one cent the seattle star hthe dare only paper that seattle. … · 2017-12-21 · one cent...

ONE CENT SEATTLE. WASHINGTON. MONDAY. NOVEM BER 9, 1903- The Seattle Star _ HTHE Only Paper ln Seattle That * Dare to Print tke News, ... VOL. 5, No. aai 95 CENTS PER MONTH 2 HURT IN fa lildlI I 111 l RUNAWAY TEAM OF Ml'! COLLIDED WITH STREET CAR AT MADISON STREET AND SECOND AVENUE A tram of mulea attached to a «... .-i' awtieel hy the nnn of ll»ll A M.tliilre, contra., torn, mv away down Hra-onil a*\u25a0 .1 11. thla morning ai IS o'clock, ant) eieiii,l. .1 with an car at tha rorner eif M...1 v atrrat. As a result, one i-f the mules was kit It and two Men sllshtly Injures!. The ,au«s.-ii«e*r« tst Ihe car escaped without a - ..... 1.. though they and numerous pe-deetrlana wers 1- i-n. frlghlrni-d. William m. .- .. .1 the driver of the wagon, waa thrown from hia arat .ml painfully bruised. The motorman of Ihe car waa also knocked '.\u25a0 thi*ground and hurt, hut not seriously. STABBED 111. i11..-.lee I'l.-t ...a|!t.-i. The t-oiifeieine » ill also consider the te i .1, ua, rducatloual. physical Industrial and ethical aai-avt uf the I.!>• .|U. ..11-11. en..! ti.ei.- will be Spent In discussing Ihe evil Influence of urban life on the colored pcoyt*. FRAU YULU WOUNDED BY JOe CHRISTOPHER IN A SALOON BRAWL WHERE IS WITHERS? Juse-ph Christopher, an Italian laborer, ia being held in th* city Jail em lh. charge of aasault with-lnlent to kilt Prank Yul.i. also an Italian, who Is held a* witness. Yulu has a knlf* wound which he contends was Inflicted by Ctnrlsteipher. Th* wteUnd, however, ta not of a very aertoua nature. N. 11, Withers, "who rame to Se- attle with the "Mr. Jolly of Jt>li*t" company. Is missing. His family la at the IH.rtUn.t hote-l, lv IHirtland. P. A. I. I*utcr reported to the pew lie* that Wither* arrived her* from Portland, but has not been seen *ln<*». The family are greatly wuy- rle.l. It appear* ttutl the two men were quarreling tn the Itamnna saloon at I'lftti -i.i-ii.- and King street, yes- terday eientng, when Christopher drew o knife and tried lo mi. .- up the other Italian. Tulu > .*. up the street nil mat .Patrolmen t*r»n«tell and Hubbard, ahtiitt he Informed of the affair. MYSTERY Peculiar Death of Student Be- ing Investigated by Police Th* officers anon found Christo- pher, who was In hiding.-.,.1ie .ci* '.. anott-rr fight when the officer* tried to tak* him. -The open knlf* was found in hi* pocket. HAI.TIMoItK. Md. Nov. fc'-An In- quest is being held Itxlay over the body of Martin !,.-.•». a medical slu- dent at Ihe t'nlverslty of Maryland. i.c was found dead in his room Sat- urday, Ills roommate. Kphmlin tttone. waa lylag i..i.i. blm in an ui-.-.»,. »..-\u25a0-. | . .'it.... . ll tti men were nr.n..i".l into the I'lll INI Chi college fral.rnlly. * Brul-w* en the daad and .-. . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: \u25a0•\u25a0 ...- a stlnleuts' lnwlle* l> c.l to the '\u0084.- * ti tat ii - death of th* one and injur) lo tbe other ur.- the result of rough handling when the two stu- dent* wer* Initialed Into Ihe college fraternally. -.:,\;-\u25a0"s A.',' *C '. " TO CONSIDER RACE PROBLEM WASHINUTO.V. D. C. Nov. 9,-A three- days' conference on the race problem in Ibe I'nlleel flutes .\u25a0;..-! In Ihi^ elty today under Ihe directum of the National Sociological s.~ :. \u25a0 > The purpose of Ihe merllng, «a set forth tn the calL to lake up the serious phase* of th* race preibletn. lo formulate plana for the relief of a strained situation brought about i- th* presence- of the problem: to dla- cover Mime common ground upon which all of Ib* iri> -.-:. of the cause may eland, and to adlust lh* differ- ent view* Into a definite nnd har- On o charge of rohblng M. Mailer of i.e. lr, th* Itillman realaurant. Ida Wllwm, a negro Inmate of th* l'«il« h..-i»e In Ibe t. I district, was last night arrested ,by Dasteetive* Kennedy and i: >«-.'n and la In the City leel THE ALLENTOWN, PA . MURDER MYSTERY pavid wKisrrNitr.noKn. < The above are'picture* of Mabel 11. Herhtel, th* girl who waa mur- dere.l At All* I'u.: tmv.ii Wei *r-ii berg, r, one of htr suitors, who la under arresl at New.V»rK rrnb.-ibly for delrntloii ,n* a v.itm«, and lh* home of the inttrde i>- 1 girl. c Th* *:*r iiaaiku tlie «i*it where li»* %\i\r .if iy ".ui foun.i. WU:iiK«. Mien Ii AN, SIWASHES WON LAST 1 . "" the sacramento SENATORS close SERIES in defeat AT HOME . SACRAMENTO, Nov. ».—The Sac ramenlo Henalor* were sent down the line- by Hugh* and his team In tbe last name- e,f the *•>!•-» flayed yesterday to lh. tun* of .' to 7. A number of the Hrnatora ar* laid up from various causes Sad substi- ttitea fill. places, which In •urn* measur* aceounta for then ; hard lurk. Jay Hughes pitched good ball and waa -foudly cheered by th* Kacramento fans, with Whom he la a great favorite. \u25a0:.'\u25a0\u25a0 At Portland— games: Portland c... I Han Francisco J Portland I !->!! Kre.ll- l.e-ei f AX Lo* Aug.;.- \rm Angelea 1 Oakland : 4 Standing of th* Clubs -. ; Won.- 1.. -1 Prt. l^e« Allg. I. S ..lit' 71 I'.a'l. Brattle \u0084,.,, Ot . n IM fl*cram*nt« <*'• * m .iv. Hon Francisco .....e.IOO \«t ilk Portland...... st M 1.l Oakland M \u25a0 US 417 SNAP FOR HOME TEAM Jack Ml, le»T supported I, good shape by Catcher Stanley and the real of Ihe home ball tessera, defeateel th* Ta- roma ... at Athletic Park \u0084..,, day sfterntwn with a score at XI lo 4. Ht.ei.ill pllrhcd for Tacoma Ihr Aral five and got a herd pounding, the *cor* then standing lin I. Mike l.ynrh took bla place In lb* bos, but waa tillable tn tout the Seattle slug- gers, who landed on the ball whenever thry felt Inclined. , Trradway Ok kid mil Ma nf HI.