Øisie | Østerbro international school in english | issue no: 2

ØISIE -´Østerbro International School In English Østerbro International School In English Issue No: 2, Autumn 2013

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ØISIE, Østerbro International School In English, Student Literary Magazine. Autumn 2013, Issue No:2


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Issue No: 2, Autumn 2013

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ØISIE -´Østerbro International School In English 2

Welcome to the second issue of the ØISIE, Østerbro International School In English, which is our first and foremost Student Literary magazine.

I am honored to introduce you the new staff of ØISIE, who have worked dili-gently and sincerely to make this issue. I believe this issue will be a land-mark of their beautiful memories at ØIS and make them proud of them-

selves that they can remember for a life time.

I would like to thank each and every student, teacher and staff at Østerbro International School for the contribution, support and effort they put in to

make ØISIE happen . I would like to especially thank Ms. Abenaa Uttenthal and Ms. Elizabeth Moore for their extra efforts to support ØISIE and its staff

members to work cooperatively.

Your sincerely

Ramazan Dicle

Editor of ØISIE | EAL Coordinator

In t




Østerbro International School | Præstøgade 17 · 2100 København Ø |+ 45 70 20 63 68 | [email protected]

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Short Stories

Emma Simonsen

Daniel Austin

Hjalte Engel Wallin

Sami Rana

Prynze Buenaventura

Student Essays

Maya Redden

Quick Writes

Emma Gyde

Mahzeeb Ahmed


Göksu Boz

Library Corner

Emma Gyde, Sheida Joderi

Book Reviews

Mahzeeb Ahmed


Omar Said

Darpan Gautam


Sunrise Hvidtfeldt de Jesus

Alfred Andreasson

Jovan Kuzmanovic

Mohammed Yasser Bafakih

Malik Kaplan

Zaahid Asvat

Lodovica Casarini

Rozerin Korkmaz


Jasleen Kaur

Melisa Inal

Rayyan Ehtesham

Prep Class

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Glowing Angel Emma Simonsen

Short Stories

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Glowing Angel

Short Stories

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Short Stories

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Short Stories

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The air was cold as I walked along the road. As I

breathed out I could see the mist forming by my

mouth. One stream formed into a dragon and

roared at me. How odd that I never noticed these

creatures before Mother died in the crash, they

are so magnificant. I told the dragon to go away.

They always go away when I tell them too. I didnt

have time to deal with the steam creatures right

now anyways, I had more pressing issues.

A few days ago I had noticed that James, had

started to glow. James was always making fun of

me but I didnt let it get to me, but this was odd.

No one else noticed but I was sure. They started

to act strange while they were glowing. They

would call me names, appear in two place at

once, they charge at people and then disappear

before they collided.Once they even started flying

around the room. No one seemed to care at all.

Naturally I was frightened, and when I asked

people they told me I was weird and walked

away. Then those people started to glow too.

Eventually the entire school started to glow, and

everyone stopped talking too me. Even my best

friend Lisa called me strange and didnt speak with

me. anymore. She was the last to start glowing.

It was becoming obvious what was happening

here. The mean people had possesed the other

people with their mean spirits and I was the only

one left. I knew I would be next, but I didnt know

what I could do. How could I stop these evil

people from possessing me, like they did to Lisa.

I realised needed to save myself. As I was looking

at the gnomes fighting outside from my window,

pondering what to do the day they all started

glowing, when I saw one of them had left the

street and was in my room. He was little, maybe

half a meter high and his beard was longer than

he was tall. I looked at him and cocked my head,

the gnomes dont normally come inside. All he said

was "To stop the evil glow, you have to purify the

one who started it. You need to kill him Megan,

he must die." and then he disappeared. The

gnomes didnt lie, not once had the gnomes ever

lied. I knew what I had to do.

The school building was approching. I could see it,

growing larger as I drew closer. I saw James, the

one who started all of this. He was by the

Purification Daniel Austin

Short Stories

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building, leaning on the wall. Everything was so clear

as I approched him, people parted as I walked by. It

was like they knew what needed to be done and

were clearing a way. He was just a few meters away

as I drew the knife I had hidden in my sleve. "Huh?"

he said as he saw me, just a meter away from him.

