on monday.39000 galriviemts.on...

SUllIllifiL The ONE Piano Manufacturing Company whose name guarantees ihe goods they sol!. Mafe. ? III·-. CAUI/l·: CO.MlWNY Ima been identified = with the l'inno business just. long enough I | for the public, to know that they batidlo only B|i superior iiistnunonts. §¦¦ IE C ¡B L £ C MASON fi HAMLÍN, CABLE, WELLINGTON and KIHÜSÍSÜRY, DEKOVEN, has boon sold throughout tho country with such extraordinary success that our patrons have enabled us to say that our name alono is ? guarantee. If you buy a plano from THE CÀBLIS COMPANY you will ever remain friendly to their interests. The reason iB obvious. In addition to our Plano lino wo offer Mason & Hamlin and Chicago Cottage Organs Thefamous Mason ¿Hanilin Pipe Liszt Organs for half century known as the acme of organ con¬ struction and the standard of tho world. SHEET MUSIC. GBAPHQNES, SMALL INSTRUMENTS. OPEN ? oilAKGK ACCOUNT. w RICHMOND, VA. J. G. COHL12Y, Manager. ÍSpeclal to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) HADFC-IID. VA., May 27..Tho revival hold by It'.'V. W. H. Book, of Martlnsvilk·, lit the West End Christian Clinch, eluded Tuesday night -frith twenty conversions. Thoro wem about forty «'.inversions during tno weelt, find the rite of baptism was administered Wednes¬ day at 1 o'clock. ]Vo|'e cime from all purls of Montgomery ami Pularki counties to attend the meeting and crowds wcro tinned away nlshtly for luck of room. The church was dedicated Sunday. It Is a neat hrlclt structure and Is entirely clear of debt. Mr. Book said that In his twenty- three years ministry, it was the first church he had ever dedicated that, wus entirely freo of debt. Tho church wus organized Tuesday with about poventy-flve members und the following officers: Elders, C. P. McWane and J. II. M «honey; Deacons, Messrs. Kegloy; Swanson, Slianklln and Hart; Clerk, Arthur MeWane. Mr. Hook Is ii forceful, eloquent preacher end arouEcs great enthusiasm wherever he is heard. The public schools eloper] Friday and the closing exercises of the Hello Iletli Academy will he held at the Opera House on tho evenings of June ."th and filli. All of the telachers of Belle Heatlie Academy were re-elected as follows; Principal, Mr. V. J. Hill; Assistants, Miss Mildred Evans, of South Boston; Miss Elizabeth Duprlest. of Lynchburg; Miss Lucy Saunders, jif Fnrni- Vllle; Miss Mary Gravely, of Baléni; Miss Eaton, of Bristol; Muslo Teacher, Miss Cul- pln, of New York; Elocution Teacher, Mrs. V. J. Hill, of Hast Kiwlford. Mr. John Stone, of niellinomi, wus elected principal of Wndswurth School, with the fol¬ lowing assistants: Miss Mary llaldwln, of Farnivllle, re-elected; Ml.ss Minnie McPhcf- »on, of Buchanan; Miss Anna Kenderdlne, re-elected; Mrs. 13, 13. Shanklln, re-eleete-l; Miss Mary Eagle; of HlKhluiid county, musio leacher, re-elected. C. E. Miller wob re-elected teacher of the Colored School. The Current Events Club entertained Mon- lay at i o'clock in honor of the publie school teachers, the ¿ffcofcptlori being held at \a Riviere, the hcTuuful hbino of the chili-presi¬ dent, Mr».''sWlllKm". Ingles. The house was Attractively decoratili in spring flowers'·'und the ladles of tho club w..r.· crimson roses, "the rlub «'"lor. An Interesting programmo had been arranged. A beautiful origlimi sketch was rea.? by Mrs. Wavcrly X. Haelnnd, Mrs. D 1!. I'ivt. gave aa exquisita plano solo. "?a!:; Drops," and Mrs (1. T. Kentley, who Is very versatile mid clever ¡it everything she undertaken, recited, a humorous «election 'in- lug given. A clever qorttfatfieJitltledi "A Bettered Ly¬ ric," followed. Partners being matched by vhlto and crlou-on carnations at tables ar¬ ranged mi tilo spani us verandas, where re- (reshrnenU wire afterward* served. A very il-llgtitfnl dance was nlveii nt the Cotillion Club Friday, excellent musk· helng lurnlshed by Heyer«, er RoanoHo. The best peópjo In Hi« town turned '¡ut io jen Sparks ,<?.·.·.? (tatui lay, und ßelbln'e Dog end Pony .-·· ? Tu iday, both of which were tint-class tperforn am Mrs. Oscar H Pryor entertained Ihn Cur· fnt Evente Club very delightfully Thursday afternoon. Ueautlful mush by the hostess, singer, with current uvent« and Die usual dis. oong y Mr.-, ? arsley, thi club's sweetest Bine« r with run· nl ovenia and tie- usual dis¬ ti foo ÌK MIL, prof BpriuK. Lo ig Lynchburg Monday, nini wan the guest ot Colonel William natile In noanoko Sunday. Mrs. Metta Bullnrd has returned from Birm¬ ingham Where «he spent the winter with her daughters; Miss Metta ami Dr. Irene Htlllard. Miss Amy Culdwoll bus retiirneil from Jack¬ son, Kentucky, wheru she taught the session Just closed; Mrs. Alberi] Johannen, neo Annhello Scott, of Washington City, Is nt the homo of her uncle, Mr. ?. O. Scott, for the summer. Mr. Johdnsen, who Is a member of tho IT. H. Geological Survey, will be In tho Rocky Moun¬ tains during his wife's stay In-Rndford. Miss Mary Miles graduated from Pulnslcl In¬ stitute Tuesday, and Is the guest ot Mrs. Wil¬ liam Ingles. Colonel William Jordan returned to his home In iNowbern Tuesday, after a visit of several days to his daughter, Mrs. Seiden Longley, Mr. Andrew Ingles attended the commence¬ ment exercises of the Presbyterian College at Lowlsrmrg, West Virginia, this week, his daughter, Miss Kltlo Ingles, being among the graduates. MIR» Ingles will be the guest of Mrs. D. C. Irwin nt Lexington before hor return home. Mrs. .¡íamuel Siltcllfl and son, George, h?va returned to Hartford, after eight months spout In Rnglnnrt. ' They were met In Boston by Mr. Sutcliffe und tho family party visited r Btlves ? MtsenchuerätS for two weeks liefere leaving for Virginia. Mr. J. D. Bird, of the Hartford Grocery Company, had a two-thousand dollar business house burned In Blueflehl Sunday night. In¬ surance, one thousand dollars. Misses Bessie and Edna Lyle returned Thurs¬ day from Virginia Institute, Bristol, where the former lias Just won her diploma. WYTHEVILLE, VA. (Specilli to The Times-Dispatch.) WVT1IBV1LT.K. VA., May 27..llobcrt A. Nye; a sun of Ur. George L. Kyo, of thin plaee, who disappeared in Elk Horn West Virginia in the year 18.11, and who was sup- posed to have been murdered, wrote to, Ids father a few days ago from Southern Arizona, «hero he Is engaged in copper mining. Ho expects to return lids summer. Preparations are being made for the cele¬ bration of Memorial-Bay on Saturday, May 27. The programmo will open with a lunch¬ eon to the veterans from 11 to 1 o'clock. At half-past one the bxcrclses will begin at the Oper.i House, when the crosses of honor will be presented with appropriale addressees mid music; after which the parado will form In front ot the Opera House and mureh to the East lïnd Cemetery, where the graves will bo decorated, and the ceremony closed with war -VOI1RS. The final exercise of the Wythevllle Semi¬ nary, consisting of a musicalo, will lake place on Friday evening, at which time the grad¬ uate'. Misses Elsie Ball. Llzxle Wllfcnden, arid Mary Olcy will receive their diplomas. It was found necessary to perform (mother operation on Robert Mathews, the little boy, whose leg« w'orc crushed by the train und Rinp'liihtOd some weeks ago. .ta.Ig.