ole roemer 1676 light constant velocity hypothesis historical mistake

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  • 7/29/2019 Ole Roemer 1676 light constant velocity hypothesis historical mistake


    Ole Roemer 1676 light constant velocity hypothesis historical mistake (1973)

    Greetings: My name is Joe Nahhas and I am the founder of real time physics.

    Real time physics is hacking nature "without a least of doubt and incontestable proof" physics.

    Abstract: In1676an astrologer by the name ofOle Roemer proposed a hypothesis that lightvelocity is constant and claimed to had measured light velocity using Jupiter moon Io and came up

    with a number to be equal to c = 299, 792, 458 meters per second (current NIST published

    number) based on the constant areal velocity work of a previous astrologer named Johannes

    Kepler. In 1905 a desk clerk by the name of Albert Einstein repeated what Ole Roemer said thatlight velocity is constant velocity. Light constant velocity or the idea of two travelers going in the

    same direction at light speed c = 299, 792, 458 meters per second and their relative velocity is not

    equal to zero but equal to c = 299, 792, 458 meters per second and two traveler going in opposite

    directions at light velocity and their relative velocity is not 2 c = 2 x (299, 792, 458) but equal to c

    is not science or scientific. The number c = 299, 792, 458 meters per second is not a measurement

    of light velocity but a measurement of an artifact light velocity number like all 500 years of

    western civilization modern + Nobel Prize winner artifacts physics laws and experimental

    numbers and a "without a least of doubt and incontestable proof" that the number c = 299,792,

    458 is light artifact velocity and not light velocity is the subject of this article and I dare all!

    Table of contents: 1 - Artifact time two equations

    2 - Light artifact velocity derivation and calculation

    3- Without a least of doubt and incontestable proof and conclusion

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    1 - Artifacts time two equations

    1 =1 is self evident; 2= 2 is self evident; A = A is self evident; B = B is self evident

    A = A; add and subtract B; then, A = B + (A - B); divide by B

    (A/B) = 1 + (A - B)/B; multiply by D

    (A/B) D = D + [(A - B)/B] D --------------------------------- Equation - 1

    C = C is self evident; D = D is self evident

    Or C = C; add and subtract D

    C = D + (C - D) ----------------------------------------------- Equation - 2

    Comparing equations 1 and 2 yields, (1) AC = BD; (2) D = D; and (3)

    C - D = [(A - B)/B] D ----------------------------------------Equation - 3

    Or (C - D)/D = (A - B)/B

    Or D/D = B/B; Divide by t

    (1/D) ( D/ t) = (1/B) ( B/ t)

    Limit [(1/D) ( D/ t)] = Limit [(1/B) ( B/ t)] = ( + )

    t 0 t 0

    Or, d B/B = ( + ) d t and B = B0 e ( + ) t = A e ( + ) t

    B = A e ( + ) t.

    Distance is A; real time distance is B = A e ( + ) t

    In general distance: r = r0 e ( + ) t

    Constant velocity of light makes time

    With r = c T = r0( + ) t

    = cT0( + ) t

    ; r = c T; r0= c T0Einstein's error of time: Line time; = 0 and

    T = T0 t -------------------------------------------------------------------- I

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    T = T x + Ty= T0[cosine t + sine t]

    Along the line of sight: T x = T0cosine t ----------------------------------- (1)

    Kepler law of constant Areal velocity: d (r')/d t = 0; r'=h

    And 2 r' ' + r"= 0 Eq-2

    Separate the variables: 2 r' ' = - r "

    Or 2(r'/r) = - ("/') = - 2 ( + )

    Then: (r'/r) = +

    Or d r/r = ( + ) d t

    Then r = r0(+ )t

    With - ("/') = - 2 ( + )

    Then ' = '0 -2(+ ) t

    Or, 2 /T = 2 /T0 -2(+ )t

    Kepler's error of time:= 0; T = T02 t------------------------- II

    Einstein's error of time: = 0; T = T0 t

    Einstein's error along the line of sight:

    T = T x+ Ty= T0 cosine t + T0sine t

    Along the line of sight: T x = T0 cosine t ---------------------------------- (1)

    Kepler's error along the line of sight:

    T = T x+ Ty= T0 cosine 2 t + T0sine 2 t

    Along the line of sight: T x = T0 cosine 2 t --------------------------------- (2)

    From (2) T x -T0 = - 2 T0 sine 2 t--------------------------------------- (3)

    From (1) T x -T0 = - 2 T0 sine 2( t/2)---------------------------------- (4)

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    Artifacts time two equations: I - T = T0 t;II - T = T02 t

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    2 - Light artifact velocity derivation and calculation

    Earth as a physics lab looking into far away objects like Ole Roemer did when he presented

    his hypothesis in 1676 looking at Jupiter moon Io that has a visual orbital period of

    1.769137788 days (NASA's data) is a spinning moving sphere that has an atmosphere, a

    spinning period of one day and an orbital period of 365.256 days (NASA's data). In all ofpublished physics there is not one publication where Earth's actual motion is mentioned.

    All published physics about planet Earth's motion is relativistic motion or artifact motion.

    All there is in the Universe is material objects assigned a number called density d or mass

    m to differentiate the material object from empty space at a location r called distance.

    Physics is a study of the product S = m r and the changes in the product of S along human

    abstract scale called time t.

    A - Take any published physics law published by any physicist from any period

    of time in human historyand display the physics law in two different time frames and

    the displayed results is subtracted from one another and the ratio is calculated to find

    physics artifacts ratio and a surprise of one and only one numerical answer= 0.607500428

    B - Take any published physics law published by any physicist from any period

    of time in human historyand decipher the experimental data and it will be a surprise

    combination of four numbers

    I - Air density (mass) = 1.225 kg/m3 (Engineering Tool box)

    II - Earth's sidereal period = 86164.09943 seconds

    III - Air index of refraction = 1.000293

    IV - Artifact ratio = 0.607500428

    For example: Newton's gravitational law F = G m M/r2

    G = 6.67384 x 10-11(NIST - Data)

    The dimensions of [G] = 1/ (density) (time) 2

    And G = 0.607500428/[da (Te) 2] (n a) 3

    G = 0.607500428/[1.225(86164.09943) 2] (1.000293) 3

    C - The artifact ratio 0.607500428 comes from?

    Earth does move around the Sun

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    1- Earth moves in a circle in 27.321 days (lunar period) and the sun moves

    in another circle in 365.256 days (Earth's period)

    2 - Earth's circle motion in 27.321 days and the Sun's circle motion in

    365.256 days are not synchronized motions

    3 - Not synchronized motions produce visual artifacts

    4 - The artifacts value is calculated as follows

    I - (365.256/27.321) =13.39605677

    II- 13.36905677 - 13 (complete cycles) = 0.36905677

    III - Circular artifacts is the square root of 0.36905677 = 0.607500428

    Earth and Sun are spinning spheres with atmospheres

    Celestial objects like the Moon, Mercury and Venus has no atmosphere

    Moon: No atmosphere Mercury: No atmosphere Venus: Insignificant atmosphere

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    Moon Mercury Venus

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    Atmosphere - Spin Atmosphere - spin

    No atmosphere and no spin No atmosphere and no spin No atmosphere - no spin

    Atmosphere = spin + Circle motion Atmosphere = spin + Circle motion

    No atmosphere = no spin = no circle motion = bum Moon Mercury and Venus

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    Moon Mercury Venus


    Moon Mercury Venus

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    Kepler was aChristian Astrologer who looked at astronomical data to predictits impact on human life like an astrologer does guided byChristianitybelief of a "Center

    of Universe". Kepler's laws came from astronomical data that came from two others

    Christians Nicolaus Copernicus and Tyco Brahe. Astrologer Kepler inherited and

    practiced his Christian belief astrology that carried two holly ideas of "center"

    Johannes Kepler Nicolaus Copernicus Tyco Brahe's

    (1) Christianity idea of"Center of Universe" featured in 15th centuryChurch/

    Copernicus duel.Nicolaus Copernicus and the Catholic Church fight was about a "center of

    Universe" and ended with a shift of the "center of Universe" from Earth to the Sun. Center of

    Universe and not "center of motion"wasthe central ideaon the market in 15th century