I raised the knife, and swung. Time slowed down to a

near freeze. I could see everything in great detail,

the knife as it swung towards him, his eyes, bulging,

shocked at what was happening, the crowd, most of

whom didnt notice, but the ones who did were

frozen. My knife impaled him. Struck him dead

center in his heart. As he closed his eyes for the final

time, his last sight was me, smiling over him, and the

snow, falling for the first time this year.

A few moments ago…

I was standing in the crowd waitinf for school to

start. I got there too early. I was playing with my

keychain that I had had since I was little. I never

went anywhere without it, it was very pretty. "For

Lisa" was carved in on the back. My mom had

written it when she gave it to me, and I ket it for all

this time.

I saw Megan coming through the crowd. She looked

strangely intent, but I didnt ask why. She was acting

strange and could barely focus on anything anymore.

It looked different today, but I wasnt ready to deal

with her now. I moved out of the way like everyone

else. I went back to fiddleing with my keychain,

when I heard a scream. I looked over to what is was,

expecting just some of the guys playing around.

What I saw was so much worse. James was lying on

the ground and Megan was over him. Holding a

knife. And smiling.

Everything was silent for just a second, but it seemed

lie forever. Finally someone made a noise, and

started screaming. And then everyone else started

panicing and joining in. I ripped my phone out and

kept as calm as possible. Emergancy dial. Police. My

mind was spinning, but I knew the police could deal

with it.

"Hello what is your emergancy said the man who

picked up the phone"

"A-a person was just stabbed, please come help! We

need help!" I sputtered out. "We are at the school on

Queen street" I quickly proclaimed afterwards.

"We will be right there," said the officer.

For about 3 minutes no one knew what to do. All we

could do was wait. Megan was still hovering over

him with the knife, but for the most part everyone

had stopped screaming. Multiple people were crying

and some had run away, but most of the people

were just standing in silence. The police finally

arrived, and started questioning people. I was one of

the first one asked, I didnt process what the man

said at all. All I did was point at the body. That was

all I could do. I was taken to the police station for

questioning, but it was obvious they knew what

happened already.

Once of the officers walked up to me and offered me

a glass of water. I ignored him.

"Well," he said "looks like you are in shock. Anyways,

your friend will be taken to a mental hospital. I dont

know if she will ever get out. You have to wonder

what is going through these peoples heads eh?"

I used to think that. But now its awfully clear. James

was obviously evil. I think I might just follow in her

footsteps. So many people that need to be purified

in this terrible world.

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The children I know all too well

Short Stories

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Hjalte Engel Wallin

Short Stories


My voice echoed through the empty

corridors. A boy came up to me, tears in

is eyes. 'Hello', he said, gone in a blink. I

rubbed my eyes, and the boy was

gone. I saw a quite young girl;

she looked lost, and was gone as fast as

she arrived. I felt a chill down my spine

as I searched for an exit. In the distance,

I saw the boy from before, crying, and

pointing at me. I turned around to see

a door, and I looked back to see the boy

missing. 'I thought this was just a game',

a voice cried in the distance. I looked

down the corridors, only to see another

boy, hanging in a rope, by his neck. I

crashed out the door, tears in my eyes,

as I realized I knew these children. I

knew them all too well.

The light blinded my eyes. I was outside,

and night was falling. I looked up to

find a street pole, half expecting a dead

body, half wishing there wasn't. The

metal glamoured through the night, and

the pole was empty. I let out a sigh, and

I looked around me. Long winding cold

streets slithered through rows upon rows

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of buildings. I walked at a brisk pace,

scared of the night. I felt as if I was

watched, yet I was alone, just me and

the moon. My white jacket had become

dirty, and my feet were cold. I heard

the sound of my rumbling belly,

reverberating through the cold night. 'I

need to eat', I whispered under my

breath, as I started walking faster

through the chilling night.

I walked through the long winding

streets, looking around me. The

buildings were indented, falling slowly

over, as if they were as tired as the

people living inside them. The shadows

creeped up on me, and I shrunk to the

floor. My heart beat faster, and I

started to run. The noise of my heart

felt as if it chased me, watching my

every turn, feeling my every step. I ran

until I tripped, flying through the air,

and landing my face onto the long

road. I landed, face down in a puddle.

