ÜcretsÝz olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz … · 2014. 10. 9. · bu...

ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz kadar istekte bulunabilirsiniz. Bunun için telefonla bize ulaþabileceðiniz gibi, adýnýzý soyadýnýzý, adresinizi, telefonunuzu ve kaç adet broþür istediðinizi 0 216 349 18 25 nolu faksýmýza da iletebilirsiniz.

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Page 1: ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz … · 2014. 10. 9. · Bu tanýtým sayýmýzda, adaylarýn baþlangýç düzeyini saptamak amacýyla, ÖSS-YDS

ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz kadar istektebulunabilirsiniz.

Bunun için telefonla bize ulaþabileceðiniz gibi, adýnýzý soyadýnýzý,adresinizi, telefonunuzu ve kaç adet broþür istediðinizi

0 216 349 18 25

nolu faksýmýza da iletebilirsiniz.

Page 2: ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz … · 2014. 10. 9. · Bu tanýtým sayýmýzda, adaylarýn baþlangýç düzeyini saptamak amacýyla, ÖSS-YDS

Yeni öðretim yýlýna baþlarken, hepinize saðlýk, esenlik ve baþarýlar diliyoruz.

Bu tanýtým sayýmýzda, adaylarýn baþlangýç düzeyini saptamak amacýyla, ÖSS-YDSformatýnda, 100 özgün sorudan oluþan ikinci bir düzey belirleme sýnavý sunuyoruz. Bu sýnavýdeðerlendirirken, soru tipleri üzerinden yapacaðýnýz analizin, önümüzdeki dönemin çalýþmaplanýndaki aðýrlýk kaydýrmalarýný belirlemenize ve çalýþmalarýnýzý buna göre programlamanýzayardýmcý olacaðýný umuyoruz. Ýþlevsel bir çalýþma programý, öðretmen dostlarýmýzýn pahabiçilmez çabasý ve ELS’in katkýlarýyla, öðrencilerimizin Ýngilizce ile ilgili bütün eksiklerinigidereceðine ve zorluklarý aþacaðýna inanýyoruz.

Ayrýca, bu kitapçýðýn 27. sayfasýndan sonra, hazýrlýk sýnýflarý için yardýmcý ders kitabýolarak hazýrladýðýmýz ELS-WORKSHEETS ile ilgili bilgi verilmiþ ve bu kategorideki öðrencilereyönelik özgün 30 sorudan oluþan bir düzey belirleme sýnavý sunulmuþtur.

Güzel ve aydýnlýk bir gelecek dileðiyle…Dostlukla, saygýyla, sevgiyle…

Els Yayýn Kurulu

Sevgili Öðrenciler,

2005-2006 dönemi ELS-YDS hazýrlýk derginizin ilk sayýsýnýn daðýtýmýna 02.09.2005tarihinde baþlanacak ve 19.05.2006 tarihinde 35. sayýmýzýn yayýmlanmasýyla birlikte settamamlanacaktýr. 720 sayfadan oluþan gramer kitabýmýz "ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE andOUT" birinci sayýmýzla birlikte sizlere ulaþacaktýr.

ELS-YDS Hazýrlýk Dergisi neleri içermektedir?

l "Vocabulary" öðretimi, özellikle üzerinde durduðumuz bir konudur. O nedenle bu konuaðýrlýklý olarak iki özel sayýda verilecek, ancak, sözcüklerin sindire sindire kavranmasýnýsaðlamak amacýyla birinci sayýdan baþlayarak sistemli bir þekilde bütün sayýlarda"Vocabulary" çalýþmalarý yapýlacaktýr. Çünkü, YDS Ýngilizce sýnavýnda 8-10 sorudadoðrudan sözcük bilgisinin test edilmesinin yaný sýra, sözcük bilgisi sýnavýn bütününüetkilemektedir.

l YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýndaki soru yoðunluðunu dikkate alarak birinci sayýdan itibarenüzerinde özel olarak durulan diðer bir konu "Phrasal Verbs and Prepositions" konusudur.

Deðerli Öðretmen Dostlarýmýz, Sevgili Öðrenciler

Page 3: ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz … · 2014. 10. 9. · Bu tanýtým sayýmýzda, adaylarýn baþlangýç düzeyini saptamak amacýyla, ÖSS-YDS

l YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýnda temel olarak test edilen, öðrencinin okuduðunu anlamasý veyorumlamasýdýr. Bunu saðlamak ve öðrencinin bu alandaki becerisini geliþtirmek içinbirinci sayýdan baþlayarak her sayýda, "Reading Comprehension" çalýþmalarýna yerverilmiþtir. Böylelikle öðrencilerimiz edindikleri gramer bilgilerini bir bütün içerisindegörüp daha iyi kavrayabileceklerdir.

l "Reading Comprehension" çalýþmalarýmýzýn bir parçasý olarak, her sayýnýn sonunda,Amerikalý gezgin-yazar Scott B. Berry’nin ELS için özel olarak yazdýðý bir öykü yeralacaktýr. Scott, "Bedside Stories" adýný verdiðimiz bu öykülerde, dört Türk genciyledünyanýn çeþitli yerlerini gezerken, sizleri de farklý coðrafyalara taþýyacak, egzotikülkelerin farklý kültürleri ve yaþam biçimleriyle tanýþtýracaktýr.

l Önceki yýllarda olduðu gibi, üzerinde çalýþýlan konudan YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýndaçýkabilecek çoktan seçmeli sorulardan oluþan "TEST YOURSELF" lere, bu yýl da, herüniteden sonra, özgün ve konuyu kavramayý kolaylaþtýran örneklerle zenginleþtirilerekyer verilmiþtir.

l Deneme sýnavlarý öðrencinin edindiði bilgiler ýþýðýnda YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýndasergileyeceði performansý en iyi gösteren çalýþmalardýr. Bu nedenle, 6. sayýdanbaþlayarak her hafta bir deneme sýnavý, belli aralýklarla da iki deneme sýnavý olmaküzere toplam 34 "PRACTICE EXAM" e yer verilmiþtir.

l Derginin konu akýþýna ve içeriðine, 2006 YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavý soru formatýndaki olasýdeðiþiklikler yansýtýlacaktýr.

l ELS olarak amacýmýz, öðrencilerimize, sýnavda ne tür soruyla karþýlaþýrsa karþýlaþsýn,her türden soruyu çözebilecek bilgi ve beceriyi kazandýrmaktýr. Bu nedenle, soruformatýnda herhangi bir deðiþiklik ile karþýlaþtýklarýnda, öðrencilerimizin paniðekapýlmalarý için hiçbir neden yoktur.

Çünkü biz sadece sýnav kazandýrmayý amaçlamýyoruz;



Toplu abone olmanýn avantajlarý bu yýl da, hem fiyatlandýrma hem de elinize ulaþacak ekmateryal olarak devam etmektedir.


l Birinci sayýyla birlikte "ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT" un yaný sýra 432sayfadan oluþan "ENGLISH THROUGH READING" adlý kitabýmýz,

l Her sayýyla birlikte I. hamur kaðýda basýlý, bütünüyle yenilenmiþ ve güncelleþtirilmiþ konutesti,

l Dergideki 34 adet DENEME SINAVI dýþýnda, 15 günde bir elinize ulaþacak olan I. hamurkaðýda basýlý, bütünüyle yenilenmiþ 16 EK DENEME SINAVI gönderilecektir.

l Bu yýl, öðrencilerimizin ya da kurumlarýn ödeme güçlüðü dikkate alýnarak, toplamabonelik ederi 2 yerine 3 taksite bölünerek tahsil edilecektir.

NOT: Konu testleri ve EK DENEME sýnavlarý toplu abone sayýsý kadar basýlmakta vetoplu abonelere abone sayýsý kadar ücretsiz gönderilmektedir. Sözkonusu ek materyallertoplu abonelik dýþýnda gönderilmemekte ve ücret karþýlýðý satýlmamaktadýr.

Page 4: ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz … · 2014. 10. 9. · Bu tanýtým sayýmýzda, adaylarýn baþlangýç düzeyini saptamak amacýyla, ÖSS-YDS



l Bir Türk öðrencinin Ýngilizce öðrenirken karþýlaþabileceði sýkýntýlarý dikkate alarakhazýrladýðýmýz "ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT" öðrencilerimizin, YDS-Ýngilizcesýnavýna hazýrlanýrken, üniversitede okurken ya da meslek yaþamlarýnda gerektikçebaþvurabilecekleri bir referans kitabý olarak hazýrlanmýþtýr.

l Kitabýn bütününde konularý kavramaya yönelik pekiþtirici egzersizlere ve öðrencilerimizindergide de karþýlaþacaðý çoktan seçmeli sorulardan oluþan ve ÖSYM’nin soru mantýðýnýyansýtan "TEST YOURSELF" lere yer verilmiþtir.

l "ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT", ELS'in on yýllýk deneyim ve birikimiyle,dergiye destek amacýyla ELS aboneleri için hazýrlanmýþ olup 2005-2006 öðretim yýlýndatüm ELS abonelerine ücretsiz olarak gönderilecektir.

l "ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT" yalnýzca gramer konularý ile sýnýrlýdýr. YDS-KPDS-ÜDS vb. sýnavlardaki diðer soru tipleri, kitabýn amacý dýþýnda olduðu için, dýþarýdabýrakýlmýþtýr. Bu nedenle, sýnavlarda bütünlüklü verim ve üst düzeyde baþarý, dergi ilebirlikte deðerlendirildiðinde saðlanabilir.

l 720 sayfadan oluþan kitabýmýz I. hamur kaðýda basýlmýþtýr.

l ELS aboneleri dýþýnda kitap satýþý, bu kitapçýðýn sonundaki fiyatlandýrma üzerindenyapýlmaktadýr.


l "Reading Comprehension Passages" bölümlerimizden derlediðimiz 200 okuma parçasýve bu parçalarla ilgili "comprehension" ve "vocabulary" çalýþmalarýný içermektedir.

l I. hamur kaðýda basýlmýþ olup 432 sayfadan oluþmaktadýr.

l Toplu abonelere abone sayýsý kadar ücretsiz olarak gönderilir.

l Toplu abonelik dýþýndaki isteklerde, bu kitapçýðýn sonundaki fiyatlandýrma geçerlidir.


Bu yayýnýmýzla ilgili ayrýntýlý bilgiyi ve 30 sorudan oluþan “DÜZEY BELÝRLEME SINAVI”nýbu kitapçýðýn 27. sayfasýndan sonra bulabilirsiniz.

Page 5: ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz … · 2014. 10. 9. · Bu tanýtým sayýmýzda, adaylarýn baþlangýç düzeyini saptamak amacýyla, ÖSS-YDS


Sevgili Öðrenciler,

Bildiðiniz gibi, ELS-ÝNGÝLÝZCE YDS HAZIRLIK DERGÝSÝ, sizlere bir gramer kitabý ilebirlikte ulaþýyor: ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT.

ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT, ELS dergilerini tamamlayýcý bir kaynaktýr vekitabýn içinde yer alan ünitelerin dergide karþýlýðý vardýr. Kitapla dergi arasýndaki bu paralelliði,sayfa 6'daki Çalýþma Takvimi'nden yararlanarak saðlayabilirsiniz.

ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT, ayrýntýlý konu anlatýmý ve konuyu anlamanýzýkolaylaþtýracak egzersiz ve testlerle sizi, dergiyi çalýþmaya hazýr hale getirecektir. Dergide iseyoðunluk, çalýþtýðýnýz konuyu pekiþtirmeye, sözcük daðarcýðýnýzý zenginleþtirmeye ve genelolarak Ýngilizce Okuduðunu Anlama konusundaki becerinizi geliþtirmeye yönelik çoktan seçmelitestler üzerinde olacaktýr.

Bütün bu becerileri kazanýp YDS-Ýngilizce sýnavýna eksiksiz bilgi ile girebilmeniz vesýnavda "fark" yaratabilmeniz için, kitabý ve dergiyi hiçbir bölüm atlamadan düzenli olarakçalýþmak çok önemlidir.

Kitapta ve dergide karþýlaþacaðýnýz egzersiz ve testlerle sizleri zaman zamanzorlayabiliriz. Bu gibi durumlarda hemen geçen yýlki sloganýmýzý bir kez daha anýmsayýnýz:

"On ay sürecek bir zorlanma, güzel bir geleceðin kapýlarýný aralýyorsa, KESÝNLÝKLE BUNA DEÐER."


ELS’in daðýtýmý, geçen yýllarda olduðu gibi, yine abone sistemiyle yapýlacaktýr.ELS’den eksiksiz yararlanabilmeniz ve herhangi bir sorunla karþýlaþmamanýz için en güveniliryöntemin bu olduðuna inanýyoruz. ELS’in bayi ve kitapçýlardan edinilmesi mümkün deðildir.

