onapp cloud free version installation guide

1 OnApp Cloud (free 16-core version) Installation Guide | v1.0 | 21 st March 2012 Free 16-core version Installation Guide Document version 1.0 Document release date 21 st March 2012 document revisions

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OnApp Cloud (free 16-core version) Installation Guide | v1.0 | 21st March 2012

Free 16-core version

Installation Guide Document version 1.0 Document release date 21st March 2012 document revisions

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OnApp Cloud (free 16-core version) Installation Guide | v1.0 | 21st March 2012

Contents 1. Before you begin .............................................................................................................. 3

1.1 Getting help ................................................................................................................................ 3

2. Network configuration ..................................................................................................... 4

2.1 SAN network ............................................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Management network ................................................................................................................ 5

2.3 Backup SAN network ................................................................................................................... 5

2.4 Public network/VM networking .................................................................................................. 6

3. Server configuration ........................................................................................................ 7

3.1 1 x Control Panel server (OnApp Controller) ............................................................................... 7

3.2 2+ hypervisor servers .................................................................................................................. 7

3.3 1 x backup server ........................................................................................................................ 8

3.4 1+ SAN ......................................................................................................................................... 8

4. Control Panel Installation ................................................................................................. 9

5. Hypervisor Installation ................................................................................................... 10

6. Data store installation.................................................................................................... 11

7. Basic backup installation ................................................................................................ 12

8. Generate SSH keys ......................................................................................................... 13

9. Configure your cloud in the Control Panel ...................................................................... 14

Appendix: document revisions .............................................................................................. 17

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OnApp Cloud (free 16-core version) Installation Guide | v1.0 | 21st March 2012

1. Before you begin The OnApp Cloud installation process requires a solid understanding of network configuration, server configuration and Linux system administration. While we have made the install process as straightforward as possible, it should only be attempted by experienced system administrators!

We strongly recommend that you read through the whole of this guide before beginning your install.

You will probably find the OnApp Cloud Admin Guide helpful, too: it describes all OnApp Control Panel functions and explains OnApp concepts in more depth. The latest version is always available at http://onapp.com/docs.

1.1 Getting help

The free version of OnApp Cloud is self-install only, with support provided by the OnApp Community.

To get help with your cloud deployment you can:

• Visit the OnApp Community Forum at http://forum.onapp.com

• Use the Admin Guide and other pdfs at http://onapp.com/docs

• Use the OnApp knowledge base and online manuals at https://help.onapp.com (there’s an online version of the Admin Guide there, among other resources)

You also have the option of purchasing one month’s support to help with your cloud deployment, or upgrading to the full version of OnApp Cloud, which includes free 24x7 telephone and email support.

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OnApp Cloud (free 16-core version) Installation Guide | v1.0 | 21st March 2012

2. Network configuration OnApp Cloud requires a specific network configuration to ensure maximum stability. There are four core networks: SAN, management, backup and public. These are illustrated below:

It is very important to separate the four core networks. In the configuration illustrated this is done physically, using different switches. However, it is also possible to isolate the networks using VLANs if your network supports it.

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OnApp Cloud (free 16-core version) Installation Guide | v1.0 | 21st March 2012

2.1 SAN network

This network provides the connection between the SAN and the hypervisors. It handles the iSCSI, Fibre Channel or ATAoE traffic. It must be a local network.

• We recommend this network runs at least 1Gbit; however, to you may want to consider 10Gbit to achieve maximum performance.

• To achieve better performance and redundancy over 1Gbit you should consider NIC teaming/bonding and LACP or MPIO over multiple subnets.

• It is important that the switch connecting the hypervisors to the SAN supports jumbo frames: the SAN network on the hypervisors and the SAN(s) must have MTU set to 9000.

2.2 Management network

This network connects the various elements of your cloud together. OnApp Cloud uses this network for internal communication between the Control Panel server and the hypervisors, so its stability is crucial to your cloud.

• This network should be Internet-facing to enable remote access to the server for installation and ongoing maintenance. We recommend firewalling it down to your sysadmin team once the installation is complete, allowing only access to the OnApp web interface on port 80/http or 443/https.

• It is also possible to use a local network here if you have the necessary NAT rules in place on your network to get in and out.

• We recommend this network runs at least 1Gbit.

• The IP addresses that are assigned to each node should not overlap with the IP addresses range for public networking: see the Public Network/VM networking section for more information.

