similar farco istransacted with children who huvo livedto bo 13 or 14 years of ago. Marriago oftho dead is also practiced by tho Mor-mons in Utn.li.

Bow Oypalea Game to Be Called So.Gypsies wero popularly supposed to bo

of Egyptian origin, thuir namo being,in fact, a corruption of the word Egyp-tians. It is generally believed now,however, that they camo originally fromIndia, and tho only point in disputo istho dato at which they left that country.Somo affirm that thoy wero expollexl byTamcrlauo when ho conquered Hindu-stan in 1398-0- , whilo other authoritiessay that they left Asia for Europe in thotwelfth century. Either of these theoriesmay bo correct, thougli it was not untiltho commencement of tho fifteenth con-tur- y

that they reached Europe, in largonumbers. At n meeting of tho RoyalGeographical society somo years ago SirII. Ilawliuson gavo an account of thomigration of tho gypsies, tracing themdistinctly from tho Indus through Per-li-

Syria and Asia Minor to tho Bos-

porus. Their dialect corresponds withHindoostanco, and in Aleppo thoy maybo conversed with in that languagowithout difficulty.

now Green Color la rrodnced In Plant.Tho chemical procoss by which tho

green color is produced in tho leaves ofplants is ulmost entirely dependent up-

on light Tho substance to which tholeaves owo their green color is termedchlorophyll. It is similar to wax undfloats about in tho colls of tho leaves intho form of minute granules. Light isindispcnsablo for tho formation of thispigment, and in thoabsoncoof light thocells of plants aro unable to secroto orform it

To Clean a llarrel.To rcmovo an odor from a barrel half

fill it with cold water. Heat half adozen stones tho sizo of tho palm of thohand until they aro rcdhot and throwthorn into tho water and let tho wuterremain in tho burro 1 until cold. Thenrinso tho barrel with clean cold water.

For Mnilo Pupils.Excerpts from sonatas, concertos, eta ,

comprising siuglo movements can bousod to groat advautago us studies.

By practicing sight reading an houreach day you can easily acquiro facility.

Don't guoss regarding a note, bntthink it out and know all about it

Read somowhat in advance of yourplaying for correct time, Angering' andnotes.

Read by pulses (counts), groups andmotives, rather than by siuglo notes.

Tho gyostilo is a small devico or ma-chine to dovolop tho hands of musloinnsby Bcientiflo method. It call bo carriedin the hand satchol or in tho pocketList of exercises goes with ea6h machine.

It is qnito possible for persons with-out previous musical knowlodgo to ac-

quire muoh for vocal uso, from tho rudi-mon- ts

to phrasing and expression, bymeans of singing sooioties under abloleadership. Etude.

That piotnro in King Bros',window which has attracted bomuch attention is not tho portraitof anyone hero.

Try tho Vacuum Oils? Thoywear hotter than any lubricantsyot introduced iuto this market.Pacific Hardware Co., agents.

Mechanics' Homo, corner Hoteland Nunanu streets, lodging byday, wok or month. Terms: 25and 50 cents por night. $1, and"9l.2o nor week.

Sterling, tho painter, is pro-pare- d

to quoto prices on roofpainting. Ho usos a composition ofcoal tar and comonti Cheapestand best roof preparation in Ho-nolulu.

Kroeger Pianos, sweetest in tone,Jas.W. uorgstrom, solo agont, cashor installments. Waroroomo atG. West's, Masonic Teraplo. Of-fice at Thrum's Book Storo. Tun-ing and repairing. VST" Tolo-phon-o


FEBRUAHY 11, 16!)7.wvigiiw).mtf . w jj.i mm . wauw. '

To Citizensof Hawaii ierCo22?rA

I tnke pleasure in nnnouno-iu- g

to you that I have remov-ed to my new qiuirtois nt XO.418F01lTSUihuL' iu.il amprepared to execute all orderspertaining to my business.Jowolry KopaiiiijR, WatchRepairing, Fine Engraving,etc., etc. I have a handsomeBtock o Watches and Jewel-ry to show you including alarge variety of valuable Isl-and Curios. Your patronageis respectfully solicited.

364-t- f

To My Patrons:It gives me much pleasure

to announce that MR. M. R.COUNTER, ono of tho mostskilled wutchmiikorH evor inthoso Islands, is now managingmy repairing department. Nowatoli is so complex in itsmechanism but wo can givo por-fe- ct

satisfaction in .correctingtho ovils to which watches arehoir. Watohos are delicatethings to handle Wo guaranteethat thoy will roceivo no injuryat our hands and will leaveour Btoro in perfect repair.


E. A. JACOBSON,607 Fort Street.

JH. Gr. jbiajrt.404 Fort Street.