-\ nil a nice Juicy ones an-J sent II over the fence for a hum- run. In Ihe .1. Unlit of the rooters. Htricktvtl Tracy and Klopf did goeid work with the stick. The game belonged to tllckey all th* way through. MORTALITY RECORD Mine Mamie Wllkenlng, aged 20 yearn, died the I'rovl- dence hospital 'aftsr an llliuas ot eight week*. Sh* resided With hrr parent* at IK'S Seventh avenu* and waa a mem tier of th* \Vullre*»c*' fnb-n .*-\u25a0'..• had lived In Heattle all le. I lie. boiuex," U INNCSOTA. Michigan l* nol th* undisputed g-Ttdltoti champion of the west Ihla fall. Thai *upi*ro»cy, which for Ih* {eaat two yeara ha* been undisputed. 1* t.ow shared by Vlr. William*' t!'>- t-b-r« *• tm -Lev* gam* ma » th» best fuolball atruggi* ever seen let the weal Mlnneee..-.. «sln*d mtmrm ground lhan Michigan. Th* re- doubtable lle.t-.-n failed to mak* tho** sensational plunge* for which he la famous The Mlchlgsn ms«a play* met a irritable atime wall that refused lo budge. When Michigan eivirrel. Ibe effect on Mlnn*sola waa to emulate the eism|i|e, and tho** la*t few mlnulea, when th* "Hurry Ip™ eleven wa* being.pushed back- ward slowly but relentlessly, will lie* for year* In lh* minds of those who saw th* Ptt'rm tied, Hhoul.l both team* pass through th* Thank**lv- Ing day gam* undsfraleel, and th* chances are th. will, a fowl-season gam*, played on neutral ground, would delight all lover* of tb* .I--. and p*rh«p* definitely deride the question of which la entitled to he called western champion. When ah,-.lit. p In .in. fnr big name, n on-resident* of the slat* ar* mmpelied to pay a license fre uf Hi. This goe* to pay the salaries of th* \u25ba itrw fame wardens, employed lo watch mark, hunter* during the epen season and discourage lhn*e al- leged sportsmen who visit Ih* gnm* uintry In parties of M or a Irav "ling In private cars and doing mnfi lnni*crlmlnat* harm In two »c. a. lhan th* aame number under com- -1,-ient guldea could do In a. many month*. Tha guide .er. opposed 10-Ih* llcens* law. fining it would lrlv» many to Canada. Irnt It hag proved to ... a good thing, keeping wt only th* men It was Intruded lo teach. , \u25a0 *,-.'-\u25a0-- A- A sceire of 61 In 0 In favor of the Seattle high gchool team tells th* .tni i.- of, it. gam* with th* i'uget Pound Academy Saturday afternoon. Th* game wna played at Athletic park during a heavy wind and a downpour and w-a* toe' one-sldeel fj b* very Intercepting. Th* .* Ish boys wer* aa*r-l In every stage of the play but put up a hard fight. The most notable turf perfntin- ane* itlie \u0084,i«.-n « c. the mil* by Cre»ceu* In I: ASK at Wichita. Kirn Although I-n Dillon ha» \u25a0 trolled fa»l*r. the mile by tha *talllnn \u25a0 tiiiiii* first for many reason*. Cres- c*ua had not been trnlneil especially for a record breaking mile. Ilia owner, tleorg* 11. Ketolmm, had been , irnstortnlng the great animal about the country, giving exhibitions on half-mile and mile trnrks, In all aorl* of wenthar and overtoil kinds of surface*. Stielelrgl-. without warn. Ing. came the w«Td Hint th* chain* ploil stallion hnd trotti-d a mile bet- ter than 2:00, This. In the face* of the fact thai he bail not trotted fatttr than 2.W this .1.11. add heel -A FOOLISH SON IS A GRIEF TO HIS FATHER ' KNIGHTS OF THE GRIDIRON i .s<.li. in ms, MlCllldAN. '*\u25a0 SPORTING GOSSIP WIDELY CHOSEN ibetlrr than i M In ta-o year*, caused ithe sporting publio lo receive Ihe '.t.ttrn,, ni with *u*plcton. Tb*"6Tfl- jdatll Of the I liner* Ihu I they were Jrorrect. and of Ih* engineer lhat llir 'trail m regulation, leave* i.- i..\u25a0\u25a0•,, {to tloubl the trial and Ita i.-.ull. it ]la 100 lea.! that th. mil* eeie. not ] f.a.le In th* east, or at Mrmphta, It would not have been mi** Honed.' -- *-, FIVE RUNS YESTERDAY -ul_ \u25a0 c \u25a0-«-:,.... ... \u25a0 ! . >. »>«:- t The Bre» department responded In flea alarm, yesterday, aa the to . I of four biases. Th*. first rait waa from Elisabeth avenue and llnv .tr..- where a l-artt recently u»eel by t'ontrwrtor Stanley ire-re a etorehou** \u0084.,.,.. Me „.,!,, fee* aae , Ihe work of Ihe Prrmrn. Ihr building hecara* a total 4— It la thought ihe [ Are waa started try boya playing wllh I Igalehe* The to** about fit. Th* .< i -ml rail was from the Seattle hotel. A guest In room ll was curling her hair, and lv some way United the tare curtain. The btste w**nulrkly mltaguUhed by lb* chrmlral wtth a i.»» of Ai" IS ne:!.« > In the evening a vatlur flam.. In the Totem re-ataurant at Sreeond avenue and Y*»lrr W*y, and turn..l in an alarm. He th* lime the department had j arrived the flame* wer* rating through He. celling and Ihe whole building wa* thrratrned. The llrrmen omm had U.- fire metier i.-nti..l Th* lire w*» cauaed by the accidental turning over ef a pan of hot grraae. The In** I* e.tlm..t. .1 *l tsoa. ..A.--. i:,..7,t7 Chemlral No. S responded a I I o'clock to a an" alarm sent from SSI Tenth .rem.,, where a chimney wa* ablate. It waa promptly extinguished wllh lit Ur loss. Another stilt alarm, which proved in la. * felloe one, called the department to Seventeenth avenue and Alder •trrrt. SHOW EFFECTS OF ALCOHOLISM I.ONIH»N, Nov. ».—An alcohol ex- hibition "| Il.'l In \u25a01.i11.11 liiilkV 11111 l Villi continue through Hi- week. The primary put pom- of the exhibition la to Show He' ,-»ll effects of .li ink on It.. human healy. «v"'. llurglnr*entered the home of A. M, Nelson, 2*14 irteenth avenue v. nth early hi., morning and se- cured 11.25 in rash. An entrance writs effeoted by rulalng a bark window. EDDIE IS 62 Great Britain Monarch Rounds An other Milsttons •LONDON, Nov, H-Kliig IMwsnl ta It yeata u|,| titiluy. 