It must've rained last night, I thought to

myself, as I raised myself out of the

puddle, and then I saw it. Something so

disgusting, horrifying, almost scary in

the puddle, and I most certainly didn't

like it. I raised my body up, and I let

out a cry, as I walked down this road of


I saw a baby carriage. I smiled, as I felt

a sense of lust clinging through my

body. I walked faster towards the

carriage, running faster with every step.

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Short Stories

Just as I was about to touch it, I fell over,

chasing shadows in the night. 'I'm a

monster', I whispered. I heard a cry, a

scream, tearing through the night sky,

like a knife slicing through butter. A

scream from a baby. I looked up, to find

another building, standing as if it were

to fall over at any moment. The scream

continued, torturing my ears, yet the

house seemed to notice nothing, slacking

forwards, like a resting lion. The

screaming stopped.

I started to ponder where I was, as I

continued to walk down along the

streets. I felt alone, oh so alone in this

big world. Yet who were those children,

who were those children hanging by

their necks, and why was I involved?

What had I done that was so bad? Yes,

of course I did some terrible things to

some kids, but killing themselves over

what we did? Were the kids I saw today

those kids?

I thought I was crazy when I saw lights

shining in the distance. Thought I was

going mad, like a proper madman, with

ghosts and hallucinations. But I couldn't

be, I told myself, looking at my hand.

When I came close enough to see what it

was, I realized it was a day care. I closed

in on the building, and reached the front

door and let out a shriek when I saw

blood, painted on the door, spelling

'Sorry'. A chill went down my spine, and

I preceded to walk through the door, my

stomach still rumbling. Did those

children come from this daycare? I felt a

smell, a smell of candy, a smell of

temptation. I walked through a long

narrow corridor. Finally, I saw the door

where the smell came from. Candy

wrappers littered the outside door. Lust

streamed through my body, and I

opened the door, the door letting out a

scream. A boy, hanging, in a rope, by

his neck, naked, in front of an open

letter spelling 'What he did was too

much' was before my very eyes.

I didn't want more. I wanted to leave, I

wanted to scream. I crashed through the

door, ran through the corridors, and the

final thing I remember, was smiling over

seeing my hanging feet, and an aching

pain in my neck.

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Short Stories

His name was Carrot, he

had a rich family, Carrot

was born in Germany in the

year 1978, and he went to

the USA when his dad died.

His family wasn’t such a big

family because of death of

Carrot’s father. Everybody

Carrot Sami Rana

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used to laugh at Carrot

because his name is after a

vegetable but Carrot didn’t

care. Carrot was good at

studying, he was actually the

best. Carrot was a nice guy,

everybody liked him a lot.

When he was done with

school he got good grades,

he got a golden watch that

he liked a lot. Then Carrot

became a football player, his

team was called Barcelona,

he was the best player in his

team. Carrot got married to

a girl called Berry. After,

Carrot stopped football

because he got married to

Berry. Then one day Carrot

and Berry went to the

doctor and the doctor said

you are getting a child in 3

months. 3 months later they

had their child who was

called Jack. Jack was a good

football player like his dad.

Then when Carrot’s son Jack

got done with school they

went to Tivoli and they

crashed in a truck and then

the police found Carrot and

his family. They died in year

2003 and then they got a

sad funeral.


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Candy was born 1st January

1933 in Bermuda. She was

abandoned by her real parents,

because they wanted a boy.

She got found by staff in a

children`s home. She started

going to school when she was

4. She was very smart. She was

always getting A+. She didn`t

have a lot of friends. People

thought that she was rich. She

finished school when she was

18. She started exploring with

Candy Puffylina

Prynze Buenaventura

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Short Stories

the ancient countries and cities

like Rome, Egypt and Greece.

She went to other countries like

China, Brazil, Madagascar,

Mexico and Philippines. She

had money to go all over the

world. She liked the Philippines

the most because of the

famous cave and beaches like

Boracay. She liked the food in

the Philippines. As she got

older she stopped exploring

and sold any kind of candies.

