offshore wind turbine foundation design issues

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Post on 06-Jul-2018




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  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    Dynamics and Fatigue of Offshore Wind

    Turbine FoundationsA linear approach to a non-linearproblem

    Laszlo Arany Department of Engineering Mathematics

    May 6, 2016

    1Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    # Dynamics# Random vibrations

    # Fatigue

    # Control# Vibration


    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 2

    May 6, 2016

    What do $ %or& on'


    (ong term beha)iour of offshore %indturbines and su!!ort structures*

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    Why %or& on offshore %ind turbines'

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar +

    6 May 2016

    Source: EWEA report on offshore wind in Europe (2015)Source: Gijs van der Veen !dentificationof wind ener"# s#ste$s

    irbus +-0 .largest!assenger !lane/

    The economics The engineering

    10 - load cycles

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    Why %or& on offshore %ind turbines'

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar

    6 May 2016

    n)ironment andsustainability

    Source: Various studies co%%ected the Wor%d 'uc%ear Association

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    Why %or& on su!!ort structures'

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar

    6 May 2016

    Onshore OffshoreSource: nre% "ov

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    "tructure of the !resentation

    I. Excitations o o!shore "ind turbinesII. Current oundation designIII. #ong term issuesIV. Fatigue in the re$uency domain

    V. Integrated designVI.An unsolved problem % ideas "elcome&

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 6

    May 6, 2016

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    # 'ind

    # 'aves# Currents# ()# *)# +hip impact,

    earth$ua e, etc

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 3

    May 6, 2016

    $* 4citations of offshore%ind turbines

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    The aerodynamics is non8linear

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar :

    May 6, 2016

    Source: E 'Windener"ie

    Source: S$art*%ade G$&+

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    Wa)es are non8linear

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 10

    May 6, 2016

    Source: ,#ushu-niversit# we& pa"e

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    "oil is non8linear

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 11

    May 6, 2016

    Source: o. (201/)

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    ;o% does the load !rocess actually loo&'


    6 May 2016

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    $$* Current load analysis of offshore %ind turbines ime domain analysis(.Create time history o "ind and "aves

    /.0se it as input or multibody so t"are 1aero-hydro-servo-elastic simulation "ith +oil-+tructureInteraction 1++I22

    *.3btain time history o loads or all re$uiredload scenarios 1hundreds o scenarios24.Fatigue5 rain6o" counting 7 linear damageaccumulation % a terthought

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 1+

    6 May 2016

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    Design of foundations

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 1

    May 6, 2016



  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    Current design of offshore %ind turbines

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 1

    May 6, 2016

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    Current design of offshore %ind turbines

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 16

    May 6, 2016

    # Diameter'

    # Foundation de!th'# mount of steel'# $nstallation

    !rocedure'# Fatigue life'# Cost of nergy'


  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    $$$* (ong term issues

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 13

    6 May 2016

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    ffect of load cycles on fre5uency and dam!ing

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 1-

    6 May 2016

    Different beha)iour for sand and clay

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    =atural fre5uency change %ith time

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 1:

    6 May 2016

    "isted 8ac et in 9ornsea :#o"e1/;(/2<

    eference7>alleha)e and Thilsted .2012/

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    9ile head deflection and tilt .1/# #ong term tilt =has to be> predicted

    1according to standards2

    # Very e" studies available on ho" to do itAchmus et. al. 1/;;?2, #e@lanc 1/;(;2, Cox et. al. 1/;(42

    # Virtually no measurement data are

    available# ilt is not monitored on existing o!shore"ind turbines

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 20

    6 May 2016

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    9ile head deflection and tilt .2/# +trict re$uirements increase

    oundation costs# aximum ;./B 1or ;.B 2

    # Re$uirements are arbitrarynumbers originating romonshore "ind technology = or

    the sa e operation o theturbine> and =visual concerns># Cox et. al. 1/;(42

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 21

    6 May 2016

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    $?* linear a!!roach to a non8linear !roblem(. Determine trans er unction bet"een "ind spectrum and

    mudline moment spectrum./. Determine trans er unction bet"een "ave spectrum and

    mudline moment spectrum.*. Calculate natural re$uency using simpli ed model.4. Apply Dynamic Ampli cation Factors to "ind and "ave loads.B. Combine bending moment spectra rom "ind and "aves.

