oneida tribe of indians of wisconsin 1994-06-22 · oneida tribe of indians of wisconsin post office...

~ Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin Post Office Box 365 Phone: 869-2214 Oneida, WI 54155 UGWAOEMOlUM YATEHE Because of fhe hefp of fhls Oneida Chief In cementing a friendship belween the SIX nations and Ihe Colony 01 Pennsylvania. a new na- tIon the Unlled Siales was made PossIble OneIdas brIngIng several hundred' bags of corn to Washlnglons starvIng army al Valley Forge. aller Ine colonosts had conslslenlly refused to aId Ihem ArproueA o...;(J b!':2..Cf!QL-j ONEmA BUSINESS COMl\ofiTTEE MEETING RE GUI;AR ME ETIN G WEDNESDAY -JUNE 22, 1994 BUSINESS COMMI,.wl'EE CONFERENCE ROOM 9:00 A.M. Present: Deborah J. Doxtator-Chairwoman, Loretta Metoxen-Vice-Chairwoman, Russell Metoxen, Gary Jordan, Ernie Stevens, Jr., Sandra Ninham-Council Members Excused: Shirley Hill-Council Member (Vacation), Kathy Hughes-Treasurer, Julie Barton-Secretary (Travel) Others Present: Samantha Greendeer, Attorney Gerald L. Hill, Chris Doxtator, Nancy Pasterino, Joy Ninham, Eugene Powless, Trish Farmer, Elaine Cornelius, Mary Edna Greendeer, David Webster, James Elm, Dale Wheelock, Cathy Metoxen, Ernie Stevens, Sr., Donna Richmond, Roberta Kinzhuma, Paul Ninham, Debra Powless, Linda Dallas, Wanda Webster, Mike Lokensgard, Denise Vigue Prayer offered by Attorney GeraldL Hill L CALL TO ORDER: 9:02 A.M.; DEBORAH J. DOXTATO~ CHAIRWOMAN OATH OF OFFICE -ADMfNISTERED BY GARY JORDAN-COUNCIL MEMBER Patricia Cornelius -Land Committee John E. Theisen -Library Board Linda Nockideneh -Museum BQard Wayne Metoxen -Gaming Advisory Task Force Joy Ninham -Gaming Advisory Task Force Eugene Powless -Gaming Advisory Task Force BC Regular Meeting -=- June 22, 1994 Page 1

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Page 1: Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin 1994-06-22 · Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin Post Office Box 365 Phone: 869-2214 Oneida, WI 54155 UGWAOEMOlUM YATEHE Because of fhe hefp


Oneida Tribe of Indians of WisconsinPost Office Box 365

Phone: 869-2214 Oneida, WI 54155UGWAOEMOlUM YATEHEBecause of fhe hefp of fhlsOneida Chief In cementinga friendship belween theSIX nations and Ihe Colony01 Pennsylvania. a new na-tIon the Unlled Siales wasmade PossIble

OneIdas brIngIng severalhundred' bags of corn to

Washlnglons starvIng armyal Valley Forge. aller Inecolonosts had conslslenllyrefused to aId Ihem

ArproueA o...;(J




9:00 A.M.

Present: Deborah J. Doxtator-Chairwoman, Loretta Metoxen-Vice-Chairwoman,Russell Metoxen, Gary Jordan, Ernie Stevens, Jr., Sandra Ninham-CouncilMembers

Excused: Shirley Hill-Council Member (Vacation), Kathy Hughes-Treasurer, Julie

Barton-Secretary (Travel)

Others Present: Samantha Greendeer, Attorney Gerald L. Hill, Chris Doxtator,Nancy Pasterino, Joy Ninham, Eugene Powless, Trish Farmer,Elaine Cornelius, Mary Edna Greendeer, David Webster, JamesElm, Dale Wheelock, Cathy Metoxen, Ernie Stevens, Sr., DonnaRichmond, Roberta Kinzhuma, Paul Ninham, Debra Powless, LindaDallas, Wanda Webster, Mike Lokensgard, Denise Vigue

Prayer offered by Attorney Gerald L Hill


Patricia Cornelius -Land CommitteeJohn E. Theisen -Library BoardLinda Nockideneh -Museum BQardWayne Metoxen -Gaming Advisory Task ForceJoy Ninham -Gaming Advisory Task ForceEugene Powless -Gaming Advisory Task Force

BC Regular Meeting -=- June 22, 1994

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ll. APPROVAL OF AGENDAA. Additions: '

1. Bingo Pass Request for Special Gaming Advisory Task Force2. Special F & A Recommendations3. Travel request for Gary Jordan to Tulsa, Oklahoma4. Travel request (RETRO) for Gary Jordan and Russell Metoxen to

attend the WIGA meeting on June 20, 1994 in Stevens, Point, WI5. Oath of Office to be administered to the Gaming Advisory Task

Force (Wayne Metoxen, Joy Ninham, Eugene Powless) -6. Applicants for the Sm~ll Business Development Center -Gary

JordanMotion by Gary Jordan to approve the Business Committee agenda of June 22, 1994,with additions. Seconded by Russell Metoxen. Motion carried unanimously.




