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!NCO Journal Vol 7,No. 2 Sp<Ing 1997

Published Quarterly by the U.S. Army

Sergeants Major Academy COL Robert L. Jordon, Jr.

Commandan1, USASMA

CSM Henry D. Bono Command Sergean1 MajOr

SGM Karon Murdock Edllor-in·Chiel

Jim Collins Managing Edllor, Layout & Design

MSG Gabe Vega Gtt!pllics

SSG David Abrams Senior Joumnlist

SPC Glenn Dennard lilus1ralor

The NCO JotJmlJI Is a ixotesslonal pu~r;on t0t Nonoommis.1ioned Ofl.cer1 of lhl: U.S. Army V10W1 ••preaed ht""n are those at tM authon. Views and aon1etrLS do 001 necessanly reflec11 the ol'lolal Army or Oepanment of oe•nse pos1oon1 and do noc change at supersede inklfm.aUOn II'\ other 01tci11l IJ'A)ltca11ons

Our n'll$Uln 11 llO ptOVldo 1 lorum l0t 1he open ex· ctionge ol ideas and .nbmauon. 10 1u~ trrunlng, aducatiOn end <levelopmenl of the NCO CQl'PI and 10 lotter 1 closer bond among dS menlbel'I

Tho SecretatY ol 1he Army approved Nnds tor prinl· •no d'\11 pub!ICIJ!on on Jan 9, 1991, m 19oc;cwdance with prcM..,,,. OI AR 2&30.

oi.rrlbutlon:Tti. Journ1ltJ dlllnb.i!Bd through lhe ll.S. Army Publicotioos CentOf, 2800 EaSla<n Blvd • B"'llmont, MD 21220-2896 (Pl1ono (410) 682·8528 or DSN 584 3775.) Unns or offices w!tti valid publlca nons accounts can rooo1ve 1tie Jourmtl oy having ltleir publlcarlons oftloe submit DA Form 12·99 tor lnciJsion ., tho 12-terles requ.i-ements C12·05 8lock 0041)

Subcc:riptlons : To omot-thla periodical lor one year c.1• 1'1N 1'CO Journal (NCOJ) and send a Chlelk !Ot $18.00 ($20 00 t0telgn) OJI V~A Ot MastOf card numbet 1nd explrahon oale ID St4>&1intenden1 ot Oooum811ts, PO. Box 37 1954 P•11SburQh, PA t5250-7954 Telepnc>ne creor1 C8ld orders can be macJe trom 8 a m ID 4 p m ea11om lime. to (202) 512· 1800 Credit card orders can be taxed 2~ h®rs 1 doy 10 (202> S12·2250 Submln~1; Pnnc and v1suo1 subm1saion1 ol gen

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Tho NCO Jouma/ (ISSI< lOSS.9058) ii ,..,ilshed quane11y by 1he U.S. Army serge.ants ~-\ajor AcaOGITI)', 11291 SGTE Churchill SI. ft Bliss., TX 79918--8002 Seoond t las1 poctaoa II pa.k:I a l El Paso, TX and al 1ddil1onal m111hng othces.

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inside bacl< cover pago9

11&f 1·1ii.f f *ff i''i I News and Issues ......................................... .............. 1 Notable NCOs ................................ ........................... 6 Warrant Olficer Opportunlties .................................... 9 Strategies for Sergeant

and Staff Sergeant PromoUon .......................... 10 New Personnel Policies Brighten Retention,

Promotion Picture For Some Soldiers ............. 14 (Almost) Everything You Need to Know

About the Centralized Promotion System ........ 16 Now I lay my rucksack down .................................... 18 Retaining Quality Soldiers ....................................... 19 30-Polnt Checklist To Promote Privates ................... 20 Origin of the NCO Creed

Still Searching .................................................... 21 Bugs Mug Soldiers .................................................. 22 Dealing With Failure ................................................ 24 Letters to the Editor .................................................. 26 Book Reviews ......................................................... 28


Front cover photo by SSG David Abrams. Graphics Inside back cover and pages 9 and 20 by MSG Gabe Vega

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Fnmlly Sl7Al Big F'Jclur lu Fnnd Stump Ustl

Aloou1 11,900 junjor enlisk.d m~1t~ry 111c::1ul>c::1~ auJ thcif fa1nilies n:cciv~ toad ~La111ps, ~co1dinP. to a 19~5 llo.Ll refK'rL Pt:ula~uu officiali conSJ.der this a proh­lc:111, liut .uot a ma1or one. Ll('C'3l1.Se 11 11f· fci..:I~ only about .8 pcr(cnt 1"11" lht I ~mil· lion people in the m1ht1iry> ~111'1 f<r.n Bacon, Pcnt?lgt'ln ~rnk'<'.sman.

"This i& Inn h•rl. hut ir'~ n functinn nf the siu' of fnmilir.~ more thnn nny­tbingcl<r.," Her.on sni<l flt n news hricfing J~n 14

Ar.cM<line t11 DoD orficinls, on E l wirh le." thnn four months' service cur rcntly cnrns .$833.40 per month in base pay. After four months, that pay in­c.renses to S900.90 per monlh. Basic Al­lowance for Ouarter~ for ••f'ico 111cm­ben; with famil~ lllOUIVOI s liviug off b ... is $361.50 l>"r 111vui.11. Va1iabk Housinri. AJlov•'1-1u.:c- dc:JJt'UJ~ 011 Lhe area. ·~Pav is 11vL high (01 f'<'Oplc entcnn.~ rnto the fun.:~.:· B<tcon said. 1'lf you:rc ~ young whlier - 1:::-1 throu#L t;.J - and have a large tamdv, you could ... qualify fnr food stamps. I ms has bc.c.n true. fnr a lonQ, tune. lt's not son1ething thflt1s jn~t bcco1ne true m the ltist or ~n ~·

What has changed, hnwcvc.r, is thr. number oi marned ~crvirr. m~mhr.r~

'l'he llllhtary b11~ morr. mtirri(".fl ~r.rvi~r. rul!'mhc.r~ th11n r.v(".r ht~for.-:, Rnc"n ;ni<I. "Ahm1t liO pr.r~r.nt 1'f the people in tho militAry nrc no\\' mnrricd. Twenty years A!;O, it wns ohout 40 percent. So there hn~ hccn n fnirly lmporront demographic change."

"We believe chat sinw th~ proi;ram ih highly publicized at Lht: uni! lewL tho number of famili~~ re...,ivin~ fwu scamps is clo>t: to the number eli~ible:• a DoD orficial saiu. DuD lia• a va1 iely ur prograiru, t.u help farnilios cup<: wi1h Jj. rutnf..ial prol>lt:1ub, au<l b<:1'-'i\.:~ u1i:111be1~ arc e11..:uu1 a~c:J Lo "-fJVIY tOL the sao1c lu:uel'il~ available to au A.ll1c.ricans, the ollicial said.

About IO nulhon Amencan hnn•c­holds in the IJnitc.rt St11tc.~ rr.i~civr, font1 stamp•thrrn1gh thr. nr.pnrtmenrof A2ri­c.u 11nrr. •n<l sr!ltc welfare agencies. Eligi­hiliry is h•'ICd on eroq,q nnd net incomes, rnrnl finnncioJ resources and household size. Of the militnry members receiving

THE :'.>!CO JOlffi'lA T .'l'PRll\n !VI

fo.: ... 1 \1llMJ"I.', "iC/ J'C:r1~t~n1 - nhou 1 7 ,0011 - live nn hn•r. •n.1 qnnlify for food stamps nnly t>rr.nuq,• the nr.pnrtmenr of Agr1n1U11rr. fl~~ ni'>t fAkc intn nCC()unt the. famil1'• forfr.itc1 flnsir. Allownnoc for Q11ortr.rq - rhc v11hte of housing ­.. .-.. , h inr.r>mr. Only .. 1 pcrccnr.of nll nc· tivr. <1111)' mr.mhcrs live off hnse nnd rc­r.r.i1·r. fon<l srnmps. non nfficials sc;id. These nrc primnrily junior enlisted mill tnry mcmhers 1~ith larger than average fnmilies.

Bncon Mid DoD ins worked hard to improve pay nnd qu11iry of life for t;er­vlce members. "One of the thingi; I hat's been done in the last vear is w builu in what's called the fwi mili1ary pay in­creas~ ovl!r th~ n~xt r."t: ~tafb, .. lu: said. ln •h• past, th~ pay i11~1ca>e Jiau Lo uc 11t:~otia~i:d '.'•ith Cu11tt.1t:~ t:"t'.l\> y~'11, he 1iaiJ. "Fot tl1t: 11e-'.t "ears., DoL) has funJed the fnaxi1nu1n an1ount a llo,vcd by law, which lS dc:tcJUllned by the. ''-·<tge intlation rate. lt not only \Viii 1nr.rcll~r.

the pay over hmc. .. hut it giv:-.~ ~nrrr. pr .... d1c.tab1hl)• r.' futur.· P"Y·" Tl"r.on sni<l.•

1.indn n. Kn;-tl1'\?1

.~ mr.rir.An F'\~S Prcqs Service

S-Oldiers 'Get Sma11' With Com· puterized Personnel Data Cards

Snme <lny, nll solcie~ nnd other De· pnrrment of Defen>e service.members and civilians may carry n credit cnrd sized piece of plastic and be directed by supervisors: "Don'1 d~ploy wiLhouI ii."

The " it" in this ~as~ is the "•man card: tht: product uf DoD's ~folli· Tuchnului;y Au1u111~Lcu RcaJcr Card project. 1110 <:<iru is. 2x3 i11d1 piece ur rigid plCUili~ w 11tai11i11g l';Cf\'il:cJUc:a11li:1

persv1111d Jala e111bcJucJ iu ba1, 111af;,Ucli.;; auJ co011-1ute1 .;hip.

''The De~a.1 tmeutot Defense is look· in.~ at a 1srnan: card' initiative to provid(' auto1natcd tdt-ntrl1cahon te('.hnology to se.rv1cemembers and ('('.plnycd ("ivil-1an~:· ~aid t~rc W1llillm T~ l<nm;inn. Pvf A f<f: prnjr.r.t {)ffio~r fl~ititn~fl \Vi thin thr. OHicc, Dircctorl\f Tnformntion Sys­tems for Command, Control, Commu nications11nd Computers(DJSC4)in 1he Pentagon.

The Anny is the ~1ARC projuct '6 5ervke. Romano h<uu. AbouL

')0,fn10 crll'ds hove been j3oucd to sol· dierq, Marine~ ond sailors. ln field test ing, "smar1 card~" have heen succe:;sful ­ly used to process set'\foememhers for deployments, manage 1rnnsporto.tlon manifest~. and to record users of military dining facilities .

111 fa>I, lite AIUJ)"s 251h Iuf Div >la­tiuucd iu Hawaii Ub<:J ''sma1 t cruds." Jw i11s 1eadilless p1ocessin.11. of3,6UO sol­die1s to Haiti as part of support provided to Operation Uphold Democracy. The cards llclped the 25th account tor its sol­diers and uJXla1e key readiness informa· hon durin)l. the deployment from I Lawau 10 l('SS tln1e \\'1th Lt'ss s:upport pe-.rsonne.1 th!ln more. frad1honal mcthnd.s.

During Uphold Democracy deploy mem operations from Dec. 28. :199~. to Jan. 17. 1995. 1he 25th u...,u "~marl" lo \:r4:atc anc..1 11nt-11ay~ uiur: 3 70 ·bCI \•ii..:::11 lt:l lllJt: I diJ \:fa rt 11 la ni r tibl

rusli:1~. Ru1uauo ~aiJ. B~ UbiHll ':s111a1L ..:a 1 J~,'~ uuuU.fro:sl JOS.le LS we1e c1ealed iu less :han ~ lllinutes. It took about ei)l,ht hou~ to re.~istcr the sa1ne- nuinbcr of scn.-iccn1c1nbcrs for air trausJ>Ort usinp: standard n1cthods.

"We're looking nt the nhi!icy to carry (rcrsonncl) doro on o cord to eliminate redundant dorn entry," Romano ~oid. "Once do to. iscorrectlyputon the en rd, it cnn he used and shared oc.ross (oomput· er) systems [ond] ... the lnformmlon can be updated when required."

ln rnrrem military per.;onnlll admin· istratiun >ysL~ms. informalion is manu­ally l)'P"U in a1 i;ainini; units when ...,rvi­""rnemu•rs u•p)oy Ur lllOVO from al';~ig11111c:11l tu as~ig11111c:11l, Ro111a11v ~aid. This lake~ ti111c:. k J e-111umt1al\:d d111iui; the 25 th Iii( Div dcpluy111011l, (ls111a1 I caa J~" cau p.1eau, .. reduce t.he au1o·unc of ti LUC 1equircd to pnxcss per .. SOJlnt'L

"Vv'e. t('el that tht. repetitive intonna .. tinn pe-.oplc af(k fnr time . .(Incl time aga in, fikr. r11nli~ soc:ial sr.rnrity nnmhr.r~ unit, \h<iulrl h..~ <:flrrir.ti i'>n fl ('.flrfl/' TlomAn,-.. AAi<l . "When you 11rrive sr>mcwhcrc nn.1 they don't ha\'C your dorn, you prcscnr. the cord nnd the Information L~ popped Imo rhe system." is also underway 10 explore lh~ card's ~uilabilit~ for ;ecurity and re· ~ord }).,.i~ m<:Uical infot-maliou lik• all·


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Ncwr. and Issues

4.:IJliCti. din.I fJtWt tr\../ilt11('.11f

U1 1o.ins ot thC' ••"m'llrt r11rd~ ,"':An he uaccd 10 lhc ln<ll\11!11•11)- \.Anir.'1 Tlc­co1d 10 1'1111, J{om•no •nicl Tn 1??2, rhe Soldier !iupport < ·c ntrr n rnsk force "hich included !raining an<l nnrrrinr. l.Uo11ua1ld l'o1nhat I· lnrmr.nts, the Ueputv (.'b1el nl :;roff for Pr.r..-.nncl , rhe :>lal1onal <.iuMd l l11rcm1, thr. lnmhinc<I Arms Snpport I ommonll, C.S. Army J.:uropc, I nrN·~ r nmmnnll, :\pccio! Op e rat1nn< .-nmmnn<I nn<I the Project l.:.>:C('1•nvr f)ffirrr fnr Standard :\nny In form,.hnn ~\~lcm!"l.

Thr IMk fnrcc rccnmmended the de "·1nrmrn1 nf n Soldier Readiness C3rd '""' rnu:ll he u 'l<:d rorbcnlelieldperson nr.I llel\'M:.! rnppon functions 5'.lCh as rcndincM proce&ini;. manifeblini;. IJ"r­~nnnel accountabili<y anu w ml>a1 mcui­rol and ueniul 1re:1lm• ul uu~uiucuta­clon.

Prum KuwmLn 1993 :o 1-'ebruary 191).I, Lh~ SRC su•ce>sfolly passed com· p:il I) ~lc:vt l tr:bli1 1p. a\ an u11p rov('1urnt tor 1 :l-11.l i111:') p101.:.c~s11lJt, man1teshng anrt baLliel'ield accountal)1bty, J{i'>mann "irl SlauJ~1Jii.ccl \1?.t ~t the "sm~rt cetrrl ', rn ~vc:i:J Jc1JJO\·n1cnb and tor nthrr p11r .. pu>e• woll 10iprovr lhr I J <; mili!Ary'< abolit• lo lo.~hl •nd h1nrTinn, hr. ~ill. •

,-;,.rry 1. C.ilml'Jr{• Army 'le~ Scr'l.i cc

.1'itbl l'ood fol' the Army In tnl'lnf~ rn~t moving. high 1ecb

wnrl<I, pcn;>IC don't seem co 6il still for vrry •nne This goe~ for rnldier.;. coo. To .~Al nn the run. clvlllans can bimply go w rhclr fovnrlte fns1 food rranchi>~•. urd"r ond drive awny. Thib ... 111 b" 110\• l>c aJJ RJlllOn for WldilHb in Lb" Ucl<l.

Well, wrt of. The Arnt~ h•s devel­oped a mobH~r~Liun tlw .. uul<lt.: callcJ o meul un wheelb.

Sinco th~ Ann~ hUb ~'-'1111: ulVae mobile. ot uct:J c.ti~1~ fu1 Jativus tha: ca.11 be c .1t4'11 "'hile uu lloe .,-o. Food tc.:hoolo· l:JH' •I Sv!Jie1 Sy•t.em Command'< I\•· tid. Re.:aoeh, l.le•c.opment Mrl f'ngi· 11ct:1i11,'t l'cntcr r~.ct"ntfy cl€'

.. Mobihty I nhnnr-1ne; f~nt inn r:n,,.po · ncnts · J hr•r " l\fP.fllq' CAn he eaten out o t hanrt nnrt re.quire no food prepa '"'"'" nr r.111ine u1cMils. The new Items


111ppl..:m..:tll C'Cl'1ill~ ncld rotioM such o:; the Mcnl, Rcndv 10 Em. or c3n Stand ntnnc r., nn o:i.•auh ration. MERU> "ill ~uppror1 hlghly mobile 3nd forward <lcplnycd <rnops tnd are suitable fur Arctic,jun~lc. des6rr, mountain and ur hnn aren't

NR DEC, undorrhe Family of Opera rionol Rn1lonr, program, developed :i

fnmily of nhclf nm~le sandwiches usinG major ad\1lOCC~ iJ1 fuud proc~,;,,ini;. pres­ervnclon oncJ pJcka~ng. The !>amlwid1cs coru;l&t of she Ir siabl• brca<ls (bai;•l. liis­cult nncJ whhc) anJ a ·~ri•lY uf fj)liui,:.• rbcef. chcet c. bar:x:;:uc cltkkcn, pr:p­pcroni. ltaliau 1>au~ai:c aml l"'d""' bu<­ter wilh jell}),

A lt:c.:hnicJI J:1uv~h.itiu11 "·a~ i.'Vll ..