11 hiivlng i.c n decided at tlie beginning of hia reign to ceL-brate hie litiih.lay M,t> 30 instead of on thla tints the attnl- vctsary wna in., generall > observed. The king spent'the day tiulrlly at .'..•mii Ihkli." «HI. 11.. queen ami other nietiil.i*rs of 111. family. lie. yotid Ihe customary firing of salules \u0084t Windsor and nl the naval and military hen<l<iuaiters the birthday was not marked by any ceremonial observance. The king was burn In Rucking ham palace on Niivi-tplier f, IMI, and w«a created, by pa lent, I'rino nf Wille-a and Karl of I'tieSter l.efnie lie .> .-c a month old. loiter h<- wna made the Knrl of Dublin nnd at*>u- -I'i.iinie .1 other tttles and honors During the day he waa Ihe recip- ient of many , handsome present* from his royal relatives and tnee- - ei-. » ut cangralulalioii from all of Ihe courta of liv rope. LAND IS BOUGHT BOARD ACCEPTED CALKINS* BITE FOR THE NEW INDUS- TRIAL SCHOOL At a meeting of the t......1 of school directors f...i..t.1... .Vetting lh* d«-al fur the t--.i. i...»- of lh* Calkins tract on Mercer i-;..-.-r »,.« completed. the- |>rlt.-e paid being t ue. The site is on Ihe \u0084\u25a0,!>,. \u0084-t. ii. | tif Ihe Island snd will be sn admirable place for tbe : i in.ii uf lh* school, for I Whll'h il iS Hilele.l..! Voting place* In the seversl wsrda wer* flsed for ih* coming >- n --i <-!•«- lion fur Ih* thooeliia til a successor lo the retiring director, I»r. P. II <*•«\u25a0, The i. , '.|i..l--.i. leeeikS Will lie f.tru In the ivntrsl .- I i building. Modi- ..-i, .t,..i \u0084i -i Seventh avmue, until * p.'in. November tt. when they will be- .!..».. 1 to open again on Frtdsy. I»e- --e. -i.e. re «i,a ,| \u0084 liefore Ihe ,l~ i. .-. Voters all eady registered for the <-il>- bend elerlte.n do not have to rcglatrr again. Ths I -leu . >- of m tc sn .... 'ii t..t lo »v; . lli.l. i-t th* work of the district for the eie»l year was referred to lh* committee of Ihe whole sad will be decided at a sneer la I meeting lo be h.1.1 soon. TM I- >r.| propoaes lo boltd thr.. >• elsht-rexim buildings In Ihe near future. \u25a0 . »• He tee--) ej,l 11 \u25a0 i!•a I. WCT* neetlllld *.* lhal Ihe order fnr compulsory vae*cina. Hon wss properly enforced to comply with tali law. ;-'.'.''.'-" INSTALL NEW LORD MAYOR TIME-HONORED "SHOW" TAKES PLACE IN LONDON TODAY UOKDOH, Nov. t-The ttme-hein. . \u25a0«! l,ord Mayor's show took plac* today, and the nrw l^t.i Mayor of !^>ndon. Sir Jam** "I 1.--in..'ie mii 1.i.. waa form- ally metalled in .r.e. \u0084, \u25a0 . ...iir.« Sir Mare-tie Mm lei ii* I The prnrr»*loei *tartrd from the I J.ll i.l Hall .hurtie after It o . l.« X The paaranl paaard thiough dense i mass- . of i hrrrlna lee-e.^i,- . The hand- some Itoat*. lyptfytitg rpocha In thr natlutiai history, various ede*. Ilolua- tin. etc.. a, i. ally re- ceived, Whrn the prorr**l«n r*a<*h*d th* law court* ths 1.'C.1 M.i In his full civic nl •\u25a0. pi.c.tiel by thr recorder and sl- te n.:< il by Ibe retiring la>rd Mkyor, Ihr mac* !•\u25a0 i.t.l, sword be*r*r, chaplain and atelrrmen, tngrthrr with .the i civic funrllonarlea. proceeded to the court of Ibe Lord 4?hlef Justice, whe-rr thry wer* received by th* Indue*. From this court, after the retiring le»rd Mayer had lr.ii formally prtmmU ed to the Ju.l.e.. the proceaalon went to the court of appeal* and was .- reived by Ihe mssirr of th* rolls and th* a|.|..«l Judge*, attired In 11- It ie.*.,.. of black and gnUL The day'e pageantry concluded tbl* evening wllh the customary banquet In tl,. «;.ul,l Hall. DEDICATE MONUMENT . II v i i a *-• -\u25a0>\u25a0 IA. Ti nti.. Nov. ».-» The Pevenly-thlrd '\u25a0 Pennsylvania regiment's monument at Chlek.i- mauga was dedicated today, the ded- ication being mad* th* occasion of lmpr**slv* and Interesting cere- monies. In the party of dl*ttngul*lu*_J I'ennsytvanlans who took pari In the exercise* went Oovernor I'enny- park*r. Adjutant General Htewmt. former iiuH.tei Oeneral Charles Knte.ri Hmllh and othera. DEDICA TED IMPOSING CEREMONIES HELD IN THE NEW SACRED HEART SCHOOL The Pacred Heart parochial school was dedicated yesterday afternoon. Archbishop I'aul llruchesl of Mon- Ireal. conducting th. Impoalng cere- monies. A parade of the various Catholic secret societies escorted Archbtehop llruchesl. Father He I*. bo*, vicar general at Tacoma; Father ii -'..iitalii* and Father Cusey from Fifth avenu* and like street to the new building. Th* school wna built last summer st Sixth and lt-11 street at a coat of 117,000. It still be opened this week. The later* of the Holy Nin I will b* the teacher*. The course of studies « 111 he much ti- same a.. i that In the public schools with re- ligious training add. The 11, .man and nm- l.riik.irinn were le »t.i. Hi KIM. el and the . 1 i-i--. . r I- cli . Injured by the ovrrturnliig of engine No. of the Columbia Ar I'nget Hooihl 11.1111-.leet . c 111. \u00841.1 St * OCIOIJI )TCgtM*> -flay morning, em Ihe "V" twiween Illack It ."I and Franklin. The .1.1 are; 1 HAM. IIIXUN. I.c .1- fi... who re- alded Willi ill* » .... at 70. il.ere n ave- nue-, f.e, I'l. WIII.IAM PARKER. ' '\u25a0 '-\u25a0 \u25a0>• single. who 1. c 1.1. 1 nt ...-. 1.,,,,, street, Keallle, J. tt. Mlrk*, tb* engineer, of \u25ba!\u25a0''. r t mi. avenue Mouth, this city, hail bl* left arm fractured and wus bruised ..1.-.--. |ha boely, He will re-e*ove-r. Th* ac.-lel.-nt was ....-• .1 by Ihe drive »i..i- of the engine cllmlilng lh* rail ii after the train left Frank- lin for Heattle, After bouncing stung the tl.a for a distance- of fifty fe-et. the engine. |-e|.