TABLED BUSINESS:1. Attorney Gerald L. Hill Travel Request: July 25-30, 1994 to

Georgia to attend the Unity 94' Convention.

Motion by Stevens, Jr. to take the travel request for Attorney Gerald L. Hill fromthe table. Seconded by Gary Jordan. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Ernie Stevens, Jr. to approve the travel reqnest for Attorney Gerald L. Hillfrom Jnly 25-30, 1994 to Georgia to attend the Unity 94' Convention and to have arepresentative from the Kalihwisaks and Sandra Ninham-Council Member attend also.Seconded by Loretta Metoxen. Motion carried unanimously.

VI. REPORTS1. HOTEL -1st Wednesday of Month -Pat Lassila


Month -Janet Hill/Carole LigginsWIGA REPORTS-2nd Wed. of Month -Russell Metoxen

OEI -3rd Wed. of Month -Gary MetoxenHOUSING-4TH WED. OF MONTH -DALE WHEELOCK-

ATTACHEDORCQA -4th Wed. of Month -Lee McLester

Motion by Gary Jordan to approve the Housing report as submitted by Dale Wheelock.Seconded by Sandra Ninham. Motion carried unanimously.

BC Regular Meeting =-June 22, 1994Page 2

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A) Employee RecognitionB) Approval Requested forC.) Hiring information: FOR INFORMATIDN DNLY...

Marjorie DeviUers (NI)-Enterprise Account Cferk; TracyVan Enkenvoort (D)-Intake Secretary/Receptionist ICW;Carole Metoxen (NI)-Secretary/Environmental Department;Julie King- TeUer D)-Secretary/Receptionist Custodial; Lisa

KeUy (D)~Dffice Manager-Social Services; Terry Cornelius-(D)-Internal Auditor Trainee; Theresa Powless (DI)-Giftedffalented Teacher; Thomas Burke (I)-High SchoolMath/Science Teacher; Bobbi Jo King (I)-Secretary/PublicWorks; Linda Wohlfeil (NI)-Giftedffalented Teacher; ForrestBrooks (DI)-Dneida Language/Culture High School Teacher;Denis GuUickson (NI)-High School Language Arts Teacher;James Tilot (NI), Joanne Smith (NI), David Keehan (NI)-Account Clerks/NHC; Maedi Drew (N), Jean Howard (N)-Child Care Supervisor/Airport Facility; Vince Delarosa (D),Carmen Pasquale (D), Gladys Danforth (D), Carol Demoulin(D)-SurveiUance Dfficers; Shad Webster (D)-ConservationWarden; Lee Domenich (O)-Custodial Warehouse Assistant;Jacqueline Smith (0), Barbara HiU-Hawkins (D), EdnaCornelius-Grosskopf (0), Toni House (O)-ContinousImprovement Specialists; Alan Handrick (NI)-WeUnessSpecialist; Nancy DaUas (D)-Mail Clerk/NHC

D) TRANSFERS/PROMOTIONS/REASSIGNMENTSE) Limited Term Employees (for Information Only)




FOLLOW UP REPORTS/BC DIRECnVES FROM PREVIOUSMEETINGSA. Report from General Manager on the Comprehensive Master

Plan for the Recreation Department

David Webster noted that Paul Ninham, consultant, had submitted a draft of the Planfor the Recreation Department to the General Manager.

Loretta Metoxen noted that we need this plan done as soon as possible to meet the needsof the community and the budget process.

BC Regular Meeting -=- June 22, 1994

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Paul Ninham noted that he will submit a written draft of the Plan for the RecreationDepartment to the Business Committee in two weeks and will begin a needs assessmentof the community which can be presented on approximately July 15, 1994.

Paul stated that timelines need to be established and that he will write them up and getthem to David Webster and the Business Committee this afternoon.

The 1st draft will be ready in two weeks -July 6, 1994The second draft will be ready July 15, 1994The third draft will be ready August 12, 1994The final draft will be ready August 26, 1994

Motion by Ernie Stevens, Jr. to direct the General Manager to report the timelines ofdevelopment and a written summary of the Comprehensive Master Plan for theRecreation Department by Paul Ninham by next Wednesday's Business CommitteeMeeting. Seconded by Loretta Metoxen. Motion carried unanimously.

B. Report from Treasurer on request from the Native AmericanFinance

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to grant a two week extension for this report, seconded bySandra Ninham. Motion carried nnanimously.