Abone olabilmek için, bu tanýtým sayýmýzýn sonunda bulacaðýnýz abone formunueksiksiz doldurmanýz ve ödeme tablosundan size uygun ödeme seçeneðini iþaretleyip belirtilenbanka hesap numarasýna ödeme yapmanýz yeterlidir. Bankadan alacaðýnýz dekontun birfotokopisini ve abone formunu, aþaðýdaki adresimize elden teslim edebilir, postalayabilir ya da0 216 349 18 25 no’lu faksýmýza gönderebilirsiniz.

Caferaða Mah.Moda Cad. No: 48/4

34710 Kadýköy/ÝSTANBUL

Abone iþleminiz gerçekleþtikten sonra, 02 Eylül 2005 - 19 Mayýs 2006 tarihleriarasýnda yayýnlanacak olan dergimiz haftalýk olarak elinize ulaþacaktýr.

NOT:1. Abone formunuzu bize postayla göndermek zorundaysanýz lütfen APS’yi tercih

ediniz.2. Dergilerinizin ulaþmasýný istediðiniz adresi özenle seçiniz ve mümkünse daðýtýcýnýn

doðrudan size veya tanýdýðýnýz kiþiye elden teslim edebileceði bir adres belirleyiniz ve abone formuna bu adresi yazýnýz.

3. Derginiz size ulaþmasý gereken sürede elinize geçmemiþse 5 gün daha bekleyiniz. Bu süre sonunda da derginiz gelmezse derhal bizi arayýnýz.

4. Abone formuna size en kolay ulaþabileceðimiz telefon numaranýzý mutlaka yazýnýz.


Page 6: ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz … · 2014. 10. 9. · Bu tanýtým sayýmýzda, adaylarýn baþlangýç düzeyini saptamak amacýyla, ÖSS-YDS

1. Sayý 02 EYLÜL 2005The English Verb Tenses (1)

2. Sayý 09 EYLÜL 2005The English Verb Tenses (2)

3. Sayý 16 EYLÜL 2005Modals and Similar Expressions

4. Sayý 23 EYLÜL 2005The Passive

5. Sayý 30 EYLÜL 2005“If” and “Wish” Clauses

6. Sayý 07 EKÝM 2005Question Words and Noun ClausesPractice Exam 1

7. Sayý 14 EKÝM 2005Reported Speech Practice Exam 2

8. Sayý 21 EKÝM 2005Gerunds and InfinitivesPractice Exam 3

9. Sayý 28 EKÝM 2005Adjectives and Adverbs Practice Exam 4


10. Sayý 11 KASIM 2005Relative Clauses Practice Exam 5

11. Sayý 18 KASIM 2005Articles, Determiners and QuantifiersPractice Exam 6

12. Sayý 25 KASIM 2005Conjunctions and TransitionsPractice Exam 7

13. Sayý 02 ARALIK 2005General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (1)

14. Sayý 09 ARALIK 2005Prepositions and Prepositional PhrasesPractice Exam 8

15. Sayý 16 ARALIK 2005Phrasal Verbs Practice Exam 9

16. Sayý 23 ARALIK 2005Translation Studies Practice Exam 10

17. Sayý 30 ARALIK 2005Practice Exams 11-12

18. Sayý 06 OCAK 2006Vocabulary (1) Practice Exam 13

13 OCAK 2006 TATÝL

19. Sayý 20 OCAK 2006Vocabulary (2) Practice Exam 14

20. Sayý 27 OCAK 2006General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (2)

21. Sayý 03 ÞUBAT 2006Paragraph Studies (1)Practice Exam 15

22. Sayý 10 ÞUBAT 2006Paragraph Studies (2)Practice Exam 16

23. Sayý 17 ÞUBAT 2006Practice Exams 17-18

24. Sayý 24 ÞUBAT 2006YDS soru tipleri (1) Practice Exam 19

25. Sayý 03 MART 2006YDS soru tipleri (2)Practice Exam 20

26. Sayý 10 MART 2006YDS soru tipleri (3) Practice Exam 21

27. Sayý 17 MART 2006General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (3)

28. Sayý 24 MART 2006Further Study on VocabularyPractice Exam 22

29. Sayý 31 MART 2006Practice Exams 23-24

30. Sayý 07 NÝSAN 2006Practice Exams 25-26


31. Sayý 21 NÝSAN 2006General Revision of Grammar Through Multiple Choice Questions (4)

32. Sayý 28 NÝSAN 2006Practice Exams 27-28

33. Sayý 05 MAYIS 2006Practice Exams 29-30

34. Sayý 12 MAYIS 2006Practice Exams 31-32

35. Sayý 19 MAYIS 2006Practice Exams 33-34


Page 7: ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz … · 2014. 10. 9. · Bu tanýtým sayýmýzda, adaylarýn baþlangýç düzeyini saptamak amacýyla, ÖSS-YDS


2006 ÖSS'de uygulamaya konulacak olan yeni sýnav sistemi, dil bölümünden sýnavagirecek adaylarýn belli bir düzeyde fen bilgisi ve matematik de bilmelerini gerektiriyor. Mevcutsistemde, Ýngilizce bölümlerine girmek için Ýngilizce testindeki 100 sorunun neredeysetamamýnýn yapýlmasý gerektiði göz önüne alýnýrsa, Türkçe ve Sosyal Bilgiler dýþýnda, adaylararasýnda ayraç görevi görecek bir baþka araca gereksinim duyulduðu açýktý. Bu uygulama,sizin hem Ýngilizce testinde çok baþarýlý olmanýzý, hem de diðer alanlarda sizi tüm adaylariçinde öne taþýyacak bir baþarý göstermenizi gerektiriyor. Ancak, bu deðiþikliklerin tüm adaylariçin geçerli olduðunu ve dil bölümünden sýnava girecek adaylarla aþaðý yukarý ayný koþullardaolduðunuzu düþünürseniz, deðiþim yýlýna denk geldiðiniz için öfkeye kapýlmadan, ya daümitsizliðe düþmeden, sýnava nasýl hazýrlanacaðýnýz konusunda planlar yapabilirsiniz.

YDS ile ilgili ÖSYM ayrýntýlý bir açýklama yapmadýðý için, sýnavýn düzey ve soru sayýsýbakýmýndan ayný olacaðý varsayýmýyla çalýþmalarýmýza baþlýyoruz. Derginin yayýn akýþýiçerisinde herhangi bir deðiþiklik açýklandýðý takdirde, ayrýntýlý bilgi abonelerimize iletilecek,deðiþiklikler derhal testlerimize yansýtýlacaktýr.

2006 ÖSS'de uygulanacak olan sistemi, ÖSYM'nin yaptýðý açýklamalar ýþýðýnda, birkaçmaddede özetleyebiliriz:

1. Sýnav, ayný gün uygulanacak olan 2 aþamadan oluþmaktadýr. 2. Ortak müfredatý kapsayan 1. bölümde, sýnava giren tüm adaylar Türkçe, Sos-1, Mat-1

ve Fen-1 testlerini yanýtlayacaklar. Toplam 120 sorudan oluþan bu bölümdeki testler,aðýrlýklý olarak 9. sýnýfa kadar olan müfredatý kapsayacaktýr.

3. Ýkinci bölüm, Ed-Sos (Edebiyat-Sosyal Bilimler), Sos-2 (Sosyal Bilimler-2), Mat-2 ve Fen-2 biçiminde, her biri 30 soru içeren testlerden oluþmaktadýr ve adaylar, alanlarýna baðlýolarak, bu testlerden ikisini yanýtlamak durumundadýr.

4. Her iki bölüm için, sýnav süresi toplam 195 dakikadýr. 5. Dil tercihi yapacak olan adaylar, sadece 1. bölümdeki testleri yanýtlayacaklar. Mevcut

sistemde olduðu gibi, YDS, ÖSS'den farklý bir tarihte yapýlacak.



Türkçe Sos-1 Mat-1 Fen-1 Ed-Sos Sos-2 Mat-2 Fen-2 Dil

SAY-1 0,3 0,2 1,0 0,7 - - - - -

SÖZ-1 1,0 0,7 0,3 0,2 - - - - -

EA-1 0,8 0,3 0,9 0,2 - - - - -

SAY-2 0,3 0,2 0,5 0,35 - - 0,5 0,35 -

SÖZ-2 0,5 0,35 0,3 0,2 0,5 0,35 - - -

EA-2 0,4 0,3 0,45 0,2 0,4 - 0,45 - -

DÝL 0,5 0,2 0,2 0,1 - - - - 1,2

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Ýngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce Öðretmenliði (ÝÖ)AKDENÝZ ÜNÝ. (ANTALYA)

Ýngilizce Öðretmenliði Eski Yunan Dili ve EdebiyatýANADOLU ÜNÝ. (ESKÝÞEHÝR)

Almanca ÖðretmenliðiFransýzca ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce Öðr. (UOPL-SUNY)Ýngilizce Öðr. (UOPL-SUNY) (%50 Burslu)Ýngilizce Öðr. (Açýköðret.)ANKARA ÜNÝVERSÝTESÝ

Alman Dili ve EdebiyatýAmerikan Kültürü ve Ed.Arap Dili ve EdebiyatýBulgar Dili ve EdebiyatýÇaðdaþ Yunan Dili ve Ed.Dil BilimiFars Dili ve EdebiyatýFransýz Dili ve EdebiyatýHindolojiHungarolojiÝngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝspanyol Dili ve EdebiyatýÝtalyan Dili ve EdebiyatýJapon Dili ve EdebiyatýKore Dili ve EdebiyatýLatin Dili ve EdebiyatýLeh Dili ve EdebiyatýRus Dili ve EdebiyatýSinolojiUrdu Dili ve EdebiyatýYunan Dili ve EdebiyatýATATÜRK ÜNÝ. (ERZURUM)

Alman Dili ve EdebiyatýArap Dili ve EdebiyatýFars Dili ve EdebiyatýFransýz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili ve Ed. (ÝÖ)Almanca ÖðretmenliðiFransýzca ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce ÖðretmenliðiATILIM ÜNÝ. (ANKARA)

Ýngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatý (B)Ýngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatý (%50 B)Mütercim-Tercümanlýk (Ýng)Mütercim-Tercümanlýk (Ýng. B)Müt.-Tercümanlýk(Ýng.% 50 B)


Ýngilizce Öðretmenliði Turist RehberliðiBAÞKENT ÜNÝVERSÝTESÝ

Ýngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce Öðretmenliði (B)Amerikan Kültürü ve Ed. Amerikan Kültürü ve Ed. (B)Turizm ve RehberlikTurizm ve Rehberlik (B)BEYKENT ÜNÝ. (ÝSTANBUL)

Ýngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili ve Ed. (B)BÝLKENT ÜNÝ. (ANKARA)

Ýngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce Öðretmenliði (B)Amerikan Kültürü ve Ed.Amerikan Kültürü ve Ed. (B)Müt.-Terc. (Ýng-Fr-Türkçe)Müt.-Terc. (Ýng-Fr-Türkçe) (B)BOÐAZÝÇÝ ÜNÝ. (ÝSTANBUL)

Ýngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýÇeviribilimCELAL BAYAR ÜNÝ. (MANÝSA)

Ýngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýCUMHURÝYET ÜNÝ. (SÝVAS)

Alman Dili ve EdebiyatýFransýz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýÇAÐ ÜNÝ. (MERSÝN)

Ýngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce Öðretmenliði (B)Ýngilizce Öðretmenliði (%50 B)ÇANAKKALE 18 MART ÜNÝ.