If your management network is behind a firewall, please make sure that ports 22/80/5555/30000-40000 are open to the world for the Control Panel server, and port 22 for all other servers.

2.3 Backup SAN network

This network connects the backup SAN to the Control Panel and the hypervisors. It is used for the OnApp backup service that backs up virtual machines.

• This network is recommended for optimum performance within the cloud, but is optional: backups can also be performed over the management network if required.

• We recommend this network runs at least 1Gbit.

In future OnApp versions, many disk-related transactions currently handled by hypervisors will be able to be offloaded to the backup server. For this reason you may also wish to place your SAN on your backup network.

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OnApp Cloud (free 16-core version) Installation Guide | v1.0 | 21st March 2012

2.4 Public network/VM networking

The public network interface is used for VM networking only. It is assigned a pool of external IP addresses, which OnApp Cloud then assigns to VMs as they are provisioned.

It is important to understand that this interface will not provide the actual hypervisor OS installation with an Internet connection, since the public interface is managed fully by OnApp Cloud and so by default requires a blank config - for example:

/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX ONBOOT=no BOOTPROTO=none

OnApp Cloud will bridge this port and assign virtual interfaces to it as VMs are provisioned and/or additional network interfaces are added to VMs from the Web UI, or via the OnApp API.

You will also need an Internet-facing IP address range for use on the public interfaces. Addresses in this range will be allocated to Virtual Machines you create within OnApp.

Note that all hypervisors will have this public interface, so the IP address range must be portable between hypervisors.

If you lease hosted servers, it is worth double-checking with your host that there are no limitations on the transfer of IP addresses between servers. Some hosting companies do have limitations and IP address transfer may require manual interventions.

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OnApp Cloud (free 16-core version) Installation Guide | v1.0 | 21st March 2012

3. Server configuration This section lists the server configurations needed for an OnApp Cloud installations – the Controller Server, hypervisor servers, backup and SAN servers.


• Servers require a base installation of CentOS 5.X x64 with the standard repositories enabled.

• If you have additional repositories enabled, please disable them before installing OnApp Cloud.

• Full root access: please do not create the user ‘onapp’ since this is created as part of the RPM installation.

3.1 1 x Control Panel server (OnApp Controller)

• 8GB RAM (16GB+ recommended) • Dual or Quad Core 2Ghz+ • 100GB Raid 1 • 2x Gig NIC

o NIC1 - management network o NIC2 – backup SAN network

• CentOS 5.X x64

3.2 2+ hypervisor servers

• 8GB+ RAM

• Quad Core 2Ghz+

• 30GB HD (SSD recommended)

• 4 NICs: o NIC1 - management network o NIC2 - SAN network o NIC3 - public network o NIC4 - backup SAN network

• CentOS 5.X x64

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OnApp Cloud (free 16-core version) Installation Guide | v1.0 | 21st March 2012

3.3 1 x backup server

• 2 NICs: o NIC1 - management network o NIC2 - backup SAN network

• A large amount of disk space available to store backups/templates

• CentOS 5.X x64

While a separate backup server is recommended, the OnApp Controller server can be used for backups if required.

3.4 1+ SAN

• At least 2 NICs: o NIC1 - management network o NIC2 - SAN network

• An empty storage array

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OnApp Cloud (free 16-core version) Installation Guide | v1.0 | 21st March 2012

4. Control Panel Installation PLEASE NOTE:

• If mysql server is already installed, it must not have a password configured: this will be configured by our installer. Any password that is already configured will cause an installer error

• Once the installation of the control panel is complete your default OnApp login will be admin / changeme

• The password can be updated in the Users and Groups section of the Control Panel UI

1. Download and run the OnApp Control Panel installation script:

OnApp-CP#> wget http://downloads.repo.onapp.com/install/cpinstall.sh OnApp-CP#> sh cpinstall.sh If the kernel was updated as part of the yum update, reboot the server before continuing. If you’re uncertain about this, reboot it anyway.

2. Access the OnApp Control Panel/Web UI: Log in to the OnApp Control Panel on https://[xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] with the default login details: admin/changeme. You must enter the license key at this stage to enable full access to the Control Panel. Note that once the license is entered it can take up to 15 minutes before the UI is enabled. The default password can be changed in the Users and Groups section of the Control Panel.