    (2)Christianity idea of"Center of Universe data fit" ofClergy Tyco Brahe and not

    "center of motion data fit". Kepler analyzed Tyco Brahe's data to fit an already on the

    market ideaof"Center of Universe/Sun data fit" and not "center of motion data fit"

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    Result: relativistic measurements = measuring the motion of one object (planet) around

    another object (Sun/center of Universe) from a third Place (Earth) or Kepler's ellipse

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    Aphelion = a (1+ )

    Perihelion = a (1 - )



    Aphelion = a (1+ )

    Perihelion = a (1 - )



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    1 -Nicolaus Copernicus: Planets revolve around the Sun in circles

    2 -Astrologer Kepler said Planets revolve around the Sun in an ellipse


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    Aphelion = a (1+ )

    Perihelion = a (1 - )





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    Newton's said the reason Planets revolve around the Sun is due action at a distance

    or gravityexpressed by Newton's gravitational equation: F = - G m M/r2; r > 0

    Where m = a planet mass; M = Sun mass; r = distance between the Sun and Planet and

    G = a constant number = gravitational constant = 6.67384 x 10-11

    Action at a distance: Sun swinging Earth around!

    Or, r = a (1 - 2)/ (1 + cosine ); definition of an ellipse -------- I Newton's solution

    Le Verrier said the ellipse axis rotates and the rate of rotation is 43 seconds of an arc per century

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    Einstein said to have a different look at space and time.

    Sand up = sand down

    Space = velocity x time

    Space (sand up) = velocity x time (sand down)

    If velocity is constantc

    Then; Space = c x time

    If you can travel in space, then you can travel in time but at a different rate

    Nature is space - time and not just space analyzed by time

    Planet Mercurytravel in space 70.75 arc seconds per century

    Also planet Mercurytravel in time 43 arc seconds per century

    For that reason a time force in space formshould be added to Newton's force equation

    Einstein's added a time force to Newton's space force and modified Newton's equation:

    Newton's space force equation: F = - G m M/r2gives an ellipse

    Einstein's space - time force equation: F = - G m M/r2 + k1/ r4

    The solution to this equation: r = a (1 - 2)/ [1 + cosine ( - ) gives a rotating ellipse

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    It is a fact that Astronomers see this axis tilt and Einstein got a formula for it:

    = {6 G M/a c (1 - )} [180/ ] [36526/T (days)] [3600]

    G = 6.67384 x 10-11= gravitational acceleration constant

    M = 2x1030kg = mass of the Sun

    Eccentricity of Mercurys orbit = = 0.2056

    T= 88 days = period of Planet mercurys rotation around the Sun

    And c = 299792.458 km/sec =light speed/sec

    And a = 58.2 x 106 km/sec = semi major axis of planet Mercury orbit

    = {6() 6.67384 x 10-11 (2 x 1030)/58.2 x 106 (299792.458) x

    [1 (0.2056)]} x [180/ ] [36526/88] [3600] = 43 seconds of an arc per century.

    In Short: Einstein added a time force in space form k1/ r4

    Newton's force space equation: F = - G m M/r2

    Newton's Ellipse r = a (1 - 2)/ (1 + cosine )

    Einstein's force space - time equation: F = - G m M/r2 + k1/ r4

    Einstein's rotating ellipse:r = a (1 - 2)/ [1 + cosine (- )

    = {6 G M/a c (1 - )} [180/ ] [36526/T (days)] [3600] = 43 arc seconds per century

    Newton's - space ----------------Nobel - Einstein's space - time

    Compared to Planet Moon and Plant Mercury and Planet Venus are Bums?

    It is very simple solution!

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    Earth's physical reality

    27.321 days

    - a

    Sun's physical reality

    365.256 days

    - a

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    Modern + Nobel Prize winner physics Universe

    Real time hacking of nature

    Sun circle motion in365.256 days period and Earth circle motion in 27.321

    days period. To start with:

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    365.256 days






    87.96 days











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    Two circles not in Synchronous relative motion is a Kepler visual ellipse

    Astrologer Kepler said Planets revolve around the Sun in anellipse

    Western civilization 500 years assertion is Kepler's ellipse


    Joe Nahhas Vs western civilization

    365.256 days period 27.321 days period

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    Aphelion = a (1+ )

    Perihelion = a (1 - )










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    How Joe Nahhas can explain the periods of the three bum planets?

