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PUBLISHED BY THE SEVENTHDAY BAPTIST PUBLISHING SOCIETY EDITED BY A CDMDllTTEE OF THE BOARD. TERMS-TWO DOLLAla I'll mtlI II aUJAl\IIDt\ VOL XV.-NO 8. NEW YORK, J..1.L··JJAY, JULY 29, 1858. SabbatlJ l1l.e.corber , rUDLTSijEn WEEKI Y 8y the Seventh-day Baptist Pubhshmg SOCiety, At No 100 Nas.au Street New rOTk. TERMS-$2 00 per year payahle In advance SlIU. flpltons not paid till the c1oso 01 the year WIll he I able to an additional charge of 50 cellts. Sabbath Rw>rdet 18 devoted to the expOSItion and vlDlhcatJOn of the views and movements of the Seventh day Baptist Denommntlon It 81ms to promote Vital aml vigorous benevoleut actIOn at the same Ime It urges obedIence to the commandments ot Gol anti the IUltl! of Jesus Its colnmns are open to Ihe advocacy of alllOformatory mellsures which seem I kely to Improve the conditIOn of society dIffuse I nO\1 Ie 19c reclaim the mebnate and enfranchIse the euslu.ed In ItS LIterary and Intelhgence Depart. me Its care IS taken to furlllsh matter adapted to the \ tnts and tastes of every class of readers. As a Re- I glOus and I amlly Newspaper It IS IOl€nded that the Recorder liIall-rank among the best and boly days, or holidays, consecratIng each of them to Bome Idol dIVInity, and In all their festivity and reJOiCing they had reference to tillS dlVlDlty-they drank to his honor, they danced to his praise But these festivals they selected themselves, and fixed not only then' time and frequency, but all the partICulars of thelf observance. different thiS from a commandment to devote jstructiOlls'of Scripture, that a boanteous feast hiS class 111 to hiS The Compauy oflltl&ven. to thIS purpose as much chOice meat and 011 themselves and a generons hospitality to tellectual emptllless, used play and wtne as they pOSSibly COUld, and' the mOle WII8 the order of tI.e day au all the II Bishop Puff"-had he confe.sed It IS J.Ileasnnt amid the Jars and and dIscords the better-the more the greater man's piety, Festivals sltlon," of which he seemed so IJrU'UU, of the lower world, to meet and mmgle With and the more, the deeper the D17llle satlsfac [Concluded next week] top of a totterlDg plVOt from . ..,h;phH the great and noble SpirIts that Qre to be tion! hourly expecttng to be /tnrlul our among os, and to refresh the weary, world 'fhe heathen, 1D their bhndness have taken The Unappreciated Minister frleud have felt that hl8 own worn mtnd by assoCIatIOns With the pure and tins. latter course, an<l. have sacrificed whole preferable one He dwelt III the holy hearted, after the busy care8 and petty reCeived Will be acknowledged m the paper 80 as to mdteate the time to whIch they reach No pnper unlll all arrearages are paid !\Xcept at the dIscretIOn of the Committee RATES OF ADVERTISING For a square of 16 hnes or less-one msertlon $ 75 each subsequent mserhon 50 SIX months 6 00 , " one year 10 00 ench addItional square two-thUds the above rates. flW'"Communtcattons OldeIB and reDllttances should be dlI ected (post paltl) to the Editor8 of tlu Sabbath R-.order No 100 Nassau ,t New- York We the foliowlDg Essay on the Sll.bbutH which bas been presented to us by Its the Rev J L Hatch who thouJh he occupws a different stand pOInt flOm onr elves III relatIOn to the perpetlll11 obi Jatlon of the Sabhatlc lillY, has embodied \D IllS $sslloy many observations In relatIOn to 00 the other hand. With the Jews these days were fixed for them, and they were nOlther allowed to turu a warkmg day IOto a fea1lval, nor a festival IOtO a worklOg day Not that aU workmg, recreatIOn or enjoyment lYu, forbulden on worklllg days, nor that, ab Rolntely, work was forbidden on the weekly festival, but that the former were to be, for the most part, devoted to labor, that was to be the ordvr and of the first SIX days of every week, while the seventh cases of necessity lind mercy excepted, was to be given up chiefly to recreatIOn (mental and phySICal) and SOCIal festIVIty And III !Ill their feastmg, recreatIOn and reJOICing on that seventh day, reference was to be made to their natIOnal dlvlDlty-the One Everlasting God In HI8 name they were to observe thiS festIval and not 111 any other For, as Mosca assured them _" Or! the seventh day God ended bls work which he had made and be rested [or ceased J on the seventh day, fro n all I11S work wh ch he had mude, aud God blessed [or prou9Jlnced Joyful] the Reventh day and sactlfied ft. r or sep lrated al d set It apart from other days J because that ID It he had rested, [or ceased] Irom all hiS work, whICh God had created and made [or fully accomplished] So fifty two rest daYS-days set apal t from ordmary labor, and, moreover feast days JOy ful, blessed days were proVided, ID each year, for all the Hebrew natIOn-men, women, chi I dren, aud servants, and evcn tho cattle, for so reg-ds the beneficent commandment, as given to Moses on Smal and recorded In the twen t eth chapter of Exodus BeSide thiS weekly festlvlIl, there were other feast days appomted dnrmg the year, amouutmg In all to more tltan tlttrty * so that, counting the weekly festival days more thau etghty, or nearly onefourth of oil tbe days of the yea1;, were set aSide by DlVllle command, and consecrated to Joyful feRtlvlty, to domestIc and BOCIIII pleasure, and healtbful recreatIOn hecatombs at a tIme of tbe chOice of tbelr Half a century ago, there plodrled to school small but devoted band of brethren trtals of thiS work-day wnrld are over, to sit flocks and herds to thetr dlVlllltJes; but the the rough hilly dlstnet of TannerSVille a IOferlOr brother only occupIed the qUIetly down by the fire Bide, or among the two Lord had speCIally prOVided agalDst thIS curly headed, sun burnt hoy Others stronger flock neither edlfYlDg them, or three who have met together, and conversed In the Jews by hmltmg thtllr dall,., and borne 1ll1ltormy wea.t.i.Jer until flIp. .ono mlludlDlr thelr-respect that home to which each clolllllg day brlngB their feast-day to one or two pairs could cover their feet or tIll tue But Satan took advantage of hiS llS nearer, and towards which onr umted hearts of lambs. offered for the great £91!iregatlon cloth came from the fulling mtll to tlOg Sill or frailty, and dlRcontent aud hopeB are tend 109 Thus He showed that, as Mleah'!llilftructs llS, their wmter garments But Eben Orane, him hke a strong man armerl And If the commumon on eartli of salDts He IS not pleased II With thousanft rams or the pmchlllg cold or drlVlng on hiS prlvatl)Us m securlllg au IS so sweet, If the 80clety of the good and love With ten thooshnlls of ' rivers of 011" What In hI" eeat Trne hIS bare red feet, hiS hiS coveted work-hiS snperlority Iy IS to be deSIred, what mnst It be to mIngle He reqUIres of us IS, not multiplied slLcrifices clothes, lind IllS red cashmere Puff 10 everythlUg save strength of With tbe grand a.semblage ahove 1 Beaven and oblatIOns-whether I calves of the stalt" ghost of his mother's weddmg one ql1antlt;y of hair, and IllS soul, off bas been gatherlDg to Itself through countless or the "calves of oor hps"-but to 'do Justly, lid pllllQer than WOlds tbe tale of poverty could not brook hIS patronage, 1I0r Vf>ll'ttlA whatever IS congemal to Its nature, and love mercy, and walk humbly' SOllie typical boys It IS trne, sometimes playfully set 111) which some others had deigned to eX!Jflli'S' enrlchmg Itself WIth the spOIl of earth What- sacrifice was meet and an open verbal IlC runless bat at auctIOn or made sarcastic an eVIl bonr he took hb haud from ever we look upon as boly and excelleut, eleva- kaowledgemellt of the greatness and goodness offers for bls shoes of Nature's own make, but and stood With arms folded, looking ted and worthy to be loved \U the character of of God and our filial relatlou and unfilial can none of these thlDgs moved him WbJie they field for an easier and snnmer man, IS found gathered aud stili gatherllllJ \U duct toward him IS fittlOg So much God he bent over books aud With the whIch to reap After of that multitude which no man can number 1n expects from us III that way, no more The earnestness of one thirsting for knowledge - whICh hiS heart ached to preach redell!ipti(lD ty of the IIvlllg God the heavenly Jeru. small porbon of each of the SIX workmg dnys The SqUire's boys boasted that they could any body, he agam settled !lnd was salem t devoted to the evemng and morDlng sacrifice, to 6chool and to college theIr whole hfe, If they IIppolDted He stdl found the mass From every century, every generation, ont did not mter[ere at all With tbat labor to wLSbed, but their constant employrDent thet pie unenlightened, and that of every people, and natIOn and kmdred, anG whICh tbose days were speCially devoted, nor was makmg carICatures on the slate, wntlDg was no more congelllul than tongne slIIce the world began, a long procca- did tbe Simple doublmg of tho,e sllcrlfices- letters to the girls, and rldlcuhng the teacher sea shore Sbll he COOll! not llrmg hiS SIOIl has asc oded, and stili passed onward, appropriate to the daY-1IIterfere With that behmd hlq back-giVing poor promIse for fn setthng In life-thiS was not the plilce comprlsmg all that IS best and noblest, and SOCial festiVity and recreatIve enjoyment, which ture The.. tavern keeper's boys the Jewel he had found, he mlbt brrghtest In man, all that IS holy, all thm 18 was the speCIal order lor that day to Iteep them at home, aud yet more brilliant settmg He began to trne, all that makes earLh safe and pleasllnt to Such an mterference, by lengthened ceremo olily In their seats three or four half lyon hiS kmd hearted brethren, for dwelllD, and JomlDg Itself to that churCh of nlllls VillI} repetitions, and multiplied Irts of week Eben Orane feeling high as auce 111 ulVltlng him to sllch an uoc:d):Jgellial the first born which 18 written III heaven and " :.;!,. the ,lltles which the Scriptures enforce upon Us \U regald to S Ibbath keeplllg The Jj],say has been revl"ed and appruved by Dr Raphall RabbI of the B NAI J ESHURUN SYlago.;u{, Grecne st, New YOlk, nnd ptlbhshed by the American SoelCty fOI the promotIOn of cml and rehglous liberty 111 New York The Sabbath a FestIval 'Ihen, there was appolDted", every seventh year, a Sabbatical year or year of rest, ID A merry heart doeth good like 9. medicme-SOL<)- wilich the Jews were directed to let their land IS lawfulto do good 011 the Sabbath-day -CORIST he fallow, reJoice In tbo plentlful_proollB of the SIX workmg years, rast, and I!fteSb 1Iem The blstory of mauklDd shows nothlDg more selves Furthermore, every fiftieth year was plumly tlHILl that In every thlllg, the IB appolDted to be observed as a grand JulJlZee, prone to extremes It shows us or year of speCIal JOy, when l very bond man lDstnllccs of gl eat commUDItles, as well as was set free, every debt was cancelled, nod s\IIgle mdlVlduals, tbat have marred tbelr for every ahenated was reclaImed tunes nud Btamed their hves, by the extreme But the seventh dlSy, or weekly Sabbatb, IS lellp;ths to willch they have CUrried feasting 01 that to which we propose now to IOvlte speCial fllstJ Jg, labor 01 amu,ement, stndy or rehglous attentIOn zenl or some other tlJ ng And not untre And thIS IS the whIch we deSIre to make Itl). tbl LbnClI seen SI\ mglng frulD patcut concerul '15 0, tib .. t ,t .. a not ntondod oue of two 0ppo,lte exlremes to the other, lIud us many have supposed, to be observed III a theo buck, nnt! so on, contmually ThIS IS the strIctly serIOus and solemn mllnner, or devoted vice of Intemperance 111 Its broadest aud truest exclUSively or chIefly (to exerCIses, public or sense Our all wIse Creator has establish d prtvate,) of a dlstmctively religiOUS character certum relations and Just proportIOns In GenesIs It IS SOld IOdeed that God sane not ouly between the dlffcrel1t members of the tified the day, and III Exodus we are told that human body, but ulso between the several de he hallowed It, but these words 1U the orlgl vclopments of our mental and affectlOnal nal, do not necessarily IOdICate a settln.)" "purt nature, and these proportIOns cannot be ma to uses specllllIy serIOus and d rehgl terlullyaltered eIther by sudden curt!lliment ous Tbey only denote separatIOn lor lome or graduul comp, esslOn, WIthout producmg particular purpo>e-the context or some further disastrous consequences 'I he legs of the IOstructlOn, elsewhere, determmwg the pur lame" says Soloruon, ' are not equal" Thc pose or purposes to whICb the day was conse propt r IJloportlOn, WhlCll m tillS case IS one of crated or devoted, and of course, mdlcatmg the equalIty til lost, and the mnn must Itmp Such geneml, If not the specml manner III which proportlon IS not always one of equality, e g It should be obselved The same werd IS tiiat betl! the head and neck m Size, the used III reference to the Cities of refuge former should be, say, tWice the sIze of the lat These CitieS are said to have been sanctified ter If It, (the head) IS so enlarged, by any [kadaslt] and the context shews that the pur means as to be lour times the size of the neck, pose to whICh they wei e to be separated or It IS a snd deformity set apart, was not specllllly religIOns, not for Now, these Just lelatlOns and eqUItable pro worslup or saCrifice-but for scifety for him portions ale est \bl shed m all aud It IS who was pursued by the avenger of blood the part of Wisdom, surely, m man, to find Now m the case of the weekly Sabbath, the them ont as far liS pOSSIble and contorm to context denotes that the day was to he set them, that neither 111 hiS phySICal, mental or apart speCIally to rest from toll, and to festive emotIOnal nature he may be obhged to go hmp JOY lUg through life, or exhibit himself a spectacle Netther 10 GenesIs nor 111 Exodus IS there of loathsome ond hideous deformity any dIrection to offer sacrifices make prayers The DIVinely ordalDed proportIOns cannot or engage 111 any acts of speclIII religIOUS war be Improved upon, as With -respect to rlltl'erent ShIP, nor even lilly that the day parts 01 .the body, the Chmese and EnglIsh was to be so spent Many argne that there la woman huve proved to theIr cost So ID other frdfn the fb.ct that ID Exodns the dlrectlOfi' IS thlDo-s-and III 1I0ne more than 111 labor and gIven to keep the day holy But as WIth ID frugahty and festiVIty A rUIll sanctIfy and hallow so WIth th,s It ous U1temperanco IS more common III nothing means only, of Itself set apart kept sacred to tllIln 10 these thwgs But how are we to know some pllrpose elsewhere asSigned, and thiS the prol ortlOns? lhe Lord has not left ns purpose as bas been shown, IS rest and JOY- wltbout the means of lllformatlOn The Rtudy rest as IDdlcated by the uame :Sabbath, which of our constitution and the workmgs of nature rest, and by the fact that God ceased around us, experleuce and ohservatlOn-these from the labor of creatIon on that day I JOY, as SOUrces are open to all natIOns But m taklDg by the declaration that God blessed oue of the nations-the Jews-under HIS the day, I e pronounced It a happy Joyful speCial government, he gave them speCIal rules dav, III d so, by natnral consequence, a day to lUI the II gUidance, followmg which they would be hapJlY aud Joyful m In hke manner, the be preserve" irom excess III eIther directIOn year of Jubilee IS pronounced holy, m LeVitt A. dlscernmg Chrlstlll.n wrlter* has remarked ens and the context nlamly shows tbat It was that Judaism more, perhaps, than any other set 'apart and held sacred, not, as Its malll fea form of lchglOll, has acknowledged tbo lawfu)l tnre to purposes of public worship or prtvate eXistence 01 thy body aud lis affectIOns," while reltglous meditatIOn, but to rest and festal JOY • heathen systems of rehglOn, partl"nlarly iiI We use the word sacred 10 the same way when the East havc nlways been mow 01 less char we speak of a tombstone or monument as acterlzed bv the torture and sucrlfice of--&e sacred-not to rehglons uses, but to the per flesh ," and, as he c!lndldly admits, "historICal petnatIDg the memory of a decel\sed friend QjmstlllDlty has not been far bellind heathen Were there not then speclIII to be i§JD 10 thiS warlare agamst the body" offered on the Sabbath, by Dlvllle appomt:o '1'h18 bemg so, J udlllsm'- owes It, we think, ment? not to any better balance of natnral COnStltU Yes, there was a double ceremomal on that tlon but to the safeguards afforded In the most day In Numbers, the 28th chapter, we are rules and precepts on thIS subJect, told that the pnbhc service or sacrIfice of ellch gIVen by the Lord thlou;h I , crvlInt Moses work day, reqUired "two lambs of the filst '!be J ewa were d rected to spend certain diS- year, [one for the mOfnmg and the other for t!Dctfy speCIfied poruons of t\:nc In l.1bor, and the ever.mg sacrifice,] for a burnt offerlllg, d vole cerlam other speCified and regularly re WIth a tentl1 pllrt of an ephah of flour, for a Curnng days nnd weeks aud years to rest and meat otrerlDg, mmgled With the part of recreatIOn the t DJoyment of the fl Ults of their a hm of 011 and the fourth part of a hm of labors, aUd the cultlvatlon of moral and SOCial strong WIDe, for a drmk offermg" .A nd, 1m affinlttes and affectlous medIately after, In the same chapter, we are '[here were to be first III each week, SIX told that two lamhs, With two-tenth deals of days of labor lIud one of recreation flour mlDgled With Oil, and the drmk otl'ertng ThiS waH dlstltlct IInperatlve 'fhe were to be otrr.red, every Sabbath, wants of the hndliln COllstltutlOll and the book bUlde the contmual (or dady) bllrnt-offerlDg, olnuture had tau"bt other natlon8 their need and hiS drlDk oiferlDg of days of rest tOil, of 80Clallty, and fes But. how different thiS from a direction to tlVlty, 10 order to health and happmcs8 And, spend the mttre day ID sacrifiCIng? (for that liS we find that other natloDs .dId set was thclr spcclal mode of worship) How day\of the year as feast days .Upon some of these all wurk was forblddell-llpOll • Dr Pntnam, of Bozblll7 oUlera not. professed 1V0rship wonld have been qUIte flsmg wlthm him, Ilsked With a talDt sphere Next he grew shy of hiS milljstlcriulg to the Spirits of Just men mllde perfect There foreign to the pohty of the Lord, and no less envy III hiS heart, II Why are these stupid brethren around him, not refiectlDg are those whom we have known and loved. so tbe mterfere Ice WIth their festive Joyand trIflers so highly favored, whllo I, who would large places were less thau hIS when lhe hoary hcad walkmg among us for so mony SOCial recreations all the Sabbath, than with /{Ive my l'lght hand or m.y rIght eye ror ga.1l theIr work In both the fields he ye TS \ll the way of WIsdom, the soldlCr of the their busllless labors all the other days of tho kuowledge, must soon lay aSide Illy hooks splsed were elements of succeFs, 5.nd ClOSS who had learnt to hve, not unto week God repeatedly by one propbet after and spend my life ID the t8n pitS 7" Youllg as ten years were among the high places but unto him who dIed-tho gentle, another, declared to th! JellS that he dcslwl ho was Eben was a ChrIStian, and felt pallied It really tukes a greater man to budd ed lovmg alles-the tender mfant-all obedience and mercy 'I c love) rather hiS own rebellion, while hiS patient tOIl to occnpy when hUllt Soon he grew tl elr place ID the ranks of those who sacrifice and self demal, and the mortificatIOn mother warned him not to reproach God ous,!Hid In IllS heart rejOiced wlloo " Without fnult," before the throne Ouee safe of 0 I uatural and IDnocent mcilOatlODS He hiS lot She also drew brIght pictures of complace'Dt Puff was requested to " wlthm those )Jurtals, how gloMous their mter- assured thew that Justice and ehallty-a klDd the long summer mormn,;s and wlDter evelilngs, fie hud got throoJh" Of ",UIOI"""_ UlnE'"' course Nothlllg bllt hohness and hllppmess regard for the feelings, and II f Ir conSideratIOn III which, even after he should be,;-m to tOIl he effort were crushed hy theso Ilnd love bllld together'" tbe famIly of heaven of the rights of tho Creator, and all hiS senti conld pore ovcr the beautiful books wilich may lind soon came the reward of bls I;s thiS the compaAlonsblp In which wej;rust to ent creatures (not only men but brute beasts, hiS rICh nncle would send him from Boston labors were Without effect, while all spend our eternal years 7 What manner of for like God whose" tender merclCs are over ,r He went to work at the tannery at the alt e Ilround were enJoymg great pr()sperityf persons ought we, then to be IU all holy can- all hIS workR," the I merCIful mUll IS mermful of thirteen, but stili found time t9 read He lady he stili hoped some day to call versatlon and godliness 100kIDg for, and hast to hiS beast,")-thls was what he desned aDd borrowed books from the schoolmaster, the felt hiS frequent delays to be a trlfllllg ellIng unto the day when we to shall JOID In demanded of the Jews, and It wo lid seem that lawyer, and thD minister, and gathered such and, at her father's request, closed tbe .. nr·roo. that lDoumerable multltnde, aud to ullIte WIth he made thIS too pi am til misunderstood Rtores of useful knowledge as snrprlsed hiS fel Jlondenee HIS brl;ht dreams had them m the ever new song of praise to Him save 'wIlfully He would guard them 19a1liRt low IfQrkmeu HIS labol'N, however were SOOIl flown, and be was alone, dis:cOllragec!,: who covered us With righteousness and made "rlghteollsness overmuch," as well as there, and the end of eIght years poor In thiS state he deCIded that us to be partakers of the inheritance of the labor He would counteract the found m a theological semmury, after hav the mlDlstry was a delUSIOn and he samts '"Ight [WItness. which all BlIlful and Imperfect men bave tbrough numberless sacrifices and efforts, be guddess until he threw all the to substitute forms of worship for the ed bls eollele course Thus were uoble powers, Doe talents, The L088 of Early PurIty of Charaoter. fealty of the reverential and Bubmls.lve The RubICon-that stormy wave for the poor piety, all allenllted from God's serVICe, .-_ ... _-_ .... _-,"":-.'11:,1 sacrloce for obedIence, money for scholar-was at length passed and Eben Crane possessor employed m bnsllless wilich Ovellllt.he beauty of "b,rpmID find the aptl anee for pellltence, and therefore be forth mto tbe world With a reputation ble youth, WIth a common school cot, the'lle grows a bloom and beauty more er- tbe multlpitcatloll of forms 01 wur.blp and f(lr pIety, zeal and scholarship He was really could transact as well as he qUlaltc than the frUit ItBelf-a llfice., Uy hmltmg them to 0. very few, strong man-and when he mIDltled With oth There are no mean placcs no oh""nt", plush that overspreads Its blushmg on those great days and fellst days, when, conlrl not it With thiS con ID onr Master's vllleyard-it IS a "'---- Now If you strIke Jour that, It IS fOr It cordlll';- to nmversal cnstom an mc I lor a Sill u marta to be 'tlley WUTIlrr--lJe ttl go men dIrection God ordered It otherwise, and, as no queenly wuwu,u 'Iherefore, after the typIcal .... -<:rd after 1II0nths of to wllltmg for lin elltglbJe God commands, .. Thou sbalt 111 Jewels Once shake offered, decently and reUlD;.t n h opemng' he who had takeu the firHt honors bDke thy neIghbor, and not suffer off and yon may mormllg and that .. ru' ep e ween, lIC bls class, and to whom hiS fellow students bnd h "Th I h Id fully as yon ple-e, yet It can never be made ' ad been the Jews 1m ISIS t 19 duty, s on seem, -.: natllre dem ..... , I k d ttl I t k th agalll wbat ill; was when the dew fell SIlently WP'. dpectcd to and In the earhest times did, 00 e up as 0 a mas er 111 srae, 00 e p;ood meu anrl III respect to all kllld9 as we have reaSOR to beheve, IIIvurtably devote overSight of a little flock on the sea uhore, com If we see any person gOIng wron,;- we llio.uld upon worn beavenl On a frosty mornlOg the seventh day, as well as other fp-btlvals, to posed mostly of fishermen The poorest schol pOlllt out to hun the right way, If we mllfsee the paues of glass icovered ,With temperate Ce lstmg, hght hearted mIrth, and ar and the most nnpromlsIng preacher among one domg wrong, tell him k ndly and rlla:inlv laI1liscape mountalUs, lakes, trees, blendmg 111 ulllllllocent domestic pleasurcM and SOCIal en the gradnates, had taken a fllr hIgher position what IS the right actIon, and not a beantlful, fantastIc pICture. Now lay your d I d t Id -to mortal ken-than he With a determlll upon our neighbor If men would UUl hand u,n the glass, and by the scratch of Joyments An III ater lIys we are a npon to bid hid h If t "'lu,gjdloiDlg your fi er, or by the warmth of your palm, the highest hnman authority that It was the e reconCi e e app Ie Imse a practice thIS command much Wll I bls work With great Z ual but for poor would be prevented-many a sad all the dehcate tracery Will be obliterated! So custom all all festa occasIOns to reJoice c, , " 111 the good gifts of Gorl s Provldcnce and thc human natnre I It must drop one rauk seed 111 ned by COHect ng uror 111 Its IllclplCnt there IS 'n yonth a beauty and purIty of frutts 01 their dUlly tall-Ill corn, and wille the best SOli-let fall one bitter drop 10 the before It came to assume Its fulness of d.,."O".t.h Dcter, which when once touched and defiled, and frtend., and fortune And t e most natur " h S weetest cup In tile noble hell"t of Eben The church IS set as a Ilgllt cau never bo restored, II frmge more delicate h there lay a gralu of worldly ambitIOn world, and ItS pnstors and teachers than IOrest work, and winch when torn or al alld Simple way of rCJolclDg 111 t ese , ... , certalllly was to ellJoy them freely strugglmg for hfe, and kept down only by forth to suy uuto men I Repent .,e"----';tn(!re. broken, WIll never be re-embrOldered A man temperutely GratItude to theIr Giver great watchfulness and fervent prayer. If he fore, as. a class, they are set for the del"eWle who has spotted and spaded hiS garments III til h f II d remalDed close at home, hiS deep mterest for the gospel, to rebuke Sill, nnd to pell$o:!de youth, though he may seek to make them naturally be drawn for 111 suc u an hiS flock ahsorbed all other feelings, bnt when men to turn from Sill to Christ 'I hey white agalD, can never wholly do It, even wele enjoyment So IU the Feast of went abroad he felt keenly that hiS field hold a steady light and to pour out the he to wnsh Ulem With hiS tears When a which lasted eIght days, were held, we a very navrow one and bls people far be trnth, tlte clear Bible testImony, man leaves hiS father's house, With the told, the vmtage festiVities New Englanders m IDtelhgence and manner of SID and wrong-domg by ,,_._,-- of hIS mother's tears stili wet upon hts It was the Jews' "Harvest Home," "" lIe would sometimes ask, bl' t S I I (V're[lea'U, if he once loses that early purity of h POSSI e lor men 0 go astray I ence I particular directIOns were given t em as " was here when I could be so Sill, through man fearmg or man pleas1I1<J"-r,ntt,o.. character, It IS a loss that he never the manner III whlcb It was to be ohserved mnch more usefulm another part of tbe Mas be fearfully gu tty I make whole agalU Snch IS the them as a season of festlVlLy Ou the ter's and a pastor lIke themselves be What tlJen IS the gUIlt of the of crIme Its effects cannot be day and also on the eighth, there were to hetter adapted to thiS people 7" Immedllltely the thousands of Its pastors With such 'lJ L ,.: .. ". cun only be forgiven It 18 a stain o()f speclIII religIOUS exerCises bnt the hI, better reason wonld reply to the snggestlODs on the WIckedness of slavery? 'Snli'riilse,." that we can never make white, and which can days were to be spent by DlVlne directIon the tempter, Get thee behmd me Satan, thou says Dr Cheever I' Snppose that be washed away only IU the blood of Christ after the moderll pIC IIIC fashIOn They werf! an o""ense nnto me,' and agaIn he would I h I f II f I that cleanseth from all Sill I" d II b h j 11' are as a s ove n 0 coa s told to I keep a feast" and we III oot s himself vlgoronsly to hIS labors Bnt, b b k f t d I d b h throwu npon yonr are arms y Interestmg DlScovery -to la e certam rUI s an eaves an ong S hiS heart was not at rest, he saw ever vIllain, and vour nervous t ssue sh(lUItJ!!J':.efm;e of trees nnd reJoIce before the Lord" There distance leading hIm astrAy, like an d t b t'- of n h r. to aver Ise you y ue "ense pili, ''''', .. ,"''' It 14 stated III the GermaD Reformed Me, In the groves and pleasant pastures t ey east 'atnns, an Intelh,,"ent and appreClattve an late d of I I d k h d t 1i you seep D, 11m a U ""ger npon what IS conSIdered re mb e an ed and ran t C1r Wille-gIVIng an accep reqnlrlng and suelng cor hIS servIces ng 'jon WIth a. convulSive start h th t" d Ch t h I:utem,e "ctlnSI thonty, t at lI;ty: .. oosan rls mos ave 109 lOVltatlOns to bonnttfnl entertnmments, nod Mr Crane had arranged hiS atl'alrs so as to th fi C au yon wonld be 'atally niaiuled. , I d f e re ,rom y , Ii recently been lound upon an IS an north 0 spendlDg theIr tIme as a modern writer married ImmedIately after gradun.tlllg But 1 b d tr d Ithout remedy your 1m es oye w, Celebes It had been rnmored for a tIme t.hat 10 plaYl11g and dallclllg, IU JOYOlls sped ere he fiound even thiS lowly rest t f tl e chur h With the word of 0 A d JUS so, I I c there was there a hrlStian people, forgotten lllnocent amusements' * n and when he did, hiS generons .heart G d' h d t f thf 11 a s aut orlty 0 no al n y and forsaken, WhICh, however, yet possessed Illustralion of wh tt was meant taking a dehcate woman from a r h ffi f .... h ·, son, pellorm teo ce Q Bibles, and contmued steadf!lllt In the before the Lord-whlc ascettc home of plenty, and the eleganCies of refined t I I k d tl Wick d na lOn, w 11 e WIC e men wf Ie... faith When mISSionaries first landed on the rehgloDists restrict to psalm SlDgI g-we to such a lowly cot as hiS, and such I t ft t s co Is h I f pllDg IDlqul y a ar ImqUl y a a Ilmtrn--I lsiand, tbey met With a school teacher, and hl8 1D the fourteent c lapter 0 coar-e aSSOCiations as were now hiS He httle fi th a Ie the llWni{p,rn h 0 109 re, upon e pe p , nuplls, who repeated In the Malayan tongue, Dlvllle dlrectlOl, as to t e mallller \II knew bow WIlling was she to make all worldly tit 'or r sistanee too late '''.''bntlvn. .. b k come 00 a e I' e , As the heart panteth after the--water roo s, t the people were to nse the tIthe of theIr sacrlfines, and so he postponed mdefimtely the t " T'-e church and Its mInistry h 0 L d" N h •· Ion u so panteth my heart after tee, or 0 or mcrease, I Thou shalt truly tit e 'ulfillment of hiS engagement d th t f I equally 1# h i' soun e no e 0 a arm , BIbles were fonnd, but the most preCIous pro mcrease of thy seed and t on Meeting one day In a neighboring city the d d Ito I er I and If It IVI ua or na I na p I - mlses of the Bible wntten upon the bark of before the Lord, JU the place which weakest momber of hIS old class he was ae th of gUIlt must be .A I' C d h' so e " trees They know the post e s reed an choose, to place hlS naUle tbere, t e costed by him With, "Well, hrother, I hear yOII th t G d h th conlmlSSloned the nnlnrr'B b d CJ. n 0 a . Heidelberg Catech.l8m, and a urlstllln eus thy corn, of thy WIDe of tbme 011, have JOined yourself to the fishermen of Galt th I t the n tlon e a arm a a toms Twenty churches and schools yet eXIst- firstHngs of thy herds and. y qnlte In keepI- With one who hus left It has b en well SlIld that If the p h "0 e, '" ed 'I hrough the Illstrumentaltty of astor and If tb8lwuy be too Ion tee, Simon the tanner! Yours IS, I know, a d h d t I Id ot hn1.plll'".rI f ane er u y, 8 avery <Cou u Helldrmg, founder of the Magdalen Asylum thou nrt not able to carry I ; or 1 field WIth httle worldly honor, bot we & h Id t h tr h h L d lOot 0 I now as m our couu y, at Steenbeck, the chief patron of Inner ml5- be too far from t ce, which t e or cannot, you know, all fill one post Have faIth tl h cl h01l1d even now wash h I, Ie c ur I s SIOM III Holland, four miSSionaries, who had shal! choose then sat t turn wrap yonr fisher's coat about yon, aud cast I tb hItter slavery c ean m IS woe ma , been edncated under the venerable Gossner, money and shalt go nn e yourslf Into the sea, aud you'll reach the haven b med out of the And e consu "-"- were sent out. and three thousand persons thon shalt bestow that mone last" 'nd drawmg hIS band pompously b bl t d f h t a [ -"- tl Y rue-an I "80, W a baptilled soul lusteth after, or strongly hiS bushy haIr, he ndded With a pat Ch t t h Id h Its hands f rlS lam y s ou was TillS IS certamly a most Illterestmg discovery oxen, or for sheep, or or wme, air, Well, dear brother, yon who h t h power or In [ ] & wroug, W y 1 IS snc a, The Island on which these Chrlsttan8 were drmk, I e spiced wme or lor such Situations have one less burden than Id b h I d h h It u won ecome suc a mora IIU''':I. found belongs to the East Jndllln Archipelago soul deslreth, an t au s a eat who fill prominent places, and have hnnd h t th 81n s It rloo,O.",,_o I I G d d h h I were mee mg e a The Dutch have for years had pOtItlca ru e 10 the Lorn thy 0, an t ou sat teds flocking to lIS for IDstructlOn Your reo t t r as .In"i>.,v h d th h h Id d th a glgan IC mons e tins regIOn ThIS may account for tbe onglll- t au, an IDe ouse a an e SPOltSlblllty 18 less tbnu ours I Next summer, t th bef"re tl. won ds of "-od'i:words :1. t h u mus wrl e v n \1 al IntrodnctlOn of Ohnstllllllty amung- t 18 IS WlthlO thy gates, thou shalt not when I sh·'11 require a little respIte, I Will get d t d b th h I h h H h h h a mIDIS ere yew 0 e c lIrc , peopl., and for the fact that tbe Eelbel'g for he at no pllrt or 10 entance my friend, Rev Dr Brao"g, to snpply my pul fi Id H It th d dren,4t\.I\lJ' ' [ I t e ow gm y, en, an , CatechIsm was still foond 10 p esslOn uo materlll possessIOn a ptt and rUII down to see yoo and enconrage I st b the sllen e of th ltd t Ina, mu e c e But stili tbe partlcu ar Ime an ance. m the next chupter among you a little Good bye I ' I press th t t d t took 1 11 I d re IglOUS , a perml In whIch tins mtro nc Ion g lLee may we mg the SabbatlCll year, we rea thon Not a wnrd about an exchange of pulpits- t b k d d h h d d h b Ih y wrong 0 go unra u e an challeuge speCial attentIon, an ehclt In'l'e8tl- shalt open t y an WI e unto tyro er, to nl Invltatloll to hlS own house Had II pOison h II t th I h f h d b d h s n no e Ig tot e from those who have the lelsnre and fa- thy poor an to t y nee y In t y land I Tbe e arrow entered that already to senSitive t k d Ii b I d b a en .ram un er t e for prosecntlOg It Sixth year, y specla or matlon rODglt forth, heart, It could not have wrought greater mis- candlestick of II: faIthful and . ...;o.-'--_-'-____ .: .... ..... a tnpZe harvest-the product of three thau did these barbed words And yet Shall not the sword of God's Y eurs was then given to the J ewa, so they were well meant, and the weak man who I th d h f h I s lea e agalDst t e woes 0 o'nVl't""! would ave p enty to east upon uttered them, really thought, III hiS Iguorance; not a reVIved church and a !tberal with, and It IS eVIdent, from that he was head and shoulders above the PIIS buke BIO, and proclalID God's tor of the fishermen Had thIS man-whom SaW7el' 011 AmUl!ellleJItl.