· Sam Williams left tibia week for Halifax ami other points east, to ongage In his canvunn for Attorney.General. | Misses Coirle Hancock and Sarah Bruco left Menda·,' for New Verk, where they join a party ..f friends and sail for Europe, Mists Lina c.lhli..noy returned Tuesday from a visit m New York. Hev. and Mrs. W. II. Hallare tit home after a trip ¦>! tane weeks to mollinomi and other point:, cast. Mr. R, 11. Crow-gey rcturnod lust week from u vlr.lt to his old hem,· in England. .Mrs. Robert Luwson and children, of Parks I Gurrten, are tin- guesl« relative» In town. Mrs: Rebeccn Harrclt has returned from ????a? Irin, vier.· filie «pent the winter. Mn W v.'. Iiynr* and children. "f l'enn- !·. ???. are spending pome time wit'.i Mr«, \V ·.-'. Ponge on Mala street Mr. John ,T, Olbboney le quits siek at the heme' of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James ?? ? ? ??· ni Pow p returned this mon*- The SS '¦l-*ÌJ The Reigning Style- and here's why. We hnvü watched, followed, profited, by every stage of PUMI* dcsigninf; and construction from experimental Dream:, (Q Successful Actuality. und licre'l·. the result. $3.50, $4.00 f~y and $5MO &. S'in White Canvas. White Ooze,.Rus» siati Calf.Shiny Leaf hers. Q¿J 313 Broad. Society in Staunton (Spcc.nl to Tho Tlmcs-Dlspntoh.) STAC ????, VA., MftJ· 27..Mrs. S. I). Tinilierlnke, Jr.,. handsomely entertained ilio Junior Married Indios' Whist Club AVediteedrty evening nt an elegant recep¬ tion In honor of her guests, Mrs. Horace ? Spencer and Miss Vaneo, at Iter resi- elenco on Church Street. Tho parlor a.id library vere lustcfully decorated In red and green, and potted plants and eut flowers; In tho dining room tho provali« lug colors wcro green and white, Over the whole was shed u brilliant light from numerous candles. Recoivlilg with the hostess, who was y gowned In tan silk mull over yellow silk, with burnt orange veWct trimmings, wore her guests ol" honor, Airs. Spencer and Miss Vance, tho former In corn colored crepe de chiite over White taffeta, with pearls, and tho latter wearing point d'esprit over whlto sliN; mm airs, S. 13. Tlmborlnlte, Sr. In black peau de soler wlth jet trimmings, and/Miss Margaret Timbe li alté', in white organdy with laco trimmings. Tho receiving party in Ilio library com¬ prised Mrs. J. M. Perry, Sirs. Prank Han¬ ger and Miss Celia Mason Tlmberlako! while Mrs. Churlos Mogo, Mrs. Charles Zirlilo and Miss Rpbecca Young Invited the guests into the tilling room. The punch bowl was presided over by Miss Mabel Littlg and Miss Tyree; tho wait¬ resses were Misses llalllo Henkel, Ada- laida Myers, Jyou Fttuntelroy and Jose¬ phine, Mamie and OHve Tlmberlako. A daintily prepared menu was served. An orchestra of stringed Instruments fur¬ nished music throughout tho evening. Those present vyero: Mesdames Taylor McCoy, It. 13. R. Nelson, Kate Stout, C. P. .Hunger, R. C. Jett, A. M. Frnacr, A. D. Hanchor, Heber Ker, P. M. Young, J L\ Peyton, A. M.. Fnuntlcroy, it. C. Miller, Herbert J. Taylor, T. P. Notting¬ ham, V. '-"Lt. Bcnney, 1-L M. Mercoroau, Prank Bell, Glasgow Armstrong, McH.- Holllday, Gllpln Willson, Berkeley Minor, Kenneth McCoy, R. 13. Tlmberlako, Thomas Fauntlcroy, Humo Sprinkle, W. O. Sydner, T. B. Ranson,, M. J. Payne, A. M. Howison, Joseph Glasgow, Rich¬ ard Ker, A. F. Kiiincy, 13. S. Sublott, A. F. Robertson, J. II. McCue, W. S. Burks, T. R. N. Speck, Lacy Gibson, J! B. Rawlings, Jacob Yost, John Pan¬ cake, Charles Curry, J. A. .Alexander, Carter Braxton, C. R, Culdwell, J. A. Taylor, J. A. Barman, Harry Black, James Foster, -Thomas Hogshead, L. D. Wood, J. A. Wuddell, T. C. Morton, G. G. Gooch, W. W. King, 13. B. Bailey, A. Hogc, M. Y'arbrough, Julius Wltz, W. P. Tarns, D. R. Tyree, Fred Efflrtgor, G. F. Wilson. IT. G. Tlmberlako, ?. A. Walk¬ er, Edward Echols, William A. Bowles, J. II. Woodward, J, IT. Blackley, W. A. Pratt, N. Wayl, IT. IT. Wayt, Taylor Blssell, J. H. Worthlngton, and Misses B. C. Wetmcr, Pat Hanger, Mary Han¬ son, Elizabeth Jones, Daisy Y'arbrough, Maggie McChestney, Mamie Grasty, Rose Harrison; Lena Tlmberlako. CHARLOTTE, N. Ç. (Special· to-The Tinics-lMspntch.) CHARLOTTE, VA., May 27..Misses Julia ami Violet Alezandúr gave- a lunch¬ eon Wednesday, evening, complimentary to Miss Adele Butchtnson, who Is to be married an tho Hist of June, to Mr. Chns. F. Dalton, a popular and successful trav¬ eling man, of Wlnston-Snlom. The com¬ ing nuptial event was announced on this occasion. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCllntock have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter. Miss Irene, to Mr. Thos. Butler Powers. The wedding will talco plapo Tuesday ov.onl.ng, /tuno (Uh, at, the home of tho prospective brlde'R pa¬ rents, In Piedmont Park. Miss MoClin- tork Is fnmed for her beauty and grace and Is Immensely popular. Mr. Powers' Is eoiK-ctc-d with tho local Seaboard Air Linó ?????. The following popular young women will enmnoso a" touring pnrty that will "do" Europe th ecomlng summer: Misses Annie AVIlson nnd Rehoknh Chambers, of Charlotte: May nnd Sudle Johnson and Kate ShlPP, of Kalotgh: Mary B. Cannon, of Concorri: Lola Phillips and Anna Howard, of Tnrboro, and Loulso Todd, of Atlanta. Miss Shlnn will chap- crone tho parly, which will sail from Boston. June 3d. A marriage of Interest throughout the eour.try was that which tonic place Thursdnv evening at the homo of the bride, near Fiorita, when Miss Adda May Howlnnd r/nve her heart nnd hand to Mr. T,oy MeConnoll. Tt was a late af¬ ternoon rt fair and was witnessed ïjy the family and a few Inmediato friends. Both nr" nopnlar nnd prominent socially. Mrs.. W. T. Henderson entprtnlned a number of friends nt hpr home, on East Avanti". Frldnv evening In honor of her Rno't. Mrs. J. P. MeRao, of Laurlnbtirg. Mrs. John T. Vnnn entortnlned Tues- riay nfternon In honor of Miss Fanny T.nnlcr. Nenl, of Lflurlnbiire, and Miss Màrcia Latham, of Plvmouth. Pnrnls bold Us final mooting of the season with Mrs. W. A. Zweier at li.»r homo, nn North Trynn Street, Wodncs- dnv nfternonn. ?G?