of coccidioides at amerindian middens in californiaoutbreaks of coccidioidomycosis and isolation of...

APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, Feb. 1974, p. 379-388 Copyright i 1974 American Society for Microbiology Vol. 27, No. 2 Printed in U.SA. Soil Ecology of Coccidioides immitis at Amerindian Middens in California GEORGE H. LACY' AND FRANK E. SWATEK Microbiology Department, California State University, Long Beach, California 90804 Received for publication 12 October 1973 Outbreaks of coccidioidomycosis and isolation of Coccidioides immitis have been reported from Amerindian middens. This study was undertaken to determine the most important ecological component(s) for the occurrence of C. immitis at archeological sites. Soils from 10 former Indian villages with no prior history of coccidioidal infection were collected and cultured. The physicochemi- cal properties of the midden soils were compared with nonmidden soils and positive soils. The following theories for the sporadic distribution of the pathogen in the soil of the Lower Sonoran Life Zone were considered: (i) the Larrea tridentata (creosote bush) association, (ii) the preference for saline soils, (iii) isolation near rodent burrows, and (iv) animals as possible agents of dispersal. Results showed that a high percentage of the midden soils contained C. immitis, whereas none of the adjacent, nonmidden soils yielded the fungus. Physicochemi- cal analyses revealed that the dark color and alkaline pH of the midden soils were due to past organic contamination. Repeated isolations were made from soils with low to moderate alkalinity. Alkalinity and sandy texture were consistent features of all soils in this study. However, the lack of any reports of nonsandy infested soils possibly indicates that the sandy texture and alkalinity may be factors in the distribution of this fungus. The organic content, soil parent material, and color were not important in the soil ecology. L. tridentata was not significant in the macroflora at the infested sites surveyed. Samples collected without reference to rodent burrows yielded a high percentage of recoveries. Animals, although not the major natural reservoir, cannot be ignored as possible factors in the ecology of C. immitis. Our knowledge of the ecology of Coccidioides immitis is more advanced than for any other respiratory mycotic disease agent (1). However, as Huppert has pointed out, "A major gap in our knowledge of C. immitis is why the fungus should be so limited in its natural distribution" (10). Others have reported on the uneven, yet consistent, occurrence of the fungus in the soils of the Lower Sonoran Life Zone (15, 29). At one site, an area of approximately 2.5 m2 has been positive from 1954 through this study, whereas the surrounding soil has yielded only rare posi- tives. The sporadic occurrence of the fungus in nature seems to contradict its laboratory physi- ology. It grows rapidly on all common media at temperatures of 20 to 30 C and is not exacting in its nutritional requirements. Growth occurs be- tween pH 3.5 and 9.0 and on clay through sandy soils (13). The fungus is known to infect mam- 'Present address: Department of Plant Pathology, Univer- sity of California, Riverside, Calif. 92502. mals, reptiles, fish, and amphibians (30) and thrives on parts of many desert plants (23). Various theories have been advanced to ex- plain the spotty distribution of C. immitis in the soils of endemic regions. Emmons (9) felt that the carcasses, sputa, urine, feces, and purulent materials of infected rodents were the sources of the pathogen in soil. Maddy (14) emphasized the presence of Larrea tridentata (creosote bush) at his isolation sites in Arizona. Egeberg and Ely (6) recovered the fungus from 13.6% of soil samples taken within 5 ft (15.24 m) of animal burrows, whereas only 3.4% of the samples collected further away were positive. Egeberg and his associates (7, 8) reported that high soil salinity was related to increased recov- ery of C. immitis and the suppression of antago- nists. Swatek (27) noted that repeated isola- tions had been made from old Indian campsites and suggested a possible relationship between the fungus and the increased organic content of the soil on these sites. 379 on February 24, 2020 by guest http://aem.asm.org/ Downloaded from

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Page 1: of Coccidioides at Amerindian Middens in CaliforniaOutbreaks of coccidioidomycosis and isolation of Coccidioides immitis have been reported from Amerindian middens. This study was

APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, Feb. 1974, p. 379-388Copyright i 1974 American Society for Microbiology

Vol. 27, No. 2Printed in U.SA.

