ohcc apr 2012

APRIL HIGHLIGHTS Saturday - 7 EGGSTRAVAGANZA 10 – Noon - Lanai Tuesday – 10 OHSPA Ticket Sales 8:00am - Galleria Monday – 16 BOD Meeting 10:00am - Mykonos Room Thursday – 19 BOD Meeting-Second Session 1:30pm – Mykonos Room Saturday – 21 AARP Driver Safety Class 8:30am –Ladies Clubroom Saturday – 21 Bingo 7:00pm - Abravanel Hall Saturday – 28 AARP Driver Safety Class 8:30am –Ladies Clubroom www.oceanhillscountryclub.com Hop ’Til You Drop OHCC celebrates the Spring Eggstravaganza scrambling for eggs! 2 April 2012 The CPR/AED Classes Begin April 19 and 20. Please call the Front Desk at 760-758-8772 to register. Cox Communications and the Recreation Department Co-sponsor “Spring Eggstravaganza” SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 10AM-12 NOON All Children Welcome • No Charge Refreshments Bring a basket for the egg hunts. Bouncy houses, face painting and Hip-Hop the Bunny will be available for pictures. Families are welcome to have a picnic on the Palm Court.

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Newsletter for the Ocean Hills Country Club


Page 1: OHCC Apr 2012


Saturday - 7EGGSTRAVAGANZA10 – Noon - Lanai

Tuesday – 10OHSPA Ticket Sales8:00am - Galleria

Monday – 16BOD Meeting

10:00am - Mykonos Room

Thursday – 19BOD Meeting-Second

Session1:30pm – Mykonos Room

Saturday – 21AARP Driver Safety Class

8:30am –Ladies Clubroom

Saturday – 21Bingo

7:00pm - Abravanel Hall

Saturday – 28AARP Driver Safety Class

8:30am –Ladies Clubroom


Hop ’Til You Drop

OHCC celebratesthe SpringEggstravaganzascrambling foreggs!

2 April 2012

The CPR/AED Classes Begin April 19 and 20. Please call the Front Desk at 760-758-8772 to register.

Cox Communications andthe Recreation Department


“Spring Eggstravaganza”SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 10AM-12 NOONAll Children Welcome • No Charge


Bring a basket for theegg hunts. Bouncyhouses, face paintingand Hip-Hop the Bunnywill be available forpictures. Families arewelcome to have apicnic on thePalm Court.

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Association News

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Association News



Ellen Baur, PresidentAngela Takemoto,Vice President

Leon Cole, SecretaryDave Rowley, TreasurerDavid Hefler, Director

Ira Landis, DirectorDDIIRREECCTTOORRSS AABBSSEENNTTBarry Farrell, Director


Dottie Ulmer, Executive Administrative AssistantOOTTHHEERRSS PPRREESSEENNTT

Members of the Landscape Committee

President Baur called the Special Meeting to order at 2:14p.m. in the Men’s Club Room in the Clubhouse.


President Baur stated an additional appointee for theLandscape Standing Committee was discussed in theExecutive Session of February 21, 2012.

MMoottiioonn mmaaddee aanndd sseeccoonnddeedd ((DD.. RRoowwlleeyy//DD.. HHeefflleerr)) ttoo aacccceepptttthhee aapppplliiccaattiioonn ffrroomm PPaattrriicciiaa HHaallllwwoorrtthh aanndd aappppooiinntt hheerr ttootthhee LLaannddssccaappee CCoommmmiitttteeee aass ddiissccuusssseedd aatt tthhee EExxeeccuuttiivveeSSeessssiioonn oonn FFeebbrruuaarryy 2211,, 22001122.. Motion passed unanimously.


General Manager Groenewold provided information onwhat has occurred to date on the Cannon Road Project.The plan was submitted to the City of Oceanside and TomHogan, Landscape Director, was asked to modify the plan.In a meeting with Jim Vinneau, O’Connell Landscape, itwas stated that if the project is started by April 1, theJune 1 deadline is possible.

Mr. Hogan made a presentation to the Master Board andprovided them with a copy of the RFP. It was suggestedthat a penalty clause be added to the RFP and the Boarddirected Staff to have Legal Counsel provide this informa-

tion. The Board requested a timeline be provided on theproject, moving forward.

After further discussion, it was determined that after thebids are received on March 7, an Executive Session shouldbe scheduled for Friday, March 9,at 1:00 p.m. to interviewthe bidders before awarding the contract.

President Baur recessed the meeting at 3:45 p.m. to allowthe Landscape Committee to convene.

Chairperson Wenman called the Landscape Committee toorder at 3:45 p.m.

MMoottiioonn mmaaddee aanndd sseeccoonnddeedd ((LL.. SSttrroohhmm//CC.. HHuueerrttaa)) ffoorr tthheeLLaannddssccaappee CCoommmmiitttteeee ttoo aacccceepptt tthhee RRFFPP,, aass rreevviisseedd,, aannddmmaakkee aa rreeccoommmmeennddaattiioonn ttoo tthhee MMaasstteerr BBooaarrdd.. Motionpassed unanimously.

The Landscape Committee was adjourned and PresidentBaur reconvened the Master Board at 3:48 p.m.

Motion made and seconded (D. Rowley/D. Hefler) toaccept the plans for the Cannon Road Project along withthe RFP to go out to bid to at least three contractors.Motion passed unanimously.

After discussion, aa mmoottiioonn wwaass mmaaddee aanndd sseeccoonnddeedd ((DD..RRoowwlleeyy//DD.. HHeefflleerr)) ttoo aammeenndd tthhee mmoottiioonn ttoo rreeaadd:: ttoo aacccceepptttthhee ppllaannss ffoorr tthhee CCaannnnoonn RRooaadd PPrroojjeecctt aalloonngg wwiitthh tthhee RRFFPP((ttoo iinncclluuddee aa bbrreeaakk oouutt ooff llaabboorr,, iirrrriiggaattiioonn aanndd ppllaanntt mmaattee--rriiaall;; ccoommpplleettiioonn bboonndd rreeqquuiirreemmeenntt ttoo bbee pprroovviiddeedd bbyy LLeeggaallCCoouunnsseell;; ttiimmee lliinnee;; aanndd aaggrreeeemmeenntt ttoo aatttteenndd aa mmeeeettiinngg ffoorrpprreesseennttaattiioonn ttoo tthhee MMaasstteerr BBooaarrdd oonn MMaarrcchh 99)) ttoo ggoo oouutt ttoobbiidd ttoo aatt lleeaasstt tthhrreeee ccoonnttrraaccttoorrss.. Motion passed unanimous-ly.

President Baur stated that the Board would like a weeklyupdate on the project.

There being no further business, the meeting wasadjourned at 4:32p.m.

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Angela Takemoto,Vice PresidentLeon Cole, Secretary

Dave Rowley, TreasurerDavid Hefler, Director

Ira Landis, DirectorDDIIRREECCTTOORRSS AABBSSEENNTTBarry Farrell, Director


Dottie Ulmer, Executive Administrative AssistantOOTTHHEERRSS PPRREESSEENNTT

Ad Hoc Design Committee Members (Carole Barnes,Lynn Dowling, Maureen Schneider), Beth Cook,

Ed Farley, David Fitzwilliam, Glen Goglia, Sue Seebach,Gerald Young

President Baur called the Special Meeting to order at9:36 a.m. in the HOA Conference Room


Maureen Schneider made a presentation on the renova-tion of the HOA Conference Room. There was a discus-sion on increasing the number of guest chairs to twelve(12) for an additional cost of $570. It was requested thatthe Committee have the recommended chair delivered tothe HOA so that the Board members could test it prior toplacing the order.

Ed Farley made a presentation on the proposed changesin technology to allow for recording of the meetings. Foran additional $1219.50, the equipment would have theability to post the meetings to the website and channel867. This would also require the purchase of one or twomicrophones.

Glen Goglia made a presentation on changes in technolo-gy as it relates to the computer equipment.

MMoottiioonn mmaaddee aanndd sseeccoonnddeedd ((II.. LLaannddiiss//DD.. HHeefflleerr)) ttoo aapppprroovveetthhee rreeccoommmmeennddaattiioonn ooff tthhee AAdd HHoocc DDeessiiggnn CCoommmmiitttteeee ffoorrtthhee rreennoovvaattiioonn ooff tthhee HHOOAA CCoonnffeerreennccee RRoooomm iinn aann aammoouunnttnnoott ttoo eexxcceeeedd $$3355,,000000.. Designated Funding: ReservesAcct. #2457-1048.

There were two homeowner comments.


President Baur stated that comments have been receivedon the proposed revision to the Handbook of Rules andRegulations. According to procedures, all comments willbe read and reviewed by the Master Board and if theBoard is in agreement, changes will be made. All new pro-posed changes will be reviewed by Legal Counsel and willbe sent out for another 30-day review period.

President Baur recessed the meeting at 12:22 p.m.

President Baur reconvened the meeting at 3:25 p.m. tocontinue the review of the comments received for theHandbook of Rules and Regulations.

Due to a time constraint, the continuation of the reviewof the Handbook of Rules and Regulations will be contin-ued at a future meeting of the Master Board.

There were three homeowner comments.


MMoottiioonn mmaaddee aanndd sseeccoonnddeedd ((AA.. TTaakkeemmoottoo//DD.. RRoowwlleeyy)) ttoottaabbllee tthhiiss iitteemm ttoo tthhee nneexxtt RReegguullaarr BBooaarrdd MMeeeettiinngg.. Motionpassed unanimously.

There being no further business to discuss at this time,the meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

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The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Ocean Hills Country Club Homeowners Association Board of Directors was heldon February 13 & 16, 2012, at 4701 Leisure Village Way, Oceanside, California.

FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001122DDiirreeccttoorrss PPrreesseenntt

Ellen Baur, President Angela Takemoto,Vice President

Dave Rowley, TreasurerLeon Cole, Secretary

Barry Farrell, DirectorDavid Hefler, Director

Ira Landis, DirectorDDiirreeccttoorrss AAbbsseenntt

NoneMMaannaaggeemmeenntt PPrreesseenntt

Becky Groenewold, General ManagerDottie Ulmer, Executive Admin. Asst.

FFeebbrruuaarryy 1166,, 22001122DDiirreeccttoorrss PPrreesseenntt

Ellen Baur, President Angela Takemoto,Vice President

Dave Rowley, TreasurerLeon Cole, Secretary

Barry Farrell, DirectorDavid Hefler, Director

Ira Landis, DirectorDDiirreeccttoorrss AAbbsseenntt

NoneMMaannaaggeemmeenntt PPrreesseenntt

Becky Groenewold, General ManagerDottie Ulmer, Executive Admin. Asst.

FFIIRRSSTT SSEESSSSIIOONN –– FFeebbrruuaarryy 1133,, 22001122

II.. President Baur called the Regular Meeting to order at10:05 a.m.

IIII.. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice PresidentTakemoto.


President Baur apprised the membership as to the mat-ters to be addressed, and items completed, as well asExecutive Sessions and Special Board Meetings heldsince the last monthly Board Meeting. The Board held anExecutive Session and two (2) Special Board Meetings onJanuary 27, 2012. The Executive Session reviewed addi-tional Standing Committee applications.The first SpecialBoard Meeting was on the proposed 2012-2013 budgetand a monthly assessment of $332.00 per unit wasapproved.This is an increase of $1 per unit per month. Atthe second Special Board Meeting, there was a presenta-tion by a construction consultant and no action wastaken. At the Executive Session on February 2, 2012, theBoard reviewed the delinquency report, third party con-

tract, potential litigation, legal opinion and additionalstanding committee applications. At the Special Boardmeeting on February 3, 2012, four additional StandingCommittee members were appointed and the first annu-al Standing Committees Orientation was held. At theExecutive Session on February 13, 2012, the Boardreviewed litigation and legal opinions. “The Park” GrandOpening was held on February 8, 2012 with many resi-dents and dignitaries in attendance.

At this point, General Manager requested that items betaken out of order to accommodate presenters and theBoard agreed.


Members are welcome to address the Board on agendaitems that concern them. However, in order to maximizetime and efficiency, the Board asks for cooperation as fol-lows: When addressing an item, speak once per topic andkeep comments to five (5) minutes or less. Only one per-son per Membership may address any single item.Please be sure that your remarks are courteous and con-

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siderate. Responses from the Board regarding membercomments are at its discretion.

Members wishing to speak on non-agenda items musthold comments until the Second Session on Thursday.


AA.. PPrrooppoossaall ttoo uuppggrraaddee tthhee eelleeccttrroonniiccss ffoorr tthhee iirrrriiggaattiioonnssyysstteemm..

In an effort to offer the Board options to support theirwater conservation efforts, Landscape Director TomHogan introduced Kirk Snyder of Toro Network who pre-sented information on the Network VP SatelliteIrrigation Control Systems. The proposed system wouldmonitor water and weather activity 24/7 and enable theretrieval of data throughout the day on water usage. Thepackage also includes a Turf Guard Wireless SoilMonitoring System to be installed on the Golf Course thatwill monitor the moisture, temperature and salinity of thearea. Mr. Snyder stated the OSMAC would have a trade-invalue of approximately $5,850. The total cost of the sys-tem is $232,203.80, which includes a discount. Mr. Snyder

indicated there are several golf courses in the area thatcurrently use the system.

The proposed irrigation system would be installed byZellers Plageman. Mr. Craig Zellers made a presentationon how the system would be installed at OHCC and pro-vided a slide-show of the current condition of some of theirrigation boxes. The total cost of installation would be$61,740.

After discussion, the Board tabled this item until the sec-ond session on Thursday, February 16, 2012 to obtain addi-tional information regarding water savings at golf cours-es that have installed the system and to determine thefunding source.

There were three homeowner comments.

President Baur recessed the meeting at 11:50 a.m. for abreak.

President Baur reconvened the meeting at 11:55 a.m.

B. AAsspphhaalltt SSttrriippiinngg PPrroojjeecctt

Jeff Pearson of AEC, Inc. and Steve Cashdollar of JBBostick were present to address concerns that have beenexpressed regarding the quality of the asphalt work atOHCC. There was a lengthy discussion regarding “blackout” and “removal” of legends and the application of theglass beads.There was a misunderstanding as to what wasoriginally presented to the Board on July 18, 2011. Mr.Cashdollar stated that he would investigate options torectify the problem.

After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board topostpone this item for further discussion until Thursday,February 16, 2012 to allow Mr. Cashdollar time to obtainadditional information and to review the tape of the July18, 2011 Board Meeting.

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There were no homeowner comments.

President Baur recessed the meeting at 12:25 p.m. for alunch break.