Almanca ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce Öðretmenliði (ÝÖ)Japonca ÖðretmenliðiÝngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýÇANKAYA ÜNÝ. (ANKARA)

Ýngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatý (B)ÇUKUROVA ÜNÝ. (ADANA)

Almanca ÖðretmenliðiFransýzca Öðretmenliði



325.949315.374362.722----------- ----------- 338.925


----------- 211.588----------- ----------- 340.024336.744----------- ----------- 352.590

261.454335.469----------- 269.788338.979-----------







----------- ----------- 340.841








347.985339.704366.658313.393 ----------- 348.759


334.427 299.558280.150 323.420 352.892351.089342.755 331.094 359.791

282.678351.339----------- 282.533352.067-----------







335.043 325.939 353.557





Page 9: ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz … · 2014. 10. 9. · Bu tanýtým sayýmýzda, adaylarýn baþlangýç düzeyini saptamak amacýyla, ÖSS-YDS

Ýngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce Öðretmenliði (ÝÖ)DÝCLE ÜNÝ. (DÝYARBAKIR)

Almanca ÖðretmenliðiFransýzca ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce Öðretmenliði (ÝÖ)DOÐUÞ ÜNÝ. (ÝSTANBUL)

Ýngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatý (B)Ýngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatý (%50 B)DOKUZ EYLÜL ÜNÝ. (ÝZMÝR)

Fransýzca ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce ÖðretmenliðiAmerikan Kültürü ve Edebiyatý Müt.-Terc. (Türkçe-Alm.-Ýng.)DUMLUPINAR ÜNÝ. (KÜTAHYA)

Ýngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatý (ÝÖ)EGE ÜNÝVERSÝTESÝ (ÝZMÝR)

Alman Dili ve EdebiyatýAmerikan Kültürü ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýERCÝYES ÜNÝ. (KAYSERÝ)

Ýngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÇin Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýJapon Dili ve EdebiyatýKore Dili ve EdebiyatýRus Dili ve EdebiyatýTurist RehberliðiFATÝH ÜNÝ. (ÝSTANBUL)

Amerikan Kültürü ve Ed.Çin Dili ve Edebiyatý Çin Dili ve Edebiyatý (B)Ýngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatý (B)Rus Dili ve EdebiyatýRus Dili ve Edebiyatý (B)GAZÝ ÜNÝ. (ANKARA)

Rus Dili ve EdebiyatýAlmanca ÖðretmenliðiArapça ÖðretmenliðiFransýzca ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce Öðretmenliði (ÝÖ)GAZÝANTEP ÜNÝVERSÝTESÝ

Ýngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatý


Alman Dili ve EdebiyatýAmerikan Kültürü ve Ed.Fransýz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dil BilimiÝngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýMütercim-Tercümanlýk (Ýng.)Fransýzca ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce ÖðretmenliðiHALÝÇ ÜNÝ. (ÝSTANBUL)

Amerikan Kültürü ve Ed.Amerikan Kültürü ve Ed. (B)ÝNÖNÜ ÜNÝ. (MALATYA)


Amerikan Kültürü ve Ed.Arap Dili ve EdebiyatýÇaðdaþ Yunan Dili ve Ed.Eski Yunan Dili ve EdebiyatýFars Dili ve EdebiyatýFransýz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝspanyol Dili ve Edebiyatý Ýtalyan Dili ve Edebiyatý Latin Dili ve EdebiyatýMütercim-Tercümanlýk (Ýng.)Rus Dili ve EdebiyatýUrdu Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝSTANBUL BÝLGÝ ÜNÝ.

Karþýlaþtýrmalý EdebiyatKarþýlaþtýrmalý Edebiyat (B)ÝSTANBUL KÜLTÜR ÜNÝ.

Ýngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatý (B)ÝZMÝR EKONOMÝ ÜNÝ.

Mütercim-Tercümanlýk (Ýng.)Mütercim-Tercümanlýk (Ýng.-B)KADÝR HAS ÜNÝ. (ÝSTANBUL)

Amerikan Kültürü ve Ed.Amerikan Kültürü ve Ed. (B)KAFKAS ÜNÝ. (KARS)

Ýngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýRus Dili ve Edebiyatý KARADENÝZ TEKNÝK ÜNÝ. (TRABZON)


Mütercim-Tercümanlýk (Fr.)


317.336----------- 352.056347.727





----------- 296.131345.261317.506278.252304.034331.359

240.148----------- ----------- 262.954367.617----------- -----------



314.315358.369320.218351.507362.140369.175----------- 381.767

----------- 344.945


351.052284.528305.458278.685258.814320.185356.565----------- ----------- 306.136366.829322.662260.703368.609



----------- -----------






344.713329.441 359.641356.715





----------- 330.938355.749340.174321.405335.669347.985

292.442----------- ----------- 304.757372.821----------- 361.963



342.019364.041341.225359.535366.608370.899343.287 385.061

272.778 355.726


359.248322.851330.941316.616306.157342.940362.456----------- ----------- 327.873369.347346.582305.541372.737



330.476 368.800





Page 10: ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz … · 2014. 10. 9. · Bu tanýtým sayýmýzda, adaylarýn baþlangýç düzeyini saptamak amacýyla, ÖSS-YDS


Ýngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce Öðretmenliði (ÝÖ)Ýngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatý (ÝÖ)MALTEPE ÜNÝ. (ÝSTANBUL)

Ýngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce Öðretmenliði (B) MARMARA ÜNÝ. (ÝSTANBUL)

Fransýzca ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce ÖðretmenliðiMERSÝN ÜNÝVERSÝTESÝ

Ýngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce Öðretmenliði (ÝÖ)Ýngiliz Dil BilimiMütercim-Tercümanlýk (Alm.)Mütercim-Tercümanlýk (Fr.)MUÐLA ÜNÝVERSÝTESÝ

Ýngilizce ÖðretmenliðiM. KEMAL ÜNÝ. (HATAY)

Ýngilizce ÖðretmenliðiOKAN ÜNÝ. (ÝSTANBUL)

Mütercim-Tercümanlýk (Ýng.)Mütercim-Tercümanlýk (Ýng.-B)Mütercim-Tercümanlýk (Rusça)Mütercim-Tercümanlýk (Rusça-B)19 MAYIS ÜNÝ. (SAMSUN)

Almanca ÖðretmenliðiAlmanca Öðretmenliði (ÝÖ)Fransýzca ÖðretmenliðiFransýzca Öðretmenliði (ÝÖ)Ýngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce Öðretmenliði (ÝÖ)ORTADOÐU TEKNÝK ÜNÝ. (ANKARA)

Ýngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝng. Öðrt.(UOLP-SUNY New Paltz)Ýng. Öðrt.(UOLP-SUNY New Paltz)(%50 Burslu)OSMANGAZÝ ÜNÝ. (ESKÝÞEHÝR)

Karþýlaþtýrmalý EdebiyatPAMUKKALE ÜNÝ. (DENÝZLÝ)

Ýngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýSELÇUK ÜNÝ. (KONYA)

Almanca ÖðretmenliðiAlmanca Öðretmenliði (ÝÖ)Ýngilizce Öðretmenliði

Ýngilizce Öðretmenliði (ÝÖ)Alman Dili ve EdebiyatýFransýz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili Ve Edebiyatý (ÝÖ)SÜLEYMAN DEMÝREL ÜNÝ.(ISPARTA)

Ýngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatý Ýngilizce Öðretmenliði TRAKYA ÜNÝ. (EDÝRNE)

Almanca ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce ÖðretmenliðiULUDAÐ ÜNÝ. (BURSA)

Almanca ÖðretmenliðiFransýzca ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce Öðretmenliði (ÝÖ)YEDÝTEPE ÜNÝ. (ÝSTANBUL)

Ýngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce Öðretmenliði (B)Ýngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatý (B)Mütercim-Tercümanlýk (Ýng.)Mütercim-Tercümanlýk (Ýng.-B)YILDIZ TEK. ÜNÝ. (ÝSTANBUL)

Ýngilizce ÖðretmenliðiYÜZÜNCÜ YIL ÜNÝ. (VAN)

Ýngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýDOÐU AKDENÝZ ÜNÝ. (KKTC)

Ýngilizce Öðretmenliði-ELTÝngilizce Öðretmenliði-ELT (B)Ýngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatý (B)Mütercim-Tercümanlýk (Ýng.)Mütercim-Tercümanlýk (Ýng.-B) GÝRNE AMERÝKAN ÜNÝ. (KKTC)

Ýngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatý Ýngilizce ÖðretmenliðiLEFKE AVRUPA ÜNÝ. (KKTC)


Ýngilizce ÖðretmenliðiÝngilizce Öðr. (%50 B)YAKINDOÐU ÜNÝ. (KKTC)

Ýngiliz Dili ve EdebiyatýÝngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatý (B)Ýngilizce Öðretmenliði-ELTÝngilizce Öðretmenliði-ELT (B)


----------- -----------





----------- 357.086----------- -----------

320.953----------- ----------- ----------- 359.531350.970

386.918----------- -----------



321.702----------- 358.674

350.428----------- ----------- 346.266341.076

----------- -----------



----------- ----------- 280.194364.350----------- -----------



283.186----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

----------- -----------


----------- -----------

----------- ----------- ----------- 300.108



----------- -----------





261.278 361.962----------- 341.995

346.228342.134 337.670 ----------- 364.828358.851

389.112305.426 -----------



346.912----------- 364.094

358.338337.567 329.161 356.361353.527

----------- -----------



341.839 374.016 303.372366.778304.150 370.591



317.880347.522 277.062 346.605 ----------- -----------

----------- 256.853


294.014 329.174

221.883 339.764 311.879 347.913

Page 11: ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz … · 2014. 10. 9. · Bu tanýtým sayýmýzda, adaylarýn baþlangýç düzeyini saptamak amacýyla, ÖSS-YDS


"Mayýs-Tanýtým Sayýsý" ile sizlere 2004-2005 öðretim yýlýnýn sonunda

düzeyinizi sýnamanýz için bir "Düzey Belirleme Sýnavý" sunmuþtuk. Aðustos-Tanýtým

sayýmýz ile de sizlere "Düzey Belirleme Sýnavý 2" yi sunuyoruz.

Her iki sýnavýn ardýndan eksiklerinizi saptama konusunda daha objektif

verilere ulaþacak ve çalýþma yoðunluðunuzu daha gerçekçi bir biçimde


Deneme sýnavlarýnýn ikisinde de, YDS'de bugüne kadar uygulanmýþ soru

mantýðý ve soru daðýlýmý temel alýnmýþtýr. Gerek dilbilgisini, gerekse dili kullanma

yeteneðini ölçen sorularýn aðýrlýðý ve kullanýlan sözcükler YDS düzeyine uygun

olarak seçilmiþtir. Amacýmýz þu andaki Ýngilizce düzeyinizi objektif olarak

saptamanýza yardýmcý olmaktýr. Bu iki sýnavdaki net sayýnýzýn yüksek ya da düþük

olmasý gereksiz bir rahatlýk ya da umutsuzluk nedeni olmamalýdýr. Yapýlmasý

gereken baþarýlý- daha az baþarýlý olduðunuz sorularýn analizinden çalýþma

yoðunluðunuzu, önünüzdeki süreyi dikkate alarak, daha gerçekçi planlamaktýr.

Ayrýca, unutmayýnýz ki, ELS yalnýzca sýnav kazandýrmakla yetinmiyor, size

Ýngilizce'yi öðretiyor. Planlý ve disiplinli bir çalýþmayla hem Ýngilizce'yi en iyi þekilde

öðreneceksiniz hem de YDS'de baþarýlý olacaksýnýz.

Bize ve kendinize inanýnýz…

Baþarý dileklerimizle…

.ELS Yayýn Kurulu

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ELS1-22. sorularda, cümlede boþ býrakýlanyerlere uygun düþen sözcük ya daifadeyi bulunuz.

1. The ........ of the ground where theChernobyl nuclear disaster happenedwill remain for 300 years.

A) determination B) explosionC) contamination D) revolution

E) population

2. Although Jeddah has similartemperatures to Riyadh, its ........ is muchhigher as it is by the sea.

A) environment B) elevationC) climate D) vacation

E) humidity

3. If you ........ Mum for a minute, I cansneak in through the back door.

A) disclose B) distinguishC) distract D) dispute

E) disconnect

4. The landmass of Russia ........ all the wayfrom the Black and Baltic seas to the Seaof Japan.

A) extends B) containsC) situates D) discovers

E) voyages

5. As Nicholas had no way to prove that hewas ........ of the accusation, the teachersent him to the headmaster.

A) absent B) innocent C) irrelevant D) decent

E) emotional

6. The students became more and more ......as they waited for the exam to begin.

A) intentional B) intelligentC) timely D) nervous

E) unidentified

7. Cyrus ........ crossed the road withoutlooking and so he didn't see the minibusuntil it was too late.

A) doubtfully B) momentarilyC) carelessly D) cautiously

E) slightly

8. The Earth is ........ the same size asVenus—it is only 5.4% bigger.

A) occasionally B) entirelyC) closely D) greatly

E) roughly

9. It looks as though the flower show willhave to be ........ until next weekendbecause of this heavy rain.

A) broken into B) turned upC) dropped in D) put off

E) watched out

10. After Franz Kafka had ........ eating meat,he saw some fish and said, "Now I canlook at you in peace; I don't eat youanymore."

A) given up B) cut downC) fallen away D) worked out

E) turned off

11. Since it ........ in 1946, the SecurityCouncil of the UN ........ 257 draftresolutions.

A) was established/has vetoedB) would be established/vetoesC) had been established/would vetoD) has been established/was vetoingE) will have been established/vetoed


Bu test ELS Yayýncýlýk tarafýndan hazýrlanmýþtýr.