|.l. -I over un Its I. fl ei.l- and foil down sn . \ 11 .1.1 four Iwl high. Two coal cars Immeellate- ly lee hind Ibe. engine- were also dragged frum the track, and slopped the. pro. u-ei of the rest of th* i>..,ie in the DENIED SEWERS All bids for two Important public Improvemeitta which wete opened by th* board of public works, Hat- urday, proved to be higher than thr limit ot assessment and the Indica- tion* neiw ate that the completion of the Improvement* will be delayed 11111.-Ill,ll* I). - As a result th* resident* of liiook- lyn and Lotoita will be obliged te go without their much needed sewer system. Cesspools »ill continue to o.erflow Into Ih* streets and wills, the ptlttcl|«l>j«mrce of the water ,1! jell will continue to be contam- inated. According lo Health Officer Lud- low. If the sewer* ar* not built tie- fore th* next hot season ther* Is liable to be an epidemic of typhoid fever In lhat section of the cliy. . The limit of assessment of the llrnoklyn sewer system was 1W.3P0. A bid of JJU.o.W. made by T. I. Peter- eon. wr* Ihe lowest, th* highest be- ing 111.000 In ejtoes* of that figure. The 1.1.1 of P. Normlle A Co. for grading Ttaenty.first avenue north, was th* lowest, bill wii" ill." »24P In access of the limit allowed by law. . i a e--siaM-HM.KicD3gaeHa(a I WHAT PEOPLE SAY I : J UIIKEIICHKIIBUIKU To the Editor of Th* Blar: Tour hint hta recent 1.-e-e. thai Ihe Important attained, commercially and otherwise, by lh* Parlflc Coast coun- try, warrant* the demand for hlghaiM- clttt representation at th. nation's cap- ital, accords with th* hitherto unex- pressed thoughts of th* «ftte I who, li.t.partisan In polities, ha* viewed with an Impartial eye, and considered with an unbiased mii .1 tin deeet* and utterances -i many ft our pubMc ollt- dale. J Th* natural po*lt'o_^ the climate and rie*eiurce» of thla itTpiilly developing part of the I'iil..ll Im.e claimed the eager attention and unstinted patron- age of I \u0084t, in capitalist*, a* well a* a »leady and unprecedented immigra- j tion of worthy peopl* from .11. na- tions; a combination of circumstances that haa mad* It possible for * city like- Seattle I" grow within a period of years lifrlu.lrd 111 an ordinary life- time from a few log hut* to * busy ea^.it of metropolitan dlmenalunt. whose more than ii hundred and fifty j thousand Inhabitant! daily throng ll* Imposing thoroughfare*, Intent upon all ut lha legitimate yur*ult» common CRUSHED TO DEATH UNDER LOCOMOTIVE FIREMAN WILLIAM PARKER AND MRAKI-.MAN FRANK DIXQN INSTANTLY KILLED IN TRAIN- WRECK NEAR FRANKLIN, YESTERDAY— ENGI- NEER J. N. HICKS SERIOUSLY INJURED , . .-> 1 -• were several paeetig>*ra. Ne-WS ,ef tlie Sff lliellt WrtS 1 .-.-. I. < d In ;'- ii"i an hour Is leer, snd a wreck- log train w-e. at onoa .i- . \u0084... i...| lea Ihe seene-t The engine !.,•. -i let i.a. * the- grounded i-iigln.->-t Attt Ihe ;•....,-i.- ll woe tnrnii l^fnre the engln* was re pin. c.l tm tlie track and Haiti* resumed. li, \u0084...., !\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 wa* In tit* rngin* cab on the flt<*mi.ii'* ride Hulh It* an«a Ihe l.r. in >• Jumi-e-d «a Ihe i-ngfiie rttam on the rslio, but were ti»» late, aa a, - I later the engine fell on tt-p t.t ti.. in. mangling and scalding ihem horribly. Hngtneer I licks reniieltieel al his post und x •- 1,-irllilv shaken up and badly burned by i-onlect with tba hot boiler. Kraitk IHson. the dead | brake-man. wan the a-.n ..f J. It. Dixon, who tor years wo* engineer of a train wliie 1 mv out ot Kcatllee. The young mare rHiirne-d a short t.i \u25a0 -•... from th* 17 *t he ais m-.rrlt-d. . I'arker. the de-ail 1.r.-t«»i>. was an e«- --.:.. mat. srd waa taking the place of Wlltliein Mitchell Be re-giilar fin mats. 1,1. EDITOR "I THE CONOH EXHIONAL RHCOKD UCCKI.E3 DOW *, TO WOIIK ".>. UN (N. P.—Only picture of raid retl tor ever printed.) Ie the trading cillis of the world. The time has come. then, when tli* of this shir c ! the continent •hould be duly irpt, .- it. -j in Ihe roun* ' ell chambers of the nation. And. *g In the j mat "llir time kr.d th* man" have been coincident to the people's nereis, so now In the pi the man, imlnrtilly worthy of the highest bon- er* the nation ran besteew I* M hand. Can he be persuaded T Wlii 111.** whose duty ll i-t, select and nom- inate th* . ,et .11 i..t fur the vice pre*l-. dency In the Iti;.-..'..- .t fjitv >.<. *. nlse at*_l ,\u25a0\u25a0.•!!, i -.. c.-l th* nnelouiitcd mer- it* of aoveror Mcllrlde fur that high offlcet I What olhcr man can be found mora |IB harmony with Ihe Ju*t and Incor- ruptible policy of our pr**ent fi-arleia president? Or. who 1* more Ilk*lleeoaw velt In maintaining th* right* of th» AmAtmr against th* sordid lnterr*ts of the frw, than Henrj Mcl»rlde% the •iradfost enemy of wealthy combln.* thst Indulge tn every ape-e-lr* of polit- ical corruption to dtfeat the aim* if Justice and lo rr due* a free-born peo- ple to th* condltleui of io'lplcs* IV*«. ah- give* credit tee Ihe man of honor, rather than to the man of money; who, like our noble president. Is committed to higher. Ideals and art.tstrd by grander elves. both in prlv»t* and In public, lhan can b* assigned to th* narrow limit* .< party politic*? * Sincerely. J. K. M 81IEA. 1 Kent, Wash. __ HOLD NATIONAL FIELD TRIALS HOWAUDSVILLE. Vt Nov. >.— The Hth annual field trial* of tho National llcagle Club began today on the preserves of Ur. Henry Dick* son limn*, near this place. Th* en. try list I* unusually luce a.. I of a high clnss and from Ihe preaent out- look the tnrct will be one of the most *ttcces*i«il ever pullod off un- der the auspice* of tha club. FOILED Dl MOIN'KS, la Nov. 9.---An un- known mm lies at the depot In Ihla cite at th* point of death a. a result of gtmshot wound* Inflicted by ItiXte' Island detective* patrolling the rail- road track* near T.arlham last' to ..t.iii on antldpa'ed '•<\u25a0'• trail rubbery.

