ohio department of education fy 10 emis changes presented by: david ehle, emis data/qa manager ohio...

Ohio Department of Education Ohio Department of Education FY 10 EMIS Changes FY 10 EMIS Changes Presented by: David Ehle, EMIS Data/QA Manager Ohio Department of Education, Office of Information Policy & Management September 2009

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Ohio Department of EducationOhio Department of Education

FY 10 EMIS ChangesFY 10 EMIS Changes

Presented by:David Ehle, EMIS Data/QA Manager

Ohio Department of Education,Office of Information Policy & Management

September 2009


• Some In, Some Out…

• Redesign & Data

• Manual Format/Structure

• Basic Student Changes

• Special Education

• Student Home Language



• Assessment

• Career Tech

• Courses and Credits

• Staff

• District/Building

• Financials (H and P)


Usual Cautions…Usual Cautions…

• This presentation is not meant to be a comprehensive list of all FY10 changes

• FY10 EMIS Manual, report specs, and Redesign users guide will be official references


Some in, Some out…Some in, Some out…

• All references to February gone…• All reference to ELI gone…• As needed, added STEM requirements

– Two types of STEM schools• Building of a specific district- Open Enroll• Stand-alone entity

– Only one stand-alone this year- Dayton area– Unless noted otherwise, STEM instructions in

manual for this type


Redesign & DataRedesign & Data

• Should not impact work in most districts, but for the record…– Some header elements may become filler– Header and Trailer record gone– Filler to 300 characters no longer required,

but no impact if left on each row• No longer support use of “@” to combine

data from 2 files into same record type– Data required must be complete when flat file

for a record type uploaded to Data Collector


Manual Format/StructureManual Format/Structure

• Options no longer listed in Ch. 5– In Chapters 2-4 and file on ODE web site


• Reporting instructions moved from some Appendices to relevant element

• Appendix B deleted- now list Assignment Areas in Ch. 3


Manual Format/StructureManual Format/Structure

• All footnotes incorporated into main text

• Reporting instructions at start of each record type in Ch. 5 moved to record section in Chs. 2-4

• Updated language as needed (e.g., replace “SSDT load programs” with “Data Collector file upload process”


Basic Student ChangesBasic Student Changes

• Updated options for Race/Ethnicity– Split A (Asian or Pacific Islander) into A and P– Update country list and/or option name on

some options

• Updated options for Homeless Status element

• Clarified use of Building IRN and Attending Building IRN- when is district IRN allowed


Basic Student ChangesBasic Student Changes

• No blanks in Accountability IRN (now report ******)

• Updated K reporting references regarding summer graduates

• Deleted Corporal Punishment• Autism Scholarship Program

coding/funding clarified• If a Sent To % reported, should report



Basic Student ChangesBasic Student Changes

• Clarified some reporting instructions for new FY09 record types

• Collect single Grade Level field– ODE will not collect UG– Replicating processing that took place in aggs

prior to FY10– For each student

• If Grade Level not = UG, report current Grade Level• If Grade Level = UG, report current State Equiv.

Grade Level– Kept State Equivalent Grade Level name/position


December Child CountDecember Child Count

• First year to be based on Special Ed events– GE record now reported in all major

student periods except G

• Based on latest IEP event outcome effective on 12/1


December Child CountDecember Child Count

• If outcome on latest IEP on record at ODE (FY09N or FY10M) not current LRE on 12/1, can update with new element– FN270 Updated December 1 IEP

Outcome Element– Only reported in December– If no change, report **** (R&R TBD)


Related ServicesRelated Services

• Many 215xxx program codes to be updated– Changes in Federal def’n and OAC– New descriptions for some codes– Some deleted– Some new


Final IEP Meeting EventFinal IEP Meeting Event

• New Date Type- FIEP• IEP team meeting that is…

– Last meeting prior to graduation– A new IEP is not completed– Student will continue to receive exactly same

services for remainder of school year

• Only Date and Non-compliance (if needed) are reported with this Date Type


IEP Consent Withdrawn EventIEP Consent Withdrawn Event

• New Date Type- CIEP• IEP is already in effect (IIEP, RIEP, TIEP)• Parent revokes consent for student to

receive services on this IEP• Student no longer special ed• Would have to start process at beginning

to become special ed again• Only report Outcome ID and Date


Preschool SE SpecificPreschool SE Specific• Only DOR reports GE Record• If no IEP effective with services as of 12/1,

student will not count for unit funding• No Split of Itinerant and Center-based

– Report preschool spec ed teachers on one job– Delete 999413 assignment- now all 999412