<lucLcJ aL Ft. c.111.>bcU, KY, in AUJlUSt 1996. Ju •<'• how sold1en •<~opted Ml::RC:•. SolJ1e1S 1te !he ).11.!RC sand­V.'t<'h li.1stcle.J ot the \1 L{l: entr1'('. tnr thr('e di•Y\ ~nd lhC' R rvethH1t..-<1 the. f"nrt 'I 'he niC.l\I' \VrTC' r~1t"kt)er.t1 wil h lhC Ofl mC ••tvli"fl l nn thr. Vlnv.~" inn hfl2: llimilnr ro th"' 11sr.rl for M RF.,. The soldic~· feed hArk ,. ~lill hc.ine cw1lua1cd ond wll: be 11.r.ll ''' mnk~ mnrlificnti11n:1 to improve thr Ml'.RI~

Th~ 1c~1 mcnuq, c.1nsl~ung ofopprox imntcly 1,,1)() calnrill(.. Y.ere designed co rrc~1 1 11~ nmrhlnMI needs of the w::r figh1cr. The fuiure commerci3l \"er.;io:i of 1he MERC; might be used br c;imp­err, hiker.;. muun:Jin dimb<rs. hum•rn and anglorrnr anyun( whu ne~dsa li~h1-wei~h1. mnriliuus m:al tlm r•tjuirc. nu prep:ir:11iun ur ut"11;ili, ••

Suhlitn S) .. HI!'''-' l 'ur1111u.1,rd PAO i\;'atick, tvtA

Nc\t Army l!nil'urrn llllmb ~·lakti

Oclml; O ld Hems 'Rdirti' Many nc'v Arn1y urutorm it~.m' v..,11

flV into <o..d1Ct!>' d.._1Hlc f'\11got "·hilr .Mm ...

old •l~~rlhy' '"II hr "r,·torc tt" "'ilh fJll hnnn~

Thr olrl-,-yt~ hlack wi~dbreaker w~ nn1 nn•hnri1~rl tn ~ ofierSep1. 30, t'l'>1. The n~w windbrooken; are ma~• of polyo~1er and wcol (ro.'J5 pe"•nl ,., . specdvely) wiLh a \\:lo.:ru-aLtach•u liucl. The officer winulm:ak• r ha• a kuil Lul­lar, •urfti uml wai><bam.I. The rnlistcd

windbrcJ~•r b.J:. J :.IJmfarJ w:loar. Lni1 curfs anJ "ais11Jaml.

Bu1h •hun sko:v• anJ luug slcc•c m:tl• AG 115 shiru. wilhuu1 plealcJ pockets are beini; replac•d by a •hun ~IU(VU .iml l uu~ •'•"w wiLh pl.,at"u pocke~' and in hea•ier mal• rial (3.8 tu 1.2 ounce ptir •11ua1·c yar<l). Tb., nt:w ~hurt hlo.:••e ~h iJI wiU :1lw ha•" a •lanu­upooll:ir. M:mualur~ pus•••siu11 dale for lh~ 11c\\1 -.hi1 I~ (lwu slio1 I ~lt:t:'-t: auJ 011e lu:ii,: •lccw) i• 0 .. 1. l, 1999. Tloe cuuenl .Luo I a11J hmu ,Jccw > "'ithoul .,1.-1cu pu .. kch wiJ 1101 !Je aulhonzood fuo .... :ao a.lko ScJJI. 30. 111911.

T11e fem.Jc >holl sleeve and Jon~ •l.X•e ,1110 I\ Joe hcon~ ocpla.:cd b)· the A(j 415 <hort .inc lonJl skc•-c tuck-m short< and o:i he'""' m.1l~n•I (I fl to 4 • ounrr "!'ll'r \tjll'lrr )'•'rrl) ManrlAtnry !"'~ .. lll'1t~ 1n~ '1;1t:' rnr hn·h l,jhirt:;. i"° Ort. I. I '-)CJ"' T hC' i'11rrt•n1 Vl'r:c:ion of the Alr 41.'i sh i rr~ nn<l the IWcrhlou.'c~him j.; nmhn­rizc.1 for wcur until Sep!. 30, 1999.

The mole Jncl fomnle Army grean uniform i\G J•M I> replaced by Ann~ green shade•:89. The mJndatury po5ses· slon dJre iurihc no" ~haue orihe Army green uniform is Oct. I. 19'>9. Al that 1irr.e. fem:1lc> mu~t haw one cual. t"u bkiru. Jnd '"u pair uf •lach; mal"" musl h:.-e une com and twu pair uf Jruw..:rs.

The AO J.1 h hJu:oi lh• Ann} i;rccn anifurm will uv. b~ aut!JurucJ for wea1 after SopL. 3-0, 1999.

The Eul1•11-<J Hvl We•lhci R•ltk Doc" U11ifu11111cµl .. eJ the I lot Wcatb· c o BJIL'.c I.lies< Unllo11n . The dCS!jln

cban.11cs a1 e. t•l'>1 ic """'J:\e h om lUUJ>"r· cent cotton 1 f'Of)lm to ~U pe-oce-nt nrlon/:iU pc.rcc.nt r•r~tnp; fu~rl c.oll11r/ pOCl f' t t1A!"'~ 1 rr.1nnv>l l n(wniqf t11M, WAi~f ""1'1'"r.-ccl thrr.r. inrhc", nntl rcmnvnl nf knrr rtrAI< MA~rtnrnry pi)O!ll'.<l.,inn <lntc fnr lhr r.TIWAnT I i• Ori. I. l'l?R. The TTWRTH 1 ""' nnr he nuthori>ed for u.rJlr r1ftt"T '~rt ~n li)'JS.

The ET"'lBDU cap and !he cemper me BOU cap m3)' 00 Y.Om inrerchani;~­alll)' wilh 1h~ El IWBDU.lf'BDL" uni­iormt. and lh~ H\'iBDU cap until the mand.uury Jlll»thiv11 J•lc uf o~~ l, 1991. Alleo thi•u•lc, th< l!H\"''BDU cap wiU ouly he wo111 woth the J.:IJWUUL aud the I IWULIU. ' I he TULIU cap will be "\\rorn nnly v.i th the. I I U H I

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News and Issues

The mnndmory pQ1,~\l~6lon date for 1he blllck all -w~ther coat, uoul>lc breasted, behec.l, in a 65135 1JUlyl•uttu11 fabricibOci. l, 2001. The u11l>elteJ black all-weaili.,rwal a 111.I iulet iui vet ~ion, I.he <luubl~ br~~h:<l ~ual, 50/50 ,lJOl~/cotton fal>rfo. will 11ut lie ;iuthot U.ed fo1 wear a f­l er Sept. 20, 2001.

Tl!~ u1uu1e11~s 'slacks \Viih belt loops 1eplaced the s.lacb \\1thout belt loops. The mandatoiy possession date. fnr thr. ttC\'\i slacks \V1tb belt lnnp\ nnr.-inr.h blac.k uic.b he.I t ~ nrl t i/R·inr.h yr.llrnv bras< t'111'klr. i• Ort. t. 1?9R. The curren1 rlrr•~ \lack~ will nm he ouchorized for wear After Sepe. 30, I !199.

The new female black oxford shoe re plnccd the current ver&ion of the black oxford r.hoe. Mnndatory pus~ebsion tlate for 1he new5hoc is Oct. 1.1998. The.cur­rem version of the black 8hoe will no: l>e nuthoriud for wear after Sept. 30. 1999.

The new neck lab replaced tl1e cur­rem neck lab that fasteneJ w ilic: pile fastener undern~<1lh th~ w llar of lhe women's AG 415 ~hit·! . Th: 111"11datut• pubSt>S~iuu J atc i• Oct. r. 1997. The cut'· r" ut ne1:k taln•ill 11ut l>e autltu1iu:J fut w~ar af<ot· Sept. 30, 1999 .•

Scl·cn Bluck \.\'\\-U Herm~s Rl'­l:lli"" Medals of Honor

President Cli n1on recently honored .>CVCO Africnn :\merlcnn wwn ve1er nn& denied !he Medal of Honor umll now.

The s~':t:n \•~L..:1 au)) \Vt:a ~ P\.'T G"org" W>tlMJ11, PFC Willev F. Jau1es Jt., SSO .Ruue11 Rivoi<, MAJ Charles L Thomas,S~U Lldwa.rdA t 'arler Jr .. I u· John I{ . J OX; and thr. nnly hv1ng rr.r.1pi· cnt, I t;I' Vc..rnnn 1. Ti>1kr.r.

C llnt"n •Aili sol<lic~ who receive the McilAI M Hnnnru•untly need no further, hur Amcricn muse remem· hr.r something cl<;e. "These heroes dis ringui5hed themselveG In nnocber. al mosr unJque way: in che tradhion of African :\mericaru; who haw fought for our naiion ru; for back as Bunk~r Hill. !bey 1•ere prepared lo ~acrifice tovery­thing for freedom - ewn tholli:h fr~e­dom'6 fullnes6 was denied iliem."

Tiffi: Nf10,fllllltl\"Ali:-ll'ltlN0 97

75tb Div (t:xl'n:isl') Kenu.its N<.:Os J.;'or lSAI<

. .\s 1h1~ Arnly Re.serve eot~ smaller nn<I "f'f'Ml11nitic• frr ~oldicri< di mini~h. At lr.n~t f>nr. unit hn~ vnet1ncic~.

The 2nd Rn •. l~ l ~r Reg, n unitofl.hc .~rd Rdc, 7:1rh Oiv (Excrci'\C), located in Onllns, TX, ho:1 vncnncle& in many com bot ~uppon and con:bnc service support &peclnlcles. wilh r~rraining forsomespe· cialties.

The 75th Div (Exorci•~) is h~:<J4 uar­tered in Houbto.>11, TX, anJ 11ccds NCO, l 11 du;1?,.1a<lc~ uf~i:LY,t'd11L auJ alJo"c:· ']'he di\lisivu, fu1u1t:1l~1a 1naueu.\'Cr an:aro1n· UIAIH.I, wai, Le'CCLltly fCOl)~a1llzcd to fon11 an excn:isc division. 'J'hc div1s1on's t1ve br1,i;radcs1 locatc.d m Jexa.s, fJ.kJ11non1a and K..ansas,are to conduct lti:1e and· ulat1on tra1ntnp; :tor Achvc and J(c.Si:'rvc in the ~th Army aro~a .

Interested sotdt~n •hnu lrl cnntact •h,· daviston at ('.lJ<!.} J7.:0-26l'l'I fnr mnrr in · formatinn rcgar<ling v1u· 11nfl re.·'- fnr jnining rhr. ·),'18 I \ t f >th· r.r llnit~ nf th.-· .,r.-t Tillr. llrr. th~ l/18 1 't At ("/14) nli<-.:tll'l l, r.xt "?.~~; 1 n~th 1 .o~i~­

tir. S11prnrt Rn ir. Wnro At (.~ 17) 777.-R700. Fnr ilny()nc n11tilirlc the Oril­ln~1Fnrt Worth nrcnwhnwho111ct like to

lai;1Fun Wonh :1rea who would like w juin the ui•i>ion. pleai.e call (800) 390-1530. cxl. 7583.

MSG .Wi.:h•ll• L11Fmu1tuin 'l!J8fo. 3rd Btl•, 751h DiF (EJ,

Dullu>, TX

Rnttlc Stuff NC.O C'A111rs1~ Ry Dlstunce Leurning

Studc11ts c111olkJ i11 Baltic Staff :-!CO Cou1se (BS.'ICOC) Class 2-97 (L)ista:ncc Lcai·nin,Q. Pilot) ca11 bro\V!iit th!' l nten1tt to tu1d out the lat('St intor­m11tinn 11ho11t t · ro11r~r. ·1hc ~r.rnnd Warnr.t PilM TISl\rnr hy rli,tnnrr. lt.Arnine i• 11'"-tl 1n llt.ein April Jn. Ry nccr.~•ine the 11.S. Army Scri;r.Anr• Mnjor /\CJldcmy J.tomc Pngc. sturlcnt• can rc1:'1 t.h~ mo.t current. copy of rhe S111rlcn1 Grnde written spccificnlly for the disinncc lcnrning vcri<ion nnd l!Ce n mnstcr evenis '\Chcdule for rhc 1hrce­ph11sc couNc. The lmcrnct World Wi<le Weh nddrcs.~ llf 1;s,'\SMA io: http:/

Once logged onto the USi\SMA home page. click on the Banle Stoff Course hending. From the Bmrle Staff p3ge smdencs can access a wealth of

Scarc<I on tno <lw wa111111110 rocclvo me 111c<101 at Hollar flam Pr03i<ltlfll Ghnton ol'll, 1rom light to loll. Vernon J. Bokor; SOndrtl J ohfl.!IOn, n/IJ(;o ol 81AJ Tham&; ArlM• FoM, widaw1 of tlT Fo'lt; Cdwlltd Ctlrt&r H1 .ton of SSG CJJrttu; Gr!H!4 WOildtotk, ~•IMttt ol SSG RIWtr.•; V11/1u,,·J11 .~, wldnw ot PFC .J11mtt.• .Jr.; ttnd SMA Gttn1t Mr.K lnn,,y, who 11cceptl!!d the aw;rrrl on behttH ol PVT Wat.son. Th~ A nny·~tnttble-l~te-1toy-e/-Wrtfflc;"'ft1ti.,,t:lil#Jvas.


Page 6: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp nnd I ssues

informa1ion 10 mcJude. the. Ll"ttlc Statt Digital Library. Specitic question• '".I· dents may have conce.rnin,g llattlc Staff <.:ow-.e (Distance Le.Mning Ver.inn) lesson mattr•al can be c.-mailr.'1 <iirr.r..tly to the US.'ll'UC facu lty at· bscfacultylfj)bliss• or by calling nnr roll-fr~r. n11mhcr ·1 -~nfl.'J4'i-RRC/'l . All other q11c.<1ion~

ahnnt thr. RSl\COI. (Di'llnnce l"ooming Pilot) cnn he dirccced to SGM Putk at osN 97/l-8672 or e mail co: pnil\[email protected].•

BS.VCOC. Disumce Lftlfni11g Pilot, USASMA

Army R('11dl~s to Meet '97 Rcrrnltlng C.hnllcnge

Anny L~~1uit:-1s will be l.'.hallenp.ed to si~u up u1un: suldiel'S than the previous ~~ar tu 1ui;-cl accession needs. Last y!:ar; 73,400 people joined. )low rccnuters uttu to si~n up" t1~;1lMJ people for fiscal year l~N/

P1ior to 1he drawdou.ll, the ,"\_rmy h<trl an annual recrt11hn.~ mission of atiout 120,000 soldiers. Lnlll recently, the Aimr needed to recnut about l:>),flrM·1 soldier. each With the rlr•wrlown over, the Am1y must rcpltic.c r:ar.h ~nl· dier one for one.

·1 hie Ann~ .. " i cti<lr.r~hif> i~ Mn1mitrcc1 to 21ccompli"hine; thi$. ycllr'5 flcccssion mi .. inn. •n irl r;rc .Jn mes Sullivan, spt'lkcsmnn for the Office of the Depury Oiicf of Stnff for Personnel.

Tl'l help recruiters mee1 this year's mi~sion, the Army hru; in~TeaS<:d t.he number of recruiter~ in 1he fidu. iu­creaood enliblmem bouU» duUan, fu1 memben; v.·hu t;igu uµ fv1 suu1t i.:1iti<.:"J or 8honai:e IvlOSes, w11ti11uecl yeai­ruuuJ aJ"t1titiill!f des.j.i;rned to 111ailltaiu aut4uate levels of potential enlistee av.•.:u·e nes.s of th~ Arn1y throoghnnt thr.

\'Car. llth<"r ophnM "ill hr. Mnqirlered hy

Army lr.arlr.r• <!urine rhe course of the rear if rr.crnirine numhers ~hould slack r.n, Sullivnn snid. 1\ll of rbe mlllrnry ser ,;r.cs predict n difficuh recruiting year. Acoording to recem surveys. more prime recrultlng age you1h IXIY they would not coru:lder joining an armed service. Reasons for this include i:uod w


~ti'Ai1y rMnnmir. r.onttitinn~, provirhn~ more .. · mplt'lym""' orrorrunirk~ in the rivilian sr.r:tor rintl e;rc:ntc:r r.nmpr.tition for the qunliry yt'lune men nnrt women r~rp1irc:t1 to ~r.rvc.

Th" Armyiq norMMklcrinelowerine quAl ity .-,nJiq1mcn1 srnnrlnrrls helow cnr· renr lc\'cls for diplnmn grnduntc• or tCSI score> to hol~ter re.~ruitlng el'fons.Sulll vnn snid.•

Gi!rry Gi/.morr: Army Newi, S•1vic•

P('rry Rr.rr.lvr.s F.nllsrl'.d Ronors SMA Ucnc McKinnev cxr>rcssed

deep 1>e~onal apprc-ciation io llejen§.4:' Secretary WtJham J. l'e.rryre.centty at 1··1 Myer,\/ . ..\.~ ior "stern 1e;idc.r\nip 11n.-t ~in· CC'1'1!' concern lor the. \\'('11-hcing i'lf 011r

sold1C".r~ ·• ~l'hc. arlmirafinr 1"xpr•":~~r.1I tn Pr.rry

wl'I~ rr.rirro..~atrAt in thr. qcr.rctllt')"q Inter ('.ilmmr.nt~ Ahnnt ~oll'tir.r.t

Mt.Kinney hoqtc<l nn NCO ruception "'thr. Ft Myr.r l\Cr'J F.nlim~<l l.luh for Pr.rry thM wn• nlsn Artr.nrtcrt hy Sc.~rc­taryof thr. Army'\ O. Wcsr .Tr., Army Chirf or f>rnff r,F.I\" Ocnnis .T. Reimer nnil lt'lf' cnli~tcd mcmhc!l' from other qr.rvirc<t

Perry received 1, cmhcr,h ip in rwo of the /\rmy·s mom prestigious ::-ICO clubs

The Sergeant :\udie Murphy Club nud 1he Sergeant Morale~ Cl ub. Prny was a!w preSl!nl~d with Lhc E11li•tc<l Sword.

Pt:rr~ 1>:.1iJ hi1> \.~ 1 lifi1.:Alt:s LU1 lLii:w ..

IJ01i,hi1> iu the lwo d ubs will join lhe one iu liis u[Ji\;t: µJoclai111i1lA hi1n an honoJ· a1 ~ seq:(eant 1najor: ouc of his J)OSS.Cs..~ious.

\Vhil~ 111 the. Army1 1•.-·rry r1.-·11<l· pAnnr.rl ~ hr. ·•ro~r. ti' thr. t":'tA llc<i rnnk of r-.-4 ( I Q4fi.4'7)," hu1 never imngincd he would one dny mJke sergeanc major, much Je:1.~ Se~remrf of Defense.

Perry said th:it when he took office three yean; ago, man~ p•upl" ufferou him advice, but th• aJvicc ho look lo bean and """" thruur;ltuul hi• ltuu1t w:18 the ad•k• frum lheu SMA Ridund A. Kidd. "Take ca:e ur t.lie lwups and lh•~ will t<Lkc ,·arc A you."

Duii1111 his llavc:ls, Pen-., said he al-

wny~ snw rhc ~nmc rhrce inercrlicniq in the ITOOf'" intcllieencc, Skill And eril. Hcc1111~c: of thc:qc <}l1illitics, Perry qftirl, ''F.vcry rtcploymcnt qincc I've hccn the sccretnryofdcfcnsc hns hccn n mortcl of cxccllcncc nnd ~ucccss.''

