of - treherne · uo founa, although dlligcnt had bel'n .. to 'englnnd on a busin{)ss...


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Page 1: of - Treherne · uo founa, although dlligcnt had bel'n .. to 'Englnnd on a busin{)ss given sigmu. was ll}ade. At.7 o'clock this trip t.wo years betOre, hud met her, He says the' empress-dowllger
Page 2: of - Treherne · uo founa, although dlligcnt had bel'n .. to 'Englnnd on a busin{)ss given sigmu. was ll}ade. At.7 o'clock this trip t.wo years betOre, hud met her, He says the' empress-dowllger

0., .April !It.-R. W, of the North Chino.:

DaUy News, in 'an interview given. here says thnt wnr bet.ween JnplUl. and Russin is considered Inevitable not' ,only hy tbe JlI.panese but alSo. by tho Russians and all' resident on

• ",.rUIIIUIIl,"·.1 tho Siberinn eOltst or' tbereabouts, .·~';n~,.·;lrollo'wed Enorulous preparations nro being. )

made 0.1, Port 'ArU\ur nnd olsewhol'o, " . In Slbcrit~ fortifications 0.1'0 progress­ing nnt! troops massed, tind Jnpnn Is· also ready,

In the course of the intor\'low tbo, post of- editor snid: "Doth tho Uussians.

sllch 111an as nlld the J npancso rcgnrd wn1- us in­t . thnt ktl ers evitnblc, '1'ho Anglo-J apnncse nlli-'

[Olr,;JlJIll were received by will probnbly ha'\'o tho etroct or" W; D. D, Wclins, who 'took the doJu"in'i! . the occurrencc, but tbo

m:~i1 COl' the' firm of :Uorrison. &. DI'~'- opinion is thnt it must enton, Ic,ollle/iciOller 01' Inter.' '1'he Japaneso , Then" the 'Whole mlsernble st.ory arc prepnring as i-,'ell as Hussln, nnd crum1 o'ut. No such llllill ns Wilfrid they lU'(l rea'dy' to do bo.ttlo at' a Gr;tho.ll1 existed. Collins WtlS the s notice, They hn vo spies lilan ,vhom she hnd met in ~1)g!tuHI, ns Chlneso through MI\nchUl'- , ..

, Coliins 11.' 111an with a wlie nnd six in and Siberln nnd hnve caches' of he had "child)'~;l,· 0. ""prominent officer of thc dynanlite rendy to blow up' the Hus­

fled and could Daptist chui'ch" of Rossland, Collins sian rnl1way nnd its bridges nt a uo founa, although dlligcnt had bel'n .. to 'Englnnd on a busin{)ss given sigmu.

was ll}ade. At.7 o'clock this trip t.wo years betOre, hud met her, He says the' empress-dowllger has evening' he gnve himself up '.0 the and 'fooled hel', and when he got not changed hel' attitude townl'ds.


police. He seemed to be able ~o tt'll bnck home kept up the deception as but now the Chinese gov-little abou~ ~he shooting, ?oing in a a jokt', .' ' . : \, believes thnt it is' :,nly by ,. dnzed corJ'ChtlOn. Accor.dlllS" to his Collin~ was nrrested and his pre- and' western methods of StOl'Y he and the .girl were the Iwst limllllu:v triril on a: cillirge 'of fOI'lter.v that their objects can be 9f friends and he had no illtention of tOOK piace, last week. Miss ~uke. h' uccomplished, und, this is why \ the-shootinb: hel' wh.en he drew ,tho COlIl't, described' tho meeting ~'ith empre8s-<lowager is now favoring vol vel', which' went ofT hefore Gl'aitlUll in her bedroom on last 1")'i- education, merely as a means to ac-knew it, He says ,he went n~\'ny, not daY,night in 0. very em'nest antl, pa-, complish that which Doxerism fnlled, knowin~ wh~ro l~e was gOll1gJ nnd thetic way.· She sil..ld the mun to do,"

" !lnull,y found, himself, in 0. citY.llm'Ie, knew. aH Graham. cume into her ruom The rebellion in 'the' south, he snys, wl1lm Ill' told a boy of,the affair and and nftel' a minute said,. "Don:t'you is most serious, but it is dilllcult t(>

, ., .) • f '"