·'?. ,????? Baxter Ros« and Mrs. E. C. t?,?.-ll. received p. the home of llv> for- m-r. on North Collorm Street Tuepdnv nfternoop In honor of. Mrs. Joseph p. Pnss fnee V-'s Mnrv Wnrirm CnmeronX formerly of Ai'nshlngton. G). C Th« re- ronllon. wbloh was one of thr« notable even's of the season's soelnl events, was for the mirro.0,? of welcoming Mrs. Ross to Charlotte'. WARM SPRINGS, VA. * rgneclnl to The Tltics-lMiumtch.'» AVA RM SPRINGS. VA., May 27,-Clr- cult Court adjourned hero last Thursday, after having been In session slnco Satur¬ day, the 20th. À largo number was here Monday and Tttesilav, attracted by tho case against l'lovd Magnus, a negro, charged-with killing Jim Bumbles, anothor negro, lust Christ inns. This ceso, however, was con¬ tinued. The board of supervisors this week had a tie vote on the question of building u new 'courthouse and jail for Bath county, and I he matter was continued to the next mooting, Mr. William Shields Mefllntlo and his daughter. Miss Maude MoCllntlc, of Mon¬ roe City, Mo., left hero this week for Ttockhrldgo county, after a visit of sev¬ eral days to their friend« nnd relatives, Mr. MeCllntlo was hum and reared In rtoclcbrldgo", and was a son of the Into Mr. Khanklln Modini le and nephnw of Colonel William M eO Untie. He served through the, war with the Roekhrldgo Haltery,' and after tho war moved to Missouri, where he lias been prominent In Publio Ufo, having served as Stato sen- ator I'm'· several terms, and during his last term as president of that body. Mis. Jaule Bishop, of Cuvlngton, Va., ami Mi. und Mrs. J. DeWIll Steelo, of t'h.irh..-.Imi, \V. Va. aro guests of Mr, J. ? Payne. Air. and Mrs. Hugh AVrlght hnvo ;e- liiined to their homo In Lexington, Vn., niter an extended visit to Mrs. A\»rIg)it'B mother, Mrs. J. 11. McClintle, uf Hot rSi.nugs. Misa Josephine Stephopsoni of Munto- rey, « ih th.- guest of the Misses Stephen« i'Ui I,eri; this week. .Messii·. A. Reynolds niulcO, R. Painter visiter) AicChiiig, Vn,, this week. .Miss Carrie Hiultli, of Curloover, Va., Ih the BUftst of her sister, Mr*', O. G. Shaw, Mr. A. 11. Mi'Lumnild has returned hum an extended trip to Jliilllmoro, Mil. -Mr. II. ?. Thomas, of Fluvannn, Is vig¬ ilili« ???? son, Bf. C M. Thomas, ut Ucul- »"« Sprit»»«, ????ß???ß??a? ?. ?, Flood wus u vii· itur here thU week, É"AUUffi L OR G asHioNÄ I ABRIOS. ?-MISS OUR On Monday.39000 GAlRIVI EMTS.On Monday, Our contract with the manufacturer for Muslin Underwear was made before the great boom in Cotton, we are therefore able to offer these Garments at less than the price of the raw material for our Monday Sale. Lot 3 25c. «Ism* ol ROitra lototry. T«U a wry jaratau la IMi aaertcnit a yon vbh, titttt lht t°»"· (Mr w* t tolte«. PERCALES, 36 Inches Avide, 8 l-3c.- value. 634c WHITE MADRAS, with mercerized figures, 25c, value, on Monday, "¡?? CANNON CLOTH SKIRTS, a no« wonderful value for only. «/Ol» WHITE LINEN WAISTS, full fash¬ ionable sleeves, tucked back,'' front and .sleeves; some embroidered, oth¬ ers with medallions; $1.25 vaiuo, QQ/> WALKING SKIRTS, In funcy mix¬ tures; tho most stylish skirt in the stock, reduced from $5.00 to. $2.98 ACCORDEON PLEATED SKIRT, in blues and blacks, 'worth $3.00, fhq QO for Monday, only. ? lot of Walkltif? Skirts, one or two of ? kind; cut from $4, for ö>n no Monday, only.'.Vit.UO FRENCH LAWN, in sheer and fine, 45 inches wide, 25c. 4 Fp ...in. -.AwV/ ¿yn odd lot of SHIRT WAISTS, mado of tho best India linen and· fino qual¬ ity ".madras; they sola for $1 to $1.50, but they are odd sizes, the ??? Monday price will bo.'. w«/C JQntlre new lino of Lawn Waists", trimmed in lace and embroidery, largo, sleeves, Monday spe- AC/» «-Specials« MEN'6 BALBRIQQAN SHIRT8 and DRAWERS, regular 25o. goods, |?? for Monday's salo at.It/C BOYS' ÉALBRIQQAN UN· Jftl/Ä DERWEAR, lfic. value. lfl/^C LADIES' LACE HOSE; for ... 1254c APPLIQUE CENTERPIECES, In Qp white and colors, 15c. vaiuo. EMBROIDERED WASH BELTS.j..'. 10c LADIES' BELTS, drummer's OF« samples, 6O0. vaiuo.uoL· POINT DE PARIS LACE, lOo. f. value, 4 Inches wide, special. dL· FIGURED BATISTE, largo floral effocts, 5c. value, only, 10 yards ?'??? to a buyojr. u^jt BROWN LINEN, 27 inches wide ........'. 12'/3c PLAIN CHAMBRAY, all colors, ?. 10c. value. it _t_'S. FIGURED ORGANDY, largo floral effects, 12>/$c. value, fi'-t/íí» SICILIAN BATISTE, 88 Inches 9£_ wide, in creams.*.'.euL DRESS GOODS, 30 Inches wide, Shepherd's plaids, black and OC« white."9L· FINE MOHAIRS, blaok. an ex¬ tra special, Monday's o'ffor- ??? ing...·.*0t CURTAIN SWISS, 80 inches wldo, In dote and stripes, 12ttc (?~??? valuó, for. «/*^2JL G?, linen finish ?'?/? 12H<5. value.. uyQL CANNON CLOTH, linen finish !8 Inches wide. WHITE MADRAS, small figures, 12V4c. vaiuo. 934c BEST GALATEA CLOTH,|ftf/_ a genuine Monday special.. ¦*-^/_2*"' ?????? SPECIAL.Xhvolty pnt- terns, well made and pretty, ??. Monday's price..aaL· ¦THREE 8PECIALS from tho third floor. UNEN FINISH CHAM- BRAYS, 9c. value. 534c WHITE CAMBRIC, 30 inches cr wide, Si-Se; value. uL BLEACHED COTTON, 34 OHAp inches wide, 5c, vaiuo. OffoL 'AGENTS FOR STANDARD PATTERNS.10 cents and 15 cents. Seam Allowance. THE DAYLIGHT GASH STORE, . 9 FIRST AND BROAD STREETS. iKlieelal. to The TImes-Dlsp'atch.) NOnrfJLK, \'?·, May 27..Soclety Is court¬ ing the sunshine rind anticipating the pleasures of the summer. There Is no fenr of tan, anil a group of freckles Is regarded as a proof that the possessor of those evidences of the kisses of thu sun has boeri, having a good time, There Is no fear oven of the hllsterlng effects ot' tho reflected heat and light of tho rays of the sun from tho water wbioh has the double consequence of making thu face "ns rod as a beot und as sore as a boll." Tho reason for this Is that the boating and yachting parties am foshlonablo and delightful now. There aro a nunibor of boating oxour- slon« which may be tukon from here on suc¬ cessive days for a week without exhausting the novelty of tin; scenes or the delightful bciisii- tloiiH which tho various voyages offer. They ran bo taken In a sail boat or in one of the motor yaohts which are becoming; numerous and handsomo here. One of the favorite |rips Is through tho canal to Lake Drammoni! In tho (great and gloomy Dismal Swamp, where nature still lii/her prlmntlv/j grandeur iindlBturbod by tho' Industrie« and the. Indignities of man. ,Thorn Is always a groat diversion In sailing among the vessels In the harbor, Including uny of the Winamp« which happen to be at the navy-yard. Society Iiiih been having a good time till« week, de¬ spite the nennt record of the society chronicler. Captain and Mrs. 13, U Honijlnnd gave ft delightful lunch party Tuesday down the lloiids, making stops at Hampton, rim point, Wllloimlibv Hencn and-l'Ine lleiieh, and nfler luncheon on board, tho party returned home, delighted with tho trip. Those In tho parly were Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoiigland, Mrs. <·. 