"The rcnson we hnvc the hc.~t Armv in the wMld toda)' is hecnusc w~ bring i~ qualll)' people and we rmln them nnd tmln them and train 1hem," Perry said. The way LO keep 4ualiLy sultliers roenlist· ini:lli tu i:iw them au adol)uate yuality uf life, he auJeJ .•

l'. 1>,Je, Jo11e3· tvLL1'.\' :-.lcws ScJv1cc

Army Honor~ 23 Rcc1·uih:rb ln Penlagon Ce1·emo11y

Tw:-.ntr·1hr<':i" Arn1y ri":e.rnit1"'r~ rr.­r.c.iv.-rl the. Chidl'>f f>tnff ,,f the Army Rr.­r.r 11lrr r of F:xccllcnr.r. . ...\~"\ncin tinn AWA r<i inn .Inn. 24 Pcnrngon ceremony.

The nwnr<l, rrcscnrert hy Army Vice Chief nfStnffRonald H. Griffith. WOSCS·

rnhlishcd in I 9.~4 10 rcoognizc those rc­crnircrs who contrihutc '\ignificnntly to rhe mcruiting mi'l.~ion nnd thcrchy hnve n rtircct impnct"" /\rmy rendinc:1.~.

'leorly 1,000 Army recruiters quali ­fied fl'lr the award in nscnl yenr 1996. The top recruicer in each recruiting bri gnde in each cmegory received their a•.-.:1.rd> ai the c~.remony.

"\'v'hal wu du fur th~ Ami' cannot b~ uvcmat~d." Grillith •aid lu Lhe recruil­{:t~. :'\l.'c arc vi.:1y 111i11Jlu-1 that yuu liavi: one: of the luu~Jic,.,t job~ \11;c ahk ~ukli~t~ tu Ju. Rt:\:'1.uiti11~ ~ a ctitical n1i:,sio11 tOL the Anur and our nation. Quality sol· die rs are. absolute lyessenha1 to thC" long· tern1 S:t1c-c-~ss o t our Army, and v.:e arc. very arrrr.r.111tivr nf \vhat yn11 rii'I for i'!llr Am1v.

"The world todny;,; for more complex 1hon it wos during the Cold War period.'' Grfffl1h &aid. "We have experienced a revolution in the wa~ "'e fii:ht. :mu we <lepenJ un ~uuui: bulUit:Iti '"hu ~a11 1u!<ls~ lCI th~ lt:l.:hnulogy. \'ic will fail if \•.:i:

uuu 'L gel yualily w lo.lie1s. That is wily u1i~~io11 of the Arlll\. recruiter is so criti .. cal."•


Page 7: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp

News and I &sues

PlllDelNOt$ from IM AtmyT kd lnf;wlry ~..,,, ''"' ,.,..,.;,,.o f SSO Fd>·~nl .4 f'-11 to A

Ollml &Jro In NlfnlltOfl N»llo11J1J C•,,,.lwy, VA C..•l•t l"'•lhuo11ou>ly ,..,..WHJ tt.. ~of HOnOt for ga/lllnvy OUl/rlq World W..r N. H9 - In lw Ang•""'....,, 30, 1m ""'' ••• o•gi· n/01/)' Oul'lcd r1tcro. TIKI rtlnNrtnWlt camp Jin . 141 th• tby •'*' Ca1ff11'*" l•ully tK• i wft!() lite OWOl'd.

Tax Cltanges Bt'ntfit Soldlrrs Deployed to Cnmhnl Zones

Sweral impull:.m •nJ favv•~~k l Lt

ch an~es ha"" v<<uucJ it1 19'J6 that di· wuclit milit:u y t:IA,..d~CIS. Prob· abl> lhc iuvsl •il'ollilicnrn -.c1e the lax Dc11t:fiu; fuJ Se1vice1nco1bcrs ill Uos1ua· H;ue1'40Vi na. As tbc tltk ot this b1!1 1m· µlies, thts k.~lSJatoon wM c1c.,gn.·c1 tn b:-ncbt scrv1cr m~mht'r~ v"ing iTI l hl" tormtr Yugo.•t•v rlrrmhtir

1-nrtunJt tr.ty fnr q,"'rvircmcmhc~. the h: nr.flt• .~f thi~ hill will po!cntinlly affect h1hirr 1tr.ptoymcncq. Prcviou51y. ser.1ce mr.mhcr.: cou lct not rnkc oclvnnioge or key Internal 'Revenue Code nro minn• unlc~' t he> wore sta.rloned ·in a Mmhnt mnc. For rhc area to qualify as a Mmhllt zone. che Pre>idenr had to desij: nntc it !B o combat zone.

Bccnu,;e many recent missions ~u•h n~ Somnlln nnd Haiti wuru con•il.l•r•ll humnnlrori:m or puacukucpini: opcr"· lions, II wru;politie<tlly lmpo~siblcfonbc Presldem lO declar~ llJ., aru:1 a cuml>al ZOOC. (n the fUt.Urt:. ~tr'-i\.tlllt:Ul~rs\\·ilJ i:ut lhc tw. break> p1c\luu•h tcsem:d fur J W t111'4tl .LUllC \11t ll t"ll C..'u11A1CS$ dcst~· 11al~» lhi:: a1ca a ~ualil1cd hazardous Ju L~1 a1ca .

1'11£ '.)!CO JOUR1'AT illPRtNn 97

A11ul11ta Ge:uc:IiL uf &Jij, lc,w.i\ ldtion lS

llllil v{fj\:C:Jl! ~t:J'-i"'t u1 " co111bat zoo~ or \{U.alifir:J hdLaJ t:bJ.s duty d1ca m ay now e~di.Je up to a mmmum ot 'SJ,IU4 <JU pC'i tuo nth 1n 19~#6 trum CdmC.C" 1n(".1""lm ('.

Uetolc. o:lhc=rsw.ere- hrn 1l rd tr1 nn )' ~'"lllll exclusion tor senr1ng 1n 11 rnmh~)1

St11t('~ r.fl\n nn lnnl}"t rax "qr.urcc" in­riimt C.r r1.Ain ~rAIC.~ w~rc ln"<ing ~cr.~cc­mrmhc"' retired flllY even though the •cniccmcmhcr did ror li\·c L'tere nfler retirement Bccou~c o ~er.icemember "n~ sm1ioned in the ,rnro during his ca rccr. the s1me would Jase the mx on 1hc theory that part of 1hu Mir~m~m pay was oarncd in the bt~tt. J\uw. only th• srncc where the •en·kem~mli~r currem· I}' rt:Jdct. may lax hb r• lir• m• nt pay.

l!L,pa)'<rs !l!ay mm re.:•i•• ~ "'"<lit fur unrd mbur•eJ aJuvt iua '""'""'""· The amuum uf u • J il •lia ll 1101 •A·

ct;uJ $5,000 ($6.000 iu d '"'"""vi a chilo.l with SIJ""ial uccu•).111• cocJil Lo.: gins lo lJc µlntbt:c.l out wl1c11 :1 t:.uµ:1yi:1 '~ iu..:ome OM:.:e<.ls $75,000 anJ '<ompletdy 11one when a tax:pa"-rl 's 1nco111c C"x.«'eds $115,UOO. Ille cnodlt os dJI01><t d 10 the \.Car alter the r.xpen~ 11 tn("\lrtC'cl nr thr. ~e''' the tt dopt11"ln hrrami" hn"I whir.h ... rv1" r 11 <'flrlir.r.

l t k1•l1onc n111nhC'.l"c n1·r. 1't":.f)11irc(I nn 1n lr.rm11f 1nn rlnrnmr.nt~ r ro\.irlr rl tn ffli·

r>•yrr .. urh A~ Form t n??. I ln fnminnt~· l)' lhC !TIS hns t!CC1i!Cct tO \\Oi\•e penal· .;... for foilur~ 10 rril•ide thil infmmntmn on the form1 1\ q o result. th1' rrquircmcn t will nm he fully en­rorrcrl unril t 'YJ7.

One unfnvornhle portion nfthcl'imnll R1,.inc~• Joh Protect inn Act of 1 ?% elimin11tcd the S5,000 o.~clw;lon of em rln>cc dcalh t>enent~ from earned in oomc. Sino! lhe United Srotet; pays o S6.1100 deoth gmmlty on che dea rh of t111 i\c!l1 e ducyservicemcmbcr. thu. change dlrect:Jy impacu; sur~il'UrH uf militar~ pcrwnnol.

1'onci.hcl~sb. t:urvivurs uf mililar• pcnunncl can s1ill <xcluJ• SJ.000. Th~ elimination of th< $5.000 c~dusio11 is •f· fectivc Aui:, 20. If lite wiviw member Jiud on or b<fur< Au1:. 20. tho redpicnt of <be J•a<h grntuity """ •till c.tduJe $5.000. IC lltr: sc1vi..:c uu:u1li;:L Jir:U '1ftc1 Au11. 20, lli<: 1cciµicrn vf the J calh ~Latu· iL\' 1. .. 111 011l\' el.C'l\.1dc ~:~.000 t 1o nl earned lllCOlll C' . •

11 I \ t1fnn \..,nrnn.f''' ~11111' \In.if Judh' Arl•nrn;~ Offir r.

2125111 USAK USL .'le<!ds !:><>Idlers TI1c 2125th USAR Oarribon Support

U11it. a Tier 18 unit ill the AR, i""urrc11l­l~ '""1 uiti11g 4u•lity•ultlic1>. Tu<: 2l25tli p1v1•1Jc:>. XVlll Ai1 Lvwe C:v1ps •no.I Ft. 81d~1 NC, 1'4~ u~i;ativu~ t111Ji>f'O•l Ju1111~ \.Vt1l i11s,i:: .. U.')' OJJCldllOtl~

Lµv n rnob1lizalio1i. th o 2lbth GSU CXf)>nds lhe M. llra111111armon act1v1tylo e11s11rt" ctt1c1ent moh1 ltt11 t1nn C'lnd quick de1, loy11,ent ol units l\.kmh<:r.~hif' in thi• un11 n"laL:.c~ yo11 part f'lf 11n nrg"nir"tinn Cl\m"'lr1~d ,~f some nf lhr hnr .. co.t 11n1t(( in thr t \ Army. inr.lurtinf thr Xvlff ,>,ir­hnmr Co'!". thc.K.'ntl Airhorn.- f)lv, rhc l f>lh 1Yf1 ,11nl11in r>l\·, th~ I O l~r ~irhnrnc D1v nn1t the .>rn Tnf Div (M)

Vinny niffcrcnc MOScs nnd grnctcq nrc nccrlcd. Fnr more lnformntinn, call (4r~) :?All R04?:ll051; D~l. J Ot Ft. Bragg 01 (910) 396 0055:0054: or Dec. 2 In Galns\1lle. GA. at (770) 531 33371'3330.

MAJ WllL'clcr Richards. HO. 212J1h GSC:


Page 8: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp

Notable NCOt>

A "\-IF.On NCO Academy Name~ L~adenhip Aud Commandunt i\PFT Awardee~

The Armv .Medical Lle.partment )l("Q A.cart.~my a1l.llounccd the lcaders:h1pand commandant A f'PT11\v11rfl~ for students :fro1n 1he t0Uow1ng ("la\11.t.I\·

11.'K"UCClass 1-~'i: I c•rlc.r<hip•wMd -SSG Tlllnrn Wil· liamson, USA Ml '.I >TlAr , Ft. Stcw•rt, CA. \.ommnndnnt"s Al'Fl' Award - <;r; r f:ary Virtnr<nn, R ('"J), RAM\., Ft. So.m IJouslon. rx. with • ~r~ of ~00.

ANr:nr: nn•~ 1-97: r .cnder<hip nwnrd - SFC Michael J, vrllnt, 1 TS,>, MFDDAC:, Ft. J..conord Wood, MO. Cornman rlant'.< A PFT fownr<l - SH': Henry Rnckward. B Ol. 232nd Me<liCAI Rn, Ft. Sum Hous1on. wirh a score of 3:n.

ANC.OC Closs 2 '>7: Lenderstlip nwnrd SSG Norris L. Thomns. A.\iEDD '.'ICO 1\cadom)'. fll. Sam Huustun. Cura­mandani's APFT award - SSG K1mn•i.h 8. Ru•••ll. HHC, 2/7S1h R3llger Bn, Fl. L~.,,i•. WA. wid1 a >.cure u( 314 .•

CS.'vf Puule!!e I I. llmr!np l 1u11u1uJnJu11I, A:\1/J.::L>Ll ,\'l'U ... 4ca1ie11fl'

01.STNT 'Presents REDTRA.IN Award~ LIU J'aul I.!. Menohr.r tr . I T.<; Army <l~p11ry chief of >rnff

for inteJJu;encr, rrr.<r.ntr.<i thr. I?% Tnclicnl l ntclligcncc l{ead1ness !raining T'rnernm (RF.DTRAl'I) nwnrdq reronrly dur1n~ a f11"ntr1g()n r.r.rr.mnny.

fhc KMional l<ronnli lntclligenro Ccnier, Charlonesvllle. VA, WM rc.Mgnizc.d M having !he 1?96 REDTR1\IN Program of the. with SF\. 1)•ronc fl. Thrver ns irs manager. NGIC. whic.h i• 11noir.r the 1 J.S. Army ln1clligcnccnnd Securlry Com m1tn<1, Pt. Rtlvoir; V.A., wn."' rccognizJd ror ir~ successes over the. r•~t ycnr.

Cenc. nutlnnd, Ill Corps REDTRJ\.11\ mnnuger. F1. Hood. TX, waq nnmed rhe 1'>96 REDTRADI :vla.nager of the Yi:ar nnrt SFC: Fredricl< A. Luckriiz.10161 Airborne Div. Ft. Camp­bell, KT'. received honorable memiun as REDTR.AJ)I Mau­nger of the Year.

REDTRAII\ i~ a Dep:mmem uJ the Al my V"'!l'""' Je ­slgned co pro1~de crainini:r~wur~"" au.J v11vu1 tuJlities (01 Ulil­ltary imelligence •uluier• i11 the acti•• cuJJJvune111, the Re ­sen·e~ aml the Katiunal Oua1J fut sustainment and enbancerneut or lhdt 111ilita1y iu1.elli11encc skills.•

~<.:Os of the Year SSC Anlhony D. Joseph wa,; r"c~nll~ r••ou by MO

Charles W. Thomm;. curnm<1mli11g ~~""'al uf Ft. Hu•~ltuca, l'IZ. as the post'~ !\CO uf ili" yeai.

J06eph. a Bir1niughan1, AL, uati"e· has been in tbe 1·\nny nearly 4:i~:J1t ~t:.<110 an<l sc1v~!! as a.n ad1ninistrativ<" speo.altst H~ ..:aru~d !Jis ~M.,.,;iates dc~ree in n1anagt"ment studies. frnm the U11iv~1 si(y of f\'1a1 yland aud is 11ow\\'Orkln.~ on J11<1( h11rhr.lnr of arlb Jcwt:e iu second arr cducahon thrn11gh thr. l ~n ivr.rsiry ur A.ti.Lona, 'l Ucson.


Among thr 11\\'11T<1~ Anrt rr.r.ogn1t1onR Jl\~t'.J"lh r~, .. ~1vr.l1 1n·

ch1rlr. 11 <lrl'~S hh1r uniform. a $?.>non T LS. ~Aving~ honrl nr A lrip fnr two tn llnwn ii, plA<]llC~ frnm the lor.n l chnptcr nf ACSA, h11~inr.s• ~P""'"" nnll seven 11 ni1 iMtnllntion roin~.•

Sra11 William.1tm Fi Huachiica, ,1z

SSG Erie T. Rool;er wn.~ recentl)' nnmed rhe Ft. Lee. VA. NCO of rbe Year. He Is a:;.~lg:ned to rhe Aerlal Delivery and Field Senices Depnrcmenc Parachute Pack Branc-h. Before rhe yearly board met, he had been selected io go 10 Officer Candidate Scbuul lu bt: an at:f'i:d d"liwry tcd111i­cia11 \\>a? 1 aul ofli\.:::1.

"] hall ahe<t.<J, li<eu >lateJ lo .~u belo1 e the board <o I o:Je­cidcd to fiO throu,qh \Veth 1t;' k sau.1. " I had he,•n prcrpmg Jont • nd 1·m~l 1IIM 'lrn 11 n· 111 I grarh111u· frnm thr \.\'r> ~c-honl r 1r1n l rhfll rlny, r hn .. r. to r.r.ntinnr. 10 hi! lhc hc:r-t --ir.n l'"'"ih1e:·• SSC Eric T. Hooker

SSC Jim 80/1011

Fr. lee PAO

SSG .Somucl n. Powell, C.S. ,\rmy Space and Stroceglc De fcnsc Oimmnnd, ts1 Snrelllte Conrrol Ba. was recently hon orc.d hy the SSDC as NCO of1he Year. Powell. sia.tioned at Comp Robert. CA with his wife, Tiff:iny, and !heir daughters. >-11randn. ~-and :\fadison.8 momhb.said, "Beini: named NCO ofche Year muke6 meve-ry pruud. Th~ compelitiun was tuui:h. SSDC has a lot of gum! NCOs. I am •ery pruuc.l Lu be 1>1:lecLeu.

The misi,iun of the hi SATCO~ Bu is Lu muuilur the heal th and ... uf the co111111u11icaLiu11s >atcllile•. Tuey"'""'" lhc user~uf d1ust •atdli tts (•ud1 a> lho Stale Dcvart.mcJlL a11d Lhc Wltilt Huus•) UiJ<lal.<: 1•ilhi11 t.hc v•··~·ibed l)tO~edurcs and tltal ... -011uuu11ii:at.ions are 1naintaj11ed. \\.'ithou1 the SA'.l 'C..'UN Bu lJt'.1JoJ 111i11,i;i its n1issio11, thcfc \1/ould be an increase u1 conl· 111w1ication outa.o.cs, as \.Veil as total a narchy 21! titr a§. §ate lhte usa.o.c PiOCS1 s.a1d l'ov.:ell •

(";n1u1ie Da1,·i~ USrlSSDC

Resenist Coxswain Named EMS Citiun of the Yenr After Ocllvet1ng Rnhy on Rt111gc

...\t S.~Ua.1n. Nov. 2H, l~tY5: on the s1de ot Cjandy l\oulevard in 'Lampa: ll-; Sar2\h C'.bnstme .lohn~nn v.·as d1"livr.rr.rt hy sse; llarbara l\1)Titk," mc.tnh\.r nf t hr. -'·' I st TrAn~pt)rf fltir.n <~m·

pany \ lloM Unit) in St. T', Fl .. The prouct pnrcn1s v.•crc J1"ffrry Johnson nnrl S117.nnnc '.\lolcn.