O na Puna Makanalia Hiwahiwa oi loa aku oka Nani Makamae.

E Hiki ke Hoomaemaein na Wnti poino a mo ka

Eu o ke A-- u.

Alanui Pupn, kokoke alnnui Moi.

THE LOUVRE008 Nouanu Street.

HarTy Klemme, - - Prop.

Seattle BeerThe Best inthe World - - -

Best of Liquors df Wines.E2EW. Onr Saloon is thoroughly renovated

and refurnished nnd we trust that ourstock wiU please every taste.


Empire SaloonA general stock of Liquors, Ales and




Are of the finest and come to ndlreot from Europe. . .


Imported straight from Louis-ville, Ky.

JAMES OLiOS, Prop?l)fl Jf


Tbo celebrated EnterpriseBeer on Draught and inBottles. .



225 Quoen street, Honolulu, H. I.


Contractor and Builder.Ofllcoa and Stores fitted up and

Estimates gh en oni


RT Ofllce and Shop: No. 610 Fort street,adjoining W. W. Wrist's Carriage Shop.


Architect and Superintendent

I Office: 305 Fort street,Spreckols Block, Room 5.

1 Residence: Hawaiian Hotel.

t"i j.w,v r,wwrwMfjw.iTrtt

lives & GOOKE

....DEALERS IK....

LUMBER,IB-ULlldenr- s'

Paints, Oils and Glass

Wall Paper, Mattings,

Etc., Etc., Etc.

LEWERS & COOKE,473 Fort Street, - - - - Telephono 20.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. O. Irwin, - President and ManagerOlnufl Spreckels, ... Vice-Presid-

W. M. QifTard, - Socrotory and TreasurerTheo. O. Porter, ... Auditor

Sugar FactorsAlfD

Commission Agents.AGENTS or THH




Queen street, Honolulu, II. I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, Onomra Surarcompany, uonomu stiRnr lompiny, wanukuSugar Company, Walhee Sugar Company, MakeaSugar Company, Halcakala Ranch Company,

Ranch. Flantcri' Line San FranciscoPackets, Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of BostonracKcis." Agents Boston uoaru oi underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.

ust or officers:P O Jones, President; George- II Robertson,Manager; E F Bishop, Treasurer and Sec-retary; Col. V F Allen, Auditor; OM Cooke,II Watcrbouso, A W Cartor, Directors.

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOLTE,



The Best Lunch in Town

Te'a and Coffeext alii notma.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS OM HAND.

Eagle -:- - HouseNuiiiiiiu Avenue.

CJIRL KLEMME, Proprietor,

New management. Commodious rooms.Table Bourd tbe finest, including manyPalatable German Dishes.

Boinl and Boom, per week $6.50 to 57.50

Table Board, per week. ' $5.00


1 - Fxojp.Per Dny 3.00Per Week 12.00

Opaclotl 2Cont2al7 Z.t I

The Best ot Attendance, the Best Situa-tion and tho Finest Meals in this Oity


EstabllBhcd 1874.

King St. noar Thomos Sqnaro

Home-Mad- e BREAD,Cakes : and : Pies

)JrSorvo(l Frosb Evory Doy

H. F. SINGER,Tolophopa 872. Solo Prop'r.

F1. HOKNBAKBBTIHotel street, near Fort.

BREAD, PJES and CAKESOI all kinds,

fjS Tbe Finest Imported and Homemade Confectionery.

Oyster Cocktails

... AT,

Tho Elito Ice Cream Parlors

7 , (M1' " aiiii nww J'j ,

Real Estate , q

ior Sale.1 Sold.a sold.a Two Stores on Nuuanu street.4 Lot on Magazine Hill, VMxVJl feet,

commaudlnK an excellent view of tbe cityand barbor.

5 Lot on Hackfeld street, 60x100.0 A Choice Residence on I.unalllo street,

having nil modern Improvements.7 fold.ti Four Houses and Lota on I'unchbowl

strict, all rented at a monthly rental of 10j.This property Is --Ml) feet on Punchbowl strce,with a depth of 222 feet ruuulii); to the drillgrounds or armory, w 1th a frontage on samefor 4 or ft more cottages. The central loca-tion of the property makes It most available.

U House and Lot on Kinau street. LotTOxIfio ft. This property will be sold at coafand Is an excellent bargain for n home seeker,Tbo house Is elegant!) flulslud and of thobest workmanship and materials. There Is acarriage house and barn on the premises andthejardls well laid out with fruit and ornamental trees.

10 A Kino Residence centrally located,containing 13 rooms. Lot ISMx'JOO ft. Twosmall cottages ou the lot bringing in goodrental.