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Page 1: OF BOARD. - Amazon S3Vol+15...Lord had speCIally prOVided agalDst thIS b"'"",.I'UL~te. curly headed, sun burnt hoy Others stronger flock neither edlfYlDg them, or three who have met



VOL XV.-NO 8. NEW YORK, J..1.L··JJAY, JULY 29, 1858.

~I)t SabbatlJ l1l.e.corber , rUDLTSijEn WEEKI Y

8y the Seventh-day Baptist Pubhshmg SOCiety, At No 100 Nas.au Street New rOTk.

TERMS-$2 00 per year payahle In advance SlIU. flpltons not paid till the c1oso 01 the year WIll he

I able to an additional charge of 50 cellts. l'h~ Sabbath Rw>rdet 18 devoted to the expOSItion and

vlDlhcatJOn of the views and movements of the Seventh day Baptist Denommntlon It 81ms to promote Vital ~~Jy aml vigorous benevoleut actIOn at the same Ime th~t It urges obedIence to the commandments ot Gol anti the IUltl! of Jesus Its colnmns are open to Ihe advocacy of alllOformatory mellsures which seem I kely to Improve the conditIOn of society dIffuse I nO\1 Ie 19c reclaim the mebnate and enfranchIse the euslu.ed In ItS LIterary and Intelhgence Depart. me Its care IS taken to furlllsh matter adapted to the \ tnts and tastes of every class of readers. As a Re­I glOus and I amlly Newspaper It IS IOl€nded that the Recorder liIall-rank among the best

and boly days, or holidays, consecratIng each of them to Bome Idol dIVInity, and In all their festivity and reJOiCing they had reference to tillS dlVlDlty-they drank to his honor, they danced to his praise But these festivals they selected themselves, and fixed not only then' time and frequency, but all the partICulars of thelf observance.

different thiS from a commandment to devote jstructiOlls'of Scripture, that a boanteous feast hiS class 111 referenc~ to hiS "pllr.pq·t."Pt~: The Compauy oflltl&ven. to thIS purpose as much chOice meat and 011 themselves and a generons hospitality to tellectual emptllless, used play and wtne as they pOSSibly COUld, and' the mOle WII8 the order of tI.e day au all the II Bishop Puff"-had he confe.sed It IS J.Ileasnnt amid the Jars and and dIscords the better-the more the greater man's piety, Festivals sltlon," of which he seemed so IJrU'UU, of the lower world, to meet and mmgle With and the more, the deeper the D17llle satlsfac [Concluded next week] top of a totterlDg plVOt from . ..,h;phH the great and noble SpirIts that Qre to be tion! hourly expecttng to be /tnrlul our dif!liPpoiintt~ among os, and to refresh the weary, world

'fhe heathen, 1D their bhndness have taken The Unappreciated Minister frleud mlgh~ have felt that hl8 own worn mtnd by assoCIatIOns With the pure and tins. latter course, an<l. have sacrificed whole preferable one He dwelt III the holy hearted, after the busy care8 and petty

~Payments reCeived Will be acknowledged m the paper 80 as to mdteate the time to whIch they reach ~ No pnper dlscontmue~ unlll all arrearages are

paid !\Xcept at the dIscretIOn of the Committee

RATES OF ADVERTISING For a square of 16 hnes or less-one msertlon $ 75

each subsequent mserhon 50 SIX months 6 00

, " one year 10 00 ~OI ench addItional square two-thUds the above rates.

flW'"Communtcattons OldeIB and reDllttances should be dlI ected (post paltl) to the Editor8 of tlu Sabbath R-.order No 100 Nassau ,t New- York

We \ll'er~ the foliowlDg Essay on the Sll.bbutH which bas been presented to us by Its ffl~ndIY"'llllthor the Rev J L Hatch who thouJh he occupws a different stand pOInt flOm onr elves III relatIOn to the perpetlll11 obi Jatlon of the Sabhatlc lillY, has embodied \D IllS $sslloy many observations In relatIOn to

00 the other hand. With the Jews these days were fixed for them, and they were nOlther allowed to turu a warkmg day IOto a fea1lval, nor a festival IOtO a worklOg day Not that aU workmg, recreatIOn or enjoyment lYu, forbulden on worklllg days, nor that, ab Rolntely, ~Il work was forbidden on the weekly festival, but that the former were to be, for the most part, devoted to labor, that was to be the ordvr and busmes~ of the first SIX days of every week, while the seventh cases of necessity lind mercy excepted, was to be given up chiefly to recreatIOn (mental and phySICal) and SOCIal festIVIty And III !Ill their feastmg, recreatIOn and reJOICing on that seventh day, reference was to be made to their natIOnal dlvlDlty-the One Everlasting God In HI8

name they were to observe thiS festIval and not 111 any other For, as Mosca assured them _" Or! the seventh day God ended bls work which he had made and be rested [or ceased J on the seventh day, fro n all I11S work wh ch he had mude, aud God blessed [or prou9Jlnced Joyful] the Reventh day and sactlfied ft. r or sep lrated al d set It apart from other days J because that ID It he had rested, [or ceased] Irom all hiS work, whICh God had created and made [or fully accomplished]

So fifty two rest daYS-days set apal t from ordmary labor, and, moreover feast days JOy ful, blessed days were proVided, ID each year, for all the Hebrew natIOn-men, women, chi I dren, aud servants, and evcn tho cattle, for so reg-ds the beneficent commandment, as given to Moses on Smal and recorded In the twen t eth chapter of Exodus BeSide thiS weekly festlvlIl, there were other feast days appomted dnrmg the year, amouutmg In all to more tltan tlttrty * so that, counting the weekly festival days more thau etghty, or nearly onefourth of oil tbe days of the yea1;, were set aSide by DlVllle command, and consecrated to Joyful feRtlvlty, to domestIc and BOCIIII pleasure, and healtbful recreatIOn

hecatombs at a tIme of tbe chOice of tbelr Half a century ago, there plodrled to school small but devoted band of brethren trtals of thiS work-day wnrld are over, to sit flocks and herds to thetr dlVlllltJes; but the the rough hilly dlstnet of TannerSVille a IOferlOr brother only occupIed the qUIetly down by the fire Bide, or among the two Lord had speCIally prOVided agalDst thIS b"'"",.I'UL~te. curly headed, sun burnt hoy Others stronger flock neither edlfYlDg them, or three who have met together, and conversed In the Jews by hmltmg thtllr dall,., and borne 1ll1ltormy wea.t.i.Jer until flIp. .ono mlludlDlr thelr-respect that home to which each clolllllg day brlngB their feast-day ~acr\fices, to one or two pairs could cover their feet or tIll tue But Satan took advantage of hiS llS nearer, and towards which onr umted hearts of lambs. offered for the great £91!iregatlon cloth came from the fulling mtll to tlOg Sill or frailty, and dlRcontent aud hopeB are tend 109 Thus He showed that, as Mleah'!llilftructs llS, their wmter garments But Eben Orane, him hke a strong man armerl And If the commumon on eartli of salDts He IS not pleased II With thousanft rams or the pmchlllg cold or drlVlng storm~wall on hiS prlvatl)Us m securlllg au CdIlC~IP(1D IS so sweet, If the 80clety of the good and love With ten thooshnlls of ' rivers of 011" What In hI" eeat Trne hIS bare red feet, hiS hiS coveted work-hiS snperlority Iy IS to be deSIred, what mnst It be to mIngle He reqUIres of us IS, not multiplied slLcrifices clothes, lind IllS red cashmere Puff 10 everythlUg save strength of With tbe grand a.semblage ahove 1 Beaven and oblatIOns-whether I calves of the stalt" ghost of his mother's weddmg one ql1antlt;y of hair, and IllS soul, off bas been gatherlDg to Itself through countless or the "calves of oor hps"-but to 'do Justly, lid pllllQer than WOlds tbe tale of poverty could not brook hIS patronage, 1I0r Vf>ll'ttlA a~es whatever IS congemal to Its nature, and love mercy, and walk humbly' SOllie typical boys It IS trne, sometimes playfully set 111) which some others had deigned to eX!Jflli'S' enrlchmg Itself WIth the spOIl of earth What-sacrifice was meet and an open verbal IlC runless bat at auctIOn or made sarcastic an eVIl bonr he took hb haud from ever we look upon as boly and excelleut, eleva-kaowledgemellt of the greatness and goodness offers for bls shoes of Nature's own make, but and stood With arms folded, looking ted and worthy to be loved \U the character of of God and our filial relatlou and unfilial can none of these thlDgs moved him WbJie they harve.~ field for an easier and snnmer man, IS found gathered aud stili gatherllllJ \U

duct toward him IS fittlOg So much God he bent over books aud ~Iate With the whIch to reap After ~onths of that multitude which no man can number 1n expects from us III that way, no more The earnestness of one thirsting for knowledge - whICh hiS heart ached to preach redell!ipti(lD ty of the IIvlllg God the heavenly Jeru. small porbon of each of the SIX workmg dnys The SqUire's boys boasted that they could any body, he agam settled !lnd was salem t devoted to the evemng and morDlng sacrifice, to 6chool and to college theIr whole hfe, If they IIppolDted He stdl found the mass From every century, every generation, ont did not mter[ere at all With tbat labor to wLSbed, but their constant employrDent thet pie unenlightened, and that 1l{llUr'"l1'~ of every people, and natIOn and kmdred, anG whICh tbose days were speCially devoted, nor was makmg carICatures on the slate, wntlDg was no more congelllul than tongne slIIce the world began, a long procca-did tbe Simple doublmg of tho,e sllcrlfices- letters to the girls, and rldlcuhng the teacher sea shore Sbll he COOll! not llrmg hiS SIOIl has asc oded, and stili passed onward, appropriate to the daY-1IIterfere With that behmd hlq back-giVing poor promIse for fn setthng In life-thiS was not the plilce t/)o"ll:~rrJ comprlsmg all that IS best and noblest, and SOCial festiVity and recreatIve enjoyment, which ture The.. tavern keeper's boys the Jewel he had found, he mlbt brrghtest In man, all that IS holy, all thm 18 was the speCIal order lor that day to Iteep them at home, aud yet more brilliant settmg He began to trne, all that makes earLh safe and pleasllnt to