",'· • ..,;,·;.;:~>·Ri OJ:":;' , ... , ..... ""don,' Apl·n 28.-Ne\'er' in 'its , lias' l~crosse, ever attracted a' 'crowd, even in Canada, as

wh'ich gathered -Saturday lu'Ler-. '" ... . noon nt Lords to witness the m'lch talke,l oi, gnme between the toul'iug 'T'r".",nt .. m: · ...... uu., the 'English twelve . ' ,

un.der the pntron~ge 0: the who cnught t.he Ja-

I Tho Argyles" nt an early stage,

sh'lwed that', e:'Cp.~rience " gain.)d in otlt')r mntches with the 'l'ororilos hatl benefitted them, and esp,mi.1I1y wus ,this noticeable in ',their Ivlop­tion of the 'Canadian system o[ short paS!;!l" , , HILrd. close play mnrked the /i)'st

.nJ'!:.' half, anll at the elld,.the score 1'1 nod '1'01 Ol1t 0 6, and Duke, of AI'g,I'le's tenDl 2~ , ' ".,,. ..

Th'J Englishmen lost a good rll'al of tbeil' vigor in the last baH. and it WI1 .... an easy task for the Toroutos to score. . , "The visitors . passed the ball ue­

tWt)elJ. the' fings five times, .lellying Ule .'1·orontos victorious -by 1.1 gools to 3, . . ,

The mntch WI\S more even thnn the SCOl'n' suggests, , ,

'rhe nttenditnce nt the other match­es hu.., been ,nrge, but; to-day's s'n te will boost' the'. finances' away up. The receIpts of the match tCHlay ,\ ill, total close to 1$1.5,000,

The date. of the Territorial elec­tiollS h~s-l;i:en announeedl..Mny :.!1.

"';t.o; advlsed'to go'to the· police knoW'"me; Noll? II' She imm~uintely get inrQI'nUl.tioh. 'rhe Inslll'rec1.l0n is ' tiou, This he did, 'YOUllg -l'ecognizC'<l him as the Grnham,she 0. combination of several movements. says he got the ,revolver hac\" Corresponded with since l8H9, Trinds, and n. portion If the re-schoul steps, b,ut his anti IUl the,slUne mun she had Jmowil elenient being at the hack of suy hc I~nd ?cen' clll'r~ing fOl' some in 'Truro, Engltulll, 'He ask¥d tn be it, It is both anti-dynnstIc and nllti-time, usmg 1t to shoot fl'ogs, , " fOl'giv(>n, and knelt d,own beside hcr foreign, nlthough nothing hns b()en

The families; concerned nrc well betl, All she'coJ\ld suy wns, to ntllr- ngainst the foreIgners' us yet .. known and highly respected tlnti the mUl': "You nre'snid to be Collills, indemnity is not consldel'ed as gro'lt\tcst sympathy is ~c.lt fOl' them in nnrl I haye 1l.1wuys known yuu us much to bllUllO' for the outbreak' as their grief, I Grahnm • .' He noaded his hend, f'uid the ,excuse taken by oillcinls to

-'--'--"-;'-.,:.-,--,,-:---,\ that he knew he had wronged hel', squeeze the people when c'ollecLing j A IIElARTLESS DECElIVER, but asked her ,if she could not for- the taxes.

" I gi ve him, His presence so unnen'ed _____ -'-__ Ro~slnnd pitizen Wnnton'IY FO,ols her thnt she would huve been will-

An Innocent Young .I.:ady. _ ing to hn\'e acted on, his suggest.ion • that she' should go to Greml"\vood


., Whell' .:Miss \",~ellie LIl,ke,· 'n ,l',!!fi,ned and beautiful Euglish, girl, possed through Winnipeg a short ·time 'ago, she 'did not think that' the ,rom~qlce

he',' life WI\S soon to turn in to the ,truge.Py, Few stories of

denl fiction' equal' in ckainlltic (fclr.ce: the talc of the romnntic court­ship 'which' began in the beautiful English city Of Truro, and which is now ending ill' It court house in the Rockies.

