on the kryanev-lardy method for iii-posed problems

Math. Nadir. 96, 27-31 (1080) On the Kryanev-Lardy Method for Ill-Posed Problems By C. W. GROETSclH of Ohio (U.S.A.) (Eingegangen am 30.3.1979) 1. Introduction KRYANEV'S method for solving the ill-posed operator equation (1) AU = f, where A is a linear operator on a real &BERT Bpace, consists of choosing a bounded, positive definite operator B and forming the sequence of iterates defined by (2) XO = 0, AX,, + Bxn = Bx,-, + f, KRAYANEV [3] established the convergence of th0 method under the assumption that A is a hounded positive semi-defnite operator and equation (1) has a unique solution. The author [a] proved the convergence of a related method in the case when A is a densely defined closed linear operator, again under the assumption that for a given f equation (1) has it unique solution. Our aim in this note is to investigate the convergence of the method to a generalized solution of (1) when A is a closed unbounded operator and the existence of a unique solution is n6t assumed. 2. Results Suppose that H, and H2 are real HILBEET spaces (the inner product in each space will be designated by (., .)) and that D(A) is a dense subspace of H,. Let A : D(A) --f H2 ,he a closed linear operator. We shall investigate an iterative method for approximating A+/, where A+ is the MOORE-PENROSE generalized inverse of A. We recall that A+ is the closed linear operator defined in the dense subspace D(A+) = R(A) 0 R(A)' of H, by A+/ = u, where u is the solution of minimal norm of the equation (3) Ax = &/, and Q is the orthogonal projection of H2 onto R(A). We note that this definition of the generalized inverse is the same as that for a bounded operator (see e.g. [l]) and that for f D(A+) the set of solutions of (3) is convex, nonempty and closed (since A is closed). Therefore the vector A+f is uniquely defined. We shall suppose that R : H, --f H, is a bounded, self-adjoint operator satisfying (4) - (Br, x) 2 c2 II4*

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Math. Nadir. 96, 27-31 (1080)

On the Kryanev-Lardy Method for Ill-Posed Problems

By C. W. GROETSclH of Ohio (U.S.A.)

(Eingegangen am 30.3.1979)

1. Introduction

KRYANEV'S method for solving the ill-posed operator equation

( 1 ) AU = f ,

where A is a linear operator on a real &BERT Bpace, consists of choosing a bounded, positive definite operator B and forming the sequence of iterates defined by

(2) XO = 0, AX,, + Bxn = Bx,-, + f ,

KRAYANEV [3] established the convergence of th0 method under the assumption that A is a hounded positive semi-defnite operator and equation (1) has a unique solution. The author [a] proved the convergence of a related method in the case when A is a densely defined closed linear operator, again under the assumption that for a given f equation (1) has it unique solution. Our aim in this note is to investigate the convergence of the method to a generalized solution of (1) when A is a closed unbounded operator and the existence of a unique solution is n6t assumed.

2. Results

Suppose that H , and H2 are real HILBEET spaces (the inner product in each space will be designated by (., .)) and that D(A) is a dense subspace of H,. Let A : D(A) --f H2

,he a closed linear operator. We shall investigate an iterative method for approximating A+/ , where A+ is the MOORE-PENROSE generalized inverse of A. We recall that A+ is the closed linear operator defined in the dense subspace

D(A+) = R(A) 0 R(A)'

of H , by A+/ = u, where u is the solution of minimal norm of the equation

( 3 ) Ax = &/, and Q is the orthogonal projection of H2 onto R(A). We note that this definition of the generalized inverse is the same as that for a bounded operator (see e.g. [l]) and that for f D(A+) the set of solutions of (3) is convex, nonempty and closed (since A is closed). Therefore the vector A+f is uniquely defined.

We shall suppose that R : H , --f H , is a bounded, self-adjoint operator satisfying



(Br, x ) 2 c2 II4*

28 Groetsch, On the Kryanev-Lardy Method

for all x E H , and some c + 0. We may define an equivalent inner product on H , by

[G Y1 = (Bx, Y), and we shall denote the HILBBRT space which consists of H I with the new inner product [ m , -1 by 2,. The norm in H , will be denoted II.lla, that

1141; = (BZ, 2) = [z, 4. Since the norms II.II and 11 - are equivalent, the subspace D(A) is also dense in 3EpI. The adjoint of A considered as an operator on 8, will be designated by A’. That is,

A’ : D(A‘) --f H , satisfies

(A%, Y) = [x, A’yl

for all y E D(A’) = {y E H , : (Ax, y) = [x, 21, some z E H , and all x E D(A)I. The adjoint of A considered as an operator on H , will be designated by the custonrary symbol, A*. Note that these two adjoints are related in a simple way. Namely, D(A’) = D(A*) and A* = BA‘. By [6 , page 3071 the operator

(I, + A’A)-l: if, -+ 2 1 ,

where I, is the identity operator on S1, ’isa bounded, self-adjoint operator on H, satisfying

( 5 ) Il(11 + A’A)-lllB 5 1 .

. Lemma 1. Given / E H,, there is a unique u1 E D(A) such thut

+ (A%, A 4 = (1, Aw) /or all v E D(A) . Moreover, if / E D(A+), then U, = u - Wu, where W = ( I , + A’A)-1 and u = A+/ .