11 S.t .Veres of Land In Kallhl valley, (WaWklki side). A stream uf untvr tlonsalougthis laud. A bargain.



14 A Commodious Residence on Hasslngeistreet, fltteil with all modern comcnlcnccs. O'will trado lor suburban property.


Id House and Lot on Ucrctanla streetHouse contains 0 rooms, and all modern convcnlences,. Lot WiUJ.

17. Fine Residence on Beretanla street.For further particulars Inquire at my office,

18. A House and Lot ou Young street.'W llouso ana Lot corner victoria ap

Beretanla streets, oppftstte Thomas squar.house contains a rooms. Size of lot 100xMt,

20-8- old.

SI House and Lot on Yonng street nrtho residence ot the Rev. Mr. Hyde. LotHOxHO. House contains eight rooms.

Sold.23 Pearl City Property.24Dcslrablu Tract of Coffee Laud on Ha-

waii.25 A most Desirable Homo on Thurston

avenue. Large grounds nnd beautiful flow,er garden; house furnished throughout is.hard wood with all latest improvement.Excellent view ot the city and ocean, andone which cannot be cut off.

2D A Largo Lot and Commodious Dwolling on Green Street, commanding an nn.obstructed viow of tho city and hurbor. Naehoioer residence is to be had in tho cityeven by the most fastidlons.

27 A New House ot seven rooms withelectric lights throughout, bath, patent WC, servants' quarters and stables. One blockfrom ear line at I'unahou.

23-- Only 4 of those Lots left near Kameha-mehasihu- ol.

2U Two Houses and Lots on Llllha street.30 An IB Acre Tract of Land at Kallhl

suitable for dividing np Into building lota.31 A House aud Lot on Alakca street.S3 A Beautiful Building Lot at Kallhl,

HMx200, cleared, fenced and water laid on.33 A Ocutly Sloping Lot on Thurston

avenue, 210x125, hanga frontacc on Ore'nstreet of 105 feet, and commanding a blrdVcye lcw of the city and harbor.


85 F.lci;aiit Beach Propertr at Walklkl.old.

CHOICK LOT left at Maklkiltadjclustbu residence of J A Ollniuiiaiidtho residence tllc of L Hopiicr, II Luwr,and Dr Wood.

38 Sold.30 Sold.


41 Lot ou Maklki street, 75xIIo Cheap.42 House and Lot nn Peterson Lauc, a.

Housu contains 0 rom. LotiTlxIlO.43 Dwclllug House of U roTns, titled with

all modern convenience) Lot 125x110Bltuatt-- at Palama.

44 Vacant Lot on WalklKl lload, lOOxtK45 llouso and Lot on Nuuanu street,

Housu coutalus ch;ht furnished rooms.Very conveniently located near th'i businesscenter of the city.

4(1 Elegant Residence at Puliation. Houseof 7 rooms with all modern conveniences.Lot loox'.'oo, nicely planted with fruit andornamental trees.

4712 Suits of Furniture complete andthe rental of the most desirable und cen-trally located Lodging House iu thn city.

48 rintopple much 25.000 fruitingplants, 600 lime trees, 60 Avocado uecutrees, peach trees and Alfalfa crop. TwoDwellings, barn, etc. An Al iuvestment.

411 -- 50 Acres CnQee land In fee simple, ami150 acres, ou a 30 j ears lease wlthaprUllcgeof fifteen years more, situated at Puna, Ha-waii, near UoudleV colTcu plantation. Nfine coffee land to be had.

50 A Lodging Housu on Fort street con-sisting of twenty furuUbed roMnt, all occu-pied by lodgers. A bargain for the rightperson.

51 A House aud Lot on Beretanlastreet be-tween I'unchbowl and Richards streets. Housecontains seven rooms, beside bathroom andkitchen. Lot 75x110, and well laid out withgrass and ornamental trees, i

Notice: I can Negotiate Loans ou any ofthe above property lor purchasers desiringsame at from 50 to 75 per cent of the value.

iTor Rent.1 Warthouiu on Esplanade.2 Rented.3 A Furnished Cottage In a good location

for two or three months.4-- A Beautiful Summer Residence at th

Peninsula, Pearl City, completely furniud:five moms and tenant's quarters. Will rentcheap to a deslrublo tenant. 1 ho lot Is overan acre In size nnd well laid out, and com-mands n beautiful view uf tho harbor,

o siore itoom, iitmts --' per montn,driveway Into It. Beretanla street, rear ofCity Feed Store.

0 Piece ground 30 feet front, on Bereta-nla street, next to City Vied Store. Willerect good sturu ou ground and lease 5 yearsat K!0 per month.