She adopted a girl who was 9

years old. Her name was Katie.

Katie helped Candy to earn

money to buy a library. She

named the library

“International Library”, because

she had books from all over the

world. Candy got cancer.

Candy`s last words to Katie

were “Take care of all the

things we have”. Candy died in

2003 November 1.

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Student Essays

Maya Redden


Essays HOME-



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Hi, I am Maya Redden. When I was 5 and old enough to know what it meant to be homeless and poor, I went to California for Christmas and my uncle took me and my family to San Francisco to see a ballet performance, while walking there I counted 9 homeless people begging on the streets and that day I told myself I would try to give at least two dollars to any homeless person I found on the streets. It was really hard for me to keep that promise so I thought that I definitely owed them this speech to try to help them and make a difference.

There are an estimated 100 million homeless people in the world and 3 million homeless in Europe. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be in a homeless persons shoes? Going to sleep on concrete or cold grass, having just a very small amount of food to eat every day , just sitting or wandering around with nothing to do, wearing the same clothes every single day, having someone totally avoid you. The majority of you would hate it being the very social people that we all are. There are also homeless children like you and I who were abandoned our thrown out of their own homes. So it is even harder for them because even most homeless grownups have gone to school but a child has not had as much experience in the world and it would be much harder to survive without a home or parents.

Student Essays

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Most people become homeless because they cannot pay for their homes, unemployment, illnesses, disabilities, violence and job loss. Some of these people start their life perfectly, they start and end school and then go to a university but then when they can’t find a job in their area of expertise they can’t get money which leads to all sorts of other problems and eventually they lose their homes. A man that was interviewed in 2012 had a great life and he went to a university until he was in a car crash and broke his neck. Later he could no longer pay his bill and became broke.

There are homeless people all over the world, in Australia every day 1 in every 200 people are homeless, they end up sleeping in tents or on park

benches, in the United States the number of homeless people range from 600 thousand to 2.5 million, most of which are in New York, and in Denmark there are about 5000 homeless people.

We can help these homeless people just by understanding who they are, bring them food, donate your old clothes or you could join or create a club to help them. You could volunteer at a soup kitchen or shelter, or give them your recyclables which can later be turned in for money. But mainly you can educate them, like telling them about a good place to go for food or shelter, tell them how to get around or how to make

their own food. There are even organizations that you can sign up for to tutor a homeless child. By helping these people it will help them in the future much more than you would think.

Student Essays

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Quick Writes

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Quick Writes

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Emma Gyde

I dream of a world...

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Quick Writes

I dream of a world...

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I dream of a world...

Quick Writes

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Theater Ø

Holes The Musical

Coming Soon...

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Drama club will be holding a grand play, and you as the

Audience are included. The play this time around will be

based on Holes, a play based around Stanley Yelnats.

Stanley Yelnats family is cursed, or at least that's what he's

been told. His family was cursed because of his dirty, pig

stealing, grand-grand-grandfather. Stanley ends in the

wrong place at the wrong time, finds himself in a camp and

is made to dig holes. The further down he digs his holes, the

closer he comes to the real story behind the camp. Our

play is not exactly following the book. The play is arranged

by over 60 people, and the actors and dancers and

musicians are ready for sandy shoes. The play will be

around February.

Göksu Boz

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Library Corner

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Library Corner

ØIS Library & Librarian

by Emma Gyde, Sheida Joderi

Library Corner

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Ms. Neubert-Luckner is from

Manhattan Beach California. She has

an interest in art. She loves going to

art museums and learning about

different art creation. She worked as a

librarian at the Peggy Guggeheim. She

has worked at OIS since it opene. She

kindly agreed to do a small interview

with us for the literary magazine.

What is your favorite book from the


Anne of Green Gables

What age did you start Reading


When I was in first, second and third

grade I hated reading! It felt like a

chore more than a hobby. But during

the fourth grade I read a series called

super fudge that taught me that

reading could be fun and not just a

time consuming task.

What is the pirate concept?

