oil macro - jan 2016 uoi

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  • 7/25/2019 Oil Macro - Jan 2016 UOI


    Supply, demand, investments

    What are the revoilution implicatiofor oil prices ?

    North Dakota

    January 11th, 2016

    Alexandre AndlauerHead of oil & gas sectorAlphaValue

    Founder and manager US OIL INVEST

  • 7/25/2019 Oil Macro - Jan 2016 UOI


  • 7/25/2019 Oil Macro - Jan 2016 UOI



    and sha


    Alexandre ANDLAUER

  • 7/25/2019 Oil Macro - Jan 2016 UOI




    Oil companies strate


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    Revoilution in progress

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    Market share battle around the world

    Biggest players in the

    world have increasedtheir output, driven

    by high capex in the

    2012/2014 period.

    Capex maintenance

    in 2014 has been thehighest in a decade,

    leading to higher

    production from

    mature fields

  • 7/25/2019 Oil Macro - Jan 2016 UOI


    Investments have been high

    The 2.5tn cumulated capex is an absolute historical record, even when taking in

    specific inflationary pressure which increased upstream costs by more than twice

    Source: Leonardo Maugeri Report Havard Kennedy School

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    Market share battle around the world

    Supply is inelastic in the short term (at least above $40/bbl).

    OPEC has been the major contributor of global supply growth in 2016.

    Source: Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

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    OPEC production: December 2015 data

    OPEC quota ? What quota ?

    Cartel has never really existed (only temporarily), but now it is clear in the market

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    OPEC output 80% driven by Saudi Arabia (+0.8mbpd)and Iraq (+0.6mbpd) at end November 2015

    Source: Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

    Saudi Arabia has been producing consistently above

    10mbpd in part to meet the increase in domestic demand

    and to maintain market share in key markets

    Despite the deteriorating sec

    deteriorating finance, Iraq surprise

    Iraqi output above the 4mbpd in an


  • 7/25/2019 Oil Macro - Jan 2016 UOI


    Saudi Arabia: No cut to expect before end 2016 (if one occurs

    Saudi Arabias production will remain in the 10.2-10.5mbpd (0.3mbpd maintenanc

    Cut in production unexpected as long as the impact is uncertain (stockpiles, China,

    Production will rise to meet demand increase and market share (Asia vs. Russia)

    Source: Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

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    Saudi Arabias recent decision can create short-term instabilitbut long-term opportunity (for the country)

    Source: Bloom

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    Saudi Arabia Thatcher Revolution

    Decision in 2016

    - Riyadh-based Jadwa Investment Co. estimates that the Saudi budget for next ye

    on a price of $40.3 a barrel for Saudi export crude or about $42.8 a barrel for Breproduction level of 10.2mbpd

    - Increased oil prices at the pump by 50%, taxes could be next

    - Privatisation in some parts of Saudi Aramco (downstream + petrochemical) on th

    Ossified political structures are highly vulnerable precis

    seek even partial reform. Any destabilisation in Saudi Aprovide the supply shock that clears the glut in oil and r

    But in the long term

    Warning global demand may face a Black Swan mean

    pump as much as they can (by 2020) 12.5mbpd ?

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    Iraqs growth to slow down

    Iraqs rig count halved with government

    facing serious fiscal pressures

    Under fiscal pressures, the Iraqi

    been forced to revise downward

    target negotiating new plateaus

    Source: Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

  • 7/25/2019 Oil Macro - Jan 2016 UOI


    Is Iran coming back to the market ?

    Latest tensions between Riyadh and Tehran could have an impact of a further supply battle betw


    Short-term potential is limited in our view for both countries (market has already integrated +5

    ANDAttracting foreign investment will be more difficult after the diplomatic rift with Saudi Arabia. Region

    all efforts made over the last months.


    It already becomes clear that investments will be delayed and output un

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    Is Iran coming back to the market ?

    Source: Oxford Institute for Energ

  • 7/25/2019 Oil Macro - Jan 2016 UOI


    Venezuela: highest risk

    As of October, Venezuela had $15bn in foreign reserves ($1

    and was selling its gold holdings in order to be able to finan

    With a CCC credit rating and a negative outlook, Venezu

    markets is very limited.

