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OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide

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OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OSenhanced 3270 user interfaceworkspacenavigation guide


ii OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide


OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OSenhanced 3270 user interfaceworkspace navigation guide . . . . . . 1


iv OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide

OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 userinterface workspace navigation guide

Used in conjunction with the OMEGAMON XE monitoring products, the enhanced 3270 interface enablesyou to monitor the performance of the z/OS systems, applications, and devices in your environment andhelps you identify and troubleshoot problems with those monitored resources.

High-level overview

By default, the first workspace that appears when you log on to the enhanced 3270 user interface is theEnterprise Summary, which displays data from all installed products. For OMEGAMON XE for CICS onz/OS, the workspace is All Active CICSplexes. From All Active CICSplexes, you can drill down to theCICSplex and CICS Region level.

Workspace names, descriptions and scenarios

In the interface, data is presented in workspaces, (screens) in which collected data and relevantinformation is displayed. The monitoring products that support the enhanced 3270 user interface providepredefined workspaces that enable you to quickly and easily diagnose problems with monitored

Figure 1. High-level diagram of the enhanced 3270 user interface for OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS


resources and take action to correct them. You can customize the workspaces to suit your requirements,even design and create your own workspaces and navigation.

The following table lists the OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS workspaces displayed in the enhanced3270 user interface in alphabetical order.

Table 1. Enhanced 3270 interface workspace names, panel IDs ,descriptions and scenarios

Workspace Panel ID Description

All Active CICSplexes KOBSTART Displays a list of all CICSplexes in your Managed System andshows the general state and health of these CICSplexes. Itprovides a starting point for trouble shooting in the event that oneof the CICSplexes contains a CICS region that is experiencingperformance difficulties.

A scenario might be if a CICS region within a particular CICSplexis currently in a Short On Storage (SOS) situation. This workspacewill display a value of Yes in the Any SOS Regions column in therow for that CICSplex. From this workspace, you would select thatCICSplex and drill down to view the CICSplex Regions Summaryworkspace for that CICSplex. The CICSplex Regions Summaryworkspace will show which CICS region is short on storage. Fromthere, you can drill down further to view the storage details of theproblematic CICS region.

All LSR Pools Known byCICS Region: &CICSNAME

KCPLSRS2 Displays all of the listed CICS region's LSR pools includingdeleted ones and ones that have not been built; no buffers arelisted.

CICS &AREA Storage Detail KCPSTGD2 Displays detail information of the storage area (DSA, EDSA, orGDSA) and the individual task subpools (in order of percent DSAused) that are part of the general storage area that is named onthe workspace.

CICS &AREA Storage Detail KCPSTGD Displays detail information of the storage area (DSA, EDSA, orGDSA) that was selected on the CICS Storage Summary for:&CICSNAME workspace and individual domain subpools (inorder of percent DSA used) that are part of the named storagearea.

2 OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide

Table 1. Enhanced 3270 interface workspace names, panel IDs ,descriptions and scenarios (continued)

Workspace Panel ID Description

CICS Bottleneck Analysis KCPBOTS Displays the CICS resources that transactions are waiting for.There are three types of resources that transactions can wait for:

v Resources with fixed type and name, for example, SO: Waitingfor work resource with type SODOMAIN and nameSO_NOWOR.

v Resources with fixed type and random name, for example, SM:Storage request resource with type ECDSA and name a storageaddress. Such resources are transient so only summarizedbottleneck statistics are kept for them.

v Resources with fixed type and variable name, for example, FC:File state change resource with type FCFSWAIT and name aVSAM file name.

Selecting a particular resource type from the CICS BottleneckAnalysis workspace (KCPBOTS) will display the CICS BottleneckDetail workspace (KCPBOTD), which summarizes all the resourcenames associated with that resource type. Selecting a particularresource type from the CICS Bottleneck Detail workspace(KCPBOTD) will display the CICS Bottleneck Task Summary(KCPBOTT) which summarizes all the tasks waiting for thatresource.

A possible scenario might be that some transactions are nevercompleting. This workspace (KCPBOTS) indicates that transactionshave spent a large percentage of the previous 10 minutes waitingfor ISC sessions to start. You would then check the status of theCICS region's ISC/MRO links. If the links are broken and can notbe repaired, you could then select that resource on this workspaceor drill down to the CICS Bottleneck Detail workspace for detailsor go to the CICS Bottleneck Task Summary and see a list of alltasks using the resource and then kill the hung transactions.

CICS Bottleneck Detail KCPBOTD Displays detailed information for all the resource names associatedwith that resource type.

CICS Bottleneck TaskSummary

KCPBOTT Displays information on the CICS tasks waiting for the resourcetype, including the task number and transaction ID.

OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide 3

Table 1. Enhanced 3270 interface workspace names, panel IDs ,descriptions and scenarios (continued)

Workspace Panel ID Description

CICS Connections Overview KCPCONO Displays detailed information for a CICS region's MRO, ISC, andIP connection statistics for each connection type.

A possible scenario might be that all MRO link's send sessions areallocated causing other allocate requests (for EXEC CICSALLOCATE requests or function shipping requests) to be queuedon the connection's AID chain. This can manifest itself in anumber of ways such as maximum tasks, short on storage, or poorresponse time. The CICS Region Overview (KCPRGNO) andCICSplex Regions Summary (KCPRGNS) workspaces might showthat the CICS region has a large amount of Queued RemoteRequests. From the CICSplex Regions Summary workspace, youcan zoom on the Queued Remote Requests column to thisworkspace (CICS Connections Overview) or you can drill down toit through the (C) action command from the CICSplex RegionsSummary. The CICS Connections Overview workspace has threesubpanels for each connection type: MRO, ISC, and IP. Each ofthese subpanels contains statistics such as the allocations rate,allocations count, and session specific data, for example, thenumber of send sessions in use. You will be able to locate the typeof connection causing the problem by the high allocation countand number of send sessions in use. From that subpanel, you canzoom on the Total Number of Connections column to thecorresponding Connection Detail workspace for further diagnosis.

CICS DB2 ConnectionSummary

KCPD2S Displays summary information about a CICS-DB2 connection for asingle CICS region and notably the connection status itself. Thispanel is always a single row representing a single DB2 system andlists some details about the CICS-DB2 connection itself.

CICS DBCTL ConnectionSummary

KCPDLS Displays the status of the connection and any transactions thathave active requests pending with DBCTL in a CICS region in asingle row display.

A possible scenario might be connection and RMI adapterproblems. You are asked about the status of DBCTL processing ina CICS region. Your first response would be to view the DBCTLConnection panel for that CICS region. So, from the CICSplexRegions summary workspace (KCPRGNS), choose option R for theselected CICS region, and then choose option I from the popuppanel. The CICS DBCTL Connection Summary workspace(KCPDLS) is displayed with the status of the DBCTL connectionand the status of the RMI Adapter for DBCTL. If the connectionstatus and RMI adapter status fields do not display Connectedand Active respectively, then DBCTL processing will encountererrors; investigate why the connection to DBCTL is notestablished, and or why the CICS DBCTL RMI adapter is notactive in the CICS region.

4 OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide

Table 1. Enhanced 3270 interface workspace names, panel IDs ,descriptions and scenarios (continued)

Workspace Panel ID Description

CICS Enqueue Summary KCPENQS Displays enqueue summary information for a specific CICS regionincluding the enqueue pool details for local and global enqueueconflicts.

A possible scenario might be extended response times in yourVSAM application, which is being tested prior to being movedinto production. A quick check of the CICS log reveals a numberof tasks that have AFCY abended. By using the CICSplex RegionsSummary workspace (KCPRGNS), it shows a number of ENQconflicts. Select that ENQ conflicts column with an E actioncommand and you go to this workspace (KCPENQS), whichshows a summary of the outstanding enqueue conflicts. From thispoint, you can determine what the relationship between theowning and waiting task(s) are, and take appropriate action.

CICS File Details KCPCFSD Displays detailed information about application files, RLSapplication files, and CICS system files.