1. Bu testte yanýtlayacaðýnýz soru sayýsý 100’dür.2. Önerilen yanýtlama süresi 150 dakikadýr.

Page 13: ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz … · 2014. 10. 9. · Bu tanýtým sayýmýzda, adaylarýn baþlangýç düzeyini saptamak amacýyla, ÖSS-YDS

ELS12. At the beginning of next year, Sudan

........ an independent country for 50years.

A) will beB) isC) will have been D) has beenE) would be

13. If it ........ so difficult to learn, morepeople ........ Mandarin Chinese.

A) won't be/are studyingB) isn't/have studiedC) hasn't been/will have studiedD) hadn't been/were studyingE) wasn't/would study

14. Dorian's father wants him ........ a doctor,but I think he ........ the life that he wants.

A) having become/must have chosenB) to become/should choose C) becoming/ought to chooseD) become/would rather chooseE) will become/could choose

15. Nadia's new jacket ........ too expensive,because she only took a little money tothe store to buy it with.

A) can't have beenB) didn't have to beC) would not be D) may not have beenE) needn't have been

16. The Romantic movement came about ......part as a reaction ........ the excessiverationalism of the 18th century.

A) on/against B) in/to C) at/from D) to/with

E) by/on

17. Although the airplane Concorde could fly........ the Atlantic ........ just 3 hours, itwas taken out of service as it was tooexpensive.

A) among/by B) between/atC) through/for D) across/in

E) beyond/on

18. The Incan system of chasqui, ormessage runners, was ........ an effectivesystem ........ a message could cover 240kilometres a day.

A) much/so B) as/asC) more/than D) so/for

E) such/that

19. The Byzantine emperor Justinian madepeace with the Persians on his easternfrontier ........ he could make war on thebarbarians in the west.

A) in order to B) moreover C) however D) so that

E) whereas

20. In Homer's Iliad, ........ the Greek heroAchilles is involved in the fighting, theTrojans retreat in panic.

A) whichever B) whoeverC) whomever D) whenever

E) whatever

21. Did he steal the diamonds that night by........ or did he have ........ help?

A) his own/hers B) himself/your C) him/its D) your/my

E) you/him

22. Selin is the only person who will come tothe meeting that we are going to have,........?

A) isn't she B) won't sheC) is it D) have we

E) aren't we


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ELS23-27. sorularda, aþaðýdaki parçadanumaralanmýþ yerlere uygun düþensözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

With Albania on its one side and Macedonia onits other, Lake Ochrid is the (23) ........ betweenthese two countries. It has an area of 340square kilometres and is the deepest lake in theBalkans. In the towns on its shores are (24)........ interesting medieval ruins. (25) ........ dateback to the medieval Bulgarian empire that (26)........ up by Tsar Samuel. So it is (27) ........ thebeauty of the lake ........ its surroundingattractions that make it a popular destination fortourists.


A) diplomacy B) directionC) border D) trade

E) margin


A) every B) muchC) many D) any

E) each


A) These B) WhichC) Themselves D) There

E) That


A) is setB) has been setC) would set D) had setE) was set


A) whether…or notB) neither…norC) either…and D) not only…but also E) both…but

28-32. sorularda, aþaðýdaki parçadanumaralanmýþ yerlere uygun düþensözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

The Lighthouse, or Pharos, of Alexandria, wasthought of (28) ........ one of the Seven Wondersof the World. It was a tower that is estimated(29) ........ 134 metres high, making it in its timeone of (30) ........ structures on Earth. It wasmade (31) ........ of three levels, with its apexcontaining a mirror which (32) ........ sunlightduring the day. A fire was lit at night. It wasclaimed that its light could be seen 56 km out tosea.


A) as B) likeC) even D) just

E) since


A) to have been B) beingC) had been D) having been

E) was


A) so tall B) the tallest C) tall enough D) very tall

E) taller


A) on B) withC) up D) in

E) for


A) inquired B) reflected C) illuminated D) advanced

E) polished


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ELS33-42. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygunþekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

33. Ebola is a deadly disease ...... .

A) since it has only occurred in centralAfrica

B) when a vaccine against it is undergoingtrials

C) that it is caught through the use ofunsterilized needles

D) which can kill between 50 and 90percent of its victims

E) nonetheless, it needs to be carefullymonitored

34. None of the passengers seemed to likethe hotel ...... .

A) where the airline put them up on theirstopover in Bahrain

B) the reason why the rooms were not keptvery clean

C) that they had stayed there on thejourney from Berlin

D) if only it had been closer to the centre ofDubai

E) who didn't even offer them an apologyfor the noisy wedding

35. If Napoléon hadn't conducted a successfulmilitary operation in Italy, ...... .

A) which was technically his homeland ashe was born on the Italian-speakingisland of Corsica

B) during which he robbed many Italiancities of priceless art treasures

C) when he was still relatively unknownoutside of France

D) he would never have become powerfulenough to take over France

E) he wasn't defeated despite the strengthof the Austrian army there

36. While Sonia was examining one of herpatients, ...... .

A) it didn't seem to be in any of her booksB) he has been suffering from epilepsyC) she noticed something strange in his ear D) there may have been an epidemic E) she hasn't decided what to do yet

37. ......, so you must make sure that you buythe tickets as soon as possible.

A) You seem to have won a free all-inclusive trip to Prague

B) I don't think that the concert is going tobe sold out

C) If you'd only bought a season ticket lastautumn

D) You still don't have enough money forthe plane to Van

E) Many people will want to go to nextweek's match

38. ......, which are better at preventing theloss of warmth from a room.

A) As most pets are warm-blooded animalsB) Houses now often have double-glazed

windows C) Today some buildings are being

constructed with insulationD) It is cheaper to heat with gas than with

electricityE) Unless the doors are left open during the


39. The minute I woke up, I noticed ...... .

A) whether I have to go to work or notB) that the room had been flooded during

the night C) the fact that I have been having horrible

dreams for some timeD) why didn't my alarm clock go off on timeE) when it was already halfway through the



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ELS40. ......, she hasn't been able to afford to go


A) Since Isabella lost her job in themarketing department

B) If Leticia hadn't spent so much moneywhile on holiday

C) Unless Rosario gets a pay rise in hernext salary

D) Provided Juanita's sister doesn't forgetto loan her the money

E) Had Beatriz not needed to pay off somany debts

41. When Christopher Columbus set outfrom Spain in 1492, he never expected...... .

A) whether it would be dangerousB) the route to the Far EastC) how long would it takeD) discovering the AmericasE) to find a new continent

42. ...... even though it has been officiallynamed Mumbai since 1995.

A) Indian names are not always easy towrite in the Latin alphabet

B) It is home to India's massiveentertainment industry

C) Many cities in India were givenAnglicized versions of their namesduring the colonial period

D) The city with India's busiest airport is onits west coast

E) India's main Arabian Sea port city is stilloften called Bombay

43-46. sorularda, verilen cümlenin hangisorunun cevabý olduðunu bulunuz.

43. "I would like to, but I've got a bit of aheadache."

A) What would you like to do after work?B) As you don't look well, do you want to go


C) Why don't you take an aspirin for yourheadache?

D) Are you coming with us tonight?E) How are you feeling at the moment?

44. "It was supposed to have been here 45minutes ago."

A) What time do you think your cousin willarrive?

B) Why do you think it's taking so muchtime for them to deliver our pizza?

C) Do you know when the bus from Bitliswill arrive?

D) Has Monica sent you any lettersrecently?

E) How long do you think it will take thepolice to get here?

45. "I'm not sure, but I think it hassomething to do with the ears."

A) What is the difference between anAfrican and an Asian elephant?

B) Do you think Prince Charles will make agood king?

C) Why doesn't Gavin ever turn his musicdown when I ask him?

D) Aren't basset hounds the dogs with thereally long ears?

E) Have you any idea why Xander doesn'tseem to be listening in class thesedays?

46. "I didn't know about it until I saw it onTV."

A) Were there any decent films on over theweekend?

B) Why didn't you go to the match lastSaturday?

C) Aren't you the guy who claims not tohave a TV?

D) Weren't you one of the audience atMehmet Ali Erbil's Ah Kalbim show?

E) Do you think the best bride candidatewas voted out of the house?


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ELS47-50. sorularda, verilen Ýngilizcecümleye anlamca en yakýn Türkçecümleyi bulunuz.

47. Bedouin, derived from the Arabic wordbadawi, is a term generally applied toArab nomadic groups, who are foundthroughout most of the desert belt.

A) Genel olarak çöl kuþaðýnda bulunangöçebe Arap topluluklarý için kullanýlanBedevi terimi, Arapça badawisözcüðünden gelmektedir.

B) Arapça badawi sözcüðünden gelenBedevi terimiyle, genellikle çöl kuþaðýnýnbüyük bölümünde bulunan göçebe Araptopluluklarý kastedilir.

C) Arapça badawi sözcüðünden gelenBedevi, genel olarak çöl kuþaðýnýn büyükbölümünde bulunan göçebe Araptopluluklarýný kapsayan bir terimdir.

D) Çöl kuþaðýnýn büyük bölümünde bulunangöçebe Arap topluluklarý genellikle,Arapça badawi sözcüðünden gelenBedevi terimiyle anýlýr.

E) Genel olarak çöl kuþaðýnýn büyük birbölümünde bulunan göçebe Araptopluluklarýný kapsayan bir terim olanBedevi'nin Arapça karþýlýðý badawisözcüðüdür.

48. An inactive physical lifestyle is known toaccelerate the loss of bone, which resultsin the fractures so common in old age.

A) Yaþlýlýkta kemik kýrýlmalarýnýn bu kadaryaygýn olmasýnýn nedeni, kemikerimesini hýzlandýrdýðý bilinen hareketsizyaþam biçimidir.

B) Hareketsiz bir yaþam biçiminin kemikerimesini hýzlandýrdýðý bilinmektedir, kibu da yaþlýlýkta çok yaygýn olankýrýlmalara neden olmaktadýr.

C) Bilindiði gibi, hareketsiz bir yaþam biçimikemik erimesini hýzlandýrýr ve böyleceyaþlýlýkta çok yaygýn olan kýrýlmalaraneden olur.

D) Yaþlýlýkta çok yaygýn olan kemikkýrýlmalarýnýn, hareketsiz bir yaþambiçiminin neden olduðu kemikerimesinden kaynaklandýðý bilinmektedir.

E) Hareketsiz bir yaþam biçimininhýzlandýrdýðý kemik erimesi, yaþlýlýktayaygýn olan kemik kýrýlmalarýnýn nedeniolarak bilinmektedir.

49. Though the traditional beverage of Japan,sake, is often called rice wine, it is moreproperly a beer containing 14 to 17percent alcohol.

A) Genellikle pirinç þarabý diye adlandýrýlsada, Japonya'nýn geleneksel içkisi sake,daha çok 14 ila 17 derece alkol içerenbir biradýr.

B) Japonya'nýn geleneksel içkisi sake dahaçok pirinç þarabý olarak bilinir, amaaslýnda o, 14 ila 17 derece alkol içerenbir biradýr.

C) Aslýnda 14 ila 17 derece alkol içeren birbira olan Japonya'nýn geleneksel içkisisake, daha çok pirinç þarabý diyeadlandýrýlmaktadýr.

D) 14 ila 17 derece alkol içeriðiyle daha çokbir bira olan ama genellikle pirinç þarabýdiye adlandýrýlan sake, Japonya'nýngeleneksel içkisidir.

E) Japonya'nýn geleneksel içkisi sake, 14 ila17 derece alkol içeriðiyle daha çok birbira olduðu halde, genellikle pirinç þarabýdiye bilinmektedir.

50. The trend toward realism and naturalismin Danish literature was initiated by thecritic Georg Brandes with his book MainCurrents in 19th-Century Literature.

A) Eleþtirmen Georg Brandes, MainCurrents in 19th-Century Literature adlýkitabýyla Danimarka edebiyatýndarealizm ve naturalizme doðru biryönelme baþlatmýþtýr.

B) Eleþtirmen Georg Brandes'in MainCurrents in 19th-Century Literature adlýkitabý, Danimarka edebiyatýnda realizmve naturalizme doðru yönelmenin ilkörneðidir.

C) Main Currents in 19th-Century Literaturekitabýyla eleþtirmen Georg Brandes,Danimarka edebiyatýný realizm venaturalizme doðru yönlendiren ilk kiþiolmuþtur.

D) Danimarka edebiyatýnda realizm venaturalizme doðru yönelmenin ilkörneðini, Main Currents in 19th-CenturyLiterature kitabýyla, eleþtirmen GeorgBrandes vermiþtir.

E) Danimarka edebiyatýnda realizm venaturalizme doðru yönelme, MainCurrents in 19th-Century Literaturekitabýyla, eleþtirmen Georg Brandestarafýndan baþlatýlmýþtýr.