Soil Ecology of Coccidioides immitis at Amerindian Middens inCalifornia

GEORGE H. LACY' AND FRANK E. SWATEKMicrobiology Department, California State University, Long Beach, California 90804

Received for publication 12 October 1973

Outbreaks of coccidioidomycosis and isolation of Coccidioides immitis havebeen reported from Amerindian middens. This study was undertaken todetermine the most important ecological component(s) for the occurrence of C.immitis at archeological sites. Soils from 10 former Indian villages with no priorhistory of coccidioidal infection were collected and cultured. The physicochemi-cal properties of the midden soils were compared with nonmidden soils andpositive soils. The following theories for the sporadic distribution of the pathogenin the soil of the Lower Sonoran Life Zone were considered: (i) the Larreatridentata (creosote bush) association, (ii) the preference for saline soils, (iii)isolation near rodent burrows, and (iv) animals as possible agents of dispersal.Results showed that a high percentage of the midden soils contained C. immitis,whereas none of the adjacent, nonmidden soils yielded the fungus. Physicochemi-cal analyses revealed that the dark color and alkaline pH of the middensoils were due to past organic contamination. Repeated isolations were madefrom soils with low to moderate alkalinity. Alkalinity and sandy texture wereconsistent features of all soils in this study. However, the lack of any reports ofnonsandy infested soils possibly indicates that the sandy texture and alkalinitymay be factors in the distribution of this fungus. The organic content, soil parentmaterial, and color were not important in the soil ecology. L. tridentata was notsignificant in the macroflora at the infested sites surveyed. Samples collectedwithout reference to rodent burrows yielded a high percentage of recoveries.Animals, although not the major natural reservoir, cannot be ignored as possiblefactors in the ecology of C. immitis.

Our knowledge of the ecology of Coccidioidesimmitis is more advanced than for any otherrespiratory mycotic disease agent (1). However,as Huppert has pointed out, "A major gap inour knowledge of C. immitis is why the fungusshould be so limited in its natural distribution"(10). Others have reported on the uneven, yetconsistent, occurrence of the fungus in the soilsof the Lower Sonoran Life Zone (15, 29). At onesite, an area of approximately 2.5 m2 has beenpositive from 1954 through this study, whereasthe surrounding soil has yielded only rare posi-tives.The sporadic occurrence of the fungus in

nature seems to contradict its laboratory physi-ology. It grows rapidly on all common media attemperatures of 20 to 30 C and is not exacting inits nutritional requirements. Growth occurs be-tween pH 3.5 and 9.0 and on clay through sandysoils (13). The fungus is known to infect mam-

'Present address: Department of Plant Pathology, Univer-sity of California, Riverside, Calif. 92502.

mals, reptiles, fish, and amphibians (30) andthrives on parts of many desert plants (23).Various theories have been advanced to ex-

plain the spotty distribution of C. immitis inthe soils of endemic regions. Emmons (9) feltthat the carcasses, sputa, urine, feces, andpurulent materials of infected rodents were thesources of the pathogen in soil. Maddy (14)emphasized the presence of Larrea tridentata(creosote bush) at his isolation sites in Arizona.Egeberg and Ely (6) recovered the fungus from13.6% of soil samples taken within 5 ft (15.24 m)of animal burrows, whereas only 3.4% of thesamples collected further away were positive.Egeberg and his associates (7, 8) reported thathigh soil salinity was related to increased recov-ery of C. immitis and the suppression of antago-nists. Swatek (27) noted that repeated isola-tions had been made from old Indian campsitesand suggested a possible relationship betweenthe fungus and the increased organic content ofthe soil on these sites.


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Page 2: of Coccidioides at Amerindian Middens in CaliforniaOutbreaks of coccidioidomycosis and isolation of Coccidioides immitis have been reported from Amerindian middens. This study was


The purpose of these studies was to define themost important ecological components for C.immitis infestation at former Amerindian habi-tation areas. Studies were undertaken to deter-mine the relationship between the fungus andthe midden soil (areas rich in charcoal, obsidianchips, and other evidence of domestic contami-nation) and the differences between middenand adjacent, nonmidden soil.

MATERIALS AND METHODSSoil collection. Soils were collected aseptically

from former Amerindian village sites having no knownhistory of human infection in areas endemic forcoccidioidomycosis. Villages in the widely separatedKern and Madera counties of California were chosenfor this study, along with control midden soils fromsites culturally positive for C. immitis from SanDiego, Kern, Butte, and Merced counties (see Fig. 1.).

