october - 1st november 2020

Tri-weekly Notes 18 th October - 1 st November 2020 Our service pattern remains unchanged over the next few weeks! 8am BCP Holy Communion - just turn up (no need to book) and please bring a face covering to wear. For test and trace, you will need to give your name and contact number when you arrive. 9.30am Parish Eucharist - please book in advance to come. Call Ruth on 023 9255 6445, or email [email protected]. Please bring a face covering to wear. 11am Sundays@11 is now indoors and outdoors - you choose where to be! We’ll be meeting in the Bulson Hall and also on the grass outside. There will be a screen by the back doors of the Bulson Hall, so that people outside can see and hear. Wherever you’re going to sit, please bring your own picnic blanket or chairs to sit on if you can. You don’t need to book in advance (although we will need to record your presence for Track and Trace). All Parish Eucharists and Sundays@11 will be live streamed on YouTube and Facebook. Some 8am services will also be streamed. See online for information at stfaithslee.org/sunday-8am/ Thursday 11.30am Communion service - just turn up (no need to book) and please bring a face covering to wear. For test and trace, you will need to give your name and contact number when you arrive. Church Office and Vestry decorating Over the next 5/6 weeks we will have painters each Thursday, to paint the church office and vestry. As you can imagine there may be a ‘little bit of chaos’ but please do still ring/email through service bookings or other queries as usual. Ruth will be away for two weeks and Jo Drew will kindly be covering the office during this time. Many thanks for your patience and understanding whilst this work gets underway.

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Tri-weekly Notes

18th October - 1st November 2020

Our service pattern remains unchanged

over the next few weeks!

8am BCP Holy Communion - just turn up (no need to book) and please

bring a face covering to wear. For test and trace, you will need to give your

name and contact number when you arrive.

9.30am Parish Eucharist - please book in advance to come. Call Ruth on

023 9255 6445, or email [email protected]. Please bring a face

covering to wear.

11am Sundays@11 is now indoors and outdoors - you choose where

to be! We’ll be meeting in the Bulson Hall and also on the grass outside.

There will be a screen by the back doors of the Bulson Hall, so that people

outside can see and hear. Wherever you’re going to sit, please bring your

own picnic blanket or chairs to sit on if you can. You don’t need to book in

advance (although we will need to record your presence for Track and


All Parish Eucharists and Sundays@11 will be live streamed on

YouTube and Facebook. Some 8am services will also be streamed.

See online for information at stfaithslee.org/sunday-8am/

Thursday 11.30am Communion service - just turn up (no need to book)

and please bring a face covering to wear. For test and trace, you will need to

give your name and contact number when you arrive.

Church Office and Vestry decorating Over the next 5/6 weeks we will have painters each

Thursday, to paint the church office and vestry. As you can

imagine there may be a ‘little bit of chaos’ but please do still

ring/email through service bookings or other queries as usual.

Ruth will be away for two weeks and Jo Drew will kindly be

covering the office during this time. Many thanks for your

patience and understanding whilst this work gets underway.

Annual Parochial

Church Meeting news Last Sunday we held our Annual

Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). Thanks to everyone

who joined online and in


Thanks also to those who were willing to join the PCC - Joyce Dawson, Mandy

Fulton and Carolyn Keyzor - and Deanery Synod - Mike James, Luke Marshall

and Roger Vann. Cliff Rook and Mike Shrives have been elected as church-


Much of the APCM was about looking back to 2019 (which feels a very long

time ago), but Paul spoke about the church’s current situation and plans for the

future. You can watch Paul’s short talk about these things on the St Faith’s

YouTube channel - please do so if you can!

There is a link to our YouTube channel, and to all the APCM documents, on

the APCM web page: www.stfaithslee.org.uk/apcm


Remembrance Sunday

online - 8 November This Remembrance Sunday there will

be no gathering at the war memorial on the seafront. This is because

pandemic rules do not allow such

large gatherings at the moment.

We will however be recording an

Act of Remembrance for the Lee

community, and live streaming it at

10.50am on Remembrance Sunday.

We will encourage our local community to join in with this live stream, and for

the two minute’s silence, to stand on their doorsteps as they did for Clap for Carers earlier in the year.

At St Faith’s we will be holding our usual morning services on Remembrance

Sunday, and we will show the Act of Remembrance for the Lee Community on

the screen in the Bulson Hall before Sundays@11.

The Prayer Course -

it’s not too late to join This last week we started The Prayer Course -

and it’s not too late to join! The course is being held on Zoom; to register, please email Paul or sign up via the church website:


The course runs on Zoom at 7.30pm on Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

(You only need to come to either Wednesday or Thursday - the sessions are


This is a great opportunity to learn

to pray and to explore prayer with

others who are learning too.

Everyone is welcome!


Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving

4pm Sunday 15th November Our annual Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving is an opportunity for

people who have lost a loved-one to remember them at a special service. This

year the service will be held online, due to pandemic restrictions.

During the service, there will be an opportunity to remember loved ones

through prayer, reflections, candles, and a visual tribute of photos and names.

If you would like someone to be included in this visual tribute, please use the

form on our website to send us their name and a photo:

stfaithslee.org/service-of-remembrance-and-thanksgiving/ ------------------------------------------------------

People and Planet Meeting

7.30pm Tuesday 20th

October on Zoom The People and Planet group are

meeting this Tuesday on Zoom - If you wish to join the meeting please contact

Elaine Johnson for the Zoom link: [email protected].

Five things God can't do.