7 Rented.

W Furnished Cottage for couple at Wal-klkl, servants' quarters, ttablts, tie. f25 permonth, long lease.


Hawaiian Business Agency,210 Klnir' street and 207 Merchant strew t.

Heal Estate Transactions.

Sulwcribers aro furnished with from fiveto six lists per week, giving an accuraterecord of all deeds, mortgages, leases,

poworsof nttornoy, etc, etc, whichare placed on record. Also a lint ot alldistrict court judgments. ,

Subscription 1'rlro, $2.00 per Month.

A V. GEAR,-- 10 King St, Ilonolnln


V -













Page 8: ocooioooaoo4v? ewe inr.rt -M1 ,' ULLGTIN · 2015-06-01 · day introduce an advertising schomo that has provon a winnor in tho States. It is a 10 cont counter. Tho 10 cent conntor







ft t





Si..7 ,

,.l l''

fttt . '..'swf7 jl ii -

EVENING BULLETIN, FEBRUARY 11, 1897.j4fywfcTW vma0H'miir"rnn.


Till! N. . AI)SritAI,IA"S CAKI1U


KrltUh Nation 1VP Shore DrlllJ- -

InaLul JllttnUmi for ForelnSlennnlilp-Olti- or Mrwi.

The steamer Kaala loaves todayt 1 for Kahuku.The bark Allien Beese moved

to Custom 1Iou8o wharf today.The stenmor J A Cummins was

on tho Marino Railway today.The steamer James Makoo goes

to Kapnn tonight, leaving hero at1 p m.

Steamer Kiuau for Maui andHawaii will leavo at 10 a m to-

morrow.Tho BtearaorKeauhou will leave

this evening for Makaweli to getn load of sugar.

The schooner Ka Moi loaded alocomotivo and machinery atOceauio wharf today for Hama-ku- a.

Tomorrow, high tide large 0:34:p m;high tide small 11:28 a m; lowtide largo 1:50 p m; low tide small7:55 a m.

Early this morning tolophonebolls rang and whistles woreblown for a foreign steamer offDiamond Head. It turned out tobo tho Inter-Isla- nd steamer Iwa-la- ni.

A company of British tars fromH B M S Icarus landed thismorning for drill. The menmoved lively when an order wasgiven, ami they made a goodshowing.

A rumor comes from Glasgowthat tho Admiralty intends to in-

troduce a now class o torpedo-destroye- r,

with a minimum speedof 33 knots, and that twonty oftheso vessels will bo ordered withvery little delay. Reports of thisnaturo have, says tho MorningPost, been for some time in circu-lation, and they avo now becominga littlo more definite. DublinWeekly Freomau.

The first of the three Cunardsteamships intended for that com-

pany's Mediterranean servico willbo launched in February. Thothreo vessels, which aro betweou4000 and 5000 tons, are boing builtby Messrs Workman and Clarke,of Belfast, and will be tho luigestboats yet built for tho Mediter-ranean trado. All throe ships aroexpected to tako thoir placo at thostation before tho middle of thoyear. Dublin Weekly Freomau.

Shipments of domestic producoper S S Australia to San Fran-cisco yesterday were valued at872,010.91, ami foreign produco at$1201. Dome&tic produce wasshipped as follows: 11,170 banssugar by Win G Irwin & Co, 2025bags sugar by M S Griubaum itCo, 150 bags rice by L 0 Abies,fe'QO bngs rice by Sing Cliong itCo, 570 bags rice uuil 09 bagscolleo by M Phillips fc Co, 133bags colToo by L 1$ Kerr, 1 lmcolTeo by Lewis & Co, 7 bnncoll'uo by M W McChesnoy

'121 bills hides and kips and19 bdls sheep hkius by G JWaller, 205 bdls hides and 2 balesgoat skins by F F Porter, 1725bunches bulimias and 529 bxbananas by Campbell .fc Co, 410bunches bananas by E L Marshall,450 buuehos bananas by OlmsWilcox, 1213 bunches bananas byY Lum Sing Co. 25Q bunchesbananas by Yeo Hop Sing, 911bunches bananas by Sing WarnCo, 721 bunches , bananas byKwong Tni Loy, N71 bunchoBbananas by Chang Chan, 209bunches and 10 bx bananas and 7bx pines by Geo LycurguB, 05 bxpines by John Kidwell, 5 bx pinosby E W Jordan, 11 bx pines byPearl City Fruit Co, 50 bx pinosby D McLean, 127 sks piuo plantsand 1 bx pines by Wing TaiLung, 3 bx betel leaf by SingKee,3 bx betel by Quong Wah On Co.


