october fall 2013 pp newsletter

Join us for our Monthly Prayer Gatherings: First Saturday of each month at St. Barnabas Church, 9451 Brandywine Road, Northfield, OH 44067 beginning with Mass at 8:30, followed by the Rosary, Prayers, Guest Speaker & Refreshments! OCTOBER : Month of the ROSARY Find it hard to say the Rosary every day? Pick up a Rosary on CD at our meeting. If you would like one now, email our group at our new email: [email protected] and we will get you one! Listening to the Rosary in your car on your way to your errands is an easy way to pray it daily! Our Blessed Mother doesn’t care that you split it up, saying half on your way to the bank, and the other half on your way to the grocery store! Never miss a day with a Rosary CD in your car! NOVEMBER 7 Holy Hour for Vocations 7 p.m. St. Barnabas Church Rosary & Benediction ISSUE 6 FALL 201 3 ST. PADRE PIO PRAYER GROUP NEWSLETTER Spritual Director: Rev. Fr. Edward Janoch Group Leader: Cindy Russo OCTOBER 12 7 th Annual Rosary Rally at Noon at Twinsburg Town Square at Routes 82/91 NOVEMBER 2 Padre Pio Prayer Group Meeting: St. Barnabas Church, 8:30 Mass, Rosary, Prayers, Speaker, Refreshments Fall has come upon us. The weather is changing, the color of the leaves is changing and are you changing? Have you seen spiritual growth since spring and summer in you? If you have, say ‘yes’ to this question, then you are on your way.! Spirituality should not stay stagnant. When have you asked God to increase your faith? You can’t do it alone. Without all the summer activities, perhaps it is time to retreat to your favorite quiet place. You can increase your knowledge of God with a great book. Go to a special program offered at your church. Find a program or series on EWTN. Be selfish. Make some time for you and the Lord. You cannot truly share in His love if you don’t do the work for yourself first. As you take the walk of faith, you will be amazed what God has in store for you. The simplest, kind act to others pleases our Lord. St. Padre Pio spent his whole life seeking, finding, adoring, sharing and sacrifice. Remember every morning is a brand new beginning. Don’t let the opportunity slip away. The past is gone and we don’t know what the future brings. Find JOY in each new day! Jesus Others You

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Join  us  for  our  Monthly  Prayer  Gatherings:  First  Saturday  of  each  month  at  St.  Barnabas  Church,  9451  Brandywine  Road,  Northfield,  OH  44067  beginning  with  Mass  at  8:30,  followed  by  the  

Rosary,  Prayers,  Guest  Speaker  &  Refreshments!  

OCTOBER : Month of the ROSARY Find  it  hard  to  say  the  Rosary  every  day?    Pick  up  a  Rosary  on  CD  at  our  meeting.    If  you  would  like  one  now,  email  our  group  at  our  new  email:  [email protected]  and  we  will  get  you  one!    Listening  to  the  Rosary  in  your  car  on  your  way  to  your  errands  is  an  easy  way  to  pray  it  daily!    Our  Blessed  Mother  doesn’t  care  that  you  split  it  up,  saying  half  on  your  way  to  the  bank,  and  the  other  half  on  your  way  to  the  grocery  store!    Never  miss  a  day  with  a  Rosary  CD  in  your  car!  

NOVEMBER  7  Holy  Hour  for  

Vocations  7  p.m.  St.  Barnabas  Church  

Rosary  &  Benediction  

I S S U E 6 F A L L 2 0 1 3


Spritual Director: Rev. Fr. Edward Janoch

Group Leader: Cindy Russo

OCTOBER  12  7th  Annual  Rosary  Rally  at  Noon  at  Twinsburg  Town  

Square  at    Routes  82/91  

NOVEMBER  2  Padre  Pio  Prayer  Group  Meeting:  St.  Barnabas  Church,  8:30  Mass,  Rosary,  Prayers,  Speaker,  Refreshments  

Fall has come upon us. The weather is changing, the color of the leaves is changing and are you changing? Have you seen spiritual growth since spring and summer in you? If you have, say ‘yes’ to this question, then you are on your way.! Spirituality should not stay stagnant. When have you asked God to increase your faith? You can’t do it alone. Without all the summer activities, perhaps it is time to retreat to your favorite quiet place. You can increase your knowledge of God with a great book. Go to a special program offered at your church. Find a program or series on EWTN. Be selfish. Make some time for you and the Lord. You cannot truly share in His love if you don’t do the work for yourself first. As you take the walk of faith, you will be amazed what God has in store for you. The simplest, kind act to others pleases our Lord. St. Padre Pio spent his whole life seeking, finding, adoring, sharing and sacrifice. Remember every morning is a brand new beginning. Don’t let the opportunity slip away. The past is gone and we don’t know what the future brings. Find JOY in each new day!