Amerindian habitation sites may be delineated byvarious criteria. In this study they included: (i) soildarkened by domestic contamination near water-sources (some only seasonal) and, (ii) macroscopicartifacts of human occupation such as obsidian flakesor tools; bedrock mortars or metate stones; "house-floor" depressions of semisubterranean homes; soap-stone, shell or glass beads; human remains andpetroglyphs.

0 SO 100,

. .e

FIG. 1. Counties in California from which Amerin-dian, archeological soils originated. C. immitis-infested control soils (four) or sites (two) were fromButte, Kern, Madera, and San Diego counties. Twosites implicated in human infection were sampled inFresno and Madera counties. Ten random sites withno known coccidioidal histories were chosen in Kern(three) and Madera (seven) counties. Additionally,cooperating archeologists collected soils from fourrandom sites in Madera County.

Determination of points for soil sampling withinthe middens was made by the use of grids or traverses.Collections of adjacent, nonmidden soils were made atthe nearest area which resembled the midden inexposure, drainage and foliage.

Soil isolation. The technique of soil isolationemployed was basically the double-pour, antibiotic-fortified, yeast extract agar method (28). Modifica-tions included using 10 g of soil in 90 ml of sterile,distilled water in milk dilution bottles and agitatingthe 1-in-10 soil suspensions for 1 min and again at 20and 40 min, and then leaving them undisturbed for 20min.The plates were incubated at ambient room tem-

perature (23 to 27 C) in a humidified chamber for 3 to5 weeks. The colonies were examined macro- andmicroscopically for similarities to C. immitis withconsideration for the wide morphologic range possible(11). All fungi demonstrating arthroaleuriospores (20)or racquet cells, or both, were subcultured on Sabou-raud dextrose agar. If, on examination of the subcul-ture, it was felt there was still a resemblance to thepathogen, intraperitoneal inoculation of mice wascarried out with an aqueous spore suspension. Onlyfungi which produced spherules and endospores inmice were reported as C. immitis.

Soil characterization. Selected midden and adja-cent soil samples were compared physicochemically.Carefully mixed individual or composite (combinedby equal portions) samples were passed through a no.10 mesh screen. They were subjected to the followinganalytical scheme (manufacturers' procedures werefollowed unless noted): (i) color was determined ondry and paste portions by using Munsell soil colorcharts (Munsell Color Company, Inc.); (ii) texturalclassification was made by use of stainless-steel,heat-sterilizable soil sieves; (iii) measurements of pHand Eh were made with a Beckman G pH-meter on1:5 double distilled water, soil extracts, or soil pastes;(iv) electrical conductivities were determined with amodel RC-16B2 Industrial Instruments, Inc., conduc-tivity bridge on pastes and 1: 5 extracts; (v) levels ofprinciple ions were delimited with a Simplex soiltesting kit (Edwards Laboratory), and (vi) organicand inorganic carbon and organic nitrogen determina-tions were made by wet combustion and micro-Kjel-dahl techniques, respectively, on powdered (to pass400 mesh), autoclaved soils (2, 12).

Soil comparisons. Comparisons of positive middensoils were made with analyses of other infested soilsreported in the literature (8, 19), by personal com-munications and on soil samples received. The follow-ing persons provided either physicochemical data orsamples of C. immitis-infested soils: J. L. Converse(Fort Detrick, Md.), D. H. Howard (University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles), G. H. Kellogg (Butte Co.Public Health Department, Chico, Calif.), H. B.Levine and G. M. Scalarone (Naval BiomedicalResearch Laboratory, Oakland, Calif.), F. W. Rams-dell (California State University, Chico), R. E. Reed(University of Arizona, Tucson), R. H. Sorensen(Veterans Administration Hospital, Fresno, Calif.),and H. A. Walch (California State University, SanDiego).