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ELS51-54. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleyeanlamca en yakýn Ýngilizce cümleyibulunuz.

51. Bazýlarý, uluslararasý ününden dolayý,Nikos Kazancakis'in çalkantýlý ve ilginçülkesinin diðer yazarlarýný gölgedebýraktýðýna inanmaktadýr.

A) Some believe that, because of hisinternational reputation, NikosKazantzakis overshadowed the otherwriters of his turbulent and interestingcountry.

B) As is believed by some, NikosKazantzakis, with an internationalreputation because of his turbulent andinteresting life, overshadowed the otherwriters of his country.

C) Nikos Kazantzakis' internationalreputation caused him to overshadowsome of the writers of his turbulent andinteresting country.

D) It is believed that Nikos Kazantzakis'international reputation overshadowedsome of the other writers of his turbulentand interesting country.

E) Nikos Kazantzakis believed that hisinternational reputation overshadowedsome of the writers of his turbulent andinteresting country.

52. Yul Brynner, ayný rol için hem TonyÖdülü hem de Akademi Ödülü kazanmýþsadece yedi aktörden biridir.

A) Besides Yul Brynner, seven other actorshave won a Tony Award in addition to anAcademy Award for the same role.

B) Yul Brynner is one of only seven actorswho have won both a Tony Award andan Academy Award for the same role.

C) Only seven actors, one of whom is YulBrynner, have won both a Tony Awardand an Academy Award for the samerole.

D) Apart from Yul Brynner, there are sevenactors who have won a Tony Award aswell as an Academy Award for the samerole.

E) Only seven actors have won both a TonyAward and an Academy Award for thesame role, and Yul Brynner is one ofthem.

53. Okyanusun karþý tarafýndaki anavatanla-rýyla olan yakýn iliþkiler, Latin Amerika'dasömürge dönemi edebi trendleri büyükölçüde etkiledi, ancak yeni fikirler vesesler de vardý.

A) Despite the great influence of literarytrends in homelands across the ocean,Latin American literature also developedits own ideas and voices during thecolonial period.

B) There were close ties between colonialLatin America and the homelands acrossthe ocean, so, although there were newideas and voices, literary trends weremutually influential.

C) Close ties with homelands across theocean influenced Latin American literarytrends in the colonial period to a greatextent, so there were few fresh ideasand voices.

D) Although close ties with homelandsacross the ocean greatly influencedliterary trends in the colonial period inLatin America, they did not stop freshideas and voices from being developed.

E) Close ties with homelands across theocean influenced literary trends in thecolonial period in Latin America to agreat extent, but there were fresh ideasand voices, too.

54. Mezopotamya Uygarlýðý, M.Ö. 3500'lerde,çiviyazýsýný bulmuþ olan Sümer þehir-devletleriyle baþlamýþtýr.

A) Cuneiform writing was developed bySumerian city-states, and thus theymarked the beginning of Mesopotamiancivilization in 3500 BC.

B) Sumerian city-states, which developedcuneiform writing, marked the beginningof Mesopotamian civilization in around3500 BC.

C) Mesopotamian civilization began about3500 BC with Sumerian city-states,which developed cuneiform writing.

D) Mesopotamian civilization began when,in about 3500 BC, Sumerian city-statesdeveloped cuneiform writing.

E) The beginning of Mesopotamiancivilization goes back to 3500 BC, whenSumerian city-states developedcuneiform writing.


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ELS55-57. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

China has recently made its driving test moredifficult. Under the old test it was not necessaryto make a left or right turn, or deal with othercars at all. There were even cases of peoplewho bought their way through the test. Thosestandards have contributed to some terrifyingstatistics on road safety. According to thegovernment, 300 people a day die in roadaccidents in China, although the World HealthOrganization puts the figure at 680. China'sdeath rate per 10,000 cars is eight times higherthan that in the US. 78.5% of these total deathsare caused by improper driving. Under the newtest pupils will have to prove their driving skillsin specially-built compounds. The obstacles inthese compounds are fixed, however, so driverswill still not have to worry about other vehicles.

55. It is stated in the passage that in order topass the old Chinese driving test, ...... .

A) a bribe was sometimes usedB) pupils only had to turn in one directionC) very few obstacles had to be dealt withD) pupils didn't even get into a carE) no knowledge of driving was required

56. It is clear from the passage that the highdeath rate on China's roads ...... .

A) is caused mostly by people driving badlyB) has been overestimated by the World

Health OrganizationC) is almost the same as that on US roadsD) entirely results from China's old driving

testE) constitutes more than three-quarters of

China's total death rate

57. The author of the passage states that thenew Chinese driving test ...... .

A) properly prepares pupils for Chineseroads

B) will not cause any difficulties for thedriver

C) will make roads in China significantlysafer

D) is not completely different from theprevious one

E) is intended for people who live oncompounds

58-60. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

Publius or Gaius Cornelius Tacitus is consideredone of antiquity's greatest historians. His workscontain much information about his time, butdetails on his own life are lacking. Even his firstname is uncertain. He was not from the city ofRome, but rather the provinces, possibly GalliaNarbonensis. The dislike for lower-class peopleexpressed in his writings has led to the beliefthat his family was from a branch of thearistocratic family gens Cornelius, but no onefrom that family had ever had the surnameTacitus. His possible place of birth, his skill inoratory, and his occasional sympathy forbarbarians who resisted Roman rule have ledsome to suggest that he was of Celtic origin: theCelts had occupied Gaul before the Romans,were famous for their skill in oratory, and hadbeen conquered by Rome.

58. We learn from the passage that ...... .

A) Gallia Narbonensis was near RomeB) Tacitus was born in Gallia NarbonensisC) little is certain about Tacitus' life D) Tacitus often defended barbarian rightsE) gens Cornelius was the most important

family in Rome

59. It is clear from the passage that Tacitus...... .

A) preferred to live in the provinces of theRoman Empire rather than in the capital,Rome

B) had a surname which derived from aCeltic word

C) was the greatest of all Roman historiansD) was a member of the highest class in the

Roman EmpireE) sometimes understood why some

barbarians fought against Roman control

60. We understand from the passage that theCelts ...... .

A) occasionally fought against Romandomination in their lands

B) were the first people to settle in GaulC) and Tacitus had at least one similarity D) considered Tacitus to be one of their ownE) produced the gens Cornelius family


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ELS61-63. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

Aid agencies have long needed a way to quicklyerect shelters for refugees. A pair of engineershave come up with such a method. It is a"building in a bag"—a sack of cement-impregnated fabric. To erect the structure, allthat needs to be done is add water to the bagand inflate it with air. Twelve hours later theshelter is dried out and ready for use. Thisimproves upon the two current methods ofproviding emergency shelter: tents, whichprovide only poor protection; and prefabricated,portable buildings, which are expensive anddifficult to transport. The new shelter combinesthe best aspects of both forms: it is almost aseasy to transport as a tent, but is as long-lastingand secure as a portable building.

61. We learn from the passage that the"building in a bag" ...... .

A) is even lighter than a tent B) is currently being used by aid agenciesC) is as good as a prefabricated building

but cheaper D) is almost impossible to damageE) was invented by two engineers working

for an aid agency

62. It is understood from the passage thattents ...... .

A) have not been used as much asprefabricated buildings

B) have already been replaced by the"building in a bag"

C) cost the same as the "building in a bag"D) are not solid enough to protect people

well E) are much less difficult to move around

than the "building in a bag"

63. It can be concluded from the passagethat to be able to put up the "building ina bag", ...... .

A) some sort of pump is necessaryB) it has to be covered in cementC) a difficult method needs to be followedD) a lot of water has to be carried with itE) half a day's work is needed

64-66. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

Today, more than 30 different recognizednationalities live in Siberia. Ugrians andSamoyeds inhabit the central and northern partsof western Siberia. Turks and Tungus are widelyscattered all over Siberia, with majorconcentrations in the Altai Mountains and therepublic of Yakutia. Mongols have their ownautonomous regions east and west of LakeBaikal. A few Tungus and Manchus remainalong the Amur and Ussuri river valleys in theFar East. Almost all of these people aresedentary, living in cities and towns or on farms.A few of the northern peoples still practise aform of nomadic herding, but three out of fourSiberians live in urban areas.

64. It is clear from the passage that thepresent-day Siberian population ...... .

A) consists mostly of TurksB) is predominantly urbanC) concentrates in the Altai MountainsD) all lives in autonomous regionsE) depends heavily on nomadic herding

65. The passage tells us that Turks andTungus ...... .

A) make up the largest nationalities living inSiberia

B) are the only nationalities who live inautonomous regions

C) are found throughout SiberiaD) actually have the same originsE) are rarely found outside of the republic

of Yakutia

66. One can conclude from the passage thatmore peoples in Siberia used to ...... .

A) have their own autonomous regions B) be settled around Lake BaikalC) live in cities and townsD) lead a nomadic way of lifeE) be found around the Altai Mountains


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ELS67-69. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

Germany's first mobile phone-throwingchampionships will take place in June. At least160 competitors are expected to take part, withthe winners qualifying for the worldchampionships in Finland in August. Theorganizer of the German event said, "Peopleoften get annoyed with their mobile phones andwant to chuck them as far as they can. Now istheir chance." The "competition" phones mustweigh between 200 and 400 grammes. Opinionsdiffer, however, on which brands and whatweight are the best for throwing. The Germancompetitors will have some way to go to beatthe world record, which currently stands at82.55 metres. The best in Germany is 67.50metres, achieved by Nico Morawa.

67. We learn from the passage that in throwinga "competition" mobile phone, .... .

A) the best weight is 300 grammesB) Germans are only interested in breaking

Nico Morawa's recordC) certain brands are better than othersD) the lighter it is, the betterE) it is not clear which weight is best

68. It is clear from the passage that inGermany, ...... .

A) large numbers of mobile phones havebecome broken by being thrown around

B) most people do not like using mobilephones

C) Nico Morawa is a very famous athleteD) all mobile phones are less than 400

grammes and more than 200 in weight E) mobile phones have been thrown before

69. We understand from the passage that theidea behind mobile phone-throwingchampionships ...... .

A) originated with Nico Morawa's hatred ofthe machine

B) was come up with by someone fromFinland

C) was first thought of this yearD) came from people with short tempers E) originated in Germany

70-72. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

The Norse sagas are stories from ancientScandinavian history about the early Vikingvoyages and migrations. They are epic tales ofheroic deeds of the distant past, tales of worthypeople who were often Vikings, sometimespagan, and sometimes Christian. The tales areusually realistic, sometimes romanticized andfantastic, but always deal with a type of humanbeing we are able to recognize. Aside fromsome Christian influence, the world of the sagasis strongly pagan, with fate playing a centralrole. They do not explain why things happen, asthere is no questioning fate. Life is short anduncertain, and men's worth is determined byglory in arms. One significant concept in theNorse sagas is honour. Any real or imaginedoffence to one's honour had to be avenged, byblood or money.

70. We learn from the passage that in theNorse sagas, honour ...... .

A) is the most important theme in each taleB) and violence are sometimes connected C) gives the power to combat fateD) is a concept given equal value by

Christianity and paganismE) causes all of the characters to lose


71. It is clear from the passage that theVikings of the Norse sagas ...... .

A) were of two different religious beliefsB) left Scandinavia to live in other areasC) were very romantic peopleD) felt their honour was affected by many

different actionsE) were exactly the same as human beings


72. We understand from the passage that theNorse sagas ...... .

A) contain a greater number of pagans thanChristians

B) were written by the earliest settlers ofScandinavia

C) contain characters somewhat similar toourselves

D) are very difficult stories to followE) contain many bloody scenes of violence


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ELS73-75. sorularý aþaðýdaki parçaya görecevaplayýnýz.

The prospects for the printed press are nowlooking healthier. Newspaper circulation roseslightly in 2004, with advertising revenues makingsignificant gains in the same year. Unlike previousyears, growth was not only in developing markets,but also in many established markets. Newspapersare undergoing a renaissance through newstyles, better distribution and better marketing.The industry continues to face many challengesfrom new media, however, such as free papers,online news sites, and other nontraditional newssources. The challenge now for establishednewspaper groups is not just to respond tochanges in this electronic media, but to startprofiting themselves from this media. Providingnews to mobile devices and reaching out toyoung people are just some of the approachesthat the traditional press could adopt.