President Baur reconvened the meeting at 1:40 p.m.CC.. GGooaall LLiisstt UUppddaattee

The Board discussed the Goal List and made several revi-sions in the priorities.

There were no homeowner comments.

DD.. WWaallll PPaaiinnttiinngg PPrrooppoossaallss

Staff recommends painting the common area walls asdepicted in the maps (attached) submitted by theMaintenance Committee.Three qualified bidders submit-ted proposals and Staff is recommending Kelly PaintingCompany

MMoottiioonn mmaaddee aanndd sseeccoonnddeedd ((DD.. RRoowwlleeyy//BB.. FFaarrrreellll)) ttooaapppprroovvee tthhee pprrooppoossaall ffrroomm KKeellllyy PPaaiinnttiinngg aatt aa ccoosstt nnoott ttooeexxcceeeedd $$3377,,110000 ffoorr aallll tthhee wwaallllss lliisstteedd oonn tthhee aattttaacchheedd

mmaappss.. Motion passed unanimously. Designated Funding:Paint Reserves: 2448-0000.

There were no homeowner comments.

E. EEqquuiippmmeenntt DDoonnaattiioonn

The Donation Policy was adopted in November 2011. Alisting of the donations is attached to the minutes and theBoard needs to determine how the items will be main-tained. Staff recommends the items be replaced andmaintained per the new Donation Policy.

MMoottiioonn mmaaddee aanndd sseeccoonnddeedd ((LL.. CCoollee//II.. LLaannddiiss)) ttoo aapppprroovveetthhee SSttaaffff rreeccoommmmeennddaattiioonn ffoorr tthhee ddoonnaattiioonn ooff tthhee AA//VVeeqquuiippmmeenntt,, HHooiisstt BBaacckk eeqquuiippmmeenntt,, TTrreeaaddmmiillll,, aanndd CCoollddWWaatteerr FFoouunnttaaiinn aass aattttaacchheedd.. Motion passed unanimously.Designated Funding: Reserves Account #2439.

There were no homeowner comments.

FF.. TTrraaffffiicc EEnnggiinneeeerr PPrrooppoossaallss



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A Scope of Work to perform site inspection and analysisof signage and road markings was sent out to bid and twoqualified bids were received.

MMoottiioonn mmaaddee aanndd sseeccoonnddeedd ((LL.. CCoollee//DD.. HHeefflleerr)) ttoo ttaabbllee tthhiissiitteemm iinn oorrddeerr ttoo oobbttaaiinn aa lliisstt ooff rreeffeerreenncceess aass bbootthh vveennddoorrssaarree iinn tthhee ssaammee pprriiccee rraannggee.. Motion passed unanimously.

There were no homeowner comments.


AA.. MMaaiinntteennaannccee SSttaaffff UUnniiffoorrmm PPrrooppoossaallss

There has been a major decline in service with regards tothe quality of uniforms and delivery. Staff has met withrepresentatives from Mission Linen and PrudentialOverall Supply.

MMoottiioonn mmaaddee aanndd sseeccoonnddeedd ((DD.. RRoowwlleeyy//AA.. TTaakkeemmoottoo)) ttooaapppprroovvee tthhee pprrooppoossaall ffrroomm MMiissssiioonn LLiinneenn SSuuppppllyy ffoorr mmaaiinn--tteennaannccee uunniiffoorrmmss aatt tthhee rraattee ooff $$2299..5522 ppeerr mmoonntthh.. Motionpassed unanimously. Designated Funding: OperatingMaintenance Uniforms #5282-1000.

There were no homeowner comments.

BB.. JJaanniittoorriiaall SSeerrvviiccee CCoonnttrraacctt

Staff requested a proposal from Jan Pro to include win-dow cleaning for all HOA maintained offices and floorcleaning of the Community Patrol office. The monthlyincrease will not exceed the annual amount in the budg-et.

Motion made and seconded (B. Farrell/I. Landis) toapprove the increased monthly contract with Jan Pro toinclude quarterly window cleaning in the amount of anadditional $226 per month. Motion passed unanimously.

After discussion, the motion was amended to read:MMoottiioonn mmaaddee aanndd sseeccoonnddeedd ((BB.. FFaarrrreellll//II.. LLaannddiiss)) ttooaapppprroovvee tthhee iinnccrreeaassee mmoonntthhllyy ccoonnttrraacctt wwiitthh JJaann PPrroo ttooiinncclluuddee qquuaarrtteerrllyy wwiinnddooww cclleeaanniinngg ooff aallll eexxtteerriioorr wwiinnddoowwssaass wweellll aass aaddddiittiioonnaall cclleeaanniinngg sseerrvviicceess ppeerr tthhee JJaann PPrrooEExxttrraa WWoorrkk AAuutthhoorriizzaattiioonn ((aattttaacchheedd)) iinn tthhee aammoouunntt ooff aannaaddddiittiioonnaall $$222266 ppeerr mmoonntthh.. Motion passed unanimously.Designated Funding: Reserves Acct. #5131.

There were no homeowner comments.

CC.. CClluubbhhoouussee HHoott WWaatteerr SSttoorraaggee TTaannkk

Gordon Cowie stated that the existing holding tank islocated on the roof of -the Clubhouse above AbravanelHall. It is deteriorating and Staff is recommending thetank be replaced.

MMoottiioonn mmaaddee aanndd sseeccoonnddeedd ((LL.. CCoollee//DD.. RRoowwlleeyy)) ttoo aapppprroovveetthhee pprrooppoossaall ffrroomm HHaannnnaa PPlluummbbiinngg aatt aa ccoosstt nnoott ttoo eexxcceeeedd$$55,,000000.. Motion passed unanimously. Designated Funding:Clubhouse Reserves #2439-0000.There was one homeowner comment.

DD.. CClluubbhhoouussee WWoooodd FFlloooorr MMaaiinntteennaannccee

The Clubhouse wood floors require refinishing and pro-posals have been received from three bidders. There wasa discussion regarding the warranties.

MMoottiioonn mmaaddee aanndd sseeccoonnddeedd ((BB.. FFaarrrreellll//DD.. RRoowwlleeyy)) ttoo ttaabblleetthhee mmaaiinntteennaannccee ccoonnttrraacctt ffoorr fflloooorrss aatt tthhee CClluubbhhoouussee uunnttiillMMaarrcchh 55,, 22001122 BBooaarrdd mmeeeettiinngg ttoo oobbttaaiinn iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn aaffoouurrtthh vveennddoorr aanndd ttoo rreevviieeww tthhee RRFFPP.. Motion passed unan-imously.

There were no homeowner comments.

EE.. DDeelliinnqquueennccyy RReevviieeww



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President Baur stated this item must be discussed in theExecutive Session immediately following this meeting.

FF.. LLiieennss

This item will be discussed in Executive Session immedi-ately following this meeting and action will be taken atthe Regular meeting on Thursday, February 16.

At this point of the meeting, the Board viewed the videoof the July 18, 2011 Board Meeting pertaining to the pres-entation on the Asphalt Project. It was the consensus ofthe Board that letters be prepared for AEC & Bostick, Incto address the situation.


MMoottiioonn mmaaddee aanndd sseeccoonnddeedd ((LL.. CCoollee//DD.. HHeefflleerr)) ttoo aacccceepptt tthheemmiinnuutteess ooff tthhee RReegguullaarr BBooaarrdd MMeeeettiinngg ooff JJaannuuaarryy 1166 && 1199,,22001122,, SSppeecciiaall MMeeeettiinnggss ooff JJaannuuaarryy 55,, 22001122,, JJaannuuaarryy 2277,,22001122,, FFeebbrruuaarryy 22,, 22001122 aanndd FFeebbrruuaarryy 33,, 22001122,, aanndd tthheeSSppeecciiaall BBuuddggeett MMeeeettiinngg ooff JJaannuuaarryy 2277,, 22001122 aass wwrriitttteenn..Motion passed unanimously.


The meeting was recessed at 4:20 p.m. until 1:30 p.m.,Thursday, February 16, 2012.

SSEESSSSIIOONN IIII,, FFeebbrruuaarryy 1166,, 22001122

President Baur advised that the Executive Session heldimmediately preceding this Regular Board meetingreviewed the delinquency report, legal issues and theExecutive Session minutes.

At this point, President Baur requested that items betaken out of order to accommodate presenters and theBoard agreed.

SSTTAAFFFF RREEPPOORRTTSSThe following Staff Members gave their reports:RREECCRREEAATTIIOONN – Chris Bessey, Recreation Director,reported that the Tennis Ball Machine has been received;the old pool furniture will be sold on March 12 at 3:00p.m. and prices have been established; will be submittinga proposal for replacement of the round tables inAbravanel Hall; Kenny and Friends and Disney HallTickets are sold-out; plans are being made for a trip to theNew York Philharmonic at Copley Hall; CPR/AED classesare being set up for interested residents; a bus trip toNorth County Fair had 22 riders; Clubhouse carpets werecleaned on February 12; and caffeinated coffee is nowbeing served in the Clubhouse.MMAAIINNTTEENNAANNCCEE – Chuck Pierce was absent. No Report.LLAANNDDSSCCAAPPEE – In the absence of Tom Hogan, GeneralManager Groenewold provided the monthly report. Shestated that master turf Common Areas are being fertil-ized; the Drill and Fill on the Golf Course has been com-pleted; irrigation inspection, repair and adjustmentshave been completed; as new landscape areas arereplaced, new irrigation sprinklers will be installed; plansfor the RFP for Cannon Road turf replacement are nearcompletion; tree trimming and removal for Phase 1 andPhase 3 are in progress; Golf Course operation budget is





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$50,224 under budget ($37,000 will be applied to the Drill& Fill); and Landscape Common operations is $8,236 overbudget due to water.

At this point, there was a discussion on the time line forthe Cannon Road Project. General Manager Groenewoldstated that it is anticipated that the RFP will go out to bidby Mid-March. It was suggested that the RFP have apenalty clause. Ms. Groenewold stated that she wouldhave more information after she meets with O’Connell onTuesday.


Len Weinstein, Director, stated that all alarm inspectionshave been completed and 215 have been identified withpotential conflict involving COX Communications; if res-idents have an alarm system they suspect may not beintegrated into the residential alarm system, they shouldcontact CPS; parking violations are static, stop sign viola-tions have decreased, and speeding violations haveincreased; and there were seven (7) suspected criminalincidents.


In the Management Report, Becky Groenewold, GeneralManager, apprised the membership as to the primaryprojects currently underway:• Tree trimming and removal contract is in progress.• Wall painting has been approved.• Refining the organization of files in the Laser Fiche sys-tem.• Handbook of Rules and Regulation is out for 30-daycomment period.• The Age Survey follow-up was sent out last week. Wehave had a 90% response to date.• Proposed staffing changes at the HOA Office.


Treasurer, David Rowley, gave the following Treasurer’sReport: Reserves of nearly $3 million which reflect anoperating surplus year-to-date of $105,071 and a surplusof $63,072 for the month of January. Over budget vari-ances include Water ($70,295), Maintenance payroll($39,045) and Administration Miscellaneous ($25,862).Under budget variances include Recreation Department



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Payroll ($40,447), Golf Course Improvements ($64,063),Planting Upgrades ($22,949) and Security Contract($36,670). Total assets are $4,526,076. Excess funds areinvested in FDIC-insured Certificates of Deposit in theamount of $3,258,169. A copy of the Financial Statementis available for review in the HOA Office.

Water consumption for the past 12 months was 26% high-er than the corresponding period last year. OHCC has metand is exceeding the 20% reduction mandate based onthe 2006/2007 amounts.

XX.. SSTTAANNDDIINNGG CCOOMMMMIITTTTEEEE RREEPPOORRTTSSAARRCC – Dave Rowley, Board Liaison, stated that theCommittee met twice since the Orientation; postponedthe election of officers until the next meeting; andcleared 23 applications.AAVV – Ed Farley, Chairperson, stated that three (3) of theperformers of the Las Vegas Legends will be videotapedat tomorrow night’s performance and will be shown onChannel 12/867 after approximately six months to avoidimpact to tickets sales; there is a problem with the powersupply for the audio mixer board and tech time will bescheduled for possible repair; three (3) video classes havebeen scheduled; two (2) lighting classes are scheduled for

April 4 and 5; private tutoring lessons on the AbravanelHall audio system are ongoing; and a meeting will bescheduled to discuss possible upgrades to the video sys-tem.CCOOMMMMUUNNIITTYY SSEERRVVIICCEE – Angela Takemoto, BoardLiaison, stated that the Committee reviewed the new andunfinished activities of the Recreation andTransportation Committee; was tasked with providing alist of activities (by priority) and an Action Plan to beestablished at the next meeting; and a Fitness Room Sub-Committee was discussed.FFAACCIILLIITTIIEESS MMAANNAAGGEEMMEENNTT – David Hefler, BoardLiaison, stated that the Committee will be meeting twicea month for the next three months; a Sub-Committee wasestablished to review the pool deck/lanai/storage areasand a meeting will be scheduled with the architect; theDesign Ad Hoc will make a presentation to the MasterBoard in March for the HOA Conference Room renova-tion; and reviewed open items from the previousMaintenance Committee; GGOOLLFF CCOOUURRSSEE – Barry Farrell, Board Liaison, stated thefirst meeting will be next week and will discussCommunity Patrol Services patrol of the Golf Course andthe Golf Course Contract with O’Connell.LLAANNDDSSCCAAPPEE – Diana Wenman, Chairperson, stated that

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Jim Nussbaum was voted in as a Consultant to theCommittee; “The Park” is using only 5% of the water pre-viously used; and that she is working with Tom Hogan onthe scheduling of the Cannon Road project.MMAARRKKEETTIINNGG && CCOOMMMMUUNNIICCAATTIIOONN – Ira Landis, BoardLiaison, stated there are only four (4) members andrequested that anyone who is interested should apply; thefirst meeting will be on February 29 and the Committee

will discuss the video that was prepared and how it willbe utilized; and how to update the OHCC website.HHOOMMEEOOWWNNEERR IINNPPUUTT (Agenda Items)::The Board will permit comment on agenda items whereno Board action has yet been taken. In order to maximizetime and efficiency, the Board asks for cooperation as fol-lows: When addressing agenda items, only one person perMembership may speak for five (5) minutes or less on allagenda items. Please be sure that your remarks are cour-teous and considerate. Responses from the Board regard-ing member comments are at its discretion.



FF.. AApppprroovvee LLiieenn

Per the OHCC Collections Procedure, the need to recorda lien for delinquency for non-payment of monthly assess-ments against property #2340135-5 is in order. All effortshave been made, without success, to collect these debtsand to bring the account current.