Finance Planning Recommendations of June 17, 1994 -Bruce


1. Retirement Package/RECOMMENDATION: Julie Bartonmade a motion to approve a new retirement package and forthe CFO to move foreward implementing the package.Employees who have worked one full year as of December31, 1994 and worked a minimum of 1000 hours are eligible.Vesting in the plan is proposed to be 50% from 1-3 yearsand 100% beginning the 4th year. Employer contribution is$250 (every year) minimum contribution for all eligibleemployees. The Tribe will match employee contributions toan after tax plan up to a maximum of $1,800 annually. Theimplementation schedule for the plan is August 1, 1994 fortribal contrution and January 1, 1995 for employee

BC Regular Meeting -= June 22, 1994

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contribution, also M&I as interim administrator until RFP'sare sent out an a permanent administrator is chosen. CFOto send out memo notifying employees. Russell Metoxenseconded the motion, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to omit Item #1 on the Finance and Appropriations request,Page 1 and to adopt the recommendation on Page 2 dated June 17, 1994 and to requesta legal review by next week of this impact. Seconded by Gary Jordan. Motion carriedunanimously. -

2. Benefits Package/RECOMMENDA TION: Shirley Hillmade a motion to recommend to the HRD Task Force amore specific definition on the area exempt vs. non-exemptstatus. Russell Metoxen seconded the motion, motion carried


Motion by Gary Jordan to approve the request for the Human Resources DepartmentTask Force to give a more specific definition ou the area exempt vs. non-exempt status.Seconded by Ernie Stevens, Jr. Motion carried unanimously.

B. Special Finance & Appropriations Recommendations of June14, 1994 -Bruce King

1. Agnes Powless Residential Repair/RECOMMENDATION:Shirley Hill made a motion to refer this request to theGeneral Manager to pass thru existing Home Repair Budget.Russell Metoxen seconded the motion, motion carried


Motion by Gary Jordan to approve the recommendation to refer the request for theAgnes Powless Residential Repair to the General Manager to pass thru existing HomeRepair Budget. Seconded by Ernie Stevens, Jr. Motion carried unanimously.

2. Kenny & James Martin/RECOMMENDA nON: ShirleyHill made a motion to approve the amount of $500 dollars toKenny Martin and for the funds to come from the EducationDonation Line item; also this request should be referred tothe Higher Education Department for consideration. RussellMetoxen seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Sandra Ninham to approve the recommendation for Kenny Martin and toincrease the amount to $1,000 and for the funds to come from the Education DonationLine item; also that this request be referred to the Higher Education Department for

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consideration. Seconded by Gary Jordan. Abstained by Lorettat Metoxen. Motioncarried.

FOR THE RECORD: Gary Jordan noted that this individual is seeking to become aprofessor and it is important to support these efforts as they are our Nation's priority.

3. Elliot Kindness/RECOMMENDATION: Shirley Hillmade a motion to approve the amount of $435.07 to ElliottKindness and for the funds to come from the Social DonationLine item. Russell Metoxen seconded the motion, motioncarried unanimously.

Motion by Sandra Ninham to approve the recommendation for the amount of $435.07to Elliott Kindness and for the funds to come from the Social Donation Line item.Seconded by Gary Jordan. Motion carried unanimously.

4. Kate Stevens/RECOMMENDA TION: Shirley Hill made amotion for the amount not to exceed $500.00 and for thefunds to come from the Social Donation Line item also that astatement from the Landlord be required before payment;also, Ms Stevens is to approach Community Support for theSecurity Deposit. Russell Metoxen seconded the motion,motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Sandra Ninham to approve the recommendation for the amount not to exceed$500.00 and for the funds to come from the Social Donation Line item also that astatement from the Landlord be required before payment; also, Ms. Stevens is toapproach Community Support for the Security Deposit. Seconded by Ernie Stevens, Jr.Motion carried unanimously.

5. Bernard Stevens/RECOMMENDATION: RussellMetoxen made a motion to approve the amount of $300dollars ($100 x 3 Oneida Children) and for the monies tocome from the Social Donation line item. Shirley Hin.seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Jordan to approve the recommendation for the amount of $300 dollars($100 x 3 Oneida Children) and for the monies to come from the Social Donation lineitem. Seconded by Loretta Metoxen. Motion carried unanimously.

6. Albert King/RECOMMENDATION: Russell Metoxenmade a motion to refer this request to Deanna Bauman,Comprehensive Health Manager, and for her to research and.

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bring a status report back to the F&A meeting on July 14,1994. Shirley Hill seconded the motion, motion carried


Motion by Gary Jordan to approve the recommendation to refer this request to theGeneral Manager and for him to research and bring a status report back to the F &Ameeting on July 14, 1994. Seconded by Sandra Ninham. Motion carried unanimously.

7. Newist/RECOMMENDATION: Shirley Hill made a -motion to approve $2,500 dollars to NEWIST and to requesta tape on the date violence program for the Oneida NationLibrary. Russell Metoxen seconded the motion, motioncarried unanimously.

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to approve the recommendation for $2,500 dollars toNEWIST and to request a tape on the date violence program for the Oneida NationLibrary. Seconded by Gary Jordan. Motion carried unanimously.

8. Handprints/RECOMMENDATION: Shirley Hill made amotion to deny this request. Russell Metoxen seconded themotion, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Jordan to approve the recommendation to deny the request fromHandprints. Seconded by Sandra Ninham. Motion carried unanimously.

Deborah J. Doxtator-Chairwoman requested that in the denial letter, it be noted thatthe Tribe has already given a donation.