Jesus Others You



REFLECTIONS FROM OUR SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR All   graces   given   by   God   pass   through   the   Blessed  Mother.”   and   “Go   to   the   Madonna.     Love   her!    Always  say  the  Rosary.    Say  it  well.  Say   it  as  often  as   you   can!   Be   souls   of   prayer.     Never   tire   of  praying,   it   is  what   is   essential.     Prayer   shakes   the  Heart  of  God,  it  obtains  necessary  graces!”    Our   Lady   of   Fatima   reminded   the   three   children,  Jacinta,   Francisco,   and   Lucia   that   praying   the  Rosary  is  God’s  “Heavenly  Plan  for  World  Peace.”      Pope  Paul  VI  says:    

“The   Rosary   draws   from   the   Gospel   the  presentation  of  the  mysteries  and  its  main  formulas.   As   it   moves   from   the   angel's  joyful   greeting   and   the   Virgin's   pious  assent,   the   Rosary   takes   its   inspiration  from   the   Gospel   to   suggest   the   attitude  with  which   the  faithful  should  recite   it.   In  the  harmonious  succession  of  Hail  Mary's,  the   Rosary   puts   before   us   once   more   a  fundamental   mystery   of   the   Gospel-­‐-­‐the  incarnation  of  the  Word,  contemplated  at  the   decisive  moment   of   the  Annunciation  of   Mary.   The   Rosary   is   thus   a   Gospel  prayer,   as   pastors   and   scholars   like   to  define   it,  more   today  perhaps  than   in  the  past.”  (Marialis  Cultus  44)      

    Personally,   many   of   us   already   know   the  benefits   that   one   can   receive   when   praying   the  Rosary.     Many   anxious   moments   have   been  brought   to   a   tranquil   conclusion   by   praying   this  prayer   of   the   Rosary.     Many   conversions   to   the  Catholic   Faith   have   occurred   by   our   praying   for  loved  ones  and  total  strangers,   the  Rosary.    Many  of   God’s   Occurrences   and   not   coincidences   [also  known   as   miracles]   have   come   about   by   this  prayer.    This  prayer  is  so  simple  in  structure,  but  so  powerful   in   its   effects.     It   is   so   because   of  whom  the  intercessor  is,  Mary,  the  Mother  of  God.               To  Jesus,  through  Mary,         Rev.  Edward  J.  Janoch         Spiritual  Director  


This  month  I  would  like  to  encourage  us  to  pray  the  prayer  of  the  Rosary.    Many  of  us  already  pray  this  prayer  faithful,  so  this  may  be  more  of  a  reminder  as  to  why  we  pray   this  prayer   instead  of  encouraging  us   to  pray  the  Rosary.    October  7th  is  the  Feast  of  Our  Lady  of  the   Holy   Rosary;   a   day   in   which   we   remember   the  effectiveness   of   this   prayer   which   brings   us   comfort,  peace,  tranquility  and  many  graces   so  as  to  meet  and  accept   the   challenges   of   daily   life   whether   they   be  good  or  bad,  holy  or  evil.        From  the  Book,  Saints  of  the  Roman  Calendar,  by    Enzo  Lodi,  we  read  the  following:  

