on site factors (public)

On Site Factors

Upload: sean-si

Post on 20-Aug-2015




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On Site Factors

There are several factors that make up your on site optimization. We’ll shallowly cover up the different factors and

their direct and indirect effect in your site’s SEO.

We’ll be chunking on site optimization to four major parts:

We’ll be chunking on site optimization to four major parts:


We’ll be chunking on site optimization to four major parts:

Navigation interlinking

We’ll be chunking on site optimization to four major parts:

Navigation interlinking design

We’ll be chunking on site optimization to four major parts:

Navigation interlinking design content

Navigation 1

It deals with how users move in and out of your website.



It’s basically how people have their way browsing your website.

It deals with how users move in and out of your website.

Navigation 1 1


This mostly has to do with links in your website and where you place those links.

1 1

The 3 other factors are ready… And they’re waiting for you

The 3 other factors are ready… And they’re waiting for you

The 3 other factors are ready… And they’re waiting for you

The 3 other factors are ready… And they’re waiting for you