Such an mterference, by lengthened ceremo olily In their seats three or four half lyon hiS kmd hearted brethren, for dwelllD, and JomlDg Itself to that churCh of nlllls VillI} repetitions, and multiplied Irts of week Eben Orane feeling high as auce 111 ulVltlng him to sllch an uoc:d):Jgellial the first born which 18 written III heaven and

" :.;!,. the ,lltles which the Scriptures enforce upon Us \U regald to S Ibbath keeplllg The Jj],say has been revl"ed and appruved by Dr Raphall RabbI of the B NAI J ESHURUN SYlago.;u{, Grecne st, New YOlk, nnd ptlbhshed by the American SoelCty fOI the promotIOn of cml and rehglous liberty 111 New York

The Sabbath a FestIval 'Ihen, there was appolDted", every seventh year, a Sabbatical year or year of rest, ID

A merry heart doeth good like 9. medicme-SOL<)- wilich the Jews were directed to let their land lI°i~ IS lawfulto do good 011 the Sabbath-day -CORIST he fallow, reJoice In tbo plentlful_proollB of

the SIX workmg years, rast, and I!fteSb 1Iem The blstory of mauklDd shows nothlDg more selves Furthermore, every fiftieth year was

plumly tlHILl that In every thlllg, the ~e IB appolDted to be observed as a grand JulJlZee, prone to extremes It shows us nu~rless or year of speCIal JOy, when l very bond man lDstnllccs of gl eat commUDItles, as well as was set free, every debt was cancelled, nod s\IIgle mdlVlduals, tbat have marred tbelr for every ahenated poss~sslOn was reclaImed tunes nud Btamed their hves, by the extreme But the seventh dlSy, or weekly Sabbatb, IS lellp;ths to willch they have CUrried feasting 01 that to which we propose now to IOvlte speCial fllstJ Jg, labor 01 amu,ement, stndy or rehglous attentIOn zenl or some other tlJ ng And not untre And thIS IS the fac~ whIch we deSIre to make

-Q1l~ Itl). hllv~ tbl LbnClI seen SI\ mglng frulD patcut concerul '15 0, tib .. t ,t ~ .. a not ntondod

oue of two 0ppo,lte exlremes to the other, lIud us many have supposed, to be observed III a theo buck, nnt! so on, contmually ThIS IS the strIctly serIOus and solemn mllnner, or devoted vice of Intemperance 111 Its broadest aud truest exclUSively or chIefly (to exerCIses, public or sense Our all wIse Creator has establish d prtvate,) of a dlstmctively religiOUS character certum fittm~ relations and Just proportIOns In GenesIs It IS SOld IOdeed that God sane not ouly between the dlffcrel1t members of the tified the day, and III Exodus we are told that human body, but ulso between the several de he hallowed It, but these words 1U the orlgl vclopments of our mental and affectlOnal nal, do not necessarily IOdICate a settln.)" "purt nature, and these proportIOns cannot be ma to uses specllllIy serIOus and d ~t1nctly rehgl terlullyaltered eIther by sudden curt!lliment ous Tbey only denote separatIOn lor lome or graduul comp, esslOn, WIthout producmg particular purpo>e-the context or some further disastrous consequences 'I he legs of the IOstructlOn, elsewhere, determmwg the pur lame" says Soloruon, ' are not equal" Thc pose or purposes to whICb the day was conse propt r IJloportlOn, WhlCll m tillS case IS one of crated or devoted, and of course, mdlcatmg the equalIty til lost, and the mnn must Itmp Such geneml, If not the specml manner III which proportlon IS not always one of equality, e g It should be obselved The same werd IS tiiat betl! e~n the head and neck m Size, the used III reference to the Cities of refuge former should be, say, tWice the sIze of the lat These CitieS are said to have been sanctified ter If It, (the head) IS so enlarged, by any [kadaslt] and the context shews that the pur means as to be lour times the size of the neck, pose to whICh they wei e to be separated or It IS a snd deformity set apart, was not specllllly religIOns, not for

Now, these Just lelatlOns and eqUItable pro worslup or saCrifice-but for scifety for him portions ale est \bl shed m all tblU~S, aud It IS who was pursued by the avenger of blood the part of Wisdom, surely, m man, to find Now m the case of the weekly Sabbath, the them ont as far liS pOSSIble and contorm to context denotes that the day was to he set them, that neither 111 hiS phySICal, mental or apart speCIally to rest from toll, and to festive emotIOnal nature he may be obhged to go hmp JOY lUg through life, or exhibit himself a spectacle N etther 10 GenesIs nor 111 Exodus IS there of loathsome ond hideous deformity any dIrection to offer sacrifices make prayers

The DIVinely ordalDed proportIOns cannot or engage 111 any acts of speclIII religIOUS war be Improved upon, as With -respect to rlltl'erent ShIP, nor even lilly ~nt'matwn that the day parts 01 .the body, the Chmese and EnglIsh was to be so spent Many argne that there la woman huve proved to theIr cost So ID other frdfn the fb.ct that ID Exodns the dlrectlOfi' IS thlDo-s-and III 1I0ne more than 111 labor and gIven to keep the day holy But as WIth recr~atJOlI ID frugahty and festiVIty A rUIll sanctIfy and hallow so WIth th,s wo~d, It ous U1temperanco IS more common III nothing means only, of Itself set apart kept sacred to tllIln 10 these thwgs But how are we to know some pllrpose elsewhere asSigned, and thiS the prol ortlOns? lhe Lord has not left ns purpose as bas been shown, IS rest and JOY­wltbout the means of lllformatlOn The Rtudy rest as IDdlcated by the uame :Sabbath, which of our constitution and the workmgs of nature me~ns rest, and by the fact that God ceased around us, experleuce and ohservatlOn-these from the labor of creatIon on that day I JOY, as SOUrces are open to all natIOns But m taklDg lll~lmated by the declaration that God blessed oue of the nations-the Jews-under HIS the day, I e pronounced It a happy Joyful speCial government, he gave them speCIal rules dav, III d so, by natnral consequence, a day to lUI the II gUidance, followmg which they would be hapJlY aud Joyful m In hke manner, the be preserve" irom excess III eIther directIOn year of Jubilee IS pronounced holy, m LeVitt A. dlscernmg Chrlstlll.n wrlter* has remarked ens and the context nlamly shows tbat It was that Judaism more, perhaps, than any other set 'apart and held sacred, not, as Its malll fea form of lchglOll, has acknowledged tbo lawfu)l tnre to purposes of public worship or prtvate eXistence 01 thy body aud lis affectIOns," while reltglous meditatIOn, but to rest and festal JOY • heathen systems of rehglOn, partl"nlarly iiI We use the word sacred 10 the same way when the East havc nlways been mow 01 less char we speak of a tombstone or monument as acterlzed bv the torture and sucrlfice of--&e sacred-not to rehglons uses, but to the per flesh ," and, as he c!lndldly admits, "historICal petnatIDg the memory of a decel\sed friend QjmstlllDlty has not been far bellind heathen Were there not then speclIII ~acrlfiees to be i§JD 10 thiS warlare agamst the body" offered on the Sabbath, by Dlvllle appomt:o

'1'h18 bemg so, J udlllsm'- owes It, we think, ment? not to any better balance of natnral COnStltU Yes, there was a double ceremomal on that tlon but to the safeguards afforded In the most day In Numbers, the 28th chapter, we are exe~lIent rules and precepts on thIS subJect, told that the pnbhc service or sacrIfice of ellch gIVen by the Lord thlou;h I , crvlInt Moses work day, reqUired "two lambs of the filst '!be J ewa were d rected to spend certain diS- year, [one for the mOfnmg and the other for t!Dctfy speCIfied poruons of t\:nc In l.1bor, and the ever.mg sacrifice,] for a burnt offerlllg, d vole cerlam other speCified and regularly re WIth a tentl1 pllrt of an ephah of flour, for a Curnng days nnd weeks aud years to rest and meat otrerlDg, mmgled With the f~urth part of recreatIOn the t DJoyment of the fl Ults of their a hm of 011 and the fourth part of a hm of labors, aUd the cultlvatlon of moral and SOCial strong WIDe, for a drmk offermg" .A nd, 1m affinlttes and affectlous medIately after, In the same chapter, we are

'[here were to be first III each week, SIX told that two lamhs, With two-tenth deals of days of labor lIud the~ one of recreation flour mlDgled With Oil, and the drmk otl'ertng ThiS waH tlx~d dlstltlct IInperatlve 'fhe ther~of were to be otrr.red, every Sabbath, wants of the hndliln COllstltutlOll and the book bUlde the contmual (or dady) bllrnt-offerlDg, olnuture had tau"bt other natlon8 their need and hiS drlDk oiferlDg

• of days of rest fro~ tOil, of 80Clallty, and fes But. how different thiS from a direction to tlVlty, 10 order to health and happmcs8 And, spend the mttre day ID sacrifiCIng? (for that liS u.:~~ we find that other natloDs .dId set was thclr spcclal mode of worship) How ~,..f.ilW. day\of the year as feast days .Upon some of these all wurk was forblddell-llpOll

• Dr Pntnam, of Bozblll7 oUlera not.

professed 1V0rship wonld have been qUIte flsmg wlthm him, Ilsked With a talDt sphere Next he grew shy of hiS milljstlcriulg to the Spirits of Just men mllde perfect There foreign to the pohty of the Lord, and no less envy III hiS heart, II Why are these stupid brethren around him, not refiectlDg are those whom we have known and loved. so tbe mterfere Ice WIth their festive Joyand trIflers so highly favored, whllo I, who would large places were less thau hIS when lhe hoary hcad walkmg among us for so mony SOCial recreations all the Sabbath, than with /{Ive my l'lght hand or m.y rIght eye ror ga.1l theIr work In both the fields he ye TS \ll the way of WIsdom, the soldlCr of the their busllless labors all the other days of tho kuowledge, must soon lay aSide Illy hooks splsed were elements of succeFs, 5.nd ClOSS who had learnt to hve, not unto bin~sellf, week God repeatedly by one propbet after and spend my life ID the t8n pitS 7" Youllg as ten years were among the high places but unto him who dIed-tho gentle, DUlre-~lear another, declared to th! JellS that he dcslwl ho was Eben was a ChrIStian, and felt pallied It really tukes a greater man to budd ed lovmg alles-the tender mfant-all obedience and mercy 'I c love) rather hiS own rebellion, while hiS patient tOIl to occnpy when hUllt Soon he grew tl elr place ID the ranks of those who sacrifice and self demal, and the mortificatIOn mother warned him not to reproach God ous,!Hid In IllS heart rejOiced wlloo " Without fnult," before the throne Ouee safe of 0 I uatural and IDnocent mcilOatlODS He hiS lot She also drew brIght pictures of complace'Dt Puff was requested to " wlthm those )Jurtals, how gloMous their mter-assured thew that Justice and ehallty-a klDd the long summer mormn,;s and wlDter evelilngs, fie hud got throoJh" Of ",UIOI"""_ UlnE'"' course Nothlllg bllt hohness and hllppmess regard for the feelings, and II f Ir conSideratIOn III which, even after he should be,;-m to tOIl he effort were crushed hy theso Ilnd love bllld together'" tbe famIly of heaven of the rights of tho Creator, and all hiS senti conld pore ovcr the beautiful books wilich may lind soon came the reward of bls I;s thiS the compaAlonsblp In which wej;rust to ent creatures (not only men but brute beasts, ~, hiS rICh nncle would send him from Boston labors were Without effect, while all spend our eternal years 7 What manner of for like God whose" tender merclCs are over ,r He went to work at the tannery at the alte Ilround were enJoymg great pr()sperityf persons ought we, then to be IU all holy can-all hIS workR," the I merCIful mUll IS mermful of thirteen, but stili found time t9 read He lady he stili hoped some day to call versatlon and godliness 100kIDg for, and hast to hiS beast,")-thls was what he desned aDd borrowed books from the schoolmaster, the felt hiS frequent delays to be a trlfllllg ellIng unto the day when we to shall JOID In

demanded of the Jews, and It wo lid seem that lawyer, and thD minister, and gathered such and, at her father's request, closed tbe .. nr·roo. that lDoumerable multltnde, aud to ullIte WIth he made thIS too pi am til b~ misunderstood Rtores of useful knowledge as snrprlsed hiS fel Jlondenee HIS brl;ht dreams had them m the ever new song of praise to Him save 'wIlfully He would guard them 19a1liRt low IfQrkmeu HIS labol'N, however were SOOIl flown, and be was alone, dis:cOllragec!,: who covered us With righteousness and made "rlghteollsness overmuch," as well as there, and the end of eIght years poor In thiS state he deCIded that us to be partakers of the inheritance of the labor He would counteract the found m a theological semmury, after hav the mlDlstry was a delUSIOn and he samts '"Ight [WItness. which all BlIlful and Imperfect men bave tbrough numberless sacrifices and efforts, be guddess until he threw all the to substitute forms of worship for the ed bls eollele course Thus were uoble powers, Doe talents, The L088 of Early PurIty of Charaoter. fealty of the reverential and Bubmls.lve The RubICon-that stormy wave for the poor piety, all allenllted from God's serVICe, "'u,~:~"~.. .-_ ... _-_ .... _-,"":-.'11:,1 sacrloce for obedIence, money for scholar-was at length passed and Eben Crane possessor employed m bnsllless wilich Ovellllt.he beauty of "b,rpmID find the aptl anee for pellltence, and therefore be forth mto tbe world With a reputation ble youth, WIth a common school cot, the'lle grows a bloom and beauty more er-tbe multlpitcatloll of forms 01 wur.blp and f(lr pIety, zeal and scholarship He was really could transact as well as he qUlaltc than the frUit ItBelf-a B~j:~-a.J~~""';~7":_":"'...;...:..:fi.:. llfice., Uy hmltmg them to 0. very few, strong man-and when he mIDltled With oth There are no mean placcs no oh""nt", plush that overspreads Its blushmg on those great days and fellst days, when, conlrl not it With thiS con ID onr Master's vllleyard-it IS a "'---- Now If you strIke Jour that,

f~;~~iJ:~:I:~~~~~~I~ou~s~n~e~ss~ll~n~b~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~t;~1~·~.~~f~~~~~I~~~~~~~~ff~=4~ls~~on~c~e~~ It IS fOr It cordlll';- to nmversal cnstom an mc I lor a Sill u marta to be ~~~~~!f~~~~si~';:1 'tlley WUTIlrr--lJe ~y ttl go men \~ dIrection ~ God ordered It otherwise, and, as no queenly wuwu,u

'Iherefore, after the typIcal sucrlfi,,~ .... -<:rd after 1II0nths of to wllltmg for lin elltglbJe God commands, .. Thou sbalt 111 !l.nI,al!il~A Jewels Once shake offered, decently and rev~ut\rb reUlD;.t

n h opemng' he who had takeu the firHt honors bDke thy neIghbor, and not suffer off and yon may Anl~rkle"w8.'terorl~r

mormllg and that ~"~ .. ru' ep e ween, lIC bls class, and to whom hiS fellow students bnd h "Th I h Id fully as yon ple-e, yet It can never be made ' ad been '~ken the Jews 1m ISIS t 19 duty, I~ s on seem, -.: natllre dem ~.ktl, ....., I k d ttl I t k th agalll wbat ill; was when the dew fell SIlently WP'. dpectcd to and In the earhest times did, 00 e up as 0 a mas er 111 srae, 00 e p;ood meu anrl III respect to all kllld9 as we have reaSOR to beheve, IIIvurtably devote overSight of a little flock on the sea uhore, com If we see any person gOIng wron,;- we llio.uld upon worn beavenl On a frosty mornlOg the seventh day, as well as other fp-btlvals, to posed mostly of fishermen The poorest schol pOlllt out to hun the right way, If we ~ou mllfsee the paues of glass icovered ,With temperate Ce lstmg, hght hearted mIrth, and ar and the most nnpromlsIng preacher among one domg wrong, tell him k ndly and rlla:inlv laI1liscape mountalUs, lakes, trees, blendmg 111 ulllllllocent domestic pleasurcM and SOCIal en the gradnates, had taken a fllr hIgher position what IS the right actIon, and not a beantlful, fantastIc pICture. Now lay your

d I d t Id -to mortal ken-than he With a determlll upon our neighbor If men would UUl hand u,n the glass, and by the scratch of Joyments An III ater lIys we are a npon to bid hid h If t "'lu,gjdloiDlg your fi er, or by the warmth of your palm, the highest hnman authority that It was the e reconCi e e app Ie Imse a practice thIS command much Wll

I bls work With great Zual but al~s for poor would be prevented-many a sad all the dehcate tracery Will be obliterated! So custom all all thes~ festa occasIOns to reJoice c, , " 111 the good gifts of Gorl s Provldcnce and thc human natnre I It must drop one rauk seed 111 ned by COHect ng uror 111 Its IllclplCnt "ffl'~AQ there IS 'n yonth a beauty and purIty of ch~r frutts 01 their dUlly tall-Ill corn, and wille the best SOli-let fall one bitter drop 10 the before It came to assume Its fulness of d.,."O".t.h Dcter, which when once touched and defiled, and frtend., and fortune And t e most natur " h Sweetest cup In tile noble hell"t of Eben The Cllrlstl~u church IS set as a Ilgllt cau never bo restored, II frmge more delicate

h there lay a gralu of worldly ambitIOn world, and ItS pnstors and teachers ·rn'sel~t than IOrest work, and winch when torn or al alld Simple way of rCJolclDg 111 t ese , ... , certalllly was to ellJoy them freely strugglmg for hfe, and kept down only by forth to suy uuto men I Repent .,e"----';tn(!re. broken, WIll never be re-embrOldered A man temperutely GratItude to theIr Giver great watchfulness and fervent prayer. If he fore, as. a class, they are set for the del"eWle who has spotted and spaded hiS garments III

til h f II d remalDed close at home, hiS deep mterest for the gospel, to rebuke Sill, nnd to pell$o:!de youth, though he may seek to make them naturally be drawn for 111 suc u an hiS flock ahsorbed all other feelings, bnt when men to turn from Sill to Christ 'I hey white agalD, can never wholly do It, even wele enjoyment So IU the Feast of went abroad he felt keenly that hiS field hold a steady light and to pour out the he to wnsh Ulem With hiS tears When a which lasted eIght days, were held, we a very navrow one and bls people far be trnth, tlte clear Bible testImony, fl.glli~ilt man leaves hiS father's house, With the told, the vmtage festiVities New Englanders m IDtelhgence and manner of SID and wrong-domg by ,,_._,-- of hIS mother's tears stili wet upon hts

It was the Jews' "Harvest Home," "" lIe would sometimes ask, bl' t S I I (V're[lea'U, if he once loses that early purity of h POSSI e lor men 0 go astray I ence I •

particular directIOns were given t em as " was here when I could be so Sill, through man fearmg or man pleas1I1<J"-r,ntt,o.. character, It IS a loss that he never the manner III whlcb It was to be ohserved mnch more usefulm another part of tbe Mas be fearfully gu tty I make whole agalU Snch IS the them as a season of festlVlLy Ou the ter's v\Oeyar~ and a pastor lIke themselves be What tlJen IS the gUIlt of the .chur~ib of crIme Its effects cannot be er[ldi(~atled day and also on the eighth, there were to hetter adapted to thiS people 7" Immedllltely the thousands of Its pastors With such 'lJ

L,.: .. ". cun only be forgiven It 18 a stain o()f

speclIII religIOUS exerCises bnt the hI, better reason wonld reply to the snggestlODs on the WIckedness of slavery? 'Snli'riilse,." that we can never make white, and which can days were to be spent by DlVlne directIon the tempter, Get thee behmd me Satan, thou says Dr Cheever I' Snppose that be washed away only IU the blood of Christ after the moderll pIC IIIC fashIOn They werf! an o""ense nnto me,' and agaIn he would I h I f II f I that cleanseth from all Sill I" d II b h j 11' are as ~p a s ove n 0 coa s ~I"~IU told to I keep a feast" and we III oot s himself vlgoronsly to hIS labors Bnt, b b

k f t d I d b h throwu npon yonr are arms y Interestmg DlScovery -to la e certam rUI s an eaves an ong S hiS heart was not at rest, he saw ever vIllain, and vour nervous t ssue sh(lUItJ!!J':.efm;e of trees nnd reJoIce before the Lord" There distance leading hIm astrAy, like an d t b t'- of n

h r. ~ to aver Ise you y ue "ense pili, ''''', .. ,"''' It 14 stated III the GermaD Reformed Me, In the groves and pleasant pastures t ey east 'atnns, an Intelh,,"ent and appreClattve an late d of aw~kenlllg I I d k h d t 1i you seep D, 11m a U ""ger npon what IS conSIdered re mb e an ed and ran t C1r Wille-gIVIng an accep reqnlrlng and suelng cor hIS servIces ng 'jon WIth a. convulSive start h th t" d Ch t h