CICS LSR Pool Details KCPLSRD Displays detail information of an LSR pool and a summary of itsbuffers.

CICS LSR Pool Summary KCPLSRS Displays the general state of the LSR pools, and providesinformation related to their impact on performance.

For example, the Lookaside Ratio value indicates what percent ofrecords are being retrieved from buffers rather than disks (thus, alow Lookaside Ratio would be a negative performance indicatorsince the disk retrievals are causing I/O). This workspace alsoprovides statistical information regarding the number of stringsbeing used and the number of string waits. Only LSR pools inCreated status are listed.

A possible scenario might show that you are reporting degradedperformance and poor response times. The CICSplex Summaryworkspace shows that one of the CICSplexes has a high numberof string waits. You select that CICSplex, and drill down to theCICSplex Regions Overview workspace (KCPRGNO), and see thatone particular CICS region has a high number of string waits. Youselect that CICS region and use the L action command. You wouldthen use this workspace to see that CICS region’s LSR pools andyou notice that one of them has a high number of string waits, buta healthy lookaside ratio. You resolve the problem by increasingthe number of strings.

CICS Messaging Summary KCPMQMS Displays message queuing (MQ) connection service informationthat helps identify problems across CICS regions. This workspaceenables you to view the connection quickly to determine whichmessaging subsystem you are connected to, and what the state ofthat connection is; you also view statistics that relate to the MQAPI requests that are being processed across that connection.

You might use this workspace if you see a large number of tasksabending in a CICS region for MQ related reasons, or a messagingapplication that has poor response times; you might see atransaction response time problem that leads you to suspect thatthe connection to the messaging subsystem is not behaving as youexpect.

OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide 5

Table 1. Enhanced 3270 interface workspace names, panel IDs ,descriptions and scenarios (continued)

Workspace Panel ID Description

CICSplex Classification RuleDefinitions

KCPPLXC Displays pop up panels that enable you to:

v Add a new CICSplex classification rule

v Delete a CICSplex classification rule

CICSplex Dataset Summary KCPFILQ Displays all data sets allocated to the CICSplex.

CICSplex DB2 ConnectionSummary

KCPD2P Displays data about all DB2 systems connected to all CICS regionsin the CICSPlex.

CICSplex DBCTLConnections Summary

KCPDLPI Displays the status and details of the connection and anytransactions that have active requests pending with DBCTL in aCICS region within a CICSplex. For example, CICS region name,DBCTL subsystem and DBCTL jobname.

CICSplex DDNameSummary

KCPFILP Displays summary information on the data definition nameassociated with the VSAM file in the CICSplex.

CICSplex Detail for SharedTS Queue: &QUEID

KCPSTSP Displays information on shared temporary storage queues filteredon the queue ID for CICS regions within a CICSplex.

CICSplex Dispatcher Detailand TCB Modes

KCPDISD2 Displays a CICS region's dispatcher statistics and TCB modes.

CICSplex Dispatcher Detailand TCB Pools

KCPDISD Displays a CICS region's dispatcher statistics and TCB pools.

CICSPlex DispatcherSummary

KCPDISS Displays the dispatcher statistics for all CICS regions within theCICSplex.

A possible scenario might be that the value chosen forMAXOPENTCBS (which determines the number of TCBs in theOPEN pool) is based solely on the DB2 workload and erroneouslydoes not take into account the number of L8 and L9 TCBs used byOPENAPI applications. This situation might result in highamounts of TCB waits and TCB wait time. You would notice thisoccurrence on the CICSplex Dispatcher Detail and TCB Poolsworkspace (KCPDISD). The second subpanel (Dispatcher TCBPool List) shows these high amounts in columns related to waitcounts and wait times. You would select Open row and drill downto the Dispatcher Data for the &CDPTCBPN TCB Pool(KCPDISD3) workspace; it shows the pool's maximum number ofTCBs, and the number of TCBs used by all the modes that use theOpenTCB pool. You can use the values in the Peak TCBs in usecolumn in order to determine a better MAXOPENTCBS value.

CICSplex Enqueue Conflicts KCPENQC Displays summary information on enqueue conflicts for a specificCICS region.

CICSplex Enqueue Summary KCPENQP Displays summary information on enqueue conflicts for a specificCICSplex. For example, CICS region name, Sysplex name, owningsystem ID and owning region name.

6 OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide

Table 1. Enhanced 3270 interface workspace names, panel IDs ,descriptions and scenarios (continued)

Workspace Panel ID Description

CICSplex File Summary KCPCFSP Displays each VSAM file in the target CICS region within theCICSplex which has entries defined using RDO or dynamically byCICS. These files are available to an application using EXEC CICSfile services.

A possible scenario might be when a change is made to a controlfile, copies of which exist in each CICS region that has access toan application. Perhaps the key size or position has changed as apart of an application change. You make the change, and need toquickly verify that the change is made in all copies of the controlfile. If you select a CICS region that has the file allocated, andthen use this workspace you will see every monitored CICS regionthat has the file allocated, and quickly be able to compare the keysize and offset values.

Another scenario for this workspace might be when a new VSAMapplication is added to a CICSPlex. All of the objects are defined,but the application fails in one particular CICS region because thefile does not open correctly. Maybe the file is some sort of controlfile, a copy of which exists in each CICS region where the newapplication runs and maybe a simple typo resulted in the fileattempting to open in two CICS regions. This workspace(KCPCFSP) would allow you to quickly determine which CICSregions opened the file successfully and which ones failed to openit.

CICSplex MessagingOverview

KCPMQMP Displays message queuing (MQ) connection service informationwithin a CICSplex.

CICSPlex Program Summary KCPPRGP Displays summary information about a program within aCICSplex that is defined to and managed by the CICS TS programmanagement. The information displayed includes general programproperty specifications, program location and length, programstatistics, and current and total usage counts.

CICS Region Overview KCPRGNO Displays an overview of a single CICS region within a CICSplex.For example, if the CICSplex Regions Summary workspaceindicates that the region has an abnormal transaction rate, you candrill to this workspace in order to view further details of theregion and determine whether you need to drill further down intothe CICS Task Summary workspace for this CICS region.

CICSplex Regions Summary KCPRGNS Displays summary information on CICS regions within theselected CICSplex. You can filter on CICSplex name, transactionrate, CPU utilization, CICS APPLID, CICS Genric APPLID, XCFgroup and system ID.

CICSplex RLS File Details KCPRLSD Displays information on RLS file details. For example, I/O waittime, CPU usage, time outs, and locks.

CICSplex RLS File Summary KCPPLSS Displays a summary of RLS file details for the CICS regionswithin a CICSplex.

CICSplex RLS Summary KCPRLSP Displays summary information on tasks waiting for a RLSresource and tasks holding the records. Use this workspace to helpidentify applications that are making poor use of serially reusableresources and degrading system performance.

CICSplex RPL DatasetSummary

KCPRPLP Displays the libraries in DFHRPL as well as any LIBRARYdefinitions at the CICSplex level.

CICSplex Service ClassDetail

KCPPSLD Displays detailed resource information on what transactions havebeen run and in what CICS regions the work has been running.

OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide 7

Table 1. Enhanced 3270 interface workspace names, panel IDs ,descriptions and scenarios (continued)

Workspace Panel ID Description

CICSplex Service LevelSummary

KCPPSLA Displays evaluation information on the transactions that have run,and the service classes that have transactions running within thelast evaluation period in order to identify the worst performanceproblems. You can filter on service class name and workloadname.

CICSplex Storage Overview KCPSTGO Displays storage utilization of the individual CICS regions withinthe CICSplex.

CICSplex Task Summary KCPTASPU Displays a list of the current transactions within the targetCICSplex by CICS region name.

CICSplex Task Summary for&TRANID

KCPTASP Displays the list of the current transactions within the targetCICSplex by Transaction ID.

CICSPlex TransactionSummary

KCPTRNP Displays information about all installed transactions for a givenCICSplex.