9. UWGB Phoenix Fund-AnnualMembership/RECOMMENDA TION: Kathy Hughesrecommended that a $100 annual membership be providedfor through the Business Committee budget.

Motion by Sandra Ninham to approve the recommendation that a $100 annualmembership be provided for through the Business Committee budget. Seconded byRussell Metoxen. Motion carried unanimously.

Gary Jordan noted that we should also send along Oneida Nation information/mediapackets to be distributed to players.

10. Big Brothers/Big Sisters 1994 FriendsAssociation/RECOMMENDATION: Shirley Hill made amotion to approve $1,000 dollars .to Big Brothers/Big Sisters

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and for the funds to come from the Social Donation line item.Russell Metoxen seconded the motion, motion carried


Motion by Sandra Ninham to approve the recommendation to approve $1,000 dollars toBig Brothers/Big Sisters and for the funds to come from the Social Donation item.Seconded by Loretta Metoxen. Motion carried unanimously.

11. Bay Area Humane Society & Animal -

Shelter/RECOMMENDATION: Shirley Hill made a motionto approve $2,500 dollars to the Bay Area Humane Societyand Animal Shelter and for the funds to come from theSocial Donation Line item. Russell Metoxen seconded themotion, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Sandra Ninham to deny the recommendation of $2,500 dollars to the BayArea Humane Society and Animal Shelter. Seconded by Gary Jordan. Abstained byRussell Metoxnen Motion carried unanimously.

12. AmerIndian Center/NewCapAgency/RECOMMENDATION: Shirley Hill made a motionto approve $450 dollars to the AmerIndian Center/NewcapAgency and for the funds to come from the EducationDonation line item. Russell Metoxen seconded the motion,motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Sandra Ninham to approve the recommendation to approve $450 dollars tothe Amerindian Center/Newcap Agency and for the funds to come from the EducationDonation line item. Seconded by Gary Jordan. Motion carried unanimously.

13.. Paul Ficarra/RECOMMENDATION: Shirley Hill madea motion to deny due to a lack of funding and out of theservice area. Russeli Metoxen seconded the motion, motioncarried unanimously.

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to approve the recommendation to deny the Paul Ficarrarequest due to a lack of funding and because it is out of the service area. Seconded bySandra Ninham. Motion carried unanimously.

14. United Way of Brown County/RECOMMENDATION:Shirley Hill made a motion to refer this request to theGeneral Manager, Russell Metoxen seconded the motion,motion carried unanimously.

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Motion by Loretta Metoxen to approve the recommendation to refer this request to theGeneral Manager. Seconded by Gary Jordan. Abstained by Ernie Stevens, Jr. Motioncarried.

15. Iroquois Nationals La Crosse/RECOMMENDATION:Shirley Hill made a motion to approve $500 for One Oneidato attend and for the funds to come from the Athletic,Donation Line item. Russell Metoxen seconded the motion,motion carried unanimously. -

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to send this request back to F and A for clarificationregarding what exactly is their request. Seconded by Gary Xordan. Motion carried

unanimously. "

16. Lac Du Flambeau Band-Fair Labor StandardsAct/RECOMMENDATION: Shirley Hill made a motion torefer this request to the Legal Department for review and toreport back to the Committee on July 14,1994. RussellMetoxen seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to approve the recommendation to refer this request to theLegal Department for review and to report back to the Committee on July 14, 1994.Seconded by S.andra Ninham. Motion carried unanimously.

17. 4TH Annual Oneida YouthConference/RECOMMENDA TION: Shirley Hill made amotion to approve solicitation of vendors to be coordinatedwith the Communications Department, Russell Metoxenseconded the motion, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Sandra Ninham to approve recommendation for the solicitation of vendors tobe coordinated with the Communications Department for the 4th Annual Oneida YouthConference. Seconded by Gary Jordan. Motion carried unanimously.

Ernie Stevens, Jr. recommnded that this event be placed in their budget plan/process

for the next year.

18. NICOA Travel Costs/RECOMMENDA TION: ShirleyHill made a motion to approve $33,460 to NICOA and forthe funds to be identified by the Treasurer and CFO fromthe NCAI/NIGA budgets. Russell Metoxen seconded themotion, motion carried unanimously.

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Loretta Metoxen suggested that there be a meeting with the ORCOA Board and theBusiness Committee in regard to the benefits the elderly in Oneida have.

Ernie Stevens, Jr. suggested that the 3 Year Plan for Older People have a Community


Artley Skenandore suggested that within the survery there be outlined what benefits areavailable to the elderly.

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to approve the recommendation and direct the GeneralManager to design a survey of the benefits of the Oneida elders and bring back theresults to the Business Committee in thirty (30) days. Seconded by Sandra Ninham.Motion carried unanimously.

19. USFWS Fish Contaminant Study of DuckCreek/RECOMMENDA TION: Shirley Hill made a motionto refer this request to the General Manager. RussellMetoxen seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to approve recommendation to refer this request to theGeneral Manager. Seconded by Ernie Stevens, Jr. Motion carried unanimously.