MMoottiioonn mmaaddee aanndd sseeccoonnddeedd ((II.. LLaannddiiss//DD.. HHeefflleerr)) ttoo aapppprroovveerreeccoorrddaattiioonn ooff aa lliieenn oonn SSeeppaarraattee IInntteerreesstt ooff AAccccoouunntt

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xxxAssociation News



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Recreation NewsAssociation News



##22334400113355--55.. Motion passed unanimously.


AA.. PPrrooppoossaall ttoo uuppggrraaddee tthhee eelleeccttrroonniiccss ffoorr tthhee iirrrriiggaattiioonnssyysstteemm

The information on water savings at Golf Courses thathave installed the equipment was not available. DirectorFarrell stated that he would prefer members of the GolfCourse Committee have an opportunity to research thesystem. After discussion, it was suggested that the consid-eration to purchase this system be postponed until aftercompletion of the Cannon Road project as to not depletereserves.

MMoottiioonn mmaaddee aanndd sseeccoonnddeedd ((AA.. TTaakkeemmoottoo//DD.. RRoowwlleeyy)) ttoottaabbllee tthhiiss iitteemm.. Motion passed unanimously.

There were two homeowner comments.

BB.. AAsspphhaalltt SSttrriippiinngg PPrroojjeecctt

General Manager Groenewold stated that this item is acontractual issue and should be discussed in ExecutiveSession.MMoottiioonn mmaaddee aanndd sseeccoonnddeedd ((DD.. RRoowwlleeyy//II.. LLaannddiiss)) ttoo ttaabblleetthhee AAsspphhaalltt SSttrriippiinngg PPrroojjeecctt ttoo tthhee EExxeeccuuttiivvee SSeessssiioonn oonnMMaarrcchh 55,, 22001122.. Motion passed unanimously.

There were no homeowner comments.

FF.. TTrraaffffiicc EEnnggiinneeeerr PPrrooppoossaall

General Manager Groenewold stated that references hadbeen contacted for both vendors, and they are equallyqualified. Rick Engineering performed the initial streetplan for the Santa Luz Community and has since re-eval-uated the streets and parking.

MMoottiioonn mmaaddee aanndd sseeccoonnddeedd ((DD.. HHeefflleerr//II.. LLaannddiiss)) ttoo aapppprroovveetthhee pprrooppoossaall ffrroomm RRiicckk EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg CCoommppaannyy aatt aa ccoosstt nnoottttoo eexxcceeeedd $$55,,554400.. Motion passed unanimously. DesignatedFunding: Consulting Reserves #5009-0000.

After discussion, the motion was amended to state toapprove the proposal from Rick Engineering Company ata cost not to exceed $5,540, subject to Staff checking withthe City of Oceanside to see if the same services can bedone at no cost or a greatly lower cost.

After further discussion, the amended motion wasrescinded and the original motion was voted on.

There was no homeowner input.


Members are welcome to address the Board on non-agen-da items that concern them. In order to maximize timeand efficiency, the Board asks for cooperation as follows:When addressing non-agenda items, only one person perMembership may speak for five (5) minutes or less on alltheir non-agenda items. Please be sure that your remarksare courteous and considerate. Responses from the Boardregarding member comments are at its discretion.

Two homeowners spoke regarding the bus schedulereport, a Project Manager for the Cannon RoadRenovation, tree concerns.

After discussion, President Baur asked the Board to con-sider placing this item on the agenda and an emergencyitem. Per Civil Code 1363.05 (f) and (i), an item can beplaced on the agenda if immediate action is necessaryand the situation came to the attention of the Board afterthe meeting notice was given and could not be includedon the agenda.

MMoottiioonn mmaaddee aanndd sseeccoonnddeedd ((AA..TTaakkeemmoottoo//LL.. CCoollee)) ttoo aacccceepptttthhee ssuubbjjeecctt ooff tthhee PPrroojjeecctt MMaannaaggeerr ooff tthhee CCaannnnoonn RRooaaddPPrroojjeecctt aass aann eemmeerrggeennccyy iitteemm oonn tthhiiss aaggeennddaa.. Motionpassed unanimously.

After further discussion, it was a consensus of the Boardto delay any action until information is received from theGeneral Manager on Tuesday.


There was no Board input.

President Baur thanked the Board for time spent on mat-ters coming before the Community.


With no further business to be discussed, President Bauradjourned the meeting at 4:55 p.m.

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Spring is here already and I am looking forward to see-ing the new plant material at “The Park” fill in as well asthe completion of the turf renovation along CannonRoad. These two projects are the culmination of thevision established by the Board of Directors to reducewater usage and still maintain the wonderful ambiance ofyour community. I must say coming to work is never dullas there are so many exciting projects and volunteers towork with.

I am happy to report the Board was able to completethe review of the Handbook of Rules and Regulationsand the revisions are coming in the mail for another thir-ty day review period. Please submit any comments inwriting and when the Handbook is finalized, the inten-

tion is to provide a clean full copy with all changes incor-porated. The Traffic Engineer will be performing theirstudy soon and the Board will have a chance to review therecommendations for possible improvements for pedes-trian and vehicle traffic. Staff has spruced up the poolarea, and is working diligently to keep the painting andmaintenance up to snuff throughout the community. Iwant to thank everyone who finally turned in the age sur-vey! Here are the final results:

50 and under = 23 76-80 = 42851-55 = 30 81-85 = 48956-60 = 101 86-90 = 37661-65 = 218 91-95 = 10966-70 = 323 96-100 = 871-75 = 372 101-105 = 1The new committees are hard at work on the projects

assigned by the Board. A fresh crop of volunteers steppedforward to take on the task to assist the Board with over-sight of this vibrant community. Some of the projectsapproved include a renovation to the HOA OfficeConference Room, where much of the work takes place inrunning this organization. The Clubhouse use and facili-ties are being looked into for much needed repairs by theFacilities Management Committee, the communicationsvia website, channel 12 and newsletter are under reviewby the Marketing and Communication Committee. TheGolf and Landscape Committees are working together toinvestigate water conservation options and makeimprovements to the landscaping. ARC works diligentlyto process applications for home improvements and theCommunity Service Committee is open to input fromeveryone for a variety of concerns. Finally, the AudioVisual Committee is training new volunteers to help withsound, lighting and video needs of the myriad of eventsthat occur here all year long. Watching how hard the res-ident’s play is energizing!

You will see some new faces as we add staff to increasethe level of service to the OHCC owners. Cheryl Firenzehas just joined us as the new Receptionist. MaureenHuitt will remain as a valuable employee, but she willnow be performing additional customer service duties forlandscape and maintenance. Chris Bessey is adding staffto accommodate more events at night and on weekends aswell as assist with facility upkeep to the outside area ofthe Clubhouse. So grab a friend and head out the door toenjoy the lifestyle of active retirement here at OHCC!

Keep up.

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Association News

MANAGER’SREPORTBy Becky Groenewold

General Manager

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Great news, our Cannon Road project is alreadyunderway, beginning with the spraying to kill the grass,which was done on March 12. The Board has awardedO’Connell Landscaping the contract for the phenomenal-ly low cost of $188,627.60. O’Connell wanted to do thework and gave us a low-ball offer! We have received con-firmation that the grant money in the amount of $181,150will be ours as long as the project is completed on sched-ule. This all means that the re-landscaping, irrigating,planting, etc. of the Cannon Road slope and median(about 4 acres) will cost us $7477.60!!! (We also have acompletion guarantee by O’Connell that assures us theamount of the grant money should the project not becompleted on time!!) We have gotten a completion exten-sion from the City of Oceanside until June 15, 2012, andgiven O’Connell until June 10 for completion of the proj-ect.

On February 21, the Board met in Special session toappoint Patricia Hallworth to the Landscape Committeeand to accept the landscape plans for the Cannon RoadProject along with the Request for Proposal.

On March 5, we held a Special Board meeting . Themorning began with an extremely professional presenta-tion on the renovation of the HOA Conference Room bythe Ad Hoc Design Committee consisting of CaroleBarnes, Lynn Dowling and Maureen Schneider, who arealso members of the newly formed FacilitiesManagement Committee. The ladies called upon EdFarley and Glen Goglia for all things technical. The rec-ommendations were extremely well thought out and thedesign concept was not only practical but also attractive.The Board is looking forward to the end result for theenjoyment of all who use the Conference Room.

The rest of the meeting was taken up by the SecondReading of the Handbook of Rules & Regulations. Allhomeowner responses were read aloud and considered.Several suggested changes were accepted, which willrequire a second 30-day period, whereby the additionalchanges are sent out to all homeowners for review andcomment. Due to lack of time, the Floor Maintenancecontract was tabled.

The Executive Session on March 5 covered violationappeals; Board Executive Committee reports; legalissues; personnel issues; delinquency review; and a reso-lution to foreclose.

On March 9, an Executive Session was held. The thirdparty contracts comprised the presentation of the con-tractors bidding for the Cannon Road Project. Personnelissues, potential litigation, as well as a legal opinion wereon the agenda.

The Regular March meeting First Session, covered theapproved Cannon Road Project and contract; Floor

Maintenance Contract-approved and awarded to PresidioHardwood Flooring, Inc.; a discussion about the TreePolicy; the last remaining homeowner comments for thereview of the revisions for the Handbook of Rules &Regulations; an update of our Goal List; and modificationof two committee charters with the appointment of theGM as a Staff Liaison to the Facilities Management andLandscape Committees.

An Executive Session was held following the FirstSession. The Board reviewed delinquency reports and alien.

At the Second Session of the Regular Board Meetingon Thursday, March 15, there were Staff reports; thereport of the CPS Director; Committee Reports;Homeowner Input on Agenda and Non-agenda items; apresentation by Joe Winkler, our former GM and PCM VPof Marketing, on what Associa, PCM’s parent companyoffers us through our management company; a presenta-tion on options for upgrading our website by ChuckHolland, Senior Vice President, Information Technology,at our association management company, PCM; approvalof the revised OHCC Tree Maintenance Policy; approvalof a lien; and, finally, approval of meeting minutes:Regular February meeting of February 13/16 and Specialmeetings of February 21 and March 5, 2012.

And that was the month that was...

Treasurer’s ReportBy David S. Rowley, Treasurer

Financial:Eleven months into our 2011-2012 fiscal year, we are

still in strong financial condition with reserves of$3,270,774 and an operating surplus year-to-date of$57,192.

The most significant over-budget variance was Water,which was $44,833. The most significant under-budgetvariance was the Recreation Department payroll, whichwas $44,775 below.

Our total assets of $4,573,287 include $3,258,000 worthof FDIC-insured Certificates of Deposit.

Water:Water consumption for the past 12 month period was

12.88% higher than in the corresponding period last year.However, we are exceeding our 20% reduction goal.

PRESIDENT’SreportBy Ellen Baur

President, Board of Directors

It was erroneously reported to us by a homeownerthat resident-real estate agent Rita Harper held anOpen House for her, after which the homeowner dis-covered that a few pieces of her jewelry were miss-ing. It was subsequently clarified that Ms. Harperdoes not in any way represent the homeowner andthat a different real estate agent actually held thefore-mentioned Open House.

PPlleeaassee nnoottee:: During the “Broadway Today” func-tion held March 10, 2012, the "hum" in the sound sys-tem emanated from the band (bass player amplifiersystem) not OHCC AV system.

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Association News

When you realize that one owl eats a total of 1,000rodents a year, within a short time we should be well onour way to controlling the rodent population in a naturalway – bravo OHCC! I don’t know about other residents,but I haven’t seen any rodent droppings on my patio formonths. I don’t think my owl box is inhabited yet but per-haps owls have been scouting the site and snacking alongthe way. The coyotes have been doing a good job as wellso we are on the right track. Please refrain from puttingout any kind of rat poison since a poisoned rodent eatenby an owl can cause the demise of the owl.

About three weeks ago we had a swarm of bees in oneof the new podocarpus trees in the grassy triangle oppo-site Demeter Way. O’Connell was alerted and placed 4cones around the tree. Fortunately about 90% of theswarm left after a couple of days but a small knot of beesremained for another day or two (the Queen was probablywaiting until the new nest was completely prepared) andthen they left, too! Whenever you see orange cones in anarea please use caution – they are there for a good reason.

There is a possibility that the Garden Club will assistin the re-landscaping of the Back Gate entry/exit islandareas. Once the Cannon Road project gets started we canbegin focusing on other turf and re-landscaping areasthat should be addressed for water conservation, safetyand aesthetic reasons. Stay tuned for exciting things tocome, your Landscape Committee is fully involved andwanting to make things happen!

Tree Maintenance PolicyIn order to provide timely response to homeowners

regarding tree issues, the Master Board will direct theLandscape Committee to perform monthly inspections, asneeded, on complaints from owners. The LandscapeCommittee will perform the initial investigation andmake a report to the Master Board at a monthly meetingalong with a recommendation. However, it will be theresponsibility of the Master Board to determine the finalcourse of action. The Master Board will rely on the inputfrom the Landscape Committee, the LandscapeOperations Director and if they deem necessary, aRegistered Consulting Arborist, to make a prudent busi-ness decision.

Recommendations for replacement of removed tree(s)or shrub(s) will be based on the input from the LandscapeCommittee and Landscape Operations Director based onthe appropriate species for the size and space and will berelocated so as to prevent recurrence of the problem.

TTrriimmmmiinnggTrees will be trimmed if they are one or more of the

following:Too large for their space.Causing excessive mess, shade, or damage to property

or vegetation.Poorly balanced and in need of restructuring.RReemmoovvaallIf problems with a tree cannot be resolved and their

life extended by trimming, they will be removed if theyare one or more of the following:

Diseased and cannot be treated.Causing excessive mess, shade, or damage to property

or vegetation.

Patience is FinallyRewarded!

Hopefully your trash receptacleshave been exchanged to the new andappropriate size. Now that this projecthas been completed please rememberthat when stored, your trash recepta-

cles must be kept out of view from neighboring lots.Enforcement for leaving trash receptacles out willresume April 1st. If you still have not been provided theappropriate size, please contact Waste Management at(760) 439-2824.

Landscape Committee UpdateBy Diana Wenman, Chair, Landscape Committee

By the time this Newsletter is published we should bewell on our way with the re-landscaping of the CannonRoad median and adjacent slope! We ask that residentsplease be patient with any traffic restrictions that willhappen from time to time as boulders, additional treesand plant material are brought in and placed, especiallyon the median. The disruptions should be few, and wellworth the inconvenience when we begin reducing ourwater usage by more than half!