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Page 1: ONE CENT The Seattle Star HTHE Dare Only Paper That SEATTLE. … · 2017-12-21 · ONE CENT SEATTLE. WASHINGTON. MONDAY. NOVEM BER 9, 1903- The Seattle Star _ HTHE* Only Paper ln



The Seattle Star _HTHE Only Paper ln Seattle That

* Dare to Print tke News, ...VOL. 5, No. aai 95 CENTS PER MONTH

2 HURT INfa lildlI I 111 l



A tram of mulea attached to a «... .-i'

awtieel hy the nnn of ll»ll A M.tliilre,contra., torn, mv away down Hra-onila*\u25a0 .1 11. thla morning ai IS o'clock, ant)eieiii,l. .1 with an car at tharorner eif M...1 — v atrrat. As a result,one i-f the mules was kitIt and twoMen sllshtly Injures!. The ,au«s.-ii«e*r«

tst Ihe car escaped without a - ..... 1..though they and numerous pe-deetrlanawers 1- i-n. frlghlrni-d.

William m. .- .. .1 the driver of thewagon, waa thrown from hia arat .mlpainfully bruised. The motorman ofIhe car waa also knocked '.\u25a0 thi*groundand hurt, hut not seriously.

STABBED111. i11..-.lee I'l.-t ...a|!t.-i.

The t-oiifeieine » ill also considerthe te i .1, ua, rducatloual. physicalIndustrial and ethical aai-avt uf theI.!>• .|U. ..11-11. en..! ti.ei.-

will be Spent In discussing Ihe evilInfluence of urban life on the coloredpcoyt*.FRAU YULU WOUNDED BY JOe


Juse-ph Christopher, an Italianlaborer, ia being held in th* city Jailem lh. charge of aasault with-lnlentto kilt Prank Yul.i. also an Italian,who Is held a* witness. Yulu has aknlf* wound which he contends wasInflicted by Ctnrlsteipher. Th*wteUnd, however, ta not of a veryaertoua nature.

N. 11, Withers, "who rame to Se-attle with the "Mr. Jolly of Jt>li*t"company. Is missing. His family laat the IH.rtUn.t hote-l, lv IHirtland.P. A. I. I*utcr reported to the pewlie* that Wither* arrived her* fromPortland, but has not been seen*ln<*». The family are greatly wuy-rle.l.

It appear* ttutl the two men werequarreling tn the Itamnna saloon atI'lftti -i.i-ii.- and King street, yes-terday eientng, when Christopherdrew o knife and tried lo mi. .- upthe other Italian. Tulu > .*. up thestreet nil mat .Patrolmen t*r»n«telland Hubbard, ahtiitt he Informed ofthe affair.

MYSTERYPeculiar Death of Student Be-

ing Investigated by PoliceTh* officers anon found Christo-pher, who was In hiding.-.,.1ie .ci* '..anott-rr fight when the officer* triedto tak* him. -The open knlf* wasfound in hi* pocket. HAI.TIMoItK. Md. Nov. fc'-An In-

quest is being held Itxlay over thebody of Martin !,.-.•». a medical slu-dent at Ihe t'nlverslty of Maryland.i.c was found dead in his room Sat-urday, Ills roommate. Kphmlin tttone.waa lylag i..i.i. blm in an ui-.-.»,.

»..-\u25a0-. | . .'it.... . ll tti men werenr.n..i".l into the I'lll INI Chi collegefral.rnlly. * Brul-w* en the daad and.-. . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: \u25a0•\u25a0 ...- a stlnleuts' lnwlle* l> c.l tothe '\u0084.- * titat ii- death of th* oneand injur) lo tbe other ur.- the resultof rough handling when the two stu-dent* wer* Initialed Into Ihe collegefraternally. -.:,\;-\u25a0"s A.',' *C '. • "


WASHINUTO.V. D. C. Nov. 9,-Athree- days' conference on the raceproblem in Ibe I'nlleel flutes .\u25a0;..-!In Ihi^ elty today under Ihe directumof the National Sociological s.~ :. \u25a0 >

The purpose of Ihe merllng, «a setforth tn the calL i« to lake up theserious phase* of th* race preibletn.lo formulate plana for the relief of astrained situation brought about i-

th* presence- of the problem: to dla-cover Mime common ground uponwhich all of Ib* iri> -.-:. of the causemay eland, and to adlust lh* differ-ent view* Into a definite nnd har-

On o charge of rohblng M. Mailerof i.e. lr, th* Itillman realaurant. IdaWllwm, a negro Inmate of th* l'«il«h..-i»e In Ibe t. I district, waslast night arrested ,by Dasteetive*Kennedy and i: >«-.'n and la In theCity leel

THE ALLENTOWN, PA . MURDER MYSTERY pavid wKisrrNitr.noKn.< The above are'picture* of Mabel 11. Herhtel, th* girl who waa mur-dere.l At All* I'u.: tmv.ii Wei *r-iiberg, r, one of htr suitors, whola under arresl at New.V»rK rrnb.-ibly for delrntloii ,n* a v.itm«, and

lh* home of the inttrde i>- 1 girl. c

Th* *:*r iiaaiku tlie «i*it where li»* %\i\r .if iy ".ui foun.i.

WU:iiK«. MienIiAN,


1 . ""the sacramento SENATORS

close SERIES in defeat ATHOME .SACRAMENTO, Nov. ».—The Sac

ramenlo Henalor* were sent down

the line- by Hugh* and his team Intbe last name- e,f the *•>!•-» flayed

yesterday to lh. tun* of .' to 7.A number of the Hrnatora ar* laid

up from various causes Sad substi-ttitea fill. places, which In•urn* measur* aceounta for then ;

hard lurk. Jay Hughes pitched goodball and waa -foudly cheered by th*Kacramento fans, with Whom he la agreat favorite. \u25a0:.'\u25a0\u25a0

At Portland— games:Portland c... IHan Francisco JPortland I

!->!! Kre.ll- l.e-ei f

AX Lo* Aug.;.-\rm Angelea 1Oakland : 4

Standing of th* Clubs-. ; Won.- 1.. -1 Prt.

l^e« Allg. I. S ..lit' 71 I'.a'l.Brattle \u0084,.,, Ot . n IMfl*cram*nt« <*'• * m .iv.Hon Francisco .....e.IOO \«t ilkPortland...... st M 1.l

Oakland M \u25a0 US 417


Jack Ml, le»T supported I, good shapeby Catcher Stanley and the real of Ihehome ball tessera, defeateel th* Ta-roma ... at Athletic Park \u0084..,,

day sfterntwn with a score at XI lo 4.Ht.ei.ill pllrhcd for Tacoma Ihr Aral

five and got a herd pounding,the *cor* then standing lin I. Mikel.ynrh took bla place In lb* bos, butwaa tillable tn tout the Seattle slug-gers, who landed on the ball wheneverthry felt Inclined. ,

Trradway Ok kid mil Ma nf HI.-\nil anice Juicy ones an-J sent II over thefence for a hum- run. In Ihe .1. Unlitof the rooters. Htricktvtl Tracy andKlopf did goeid work with the stick.