20. Sponsorship for Badger StateGames/RECOMMENDA TION: Shirley Hill made a motionto refer this request to the General Manager for budgetmodification to handle request. Russell Metoxen secondedthe motion, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Jordan to approve recommendation to refer this request to the GeneralManager for budget modification to handle this request. Seconded by Lorettat Metoxen.Motion carried unanimously.


21. Oneida Nation Veterans ServiceOffice/RECOMMENDATION: Russell Metoxen made amotion to approve $500 to the Oneida Nation VeteransService Office and for the funds to come from the SocialDonation Line Item. Shirley Hill seconded the motion,motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Ernie Stevens, Jr to approve recommendation to approve $500 to the OneidaNation Veterans Service Office and for the funds to come from the Social Donation Line

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-- '-=

22. Oneida Community Library/RECOMMENDATION:Shirley Hill made a motion to refer this request to theGeneral Manager for consideration. Russell Metoxenseconded the motion, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Loretta V. Metoxen to approve recommendation to refer this reqnest to theGeneral Manager for consideration. Seconded by Gary Jordan. Motion carried -


23. Oneida Community Library

BoardfRECOMMENDATION: Shirley Hill made a motionto refer this request to the General Manager forconsideration. Russell Metoxen seconded the motion, motioncarried unanimously.

Motion by Ernie Steven, Jr to approve recommendation to refer this request to theGeneral Manager for consideration. Seconded by Loretta Metoxen. Gary Jordanabstained. Motion carried.

24. Oneida Nation Farms-2nd AnnualPicnic/RECOMMENDA TION: Shirley Hill made a motionto refer this request to the General Manager forconsideration. Russell Metoxen seconded the motion, motioncarried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Jordan to approve the recommendation to refer this request to theGeneral Manager for consideration and that the General Manager report back within 3weeks. Seconded by Ernie Stevens, Jr. Motion carried unanimously.

25. Lora Waupekenay/RECOMMENDATION: RussellMetoxen made a motion to refer this request back to theapplicant to be itemized. Shirley Hill seconded the motion,motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Jordan to approve a donation of $150.00 to come from the SocialDonation Line. Seconded by Loretta Metoxen. Motion carried unanimously.

26. Theresa M. Skenandore/RECOMMENDA TION: ShirleyHill made a motion to approve 3 (24 hours) vacation days bereplenished from the Catastrophic Accident/lliness budget toTheresa Skenandore's vacation hours. Russell Metoxen

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seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Jordan to approve the recommendation to approve 3 vacation days (24hours) be replenished from the Catastrophic Accident/Dlness budget to TheresaSkenandore's vacation hours. Seconded by Loretta Metoxen. Motion carried


27. John E. Powless, Jr./RECOMMENDATION: ShirleyHill made a motion to approve $2,596 from the CatastroplricAccident/lliness and for John E. Powless, Jr. to provide anequipment list to the F&A Committee. Russell Metoxenseconded the motion, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Ernie Stevens, Jr. to approve the recommendation to approve $2,596 from theCatastrophic Accident/Dlness and for John E. Powless, Jr. to provide an equipment listto the F&A Committee. Seconded by Sandra Ninham. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to inventory the equipment purchased through Finance andAppropriations and bring back a plan to the Business Committee. Seconded by ErnieStevens, Jr. Motion carried unanimously.

28. Bay Bank/RECOMMENDA TION: Shirley Hill made amotion to approve $29,000 to purchase computer equipmentand lease to Bay Bancorporation. Russell Metoxen secondedthe motion, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to approve recommendation to approve $29,000 to purchasecomputer equipment and lease this equipment to Bay Bancorporation. Seconded byGary Jordan. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Jordan that legal council is to work with the CFO on the lease of thecomputors to Baybank. Seconded by Ernie Stevens, Jr. Motion carried unanimously.

29. Holy Apostles/RECOMMENDA TION: Shirley Hillmade a motion to approve $1,300 to the Holy ApostlesChurch and the funds to come from the Religious DonationLine item. Russell Metoxen seconded the motion, motioncarried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Jordan to approve recommendation to approve $1,300 to the HolyApostles Chnrch ,and for the funds to come from the Religious Donation Line item.Seconded by Russell Metoxen. Motion carried unanimously.

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C. Special F & A Meeting1. Susie Hill Request/Recommendation: F & A recommends

$500 from the Social Donation Line Item.

Motion by Ernie Stevens, Jr. to approve $900.00 for a vehicle to meet transporationneeds and that she request arrangements through the medi-van if available. Secondedby Russell Metoxen. Motion carried unanimously. -

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to amend motion that Sue Hill be requested to utilize allagencies available to her in conclusion to great need for safe, reliable transportation.Seconded Russell Metoxen. Motion carried unanimously.

Loretta Metoxen suggested that the individual coordinate with the Health Center fortransportation needs.