    Venezuela will not make it through 2016 without defaulting

    in our opinion. Venezuela has $5.2bn of bonds and interest


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    Russia: record production at 10.9mbpd in December

    Production has continued to increase in 2015

    The increase has be driven by small producers

    Impact of tax changes, sanctions and rouble exchange rate key

    Source: Oxford Institute for Energy studies

    Russia: limited upside in the current environment battle with

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    Russia: limited upside in the current environment, battle with China

    - Focus on core asset and short-term results only

    - Devaluation of the rouble has mirrored the decline in oil prices

    (80% cost, 50% revenues in $). Benefit of the rouble for 2 years,

    helps capex

    - Strong market share battle in China

    - Key concerns are:

    - Specific limits on finance-raising for some companies

    - The downgrade of Russian sovereign debt to junk status

    Source: Oxford Institute for Energy studies

  • 7/25/2019 Oil Macro - Jan 2016 UOI


    Conclusion on OPEC & Russia and other producers

    The cost of finance is increasing

    Political instability and policy uncertainty will

    not help to reach the potential

    There will always be an inability to

    implement large infrastructure projects in

    some countries

    Weak institution and bureaucratic delays will

    not disappear

    Source: Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

    We see limited potential in OPEC countries + Russia. At the best by 2018 (mbpd)

    Iraq: +0.5, Iran: +0.7, Saudi Arabia: +0.5, Libya: +0.3, Russia +0.3

    Brazil, Norway, North Sea will have a limited impact

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    Revoilution in progress

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    Demand growth slows : but still above 1mbpd

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    China and US to world demand growth

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    The amount of energy consumed per unit of GDP, or the energy intensity

    economy, has declined by 13% since 2005

    EIAs 2015 Annual Energy Outlook: the administration expects energy ef

    result in a 0.4% annual reduction in energy use per capita from 2013 thr

    Efficiency impact back in 2017

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    China doesnt need to grow in 2016 : +0.5mbpd

    Demand will be driven by

    (1)Stockpiling (+200kbpd in 2016)

    (2)Independent refiners (+300kbpd in 2016)

    (1) Stockpiling

    - China will add petroleum reserves t

    ultimate goal of stockpiling enough

    worth of imports by 2020 (vs 29 toda- The country has currently 8 strategi

    and may start 4 new (74mb)

    Source: Oxford Institute for Energy studies

    Chi d t d t i 2016 0 5 b d

  • 7/25/2019 Oil Macro - Jan 2016 UOI


    (2) Independent refiners: Teapot

    - Teapots account for a 1/3rd of the nations

    processing capacity- Demand is further expanding as the

    government relaxes rules to allow imports by

    private refiners to promote private

    investment and boost the economy

    - The three teapots with the biggest import

    quotas have said theyll utilise their permitsthis year. 300kbpd looks like being

    conservative regarding the speeches of the

    three biggest refiners (Shandong Dongming

    Petro-chemical, Panjin North Asphalt Fuel Co.

    and Baota Petrochemical Group)

    The economy will determ

    consumption, but even wi

    demand decrease, which loo

    case, in 2016 Chinese demand


    China doesnt need to grow in 2016 : +0.5mbpd

    I di Af i

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    India + Africa

    Africa is one of the world's

    continents with almost 1.2 billio

    demand in 2020 is expected toby 2020, up from 3mbpd in 2000

    be the main oil demand growth d

    Oil i diffi lt t l i th h t / di t

  • 7/25/2019 Oil Macro - Jan 2016 UOI


    Oil is difficult to replace in the short / medium term

    Consumption decrease may only be a fact of lower economy, motor efficiency and life

    Renewables will have a limited impact until 2020, and a step by step process in a coup

  • 7/25/2019 Oil Macro - Jan 2016 UOI


    Oil companies strate

    Revoilution in progress

    Big Oil higher volatility shorter cycle lower prices : what is t

  • 7/25/2019 Oil Macro - Jan 2016 UOI


    Big Oil, higher volatility, shorter cycle, lower prices : what is t

    2015 - First answer


    Implementation of

    new strategy

    - Further Investment reduction + d

    - Fully Leverage Technology

    - Partnership and alliances

    - Build a flexible responsive organis

    - Focus on core asset - Re

    - Improve productivity - D

    More swap and share-based deals, non-

    cash deals can mitigate oil price risk.