Th.~ywcrc hcn<led to MncDill 1\FB llO'lpiral. but rhe baby rlccict·cct not Johnson-cnii~11-on a cellular


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NOtAhlP. NCO!'!

SSG llarburw Myrick

phone. Myrick prepared lo de­li\'t:r the baby in the 1:ar. Juhn­bUn relayed lhe EMS uperaLu1 '• i11slru~Liu11s as she Jclive1 eu lhe ball~. Tlu: u111Uili1.:al i.:uu.I \\,~ Wla!J]J<'d a1vu11J the UalJy'> n=~L M_y1i~k u11tangbJ it, w1 aµ~J ll 1e Lia by i1l Jolan.son's shut aud "'aitcd tor the- para· 1ncdics arn val.

·1 he l•ll'lrirl• t mc.rg.· ncy fvl i"rhral 'it·rv11 .. , .. ?i\Vflt rl<','1 ~f)' ..

ric~ the. f"MS Cili•cn l'lf the ''"~llr A\YStrrt for J'i'Jtl nr their nnn11ol convention in Orlnndo. Myrick wo.~ surprised h} the

nr.minArion. She soill chc highlight or che experience was "meeting Brod." the E\1S operoror on the other end of the phone during rhe delivery.

\1yricl; Is rhe coliliwain of an Landin:: CrafL Mechanized l>om ac the 231bl 1tam;portaLiun Company. Tht: wx•wain is the driver uf the vesst:I and is assisL"'1 by ihe oni;iuecr aud a seaman. She has been a mt:mbor of ihe unit sinw 1987. •

ZLT Me/uni< R. Mu'!i"" 32ru1 Trcu•~puriutivn G1vu;J. JU1n;>"· FL

INSCOM J .lngul~t of chc \cur SSG fady A. Timaniwas named tho lnft.lhgtnce and Sec.u-

1iiy Command's (JNSL'UM) Lm)l:mst ot tht all t. Llel · voi.r, \/A.

BG Johfl o. Thoma& Jr., //.$. Army INSCOM oommandor. prasonrs cenlflcarv ot achleve­mcm 10 SSG nmonl.

' I hr. mmr.-ti­ru'ln nr:ttr .. i ;.1

numht.r nr il~'flrftq ft)r him, including n ccrrif­ of achieve­ment, ii con1men dncory Flog note. the IKSC0\1 CG 's ~uin of ~·· i.:c::llc:: ii u.:t:", a.11J a $100 !(ifl "Cl LW· ' a[C f l"OOl

A.AH~. "lln1an1. an 1ntc1rO.~<~tOr \v1th the~ LJth .VI I Ude., Jf'(".<il·s trn1r

lan~1a~es and matnta1n' thi"' maxim11m lr.vr.I nf rrnfici\'-.ncyfor each one lie •r··•k• rrr.nrh, Arohir., Spnnhh nnrl llnitinn t:r,"'nli·

TKSC0'\1 hns ncnrly 1,6110 mililnry lingui~ts os:ligned Aronnrt the world nnd the 513th \1! Bde deploys lingul~cs for numerous concinge.ncies and exercises.•

I.VSCOM Pre~ Release


f''ISC.0'\f C.arcr.r C.onn~<'lnr ofthr. Vcnr SSG Jam•• R. Brngi.: i• Lhe U.S. Ai 1uy lmdlig~u•-.: aml Sc-

1,:ur lLy Cu11w1aulP~ Caic:e1 Cuu11sc:lu1 uf th~ Yc:ai. B1<igg, 742ml .Ml. 811, 70411J Milita1)' lmelligeuce Bde. Ft.

B l'vk~Jc. MD, ;•iJ his success at the balt.alion le•el 'ould be di1cctly aHributcd to his balfahon commander, t.:l'C: hank U. U1aR~ Jr. (no rclauon;.

SSC Jomes R. Bmgg

"IJua!Jty leade1-,;h11>JS a key to a suc.ce.sstul re.enll.\hneot rrngr11 m .' I ir11gg 'l\ll 1rl

flr•gg i• m lr.mpling to rr­I"~nt lhc •ucrr.•~ M TN­~(;01\1 's previn11~ tv..'l'' cnrccr COUIHCIOr.; of the ycor win­nerr,. l>orb ofwhom wem on ro wln the Depanmem of the Am1y comp1:1 ition.•

JNSCOM Pru$s Reieu>u

S<J.'l'l l!'irst Active Uuty NCO lo Receive Pi-esti­jpous Scouting Award

SGM Daniel L. Cuoorly, an Ea~I" Bu~ S~uu t sinw 19?0, r"­wived tho Dis1i111:uisho<I Eaj;l• Scout Awanl (DESA) from Socrornry of ihe Arm~ Tuyu D. Wt:~L Jr .. at a Feb. 5 ;;or.,muny uuri11~ 1h" Arm~ 's i1011u<1.l Wurlu.-i<le Pulllic Affairs Cunft:r­"uw iuA!ex~udl'ia, VA. A 24-y•<ir pu1Jlicaffai1bwloran. Cul>­t:JI~ \\'a~ 1 ~1,,;ugnii~U rvr l1i:s 30 of s~1vi..:t: lo S\;outi11g. Lu iu~I i..Je 111vLc lha11 23 yi:a1~ ::.ct "i1,,;c ~ a11 aJult lc:aUe1. Fifleeu ycan .. lJr CuLcily's all ult ~e1 vil:e tu S4..uuti11g. ha\•e Uc:t: 11 al Lile 1 t:f:1_lu11al aud 11ettiu11a.I level~. H~ Ui t lie Ji1~t- al:Li'1.: .. JuLy NCO tu 1c1,,;ci\'t: LLr.: D.ESA. He i~ cu11cutly Ll.ic: fJul1Jjl: d[t.'ai 1 ~ se1gcaul 111diOJ fo1 the 2lsL ·rbeatcr Aiuty .&\1ca C.:on1 111and iu Kaise1s .. lautcJn, Ucrn1anv. Cobc1 Iv holds a Reservccapla1n'scon1111ls­s1on and 1s currently \vorkin,o. on h1s doctorate- dcp,n:e 1n con1-mun1cauons. •

SoctaUlf.r or 1he Arm.v Togo o. west shtlkos SGM osn1011.. COl>Cf/y'o nano DS COl Albe" I.. />allOfCOll "'Dd}USIO Cobcr­/y'o 01111/ngu/onco f:lglC scout Award, WcSt and i>artcrson. E/tOIC 6cotm1111cmso1vos, aro also OESA roc1ptenrs.

Sio1..- crnd photo by UtN1t- (ji!11u)1e, Arllly Nc·'¥s Se1"ict:


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Notable NCOs

4t2th C:ommond Returns Home The 412th Enp.ineer Command wc.lcomcd home the. sol·

<lic1s ii Jeploved last May to support Upcrahon Jomt l!ndea\'· UI Ult Jan. 6.

Accou:lin11 10 CUL Jim Robinson, the. 4.lLrh <

commando• du.nn)\ the deptorment lhc l•"''P' • "'rhr. cugiueenop, stalr at l .S. Army l!uropc (I orwarrf), lnroto"l "' [aszar,, tn strpport of'thsk I 'nl'('r. l'oglc, thr. l l.S.· l~rl

01u ltu1aiional torce that inc.lndc.s troop~ from 111 o thr.r r."11n~ t1 ics. ·rhcy jlla.1me!'d ba1t·camp cnn~tructinn At 1h,~ Tntr.rmr.rli· ate Sta~g llase, 'lllszar, and a«i<tcil tatrr with ~u~rninmcnt and deplo•ment op..-rations for troors rrtnrning h.,mr..•

I.PT Kflrf.n ,\fogr1.1dr.r 41.Wt F.nginttr l,()ntmmttf

Sergeant Awarded Soldier's MedaJ Fol' Rescue sr,T l~mncl Alvarado. B Battery. lsc Bn. 30th FA, FL. Sill,

OK, cnrned the Soldier's Medni foroutst:mding tm1wrywh1m he reooued two soldiers who migh1 otherwise haw drown~d 1\ug. 8. 19%.

Thnt afternoon Alc:u3Jo was n:laxi11~ al Lakt: Lawluuka with hil, family. H•. bi• <lauyhtc1, Salnina. auJ co-wu1ke1 Hans Herrman. padJloJ uul Lu t.h~ 111iJJlo oft.he lake Ui a ca· nu~. A ~'':i1111uc:1 t:a1ue Uy. sLuutiug uPlease help n1v friond ... h~'s i11 l>ig uuuVIe."The eMia~ted swimmer µrabbcd uuLu Al\'ara<lu~sca11u~. ,..\Iva1ado atte1n1)tcd to paddle. theca­llUt lu v.:l11:1c thr swin:uner \\'as stru.AAhllP.~ but dccid('d to dive-. i11 aftc1 th\! utan because it wasn't casr to n1annever the canoe. wiLh the swiuuner clin(l,in~ to the side. I le saw another ca nn<" in lhe a1ea altcmptin~ to reach the rold1cr atoo. A m"n ttnvc. Lto1u il: leavmp; t\\"O cluldre.n in his Ctii1rtC

Alvarado S.\'am to l'J·l: \\.'1lfrid Nir.;i,1~\r. wh1"'I grahhr.ll nn10 .~varado. lht-twostruggli'rf a"\ Alv11r11tln lritfl IO ~\Vim hnck t.n the c~uoe. JJerrman mannr.vr.rr.<t th.:': l".J\nnc over ro i hc strug 4

Ahng sw1mmc.r< A mntnr hnM h11rric<1 nnt rn ~cc whnr wn.< h~ppening anrl •«istr.<l in e·~lting the cxhn11stcd swimmerq to shore ..

Now the. twn r.hil<lrr.n in rhc or.her cnnoc hego.n yelling for hr.11" Thr, mnn whn jumped in 10 nssisc ne~·er ranched Nvam ttn •n<I Kir.11isscnnd wnsn't S\\~mmlng In 1henrea or beside bis r.11nnc. Tn the confusion following the rescue of the swimmerb. ir rook n few moments for everyone to realize chat LTC lra Moore, who dove from his canoe co help ch" soh.lier in tho w:.­cer, hnd never renppeared. Diwrb recowr•u Muuro's bu<l.v from rhe wmen; of Lake Lawlunka lmurs latt:r.

Alvarado said he t.luesn 't know "xa<tl~ whal havvcncd to Moore when he leapl Crum hi• "'"'u~. but •aiJ t.he wate1 in tlle area was fill.,d with olmades. The SulJie1 's ).ledal will be posthumously a"ar<lcd auJ 1ne•e11led to the faruityot Moore in ttu up1.:uu1i11g i.:t'Lt'u1ony.•


Sf'C Tnnyn !.. Rilty·Rndrigur.z Fr. Sill, OK

New Recruits Follow in Dulls' Fuotsteps Sii'(.' J•mt• W. Wthetk,

(Ji11rlc-~tnn Tlo\vntnwn Army l~r.r:rniting Station, SC, m•<lc his fir:<t !';Ml his fi~I n1nnrh "' n rccrnitcr, l"nli~ting hi' .-t1111ehrcr, .111-lic Ann. She •ignml u 1~ fnr the Milirnry Tnrclligcncc hrnnch with her spccinlry hcineoountcr intelligence.

Wchcck, whovotnnt.ccrcd for recruiting d111y, snys he likes his new joh. He found thm if you cnlk rn mhcr pmcntinl rc­cruitq like he did his doughier, they ~ee the l\rmy os n vinhle op1ion. "Ynu don·, have to push if you explain m young people exnclly who1 rhey cnn ge1 out of It.· he sold.

SSG Phillip G11Ulorll, CunwHy Re~rnitini: Sta­tion, SC. holp~d bis fir·bt Army : 11li,1ec: fur ll1~ cal­: uJ;u yc:.u twuugh t.he Ft. Jaclo..su11 .. \.1ilihtLy b ot1 ~11.;e ProcC"ss.10,0.Station 1usthlce C\'('l)'Ollt. e fS('. \i\'('11. maybe a httle dotterenl. ' lo heg1n \ .. 1th, he arrived at

the ~11.:l ~ 1n .it.ans. ilnd cnwhnr h c•t"'lt'\

'"I W?.nled 1"C"•"lm~. 1'S hi~ f11thr.r uv111y. nnt ju~t fl'\ hi~ rr.r.ruit· er," c:aillard '\1li1i \Vhc·.n hr. hrn11gii t hi~ qo-.,; Phillip Jr.~ '" hr.gin his pro ... , .. ~sing for a (I .S . Army qJor fl~ 11 K11cJCAr ~ Rin­tngirll I nnl'l lhcmio~I ~pecin tist n;~igncd to 1hc 41.>th Chcmi­cnl r:o in Ftnrcncc, ~C. Tn Gni llnrd's second recnliscmcnc, he wn• An NRC': ~pccinlist. "It mnkcs me foci good chnt my o;on wnnn rn <In whnr T do:· he said.•

Srory and phow.1 by Leslie /Jn11 SuJ(1· Columbia. SC

Small Group Leader :.Xamed Ft. Gordon's lnsrrncror of the Vcor

!)Fl' Lance Forbes was recently named Instructor of the Year for 19% ot l 't. Gordon, UA. ltc is a <mall grnnp in$truc· tor tor tht' . .\.dvanted NonoommH;.41;innr.<i flffir.r.r

"j \\'tlS tlC('C.pti"rl ti'I \\'nrrant Offi1"'.i'f r:Anttil'IAI~ Sr.hol\J Anet

tu m ed it rlrnvn/, Porhcq ~11ii't .. A lnr of prnplc thoueht I w11s t'Nl7Y tn f'$t~~ up lh~ mC\n~y, hut mnn~y h~~ never hccn n mo­tivfllinn for me. T woul<1 rnrhcrhc nn NC.O ond hove more im­p11c1 on qoJcticr~.

•smnll group lenders hove n huge lmpncc on the :\rmy, be cause you not only loolrnt 1he soldier being trained, but a.II rhe ot:her soldiers that >;;Jlclier will train," Furoos explain~d. "Tho drill ber~"ant is prub<1bly Lb~ on ly uth"r jub iu tho Arm~ wilh as mm:h impact. ...

SI i 1 I< AIJ~,1 lt'lf!fr;1r r;P

Pt_ ,-,·n1rlnn .. 17.4

'l'UIC .'Kll ,tlJUttNAL•tlt'mNLl ~·1

Page 11: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp

he Arni) 's Warrant Officer.. WO>) - there are more than 2.000 or thc>e >peciah>ts on

active duty. working <1s aviators. band member>, cnmtnal invc.iigators, engi· nee._, quartcnnasters, personnel offi· CCr\, or in other fields that re<1u1re a lot of cxpencncc and expertise.

Not long ago the Army defined theM: expcm a\ .. officers appointed 10 warrant by the Secretary or the Army to pcrfonn spcci.1lilcd or technical middle m.1n.1gemcnt functions above the enh\lcd le\ cl. ~That old defintuon no longer define\ the true duues or a WO.howc,cr. ln acllangingworldaod a changing Arm), WOs. regardless or rank <lr \pccoalt) must be proficient m basic tact 1cal and leader..hip >kills. a; well U\ the trnd111onal technical exper· use, to ligh1 on a new kind or battlefield.

Mo't soldier- know 1ha1 abou1 WOs, and munyol thcm think it 's the best rank in the Army. No WOs were separated as u rc>ull or recent rcducuon' In force and Lhe Army ulwu)' seem\ 10 have u need ror m11rc Whn t 010\l \Oldi<r\ don't know " how tn hccomc " WO.

The path 10 becoming a WO begins m the U.S Army Recnuting Command at Ft. Knox Ki . Ir 'ou"re ph)>ically and mentaUy ht. \Clr-dt\Ctplmcd and looking for ad\anccmcnt .md Lhe responsibihl\ that come> wuh 11. USAREC"> Warrao't Officer Recru111ng Teams are looking for )'OU. ·nie team, nrc visiung instaUation> ncr0>> the country, looking for the be>1 quuhCicd cnndidntc\ for warrant officer trninmg.

While vbit ing an installation, the tcum mcmhc" 1r1lk with soldiers who arc intcrcstcu in becoming WOsandcol· lcct their i111phca11on folders. The team me,ses that USAREC does not select people for WO training SFC Antonio daR0>a. l'COIC of the team. says the team Slil)' w-uhm the realm or recruiting.

.. We find the applicant'\. re' iC\\ their folder> for 11dmini,trati' e accuracy and forward them to the appropriate propo­nent ror tcchmcal e•aluation. We are the begmmng point fora;oldier"howant> to become a warrant officer:· daRo<a \aid



Where to begin ... Sold1cf\ can lind unnnunccmcnts or

WO rcct uitmg 1cum vi" '' 1n their post ncw>pupcr. ·1 hi,yeur the team ho1>es to proce.- ulntc.»t 800 ln->crvice applica­tion> for WO tr11in111&. According 10 the rccn1i1in1: 1c11m mcrrhcri., ,hom1gcs ex· 1st In Special Force>. Cnminial Jnves­tigauorh. 1cchmcnl Supply. Food Ser· vice. Umt Ma1n1ennnce, MtlitaJ') Intelligence and Band Applicants are ahowught fortra1n1ngm P.atriot Missile Mamtcnan<-.:, Allied Trade> and Arma· mcnt Repair, M.1rin< Deck and Marine Engmeer.

"We need more rcople •pplying for warrant IXNllOth. Especially all soldiers intere>tcd in the n1gl11 program, regard­le>> of' nulitJry ' l>cc1ult:y or rank, are en­couruged Ill upply," duRo>a ;aid.

·1 he WO Recruiting lcnm leader said that many 'oldicrs who apply arc se­lected lor WO 1rn111mg. But, he cau­tioned, applicant> should not feel dis­couraged tf they arc not selected for tram mg the first 11me ·· 11 depends on the appltcant'\ m1ltl3') occupattonaJ spe­cial() and wmc11mcs ti takes pcrsC\·er· ancc ... he noted, potnttng out the case of WO I Pamela Collier

Tr). tr) again Although quahlted, Collier "as not

on the list 10 attend he tough sLx-week cour..c •II Ft. Rucker ;\L. the fir;t time \he appl ied. Neither w." she IL\lcd the

second ttme Or the third "I "'anted to become a "arrant nfttcer " she saJd, .. and I "'"'n 't ahout to g1"e up." Finally,

on the fourth try. \he wa\ accepted "I heard t hnt the Wamint Officer

Candidate Sch1x1I wus a tough course." Collier temcmhcred, "nnd 1ha1 it's the 'basic traming' lorbccominga warrant ofliccr ··

The first day begins with a 4 a.m. wake·up. \trctch1ng exercises, a lO-m111u1e. nne·mile run. drills with Lhe \I · 16 11nd n variation or pusllups and "'UP'· all "h1lc enduring tnten>e "•crbal guidance" b) a Traming. Ad· '"'"!:and C"oun-chng (TAC) Officer. the "drill -crgeant· of the course.