You might use this workspace to evaluate the effects of disablingor removing a problematic transaction. You will be able to seewhich other CICS regions also have this transaction defined orconversely, do not have it installed and as such you might want toinstall it into the other CICS regions within this CICSplex.

CICSplex VSAM Summary KCPSVDP Displays VSAM file information from a CICSplex monitoring view.

CICSPlex Web ServiceDetails

KCPWBSD Displays enhanced level of information about a selected webservice including Binding Name, Binding File WSDL File, andEndpoint URI.

CICSPlex Web ServiceSummary

KCPWBSP Displays information for all installed web services, both providerand requester for a CICS region within a CICSplex, as well as thestatus of the various aspects of the connectivity.

CICS Region Datasets KCPFILS Displays all datasets allocated to a target CICS region.

CICS Resource LimitingInformation

KCPRLIM Displays pop up panels that enable you to:

v Change the resource limiting status

v Add a resource limiting rule

v Delete a resource limiting rule

CICS Resource SignatureData

KCPRSDS Displays information related to when the object was first defined,installed and modified. The information includes the relevant timeand date of each operation, as well as the agent and the userIDunder which the operation was run.

CICS Service Level Summary KCPCSLA Displays the performance for all service classes in a single CICSregion.

CICS Storage Summary for:&CICSNAME

KCPSTGS Displays summary information on storage utilization filtered onthe CICS name in a CICS region.

CICS Task Summary KCPTASS Displays a list of the currently executing transactions in a singleCICS region.

8 OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide

Table 1. Enhanced 3270 interface workspace names, panel IDs ,descriptions and scenarios (continued)

Workspace Panel ID Description

CICS Web Services Summary KCPWBSS Displays details for all installed web services, both provider andrequester in a CICS region. For example, web service name,pipeline name, URIMAP name and container name and the statusof the various aspects of the connectivity between your CICSregions and your web services. If you are experiencing problemsintegrating your CICS applications with other businessapplications using the web interface, use this workspace to quicklyverify that all the web service components are defined andavailable.

A possible scenario might be poor response time for some of yourapplications. To begin the investigation you might look at theCICS Region Overview (KCPRGNO) workspace and notice thatthere has been either Web Service Faults or Timeouts. Thisinformation might provide a lead to the problem and you can linkdirectly through to the CICS Web Services Summary workspacethat lists the installed web services and current status of each interms of request rate, fault percentage and timeout percentage(that is the performance of the web service over the last twominutes). If any of these are deemed excessive then furtherinvestigation might be needed. A high fault percentage wouldsuggest SOAP fault errors that could be the cause of the problem.By navigating to a CICSPlex Web Service Details workspace, youcan see more information about the web service, including theprogram it invokes, and you can use this information as a basisfor investigating the issue further. A high timeout percentagewould suggest there is a problem with the service the requestingweb service is calling; this could be on another system. TheCICSPlex Web Service Details workspace provides moreinformation about the web service requester and gives informationthat will lead to the target provider and enable you to assign theproblem to the appropriate operator for problem resolution.

DB2Entries Processing ActiveTasks

KCPD2SE Displays the DB2Entries that are currently servicing CICS activetasks.

DB2Entries Processing ActiveTasks

KCPD2PE Displays information on what DB2Entries are processing activetasks within the CICSplex.

Dispatcher Data for the&CDPTCBPN TCB Pool

KCPDISD3 Displays a TCB pool's statistics and associated TCB modes.

Dynamic Storage Area:&AREA

KCPSTGD4 Displays detail information of the dynamic storage area ( CDSA,UDSA, SDSA, RDSA, ECDSA, EUDSA, ESDSA, ERDSA, GCDSA)that was selected on the second sub panel of the CICS StorageSummary for: &CICSNAME workspace and domain subpool datathat is part of the selected dynamic storage area.

File Summary KCPCFSS Displays all VSAM data sets allocated to a CICS region.

IP Connection Detail KCPCOND2 Displays information and statistics for a specific IP connection andlists its sessions.

IP Connections Overview KCPCONO3 Displays summary information for a CICS region's IP connectionstatistics and lists its IP connections

ISC Connections Overview KCPCONO4 Displays summary information for a CICS region's ISC connectionstatistics and lists its ISC connections.

LSR Pool Buffer Summary:&POOLID

KCPLSRS4 Displays summary information of the buffers for the specified LSRpool and buffer size, and the VSAM files that use those buffers.

OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide 9

Table 1. Enhanced 3270 interface workspace names, panel IDs ,descriptions and scenarios (continued)

Workspace Panel ID Description

Main/Aux TemporaryStorage Analysis

KCPTSQT Displays information on the main and auxiliary temporary storagepools and queues that exist in the monitored CICS system.

MRO Connections Overview KCPCONO2 Displays summary information for a CICS region's MROconnection statistics and lists its MRO connections.

Program Details KCPPRGD Displays detail information about a program that is defined to andmanaged by the CICS TS program management. The informationdisplayed in this panel includes general program propertyspecifications, program statistics, COBOL and Java/JVM relatedinformation.

You might be seeking information for problem determination andstatistical information or use this panel to tune your CICS systemto make optimum use of virtual storage. The program propertieson this panel can also be simply referenced for verificationpurposes.

Program Summary KCPPRGS Displays summary information about all programs defined to andmanaged by the CICS Transaction Server program management.For example, program ID, remote program ID and length.

RPL Dataset Summary KCPRPLS Displays the load libraries in DFHRPL as well as any LIBRARYdefinitions at the CICS region level. For example, DDName,Dataset name and Volser.

Shared Temporary StorageAnalysis

KCPSTST Displays summary information and detailed data on sharedtemporary storage with regards to pools defined and connectedand read and write requests.

Summary of CICS LSR Pool:&POOLID

KCPLSRS3 Displays only the specified LSR pool and a summary of theVSAM files that are using it.

Task Details KCPTASD Displays information about a specific CICS task:

v Details about the transaction executing in the task

v Details about the most recent EXEC CICS service invoked bythe transaction program

v A list of other tasks in the CICSplex with the same unit of workif the transaction spans multiple CICS regions

v Task storage usage details about the CICS services invoked bythe transaction program

v Details about the transaction program definition

v Details about the transaction definition

v Details about transaction dispatch and execution times

v Details about times the transaction spent waiting for I/O orother events

Tasks Using the CICS DB2Connection

KCPD2PT Displays summary information of the active CICS tasks in theCICS region using the DB2 connection. For example, CICS regionname, DB2 subsystem name and connection name.

Tasks Using the CICSDBCTL Connection

KCPDLPT Displays information on the tasks that are using the CICS DBCTLdatabase connection.

Temporary Storage Queues KCPTSQQ Displays TSQ information including size, location and ID withinthe CICS region.

Temporary Storage Summary KCPTSS Displays summary information for both shared and non sharedqueues and provide data in regards to the number, size, modelname and prefix, and if the shared temporary storage queue isaccessible from the CICS region.

10 OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide

Table 1. Enhanced 3270 interface workspace names, panel IDs ,descriptions and scenarios (continued)

Workspace Panel ID Description

Temporary Storage Summary KCPTSQS Displays information on storage statistics for temporary storage.

Transaction Details KCPTRND Displays a detailed description of how the transaction is definedto CICS.

Transaction Summary KCPTRNS Displays information about all installed transactions for a givenCICS region. This information contains the status of thetransaction and details on the current use and restart count.

A possible scenario might be the investigation of tasks that havebeen performing badly (for example, taking excessive time orresources). You might navigate to this workspace, for example,from Task Details workspace (KCPTASD), to investigate theattributes of the transaction within this CICS region. You will seethe number of storage violations the transaction has beenresponsible for and the number of restarts that have occurred. Inaddition, a slow response time suggests that the transactionpriority might not be set correctly. You would use this workspaceto view the priority values in comparison to other transactionsand confirm the issue.