II H M S Icarus, Fleet, Esqulmnlt.UH8 Alert, Hanlord, San Francisco,

MERCHANTMEN.(Coaatcrs not Included lu Ibis list.)

Am tclir Itobcrt Lewura, (Joodman, New-castle.

II r tk Koutenbcclc, ltudgera, Liverpool,Feb 7.

Am bk S C Allen, Jnhiiton, 8 F.Am ship II B Hyde, Brrlbncr, 8 K.Am scbr Transit, Jorccneou, 8 F,Am bk Allien Hesse, I'otter, S F.Am bktn IrniKnrd. Schmidt, S F,Am bktn Archer, Calhoun, 8 F,llr bk Norlhbrook, I.uwdon, Uom;kom;.(iershli) Marie lluekfeld, Kruso, firemen.(ler bk J U Olade, Liverpool.Haw scbr Honolulu, Tliousgel, Tocopilla.Jlaw lik It V Hltliet. Thompson, Newcastle.Am bk Albert. (Irlllllhs. A F, FebB.Am ship (J F Sargent, Mnrse,NecustleFeU 1

BrDtui c a r.


--keressTOlBj? x ' 31






rood mnefrialwill prove their



, Weiinesoat, Feb. 10.

Stmr Keauliou, Tbornpon, from ports on0hu.

Stmr Kaalo, Mosber, from Oahu ports.Thuiisday, Feb. II.

Stmr Iwalanl, Orcory, from porta on Ha-



Wziinbsiiat, Feb. 10?

S 8 Australia, Houdlette, for 8an Franctsco.

Stmr Mlkahala, Thompson, for Eletle andMakaweli.

Stmr Kauai, Driilin, (or llanamaulu.Stmr Ukcllkc, N)C, for Ulowalu aud



Stmr Iwalanl, Orcijory, for Lahalna, Hono-ka- a

and Kukulhaelc.Stmr Klnau, Clarke, for Maul and Ha-



Ex stmr Kaaln ISOU bags sugar.Ex stmr Iwalanl 13I'J b.iijs stiur.Er stmr Keauhou li'WS bags paddy, Vll

bas sugar.


Ywsels Where trom liuc8 S CblttaL'ODir, Portland Feb 10

Monowal F " IIWarrlmoo Victoria " 10Cltyot Peking S F " 20Mlowcra Colonics..,,..,,,... " 84Belfilc Yokohama 20Ilk dcmlunlc Ncwscastlu Feb '1$

Scbr Lizzie Vance, Sydney, Duelll Call.io, Newcastle DueAm bk Amy Turner,.. Now York DueAm ship May Flint SF DueNIc bk Dominion, ....Newcastle Duelik (i (J Perkins Newcastle Duellktu Wrestler Newcastle DueAm bktn Planter Nowcastlo DueGer bk Paul lseuberi;... .Liverpool DueAm scbr Aloha 8 F Duolir ship Semantba SF Due

To I'orllfy ii Sow York Mioal.

Ilomor shoals in tho lower bayat the eutranco to New York har-

bor, long have boon viowod byArmy engineers as fields for forti-fication. The placing of a btselturret, inclosing heavy guns, ontho dry Rotnor, about wliore tholight is now, has been a part of thoscheme for tho fortification ofNow York harbor. Tho need offortifications at other points hasbeen so urgent, however, that thoHomer shoul schemo was tempor-arily dropped.

Now comes Air. Fisohor ofBrooklyn with a bill in Congressto provide for the immediate re-

vival of the old plan mid itsto cver the building of

threo turrets instead of one.Three turrets, armed with sixtooninch guns, would bo formidablealTairs on Homer shoals, says thoNow York Tress, especially ifthey were revolving turrets, sothat thoy could concentrato thoirfire in any direction.

Homer shoals extend in a north-west and southeast direction, u

Sandy Hook and Coneyisland. Guns mounted there coulddeliver a cross firo with tho SandyHook batteries, the Plumb islaudbatteries and the forts at tho Nar-rows. Tho construction of thesoturrots would bo a work of muohtimo and groat exponso.

It receutly was announced thattho War Department intondod toconcentrate- all its energies anduvailablo appropriations for thedefense of New York upon FortWadsworth. so that the Nnrinnmi'"ht have at least ono greatmodern fort. Mr. Fischer's billonly seeks to hurry up what isbound eventually to como thofortification of Homer shoals.

A I' I no Nnrrcy.

Gus Schuinan has roceivodfrom tho Coast one of tho finestsurreys over imported ,to thiscountry. It was manufacturedby thefcelobrated Columbus Ilug-g- y

Company and is a b&auty.Anyoub desiriug it nicQtdoubloturnout will do well to inspootthis vehicle It is largo androomy, jtiBt tho thing for .familyuse.