73. One point emphasized in the passage isthat the printed press ...... .

A) now has nothing to worry about in thefuture

B) must get involved in new media itself C) can no longer charge high prices for its

productsD) is still the most preferred form of media E) will continue to expand its circulation

even faster

74. It is understood from the passage that in2004, newspapers ...... .

A) reached the highest sales in theirhistories

B) that cost no money appeared for the firsttime

C) didn't make any increase in profits indeveloping countries

D) were more positively viewed bycompanies to advertise their products

E) were read less than online news sites

75. We understand from the passage thatbefore 2004, ...... .

A) new media caused no disturbance to theprinted press

B) few people in developed countries readnewspapers

C) the major problem for newspapers wasdistribution

D) developing countries were not interestedin new media

E) the future for the printed press didn't lookso bright

76-80. sorularda, verilen cümleyeanlamca en yakýn olan seçeneði bulunuz.

76. We decided not to buy the car because ofits age, not because of its price.

A) It was not the price but the age of the carthat deterred us from buying it.

B) The price of the car we wanted to buymight have been so low due to its age.

C) Although the car was inexpensive, it wasnot as new as we would have liked.

D) Even if the car had been newer, we stillcould not have afforded it.

E) In spite of the favourable price, wethought the car was far too old.

77. Until I went to India, I had thought that Iwould dislike eating curry.

A) I had expected that I would like Indiancurries, but when I went there, I didn't.

B) Had I never gone to India, I would neverhave known how delicious curry is.

C) Contrary to my expectations, I enjoyedeating curry when I was in India.

D) I was reluctant to go to India because Ididn't want to eat curries there.

E) I ate curry when I was in India, but I amnot sure whether I liked it or not.

78. One of those working on the ship shouldbe responsible for the passengers' health.

A) A member of the crew ought to be incharge of medically looking after thepassengers.

B) On board every ship, there has to besomeone who knows something aboutmedicine.

C) Surely, someone who is working on theship should have checked thepassengers' health.

D) One of the people working on the ship isin charge of the passengers' healthconditions.

E) There seems to be no one among thecrew responsible for the well-being ofpassengers on the ship.


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ELS79. You had better get your suit dry-cleaned

so that you can wear it to your interview.

A) I'll take your suit to the dry cleaner's incase you need to wear it to the interview.

B) In order to be able to go to the interviewin your suit, you should get it dry-cleaned.

C) Why don't you wear your suit to theinterview, as it has just been dry-cleaned?

D) You could wear your suit to the interview,but it hasn't been dry-cleaned.

E) You should get your suit dry-cleanedbecause you might be given an interviewsoon.

80. As far as I know, it will take about a weekto complete your order.

A) Your order is so difficult to complete thatit will take at least seven days to do so.

B) If we start now, I'm sure what youordered will be ready within a week.

C) We should have started a week ago toget your order ready on time.

D) Even if we work as fast as we can, yourorder will take us no less than a quarterof a month.

E) According to my information, your orderwill be ready in approximately sevendays.

81-85. sorularda, boþ býrakýlan yereparçanýn anlam bütünlüðünü saðlamakiçin getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

81. Batik is a centuries-old Javanese art formused on fabric. ........ . Then, the wholething is dipped into a dye. The partscovered in wax resist the dye and remainthe original colour. The process of waxingand dyeing can be repeated to createmore elaborate and colourful designs.

A) Obviously the better the fabric used forbatik, the better the finished product willlook

B) The word batik has its origin in theJavanese word tik, which means "to dot"

C) Although it is now also practisedelsewhere, some of the finest batik clothin the world is still made on Java

D) To make batik, selected areas of a clothare blocked out by putting hot wax overthem

E) It is created through a sequence usingmelted wax and dyes

82. In popular usage, the term "marketing"refers to the promotion of products,especially through advertising andbranding. However, in professionalusage, the term has a wider meaning.

........ . Indeed, it is often to meet theirspecific desires that products areactually originally made.

A) It is doubtful if the amount of marketingpresent in the modern world is desirable

B) Marketing is basically concerned with theselling of products or services

C) A brand is a trademark identifying aproduct or a manufacturer

D) Of course, students of marketing soondiscover that the term includes far morethan just this

E) It also recognizes the importance of thecustomer

83. Joan Chen is an actress born in China in1961. Her second movie, Little Flower,won her the Best Actress Award in Chinain 1980. ........ . She has remained basedthere since then, and starred in suchmajor movies as The Last Emperor. In1993, she returned for a short period toChina to star in Stanley Kwan's RedRose, White Rose, which later won herthe Best Actress Award in Taiwan.

A) Chen has also acted in English-languagefilms

B) This is a story about a girl who falls inlove with a wounded soldier

C) Chen left for the US a year later to studyfilmmaking

D) She is not just an actress but has alsodirected movies, including the award-winning Xiu Xiu

E) Asian actors like Chen are often givenstereotypical roles in US films

84. King Atlas was a mythical King ofMauretania, in Libya. ........ . It was thissupposed star-gazing ruler that the 16thcentury cartographer, Gerardus Mercator,was paying tribute to when he first usedthe name "Atlas" to describe his book ofmaps.

A) The Atlas Mountains of northernMorocco are connected with a differentAtlas, however

B) A different Atlas was the Titan, who hadto spend his time staring at the groundas he held the heavens on his shoulders

C) The modern nation of Mauritania, aslightly different spelling, is nowherenear the modern state of Libya

D) The Dutchman Gerardus Mercatorbecame interested in geography not longafter the first circumnavigation of theEarth

E) He was said to be a wise philosopher,mathematician, and astronomer, whomade the first globe of the stars


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ELS85. The Territory of New Caledonia and

Dependencies is a French territory madeup of many islands scattered across thesouthwestern Pacific. ........ . This city issituated on an excellent deep-waterharbour as well as having modernbuildings, a large public market, and acathedral. It is also home to a campus ofthe French University of the Pacific.

A) Its capital is Nouméa, which is locatedon the island of New Caledonia

B) Its name was given by Captain Cookafter the Roman name for Scotland

C) The two largest ethnic groups in thisterritory are Melanesians and Europeans

D) The territory has a unique status amongFrance's overseas possessions

E) Due to the French presence, parts of theterritory have a European feel

86-90. sorularda, verilen duruma uygundüþen cümleyi bulunuz.

86. You are about to take a taxi home, whichwill cost about 7 YTL. You only have a 50YTL note and, knowing that some taxidrivers may cause a problem about thisat the end of the trip, you say to the taxidriver before you get into his cab:

A) Why is it that you taxi drivers never carryenough change about on yourselves?

B) I don't like the way that cash machineskeep giving me 50 YTL notes all thetime.

C) Do you know that 7 YTL from 50 YTL is43 YTL?

D) Will you be able to give change for a 50-YTL note? I don't have anything smaller.

E) I hope you're not thinking of charging 50YTL for a 7 YTL trip.

87. You have gone to a pizza restaurant andchosen the "all you can eat" option. Youate two slices of a pizza half an hourago, but since then there have been nopizzas. You angrily question the waiterabout this:

A) Can the next one you bring have tunaand anchovies on it please?

B) I'm OK for today, but when I cometomorrow, you'll have more pizzas, won'tyou?

C) I could only eat two slices of pizzaactually. Can I have the bill now?

D) How am I supposed to eat as much as Ican when there's no food there?

E) If you don't bring another pizza out in thenext five minutes, I want my money back.

88. You are on an intercity bus when thewoman next to you pulls out her mobilephone and starts to write a message onit. Knowing how mobile phones canaffect the bus' braking system, you tellher in alarm:

A) You'll get better reception when we passthrough an urban area.

B) I don't know why you are sending amessage. Calling is much easier.

C) Close that thing now—do you want toput all of our lives at risk?

D) Do you have an alarm on that mobilephone? I was thinking of trying to sleepfor a couple of hours.

E) If you really need to do somemessaging, go ahead, but don't callanyone, as that will really annoy me.

89. You see some foreign tourists in thecentre of your city studying a map andlooking very confused. As you knowyour city very well and want to be ofsome assistance, you go over to themand say:

A) What do you think of our country? Doyou like it?

B) I can tell that you have never been to mycity before—welcome!

C) Is reading a map really that difficult foryou?

D) If you tell me where you want to go, Ican give you directions.

E) I think the restaurant you are looking foris the one on Atatürk Street.

90. It is the first sunny day of spring and youhave attended all of your universityclasses this year so far. Thinking thatmissing one day won't do you any harm,you suggest to your friend:

A) If only we didn't have to go to university,we could have a lovely day outside.

B) Let's take the day off and spend it in thepark in this beautiful weather.

C) Going to university in the spring is muchmore difficult than when the weather'sbad.

D) Why don't we quit university and getoutdoor jobs instead?

E) Couldn't we try to get the professor tohold the lecture outside today?


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ELS91-95. sorularda, karþýlýklý konuþmanýnboþ býrakýlan kýsmýný tamamlayabilecekifadeyi bulunuz.

91. Arthur:- Have you ever heard of the Leviathan?

Friedrich:- Yes, isn't that the name of a multi-headed sea monster in the Bible?

Arthur:- ........

Friedrich:- Oh yes, I have heard of it—it waspublished in 1651 and it upset a greatnumber of his friends.

A) It is, but it is also a work on politics byThomas Hobbes, and that was the one Iwas talking about.

B) Yes, in fact it is mentioned in threedifferent places in that book.

C) I've no idea. I was thinking of the filmstarring Peter Weller as Steven Beck.

D) You don't think that is the only thing thathas ever been called Leviathan, do you?

E) New philosophical ideas were appearingin print throughout the 17th century,weren't they?

92. John:- So, how is your Russian coming along?

David:- ........

John:- Why's that?

David:- Because I'm learning it solely through aphrase-based cassette course fortourists.

A) Okay I guess, but our teacher gives usfar too much homework.

B) I gave that up ages ago, so I now spendmy evenings listening to Tarkancassettes.

C) I know quite a few sentences, but I don'tknow any grammar rules.

D) Russian is the 8th most commonlanguage in the world, you know.

E) I'm thinking of visiting Moscow and St.Petersburg this summer.

93. Jean-Jacques:- Do you think that pythons aredangerous snakes for humans?

René:- Actually, python attacks on humans arequite rare.

Jean-Jacques:- ........

René:- In terms of the greatest number ofdeaths, it is the saw-scaled viper.

A) There are a lot of different snakes inAfrica and Asia, aren't there?

B) Then which is the most dangerous snakefor humans?

C) That doesn't mean that they neverhappen, though, does it?

D) Which snake are you most afraid of,then?

E) Do poisonous snakes kill more peoplethan constricting ones?

94. Søren:- What did you do on Saturday night?

Benedict:- I wanted to go and watch the new StarWars movie.

Søren:- ........

Benedict:- I don't know, as all the tickets had beensold out and we couldn't get in.

A) Did you get there early enough to buy aticket?

B) So, was the film any good?C) You had been looking forward to that,

hadn't you?D) Which cinema did you go to?E) Were there any tickets left when you got



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ELS95. Gottfried:

- Why is it that you are walking with alimp?

Immanuel:- ........

Gottfried:- How did that happen?

Immanuel:- My son had left his ball at the top ofthem and I stepped on it by accident.

A) I fell down the stairs yesterday.B) I got hurt playing football.C) I was teaching my son to kick a ball.D) I've been walking like this for weeks.E) I've just come out of hospital.