I:utem,e "ctlnSI thonty, t at lI;ty: .. oosan rls mos ave 109 lOVltatlOns to bonnttfnl entertnmments, nod Mr Crane had arranged hiS atl'alrs so as to th fi C au yon wonld be 'atally niaiuled. , I d f e re ,rom y , Ii recently been lound upon an IS an north 0 spendlDg theIr tIme as a modern writer married ImmedIately after gradun.tlllg But 1 b d tr d Ithout remedy ~"'f-a[l(l

your 1m es oye w, Celebes It had been rnmored for a tIme t.hat 10 plaYl11g and dallclllg, IU JOYOlls sped ere he fiound even thiS lowly rest t f tl e chur h With the word of 0 A d JUS so, I I c there was there a hrlStian people, forgotten lllnocent amusements' * n and when he did, hiS generons .heart G d' h d t f thf 11

a s aut orlty 0 no al n y and forsaken, WhICh, however, yet possessed Illustralion of wh tt was meant ~rom taking a dehcate woman from a r h ffi f .... h ·, son, pellorm teo ce Q "onS~lence Bibles, and contmued steadf!lllt In the before the Lord-whlc ascettc home of plenty, and the eleganCies of refined t I I k d tl Wick d ~~'8,are

na lOn, w 11 e WIC e men wf Ie... faith When mISSionaries first landed on the rehgloDists restrict to psalm SlDgI g-we to such a lowly cot as hiS, and such I t ft t s co Is h I f pllDg IDlqul y a ar ImqUl y a a Ilmtrn--I lsiand, tbey met With a school teacher, and hl8 1D the fourteent c lapter 0 coar-e aSSOCiations as were now hiS He httle fi th a Ie the llWni{p,rn

h 0 109 re, upon e pe p , nuplls, who repeated In the Malayan tongue, Dlvllle dlrectlOl, as to t e mallller \II knew bow WIlling was she to make all worldly tit 'or r sistanee too late '''.''bntlvn. .. b k

come 00 a e I' e , As the heart panteth after the--water roo s, t the people were to nse the tIthe of theIr sacrlfines, and so he postponed mdefimtely the t " T'-e church and Its mInistry h 0 L d" N h •· Ion u so panteth my heart after tee, or 0 or mcrease, I Thou shalt truly tit e 'ulfillment of hiS engagement d th t f I equally 1# h i' soun e no e 0 a arm , I· BIbles were fonnd, but the most preCIous pro mcrease of thy seed and t on Meeting one day In a neighboring city the d d Ito I er I and If It

IVI ua or na I na p I - mlses of the Bible wntten upon the bark of before the Lord, JU the place which weakest momber of hIS old class he was ae th • of gUIlt must be -rl~ati£ .A I' C d h' so e measur~ " trees They know the post e s reed an choose, to place hlS naUle tbere, t e costed by him With, "Well, hrother, I hear yOII th t G d h th conlmlSSloned the nnlnrr'B b d CJ.

n 0 a . Heidelberg Catech.l8m, and a urlstllln eus thy corn, of thy WIDe of tbme 011, have JOined yourself to the fishermen of Galt th I t the n tlon e a arm a a toms Twenty churches and schools yet eXIst-firstHngs of thy herds and.y qnlte In keepI- With one who hus left ~he It has b en well SlIld that If the n~~i~¢h p h "0 e, '" ed 'I hrough the Illstrumentaltty of astor and If tb8lwuy be too Ion tee, Simon the tanner! Yours IS, I know, a d h d t I Id ot hn1.plll'".rI

f ane er u y, 8 avery <Cou u Helldrmg, founder of the Magdalen Asylum thou nrt not able to carry I ; or 1 field WIth httle worldly honor, bot we & h Id t h tr h h L d lOot 0 I now as m our couu y, at Steenbeck, the chief patron of Inner ml5-be too far from t ce, which t e or cannot, you know, all fill one post Have faIth tl h cl h01l1d even now wash

h I, Ie c ur I s SIOM III Holland, four miSSionaries, who had shal! choose then sat t turn wrap yonr fisher's coat about yon, aud cast I tb hItter slavery c ean m IS woe ma , been edncated under the venerable Gossner, money and shalt go nn e yourslf Into the sea, aud you'll reach the haven b med out of the I~nd And

e consu "-"- were sent out. and three thousand persons thon shalt bestow that mone last" 'nd drawmg hIS band pompously b bl t d f h t a [ -"- tl Y rue-an I "80, W a baptilled soul lusteth after, or strongly hiS bushy haIr, he ndded With a pat Ch t t h Id h Its hands

f rlS lam y s ou was TillS IS certamly a most Illterestmg discovery oxen, or for sheep, or or wme, air, Well, dear brother, yon who h t h power or In [ ] & wroug, W y 1 IS snc a, The Island on which these Chrlsttan8 were drmk, I e spiced wme or lor such Situations have one less burden than Id b h I

d h h It u won ecome suc a mora IIU''':I. found belongs to the East Jndllln Archipelago soul deslreth, an t au s a eat who fill prominent places, and have hnnd h t th 81n s It rloo,O.",,_o I I G d d h h I were mee mg e a The Dutch have for years had pOtItlca ru e 10 the Lorn thy 0, an t ou sat teds flocking to lIS for IDstructlOn Your reo t t r as .In"i>.,v

h d th h h Id d th a glgan IC mons e tins regIOn ThIS may account for tbe onglll-t au, an IDe ouse a an e SPOltSlblllty 18 less tbnu ours I Next summer, t th bef"re tl. won ds of "-od'i:words :1. t h u mus wrl e v l~ n \1 al IntrodnctlOn of Ohnstllllllty amung- t 18 IS WlthlO thy gates, thou shalt not when I sh·'11 require a little respIte, I Will get d t d b th h I h h H

h h h ~ a mIDIS ere yew 0 e c lIrc , peopl., and for the fact that tbe Eelbel'g for he at no pllrt or 10 entance my friend, Rev Dr Brao"g, to snpply my pul fi Id H It th d dren,4t\.I\lJ' ' [ I t e ow gm y, en, an , CatechIsm was still foond 10 ~hClr p esslOn uo materlll possessIOn a ptt and rUII down to see yoo and enconrage I st b the sllen e of th ltd t Ina, mu e c e But stili tbe partlcu ar Ime an clr~ms ance. m the next chupter among you a little Good bye I ' I press th t t d t took 1 11 I d re IglOUS , a perml In whIch tins mtro nc Ion g lLee may we mg the SabbatlCll year, we rea thon Not a wnrd about an exchange of pulpits- t b k d d unrE:prt~'~~ h h d d h b Ih y wrong 0 go unra u e an challeuge speCial attentIon, an ehclt In'l'e8tl-shalt open t y an WI e unto tyro er, to nl Invltatloll to hlS own house Had II pOison h II t th I h f h

d b d h s n no e Ig tot e from those who have the lelsnre and fa-thy poor an to t y nee y In t y land I Tbe e arrow entered that already to senSitive t k ~ d Ii b I d b a en .ram un er t e for prosecntlOg It Sixth year, y specla or matlon rODglt forth, heart, It could not have wrought greater mis- candlestick of II: faIthful and . ...;o.-'--_-'-____ .:.... ..... ~~"

a tnpZe harvest-the product of three thau did these barbed words And yet Shall not the sword of God's Yeurs was then given to the J ewa, so they were well meant, and the weak man who I th d h f

h I ~ s lea e agalDst t e woes 0 o'nVl't""! would ave p enty to east upon uttered them, really thought, III hiS Iguorance; not a reVIved church and a jDj.ijfl~tlry !tberal with, and It IS eVIdent, from that he was head and shoulders above the PIIS buke BIO, and proclalID God's

tor of the fishermen Had thIS man-whom • SaW7el' 011 AmUl!ellleJItl.

Page 2: OF BOARD. - Amazon S3Vol+15...Lord had speCIally prOVided agalDst thIS b"'"",.I'UL~te. curly headed, sun burnt hoy Others stronger flock neither edlfYlDg them, or three who have met

" v j/




lttmrbtt. of those who reject the doctrine De· However learned the circle in which you

not only served to unveil the tyrannical sp.irit pia-a mISSIon disgraced by arrogance and ,trnmtmt;... .. J:...ul%. h . h d xtensive the sto \!JIuuuu .. ",UUll ,.. pravity, I would here ai\d, the and move; owev;er riC an e IeR

of popery, and to IJflng to light the abomlOa· intrigue; and which, in consideratiou of the the" Unitarians of alI ages." of intelIectual wealth you possess; however ble errors lurking in its bosom; it also tended evils it occasioned, and the atrocity of the For the Sabbath Recorder I wonld not disconrage httle ;;';~,:ilrl"p" by profound yonrJesearches in science, if destitute ~

New York. July 29, 1858. to rivet more closely to the established religion measures with which it was carried on, can Native Holiness. teaching them that II in of tho fall of the principles and practICe of true politeness, -- of hi's country, the affectIOns of a monarch only be compared with the second, which was • t I th t I ou possess will be trun

Of the first man," that they are I to a . e scan Y II easores Y • EDITED BY A COMlUTrEE OF THE BOARD. who was shrewd enough to detect the hypoc· undertaken about forty years later, by the "That which IS born of the flesh, IS flesh, aud that . d M hIss will h

' J . which is born at the Spirit, is spirit. Marvel not that ly depraved, aud exposeQ to the displeas. slent an insecnre. uc e yon e I rlsy, though concealed by a gilded mask; and same eSUlts, with the same objects in view, I said unto thee, ~e most be ~~rn again." (born from ure of God, both in this world which qualified to impart happiness to others

The Abyssinian Church. who declared that the more he knew of the and with the adoption of the same means to above in tlie Margm.)-John III 6,7. . l fIt d is to come 1" But I wonld allltt! e As in laying the foundation or I erary Ill-

On the arrival of Nunes Barretto, 0. Portu· spirit and manamvring of the Romish Ohurch, effect its accomplishment, NotwithstandiDg II God hath made man, J H tinction the formation of correct hahits of . d ) . ht t thO d t children: Oome to esus. e ,

gnese WII.8 nominated by the pope, patriarch 01' the more despicable the institutIOn appeare • ReliD'ion. Exc't me t - (the humau race uprIg • ye IS oes no wI'III'ng to re"el've you He is thought and action nre primarily essential, so But while Clandius was congratulating liim· e- ':.....- 1 en. exclnde tlie necessity of regeneratton. And ~

Abyss\!!rar-and two others, Andrew Oviedo yon in His arms of protection, to protect, in the perfection of social cliarac~er. and Melchior Carneiro, whom the pope nomi' self on the victory he had gained over tbe In the Occ~dent and Jewisk Advocate of though infants" are boro as pure as Ada~ and save you; if you will trust in As the several peuce, one by one, go to make nated to the office of bishops, all of them bishop, a storm of another kind was gathering July, under the head of "Religious Excite· when he came out of the hands of !is ore~to:b Him. As as you can you may up the miser'~ glittering heap. So he who Jesuits. After their first repulse by Olaudius, over him, and flashing Its angry glances on ment," some notice is taken of a short article yet they must be born again- oro 0 e say," Our which art in hll"VA"." would win his way to the universal heart must king of the conntry, on their return to Goa, his kingdom N ur, the son of the King of lD the SABBATH RECORDER of June 17th, COllI' Spirit-born from above The first Adam (tohr B c. pave that way with habitual politeness in t1ie

I . h h' b h . Adel, the ancient enemy of Ethiopi(l, watched mencing," The vaIl taken away." the infant iu its fleshy nature) is of the ear , npou consu tation Wit t elr ret ren, It was thousand little tacks and turns t?at go to determined that Oviedo and a few of their with an cagle eye the frontiers of the emperor's This brief article appeared in a number of p '110_'; the second man is the Lord fro~ DeRuyter Institute make up the sum of human intercourse.

I • Ab .. dominions', and seein,,'" them unprotected, threw the religious and secular papers of Qi)- ctt" hea,cn That which is born of the Hesh IS S bb t" J R I nnmber should immediately sal lor YBSIDla, "k To the of the a \I 'U J...,.. and that Nunes, the nominal patriarch, with a powerful army iuto the couutry, and spread and we copied it merely as an article of ill!}' flesh. In tHs world, " it is sown in wea ness Many of friends of edtICal;l~n in this sel)' ~ the rest of their number, should follow when far and Wide the fires of war. The emperor mallon, Without deSignIng to vouch ff), r e -.subject to v, 1ity-sown in corruptiou-sown tion, will dressed in DeRuyter Variety is the Spice of Life. they sbould be iuformed that affairs had as· saw his danger, and weut out to meet the iu· truthfulness of It As a religious periOd\lli\f~·i III ilisnonor-- ~own a natural body. B~t to ~e Institnte 18 sold, and buried out denomi· To the Editors of the S"blmth Recorder'-

vading foe With a small army of undisciplined have aided in the circnlation of items of reUgl. r>lsed in the next world, "in incorruptLOn-l~ natl·on. HavI'ng got fl'd of big snakes and ague 6.", sumed a position that promised success to their b d "F f • "" soldiers But tho scale turned agaJOst him; ous inf"rmation without regard to whether t'olOY gj(~"'i'. -if( Jl()wer-a spiritual .0 y. .o.r I The youuger members of on"iiitv especially, we are treated to storms and tornadoes, thun. Prolect 01' religious conquest. OViedo accard· ., •• , d II f th S rlt of

" he mnde bu' ~eeble fl"ht against the attacks of were pleasing or displeasl'ng to us There may ye are bOR of the Spirit, an I e pI fill d . h . f 'f th announce· d d I h d ingly embarked, and soon arrived In Deboro· u • 0 \ f th d d d II will be e WIt gne, I e der and lightning, lOU an s os, ust and • h h h his adversary', his troops were routed, and him· be, or there may not be any thing near tne Him that raised np Jesns rom. e ea we meDt I'S made, that DeRuyter tmititillte is no dl'rtl Well, that will do for a small catalogue wah, in Ethiopia. Here e met wit ted Oh t f th dead

self left a mangled corpse on the field of battIe. number of converted Jews in this city as stated in yon, He that raise np rls rom e more. For t11ey remember as of the 1'lIs of life ;n a fertile counlry. I won.er Barnagash, or the chief of that section of coun· - . t I b d' b his ~ u , f' dl h Thus closed the career of II prmce, who:n, in in the IIrticle, or as It was suggested there wt>l'e shall also qUicken your mor a 0 les y they remember a benefactor. Bro. Babcock did not find out that our grapes try who had unhormly been rlen y to t e "

Catholic missionaries, and as he was about to unaffected piety and religious zeal in the cuI· in Philadelphia Such cases may be greatly Spirit that dwelleth in you. UDder its roof many who the are sour, and our rose bushes have thorns On proceed to the court of the emperor, he offered ture of his mind, in the moderation and wisdom exaggerated. We are conversant With but 0. Except a man be born of water, and of the field of Obristian labor, them, and wee'ds grow up on our corn groundl to conduct hither his friend OViedo The of his measures, few of hIS ancestors ever very few cases of thiS character. In our own Spirit, he cannot enter mto the kingdom of pulse to live for a high anI;} It is really gratifying to find that Bro. B. has bishop was soon fa.vored with an interview equaled, none excelled. Had God seen fit to Society we have bnt one, and m a neighboring God. Except ye be converted aud becomke as Many teacners havl)"gone forth escaped them alI, and arrived safely lit his with the emperor, and of showing him his let· have prolongcd hiS life, he might have been as church of our denommatlOn, another; but little children, ye shall not enter mto the ing· tution with their intell!:ct shltrplaned. and their mountain home; whatever may have become' ters of recommendatIOn he had brought from "some kind augel guard" in staying those neither of these is the resnlt of the recent reli· dom of heaven. Qf irifants, it IS said, that hearts solemnly impressed, with importance ef his friend who got so badly slued; be it. the pope. But the recollection of the condnct torrents of blood, "hICh from that time forth gious excitement We are of the opinion that II or such is the kingdom of God." (Luke xviii. of consecrating their time and talents to seems has got safely out of the deep mud Bro. of Bermudes, and of the Portuguese troops contmuet! to crimson the valleys of Abyssinia. no pecuniary inducements were used in these 15) From which I infer, that if an infant God and the happiness of And all who B. pities our women aBd horses I If it were was still rankling in the monarch's bosom. As Claudius dIed Without desceudants, his cases. Nor are we aware that Christians of sh~uld die, even before it conld speak-before have trod this hall of learning a desire for not too late, and we had known that Bro. Oviedo was forced to feel the mortification of brother Ad.lm, a pront! and Vmdlcti,e prince, other denominations have ever resorted to this it could say, II Our Father which art in he~v~n," improvement, have been and mude B. had Se} much mud in his eyes we should cer. seeing his letters treated witl:i disdain, and hlDl reigned III Ins stead He resolved forthwith method of converting IsraeILtes to the Ohrist· that at some time, it is born of the SPlflt- more capable of blessing Indeed this tainly have had some pity for bim, but as it IS,

self dismissed with impatience. At a second to avenge himself ou tho Oathohcs who were ian faIth, such proselytes would not be worth that at some time Ohrist is formed in them: Institution has been one of the lights of we congratulate him in his safe arrival on hard interview with the emperor, he assumed II living on thm!' own ~states. and to whose the money they cost. ~ who is II the Resurrection and the Life" thiS section of our couutry, caEltlp.g its sweet in- ground, lind hope he will take it easy as It loftier tone; he presented himself before him agency he was eaSily led to conclude were to With a long acquaintance With the Seventh' I understand that to be born of water, and finence upon every church and neighbor· respects our women Rnd horses, for we cun with a boldness, and a decision of manner al· be attributed the evils which had befallen his day Baptist churches in the United States, we of the Sptrit, is the same, as .. The washing of. hood iD this Association assure him the latter are luxuriating in clover, together unbecoming eIther his condition or brother and his country. Influenced by su~h can recollect but three or four instances of regeneration, and renewiog of the Holy Spirit." It IS not strange then that the idea of dis· and the form~r among red cnrrants, raspber. errand, demandiug of liim wliether he would motives, he took from the Portuguese the lauds Jews seeking a uniou With any of these (Titus iii. 5 ) And that this "washmg of posing of it, has been proposed should strike us ries, cherries, green peas, new potatoes, new or wonld not, unconditionally, submit to cedecl to them by his brother as grants for the churches. Two of this number gave Bubse water, is by the Word" (Eph. v 26) That with dread. Its effect UpOIl us is the same in wheat, and green corn. Our storms are~ver,

"the autEorltY'ilf the ~ope; and at the. s~me services they had rendered 111m in war, and quent evidence, of a very wavering faith in the as water is used to cleanse and purify, so the kind as it would be if one of our chur.ches that and nature smiles iu all her beauty, so we for. time affirming tbat Without such snbmlsslCn, threatened the bishop With lOstant death, if he Gospel, perhaps these would have been stea· Word of God is intended to cleanse and pnrify conld not agree on settling, II minister should get the muddy sprmg. It was certamly there w.Qnld be no salvation either for hImself contlllued longer to delude hiS subjects by fast, had we been able and disposed to furnish the church-" Being born again, not of cor· conclude to, sell the parsonage, and honse of thoughtful and patriotIC for Bro. B to wnrn or his people The emperor replied witli equa· preachmg the errors of the Clltholtc Church them with desirable worldly advantages. ruptable seed" (1 would slIY to an infant worship. Men make au awful mistake wlien all eastern people agamst the prairlC conntl],_ nimity and mildness, that the Abyssinian It is uncertam whether Nur, the chieftain of Now we do not doubt the pOSSibIlity of gen· sprinkler, or to a campbelite-not of material they attempt to selI God's property without lest tbey shonld be draggled through the mud Churcb, had from its earliest existence, bee Adel, was nctually instigated by the JesOltB nine couversions to the Gospel, of peopl~ from or corruptable water,) "but by the word of HIS consent. I and scared With storms ashe wasl ,But before closely united With that of Alexandria, and tho. thus to stain With blood the tcwtory of his the Jewish faith-and under Circumstances the God winch liveth and abideth forever."-l Pet. But must this property go out of our hands, they determine whether or not to come to the he kuew, at present, of no reasons to oreak eighbor. It is very eVident that the emperor most repnlsive to a worldly mllld It canI<llt I 23 Christ IS the" true LIght which hght- and the school cease to exis'; (lnd all be sold great western prairies on the ground be nrges, those bonds which had been strengthened ad some reason for adoptmg severe measurlS be seriously questioMd by any sane mind, but eth everv man that cometh into the woHd,"- at a ruinous s,crifice? We answer no, there I would counsel them to read the 20th cliapter through so many ages. The bishop, however, was against the encroachments of the Portuguese that the history of the Obrlstlan church fur· and" a; many as (did not reject but) received is no necessity for it; and it shonld not be done. of 1 Kings, and consider whether the god they not to be so easily dissuaded from his purpose The king of the coast, who had always been nishes abundant evidence of thl> <!onversion of that Light, to them gave he power to become The Oentral Association needs this InstItn' serve is..tb'e god of the hills or the god of the He persisted in again putting what he deemed the zealons friend of the Jesuits, had Joined a vast multitude of Jews to the Christllm faith, the sons of God, eveu to them that believe on tioll t~ educate the chddren within ItS bounds. valleysl ~Or whether they serve Jehovah who the only alternative. But the prince not think· th~ irruption against hlJll; and that in order when persecutions 10 every tewfic form were his name: Whlcll were born, not of blood, nO!.' This AssdfJiation has been already ellriehed in delivereth from the storm and the tempest, ing it best to prolong the interview,E:Uismissed to atIvance the work of converSIOn 1U the coun· the certam result of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, intellectual aud moral wealth by thiS s,!!bool, whether iu the mo~ntain or on the plain Such lIim from his presence, assuring him that the try, he had sent to the Portuguese in Asia, The Gospel was first pr encbed to the Jews. but of God." II or his own will begat he us with more thn I Ie whole cost of it )Ias been to the as serve Jehovah and prefer the dwellings of business should be presented for consideration and obtamed from thence II supply of soldiers The church in Jerusalem was originally com· tbe word of truth" ThIS Light of the Spirit entire denommation And as it has been the his people to dwelling in Mesech, rejoice in the of the cnu",,-, =<Lthelr decision co~nieated These measures tonched to the qUIck the irri· posed exclUSively of Jews. havmg had thirtee~ of God ant} of Christ, may be caned a convtc· blessing to many families 80 it may be made a light of hIS countenance and the upbmldiDg of to him table soul of the emperor, he took the field pastors of the circumcision in succes.lon WheQ tion to do right at all times, and under all. Clr· great blessmg not only to our children but to his canse. But when any IJave the dwelliDgs

OViedo seelDg that bls efforts were useless agamst hIm, and dispersed his army. The Christianity began to spread among the G('il' ,~"mBta.nces ThIs" Grace of God th at brmg· generations to come. of their own brethren in the faitb, to sOjourn on the i~dependent spirit ot the monarch, skill· king of the coast found protection among the tiles, they adopted customs to which t' '.T{'~ :sb leth salvatIOn hath appeared to all men," A few students from this Association may among strangers, have they any Scriptural en. fully changed h.&<!de of attack, and assnm· Mohammed~us, and, by promismg them fresh portion of the church were opposed. !Cud by (whetuer ~l,"y ever had$ the Bible or not,) go t~Alfred_or to WisconSin. "D' ~ lar;;<> [JUzt1. couragement to expect_any other than vex!:;