1. RESOLUTIONS1. Now therefore be it resolved that the Oneida Business

Committee adopts on an interim basis, for a period not toexceed six (6) months, the policy to cancel a duly calledGeneral Tribal Council Meeting when a death of a TribalMember occurs in the community and the Wake and/orFuneral Service will occur on the same day as the GeneralTribal Council Meeting -Kathy Hughes

WHEREAS, there is a need to establish a policy governing the cancelling of duly calledGeneral Tribal Council Meetings when a death in the community occurs, and

WHEREAS, the Legislative Operating Committee is drafting a policy and resolution forthe General Tribal Council to act upon.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the Oneida Business Committee adoptson an interim basis, for a period not to exceed six (6) months, the policy to cancel a dulycalled General Tribal Council meeting when a death of a Tribal Member occurs in thecommunity and the Wake and/or Funeral Service will occur on the same day as theGeneral Tribal Council Meeting.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED: that the Oneida Business Committee will reschedule acancelled meeting at the earliest time possible to be held within thirty (30) days from theoriginal date.

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Motion by Gary Jordan to adopt resolution #6-22-94-A. Seconded by Sandra Ninham.Motion carried unanimously.


A. Gaming Advisory Task Force (40) -Nancy Pasterino

Motion by Gary Jordan to approve the Bingo Pass request for the Gaming AdvisoryTask Force-40 passes. Seconded by Ernie Stevens, Jr. Motion carried unanimously.

3. REQUESTSA. Land Committee Minutes of June 13, 1994 -Chris Doxtator

1. Concept of town houses (4) at Standing Stone.

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to approve recommendation. Seconded by Gary Jordan.Motion carried unanimously.

2. Decline approval for sub-lease agreement with Larry Langhon and NCS


Motion by Loretta Metoxen to defer until Attorney Mike Lokensgard is present.Seconded by E.rnie Stevens, Jr. Motion carried unanimously.

Attorney Mike Lokensgard noted that there is no required action needed at this time.

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to table the sub-lease agreement with Larry Langhon untilthere is addditonal information provided. Seconded by Sandra Ninham. Motion carried


Motion by Loretta Metoxen to request the Law Department to provide options ofpurchase of Larry Langhon as a long-term goal within three (3) months. Seconded byGary Jordan. Motion carried unanimously.

3. Residential Lease of Melinda Danforth (Resolution to be adopted)

Motion by Gary Jordan to approve and adopt resolution 6-22-94-B. Seconded byRussell Metoxen. Motion carried unanimously.

Residential Lease of Isaac & June Cornelius (Resolution to be adopted)4.

Motion by Rnssell Metoxen to approve and adopt resolution #6-22-94-C. Seconded byLoretta Metoxen. Motion carried unanimously.

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Motion by Sandra Ninham to adopt resolution #6-22-94-D. Seconded by LorettaMetoxen. Motion carried unanimously.-



Motion by Loretta Metoxen to adopt resolution #6-22-94-F. Seconded by SandraNinham. Motion carried unanimously.

8. Residential Land Application for Michael Jordan

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to approve recommendation. Seconded by Sandra Ninham.Motion carried unanimously.


Agreement to Lease (former Basement Bar) to Star Electric for one Year(Shannon Stone)

Motion by Gary Jordan to approve recommendation. Seconded by Loretta Metoxen.Motion carried unanimously.

10. Agreement to InterTribal Leases to Promotions at HC Miller, and HousingDepartment at former OTE-Freedom Road.

Motion by Gary Jordan to approve recommendation. Seconded by Loretta Metoxen.Motion carried unanimously.

11. To lease vacant Schneider Building to Scott Denny for photography studio.

Motion by Gary Jordan to approve rcommendation. Seconded by Loretta Metoxen.Motion carried unanimously.


To lease land to Reverend Lonnie Johnson for horses.

Motion by Ernie Stevens, Jr. to approve recommendation. Seconded by Gary Jordan.Motion carried nnanimously.

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To authorize Cattle Farm to plant sweet corn at Basement Bar site forcommunity use.

Motion by Sandra Ninham to approve Fecominendation. Seconded by Ernie Stevens, Jr.Motion carried unanimously.

14. Approve beneficiary requests of Dellora Cornelius and Larry and JoyCornelius.

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to approve recommendation. Seconded by Ernie Stevens,Jr. Motion carried unanimously.


Approve the Assignment of Lease to Associated Bank for Michael Jordan.

Motion by Sandra Ninham to approve recommendation. Seconded by Loretta Metoxen.Motion carried unanimously.

16. Approve the Agricultural Applications of B:ernard Cornelius and CarolMetoxen.

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to approve recommendation. Seconded by Sandra Ninham.Motion carried unanimously.

17. Approve sub-lease of Milton Dallas for one year to daughter and son-in-law.

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to approve recommendation. Seconded by Ernie Stevens,Jr. Motion carried unanimously.

18. Approve 2 new renters (1 year Lease) Kermit Jordan, Hobart Drive, andNoel Cleven, Service Road.

Motion by Ernie Stevens, Jr. to approve recommendation. Seconded by Sandra Ninham.Motion carried unanimously.