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Page 3: of Coccidioides at Amerindian Middens in CaliforniaOutbreaks of coccidioidomycosis and isolation of Coccidioides immitis have been reported from Amerindian middens. This study was


RESULTSSoil isolation. Ten sites of former Amerin-

dian villages, with no known histories of coccidi-oidal infection, were chosen to represent the testmiddens. Two sites (4-Mad-117 and Fre-SFSC-1) associated with past infection, whosesoils had never been studied mycologically,were included as additional controls. Table 1summarizes the histories of infection and verifi-cation of prolonged human occupation at themidden sites surveyed. Results of the soil isola-tion of C. immitis are tabulated in Table 2. Mostof the sites were included on archeologicalsurveys. The Inyokern Cave was investigated byarcheologists from the University of Californiaat Los Angeles. The CaMad-169 through 186sites were part of a survey of the Fresno RiverValley by California State University, LongBeach. The Fre-SFSC-1 and 4-Mad-117through 239 sites were parts of similar surveys

made by California State University, San Fran-cisco near Lake Millerton and in the ChowchillaRiver Valley.

Soil characterization. The results of most ofthe physicochemical analyses of midden andadjacent, nonmidden soils are compiled inTable 3. The levels of principle ions in the 23midden and adjacent soils may be summarizedas follows: Mn2+, less than 1 ppm; K+, 15 to 20ppm; Ca2+, less than 40 to 150 ppm; Mg2+, lessthan 2 to 6 ppm; Al3+, less than 3 ppm; Fe3+,less than 2 ppm; NH,+, up to 2 ppm; NO3-, lessthan 2 to greater than 25 ppm; NO2-, less than 1to less than 3 ppm; P03-, 0.5 to 5.0 ppm; Cl-,less than 20 ppm; and SO,-, less than 150 to600 ppm.

Soil comparisons. Comparisons of positivemidden soils with other C. immitis-infestedsoils in the literature, by personal communica-tion and analyses, revealed that: (i) sandy-tex-tured soils occurred in 98.0% of 51 samples(conflicting results were discovered for three offour soils studied by both us and Orr [19], andonly the results of the mechanical analyses were

used), (ii) alkaline soils occurred in 96.7% of 62soils, (iii) organic carbon values for 12 soilsranged from 0.21 to 1.80% weight, (iv) organicnitrogen values for 21 soils ranged from 0.029 to0.190% weight, (v) total organics for 47 soilsranged from 0.39 to 3.13% weight, and (vi)electrical conductivity values for 56 soils rangedfrom 37 to 27,000 x 10-6 mhos/cm at 25 C. C.immitis has been isolated from soils developedfrom diverse parent materials: granitic, vol-canic, and sedimentary rocks (either stream orocean derived) and alluvium or lacustrine de-posits.

DISCUSSIONIt is evident that a single factor does not

determine the distribution of C. immitis in thesoil of the Lower Sonoran Life Zone. Emmonshas refuted his original hypothesis that rodentsare the major reservoir of the pathogen in nature(1) and this is supported by the reports ofSwatek et al. (29). Yet, Sorensen (24) hasindicated that spherules and endospores pro-tected by body fluids might survive long enoughin the soil to allow mycelial growth. Maddy andCrecelius (16) reported the establishment of thefungus in soil with infected animal tissues.During the present study it was noticed thatanimal activity was increased on the middensites (221 burrows were counted on eight 188-M2plots at six different middens compared to 146on an equal number of adjacent plots). Animals,although not the major reservoir, cannot beignored as possible factors in C. immitis disper-sal.

Correlation of the distribution of C. immitisand the macroflora of the positive sites wasunproductive. The sites ranged from sparselyvegetated deserts through oak woodlands withscattered pine (Fig. 2). Creosote bush wasobserved near only 1 positive site (IK-2) out ofthe 11 included in this survey. The repeatedisolation of C. immitis from areas having vege-tation markedly different than that of L. triden-tata regions should broaden the search for C.immitis-macrofloral associations in nature.Riker (23), in her report on the growth of thepathogen on parts of desert plants, describedthe inhibition caused by creosote bush. She alsonoted that the parts of several plants, amongthem six Opuntia spp. (prickly pear cactus),supported abundant growth and sporulation ofthe fungus. Campins (5) and Mayorga (18)observed the same genus in endemic areas ofGuatemala, Honduras, and Venezuela. Thegenus is also common in endemic regions of theUnited States and Mexico. It is possible thatthe fungus does form alliances with the macro-flora, but they may be casual rather thandistribution affecting.Egeberg and Ely (6) published a report that

incriminated the soil near rodent burrows as asource of C. immitis in nature. Midden samplestaken without reference to animal burrows inthis research yielded 9.5% positives (of 325samples), which would indicate that other fac-tors may also be important.