The game belonged to tllckey all th*way through.


Mine Mamie Wllkenlng, aged 20yearn, died the I'rovl-dence hospital 'aftsr an llliuas oteight week*. Sh* resided With hrrparent* at IK'S Seventh avenu* andwaa a mem tier of th* \Vullre*»c*'fnb-n .*-\u25a0'..• had lived In Heattle allle. I lie.

boiuex," UINNCSOTA.

Michigan l* nol th* undisputedg-Ttdltoti champion of the west Ihlafall. Thai *upi*ro»cy, which for Ih*{eaat two yeara ha* been undisputed.1* t.ow shared by Vlr. William*' t!'>-t-b-r« *•tm -Lev* gam* ma » th»best fuolball atruggi* ever seen letthe weal Mlnneee..-.. «sln*d mtmrmground lhan Michigan. Th* re-doubtable lle.t-.-n failed to mak*tho** sensational plunge* for whichhe la famous The Mlchlgsn ms«aplay* met a irritable atime wall thatrefused lo budge. When Michigan

eivirrel. Ibe effect on Mlnn*sola waato emulate the eism|i|e, and tho**la*t few mlnulea, when th* "HurryIp™ eleven wa* being.pushed back-ward slowly but relentlessly, willlie* for year* In lh* minds of thosewho saw th* Ptt'rm tied, Hhoul.l bothteam* pass through th* Thank**lv-Ing day gam* undsfraleel, and th*chances are th. will, a fowl-seasongam*, played on neutral ground,would delight all lover* of tb*.I--. and p*rh«p* definitely deridethe question of which la entitled tohe called western champion.

When ah,-.lit. p In .in. fnr bigname, non-resident* of the slat* ar*

mmpelied to pay a license fre uf Hi.This goe* to pay the salaries of th*

\u25ba itrw fame wardens, employed lowatch mark, hunter* during theepen season and discourage lhn*e al-leged sportsmen who visit Ih* gnm*

• uintry In parties of M or a Irav"ling In private cars and doing mnfilnni*crlmlnat* harm In two »c. a.lhan th* aame number under com--1,-ient guldea could do In a. manymonth*. Tha guide .er. opposed10-Ih* llcens* law. fining it wouldlrlv» many to Canada. Irnt It hag

proved to ... a good thing, keepingwt only th* men It was Intrudedlo teach. , \u25a0 *,-.'-\u25a0-- A-

A sceire of 61 In 0 In favor of theSeattle high gchool team tells th*.tni i.- of, it. gam* with th* i'uget

Pound Academy Saturday afternoon.Th* game wna played at Athleticpark during a heavy wind and adownpour and w-a* toe' one-sldeel fj

b* very Intercepting. Th* .*ni-li..inIsh boys wer* aa*r-l In every

stage of the play but put up a hardfight.

The most notable turf perfntin-ane* itlie \u0084,i«.-n « c. the mil* by

Cre»ceu* In I:ASK at Wichita. KirnAlthough I-n Dillon ha» \u25a0 trolledfa»l*r. the mile by tha *talllnn

\u25a0 tiiiiii*first for many reason*. Cres-

c*ua had not been trnlneil especiallyfor a record breaking mile. Iliaowner, tleorg* 11. Ketolmm, hadbeen , irnstortnlng the great animalabout the country, giving exhibitionson half-mile and mile trnrks, In allaorl* of wenthar and overtoil kindsof surface*. Stielelrgl-. without warn.Ing. came the w«Td Hint th* chain*ploil stallion hnd trotti-d a mile bet-ter than 2:00, This. In the face* ofthe fact thai he bail not trottedfatttr than 2.W this .1.11. add heel



.s<.li. in ms, MlCllldAN.'*\u25a0


ibetlrr than i M In ta-o year*, causedithe sporting publio lo receive Ihe'.t.ttrn,, ni with *u*plcton. Tb*"6Tfl-jdatll Of the Iliner* IhuI they were

Jrorrect. and of Ih* engineer lhat llir'trail m regulation, leave* i.- i..\u25a0\u25a0•,,

{to tloubl the trial and Ita i.-.ull. it]la 100 lea.! that th. mil* eeie. not] f.a.le In th* east, or at Mrmphta, It would not have been mi**Honed.' -- *-,


-ul_ \u25a0

c \u25a0-«-:,.... ... \u25a0 ! . >. »>«:- t

The Bre» department responded Inflea alarm, yesterday, aa the to . Iof four biases.

Th*. first rait waa from Elisabethavenue and llnv .tr..- where a l-arttrecently u»eel by t'ontrwrtor Stanleyire-re a etorehou**

\u0084.,.,.. Me „.,!,,fee* aae ,Ihe work of Ihe Prrmrn. Ihr buildinghecara* a total 4— It la thought ihe

[ Are waa started try boya playing wllhI Igalehe* The to** about fit.

Th* .< i -ml rail was from the Seattlehotel. A guest In room ll was curlingher hair, and lv some way United thetare curtain. The btste w**nulrklymltaguUhed by lb* chrmlral wtth ai.»» of I»

Ai" IS ne:!.« > In the evening a vatlurflam.. In the Totem re-ataurant

at Sreeond avenue and Y*»lrr W*y, andturn..l in an alarm. He th* lime thedepartment had j arrived the flame*wer* rating through He. celling andIhe whole building wa* thrratrned.The llrrmen omm had U.- fire metieri.-nti..l Th* lire w*» cauaed by theaccidental turning over ef a pan ofhot grraae. The In** I* e.tlm..t. .1 *ltsoa. ..A.--. i:,..7,t7

Chemlral No. S responded aI I o'clockto a an" alarm sent from SSI Tenth.rem.,, where a chimney wa* ablate.It waa promptly extinguished wllh litUr loss.

Another stilt alarm, which proved inla. * felloe one, called the departmentto Seventeenth avenue and Alder•trrrt.


I.ONIH»N, Nov. ».—An alcohol ex-hibition "| • Il.'l In \u25a01.i11.11 liiilkV 11111 lVilli continue through Hi- week. Theprimary put pom- of the exhibition lato Show He' ,-»ll effects of .li ink onIt.. human healy. «v"'.

llurglnr*entered the home of A.M, Nelson, 2*14 irteenth avenuev. nth early hi., morning and se-cured 11.25 in rash. An entrance writseffeoted by rulalng a bark window.