_ell tho- more c~'t.a.'t"v tone of friendshIp TeC"ro.l~ -c~l)m PortuC"r'al he succeeded In ain- e.hrisonn ....9.et.~ n.nd-:'r: .... :.:-.riW4S-__ "'("f~" ~,rrNH~hp ~ ... ;" that :deD;"'~ nngodhne&-', "'r:rf.. 'her who OOgllt to pursue n. courSe of study, Will tiODS? • H.e a~dre~e~ 0; cOli en ,lOg them ove • em 1U effect, drove the JeWIsh Chnstm~. fr~m't""'- 71'orIt1,) lusts,we a.bonld live 8oberly,:,ghteouSlj , parsue It among strangers, or not study at nil, I have only to add tbat I have never made

mmdlUg him of Wormer request to the pope to march against the emperor. The b.~'o~ {<':" u. . But no act of tillS • '",,, Ina Ii "Iv iu thiS present world. (Titus 11. if DeRuyter Institute ccases to !Jxist. it a practice to hurl anathemas at the heads of and to the King of Portugal, to send learned boldly met the JOvo.dmg foe, and fell a victim" Ohristian church was ever so effectIve 10 plO 11, 12.) Tho~" -l.o follow thiS Light, they But how can DeRuyter Institute be saved God's people. I cannot curse whom Godhnth men into his kingdom, and of his recogmtion to theIr savage fu~y in the first encounter. ducing a final separation, as their CIVIl nnd become n~w creatures III Qhrist, and He be .I-o'm obhvion? It can be saved Guly by the not cursed. s D

of the claims of Rermudes to the dignity of The Jesnit missionarIes whom Adam had im· eccleuiastical laws against the observation of comes .thelr salva',\On-~ade. uuto 'kIn. wis· members of the Central Association taking patriarch, (lnd cautlOned-him not to. infiu· prisoned would have shared hiS fate, had not the Sabbath, and for the introduction and ob dom, rIghteousness, sanetlfi~atlOn, und re~emp. bold of its interest, and WIth prayer and money, enced by his mother, the empress; and to the king of the coast arrived at the deCISive servation of the first day of the week in its tJOn. But to those who reject the teachmg of secure it from being swallowed up by the world. fortify himself against the prejudices and arti· moment to avert the dauger The son of place When It came to thiS, that keeping the thiS Grace of God, they reject theIr OWIl salva· The Western ASSoCiatiou has a school around fices of his courtiers. He also insidiously im· ~~nlJI! Malal Saged, now ascel~ded the Abys· Sabbath which God required, s~bje?ted a me~. t~on: and thiS Llght becomes thell' coudemna· winch their heart's uffectJOlls cluster. Where pressed on his miud the important tilflh, that sIOlatf'throne, aud though he might not opeuly ber of the church to excommUOlcatlOn aud out· tlOn.. • . they can send tbeir children and feel tliat they in regard to our faitlt, it often becvmes onr have evinced his hostility to the opinions of the lawry, no pious Jew could remain in it It is I Will bere give a short eXlract from the are safe. 'l'he North.Western is snpplied with duty to encounter the ill·will of our parents, Jesuits who had now retIred from the heart of reasonable to suppose that If a Jew became Friends', on uOlversal and savmg light. They faCilities for the education of every child with. even to severing the tenderest earthly ties for the kingdom, and taken up their residence at convinced of the truth of the Christian religion affirm, that U God hath given to every mlln II 111 Its bounds The Eastern Association will the sllke of Ohrist. Bnt the stratagem turDed Fremona, it is evident that he had inherited from reading the Scriptures, he would be mosj; measure of the light of his own Son, (John i have schools of their own, and !!hall not the out as every reasonable man would have ex· from his father aud nncle, all tbeir abhorrence, naturally disposed to adhere to the Sabbath of 9,) and that God by this light inVites, calls, Oentral Aseociation secnre and hold fast the pected. Such artifices could have but little both of the conduct and principles of the the Bible, for the Scriptures of both the Old and strives with every man, in order to save one within their reach. inflnence upon Clandius, whose knowledge of Jesuits. But no prospect of opposition could and New Testaments afford evidence of n~ him; WhICh as It is received, works the salva- It may never sustain the same relation to the Scriptnres is said to have been far more dampen their zeal. They had takeu fast huld other being enjoined by, or acceptable to Gail tlOn of nIl, even of those who are Ignorant of the denomination that it has in its most pros. profouud-than that of the Jesuit missiqnary of their object; the fire of their hopes burnt But this depends very much upon Wh03C hUt..lll,l tae dC'lth of Ohrlst, and of Adam's fall: bnt perous days, but it may sustaiD the same rela. himself, and the .Eequel proved that they; JMW high, and they pertenaciously clung to their an enquirer, Jew or Gentile fr.lb Into. -.lt1tbt this 'lght may be resisted, ill whICh case tlon to thiS Association that It has done to tne no other influence, than to alienate him still orjginal purpose of taking possession of Abys· takes the prescription his religlOu" physicia'; G.od is said to be resisted and rejected, and entire denominatIOn.

effectually from the bishop and his cause. sinia and of domineering over her church, not- prepares for him. Should such a one come h,l Christ to be agaiu crucified; and to those wh.o I think we may safely say that there is more saw this; but not the least daunted, withstanding it had so often, like a wizard us we should tell him to keep holy the Saill thus resist aDd refuse hIm he becomes th?lr interest in the cause of education in. this As~o.

persevered in his enterprise. He seemed reo phantom, eluded their grasp. Oonsequently, b:th which God commanded all mento keep- condemn(ltion-th~t as many. ~s do no~ re~lst dation at present than there was iu the entire Bolved to lift at the wheel so long as tnere they wer0 disposed to remain iuactive at Fre· and obey the ordinances as Jesus Ohrist enjoi!. this light become holy a~d spI:ltual; brmgLDg. denomination when DeRuyter Institute was remained a ray of hope, and he fearlessly chal· mono.. They sent deputies to the viceroy of ed them, that circumcision, aod unClrcumcisio~, forth all those blessed fr~lts. whlc~ are accept.a first proposed. lenged all the litera~of Abyssinia to confront Goa, earnestly sollciting a fresh Bupply of were equally useless in the matter of ouWe ble to God: and by ~hls. holy birth, (t? WI.t, This Association needs this Institution nnd him in the field of logical combat in regard to troops from Portugal, With which they flatter· salvation. We should try to talk to so.~r. Jeslls Ohrist formed WlthlO us,.an~ work~ng I~ why not own it? If they conld own it free all the subjects of dispute existing between ed themselves they should soon be able to sub· sons as nearly as we could as the ancient Kihg ns,) the body of deat~ and Sill IS cr~C1fied. from debt they would cherish it as a mother them. The challenge was accepted; but the due Ethiopia, and accomplish the conversion of Israel dId, "Fear God and keep his c9m. To this view of the Frleuds I ca.nuot obJect. cherishes her only darling child. A mother's emperor fearing that the monks who were de- of the church But this enterprise did not mandments; fOI' this is the whole duty of mah." In an article in favor of Nat~ve. D~r~1JI~Y, affections for her child is increased as she lav. signated to advocate the cause of the Aby,s, meet the political views of the viceroy of India, JD the RECORDER of July S, I notICe 10 Italics ishes her kindness upon it; so our interest in sinian Ohurch, would become embarrassed by aud instead of complying WIth the request of NEW YORK SOCIETY.-The New York Even. the words-" by nature the chtldren ofwrath, the prosperity and inteIIectttai advaucement of the subtletIes and refinements of the Italian the fathers, he urged the Portuguese monarch. p 1> shapen in iniqUIty and conceived in Bin." the young among 11S will be increased as we

Ing ost makes the following editorial state· Jesuit, Came forward and replied in person to to persuade the pope to recall the Jesuit mis· ~ N Here is a part of two Scriptures, viz: Ps. Ii 5, labor to sustain such an Instl'tutl'on I'n onr ment:-" It is a nV!.orious fact, that 10 ew the bishop; and if we may credit the Jesuit sionaries from the territories of Abyssima. aDd Eph. iI. 3 The first of these Scriptures, midst.

York, for instance, a man of wealth, or of cap· historians themselves, he completely triumped Accordingly, in 1560, Oviedo was officially . . h t h I\~ave lilready noticed. The second I will now If the friends of the Instl'tutl'on I'n the dl''''er-tivatmg manners and accompliS men s, w ose II

over his antagonist, by his profound knowl· withdrawn from the country, and ordered to moral character is known to be thoroughly bad, notICe: I understand what Panl calls here" the ent churches of this Association will meet to. cllge, and clear exposition of Scripture. repair to Japan, where it was thought his 1 h h t b n publicly expos. cHildren of wrath," in Eph. ii. 3: he calls" the gether, and consult upon its interest and firmly

may, ~o oug as e as no ee 'I f d' b d' ". th b ~ Bot this J'ealous missionary did not relish the efforts in the service of the "mother of har· db h b th t flaw "-d cqlldren 0 ISO e lence III e ve~se e ore resolve upon secnring It, and making I't an at-

.1 e y t e press, or y e conr so, uu . . E h II F b f idea of being thus foilelll in his nndertaking. lots" would meet with greater enconragement. his CIrculation in some circles of what is called I~I Th~.same IU ~ t~' 6- th 0; ~c~use 0 tractive school, we shall save a valuable He whet his spirit to a k~en edge, and resolv- This measure, however, did not meet the am· the best society rather improved than hindered thlleseh~ldmgs cfod~eb d' e ';,ra AOd . °c UIP~? bnilding for educational purposes, and save . t d' . t h' t' t d th bitlOlIS views of the aspI'rl'ng prel t d h . ' H t e c I ren 0 ISO e lence. n IU O. Ill. I f h d lUg 0 Issemma e IS sen Imen s, an us a e, an e by the report of hiS transgresSIOns. e mo.y a" ourBe ves rom reproae , an secure to our gradnally leaven the Abyssinian mind, he was by no means disposed to submit to a re- be 0. libertine, a thief, and a habitual liar; he 6 -;-" For hmgs s6.~e the rrat~, of God children a school where they may persne their Published a few tracts on the principal sub· moval without a struggle. He wrote to the . I d . the deca1om1A< cO!Jleth on t lldren of dlSobedlence. Now studies nnder thel'r own vI'ne and lig-tree. may VIO ate every cornman 1\1 ~ ~ ~ II! . h h h f G jects of the controversy. In his first publica· pope in an assuming and conCiliatory manner, but if he be recognized by 0. few leaders of "the a i th~s d~ ?ot prove.t at t e wrat 0, .od May the Lord answer the prayers that have tion, he attacked the errors of the Abyssinian premising that he was ever ready to comply fashionable world," (who may have special and comes on '"itDno~ent 1\1fan~s for ~dam S 8m; been offered for this Institution. L K. o. Ohurch, and presented a copy to the emperor, with his wishes, and obey his mandates; still, private reasons for their conduct) he is snre but only on ch~ldren of dzsobedtence-thosel We.lt Ed1lle.lton, Jnly 15, 1858.

ilMM-ing him to weigh its arguments with serio at the present juncture, he could not avoid in· amon the'lr obsequious devotees of l'eceiving a w~ personally .,hsobey or transgress some ""'r g I h Th f G d For the Sabbath Recorder. ousness and candor. But this, like all his dulging the expectation, that If allowed the welcome." knlwn aw of rIg t. e wrath 0 0 will Politeness. previous efforts, vaDlshed in a transient blaze. assistance of six hundred Portuguese troops, co e on such persons as are naturally disobe. The prince, lifter he had carefnlly pernsed the he might soon be able to snbject the Abyssin. PREPARATION FOR DEATH.-It is the sad con. die t to his laws. The experience of the multitude, and the work, sat down, and with his Own h(lnd wrote ian Ohurch to the apostolic throne. He was dition of many 0. dying man that their work is ffter some fifty years study of the Scrip. philosophy of the thoughtful, alike assert that 0. refutation of every article it contained. The careful to notice every circumstance that could to do when their hour is come; when the enemy tu~s, I must confess, that I caunot find one no EmaIl share of human happiuess sprfngs from bishop was utterly confounded; bnt chagrined interest the feelings of the pope, and artfully is in the gate, their weapons are to look for; wq-d of their" Scriptural doctrine of Native the social element of our natnre This element and }ffitated as he was, by seeing all his efforts meDtioned the fact, that most of tbe provinces when death is at the door, their graces are to D~ravity." Neither can Ifind one Scripture like other things human, admits of indefinite to Bobdue the .AbYSSinian Ohurch to the au. of the country abounded in extensive mines, s:e~ for; when the bridegroom is come, their in favor of anyone of the. ".five points," or. improvement. thority of Rome thus baffled, was in no mood yielding gold in great profusion, and of an ex· 011 IS to buy; the pursuer of blood is upon ratrer five errors of CalVInism Althongh As the intellectual faculties are expanded

t to strike his colors. He resolveg to make a cellont quality; but all availed nothing. The them, and the city of refuge is not so much as gocjl hearted Ohristians, and as sincere in their by use in their own appropriate sphere, and • 1ast and desperate eifort, which be seemed to pope had no desire to be drawn into the plans thought of by them. In a wo"d the seven viefs, and in their quotations of Scriptnre, as are made-mighty to grasp subjects, altogether

think must decide the controversy in his favor. of the bishop, nnd notwithstandiug his remon· years of plenty are wasted, and no provISIon thel mUllons of those who I quote the Fonrth beyond the reach of ordinary thollght, so refin· · ... im.'Ilin.alv on the 10th of February, 1559, strance, vessels arrived on the coast of Africa for the years of famine. Time is spent, and Co~mandment to prove the first day Sabbath! ed feelings and the higher privileges of social

ii ;.OIn.,jI a decree of excommunication against with orders from the Roman pOD tiff to trans- nothing is laid up for eternity. I will, there. In y article of J nne 17th; the word II Ar. life are en40yed only as the fruit Qf persevering :'''-;;·'_l,ftl. A.byssinian Ohurch. But its efect port the Abyssinian fathers to Goa. fore, now finish every work I have to do, that menia II should read Arminians; (as they are culture, in lthe exercise of winning attractions

the very reverse of what he intended; it Thns ended the first Jesuit mission to Ethi. to die may be the last work I have to finish. two di erent denominations.) And to the list and reciprocal courtesy. <a


JUly 13, 1858. .~~==

Am!rican Consul at Jerusalem.

The correspondent i)f Newt of the Churchel in Syria, writing under date of May 27, 1858, gives the following facts respecting the conduct of our American RepresentatiTe at Jernsalem in his interconrse with American Missiouaries A fitting representative, truly I He should be relieved of his II tronbles," by "'the appoint.­ment of a snccessor without delay:

II I stated in my last latter, tbat the roads of Palestine were allmfested With armed brigands. Within the last few days a party of AmerICan missionaries were passing along the coast from Jaffa to Oarmel. When near the rnins of Cctsarea, they were attacked by some twenty ruffians, and plundered of everythlDg One lady was dragged from her horse, a gun was presented at her head, and a dagger brllndlsh· ed ~efure her face, while a half·naked silvage to~e m!lln part of her dress, and rifled ber pockets, The others were treated with eqnal violence and brntality; and their servants lind muleteers were even stripped of part of their, clothes. The money and property taken are valued at some £60. The perpetrators of tIllS act are most probably connected With those who, a few months ago, murdered 0. miSSionary at Jaffa, and commmitted snch terrible out­rages on his Wife and dllughter. We may ex, , pect still more of this Sepoy ism, unless the Governml:nts of England and America wake .... from their slumber. When such crimes are permitted to go unpunished, life and property cannot be secure. No steps are belDg tnken to bring the Jaffa murderers to justICe. They are io prison it is troe but the active consul who put the~ there h~ returned to his postlll Egypt, ~ud the Americau represen~tlve b! J er\lllale'y! is to Bay the least, unwO. thy t position he' occopies. He is an American citizen and has been sent here by the II Great Republic" to look after its interestS. Yet, when an American missionary requested hJl~, a few weeks ago, to take active mellsnr~. reference to the Jaffa affair, he repl!e~ thO AN OATH "What the _ brough.t yoli 0 :9

country 'to trouble me 1" And more reccn: Y still when a deputation waited on him to Ih' qo~ what steps he hud tllkell for the pO~JS . ment of the murderers, he rudely told t. emi that he had not come here to answer qnesllODS Oan such insolence be tolerated? '1 uu honor of Christian nations is at stake; nllY, roo::~ the lives of their citizens are thns left t<l ffi

bl rn . tender mercies of reckless irre'ponsl e , I II nllS' ans Such acts must Boon pal'll yze a . be eX' sionary effort Of course, no help Clln fteD

pected from the Turks; yet they do not 0

ada insult to inefficiency."

A PUNCTUJ.L mau is rarely a very poor 1m I aoc' H' run II' never a man of doubtful credit. IS ~ er counts are frequeutly settled, Bnd be neva meets with difficultv in raising money to p Y

S · 'I d bts glee ted rulU. largt demands. ~'mal e ne bO will credit and when a man has lost that, t find himself at the bottom of a hill be canno ascend.

Page 3: OF BOARD. - Amazon S3Vol+15...Lord had speCIally prOVided agalDst thIS b"'"",.I'UL~te. curly headed, sun burnt hoy Others stronger flock neither edlfYlDg them, or three who have met

• The Sting of Death . THE SABBATH RE ORDER, JULY 29,1858.

ReceIpts of the lliaaionary Society. mtel\ect the one may be to the other 118 the glory and prosperIty of thIS State whIch be set down as a dangerous and unrelIable A CllrIOllS freak of nature ?as been ~ISCOV­half a dozen rays to the fllll beams of the sun, love, and of thIS people who have so IYP"pprlnS- race, With wbom a dJJficlllty may be experIcnc. ered at Hightstown, New Jersey, III the shape

"The SllDg of death IS sm," says the Apos· but yet, it is what God is, or what God has ly supported me Look at ed at any time. of a log contB.1mng three dIfferent klUftS of B Quarterly report of recmpts for the Sel'enth~ tie alld what says the hIstory of man, thlough. done, that OccupIes the attentIon of both day a wilderness-a naked prame-now wood-oak, maple and hickory-ail grown to. J~r;i7:~~~onary SOCiety, for the SAlIB.I.'l'II REooRJ)~. "i ,II ili. ro.lm. "d ,II tho.", ,r h .. th,,· Now, Mit. G,d', .~" th,' .,mpy m· ,lmMto,.",,, ","",n, , ... '" tho ,," TH, CITa W.,; '" M,noo - BI"", b, g,'h,n, th, mo.' p."'" m,,,,, Tb, .". "'_ '" w .. Edm ..... ~ _ "".. J ,~, H,w WM " " thoo, d.y., .hmh Ih. t,ll"',,1 p .. , .... " ,I • -, re.""bl, to ."" w" ... d " m"y "p, ...... ,,," '" gm,,",, " H,w ... Iy m M","" "d ".... "door th, I,. bod 'h' ''''''m'" ,r .b,to L Coo', bfo._' P • ,. long 8ufferlllg of God wlllked at and overlook- slIppose that those who come to the stlldy souri. Will you furnish me a clue to thIS eral occasIOns after a battle, all the officers oak and onlyO after cnttIDg off the end cOllld Chnn h at AlbIOn, by T F West 47 ed P And how IS It, at tbls day, In those Coun· these works, or, m otber words, engage 10 any perlty? Why, It IS lD the vast Rnrlp.rioril~v captured have been summarIly shot At San the'stranO'e amalO'amatlOn be dlscoveI ed ~or s~le offJthe 'Bwrj:;n i

he scJU. M Rogers, 768

tries whIch stili contmne to weary hIS patIence IDtellectnal purSUIts, If they brmg a rIght state white labor over forced labor, ;n"j'nD'l Juan de Los Lagos, the followers of the church "" d E w~ M~~OIWah!,orthg oan, 374

by the multitude of theIr abommatlOns 7 What of heart towards God, WIll enJoy pecnlIar ad- thIS, I shall not stand here and cry out, were routed by the Liberals The leader sd ChrIstopher Lawlers, an IrIshman, resl Ing Collected at Eastern ASSOClRtion Ho iii t 5 was It tbat, m anCIent tImes, demanded the vantag"s for success The mmd, beIng ID hap- agItate!' • Don't aglta te I'" the former was a notorIOus prIest na. at Sallgertles, NY, suspecting that a mall Snndry persons from ShIloh by N W~r~e~n, frOlt of the parent's body for the 8lU of the py harmony WIth HIm, \\ III move WIth vIgor """"~~~~~~~~~"""""~"""""""""""""""~I SantIllana, who was captured WIth one hqpJ ntmed CIarry had been gmlty of CrlmlUal con- Plainfield, '" ' parent's soul? What was It that caused the and power A cheermg sense of HIS favor 1 11' dred of hIS fonowels As soon as Ooloner lI~ctlOn WIth hi" Wife, on the 15th mst, repair. New Market, " children of the Idolaters to pass through the Will aDlmate It Each mtellectual attaInment ~tntrn ,nit pt. ZaazlIa receIved the report of the actIOn he ea to Quarry'tIIIe, about four mIles dIstant: ~~rbt:c~:hiIoPkmton ChlD~ Iii 59 ~~neral filo of Moloch? And what IS It, which, at IS a new dIscovery of a Bemg chosen already ordered Colonel Blanco to execute the prIest, havlDg prevIOUsly IIrmed himself With a dOllble purposes, 66 15, ' thIS day prostrates the Eastern pIlgrIm be- as the heart's supreme good; It IS the percep- ================las also all others captured, and who had bafleled gnn, and findlDg OIarry at wOlk, ad- 2d Church, Hopkmton, Chma, 18 25, general neath the chariot-wheels of a monstrolls and tlOn of some new and lovely feature m the face Foreign News. figlll ed as the leadlDg officers dressed a few words to hIm and then delIberate- purposes, 26 19, , misshapen Idol? What are all these atrocItIes of a frIend "Blessed are the pure lD heart, Th C C ' Iy shot him. Lawler th~n fled 3d Church, Hopkinton, China, bl f h e anadlB.u ompany s screw "'~"W"UI,f'l1 LYING -There was a famous problem among C~urch at New York, " but VISI e commentaries on the text 0 t e for they shaH see God" Mental as well as I d h h I ft L I 'J.'he Frazer Rl\ er excItement contmucs " HartSVIlle Apostle at IS there ut lDward sense 0 moral VISIOn IS purIfied by educatIOn th 14th t rrlved at Q bee on f:< .. 1',m.cl..,.V , ? Wh b f

n Ian w IC e Iverpoo on the StoICS, whIch ran to thiS purpose "When It was estImated that eIght thousand per- " 'Vllling,' " WIckedness, und a perSlIasion of tbe necessIty afternoon Il':si' a lie a ~anl say~ , I lIe,' does he Ible or does he not

k? sons" ere at the mmes SIX steamers and ~~ife1:~: ~lIEi~~~n:: life ~~mber

of atonement, whICh can account for these RELIGION IN FRANCE -A correspondent The Agamemmon and Valorous retnrned e les e speaks the trut , and If he spea s ten sllllmg vessels had been put on the " Hebron Churcb, " prodIgies of volllntary sacrIfice and martyrdom? QlIeenstown on the 12th The final break truth he hes" Many books fWere wrItten loute Several AmerIcan newspapers "ConderspQrt," If death had no stlDg bllt that whIch It mfllCts the News qf the Churches gives a gloomy PIC- theAtlantIC cable was Just below the stern of tbl~ wonderful problem. Chryslppu8 fa- ploJected, and the North Amer.can 1St already Churcb, Independence, to consti. \ upon the body, If the snfferID"O's of hfe or the tnre of the conditIOn of France He says A f h d d d '~;~'i1~~It;,~~:~~ the "orId WIth no fewer than SIX, and announced at Vhctona The mmes are saId tuteEld J Kenyon, life-meprbe~ 24 71

gumemmon, a ter one un re an II studdled hImself to death 10 hIS vam I "" d Church at SCIO, by N Wardnw., _ 751 a"'ODies of dissolutIOn, were all that mortltls " It IS often beheved that we have here 35,- mIles had been paId out of that veo,s~os;e;iliez'v::U~dI)~ffc~rts to to Ie Just nortu of 101 ty-nme egrees "NIle," _,~ 2 81 ';;d to ."reh"d, why" It Ih., r.lb", "'oWd 000,000 ,r C.'h,"oo; ,t 'oWd b, ",re, tiro A •• m,mm .. thw "" .. "''IOlth,, Tb, M="b,,,I' A_ Comp"y, ,r Cb ••• T A Wbool", • • "I ever consIgn theIr chIldren to the fire, or their trnth to say that we have 35,000,000 infidels. in mid ocean, and cruIsed tliere for five aallslll SUM MAR Y. copee Falls, now employs abont one hllndred 1st Ch~,rch, Z:Ch~~;g, " ," 1~ ~~ own bodlCS to the extremIty of torment? If I WIshed to gIve a more exact statement, I in antICIpatIOn of meetmg the Nlllgara workmen, and IS fillmg orders for 5000 May. E DalDels, 1