There is a book organizing system

called the Dewey Decimal System that

categorizes books in different

categories and then divisions. It is a

complex system so small children

don’t understand and show an interest

in this. Therefore I have come up with

the pirate concept where the children

Library Corner

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are pirates and the books are the

treasure, the kids need to find the

treasure “books” and that is how you

engage kids into less exciting


Why do you like your favorite book?

I like Anne of Green Gables because

Anne was a very strong willed girl who

stood up for what she beloved in

during a time period where girl where

not well appreciated or had very

many rights. I feel in a way I was kind

of like her I stood up for what I

believed in.

How did you pick the books in the


I got a little jar and asked the

students, parents and teachers to

write their book recommendations for

the library. There is also an American

website that lists all the mainstream

books a library should have.

Library Corner

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Book Reviews

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Book Reviews

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Under The

Forever Sky

Book Reviews

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Book Reviews

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Yes, that’s me



Omar Said

Stars in

the Skies

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Darpan Gautam


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You're as beautiful as the sky You're as beautiful as the sea Your hair, it shines, just like the sun

Your face, it glitters, just like the stars This sounds like a love letter But you, please me it's not I see you as you see me But I see you as the dancing sun A smile and a tear have the same reason To show the feeling of the person's seasons A smile goes up, but a tear goes down But the opposite, of a smile, is a frown I don't know what to do but think But if I think I can't blink?

I need to keep my frown up side down And my tears flying all the way down The sparkle in your eye, The warmth of your skin, The smell of your hair, The naughtiness in your smile, That strength in your stare, The power in your face,

The beating of your heart, This may be our start You're as tall as a tree I am as short as a flower This just shows That nature has power. I reach up to hug you You reach down to hug me This just shows

That love also has power Cause every girl deserves more More than a lions roar And it's you I care for 'Cause My heart is a trap door If you enter there's no going out And I'll love you, there's no doubt

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Picture stories in this issue are the winners of the picture story competition called ‘A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words’, held in the Autumn term of 2013 at Østerbro International School.

Congratulations for their success.

Hereby, we would like to announce that they have won a ticket to a movie that all winners will go together at Palads Cinema in Copenhagen.

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My best friend

Last year my mom signed me up to be on a waiting list for get a friend in a club, “Senior Best Friend”. -An old man as a friend? How am I supposed to play with him? It is going to be too boring, I thought.

He is now my special friend. He is not a common friend as you would expect, because I am a twelve year old boy and he is 77 years.

My best friend is very special because he inspires me a lot and allowed me to inspire him too. He is older than me by age, but not in his spirit. He still is full of energy and loves to go out and have fun with me. We have been in Tivoli, at the cinema and so on. He teaches me so many things (to prepare a fish and make the table read to lunch).

Sunrise Hvidtfeldt de Jesus

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One night in the jungle

In 2008 my family

and I went on a trip

through China over

Christmas. One

place I especially

remember was

when we spent one

night in south of

Yunnan in a tree

house in a national

park with wild


The house was high

up in a tree over a

small river. The

guides told us that

the wild elephants

usually came to this

spot on the river in

the early morning to

drink water.

It was very dark in the night. In the middle of the night we heard a sound and we

woke up, ran outside and looked down on the river, but nothing. It was probably

just apes or dogs from the villages nearby.

In the morning we didn’t have any breakfast beside some bananas. We also met

some monkeys but no elephants.

Alfred Andreasson

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Missing Dog

Once upon a time, there was a girl whose

name was Sara and she had a dog whose

name was Munja. Munja was the best

friend of Sara. One day, Munja was

disappeared (lost) in the forest. Sara was

very sad and she was waiting her dog all

day long. In the evening, she took the

lamp and then she went to the dark forest

to find Munja. She was hoping that she

would find him. When she was in dark

forest, she found a small hole where Sara

hoped she would find him. When Sara put

the lamp into to hole, she found the dog

and then, Sara picked him up and saved


Jovan Kuzmanovic

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The friendly squirrel and the happy giraffe

One day, there was a squirrel named

Toto. Toto was very kind. He had a friend

and it was a giraffe. And his name was

Zami. Toto and Zami loved to play

together and helped each other about

how to get food. So they spent all those

years helping each other. Zami let Toto

hop on his back. And Zami showed Toto

very beautiful places. While Zami was

showing around places, something went

wrong. Toto got caught by an eagle and

the eagle ate him. Zami was very sad and


Mohammed Yasser Bafakih

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The house

Once upon a time there was a house. In the house there lived 2 boys. The names of the boys were Ibrahim and Abdulbasit Malik. One day the boys went out to shopping. When they came back to their house the door was open.