EDDIE IS 62Great Britain Monarch Rounds An

other Milsttons

•LONDON, Nov, H-Kliig IMwsnlta It yeata u|,| titiluy. 11 hiivlngi.c • n decided at tlie beginning of hiareign to ceL-brate hie litiih.lay M,t>30 instead of on thla tints the attnl-vctsary wna in., generall > observed.The king spent'the day tiulrlly at.'..•mii Ihkli." «HI. 11.. queen amiother nietiil.i*rs of 111. family. lie.yotid Ihe customary firing of salules\u0084t Windsor and nl the naval andmilitary hen<l<iuaiters the birthday

was not marked by any ceremonialobservance.

The king was burn In Rucking

ham palace on Niivi-tplier f, IMI,andw«a created, by pa lent, I'rino nfWille-a and Karl of I'tieSter l.efnie lie.> .-c a month old. loiter h<- wnamade the Knrl of Dublin nnd at*>u--I'i.iinie .1 other tttles and honors

During the day he waa Ihe recip-ient of many , handsome present*from his royal relatives and tnee-- ei-. » ut cangralulalioii from all ofIhe courta of livrope.



At a meeting of the t......1 of schooldirectors f...i..t.1... .Vetting lh* d«-alfur the t--.i. i...»- of lh* Calkins tracton Mercer i-;..-.-r »,.« completed. the-|>rlt.-e paid being t ue. The site is onIhe \u0084\u25a0,!>,. \u0084-t. ii. | tif Ihe Islandsnd will be sn admirable place for tbe

: i in.ii uf lh* school, forIWhll'h il iS Hilele.l..!

Voting place* In the seversl wsrdawer* flsed for ih* coming >- n --i <-!•«-lion fur Ih*thooeliia til a successor lothe retiring director, I»r. P. II <*•«\u25a0,

The i. , '.|i..l--.i. leeeikS Will lie f.truIn the ivntrsl .- I i building. Modi-..-i, .t,..i \u0084i -i Seventh avmue, until *p.'in. November tt. when they will be-.!..».. 1 to open again on Frtdsy. I»e---e. -i.e. re «i,a ,| \u0084 liefore Ihe ,l~ i. .-.Voters all eady registered for the <-il>-bend elerlte.n do not have to rcglatrragain.

Ths I -leu . >- of m tc sn .... 'ii

t..t lo »v; . lli.l.i-t th* work of thedistrict for the eie»l year was referredto lh* committee of Ihe whole sad willbe decided at a sneer la I meeting lo beh.1.1 soon. TM I- >r.| propoaes lo boltdthr.. >• • elsht-rexim buildings In Ihenear future. \u25a0 . »• •

He tee--) ej,l 11 \u25a0 i!•a I. WCT* neetlllld t» *.*lhal Ihe order fnr compulsory vae*cina.Hon wss properly enforced to complywith tali law. ;-'.'.''.'-"




UOKDOH, Nov. t-The ttme-hein. . \u25a0«!

l,ord Mayor's show took plac* today,and the nrw l^t.i Mayor of !^>ndon.Sir Jam** "I 1.--in..'ie mii 1.i.. waa form-ally metalled in .r.e. \u0084, \u25a0 . ...iir.« SirMare-tie Mm lei ii*I

The prnrr»*loei *tartrd from theI J.ll i.l Hall .hurtie after It o . l.« X

The paaranl paaard thiough densei mass- . of i hrrrlna lee-e.^i,- . The hand-some Itoat*. lyptfytitg rpocha In thrnatlutiai history, various ede*. Ilolua-tin. etc.. a, i. ally re-ceived,

Whrn the prorr**l«n r*a<*h*d th* lawcourt* ths 1.'C.1 M.i In his fullcivicnl •\u25a0. pi.c.tiel by thr recorder and sl-te n.:< il by Ibe retiring la>rd Mkyor, Ihrmac* !•\u25a0 i.t.l, sword be*r*r, chaplain

and atelrrmen, tngrthrr with .the i

civic funrllonarlea. proceeded to thecourt of Ibe Lord 4?hlef Justice, whe-rrthry wer* received by th* Indue*.

From this court, after the retiring

le»rd Mayer had lr.ii formally prtmmUed to the Ju.l.e.. the proceaalon wentto the court of appeal* and was .-reived by Ihe mssirr of th* rolls andth* a|.|..«l Judge*, attired In 11- Itie.*.,.. of black and gnUL

The day'e pageantry concluded tbl*evening wllh the customary banquetIn tl,. «;.ul,l Hall.


. II v i i a *-•-\u25a0>\u25a0 IA. Tinti.. Nov. ».-»

The Pevenly-thlrd '\u25a0 Pennsylvaniaregiment's monument at Chlek.i-mauga was dedicated today, the ded-ication being mad* th* occasion oflmpr**slv* and Interesting cere-monies. In the party of dl*ttngul*lu*_JI'ennsytvanlans who took pari In theexercise* went Oovernor I'enny-park*r. Adjutant General Htewmt.former • iiuH.tei Oeneral CharlesKnte.ri Hmllh and othera.




The Pacred Heart parochial schoolwas dedicated yesterday afternoon.Archbishop I'aul llruchesl of Mon-Ireal. conducting th. Impoalng cere-monies. A parade of the variousCatholic secret societies escortedArchbtehop llruchesl. Father He I*.bo*, vicar general at Tacoma;Father ii• -'..iitalii* and FatherCusey from Fifth avenu* and likestreet to the new building. Th*school wna built last summer stSixth and lt-11 street at a coat of117,000. It still be opened this week.The later* of the Holy Nin I willb* the teacher*. The course ofstudies « 111 he much ti- same a..

i that In the public schools with re-ligious training add.

The 11, .man and nm- l.riik.irinn werele »t.i. Hi KIM. el and the . 1 i-i--. . r I- cli .Injured by the ovrrturnliig of engineNo. • of the Columbia Ar I'nget Hooihl11.1111-.leet . c 111. \u00841.1 St * OCIOIJI )TCgtM*>-flay morning, em Ihe "V" twiweenIllack It ."I and Franklin. The.1.1 are;

1 HAM. IIIXUN. I.c .1- fi... who re-alded Willi ill* » .... at 70. il.ere n ave-nue-, f.e, I'l.

WIII.IAMPARKER. ' '\u25a0 '-\u25a0 \u25a0>• single.who 1. c 1.1. 1 nt ...-. 1.,,,,, street, Keallle,

J. tt. Mlrk*, tb* engineer, of \u25ba!\u25a0''.r t mi. avenue Mouth, this city, hailbl* left arm fractured and wus bruised..1.-.--. |ha boely, He will re-e*ove-r.