Approve 2 new occupants (1 year) at trailer court, Eli Webster andRichard Prevost.

Motion by Sandra Ninham to approve recommendation. Seconded by Ernie Stevens, Jr.Abstained by Loretta Metoxen. Motion carried.

19. Approve renewals at trailer park (1 year) for Don Braeger, SpencerCornelius (6 months), Jamie Stevens (month-to-month) and Amy Vaughn.

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-- ~

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to approve recommendation. Seconded by Sandra Ninham.Motion carried unanimously.

20. Sherman Thomas renewal for 1 year lease.

Motion by Gary Jordan to approve recommendation. Seconded by Sandra Ninham.Motion carried unanimously.

21. Approve the new DREAM loan to Art Skenandore on Cooper Road.

Motion by Ernie Stevens, Jr. to approve recommendation. Seconded by Sandra Ninham.Motion carried unanimously.

B. Request from Oneida Community Library to post for vacantboard position on Oneida Nations Art Board -JudyCornelius

With the resignation of Charlie Hornett the Oneida Nation Arts Board would like to

post the vacancy.

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to approve request to post for vacancy on the Oneida NationArts Board. Seconded by Sandra Ninham. Motion carried unanimously.

Request for support from the Council for American IndianRecognition -Paul M. Allen


They are requesting that the Oneida Tribe adopt a resolution or forward a letter of support for

the purpose of establishing a national holiday.

Motion by Gary Jordan to send the request for support from the Council for AmericanIndian Recognition by Paul M. Allen to the Legislative Operating Committee and tocome back with a report within two weeks. Seconded by Loretta Metoxen. Motion

carried unanimously.

Request from United Way of Brown County -Deborah J.


Deborah Doxtator has received an invitation to serve on the Board of Directors of the UnitedWay. She is seeking a recommendation from the Business Committee as to whether or notwe want to participate in this organization, and if so, she would like someone other than

herself to serve.

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E. Resolution regarding Attorney contracts -Deborah J.Doxtator

Request is to send the Draft of the resolution regarding Attorney Contracts to the LegislativeOperating Committee for review and to provide a statement of effect. And also would like torequest that this issue be expedited.

WHEREAS, the Oneida Business Committee has been delegated the responsibility ofArticle IV of the Constitution, specifically 1. (b) regarding employment of legal counsel,and

WHEREAS, the Oneida Tribe has entered into a Self-Governance Compact with the---

WHEREAS, various sub-entities of the Oneida Tribe are authorized and funded by theOneida Busine~s Committee and or the Oneida General Tribal Council to employ legalcounsel there are presently no rules governing the manner or qualifications for suchemployment, and

WHEREAS, the Oneida Business Committee has directed the creation of an Oneida BarAssociation, whose responsibilities inpart would include establishing qualifications andlicensing of attorneys to practice within the Oneida Governmental system but which hasnot yet been accomplished, and

WHEREAS, the Oneida Business Committee is presently considering an Attorney Codeof Ethics presented by Attorney Patricia Brzezinski

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that all sub-entities of the Oneida Tribe beinformed that employment of all legal counsel must be by contract and approved by theOneida Business Committee and that employment of all such counsel held in abeyancepending enactment of an ordinance or regulation establishing the process for engaginglegal counsel.

Motion by Loretta Metoxen to adopt resolution #6-22-94-G. Seconded by Gary Jordan.Motion carried unanaimously.

BC Regular Meeting :- June 22, 1994Page 18

federal government which in some limits the requirements for Secretarial review ofattorney contracts, and

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Motion by Gary Jordan to have the Law Department provide a Statement of Effect.Seconded by Loretta Metoxen. Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion on needs of legal spokepeople/advocates and/or Public Defendors Office to theGeneral Tribal Council.

F. Oral Presentation from Hugh Danforth regarding theupcoming GLITC meeting

This agenda item was deferred due to Hugh Danforth's absence.

Request from HONOR -Julie BartonG.

HONOR has presented a check to the Oneida Tribe for a donation to either cover the costs oftaking care of the land that they donated to the Tribe or for the drummers that participatedthat day. (June 17, 1994). Sharon Metz suggested that the check gets divided evenly betweenthe Land Office and the drummers.

Motion by Gary Jordan to give the Land Office $400.00 to be utilized for the care andupkeep of the plot of land, and the remaining $100.00 be donated to the drummers thatparticipated on June 17, 1994. Seconded by Russell Metoxen. Motion carried


Request from Linda DallasH.

Linda Dallas is requesting the statistics of how many tribal members have been terminated,suspended, or disciplined according to the Blue Book in the past three years. Also, howmany tribal members have resigned or transferred within the past six months versus one year.She would also like to clarify the Business Committee response to Cathy L. Metoxen's requestthat was made on June 8, 1994 during the Regular Wednesday Business Committee Meeting.

She is requesting once again, that proper notice be given to all (each and every) members ofthe Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin. Requesting to discuss the meeting that is to be

held on June 27, 1994.

Loretta Metoxen read motion from the Business Committee meeting of June 8, 1994, to

clarify action taken.