11. HpaiiRlcr, of Onmden, N, J.i Mi·* Margaret Fontress and Miss Simmons. Miss Lula Miller, Mis« Nellie Matthews, Ml"* G·*"» Oront, Miss lîtliel lliidl/y, Mrs· Mitchell Lively. Mrs Harvey ?>??)?ß?? enlertalneil nt a luncheon nt tho Country Club In honor of Mrs. II A. Huehnian. of Manch Chunk. Vii. The table was prettily decorated with wild flower«. Mrs. picksoit'e guests were Mrs. nucluniin, Mrs. John Nlchol. Mrs. 13. », llodaes, Mrs. Alfred W. Towsiey and Mrs. J Mr. "nrt0HMre. Tttlieweli Taylor enlertalnçd Mr. and Mrs. Horneo Hawe·. ot Richmond, lit ;,,pper Hi, nay evening nl tho Country Club. Miss Anale l'urne I, of Ilnlolgh, Is he guest of ?,,,· »biter, Mrs. Herbert Hrury. ¡at L-uu- '"mi'hi Hertha Scott enterlalned In a delightful manner' Tuesday M <>,>» «ftnV,,°" ? ,Y"°"f ciuh. The luncheon *m»_ Bivpa -In ?'?? Misses Mice nnd Ne I" Ikwuo, of Hnltlmmv. > ¡ï Sen,",. A* «'ere Misses ????,? Mis« Lillian Kensett, Mi«·. tíni|»lu Huillh and .Mis« Vìu¥ H',':.l.,an!U,MoIlwa|no,. Jr.. entertained Mr«, Mrllivnliie's KUests wore MI'S \\ hIfrod WIlKlnsoii, of Holfast, inland, and Misses Margnrot and Umilile Whlllnjr. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. .Iones ?. Il mIr ,...,. ,,, NVilloughby ^m'Im".^ Lvn'iöu Jone., MIM Aima. Jone», of r-'uifolk, und Mr. "Slrï. jSimD. Gibson, Jr., and »on who have been In Norfolk for several weeks, have gone to phiiateiphl·? ? i*» ¦»,'· aiuwu, when», future they will reside. 'They were accompanied by Mrs. Gibson's mother, Mrs. Louis Milliard. Mrs. W. L. Harris gavo a "porch party" Tuesday afternoon at her home, on Itedgato Avenue, in honor of Miss Hay and Miss Net- calf, of Pittsburg. Her guest» were Mrs. Jumos Payne, Mrs. Percy II. Wilson, Miss Hay, Miss Nclcnlf, Misa Llda Tucker, Miss Katherine Nuwblll and Miss steele, " < On Hatunlay Mr. W. 0. Orandy gavo a sailing party on bin yacht, thu Minstrel, gupp'ar was served ut th* Hampton 1loads Yacht Club after sailing about the bay. Those present wore Miss Murgnret Itamsoy, of lialtlniore; Miss Mary Lou Cookc, Mr. William II. White, Jr., and Mldshlpniuii William Hulsey, V. ß. ?. Misa Florence Tult was hoste. ut a mimleale on Monday evening at her. home on Pembroke Avenue, given In honor uf Mlss:e Alice and Nolle Uoguo, of Haltlmore. The pro- maninie. consisted of selections by Misa Made¬ line HrndleyJ of Wusblnglon, on thu plano; Miss Tult, on tho violin, and voenl solo« by Mr. lidwln Keller. Miss Talt's guests were Misscis Hague, Miss Hradley, Misses Cherry and Francis Nottingham, Mr. 1 nival Ownth- uvy, Mr. Feller, Mr. Horace Jones, Mr. Hardy Cross, Mr. Gordon Pnxton nnd Mr. William Clraiuly. Mrs. Ooergn C. Caboll, Jr., cntertnlned ft number of her friend« at cards Tuesduy af¬ ternoon, at the Country Club. There wero flf- neii tables surrounded by playem and pro¬ gressive euchre was the game. Mr«. Nathaniel T. Orione succeeded In winning tho greatest number of Kamen und received the first prize, n feather fan, while the consolai Ion, a luco fan, was drawn by Mrs. Ijiwrenco T. Hoyster. Mrs. Caboll was assisted by Mrs. Jimlll« F. Lynch, Mrs. »lancho Camp, Mr». Clinton ?. Curtis, Mrs. Harry L. Myers, Mis. Cornelius II. Hull, Mrs. Hiohard Mellwalne, Jr., Mia. Hhilr Bannister, Miss EllsabOth Ilowdoln nnd Misses Virginia L.vjieh, Margaret Uannleter and Kilon Miiury. Mrs. I'ltirruss corprew entertained her friends Wednesday at her homo at IMgowuter. Tin* rooms were decorated with palms, ferns und cut flowers and (Utility baskets wcro used as card simios. Tim game« won were marked by tiny prim rosy ?, There were five tablea und progni ulve euchre was played. Mrs. J. Hldiiey Knilth succeeded In securing the great¬ est number of roses and received as the flint prize, a cut-islas« «nils, with silver top; Mrs. James Hlddle won the second prize, "Kitty of the Hose«," and the lone hand prize, a plate, was awarded to MUuhAnDa K. Henry, while tlio consolation, ? basket of flowers, WHS ??|???? by Mrs. John H, .lonldn«. Thoso who, enjoyed Mrs. Coiprow's hespltullly wore Mr«. Walter llumlull Meeoll, Mrs. James Hlddle, Mrs. J. B. Kmltli, Mrs. J. II·, Jenkins; Mr». Hlunchn Camp, Mrs. ltlchard Mcllwulue, Jr., Mrs. Norman Hell, Jr., «Ir«, riamilo! Me.M. Lloyd, Mrs. 'Horno ¡j. Hrigg«, Mrs, Joseph Wallon, Mrs. Alexander Wiuldell, Mrs, Churlo« lüdrldue, Mrs. Frederick Curd, Mis. Charle» i!. Joues, Mrs. Armand Myers, Mrs. Hugh N. »age, Mil. Tleuna« II. WIIIcox', Mrs. charhs Webster, Mr», L. W. T. Waller, Mrs Julius Ktnnficld, Mrs, (¡wyilli T. Hhep- pard, Mrs. Allan », Hnnckel, Miss Anne Henry, Miss Lela Tucker, M|Hs l.'Iorenco (-'.inlth, Miss Margaret and Alice Did. MI«h Lucille Wulos. Misa Ll¡:¿ie Freeman, Mis« Nora tfBl> peil, MN Catherin,· llopsh and Misse« lämtlv pini Until Wilson. The sore wus ke|it by Miss KloUo Ciirdt, Mlub OJttlti Wing und Ule« Olssle liumuu. JUST RECEIVED.ANOTHER CARLOAD,OF WHITE AUTOMOBILES Absolutely tho most reliable Motor Car built, regardless the motive power or price, It is noiseless, has no vibration or odor, . Afcnt for tho White, Winton, Pope, Toledo, Elmoro and Oldsmoblle. Good eoo- ond-hund Automobiles for salo at a sacrifico Call and seo them nt my new garage No. 508 AVest Broad Street, 'Phono 4319. A CASUAL· OHSERVER Avould bo struck Avlth tho intistorly way In Avhlch avo have purchased our stock of WALL PAPER AND DECORATIVE C00DS This Is nn ago of specialization, and avo claim to have a full line of SPECIAL· things that our competitors do not handle. We are under AULE and competqnt management, our WORKMEN are the BEST that money can get and you avIII find It a PLEASURE to have them at work In your house. R. B. BRAUER, Phone 1699. 208 N. Fifth Street f ^m mi0*0* »^»MW|M>i<^» your satisfaction is our pleas¬ ure. (It's hard to tell you about beautiful flowers on paper, but you come here and see the -flowers.-they'll sell themselves, HAMMOND,