Abdulbasit looked inside the house and called Ibrahim to look at what happened in the house and said “Look at it. I think someone broke in our house, who could it be?”

The next day, Abdulbasit made a plan to see who it was. So they went shopping again. When they came back, the window was broken. Abdulbasit opened the door and looked inside the house. But nothing was stolen.

The next day, they made another plan and went shopping again. When they came home they heard a sound and the hid behind the tree. Suddenly, they saw a boy who came to the house Abdulbasit looked

at the boy, and said “I know him”. He was his old classmate Carlos.

Abdulbasit went over to him and said ‘hi Carlos, what are you doing here?’

Carlos said that he needed a place to stay and asked Abdulbasit if he could stay with them. Abdulbasit said “of course, you can stay with us”.

Malik Kaplan

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The story of Luke and Amalie at the house

Luke and Amalie were soaking up the

sun, playing in the water.

Luke loved splashing everyone. Luke

was taking Amalie deeper into the water

and they were having a great time. They

had all sorts of toys like water guns,

goggles, balls and rackets.

They felt a little hungry and came in for a

snack! Mum gave them two brightly

coloured towels to dry up. “Oh yum!

Lemonade and cookies, what a treat!”

said Luke.

Then they ran to the sandpit as Amalie

loved making sand castles and mermaids.

They fetched a bucket of water and built

a huge sand castle. It looked beautiful

and Luke loved it. Just then Dad came

home and he brought them their own

surprise present. Luke got a new football

and Amalie got the book she always

wanted. They both loved their gifts they

had received.

Amalie read her book and explained it to

Luke. Luke wanted to read the book after

she was completed reading. Luke‘s ball

was authentic. That day was the best day

of their life!

Zaahid Asvat

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Me, My best friend and the dogs

Hi, my name is Liz. I have brown eyes, and

yellow and brown hair. I like dogs. That is

why I have one. My dog’s name is Kelly.

Kelly’s skin is white. I have a best friend

whose name is Sara. She has green eyes

and yellow hair. She also like`s dogs and

she has one too. His dog`s name

is Fillip. He has black skin.

One day I and Sara decided to

go to the forest with Kelly and

Fillip. In the forest we found a

tennis ball. Sara and I decided to

play with it. After an hour or so,

Sara threw the ball as far as it

could go. Fillip and Kelly went to

get it. After 10 minutes we went

to look after Kelly and Fillip. So

Sara and I went to look for

them. We shouted “KELLY…

FILIP… Where are you?” Sara

and I looked for them for about 7 more

minutes. Sara thought that we had lost the

dogs. In the river, we saw the dogs on a

boat rowing together to get the ball. We

got so happy and laughed a lot because

they were so so so cute.

Lodovica Casarini

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The day of laughter

Once upon a time there were two

women. They were very close friends.

Their names were Sophie and Laura.

Sophie was 39 years old and Laura was

42 years old .One day, Sophie decided to

go to Laura´s house. Sophie took her

jacket on and went out of the door.

Sophie ringed the bell and she said

“Come in.” Laura opened the door.

Sophie took

her jacket

off. Then they went to the kitchen and

they drank a cup of coffee with some

cake. Laura asked “Are you still afraid of

the water?” Laura and Sophie laughed.

Sophie said not anymore I was afraid

when I was young but not anymore. “So

you can go to the swimming pool?” Laura

asked. “Yes” said Sophie. After one hour

of talk and laughter, Sophie went home.

Rozerin Korkmaz

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My very

Own story

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My story is about my right eye.

When I was little my eye was closed

for one month. I had 2 eye

operations when I was 8 years old.

When I was 6 or 7 years old, I had

a little ball on my eye for a year.