and seCl\l'e, a po{;ition; in fuct; ,sh snld' ','Rhe 'w'nS on':thc poi~t of yiel ing' when the. police arrived and Ill'-

rested him" ' Collins does not fill the ideo. JUl<"~ Cineinnnti" 0" April 24,-A Day-

hnd formed of him, and di;d like the chief uctor in a drlllna w ...... , Ky" widow and 0. Hopkinsville involved the takihg away from 111:1' man will meet to-dny for the filst home of Ii. lady, the killing of a time nfter having bccn 111Ill'ried over mythical ,iilCILvidu'nl ,named Wilfl'id tlie long: distance tdlephone, in the Grnhnm, besides the c.;onmlissio~ of, ti1·UI!. store of A, Goetz, of Dayton. forgory and a few other crimes. lie They hnvo never seen each other be-is, 0. middle-aged lUan, brown nnd fore, 'The telephone charges were tannl)u from exposure to the sun of <)

, d' I S~3, , many climes, slouchy all \lngam y The contracting pm·ties wCl'e Mrs, in lUannel' and wnlk, round shoul'ler- Gertrutle Gnllaghm', n young widow cd' fl'om yenrs of toil in the mines, of' Dayton, and Theodore '::ohen, a with sunken checks and furtive ey~s. merchant of Hopkinsville, Ky, Tho .Judging' fl'om the letters relld in bride' accompnnied uy her father, a court, he possess a fnir educaLiOl~, sister" and mnny guests, entered the

, .\

A couple of . years ago loIiss Lnke li\'ed' 'with her pnrents in Ellgl.lIld. One da v she recei \'ed a lettel' ,,; 'om 0.

iuall that signed himself Wilfrid G 1'11;­hnm, . 'In the lbtter, in a strll,ight fOI'wnl'd, mnnly jangunge, the' wI'iter told how he Imd seen Miss Lake, but wo.s not nble to obtain nn in­troduction to her, He rudmirt.'1i her and: wished to know her. The' letter ended by a request thnt the lady

An ill'tCl'csting part of the 1IlISCI'- store and requested the usc of thG able story was the meeting bet',vl'('n telephone" The pnrty took seats " Miss Lnke nnd 1011'S., Collins, Doth or arollnd the telephune booth nud tho (.' the women felt the position very Rev, R. D. Harding took the rcceiv­keenly, nnd the. inwrview was 0. el' from the hook and asked for Hop- , ' friendl.)', . ami sympathetic one, fOl' kinsville, Ky, The bl'idegroOlll an- • both women' loved the man that Imd swerec\. The minister propounded' " .. deceh'ed -them both,' :Miss Lllk'J)ll the usual qucstion to the urldc--" ~ . sctid te, be heart-b)'oken nt her l'osi- groom, who evidently gave f'1i.tisfac';;~ ',:,

English city,

the wri tel' on a ~lJrtU:in one of the pnl')is of the

AitOl' hesitation, Miss La.ke, who • had lell a retired life and WJlO did not attend lltllls or pn.l·ties on ac­coullt of the objections, of her pal'­mits; decided to llleet .hel' ndmirel' just, once, The nppointment was kept, nnd then nnother was arranged .'l'he· tw') soon fell in love, but they nlwll:l's met in the park. ul'aham ncvCl" mct the parents 'of the girl.

In time Graham left 'for Dritish Columbin, to mnke his fortune, ' the tlcquaintrunce' thus' began' was eonti'nuec\ by lette)·. All went' ,\'ell and loving letters were exchang'1d by th... two till one day 0. :etter came, signed by one Donnld 'McFall i :Miss Lake hud henrd her JoveI' mcn­tion ~[cFail us a friend of his. In the' leiter wns the story that 01'0.­

hlUn hnt! bccn shot in the back on a hunting trip and was very ill. A cnble McFnil' soon followed.

I'nham was 1cad .. "'it,h

ti~~~'e chnrges agninst Collins of for": tOl'y answers. The ceremony oceu-: "" pied 1:; minutes. Tho bride WI\S ush- ~'\' ,

gery, and the sending, of fnlsC! It:tlc!'s, el'eel' into the uooth antl unswCl'ed ' , wore sent to a hi~her court, nnd w'll the usunl questions PI'opounrled by , be tl'ied in Hosslnnd; next May, H!t; the ministe)' 0.1. the other end elf the" resignation us church' officer hns wit·e. The cOUl'tship hus been car-, bee'l accepted, and he WllS suspencletl ried: on by cOl'l'Cspondence, ' from membership pe!lding further in-. . . (

fOI'1110 llon.· ...


1111'S,.' Lucy Allen,' Hamilton, II~s Cnr­bo!h; Acid Thrown in her Face ..