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Page 1: On Monday.39000 GAlRIVIEMTS.On Monday,chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1905-05-28/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · SHEET MUSIC. GBAPHQNES, SMALL INSTRUMENTS. OPEN? oilAKGK ACCOUNT. w RICHMOND,

SUllIllifiL The ONE PianoManufacturing Companywhose name guaranteesihe goods they sol!.


? III·-. CAUI/l·: CO.MlWNY Ima been identified =

with the l'inno business just. long enough I |for the public, to know that they batidlo only B|isuperior iiistnunonts. §¦¦







has boon sold throughout tho country with such

extraordinary success that our patrons have enabled

us to say that our name alono is ? guarantee.

If you buy a plano from THECÀBLIS COMPANY you will ever

remain friendly to their interests.The reason iB obvious.

In addition to our Plano lino wo offer

Mason & Hamlin and Chicago Cottage OrgansThefamous Mason ¿Hanilin Pipe Liszt Organsfor half century known as the acme of organ con¬

struction and the standard of tho world.


RICHMOND, VA.J. G. COHL12Y, Manager.

ÍSpeclal to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.)HADFC-IID. VA., May 27..Tho revival hold

by It'.'V. W. H. Book, of Martlnsvilk·, lit theWest End Christian Clinch, eluded Tuesdaynight -frith twenty conversions. Thoro wem

about forty «'.inversions during tno weelt, findthe rite of baptism was administered Wednes¬

day at 1 o'clock. ]Vo|'e cime from all purlsof Montgomery ami Pularki counties to attendthe meeting and crowds wcro tinned away

nlshtly for luck of room.

The church was dedicated Sunday. It Is

a neat hrlclt structure and Is entirely clearof debt. Mr. Book said that In his twenty-three years ministry, it was the first churchhe had ever dedicated that, wus entirely freoof debt.Tho church wus organized Tuesday with

about poventy-flve members und the followingofficers: Elders, C. P. McWane and J. II.M «honey; Deacons, Messrs. Kegloy; Swanson,Slianklln and Hart; Clerk, Arthur MeWane.Mr. Hook Is ii forceful, eloquent preacher

end arouEcs great enthusiasm wherever he isheard.The public schools eloper] Friday and the

closing exercises of the Hello Iletli Academywill he held at the Opera House on thoevenings of June ."th and filli.All of the telachers of Belle Heatlie Academy

were re-elected as follows; Principal, Mr. V.J. Hill; Assistants, Miss Mildred Evans, ofSouth Boston; Miss Elizabeth Duprlest. ofLynchburg; Miss Lucy Saunders, jif Fnrni-Vllle; Miss Mary Gravely, of Baléni; MissEaton, of Bristol; Muslo Teacher, Miss Cul-pln, of New York; Elocution Teacher, Mrs.V. J. Hill, of Hast Kiwlford.Mr. John Stone, of niellinomi, wus elected

principal of Wndswurth School, with the fol¬lowing assistants: Miss Mary llaldwln, ofFarnivllle, re-elected; Ml.ss Minnie McPhcf-»on, of Buchanan; Miss Anna Kenderdlne,re-elected; Mrs. 13, 13. Shanklln, re-eleete-l;Miss Mary Eagle; of HlKhluiid county, musioleacher, re-elected.C. E. Miller wob re-elected teacher of the

Colored School.The Current Events Club entertained Mon-

lay at i o'clock in honor of the publie schoolteachers, the ¿ffcofcptlori being held at \aRiviere, the hcTuuful hbino of the chili-presi¬dent, Mr».''sWlllKm". Ingles. The house was

Attractively decoratili in spring flowers'·'undthe ladles of tho club w..r.· crimson roses, "therlub «'"lor. An Interesting programmo hadbeen arranged. A beautiful origlimi sketchwas rea.? by Mrs. Wavcrly X. Haelnnd, Mrs.D 1!. I'ivt. gave aa exquisita plano solo."?a!:; Drops," and Mrs (1. T. Kentley, whoIs very versatile mid clever ¡it everything sheundertaken, recited, a humorous «election 'in-lug given.A clever qorttfatfieJitltledi "A Bettered Ly¬

ric," followed. Partners being matched byvhlto and crlou-on carnations at tables ar¬ranged mi tilo spani us verandas, where re-(reshrnenU wire afterward* served.A very il-llgtitfnl dance was nlveii nt the

Cotillion Club Friday, excellent musk· helnglurnlshed by Heyer«, er RoanoHo.The best peópjo In Hi« town turned '¡ut io

jen Sparks ,<?.·.·.? (tatui lay, und ßelbln'e Dogend Pony .-·· ? Tu iday, both of which weretint-class tperforn amMrs. Oscar H Pryor entertained Ihn Cur·

fnt Evente Club very delightfully Thursdayafternoon. Ueautlful mush by the hostess,singer, with current uvent« and Die usual dis.oong y Mr.-, ? arsley, thi club's sweetestBine« r with run· nl ovenia and tie- usual dis¬

ti fooÌK MIL,

profBpriuK.Lo ig

Lynchburg Monday, nini wan the guest otColonel William natile In noanoko Sunday.Mrs. Metta Bullnrd has returned from Birm¬

ingham Where «he spent the winter with herdaughters; Miss Metta ami Dr. Irene Htlllard.Miss Amy Culdwoll bus retiirneil from Jack¬

son, Kentucky, wheru she taught the sessionJust closed;Mrs. Alberi] Johannen, neo Annhello Scott,

of Washington City, Is nt the homo of heruncle, Mr. ?. O. Scott, for the summer. Mr.Johdnsen, who Is a member of tho IT. H.Geological Survey, will be In tho Rocky Moun¬tains during his wife's stay In-Rndford.Miss Mary Miles graduated from Pulnslcl In¬

stitute Tuesday, and Is the guest ot Mrs. Wil¬liam Ingles.Colonel William Jordan returned to his home

In iNowbern Tuesday, after a visit of severaldays to his daughter, Mrs. Seiden Longley,Mr. Andrew Ingles attended the commence¬

ment exercises of the Presbyterian College atLowlsrmrg, West Virginia, this week, hisdaughter, Miss Kltlo Ingles, being amongthe graduates. MIR» Ingles will be the guestof Mrs. D. C. Irwin nt Lexington before horreturn home.Mrs. .¡íamuel Siltcllfl and son, George, h?va

returned to Hartford, after eight months spoutIn Rnglnnrt. ' They were met In Boston byMr. Sutcliffe und tho family party visited r

Btlves ? MtsenchuerätS for two weeks liefereleaving for Virginia.Mr. J. D. Bird, of the Hartford Grocery

Company, had a two-thousand dollar businesshouse burned In Blueflehl Sunday night. In¬surance, one thousand dollars.Misses Bessie and Edna Lyle returned Thurs¬

day from Virginia Institute, Bristol, wherethe former lias Just won her diploma.


(Specilli to The Times-Dispatch.)WVT1IBV1LT.K. VA., May 27..llobcrt A.

Nye; a sun of Ur. George L. Kyo, of thinplaee, who disappeared in Elk Horn WestVirginia in the year 18.11, and who was sup-posed to have been murdered, wrote to, Idsfather a few days ago from Southern Arizona,«hero he Is engaged in copper mining. Hoexpects to return lids summer.Preparations are being made for the cele¬

bration of Memorial-Bay on Saturday, May27. The programmo will open with a lunch¬eon to the veterans from 11 to 1 o'clock. Athalf-past one the bxcrclses will begin at theOper.i House, when the crosses of honor willbe presented with appropriale addressees midmusic; after which the parado will form Infront ot the Opera House and mureh to theEast lïnd Cemetery, where the graves will bodecorated, and the ceremony closed with war

-VOI1RS.The final exercise of the Wythevllle Semi¬

nary, consisting of a musicalo, will lake placeon Friday evening, at which time the grad¬uate'. Misses Elsie Ball. Llzxle Wllfcnden,arid Mary Olcy will receive their diplomas.