Kvei'tnij liulleli" 75c per month.!




-- erir:


Disease Canned by. the Too Sparine Useof Fluids.

Physicians sny that too littlo flnid iataken, rather than too much, and thogreat boucflt derived from treatment atmineral springs is often quite ns muchduo to tho amount as to tho kind ofwater.

Mnny diseases nro directly duo to toogreat concentration of tho fluids of thobody and aro to bo counteracted by thoimbibition of larger quantities, for atimo at least. To havo trafflrient waterpresent is tho rntionalo of water curcf ,

especially that form which prescribestho drinking of a cupful of hot or coldwater half an hour before meals. Thisnot only washes out tho stomach; itfurnishes tho medium for tho active

ptyalin, gastrio jnico, etc, inquantity. Oil tho other hand, excess liesin tho path of this as well as otherthings, and what is a ruloforouo is nota rulo for another. However, if onofinds that tho taking of a pint of waterwill relievo thatscuso of oppression andindigestion which sometimes occurs anhour or two after a meal, and that onlyfavorablo effects follow, tho inferenco isthat too littlo was taken with tho food.Thcro is not much danger of taking toomuch clear water.

Tho ti'iupornturo of tho water to bodrunk is often a vexed question. Thismay bo left, to tho individual, for thoquantity taken (ono-hal- f to ono pint) atany ono timo can havo but littlo influ-ence upon tho tempcraturo of tho Hpints of blood circulating rapidly abouttho 70 or more pounds of water in thotissues, which aro maintained at n tem-perature of nearly 100 degrees.

For experiment two tumblers of icowater havo been slowly swallowed andpromptly siphoned out and found tohavo attained a tempcraturo of 05

in fivo minutes. It is truo. that itis possible to swallow ico water so rap-idly and in such quantities that thostomach receives a momentary c,hill anddisturbance sots in, but this is no reasonwhy all ico water should bo forbidden.

How Cloth la Made Waterproof.Tho process, now in uso among tho

Yorkshire clothmnkcrs for waterproof-ing cloth is ono that may bo under-taken by privato persons in their ownhonies and is as follows: Dissolvo onoouuco of isinglass in ono pound of softwater, ono ouuco of alum in two poundsof water and a quarter of an ounce, ofsoap in ono pound of water, all sepa-rately. Strain, tho solutions, mix thcainnd let them simmer for somo time.Brush tho preparation whilo hot overtho cloth, and when dry brush it welland lay on another coat, till on thowrong side. Tho cloth will bo flt for usoin two or tluco daya

How tu Maltp ii StHlntd ainsa Window.If tho artMio aud thrifty housowifo

will savo tho colored ghin bottles thatAnd thoir way into her house aud putthem to uso in. tho following manner,sho will havo something that will bo adelight. Ureal: tho bottles into coinparatively small pieces, and then, if a cer-tain regularity is desired, cut tho piecesinto shupo with a diamond pointed glasscutter,

Arraugo theso ou a pauo of pla'uwhito glass tho desired size, using a lit-tlo transparent cement to hold them inplaco, and n mixture of whito cementand putty to imltato tho lead that isused in cxpeimlvo staiucd glasswork.Tho dull, rich olivo of tho olurct bottle,tho docp amber of tho sherry, tho doli-oion- s

sea water green which "is used forginger alo, and tho various shades of redand bluo that ono gets from 'tho apothe-cary and tho wino merchant aro revela-tions when cleansed of thoir contentsand held in singlo thickness against thelight

When tho cement is dry, tho windowcan bo pu( in placo, and as tho Bunlightstrikes it sho whoso fingers havo douotho work will feel that it was wellworth tho trouble.

fall Stumbllnc Illock.

(ii ii', r '""" '- --

"What brought you to this sad condi-tion?"

"P'raps you won't beliovo it, mum.but it wus tho fatal gift of boauty. "I .Ifn--"-

fWlVlgRB4.'l-rVJlM-IVi-- FIIJMrTTT'TirriMfciii i ..ii HA ""! JUUHtf' V-- ! ii1 ' MIPimmTrDiiiiTTi r nan

' ' ' f' ,

iH. W. Sepidi & Song

Have Just Received per 8. S."Australia"

pfew Fashion Qoods

Very 1'ielty Designs.

ParisBallDresses . . .

Dress Goods In Evening Shades!

--A. 11 HXTo--

Wholesale and Retail.

Straw Hat ChatFOR ONE WEEK.