" I made up my mind I'd develop the right m1nd--c1:· Collier said. "I prom· ised I "ould remind my,elr all the way through that this 1ra1111ng was designed

to tnuld leadcl"\lup qu;ilttie• in a stressful environment .ind I C\J>CCted the training >tall' w put 1" much rrc~>urc on their student\ us the~ could. J sc1unrcd my shoultlcr,. lt 1ed to keep n sense or hu· mor and•' po"uvc nt111ude. and I com· pleted the wur'c wnllout any prob­lem~ ··

Collier like all graduate' of 1be War· r.rnt Ofliccr ( and1date School, 'l!."5

S\\Orn Ill "' J ncw-l> appointed warrant ofltccr. prepared tu "°'k at the WOI IC\ el. before attcndtn~ the \\arrant Qffi. cer BaMc Cour-c to prepare to perform the technical and 1.1cucal tasks required of her 011htary 'pcc1.1lty.

Collier" now u'"gncd a>.1 personnel technician Ill 1hc K2ml Airborne Div at Fi. llragg, NC. " llemg n wurrnnt officer is more than I had cKpcctcd," she said abou t her 11cw duties. "Although I'm in Lhe same field r1s I was when I was n staff sergeant back nt Ft. Carson, CO. I have more responsihihty I suppose the best \\-3) tn de\Cnhc:: "hnt h:.~ h:tf1renerl c;ince t>ccomin~ a warrant ot11cer is that it has hecn a pcru>d of gro ... th ."

Doc\ Cother h;l\c any words of ad· vice tor the 'old1cr thrnkmg about be· coming a "'arrant officer• .. Think ,uc­ce~>.- 'he 'aid ... Apply Ju>t do i1:·•

Army New' ~cf\ ice Hom a U.S. Anny Recnn't111g Co1n111an(/ Jlt.'h .\ release


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l~ I


Strategies for Sergeant and ll) SSC: Kfrby S. Obon

S crgeanl< an,I srnlf ..erg¢ants in todny"s compe111ive Army ne!!d ;i plan to achieve prore .. ional

gottl\ 1hrough th~ prorr1ot1nn s~tcrn.

r hc chaJIL"n).ti: I!\ lU untJcr\IJlid lhl'

prunu111on ')"'tc.n1 .-ind take ac.Jva111 age of H ly 111 your career rh1' .irticlc. uu1-llnc' .alJ ctH~gunci, and n.!1.:un1n1cnlft1-tlll ll\ wu hm lhc c;t1 cgoric,.

i ·hc pn.)111ntinn "ty!\tem c:: 1t1.:gonc~ a\'.· 1:umm0Ju1< 1111 \nld1c,... h~ Uc\lgn t he prun1011on !\}'le:m h.L~ !'Ii.~ cah.:goric~unJ Jdd i11,rnal suhculcµnric' in ti ) M11itur\ Tmuung. {21 Awnrd' .ind Occor.ll t<m\. t31 \llt liwry;J1 111n , l ~I C1vil i1111 & luca1i"n, (51 Dul\ Pcrlurrnancc (C'un11n.1mlc1 \ po111t>) and !M ihc P 1•UllOlLUO Board.

Milirn l') 1n1inin1t •uhdividc' 11110 tlw Arm~ Phy,ic11I Hi ne" 'll!s1 (APFI ) untl rlllc m.11 bm.m,hlp. Soldier' ,,1.,., re cci\c flt>int' tor u"-urds und decnrution' rel·c1vcd. Mlllturi- cducu1ion ha> 1hc \Ulx:urcgoril!-~ uf cnrre~pondt!ncc

'4.:llcl11I, , A rmy \Chool,. mll u.try 1rnln1ng cour~c-., t'p~rjnl <1uulil1<:atton idcnt 1ficp~ (SOI) .ind addilu>nal oklll 1ckmlt1cr> (AST) Civilian educ111 ion ;, broken do\\n in1u 1he subc:ttegnrie~ of rc\idcn1 colkgc m u1'-'!,untl 1hc Delcnse At1 iv11y h>r :-imur.1d11 ionnl Educa tion 'iuppnrl (DAN1 ES). DANTPS ;, funhcr\ulldi­' 'itlcd inw DANTES Subject Standard ized Tc"' (DSSl\ ). the College Lc1,el Examin.11ion Progrnm (Cl b l'), Amen cun College lc\I Proficiency faam> \AC'l l'EP), DANTES b1erm1I Dcgrcc Program rind DANTES lntlcpcnde111 Slud1cs. Duly pt rformnnce pnims nrc n\vnrclcd hy 1hc cunlmnndcr ;_ind 1hc promoliun hourd puc' o snlcl1cr on lhc 1>romo11on recommended list. The "x c-nt~gorics cn n ~u:cumulah.: ll po~'1hle

!lOO point'.

Military Training All 'oldicr< can irnprow their APPi

bcurc. T he challtngc i' pu<Jung oneself 1011cb1eve 11 be llc r >corc Nornll >old1c"'


Page 13: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp

Staff Sergeant Promotion l~ I enjoy uoing pu,h· up' nnd sit-up, l>r nm­nmg in prc1>uruiiun for1 hc APF-T 'J here .ire nltcrnulc c.:xcrciscs \<>Ii.Her ... cnn per roml l hnl J fC H'\CIJCctlVl: 8i"! the '\IUnJar<l t:..\i.!ri;i ... I.!,. f\lr ex~mplc. tr) '"ci~htJifunµ,.

Jhe mu•cb aJfrcted during the push-up arc ihc chest. triceps muf ,110111-ucr-. Excrd~c' such a' the bench pres' (llut l>c nch, incline bench, decline hcnch and Oie' ), t!Jps, triccp C\lcnsion,, ptl'h tlown.i;;, n1ilitary pn:s\, etc .. ull \ \ ·01 L the chcsl. triccp'11n<J ,bn11Jdcr muscles. Talk to nn excrci!-.C ins.1 ructo1 10 cn ... un: 1hc cxcrcbc<. arc hcing performed propc1 Iv.

The mo" cllect ivc way todo;it-ups ts

wi th -..ciglu f'ost1ion n sir-up hcnch w11h a slight incline. 1nke 11 IO-pound weight 11nd r l.1ce ii on the ch~"· With arms loltlc,J acros' the d1cs1 holding the weigh! 111 pince, hcgin domg sli-uP>. Do four ;,ms u day. wllh a 30-,ccond hrcak berwccn \cts. As 1 he 'wmuch 11ams \ITCllgl It. inc:r~asc the v.•cighl.

Supplement running w11h bt ~c riding over lung di>L1ncc>OI I0· 15 mile<; ""'m ming lups; riding u 'rn tionary bike; climbing a stru r stepper e re. The pnints for the API T •trc: 30U, 50 pomr•; 29'1-29!1. ·15 poinrs; 289-280, 40 po1111'; 17'1-2711, 35 point'; 269-2()(1, 30 puinh; 2'>9-240. 25 r1iinh: 239-nu. 10 p11ln1>; 219-200 15 p11in1s; 1'19-JSO. 10 po11m; 179 or below, U poin1; lliink 50 point•!

Mark<;manship i"Jcfincd hy "the prn­lidenL')' \\ith which one can lire a wenp· 110." All \Ofdicrs haw the cap.1hil lt)' to ;,huot expe rt The mo,1 1111pnr1Hnl as­per!< arc zeroing, proper po"tlunmg und pmper trigger pull. I !>ten ci1reru 11y ro 1he roingc 111sr ruc1or Understand how 10 mAkc aJJn<tmer.r< to the sight\during rhc ieroing phase. Refer to Soldier framing PuhLicatitin 21- 1 pages M-7L for the M J6AJ t\r pag..:' 121-126 for tbe Ml l!A2.

Hrmly posllion the butt plarc 11110 rhc shoulder nod have a firm grip on the fnrc plate lor the firin~ posil ic1a,. With t be eye nligncd and fl clear bigbl picture on tbe target, take 11 deep hrcath and con· ccn1m1c on slowly blowing the air out


"hlle pulling the u i!IJ;cr. Thi' tccbntque rclh::vc\ nL"rvc>u!tinc's unU prutluC'C\ a more .iccurutc shot. n1e p<1in1> for nmrk,nu1n<hq1 arc· expert. i ll point,; shaqhhootcr, JU roi1m; and mJrksmiln JO points. l"hink 511 poinl\.

A1rnrd~ and Occor111lons J\n U\\'Urd j, -,onl!lhin~ :l\vardt:d or

gr .1ncctl tor mcri1. .. ~lt> ri1 j, ··nn . t ~f">t'CI ol al Jl<!"°n \ char.1c1e1 or artilln\<lc,cf\'111g apprm•I or tfaap1mwal ·· Mmivation ;, .. to pro\, idc with ~10 inccnll\'C or nlot1vc. ,. T lwrc i' no rule in AR 672-5· 1. A"ordi. nnd Deconitioni., thnt slipulutcs" sol­dtcr mus! receive un a\\J ru. Howcwr. pride. initimive. 'clltng theex;implc. be· mg rechmcally and 1 uct ic11l 11 profic1cn1 can Je;rd 10 rewards.

The same" true of dccorn11on,. Jn f,1111ry \llld1c rs who l~tvc the opportunlly ru !l" 10 bpcrt l nl;in1ry Undi:c 1ru1ntnp should ru kc 1 he mi l ill ivc. f'he ,l\\,trd wtll be tho hom'< ol wca mj! the El U unJ I 0 rromouon points. Oiher' mclutle 1hc Delcn;c Meri111rio.ts ~erv1cc Medal (DM..,MJ, 25 pomL•: the Merilol'iou' Service Medal tMSM). 25 points; Jmm Service Me.duJ (JSC M). 211 [l(lllll>: Army Commendntion Medal (ARCOM ). W poinl\; Joun Scrv11.:c.Ach11,:\'.,:men1 Med­al (JSAM). 15 po1m~; Am1y .\chicve­menl Medal (AAM), JU m ini\; C omha1 Infantry ll:1d1:1c (C lll). IS poinl'; Com­h.11 Field Mcdicnl B.idgc (CFMJJJ, 15 pmnl\; Good Conduct Mcd11J (CiCM ), 10 pninh; Elll, Ill pu1111°' !!%pell Fic l\J M cdicul Badge (Lr MB), Ill pninh, Pnr:trhu I ;,1 IJ;1dgc, 5 poin h; Air ,,,,aull Badge. S poinL\; Dril•cr- ,intl Mechanic Badge, 5 point': Cenflicaw nf Achlcvc­men1, 5 poinL• lm:Lximum ol two aut ho­rized signed by H 11.:utenant culonel or nhovc). Sec AR 6-0().8-19, pag" 35, lor uddilional ptlint inkrmamrn on a"urd' and di:curn1iuns. 1 hrnk50 pt1in1,i

Militar) Ed ucation fhcsc 1cd10iquc~ urc proven ; trulc·

gi"' in llChicving m1hrary c<lucutiona l goals.

J\ soldic1· 'hould he gin hy applying fnr correspondence •'OU1'CS ollcrc<I in Mili lary o,-.-upaltunal !;pccialt ic' / ~I OS)

RcrL'r to l)A Pun1 J5 1·20 Anny f 'orre-­; pondcnce Course Prngrum Catalog, Chapter I . lrn c lij!ih11t1y, p<lll11' nl rnn-13cl .Jlld prcpn ring I he DA F'nrm I ~5, Arrn)' Corte~1>oudence l~ourse Enroll · men! Appliralion. Eti.urc >ecllrni. 1-3 .ind h-9 arc c11mplc1cd Refer to Chuprci ~. Suhcour-c Dcs<!rtr11on' for Consoli dated Prnponcnh. lor >CCtio11>4 5 ol lhc DA Form I ~5 ·111c DA Funn I 15 come' "' '' h 111,trtJllinns fur .1pplic.mts.

F<>r add111011al 1nfornui1in11, con1ac1 I he i \ rmy I n\tirute for Prnlcssrnnnl De \'elopmcnt. U.S. Arm) rr;11111ng Support Center. Newport News. VA lJ62H-OOOJ. or c.1J11Hll I) H7X·:l335/5442.

t\dd111onul wrrc,pundence '<Jursc\ av11 1luhlc .trc AR 351-20, Chapter I, the L.S . .\nny Medical l>e1)1Jninenl Cerner 11nd School (AM[DIX&SJ riml the Judge Ad>ll<Ule Gtnern l'~ Sehonl.

For appl1cn11on ro the AJl.I f::DDC&S. one n1ust have wnrten 111s1ific:uj1>n ( mcmu J and u cumplctcd D. \ For111 I 45 •cn110 Cunm1a11dcr ll .S. Arlll)' Mcdic;ll Ccntcr uad School (AlTN: I ISi IA·MrJ h Sam Hou,1nn. TX 78!34-nJ<JtJ. For nt..ILlitionul 1nfurinn1ion. t:nnt;ict the '<.'.hnol ;II (800) 344 2380. f::n;.urc the JU\11 lica1 iun l"i legltrnuati:, 11,ince •\MEDO( ·&s " under nu nhligatiun In fulfil l 110\ rCIJUC'I

Fur Hppl1ea11on Ill 1hc Judge -\<l">­c" tc ( iii:ncrul\ Schonl 1 oni: n1u~1 hr.1vc.! wrn tcn Jll\llfica 1111n (memo) and u com plcwJ DA Funn 14~ senr to rhc Judge Auvocatc General'' Schnell. U .S Army (AITN JAGS-AON C) C'hurlmrcwillc, Vi\ !2CJOJ- 17HJ Fnrndd11innal inforrnu· t Ion, contan 1 he -chool :11 ( XlHl) 552-3'178. ext ~OR En,urc the justlhca lion is Jegilimote. 1 h~ Judg<! Advocate Geocr.11's Sch1ml b aJ..o und<!r no ohh!!'t tion tn lulftU any reque'I

rh~ U.S M3rlne Corr-. Marine Cull" Jn,tnutc, puhli.he' :i USMC Cor­rc>pumkncc Cour'c C'H 1.1Jng. rn ublrnn n copy, co11111c1 an Army Learnmg Ccn·


Page 14: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp

l~ I Strategies for Sergeant and 1erund prepare 11 Manne Corp' h1'1i1111c enr<•llmcnt applic.11 ion. For <tt.ld111<Hrnl inr11rm,11ion. wrnc to 1hc U.!>. Mnnnc Corp,. Manne Corp-. ln,c1tutc, Arhng­rnn, VA 2:!221-000 1 1ir C<lll (202) 433-21171/27211.

1"hc poin1, for corn:spondcncc course' arc CA'J' 10 <'alculalc. All the ,ubcnur.cs aml com:,pondcncc et>tm~ book!; .ire culculmcd 111 hi1ur,, u"1.1lly in the bcginninA ol 1hc hot>k. Refer to OA rum 351-20. Ch;1p1er 5. J)ividc the amounr of hour< hy f1vc. For example, II the subcouN! amounts 10 25 hour., 11 '• worth ftvc promotoon poi1m.

Army o;chool• fall into the same caic­gory as corrc•pondence coutses because they arc pan of professional develop­ment. Noncommissioned Offkcrs Educalion Sy*<m (NCOES) course' are required lor promotion. The Primn­ry Lcadc"hip Development Cour'c ;, wort h 30 p111nt•. rcganllc"orMOS, nnd !he BJ,ic Noncon1m i'"oncd Officers Coui-..e i' wonh three poin1' per week. BNCOC varic"> in lcnglh. depending on MOS.

Milirnry Tuining Cour~e> .ire anoth­er source ol prommion poims. For cx­dntpk, n 'oldicrwi1h additional du1yasn Nuclear, Biologicnl, Chemical oper.11or 'hould wke the opportum1y to utteml nn 1'BC Ocfen'e course. Poims for alten­dancc Ul mil iu.rylroinmgcourse.~ are ac­cumulQled <1! two poml• per week wilh n minimum of 40 hours. Ensure upon gruuunlion the c., til'icate of Comple non b printed on n OA Form 87, Certili­cnte or Tmining. lO receive the lu ll 11moun1 o l poini,. fori he rnu r,c. Re fort" OA Pnm 351-1 lor cou"e descriplion nnd prerequisile•. Hcadstilrt cour>c' also ttre .aul hori1c:d l\\>O poin11oi per \vcek.

Special Qu.11iiicnlitrn ldcntilk" nrny rau lnlO uunl point cmegorics. Fme~tlm­ple, al L~nding Airborne Schaul i' wurth 1wo poinL> per week, eight poinh [n nll, and nn ~lldi11onn l five poinl' for the Pnrachutis1 Budge. me same hold" rue for Air A"°"ault, two poinh po!rwcek anu an additional riw poini:. foi the Air A>­'nult Budge. Refer IO AR 61 1-201 , En-


11-ied Cureer Mnn11gcrncnt Field< 11nd MOS, Ch<tplcr 5. frr dc'>Cription. quuh leca1ion' ,int.I rc,tntuon,,

Adt.luional Skill ldcnt il1c rsqu.11ify for twi> poinl' perwcckof trnlning. The AS I i• MOS ~p.:cific For cxamrle. if 1he MOS" Military Ptilicc wi1 h nn Hdu11 iun­al dury a\ 1'111rol Dog r landlcr, IL would he ;11lvant.1gcou> 1u attend 1he Pu1rol Dog Hundling course. Rdcr 10 Alt 61 1·201. Chup1cr 6, for <lc,cnpt i<ln, quuhficntton> uncl rc,1rkrn>ns. The lli· vcrsit} of correspomkncc cour<cs, Am1y -.:hooh (NCOES), miluary 1rn1n-1ng course, SOI nntl AST mak.:> 150 points nnnlnnble. Think 150 poml5.

Civilian Education Civilian cducalton not only advance>

pro!c"ionul dc,clnpntcnl and points fnr promotion, ii ul'o utfcrs u pl:moing guide for 0.1 c:irccr nf1cr 1nilil1lr') service.