It was found necessary to perform (motheroperation on Robert Mathews, the little boy,whose leg« w'orc crushed by the train undRinp'liihtOd some weeks ago.

.ta.Ig.· Sam Williams left tibia week forHalifax ami other points east, to ongage Inhis canvunn for Attorney.General.

| Misses Coirle Hancock and Sarah Bruco leftMenda·,' for New Verk, where they join a

party ..f friends and sail for Europe,Mists Lina c.lhli..noy returned Tuesday from

a visit m New York.Hev. and Mrs. W. II. Hallare tit home after

a trip ¦>! tane weeks to mollinomi and otherpoint:, cast.Mr. R, 11. Crow-gey rcturnod lust week from

u vlr.lt to his old hem,· in England..Mrs. Robert Luwson and children, of Parks

I Gurrten, are tin- guesl« oí relative» In town.Mrs: Rebeccn Harrclt has returned from

????a? Irin, vier.· filie «pent the winter.Mn W v.'. Iiynr* and children. "f l'enn-!·. ???. are spending pome time wit'.i Mr«,

\V ·.-'. Ponge on Mala streetMr. John ,T, Olbboney le quits siek at the

heme' of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James

?? ? ? ??· ni Pow p returned this mon*-


SS '¦l-*ÌJThe Reigning Style-

and here's why.We hnvü watched, followed, profited,by every stage of PUMI* dcsigninf;and construction from experimentalDream:, (Q Successful Actuality.

und licre'l·. the result.

$3.50, $4.00 f~yand $5MO &.

S'in WhiteCanvas. White Ooze,.Rus»siati Calf.Shiny Leafhers.

Q¿J 313 Broad.

Society inStaunton

(Spcc.nl to Tho Tlmcs-Dlspntoh.)STAC ????, VA., MftJ· 27..Mrs. S. I).

Tinilierlnke, Jr.,. handsomely entertainedilio Junior Married Indios' Whist ClubAVediteedrty evening nt an elegant recep¬tion In honor of her guests, Mrs. Horace? Spencer and Miss Vaneo, at Iter resi-elenco on Church Street. Tho parlor a.idlibrary vere lustcfully decorated In redand green, and potted plants and eutflowers; In tho dining room tho provali«lug colors wcro green and white, Overthe whole was shed u brilliant light fromnumerous candles.Recoivlilg with the hostess, who was

y gowned In tan silk mull over yellow silk,with burnt orange veWct trimmings, woreher guests ol" honor, Airs. Spencer andMiss Vance, tho former In corn coloredcrepe de chiite over White taffeta, withpearls, and tho latter wearing pointd'esprit over whlto sliN; mm airs, S. 13.Tlmborlnlte, Sr. In black peau de solerwlth jet trimmings, and/Miss MargaretTimbeli alté', in white organdy with lacotrimmings.Tho receiving party in Ilio library com¬

prised Mrs. J. M. Perry, Sirs. Prank Han¬ger and Miss Celia Mason Tlmberlako!while Mrs. Churlos Mogo, Mrs. CharlesZirlilo and Miss Rpbecca Young Invitedthe guests into the tilling room. Thepunch bowl was presided over by MissMabel Littlg and Miss Tyree; tho wait¬resses were Misses llalllo Henkel, Ada-laida Myers, Jyou Fttuntelroy and Jose¬phine, Mamie and OHve Tlmberlako.A daintily prepared menu was served.

An orchestra of stringed Instruments fur¬nished music throughout tho evening.Those present vyero: Mesdames Taylor

McCoy, It. 13. R. Nelson, Kate Stout, C.P. .Hunger, R. C. Jett, A. M. Frnacr, A.D. Hanchor, Heber Ker, P. M. Young, JL\ Peyton, A. M.. Fnuntlcroy, it. C.Miller, Herbert J. Taylor, T. P. Notting¬ham, V. '-"Lt. Bcnney, 1-L M. Mercoroau,Prank Bell, Glasgow Armstrong, McH.-Holllday, Gllpln Willson, Berkeley Minor,Kenneth McCoy, R. 13. Tlmberlako,Thomas Fauntlcroy, Humo Sprinkle, W.O. Sydner, T. B. Ranson,, M. J. Payne,A. M. Howison, Joseph Glasgow, Rich¬ard Ker, A. F. Kiiincy, 13. S. Sublott,A. F. Robertson, J. II. McCue, W. S.Burks, T. R. N. Speck, Lacy Gibson,J! B. Rawlings, Jacob Yost, John Pan¬cake, Charles Curry, J. A. .Alexander,Carter Braxton, C. R, Culdwell, J. A.Taylor, J. A. Barman, Harry Black,James Foster, -Thomas Hogshead, L. D.Wood, J. A. Wuddell, T. C. Morton, G.G. Gooch, W. W. King, 13. B. Bailey, A.Hogc, M. Y'arbrough, Julius Wltz, W. P.Tarns, D. R. Tyree, Fred Efflrtgor, G. F.Wilson. IT. G. Tlmberlako, ?. A. Walk¬er, Edward Echols, William A. Bowles,J. II. Woodward, J, IT. Blackley, W. A.Pratt, N. Wayl, IT. IT. Wayt, TaylorBlssell, J. H. Worthlngton, and MissesB. C. Wetmcr, Pat Hanger, Mary Han¬son, Elizabeth Jones, Daisy Y'arbrough,Maggie McChestney, Mamie Grasty, RoseHarrison; Lena Tlmberlako.

CHARLOTTE, N. Ç.(Special· to-The Tinics-lMspntch.)

CHARLOTTE, VA., May 27..MissesJulia ami Violet Alezandúr gave- a lunch¬eon Wednesday, evening, complimentaryto Miss Adele Butchtnson, who Is to bemarried an tho Hist of June, to Mr. Chns.F. Dalton, a popular and successful trav¬eling man, of Wlnston-Snlom. The com¬

ing nuptial event was announced on thisoccasion.Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCllntock have

issued invitations to the marriage oftheir daughter. Miss Irene, to Mr. Thos.Butler Powers. The wedding will talcoplapo Tuesday ov.onl.ng, /tuno (Uh, at,the home of tho prospective brlde'R pa¬rents, In Piedmont Park. Miss MoClin-tork Is fnmed for her beauty and graceand Is Immensely popular. Mr. Powers'Is eoiK-ctc-d with tho local Seaboard AirLinó ?????.The following popular young women

will enmnoso a" touring pnrty that will"do" Europe th ecomlng summer: MissesAnnie AVIlson nnd Rehoknh Chambers,of Charlotte: May nnd Sudle Johnsonand Kate ShlPP, of Kalotgh: Mary B.Cannon, of Concorri: Lola Phillips andAnna Howard, of Tnrboro, and LoulsoTodd, of Atlanta. Miss Shlnn will chap-crone tho parly, which will sail fromBoston. June 3d.A marriage of Interest throughout the

eour.try was that which tonic placeThursdnv evening at the homo of thebride, near Fiorita, when Miss Adda MayHowlnnd r/nve her heart nnd hand toMr. T,oy MeConnoll. Tt was a late af¬ternoon rt fair and was witnessed ïjy thefamily and a few Inmediato friends. Bothnr" nopnlar nnd prominent socially.Mrs.. W. T. Henderson entprtnlned a

number of friends nt hpr home, on EastAvanti". Frldnv evening In honor of herRno't. Mrs. J. P. MeRao, of Laurlnbtirg.Mrs. John T. Vnnn entortnlned Tues-

riay nfternon In honor of Miss FannyT.nnlcr. Nenl, of Lflurlnbiire, and MissMàrcia Latham, of Plvmouth.Pnrnls bold Us final mooting of the

season with Mrs. W. A. Zweier at li.»rhomo, nn North Trynn Street, Wodncs-dnv nfternonn.