    365.256 days period 27.321 days period

    From (2) T x -T0 = - 2 T0 sine 2 t--------------------------------------- (3)

    From (1) T x -T0 = - 2 T0 sine 2( t/2)---------------------------------- (4)

    The artifact ratio 0.607500428

    From (2) 0.607500428 = T x -T0/ T0 = - 2 sine 2 t

    And the value t = 33.44494011 degrees; tan t = tan 33.44494011 = 0.660504466

    The period of planet Mercury is the Sun's period of 365.256 days divided by 2 tan ttimes the square of air index of refraction because Kepler's formula is use to determine

    the planetary periods and it is calculated are square

    The artifacts period of planet Mercury around the Sun:

    Is: (365.256 na2/2 tan t) = (365.256 x 1.0002932/2 0.660504466)

    = 87.96041554 days

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    Planet Mercury is a bum: Artifacts circularization period of planet Mercury = 87.96 days

    Planet Venus is a bum: Artifacts circularization period of planet Mercury = 224.86 days

    When the Sun moves Planet Mercury and Venus appear like they are moving in motion

    (Planet Mercury) and in retrograde motion (Venus) when Mercury and Venus are bums.

    Planet Venus artifact period calculations:

    A - 365.256/2 tan t = 88.0119679 days

    B - The artifacts is 0.607500428; retrograde artifacts is (1 - 0.607500428) = 0.392499572

    And (88.0119679/0.392499572) = 224.2345574 days

    C - Time scale (Solar time/ Sidereal time) = (86400/96164.09943) = 1.002737806

    D - Artifact of index of refraction: 1 + (1 - n a) sine t = 1.000161

    Venus artifacts period: (224.2345574) (1.000161/1.002737806) = 224.6804828 days

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    Ole Roemer's hypothesis

    From (2) T x -T0 = - 2 T0 sine 2 t--------------------------------------- (3)

    From (1) T x -T0 = - 2 T0 sine 2( t/2)---------------------------------- (4)

    A - Artifact 1 calculations:

    I - (365.256/27.321) =13.39605677

    II- 13.36905677 - 13 (complete cycles) = 0.36905677

    III - Circular artifacts is the square root of 0.36905677 = 0.607500428

    B - Artifact 2 calculations: (after six month/ Earth other side of the Sun)

    I - [(365.256/27.321)/2] =13.39605677/2 = 6.684528385

    II- 6.684528385- 6 (complete cycles) = 0.684528385

    III - Circular artifacts is the square root of 0.684528385 = 0.827362306

    Orbital: From (2) T x -T0 = - 2 T0 sine 2 t------------------------------------ (3)

    A -Artifact 1; t = 33.44494011 degrees

    B -Artifact 2; t = 40.02939213 degrees

    Line: From (1) T x -T0 = - 2 T0 sine 2( t/2)---------------------------------- (4)

    T = T x -T0 = - 2 T0 sine 2( t/2); T0=1.769137788 days

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    T= - 2 T0 sine 2( t/2)

    And t/2= [(40.02939213 degrees) - (33.44494011 degrees)]/2

    = 3.29222601 degrees

    T= - 2 T0 sine 2( t/2)

    = - 2 T0 sine 2( t/2)

    = (- 2 x 1.769137788 days) sine 2 (3.29222601 /2)

    T= 0.011669377days

    C - T= 0.011669377days

    T = 0.011669377x (86400 second) = 1008. 234135 seconds

    Compensating or dividing for the twice the time error squared using Kepler's law;

    Kepler's law is given or calculated as T2or[(86400/86164.09943)2]2

    Compensating or multiplying for the twice the air index of refraction error for two

    measurements (1.000293)2

    Compensating or multiplying once for the air index artifact of refraction error squared

    for two measurements (1.000161)

    T (measured artifact time)

    = [(1008. 234135 seconds) (1.000293)2(1.000161)]/ [(86400/86164.09943)2]2

    T (measured artifact time) = 998.0130372 seconds

    Twice Earth - Sun distance = 2 x 1.49598 x 1011

    Light artifact velocity C= 299792458

    C T = [299792458 x 998.0130372]/2 = 1.4959839 x 1011

    C T = artifact velocity x artifact time = 1.4959839 x 1011

    The artifact ratio 0.607500428 comes from?

