oil pastel techniques

This is how to do the four oil pastel techniques to be included in your art journal.

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Post on 16-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Oil pastel techniques

This is how to do the four oil pastel techniques to be

included in your art journal.

Page 2: Oil pastel techniques

Take your paper from the box. Remember it is half the size of what we used yesterday.

Step 1. Step 3.

Technique review:

Step 2.

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Page 4: Oil pastel techniques
Page 5: Oil pastel techniques

First color a thick layer of lighter colored oil pastel.

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After the thick layer of lighter colored oil pastel, cover with a thick coat of black.

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Cover the light colors with black to create a strong contrast.

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Use a paper clip or a nail to carve through the black coating and create a pattern or design. Please no scribbles.

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Start with a thick coating of a color and continue coloring outward with an analogous color. (Analogous colors are colors next to each other on the color wheel.)

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Us the lighter of the colors to blend them together or smudge with your finger. Oil pastel must be thickly applied to the paper.

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Keep your oil stick clean by wiping it with a tissue or paper towel or you will get globs of random colors where you don’t want them!

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To start masking, have a thick layer of various colors. The more colors you use on this practice, the more you learn about the characteristics of the different colors and how they interact with other colors.

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Be sure to rub the tape securely onto the layer of oil pastel to get a clean edge and then color over the edges of the tape. You can also color on the tape and rub onto the paper.

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The brown was rubbed from the tape to the paper.

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Carefully peel back the tape so you have a sharp edge. If you didn’t rub hard enough, the oil pastel gets under the tape and leaves a goopy edge.

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Pointillism means you add little dots onto a colored background to create a range of value and to have your eye mix colors instead of mixing them on the paper. For example you can have blue dots and white dots sprinkled in the same area to create light blue area.

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If you have a variety of concentrations of densly packed dots and sparsely packed dots you can have a kind of a value scale where part of the area looks dark and it transitions to a lighter value.

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The cover sheet is on this side to keep the oil pastelfrom smearing.

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Once you have finished your 4 techniques, read the rubric about Kandinsky and answer the questions.

Keep this rubric in your folder, but use it as a reference for your 25 or more words (in sentence form) you will write about Kandinsky in your art

journal with the 4 oil pastel techniques.For your art journal :1) Your 4 oil pastel techniques,2) 25 or more words about Kandinsky,

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•Remember to have fun and be creative with these techniques and your writing!