?G?·'?. ,????? Baxter Ros« and Mrs. E. C.t?,?.-ll. received p. the home of llv> for-m-r. on North Collorm Street Tuepdnvnfternoop In honor of. Mrs. Joseph p.Pnss fnee V-'s Mnrv Wnrirm CnmeronXformerly of Ai'nshlngton. G). C Th« re-

ronllon. wbloh was one of thr« notableeven's of the season's soelnl events, was

for the mirro.0,? of welcoming Mrs. Rossto Charlotte'.


rgneclnl to The Tltics-lMiumtch.'»AVARM SPRINGS. VA., May 27,-Clr-

cult Court adjourned hero last Thursday,after having been In session slnco Satur¬day, the 20th.À largo number was here Monday and

Tttesilav, attracted by tho case againstl'lovd Magnus, a negro, charged-withkilling Jim Bumbles, anothor negro, lustChrist inns. This ceso, however, was con¬

tinued.The board of supervisors this week had

a tie vote on the question of building u

new 'courthouse and jail for Bath county,and I he matter was continued to the nextmooting,Mr. William Shields Mefllntlo and his

daughter. Miss Maude MoCllntlc, of Mon¬roe City, Mo., left hero this week forTtockhrldgo county, after a visit of sev¬

eral days to their friend« nnd relatives,Mr. MeCllntlo was hum and reared Inrtoclcbrldgo", and was a son of the IntoMr. Khanklln Modini le and nephnw ofColonel William MeOUntie. He servedthrough the, war with the RoekhrldgoHaltery,' and after tho war moved toMissouri, where he lias been prominent InPublio Ufo, having served as Stato sen-

ator I'm'· several terms, and during hislast term as president of that body.Mis. Jaule Bishop, of Cuvlngton, Va.,

ami Mi. und Mrs. J. DeWIll Steelo, oft'h.irh..-.Imi, \V. Va. aro guests of Mr,J. ? Payne.

Air. and Mrs. Hugh AVrlght hnvo ;e-liiined to their homo In Lexington, Vn.,niter an extended visit to Mrs. A\»rIg)it'Bmother, Mrs. J. 11. McClintle, uf HotrSi.nugs.Misa Josephine Stephopsoni of Munto-

rey, « ih th.- guest of the Misses Stephen«i'Ui I,eri; this week.

.Messii·. A. Reynolds niulcO, R. Paintervisiter) AicChiiig, Vn,, this week..Miss Carrie Hiultli, of Curloover, Va.,

Ih the BUftst of her sister, Mr*', O. G.Shaw,Mr. A. 11. Mi'Lumnild has returned

hum an extended trip to Jliilllmoro, Mil.-Mr. II. ?. Thomas, of Fluvannn, Is vig¬

ilili« ???? son, Bf. C M. Thomas, ut Ucul-»"« Sprit»»«,????ß???ß??a? ?. ?, Flood wus u vii·

itur here thU week,



On Monday.39000 GAlRIVIEMTS.On Monday,Our contract with the manufacturer for Muslin Underwear was made before the great boom in Cotton, we are

therefore able to offer these Garments at less than the price of the raw material for our Monday Sale.

Lot 325c.

'» «Ism* ol ROitra lototry. T«U a wry jaratau la IMi aaertcnit a yon vbh, titttt lht t°»"· (Mr w* t» t tolte«.

PERCALES, 36 Inches Avide,8 l-3c.- value. 634cWHITE MADRAS, with mercerized

figures, 25c, value, on Monday, "¡??

CANNON CLOTH SKIRTS, a no«wonderful value for only. «/Ol»

WHITE LINEN WAISTS, full fash¬ionable sleeves, tucked back,'' frontand .sleeves; some embroidered, oth¬ers with medallions; $1.25 vaiuo, QQ/>

WALKING SKIRTS, In funcy mix¬tures; tho most stylish skirt in thestock, reduced from $5.00to. $2.98ACCORDEON PLEATED SKIRT, in

blues and blacks, 'worth $3.00, fhq QOfor Monday, only.

? lot of Walkltif? Skirts, one or two

of ? kind; cut from $4, for ö>n no

Monday, only.'.Vit.UOFRENCH LAWN, in sheer and

fine, 45 inches wide, 25c. 4 Fp...in. -.AwV/

¿yn odd lot of SHIRT WAISTS, mado

of tho best India linen and· fino qual¬

ity ".madras; they sola for $1 to $1.50,

but n» they are odd sizes, the ???Monday price will bo.'. w«/C

JQntlre new lino of Lawn Waists",

trimmed in lace and embroidery,

largo, sleeves, Monday spe- AC/»

«-Specials«MEN'6 BALBRIQQAN SHIRT8 and

DRAWERS, regular 25o. goods, |??for Monday's salo at.It/C


for ... 1254cAPPLIQUE CENTERPIECES, In Qpwhite and colors, 15c. vaiuo.


samples, 6O0. vaiuo.uoL·POINT DE PARIS LACE, lOo. f.

value, 4 Inches wide, special. dL·

FIGURED BATISTE, largo floraleffocts, 5c. value, only, 10 yards ?'???to a buyojr. u^jtBROWN LINEN, 27 inches

wide ........'. 12'/3cPLAIN CHAMBRAY, all colors, ?.

10c. value. it_t_'S.

FIGURED ORGANDY, largo floraleffects, 12>/$c. value, fi'-t/íí»

SICILIAN BATISTE, 88 Inches 9£_wide, in creams.*.'.euL

DRESS GOODS, 30 Inches wide,Shepherd's plaids, black and OC«white."9L·FINE MOHAIRS, blaok. an ex¬

tra special, Monday's o'ffor- ???ing...·.*0tCURTAIN SWISS, 80 inches wldo,

In dote and stripes, 12ttc (?~???valuó, for. «/*^2JL

G?, linen finish ?'?/?12H<5. value.. uyQLCANNON CLOTH, linen finish

!8 Inches wide.

WHITE MADRAS, smallfigures, 12V4c. vaiuo. 934cBEST GALATEA CLOTH,|ftf/_

a genuine Monday special.. ¦*-^/_2*"'?????? SPECIAL.Xhvolty pnt-

terns, well made and pretty, ??.Monday's price..aaL·¦THREE 8PECIALS from tho thirdfloor.

UNEN FINISH CHAM-BRAYS, 9c. value. 534cWHITE CAMBRIC, 30 inches cr

wide, Si-Se; value. uL

BLEACHED COTTON, 34 OHApinches wide, 5c, vaiuo. OffoL

'AGENTS FOR STANDARD PATTERNS.10 cents and 15 cents. Seam Allowance.


iKlieelal. to The TImes-Dlsp'atch.)NOnrfJLK, \'?·, May 27..Soclety Is court¬

ing the sunshine rind anticipating the pleasuresof the summer. There Is no fenr of tan, anila group of freckles Is regarded as a proofthat the possessor of those evidences of thekisses of thu sun has boeri, having a goodtime, There Is no fear oven of the hllsterlngeffects ot' tho reflected heat and light of thorays of the sun from tho water wbioh hasthe double consequence of making thu face

"ns rod as a beot und as sore as a boll."Tho reason for this Is that the boating and

yachting parties am foshlonablo and delightfulnow. There aro a nunibor of boating oxour-

slon« which may be tukon from here on suc¬

cessive days for a week without exhausting the

novelty of tin; scenes or the delightful bciisii-

tloiiH which tho various voyages offer.They ran bo taken In a sail boat or in one

of the motor yaohts which are becoming;numerous and handsomo here. One of thefavorite |rips Is through tho canal to LakeDrammoni! In tho (great and gloomy DismalSwamp, where nature I« still lii/her prlmntlv/jgrandeur iindlBturbod by tho' Industrie« and the.Indignities of man. ,Thorn Is always a groatdiversion In sailing among the vessels Inthe harbor, Including uny of the Winamp«which happen to be at the navy-yard. SocietyIiiih been having a good time till« week, de¬

spite the nennt record of the society chronicler.Captain and Mrs. 13, U Honijlnnd gave ft

delightful lunch party Tuesday down thelloiids, making stops at Hampton, rim point,Wllloimlibv Hencn and-l'Ine lleiieh, and nflerluncheon on board, tho party returned home,delighted with tho trip. Those In tho parlywere Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoiigland, Mrs. <·. 11.