    Earth moves in 27.321 days cycle and the Sun moves 365.256 days cycle!

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    3 - Newton's equation solution as an expression of an artifact of 0.607500438

    F = -G m M/r2; r > 0

    Physics Faculty wrong solution of ellipse, r (, 0) = a (1 - 2)/ (1 + cosine )

    Correct solution is a rotating ellipse, r (, t) = [a (1-)/ (1+ cosine )] ( + ) t

    Newton's equation in polar coordinates

    F = m; = [r" - r '] r1+ [2 r' ' + r "] 1

    With m (r" - r ')= - Gm M/r2 Eq-1

    And 2 r' ' + r "= 0 Eq-2

    I - Real numbers or time independent solution

    Eq-2: 2 r' ' + r "= 0

    Multiply by r> 0

    Then 2 r r' ' + r2"= 0

    Or, d (r')/d t = 0

    And integrating: r' = h = constant

    With m (r" - r ')= - Gm M/r2

    Then, (r" - r ')= - GM/r2

    Let u = 1/r; r = 1/u; r' = h = /u

    And r' = d r/d t = (d r/ d u) (d u /d ) (d / d t)

    = (- /u ) (d u /d ) ' = (-'/u ) (d u /d ) = - h (d u/ d )

    And r' = d r/d t = - h (d u/ d )

    And r" = d r/ d t = d (d r'/ d t)/ d t

    = d [- h (d u/ d )]/ d t

    Multiply (d / d )

    Then r" = d r/ d t = {d [- h (d u/ d )]/ d t} (d / d )

    = ' {d [- h (d u/ d )]/ d }

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    = - h (d u/ d )

    = (- h/r) (d u/ d )

    = - h u (d u/ d )

    And r" = d r/ d t = - h u (d u/ d )

    With d r/dt - r ' = - G M/r2 E q 1

    And - h u (d u/ d ) (1/u) (h u) = - G M u2

    Then (d u/ d ) + u = G M/h2

    And u = G M/h2+ A cosine

    The r = 1/u = 1/ (G M/h2+ A cosine ); divide by G M/h2

    And r = (h2/G M)/ [1 + (A h2/G M) cosine ]

    With; h2/G M = a (1 - 2); (A h2/G M) =

    This is Newton's equation classical solution

    Or, r = a (1 - 2)/ (1 + cosine ); definition of an ellipse ------------- I

    Newton's time independent solution

    II - Real time or complex numbers solution :

    Newton's equation in polar coordinates

    F = m; = [r" - r '] r1+ [2 r' ' + r "] 1

    With m (r" - r ')= - Gm M/r2 Eq-1

    And 2 r' ' + r "= 0 Eq-2

    Eq-2: 2 r' ' + r "= 0

    Separate the variables: 2 r' ' = - r "

    Or 2(r'/r) = - ("/') = - 2 ( + )

    Then: (r'/r) = +

    Or d r/r = ( + ) d t

    Then r = r 0(+ )t

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    And r = r (, 0) r (0, t); r 0= r (, 0)

    And r = r (, 0) (+ )t

    And r (0, t) = (+ )t

    With r (, 0) = a (1 - 2)/ (1 + cosine )

    Then, r (, t) = [a (1-)/ (1+ cosine )] (+ )t ------------- I

    Newton's time dependent solution = quantum mechanics

    If time is frozen that is t = 0

    Then r (, 0) = a (1-)/ (1+ cosine ) or classical

    Relativistic is the difference between I and Real II

    With - ("/') = - 2 ( + )

    Then ' = '0 -2 (+ )t

    With '0 = h/[r (, 0)] 2

    And '(, t) = [' (, 0)] -2(+ )t

    And, '(, t) = ' (, 0) ' (0, t)

    And ' (0, t) = ' (0, 0) -2(+ )t

    At Perihelion:

    We Have ' (0, 0) = h (0, 0)/r (0, 0) = 2ab/ 0 a (1- ) ;0 = orbital period

    = 2a [ (1- )]/0a (1- ) ]