Elconin et al. (8) found a positive correlationbetween the recovery of C. immitis and high soilsalinity. Repeated isolations (32 positive sam-ples) from sites in this study revealed markedly

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Page 4: of Coccidioides at Amerindian Middens in CaliforniaOutbreaks of coccidioidomycosis and isolation of Coccidioides immitis have been reported from Amerindian middens. This study was

TABLE 1. Histories of infection and evidence of human occupation at the Amerindian archeological sitesincluded in this report0

Art ifacts

Historv of Dark soil (withHitryo charcoal and/or Bedrock ToolsfbeadSite and reference no. coccidioidal charHousanimal mortar Tools, beads, deprefloorifcin charred animal mortars obsidian 'depressions Humani bones) or metate hi or remains

stones chps, etc. petroglyphs

Lakeside-1San Diego Co. (31)

Lakeside-2San Diego Co. (29)

SanteeSan Diego Co. (29)

Inyokern CaveKern Co. (21)

Inyokern-2IK-2Kern Co.

Inyokern-3IK-3Kern Co.

Rocky PointKern Co.

Fre-SFSC-1Fresno Co.

CaMad-171Madera Co.

CaMad-173Madera Co.

CaMad-177Madera Co.

CaMad-179Madera Co.

4-Mad-117Madera Co.

4-Mad-118Madera Co.

4-Mad-136Madera Co.

4-Mad-239Madera Co.

Los BanosMerced Co. (21)



_ c




























































aOther midden sites (not observed by authors): CaMad-167, 169, 183, 186, Madera Co., collected bycooperating archeologists; and Richardson Springs midden, Butte Co., collected by G. H. Kellog.

±+, Presence of infection and evidence of human occupation; -, absence of infection and evidence of humanoccupation.

c Human infection or suspicion of human infection was discovered after the site was sampled.



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TABLE 2. Results of soil isolation of C. immitisa

Soils Soils posi-collected tive for C.Classifi- immitisSite cationa

Mid- Adja- Mid- Adja-den cent den cent

LakesideLS-1 c 23 0 1 0LS-2 c 1 0 0 0

Santee c 1 0 1 0Inyokern-1 c 18 12 5 0Inyokern-2 a 22 6 3 0Inyokern-3 a 9 5 0 0Rocky Point a 8 5 0 0Fre-SFSC-1 c 21 5 0 0CaMad-167 b 1 0 0 0CaMad-169 b 4 0 1 0CaMad-171 a 39 4 5 0Casad-173 a 93 5 2 0CaMad-177 a 8 8 0 0CaMad-179 a 8 5 0 0CaMad-183 b 1 0 0 0CaMad-186 b 2 0 0 04-Mad-117 c 19 5 3 04-Mad-118 a 8 2 2 04-Mad-136 a 7 2 0 04-Mad-239 a 31 5 8 0Los Banos c 1 0 0 0Butte Co. c 1 0 1 0

a Symbols: a, random middens collected by theauthors; b, random middens collected by archeolo-gists, and c, control middens.

less salinity (114 to 1,856 x 10-6 mhos/cm at25 C) and may indicate that the high salinitymight have been a local phenomenon, which,rather than limiting its distribution, representsa more halotolerant extension of the fungusphysiology.

Swatek's contention (27) that C. immitisinfestation is enhanced in the soils of formerAmerindian villages has been borne out by thisstudy. However, it appears that sandy textureand alkalinity were more important than theorganic content of the soil in this relationship.The pathogen was recovered from 8.1% of 395soils cultured. Considering just the middensoils, 9.8% were positive, or 8.7% after subtract-ing the control soils. Soils of 5 of the 10 randommidden sites contained the pathogen. Addition-ally, 1 of 4 random sites, from which soils werecollected by cooperating archeologists, waspositive. Mention should also be made that theSantee site (29) was another positive middenwith no prior history of C. immitis isolation.One of the two sites suspected of causing humaninfection, 4-Mad-117, yielded the fungus.