1'hroughout the. world there IS and ever has would say that one sectIOn of the populatIon is her arrival at Queenstown, It 'Was resolved nard's patent breech-IoadlDg fire.arms., A part Ear Jewels, brcastplD, " ~O;_,_,, __ --.. - ... been, a deep and lDdelIble sense of gDllt, whICh mfidel, the other, deIstical In one sectIOn coal, and start for the final attempt on ~al:urll The Cleveland Leader states that five yonng of these are for the U mted States government 3d Church, Genesee, " 8 POisons every source of human en1oyment, the deIstIcal, tbere IS one lllrge party whIch day the 17th, there beIng still twenty·five womeln. of a company of fourteen who sacked Th t bl h t I b to ReceIved m a letter from m 7 00

' In BrIstol OhiO Ill. t J IS es a IS men las now een m opera I n B Maxson, Hounsfield, by ~ 00 wInch makes hfe restless, and the end 01 hfe expects nothmg after tbis lIfe, and another par· dred miles of cable on board both ships , ,s une, were abollt eIght years It produces arm$ to the E Barnes, " ... temble It knocks at the door 01 the peasllnt, ty who hope for !!o future eXIstence, bnt all In ParlIament there had been an Justices for flot, and acqUitted, t f 1 "'100000 ally Deantha Maxson " 5 00 and thun1iers at the portals of monarchs It those who belIeve In thIS futnre eXIstence are debate on the questIOn of the slave Conrt decldmg that the glOggery was a amonn 0 near y '" ,Ilnnu J,o"hnonTTC"lar'k"f, ;; 52 0


°0 tells the cottager at hiS meat, and the sovereIgn persuaded that they themselves WIll be happy Ing WhlC11 the Government stnted that glr s ae a rig loa l\ e I was Delos Crandall, 1 00 and tile I h I Itt b t t A slave was trIed IU New Orleans, a few _ rs

f. " tid th ~ days ago, for stabbmg a~~~i~~c~~sl:~.~~-~'t:"tJu at Ins banqllet, tuat he IS wClghed m the bal- The Idea of eternal condemnatIOn IS completely ficultles WIth Amenca had been swept away, rIa was ma e e occasion 0 Il temper· 'lind to Eld. Eli S Badey, " 10 00 anco and found wantmg It whispers terror I absent, ID every case, no persoll thmks he has and that Secretary Cass had asslIred Lord Na- PICDlC and celebratlOo; got up by tbe la sentenced to five yeap~' that West Edmeston, by EM, 1 98


even to the sage 10 llic retIrement of hIS cham- deserved It The type of the French CathOlIc pier that the AmerIcan government wonld gIVe of BrIstol, and a great time they had of It. ;:~:~~e tel~~th:~ ~r:;~ for ~~lfe~t~~:!~:ltr!1 ~~~!~;on, 2~ ~! ber, ancl turns his boasted WIsdom mto fOOlIsh-lin our day IS somewbat of the followmg: "I an earnest conSIderation to any proposal sug- large concourse I)f people assembled, servant, was sentmaced to wear Preston Sabbath-8chool for Ohms Sab School, 2 63 I ncss And what IS all the wIIl'WOIShlP, and beheve neIther ID the Pope nor the mass, I d h ~ th fi t f th eXCitement contmued unabateil to tue C M Chester, Rockwell, R I, for Mrs Ward ull the voluntary hllmlliatlOn, and all the Stl- beheve 10 one God, the Creator,' perhaps there tit flo

geste to t em .or e verI ca IOn 0 e na- fOllrteeu girls enga'Md In the transactIOn, three months, and to receive tW!mt)r-IH ner s school, 1 40 pershtlOus vaDlty and corruptIOn, whICh the IS also a future lIfe; but In any case I am There had been a temble massacre of Chrls- a en e e un" g very ay IS U 0 mos ,~ IOna I y 0 vesse s tt d d tb co rt I n body dressIn Ed' f II f t irnp()rt!llI~ JnlIa A We""ott 1 00 Id h h t th II b t ~ th d h f I • marchmg and SlttIDg together, With a ence Every temptatIon to Lot of butter, sold fOl 6 32 wor as ever seen, w a are ey a u ex- nel er a mur erar nor t Ie " am therelore t' t J dd h b th M h medans Twen .... , d d f CIT k' 82 49

lIIUS a e aye a om - at theIr head 11 b opp()rt(/nil;y tnVI en 0 aro me uc er, pedICnts to the stmg which can never be taken, ertam not to be condemned to eternal pllnIsh· ty pel sons were murdered, mcludmg among can assaIl ns to day WI e au ChUlch at Scott, towards A W Coon, L M, 8 00 out, and to deaden the angUish whIch Its pomt :ment" The literary men and the Govern nllmber both the EnglIsh and French \JV"'""~ A brIef despatch has been receIved flOm St deCide the qnestlOn whether we A D TITSWORTH, '[",emur", b constautly mlhetmg? Why IS It that man Inent, havmg no faIth 10 the Romlsh system, Turee BrItIsh men of war had been ol'lIei.'iei annollnclDg the arrIval of the Salt Lake calmness and the rest of ChrIst, or wl~ether ESE! hath ever sought to hide hIDlself III falsehood, look upon It as the most convement bridal to there. at St Joseph, Mo, WIth a week's later shall be tossed by the restlessness and LETTERS lJUt that he may escape that fparfnllookmg foc hold the people, and therefore support It agamst There IS later news from both Indm from Utah-to the 25th of JlIne Gen. of thc world of Judgment, whICh shakes hIS Splflt to Its In all attacks from Without. He fears that few Chmll, but the ad vICes contalU no pe(mliarl:lilf'Jhnlsto'n, WIth the army, entered Salt Lake Nearly all the natIOnal reI)reElenIGative~ most recesses; which makes cowards of all among the clergy themselves bave any pro· Important featllre on the 26th The Mormons had been lD- free States WIll be elected less alIke, whIch reduces to one wretched level him founder conVIctIOns ---____ ~_ to retnrn and take possesolon of theIr de- months of thIS time, VIZ 127 before .1...<,",,, tbllt tills the earth III tbe sweat of bls brow'l --------- Two Boys MURDERED BY THEIR cF1~~h~:;~11 homes, but there IS no IlItlmatlOn tbat November, and m Malch aud Apfll and hIm that IS canopIed m grandenr and In PAPISTS IN THE EAST-OhrIstmnsgenerally We learn from the BIDghampton lJ IDtendet! to avail themselves of the mVI New Hampshire, and four lD Uot~nectjlc1!-t, power, aye, and lUm, too, that IS endowed IV tb may not be awale how vlgorons are the efforts that a most shockmg affaIr occurred Provo was stIlI thClr raHymg POlDt two m Rhode Islaud. might which sUl'passes the glory or the kmg- that Rome IS makmg to cxtend and secllre her Village, m thiS connty, about 16 mIles is reported plenty on the PlaIDB, and the It IS generally supposed tbat doms of the earth-the might of a capaclOUi power m the East In the peulDsllla of Indm, BlDghampton, on FrIday afternoon, the peaceable Gen. Harney, at last ac foreign coins IS fixed by law, but and comprehenSIve IDtellect? [Le B~s m SIam, Pegu, Ava, and theMalllyanpeOlnmstOlIverHoward.amhuaboutthlrtycounts.waSOnIYSIXmIlesU\advanceofthethecaseThecOlDsoffOrelgnM.mt:rle.

sula, there are 22 biShops, 802 pnests, and a old, murdered two of hIS chIldreu by l:U •• """ express With the oHlers from the War Depart not a legal tender lD the payment of ,uv,uuu, "The Preaehmg of the Cross."

Dr LlVlngstono ID hiS "Travels and searches m South :Ardca," remarks IlS follows

Romall Oathollc populatIOn of 968,656 theIr throats WIth a razor The mcnt. thollgh they are taken at theIr valn~on The edItor of the Telescope, m a letter home of this most lamentable occurrence as near Sherman S ~oth of Milwaukie, eclltor of MIDt

from Lebanon, narratea thiS InCIdent "In the we can learn, are as follows Ohv~r tile F:ree Democrat, who has, for some years ft f th S bb th t h W c learn that the report of Dr. WJl.lker's a ernoon 0 e a a I was our un appI- the mllrderer, IIve~ In the village of pust, been IDvolved ID varIOus smts growm

o"" out f t I t t d d I d by , I resIgnatIOn of the 0 ness 0 IS ell 0 a Iscomse e Ivere an has a Wife and .Olr C Illdren-two glrlll. of. hIS asslstmg fugItive slaves to freedom, has

"In begmDlng to speak on relIglOnssnbJccts aged mlDlster who 1& saId to be a fit representa- two boys HIS WIfe "had been staymg a a la~t come out trIUmphant He was at One lege IS wholly fOuDdatIco,nommence,¢€,nt,' With those who have never heard of Chmtlam tlve of the old LutheranIsm of Berks County, days at hIS house ~ the day prevIOUS to time Imprisoned HIS prIDtmg press and other reSigned, "to elIect ty, the grent fact of the Son of God bavIDg In Its palmIest days of darkness. The preacher mllrder, hIS wlf "'s mother went on n propelty has bee II uuder attachment to satlofy nor has he any come down flom heaven to die for us, IS tb labored to show that reli~\On IS obtalDed, not VISit to the h Jatter, takmg Wltll the Judgment of the U S Court agalDst hIm present pOSitIOn promment theme No fact more ItrIkmg can by prayer and f!llth, but by and m the sacra- them the two luldreu, the girl" But Judge McArthur has recently released the be mentioned He actually came 0 men Ht ents H,s people have never yet held a leaVIDO' the tw "ed SIX and I~e attachment on the ground that as the SlIpreme hImself told us about IllS Filth r, and the rayet meetmg, and he M fearful that other four, at 0, Court of Wlsconsm has adjudged the fugItIve dwolllDJ place whIther he IS gone We lIave III hold one Some of them want to pray Abollt 4 O'L afteruooa How. slave law nnconstltutlOnal, a penalty for dam hIS words m this book, and he really endured d deSired that u. meetmg of the congrega ard left the tal jford, whew he ages lIndcr that law cllnnot be collected A pnnIshment lD our stead from pore love, &c tin might be held on the followmg Sabbath, worked welJt t returned BOon deCISion worthy of the cOllrt~ of an IOdepend-

J B Wells, S Baker, S DaVIson, A B Crandall, J R Imh, Thos. R Green, E L Babcock, (pBJd to YOI'I 14, no 45,) Stephen Burdick J C Rogers, Thos.lJiIIIIIt, B Clarke, E S Bailey, W C Whitford, (recelvillJ'P L Berry B W Mlliard, S P Gnfiin, H W Randolph, (please scnd Visitors back,) P S Cottrell, (not recelved )

RECEIPTS ~ All payments for publications of tile SocIety are

acknowledged from week to week In the Rwmkr. Persons sending money, the receIpt of whicli is not duly acknowledged, should gIve us early notice of the oWlBBlon'


Chas H Maxson, DeHuyt $2 00 to vol. 14 No 52 Abel BtJlIman, Poland, 2 00 15 52 D J SbUman," 2 00 15 52 Ezra Stillman, Newport, 2 00 Hi 52 E B ShUman, 2 00 15 li2 Silas Burdick, Portville, 2 00 14 52 John Crandall" 2 00 15 52 Thomas LeWIS, Alfred 2 00 15 52 M E Emerson, " 2 00 14 52 Dr E C Green 2 00 14 52 J C Burdick," ~ 00 16 7 J R Imh, 2 00 15 52 Thos. R Green, Ashaway, R I, 2 00 15 52 Tho&S Alberti, Plamfield, N J, 2 00 15 52 Gardner BurdICk, RockVIlle, R 1,2 00 15 33 Truman Saunders, Southampton, 2 00 14 52 Asa C Potter "4 00 16 9

c~n'~,h~:~f {'tillman, ~ ~ SO •• ~'~-'-~~'l!! fl, Relll~ .. ' «r, ". 2 00 1

If thiS flllls to Interest them, nothing else will" m the pastor's absenco at Synod, to deCIde after td the tr g after It waS cut Free State 'l'hls culls to mind ... passage in Dr. Sprmg~ wether or not a prayer meetmg shonld be discovered tha JOys lIad

"A ttl actIOns of the! •• :\ III ld The old preacher had heard of the con- mllrdered _ t

ille world IS fall 01" ,I 'pf the mt I r.;. ~d meetIng, and WIth mueh fervor be- HOWard was 1-"t! 5t. With willen tuu ~ , \' I rhough!l~ j 11'1 m not to bold 1t m hIS N, W.

ha7e co~tomplat~rl the Cl)8R, I'll the .]no, ~\ a beh~ It?" ;,~~r1~~!~~~::-!~1~~~1~~~~ "" ~t~ .. ___ ot;t" ..... 1 -',,:'" ie!' ... :~U :}v~l: ~lr ",f!.r" t 4y t ~ f- ~" ll~ I' 'ed tl 0 nr Vt) \V)tflOut it lI<tcn.n.; U' I Jjn rING REPORTS -The American an e:xalIJ I

I tory, no mother ev~. ~u I'; It over tho pllk,f' 18 1. (.odel of dlgDlty, of preCiSIon, and of tho- to Bmghamptou J:~~~11 aud f her babe Without tenderne"s, uo child eVlr ronghness m the trausactlOn of ItS bnsmess At lodged lD JRlI 1lI1l, bronght $6,2ff.~ti'l>i!!ce-itll'(j',i'aE~s~:,'1,<;;j

, .... ll It wlthQlIt a t)Jrobbmg h~Mt N (j annualmeetmg the report of the domgB reason was aSSIgned by the prISOD6t k Ulan ever perused it WIth mddferencej ~ '1lDg Pll1dentlllrlllCommh Ittee forblthde b predcedmg

d iuo mformed, for the act when he was nrr~Rt'" ~urde~yb~~OW~s~os~ldior B!:,)~~P!l'BItI\l:fG In ever listened to I~ Without emotlun " ~rel\(l m u to t e I\ssem e 0 y, an Now that he is In Jlul for the horrid crime, Weare entIrely satIsfied that Dr. SprIng's m sectIOns to Committees, who says be was m fear of the Lord, lind thoultt cd up $3000 h t

langunge IS not too stlonO' Let the Simple ,Wrellpoll for the actIOn of the Board that he was commanded by the Lord to A )Ollug man, named Anal Martlll, S 0

story of the cro~s be told f~om the pUlPIt, as Ibel. ~O!lrtof the Repo~tls m~orm adopt. two boys We thmk thIS a mere dead wItb a rIfle two men 111 Oallus, Vt., on per too less rel"ted by the Evangehsts, and the thoughtless ed unti b::>.; jlu"cd. '.rough thIS ordeal- cape pUDlshment on the ground of ins~!lJitt"the 16th lOst, Without the slIghtest Monday of WI'S

" d t '101 ,ve that one bad used him meanly, and giddy youth, as well as the devout aud aged Sometlmps s.nen\lll1CIl:; are pr0l'0~e _ • 0 por· and that msteau of haYing any '< Id ' t II h "f A dIspatch Olirlstllln WIll become I'nterested, and lend an tlOns of tL ... JitelJort, or qUQshon. sug!;eoted by flOm the Lord, he was IUstl"O'Jl.ted by the PIC' ner he thought wou 'c on 1m I

hI I 1 cu t 0 h' d h not I ut ont of tbe way One of hIS VIC- ated Press says attentIve ear For a moment, the skeptiC for- partIcular roco.,ur, s are pu Ie y ~ l< e I, r and IS own ba passIOns to commIt t IS t lJ, Wheelock, was a respectable young far. that onr government IS now gets hIS doubts. The mfideI forgets that he are referrld to a speCIal commit ee to be Ie hell1oll~ crIme ¥Ith a Wife and two children; the otLer acqUIre the Island of Ouba does not belIevo the Bible. A 80lemn mood ported uppu at the next annual me~"Dg The d b t h d IS derIved, It IS saul, from an steals over the scoffer's soul annual report IS not pr.nted until It nns been PIWOESS AGAINSrTHE BOGUS I AIDsworth, was mame, u a 1m Jrource

It WIlS on the simple story of the ClOSS that adopted, and It IS uot adoptea un:ll It bas. bC~1l has hcell I' led from the COurt of 'l'hls double murdel, has Qf course, , Palll relIed He reasoned from the Scrlptnres, read and eXl1mmed lD detaIl nl~ I' 8 It CI~lilg tue officer~ of the Bank of II great sensatton, not only the A mar named Webb, m West openlDO' and alledgmg that Ohrlst must needs should be BlIt how IS It With mo •• v, our the Ocean Bank, at Toms Rlv~r, of th~ It was perpetratel, but th)i'Qughilllt roe county, N Y 'tla fewtdays :I~~'d

" 2 00 2 00 1 2

In Adams, NY, Jllly 8th, by EW-.Jas SUl:ame~liIil1!, Mr CIWlLES R COON alid MillS S1ffR.I. M G6DN, of A, -- - DEATHS. -=w==- ,

Iu Bl\lokfield, ~ Y , July 17tb, Mrs. NANCY BAll COCK, WIfe of HezeJdIlh Babcock, aged 72 years Mrs. Babcock profeSBed religIOn and umted WIth the 2d Seventh-day Baptist Church of Brookfield ill 1823, , WIth whIch Church she mamtalDed a consistent walk durmg the course of thlrty.five years. E s D have s~ffered and rISen from the dead Per SocICtles? At a publIc anDlverSIl- SecurIty Bank and the Bergen C lllty stat;a'Of partial m OXIC/!. Ion, s a e

h b h t t 'or busuless a sta at Hackensnck', of the Merch"ot J'anl lle~r tbe ncart, aod then stabbed haps OUi' preachmg IS less lIke lus t an It w IC IS no a mee 109 I' ,- ~ '" J" f ~

sllOuld be Perhaps slIch a preacller as Paul abstract of the report for the year IS Paterson; and of tbe ArtIsan B, " ~t WI r '-'!:ed III the cour.~ 0 a ew Mannalof thn Seventh-day Bnptists: would not draw crowds nowadays Perhaps submitted, aud then a motion IS mtrodllced too, to appear on Thllrsday, the i , OtUI€N \i' eb\i)was not expecte to recover ONT.AlNING an HISTORICAL SnTCII OF too mllny even amongst those who are num- that" the report, au abstract of which has the State House, to show canst Gen Johnson entered Salt Lnke City NOMINATION, and REASONS ),OR .~!~~~~ bered IImong Christ's followers make a delll1l.ud been read, be adopted and publIshed should not be restramed from the 26th ult Provo was stIlI thaxalIymg DAY OF THE SAllBATH NeVl'~'Y()r~

In LlDcklaen, N Y J ltIle 18th, PEDRY BunDICK, Eeq, ID the S3d year of hIS age

on the pnlplt rather fllr entertamment, than the SOCIety sanctIOns wbat It has never heard of bankiog. These proceedmgs are rank, bllt the hot SI;II1. follOWIng tbe protracted the Mormons, though they had been ear'n~5 GEORGE BUTTER. Pnce, bound m relIgIOUS lUstrl1ctlOn; and go to church rather [Independent que lit lIpon the report of the Bank COInifji!1I rams so closely, h8!f struck entne fields With mVlted to retllrn and take P9~sslOn RECOMlIENDATIONS to see the mIDlster shOWIDg himself, and bls slOners, made to the Chancellor, that ID rust In Bome lQ'1siItles that prom~~d ~elI a deserted homes Letter from Eld N. V. Bull learnlllg lind eloquence, than for their spmtllal THE GREAT RAINS OF 1858 -The PIttsburgh oplDlOn neIther of tlill.se banks are short tIme ago, the crop IS not wor ell tmg Alfred Center, Juno 1~, Improvemcnt. [Umted Pres oftbe West Journal, havmg gIven conSiderable attentIOn a legItImate, bona fide bankIDg:" Fnrther s~~ the wheat IS either harvested or tAKglreat-Suud:l:~hchoOI celebration ELDDeaGrEBOrott,u, ~E! reany pleased WIth to thIS sllbJect, states that "the amount of raID conformIty }VItlI the Intent and meaplDg out of dao"'er a a amazoo, .ruu.; Igan, on bt ,th(!.!'~!"1""~1

I tt which 11IIS fallen over a large portIon 0 e General Bank;mg law. 'rhose who hold Bib 'Vt t en ollsan per 0 , II b th~~~*~~i~~ f th

