oligo - why take vitamins?

Everyone not regularly taking the Vitality Pack ® probably has an excuse. But today those excuses give way to a happier, healthier, more fun-filled life! Not Taking Oligo ? There’s No Excuse! 2 I don’t remember to take them 1 THE SEVEN MOST COMMON EXCUSES 6 THE TRUTH: Please rethink this one! Other multivitamin and mineral supplements have serious problems with mineral absorption and free radical generation. Only Oligo is up to 10 times more available for absorption and provides maximum antioxidant protection throughout your entire body while supplying the nutrients you need—just like nature. This isn’t just a claim. The proof is in the scientific research. I eat well enough, so I don’t need to supplement They upset my stomach 4 THE TRUTH: Just like any new habit, it can take about three weeks of repetition before you establish the healthy routine of taking your Vitality Pack with breakfast and dinner. Remember, skipping today can hurt tomorrow. Keeping the bottles out on your kitchen counter or in the same cabinet where you keep your dishes provides a visual reminder. Vitality 4 , Vitality 6 , and Vitality Total deliver the supplements in convenient, go-anywhere AM and PM packets—perfect for pocket or purse. So remembering to supplement is a no-brainer. It’s too many pills to take 7 THE TRUTH: Though some supplements promise a full spectrum of nutrients in a single pill, they are selling you convenience, not a full menu of nutrition. It is impossible to provide all the nutrients Melaleuca provides in just one pill (unless that pill were exceptionally large). Vitality Multivitamin & Mineral delivers vitamins and minerals in just two easy-to-swallow pills. One in the morning, one in the evening, to support your body’s nutritional needs both day and night. THE TRUTH: Taken with a meal (always recommended for vitamin supplementation) and a full glass of water, Vitality supplements are designed to be easy on everyone’s stomach. For those not used to providing their bodies with ample doses of balanced nutrients, a few moments of stomach discomfort may occur shortly after ingesting the pills—but it usually goes away after a few days of regular use. Simply consider it proof that it’s working. Of course, taking any pills on an empty stomach might trigger a release of acid and an uncomfortable, queazy feeling. Vitality supplements adhere to strict U.S. Pharmacopeia standards for dissolution, dissolving within a matter of minutes. THE TRUTH: Even the most diligent and nutritionally educated among us struggle to consume the right foods— every day—for the right mix of nutritional elements. The average American eats far less than their recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables. Even if they do, there is good reason to doubt the nutritional content of those foods. For these reasons, a June 2002 report printed in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recommended every man, woman, and child take a multivitamin and mineral supplement. I’m used to another brand They’re too expensive 3 THE TRUTH: Multivitamin and mineral supplements can range from $4.00 a month to $40.00 for a month’s supply. Less-expensive options simply don’t contain the amount of nutrients the body needs, and they often use cheaper, less-effective ingredients. The idea that 100% of your daily nutritional needs can be met with a single pill is a myth perpetuated by millions of dollars in advertising. Why spend even a small amount on something that doesn’t work? Even expensive megadose vitamins suffer from absorption and free radical issues. Neither are made with Oligo technology. Priced at $19.99 for a month’s supply, only the Vitality Pack delivers the right amount of nutrients—just like nature —for only 67¢ a day. I can’t tell if they’re making a difference 5 THE TRUTH: Thousands of people feel a dramatic difference when they start taking the Vitality Pack powered by Oligo. Your expe- rience may be more subtle. But know that years of research prove that providing your body the 24 essential nutrients in the Vitality Pack every day will make a signifi- cant impact on your health—even though the benefits may take years to reveal themselves.

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Post on 09-Aug-2015



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Page 1: Oligo - Why take vitamins?

Everyone not regularly taking the Vitality Pack® probably has an excuse. But today those excuses give way to a happier, healthier, more fun-filled life!

Not Taking Oligo™? There’s No Excuse!