Historically, random soil samples from en-

demic areas have yielded between 2.0 and 3.4%positives for C. immitis (6, 9, 27). Consideringthese figures, the percentage of positives re-ported in this study would appear to be signifi-cant. The lack of any positives among thenonmidden soils supports this contention. Theepidemiological impact of the association of C.immitis and midden soils will be presentedelsewhere.Darkening of the soil was a very stable

character of the midden sites and was undoubt-edly influenced by past human habitation.During cyclic periods of occupation, the soil wasthe final receptacle of charcoal, wood, thatch,domestic scraps, human wastes, and burials.Over as much as 1,500 years (at CaMad-173 andthe Inyokern Cave), this amounted to a consid-erable localized increase in organic contamina-tion. Soil color may be related to drainage,aeration, chemical content, and climate. In themidden soils, which were sandy, well drained,low in soluble iron and manganese, and situatedin temperate, semiarid to arid regions, the colormust be attributed directly to organic materialsand charcoal.The soil was alkaline at the middens sur-

veyed. In general, except for IK-3 (which was inan alkaline area), the pH of the surrounding soilwas lower. This was due to the accumulation ofash minerals and organic debris. Soil alkalinityis directly related to the intensity and durationof human occupation as revealed in a study of aChowchilla River Valley site where a propor-tional increase among pH, artifact yield, anddepth of the midden was found (17). Prelimi-nary studies (by D. Rosenberg and J. Kelly,Department of Anthropology, California StateUniversity, Long Beach) indicated a similarpattern at CaMad-173.Assessment of organic contamination at con-

temporary sites of human activity (since 1850)was not part of this study, but it was a contrib-uting factor at two of the sites investigated.CaMad-173 had hydraulic gold mining andranching activities until the present, and IK-2had the foundations of a small building on it.Campers, sheepherders, and transients havebeen observed on some of the sites during thisresearch.

All the positive soils studied exhibited an Ehrange of 88 to 266 +mV (uncorrected). TheEh-pH milieu occupied by C. immitis in natureappears to be naturally segregated when com-pared by the method of Baas-Becking (3) withadjacent, nonmidden and random SouthernCalifornia soils (Fig. 3).Midden soils tended to be higher in carbon-

ates (0.05 to 1.55%) and phosphates (1.0 to 5.0

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TABLE 3. Results of physicochemical analyses of midden and adjacent soils

Electri-cal con-

Eh ductiv- Car-Texture pH +mV ities at Organics bonates

Site Parent Soil color (air dry) Texture paste (1:5 10-6 (% wt) (WOnmaterial Munsell notation ical) tract) unc- ait2 C N (HCCrected) (paste,

1: 5ex-tract)

Lakeside midden-1

Lakeside midden-2

Santee midden

Inyokern (Cave)midden

Adjacent Inyokern(Cave) midden

IK-2 midden

Adjacent IK-2midden

IK-3 midden

Adjacent IK-3midden

Sharktooth HillKern Co."

Same site

Fre-SFSC-1 midden

Adjacent Fre-SFSC-1 midden

CaMad-171 midden

















Dark grayishbrown


Dark grayishbrown


Very darkgrayish brown


Dark grayishbrown



Brown: darkbrown



Dark grayishbrown


Dark yellowishbrown


Light brownishgray


Pale olive5YR-6/3

Dark grayishbrown


Dark grayishbrown


Grayish brown10YR-5/2














Sand or












































0.19 11.80

0.11 10.72

0.04 10.57


0.11 0.55

0.04 10.57








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Page 7: of Coccidioides at Amerindian Middens in CaliforniaOutbreaks of coccidioidomycosis and isolation of Coccidioides immitis have been reported from Amerindian middens. This study was


TABLE 3-Continued

Electri-cal con-

Eh ductiv- Car-Texture pH ±mV ities at Organics bonates

Site Parent Soil color (air dry) (lec paste (1:5 10 (%w) (% )material Munsell notation hican) (1:5 ex- ext; mhos,(HC|ea tract) uncor- at 25 C N C test)

rected) (paste,1:5ex-tract)

Same site Granite Dark grayish Sand 8.4 183 114 0.10 1.60 1.55brown 8.0 166 +


Adjacent CaMad-171 Granite Brown Sand 7.2 185 37 0.07 0.79 0.02midden 10YR-5/3 7.4 114