In case you are not aware, eight (8) barn owl boxeshave been placed in and around OHCC! There is evenone in our new Park. This makes a current total of nineboxes (a resident put one up last June) in our community.

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While the HOA has rules and regulations that,amongst other things, address overnight street and drive-way parking, there are times when it is necessary to parkon the street or in one’s driveway. Simply contact CPS fora clarification and authorization. In this way, we ensuremaintaining visibility during community patrols.

All of our OHCC homes are equipped with one ofeight different types of HOA-maintained alarm systems.F.Y.I.! These systems, in place for your wellbeing, requirea hard wired telephone connection (a landline) in orderto communicate with the front gate. Some residents, hav-ing either modem connected phone service, some otherwireless service or a cell phone, do not have an alarm sys-tem capable of communicating with the front gate.


Be SAFE, Be SMART, and most of all, BE HAPPY.Once again, thanks for your time and thanks for readingThe Safety Corner.

A potential danger for persons or property.Is too large for its location and space, and extensive

trimming is not practical.Removed trees will be replaced with a species suitable

for the area based on its mature height and size. If thespace is too small for a tree, other appropriate plantmaterials such as shrubs will be used.

EEmmeerrggeennccyy TTrreeee RReemmoovvaallIf a tree falls, or is belatedly recognized as a hazard

that should not await inclusion in a scheduled trim-removal action, it will be trimmed or removed promptly.

AAnnnnuuaall TTrreeee MMaaiinntteennaannccee PPrroocceedduurreessOHCC Common Area and Golf Course will be divided

into three regions, A, B, and C. Trees will be addressed inone of these regions each year. Maps demarking theregions A, B, and C will be available in the HOA Office.

Each fiscal year during the summer months, trees tobe trimmed or removed will be identified by theLandscape Operations Director based on the criteriadefined above. The Landscape Committee will review theLandscape Operations Director’s recommendation. TheMaster Board will consider the proposal for approval atan October Meeting. The work will be contracted forcompletion during the months of November throughFebruary.

The Safety CornerBy Leonard Weinstein, Director of Community PatrolService (CPS)

Hello residents of Ocean Hills Country Club.PPEEDDEESSTTRRIIAANNSS!! At one time or another, we all either

have been or will be a PEDESTRIAN. The CaliforniaVehicle Code (CVC) does not relieve a pedestrian fromthe duty of using due care for his or her safety. The CVCalso says the driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within anymarked crosswalk or within any “unmarked crosswalk atan intersection.” Now, as vehicle drivers, if we all wouldremember what it’s like to have one of those large metalmonsters (a vehicle) with its fixed, staring eyeballs (head-lights) bearing down on us. Please be observant as youexit the back gate. Not only is oncoming traffic a concernin exiting, but these “unmarked crosswalks at an intersec-tion” deserve additional caution. Another concern is ourdesignated pedestrian lane along Leisure Village Way.While safely moving in and out of the lane is acceptablein order to navigate obstacles or to move your golf cartout of regular vehicle traffic, continuous driving in thelane by motor vehicles, golf carts or bicycles is both asafety issue and not permitted. Please watch for yourfriends and neighbors; some are still reporting close callswith vehicles, especially golf carts.

Recently, a resident asked me about having seen aState license plate on the dashboard of a vehicle andwhether this was legal. Being all knowing, and havingread every page (sure I have) in the two and a half inchthick CVC, I contacted the OPD Traffic Division Sergeant.To put his some five minute clarification in a short “headsup,” do not display a license plate on your dashboard.They are to be securely fastened and “clearly visible” onyour vehicle.

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xxxRecreation News

The Pool Furniture Sale in March was successful; all ofthe pieces were sold to some very lucky residents as theprice was very affordable. Thank you to those who partici-pated and all the proceeds will go back to the Association.

The Spring Eggstravaganza is just around the corner,our thanks to Cox Communications for co-sponsoring thisevent with the Recreation Department. The event is opento all children and all adults that enjoy acting like children.The egg hunts are divided up into four age brackets. Thisyear there will be four bouncy houses, two of them willhave slides.The ones with slides were the most popular butthe younger children love the simplicity of just bouncing.Last year, there were a few grandmas that joined theirgrandchildren bouncing and laughing together, what adelight to see! Refreshments are provided and “Hip Hop”the Bunny will be here for photos. There is no charge forthis event. Just bring a basket, sunscreen and a picniclunch if that suits your family’s fancy. Seating is limited inthe recreational areas.

A new lane marker for the pool is on order, the lap

swimmers are increasing and the need for this has come toour attention. The next purchase will be a storage reel tohouse the 150’ of line that will be used daily. Staff is alsolooking for a storage cabinet for the noodles and pool aidsthat accumulate on the deck.

Hurry and don’t delay for tickets are on sale now forthe trip to Copley Hall to see the New York Philharmonicon Tuesday, May 15, an evening program, performingTchaikovsky’s Symphony #4. Tickets are $58.00 and $78.00including transportation and gratuity. There is a pre-con-cert lecture with the bus loading at 5:45 pm. Limited seat-ing (24) and there are no refunds.

The April Mall Trip will be to the Outlets in Carlsbadon Wednesday, April 25. Please schedule a pick-up the daybefore by 3 pm, invite a friend or neighbor to ride alongand leave the driving to Super Shuttle.

Channel 12 will air the Oceanside Police DepartmentPublic Service Announcement on Residential Safety April2-8 at 8 am, 4 pm, 6 pm & 10 pm.

Recycling efforts will be publicized regularly in theHOA Newsletter, with updates as plans progress to useservices that are available. Batteries can be dropped off atthe Clubhouse, in the entrance to the Hall, closest to thetennis courts. Aluminum cans can be recycled to the rightof the HOA parking lot; the proceeds benefit theWoodchuck Club’s need to buy supplies for their annualtoy drive. Florescent lights and bulbs can be brought to thesame area in the tall shed for recycling. Other hazardoushousehold waste can be brought to Waste Management forOceanside residents only.This information can be obtainedby calling (760) 439-2824.

Three new employees have been hired on the facilitiescrew for weekends, their names are: Angel, Alan andRandy. Applicants are being reviewed for a part-timeFacilities Monitor that will service the outside recreationalareas, Tuesdays-Fridays, 7 am-3:30 pm. Please introduceyourself as the crew becomes acquainted with the dailyoperations.

The Dog Park continues to be closed for landscapemaintenance. Benches will be installed and more shadewill be made available for all the pet lovers and their four-legged friends . Thank you for your patience, the wait willbe worth it.


By Chris BesseyRecreation Director

ClassesSit To Be Fit

The title tells it all! SSIITT TTOO BBEE FFIITT is a FFRREEEE full bodyexercise program carried on while comfortably seated.Open to men and women, this program permits you to dowhat you can and to skip any exercise too demanding.After a few lessons, you will realize a pain or two has dis-appeared and you will enjoy life more.

The program designed by retired professional fitnessinstructor, June Black, consists of seven uplifting tapesplayed weekly in sequence.

“Here comes Spring-Science has never drummed upquite as effective a tranquilizing agent as a sunnyspring day.” — W. Earl Hall

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Join this interesting and non-demanding class onWednesdays at 9 am in Abravanel Hall. **PPlleeaassee nnoottee oonntthhee 22nndd WWeeddnneessddaayy ooff tthhee mmoonntthh tthhee pprrooggrraamm mmeeeettss iinntthhee AArrtt RRoooomm aatt tthhee ssaammee ttiimmee..

AerobicsClasses are held in Abravanel Hall on Monday,

Wednesday and Friday at 10 am (no class on the secondWednesday of each month). Club membership is $6 forthe year.

Monday – 10 to 11:30 am (weights or bands 11 to 11:30)Wednesday - 10 to 11 am (no class 2nd Wednesday)Friday – 10 to 11:15 am (weights or bands 11 to 11:15)Fee: $3 per classYou may attend two classes without joining the club,

but you still pay the $3 class fee. Wear exercise shoes andbring water and weights.

Instructors are both ACE Certified: Monday andFriday – Sharon Nelson; Wednesday – Christine Alesiani.

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Clubs and Activities

ANGLER’S CLUB President Paul Yoshida announces the April 10

Club meeting at 7 pm in the Mykonos Room at theClubhouse. All members and guests are invited to attend thisor any regular monthly meetings that are held the secondTuesday of the month.

The first fishing trip of the year will be a three-quarter dayfishing trip,Thursday, May 17 on the Pacific Voyager, departingSeaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay at 6 am. The cost formembers is $75 and $80 for non-members and guests.Members and guests may sign up for this trip in the AnglersClub folder and deposit their check Anglers Club check enve-lope at the Front Desk in the Clubhouse. May is usually a tran-sition month as far as fishing goes.As a result we may fish any-where from south to Imperial Beach for breezing yellowtail, tonorth along the Del Mar coast, for bass and rock fish, depend-ing on where the fishing is best.The trip is scheduled for a lim-ited load trip of 20 anglers who sign up and pay for the trip.Our fishing trips are open to Club members, residents, and aguest of members, as long as space is available on the boat.

On March 8 we had our last Club Lake Poway fishing tripthis year. On Thursday, March 15 we also had our last OHAmember’s golf tournament on our course. In February EricFenchel won the golf tournament with a net 50, with RollinGrider coming in second with a net 52, and Bud DeMaris tak-ing third place with a net 55. If you have any questions aboutthe fishing trips, give Rollin Grider a call.

At our April 10 meeting we will have a 50/50 raffle for cashthat you can use for the 2012 season. For information aboutfishing trips or the Club, call President Paul Yoshida at 760-940-8871, Vice President, Al Harruff at 760-806-6862 orCharter Master Rollin Grider at 760-726-9594.


All Selections Run at 12 Noon & 6 PM Daily

APRIL 2-8:Public Service Announcement on Residential

Safety from the Oceanside Police Dept.*Will air at 8am, 12pm, 4pm, 6pm, 10pm

APRIL 16-22:Master Board Meetings I & II

APRIL 23-29:Theater Arts - BABA the Storyteller

*Will be rebroadcast at 12pm & 6pm

Please note: that if you have digital TV, our in-houseChannel 12 now airs on Channel 867. Also, if you havedigital TV and aren’t getting Channel 12 on 867, pleaseask COX to exchange your box for an 8300 box.

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ART LOVER’S CLUBThe roar of a Heavy Metal tour is rolling your

way Tuesday, April 17. This bus trip is an opportu-nity to experience the artistic metal sculpture of MichaelStutz (Michael Stutz.com) along with a tour of the FallbrookSchool of Arts. This gifted artist studied painting at theUniversity of Tennessee and York Street College of Art andDesign in Belfast, Northern Ireland. His professional careerbegan in San Francisco in the Display and Advertising busi-ness. His woven metal technique was developed when he latermigrated to New Orleans to build sculptures for the MardiGras Parades.

The Fallbrook school tour also includes a demonstration ofglass blowing techniques as well as an opportunity to see var-ious artists in action.This is followed by a trek to the FallbrookLibrary for a docent led tour of art exhibits featuring MichaelStutz and N. Dixon Fish along with ten other artists.

The culmination of this trip will be lunch at the PekingWok Chinese Restaurant with a choice of five different dishesthat includes soup and an appetizer. Drinks are extra.Departure is 9:30 am at the overflow parking lot. The returntime is approximately 3 pm. Do not delay! Make your $27check payable to OHCC Art Lovers Club and leave it at theClubhouse Front Desk. The bus holds 47 passengers. Yourcheck will reserve your seat! The program coordinator isHelen Sloan at 760-726-8855 or helensloan @cox.net for ques-tions.

May 15 at 1 pm Renee Richetts will lecture on 3Dimensional Contemporary Realism. This will be in theMykonos Room.

AUDIO VISUAL COMMITTEEFebruary was a very busy month for Audio

Visual Volunteers. Video training sessions onFebruary 2 and 23; a Theatre Arts presentation of MichaelRuhl on February 6; the Park dedication on February 8; andthe BOD meetings on February 13 and 16. Following that wehad the Las Vegas Legends on stage February 17 and onFebruary 20 the Museum of Music presentation for the SolosClub. To close off the month we prepared for and conductedthe Theatre Arts Follies on February 24. A lot of fun was hadwith the Follies and we got to enjoy and appreciate some ofour local talent.

In March we worked the Theatre Arts production of Babathe Story Teller; the OHSPA Broadway Entertainers; and ofcourse the BOD Meetings on March 12 and 15. During the lat-ter part of March we worked on the production of “PlagiarismMost Foul,” a play written by our own Frank Ritter.

New AV Committee Members were appointed this year bythe Master Board: Ed Farley, Renee Klepesch, Steve Malone,Doug Wright, Lin Hinshaw, Pete Russell, and Florence Hayos.At the February 28 meeting Ed Farley was elected Chairmanfor 2012; Renee Klepesch as Vice Chairman; and Doug Wrightas Secretary. The Chairman then appointed Steve Malone asAudio Chief, Renee Klepesch as Lighting Chief, and LinHinshaw as Video Chief. Ed Farley and Pete Russell will teamup to work on Broadcast issues and, of course and thank good-ness, Ed Farley will continue as our Tech Chief. Master Boardmember Leon Cole will serve as Liaison to the Board and theCommittee.A big thank you to our Master Board members fortheir support and guidance over the past year.

If you are interested in being a volunteer for Audio Visual,

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please contact one of the following Crew Chiefs: Lighting,Renee Klepesch; Video, Lin Hinshaw; Audio, Steve Malone; orAV Chairman Ed Farley.

BALLROOM DANCE CLUB We hope you all have received the March

Newsletter which has a lot of good information. Ifyou don’t have it it’s available on our website www.oceanhills-danceclub.com.The Club is doing well in almost all aspects ofits life.We have a good number of new members whom we arewelcoming with open arms. Our free Wednesday classes arevery well attended; we are teaching the Waltz in March andthe Cha-Cha in April.The paid Monday classes, taught by Gariand Marjory Eisert, are also popular; after paying the teach-ers we are braking even most of the time. We will finish theWest Coast Swing classes at the end of March. In April we willbring back Liz O’Grady for a refresher in Hustle. We areextending an open invitation to the members of the Doo-WopClub to come and take the class.The Hustle is a fun dance, inthe category of disco dances. It has some similarities with theswing and it is danced as a partner dance. However, some pre-fer to dance it as a line dance (remember Saturday NightFever?). Liz will teach it only as a partner dance and we canguarantee you that you will have fun learning it and dancingit. One of the advantages of learning the Hustle is that it canbe danced to a great variety of music, found in songs producedacross many different genres over the past three decades.Since we are on the topic of classes and learning, we wouldlike to remind our members and non-members who take theseclasses, to keep practicing whenever they can.Take advantageof any chance you have to dance: the Club’s monthly socials,the dance workshop organized as a private party, open to allOHCC residents, every fourth Sunday of the month by Georgeand Miriam Mozes, and other venues as well.