God can do anything and everything! The hope and help this truth offers is a balm

to my soul when I’m in need of answered prayer and strength to move on. But

there is also comfort in looking at the things God doesn’t do. It’s not that He

can’t… it’s more that He won’t. https://bit.ly/3loCivr

How do we deal with the invisible plague of shame?

Shame and guilt are often confused, and it is very important to distinguish them

clearly because they need dealing with in very different ways. Please note that

here I am not talking about the kind of shame that comes from being guilty. I am

writing of the kind of shame some have called ‘toxic shame’ which stands alone.


Running an unexpected course.

The author of Hebrews calls us to run the race with endurance. But each of us

must run a specific course—”the race that is set before us” (Heb. 12:1). The terrain affects the momentum with which we run and the effort we exert. The

more challenging the obstacles in our way, the more endurance we need.


Where to begin in learning about Social Justice.

The topic of social justice is receiving much attention within the church and

without. In scouring the Bible’s pages to see what it says about matters of justice

we may have overlooked the one book that is explicitly and specifically intended to

give us wisdom for this very topic. https://bit.ly/30JREmq



Frankie Gunns’ Son-in-Law Andrew of the Royal Engineers has been

awarded a CBE! This is fantastic news. Congratulations!

Volunteer Dog walking

Would you be able to help walk a dog for an elderly

person in Lee? If you are able to offer some spare time

to help with this, please contact Sandy Tumkin 07915

621660 for details.

Advent & Christmas 2020 - a year like no other... This year, due to the pandemic, Advent & Christmas will look different to the

past, and we are thinking creatively about how we can help our community

celebrate these special times. Below are some ways you can get involved in our different festivities this year….

Advent Trail This Advent St Faith’s would like to host an Advent

trail through Lee! Each week a number of windows

would be revealed, like windows in an Advent

calendar, for people to find. The window and where

it can be found will be posted online on the relevant

day with a short explanation of what it represents.

Get involved!

There are a number of

ways you can get involved with the Advent trail:

Do you live in Lee and have a window that can

be seen easily from the pavement that you

would consider giving over to a display from the

number you are allocated until 12th night?

Would you like to help design the windows?

Would you like to record a short explanation?

Contact Becca on 023 9200 6184 or at [email protected] to get


The Not-So-Live Nativity This year we can’t hold our

successful Live Nativity, but we are

going to record some of the sketch-

es from last year, for use in our

Christmas celebrations.

We’re looking for household/bubbles to volunteer to act a scene together,

recorded in the Bulson Hall. We welcome all ages, and bubble members who

don’t normally come to church as well as our regulars. So if you and your family/grandchildren/pals fancy having a go – do let Mary know (contact

details on the back page). We may even be able to tweak the scripts to suit

your particular group!

Welcome Teams on Sundays:

new people needed! Our Sunday Welcome Teams do some

really important things: welcoming people to the church, helping services run

smoothly, and keeping us all safe through Track and Trace lists, for example.

We need some more people to help on our Welcome Teams at Sunday

services! Full training will be given. If you can be a friendly face as people

arrive, and can help with some practical things around services, then it’s you

we’re looking for! Please contact Rita Morgan (023 9255 4078;

[email protected]) to get involved. ------------------------------------------------------

Traidcraft Stall Sunday 18th October The next stall(s) will be on 18th October and 1st November. We will have new catalogues, Christmas

Cards, wrapping paper and Advent calendars in addition

to our usual items. Advent calendars are the same

price as last year at £3.99. Please do not leave it too

late to order what you

need! I will remain at the

back of the Church until just before the 11 am

service for the convenience of those attending

that service. The order sheet will be on the stall

plus hand sanitisers and wipes for the pen.

Looking forward to seeing you and thank you.

Cecily Parkinson


Congratulations! Baby Elin Marged Townsend

(Welsh for Ellen Margaret)

arrived on Wednesday at 9.07am weighing 6lb 10oz and

is absolutely perfect! Anna

got home on Thursday to

meet her. Nicki.

For your prayers in these weeks

Collect for the 19th Sunday after Trinity (18th October)

O God, forasmuch as without you we are not able to please you;

mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit

may in all things direct and rule our hearts;

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Collect for the Last Sunday after Trinity (25th October)

Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning:

help us so to hear them,

to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them

that, through patience, and the comfort of your holy word,

we may embrace and for ever hold fast the hope of everlasting life,

which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ,

who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever. Amen.

All Saints’ Day (1st November)

Almighty God, you have knit together your elect

in one communion and fellowship

in the mystical body of your Son Christ our Lord:

grant us grace so to follow your blessed saints

in all virtuous and godly living

that we may come to those inexpressible joys

that you have prepared for those who truly love you;

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Those who are unwell: Andrew Munro, Heather Beer, Marjorie Elliott,

Ryan, Sarah

Please pray for:

Our new PCC members, and for our plans for remembrance, Advent and


For all those who will receive our Harvest gifts via the Food Bank in


For scientists working on treatments and vaccines for Covid-19

For those who feel isolated and lonely at this time

For a closer walk with God for all of our church community


Revd Dr Paul Chamberlain

023 9200 6184

[email protected]


Revd Dr Mary Kells

01329 556151

[email protected]

Director of Music

Richard Dewland

07561 318 355

[email protected]

Church Administrator

Ruth Dewland

023 9255 6445

[email protected]


Cliff Rook

023 9255 1300

[email protected]


Mike Shrives

023 9255 0525

[email protected]

Contact us!