    In 2015, M&A value of transaction fell by

    22% to $143bn despite the Royal Dutch

    Shell BG deal.

    Chinese oil companies spent less than$5bn on acquisitions for the second

    straight year.

    Dividend to impact future production potential

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    Dividend to impact future production potential

    While the world E&P companies need to replace 35bn of o

    every year to meet consumption needs, the companies wil

    made investment decision that may result in only 5bn in


    Big Oil companies bet on a $60/bbl on

    their decisions. Further capex to come.

    With the current cut ($50bn), $100bn

    may miss still miss to stabilise debt.

    Refining may no longer help.

    From over investment to under investment

  • 7/25/2019 Oil Macro - Jan 2016 UOI


    From over investment to under investment

    Globally spending on exploration and production

    could fall by $100bn in 2016, after $200bn in2015

    Capex maintenance in 2013/2014 helped to

    support production growth, but forecast will be

    revised down.

    More than 1.5mbpd from listed companies have

    cash cost above $40/bbl

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    Revoilution in progress

    Marginal cost before 2015 : $90/bbl

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    Marginal cost before 2015 : $90/bbl

    Source: JOSCO

    Marginal cost after 2015: $70/bbl

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    Marginal cost after 2015: $70/bbl

    North American unconventional business has been the fastest reacting area so far.

    Majors and international players lack exposure to this flexible investment.

    Source: JOSCO

    Market is rebalancing, slightly on the physical market, rapidly

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    investment decision

    mbpd 2015 2016e 2017e 2018e 2019e 2020e

    Demand +1.8 +1.2 +1 +0.8 +0.8 +0.7

    Supply +2.4 +0.2 +0.7 +0.8 +0.8 +0.7

    Gap -0.3 -1 -0.3 -0.0 -0.0 0.0

    Source: AlphaValue with our oil prices assumption

    Each barrel counts in the market

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    Each barrel counts in the market

    2010/2014 average stockpiles were close to 2.7bn.

    A 1mbpd drawdown over 365 days would decrease OECD stocks to below

    average. We believe that in the very short term, this is a key determinant to

    that oversupply concerns may disappear in one year.

    Source: EIA - B

    Bet on a $60/bbl in the long term. Upside will be a short-term b

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    et o a $60/bb t e o g te Ups de be a s o t te b

    Market is rebalancing, even more slightly (Emerging Markets) h i l k t idl th i t t d i i

  • 7/25/2019 Oil Macro - Jan 2016 UOI


    physical market, rapidly on the investment decision

    mbpd 2015 2016e 2017e 2018e 2019e 2020e

    Demand +1.8 +0.5 +0.7 +1.0 +0.9 +0.9

    Supply +2.4 +0.2 +0.7 +0.8 +0.8 +0.8

    Gap -0.3 -0.3 -0.0 -0.2 -0.1 -0.1

    Source: AlphaValue with our oil prices assumption

    Bet on a $60/bbl in the long term. Upside will be a short-term b

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    g p

    Key Conclusions

  • 7/25/2019 Oil Macro - Jan 2016 UOI


    There is no risk premium so far on the current oil prices (due to stockpiles an

    appear suddenly (Saudi, Venezuela, Iraq, Algeria) but it is unpredictable.

    After 2018, oil prices above $60/bbl will be a catalyst for the industry (excluding


    Oil demand may reach a plateau by 2025. At that time, only depletion of mat

    need to be replaced: 3% or 3mbpd a year.

    If there is a (big) upside for oil prices, it would be in 2020-2025 with the lack of

    2015-2018 and India + Africa pushing to a triple-digit number. But betting on oil

    is too difficult and unpredictable. Technology may all the time change the picture

    Main risk is more on Demand than Supply in 2016. US consumption + Chin

    determine the trend (again)


    Th k !

  • 7/25/2019 Oil Macro - Jan 2016 UOI


    Thank you !

    There is always a light

    at the end of the tunnel

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