One area that we can still improve on is the attendance atout second Friday of the month social dance.We are averaging108 participants and we would like to see at least 120. So weare inviting all our members to come and enjoy a fun eveningof dancing, music and camaraderie. And please invite yourfriends and neighbors. At $8 for members and $10 for non-members such an evening is still a bargain.

Finally, a reminder to visit our website at least once ortwice a month. James Kaminsky, our talented webmaster, isdoing a great job in keeping it updated. You will find freshphotos from the latest socials, announcements, short clipsfrom our lessons on DVDs, and most importantly, a chance tocommunicate with the Board: ask questions, write commentsand give your ideas and feedback.

“Life isn’t about waiting for the rain to pass, it’s about learn-ing how to dance in the rain.” (author unknown)

BILLIARDSA Great Demonstration! The Billiards Club and

the Recreation Department were again able topresent Billiards Professional, Calvin Coker, on February 25.Mr. Coker has quite an extensive background in his professionand performed for and entertained celebrities with his exten-sive talents. At Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 50th Birthday cele-bration he performed trick shots and taught game fundamen-tals to Mr. Schwarzenegger and his guests including DannyDeVito and many more. He was winner of the 2008 SouthernCalifornia Breakball Promotions Open and a competitor inthe 2008 World’s Straight Pool Tournament.

We had 28 people attending the Calvin Coker Billiards

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Seminar. President Charlie Payne made the introduction andexplained that he had asked Calvin to add some special fea-tures to the basic instruction. In addition to his excellent cov-erage of the basics, Calvin explained what he is thinking oneach shot (what English he will use, the leave he is aiming for)as he clears the table, thereby demonstrating how a pro thinksas he plans his shots. Additionally, he covered other new top-ics including: tips on draw, what a more expensive cue buysyou, how to break in 8-Ball and 9-Ball - and why; also, howstarting with exactly the same shot you can position the cueball near any of the 6 pockets. Calvin stayed an extra half hourto answer individual questions, talk pool, and show the poolcues he had brought with him. Many in the audience com-mented about what a fine Seminar he gave.

In order to assist new players, the Club started a series offour one hour lessons on Billiard playing basics. The first ofthis series was started in February.These lessons are designedto get beginners off to a good start in this great sport, but evensome of you seasoned pros might pick up a tip or two.The ini-tial topic was “Stance and Grip,” the most fundamental of allthe skills. Subsequent lessons will cover ‘“Bridge and Stroke,”“English” and “Position.” Instruction took the first half hourand the second half hour was supervised practice. The Clubwishes to thank some of the Club’s top players includingMarshall Coil, Danny-Joe Burton, Ralph Dudley, JerryMoskovitz and John Prieskorn for their help as instructors.Look for the lessons on “English” and “Position” play to bepresented in the future.

All Club members remember that the new 8-Ball Ladderbegan on February 6 and will run through December 15. You

can still sign up and see how high you can climb! The Clubsponsored a “Kansas” tournament played on March 29. Thisbilliards game is played with only six object balls. Each ballpocketed counts for one point and nine points wins. Winnerswill be announced in the next newsletter.

A gentle reminder, if you have not joined the Billiards Clubfor this year, please do so. Ours is the best pool hall for milesaround, and the modest $7 yearly fee is about what you wouldpay for a single hour at a lesser establishment.

BINGO – 2012Join us in Abravanel Hall starting at 7 p.m.; doorsopen at 6:30. Cost is $7. Cash prizes. Fun games.



BIRDWATCHERS CLUBThere will not be a meeting this month, but

mark your calendar for our meeting on May 22 when there will be a guest speaker from Project

Wildlife.To join the Club, place a check for the $8 dues in theBirdwatchers envelope at the Front Desk. A list of meetingsand bird walks can be found in the “Clubs” section in theracks at the Clubhouse in addition to the website.

The bird walk this month will be TTUUEESSDDAAYY,, AAPPRRIILL 1100,, toGreen Oaks Ranch in Vista.This area is a favorite of the Club

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containing habitats of oak woodland, streams and coastalscrub, all which provide homes for a variety of birds. TheRanch also shelters some non-releasable animal speciesincluding regular and albino peacocks, emu, sheep, goats, lla-mas, bobcat, owl, among other animals. Walking is easy onwell-maintained walkways and trails. Some of the birdsobserved on past walks include: Black-headed Grosbeak,Quail, Hooded and Bullock’s Orioles, Kingfisher, and Westernbluebirds. Clean restrooms are available. MMeeeett aatt tthhee oovveerrfflloowwlloott bbyy 88::1155 aamm to receive directions and form car pools. WWEEDDEEPPAARRTT AATT 88::3300.. Bring hat, water, and wear sturdy shoes.

The Club is going to Big Morongo and Covington ParkApril 30 to May 1. Rooms have been filled since the deadlineof March 9. Directions and itinerary will be given to those whohave made their reservations. If you have any questionsregarding this trip, please call Andy Truban at 760-631-0029.

The Birdwatchers website can be reached though theOHCC website then scrolling down to “Clubs.” You can alsobookmark: http://birdwatchers.net76.net.The website lists thebird walk schedule, meetings, blue bird box update, places tocontact for injured birds, and pictures of bird walks. You willalso find bird photos taken by Ray Spencer. Ray can email youa “bird of the day” photo each day by contacting him [email protected].

BOCCE Good morning, boys and girls. It’s another

opportunity to get together and discuss the weath-er. My mother used to say if March comes in like a Lion it willgo out like a lamb. You just can’t trust those old sayings any-

more. All of us diehards are still trying to hang in there, butit’s getting harder and harder.

The Year of the Dragon came in with great style.There wasa wonderful Chinese dinner and dance. The food served byChinex was superb and hot even. There was wonderful back-ground music to dance to or just sit and listen to. Kudos to ournew board for such a lovely party and it was reasonablypriced.

The games are still going on even though today we cut oursshort due to the weather. We do have new players and weencourage everyone to come out and learn to play.We are stilla bocce Club, not just a party club. Shuffleboard is also includ-ed in our Club and we are all learning together so no oneneeds to feel badly about their play. We had our first tourna-ment against the Vista Team and we won, even though theyhave had a lot more experience.We played against them againon their court on March 9. We are still trying to arrange forsomeone to teach on Wednesdays at 10 am. If there is no onethere, there will be someone at the shuffleboard court nextdoor who can help you. Unfortunately, I dropped the ball lastweek and didn’t remind anyone we were going out of town tocelebrate our anniversary but Don Sampsel took over for me.Thank you, Don.

Bocces for the month of February were as follows: 2 eachfor Bill Curtin, Al Lipitz, Marion Ellman and Virginia Sackett;1 each for Al Fried, Gary Baur, Bob Sackett, Bob Kopolow, BobPollack, Bob Rogers, Gary Foresberg, Forest Newberg, DorisLeith and Barbara Tresson.

Don’t forget, we all are winners whether we get bocces ornot, see you at the court.

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Our annual club’s St Patrick’s Day get-together turned outto be a delightful affair. The refreshments were delicious.Many members came dressed in green in celebration of thisholiday.

High scorers for the month of February are as follows: InN/S position we had Doris Reid and Mike Brown with a65.08%. In E/W position we had Dolores and Dan Neilson witha 70.17%. Congratulations to all of you!

Please contact Nancy Read our Partner Arranger for ourClub at 760-945-5637 if you need a partner.

BRIDGE FRIDAY DUPLICATESorry I missed inserting our January winners in

the last issue so I will do it in this issue of ourNewsletter along with our February winners.

Our Friday Duplicate Bridge Game was held January 13.We played the Howell System and the First Place Winner wasKay Roberts with a 59.38%. Second place went to GloriaOverall with a 55.00%.

On January 27, N/S First Place Winners were NancySchummer and Gisela Reyhrer with 59.45%. E/W First PlaceWinners were Bonnie Stricklin and Marge Garland with62.86%. Congratulations Ladies!

On Friday, February 10, N/S First Place Winners were MaryLou Buer-Modinski and Pat Fore with 59.69%. E/W First PlaceWinners were Cindy Sanelli and Joan Gayer with 59.86%. OnFriday, February 24, N/S First Place Winners were Kay Roberts

and Mary Aspell with 61.11%. E/W First Place Winners wereJoanne Abeson and Gloria Griffiths with 66.27%.Congratulations Ladies!

For anyone who enjoys playing Duplicate Bridge, pleasejoin us to play on the second and fourth Fridays of the monthin Abravanel Hall. We start play at 11:30 am but we ask thatyou be in the hall by 11:15 am. If a fifth Friday happens to fallon any certain month, we will hold a game on that Friday too.Membership is required in order to play and it is $6 for theyear. If you need a partner, please call Betty Steinman at 760-842-1321.

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Board Meetings

OHCC Session IMonday, April 16, 10 am

Mykonos RoomOHCC Session II

Thursday, April 19, 1:30 pmMykonos Room


Wednesday, April 25, 1:30 pmLadies Club Room

Mykonos Monday, April 23, 1pm

Ladies Club RoomSantorini

Friday, April 20, 1:30 pmLadies Club Room

ZanteFriday, April 27, 1:30 pm

Ladies Club Room

COMMITTEE MEETINGSArchitectural Review

Thursday, April 12 and 26,9:30 am

Homeowners AssociationAudio/Visual

Tuesday, April 24, 11 amHomeowners Association

Community ServiceFriday, April 13, 10 amArt Room, Clubhouse

Facilities Management Tuesday, April 10, 2 pm

Homeowners AssociationGolf Course

Thursday, April 26, 2 pmClubhouse Landscape

Friday, April 6, 10 amHomeowners Association

Marketing & CommunicationWednesday, April 18, 10 am

Homeowners AssociationExecutive Committee of the

Board For HearingsWednesday, April 25, 9:30 am

Homeowners Association

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BRIDGE FRIDAY PARTYOur sandwich luncheon in March on the first

Friday was catered by “COSTCO” and provided byyour board.All other Fridays we have freshly popped popcorn,cookies and tea and coffee. Sign-ups begin at 11 am, bridgeplay at 11:30 am. Intermediate players are welcome.You don’tneed to bring a partner; just $1 and a friendly smile.

The February winners were: February 3 1st Zita Rudvalis 4470

2nd Kay Ley 4150February 10 1st Betty Gordon 5300

2nd Bobbie Johnson 4070February 17 1st Ruth Miller 4340

2nd Phyllis Ward 3590February 24 1st Jackie Cohen 5670

2nd Bobbie Johnson 4460


Welcome new players. It is always exciting to see new facesand look forward to seeing you most every week. Those awayfor the week; just know we missed you and expect you backsoon.

We start at 6 pm with a nice variety of cookies, coffee anda little chitchat. Bridge begins at 6:30 pm. We welcome allintermediate players. Bring your partner and $1.

February winners were John and Sue Carlson, BettyGordon and Barbara Mitchell, Jacque and Ron Torgerson andShirley Williams and Bobbie Johnson. Congratulations ladies!


WWEEEEKKEENNDD FFIILLMMSS: Hopefully, coming to Ocean Hillsfrom approximately mid-April to mid-May are the followingfilms: “The Iron Lady (58), “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy” (83),“Tyrannosaur” (74), Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol” (77),“Albert Nobbs” (63), “Haywire”(68), “Rampart”(63),“Shame”(77), and “We Bought a Zoo” (68).Watch for the actu-al show dates on the weekly counter program or on the MovieHotline.The numbers appearing after the film titles representthe combined average critical and popular rating on a scale of0 to 100 as published by Rotten Tomatoes.com and IMDB.com.

Please check the updated Coming Attractions BulletinBoard posted outside the Men’s Club Room for recentlyreserved films that have been released to theaters but are notyet available in DVD.

On Sunday, March 5, a new record for movie attendancewas reached when 161 residents came to see the AcademyAward Contender “Hugo.”The film was shown to a maximumaudience of 56 twice in the same day for the first time sinceattendance records were maintained. Maximum possibleattendance in any one day is 168.

FFOORREEIIGGNN FFIILLMM CCLLAASSSSIICCSS: Scheduled on Monday, April16 at 12 Noon in the Ladies Club Room is the 1953 French filmclassic “The Earrings of Madame de…” directed by MaxOphuls.. Please note the new time (Noon) and day of themonth (Monday) in 2012 for this Group’s meetings. Joining theForeign Film Classic Group will entitle you to automaticallyreceive a monthly invitation and an annual program of sched-uled universally acclaimed film classics. This presents a rare

opportunity to revisit them again or to see them for the firsttime.

MMUUSSIICCAALL FFIINNEE AARRTTSS: This Group is next scheduled tomeet on Saturday, April 7 at 10 am. The program will be theOpera “Tales of Hoffman” by Jacques Offenbach starring ayouthful Placido Domingo in a 1981 Royal Opera production.Joining the Musical Fine Arts Group will entitle you to auto-matically receive a monthly invitation and an annual programof scheduled classical musical events which include operas,ballets, choral masterpieces, orchestral and instrumentalworks.

If you are interested in attending the sessions of eitherGroup or in joining, please contact the writer since seating islimited.

COMPUTER CLUBThe purpose of the Ocean Hills Computer Club

is to encourage active seniors to use computers forbetter living. Each month we try to fulfil that purpose by offer-ing various computer classes, holding “help sessions,” andhosting a general meeting with a guest speaking on a subjectinteresting to computer users. Some of the classes we offer inmost months are Digital Photography, Beginning andIntermediate PC, EXCEL, and WORD.We also offer classes onMacIntosh computers, iPhones, and iPads. Classes changefrom month to month, so please, at the beginning of eachmonth, check the calendar posted on the Computer Roomwindow. You can also find our calendar online, using the linkCCaalleennddaarr on the left-hand side of our homepage www.ocean-hillscomputerclub.net.

What’s the advantage of being a Computer Club member?You can attend any of the free classes that we offer through-out the year. You get our monthly newsletter, chocked full ofinformation, nifty computer tips, and our monthly calendar, e-mailed to you.We also send e-mail notifications and remindersof upcoming classes. Very soon, with the help of ourHomeowners Association, we are anticipating an upgrade toour genealogy capabilities.

At the April 25 Computer Club General Meeting (1 pm inAbravanel Hall) we are having a speaker talk to us aboutAvast anti-virus software. Avast offers an excellent free homeversion of their anti-virus, as well as a more sophisticated payversion. The presentation should be of interest to all comput-er users, and we hope all Computer Club members attend.Remember that we also have refreshments and door prizes atall Computer Club General Meetings!