• Clarified reporting of PS ineligible students who do not 3 until after school year ends


Other Special EducationOther Special Education

• IEEX option gone for RIEP- only need to report exit on RETR

• 2111xx Transition program codes gone- now only report as part of IEP event

• 210xxx and 217xxx LRE program codes gone- now only report as part of IEP event– If LRE changes (planned or unplanned) after IEP

goes into effect, report value as of Dec 1– If LRE is changed from what reported in prior

year without a new IEP, use new December element


Student Home LanguageStudent Home Language

• New element– Required for all LEP and Immigrant

students for Federal reports– May be same, may be different from a

student’s Native Language– Much longer list of options- see manual

• One option correction from draft to final version of manual- Swahili



• End of the Proficiency Test era… no more 9th grade record

• Clarify test reporting rules in context of new FS and FD elements

• Clarified who must report test records- changes for SE coop and Contract Career Tech

• No OAT Writing and Social Studies administered, so none reported, but options to remain for now…


Career TechCareer Tech

• Changes in options, as usual, for– Subject Codes– Industry Assessments (vary by period)

• Elements on follow-up record will change– ODE will still provide file as have since FY08– Data provided by ODE will change due to

FY09 changes– ODE Keys from new database included for

reference- no edits by districts


Courses and CreditsCourses and Credits

• Mapping rules clarified- at ODE now• Program Builder Code deleted• Provider IRN must be a different EMIS

reporting entity or ****** (applies to program codes as well)

• Location IRN can be 999999• A few Math & Science subject code



Courses and CreditsCourses and Credits• Delete Course Type

– Replaced by elements added in FY09 (Curriculum, Delivery Method, Educational Option, & Student Population)

– Many business rules updated to show equivalent. Examples:

• No HQT required if– Curriculum is PS, or– Delivery Method is CC, ET, or ID, or– Student Population is D8, DP, or PR

• Career Tech courses now Curriculum in format Vx– ** no longer valid on new elements- choose best– See Appendix Y for suggested crosswalk


Courses and CreditsCourses and Credits

• Graduation – Core Summary (GC) in K– Reported for grade 9-12 students in CW– Students who, by status, could earn diploma from

district in future– Graduation units earned as of start of school

year- none of current year included– Also report CORE-related elements on FN record

• Graduation Credit Units (FN130) deleted• Subject Area for Credit on Course Master

updated to match values for CORE Area Code



• Removed K language about State Staff ID as optional

• Staff local ID cannot be 999999999• Same Race/Ethnicity updates as for

students• Master Teacher gone• New LEP teacher assignment area (999365)• ESP no longer a deduction



• New: Staff Summer Employment Separation Record (CL)– Optional record- can still report via regular

Demo and Job– Will allow reporting of minimal data needed to

show separation– Only for total separation from district over

summer– Will facilitate reporting separated staff when

data requirements change from one year to the next


District/Building RecordsDistrict/Building Records

• Master Teacher elements deleted

• Add Scheduled 1st Day Next Year to Yearend Building for grades 10-12

• Fewer org types now required to report District records- see manual


Financials (H and P)Financials (H and P)

• Many changes dependent on– New FY10 & FY11 budget– Implementation of Federal Stimulus Funds

• Look for updates from ODE School Finance and Auditor of State

• New Special Education function codes (by grade level)

• Forecast- two new lines and 532 disclosure all related to Stimulus funds


Changes Yet to Come??Changes Yet to Come??

• FY11 Race/Ethnicity changes– New Appendix Z- future FY requirements

• New LREs for Preschool- post-December FY10 optional, FY11 required

• Possible that ESCs and Community Schools will report the period P (5YF) May submission

• LEP Status update due to Federal accountability plan?

• New positions from budget?• Other budget-related changes?



Q & A