Tb get !<.lrtrted \\1i1h ('iv1 I inn cducnl ion. n 'olt.lier 'hould ~o :o the Army Educn­tinn ('enter :lncl !-!eCJ COUll,elnr. 0CCt!f·

niine a degree field or 1111cre>1. Sign up witlrn locnlServiccmcml>crOppo11unit)' College. The SOC progr.un gives n sol­dier 1he bc;r opp.irluniiy for crcdi1 tran>fcr a her n PCS mo•e.

lltc "ildier 'huuld 1 hen \elect n de· grcc plan ;ind complete Lhrcc to six crc.!d· its (one to cwo classes) llepemlingon the .;chool requirement The coun<clor should recommend prepanng ii DA Form 545~ R. Reque•t for Arm~/Amcrl· cnn Council on Education Regi~tl)'

"lhln>cript Rcquc,t oflicinl col lege I rnnscriph fr<llTI any p1·evim1> colleges allendcd aml have them forwanleu to !he Army education coun,elor. The counselor forw11rtb the AA RTS 1111d offi­cinl trunscrirb to tbc school cvaluu1or .-ho completes Lhc .iudcnl .igrccmcnt for curriculum degree requirement•. The <,0ld1cr >hould 111cc1 wuh !he 1\rmy cducmion coun,clor w g1> nwr 1he >iu· cknt agreement requlremc11h und col lcgc coursc' m con·ple1c tha1 'pec1fk­degrce pl.111. The studcn1 agreemen1 requires a soldier toromplew at least 25 percent of 1hc cout>e curriculum with

the SOC (approximately 15 credit hnur~ for un A'sociah.'' degree nm.I 30 fo1 J

Bachelor, cle!\rcc) Upon co111plc1 ion <>I 1 he college

cour<~'· rhe ,oldwr •hmtlrJ requc'L <Ill

official trnn..crirt Imm the >Chool. I he A/\RTS tr.111,crip1, tran-.:ripls from tlre­vious college' (if applkabk), and Lhc con1pletctJ "'4..'ho,il t.:1,.lLH"e' \\+ill he cun1· pilcl.I on !he orfitinl Lr..1n..cri11t. The <>ffi­ctal,cnr1 'hnuhl lie loNardeu w the Am1y blucatiun Ccnicr for review hy the eomt>cl"r and soldier. Thi>'' !he "art in~ puint f<>relvillan cduc,111un an<I ..:Ull)U(Jl lVC b~l\I"' for rron1i'lH'O p<Jinl,, Dcpendingo111hcda"leng1h, 1he en hr.: proce'' rnkcs ap1lroxnt1~tdy 17 to I/; wcek.s. f'nr addm,1nnl infonn.11m11, refer tn the SOC lrnru.Jhook iu Ille i\rmv L<lu~dlinn C'en1¢r ·

If ~nldicr., urc lnnking solely for prnmntiun pt1in1,. u degree field inher­ent to nn MOS m"y 1mn,fer the greatest n1no11nt of 111ilitnry l.!ducrulnn to civHian cduc<111<m. For example, a cummunicu-1 ions Si>ldicr selecting :1 cnllc1tc degree plan iu conununicarit)n\ moy rr:1n,fl."!r a (?fl:ater arnoun l 0 1 n111i1nryeduc;.1thn1 rn civiliao education_, proc.lucing n1ore. pro1notion poilll \ :!M!fllC~ter houn,.

Nm all sold ier' have rhc oppom1n1ty to&() 1011 rc~1Jcnt collcg..: year round he· cau'c of field 1rnining CX<'<C"cs. deploy men1' and duty at rcmm~ " tcs. Solu­tion~ C'l(iSt for thi, probh:1n. r~1m11iarize

your.elf with the ho'1 Anny Euucurinn Center. Sd1edule u time with <1n edurn 1ion cc>un,dor ilnd 11sk ahmll DAN 11-:S. Under DANTES falh lh" DSSTh, CLFP, AC'I PEP. ))ANTES E.xlernnl D~grcc Pmgn11n and DANTES Independent Si u<.I} Pmgrnm

1 he>c Jlroi:rnms cnnblt sold1"" 10 Ci.lfll promotion poirt~' and (if UCCCf)tCd hy an 11Nt1uLionl college crcd111hrougb cxt1n11nu1itln~ . fltc cXI1n1\ arc udmini\~ lruted I» 1hc Army EduCiltion Ce1Her. The DSS1\ arc •object man er cxamurn­ttons in rollege and technical •uhjccL~. Refer 10 SOC I lnndhook. page 57, (or the st.111dordi1ed lcsts Ptli11L• for DS!:>'"Th arc hased on the numher of <>cmcstcr


Page 15: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp

Staff Sergeant Promotion hmm. rc.:ommcnJcd 11) the ,\me11,.1n Coun.:11 nl l Ju,-at11>n I,\( 1-) < ""'uh an 1\rm) cJuL:allun 01un'W:lor lor (ft:,hl Jttcm11nal1<~ .. Then: I' no hmc 1111111

''" DSS" C\dnt' n,~ cU:r ~' ,1"''k<1 '"'" '"'" c'

am1n.11ion c-J1l'J!llflC'· acne rat c\.1m' and su1>1c..:1 ,..,.m,, Inc ('I E.I' ~cncr 11 c\.1m "11tcgor1c~ arc Engh'h conlr"'"•11on , Mt· t.·1al KlCO\.'.cS.. h1'"'r'Y• nos1ur1tl M:1crh.:e.

humanities .ind m.t1h. \Uli$l'l ''·'m' arc more 'J1C1.:1111 •.. 1n""lud111g h11,1fll'~' · a~cn1cn1, P''Lhol,lg\ , '-<x1nlu1'!:'"· cit.: . ,\II li\C rar"11l 1hd' I Ll'i;1•11cr.1lc\,1n1'.111• cqu1v.1lcn1 10 oni: )·car ul i.:tlllc~.: 11r 'U pro1n,llinn l'Ktinl' 'fl \C111e,t..:r huur~ tl .1CC<JllCJ hy lll1 111\lllUtlllJI. ( 01TIJllct111n 111 nnc cul<'~""' 11t 1hc CI.I-I' ~1·n1·r.d c\ urn';, worlh "' pm111111mn 1'<1inh. l'hc ( LLI' ,uhicct c\anl' will av.i1r<I poinh ha1'0cd on 1hc nu1nhcr uf \l!Oh.:,l i.'r hour~ rccomrncndcd hv AC I . ( t11m1h <1n Armv "<lurntlun <'11111,dnr 1<11 1111ir11 <k tcrminu111>1h ·rn<rc "a tinw hn11t u1111h cah1t: tu coH::h t:\un1

1'hc AC 11'1'1' h." .l~ dllt"rcnt rnl · lc~c le\ el 'iUhJct.I c\1.11nln1.tlln11' I h .. \('I l'LI' 'uhj<·ct c\.Jnt' "'II """'" point' ~1,...:d nn the nu1nhcr nl ·~:rTil'!ootl.'.r buu" rccnmmcl1lkU hy \( 1 Con,ull Jn 1\m1y cJu..:auon t..·uun,clor lctr po111t dc1cm11n.1uon' r h~rc ,, •• tunt: l1111i1 .• ,., .. ph1at>k 10 each c\.1m htr more mfur m.a1h:tn, C<lnl.1c.l )Our cJu~ &lion c."C'nt.:r

The I> \N fl S l \lcrn.11 r>.:grcc und lndcp<mknl ~IUJ) proi; .ire rccc> nuc:J I>\ \CE IL• ac.rcd11cd IO<lllnllM• The DA "I I I \ l \lcrn.11 Dcgrrc ( .11.11" .11lo\l.' a "lld1.:r to c.hocl'\C .1 SJlC"-lltt.. C'(>I lcge and etnuculunt v.h1"-h llt' .t llc.•gn:c 1n an .1\: !W"ICIJh.' ur l-4Jc·hrlor dcgr"~l" progr:im ll1c DANI I S lnJq>.:n1.kn1 ~tuJ~ C.HJJ.1g .,11,," .. a r;olJ1\.'r 1ocho(, .. e

on..: 1.:ol1cgc (ttUf\4.: "'h11.:h hi' a tl..:grct.­plan '"an ·\· -1x1Jlc m ll.1chclur 1Jc~rcc progn.un T\J111on a ... ,,,t,u1ct.: •~ 1l\.it11.1hlc h\ prcpanng ll\N ll !> ronn 15621.11, Oisum« Lrnm lng Lnrolhuenl I orm [or !>cn1ccmc111l>e". prior 10 1 .1~111~ lhc course. I he •~JUN! must he 11rcp.11d in

lull Upon 'ali>hittory <eln1plc11011 (due umcn1ed). DANTES wlll rc1111h11r'" th~

TllE Nro JOl lRNi\Ul'll'HINO ff7

.. u1<11ct the tu111on ''~"'Ian« MACOM 1u111un c.:J.fh n1.1\ Ji:ta.: rm1nc the ,,mount of hlllH•n rc.!1mhuntnlent. lhccl \\ilh 1h~ \rm~ cen1cr tor dcta1b. ')old1ehrt:'°C1\C on~ iromot1011 po1n1 tor c.u.:h -,e1nc.,.1c:r hour

lduC'3t1on 1n1pn."\c:rncnl point:\ cJn l>c a,,lctl w i<>ldo:" "h" h."e com· plc1cd a uillcrc cuurse or .1 ti<:ncral I Ju'""'"" Orplu111.11Ca D) The ma,1 · mum " Ill poinh If a specialist "'pm· n1olcc.J to ~r~l.".tOl. cJUL..11100 fmpr<l\"° · n11.·n1 n1u,1 con11nul" n nrd~r 10 ma1n1atn 10 I'<""" lor the nc't hij!hcr promn11<m.

S~• lc.Jtcf' TCt.:l•J\'C ~ 101! prom,•I ion f>'HOI tor ._.,u;h "it.'me~11:r hourcumplc1cd One .111J unc qunrter h~u1r" equal unc ~mt!~­tc1 hnur 1o t:00\.1.;'Tt 4u.Jrlcr huul'\ LO t.,C

01e'1cr hon". d1v11k lhe numhcr 111 quarter'""'" hy I ~.Think 100 poinh.

Duly l'~rformance ( 'rit.:1111 •C l frn Lh'" AR 600-200, En·

1 11.l ~d l'er"mnel Managc111cn1 !>y>l•m. Ch.1plcr 7 I lime 111 1cl"'i<c ilntl 1imc in

grade) dc1c1 m111c,. 'ol.iicr'' ehgibi111y Im pr11m111111n W,1i\c" ma) lie gran1cJ ii upphc.1hlc. P11inharo ""unlcd h) the 'umn1.1n<lcr b.t~cu un \ uhu:,, rc!\pt.lns.1· b11it). p111cn11.1I for 1J,,inccmcnt, com­Jk'lcn,·c, molilary ;ipp,:.irancc. ph)"<ical tune'' anJ l\!;u.lcr ... l11p, c1c C)nt.~ a ~01. doc r hJ' l>cor1 rec11mmcnJeJ h) the corn­n1.u1J~ r [ur prdmtllk,O, J m.u.jmum uf ~··I'"""' m.1) l>c 1 .... rJcJ. rh1nl ~00

"'""' Promo1ion Board l .... the ch.11n ol .ommanJ 10 ohtam

O<<ci...Jf) 'lUtl) mal<Wtl lor th< promo· 111u1 hoard. Clear!\ un1kNanJ 1hc °'1.trd' i..:.11cgon..: .. tor ~•uJ\m~ pur· I'<""' \1.1~c 'ulhrnnl 11me 10 '1uJ1 all C'-th.•Kunc"' 111 pr~p.1r.tt1on tor 1he hc~r,f lio.1rJ, n,lmiJlh i:on'1"'t ot a pn.•,1dcn1 , '"" 111 lour mcml><r' and a recorder The prc"'Jcn1 .111d ho;ird mcml:>er< a<~ qt1c,l 1<>r1' pcrrnu1111g 10 the "ud) ma1cn· .11 und rhcn vmc on •he '>old1cr·s 1>erfor· man'e fhc recorder ducumcnl' the re­'"''' oml l<m•ards 1110 the un11 "11h the 1>01nl!7.. il"-'rtrded ·111: '-tllLlicr i~ now on thr promn11011 rcc.:on1n1cntlutlon li,t.

1 he ma.\lmum a11111un1 nf p11tnh lnr • promo1"111 lx>-11d 1• ~!NI 1 h1nl :m (1<1101·

Colculating Poinh An e\,,n1p ol hu"' to 1..11L"\ll.1rc

pcunr· .\n ~hg1hh.~ . ..,,ld1 ... r . ., rc.:c.001 mcnJcJ and ehgotile tor P""""'""' I he ..:omn1linJc r rcl.·f1mn1l·nd' 200 n~.1\101un1 ptt1nt, lh1.: "''IJu.::r S'IJC' t-.._h1ti.: 11 pn.1m11h1H'I h.: 1.oJ .111d "i4.'C ll-.!'~ 1 Jlj t I'))

11'11111 .... , . f•rh1r "' J.!1110~ cu th1 hn.1rJ. ti ~ilJ1~r ..,IHH c\pcl t Ju11n>!, thl.' l.1 ... t Y.c.Jp •lU' qu.1hl1• 11111n t~O porn!,); ;co,.·J 2111 on tho \1'1 ·1 14~ 1""111') '""'"''<I •' G••>d C.1nJ11,1 McJ;d i.11 llHc' )C•"' nl -cnon ( 10 I"""'') .uni .in \rm) At:h1cvc111~111 f\-1c<l.1I ii" ~• h.:.nn ll:tHll' I (HI potrm): rc<e!'cd a ( lllll ..... Ct1111plc Lion Ccr111lc.1te \\llh 1'10 h•'"' ' um! 17 'uhmu1'c' ""rlh l ~o lluur' {.l Ill d1~1tl cd hy 5 - 6M p111t1 ' '): co111plcte1 I l\\11 rnl lcgc cour'c' (6 rmnt') illlll lwl nuluary educali!11l c\'Ulua1cil ( \All I"> Olfalul ' rtanscript ). "hrd1. c·11rnhin1·1I "ilh wl lege cour'c' "'" ~It 1rcd11 hm"' (20 poim') lhc '°llhcr\ t11tul J'lllll t· woulJ he 602. 1 hnoldkr "no" 1111 lhc l'r11mo· lion Re.:ummcndcll 11,1

l'.;1eh 1tnw ,, , .. 1J1er h." un mldll11>11.1I Wpoin1,, thn can!>.: .1JJcJ" 11h lhc •<r­,,, .... Pcr'4•nncl ~Cf'\l\.C' ( cnler. It·' \ol Llicr Ll.i l>O Lh~ prnmn1111n :or.t.11hhng h"lt currcnll) "ilh //oi 11"""'' or higher, he 111

"'he ma\ ri:\.on1pu1~ "11h la\ 1h.1n zu pt-)101' Pf(lll\(llhJO ro11n' ltf\! c tit.:\ II\(' on th(" firt.t J.1\ nl the third 11hlfllh r'-1lluv.1ng th~ promo11un hc),U<l rcc\ulu.11tun ut rt:l·nmput.111on pt>HU rnlJ~lmt·n1

rhi.: Arm~ pt11n1 ~''l(1ng1'l'"°~'IJ1r1~ cqu~J upportun1t\ tor pto1nn11un 1nJ pru\iJl!, .1 \'3fh.:t\ ''t \\._1\S to uc.:hll'\c: I"''""· Uul , ,, ·, the on1h\ld11.1I ><•ldll·r '• Cl~'n'it111lty lo pu'ih 1or t11c.· hU\'l.Cl!'. ul pron1n1ion I h1' 1' \\ho11 n1uli.c~ .\n1t·u c..·t.J", ,\rm} a(ul .lhtl\e 1hc rc:..t l{c.:nu:1n her, d1."\Clop u ~1r,1f1.:!'\ ,111J U"-l" Hll1l'

n1nnagcn11.:nt '-1" kt:\"' 1t1 ... uc'-..:"' •

()/\01' u orl\ r1t 1ht• /-',·111dt;on, ""'""'·t;ton o.c.


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New Personnel Policies Promotion Picture

NCO promotions have slowed ... the last few years

because of budgetary constraints, but things are

looking up ...


ll) Gerry Gilmore

T: he end ,;f 1hc drnwdown, eoupkd vi1h ' ignificam rc1cn11on policy hanges, is allcwing 1he Army m

keep and promote more soldiers. Anny retemion officials wnn l chose

quality ~oldiers \\1hu arc c.:on,idcring re· cnlistmcnl lt.l know their chain nr com· mand will help show Lhem how. Reen­li>1men1s can be 'implc or more complica1cd, Licpcnding on 1hc needs of the Army and the soldier. said SGM JcrryL Pionk,scniorNCOwith 1he De­parimem oftheArmy·s Retention PoliL'Y Proponem in the Office of the Depu ty Chief ofStn ff for Personnel n11he Penrn­gon. 1-lo"cvcr. i i'> a fac1 1ha1 commnnd­crs are cxpcc1 ed to be involved in help­ing their soldiers reach reen lis1n1cnt decisions.

As of Nov. 26, 1996, 1he reLemion comrol poi ms for specialb1 ( prumoiable ~i nd nonpron1ou1hle) ~i ncl ~rgean1 \tJere moved up from eight 10 10 years and t3 to t5 years respccth·ely. said Pionk. En­listed soldiers are normally required to leave the Army if they aren"t promotable or promoted m the nex1 higher rank when reaching their RCP. which identi­fies the towJ years of service nllowcd un cn lis1cd soldier m u particular rank. The Army previously lowered RCP, during

I he J <)91-% reclucuon of force,, or drtl\VdO\!t'O. in the \\'like! uf the end 0£ lhc

Cold War. "For Fiscal Year 1997. we've changed

1he RCl's for spcciali•1s and sergeants,"' Pionk 'aid •·1 hi' i' nnl 10 be wken a' a lcso;cn ing of qmil i1y '" qu.ili1y 'tandanls. but n; an 'ftdjLL,Lme111 fm lire.' [During 1hedrnwdownJ we brnught less people in .•. 1hc resuhing impact on promotions cau!\cd us tn hnvc fc\\'cr people in the ranks than "'c need.

"The decision co move RCPs for spe­cialists and sergeants to J 0 years and 15 years respectively capimlizes on the ovcnill high qm1li1y of our junior sol­dier!.. 11 allow•1hcm 10 ta ke longer reen­l is1mcn1sa1 nn earlier 1ime for longer pe­riods. This is good for 1hc Army and for 1hc soldier!. who wane 10 make 1hc Army a career. The Army C3n beu er manage soldiers' iassignmems. while soldiers can bcucr charl 1hci r careers. (The RCP ch}1 nge.,. prnvid~ \.nldic""\.vith] ... s1ability and longer pc nods 10 meet 1hc require· ment 10 be more compe1i1 ivc for promo-1ion. JThe RCP changes] affect abouc 200 people a1 the sergeant level and about 4,400 at 1he special ist level." Pionk suicl.