The Computer Club calendar lists the times of the “helpsessions” held in our Computer Room. The Club’s “CertifiedVolunteers” are always anxious to help solve your problems. Ifyou need help in your own home with those nasty computerproblems, we can arrange for personal visitations, but wouldappreciate a voluntary donation to our Computer Club. If wecan’t help you, we will recommend several local service peo-ple for you to choose from.

Our Club has many interests, including Genealogy, MacComputers, Web Pages, Email, Digital Imaging, and evenFacebook and Google Earth. Tell us your interests and we’llsee if we can accommodate you. That’s why we added classeson iPhone and Home Web Pages last month. If you would liketo get more involved with the Computer Club, which we hopeyou do, please contact any of the officers listed on the website.We are always looking for new ideas to help guide the way inthese exciting years of cyberspace.

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dues are $10.On February 28 there was a New Member Coffee giving

new members the opportunity to meet the various Boardmembers and learn of the goals and activities of the GardenClub. The highlight of the morning was the preview of theupcoming 2012 Biennial Garden Club Flower Show. Thetheme of this year’s show is “Celebrate,” and celebrate theyshall! Clubhouse rooms will be devoted to the various holidayswe enjoy throughout the year—New Year’s Eve, Mardi Gras,Cinco de Mayo, 4th of July—just to name a few. Music, deli-cious desserts and beverages will be enjoyed by all but, ofcourse, the stars of the show will be all the flowers grown bythe Ocean Hills residents. As a bonus, there will be a plantsale with offerings donated by the Garden Club members whohave potted plants from their own gardens for this biennialevent.This will be a good chance to fill in those empty spacesin your own garden with plants grown by one of your neigh-bors. We look forward to seeing all of you there.

Please join us for our Wednesday, April 11 meeting whenDiana Wenman, a member of the Ocean Hills LandscapeCommittee, will present the current status and future plans tobeautify and enhance our property.This presentation promis-es to be informative and of interest to all.

MMEELLVVIINNAA’’SS TTIIPPSS Ah, it’s April.The sun should be shining and all cold snaps

should be over. Do all of the spring chores that you have pro-crastinated over doing. It’s time to get out and dig in the gar-den, and I do mean dig. Know your dirt. Most of our soils herein the village are decomposed granite and/or clay. Eventhough you may have been diligent about adding compost and


Doo-Wop Disco and Dance Club members like to party tothe music of the 50’s - 80’s. We now have 245 members, an all-time high. We believe the continued growth of our Club indi-cates we’re on the right path of offering low-cost, fun partiesat Ocean Hills Country Club.

Right on the heels of our terrific Mardi Gras Party inFebruary was the annual St. Patrick’s Day Party on March 16.For the incredibly low price of $8 members ($13 non-mem-bers) 160 party-goers got soda and/or Irish beer, sandwichesand chips, and then wound down the evening with cake andcoffee with Irish cream.The 5-piece Danny DiCarlo Band pro-vided the rock and roll dance music. Many thanks go to DianaKaminsky, Joan Kluis, Joyce Malloy and the rest of the volun-teer team for putting together yet another fantastic DooWopparty! See photos of this and previous parties on our websiteat doowop.ohcc.web44.net.

The Doo-Wop Disco and Dance Club has three more low-cost parties planned for 2012. Please visit our website anytimeat doowop.ohcc.web44.net to see some of our past activities.It’ll put a smile on your face.

GARDEN CLUBThe Garden Club meets on the second

Wednesday of the month in Abravanel Hall at 9:30am. Delicious desserts and beverages are enjoyed before themeeting giving members an opportunity to mingle and visit.Membership is open to all residents of Ocean Hills. Yearly

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humus, our unusually wet winter has diluted the effects andpacked down the soil. To improve our soils, you need to workin gypsum, small wood chips, compost, manure, peat mossand/or leaf mold. If it is heavy clay, you may even need to addperlite, vermiculite or sand. Go easy on the sand. Clay soilalready has all of the water it needs and wood materials areperfect because they do not add to the problem.Wood materi-als force soils apart when they are mixed together which willhelp to speed up the drainage process. Dig everything in to adepth of at least one foot. English gardeners literally removethe top foot or more of soil, set it aside and use the aboveprocess on the sub-soil. If your back will take it, have at it.Youwill get amazing blue ribbon results.

If you haven’t already done so, prune back all of yourplants. Plant all of your favorites. Keep them damp, but notwet. Bait for snails and slugs. Watch for pesky insects. Spraythem off with warm soapy water. If this doesn’t work, you willhave to submit to commercial products.

It is time to plant your summer garden including vegeta-bles, herbs and flower seedlings. People have asked aboutwhat the numbers on fertilizer containers mean. For example,0-10-10, zero designates nitrogen which is for the leaves. Thisshould be used in the winter time when plants need it as youdon’t want to fertilize leaves. New leaves would be damagedby cold snaps. The second number designates phosphateswhich encourage more flowers and the third number is potashfor the overall well-being of the plant. As the weather warms,use fertilizers with increased numbers, for example, 20-30-30.The rule of thumb is not to fertilize at all, in extreme hot orcold weather.

GOLF CLUBI would like to start off this month on a social

note. I was playing golf in a twosome on aSaturday. There was a single in back of us whom we askedto join us. He did and happily we met a new member. It’s funto do that folks. If you see someone alone and you are not ina hurry (why should we be, we’re retired?), invite them along.You’ll possibly make a new friend.

Spoke to Marilyn Vetlesen and our first Guys and Dolls of2012 was a great success. We had our largest turnout ever-144people. The excitement of the day came when Paul Steinberghad a hole-in-one on the first hole. Congratulations!

Our next Guys and Dolls will be Sunday, April 15. Entryfee is $4 cash per person. Please drop your entry fee withnames of team members in the box at the casa by April 7 atnoon.

I have some requests from our hard working golf volun-teers. Natalie Sentz, our reliable ladies tee time scheduler,asked if, when contacting her regarding tee times, please usethe following Email address. [email protected].

Also, you know those two wonderful ladies who sit in thecasa every Wednesday morning and take our money.They areDottie Munroe and Dolores Soderholm. They arrive before 8am and they asked if you ladies could please get there ontime for your tee off. It makes life easier for everyone.

Our next Touring Amateurs will be on April 23 at the WelkFountain course and May 21 at the Vineyard at Escondido. Ispoke to Dave Demarest today, and he told me some excitingnews. They are planning to add some new courses for the2013 season. They were checking a particular course (whichshall remain nameless) and thought it was beautiful. The onlyproblem was it had a strange layout. Hole #12 was next to #4and #9 was next to #16. They decided too many of we seniorsmight get lost going from hole to hole, never to be seen again.

Keep in mind, for the future, May 7 and 8 are the dates forthe first outside tournament, sponsored by O’ConnellLandscaping. More info to follow next month.

HEALTH & FITNESSOur next meeting will be on Thursday, April 12

at 1 pm in the Mykonos Room for a program onROBOTIC SPINE SURGERY given by Neville Alleyne, MDand Payam Moazzaz, MD, both associated with Tri-CityHospital.

This is the latest treasure from the magic bag of current,inventive, effective techniques for alleviating pain and dis-comfort when our bodies start to remind us of how old we are.

All residents and their guests are invited to attend.Healthy snacks will be included.

HELPING HANDSThere has been a lot of coming and going at the

Helping Hands shed this past year and we are run-ning short of the lightweight aluminum walkers and the trans-porter type wheel chairs. If you have one of the above typeitems and would like to return it or donate one to HelpingHands we can sure use it.We currently have a limited amountof regular wheel chairs, and some wheeled walkers with seats.We are still in need of the adjustable canes. If you have a needor wish to donate, please call one of us below.Thanks for yoursupport! Jack Collar 760-598-0580; Dan Mathews 760-724-2744; Steve Malone 760-505-7297; or Larry Bowers 760-639-1989.

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nylon collar instead of a leather one as the leather might getdestroyed. Stay safe. Know what sea life is common to yourarea and keep your dog away from nesting birds or beachedanimals. Pack Shade. If you will be staying at the beach, bringa wide beach umbrella or a small tent so your dog can escapethe sun. Rinse off as soon as you are finished so the dog’s coatdoesn’t become itchy and irritated. Make sure that dogsremain welcome at the beach by picking up waste, respectingother beachgoers and supervising your dog at all times.ThesePet Tips are by Debbie Swansan, Dog Fancy.

We hope to have you join us on May 18 at 10 am in the over-flow parking lot for the Canine Companion Dog Graduationand to carpool. Be sure to contact Ellen Kippel to let her knowbeforehand that you plan to go with us so we have a carpoolarranged and so we know how many will be attending thisevent.

LIBRARY Have you given any thought to using the LOW

VISION READER in the Library? It magnifies theprint of any document or book you may have difficulty read-ing. Any librarian will be glad to instruct you in its use. TheREADER was donated by one of our residents last year, but ifit is not being used, it will be given to some other organization.Please let us know if you feel we should keep it. We also havea Webster’s Dictionary, Roget’s Thesaurus and Quotationsamong the many reference books available for everyone’s use.

Our thanks to the Ocean Hills “OBSERVER” for the greatarticle and picture of the Library in the February 25 edition.

Clubs and Activities

KENNEL KLUBFriday, May 18, the Kennel Klub will be going

to the graduation of the Canine Companions dogevent. We will leave from the overflow parking lot at 10 amand you need to call Ellen Kippel at 760-305-7114 or email herat [email protected] if you would like to drive in the carpool, orjoin us for the ride over. It should be a very interesting day aswe watch these dogs graduate and meet their new owners whowill now get a dog to assist them with their disabilities. Mostof the dogs are Golden Retrievers or Labs and they have gonethrough at least 17 months or more of training by a volunteertrainer like our own OHCC resident, Phyllis Slade and her dogin training “Rhonda.”They will be there on May 18 so you canmeet them if you haven’t already. This outing will take placeinstead of our usual Kennel Klub meeting in May.

We also want to encourage you to walk your dog in the newpark.The dogs will love it and so will you. Please keep in mindthat the usual OHCC rules apply in the park. Use a 6 foot non-retractable leash and pick up after your pooch.

Do you plan to go to the beach with your dog as the warmweather starts to come in the spring and summer? Some tipsyou may want to consider are as follows: Avoid Burn: Dogswith short, light coats, exposed noses or ears, or areas recent-ly shaved can benefit from an application of sunscreen. Use adog or baby formula and distract them with a treat while youlather it on. Bring a cooler. Fresh water and a dish are a mustwhile ice cubes add a frozen treat. Never let your dog drinkocean water. Keep track of toys. A collar is important both forID and for getting a hold of your dog. On beach days, use a

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The Library staff is grateful for the information you printed.We hope that everyone understands that the latest books andaudio books, as well as the books on the open shelves, are allbought with Library dues.

A few of the new books purchased for April are: KILLSHOT by VINCE FLYNN LONE WOLF by JODI PICOULT andCELEBRITY IN DEATH by J.D. ROBB

If you’ve paid your Library dues for 2012 you can reserveone of these or any of the other new books. If not, a $15 checkleft at the Front Desk will provide membership for your entirehousehold for the year.

Quote of the month:“The man who doesn’t read good books has no advantage

over the man who can’t read them.Mark Twain



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NuBeesNuBees began with the desire to provide a

socializing venue for residents of Ocean HillsCountry Club. While originally intended for newcomers toOHCC, both new and established residents now participate inour social events. We’d like you to participate, too.

During the cooler months of the year such as April here atOcean Hills, starting at 5:30 pm on the 2nd Monday of themonth you will find the NuBees socializing in the MykonosRoom. Residents are asked to bring whatever they want todrink and a hearty appetizer to share with 10-12 people. Thisis a terrific opportunity to make new friends and learn aboutall the activities at Ocean Hills.

Besides these socializing events, NuBees has other activi-ties throughout the year. NuBees went bowling at the end ofMarch.We enjoyed cheering each other on while munching onpizza, soft drinks, nachos, egg rolls, mozzarella sticks, and buf-falo wings. Photos of this lively event are posted on theNuBees website. Many thanks go to Dan Golembiewski fororganizing our bowling trip.

Dan is also organizing the annual NuBees Padres outing

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that is slated for August.You won’t want to miss the fun of thisadventure. Come on down to the NuBees social gathering inthe Mykonos Room on April 9 to hear the details and sign up.

Photos of Nu NuBees are posted on our website. Lastmonth we had 9 Nu NuBees attend. See if you recognize a “NuNuBee” on our web page at nubees.ohcc.web44.net. You, too,can socialize with NuBees. Come share some laughs with all ofus. It’s a great place to make new friends. Isn’t that why youmoved here?


Our meeting this month is on Tuesday, April 17, at 1 pm inthe Ladies Club Room. This is a joint meeting of thePhotography Club and the Digital Photography SpecialInterest Group of the Computer Club. President MorryShechet will present a special program on “photo ops,” butwith his own unique treatment of discovering subjects andrecording images. His talk is titled “The Joys of OpportunisticThematic Photography 2,” illustrated with some of his inter-esting photos. Join us to learn how to be a little more creativein your photography and find images that please you. If timeremains available, we try to address any questions you mayhave on you camera or other photo gear, or at least get youpointed in the right direction.

Bud DeMaris will be available in the Computer/Photo Labafter the meeting from 3 to 5 pm for one-on-one help with yourdigital camera and using it with a computer and printer. Wecan also address features of Photoshop Elements, which is onsome of the Lab computers. If you plan on coming late, sayafter 4 pm, please let Bud know ahead of time,[email protected] or 760-630-1739.

RACQUET CLUB On February 14, we held a Valentine’s Day

Paddle Social where 22 members participated in aseries of matches on three courts. Laughter at the noviceCourt 3 could be heard from the front of the Clubhouse!Although the weather reports looked threatening, the morn-ing was perfect for play; however, we did hold our potluckluncheon in the Greenery Lounge where we got cozy eatingsome outstanding dishes. The event coordinators, Sue andAllan Paloutzian did a great job of soliciting prizes from near-by eateries and threw in some bottles of wine and Valentinechocolates. Thank you Sue and Allan, their assistants Scottand Debi Goldwasser, and all who helped with this really fun

event! Pickleball has continued to be our most widely played

sport.You can find as many as 18 players at some of our drop-in sessions at either the Clubhouse or the HOA courts, andnew players show up on Saturdays nearly every week. We areso fortunate to have five beautiful courts!