    . 0se bending moment spectrum to determine stress

    spectrum.. 0se stress spectrum to estimate damage rate using

    re$uency domain atigue damage estimation methods.

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 2+

    6 May 2016

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    # 'ind load model basedon $uasi-static e$uation

    # urbulent "indcomponent replaced byGaimal spectrum oturbulence

    # 'ave spectrum5 83H+'A) spectrum

    # #inear 1Airy2 "aves areused

    # orison s e$uation orthe "ave load

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 2

    6 May 2016

    182* Transfer functions .1/

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    182* Transfer functions .2/

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 2

    6 May 2016

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    $?* linear a!!roach to a non8linear !roblem(. Determine trans er unction bet"een "ind spectrum and

    mudline moment spectrum./. Determine trans er unction bet"een "ave spectrum and

    mudline moment spectrum.*. Calculate natural re$uency using simpli ed model.4. Apply Dynamic Ampli cation Factors to "ind and "ave loads.B. Combine bending moment spectra rom "ind and "aves.

    . 0se bending moment spectrum to determine stress

    spectrum.. 0se stress spectrum to estimate damage rate using

    re$uency domain atigue damage estimation methods.

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 26

    6 May 2016

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    +* =atural Fre5uency

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 23

    6 May 2016

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    +* =atural fre5uency

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 2-

    6 May 2016

    of the to%er

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    * "ystem ain .D F/

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 2:

    6 May 2016

    Source: Su *hattachar#a presentation

    # =atural fre5uency determined using linear s!rings as foundation stiffness# !!ro4imate em!irical formulae fitted to 9D solutions# Dynamic m!lification by using a!!ro4imate dam!ing as in Cam! et* al* .200 /

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    86* Mudline @ending Moment "!ectrum .1/

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar +0

    6 May 2016

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    86* Mudline @ending Moment "!ectrum .2/

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar +1

    6 May 2016

    ;o% does a theoretical s!ectrum measure u! to reality'



  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    $?* linear a!!roach to a non8linear !roblem(. Determine trans er unction bet"een "ind spectrum and

    mudline moment spectrum./. Determine trans er unction bet"een "ave spectrum and

    mudline moment spectrum.*. Calculate natural re$uency using simpli ed model.4. Apply Dynamic Ampli cation Factors to "ind and "ave loads.B. Combine bending moment spectra rom "ind and "aves.

    . 0se bending moment spectrum to determine stress

    spectrum.. 0se stress spectrum to estimate damage rate using

    re$uency domain atigue damage estimation methods.

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar +2

    6 May 2016

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar ++

    6 May 2016

    3* Fre5uency domain methods .1/

    Power spectral densityof moment / stress:

    Pro a ility density ofstress amplit!des:

    "ama#e rate:

    $ati#!e life:

    !oint on the "8= cur)e and in)erse slo!e

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar +

    6 May 2016

    3* Fre5uency domain methods .2/

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar +

    6 May 2016

    3* "im!le, em!irical e4!ressions

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar +6

    6 May 2016

    3* ;o% do they measure u! to reality'

    easonable accuracyconsidering the

    general accuracy offatigue estimations.failure any%herebet%een 0*3 and 1* /

    O)erestimation ty!ical

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    ?* $ntegrated design benefits .1/# urbine componentsJparameters5

    # +ingle speed, double speed, variable speedK# Direct drive or gearboxK 9o" many stepsK# Lenerator typeK# @lade designK

    # Can impact natural re$uency,oundation siMe, li etime and settlement

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar +3

    6 May 2016

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    ?* $ntegrated design benefits .2/# +erviceability re$uirements 1tilt and

    de6ection25# o"er stri eK# Na" motor or ya" brea diOcultiesK# Cooling 6uid problemsK# @earing li etimeK

    # Costs can be reduced

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar +-

    6 May 2016

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    n unsol)ed !roblem A $deas %elcome .2/# 9o" to treat it statisticallyK

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 0

    6 May 2016



  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    ?$* n unsol)ed !roblem A $deas %elcome .+/# #ong term tilt and de6ection "ith

    # di!erent "ind and sea states 1'eibull

    distribution2,# di!erent load combinations 1one-"ay and


    # three dimensional problem,# directionality o "ind and "aves.

    Dynamics and Control rou! "eminar 1

    6 May 2016

  • 8/17/2019 Offshore wind turbine foundation design issues


    Than& you

    6 May 2016