Deborah J. Dox.tator, Chairwoman advised that she will attending these meetings

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For employees to attend the Special General Tribal Council Meeting of Monday, June 27,1994, must get approval by their supervisor.

Artley Skenandore noted that every one has to be a part, commit to make themselves a partof, the solution as well as start dealing with specifics rather than generalizations.

This statement will be considered as an opening statement.

Motion by Ernie Stevens, Jr. to recess for one hour. No second.Motion withdrawn.

Motion by Gary Jordan to direct the General Manager to request the Gaming Managerto allow Gaming supervisors to excuse tribal employees to attend the Special GeneralTribal Council Meeting regarding Gaming Concerns on June 27, 1994, withcompensation within their paid work schedule. Seconded by Ernie Stevens, Jr. Motioncarried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Jordan to direct the General Manger to provide statistics available tothe Tribal Secretary of how many tribal members have been terminated, suspended, ordisciplined according to the Blue Book in the past three (3) years as relevant to LindaDallas' request by Monday, June 27, 1994 at Noon. Seconded by Ernie Stevens, Jr.Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Jordan to dev.eop delegates for General Tribal Council and he willpresent a resolution at the GTC meeting of June 27, 1994.

Appointment of the Interim Approval Board for the Oneida SmallBusiness Development Center (Addition)


Motion by Gary Jordan to appoint Alan Cornelius, Daniel Hawk, Gary A. Smith,Raeanne Skenandore, Denise J. Vigue, Grace Koehler, and Janice ffirth to the InterimApproval Board of the Oneida Small Business Development Center. Seocnded bySandra Ninahm. Motion carried unnanimously.


Brickman MetoxenB. FOR INFORMATION: Cheney & Mills Contract-Brian

DoxtatorC. FOR INFORMATION: Scott Bill -Kenneth MetoxenD. FOR INFORMATION: Rod Hill -Kenneth MetoxenE. FOR INFORMATION: Johnson Institute -Gloria


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FOR INFORMATION: Madison Valuation Associates, Inc.-Neil CorneliusFOR APPROVAL: Fred Nahwooksy -Denise Vigue

Gary Jordan noted that the Business Committee had concerns of the 12-Step Process and ifthe $25,000 was a standard amount for relocation.

Motion by Gary Jordan to approve the contract for Fred Nahwooksy. Seconded byErnie Stevens, Jr. Motion carried unanimously.

5. TRAVEL REQUESTSA. Julie Barton: RETRO, to San Francisco, CA June 20-23,


Motion by Gary Jordan to approve the retroactive approval for Julie Barton travelrequest to San Francisco, CA June 20-23, 1994. Seconded by Russell Metoxen. Motioncarried unanimously.

B. Requests from Deborah Doxtator (see memo)

Deborah Doxtator is requesting the following:


I. would like to request approval to travel to Chicago, IL to completeresearch at NAES College for the project that I am assigned to completethrough the Ambassadors Program. (June 24, 1994)

Motion by Gary Jordan to approve the request for Deborah J. Doxtator-Chairwoman totravel to Chicago, II. to complete research at NAES College for the project that she isassigned to complete through the Ambassadors Program. (June 24, 1994) and to attendthe GLffC meeting in Milwaukee on June 25, 1994. Seconded by Russell Metoxen.Abstained by Sandra Ninham. Motion carried unanimously.


I would like to request approval to attend the 'GLITC in Milwaukee. Thefollowing items also need formal Business Committee approval

A. Retroactive approval to send a letter to GLITC insupport of the Medical and health career scholarshipprogram, and that the request for the $1,000 donationtowards support of this project be forwarded to theFinance & Appropriation Committee for identificationof funds.

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Nominations for GLITC's Annual Awards: Past nomineeswere Sparky Waukau, Sharon Metz and Frank Boyle. TheOneida Business Committee needs to make nominations -available to the GLITC prior to their July 19th meeting.

Motion by Gary Jordan to nominate Bruce King, the Chief Financial Officer forGLITC's Annual Awards. Seconded by Russell Metoxen. Motion carried unanimously.


Gary Jordan: July 7 -8, 1994 to Tulsa, Oklahoma RE:NIGA/NCAI Task Force

Motion by Ernie Stevens, Jr. to approve travel for Gary Jordan to Tulsa, Oklahoma toattend the NIGA/NCAI meeting. Seconded by Russell Metoxen. Abstained by GaryJordan. Motion carried.

D. Gary Jordan/Russell Metoxen: RETRO Approval needed toattend the WIGA meeting on June 20, 1994 in Stevens Point,Wisconsin.

Motion by Ernie Stevens, Jr. to approve RETRO Approval needed to attend the WIGAmeeting on June 20, 1994 in Stevens Point, Wisconsin for Russell Metoxen and GaryJordan. Seconded by Sandra Ninham. Abstained by Russell Metoxen and Gary Jrodan.Motion carried.


Respectfully Submitted,

Q~~:1~~~~:!-Pat Moore, Recording Secretary forJulie Barton, Tribal Secretary

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