
GAMMA PHI NEWS University of North Texas to seek beauty with its enriching influence

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recap of september




University of North Texas

“to seek beauty with its enriching influence”

Stand Up, Stand Out After spending half of summer looking for

a Stand Up, Stand Out speaker our historian, Liliana,

finally got in contact with someone very special,

Laura L. Smith. She is an author of multiple books

that are based on different life trials that young

adults go through. She paid us a visit on September

17th and spoke to us about true beauty, about our

“seat” in life and how to wisely choose where we

sit-a metaphor relating to which path in life we

take. She told us that it’s never too late to chase

our dreams, we have our sisters to help us find

“our firework”, we are beautiful and can change

the world if we do a lot of what we love. She came

at a time when some of our sisters really needed it

and for that we cannot be more thankful.

Senior Spotlight:

Chelsea Godin Spring 2011 was a great semester at

Gamma Phi-that ‘s when we got one of our

amazing seniors, Chelsea Godin. Ever since she

joined we knew she would be more than just an

average member and she has proven that to us.

Since being in Zeta Chelsea has served on PC

as corresponding secretary and EC as treasurer.

She is a Hospitality Management major, who will

be gradating in the near future. She hopes to

find a job in the DFW area working as an event

planner for a corporate company. Many of you

know Chelsea and know just how much she will

be missed. She has given so much of her time to

our chapter and that does not go unnoticed.

Pink Out the Rink

On September 20th we hosted our 3rd annual Pink out the Rink with the UNT Hockey Team. We sold T-shirts, handed out shower cards, ribbons, and cheered on the team to victory over UT!!! It was a great, fun night promoting our philanthropy and supporting our team!

This past Saturday we spent our morning volunteering at Race for the Cure in Denton. 5am always comes to early, but we love that we get the opportunity to be able to support our wonderful philanthropy. We spent our time in the survivor’s tent, kids for a cure tent, helping different tents handing out their things, Elizabeth’s Garden, giving directions, etc. It was a wonderful morning spent with sisters and all you wonderful alum!

Race for

the Cure

Upcoming events: • Fight like a Girl: 10/2

• Think Pink Week:10/7-10/10

– Ziti Tau Alpha: 10/10

• Pink out the Game: 10/12

• Big/little Reveal: 10/24

• Family Weekend: 10/12

• Mixer with Sigma Nu: 10/17

Keep up with us on social


• Instagram: northtexas_zta

• Twitter: unt_zta

• Facebook: North Texas Zeta Tau Alpha