Proof. Since A is closed, D(A) is a HILBJJRT space under the inner product (., .) defined by

(5, Y) = [x, Y1 + (Ax, AY). The linear functional 4 defined on D(A) by 4(er) = (f, Av) is clearly continuous with respect to the norm induced by the inner product (., .). Therefore, by the RIESZ Theorem, there is a unique u1 E D(A) with

(1, Av) = +(w) = ( U l , v) for all w E D(A) , which was to be shown.

v E D(A) and Wu E D(A*A), we have If f E D(A+) and u = A+/, then Au = Qf, and since (f, Av) = (Qf, Aw) for all

(B(u - Wu), v) + (A(u - WU), Av)

= (Bu, V) - ( (B + A*A) WU, v) f (Qf, Av) = (Bu, w) - (B(I , + A’A) wu, v) + (f, Aw) = (f, Aw).

= (Bu, W) - (BWU, V) - (AWU, Av) + (Au, Aw)

But then, by the first pert of the Lemma, u, = u - Wu, which was to be proved.

Qroetsch, On the Kryanev-Lardy ilIethod 29

We will study the sequence of iterates defined by

(6) u, = wu,-I + u1, n = 1 ) 2,3, ... where u1 is given by Lenima 1 . Kote that this is equivalent to the requirement that

(Bun, v) + (Aura, Av) == (Bun-1) v) + (f, At')

for all 21 t D ( A ) , which establishes the connection with KRYANEV'S method. This can be established exactly as in the proof of 1,eniiria 1 by considering the linear functional

+(w) (Bun-1, v) + (1, Av)

on the HILBEHT space D ( A ) . In the case B = I and f t U ( A ' ) , the iiiethod (6) redores to that investigated by h R D Y [4].

Lenirna 2. I f f E D ( A + ) and u = .4+f, then 11 - un = Wnu. Proof. By (6) and Leninia 1 , we h a w

u - u, = 11 - u1 - wu,-I = u - (u - W u ) - Wu,,-I = W ( u - u,-l).

Therefore, u - ZL, = W'u, n = 1, 1, 3, ....

henceforth denote the operator A*A by A. We niay now provide an error bound for the method (6). For convenience we will

Theorem 1. Suppose R(2) & K ( A ' A ) mid Qf = A B z for soine i E I$,, then for some

y t ff,,

Proof. Since R(1) & R(A'A) , we have Az = A'Ay, for some y E H I . Let ( E , ] be the resoltition of the identity in XI induced by the self-adjoint operator A'A. Since Qf = Axz and Az t N ( A ) I , we have Az = A + / . Therefore by 1,eninia 4,



It then follows that m

We note that if we make the weaker assuniption that f E D(A+) (i.e. Q f c R ( A ) ) , rather than the stronger assumption that Qf c R(AA) , then the method still converges. For in this case we have by leninia 2,


11u - U J ~ = J (1 + ~ 1 - n d [ ~ , u , u] -+ o as n + oo. 0

30 Groetsch, On the Krymev-Lardy Method

However, if f 4 D(A+), then the sequence {u,} diverges and in fact has no weakly con- vergent subsequence. For if the subsequence (u,J converges weakly to y , then since W is bounded and therefore weakly continuous, we have by (6)

(7) y - w y =u,.

Since u1 E D ( A ) and W y E D ( 2 ) c D(A) , we find that y E D(A) . Also, by Lenima 1 and (7)

(1, Av) = ( B y - B W y , v) + ( A y - A W Y , Aw)

= (BY, .) - ((B + 4 WY, V) + (AY, = (Ay , Av), for all v E D(A) .

Therefore, f - A y E B(A)I , that is, f E D(A+). We summarize these results in the follow- ing :

Theorem 2. If f E D(A+) , then u, + A + / . However, if f D(A+) , then (u,} has no

Since bounded sets in &BERT space are weakly compact, we obtain immediately

Corollary. If f 8: D(A+), then llunll + bo.

Finally, we investigate the method under the assumption that the exact data f is unavailable, but an approximation 1 satisfying 111 - jll 5 S is on hand. The first approxi- mation 6, (corresponding to the corrupted data 1) then satisfies

weakly convergent subsequence.

the following :

(fi,, w) = (BQ,, v) + (AQ,, Av) = ( j , Aw)

(u, - 61, w) = (f - r', Aw)

(u, - Q,, u, - 21) = (f - j , A(u, - 61)).

IIAxl12 5 (Bx, x) + (Ax, Ax) = 11x11:

for all w D(A) . By Lemma 1 we then have

for all li E D(A) . Setting v = u1 - Q,, this gives


If we designate the norm on D(A) induced by the inner product (., .) by 11. [ I 1 , then we have

for all x E D ( A ) . Therefore by (8), it follows that

Ibl - Q l l t 4 Ilf - I l l IIA(u1 - ~ l ) l l a I; SllUl - Qllll

llu, - QIIIB 5 11% - ~111, 5 6 .

6" = W6,-, + Q,,

and hence

Later approximations using the data 1 satisfy by (6)

and therefore ?k-1

u, - 6, = 2 Wk(u, - C,), n = 1,2, 3, .... k=O

Groetsch, On the Kryanev-Lardy Method 31

But IIWllB 5 1, by (5 ) , and therefore

IIun - .iinll* 5 n llul - .iilHB 5 n8.

It then follows that

11% - UIIB 5 IlGn - ~ ~ I I B + IIun - ~ I I B I nd + IIun - ~ I B - But jlu, - uIJB --f 0 as n --+ 00 i f f E D(A+). Therefore, given E > 0 there is a B ( E ) and n, such that

]/fine - ullB < E for 0 < 6 5 d ( ~ ) ,

that is, the method is a regularizing alogrithm in the sense of TIKHONOV (see [ S ] ) if f E D(A+).

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[4] L. J. LARDY, A series representation of the generalized inverse of a closed linear operation

[5] F. RIESZ and B. SL-NAQY, Functional Analysis (translated by Leo F. Boron), Ungar, New

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Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio 45221 U.S.A.