I don’t remember to take them1


6T H E T R U T H : Please rethink this one! Other multivitamin and mineral supplements have serious problems with mineral absorption and free radical generation. Only Oligo is up to 10 times more available for absorption and provides maximum antioxidant protection throughout your entire body while supplying the nutrients you need—just like nature.™ This isn’t just a claim. The proof is in the scientific research.

I eat well enough, so

I don’t need to supplement

They upset my stomach4

T H E T R U T H : Just like any new habit, it can take about three weeks of repetition before you establish the healthy routine of taking your Vitality Pack with breakfast and dinner. Remember, skipping today can hurt tomorrow. Keeping the bottles out on your kitchen counter or in the same cabinet where you keep your dishes provides a visual reminder. Vitality 4™, Vitality 6™, and Vitality Total™ deliver the supplements in convenient, go-anywhere AM and PM packets—perfect for pocket or purse. So remembering to supplement is a no-brainer.

It ’s too many pills

to take

7T H E T R U T H : Though some supplements promise a full spectrum of nutrients in a single pill, they are selling you convenience, not a full menu of nutrition. It is impossible to provide all the nutrients Melaleuca provides in just one pill (unless that pill were exceptionally large). Vitality Multivitamin & Mineral™ delivers vitamins and minerals in just two easy-to-swallow pills. One in the morning, one in the evening, to support your body’s nutritional needs both day and night.

T H E T R U T H : Taken with a meal (always recommended for vitamin supplementation) and a full glass of water, Vitality supplements are designed to be easy on everyone’s stomach. For those not used to providing their bodies with ample doses of balanced nutrients, a few moments of stomach discomfort may occur shortly after ingesting the pills—but it usually goes away after a few days of regular use. Simply consider it proof that it’s working. Of course, taking any pills on an empty stomach might trigger a release of acid and an uncomfortable, queazy feeling. Vitality supplements adhere to strict U.S. Pharmacopeia standards for dissolution, dissolving within a matter of minutes.

T H E T R U T H : Even the most diligent and nutritionally educated among us struggle to consume the right foods—every day—for the right mix of nutritional elements. The average American eats far less than their recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables. Even if they do, there is good reason to doubt the nutritional content of those foods. For these reasons, a June 2002 report printed in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recommended every man, woman, and child take a multivitamin and mineral supplement. I’m used to

another brand

They’re too expensive

3T H E T R U T H : Multivitamin and mineral supplements can range from $4.00 a month to $40.00 for a month’s supply. Less-expensive options simply don’t contain the amount of nutrients the body needs, and they often use cheaper, less-effective ingredients. The idea that 100% of your daily nutritional needs can be met with a single pill is a myth perpetuated by millions of dollars in advertising. Why spend even a small amount on something that doesn’t work? Even expensive megadose vitamins suffer from absorption and free radical issues. Neither are made with Oligo technology. Priced at $19.99 for a month’s supply, only the Vitality Pack delivers the right amount of nutrients—just like nature™—for only 67¢ a day.

I can’t tell if they’re making

a difference

5T H E T R U T H : Thousands of people feel a dramatic difference when they start taking the Vitality Pack powered by Oligo. Your expe-rience may be more subtle. But know that years of research prove that providing your body the 24 essential nutrients in the Vitality Pack every day will make a signifi-cant impact on your health—even though the benefits may take years to reveal themselves.

Page 2: Oligo - Why take vitamins?

Las personas que no toman el Vitality Pack® con regularidad probablemente tienen una excusa. Pero ahora esas excusas se hacen a un lado para dar paso a una vida más feliz, saludable y divertida.

¿No está tomando Oligo™? ¡No tiene excusa!

L A S 7 E X C U S A S M Á S C O M U N E S

6L A V E R D A D : ¡Por favor reconsidere esta excusa! Otros suplementos de multivitaminas y minerales tienen serios problemas con la absorción y la generación de radicales libres. Sólo Oligo es hasta 10 veces más apto para la absorción y provee la máxima protección antioxidante en todo el cuerpo mientras que aporta los nutrientes que necesita como lo hace la naturaleza. Esto no sólo es una declaración. Las investigaciones lo comprueban.