0 10 T th d s ns old aud you have published, ana cannot dou P I ELAND In 0 recent e er f "oj .I.'. man m ratt e oro , IS a gethcr, were present. a ready sale, and WI 8n serve e ROGRESS IN R .-" Umted States \U the SIX weeks, rnnnIDg rom of eIther of tliese banks need be under A a statue of Ethan Allen He IS loved ZIOn I therefore bid It a

from Dublm, pllblished III the New York the 1st of May to the 12tb of June, has scarce- of loss The notes are abundantly who surprised the people of tbat town There are about five thousand Del~SO[l~ con. shall look With Illterest fo~ the th t h t TI f b t ). h from your pen, hopmg and believmg a Couner and Enquxrer, t e wrl er says Iy a parallel Ie average 0 0 serva IOns stocks and mortgal5es, 1Il t e ago, by a statue of the recordmg fined ID tbe prIsons, connty Jails, and find thc hook long needed by ns Trnly yours,

1/ As to onr socIIlI and relIgIOUS condlfion If Will give abollt ten mches ID Muy,. and five proceeded agamst fiually, the cut the precedlDg mght, the 31st of De- tlarles of thiS State N V. HIILL' we have not the eXCitement of a "revivlltl," we !Dches to tbe 12th of Jnne, or fifteen mches In direct such steps as enttrely to secure ID snolY-the angel represented as lin- The local papers say that the arrival From a !Jtle> of Etd David BeMlliCt, anthor of jj

havo the WIde dIffUSIOn of religIOUS observance, forty-three days These raIDs do not appear terests of the pllblIc [Newark J record of the precedmg year HIS atoga up to the present tIme are abont General History of the Baptist DenolDlDahon tlccompamed by the steady growth of correct to have been local, but extend east and west of Ethan Allen IS saId to be a good con- the.nllmber to the Ilame date last year AmerICa and other parts of the World" morals Thore ~IS a most amazmg as well as a thollsand mIles, and north and south P Wh d hIS slIccess rertarded as hIghly Your compIlatIon, nnder the title of a "Manual ('. h AN AllERICAN AUPER - en ceptlOn, an '" There are over seven hnudred convIcts th ple"slno" chnnge In our prIson statIstICS. There that distance No wonder t e newspapers are M t tA'th" b bi f not certaID the Seventh-day Baptists, I have exammed WI • ~ " ddt F II Edward Evelett was ollr IDIS er pro a e, I OhiO PenItentIary, every cell haVIng In 1ft d t t and am plell8ed to IS n zeal nnd acthty IU the clergy of all com- flllI of ralUs, floods an Isas erB.. u y k C good dea 0 atten IOn an In eres ,

" " lV f h of St. James, he receIved a letter A men of lead ore ta en Irom a vem t say that so far as Illy knowled~e extends, 'ou have mun'lons and If controversy blls scattered as thIrd of the average 0 t e year IS ;~!~~:~~~~~~I §pecI ma e 'hi t the peo-' M d ts '.II,n_1 lDtenor couutles of England, teIlmg sltnated aboat elo~ht mIles from Lake Olty, h gIven correctly the outlmeB of t e S ory 0 perl tIes, there are not wantmg IU other places, SIX weeks The ISSISSIPPI an I they had m therr House of MIDnesota, IS saId to be of as pllre a qualIty A general outbreak among t e ID pie for whose benefit It was prepa.red. I

the charities and amemtles that are tbe appro- tanes mIght well appear to threaten a young American seaman, whom W""~'U"'"lJo that of Galena QlIlte an eXCitement was Washmgton and Oregon terrItorIes IS R"o!1Jiwn adapted by ".- &venlh-doy Bapti8/ CenlralAl prlate frUIts of that relIgion that is II FlfBtplIre, N oachum delnge No such rains have been at St Pnul the other day, by the dls- ted at the seat of Government .ociatwn I

. M 1855 a d rid of He wrote" Resolved That the members of thIS Association wel-then penceal:ile

" smce the wet season ID ay, ,n Ull;.~',!;\,' be sent to Lc,ruiou,,~ whel'e of what was supposed to be gold, a Cew Fonr men were kIlled by a bOIler come the appearance of " work recently publiehed, " The yOllpg preacher, GUIUDess, whose pub- were not condensed lDtO so small a space United the CIty. On bemg analyzed, the ID a mIll at ;WhIte Luke, MIChIgan, uuder the title of a "Manual of the Seventh-day Bap-

hc servICes produced sllch uUDsull1 interest, is time. It IS saId that ram gauges showed ;'es;~iOit, ...... ~ the Brlt18h gold turned ont to be a smllIl qUlin- 18th inst tlsts" deSIgned to fUrnish ID a compact form an stIll travelIng and preachIng, on Sun~ay IUches on the 11th and 12th of June ,"' co~t of the past hIstory and present condition week d

oys', ond wherever he goes,. while. there What the cause of these tremendous ap:pliEid to in of copper. From the report of the City lDElpe(I~{)r operations of the denommatlOn, that from tbe .. .. h f h T'~' D • b mparlng the nation ,va IUlve been able to "'ve the work, WQ,th1nl<l are crowds and sOlemDlt~ there IS not mg 0 have been, we are nQt able to say T ere J.lUIlIS emocra., f y co I learn that there were 607 deaths m It adapt~d to answer this des\~, and to snpply

excitement But, I lDt dllce hiS .name here a doubt but that we Will either have 0 severa countlCs, dllrmg last week. felt want, and that we recommend Its general ,cm:1iUI-I to shoVl' that a right fc~ IIlg prevllI!s lD many weather, or free emigratIOn to drIve tlOn

~ rf h t. th r pnblIc places There are more than "toT &.olutuJn ad~/'~ by the Scvenlh-day Bapt~t North places. ,-,OUft- ouses an 0 e slavery IS fast dlsap Speeial .... otices. "J">"" 1 Ihll,.e, been re~rlll- ", aDd when, III h ern AMociallOn;

,~ - i",,;/;, .... ll. llt·le remarkable t at THE GENER\L CONFERENCE ! &.olved, Thattbe "Manualofthe,~~~:~~~j;ib~:[Dii IN MISSOURI - Francis B

Free State represeutatlve m the present

tl1i!m.arl~'lll.the middle and sonthern The Forty SIxth SeSSIOn of the Seventh-day Baptist tlsts" b'y Geo B Utter, IS anappropnate border·ruffian portIOns of the General Conference Will be held With the Fll"St Phurch to o~r religIOUS literatnre, and we hope It

rse;cti'QII!I--tfie m Alfred Allegany County, NY, commenl!iDg on WIde CIrculatIOn The whole loss by the flood at Cairo, It IS

"Will be inSIde of $60,000 The IIhnOla ltlentr:~l Railroad can make all repaIrs for

Fourth-d~y September 8, 1858, at 10 o'clockJ A M Copies of the" Manual" Will be sent by mall, , d t h the l""roduo- h co Five cople!! wlll A B BnrdlCk IS appomte () preac ". pllld on recmpt of t e pn

to Discourse Henry Clarke, alternate 'Puhhc Llbranes m the name of allY ~ V Hulll~ appomted to read an essay on" the pnt ID ns many dollar for that pnrpose ~gress from MIssourI, hilS taken the stump t'~i~~~::!;jt~cl~~.~~~t9l re-electIOn. In a late speech, he thus de Indians In tlie States

hIS vIews of the emanCipatIOn movement UUlted Sfates, exclllSive '~~~~::~~::m that State'-" If we beheve emanCIpatIOn lost theIr tribal character c

be condUCIve to growth, development and DEvonoN of the State, we should labor to

The loss to the CItIzens ID fllrmture, ,llolmgrs; and stock, will not exceed $50,000

rose above low-water mark some feet whIch IS t-;vo feet hIgher tban ever

roe,lure kn~wn by those who have lived In the

Lord s Supper, exhibiting the de81gn and 1I1111ort of person sending one ted to GBo. B UTrER, New York, that ordinance and also thc Scnptural doctnne as to and relllltlrulccB direC , what It reqUIred of those WItb whom we partake of WIll be at the pnbliBher s riak b boolillel-i the same" "The Mannal m.y also be bad throng the

Eli S Bailey IS appomted to read an essay 'eliDIng IT the followmg persons the applicatIOn of dlsclplme to churches m thtIr rela- ler.;s'·til°rllllao,!!tlll""el,oorlly, jr~~~~~~~~1 latlODB to each otber, and the A.soClations and Confer- 0 1>' " '-~':':l'dcilnit;v,. ence WIth which tbey stand connected" l sec marKe,'

nU:In" I, .• ·; JlIdge LeaVItt, lD hiS charge to the JlIry 111 GEO B UTTER, at caae of Oonnelly, at Omcmnatl, said that SOCIETY~ I

edge reilltes more I do not beheve In SlttIDg stJll and nc~r and works. of Believing it w 1 benefit the developments of hIS attributes of those who by e beneficence mathematIcs, natnrol and of our laws are made CItIzens ith n In the

Or;~~ci'D~iN,~~istian charity was not wlthlll the mean· 'rHE ~SIONARY f the SevllDth4aJ mtent of the FugItive Slave Law, and The SIXteenth Annual MeetlDj\ ~ held with the Mil<lsc~urii,a[I~!':,~!I~: '~r not, therefore, answer as a defense !or ~~is~~h:~:~~~e.M%~ny C:, NY, ~~!"

anldlJnol~tilllg the law" ThIS IS an admISSIOn whIch day, September 9, 1858, commencmg at 1~ ~:!illtrD'

etc, are bnt so many waY/_'8;ad~~~~uri:;~(~I;a;~~ II~niIQv[ne[ltof thIS prIncely herItage, ehevlUg

\ of God's great empire are n somethmg shollld be done whICh shall place The chIld at school, lellrnmO" MIssourI on the the lIne of progress, and ID the bmlltlOn of numbers, and the work of rapid development, no terrof,no threat,

'\ soars tq; the sublimest height or no deter me from marching right alIke conversant with the works of Qed to the mark for the accomplishment


mfamous natnre of that law m a M Wm B Maxson IS ap~omted to lete !l!P1tO,,'s; r!lletl.rer light than any of Its enemIes have ever ductory DISCOurse, .A. B G~Bk'UTTER, lijc. ~

gjt;':':"may r!l~pi:cted it


Page 4: OF BOARD. - Amazon S3Vol+15...Lord had speCIally prOVided agalDst thIS b"'"",.I'UL~te. curly headed, sun burnt hoy Others stronger flock neither edlfYlDg them, or three who have met


THE SABBATH RECQRDER, JULY 29,1858. - - - -- --- f th old We do not wish that the The Israellte of Cmcmnatl says thttthe num PnbJleatIonlot the AllIeman Sabbath rrnct SOCltl

-- - I 0 come The Suilermg of a Man of Genius urles 0 I~~e~ance and tearful eye should al ber of Jews at preseut m that 18 about THE AMERICAN SABB~TH ?R~C~ • )~IET • Yother IS dymg Come - g oomy co I b t e would 6000 of whom about 200 are mer publishes the follow ng rae s w c n e orBtl

qw,k1;r' ;, h .. , h'"" 'ookm, :~~d'~:;! H.. J""ph H,lt C,mm,., .. " ,r P.",I. ':J.i h. ~':' =",~,.:;":~ ~p"~m; ,,=. ,hoo' ,,' m",r .. l",m ,,' '001 • ;-~.,=~ ~~ '~'::=:.:: :;~; ~ " hour durmg the last fonr days f ou would see III report ng \U favor of extendmg Goodyear s gl n Ythe countenances of those who have hlth ers Some of the Israelites own Fo':th Commandment to tbe cons deratIOn of th,

32 mhmUnntnUD.

moment after receIVIng thIs I Y I d R bber Patent gIves the followmg In opo b tho htlesq and V31n We should fllrms In the VICinity and some gardners Christian publ c ~3 pp 2 Moral Nature and Senp th alIve n 111 U d b erto een ng d h I them on They have monopolized the bnsHless tural Observance of the Sabbath 52 pp 3 Author. yo~ ~~ w~s DO obJectIOn to urge now hBuld

t terestmg partICulars of the poverty endure y speak gently to them ~n tryblto :l thIS hfe and are more or less engaged branches Ity for tbe Chango of. the Day of tte tSabbaihth 28 p~

A faithful wIfe, a tender mother a true Ie M Car on re crossed the thresh 0 Goodyear and fam Iy whlie prosecutlUg hIS ex through the cares an trouh

es th t b tt' r t de They have five two 4 The Sabbath and Lord B Day a IB ory g A C~O

Lovmg and Patilllt

fr end, tile I fo of Qllr departcd SIster was beau when rs h' d f rth a br de It was d we hope to meet WIth t em In a e er 0 fa d servance III the Chr st an Cburch 52 pp ~ k r l!-I fli h com over wh ch she a gone 0 h ns ble ,perlments I 1>n land where no graves shall be fonnd- schools one hospital an SIX ~ocle han Caveat 4 pp 6 Twenty Reasons or eep ng

t fuf She had tria paID su erlng-t e to filII With a deep wl1ll of angu1dlsr mse f her ~From the first moment that the conceptlOr( land-ath es of the bereaved shall be heard tIes to support toe poor holy In each week the Seventh Da~yInstQea~s~f t~e of mon lot of all, but there was thiS difference b d h relay the co orm 0 I hit ss- where ecrl theFrst-day 4pp 7 Thrtysx n u onpre-betweeu our sIster and many otherS-in her across the ewe h b k t whom she h d ered hIS mInd uutl IS comp e e succe more where all IS perfect JOY or happiness sentmg the ma n po nts In the Sabb"t Controversy ~ trials Pal s and sufferIngs sbe was always lov almost Idolized mot er ac 0 th a ear e bracm", a perIOd of from sIxteen to mgt teeD nOd f om whence no traveler returns The the publ c as DIalogue between a Mlmster of the Gospel and a Snb..

so panted to fiy through more an y years-he applied Illmself unceasmgly and en II rh t rrors to the Chrstlan for they sceneebcau batanan Countede tCOIl 8pp 8 TbeSabbathCon IlIg aU(1 patient t t ng II t f t nd to Its mtro ave as no e Wh b va een troversy the True Issue 4 pp 9 Tbe FOUIth Cum And WIth these words the mill ster closed pat en wal I reSSlOn In the face thus astlca y to I s per ec IOn a live a hope that cannot be taken away en n cd cal p 0 mandment False Expos t on 4 pp 10 Tna Sabbalh

t 1 th re There was a strange eXtPb fterwards Its ductton Into use m evcry form that h s falthhful care watchlllg by the beds de of one who has effect. s ow Embraced and Observed 10 pp (Iu Engl sb FI Dcb

hIS eulo<ry HIS vOIce WIloS eurnes aU( e of Mrs Carsou for mon s a k to enetrate gem us could deVIse So mtensely were IS ost fimshed h s hIe m th s world and IS of and German) 11 ReI g ous L berty Endangered by ~ ::: k':~: ~~m~:,~\'f;::~g,~~ :::'l:~"h~: m., "". h" h"h"d ": ~'~ ':~, "Ppl""mol r~ ,It ~ "" ,",k' uP" " \h" h' '';'" ':"m' Ih",mm'" "'Pp'M With '''pm" ,. .. ..... ',' ~=tm\~."'~' l~. s!:"li ",!,.;' ~ thiS tl ue fnend well and therefore he had ut Indeed perceptIOn Wit u"h down to fathom to have beeu mcapable of thought or ac 00 rIelld~ around hIm how sad WIll be our D~t..b~t ObeJ'ince 4 pp ID Au App al lor the tered I a mere commonplaces as he stood Ull hne that could reach:r e~o" 1 before any upon any other subJect He had no otherh oc loughts bnt we shonld not Wish him back ReBt~ragoll of the Bible Sabbath nan Addresa to the

d h h ere her conscIOusness out s passke or all h ht cupatlon was msplred by no oth r hope c er hen we' think how much happier he IS HIS Baplists, from the Seventh day Bapt at Ii m,ral COD ' overed by the grave aronn w IC W warmth came back to her cbee s y 0 h d no other ambitIon He carned contlU I I b d tb e to, glorliJus ference 40 pp gathered the weepIDg monrners to her dreamy eye· Yet no murm lord rtc ISII e about hIS persona pIece of Indian rubb r alth reac les I eto~ \ e gro.v

d The SOCIety has also published the followmg work.

' and patient Said one to nnother roach escaped her I ps She was lovtng u r :n~ mto the ears of all who would I sten he land whose m HI an S never e to whichIQUent on IS mVlted

WAll!!.!\{] "owl, ... I'! tho .,..~ ... '" 1,1 "d p""'\ B>t 'h' "'" '\'k":::, ",m' m .. ~,t1y th,,"'y "[h,, "P'"" , n,~ roo K.~", c,~ -T, P'~'" FA if"1!'" of "dm~ By" G:::;:;'~l:':' '1 ':: t~D~b~=~~ theIr way ont from the cemete Carson of her mother Once or wlcehe did and the glowmg language of hiS prophe e8 the s stem III a cool and healthy state dU! I g :'~ed ;~~:~on III 1724 repI nted at Ston ugt ~ ., was all that.;;;,few so 10vLUg few ferred to the dear departed one b~t sfrom a He was acoordmg-to the witnesses completcl} the eitreme oo§'ilw.eather of summer the diet in 1802 now republ shed III a rev sed form 168 pp

not seem to hear hIS remark and d ~ack from absorbed by It both by day I6il night pursd should consl~~~Ys the ScU',nlijic Amerzcan The Roya! Law Contended for 13y Edward SteuD~ more need of patience was vagne snsp c on of the truth hel lUg It WIth untiring energy mrn: WIth almos m Ilo recent article on the s1IbJeCl as JIluch as Fll'st pnnted III London 111658 64 pp liil]"";"p~ali of home martyrs some repeatmg the reference h snperhnmau perseverance Not Ot ly were th ble of frUIts vegetables and farlUaceous Vindu:atwn of the True Sabbat! By J W M or\on

one The lovmg heart With what D[lInfnl d stmctness was I S f h 8 tnmd anti body t! us I1J'dently de pOSSI d h I ht k ds of meats 'I he fru t late MiSSIOnary of the Reformed PresbJ ter an Church tImes t d M Carson sat gr ev powers 0 I d t t food an t e Ig er In 64 pp o.sl s for If It receIves no whole aceDe resto~e I as r the desolate home voted to the IUve tlon and Its ntro Xc Ion lUI should be perfectly ripe and fresh from the Also a penod cal sheet quarto T. e Sabba I l'ind thIS food lfutliCient measure mg over hiS grea oss lUI ~ had de use but every doliar 1 e possessc or con arent stem and ,honld he eaten n the earher ca10r Pnce $1 per hundred It dru I""- So d d our precIous from which the Itght of a ovm~ ~~enot have command through the resources of hiS cr dlt 0 ~nd mIddle part of the day Its nutntlO s The ser es of fifteen trncts togetJJ It wa J

friend parted forever 0 what ~o~ cruel actl the mfiuence of frle dsllp vas uncalculat ngl propertIes are not very great butllt serves to Stennet a Royal La v Contend dfor and J 1\ Mor You thlUk SO?' gIven for power to change t a one t IU hIS cast IDtO tlat seethl 0 cal Iron of experiment neutral ze the aCids n the stomach. and acts ton s V nd cat on of the TIll Sabl all y b d I am s re of It A.way from the rebmuug record wr ten d h ch was allowed to know no repose neral cOirectlve to the system In the III a bound volnme Mt Carson was not an unk ud man boo I<; .,. fA m characters never to be erase w TI ver bed on whIch hIS Wife slept as a ge S h America S am and The tracts of the above Her s Jl b fu b d 0 lI

e d tl -dot treat her WIth the brutahty of the grlevmg aull. .aoentant man turned ISh I e tYhnt covered hIS table were se z warmer ch!tUlat~,s Oft °but 1 the InhPabltants those WIShing them tor dish budtlOn or satlbe a hebra e b ~ all that b nl to gil"" u n another al t e mcn ~ I I It Iy were .rn a oun S of 1500 pages for $1 Pe SOilS ers r ng meun u e an g ount Frel eh peasant ut or eyes, ut It was 0 y h Id ~s tnb rooed to ay hIS board alld we see h m w t I feel artnke of It an hour or two before them forwarded by mil. 1 OI othe v se on se d no th r

he IS none tI e less gUIlty of hllvIng dlmllllshed most as pUll fndl

ttOh be 0 es In wh ch he was ~t fken bousehold followmg \0 the fu ela 0 b akr!st and dnnner tI e mIddle of the day address mth a rem ttance to H H BilE Gcn ra by yea s t\ 0 peflod of her eartbly eXistence memory restore 0 or seen t,h 1 h ~ ch Id on £O"'t because hp. had no mea re r '" Agent of the Ameru:an Sabbath Tract Sue ely l!.o 100

TI e lIt was au u congenial marr age 8a d the meat selfish oppose~lf:ud I~~~ad ebeo~lO!t1 With which to hIre 0. ca.rua.g" H s family ha bu~~:ve;Oal~e~f tI e trop cal clImates perform .M_ass_alt_str_eet....:.:..li_er-'U_Yi_or_k_--:-~--=-::-:--:--::-::-:-:-~_ the other answered pItlent long snfl'e\n~I d elltie complIance on to endure privatIons almost RurpusslU" belief ver I iu/ active labo dnr ng the extreme 8eventll Day BaptISt Pnbl1s111ng SocJCty s PubhcnhoD! Amid waL of speakIng I :rnt~ h II un exactIOn o~~ IS !h

ar comph!nce must often have be ng frequently wlthont an artICle of fohod I heit of the day but gr emily reml1l1 IUactlve

th, r"." ",,' W~ '" W 0 , boo",,, 000

H b dlb"d ,- " f"f m Ih, ,,1d,,1 ... ", hh II " ".Im,re, iIJ: II' h b b alii It " " l ", ~~~~~~~a~~~ t:~ as~~ :~~Il~~!::lbee~s ~~~ ~::~ ~r~~li~~r~rur~:ce~~r {i:yl~~ndg n!::;;ru~ ~~dd I:h~~c~~t :~esawd nt~~t ~~is~~nl~u~Qf~~av ~:~ ~n~~:w ci~:::~:I:~s~~ :f::f~~st fr~~defi ~~ any woman She mlmstered to hIS se , subject thong 0 ten ur ene k nd offices of a few char tahle frIends The eel ng u '" t eo all the w n

pl~nsU!es and wasIta~:se a~t;:h~sts~f~~daslh~s pOA~do~~~ d~~aM~ Carson read over tbe past ale r ,resented as gathermg stl~~a Isn w~~ ~~~:~~~edo~~! f~:Ya: h~uro o~Ptwo hefore BUn

ii~~;~~li:~~f~eEJ~;\L::::: !~:r;jf~~~;~2,::i;;f~~~K?g~;dO a~E;I?i~iY~~~:?~I~~;~~;~ ~1;~::~f'~~: ~~;~~~~i~;lFii h k d rds the SIlence that often seale 1D 0. Sptrl h h d b WI hm WIll serve as a hamer to e en rance

the liaoC:mOgf ~~~vepSatlent Th6 bereaved h IS he~ ~I~sl~or whours after hIS arbItrary denIals presslIllg hl~ thanks that th s muc a e 1of heat durl g tI e day and the dilrkn~ss to

h h h Th h d present to hIm now sp, re to t .. em j ilh t ce of fI es and other Insects band carr ed the words ome Wit 1m ey all t ese an more were f We often find h m arrested and IIlCalcerate \ e en ran SOT ow sat JOY bursts from bad fallen upon hiS eafS WIth a new meanmg and he tried bnt tn vam to put them out 0 n the dehtor" prl on but even atDld Its gloo I Vi hen tl s v ce bas taken fast s vect f. t wasted WIt1 worms d d I

f, and gave to hIS mInd a I ht f d hI NEBRIETY - f 11 t ures tell )OU W thout d sgu se an p,~~u:~11l(~!~ as nppl e to IS IVI e r s g aken her needs of mit d hiS WIsdom of the uture never grew m I hold of !l mlln farew 1l1Odustry- are we a hat tl ey ore ent g Its I fe certa n new perceptIon as to he~ chara~te How htUe bad ~e t t d rmg all the year. faIth mills ult mate tr umph never fUltere~ t t on to tllOO'S worll y of attent 0 farewell nose and cars and llsrestle,s slelcpit'gs,'te11

