october lamplighter

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Monthly Newsletter for Zion UCC, Mayview, MO


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    Zion United Church

    of Christ October 2015

    Inside This Issue

    1 Pastors Peace

    2 Palm of Prayer

    3 Worship Ways

    4 This Months Events

    5 Community & Conference Clamor

    6 Butterfly Room &

    Inspiration Station

    7 Celebration Occasions

    8 Worship Whirl

    The Lamplighter

    Zion United Church of ChristEstablished 1880 105 N. Mary, Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224

    Phone and FAX: (660) 237 - 4355


    "What Is Our Responsibility? "Religion that God our [Parent] accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted

    by the world." James 1:27 Pope Francis on Sunday urged Europeans to take in as many refugees as possible as thousands of people fleeing their war-torn homelands poured west across the continent. The pontiff told worshippers in St. Peters Square that its not enough to merely tell refugees, Have cour-age, hang in there. Faced with the tragedy of tens of thousands of refugees who are fleeing death by war and by hunger and who are on a path toward a hope for life, the Gospel calls us to be neighbors to the smallest and most abandoned, to give them concrete hope, Francis said. (from "Pope Francis Urges European Churches to take in Refugees" google) What could the role of Zion UCC Mayview have in this call to care for refugees? Let's begin to brainstorm what that might mean for our community of faith and May-view. Easy? No. Possible? Absolutely! I just completed CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) training in Lexington, where I will be a voice for children who have been removed from their homes be-cause of abuse or neglect. This is a commitment that I feel very strongly about, having prayed for God to show me where would be the best place for me to volunteer. A big shout out to Ruth Dierking for her inspiration and com-mitment to CASA. It's doable and the support, encourage-ment and guidance for your work are phenomenal. I trained with two women, and asked about the need for men to volunteer, and was assured the need is great. Will it be easy? No. Is it possible? Absolutely! We've been talking about white privilege through Sacred Conversations on Race and how we can be a part of embracing one another equally and loving one another,

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    The Lamplighter no matter who they are or where they are on life's journey, as Christ loves us. After the workshop on "White Privilege as the Norm" with Rev. Dr. John Dorhauer on February 27 of this year, I thought it important to write to President Obama with thoughts that came from the workshop.

    This week I received a response from the White House that expanded on the significant and continuing need to address our resistance to embrace one another with respect and offer opportunity

    for growth, education and success through active love. The President brought my attention to the My Brother's Keeper Alliance, which is a non-profit organization for boys and young men of color, targeting from the root growth and education "giving all our young people the tools they need to achieve their potential". This includes all of us as we look beyond ourselves to address those in distress by showing God's love through our actions and behaviors. Yes, as President Obama said in his letter, "solving these problems will take sustained effort from all of us, and they won't be fixed if we only pay attention when tragedy strikes. Change depends on our actions, our attitudes, and the things we teach our children every day. If each of us makes an effort--no matter how hard it may sometimes seem--consciences can be stirred, consensus can be built, and change can be realized." The United Church of Christ, of which President Obama is a member, is called to be doers of social justice, living out the Gospel of our Messiah Jesus. Is it easy? No. Is it possible? Absolutely! Only through God's grace and strength,

    Pastor Kristin

    2 And he said to them, The harvest is plentiful,

    but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord

    of the harvest to send out laborers into his

    harvest. Luke 10:2( RSV)

    Pastoral Visits and Prayers Please feel free to contact me at any time if a pastoral care visit or prayer request is in your heart. The best way to reach me is at the parsonage, 660-237-4902, and the next best option is my cell @ 660-641-1038.

    Blessings! Pastor Kristin

    PALM of PRAYER The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.

    2 Corinthians 13:14 KJ21 Concerns Please continue to surround in love and prayer, those experiencing health difficulties &/or recovering from surgery, the loss of family and friends, & those adjusting to new seasons in their lives: Lillie Jennings sister Sue and her family, Larry Robinson, John Anderson, Ty, Ronnie Fauss, Kylie Timmerberg, James Hudson, Trenton Elliots dad; family and friends of Gary Doss; first responders; military personnel and their families; families around the world that are in the midst of disease, natural disasters, immigration crisis, tensions, conflicts, acts of violence and wars which are going on in different parts of the world.

    Joys Calle Hoeppner is feeling better; we offer major thanks to the UCC Samoan Church congregation at St. Luke's in Independence, for their hospitality on August 30; birthdays and anniversaries; Anna Belle, is improving after surgery and treatment. Bountiful harvest, the hum of grain bin fans, mums, pumpkins, beautiful

    weather, hayrides, bonfires and fall colors.