Our first season of winter water volleyball has been a bigsuccess with 14-18 players on nearly every Monday and Friday.Such enthusiasm is contagious – the laughter, the cheering,the long volleys, the joking, even the occasional scream. It’sjust as much fun as our summer games, so come out and joinus at 2 pm!

There is much “behind-the-scenes” coordination going onto implement our new tennis ball machine. It will be a greataddition to our amenities here at Ocean Hills, for those play-ers who want to improve their game. Members can look for-ward to an email announcing a training session on use of themachine. Also, a new showcase protecting our tennis sign-inboard has been installed! It looks great and will help keepthat board usable on cold and damp mornings when the dry-erase marker is ineffective. For more information on theRacquet Club and our drop-in schedule, go to www.ohccrac-quetclub.com/.

ROTATING DINNERIf you are interested in joining a group of nice

people for good down-home cooking and a funevening you may leave your check for $10 per person at theFront Desk. Someone will call to invite you to dinner and askyou to bring either two appetizers, a salad or dessert for six toeight people. After you have dined out twice it will be yourturn to host. You choose a few dates for guests to pick from,decide on the main course you will cook and a bar with manydifferent kinds of liquor some wine and enough wine to serveat the dinner table. In the last couple of years I have had callsfrom members who were not at all happy to have had no wineat the table and very little from the bar.You may not drink butthey do and they expect to serve and be served the appropri-ate drinks. Since every member must host one or two dinnersa year you will have to decide if this is really the group for you.Or, I suppose, you could ask them to bring their own butbelieve me that will be met with lots of complaints.

In the past, several members have forgotten to ask theirguests about allergies. Also the guests have forgotten to men-tion their own allergies. Since I can seldom remember my ownaddress I know how uncomfortable that can make people, soplease remember to ask.

Bon Appetit!

RV CLUBThe RV Club held a combined luncheon and

meeting on February 28 at the Tuscany Restaurantin Carlsbad.The meeting was well attended and the food wasfantastic as usual at the Tuscany. A special thank you toAudrey Pederson, Lee Lady, Judy White, and Pat Sweet forcoordinating this event. Our Club meetings are usually held inthe Mykonos Room in the Clubhouse on the 4th Tuesday ofeach month. A social gathering and refreshments starts at 7pm; with the business meeting starting at 7:30 pm, and visitorsare welcome.

If you own an RV or are interested in being and RVer theOcean Hills RV Club is the place for you. We currently have176 members and we have several fun outings planned thisyear: including a trip to the red rocks of Sedona, Arizona then

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on to Lake Powell and the Glen Canyon National Park; a tripto the California Missions and the Pismo Beach Jazz Festival;a Thanksgiving outing to Pechanga Casino in November; andwe finish out the year with a trip to the annual Rose Parade inPasadena. We are looking forward to good food, music, anddancing at our annual RV Lot Party on May 22.

Officers this year are: President Dan Mathews; VicePresident Rollin Grider; Treasurer Bill Jones; SecretaryCliftus Forrstrom; VP Trips Steve Malone; and VP SocialAudrey Pederson.

President Dan Mathews invites you to come join us; we area fun-seeking Club with an element of practicality.

We encourage all members to keep their RV rigs at leasthalf full of fuel and water in order to provide service to ourcommunity in the case of an emergency. Please visit our web-site at http://members.cox.net/ohccrvclub/

SAILING CLUBThe March meeting was well attended. The

evening program was presented, by our FleetCaptain, Bill Baker. Bill provided additional informationregarding “Boating Safety.”

Members who had not renewed their membership byMarch 6 have been dropped from the Club roster.

The Club’s first sail of 2012 took place on February 16under sunny skies and fair winds. Captain Dick Cook took hiscrew about 3 miles out past Point Loma nearing Mexican ter-ritorial waters before heading back to San Diego harbor.Theyhad steady 10 knot winds off the port bow and were able tohold 6 knots all the way back to the inlet to Harbor IslandYacht Club.

The Sailing Club’s first major event of the year, a 3-1/2 hourwhale watching trip from San Diego Harbor, took place onMarch 8.As this newsletter is being written in early March, wewill need to wait to learn whether they sighted any, or howmany, whales. If they do not see a whale, Hornblower Cruisesprovides a ticket for another cruise. So how can they lose?

Signups are continuing for the fall trip to Catalina,planned for November 7, 8, and 9. We will be staying at thePavilion Hotel in Avalon again this year. Cost per person is$230 (double occupancy) or $340 (single), which includes costof ferry from Dana Point to Avalon and back, 2 nights hotelroom with continental breakfast and early evening winereception, and a farewell dinner. A deposit of $100 per personis required to hold a reservation. This trip has been very pop-ular in the past and usually sells out early.

Day sails on Catalina 29s will be scheduled, whenever

there is enough interest. Sign up on the “I want to sail” list inthe Sailing Club folder at the Clubhouse Front Desk, indicat-ing the days of the week preferred.

Are you interested in learning more about the Club and itsactivities? The Club meets the first Tuesday of each month inthe Mykonos Room, with Happy Half Hour at 7 pm and thebusiness meeting beginning at 7:30 pm. See us at the nextmeeting on April 3. We always have a fun meeting.


After joining the Sewing Club I learned thatUFO’s are UUnFFinished OObjects. We all have unfinished proj-ects, started with the best of intentions, hidden away in ourclosets. This might be the year to clear out your closets andfinish all the wonderful projects you have pending. I don’tmean to suggest this as a contest but LaVergne B. admits tohaving over 70 objects packed away. This is her year to com-plete them. How many do you have in your stash? To helpwith finishing your projects the Tuesday night meetings arespecifically for working on UFO’s. Then, on the first Thursdayof each month, bring your finished project for Show & Tell. Itwill be fun for all and give participants a real sense of accom-plishment.

The cradle quilt project is going well. At the March meet-ing Marcia B. displayed some of the finished quilts and gaveus a pep talk for finishing the rest. We are on schedule to com-plete the quilts and have them on display at the March lunch-eon or the April 5 General Meeting. Doing the quilts as indi-vidual projects has given rein to a lot of creativity. As a resultthere are as many different styles of quilts as there are littlegirls who will be receiving them.

A new quilting project started in March and will go onthrough April, or til finished. It is a wall hanging of a Turkeydone in a fall color palette of tan, rust, orange, deep red andgold. Material is shared among those making the wall hang-ing so you don’t need to buy everything.

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Advertising InformationDeadine for ads in the next issue is the

15th of the month prior.Please call Linda at 760-685-6727 for

more information.

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Since variety is the spice of life and we don’t want anyoneto be bored - there are two new projects in April. On the 19thwe will be making a 4 corner Apron and on the 26th aPincushion hat. The apron will need two pieces of coordinat-ing fabric, one yard each, so be on the lookout for some inter-esting fabric.

AAPPRRIILL SScchheedduullee::Sewing: 9:30 am Thursdays

April 5: General Meeting, Show & TellApril 12: UFOsApril 19: ApronApril 26: Pincushion

Beading: 1 pm,Tuesdays (3,10,17,24)Quilting: 1 pm, Fridays (6,13,20,27)UFOs: 6 pm, Tuesdays (3,10,17,24)There’s something for everyone.

SKI CLUBThe Ski Club will embark on its second ocean

adventure when members and friends cruisecoastal waters of the Pacific aboard the Sapphire Princessstarting Saturday, April 7 in San Pedro. Port stops includeSanta Barbara, San Francisco, Ensenada, Mexico and SanDiego in that order before returning to San Pedro on Saturday,April 14. The 7-day cruise, during which Passover and Easterwill be celebrated, includes two days at sea. Round-trip trans-portation from Ocean Hills to the port has been arranged.

The next meeting of the Ski Club will take place onThursday, April 12 in the Mykonos Room starting with a“happy hour” social get-together at 4 pm as is our monthlycustom. The social/business meeting will go on as scheduledeven though some members will be away on the Californiacoastal cruise.

It’s not too early to mark your calendars for the Ski Club’ssummer party on the Lanai Thursday, July 19 at 5:30 pm. Theoutdoor dinner/dance will be a catered affair with entertain-ment. Members are invited to suggest a “theme” for the party.

Membership in the Ski Club is still only $6 per person, andinterested residents may join by depositing a check payable toOH Ski Club in the Club’s check envelope at the ClubhouseFront Desk. Both couples and singles are welcome, and you donot have to be a skier to join this special group which originat-ed with the Founders.

SOLOSOur 2012 programs continue with a NNiigghhtt ooff

TTrriivviiaa iinn tthhee HHaallll!!On Monday April 16 at 6:30 pm, join us in Abravanel Hall

for an evening of Trivia Games. Bring some snacks for yourtable and come prepared for a night of fun and competition.We will form teams of six and play two rounds of trivia. Withprizes for the best team in each round!

We will have assorted cookies or pie along with tea and cof-fee.This is a BYOB affair, so bring your own wine or whatever.The event is FREE!

Please remember we open the doors at 6 pm and we willget started at 66::3300 ppmm.. The poster on the Clubhouse bulletinboard and the SOLOScene also has details of our event includ-ing the full menu. Come join us for an evening of food andlaughter!

We look forward to seeing all of you there!

SWIM CLUBThe Swim Club’s very popular ““SSppllaasshh PPaarrttyy””

is JJuunnee 99,, 1111 aamm ttoo 33 ppmm. Friends and family areinvited to enjoy a fun-filled day around the pool

with live music, barbeque, and drinks all for a very reasonableprice. Watch for flyers and ticket sales in May.

TThhee SSwwiimm CClliinniicc will start SSaattuurrddaayy,, JJuunnee 1166,, 99::3300 aamm ttoo 1111aamm and run for six weeks. This is a great opportunity to learnto swim, improve your strokes and maximize your efficiency inthe water. Proper breathing, the four basic strokes and watersafety are emphasized. All levels are welcome. Goggles are amust! It is FREE for Swim Club members. For more informa-tion and to sign up contact Robin Ryan at 760-936-1305 [email protected].

Pool enthusiasts are really enjoying the beautiful new fur-niture. More and more folks are stopping by to take a break ormeeting with friends just to enjoy the ambiance of the poolarea and remember how lucky we are to be here.

Please familiarize yourself with the safety equipment.Thelife preserver ring, ropes and poles hang on the fence oppositethe Rose Garden near the Clubhouse. One Red EmergencyPhone is on the fence right next to the gate. Another RedEmergency Phone is by the Lanai.

Morning lap swimmers have asked for and have gottenanother lane divider. Two lane dividers will now be up from 6am to 9 am weekdays. Lap swimming is encouraged through-out the day, so please, watch where you are walking.Swimmers have their heads down and may not see you. Pleasegive them the right of way.

Remember, water aerobics is from 9 am to 10 am week-days. Children’s hours are 11 am to 2 pm daily and water vol-leyball is 2 pm to 4 pm, Monday and Friday. Plan your work-out accordingly. It is a big pool and there is room for all of us!

Thank you Wanda Fuller, Marilyn Lane, Karen Canfield,and Connie Taylor for a delicious spread after the March 26meeting. Thanks also to “Wine Guy” and VP Jeff Carpenterfor introducing some new wines.

See you at the pool rain or shine

TRAVEL CLUBOn Valentine’s Day the Travel Club went to the

Castaways, “Showtime Cabaret,” in Burbankwhere we had a wonderful lunch of salmon or London Broil.We enjoyed beautiful song and dance routines from MGM’smost romantic musicals. Several of our Travel Club memberseven were chosen to be part of the show. On the way home“Cupid” presented chocolate roses to each lady and chocolatehearts to the men. It was a day to be remembered.

Monthly meetings are held the second Monday of eachmonth in Abravanel Hall, beginning at 6:30 pm.The followingtrips are now being offered. Unless otherwise noted, all tripsare coordinated by Heidi Boynton, 760-295-8990.

AApprriill 1177 -- BBaacckkccoouunnttrryy SSaaffaarrii && HHiissttoorriicc RRaammoonnaa -- $$6655..This adventure will take us to the only Camel Dairy in the U.S.You’ll get up close and personal with some of the dromedariesand will learn about the benefits of rich and healing camelmilk. We’ll enjoy a homemade lunch at the RRaammoonnaa CCaafféé andafterwards take a docent-led tour of Ramona’s past at theRRaammoonnaa HHiissttoorriiccaall SSoocciieettyy MMuusseeuumm.

JJuunnee 2211 -- GGeettttyy VViillllaa wwiitthh LLuunncchh -- $$6655.. The Getty Villa inMalibu is an educational center and museum dedicated to thestudy of the arts and cultures of ancient Greece, Rome, andEtruria. Enjoy a box lunch on the premises and spend a fewleisurely hours exploring the Villa. Put your lunch choice on

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VILLAGE SQUARESOur St. Patrick’s Day party on March 14 was

such fun.There were about 90 people, give or take;students, club members, and guests. We ate wonderful foodfrom “Bobby’s Hideaway,” a real Irish meal of corned beef andcabbage along with potatoes, carrots and salad. We reallyenjoyed Verl Lobb’s margaritas tinted green. Key lime pie fin-ished off the meal. Afterward, students and club membersdanced the evening away. Jim called tips at student level andat club level. Green was the color of the evening. Laughter washeard all through the hall.

One of our Tuesday classes had 9 squares dancing. That is72 people on the floor.About half of them were students.Whata wonderful sight. Our students are doing so well. Many ofthem show up at Verl’s Thursday morning brush-up group. Hegoes over all of the calls that Jim Randall taught on Tuesday.

On Wednesday night, Sheldon, one of our members, calls atip. He is doing so well, his voice is even better than it waswhen he first started doing this. Good job, Sheldon.

Our plans for the rest of the year are beginning to takeshape such as an upcoming party in June. As usual, studentsas well as club members are invited. Plan on attending. Wealso celebrate Halloween, so be prepared.

Thanks again to Jim Randall. He has so many studentsthat he now is up on the stage so that he can track more stu-dents. Also, the student’s enthusiasm is great to see.


Did you know that tap dance is a form of dance character-ized by using the sound of one’s tap shoes hitting the floor asa percussive instrument? As such, it is also commonly consid-ered to be a form of music.

Common tap steps include the shuffle, shuffle ball change,flap, flap heel, cramproll, buffalo, Maxi Ford, single and dou-ble pullbacks, wings, Cincinnati, the shim sham shimmy (alsocalled the Lindy), Irish, Waltz Clog, the paddle roll, the para-diddle, stomp, brushes, scuffs, and single and double toepunches, hot steps, heel clicks, single, double, and triple timesteps, riffs, over-the-tops, military time step, New Yorkers, andchugs. In advanced tap dancing, basic steps are often com-bined to create new steps. Timesteps are widely used in tapand consist of a rhythm that is changed to make newtimesteps by adding or removing steps.