Wonderful, tho styloand comfort tacked togetherwith straw.Bomo men are just stubbornenough to look into theirlive-doll- derby for tholabel and then tbluk of aHtruw hat. If the label leaduyou no nearer th batter thaua thought, you are a coupleilollatM in, provided yourthought leads you here.All the hatters' styles andsome of our own.Price, all our own


For the Week Only


"The Eash."9 Hotel Street : ; WaTCrlBY BlOCt

Marshal's Sale.

Uy virtno of a Writ of Execution issuedmil nt tlilDIutf-In- Pmirt .... II. ir.il. !..of Jaminry, A. D. 1807, npniustChow Sing,uriciiiiiiiu, m mvor oi in Bing, pialntltl, lortho sum of $210.23, I havo leivduouand shall oxpono for sale at tho StationHoiirtc, iu tbo District of Honolulu, Islandof Oauu, at 12 o'clock of Saturday, tho20th day of February, A 1). 1897, to theUifihest bidder, all tbo right, titlo uud

of tho suid Chow Sing, defendant,in aud to tho following propel ty, unlesssaid judgment, Interest, costs and my ex-penses bo previously paid,

of property lor saleiConsisting of tho one-tent- h Interest in

the leasehold rights and nsnctnof tho ilrmof Sun Wong Wo Company, a llannnaplantation, situated on tho mauka sido ofthe Waikiki road at Walkiki.

Honolulu, Oahu. January, 10, A.D. 1897.U. It. niTOHCOOK,

Deputy Marshal Hepublio of Hawaii.512--

Poundmaster's Notice.Notice is hereby given that one

White Mure braudeil "A" ou the leftneck, blank spot on knees of the lore-I- t

gs and hind leg1,' also one Uay Coltwithout brand, white spot on the forohead, two foro legs black, one lefthind-le- g

white and the left hlud-le- black,have, been Impounded lo tho Governincut Pound at Maklki, Honolulu,and if said est ray h are not claimed andall pouod charges satUflpd on or be-fore Saturday, February 20, 1897, at 12o'clock noon the same will be sold onlhat date and hour to Din highestbidder. K. KEKUENE,

Poundmastnr.Honolulu, February 8, 1897. 528 3t

Poundmaster's Notice.

Notice is hereby givon that oneCream Colored Horse hranded--o- n theleft hip aud on the left side, two hindlegs black and white, left fore-le- g

black, and right fore-le- g white andblack, shod on left fore and hind hoofs,has been impounded in the Govern-ment Pound at Maklkl, Honolulu, andIf said estray Is not claimed aud allPound churees satisfied ou or beforoSaturday, February 20, 1897, at 12o'uiock uoou, win Banie win ue som onthat date and hour to the highestbidder. K. KEKUENE,' Potiudmaster.

Honolulu, February 5, 1897. 520 3t


Xainter,Paper Hanging & Decoration

Neatly done. All work promptly and care-fully attended to. Tolophone 810. Resi-dence, Kuakinl streot. 528-ln- i

The Evening Jtullelin, 75 centsper wonth.


Steamers of tho abovo Lino running in connection with tho

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBetween Vancouver, B. O., and Sydney, N. H. W., and calling at Victoria, B. Cv.

Honolulu and Suva (1'iji),

ZEeI 3DTJB --A.T Z3I03TOITTZL,TrOn or about tho dates bolow stated, viz.:

From Sydney anil Burn, for Victoria anilVancouver. II. C.t

Stmr "MIOWEHA" February 24Btmr "WAKKIMOO" March 21Stair "MIOWEHA" April 24Strar "WAKIUMOO" May 24

Through Tickets issued from Honolulu to Canada,United States mid Europe.


. MoNiooll, Montreal, Canada.Kodeiit Kr.itn, Winnipeg, Canada.

M. M. Stekm, Sim Francisco, Cal.G. JIcii.BuowN, Vancouver, B. C.

ic SteamsMu Go.

Australian Mall Service.

For San Francisco:The New and Fino Al Steel Steamship

"Zealai-dia- "'

Of tho Oceanio Steamship Company willbe duo at Honolulu from Sydney andAuckland on or about

March 49 1897.And will leavo for tho abovo port withMails and Passengers on or about thatdate.

For Sydney and Auckland:

The New and Fino Al Stoo Steamship" TWT iV frm i M

Of tho Oceauio Steamship Company willhe duo at Honolulu from San Franciscoon or about

Feb. 11, 1897.And will have prompt despatch withMails and Passengers for the above ports.

The undersigned aro now preparedto issue

Through Tickets to All Pointsin tho United States.

CWFor farther particulars regardingFreight or Passage apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd,General Agents.

Oceanic Steamsnip Go


Arrivo Honolulu Leavi Honolulufrom H, '. ror a. a:

March 2. 1897 March 10, 1807March 30, 1897 April 7, 1897

THROUGH LINEFrom San Francisco From Sydney for

for Sydney. San Francisco.

lrrip Honolulu. Xtave Honutulu.