Transaction Summaryassociated with programname

KCPTRNS1 Displays all installed transactions for a given CICS region filteredon a program name. This information contains the status of thetransaction and details on the current use and restart count.

Transient Data Queue Details KCPTDQD Displays detailed information for a selected transient data queuein a single CICS region. Use this workspace to determine if thelength of a transient data queue or number of data records in atransient data queue exceed a threshold and why.

Transient Data Summary KCPTDQS Displays information on the current use of intrapartition resources.Use this workspace to review data about the destination ID,number of buffer waits, string waits, and the percentage of buffersand control intervals in use.

VSAM File Summary KCPSVDS Displays VSAM file information including the file name, thedataset name, remote system name, remote APPLID and remotefile name.

VSAM RLS File Summary KCPRLSS Displays only those VSAM files that are defined to CICS asenabled for RLS access.

&CONTYPE ConnectionDetail

KCPCOND Displays information and statistics for a selected the MRO or ISCconnection and lists its sessions.

Workspace navigation overview

The first workspace for OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS, is All Active CICSplexes. From the All ActiveCICSplexes workspace, you can navigate to the following CICSplex level workspaces as they appear onthe Options Menu:v D CICSplex DB2 Connections Summaryv E CICSplex Enqueue Summaryv I CICSplex DBCTL Connections Summaryv M CICSplex Storage Overviewv Q CICSplex Messaging Overviewv R CICSplex Service Level Analysisv S CICSplex Regions Summaryv T CICSplex Dispatcher Summary

OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide 11

Note: What workspace you see when you first log on depends on whether more than one product thatsupports the 3270 interface is installed, and what is designated as the first workspace in the site or userprofile.

Navigation paths: Drilling down from the initial All Active CICSplexes workspace

The following workspace navigation path strings enable you to locate any workspace for theOMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 interface, by displaying the full drill down path fromthe All Active CICSplexes (KOBSTART) workspace.

All workspace paths display their associated panel identifications (KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary":(Regions Summary for &CICSPLEX) subpanels and the action codes (-B-> KCPBOTS "CICS BottleneckAnalysis": (CICS Bottleneck Summary). The subpanels and pop up panels (-F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICSFile/Data)) are provided and are indicated with parentheses.

If you want, you can create your own personalized OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270interface workspace navigation book. After searching for your needed content, (for example, BottleneckAnalysis, Service Level Analysis, CICSplex Regions Summary), you would simply select that workspacenavigation string path(s) for your specialization from the following contents, and then copy and pastethem to have your own book.

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -B-> KCPBOTP: (CICS Bottlenecks) -B-> KCPBOTS "CICS Bottleneck Analysis": (CICSBottleneck Summary) -S-> KCPBOTD "CICS Bottleneck Detail":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPRGNO "CICS Region Overview": (Bottleneck Summary) -S-> KCPBOTD "CICSBottleneck Detail":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -B-> KCPBOTP:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -B-> KCPBOTP: (CICS Bottlenecks) -B-> KCPBOTS "CICS Bottleneck Analysis":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -B-> KCPBOTP: (CICS Bottlenecks) -B-> KCPBOTS "CICS Bottleneck Analysis": (CICSBottleneck Summary) -S-> KCPBOTD "CICS Bottleneck Detail": (CICS Bottleneck Detail for Resource&RTYPE) -S-> KCPBOTT "CICS Bottleneck Task Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -B-> KCPBOTP: (CICS Bottlenecks) -B-> KCPBOTS "CICS Bottleneck Analysis": (CICSBottleneck Summary) -T-> KCPBOTT "CICS Bottleneck Task Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPRGNO "CICS Region Overview": (Bottleneck Summary) -T-> KCPBOTT "CICSBottleneck Task Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -F-> KCPCFSS "File Summary": (CICS Filesallocated to &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPCFSP "CICSplex File Summary": (CICS Regions which referencefilename &FILEID ) -S-> KCPCFSD "CICS File Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -F-> KCPCFSS "File Summary": (CICS Filesallocated to &CICSNAME) -S-> KCPCFSD "CICS File Details":

12 OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary": (LSRPools in &CICSNAME) -F-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary"3: (VSAM Files Using LSR Pool &POOLID)-S-> KCPCFSD "CICS File Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary": (LSRPools in &CICSNAME) -D-> KCPLSRD "CICS LSR Pool Details": (CICS LSR Buffer Summary for LSR Pool&POOLID) -S-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary"4: (Files Using LSR Pool &POOLID Buffer Size&BUFSIZE) -S-> KCPCFSD "CICS File Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -V-> KCPSVDS "VSAM File Summary": (CICS VSAMFiles allocated to &CICSNAME) -S-> KCPSVDP "CICSplex VSAM Summary": (CICS Regions whichreference filename &DDNAME) -S-> KCPCFSD "CICS File Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -F-> KCPCFSS "File Summary": (CICS Filesallocated to &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPCFSP "CICSplex File Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -F-> KCPCFSS "File Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -C-> KCPCNTL:(CICS Control Functions)

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -C-> KCPCONO "CICS Connections Overview":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -S-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary": (Connections Status andDetails) -C-> KCPD2CSC:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -S-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary": (Connections Status andDetails) -F-> KCPD2CSC:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -S-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary": (Connections Status andDetails) -N-> KCPD2CSC:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -C-> KCPD2CSC:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -F-> KCPD2CSC:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -N-> KCPD2CSC:

OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide 13

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -S-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary": (Connections Status andDetails) -E-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary"E: (DB2Entries) -E-> KCPD2ESC:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -S-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary": (Connections Status andDetails) -E-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary"E: (DB2Entries) -D-> KCPD2ESC:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -S-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary": (Connections Status andDetails) -E-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary"E: (DB2Entries) -F-> KCPD2ESC:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -S-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary": KOBSTART: (All ActiveCICSplexes) -D-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -S-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary": (Connections Status andDetails) -E-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary"E:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -S-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary": (Connections Status andDetails) -T-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary"T:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -D-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary": (ConnectionsStatus and Details) -S-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary": KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes)-D-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary": (Connections Status and Details) -E-> KCPD2P"CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary"E: (DB2Entries) -S-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -D-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary": (ConnectionsStatus and Details) -S-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary": (Connection Status) -E-> KCPD2S"CICS DB2 Connection Summary"E:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -T-> KCPDISS "CICSplex Dispatcher Summary": (DispatcherSummary for &CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPDISD "CICS Dispatcher Detail and TCB Pools":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -E-> KCPDISD "CICS Dispatcher Detail and TCB Pools":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -T-> KCPDISS "CICSplex Dispatcher Summary": (DispatcherSummary for &CICSPLEX) -M-> KCPDISD "CICS Dispatcher Detail and TCB Pools"2: KOBSTART: (AllActive CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for &CICSPLEX) -R->KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -G-> KCPDISD "CICS Dispatcher Detail and TCB Pools"2:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -T-> KCPDISS "CICSplex Dispatcher Summary": (DispatcherSummary for &CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPDISD "CICS Dispatcher Detail and TCB Pools": (Dispatcher TCB PoolList for &CICSNAME) -S-> KCPDISD "CICS Dispatcher Detail and TCB Pools"3:

14 OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -T-> KCPDISS "CICSplex Dispatcher Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -I-> KCPDLS "CICS DBCTL Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -S-> KCPDLP "CICSplex DBCTL Connections Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -I-> KCPDLP "CICSplex DBCTL Connections Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -I-> KCPDLS "CICS DBCTL Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -S-> KCPDLP "CICSplex DBCTL Connections Summary": (Connections Status andDetails) -T-> KCPDLP "CICSplex DBCTL Connections Summary"T:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -I-> KCPDLP "CICSplex DBCTL Connections Summary": (ConnectionsStatus and Details) -S-> KCPDLS "CICS DBCTL Connection Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -I-> KCPDLS "CICS DBCTL Connection Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -B-> KCPBOTP: (CICS Bottlenecks) -E-> KCPENQS "CICS Enqueue Summary": (CICS EnqueueSummary for &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPENQP "CICSplex Enqueue Summary": (CICSplex Enqueue Summary for&CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPENQC "CICS Enqueue Conflicts":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -B-> KCPBOTP: (CICS Bottlenecks) -E-> KCPENQS "CICS Enqueue Summary": (CICS EnqueueSummary for &CICSNAME) -S-> KCPENQC "CICS Enqueue Conflicts":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -B-> KCPBOTP: (CICS Bottlenecks) -E-> KCPENQS "CICS Enqueue Summary": (CICS EnqueueSummary for &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPENQP "CICSplex Enqueue Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -E-> KCPENQP "CICSplex Enqueue Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -B-> KCPBOTP: (CICS Bottlenecks) -E-> KCPENQS "CICS Enqueue Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -J-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets": (CICSRegion Dataset Summary for &CICSNAME) -S-> KCPFILP "CICSPlex DDNAME Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -J-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets": (CICSRegion Dataset Summary for &CICSNAME) -Q-> KCPFILQ "CICSPlex DATASET Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -J-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -F-> KCPCFSS "File Summary": (CICS Filesallocated to &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPCFSP "CICSplex File Summary": (CICS Regions which referencefilename &FILEID ) -O-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -F-> KCPCFSS "File Summary": (CICS Files

OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide 15

allocated to &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPCFSP "CICSplex File Summary": (CICS Regions which referencefilename &FILEID ) -C-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -F-> KCPCFSS "File Summary": (CICS Filesallocated to &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPCFSP "CICSplex File Summary": (CICS Regions which referencefilename &FILEID ) -F-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -F-> KCPCFSS "File Summary": (CICS Filesallocated to &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPCFSP "CICSplex File Summary": (CICS Regions which referencefilename &FILEID ) -E-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -F-> KCPCFSS "File Summary": (CICS Filesallocated to &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPCFSP "CICSplex File Summary": (CICS Regions which referencefilename &FILEID ) -D-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -F-> KCPCFSS "File Summary": (CICS Filesallocated to &CICSNAME) -O-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -F-> KCPCFSS "File Summary": (CICS Filesallocated to &CICSNAME) -C-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -F-> KCPCFSS "File Summary": (CICS Filesallocated to &CICSNAME) -F-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -F-> KCPCFSS "File Summary": (CICS Filesallocated to &CICSNAME) -E-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -F-> KCPCFSS "File Summary": (CICS Filesallocated to &CICSNAME) -D-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary": (LSRPools in &CICSNAME) -F-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary"3: (VSAM Files Using LSR Pool &POOLID)-O-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary": (LSRPools in &CICSNAME) -F-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary"3: (VSAM Files Using LSR Pool &POOLID)-C-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary": (LSRPools in &CICSNAME) -F-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary"3: (VSAM Files Using LSR Pool &POOLID)-F-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

16 OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary": (LSRPools in &CICSNAME) -F-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary"3: (VSAM Files Using LSR Pool &POOLID)-E-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary": (LSRPools in &CICSNAME) -F-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary"3: (VSAM Files Using LSR Pool &POOLID)-D-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary": (LSRPools in &CICSNAME) -D-> KCPLSRD "CICS LSR Pool Details": (CICS LSR Buffer Summary for LSR Pool&POOLID) -S-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary"4: (Files Using LSR Pool &POOLID Buffer Size&BUFSIZE) -O-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary": (LSRPools in &CICSNAME) -D-> KCPLSRD "CICS LSR Pool Details": (CICS LSR Buffer Summary for LSR Pool&POOLID) -S-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary"4: (Files Using LSR Pool &POOLID Buffer Size&BUFSIZE) -C-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary": (LSRPools in &CICSNAME) -D-> KCPLSRD "CICS LSR Pool Details": (CICS LSR Buffer Summary for LSR Pool&POOLID) -S-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary"4: (Files Using LSR Pool &POOLID Buffer Size&BUFSIZE) -F-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary": (LSRPools in &CICSNAME) -D-> KCPLSRD "CICS LSR Pool Details": (CICS LSR Buffer Summary for LSR Pool&POOLID) -S-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary"4: (Files Using LSR Pool &POOLID Buffer Size&BUFSIZE) -E-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary": (LSRPools in &CICSNAME) -D-> KCPLSRD "CICS LSR Pool Details": (CICS LSR Buffer Summary for LSR Pool&POOLID) -S-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary"4: (Files Using LSR Pool &POOLID Buffer Size&BUFSIZE) -D-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -R-> KCPRLSS "VSAM RLS File Summary": (CICS RLSDatasets allocated in &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPRLSP "CICSplex RLS Summary": (CICSplex RLS Summary forDDNAME &FILEID) -O-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -R-> KCPRLSS "VSAM RLS File Summary": (CICS RLSDatasets allocated in &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPRLSP "CICSplex RLS Summary": (CICSplex RLS Summary forDDNAME &FILEID) -C-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -R-> KCPRLSS "VSAM RLS File Summary": (CICS RLSDatasets allocated in &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPRLSP "CICSplex RLS Summary": (CICSplex RLS Summary forDDNAME &FILEID) -F-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide 17

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -R-> KCPRLSS "VSAM RLS File Summary": (CICS RLSDatasets allocated in &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPRLSP "CICSplex RLS Summary": (CICSplex RLS Summary forDDNAME &FILEID) -E-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -R-> KCPRLSS "VSAM RLS File Summary": (CICS RLSDatasets allocated in &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPRLSP "CICSplex RLS Summary": (CICSplex RLS Summary forDDNAME &FILEID) -D-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -R-> KCPRLSS "VSAM RLS File Summary": (CICS RLSDatasets allocated in &CICSNAME) -O-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -R-> KCPRLSS "VSAM RLS File Summary": (CICS RLSDatasets allocated in &CICSNAME) -C-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -R-> KCPRLSS "VSAM RLS File Summary": (CICS RLSDatasets allocated in &CICSNAME) -F-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -R-> KCPRLSS "VSAM RLS File Summary": (CICS RLSDatasets allocated in &CICSNAME) -E-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -R-> KCPRLSS "VSAM RLS File Summary": (CICS RLSDatasets allocated in &CICSNAME) -D-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -V-> KCPSVDS "VSAM File Summary": (CICS VSAMFiles allocated to &CICSNAME) -S-> KCPSVDP "CICSplex VSAM Summary": (CICS Regions whichreference filename &DDNAME) -O-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -V-> KCPSVDS "VSAM File Summary": (CICS VSAMFiles allocated to &CICSNAME) -S-> KCPSVDP "CICSplex VSAM Summary": (CICS Regions whichreference filename &DDNAME) -C-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -V-> KCPSVDS "VSAM File Summary": (CICS VSAMFiles allocated to &CICSNAME) -S-> KCPSVDP "CICSplex VSAM Summary": (CICS Regions whichreference filename &DDNAME) -F-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -V-> KCPSVDS "VSAM File Summary": (CICS VSAMFiles allocated to &CICSNAME) -S-> KCPSVDP "CICSplex VSAM Summary": (CICS Regions whichreference filename &DDNAME) -E-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -V-> KCPSVDS "VSAM File Summary": (CICS VSAMFiles allocated to &CICSNAME) -S-> KCPSVDP "CICSplex VSAM Summary": (CICS Regions whichreference filename &DDNAME) -D-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