    “This   feast   derives   from   the   feast   of   St.  Mary   of   Victory,   instituted   by   the   Dominican  Pope  St.  Pius  V  after  the  defeat  of  the  Turkish  fleet   at   Lepanto   on   October   7,   1571.     Pope  Gregory  XIII  made   it  obligatory   for  Rome  and  for   the   Confraternity   of   the   Holy   Rosary   in  1573.     In  1716  Pope  Clement  XI   inscribed   the  feast   in   the   Roman   Calendar   for   the   first  Sunday   in   October.     The   Dominicans   also  celebrate   this   feast   on   the   first   Sunday   of  October.      Counting   one’s   prayers   on   beads   is   a   very  ancient  form  of  praying.  .  .  .    It  seems  that  the  repetition  of  the  Hail  Mary  on  the  beads  of  the  rosary   goes   back   to   the   twelfth   century.    Around   the   year   1328   a   treatise   named  Rosarius   referred   to   St.   Dominic   as   the  promulgator   of   the   rosary.     In   the   fifteenth  century   the   Dominican   Alan   de   la   Roche  emerged   as   an   outstanding   preacher   of   the  ‘Psalter   of   our   Lady,’   a   term   he   preferred   to  the   term   ‘rosary.’     The   title   of   this   feast   was  changed  from  the  Holy  Rosary  to  Our  Lady  of  the  Rosary  in  1960.”  

 St.  Pio  of  Pietrelcina  says  that:  

“Some   people   are   so   foolish   that   they   think  they   can   go   through   life   without   the   help   of  the   Blessed  Mother.     Love   the  Madonna   and  pray  the  rosary,   for  her  Rosary   is   the  weapon  against  the  evils  of  the  world  today.




‘HAIL MARY’…What does it mean to you?

“Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our

death”? We believe Mary is holy because she is the vessel that carried Christ. We call her “Mother of

God” very simply because it follows logically upon the fact that Jesus is God. We can’t doubt that God

chose Mary to play a very important part in salvation history. Her only desire is to lead us closer

to Jesus, her Son. She knows him best! By honoring her and asking her to pray for us, she will

help us to know and love him more.

We honor Mary for the special grace and privilege that was given to her. In fact, by honoring Mary we imitate the Lord who honored her by becoming flesh in her womb. Yes, as Jesus literally entrusted himself to Mary, we too can entrust ourselves to her care and

“Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you,” were the words that the Archangel Gabriel spoke to Mary. “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb,” were Elizabeth’s words to Mary upon hearing her greeting. By praying these words we are simply echoing the inspired words of Scripture.

October is the month of the Rosary. Our Mother Mary asked us to pray the rosary

every day. Once you hear it, once you feel it, it will become a part of you. Let us try to be obedient .To pray the Rosary, to pray with

Mary, is to learn and to love the Lord more. And isn’t this the deepest desire of

every human heart?

The Rosary is not chatter. It is not repetition of words with our lips disconnected from our hearts. When prayed from the heart, the Rosary becomes, as some popes have stated, a “compendium of the Gospel.” It brings the Gospel to life, because when we pray the Rosary we see Christ’s life through Mary’s eyes. As Pope John Paul II was fond of saying, when we pray the Rosary we enter the “School of Mary.” See with Mary’s eyes. Feel with her heart. This is the interior reality of the Rosary. Rather than being a devotion that leads us away from Christ, it leads us closer to Him–much closer. For who was closer to Jesus than His mother? Who knew Him better? Who better to teach us about His life?

HEALING PRAYER Beloved Padre Pio, today I come to add my prayer to the thousands of prayers offered to you every day by those who love and venerate you. They ask for cures and healings, earthly and spiritual blessings, and peace for body and mind. And because of your friendship with the

Lord, he heals those you ask to be healed, and forgives those you forgive. Through your visible wounds of the Cross, which you bore for 50 years, you were chosen in

our time to glorify the crucified Jesus. Because the Cross has been replaced by other symbols, please help us to bring it back in our midst, for we acknowledge it is the

only true sign of salvation. As we lovingly recall the wounds that pierced your hands, feet and side, we not only remember the blood you shed in pain, but your smile, and the invisible halo of sweet

smelling flowers that surrounded your presence, the perfume of sanctity. Padre Pio, may the healings of the sick become the testimony that the Lord has invited you to join the holy company of Saints. In your kindness, please help me with my own special

request: (mention here your petition, and make the sign of the Cross). Bless me and my loved ones. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Abbot  Christpoher  Schwartz,  Mike  Friess,  Charlline  Battini,  James  Green,    Helen  Husky,  Jerry  Lewis,  Judy    Selby,  Joy  Zivzak,  Diane  Zuercher,  Dennis  

Houlahan,  Dan  Houlahan,  Gina  Delessandro,  Carmelita  Pruchnicki,  Robert  Snyder,  Richard  Merecki,  Ed  Chesar,  Nicholas  Anthony  DiDonato  


Rosemary  Colarusso  Robert  Frucella  

Sharon  Madunicky