A fmthful WIfe 0. tender mot er d& [ue or body IDtO c~n~~ era liD b d sCllrcely tbought Und smayed by d scomfitures and sorro" len of v rtu °IS soc:ety-farewell decency of t uth n IRnguage \Vb ch eve y fIend 'lhese w~e muster s war S a so of theIr marne lee a k h wh ph m ght well have broken the stoutes ove d' " attent on to tbe PlLLS In large doses to sweep and tl e were SOUD st II n lIS ears How of her as a hemg W th neceSSitIes h e IS own h s lan"uu e ever where a d Ul der al mlwners-nu are redoml from tbo body Now turn ngo n

I 1y elev Lted ad become all at once bnt rather as one given to be the servant of sp I t log h t Yf t d' person Everyt p t bloom of c1 Idhood Is t nOL ng to THE SABBATH SCHOOL VI~ITOll

Pub!Ulh,d Montlty S gil r I r h ~ Her character h t nd leasures It mattered little Clrcumstanceo vas t II 0 encourugtmen an uant and b uta ny ms n Nay are they ot the marvel of tb. MI Carson s Ideu 0 s WI e SI h d IS wan Sh a htP, It d s red If her ac of a profound convICtIOn of final success 'c do we se fe WIth they arc done arouud you every day t dot w th a new dIStil ctness e a I ow she t OUIl' .e or e '" t I tl U t d Stat s d d be thus es d ho S 00 Al I d thIS was true t d h 0 that reached the compass of ., 0 on y tn e Dl" e the 1 r hte nn w llave you tbe less Ber OU9 syn,pUJII\B tr nl pu I suff r ng as un Ion serve 1m exert h mself to establ sh 0.1 d apply to every Fos mfort and tempers, they nrc cas crcDled a~tgl~~~-~~~~~.::~ also-tr Ie to tho beleaved husband III a way h13 estimates osslhle nse hiS InventIOn but 10 England h[1ve c j fortnnes lleadache S d ache He rtburn Foul never before apprec uted Lovmg and pa,lent What a new power ~Iance and otner countrIes of Europe Ie consolatllv lJ.earts goo I Pa 1ll the Bowels Flatule cy .... o's Y~'~l'"U~.

B ck to hiS bome returned Mr Carson and to smIte b m as With a whIp of st ngIng scor h I 1855 good ta E. I Neuralg a Gout Bnd k d ed COt'!I'"~~n~~_ I"lb:," h 'molb"f~~ :h'~d;:" ~~'~' h'~ P"""'" >h''',)! m"6' '~:'P::::bl';',.~~ ";::\ ~:':~~~'::;":.~':h: ~ ;:: F:;~~ p,;:' ,,' :;':~~~:: ',~;:;:'if: :': .i.:,'d.:':';:~,:: .~, ':'~ HolV very very deso ate e e h t a prel every ~ome~t tS

send neglects thnt the golden medal and the Grand Cross of the 0 t loal "Ianktnd In of a good Pbvs c an f you can f sure there was npon hIS bosom-w a .. n ae pat el amI, crue wrongsf ~ 1 ~ L LegIOn of Honor w.ere awarded to h m as the m

h S h no happl C ou.ly by sucli adv ce as we give

" ,0 cl W thlD sapped the .Oll datlOns 0 er I e ovm!\, f h t t mns tell d mg danaerous d eases they cure w'" Lov n and patIent The brief sentence [lnd patIent though dally she bent lower and representathlve 0 s cOhl~ r~~ mven ve ge h m ness nn anx m I ons ~f thel umanrnce are cast

'" t t h s mind I b th the heavy weIght of her un Fortuue owever w e us caress I g jetV r anyone old-they m st bUf~o v the ¥ran~et.nOi~~'?~ l!!.t~I,t r!E! ~ I~?, In •• 1 melno.)' ~h~~~Cd e~~~ es With one hand was at the same moment smlt- ~l utgomgs Pr ce 25 cents per ~ox-5 boxes for beO'an to dra If p Elmes of the past Let us And these were the memOrIeS that came Ing him w th the other for we learn from the or e or when Through a t al Of m. y years alld~. t1rroullh tr:nsfer one of these pICtUles to the canvas back upon the bereaved husband as he Slit testImony that these brJihantmemonals passe~ tpr of ~~L\~cb:~nz~~u~;~o~Jo~ll Here t IS lI'Ir C!,\rson gllzed upon It wtth hili motherless chIldren In the home now from the Emper~: and reach;d ~hell honore he more enses of pu,hl onary ~J. = abe dfsolate Ther~ h"d b"",,- -'Ul nna-"U'" tec lllCnt .. then t'l" occ!J,!!ant 0 p, III for 8 rl d,r knowu '0 ITlcnk nd.

'l'liey <beel); mllrrJea-'"over a year h s h~e for yeal'S lJUtTu b. bl nd selfisbness among s~rangers !lnd In a for~lgn an OonBumpL on bave been Mrs Cllrson wlI'6 had not seen her he hu·4. not recogn zed her prese, ce even addmg yet another to that lorig sad catalog e of ~uff.rers wi 0 we n deemed dur ng that pcrl~ed to go home a though her ha Id cro vned h s dllJs WIth com of pubhc benefactors who have stoo~h ne~I:~~: ""llstlnence ro ~ul~P~~ a:~ :o~vned '7e~1 ~es~~;~h~o tUl co of some tw dred miles and make a fort and made hIS pIllow soft for hIm at mght and Impover shed In the m dst of e Our own WIll IS thIS all po verful ant dote to dLSeu es short VISit S nee or mUrrIage she had not And worse than thIS fof"good deeds he had harvest of blessmgs they had bestowed npo and If we have not the throat. Here a eo d h d settled on VISIted the dltir old plnce though ner heart returned halshness for love coldness and for \heIr lace [N Y Chromc\e \ u contempt disgrace and mIsery d y hack ng cougl tbe glassy kept go ng back to Its loved ones yearningly gentle words unkl\ld" speech we deserve neither re lef nor compassIOn features of hIm wbo was lately all tI e wh Ie Nor a gleam of consulatlOn fonnd Its way A Daughter s Request b~~ ~~e a~1 s~~:.h ~ g~:IV":.l~t 0 h\ 1i.e,trll)8eve~rthiinln

I don t see how tbat IS pOsslble ...... ered IOto thIS mght of Borrow and seU..rebnke Our WORKING ANn THINKING-It IS a no less fa fatal symptoms mOre and more her husband coilly and In eVident ~r1Fise at dead return not Ai! we have been to them so A youug Illdy who was 0. subject of the error to despl e labor when regulated by In S tnk ng the OHERRY P the reques~ Yo I can t go alone and for IV 1\ b9 onr memor os of them-blessed or ac rna k Ible work of grace for whICh the than to value It for ItS owu sake We stopped I .. cough and made h 5

NEW YORK Adams-Cbarles Potter Alfred-Charles D Langworthy Hiram P Burdick Alfred Oentr __ B W M Hurd

me to leave my bus ness IS Ollt of the questIOn cn.Ing memories accord ng to our deeds WI tor has I een dlstlDgn shed was deeply always In these days trYlllg to separate sle p IS sound a~ nIght h S TealS came nstantly to the soft In eyes H.mllny hundreds of bereaved husbands I Cltous that her father who WaS an avowed I two we want one man to be always thInk n;h It bbs ktrengths Tht dart

of the~ you g 1\ Ife are s'lftmg ID the shadow of gr ef to day fidel should be brought to a knowledge of the and another to be always workmg and we ~e c f~lld ro w~n db ;::~ce!ot a~~me I I live not seen my mother SID I came monrlllDg for the departed ones whose lOVIng trut! as t Sin J sus He was a rna I of one a gel tie man and the other an opera liI.oth s to shadow for h the v rfues

from home ,,'If prestlllce Will no more give wumth and ltght cui m t~mpCllment and would not brook whereas the workmg mau ought always for the OHERRY PEC'lORAL aun,~~~~~h~~~~ Dowl down through years came to Mr to theIr dwell ngs? .Ah what are the r com th 110 lIe cons dered d ctut on He prided thmkll g and tbe tbltlker often to be 10WD But t, u efulne.;s docs not CI COIS()~ tho vOIce of hiS WIfe as It trembled on paDlon thon hts? Wbat theIr crowdlDg mem self on hiS res stlDg powels and sbe of and both sllOuld be gentlemen In tbe accomlpl bes

d mOde by IPre lent on

I h d '" f h • Id t tt t t·, nrrtue With hIm She h I cOllnt ess co san coug s welt th s R ntence Not a B ng e s a e 01 ItS tender OrIeS 7 What then pictures rom t e past, woo no a emp v " ~t sense As It IS we make bot ungent e wI cb would bave r pcned nto a dre,.jlfiil

sllllcss wns go e And now It fell upon sen L ke those of Mr Carson? Not all we trust knew not how to approach h m and yet she one envy ng the other desp s I g h s broth ncurablc d cases ~~,~~~~~~i,c'J~~~11 B t ve, ears that searcbed mto all Its meanmgs yet to all must come the recollection of acts felt ImpC! ed to make some effort on hiS behalf r and the mass of socIety IS mode up of mor Hoa .eness Pleu y" But wi en lIVIng lips uttered the words so faIth dt' oml SIOUS that the world If possessed wonld Or e even ng as he sat readlDg a od thl kers and m serable workm

o Now It tons of the tI roa~and luno'

fnlly kept by memory they awakened no feel haldly seem too mnch to gIve If th:;.~ great bes de hts daughter whose heart was only by labor that thought can be made heal ~'flERRhYIPd Eb OTORbALh

If h h lfi h h C h d tl c 1:-"'" tf-tbe SO d ,am y s ou ave t y t em Ing of sympat y In IS se s eart ame sacrifice could C !lnge tl e recor WI 1 anx ety lor .11m un only by thought thnt lahor can be made mval able protect nn from the mbllUlOIiS plrowler from 1. () lie I He theu SUld to hImself But to those who have stili tbelr home treas gomg bell was heard the two cannot be separated With 1m carr es of!' tbe parent sheep from

lSI t th S hel home 7 around them the lesson comes WIth hope I Wish dear father sa d she that All professors should be liberal and darl ng lamb from )nany a bome WlIte to ,your mothel and ask well as rebuke i~ how I ttle InclIned are wonld go WIth me to meeting thIS shonld he less prIde felt In peculIaflty of P epared by DR J CAYER P"letir:aland Ana and make us a VISit' repl ed Mr men to thInk that the patient uncom WIll you dear 7 aud more In excellenee of achIeve Iyt cal C em ~t Lowell M1IS9 a d by all Drug

Mother has a large family and many cares plalnlng ones who move dUlly through theIr No cb Id he repl ed [Rnskln g ~~n~vf~y~8~~e 6 m could not get away for so long a Journey dwelhngs have equal wants and asplrat ons me ---~--+-----:--t-----And you have cares and a home where WIth themselves How Singularly Incl ned are H S manner was so deCided tbat her IT OUGHT TO BE THE CA.SE HERE -Tbe Eng Alfred Hlghlnnd Wnter,.(JUI'e.

your presenco IS needed" saId tbe husband selfisb sensual minded meu to undervalue and sunk w th n hel and she left the room w tb Lords of the bench deCided at Westmms THIS establ shment for the cure Then he ndded No no Mary I can t see thmk hghtly of a woman s wants yearmngs tearful eyes to prepare for gOing (fut As sbe ahout a monJ;h ago that It was tbe pi u eases IS conducted by R P BmljuCIK, that It IS pOSSIble now pecul art es al d necessItieS TheIr range of passed through the room where her father was of common law that a counsellor In ques M T1~f!~Y:STlO th s Cure

I can go alone Tears had kept gather thought and fechng sweeps rudely away from S ttmg on her way to church she notIced JbJlt 1I0ning 110 witness sbould address blm In ordl ment of D seasea of th

~ng ID Splto of- ber efforts to repress them and TheIr bearts rarely respond to the same he had dropped hiS newspaper and was(rUi~ and ll! language of respect such as D seases BronchltlS~:~~;i:;~;~~~:~lfi~~~~i~~ now a few drops fell slowly over ber cheeks touches of sympathy If now and then a on the table WIth bls hand on hIS forehea'll Ip employed by one gentleman In conversatIOn not excelled nann,; Don t thu k of that for a moment I am w fe drops her pure pearls of feehng at the feet parently lost III thonght She said agaIn af h aDother that such lawyer has no r ght the benefit of sk I 1 I d I d I I

, I D d ~ h I I advantage found 10 but few partIe 111\1 y oppo,e to It les trave mg It one of her hnsband he tramples them m hghtscorn ,ectlOnate y 0 ear .o.t er go WIth me questIOn the prIvate huslness 01 mord c lar attent on will be gIven to dIseases co1:nmcmly I don t tlIl It It IS at all safe And then the under bls feet and she learns from the·e sad Just once Won t YOll 7 ~ of a wltnes, any further than It IS appa uTfJlCal cases sucb as Htp D Seases ;';WllllltlgS, baby IS young It would be certa n to take to keep more sacred her prec ous No mdeed saId he~ four years have they absolutely affect hIS relllblhty 01 Cancers (Ill their early stages) and cold und mloht contract a fatal dIsease And so she WIthdraws more and passed scI was m a religIOns meetmg and the case 10 halld and that a witness IS BIS of hone

I h I Connected WIth the establ shment IS Bahy IS nearly three months old-- more Into herself and It may be turns to her S 0.1 ot go DOW hound to answer quest ons put to hIm In where aU calla m tJiat proless on WIll It s no 1.0 argumg the matter said Mr hnsband some rougher s d of her character Saddemng as was the reply tbere was some msnltmg or annoymg mauner If forced to Address H P

Carson WIth conSIderable Impatience of man thns exposmg one that WIll suffer least from thmg In h s look whIch eXCIted hope In the by the court he will have hIS remedy IU Alfred ner You can t go Mary and you might as the rude contact to whIch she IS da Iy exposed dallgbter s heart Tbere was an expressIon of actIOn for damages well give 18 IIp at once Ahl who can tell IU what externally pleas deep feel ng a solemDlty whIch she had never "Memory h"d kept WIth da",ruernmtype Iiuell ant bomes these fenrful heart martyrdoms are seen IU 11m before As she went to the AND STINGS -TI e followed cl pped

ty the express on of h s WIfe s face when he gomg on BeautIful manSions rIChly attired of prayer she I fted SIlent but enrnest;e[ltrelil.~ • Hall s oTo1fioaai of Health may be an flung back upon her thiS unfeeling IDterdlCtlOll gIve charm and elegallce to our streets They tl s tlat though lie would not go to meet bJs.H~pOl.ta[lt Item to some lind 1I0W It was before blm In all of Its rebuk smIle down npon us everywhere wlGh their as heavenly Father at the appomted place many of our readers are p'reparlng to Ing slIdness suranee of bappy hearts Wltbm Lnt every wonld meet him In hIS solItude, and ponr or go In the conn try for the summer It

LovlDg and patient' Tbls Was the com now and tl en wan faces and sad dreamy hIm the rIchest blessmgs usefQI to remmd them that an onnce mentary No angry Impat ent or rebellIOUS eyes look ont upon us from the wlldows 01 On her return from the meetlDg she of hartshorn should be conSidered wor1feSCIlped her-lips nor dui-Oo frown d sfigurc we eutch glImpses through duttermg veIls of ber father preCIsely m the attitude iU:.l~hiI" her brow Bnt she sCll1lled to shrmk before hopeless countenances us vIctIms of SOCial she left him hIS face IndIcating or iJinng him as fit stJ;j)ng hand had borne down upon wrongs gl de III and o~t of waltmg carrIages mmd She asked tenderly what Uaused h1BlI~~It; the immel:lia'te free applIcation

I wo months from that lime news came of If some are not patient and IOVinO' as was est tIll he rose and and exclaimed God perfect permanent reltet'J the bIte h~ AI~I ""I Wh", m~'''' ofi,'",," ,""I .... o~ ,,' """, .. h" ">,-""r "w, "'I th, pot "u" £<1ft.

the mothel B SUdden Illness Mrs Carson who bore np under h~r heavy mercy 0 I my sonl' HIS agony was so mad dog heve not excepted, 80

• I must go home now she saId burdens WIth seemlDg cheerfulness uutll she that she feared he would lose hIS reason strong ashes r • It IS ImpOSSIble for me to aCCOmpany you fell exhausted and perIShed by the waYSIde and she ran for a piOUS Ilelghbor who ____ -..,. ____ _

1 Wlllt for a few days Your mother wdl be ere balf the usual allotmeut of days was filled the mght In conversatIOn lind prayer With :A:~r[N[SHIW CITY -A recent American trav well aga n /I up who can wonder-who can strongly blame? Ere tbe morUlng dawned the day star travehng \U VeDlce expressed (I eu

I can go alone, Thomas urged Mrs Car All have not the reI "'Ions trust that gave amen In hiS heart' and he nllW seems a know how the remarkable palaces of • son ... - strength In her wcakn~ss and hope III her ble follower of the Saviour he h\llj so long l.L~.C~!"'-were bUIlt and on what found a

I Will not consent to that Mary was POB despair Jected they When told that they stood itlvelyobJected Next week If your mother Stili blesSIO"B on the 10vlUg and pahent WIll not thIS acconnt mduce otheru"'JKU~elll" pIles be deSIred to see the p le-drlver 8~~U!d contmue to grlow worse I wIll go With though even th~lr paths be rough and thetr by gentle and wmnmg IUVI tatlOns to touch There IS 0. model of It In Doge s Palace Y • trIals sbarp! They pass Ilway like the rest- chord tn a father's heart whIch WIll VIbrate somewhere replied the gDlde, but It has not

.. Oh, Thomllsl If I should never Bee ber at noon and mIdday In the Journey of ever and swell the musIc of heaven? I been used for we have had no honses bDllt III I:c ah~el' ,I tbelr departure IS m h"ht and as [American Messenger VeDlce for three hundred years Mak ng due £ h b YOQ mdulge a needless alarm' Bald the tbelr garments trail behmd them ~ thOlr final allowance for the gmde B accuracy of computa

us andd coldly 'IbIS Sickness IS bnt tempo upwards to all eyes even those mnde THE GRAVE -Many there are wh.wliett tlOn the anecdote Will serfe to show the stag ~ rar,Ii nn I "'JIl

pass away I by selfish feelIngs they are seeu as angels they bave sat beneath tbe Willows that waved nant dead sea aspect of many of the Eastern face Igea~ee~lge~S ~rln8tlleenDsCee~u:eurltngthe p~lew'hBonlde R tl over tlle grave of a frIend vowed to prepare countries, whoSEr explOIts hIStory has emblaz

D til A emorse IS Ie conSCIousness of wrong do for the eventful honr of death But as soon oned week passed wltbout another word Then I,I1g With no sense of love PeDltence IS that as the solemn thoughts are haU!shed :~~da II letter from her father IU these" few same conSCIousnesa With the feelmg of tender VOWS are forgotten, and tbey pass on as heed

ness Ilod gratefnlness added. less as before, carmg for nothlOg but the pless- The nord mllkes one the plODellr:M aDother

grace the ptedD and [Dr Cnmlllll!i




Aleron Samuel Hun I Berl n-J ohn Wh tford BTookfidd-R S 11 nan Oeres- Geo S C nndnll Olarel ce-Rouse Babcock DeRuyter-B G SI llman Sate Br dge-J obn Purmelee Genessee-W P Langwo thy I Gowanda-D C Burdick Hou1Ulfield-W Green I Indtpendence-J P L ve more LermaTthvilk--A M West Lmcklean-D C Bmdick Pola d-Abel St Ilman. Nlk--E R C " k I'etersbUTg-H Clarke Portvill,-A n C andall Preeton-J C Maxson Rlchbu~gl J B Cottrell Sackett. HaTbor-E Frink Well .. ik--L It Bubcock 8co11-J B Clarke Walson-D I W lliaIDS South ,/Jrookfield"---HcrmflJ! A Hull South»lJJd c--- I SlRphentown-J B:MlIXsou Verona-Albert Babcock Wes Eames on E Maxson W/$t Gen/$ee-E L Maxson E ll'ilaon-D Dam

CONNECTICUT Myst c Brtdge S S Gr swold Waterford and liew London-P L Berry

RHODE ISLAND 1.t Hopki ton- ThoIlll\8 M Clark 2d Hrpkinlon-Geo H lSp cer 3d Hopkinton-Alai son Grandall Pawcatu~S P St llman Perryv Ue-Clalke Cmudall

NEW JERSEY MarlbrnOUfJh-Dav d Cl~wEon Nero Market-H V Dunham P/!l "field-Isaac S Dunn Sk 10k-Isaac West

PENNSYLV.u.1A -Cl o831ngville-BenJrumn Stelle. VffiGINIA

Lost Oretk-Wm Kennedy 1GB Run-W.FRandolph N. Milton-J P Randolph Gulp • Stor,-Ze~uloD Bee


AlbWn P C BurdICk and T F W cst Bcrl n-Datus E Lew. I Dakota R I Crandan MiUon-J os Goodrich W C Whitlord A C B rdick. UtIClJ-Z CampbeU I Walworth--H IV Randolph

IL;LINOIS lilJrmlngton-D Saunders I Southampton-J C Roger.


By the ~lenth dov n •• Pub! ,IUp!!, Socltiy

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