Addi1ionully, soldiers now have more 1i1ne co make reenlistment decisions, Pionk said. The old reenlis1ment "win-


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do"" "a' tmm eight month' ttl 90 day, prior h11hc c\p1r.11ton ol 1hc term of "ICr­\ ICC .

.. C:Jfcf..:U\c <:kt. I. th~ 1c::-up """'-ndo~ "cnt uut ( fr,,,n c1~ht ( to I~ months. so a ,o!dtcr r.m °'"' rccnl"t at up to a year before rrs; P1nnk 'atd.

Selcctctl rccnlt,tmcnt bonus monic' h•"C Ileen rcturnctl to the Army's cof· for.. The Army "'c' the money to help cunvinCL" ,oftlicr' \vtth crittcal and usu~1l­I) 11 11dcNrcng1h ' l)Cct<tlties to srny in.

er\ coun1crpar1, '' Oll\\ the "'4!nior rc1~n· 111m 1\(0 lnr h" m her command. The C~tfC:Cf C'UUO\Clor ~, .... ,, I() C~tfl) out the "''he' 01 the c:on1mand team. 10 rake i.:~1rc ot ~ •,olJ1c(, c.1r.:er"

'>oldier.· careeru111n,chng. -wkt"d'­lcct thc a '4>IJ1u 'h'"'' up in a umt. ni111u'1 the 11 month' prior to an ET~.­P11mk '"'d .. It's ,111 ongomg proec'> in· \Cll\111µ the entire k;iJcr-hip chain.

"('orpur.11,, sf..'rgeanlt\, '~cti(1n chic I',, ''l"•'d"· plu tonn wrgcan". pla·

Brighten Retention, For Some Soldiers

" I '"' fi-.cul} cur. our [rccnli,1 ment J ho· ""' money'"" •educed hy almost S 10 million '" part 111 hmlgetary ~ut;. Thai money h." hccn rc,torctl. plu' an aJd1· ttcrn.11 S4 m ill1on. "' \\C ha' c S 14 mil hon o\er Ja,1 yc~ar tor '4.:lcl'U\C recnli...'i"1men1 ho nu~'

"\\'c Ju rcc\;iluatc the \I OS.:. on the l•onu' proi:ram c\ Cl) quarter .. if an \IO'i ,, ill or flrllJCCtcd lO l>e at JOO per­cent 'trcn~th and "C don't real~ need" 0.inu' tu mtluce people 10 ~ta) in tho-c MO'>c'. the' ma) lo"' their llonu.' or ha\\'. th~ an1oun1 reduced. Con\Cr~cl}. "'me MO~c' '"II have 1heir bonus nmount n11,cd or b.! mltleJ to the pm· grun1 "

··The Army"' 1c tcn1ion program is a commundcr" rrogram:· Pionk said. ·'The Department nft lte Army. through DCSPI' R. give' the retention mi"ion to MACOJl.I commander\. They. in turn. hand 11 dt'J\\ n tu their lowest le'el com­mander,. right down throug.b the chain uf cnmmanJ. \Vhcn"c receivedouro\\n ~p•lratc rcgulahon in 19Cl1: or 1993. \\C'

\Jtd ;t1 th.1t 1tmc the commander. by vir­luc ot hcmg the commander. i\ the rc1cn11on ofhccr for hL' or her com· mnnd Inc next 11cra11on of 1hc rcgula· 11011 th;tt come' out goes one •l•p fur­the r n ncl 'llY> the command sergeant mnjnr. hy ' 'irt 11e nl being the command


1oun lcudcr,, cu1TIJ1•1rly con1 1n:i11d('r,, ev­eryone in the chuln ut c,unni:tnd. 'hould gt\l" \\lld1cr' ;ul-v icc a\ Lhc~ go nlong 1n

their t.irccr .ind p111>1dc pcriochc 'well · nc;' thed' to tell them how they are proizrc"' "~ '"'h their peers:· Pionk 'Jicl \I. hen rccnll'1Jt1en1 lime come' around. "'It.lier' c;in then make an in· tormcd dcc1,1on ..

\.irccr wun-cl1Y.. ·o;e"e as a bridge hct\\ccn an \rm\ e<penence and an Arnl~ "art!cr Ptnn.._ ,.aid. ;.\n ·\rm) C\·

peru.:11ce he "-.lid. 1s a ';C'l)d1cr\ fir,t en· hstnlcn1

••Mo't ul the 'olue"on !heir fir>t en· l"tmcnt dun't know 11 1hey're going 10 'tay 111 ur not 10 1 t i t.:arccr.'' hl.' 'J1d ... It might he .1 d11111cc w pursue civilian cd11cn1inn or trnlniug. Some soldier-; are looki n~ for 11dvc11turn and travel. We all h.ivc tndivid11al rc;1>ons for initially en· term!\ the \1 tn) On the nther h:mtl, an ·\rm~' care«!r i' t\Cing 1n for lhc! lnng haul 111.11'' 1h1.: t..Jtcc1 \.OUn~lur\ rolc-10

1.111 thc pcN.10 thrt>Ugh that. and to pur· 'U~ the OC\I \ICJ'I Ill l."t)ffiffillmcnl~ tu male the ,\rn11 a'"'\ ol hie

The J\rmvoitcr->~cral rcenli,lmcnl option,, including: rcgul"r reenlistment for current "10S. <'Urrcnt \lat ion "abi· liZ;Jt ion,!h: '4.lluicr-" elect hl 'Id} at 1hci r prc,i.:n 1 ll•ll) 't.1 l1<ln'~ ovcr-;l!n\arca of ch111ce: con1111cnt<1 I Unned States Sta·

lion ol chmcc .ind the rctr.unrng rcen· ft,tment op11on ·\II ol a "lld1cr"< rcen­l"tmcnt 'h'"'"'· Ii< added. "'II be v.,a~h~J ~J:tllO"it lh..: ni.:t.:d" of the ,.\rmy at the tune.

··soldier' h:l\c to he rcahs11c," Pion!. ''"d \nu h.l\c to match the MOS up "'"h 1hc typi.: ol mMton ol tbe place you \\ .111110 ~'" II you ·re an mlantryman. you can r rclly much go unywhere the Army h"' inl11111 rvmen. Ulll. ti you're an engi· nccr we lllilY not 111..~l'd you evl.!ry place '-C ha\c cnµ111ccrs. It depends on the job you hn\'e. \ 1>a1no11111..,,ilccrc\\'n1an or d lanµu,Jl!c 'PCl'1,1l1'1 n1a~1 he rc ... lr1Clc<l by the lcK\J11nn ot •1uthn11i.n11un~ for 1heir 'Pt:l.·1.llr}

.. The ,,.\rnt\ '' .11...,,l \cl) t:nmm111cd to halJnl·1nr the lorl·c dunng n:cnJl,t­mcnt' 'kl 11 ,,,u'rc ul an o\cf'trength \IO'i .rnd "·'"' tu ,1,11 in the \mt). )OU Illa) 'tnl\ he.: oth.·rc<I rccnh,tmcnt into a ,horta~c \10'>

\(>me "'ldtef' \<hcJukJ lo lca\c 1hc Arm~ in 1"'17 "'" h.11c more time 111 n1a~c r..:cnh,1n1cn1 <lc\.'.i-,ion"i. Pion" 'aid. ''J.\1lLHhc1 1hin!t \\.1,..0\'l" Linne for pcnplc Wllh illl F rs l1111c through the \CCOlld qu1111crnfl"c•tl vc•11 1'1'17 only i' 10 relwc the •'Jthl11y rule:"'·' '<lldier may he ch· gthlc h> rccllh>I Uf' Ill till" date of his or her FTS, he -.11d

~( 0 pro111ut11111' ha\ c 'lowed during the IJ'I le\\ )eat' hccJu'c of hudget31) '"'"'"·"""· P1unl ,.ud. But. thing. are look11t!l up. \n c't1ma1~d :?J percent of N('(), "'II ~ct Jnothcr \lrtpe tn fiscal ) I 1l'J7 J' compiltcd 10 I ti percent "ho "ere promoted tn h=I year 1995.

'(Due t<> I hudgctuf) con,iraint'. end ,1r<11g1h ant.I cvci;thmg dsc. JI wa~ ju.'t <imply 1m1l<"'1hlc 111 pmnmte to the le•· cf, the J\rm~ '""Jlcll:· Pionk '"id. ·NCO p 1'\)0lUUUll ... urc dlUUnd 9X rcrcent. Due tu prcvilHIS ovcr,1 rcn~1 h in \0111c grades :rnd MOS. DC'i l'l'R hall to go he low 9R pcn.:i:n1 10 mc..:1 huU~ct ·1 he \ in h-cal war 111'1<1 111111Jnagmg the budget '"" g1111cn 1num1111on' back on track.

'1'"'"' rromo110111i, o ....... c;.&11~ h!.l\t:

gone h.11:l to h"1<1ncal lc\cls. · P1onk ccmduded · I h,11\ a !lOtl<l nc\\»lOt) for wld1cf\ •

Gtf111orc , .. ,,,,' /or 1hr \rmy Ne\\~ Ser· \iCe ..


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(A/mos() Everyrh/ng Aboul' l'he Cenl'ra//zed

A r.·n1t• li1r.n •yucm fnr the promntion nf cnlis100 sol 11ir..- hn~ hccn in cffe<,i since 1%9. Tc hccnm()effcc1ll'e for thr promn1ion of scrgeont< mojor oi Jon. 1, 1969.

fnr mAotrr ~~recnnn on Mor. I. 196'), and for -;crgeontr. flw "1M< on hon I. 1 '>70.

Thi- -~~tern iq cnmpor.ed of several centrJliud cnlf~tcd '.'romnlinn i'11c.rd1 Ihm hove 1he following mls.'Slon:

• <;.:lcct candlc!me:: ror promorlon to ~ergeJnl fim c'.ai;i,, mr1<rcr ;icreennr nnd sergeJnt major and tppolnr ;:ommJnd <ergcnn1~ mujnr.

• Sclec1 nne ndees ror 1he resident Sersc:m11 M:iiur ("J)ull\cnnd 1he Advanced l\on;:ommi:;i;ioncd Ot'liccr CoJr>c.

• Prm Ide qualfmtlve nmnngemem progrJm scr~cni ni;:111d on orpc1tl• procesn.

• Provide n qunlitaril'e manai,:emeni prni;r;mt fina: oo:in.J. • Provide stundby :idviwry bo:mb. J~ nec~~b:tf)'. ThG Sccrc1t1r)' of Lhe Af'my. lhroui:b t.bc Dcµuty Cliic1' u l

Stoff for Pcr~u11nd. sclc~ls th~ indiviJ uU:• wbu sit "" tile board&. Euch oo:ml includes buih UlttC<JS anJ :-!('(),, :111J " general officer ~ur\'es a; buarJ pr.,siJem. Ni11e 111 11 pa11d• comprloc each buanl. with at].,,.., fuur 1110111bet • 1111 """" .,..,, .. el. Th~ p:melbar• uri::utU...J ~""''""1 111anagc111c11I JidJ. •11J the bilt' V'Jric) in p 1vpu1liou Lu Lhc u u1111x:1 u. Jt:\.\J1 J~ lv be l'Unbid" •u. E:i<:h l'""'I ha•• uo11•oti1111 a Jn11ni$t1.lho .. 1 NL U whucunuul• tlH: llu•• uf 1 ew1.:b. A ti.pica! pano .. 01i:;.1niz.1l onn

ruu"'"· • L'olonol (L: n.~inar) • Lo< ulcnnn• < ·,.,1nnc1 (.o\rmnr) • c 'nmmr1ni'i Srr~Anl Mnjor (C:\1F-1 ?) • c 'nmmAnrl Screcnnt Mnjor (C\1F 12.) • .Sr.recnnr l\1njor (CMF 19) • .Sergeant Mnjor (CMF 51) 11'nlnlng Is an lmpornm1 fin;1 ~•ep fur panel 111c111bot, lu en·

~ure rhm the> vole cunhisl~ntly un each bUluior' s J'ilo. Du 1i11g 1hl~ Intensive tmining. th<y dtwelup panel Sla11Ja1J•, fJJ :tclicc vmlng on ~tmplu rc.:urJs. :urnlyzo pr.cLicc vole>. aJju>I »•11· dards, pm~tioc vudu~ 011 aJJit.iuual samµk 1ccu1J>, 111•kc Ii· n al adjUtlmt.inU: tu thi; :.;hu1J~1.;,h,.. a11J vbLai11 l)11; llvtuJ tJU.-:..i deni's appruval uu the fiual •lictu<11J>.

Ouriu~ ..,)ctliun wa1J l'' "'-""'Ji1111>. ec t-oa1d JJIC!llbcr> r<\it:\\. ~;u.:h w:,Jii:J. 1

) inJi,·iJual 1e,;ord. •tllc\. fC"'•:w the o:-li· dal utLllJJ Y jJ<'Jwilllel We. rnicrofich:. UA photo, LIA l 'c>rm 2A, DA F'unn 2·1, and othor hard-copy docrment,, •n rt CUUll""'' thom w1lll the appro•·cc panel stand:trd• l'ht n th~~ JJ}a..:t: a UUlll~ I it.:al M.'QI: J a n"lll'\ tro1n 6+ to J - On C.ttCh \OI· Llic1 'b lJvi.11 J file. 'l'his process e nSl.:J."e.s that no s1n,'\IC ~••C~C~\ nr faih11 1;: is an Vt.C'll idiaA :I actor m dettrm1n1ng lht· IV"l l rlirr·~


nwnding In relailon IO hl1:/hor pecru. Panel membsrs are charged m con~ider :he '1Ut:1l wldlcr" in Jcwrminin~ thus<> t-e~c qualified fur promu1ion.

IT•t.i ::fril'•I l.,-tfi..,.1,

s..... PctlOml:lllCO SOlllCI

S+-6-'6 Excel om \er.•.' 5·1!".'5- Ex:elle 11 Del n lety 4+14;4,... Strong ! ihn llt1

:1 -,:li'!I· r 1111y r~IJ' l t,.,,., l'mnm 2·12/2- Qual lied

in curre.·1 Qi ace Relai • in ~rade

1•/ 1/1- Sub~;a.,dard Qualil~ Mana,;el"erl Pruv1e11 ·1 1w w·1al

AJI ilCiive A.tiny e nlisted cc nti.1hzed s:lechon boards are lidJ al t.he L'.S. Almy L:nl1slcd l{c.:01d' L:111cr. l11dianapolis, JI\. A1wr R :::>:::t••e H(.) IJA C:nl1 al1Lca Sclcclio'1 JJoards arc lic.J •l ARPl:RCL:-1, St. Loui<, ~tU. /\Jlio1ul Uuard JJoards 411c: h elJ at the 1':ttiooal UulrC U1.11c~n· Ar.1ni;r.on. VA Nollt' a1c l>C'ld at l'l.!RSL.UM tn • .\Jie'\f'lndn ' · VA. 1 r.._ f'C' fn r .:-, ni'H1n('l··

m rnts m rant le:ir 1t ~lrrr111n M1rr -ch1l111.1 h.~ -.r_nt tn T'F.R· ~ti 1111

Pr~puriug fur !hi! l.ruun.I Huw ~an a su:Jh.::r lict:i ;.){cparc fu1 t Iii -... 1.::11lt ~litt:J p1uu1u­

tiu n buc. rJ? Th(: ~~sl:111 tt:lit:t1 v.1 i~Lv; 11h1hu11 4.:vut~lU.c:J iu ~ulll Officia'. :Mili\<11y P<1w 1111d I 'de (OMPI·) m ici ofichc, \>uu1 vJTii;i,tl ~hoto~1 aph, and \ Uur 1': 1 ~onnel C)tHtW:1cation J{cco1d ( J1(Jl{), co111pn~ed nl I).\ F<H'1'1l ~ / A fll''l rl ·~· I ltnard n1c1nbcrs o nly h ave llvr. 1tr 1111\ l f'I rrv1rv." thi" r>rvfPP mirrri· l1c hc, the l'IJR, lhe 1'1,,<nnnr l I t"rn !\her I ( l'flS), rorrr.<ron­d e ncc lo the botrd rre.<idrnl .. nn the hrril-c1>ry phlltngrnph

The. t~e •nd the. rrmrrl< m11<1 J"'rfrA)I "" .iCCllt~I~ rrnfil~ of ~n11r 11h1li~ 11n'1r-nu·ntiA1 A llhn11e,h t hr t Jl\f PF iR 11f1Lrl forr,1h­rr rr'f'~.,nr.I man~~rmt"'\t nf'1t1'"' thrr.ueh•'"' yourcnre..:!r. i?:.i

imrortnnrt' he.Mm~' ml'\<lt oh\.in-1~ \\•her ynu rcati7e 1hal rhc rnnri1rinn of the OMPF moydercrmincwhcthcr or nOI n boo rd 'iLlcct!\ you for promotit)n. Th~ rcsul:s 01 ony -:.!lec1ion bonrd can be no more valid

1hnn the informa1ion upon wb.lch 1ho b\J:ud b:ise~ its judge m~m. Forcbat renoon.11 is lreponunt for yuu tu pun;onally en­'.ure that yo~r tile is current unli u.~uratc bdur~ a belection boo rd re\1ews le. ff you preparo your r~curdb wilh 1he bame nuemlon co demit as yuu wuu ld if yuu w"r~ prep:1Ti11i: 10 ap-


Page 19: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp

You Need to Know Pro010~/on Sys~em

µea< in person; you 'vi II grl"ntly t nhnncc ynur ch11nce for selec t iOll.

u you car.-fully rr.vir.w the nmo on your POR and en~ur;i :ill your e.v>hrn tinn rCJ"1m nrc filed on your OMPR your PDS shou ld cnntnin nil nvn ilnhlc, ur-to-dnte and accura te informJ­~1nn

Ordering l'he U.'\'ll'l'' SulJi"t b dv uul aJ)1Jcar 1n pe1~00 be tore a O.'\

Cuntralitt:U S1:! l~cLiv11 Bonrd .. ~ Ul.d1v1dt1£1l's r('rorrt or Offidal :Vlilila1.~ Pe1so11nel File (UMl'l')< thr. ~V}~i•t t"vt w ti.idc rahon ot •tlendance In ~!"-Of'.S h.;;l1uuls uJ p 1 01l1ohon to the next higher g r>l<lr .. Tr rhc OMPF is in e rror,lJlCOmple lo nr cfnc.,n' t rrnrr..rly rr.rrc­b<:nt )'Our qut1lli1tahons; it nu'ly f(' '<nl t in A .. nol fnvnr­;·1blc:• cons1der:-1lton for schnoling: or pron101ion.