HpaiiRlcr, of Onmden, N, J.i Mi·* MargaretFontress and Miss Simmons. Miss Lula Miller,Mis« Nellie Matthews, Ml"* G·*"» Oront, Misslîtliel lliidl/y, Mrs· Mitchell Lively.Mrs Harvey ?>??)?ß?? enlertalneil nt a

luncheon nt tho Country Club In honor ofMrs. II A. Huehnian. of Manch Chunk. Vii.

The table was prettily decorated with wildflower«. Mrs. picksoit'e guests were Mrs.

nucluniin, Mrs. John Nlchol. Mrs. 13. »,llodaes, Mrs. Alfred W. Towsiey and Mrs.JMr. "nrt0HMre. Tttlieweli Taylor enlertalnçd

Mr. and Mrs. Horneo Hawe·. ot Richmond, lit

;,,pper Hi, nay evening nl tho Country Club.Miss Anale l'urne I, of Ilnlolgh, Is he guest

of ?,,,· »biter, Mrs. Herbert Hrury. ¡at L-uu-

'"mi'hi Hertha Scott enterlalned In a delightfulmanner' Tuesday M <>,>» «ftnV,,°"? ,Y"°"fciuh. The luncheon *m»_ Bivpa -In ?'??Misses Mice nnd Ne I" Ikwuo, of Hnltlmmv.> ¡ï Sen,",. A* «'ere Misses ????,? Mis«

Lillian Kensett, Mi«·. tíni|»lu Huillh and .Mis«

Vìu¥ H',':.l.,an!U,MoIlwa|no,. Jr.. entertained

Mr«, Mrllivnliie's KUests wore MI'S \\ hIfrod

WIlKlnsoii, of Holfast, inland, and Misses

Margnrot and Umilile Whlllnjr. .

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. .Iones ?. IlmIr

,...,. ,,, NVilloughby ^m'Im".^ Lvn'iöuJone., MIM Aima. Jone», of r-'uifolk, und Mr.

"Slrï. jSimD. Gibson, Jr., and »on who havebeen In Norfolk for several weeks, have gone

to phiiateiphl·? ? i*» ¦»,'· aiuwu, when», t«

future they will reside. 'They were accompaniedby Mrs. Gibson's mother, Mrs. Louis Milliard.Mrs. W. L. Harris gavo a "porch party"

Tuesday afternoon at her home, on ItedgatoAvenue, in honor of Miss Hay and Miss Net-calf, of Pittsburg.Her guest» were Mrs. Jumos Payne, Mrs.

Percy II. Wilson, Miss Hay, Miss Nclcnlf,Misa Llda Tucker, Miss Katherine Nuwbllland Miss steele, " <

On Hatunlay Mr. W. 0. Orandy gavo a

sailing party on bin yacht, thu Minstrel, gupp'arwas served ut th* Hampton 1loads YachtClub after sailing about the bay. Those presentwore Miss Murgnret Itamsoy, of lialtlniore;Miss Mary Lou Cookc, Mr. William II. White,Jr., and Mldshlpniuii William Hulsey, V. ß.?.Misa Florence Tult was hoste. ut a

mimleale on Monday evening at her. home on

Pembroke Avenue, given In honor uf Mlss:eAlice and Nolle Uoguo, of Haltlmore. The pro-maninie. consisted of selections by Misa Made¬line HrndleyJ of Wusblnglon, on thu plano;Miss Tult, on tho violin, and voenl solo«by Mr. lidwln Keller. Miss Talt's guests were

Misscis Hague, Miss Hradley, Misses Cherryand Francis Nottingham, Mr. 1 nival Ownth-uvy, Mr. Feller, Mr. Horace Jones, Mr. HardyCross, Mr. Gordon Pnxton nnd Mr. WilliamClraiuly.Mrs. Ooergn C. Caboll, Jr., cntertnlned ft

number of her friend« at cards Tuesduy af¬ternoon, at the Country Club. There wero flf-neii tables surrounded by playem and pro¬gressive euchre was the game. Mr«. NathanielT. Orione succeeded In winning tho greatestnumber of Kamen und received the first prize,n feather fan, while the consolai Ion, a lucofan, was drawn by Mrs. Ijiwrenco T. Hoyster.Mrs. Caboll was assisted by Mrs. Jimlll« F.Lynch, Mrs. »lancho Camp, Mr». Clinton ?.Curtis, Mrs. Harry L. Myers, Mis. CorneliusII. Hull, Mrs. Hiohard Mellwalne, Jr., Mia.Hhilr Bannister, Miss EllsabOth Ilowdoln nndMisses Virginia L.vjieh, Margaret Uannleterand Kilon Miiury.

Mrs. I'ltirruss corprew entertained her friendsWednesday at her homo at IMgowuter. Tin*rooms were decorated with palms, ferns undcut flowers and (Utility baskets wcro usedas card simios. Tim game« won were markedby tiny primrosy?, There were five tableaund progni ulve euchre was played. Mrs. J.Hldiiey Knilth succeeded In securing the great¬est number of roses and received as the flintprize, a cut-islas« «nils, with silver top; Mrs.James Hlddle won the second prize, "Kitty ofthe Hose«," and the lone hand prize, a plate,was awarded to MUuhAnDa K. Henry, whiletlio consolation, ? basket of flowers, WHS??|???? by Mrs. John H, .lonldn«. Thoso who,enjoyed Mrs. Coiprow's hespltullly wore Mr«.Walter llumlull Meeoll, Mrs. James Hlddle,Mrs. J. B. Kmltli, Mrs. J. II·, Jenkins; Mr».Hlunchn Camp, Mrs. ltlchard Mcllwulue, Jr.,Mrs. Norman Hell, Jr., «Ir«, riamilo! Me.M.Lloyd, Mrs. 'Horno ¡j. Hrigg«, Mrs, JosephWallon, Mrs. Alexander Wiuldell, Mrs,Churlo« lüdrldue, Mrs. Frederick Curd, Mis.Charle» i!. Joues, Mrs. Armand Myers, Mrs.Hugh N. »age, Mil. Tleuna« II. WIIIcox',Mrs. charhs Webster, Mr», L. W. T. Waller,Mrs Julius Ktnnficld, Mrs, (¡wyilli T. Hhep-pard, Mrs. Allan », Hnnckel, Miss AnneHenry, Miss Lela Tucker, M|Hs l.'Iorenco (-'.inlth,Miss Margaret and Alice Did. MI«h LucilleWulos. Misa Ll¡:¿ie Freeman, Mis« Nora tfBl>peil, MN Catherin,· llopsh and Misse« lämtlvpini Until Wilson. The sore wus ke|it by MissKloUo Ciirdt, Mlub OJttlti Wing und Ule« Olssleliumuu.


Absolutely tho most reliable Motor Car built, regardless the motive poweror price, It is noiseless, has no vibration or odor, .

Afcnt for tho White, Winton, Pope, Toledo, Elmoro and Oldsmoblle. Good eoo-

ond-hund Automobiles for salo at a sacrifico Call and seo them nt my new

garage No. 508 AVest Broad Street, 'Phono 4319.

A CASUAL· OHSERVER Avould bo struck Avlth tho intistorly wayIn Avhlch avo have purchased our stock of

WALL PAPER AND DECORATIVE C00DSThis Is nn ago of specialization, and avo claim to have a full line

of SPECIAL· things that our competitors do not handle. We areunder AULE and competqnt management, our WORKMEN are theBEST that money can get and you avIII find It a PLEASURE to havethem at work In your house.

R. B. BRAUER,Phone 1699. 208 N. Fifth Street

f ^m mi0*0* »^»MW|M>i<^»

your satisfaction is our pleas¬ure. (It's hard to tell youabout beautiful flowers on

paper, but you come here andsee the -flowers.-they'll sellthemselves,