Our tap classes learn these steps, and Ellie Oakley puts

the check as indicated on the detailed flyer.JJuullyy 33 -- HHoollllyywwoooodd BBoowwll -- $$112200 nnoonn--rreeffuunnddaabbllee. Celebrating

the 4th of July with the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, andFireworks, with special guest BBaarrrryy MMaanniillooww. Only a few seatsleft or just a Waiting List by the time of this publication.

Travel Club trips are open to all residents of Ocean HillsCountry Club. In order to participate in all trips and activities,an annual membership fee of $9 per person is required.Guests (both OHCC residents and outside visitors) are wel-come for an additional $5 fee per trip, depending on spaceavailability. DDeettaaiilleedd ffllyyeerrss oonn aallll ttrriippss ssppoonnssoorreedd bbyy tthhee TTrraavveellCClluubb aarree llooccaatteedd iinn tthhee TTrriipp rraacckkss aatt tthhee CClluubbhhoouussee. You maysign up for trips by leaving a check in the Travel ClubEnvelope at the Front Desk at any time.

VILLAGE LINE DANCERS Mondays and Tuesdays in Abravanel Hall are

alive with many enthusiastic new and returningLine Dancers as they learn new steps, review old steps to newmusic and to old favorites as well.

Christine Alesiani teaches the Level l Class on Mondaysfrom 12:30 to 2 pm. Her Level 2 Class continues to meet onTuesdays from 10:30 am to 12 pm. Both classes are $5 a ses-sion.

A very talented and experienced resident, Betty Heyer,gives generously of her time to review dances learned in class-es or previous line dance experiences. Come review withBetty on Mondays from 2 to 3:30 pm. There is no charge forthese sessions.

All this wonderful instruction and review was showcasedat our special evening of Dancing and Dining on March 26.Spouses and partners were welcome to join in Kudos toChairpersons, Jirina Svoboda and Dorothy Tubesing for thisoutstanding event.

Looking ahead to July 20 we are planning a joint WesternBBQ and Dance with the OHCC Walkers Hikers as we did lastsummer. There were many requests for a repeat party featur-ing The Calico Ridge Band and Hunters BBQ. Save the date.Reservations will be available after June 1.

Francis Ainis is our Sunshine Lady in charge of sendinggreeting cards to members who are experiencing poor health,hospitalization, or loss of a loved one. Please call her at 760-945-0969 to notify her of a member who would be cheered bythe receipt of a greeting from our Club.

Direct any questions you might have about Line Dancingto Jirina Svoboda at 760-945-2125.

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them all together to create dances for us to learn.You’d thinktap is purely physical, but there is a lot of mental work thathas to be done. Learning the steps is one part, but stringingthem together to create a musical presentation takes a greatdeal of brain power and memory.

SO MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR June 22 and 23.Youwill see a show filled with these steps and more. Not only willthere be tap dancing, but there will be jazz dancing, and the-ater dancing as well.

This year’s show is entitled, “Footloose and Fancy Free inOcean Hills.” We will be doing numbers from many musicalsthat you will know. Of course, there will be other surprisesduring the evening besides the incredible dancing!

Tickets will go on sale about a month before. Right now weare practicing our routines and ordering our costumes.We willbe ready to astound you with a great show! You won’t be dis-appointed.

VILLAGE VETSMark you calendars for April 26! The next

Village Vets meeting is at 3 pm in Abravanel Halland this is a meeting you will not want to miss. Our guestspeaker from San Diego will be presenting the program enti-tled: NNOORRMMAANNDDYY LLOOVVEESS UUSS……TTHHEE UUNNTTOOLLDD SSTTOORRYY..

Although not always believed, Americans are loved inFrance today by people of all ages! Our guest speaker has thepictures and stories to prove it from his several trips toNormandy during D-Day Week and the latest visit being in2011. We have our Greatest Generation (WW II Veterans) tothank for what they did to liberate France in World War II. Seeand hear how the French celebrate our American MemorialDay, place flowers on both of our American cemeteries inFrance and how the respect and love of Americans is beingpassed from generation to generation. The elementary chil-dren in Normandy are taught all about the Americans who lib-erated their country.

If you are not already a member of our Village Vets, pleaseconsider joining.You do not have to be a Veteran to be a mem-ber. We welcome spouses, relatives as well as anyone who hasan interest in our Armed Forces...veterans and active duty.Just put a check for $10 into the Village Vets envelope at theFront Desk in the Clubhouse and you will be a member of our

Clubs and Activities

Thank YouDavid Rifkin passed on February 29, 2012. I feel so

fortunate to have had him in my life his last nine years.He will be missed by many but never forgotten.

I wish to thank our many family members, friends,neighbors and students for all the caring sympathythrough cards, phone calls, meals, flowers, thoughts andprayers. Living in this wonderful community has less-ened the pain of loss.

Fondly, Anne Purnell

Thank YouI wish to thank all my Mah-Jongg and card “buddies”

and other friends who wee so supportive during myrecent illness, and at other times, with cards, phone callsand messages of cheer. It is now time for me to move andbe closer to my son. I take with me many happy memo-ries and will never forget you.

Bernice Loeb

Club. You will then receive monthly copies of our newsletter,The Bugle. Our meetings are always the 4th Thursday of themonth and we usually meet in Abravanel Hall. Did you knowthat we have the best snacks and refreshments for our meet-ings? We look forward to having you join us and seeing you atthe AApprriill 2266 pprrooggrraamm iinn AAbbrraavvaanneell HHaallll aatt 33 ppmm..

WALKERS/HIKERS CLUB Many Thanks to Don Dudley and Natalie Sentz

for chairing our fabulous three day trip to AnzaBorrego in March, the hikes, flowers, and camaraderie of fel-low hikers was unparalleled.

PPlleeaassee nnoottee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ccoorrrreeccttiioonn ooff ddaattee ffoorr oouurrSSuummmmeerr WWeesstteerrnn BBBBQQ aanndd DDaannccee wwiitthh OOHHCCCC LLiinnee DDaanncceerrss..IItt iiss nnooww sscchheedduulleedd ffoorr JJuullyy 2200.. MMaarrkk yyoouurr ccaalleennddaarrss..RReesseerrvvaattiioonnss wwiillll bbee aavvaaiillaabbllee aafftteerr JJuunnee 11..

Two hikes are scheduled for April: On Friday, April 6 our members will travel to Iron

Mountain, North Loop for a 4.5 difficult rated hike or a 3 mileeasy hike. Lunch will follow at the Hamburger Factory inPoway.

On Thursday, April 19 the hikes will commence at NorthShore on Lake Hodges. A 6 mile moderate hike or a 3 mileeasy hike will be offered. Lunch will follow at Hernandez’Hideaway.

New members are always welcomed. If you missed DoDues Day in January it is not too late to join. Make your checkpayable to OHCC Walkers/Hikers. The amount for the year’sdues is $8. Be sure your address and phone number is on yourcheck. If you want to include your e- mail that is also useful tous. Turn it into the Front Desk in the Clubhouse with instruc-tions to have it placed in the Walkers/Hikers envelope.

A schedule of this year’s hikes and walks can be obtainedon the Club’s website or on the Club Rack in the Clubhouse.

For further information, call Ed Gunderson at 760-631-1625 or Valerie Davis at 760-732-3828

YIDDISH CLUB In spite of the rain, a joyous crowd gathered for

the February meeting to sing along with CantorKathy Robbins as she played familiar melodies of our child-hood. We even learned a little Yiddish and heard some goodjokes! The evening was topped with a party atmosphere as wegathered at round tables and spread a little schmear on fresh-ly-baked bagels and traded stories.

Speaking of bagels, our first Bagel and Bialy Run will takeplace on Sunday, April 15. Pick up your order form at theClubhouse Front Desk from the Yiddish Club folder and turnin your order with your check at the desk by Thursday, April12 at 5 pm. There are seven types of bagels available, plusonion bialys and four types of cream cheese schmears. Bagelpickup will be at Allan and Lois Singer’s house on Sundaymorning,April 15, between 8:30 and 10 am.There’s a $1 fee for“schlepping and hondling.” If you want special delivery to yourdoor, it’s an additional $1. All net proceeds will benefit yourYiddish Club.

The April 23 Yiddish Club meeting will continue our toneof Yiddishkeit and fun. Be sure to be there for anotherdelightful evening among friends. RSVP’s will be requestedvia email and phone.

Please mark your calendar for the traditional DeliLuncheon to be held Sunday, June 24 at noon, with delish foodfrom D.Z. Akin’s!

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Classifieds / Miscellaneous

• Volume 21, Number 4 •

Published by theOHCC Homeowners Association

4600 Leisure Village WayOceanside, CA 92056


Chris Bessey, Managing EditorSandy Fiore, Administrative Assistant

Louise Ries, Event CoordinatorDenise McClenaghan, Front Desk Receptionist


Corfu . . . . . . . . . . . Deneen LeRoyCyrus . . . . . . . . . . . Joyce OlsonHydra . . . . . . . . . . . June BrimcombeMajorca . . . . . . . . . Ann PurnellMykonos . . . . . . . . Elaine WeilerPortofino . . . . . . . . Marshall CoilSantorini . . . . . . . . Bob VanderhagenZante . . . . . . . . . . . Patricia & Ken Hallworth

Disclaimer“The production of this monthly Newsletter is made possibleby the advertisements and sponsored columns herein: how-ever, the Ocean Hills Country Club Homeownerrs Association(hereinafter Association), Publisher and Printer cannotassume responsibility for the contents of the offering made byadvertisers or columnists, or for inaccuracies or omissions inthe copy provided by them or made by the Association,Publisher or Printer. All copy of submissions must be receivedby the 6th of the preceding month. The Association Board ofDirectors reserves the right to edit or decline submitted mate-rial. Placement and layout of advertisements are at the discre-tion of the publisher and editor.”

Statement of PurposeThe Ocean Hills Newsletter shall be published in accordancewith Resolution OH-96-311, to provide information concern-ing club and committee activities, Mater Board decisions andall other matters of community interest. Our primary empha-sis is to report all communications accurately and responsi-bly.

For Editorial InquiriesPhone: (760) 758-8772

For Advertising InquiriesLinda Woods (760) 685-6727

[email protected]

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IITTAALLIIAANN DDRREESSSSMMAAKKEERR && AALLTTEERRAATTIIOONNSSFor men and women. 50 years experience. Trust Maria to do

the best job for you. Best price and high quality work.Call 760-630-8226. (3-12)

MMAALLEE CCAARREEGGIIVVEERR 30 years exp. with medical, mental, hos-pice. Cleaning, cooking, shopping, laundry, etc. Have worked

with most medical problems and hospice care.Friendly & professional. Call 760-443-7436. (3-12)

GGRREEGG’’SS HHAANNDDYYMMAANN HHOOMMEE SSEERRVVIICCEESS Carpentry, tile, dry-wall, electrical, plumbing, you name it! Quality work, reliable,

local refs, free est, ins. 760-213-4961 (*)


760-726-8915 – Ocean Hills (5-12)


760-630-4993. Just one short block from the back gate. Pleasecall for appt. Over 42 years experience. (5-12)


Supplies provided. Excellent refs.Free estimates.Vicky Martin, 760-807-6502 (3-12)

UUPPHHOOLLSSTTEERREERR20 years. Free estimates. Reasonable rates.

Call Mario, 760-940-0681 (*)

LLEETT GGEEOORRGGEE DDOO IITT HHAANNDDYYMMAANN!!Complete home maintenance inside and out. Electric, plumb-ing, drywall, paint, appliances. Reasonable, honest, reliable,

local. (760) 525-2523. (2-13)

CCOOMMPPUUTTEERR PPRROOBBLLEEMMSS?? Need Help? Lessons?Audio/Video/TV/DVD, Sprinkler/Lighting Timers?Call Tim: 760-305-8095 or my cell: 619-955-3646.

Resident of OHCC. (6-12)


Joyce Smith, 760-685-0435 (6-12)

AANNYY CCHHEESSSS PPLLAAYYEERRSS IINN OOHHCCCC?? I don't claim to be verygood, and I'm not a sore loser.Call me at (760) 806-7686 to

arrange time/place. Perhaps the Clubhouse?Patrick Fairchild (5-12)

If you have information for the InLoving Memory column, please call

the Clubhouse Front Desk, 758-8772.

Connie Cullen • David RifkinHal Phillips • Hisaki (Kay) Hopewell

Robert Stevenson • Jim Ryan

Page 47: OHCC Apr 2012

OHCC Newsletter • April 2012 47

Classifieds / Miscellaneous

EEXXTTRRAA DDAAUUGGHHTTEERR'' OOFFFFEERRSS EEXXTTRRAA HHAANNDDSSDianne Barrymore works to simplify life, taking her clients todoctors appointments, on errands, and helping with everyday

details, all the things a companion,like a daughter, can provide.

((776600)) 221122--66331177 [email protected]. (*)


Maria, ((776600)) 447700--55667766,, ((776600)) 443333--66333300 (*)

CCAARREEGGIIVVEERR — EErrrraannddss,, DDooccttoorrss AAppppooiinnttmmeennttss,Light Housekeeping, Meal Preparation. References from

satisfied OHCC clients. Karen 760-519-5371. (4-12)

AA++ CCOOMMPPUUTTEERR RREEPPAAIIRR — Virus removal, system recovery,data retrieval, any problem solved. Repairs completed by a

Certified Technician, in your home or at my shop.Reasonable rates. Local refs.

Call Will @ 760-216-2752 (3-12)

GGAARRYY’’SS WWIINNDDOOWW CCLLEEAANNIINNGGOver 30 years experience in North San Diego County. Screens,tracks, mirrors, light fixtures. Free estimates. Owner operated.

760-942-3171. (*)


Also detail cleaning for rentals and realtors. $15 an hourOcean Hills references. 760-994-7569. (4-12)


Holistic Stress ReductionOcean Hills References Available

Scott Legier, HHP, DCH 858-204-0955, (4-12)


to Use Facebook! Call Eileen Gannon, 760-536-9039, [email protected],

www.adultcomputertutor.com. (4-12)

LLIIFFEE QQUUAALLIITTYY CCAARREE In-home care hourly/daily/monthly. 15years exp. Personal hygiene, medical assistance, light house-

keeping, meal prep, errands, laundry and transportation. Maleand female caregivers avail. 24 hours a day.

Local refs avail. Lily 760-672-3848. (8-12)

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OHCC Newsletter • April 201248