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OnApp Cloud (free 16-core version) Installation Guide | v1.0 | 21st March 2012

5. Hypervisor Installation Once the control panel server has been installed successfully, follow the process below to install each hypervisor and add it to the Control Panel server. For guidance on Control Panel functionality, see the OnApp Cloud Admin Guide at http://onapp.com/docs

1. Add the hypervisor to your cloud using the OnApp Control Panel:

Settings --> Hypervisors --> Add New Hypervisor

Make sure the hypervisor is visible in the Control Panel, and at this point showing as inactive.

2. Download and run the OnApp Control Panel hypervisor installation script:

OnApp-HV#> wget http://downloads.repo.onapp.com/install/hvinstall.sh OnApp-HV#> sh hvinstall.sh Note the memory overhead value output from this script – you’ll need this in step #5.

3. Configure the hypervisor for your cloud:

Ignore any errors stating that stats and vmon services aren't running. This is expected at this stage.

bash#> /onapp/onapp-hv-install/onapp-hv-config.sh -h <CP_HOST_IP> -f <FILE_TRANSFER_SERVER_IP> <CP_HOST_IP> is the management network address of the Control Panel server. <FILE_TRANSFER_SERVER_IP> is the backup network address of the backup server (or management network address, if you choose not to include a backup network.)

4. Reboot the hypervisor to complete the installation:

bash#> shutdown -r now

5. Add the memory overhead value for the new hypervisor: The memory overhead value can only be set once the hypervisor has been rebooted (in step 4) and is showing as online.The correct memory overhead value can be found in the output of the hvinstall.sh script used in step #2.

• Go to your Control Panel’s Settings menu, and click the Hypervisors icon.

• Click the Edit icon next to the Hypervisor you want to edit. On the screen that follows, change the memory overhead value as required.

• Click the Save Hypervisor button to save your changes.

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OnApp Cloud (free 16-core version) Installation Guide | v1.0 | 21st March 2012

6. Data store installation PLEASE NOTE:

• This process assumes you have already configured a hypervisor to see the ISCSI/ATAoE block device it is connecting to, and that the SAN disk will be shown when running a fdisk -l.

• All hypervisors need access to the same datastore. Ensure that you have the block device visible on all hypervisors.

• VERY IMPORTANT: only perform this procedure once per data store!

• ALSO IMPORTANT: take care when choosing the disk/partition you wish to use for storing VM data!

1. Add the new data store to OnApp via the Control Panel:

Go to http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/settings/data_stores/new

Add a unique label and the disk size of the data store.

2. Find the data store’s unique identifier (this is needed to create your volume group in step# 4):

Go back to the Control Panel’s page and read the IDENTIFIER.

http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/settings/data_stores Replace xxx with the real device.

3. SSH into a hypervisor that is able to connect to this datastore. Create the physical volume:

bash#> pvcreate --metadatasize 50M /dev/xxx Replace xxx with the real device.

4. Create the volume group:

bash#> vgcreate onapp-IDENTIFIER /dev/xxx Replace xxx with the real device, and IDENTIFIER with the info from the datastore page in the UI.

5. Test hypervisor/volume group visibility:

Now you have the new datastore formatted, you should be able to see the volume group from all hypervisors. To test this, run pvscan and vgscan on all hypervisors. Make sure you can see all identifiers on all hypervisors where the datastore should be available.

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OnApp Cloud (free 16-core version) Installation Guide | v1.0 | 21st March 2012

7. Basic backup installation While a separate backup server is preferred, you can also use the Control Panel server to store backups and templates (make sure you have sufficient disk space). The process below works for both approaches.

1. Download and run the OnApp backup server installation script:

OnApp-BK#> wget http://downloads.repo.onapp.com/install/bkinstall.sh OnApp-BK#> sh bkinstall.sh

2. Edit the following settings in your OnApp Control Panel:

• Go to your Control Panel’s Settings screen, and click the Configuration icon.

• In Backups/templates, change the following settings: o Use SSH file transfer – Enable o If you opt to not include a backup network for your cloud, enter the backup interface

address of the backup server

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OnApp Cloud (free 16-core version) Installation Guide | v1.0 | 21st March 2012

8. Generate SSH keys OnApp requires SSH keys to access various elements of the cloud. The script provided will generate and transfer keys as necessary.

• The script needs to run on your Control Panel server.

• The script will overwrite any keys that already exist, so if you have custom keys already installed you will need to add them again after running the script.