96-100. sorularda, cümleler sýrasýylaokunduðunda parçanýn anlambütünlüðünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

96. (I) A German man lost his wallet and mobilephone when three men attacked him in thetoilet of his local night club. (II) He wentoutside and called the police by using afriend's mobile. (III) The number to call thepolice in Germany is 110. (IV) While waitingfor them to arrive, three other men stole hiswatch and cigarettes. (V) Just after this, fiveother men approached him and threatenedhim, stealing his jacket and the last of thesmall change.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

97. (I) Jackals are scavengers—eating otherdead animals— and predators. (II) Theirlong legs and curved canine teeth areadapted for hunting small mammals, birds,and reptiles. (III) They hunt during the night,being most active at dawn and dusk. (IV)They are helped in their hunting by theirgreat running ability, being capable ofmaintaining speeds of 16km/h for extendedperiods of time. (V) But it is the cheetahwhich is the fastest of all land mammals.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

98. (I) "Space junk" or "space debris" refers toany artificial rubbish orbiting the Earth. (II)This could be anything from jettisonedrocket stages or satellite pieces down toloosened paint chips. (III) There may beover a million pieces of space junk currentlyorbiting the Earth. (IV) However, all but9,000 of these are smaller than a tennisball. (V) A tennis ball dropped on the moonwill hit the surface at the same speed as abrick.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

99. (I) The British airline industry seems to haverecovered from its slump following 11September 2001. (II) A British airline isoffering Japanese language lessons on itsLondon-to-Tokyo flights. (III) The course isavailable on its in-flight entertainmentsystem, alongside Spanish. (IV) Passengerscan learn basic phrases or brush up onfluent conversation. (V) There are also plansto add Cantonese and Mandarin in thefuture.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

100. (I) Þanlýurfa is located next to theEuphrates River. (II) This puts it at thecentre of one of the longest-inhabited areasin the world. (III) Many rich archaeologicalsites from all historical periods have beenfound and excavated in this area. (IV) Thereare a number of foreign archaeologistsworking in Turkey. (V) The finds of thesearchaeological projects can be seen in theÞanlýurfa Museum.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V



Cevap anahtarý son sayfadadýr

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l Birbirini takip eden dört kitaptan oluþan ELS-WORKSHEETS, Anadolu Liseleri,Süper Liseler ve özel okullarýn, hatta üniversite ve yüksekokullarýn hazýrlýksýnýflarýnda yaygýn olarak izlenmektedir.

l ELS-WORKSHEETS, Anadolu Liseleri, Süper Liseler ve özel okullarýn Ýngilizcehazýrlýk sýnýflarý için okulda izlenen kitaplara yardýmcý kaynak olarak hazýrlanmýþtýr.

l Yayýnýn hazýrlanmasýnda, M.E.B'nýn bu okullar için öngördüðü müfredat programýve okullarda yaygýn olarak okutulan kitaplarýn içerikleri temel alýnmýþtýr.

l Grammar-Reading-Vocabulary alanlarýnda çok çeþitli ve bol alýþtýrma verilereköðrencilerin okulda öðrendiklerini pekiþtirmeleri, Ýngilizce öðrenirken karþýlaþtýklarýgüçlüklerin daha kolay üstesinden gelmeleri amaçlanmýþtýr.

l ELS-WORKSHEETS, hazýrlýk sýnýflarýna ders veren öðretmen arkadaþlarýmýz içinde kolaylýk saðlamaktadýr. Çünkü özellikle, öðrencilerin kavramakta güçlük çektiðikonularda yoðun olmak üzere her konuda özenle hazýrlanmýþ alýþtýrmalar,öðretmen arkadaþlarýmýzýn öðrencilerine bol miktarda ek kaynak sunmalarýnýkolaylaþtýrmaktadýr.

l Ayrýca, her kitabýn sonunda dört adet olmak üzere ve her beþ ünitede biruygulanacak þekilde düzenlenmiþ toplam 16 "QUIZ" ile öðretmen arkadaþlarýmýz yýlboyu öðrencilerinin durumunu sýk sýk test etme olanaðý bulacaklardýr.

l Bu tanýtým sayýmýzýn sonunda, öðretim yýlýnýn baþýnda öðrencilere uygulanmasý içinbir “DÜZEY BELÝRLEME SINAVI” verilmiþtir. Böylece, öðretmen arkadaþlarýmýzýn,çeþitli okullardan gelen öðrencilerinin Ýngilizce düzeyleri konusunda bir fikiredinmeleri amaçlanmýþtýr.

l ELS-WORKSHEETS'in okullarda daha rahat izlenebilmesi için, Talim ve TerbiyeKurulu Baþkanlýðý'nýn 13.11.1998 tarih, 13577 sayýlý kararý ile onay alýnmýþtýr.

ELS Yayýncýlýk


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Unit 1 ............................................................... 1-9To be: am, are, is Personal Pronouns and Possessive Adjectiveswhat/where/how old?in/from/at (place)

Unit 2 .......................................................... 10-15Singular/Pluralthis, these/that, thosePrepositions of place

Unit 3 ......................................................... 16-22Possessive ('s)have got/has gotQuestions with whoPossessive Pronouns

Unit 4 ......................................................... 23-27Telling the timeOrdinal numbers (first, second, etc.)Days of the week/MonthsPrepositions of time and place

Unit 5 ......................................................... 28-31There is/there are a, an, some, any, how manyREVISION TEST 1

Unit 6 ......................................................... 34-37can/can't (ability)Linking words: because, so, and, but

Unit 7 ......................................................... 38-44ImperativesObject Pronouns a, an, themust/mustn't

Unit 8 ......................................................... 45-49Nouns: countable/uncountablesome, any, a lot of, much, manyHow many/How much can (request)/would like one/ones (substitute words)

Unit 9 ......................................................... 50-54Present Continuoustoo/either

Unit 10 ....................................................... 55-61Simple PresentFrequency adverbsHabits/likes/dislikes Neither do I/So do I, etc.REVISION TEST 2TEST YOUR VOCABULARY 1

Unit 11 ........................................................ 66-74Simple Present or Present ContinuousNon-progressive verbsPresent Continuous with a future meaning Questions with who, Wh- questions

Unit 12 ........................................................ 75-78Simple Past: to be: was/wereQuestions with wherethere was/there were ago /in

Unit 13 ........................................................ 79-81Simple Past (regular verbs)

Unit 14 ....................................................... 82-86Simple Past (irregular verbs) Putting actions into order (first, then, after that, next, finally)

Unit 15 ........................................................ 87-91Simple Past (Question forms)

Unit 16 ........................................................ 92-99REVISION OF TENSESSimple PresentPresent ContinuousSimple PastWh- questionsREVISION TEST 3

Unit 17 .................................................... 100-103Making suggestions: Let’s, Why don’t we ...........? Agreeing/disagreeing with suggestions can/can’t (permission/possibility)Asking/giving/refusing permissionAsking for and explaining reasons Why/because/so

Unit 18 .................................................... 104-110have to/must/mustn’tGiving directions

Unit 19 ..................................................... 111-118Comparative and Superlative forms of adjectives

Unit 20 .................................................... 119-122Adverbs




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Unit 1 .............................................................. 1-7going to Future (plans/intentions)for + time phrase/How long?Expressing purpose

Unit 2 ............................................................ 8-10going to Future

Unit 3 .......................................................... 11-16Simple Future: will/won't

Unit 4 .......................................................... 17-20going to Future or Simple Future (will/won't)

Unit 5 .......................................................... 21-29REVISION OF TENSESSimple PresentPresent ContinuousSimple PastFuture (going to/will)Questions with how often Expressing frequency of actions Question TagsREVISION TEST 1

Unit 6 .......................................................... 30-36Indefinite pronouns Prepositions -ing Constructions

Unit 7 .......................................................... 37-43Simple Past and Past Continuous When/While sentences

Unit 8 .......................................................... 44-49Present Perfect Simple Talking about previous experiences Simple Past (with a definite time in the past)Present Perfect SimpleTalking about past actions with results in the present

Unit 9 .......................................................... 50-54Present Perfect Simple (with for/since) Simple Past (with ago)Questions with when/how long

Unit 10 ........................................................ 55-63REVISION OF TENSESSimple PresentPresent ContinuousSimple PastPast ContinuousPresent PerfectREVISION TEST 2 TEST YOUR VOCABULARY 1

Unit 11 ....................................................... 64-71

Describing people's appearanceDescribing placesquite, very

Unit 12 ....................................................... 72-79

Comparative and Superlative forms of Adjectives and Adverbs

Unit 13 ....................................................... 80-86

The Passive:Simple Present/Simple Past

Unit 14 ....................................................... 87-90

The Passive:Present Continuous/Past Continuous

Unit 15 ....................................................... 91-97

The Passive:Present Perfect/Future (going to/will)REVISION TEST 3

Unit 16 ..................................................... 98-109

ModalsAbility: can/could/be able toObligation: have to/must/mustn't/needn'tAdvisability: shouldPossibility: must/may (not)/can'tPreference: would rather/would preferPassive with Modals

Unit 17 ................................................... 110-113

Question Tagstoo and either so and nor/neitherI think so, I hope not, etc.

Unit 18 ................................................... 114-117

Quantifiersa few, a little, too many, too much, etc.

Unit 19 ................................................... 118-123

Present Perfect Continuoussince, for, how longPresent Perfect Simple or Continuous

Unit 20 ................................................... 124-127



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Unit 1 .............................................................. 1-5

Time Clauses for future actions (until, when, as soon as, after, before)

Unit 2 ............................................................ 6-13

Conditionals (Type 1-2)Unless

Unit 3 .......................................................... 14-16

I wish/If only

Unit 4 .......................................................... 17-24

Relative Clauses (defining)Relative pronouns: which/who/that/where

Unit 5 .......................................................... 25-28

used to/wouldno longer/any longer/any moreREVISION TEST 1

Unit 6 .......................................................... 31-35

both/neither/either/butboth ........ andneither....... noreither ....... or

Unit 7 .......................................................... 36-38

Past Perfect Tense

Unit 8 .......................................................... 39-45

Past Perfect in Time Clauses

Unit 9 .......................................................... 46-50

Past Perfect or Present Perfect

Unit 10 ........................................................ 51-59

Time Clauses (present/future/past)REVISION TEST 2TEST YOUR VOCABULARY 1

Unit 11 ....................................................... 65-70

Reported Speech (Statements)

Unit 12 ....................................................... 71-75

Reported Speech (Questions)

Unit 13 ....................................................... 76-80

Reported Speech (Imperatives)

Unit 14 ....................................................... 81-84

Reported Speech (Mixed forms)

Unit 15 ....................................................... 85-92


Unit 16 ..................................................... 93-100

Prepositional Verbs (look at, listen to etc.)

Unit 17 ................................................... 101-105

Phrasal Verbs (put out, take off, etc.)

Unit 18 ................................................... 106-113

Pronouns (mine, yours, myself, himself, etc.)Indefinite pronouns (something, nobody, etc.)

Unit 19 ................................................... 114-121

Articles (a/an/the)Determiners (all of them/some of them/ none of it, etc.) other/another/the other

Unit 20 ................................................... 122-123




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Unit 1 .............................................................. 1-6

Grammar Revision Unit 2 ............................................................ 7-11

PRESENT TENSESSimple PresentPresent ContinuousNon-progressive verbs

Unit 3 .......................................................... 12-17

FUTURE TENSESUnit 4 .......................................................... 18-21

PAST TENSESSimple PastPast Continuous

Unit 5 .......................................................... 22-31

PERFECT TENSESPresent Perfect Present Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect Past Perfect ContinuousREVISION TEST 1

Unit 6 .......................................................... 34-38

Simple and Perfect ModalsUnit 7 .......................................................... 39-41

Present and past participles as adjectives Unit 8 .......................................................... 42-45

Adjective and adverb structures too/enoughso ...... that/such ...... that

Unit 9 .......................................................... 46-53

Gerunds and InfinitivesInfinitive with or without "to"Infinitive after adjectivesGerund after prepositions

Unit 10 ........................................................ 54-59


Unit 11 ....................................................... 65-69

Relative Clauses (defining)that/which/who/whose/whereContact clauses

Unit 12 ....................................................... 70-76

Relative Clauses (Non-defining)Unit 13 ....................................................... 77-83

Noun Clauses (as objects)Unit 14 ....................................................... 84-90

Conditionals (Type 1-2-3)Wish Clauses (I wish/If only)

Unit 15 ....................................................... 91-94

Connectors and Conjunctions but, and, or, so, because, after, before, etc.

REVISION TEST 3Unit 16 ..................................................... 97-101

Prepositional Phraseson time, in a hurry, by mistake, etc.Phrasal Verbs

Unit 17 ................................................... 102-111

Vocabulary BuildingUnit 18 ................................................... 112-117

Synonyms and AntonymsPrefixes of Negation (un-, dis-, in-, im-, il-, ir-)Negatives with -less

Unit 19 ................................................... 118-121

Confusing VerbsConfusing Word Pairs

Unit 20

REVISION TEST 4 .................... 122-127



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1. He's in a very difficult situation, solet's do …… to help him.

A) everything B) nothingC) something D) anything

2. As soon as Fred …… home thisevening, he …… a shower.

A) arrives/will takeB) arrived/takesC) was arriving/will takeD) will arrive/has taken

3. Everyone wants to have Federico ontheir team, ……?

A) don't they B) haven't theyC) isn't he D) doesn't he

4. When I was in primary school, mymum never let me play outside …… Ifinished all of my homework.

A) since B) becauseC) but D) until

5. I would like …… literature or the finearts at university, rather than any ofthe sciences.

A) studying B) to study C) studied D) study

6. American author Paul Bowles …… inTangier, Morocco, for 52 years beforehe …… there in 1999.

A) lived/died B) lives/was dyingC) has lived/is dying D) was living/dies

7. Bethany: I don't think Hollywood movies have any artistic value.

François: …… . Independent movies are much better, if you ask me.

A) Nor have I B) So do IC) Neither do I D) Me, too

8. It'll be difficult to …… this project withsuch a small budget, but we'redetermined to do it.

A) take off B) turn onC) carry out D) get off

9. You really …… the dishes now, as I'mplanning to do them myself after thisTV show has ended.

A) needn't do B) didn't use to doC) can't do D) haven't done

10. If you ……, we …… there before therush hour starts.

A) were hurrying/got B) hurry/will get C) would hurry/getD) hurried/have got

11. My …… is that you should read theinstructions carefully at least once.

A) expression B) effectC) background D) suggestion

12. Do you know …… of the SouthAmerican countries is the largest?

A) whose B) how manyC) which D) what

13. I think that L'Atalante is …… of JeanVigo's four films.

A) better B) the best C) good D) the good

14. …… you are not reading it at themoment, may I take a look at yourmagazine?