    ZION UCC WORSHIP WAYS COUNCIL COMMENTS A huge thank you to our Secretary, Angie Lawson, who's last day is September 30. She has been a fabulous help and beautiful spirit to me (and Zion) these last three plus years. I wish you peace, joy, and blessings on your continued journey of life! Pastor Kristin The secretarial position at Zion UCC Mayview is open for resumes and applications. Please contact Pastor Kristin or Council Chair Scott Alvested, if interested. Church Council is planning an all church meeting sometime soon (date still to be determined and may be late October) to revisit our mission and focus and plan our future. It will be on a Sunday after church and will include a meal.

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    SAIL Member of SAIL plan to go to Blue Springs Ter-race for another work day on Tuesday, Octo-ber 13. Please see a member of the group if you would like to attend.

    MISSION COMMITTEE NEIGHBORS IN NEED OFFERING will be collected October 4th during World Commun-ion Sunday. Plan to attend and bring a friend to the Festival of Sharing on Saturday, October 17th. November 8th we will highlight Missions with a spe-cial Sunday service and meal.


    "Yes, teacher."

    "If there are twenty sheep in a field, and

    one gets out through a hole in the fence,

    how many sheep are left in the field?"

    "None, teacher."

    "Johnnie, there are still nineteen sheep left in the

    field. Obviously you don't know arithmetic."

    "Sorry, teacher, but I do know arithmetic. Obviously

    you don't know sheep."

    PARISH LIFE Major thanks to Parish Life and Carl and Helen Hoeppner for the Picnic/Fish Fry September 20! The food was outstanding--how long did it take to catch ALL those fish?!? And the games and fellowship were a blast!

    Board of Christian Education (BCE) BCE would like to send out a big THANK YOU to everyone who donated Sunday school supplies. We have a great surplus of supplies! If you would like to donate to the youth store, please feel free to drop off your things. The Youth Store is where children can turn in their earned bucks to receive treasures. How do they earn bucks you ask? In several different ways! Some examples include memorizing bible verses, doing a kind act, Sunday school attendance, and partici-pating during class. Examples of items for sale are stress balls, McDonald toys from happy meals, girly stuff, and dinosaurs. Confirmation class started on September 13, 2015. Mark your calendars for November 29th for Hanging of the Greens. Lunch will be provided after church and then we will hang greens throughout the church.

    YOUTH YAK Confirmation meeting dates for October and No-vember--October 4 confirmands will help with lunch-eon for Rev. Dr. John Dorhauer and Mimi--they will also be involved with a Blessing of the Animals wor-ship service at Trinity UCC in Lexington at 4pm, with Pastors Liz Deveney and Kristin. We'll also meet on October 18, November 8, where they will assist with the Mission Fest Feast down-stairs after worship, and November 22. Congratulations to 7th grader Austin Aardema Faigh for taking 3rd place (13 and under) for his pi-ano piece "In Dreams" from Lord of the Rings!

    NATIONAL CHURCH PRESIDENT TO SPEAK Rev. Dr. John Dorhauer, President and General Minister of the United Church of Christ denomina-tion, will speak at Zion United Church of Christ in Mayview on October 4th. Rev. Dorhauer began his career as a minister, just out of seminary, at this church in 1988 and served the church until 1995. Many in this area will remember his participation in church and community events during that time. From here he served a church in Lebanon before moving to St Louis and a position with the state-wide Missouri Mid-South Conference of the UCC. He served as Conference Minister of the Southwest Conference (Arizona and New Mexico) for about eight years before being elected in June to the Na-tional office. A basket dinner will follow the 10:30 worship service. The public is invited to join the Mayview congregation in welcoming Pastor John back to this area and congratulating him on his new position.


    I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.

    ~ Alexander the Great

    Comparison of Receipts to 2015 Budget & Expenses as of August 31, 2015


    Total Budget $ 74,715.00 $ 7,471.00

    YTD Budget $ 49,810.00 $ 4,980.67

    YTD Expenses $ 44,501.61 $ 2,514.55

    YTD Receipts $ 42,348.34 $ 3,409.55

    YTD Budget to Receipts -$ 7,461.66 -$ 1,571.12

    YTD Receipts to Expenses -$ 2,153.27

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    EXPRESSION SESSION Thank Yous Thank you for your expression of caring. We have been overwhelmed by the support we have re-ceived during this time of sorrow. Mark was a man of integrity and true to his beliefs, which is what made him the man we all respected and loved. Please know we recognize each act of kindness shown our family, whether is was through a memorial contribution, food, flowers or a plant, or an e-message, card or phone call of concern. There are no words to explain our heart-felt appreciation to all those who honored Mark in such a tremendous outpouring of love and sup-port. Your friendship will continue to help carry us through his most difficult time. Thank you so much for the cards of friendship sent to Mark during his illness. Your kindness and support are truly appreciated. Fondly, Linda Malott & Family Thanks Everyone! Goodness me, how very nice and thoughtful of each of you. Thanks for your prayers. I'm doing okay--see the eye surgeon Fri-day, 9/18. But it's been tiring--but into each life some rain must fall (I been told). Oh well. God bless each and all of you. I'm grateful and thankful that Juanita Wright has been such a big help to me. Thanks again,