HOMAGE TO SHAKESPE"UlE, St)'ntfortl-oll-Avon, April 23,-The.' 't,".

silver-toned bells of Holy !J:l'inity church begn'n to ring n.t. sunrise this

" " mOl'nil,lg' reminding all within henr-that in this quaint town

tho rush nnd crush of was bOl'n 368 ye.ru:!;,u.gp,:Emf~:::i",:\.i;

,nt ...... • was' a copy of the telling how GI'niuun-- suddenlly'

nnd of his tit!'tL.LI','· ~g!;s.I.n.k~';sorr,cnv!~d for· ... soome

Page 3: of - Treherne · uo founa, although dlligcnt had bel'n .. to 'Englnnd on a busin{)ss given sigmu. was ll}ade. At.7 o'clock this trip t.wo years betOre, hud met her, He says the' empress-dowllger

, r ~ '. • --.)' 'J

He Has "frIed It.-Mr. John Andprson l , , l{inloss, writes: : .. I,vonlure \0 "ny few. It ,

'hnve rpcelvCd grentor·beneflt from the U;jC of Dr. Thomns' Ecleelric OIL thnn I have. I have lli!cd it regularlY' for over len ~'ellrsJ nnd have recommended ll~ to' all ~1l1terer~ 1 knew of, nnd lhoy also'fol\nd I~ of grent vir.

'tue In CIlI'O~ of eev'ere bron.:hltls· and iricip\. ent consumption." -:,

Page 4: of - Treherne · uo founa, although dlligcnt had bel'n .. to 'Englnnd on a busin{)ss given sigmu. was ll}ade. At.7 o'clock this trip t.wo years betOre, hud met her, He says the' empress-dowllger
Page 5: of - Treherne · uo founa, although dlligcnt had bel'n .. to 'Englnnd on a busin{)ss given sigmu. was ll}ade. At.7 o'clock this trip t.wo years betOre, hud met her, He says the' empress-dowllger
Page 6: of - Treherne · uo founa, although dlligcnt had bel'n .. to 'Englnnd on a busin{)ss given sigmu. was ll}ade. At.7 o'clock this trip t.wo years betOre, hud met her, He says the' empress-dowllger

, - ~ • , !.. - t

Thoro nro cases of consumption so far ad. vanced that BicJclo'~ Anti-Consllmptivo ~)'rup will not cllro J. but nona so bod thnt it will not dve rollet. ,r·or coughs, colds nud n11 affec­Dons of tbo throat, luags, ana chost, it is R spoeHla which .hns novor beon kaown to fnil. It promotos a' froo and ORS), expoctorntlon. ther~by removing: tho phlegm, nnd' givos tho. disoased parts a cilaJIC8 to hoal. -

, , 'I

fO\,£>1" hils of tho J,i\-(;'r-. Medicine now

thi»-,,",o;QI· coast of t\ l'l'i en. , ce,mulillint has hC!)!l n.t­

malal"ial mos­I t of recen t in­

t thcre is nn­is equally n.s

prolj,ng:ation of this is

insect ,which in

, I

Page 7: of - Treherne · uo founa, although dlligcnt had bel'n .. to 'Englnnd on a busin{)ss given sigmu. was ll}ade. At.7 o'clock this trip t.wo years betOre, hud met her, He says the' empress-dowllger

fO!' the proposed air line t.o Col­ling~'ood, They s,ay WhCl} they get going they can bring hel'c for tran­shipment 50,000,000 bushels of grain a, year" which wBI employ a fleet,oi twenty-five large vessels, to tal'e it to the seaboard, some port in Nova Scotia, '1'hen for a rl1turn cargo they will bring back Cape DI'i­ton coal. Dy this means they Pl'opose to' mak'.l Toronto e tIle Chicago' nf Clln­ad!\., They were asked to intCl,,\.iew the city enginccrs, . --~~--~~~~

JDURNl!lD:' .

A tOl'l1ado killed lour peoplo Joplin, J.fo,j' and:dcstroyed property to the extent of $50,000,

'A Napinkl1.· lady, was $120,

.The :Marquis of bankrupt.,

Manitoba maple made nt 'l'hol'uhill,.

Page 8: of - Treherne · uo founa, although dlligcnt had bel'n .. to 'Englnnd on a busin{)ss given sigmu. was ll}ade. At.7 o'clock this trip t.wo years betOre, hud met her, He says the' empress-dowllger