    = 2[ (1- )]/0 (1- ) ]

    Then '(0, t) = 2 [(1- )/ 0 (1- ) ] -2(+ )t

    With = 0

    Then '(0, t) = 2 [(1-)/ 0 (1-) ] -2(+ )t

    = 2 [(1-)/ 0 (1- ) ] (cosine 2 t - sine 2 t)

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    Real '(0, t) = 2 [(1- )/ 0 (1-) ] cosine 2 t

    Real '(0, t) = 2 [(1-)/ 0 (1-) ] (1 - 2sine t)

    Naming ' = '(0, t); '0 = 2 [(1-)/ 0 (1-) ]

    Then ' = 2 [(1- )/ 0 (1- ) ] (1 - 2 sine t)

    And ' = '0 (1 - 2 sine t)

    And ' - '0 = - 2 '0 sine t = -2{2 [(1-)/ 0 (1-) ]} sine t

    And ' - '0 = -4 [(1-)/0 (1-) ] sine t

    With, v = spin velocity; v0 = orbital velocity; 0 = orbital period

    And 0= tan-1 [(v + v0)/c]; light aberrations

    ' = ' - '0 = - 4 [(1-)]/0 (1-) ] sine tan-1 [(v + v0)/c] radians per0

    In degrees per period is multiplication by 180/

    ' = (-720) [(1-)/0 (1-) ] sine tan-1 [(v + v0)/c]

    The angle difference in degrees per period is: = ( ') 0

    = (-720) [(1-)/(1-) ] sine tan-1 [(v + v0)/c] calculated in degrees per century is

    multiplication = 100 ;= Earth orbital period = 100 x 365.26 =36526 days and dividing byusing 0 in days: (100 /0)= in degrees per century

    = (-72000 /0) [(1-)/ (1-) ] sine tan-1 [(v + v0)/c]

    In arc second per century is multiplying by 3600

    = - 3600 x 720 (100 /0) [(1-)/ (1-) ] x Sine tan-1 [(v + v0)/c]

    Approximations I

    With v

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    Approximations II

    The circumference of an ellipse

    Is: 2 a (1 - /4 + 3/16()- --.) 2 a (1- /4); r0 = a (1- /4)

    From Newton's laws for a circular orbit:

    F = [M/m F = - Gm M/r02 = m v0/ r0

    Then v0 = GM/ r0; for planet Mercury

    And v0= [GM/ r] = [GM/a (1-/4)]

    G = 6.673 x 10 -11; M = 2 x1030 kg; a = 58.2 x 109meters; = 0.206

    Then v0 = [6.673 x 10 -11 x 2 x1030 /58.2 x 109 (1- 0.206 /4)]

    And v0 = 48.14 km/sec [Mercury]; c = 300,000

    (Calculated in arc second per century)

    = (-720x36526x3600/0days) [(1-)/ (1-) ] [(v + v0)/c]

    With = 0.206; [(1-)/ (1-) ] = 1.552; v = 3 meters per second

    = (-720x36526x3600/88) 1.552 (48.143/300,000)

    = 43 arc second per century


    = (-720x36526x3600/0days) [(1-)/ (1-) ] [(v + v0)/c]

    = (-720x36526x3600/88) 1.552 (48.143/300,000)

    = 43 arc second per century

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    Or, r = a (1 - 2)/ (1 + cosine ); definition of an ellipse

    Rotating ellipse, r (, t) = [a (1-)/ (1+ cosine )] ( + ) t ------------- I

    Sun - Mercury Period in seconds = 87.96 days x 24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds

    Planet Mercury angular velocity around the Sun

    Is 0'= 2 x /88 x 24 x 60 x 60 radians per period

    Planet Mercury angular velocity around the Sun in arc second per century 0'

    = (2 x /87.96 x 24 x 60 x 60) (180/) (36525.6/87.96) (3600)

    = 70.81384506 arc sec per century.

    If C = 0' = 70.81384506 arc sec per century measured from the Sun

    And 70.81384506 x 0.607500428 = 43 arc sec per century

    Modern + Nobel physics is based on time travel and time travel is wrong use of clock!

    I am not only saying Nobel is wrong but what I can prove is modern + Nobel = wrong

    All Rights reserved

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