    Annabelle Beymer

    If money did grow on trees, au-

    tumn would be the best season


    The Lamplighter

    Sunday School9:30 A.M. Worship10:30 A.M.

    Oct 3, 2015 Western Association Meeting Overland Park Oct 4, 2015 Guest MinisterRev. John Dorhauer Basket Dinner following worship Confirmation Blessing of the Animals at Trinity UCC, 4 pm Oct 6, 2015 Mini-Council, 7 pm Oct 7, 2015 Choir, 7 pm Oct 9&10, 2015 Apple Butter Making Mayview Mo Foundation Oct 12, 2015 Columbus Day Oct 13, 2015 Blue Springs Terrace Car Pool @ 8:30 am BCE, 7:15 pm Oct 14, 2015 Choir, 7 pm Oct 15, 2015 Council, 7:15 pm Oct 17, 2015 Festival of Sharing Oct 18, 2015 Confirmation Oct 21, 2015 Choir, 7 pm Oct 25, 2015 Daylight Saving Time ends Congregational Focus Meal and Meeting Oct 26, 2015 Laf Cluster Meeting St. John UCC Emma, 7:30 pm Oct 27, 2015 SAIL, 7 pm Oct 28, 2015 Choir, 7 pm

    Copyright 2011 The Zondervan Corporation

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    COMMUNITY, COUNTY & CONFERENCE CLAMOR ADVENT CHORALE INFO There will be no Advent Chorale this year, as the Advent Choral Planning Committee (sub-committee of the Lafayette Cluster) has de-cided, with much consideration, to switch our focus to having a Martin Luther King, Jr celebra-tion on January 15, 2017. There is much excite-ment for this idea, and as we are aware of other Martin Luther King, Jr., celebrations, hope that this will be something different and joyous, and at a time when all will be able to come. Mark your calendars ahead for January 15, 2017, at 3pm (place to be determined) for music by the Cluster mass-choir, other musical presentations from cluster churches and outside groups/individuals, and a guest speaker. We will follow this portion of the event with a potluck meal, and then close with Holy Communion around the tables.

    COMMUNITY TRICK OR TREAT To Our Community Family and Friends: Each year, the residents of Golden Living Center--New Haven host a Community Trick or Treat Hallow-een evening for the youngsters of the commu-nity. We have been very fortunate in years past to have mutual support of this program through our school system as well as local businesses and resi-dent family members. Last year we hosted over 500 young people during our event, and it was a terrific evening for our scary visitors and residents alike. We would like to once again ask for assis-tance from our community for donations of packaged candy, which will be distributed to youngsters throughout the evening by our residents from 6 until 7:30pm on October 31st, 2015, rain or shine. If you would like to donate candy, coupons, trinkets or come in and assist your family member with getting ready for the event and pass out candy, please con-tact Amy Gust Activities Director at816-230-7539, or just drop by! Thank you for your support of this program; we look forward to seeing you soon! Sincerely, Amy Gust Recreational Services Director, Golden Living Center New Haven

    Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall. ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

    FALL WESTERN ASSN MEETING Dear Western As-sociation Mem-bers, Attached is a letter from the Associa-tion Chairperson, Ron Wendle, re-garding the West-ern Association Fall Fellowship Gathering on Oc-tober 3rd and a Flyer for the same. The Keynote Speaker for the event is Rev. Da Vita McCallister and the theme is, Becoming Gods Beloved Com-munity. Rev. Dr. John Dorhauer, the new Presi-dent and General Minister of the United Church of Christ, will also be present and participating in the meeting. The K-O website link is listed in both documents for more information and to regis-ter. Western Association members are welcome to attend the entire weekend, or just on Saturday, October 3rd. We hope to see you the weekend of October 3rd! Grace and Peace on behalf of the Western Asso-ciation, Rev. Bob Atkinson