Monowni, Feb 11, '07 I Zealandin, Mo 4, '97Alameda, Mo 11, '97 .Moana, April 1, '97

Dr. W. L. Moore3?:fcL37-sIcisi:-



'illlo, nwali". ' -8pccldl attention given to diseases of the'

eye and car.

9 to 13 am.OUlco hours 2 to 4 pm.

Walanucnue Ave. near Court House. i63-t- l

DR. C. A. PETERSON.... REMOVK.1) TO ....

No. 28 Emma Street,Office Hours: 8 to 10 a. m., 2 to 4 aud

7 to 8 p. m. Telephone 752. 467-2-


JPhysician. and Surgeon.TELEPHONE 852..

Houri: 8:30 to 10 a. m., 1:30 to4 p. m., and 7 to 8 p. m. . , .

44tsrunclibowl ttroet or 148 Miller street,Honolulu, Oahu. 480-t- f

A. O. WALL, D. D. S.,

DENTIST.New Love's Building, Fort 8traet.


Steamship Line

From Victoria anil Vancouver, II. 0 toSuva anil Hytlnert

Stmr "WArtltlMOO" February 16Stmr "MIOWEHA" MBrch 16Stmr "WAKIUMOO" ..AwilStmr "MIOWEitA" .Uy J.

ST For Freight and Passage and allGeneral Information, apply to

THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAgents for the Hawaiian Islands.

lUer's Steamship Co'r.TIME TABLE,

o. l. wiprrr, rr. s. n. rose, sec.Capt. J. A. KING, PortSupt.

Stmr. "KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 10 a. m., touching atLahainaj MaAlaoa Bay and Mskena thesame day; Mahukonn. Kawaihaa and Laupahoehoo tho following dcy, arriving atllilo tho same evening,

lats nowoLPi-p- . absivxs noKOLuxtr.

Friday Feb. 12 Friday Feb. 19Tuesday Feb. 23 Tuesday..... Mor. 2"Friday Mur. 6 Friday... ..Mar. 12Tuesday Mar. 10 Tuesday.. .Mar. 23

Returning, will leavo Hilo at 1 o'clockr, m., touching at Laupahoehoe, Mnhukona and Kawaihne situe day; Makena,Mialaeu Lay aud Lahaiua the followingdayj arriving at Honolulu the afternoonsoi 'JLuesday and Fridays.

Will call at Fohoikl, Puna.UBP'No Freight will bo received after

12 noon on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leavo Honolulu Tuesday at 5 p. m.jtouching at Kahulul, Huns, Hamoa andKipahulu, Maui. Returning arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call at Nuu, Kaupo. on second tripof each month.

T"No Freight will be received afterp. m. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves the right tomako changes in the timo of departure andarrival of its steamers without notice andit will not be responsible for any conse-quences arising therefrom.

uonsignees must oo at tue Landings torecoive their Freight; this Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight afterit has been landed.

Live Stock only at owner's risk.This Compauy will not be responsible

for Money or Valuables of passengersunless placed in the caro of Pursers.

Passengers are requested to purchasetickets beforo embarking. Those failiDg todo m will be bubjqpt to au additionalcharge of twenty-liv- e per cent.

"New Ewa

Plantation Co.

Stock.In Blocks to suit pur- -,

chasers. "Will deliverafter January 2, 1897.

BSF" Inquire of

The Hawaiian Safe, Deposit &Investment Company,

OS Fort Strnat ... Itonolnlo

OENTOALKona Sanatorium.BHuatod on a Beautiful Hillside Overlook,

ing tho Ocean, and 1300 feetabove Sea Level.

Only 24 hours' sail from Honolulu."Climate mild, clenr dry atmospheie, ireefrom fofra nnrl mnlnrln AanA.1.1 M.n..I.fMM

Mor quiet and rest as well as for amuse.meut nuu ouiuoor me. nates 5J per dayQr $10 per week. Medical attendance extra,

t3T AddressDlt.H.A.LINDLEY,Frop.,

325-t- Kona, llawaii.

Just ReceivedGold and Silverwaro,

, .Crockory and Ivorywaro,Erabroidorod Fans,Silk Handkerohiefs,Sliawls, rioroons,Whito Grass Oloth, Mattings,Wicker nnd Steamer Ohnirs,OignrB, Etc., Etc.,

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nmianu Street, Honolulu,

.iUif.f,- - 4J&. &&&.. " v .A , ' ,.

'.. - , ;

. j y i:.j. ..' j Jj)! '. i