CaMad-173 midden Granite Dark grayish Sand 8.0 203 230brown 8.2 150 +

10YR-4/2Same site Granite Dark grayish Sand 8.2 180 168 0.03 1.40 0.88

brown 7.6 199 +10YR-4/2

CaMad-179 midden Granite Grayish brown Sand 7.8 178 16610YR-5/2 8.2 293 +

Adjacent CaMad-179 Granite Yellowish Sand 7.6 172 248midden brown 7.3 194 -


4-Mad-117 midden Granite Dark grayish Sand 8.1 148 170 0.05 1.53 0.74brown 7.9 168 +


Adjacent 4-Mad-117 Granite Dark yellowish Sand 6.4 194 163 0.14 1.51 0.02brown 6.5 126 -


Los Banos midden Alluvium Grayish brown Sand 8.6 182 535 0.08 0.83 0.30_____________________________ 10YR-5/2 8.5 455 +

a This paleontological site was positive for C. immitis (29); however, the samples included here did not yieldthe pathogen.

ppm) than adjacent soils (0.02% and 0.5 to 1.8ppm, respectively). Except for sites liable toseasonal flooding (Fre-SFSC-1, IK-2, and IK-3),all middens demonstrated strong to violenteffervescence when tested with 10% hydro-chloric acid. Bone and shell, rich in these ions,were part of the aboriginal contamination of themiddens. These components may have ecologi-cal significance as buffering agents.Comparisons of infested soils revealed physi-

cochemical characters similar to those reportedby Cameron in studies of California desert soils(4). Possibly, ecologically limiting factors forC. immitis may include soil pH and texture,whereas nonlimiting factors would include color,

organic content, salinity, and soil parent mate-rials. Stotzky (25, 26) reported that a positivecorrelation existed between the presence of clayminerals and the isolation of Histoplasma cap-sulatum from soil, but no conclusions could beformed concerning C. immitis. Analyses ofsoils collected for this study revealed that somecontained montmorillonite, but the correlationwith the presence of the pathogen was not asgood as obtained with H. capsulatum (Stotzky,personal communication).

It is evident that C. immitis is a physiologi-cally versatile organism, yet the contradictionremains that is has a spotty distribution innature to the limit of present soil isolation

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FIG. 2. The macroflora of sites positive for C. immitis ranged from sparsely vegetated deserts (InyokernCave, above) to oak woodlands with scattered pine (4-Mad-118, below).

techniques. The limiting factor may be thecompetitive saprophytic ability of the fungus.Observations of its behavior in the mixed cul-tures of soil isolation plates and comments ofother workers support the hypothesis that C.immitis may be a poor competitor for nutrientsand biological space. Another consideration isthat the consistent soil physicochemical charac-ters determined in this study may well be thosemost favorable for control of its microbial com-petitors. Manipulation of these conditions

should be considered for the control of thesaprophytic phase of C. immitis.The results of this research indicated that C.

immitis is strongly associated with Amerindianmiddens in California. Comparisons of infestedsoils in the literature and in the laboratoryrevealed that the chief factors for this associa-tion were the presence of alkaline and sandysoils. At the midden sites surveyed, the soilalkalinity and color were due to past accumula-tion of domestic contaminants.


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-s 6 7

pH8 I

FIG. 3. E. (uncorrected) and pH comparisons of 30soils from Amerindian archeological sites and non-

midden areas culturally positive for C. immitis (0),seven adjacent nonmidden soils not containing thepathogen (A), and 19 random southern Californiasoils not processed culturally (0). (Random soilscourtesy ofM. R. Sneller, California State University,Long Beach.)


We are indebted to J. L. Converse, D. H. Howard, G. H.Kellogg, H. B. Levine, F. W. Ramsdell, R. E. Reed, G. M.Scalarone, R. H. Sorensen, and H. A. Walch for soils or

physicochemical data from their positive C. immitis sites. Aspecial thanks is tendered to F. Fenenga and M. H. Morattofor access to their archeological sites, and to R. E. Cameronand the late H. P. Conrow for their invaluable advice on thephysicochemical analyses of the soils. 0. A. Plunkett offeredmany helpful comments and suggestions during both the fieldwork and manuscript preparation for this report.


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Page 10: of Coccidioides at Amerindian Middens in CaliforniaOutbreaks of coccidioidomycosis and isolation of Coccidioides immitis have been reported from Amerindian middens. This study was


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