• The script will ask you for login details to various servers during the execution. Please follow the onscreen instructions.

1. SSH into your Control Panel server

2. Download and run the script:

bash#> wget http://downloads.repo.onapp.com/install-all-keys.sh bash#> /bin/sh install-all-keys.sh Do not specify passphrases - just leave them blank.

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OnApp Cloud (free 16-core version) Installation Guide | v1.0 | 21st March 2012

9. Configure your cloud in the Control Panel Once your servers are installed, and you have added your hypervisor(s) and data store(s) as described in the previous sections, you will need make a few configuration changes in the Control Panel to enable you to provision your first virtual machine.

1. Create a network and add IP addresses

• Go to your Control Panel’s Settings menu.

• Click the Networks icon: the screen that appears shows every network available in your cloud.

• Click the Add New Network button at the end of the list.

• On the screen that follows, give the new network a name (label), a VLAN number, and assign it to a network zone if required.

• Click the Add Network button to finish.

To add IPv4 or IPv6 addresses:

• Go to your Control Panel’s Settings menu.

• Click the Networks icon: the screen that appears shows every network available in your cloud.

• Click the name (label) of the network you want to add addresses to.

• On the screen that follows you’ll see a list of all IP addresses currently assigned to this network.

• Click the Add New IP Address button at the bottom of the screen, and complete the form:

o IP Address – you can create either single IP address or a range of IP addresses. Single IP address examples: (IPv4) 2001:db8:0:0:8:800:200C:417A (IPv6) Range examples: or (IPv4) 2001:db8:8:800:200C:417A-427A (IPv6).

Netmask example: (IPv4) 24 (IPv6)

o Gateway – enter a single IP to specify a gateway. If you leave this blank the address will be added without a gateway.

o Don’t use as primary during VM build – If you tick this box, the IP addresses you add will never be assigned as primary IPs. Primary IPs are only allocated to VMs when the VM is built, so with this box ticked, the address range will never be assigned to a newly built VM.

• Click the Add New IP Address button to finish.

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2. Creating Zones in OnApp

See the OnApp Cloud Admin Guide at http://onapp.com/docs for more information about zones.

To create a new hypervisor zone:

• Go to your Control Panel’s Settings menu and click the Hypervisor Zones icon.

• Click the Add New Hypervisor Zone button.

• On the screen that follows, give your hypervisor zone a name (label) and then click the Save button.

To create a new network zone:

• Go to your Control Panel’s Settings menu and click the Network zones icon.

• Click the Add New Network zone button.

• On the screen that follows, give your network zone a name (label) and then click the Save button.

To create a new data store zone:

• Go to your Control Panel’s Settings menu and click the Data Store Zones icon.

• Click the Add New Data store zone button.

• On the screen that follows, give your data store zone a name (label) and then click the Save button.

3. Give hypervisors access to the network and datastores.

To give hypervisors access to the network and datastores, you must assign a network and datastore to each hypervisor.

As a shortcut, you can also assign networks/datastores to hypervisor zones, as long as all hypervisors in your zone have identical configurations. If you have different configurations on each hypervisor (such as a different VM networking interfaces, or different iSCSI configurations for the data stores) then you will need to assign the datastores and network to each hypervisor individually.

The process below shows how to assign datastores and networks to individual hypervisors. Assigning them to a hypervisor zone is an identical process, except you do it through Settings --> Hypervisor Zones --> [Zone Name] and not Settings --> Hypervisors --> [hypervisor].

Adding data store(s) to a hypervisor:

• Go to your Control Panel’s Settings menu and click the Hypervisors icon.

• Click the label of the hypervisor you want to manage data stores for.

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• On the screen that appears, click the Manage Data Stores link in the Actions section.

• On the screen that follows you’ll see a list of all data stores currently associated with this hypervisor.

• Select the datastore you wish to add, and click the Submit button.

Adding network(s) to a hypervisor :

• Go to your Control Panel’s Settings menu and click the Hypervisors icon.

• Click the label of the hypervisor you want to manage networks for.

• On the screen that appears, click the Manage Networks link in the Actions section.

• On the screen that follows you’ll see a list of all networks currently associated with this hypervisor.

• Select the network you wish to add and enter the relevant ethX or bondX interface on the hypervisor that is configured to route this range.

• Click Submit to finish.

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Appendix: document revisions V1.0, 21st March 2012

• First release