Th* ac.-lel.-nt was ....-• .1 by Ihedrive »i..i- of the engine cllmlilnglh* rail iiafter the train left Frank-lin for Heattle, After bouncing stung

the tl.a for a distance- of fifty fe-et. theengine. |-e|.|.l. -I over un Its I. fl ei.l-and foil down sn . \ 11 .1.1 fourIwl high. Two coal cars Immeellate-ly lee hind Ibe. engine- were also draggedfrum the track, and slopped the. pro.u-ei of the rest of th* i>..,ie in the


All bids for two Important publicImprovemeitta which wete openedby th* board of public works, Hat-urday, proved to be higher than thrlimit ot assessment and the Indica-tion* neiw ate that the completion

of the Improvement* will be delayed11111.-Ill,ll* I). -As a result th* resident* of liiook-lyn and Lotoita will be obliged te gowithout their much needed sewersystem. Cesspools »ill continue too.erflow Into Ih* streets and wills,

the ptlttcl|«l>j«mrce of the water,1! jell will continue to be contam-

inated.According lo Health Officer Lud-

low. If the sewer* ar* not built tie-fore th* next hot season ther* Isliable to be an epidemic of typhoidfever In lhat section of the cliy. .

The limit of assessment of thellrnoklyn sewer system was 1W.3P0.A bid of JJU.o.W. made by T. I. Peter-eon. wr* Ihe lowest, th* highest be-ing 111.000 In ejtoes* of that figure.

The 1.1.1 of P. Normlle A Co. forgrading Ttaenty.first avenue north,

was th* lowest, bill wii" ill." »24P Inaccess of the limit allowed by law.. i a


I WHAT PEOPLE SAY I: — JUIIKEIICHKIIBUIKUTo the Editor of Th*Blar:Tour hint hta recent 1.-e-e. thai Ihe

Important attained, commercially andotherwise, by lh* Parlflc Coast coun-try, warrant* the demand for hlghaiM-clttt representation at th. nation's cap-ital, accords with th* hitherto unex-pressed thoughts of th* «ftte I who,li.t.partisan In polities, ha* viewedwith an Impartial eye, and consideredwith an unbiased mii .1 tin deeet* andutterances -i many ft our pubMc ollt-dale. JTh* natural po*lt'o_^ the climate and

rie*eiurce» of thla itTpiilly developingpart of the I'iil..ll Im.e claimed theeager attention and unstinted patron-age of I \u0084t, in capitalist*, a* well a*a »leady and unprecedented immigra- jtion of worthy peopl* from .11. na-tions; a combination of circumstancesthat haa mad* It possible for * city

like- Seattle I" grow within a periodof years lifrlu.lrd 111 an ordinary life-time from a few log hut* to * busy

ea^.it of metropolitan dlmenalunt.whose more than ii hundred and fiftyjthousand Inhabitant! daily throng ll*Imposing thoroughfare*, Intent upon

all ut lha legitimate yur*ult» common





. .-> 1 -• were several paeetig>*ra.Ne-WS ,ef tlie Sff lliellt WrtS 1 .-.-. I.< d

In ;'- ii"i an hour Is leer, snd a wreck-log train w-e. at onoa .i- . \u0084... i...| lea

Ihe seene-t The engine !.,•. -i let i.a. *the- grounded i-iigln.->-t Attt Ihe ;•...., ll woe tnrnii l^fnre the engln*was re pin. c.l tm tlie track and Haiti*resumed.

li, \u0084...., !\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 wa* In tit* rngin*cab on the flt<*mi.ii'*ride Hulh It* an«aIhe l.r. in >• Jumi-e-d «a Ihe i-ngfiie rttam

on the rslio, but were ti»» late, aa a,

- I later the engine fell on tt-p t.tti.. in. mangling and scalding ihemhorribly. Hngtneer I licks reniieltieel alhis post und x •- 1,-irllilv shaken upand badly burned by i-onlect with tbahot boiler.

Kraitk IHson. the dead | brake-man.wan the a-.n ..f J. It. Dixon, who toryears wo* engineer of a train wliie 1

mv out ot Kcatllee. The young marerHiirne-d a short t.i \u25a0 -•... from th*17 *t he ais m-.rrlt-d.. I'arker. the de-ail 1.r.-t«»i>. was an e«---.:.. mat. srd waa taking the place ofWlltliein Mitchell Be re-giilar finmats.


(N. P.—Only picture of raid retl tor ever printed.)

Ie the trading cillis of the world.The time has come. then, when tli* of this shir c ! the continent•hould be duly irpt, .- it.-j in Ihe roun* '

ell chambers of the nation. And. *g

In the jmat "llir time kr.d th* man"have been coincident to the people'snereis, so now In the the man,imlnrtillyworthy of the highest bon-er* the nation ran besteew I* M hand.Can he be persuaded T Wlii 111.**whose duty ll i-t, select and nom-inate th* . ,et .11 i..t • fur the vice pre*l-.dency In the Iti;.-..'..- .t fjitv >.<. *.nlse at*_l ,\u25a0\u25a0.•!!, i-.. c.-l th* nnelouiitcd mer-it* of aoveror Mcllrlde fur that highofflcet

I What olhcr man can be found mora|IB harmony with Ihe Ju*t and Incor-ruptible policy of our pr**ent fi-arleiapresident? Or. who 1* more Ilk*lleeoawvelt In maintaining th* right* of th»AmAtmragainst th* sordid lnterr*ts ofthe frw, than Henrj Mcl»rlde% the•iradfost enemy of wealthy combln.*thst Indulge tn every ape-e-lr* of polit-

ical corruption to dtfeat the aim* if

Justice and lo rr due* a free-born peo-ple to th* condltleui of io'lplcs* IV*«.

ah- give* credit tee Ihe man of honor,rather than to the man of money; who,like our noble president. Is committedto higher. Ideals and art.tstrd bygrander elves. both in prlv»t* andIn public, lhan can b* assigned to th*narrow limit* .< party politic*? *

Sincerely. J. K. M 81IEA.1 Kent, Wash. __HOLD NATIONAL


HOWAUDSVILLE. Vt Nov. >.—The Hth annual field trial* of thoNational llcagle Club began todayon the preserves of Ur. Henry Dick*son limn*, near this place. Th* en.try list I* unusually luce a.. I of ahigh clnss and from Ihe preaent out-look the tnrct will be one of themost *ttcces*i«il ever pullod off un-der the auspice* of tha club.

FOILEDDl MOIN'KS, la Nov. 9.---An un-

known mm lies at the depot In Ihla

cite at th* point of death a. a result

of gtmshot wound* Inflicted by ItiXte'

Island detective* patrolling the rail-

road track* near T.arlham last'to ..t.iii on antldpa'ed '•<\u25a0'• trailrubbery.