18 OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -V-> KCPSVDS "VSAM File Summary": (CICS VSAMFiles allocated to &CICSNAME) -O-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -V-> KCPSVDS "VSAM File Summary": (CICS VSAMFiles allocated to &CICSNAME) -C-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -V-> KCPSVDS "VSAM File Summary": (CICS VSAMFiles allocated to &CICSNAME) -F-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -V-> KCPSVDS "VSAM File Summary": (CICS VSAMFiles allocated to &CICSNAME) -E-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -V-> KCPSVDS "VSAM File Summary": (CICS VSAMFiles allocated to &CICSNAME) -D-> KCPFILS "CICS Region Datasets"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary": (LSRPools in &CICSNAME) -D-> KCPLSRD "CICS LSR Pool Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary": (LSRPools in &CICSNAME) -F-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary"3: (LSR Pool Statistics) -S-> KCPLSRD"CICS LSR Pool Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary": (LSRPools in &CICSNAME) -F-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary"3:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary": (LSRPools in &CICSNAME) -D-> KCPLSRD "CICS LSR Pool Details": (CICS LSR Buffer Summary for LSR Pool&POOLID) -S-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary"4:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary": (CICS LSRBuffer Summary for LSR Pool &POOLID) -S-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary"4:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -M-> KCPMQMS "CICS Messaging Summary": (CICSMessaging Status) -S-> KCPMQMP "CICSplex Messaging Overview": (CICSplex Messaging Summary ) -C->KCPMQCSC:

OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide 19

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -M-> KCPMQMS "CICS Messaging Summary": (CICSMessaging Status) -S-> KCPMQMP "CICSplex Messaging Overview": (CICSplex Messaging Summary ) -F->KCPMQCSC:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -M-> KCPMQMS "CICS Messaging Summary": (CICSMessaging Status) -S-> KCPMQMP "CICSplex Messaging Overview": (CICSplex Messaging Summary ) -N->KCPMQCSC:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -M-> KCPMQMS "CICS Messaging Summary": (CICSMessaging Status) -C-> KCPMQCSC:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -M-> KCPMQMS "CICS Messaging Summary": (CICSMessaging Status) -F-> KCPMQCSC:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -M-> KCPMQMS "CICS Messaging Summary": (CICSMessaging Status) -N-> KCPMQCSC:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -M-> KCPMQMS "CICS Messaging Summary": (CICSMessaging Status) -S-> KCPMQMP "CICSplex Messaging Overview":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -Q-> KCPMQMP "CICSplex Messaging Overview":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -M-> KCPMQMS "CICS Messaging Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -Q-> KCPMQMP "CICSplex Messaging Overview": (CICSplexMessaging Summary ) -S-> KCPMQMS "CICS Messaging Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -C-> KCPCNTL: (CICS Control Functions) -P-> KCPPLXC "CICSplex Classification RuleDefinitions":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -C-> KCPCNTL: (CICS Control Functions) -P-> KCPPLXC "CICSplex Classification RuleDefinitions": (Rule Definitions for All CICSplexes) -A-> KCPPLXC "CICSplex Classification RuleDefinitions"A:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -C-> KCPCNTL: (CICS Control Functions) -P-> KCPPLXC "CICSplex Classification RuleDefinitions": (Rule Definitions for All CICSplexes) -D-> KCPPLXC "CICSplex Classification RuleDefinitions"D:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -P-> KCPPRGP "CICSplex Program Summary": (CICS Regions with Program &PGMID installed)-S-> KCPPRGD "Program Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -S-> KCPPRGD "Program Details":

20 OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary": (TransactionSummary for &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPTRNP "CICSplex Transaction Summary": (CICS Regions withTransaction &TRANID installed) -O-> KCPPRGD "Program Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary": (TransactionSummary for &CICSNAME) -O-> KCPPRGD "Program Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"1: (Transactions associated with &PGMID) -O->KCPPRGD "Program Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -P-> KCPPRGP "CICSplex Program Summary": (CICS Regions with Program &PGMID installed)-R-> KCPPRGD "Program Details"1:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -R-> KCPPRGD "Program Details"1:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -P-> KCPPRGP "CICSplex Program Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -P-> KCPPRGP "CICSplex Program Summary": (CICS Regions with Program &PGMID installed)-E-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -P-> KCPPRGP "CICSplex Program Summary": (CICS Regions with Program &PGMID installed)-D-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -P-> KCPPRGP "CICSplex Program Summary": (CICS Regions with Program &PGMID installed)-N-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -P-> KCPPRGP "CICSplex Program Summary": (CICS Regions with Program &PGMID installed)-I-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -E-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary"C:

OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide 21

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -D-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -N-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -I-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -R-> KCPPSLA "CICSplex Service Level Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -R-> KCPPSLA "CICSplex Service Level Summary": (CICSplexService Level Analysis for &CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPPSLD "CICSplex Service Class Detail":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPRGNO "CICS Region Overview":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPRGNO "CICS Region Overview": (Connections) -S-> KCPRGNZ:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -C-> KCPCNTL: (CICS Control Functions) -R-> KCPRLIM "CICS Resource LimitingInformation":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -C-> KCPCNTL: (CICS Control Functions) -R-> KCPRLIM "CICS Resource LimitingInformation": (Resource Limiting details for resource type &KCPRES) -A-> KCPRLIM "CICS ResourceLimiting Information"4:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -C-> KCPCNTL: (CICS Control Functions) -R-> KCPRLIM "CICS Resource LimitingInformation": (Resource Limiting details for resource type &KCPRES) -D-> KCPRLIM "CICS ResourceLimiting Information"6:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -C-> KCPCNTL: (CICS Control Functions) -R-> KCPRLIM "CICS Resource LimitingInformation": (Resource Limiting Excluded Tranids for resource type &KCPRES) -A-> KCPRLIM "CICSResource Limiting Information"7:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -C-> KCPCNTL: (CICS Control Functions) -R-> KCPRLIM "CICS Resource LimitingInformation": (Resource Limiting Excluded Tranids for resource type &KCPRES) -D-> KCPRLIM "CICSResource Limiting Information"8:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -C-> KCPCNTL: (CICS Control Functions) -R-> KCPRLIM "CICS Resource LimitingInformation": (Resource Limiting Excluded Tranids for resource type &KCPRES) -D-> KCPRLIM "CICS

22 OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide

Resource Limiting Information"8: (Resource Limiting Excluded Transaction IDs for type &KCPRES)-D-> KCPRLIM "CICS Resource Limiting Information"9:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -R-> KCPRLSS "VSAM RLS File Summary": (CICS RLSDatasets allocated in &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPRLSP "CICSplex RLS Summary": (CICSplex RLS Summary forDDNAME &FILEID) -S-> KCPRLSD "RLS File Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -R-> KCPRLSS "VSAM RLS File Summary": (CICS RLSDatasets allocated in &CICSNAME) -S-> KCPRLSD "RLS File Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -R-> KCPRLSS "VSAM RLS File Summary": (CICS RLSDatasets allocated in &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPRLSP "CICSplex RLS Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -R-> KCPRLSS "VSAM RLS File Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -P-> KCPRPLS "RPL Dataset Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -D-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary": (ConnectionsStatus and Details) -S-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary": (Connection Status) -X-> KCPRSDS"CICS Resource Signature Data":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPRGNO "CICS Region Overview": (Storage Areas) -S-> KCPSTGD "CICS &AREA StorageDetail":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -S-> KCPSTGS "CICS Storage Summary for &CICSNAME":(Overview of CICS Storage Areas) -S-> KCPSTGD "CICS &AREA Storage Detail":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPRGNO "CICS Region Overview": (Storage Areas) -T-> KCPSTGD "CICS &AREA StorageDetail"2:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -S-> KCPSTGS "CICS Storage Summary for &CICSNAME":(Overview of CICS Storage Areas) -T-> KCPSTGD "CICS &AREA Storage Detail"2:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -S-> KCPSTGS "CICS Storage Summary for &CICSNAME":(Summary of CICS Dynamic Storage Areas) -S-> KCPSTGD "CICS &AREA Storage Detail"3:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -S-> KCPSTGS "CICS Storage Summary for &CICSNAME":(Summary of CICS Dynamic Storage Areas) -T-> KCPSTGD "CICS &AREA Storage Detail"4:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -M-> KCPSTGO "CICSplex Storage Overview":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -S-> KCPSTGS "CICS Storage Summary for &CICSNAME":

OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide 23

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -M-> KCPSTGO "CICSplex Storage Overview": (CICSplex StorageOverview for &CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPSTGS "CICS Storage Summary for &CICSNAME":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -Q-> KCPTSS "Temporary Storage Summary": (SharedTemporary Storage Summary) -S-> KCPSTST "Shared Temporary Storage Analysis ": (Shared TemporaryStorage Queues) -S-> KCPSTSP "CICSplex Detail for Shared TS Queue &QUEUEID":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -Q-> KCPTSS "Temporary Storage Summary": (SharedTemporary Storage Summary) -S-> KCPSTST "Shared Temporary Storage Analysis ":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -V-> KCPSVDS "VSAM File Summary": (CICS VSAMFiles allocated to &CICSNAME) -S-> KCPSVDP "CICSplex VSAM Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -V-> KCPSVDS "VSAM File Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -C-> KCPCNTL: (CICS Control Functions) -R-> KCPRLIM "CICS Resource LimitingInformation": (Resource Limiting Excluded Tranids for resource type &KCPRES) -D-> KCPRLIM "CICSResource Limiting Information"8: (Resource Limiting Excluded Transaction IDs for type &KCPRES)-D-> KCPRLIM "CICS Resource Limiting Information"9:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -B-> KCPBOTP: (CICS Bottlenecks) -B-> KCPBOTS "CICS Bottleneck Analysis": (CICSBottleneck Summary) -S-> KCPBOTD "CICS Bottleneck Detail": (CICS Bottleneck Detail for Resource&RTYPE) -S-> KCPBOTT "CICS Bottleneck Task Summary": (CICS Tasks Waiting for Resource &RTYPE)-S-> KCPTASD "Task Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPRGNO "CICS Region Overview": (Highest CPU Tasks) -S-> KCPTASD "Task Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -T-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary": (Active Tasks) -S-> KCPTASD "Task Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -R-> KCPTDQS "Transient Data Summary": (Tasks WaitingOn Transient Data) -S-> KCPTASD "Task Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -S-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary": (Connections Status andDetails) -T-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary"T: (Active Tasks) -S-> KCPTASD "TaskDetails"T:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":(Tasks Using the Connection) -S-> KCPTASD "Task Details"T:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -I-> KCPDLS "CICS DBCTL Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -S-> KCPDLP "CICSplex DBCTL Connections Summary": (Connections Status andDetails) -T-> KCPDLP "CICSplex DBCTL Connections Summary"T: (Active Tasks) -S-> KCPTASD "TaskDetails"T:

24 OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -I-> KCPDLS "CICS DBCTL Connection Summary":(Tasks Using the Connection) -S-> KCPTASD "Task Details"T:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -B-> KCPBOTP: (CICS Bottlenecks) -E-> KCPENQS "CICS Enqueue Summary": (CICS EnqueueSummary for &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPENQP "CICSplex Enqueue Summary": (CICSplex Enqueue Summary for&CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPENQC "CICS Enqueue Conflicts": (CICS Enqueue Conflict Summary ) -S-> KCPTASD"Task Details"T:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPRGNO "CICS Region Overview": (Storage Areas) -T-> KCPSTGD "CICS &AREA StorageDetail"2: (Summary of Task Subpools in the &AREA) -S-> KCPTASD "Task Details"T:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -S-> KCPSTGS "CICS Storage Summary for &CICSNAME":(Summary of CICS Dynamic Storage Areas) -T-> KCPSTGD "CICS &AREA Storage Detail"4: (CICS TaskSubpools in the &AREA) -S-> KCPTASD "Task Details"T:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -Q-> KCPTSS "Temporary Storage Summary": (SharedTemporary Storage Summary) -S-> KCPSTST "Shared Temporary Storage Analysis ": (Tasks waiting forShared Temporary Storage) -S-> KCPTASD "Task Details"T:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -B-> KCPBOTP: (CICS Bottlenecks) -B-> KCPBOTS "CICS Bottleneck Analysis": (CICSBottleneck Summary) -S-> KCPBOTD "CICS Bottleneck Detail": (CICS Bottleneck Detail for Resource&RTYPE) -S-> KCPBOTT "CICS Bottleneck Task Summary": (CICS Tasks Waiting for Resource &RTYPE)-S-> KCPTASD "Task Details": (Other tasks in CICSplex with same Unit of Work) -S-> KCPTASD "TaskDetails"T:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -Q-> KCPTSS "Temporary Storage Summary": (Non SharedTemporary Storage) -S-> KCPTSQT "Main/Aux Temporary Storage Analysis ": (Tasks waiting forMain/Aux Temporary Storage) -S-> KCPTASD "Task Details"T:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -T-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -B-> KCPBOTP: (CICS Bottlenecks) -B-> KCPBOTS "CICS Bottleneck Analysis": (CICSBottleneck Summary) -S-> KCPBOTD "CICS Bottleneck Detail": (CICS Bottleneck Detail for Resource&RTYPE) -S-> KCPBOTT "CICS Bottleneck Task Summary": (CICS Tasks Waiting for Resource &RTYPE)-P-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -B-> KCPBOTP: (CICS Bottlenecks) -B-> KCPBOTS "CICS Bottleneck Analysis": (CICSBottleneck Summary) -S-> KCPBOTD "CICS Bottleneck Detail": (CICS Bottleneck Detail for Resource&RTYPE) -S-> KCPBOTT "CICS Bottleneck Task Summary": (CICS Tasks Waiting for Resource &RTYPE)-F-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -S-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary": (Connections Status andDetails) -T-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary"T: (Active Tasks) -P-> KCPTASS "CICS TaskSummary"C:

OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide 25

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -S-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary": (Connections Status andDetails) -T-> KCPD2P "CICSplex DB2 Connections Summary"T: (Active Tasks) -F-> KCPTASS "CICS TaskSummary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":(Tasks Using the Connection) -P-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -D-> KCPD2S "CICS DB2 Connection Summary":(Tasks Using the Connection) -F-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -I-> KCPDLS "CICS DBCTL Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -S-> KCPDLP "CICSplex DBCTL Connections Summary": (Connections Status andDetails) -T-> KCPDLP "CICSplex DBCTL Connections Summary"T: (Active Tasks) -P-> KCPTASS "CICSTask Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -I-> KCPDLS "CICS DBCTL Connection Summary":(Connection Status) -S-> KCPDLP "CICSplex DBCTL Connections Summary": (Connections Status andDetails) -T-> KCPDLP "CICSplex DBCTL Connections Summary"T: (Active Tasks) -F-> KCPTASS "CICSTask Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -I-> KCPDLS "CICS DBCTL Connection Summary":(Tasks Using the Connection) -P-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -I-> KCPDLS "CICS DBCTL Connection Summary":(Tasks Using the Connection) -F-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -B-> KCPBOTP: (CICS Bottlenecks) -E-> KCPENQS "CICS Enqueue Summary": (CICS EnqueueSummary for &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPENQP "CICSplex Enqueue Summary": (CICSplex Enqueue Summary for&CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPENQC "CICS Enqueue Conflicts": (CICS Enqueue Conflict Summary ) -P-> KCPTASS"CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -B-> KCPBOTP: (CICS Bottlenecks) -E-> KCPENQS "CICS Enqueue Summary": (CICS EnqueueSummary for &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPENQP "CICSplex Enqueue Summary": (CICSplex Enqueue Summary for&CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPENQC "CICS Enqueue Conflicts": (CICS Enqueue Conflict Summary ) -F-> KCPTASS"CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPRGNO "CICS Region Overview": (Highest CPU Tasks) -P-> KCPTASS "CICS TaskSummary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPRGNO "CICS Region Overview": (Highest CPU Tasks) -F-> KCPTASS "CICS TaskSummary"C:

26 OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPRGNO "CICS Region Overview": (Storage Areas) -T-> KCPSTGD "CICS &AREA StorageDetail"2: (Summary of Task Subpools in the &AREA) -P-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -S-> KCPRGNO "CICS Region Overview": (Storage Areas) -T-> KCPSTGD "CICS &AREA StorageDetail"2: (Summary of Task Subpools in the &AREA) -F-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -S-> KCPSTGS "CICS Storage Summary for &CICSNAME":(Summary of CICS Dynamic Storage Areas) -T-> KCPSTGD "CICS &AREA Storage Detail"4: (CICS TaskSubpools in the &AREA) -P-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -S-> KCPSTGS "CICS Storage Summary for &CICSNAME":(Summary of CICS Dynamic Storage Areas) -T-> KCPSTGD "CICS &AREA Storage Detail"4: (CICS TaskSubpools in the &AREA) -F-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -Q-> KCPTSS "Temporary Storage Summary": (SharedTemporary Storage Summary) -S-> KCPSTST "Shared Temporary Storage Analysis ": (Tasks waiting forShared Temporary Storage) -P-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -Q-> KCPTSS "Temporary Storage Summary": (SharedTemporary Storage Summary) -S-> KCPSTST "Shared Temporary Storage Analysis ": (Tasks waiting forShared Temporary Storage) -F-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -B-> KCPBOTP: (CICS Bottlenecks) -B-> KCPBOTS "CICS Bottleneck Analysis": (CICSBottleneck Summary) -S-> KCPBOTD "CICS Bottleneck Detail": (CICS Bottleneck Detail for Resource&RTYPE) -S-> KCPBOTT "CICS Bottleneck Task Summary": (CICS Tasks Waiting for Resource &RTYPE)-S-> KCPTASD "Task Details": (Other tasks in CICSplex with same Unit of Work) -P-> KCPTASS "CICSTask Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -B-> KCPBOTP: (CICS Bottlenecks) -B-> KCPBOTS "CICS Bottleneck Analysis": (CICSBottleneck Summary) -S-> KCPBOTD "CICS Bottleneck Detail": (CICS Bottleneck Detail for Resource&RTYPE) -S-> KCPBOTT "CICS Bottleneck Task Summary": (CICS Tasks Waiting for Resource &RTYPE)-S-> KCPTASD "Task Details": (Other tasks in CICSplex with same Unit of Work) -F-> KCPTASS "CICSTask Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -T-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary": (Active Tasks) -P-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -T-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary": (Active Tasks) -F-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -R-> KCPTDQS "Transient Data Summary": (Tasks WaitingOn Transient Data) -P-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -R-> KCPTDQS "Transient Data Summary": (Tasks WaitingOn Transient Data) -F-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary"C:

OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide 27

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -Q-> KCPTSS "Temporary Storage Summary": (Non SharedTemporary Storage) -S-> KCPTSQT "Main/Aux Temporary Storage Analysis ": (Tasks waiting forMain/Aux Temporary Storage) -P-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -Q-> KCPTSS "Temporary Storage Summary": (Non SharedTemporary Storage) -S-> KCPTSQT "Main/Aux Temporary Storage Analysis ": (Tasks waiting forMain/Aux Temporary Storage) -F-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -R-> KCPTDQS "Transient Data Summary": (Transient DataQueues) -S-> KCPTDQD "Transient Data Queue Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -R-> KCPTDQS "Transient Data Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -R-> KCPTDQS "Transient Data Summary": (Transient DataQueues) -E-> KCPTDQS "Transient Data Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -R-> KCPTDQS "Transient Data Summary": (Transient DataQueues) -D-> KCPTDQS "Transient Data Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -R-> KCPTDQS "Transient Data Summary": (Transient DataQueues) -O-> KCPTDQS "Transient Data Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -R-> KCPTDQS "Transient Data Summary": (Transient DataQueues) -C-> KCPTDQS "Transient Data Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary": (TransactionSummary for &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPTRNP "CICSplex Transaction Summary": (CICS Regions withTransaction &TRANID installed) -S-> KCPTRND "Transaction Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary": (TransactionSummary for &CICSNAME) -S-> KCPTRND "Transaction Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"1: (Transactions associated with &PGMID) -S->KCPTRND "Transaction Details":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary": (TransactionSummary for &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPTRNP "CICSplex Transaction Summary": (CICS Regions withTransaction &TRANID installed) -R-> KCPTRND "Transaction Details"1:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary": (TransactionSummary for &CICSNAME) -R-> KCPTRND "Transaction Details"1:

28 OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"1: (Transactions associated with &PGMID) -R->KCPTRND "Transaction Details"1:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -T-> KCPTASS "CICS Task Summary": (Active Tasks) -T-> KCPTRND "Transaction Details"2:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -R-> KCPTDQS "Transient Data Summary": (Tasks WaitingOn Transient Data) -T-> KCPTRND "Transaction Details"2:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary": (TransactionSummary for &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPTRNP "CICSplex Transaction Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"1: (Transactions associated with &PGMID) -P->KCPTRNP "CICSplex Transaction Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"1:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary": (TransactionSummary for &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPTRNP "CICSplex Transaction Summary": (CICS Regions withTransaction &TRANID installed) -E-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary": (TransactionSummary for &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPTRNP "CICSplex Transaction Summary": (CICS Regions withTransaction &TRANID installed) -D-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary": (TransactionSummary for &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPTRNP "CICSplex Transaction Summary": (CICS Regions withTransaction &TRANID installed) -U-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary": (TransactionSummary for &CICSNAME) -P-> KCPTRNP "CICSplex Transaction Summary": (CICS Regions withTransaction &TRANID installed) -N-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary": (TransactionSummary for &CICSNAME) -E-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary": (TransactionSummary for &CICSNAME) -D-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"C:

OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide 29

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary": (TransactionSummary for &CICSNAME) -U-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary": (TransactionSummary for &CICSNAME) -N-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"1: (Transactions associated with &PGMID) -E->KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"1: (Transactions associated with &PGMID) -D->KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"1: (Transactions associated with &PGMID) -U->KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -P-> KCPPRGS "Program Summary": (Program Summary for&CICSNAME) -T-> KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"1: (Transactions associated with &PGMID) -N->KCPTRNS "Transaction Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -Q-> KCPTSS "Temporary Storage Summary": (SharedTemporary Storage Summary) -S-> KCPSTST "Shared Temporary Storage Analysis ": (Shared TemporaryStorage Queues) -S-> KCPSTSP "CICSplex Detail for Shared TS Queue &QUEUEID": (Temporary StorageModel Details for Queue &QUEUEID) -D-> KCPTSQS "Temporary Storage Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -Q-> KCPTSS "Temporary Storage Summary": (SharedTemporary Storage Summary) -S-> KCPSTST "Shared Temporary Storage Analysis": (Shared TemporaryStorage Queues) -D-> KCPTSQS "Temporary Storage Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -Q-> KCPTSS "Temporary Storage Summary": (Non SharedTemporary Storage) -S-> KCPTSQT "Main/Aux Temporary Storage Analysis ": (Main/Aux TemporaryStorage queues) -D-> KCPTSQS "Temporary Storage Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -Q-> KCPTSS "Temporary Storage Summary": (Non SharedTemporary Storage) -S-> KCPTSQT "Main/Aux Temporary Storage Analysis ":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -Q-> KCPTSS "Temporary Storage Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -W-> KCPWBSS "CICS Web Services Summary": (InstalledWeb Services) -S-> KCPWBSD "CICS Web Service Details":

30 OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -W-> KCPWBSS "CICS Web Services Summary":

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -W-> KCPWBSS "CICS Web Services Summary": (InstalledWeb Services) -V-> KCPWBSS "CICS Web Services Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -R-> KCPRESP: (CICS Resources) -W-> KCPWBSS "CICS Web Services Summary": (InstalledWeb Services) -N-> KCPWBSS "CICS Web Services Summary"C:

KOBSTART: (All Active CICSplexes) -S-> KCPRGNS "CICSplex Regions Summary": (Regions Summary for&CICSPLEX) -F-> KCPFILX: (Select CICS File/Data) -L-> KCPLSRS "CICS LSR Pool Summary": (LSRPools in &CICSNAME)

OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS enhanced 3270 user interface workspace navigation guide 31