    UCC Calls for More U.S. Response to Syr-ian Refugee Crisis The United Church of Christ and Global Ministries, in solidarity with several religious groups in the United States, is urging the White House to act in response to the Syrian refugee cri-sis, which has escalated in the last few weeks with hundreds of thousands of people risking their lives to reach Europe. So far, the American government has al-lowed just 1,500 Syrians to resettle here - a frac-tion of the millions that have fled the country - but this week the White House is considering new op-tions for refugee resettlement. The UCC/Global Ministries is asking members to voice their support to allow more refugees into the U.S. by signing a petition calling on the government to make space for Syrians in the next year. The petition, organ-ized by Church World Service, calls for a pledge to resettle 65,000 Syrians by 2016. Please see http://www.ucc.org/news_syrian_refugee_09102015 for more informa-

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    Download the BOO file at: http://www.momscraftyspace.com/

    The Lamplighter BUTTERFLY ROOM 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto my-self; that where I am, there ye may be also.

    John 14:3 (KJV)

    ALL IS WELL Death is nothing at all.

    I have only slipped away to the next room.

    I am I and you are you.

    Whatever we were to each other,

    That, we still are.

    Call me by my old familiar name.

    Speak to me in the easy way

    which you always used.

    Put no difference into your tone.

    Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

    Laugh as we always laughed

    at the little jokes we enjoyed together.

    Play, smile, think of me. Pray for me.

    Let my name be ever the household word

    that it always was.

    Let it be spoken without effect.

    Without the trace of a shadow on it.

    Life means all that it ever meant.

    It is the same that it ever was.

    There is absolute unbroken continuity.

    Why should I be out of mind

    because I am out of sight?

    I am but waiting for you.

    For an interval.

    Somewhere. Very near.

    Just around the corner.

    All is well.

    Canon Henry Scott-Holland, 1847-1918,

    Canon of St Pauls Cathedral

    In Loving Memory of Clint Johnson

    July 6, 1985 October 24, 2006

    31 But they that wait upon

    the LORD shall renew their strength;

    they shall mount up with wings as

    eagles; they shall run, and not be

    weary; and they shall walk, and not

    faint. Isaiah 40:31(KJV)

    Color Me!

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    The Lamplighter

    Celebration Occasions

    October Birthdays

    Date Birthday

    4 Judy Pragman

    16 Lori Fiegenbaum

    17 Annalynn Morgan

    18 Matt Begemann

    20 Carl Hoeppner

    Brad Begemann

    25 Helen Hoeppner Doris VanCleave

    31 Detta Neher

    Administrative Affairs

    Reverend Kristin Aardema Faigh

    Home(660) 237- 4902 Church (660) 237-4355

    [email protected] Cell (660) 641-1038

    Scott Alvested Council President (816) 230-4450

    Church Secretary (660) 237- 4355 [email protected]

    Jenny Holt Newsletter

    (660) 237 - 4923 [email protected]

    Teresa Begemann Organist

    (816) 633 - 4133 [email protected]

    Dawn Stuart Custodian

    (660) 237 - 4355

    Serving Souls


    4 Donovan Aardema


    Laura Nolte & Judy Pragman

    11 Trinity Alvested Norma Mittelhauser & Jeanette Starkebaum

    18 Macey Begemann Roger & Mary Ellen


    25 Tanner Burns Ron & Diane Wagner

    Office Hours

    Pastor Secretary


    8:00 AMNoon


    6:008:00 PM Wednesday

    5:009:00 PM


    8:00 AMNoon


    The deadline for submissions for the November newsletter is Wednesday, October 21, 2015. Send your submissions to:

    [email protected] or [email protected]

    Or Call (660) 237-4923

    October Anniversaries

    29 Jim & Carolyn Bayless

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    Zion United Church of Christ 105 North Mary St. Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224 Generous - Loving - Dedicated Christians Sunday School 9:30 am Worship at 10:30 am ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED

    The Lamplighter October 2015

    Zion UCC Mission Statement The avowed purpose of our church shall be:

    To worship God, to proclaim and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate the Sacra-ments; to experience Christian fellowship, to build unity, and to practice charity within this congre-

    gation and the wider church; and to share this witness of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

    Summer Worship Whirl

    Traditional Worship 10:30 AM Sundays

    Come As You Are Service 10:30 AM Monthly - 3rd Sunday

    Sacred Conversations and Fellowship

    9:30 AM Sundays

    Communion 10:30AM Monthly 1st Sunday & Special Holidays

    Church Council 7:00 PM Monthly

    Board of Christian Education 7:15 PM October 13, 2015

    SAIL (Serving All in Love) 7:00 PM Monthly - 4th Tuesday