Son demasiadas


7L A V E R D A D : Si bien algunos suplementos prometen un espectro completo de nutrientes en una sola pastilla, lo que le están vendiendo es la conveniencia, no una nutrición completa. Es imposible proveer todos los nutrientes que Melaleuca provee con sólo una pastilla (a menos que esa pastilla fuera excepcionalmente grande). Las multivitaminas y minerales Vitality proporcionan las vitaminas y los minerales que necesita en sólo dos pastillas fáciles de ingerir. Una en la mañana y una en la tarde para suplir las necesidades nutricionales que el cuerpo exige en el día y la noche.

No me acuerdo de tomarlas1

L A V E R D A D : Como ocurre con cualquier hábito nuevo, pueden pasar unas tres semanas de repetición para establecer la rutina saludable de tomar el Vitality Pack con el desayuno y la cena. Recuerde que el no tomarlas hoy podría afectarle mañana. Mantenga los frascos en la encimera de la cocina o en el mismo gabinete donde guarda los platos para que le sirva como un recordatorio visual. Los suplementos que vienen en Vitality 4™, Vitality 6™, y Vitality Total™ están empacados en bolsas convenientes para la mañana y la noche, que se pueden llevar en el bolsillo o en la bolsa. Así se acordará más fácilmente de tomar sus suplementos.

2Yo me alimento

bien, así que no necesito un


L A V E R D A D : Aún a las personas más diligentes y educadas en la nutrición se les dificulta comer diariamente los alimentos adecuados para obtener las combinaciones correctas de los elementos nutricionales. El estadounidense promedio come considerablemente menos de la cantidad recomendada de frutas y verduras para cada día. Aunque lo hagan, el contenido nutricional de esos alimentos es cuestionable por buenas razones. Por eso es que un reporte que se publicó en junio de 2002 en el diario Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA, por sus siglas en inglés) recomendó que los hombres, las mujeres y los niños tomen un suplemento de vitaminas y minerales.

Me causan malestar estomacal4

L A V E R D A D : Al ingerirlos con comida (lo que siempre se recomienda con cualquier suplemento vitamínico) y un vaso de agua, los suplementos Vitality han sido diseñados para no molestar el estómago. Quienes no están acostumbrados a recibir los nutrientes en los niveles adecuados, quizá sientan un poco de malestar estomacal después de ingerir las pastillas, pero esto normalmente desaparece después de unos días de uso regular. Simplemente, considérelo como prueba de que está funcionando. Claro está que tomar cualquier pastilla en el estómago vacío puede producir acidez, incomodidad y nauseas. Los suplementos Vitality cumplen con las estrictas regulaciones de disolución de U.S. Pharmacopeia, por lo que se disuelven en unos minutos.

Estoy acostumbrado a otra marca

Son demasiado


3L A V E R D A D : Un suministro mensual de suplementos de multivitaminas y minerales puede costar de $4.00 a $40.00. Las opciones más económicas no contienen los niveles de nutrientes que el cuerpo necesita y a menudo utilizan ingredientes más baratos y menos eficaces. La idea de que uno puede obtener el 100% de sus necesidades nutricionales con una sola pastilla es un mito creado por los millones de dólares de publicidad. ¿Por poco que sea, por qué gastaría en algo que no funciona? Aún las costosas vitaminas que ofrecen una megadosis no solucionan los problemas de la absorción y de los radicales libres. Ninguna está elaborada con la tecnología de Oligo. Al precio de $19.99 por un suministro para un mes, sólo el Vitality Pack aporta la cantidad adecuada de nutrientes —como lo hace la naturaleza— por sólo 67¢ al día.

No puedo notar la


5L A V E R D A D : Miles de personas notan la diferencia casi inmediatamente cuando comien-zan a tomar el Vitality Pack con el poder de Oligo. Pero, aún si la diferencia es más sutil, usted puede estar seguro de que los 24 nutrientes en las cantidades reco-mendadas por las investigaciones están haciendo una diferencia en su salud aunque los beneficios no se revelen hasta años después.