A) Because B) ButC) So D) Or

A. Choose the right answer. (2 points for each)


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15. Comiskey Park, home to the ChicagoWhite Sox baseball team for 80 years,…… in 1910.

A) was built B) builtC) was building D) has been built

16. It certainly wasn't Burcu that you sawyesterday, because she's on holiday inMalta …… month.

A) last B) thereC) that D) this

17. English folk singer Nick Drake wasborn …… the city of Rangoon, Burma,…… 19 June 1948.

A) at/from B) in/on C) to/by D) with/in

18. I wouldn't mind …… you write youressay, but you'll have to wait for me tofinish my own work first.

A) to help B) helping C) helped D) help

19. Gabrielle is …… in architecture andplans to study the subject atuniversity.

A) nervous B) generousC) interested D) covered

20. The doctor has told me that I ……these pills at the same time every dayin order for them to be effective.

A) have to take B) was takingC) would take D) took

21. All passengers must take care not to…… the bus until it has come to acomplete stop.

A) put off B) get off C) take off D) turn off

22. I must admit that …… mobile phone isbetter than ……, but I only use it as analarm clock, anyway.

A) it/you B) his/meC) your/mine D) hers/yours

23. …… I don't enjoy Turkish pop music, Ifind the pop star Göksel to be a verytalented singer and songwriter.

A) Despite B) AsC) Because D) Although

24. This suitcase is …… heavy …… you'llhurt your back if you try to lift it.

A) too/for B) so/that C) very/than D) such a/that

25. Not …… people actually came to mybirthday party, so I was quitedisappointed.

A) many B) a lotC) few D) a little

26. By the time this semester ……, Iprobably …… writing my master'sthesis.

A) ends/will have finishedB) ended/have finishedC) has ended/finishedD) will end/finished

27. Your classroom is at …… end of ……corridor.

A) a/the B) —/thatC) an/— D) the/this

28. …… the city centre, …… the pointwhere a number of different roadsmeet, there is an abstract ironsculpture made by a local artist.

A) With/on B) By/ofC) In/at D) From/to

29. You don't know what time the bankswill be opening, ……?

A) are you B) do you C) will they D) do they

30. It's difficult to say …… how manypeople were at the demonstration, but Iwould guess that it was about 5,000.

A) exactly B) carefullyC) suddenly D) frequently


Page 34: ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz … · 2014. 10. 9. · Bu tanýtým sayýmýzda, adaylarýn baþlangýç düzeyini saptamak amacýyla, ÖSS-YDS

1. A) who B) whereC) which D) how

2. A) bought B) noticed C) intended D) told

3. A) as B) likeC) with D) for

4. A) Since B) WhileC) When D) Before

5. A) little B) soC) many D) much

B. Choose the right answer to complete the blanks. (2 points for each)

Pop Music

"Pop", short for "popular", is a kind of music (1) …… began in the rock 'n' roll of the 1950s.At that time, record companies first (2) …… the great financial potential in teenage recordbuyers, and so they began to shape and market rock 'n' roll to appeal to teenagers. In theprocess, the great and creative music of such artists (3) …… Chuck Berry and Little Richardbegan to change into the less original music of, for instance, Pat Boone and Paul Anka. (4)…… then, things have not changed (5) …… . Even today, nearly every original new style ofmusic eventually gets packaged and sold by record companies as "pop" of one kind oranother. The revolutionary punk rock of The Clash, for example, has now changed into the"pop-punk" sound of bands like Good Charlotte.

C. Read the passage and then choose the right answer. (2.5 points for each)


Basketball is an unusual sport in that it did not develop from another sport, but wasinvented by one man. In 1891, Canadian James Naismith was working at the YMCA youthorganization in the state of Massachusetts. He was trying to find an energetic indoor gamethat would keep the boys busy during the long, harsh New England winters. According tolegend, Naismith produced several ideas before finally coming up with the idea of "basket-ball". He quickly wrote down the basic rules, nailed two peach baskets to the gymnasiumwalls, and—on 20 January 1892—became the referee of the first game, whose score was 1-0.Within a few years, the game was being played at YMCAs across the United States.Interestingly, while the YMCA was responsible for developing and spreading the game, withina decade it began to discourage the sport. This was because "basket-ball" had begun to beplayed very roughly and to attract violent crowds. This was in conflict with the organization'spromotion of good Christian values and friendly competitive play.

1. It is stated in the passage that JamesNaismith invented basketball ...... .

A) after he saw a similar game beingplayed

B) to keep children busy indoors C) and then played in the first gameD) because he needed exercise

2. It is clear from the passage thatbasketball was ...... .

A) originally played with completelydifferent rules than now

B) first played using peaches rather thana ball

C) played in Canada before the UnitedStates

D) not Naismith's first idea for an indoorgame

3. According to the passage, the YMCA...... .

A) existed only in Massachusetts duringthe 1890s

B) only allowed Christian boys to playbasketball

C) no longer supports the game ofbasketball

D) encouraged the sport of basketball atfirst

4. It is obvious from the passage that .... .

A) the YMCA is a Canadian organizationB) basketball was not originally a

competitive sportC) only one point was scored in the first

basketball game D) basketball has always been a very

violent sport


Page 35: ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz … · 2014. 10. 9. · Bu tanýtým sayýmýzda, adaylarýn baþlangýç düzeyini saptamak amacýyla, ÖSS-YDS

The Nika Riots

In the Byzantine Empire, there were two well-developed groups of fans of the sport ofchariot-racing: the Blues and the Greens, both named for the uniform colour of their favouriteracing team. These two groups worked like modern-day street gangs and political parties,grouping people by social class and religion. Emperors usually supported one group over theother. In 531, some members of the Blues and the Greens were arrested for murder andsentenced to death. The emperor Justinian I—a Blues supporter—changed the sentence toimprisonment, but the Blues and the Greens wanted the prisoners to be let free. Justinianignored them, so on 11 January they broke into the prison, let out the prisoners, and set fire toparts of Constantinople. Some senators who opposed Justinian saw this disorder as a chanceto overthrow him, and so they armed and helped the rioters. The rioters began to do damageall over the city. The senators also declared a new emperor, Hypatius. Justinian thought aboutescaping from the city, but his wife convinced him to stay. Then Justinian ordered his generalsto end the revolt. They did this on 18 January by trapping the rioters in the city stadium.There, about 30,000 were put to death. Hypatius was killed, too, and the senators who hadsupported the riot were exiled to other places.

D. Read the passage and write T (True) or F (False) for the statements givenbelow. (2 points for each)

.......... 1. The Blues and the Greens were actually political parties.

.......... 2. The Blue and Green prisoners were killed in prison.

.......... 3. The emperor Justinian I was a fan of the chariot-racing team that wore blue.

.......... 4. Justinian I did not agree with the prisoners' original sentence.

.......... 5. Justinian I eventually freed the prisoners.

.......... 6. The entire Byzantine senate turned against Justinian I when the riots began.

.......... 7. The Blue and Green prisoners were freed by force.

.......... 8. The Nika Riots lasted for one week.

.......... 9. Many thousands of people lost their lives in the Nika Riots.

.......... 10. The Byzantine senators who helped the rioters were killed.



Cevap anahtarý son sayfadadýr

Page 36: ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz … · 2014. 10. 9. · Bu tanýtým sayýmýzda, adaylarýn baþlangýç düzeyini saptamak amacýyla, ÖSS-YDS



01 EYLÜL 2005 - 30 EYLÜL 2005 tarihleri arasýnda geçerlidir.


I. SEÇENEK PEÞÝN 340.-YTL ------- -------


01 EKÝM 2005 - 31 EKÝM 2005 tarihleri arasýnda geçerlidir.


I. SEÇENEK PEÞÝN 360.-YTL ------- -------


01 KASIM 2005 - 30 KASIM 2005 tarihleri arasýnda geçerlidir.


I. SEÇENEK PEÞÝN 380.-YTL ------- -------


NOT:1. Taksitle ödeme seçenegi 30 KASIM 2005 tarihine kadar geçerlidir. 01 ARALIK 2005 tarihinden itibaren

dergi aboneliði sadece peþin ödemeyle mümkün olacaktýr.2. ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT (720 sayfa) kitabýmýz tüm abonelerimize ücretsiz olarak

gönderilecektir.3. Taksitle ödeme seçeneðinde, II. ve III. taksitlerin ödemesi ilk taksitin ödeme tarihinden 30 ve 60 gün

sonra yapýlmýþ olmalýdýr.4. Abone bedelinin abone olan kurum ya da kiþi adýna yatýrýlmasý gerekmektedir.5. Taksitlerinizin zamanýnda ödenmemesi durumunda taksit tarihinden itibaren dergilerinizin adresinize

postalanma iþlemi durdurulacaktýr. Böyle üzücü durumlarla karþýlaþmamak için ödemelerinizde titizolmanýz gerekmektedir.

6. Ýlk abone olurken ve taksit ödemelerinizde ADINIZI-ADRESÝNÝZÝ-TELEFON NUMARANIZI VE BANKADEKONTUNUZU 0 216 349 18 25’e fakslayýnýz. Faks çektikten sonra teyit etmek için lütfen bizi arayýnýz.

GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 6696263 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2876145/5005 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)(Ziraat Bankasý Genel md.’lüðünün 24.08.2004 tarihli ve 26 sayýlý genel duyurusu gereði havale ücreti ödenmez.)




Page 37: ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz … · 2014. 10. 9. · Bu tanýtým sayýmýzda, adaylarýn baþlangýç düzeyini saptamak amacýyla, ÖSS-YDS



01 EYLÜL 2005 - 30 EYLÜL 2005 tarihleri arasýnda geçerlidir.


280.-YTL 100.-YTL 90.-YTL 90.-YTL

01 EKÝM 2005 - 31 EKÝM 2005 tarihleri arasýnda geçerlidir.


290.-YTL 110.-YTL 90.-YTL 90.-YTL

01 KASIM 2005 - 30 KASIM 2005 tarihleri arasýnda geçerlidir.


300.-YTL 120.-YTL 90.-YTL 90.-YTL

NOT:1. Toplu abone koþullarýmýz 10 ve üzeri baþvurular için geçerlidir.2. Toplu abone yapan kurum ücret ödemeksizin dergimize abone olacaktýr.3. Dergimize toplu abone olunmasý durumunda; her abonemize ENGLISH GRAMMAR INSIDE and OUT

(720 sayfa) ve ENGLISH THROUGH READING (432 sayfa) kitaplarýmýz ücretsiz olarak gönderilecektir.4. Abone bedellerinin banka hesabýmýza toplu olarak abone olan kurum ya da kiþi adýna yatýrýlmasý

gerekmektedir.5. Taksitle ödeme seçeneðinde, II. ve III. taksitlerin ödemesi ilk taksitin ödeme tarihinden 30 ve 60 gün

sonra yapýlmýþ olmalýdýr.6. Taksitlerinizin zamanýnda ödenmemesi durumunda taksit tarihinden itibaren dergilerinizin adresinize

gönderilme iþlemi durdurulacaktýr.7. Toplu abonelerde dergiler kargo ile toplu olarak kurum adresine gönderilecektir.8. Ýlk abone olurken ve taksit ödemelerinizde ADINIZI-ADRESÝNÝZÝ-TELEFON NUMARANIZI VE BANKA

DEKONTUNUZU 0 216 349 18 25’e fakslayýnýz. Faks çektikten sonra teyit etmek için lütfen bizi arayýnýz.

GARANTÝ BANKASI KADIKÖY ÞB. 6696263 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)

ZÝRAAT BANKASI KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY ÞB. 2876145/5005 nolu hesap (Osman ÖNDEÞ)(Ziraat Bankasý Genel md.’lüðünün 24.08.2004 tarihli ve 26 sayýlý genel duyurusu gereði havale ücreti ödenmez.)





Page 38: ÜCRETSÝZ olan bu tanýtým broþürümüzden öðrenci sayýnýz … · 2014. 10. 9. · Bu tanýtým sayýmýzda, adaylarýn baþlangýç düzeyini saptamak amacýyla, ÖSS-YDS











































































































































































































A. 1.C 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.B 19.C 20.A 21.B22.C 23.D 24.B 25.A 26.A 27.D 28.C 29.B 30.A

B. 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.DC. 1.B 2.D 3.D 4.CD. 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.F 7.T 8.T 9.T 10.F