Kids were asking me questions about

my eye. They were asking me "Why

do you have the little ball on your

eye?" And I said, "I don't know".

I didn't like the little ball on my

eye because it was annoying me. But

I didn't feel it and it didn't hurt.

I had the first eye surgery on the

4th of January. I drove with my mom

and dad. When I got into the

hospital I felt a bit scared. Then I

changed my clothes and then I got

into the room. There were 4 people

when I came into the room. I was

shaking because I was going to have

my first eye surgery. Then I laid

down on the

bed. I slept

and my mom

and dad were

with me. I

thought the

surgery was 5

minutes. But

no, it was 2

or 3 hours.

Then I woke

up in another

room and

my mom

and dad

were there.

I will tell

you about

the time


my first

and my

second eye

surgery. I

felt happy a

lot. I could play a lot. In school I

could do everything and in my mind

I was thinking about the second eye

surgery and I didn't like it.

My second eye surgery was on June

27th in Glostrup hospital. It was

summer time and it was morning

time. I was not allowed to eat

breakfast because the doctor said so. I

could only drink water. First I drove

to the hospital. Second I changed my

clothes and then I went into the

room and there were 4 people again.

I thought the surgery was 10 or 20

minutes but no, again it was 3 or 4

hours. Last I woke up and I had

something on my hand and something

on my eye. I took it off and it didn't


Today I feel happy a lot. My eyes

are a lot better now. Now I don't

worry about my eye and I don't need

the doctor anymore.

Jasleen Kaur

My Two Eye Surgeries

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My very Own story

My name is Melisa Inal. I am 10 years old and my height is 154-156cm. I come from Turkey but I was born in Denmark. I live in Denmark. My house is in Frederiksberg which is a place in Copenhagen. I want to go to Spain, Germany, Ankara and Arabia because I want to explore more things. I have been to Istanbul, Bozcaada and Konya. I like going to dif ferent kind of countries. I want to learn more languages. I want to learn Spanish, Arabic, Germany and Japanese. My favorite fruit is mango. My eyes are brown and my hair is black and dark brown. My skin is light and I look like a person from Turkey. I have a mom

and dad. I have a sister and a brother too. My sister’s name is Hafsa and my brohter’s name is Mesih. My brother is 14 years old and my sister is 21 years old. My favorite animal is a cat.

Melisa Inal My Autobiography

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My name is Rayyan Ehtesham. I am 8 years old. I am from Pakistan, Islamabad in Asia. I have lived in Denmark for 3 and a half years. I was born on the 31st of January 2005. I have a Mother,

Father and a little sister. My Mother`s name is Nazia Sanaullah, my Father`s name is Ehtesham Mohammad and my little sister`s name is Mahdiyah Ehtesham. My

hobbies are swimming, playing with my Nintendo Wii and 3ds, reading and watching Television (TV). I enjoy these activities because they’re fun. My favorite

animal is a Peacock. My favorite food is Pizza, Kebab and Soup. My favorite desert is an ice-cream called Kulfi.

Rayyan Ehtesham

My Autobiography My very Own story

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Chief Editor Ramazan Dicle EAL Teacher

Editor Hjalte Engel Wallin 8th Grade

Editor Emma Simonsen 8th Grade

Editor Maya Redden 6th Grade

Editor Emma Gyde 7th Grade

Secretary Ivan Petrov 7th Grade

Secretary Frederikke Schaufuss 6th Grade

Secretary Zamir Khan 4th Grade

Secretary Mona Meshal 9th Grade

Writer Mahzeeb Ahmed 7th Grade

Writer Sheida Joderi 7th Grade

Writer Omar Said 8th Grade

Writer Mohamed Bafakih 4th Grade

Writer Tekudzwa Mema 7th Grade

Writer Goksu Boz 8th Grade

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Hjalte Engel Wallin Maya Redden Emma Simonsen Emma Gyde

Sheida Joderi Zamir Khan Frederikke Schaufuss Goksu Boz

Mahzeeb Ahmed Ivan Petrov Tekudzwa Mema Mona Meshal

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Østerbro International School | Præstøgade 17 · 2100 København Ø |+ 45 70 20 63 68 | [email protected]