The lollowmg four ·'t"I"' c.•n e ui<lr. nn11 nqsist. in rrc­parinJl lhe ll.Vll'r' for fovnrnhlr. r.on~i<lcrntion :

1. Oblniu" t'lurml. r.npy nfym.r nMPF 11nd rcvic1~ ii in de/ail,

2. J(11,tur-. thnt n current ph{l(lf iumfilcat the U.S. t ll'lllY /·•d Necnrd• and Hv11h1nlilfn ,1 poor 4ua//iy pltnfn nr ah.•encc o/ a 11how could bl! a facror for 11011sel1JC-1inn. The rcgulatum l'Cq11lrl!S n m."" ph{l(o er•ry Ji••• y•u/'$; lumcrcr. Ir ts &ll/:f,'f!stad tluit" new plw10 lHt tuk•11 "'/rust VP•

cry tJ1rcc .'tl!'1r~·. If on~~· lo r'1/1l!l:i )'t>11r ntif4: :ii~r•·i•:r )t1·i1Je u1ul rood condut1 utMrd.

S. En~'Ul'fl "II APFf 1oul Jutt'J<hJ/ 141ti!{hl 5fondard5 are mei, unJ IJ111} ur·(' uc.·,:111ultlj1·tp(ff·t~d ;,, y oor file .

4. (.'"n1.full)' tHllfif 1111rl 5ig11 your J'tr.~·orurel 1Jt111lif11'J'I ..

livn h't<·QH/ !Pl,!,ll) comp•frtd (lfy<t1tr llA /'Mm" 2.4 mid 2.1.

'111ese tottr steps arc very ~implo~ Ann dfrr.tiv<:. They will not gi.111r11n t1?(': ?1.'i.r,Jc r tinn t<l ~<'h"4)l 11r fl prnmorion. but they v.-.11 mo<1k,-. )'1)111rinr.:- ton1rctirivc for ~clcctil)n.

'lh ('ohtsi i,, ~l r:nrY-~f ynnr OMPF,. get. Nl.O"E.R infor­m~ tinn, l ll!M I phn1.o <lnti'.l, oomplctc hMrd information or •J' rroee.111rc~. cnll !)SN 2:!1-3732. Thi~ c.on nect~ yon tn thc I :.s. Army F.'nlit.ted Records nnd Bvnl 11Mion r:r.ntcrnnromntm1 rhonescrvfcc. You'll need the Sn~i•I Sr.r.ttrity numhcr of the indiVldUitl you are calling ~ho111 nnrl cnn enter up to five SS."\/~ per phone call.

The:\COER The Nuncom mi>;,,ion~u OITi~•r falllUllliou Rep<11 I (NCO·


ER) is th!.! sin~!.: lllOb( i111po1 laut Ju1.u111e11l in dctcnnin inA the promotion pulcmial or """iuL NCOs. ll nn .. sl be a clear and cum;i,;c du.:u 111"11J tltal tell• paucl members how 1he sold ier ptafu n uc<l <111 t.I '""ll: t: It~ cau best serve the Annv 1n the ht tu re.

Dc~pile its i111µu1 l<om.c. 111<\ll\' :-JCOhRs do nol prm•1de lhe i11furu1;.1tiu11 p <1 11t<I 111t:111be 1'!5 need to ad : quately asSt'SS. the. pc1fo1 111a11•c auJ jJOl<:nlial o t the raled NU .)s. I here LS nolh­in~ <.111 KOO t.:au Ju lo .:0 1 npen~atc ior a poor 0 .1· mt'd1ocre NCO ER.

Pail lll (a) i• • • hcouely impor tant It tells the panel whal juiJ lite !\CO a•tu>1Uy J-"'tfo11ncd. The 1ob clescnption on some NCO ER• <lio.l uul malo:h the soldier's pnnc1pal duty title and/ u1 lite o.lul~ MOS. This re!lecls nei;ahvdy on the s.::>ld ic.r he· t.:au~t: tl1i;: i11fon11ation docs not pr0\1de. a clc.a r p1ctu rc nf w hat Lhe soldie1 did on a day-to-day basis. lt i\ c~rcr:i1'1 11 )' impflrt>1n1 Lbat the duty dcscnphon o l " ~nldir.r 1n fl nontrnciitit-.ntll or · 1 'UA position ct~<1 rly st a h:-~ the ~rcr.i fi r. 1l11tir .. ~ ~)n<i r~:lpnn:lihi­

littc~ o f that pos1hon. ' l'hflt infnrnu~tion i'n flhlr.s J'Ancl mcm ­bel"s to tUdkt' a re.t1sontiblc derision fl~ to I hr. in1pnrrA nc~ l)f 1 he: rated soldu:r's du tees a nrl the. 'ltlfllity n f hi~/ht·r pr.rf"rmnn~~.

ln s.:>me. NC L>l •.I" ' ) rh.~ rati'' fl snlrlir.r \\'ill rC'.ccivc n '" no'' block chccl.:r.rl ~·ith a ~uppt')rl int h11llc1 C:l'\mn1.:: nt, hu t noching "onnnt.r.- rl on th.- hock nf thc NCO F.R hy the nltcror the ~o ninrrn tcr . The commcnrnon the bock of tbe rorrn mustbespe r.i fic nn<l provirlc details thOI suppon rbe " no• in the value They ensure thot promocion board members ~~t Lhe in­tended me~sai;c.

Pan V, Overall P•rfurrm111~e aml Putoutial, is 111<.»I imµv1-Lanl Y..h~11 btlt:\.:liu~ tl1t: :-ol<licr~ Uc:sL llualifi~J fo1 µ1 0 111otion. Stniur niter l>ullc t~ ::11 ~ \.:1 il i1.·al iu dt:h:1nlini1l)l prou1otion po­tt.-:11lial. The se11iu1 .1;:11.;-t 's i..u tUlllCil~ should 5tatc clearlv and t.:u111.:isc:ly \Vhal h\: 1eco1J~1nends .;.\.nny leaders d0\\·1th the.r2'1ted NCO (p10111ote ahead oi peers, pro 1notc v.1th peers, pxomott' i11u uetljatelv: etc. ). Scnlor raters also must ensu rt" that tht' ixr .. l0 11nance aud potential blocksche.ckcd acc.cons1s:tent with the ;.1~~ociated bullet co111Jncnts . l i'o r c.xam plt-, a "~-.roniote with peers'~ bu llet aad a" l '-' raunp;111the 1)()ten1a l hJock il re nnt cnn­sistent. 'l'hc con1mcnts n1nst locus.on potcntifll and hclf' pancl me1nlltrs mt1ke. tongh ct1 ll~ tn r.l r.arly irlr.nt i fy tho~, ... !<l;OJ<iir.r.t!i who are. supt.nor tn their peers T h.-· ~tfl,n t •·Th.~ hr.~t plti~

toon se.r,~e.anl of five f cn rrc.ntly rAtr." rrn\i<lr., A <iCfinAhlr. slMdard I ha t he lp• thc. pM r.I mAkr. An infnrmcct <lr.cisinn .

·rhe •:".Cntra li7rd promnti" n qy~tt.m i~ A r.r~flilflh lr. S\~tr.m .

Jo ke.cp it crc,tit• hlr., lc.Mk.r• m11q1 hr. involved in rhc NmF.R procc•'"n.-1 c<111N1 tr. th,• ir lll)J<licr• • hour the S\"'tcm. With s11f­f1~ir.nt lr,.<\ rl1"r involv1"n1cn1. the. r.r.nrrnli?cct pr.omotion ~ystcm will cnnt inur. tn meet the Army's ncc<lq. (.~nntinurd 11r.xt pagrJ


Page 20: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp

\.Yriting to th~ Roord Presilhmt Any Mlrlicr mny write co the bua1J 1-n esidcnr. Such

rorrcspnnncnCe Should haw SUVSla11tial, poSLl:i\•(' tnfor­m~tinn nnt nlreod)> incluu.:ll in i11e w ldier's board fiJ,, . l{rm,•mhcr, MY le11cr Ju lh~ voaul µt'c5idcnl roa1·1nvi1e clMr.r ~crurlny by 1he buaul ;wJ 1 es ult in a mnrt rle­loilcd rc,·iew of the fil~.

Memorondumb Ju Ll1e president oJ the qclectilln honrtl nre sel;ln by vuti11g of tlir. hnnril. Yllu mnywrite ro 1he buanl µ1o•iJent tocaU a lTrntinn mnny mAlrcr 1hn1you f"d is iut]JUt Lant lo vourcon•inr.rn1ion.

00: •Be bri~f. wucise, l'actual • Lse mrmMnnctum fMmnt (1\R 25-50} •Ube COL<ccl l\J'nn1mor, punCTllfi· rion ond spelling.Ask severnl ixople lo proof rend, even if you used a ~pell am.I g1au1mar check progrnm • Tn ­cluda only informatiu11 uot in your ftlr. • Actclrcs~ to 'Bonrd Prei,ill~ut • lududc complt lr, &SN • Sign !be


DO:-l'T: •Address ontormahnn nlrcodv on record• U5B ab au avc11ue to <.>:press gricvnncM •Use to jusdfy past mi>~uuJuct • Lloast ~hont yourqclf • Enclose OXCT3-

neou~ mal0tials.

,"1,'ii1•r•d111y solf/;er< <hnuld write to: Pre!JJettt, (SJ·C nr 'll!S(i or SOM) Selection Boa1J c10 Cdr., USA F,nli~tccl Records and Evalua1iu11 Cc11te1 A'.IT~: J'l'l!P·RA lllJ!l!I ba\t 'ilith Street Iad1an~p11li~ TN 46249 5301

fl8A R-AGR sll/dJC7$ ~'hou/J >fri/v tu: Prc~idem (SFC ur MSO 01 SOM) Scltronn Bnartl C:cl Comm:mddr, PERSCO>I AITI\: TAPC-:MSL-E 9i00 Ptti:e A"ouuo St, Loui~, MO 63132-52UU

• tRNG wldfr.·.r should wnlt ((>:

Prd•i<leul or (SJ •l' or 'll!'>n nr SC-r'\1) Board ATTN. NU 1:1-AKl'·T Ill S. U eorp,e Maym Drive Atlin[lton, VA '.1J?.fl4· 1 .~R'2 (Ouard >Oidu:.r.< in 1hc loetil nreo may stop in Tu•>lluys, Wed11csday< anrt Th11rsd11yi; 1'rom 8 toll a.111. lu 1cvic" I.heir record~ in rcrsnn.)

1Jlis {1111r./1: nn r.r.tttralitcd promoriun is bu.rf!d 011 i11.to11nn1ron

compiled finm rlw Tinglrwcr Branch Seniur NCO Pro[•1siom1i LJeveloptnf'Ul l~uidc and,fron! "Th!! Cen!.ru/Ue1J J:11onrotion .S}·t· fem," Lngincc~ f)ec. 1990, by CSM Ju/ht> B. /1111/le..


Now I lay my mcksack down

Ry LTC Morcus It Bayes

Ht was friendly. eBSJ1,.""0lnc,1 1alk~tl~~ u1nl i. ~Lil.'klt:"r ti-11· n1ilHJt')' detail. I plcktd "" uu tL ... h1'it< .. SSI. J •mt• Mnllory Wei· 1.:01oed n1 .. t" VickshuJ'& 1\·IS. ond in1roduced me to th"' .ttltJ1 Ru· g1ntcr Command's lnt\!111!.!;ence St!1:tivu. Ane.- "~"'i"'ti ng me 1\ilh somu !>IJ\:urit~ \'lt!1u ;sol.'t pllp..-n,·ork and lncatlng a desk. for me. he )"('t11rnrf1 tn hi11 dulits ns tht section lntelllL.t(.lnc~ S1:1')4.~uut.

It '"1S not lonr: bufun l di~o~·~..,t"d _\.lftllory hft<I nnly n few 111uullu.1 tn~.fure re•i•·ing. .. Sir;r. he. ~nid, 'Tm ready to toy m~ ru\.-k­'ark tfn.,.·n !iO some y-OUOC SOidier cail p~· it. up ilnJ tt:tO"t't' on.11

Flcurl1111 Mallu,.y had w•u• woo1h1 thh1g• to <ny u he loOl<OO 1.'l1~ii. •o hi~ initi~I t.nli!ilmtnt Jn Fet!f:Ubty 195·1, I quurJl!d hlrn. Somctb.inl? nhont bts d~mt1anur 1cjl,~Uie _b~.<·oult1 pnA..' nn 'nmt thln)(s ufui.c tu d1t nt---.:f gt-nennnn of_~ril!lj~:r~ the s.nn1e ones f -.whim pntttntly workincwlth on drlll~\,.,,J. ••Kl~urlo>g my annual 1nalnlnu, 11011: :u tin· Rt'st1'\'(' "cnti:r.::;. . ··~~3:~-

0u,. <nnvN·••tinns n:.raltd on inootea~n~ lite: H~i~¥!1 • tntnl of is ycnrs In the mlllt:u'!'. 11•• Ont 13 y•a.-. ofM(iitAty .,,. \'ltu (i:htht )lr1·,·t:&1 ···.s a f"nn1111i•,i<tned ·ntflccr>t inc:Jud~~O l2°mnnrh lonr m Vietnam (?~~,~~5); .;\br!Jpll~, h1,l.9l.(h101i11K dis~ncltanted wl11t th• .. ~ ~iitJ;:,oiY ~-..lgnM '.l)ffoon1rulssion. TJ1• udl 17 VOA<.< fo ci¥iliall dOlbCd DctUdfd'li Uf ¥•tnl• Uftr)' Stud)'. Q $liDtBS" pb.rtn•~~~tJol >Hl•'~!.~}j; =., prnnrl·Wh<n bl! ~ltr\•~d :t)I au 1i1ltohol frt>.AhUeht'ti'Hlr<lin&fO~f'f()llOtl1td by &ef1'1Ce •• • CAn:cr eounsctor ot a smoll Ma~l•nd <vll•11•-

>.11sblnt.t cht! 1nilh1u1, ,.1~110'1 r~jointd the .\rmy In J984, en Ii.sting n~ "" 1: .. s in lhe Arnt]' ~S~l"\'A• Froi:n 1.981 uulil Nuir. 30. J996. )•lollo~ w•s uu Al:li•e ill)1y'agoi•».!~~ time in lhc AGll pr0Mnu11 as fl nnif memherortbf ~12th· &tffit-e"fr Comm11nd.

Cttmg o rnill1ney crndlllun iu hh1 U.Uiil); ~~allfu·y jn~tiliHI hi• 1nldtlk......._ .... M4'.J tl'h1nl to fht. Arn1y. •f\.ty fnthtr died In Fronce :.u> a !7·•lrDr·okl hauntion commandur In \VurJd:\Vur Jl" h~ s"id U\t,· br~1hcr4ln·h1"" i~ lt rcfu·~J colo\1~11 n1y AM·!n·low l.!1 o mlijor in tlie t.1a1;n,. ( 'orpi, and my son:-is~D "'1tr'Mnc·Otnetr.

'')'lore 1ban "II lh~t.;tlto11W1;,~,i~l~Uo1·1 rnntinuM, ""1 l\'nnltd to Kh·e 1uu1·e ol' 1ny~,.1r tht: 1ocnnd lime oround, J renllv \Vunted w ~rrvt hCct\USt \\'hC.n] was In 'hu nr~t. tiuu!, l .KPf 1uon~· than I gttl't: .

I \fat> su hu1n:llun:. 1 G.gutt'd it"·"~ tim~;~~:f :came bock in. "'If yon ttAnf m n1nk<i U)Ciniilitory ~ ca~-·)·ul• j.:an·~ t.a .. e ;u ..

SIOnl Cnlttnc:11le1n. TI1e )·ou·o·Mt•1· :\uld1('fA don'i .ittm to rtftUZC th:n ~l't'K~11ol tn nutdt.I' .ir.i'gerinl docsn'I bnppen. c)\.;1rrnl~ht. Thing.< 18kt time. So. l'"e trhd IO 1•11111<' Y"""!! soldlen th"J' hll~• to bulld ur rh•"' up w:~tl"all'-',. ju't aA thcv'd do \\-ith a l\om6 pur~ cl1ost. \'no •lart off With lb~SMGll house )'Oil l'>ID~\i~fil and "u1·C.. your WOY up to 1he·"ig 011\!.')\!.o Jun~ lu k«p;ri~t.~i\• on tho end - nu& tl11t b~gin11ing and th~ Tniddlc - 10 g<:t thei'ef' he suld.

01fyno \\~tar the unJ!onni'' Mullu~ ~~it.I, U~uu Jo "'hitt'~ .. ,.. quired.

'·\'on .vt}' he r.oncludcd, ''the ,\rmy Is nut u dun1uci11\:~'tt

joining; it's a d!':mocmcy v.e~re detendlni:!'•

H!1:j>'I is ;he P.10, ·1121h Enginea Crml, Vi<'ksb11'1t MS

1'!1P. NCfl ,lllll llNAL'l:il'JUi\G (11

Page 21: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp

Retaining Quality Soldiers By CP'f Sam l:lamuntreo luu/Jt l11~ 1 J11..y : 1.u1.slatcd to the LC"nr-

11""' ' Mil1L.u y Model.

W hydo~ome uf th~ i>tM•ulJici. Tlii> ""''"cl 11 .111s •le> soldiers :iecd<

choose not tu r~enfilt? Twu al all lc•"I' lu .1ch1cvc rccnltslmont; rc.-evenLt. roci.:11tl~ c~i u~hl ruy aUt'11· Li1c111cnl. 1-\~ :,vh.l1cr5 proAres§, 10 their

tir\O In thil rciondon of qualily wl<lic,.. ""'"" ' • '""' ' will <\ck on the model. Thr TI1e~e IWO OVClll>ar~ llUl Ji1ccl]y liuk:J <)'de SfJCeu w1ll v~rvw1 lh r<rnk • n<1 MCI<; bur nro dirc~•h rcl~tcu. The cave.~t< lo lhc qcic •rr that rhr. pM-

Fln>t. Juri:i.: ~ 1 .. li"i~ion 1~i:uli~~11u:11l ~1 c~s101l ..:a nno1 t_i L. ·r a l('vr l anri A~ \vr. )UOt:hL:-OU, \.he; W I IJ)) ~~I ~t:dlll 1Jlajo1 1narrre. 1hC' Jc. VC'I~ 11tr n lii1fy rnr l'XA9n­

spllkll ~bu~\ Jll lh< g1c•l VJJl'O•lunihes pie. a 1'1-yr.r-<'lrt, "nglr PFr·~ lc1~I>

for so:JitfS UI luJd~ '~ . ..\J 111". arc s·,11,t1c d murh t":t\lc"T than J\ }6-y~nr-0 Urilll: 1h~ bpt:ed1, I lcl'I thini.:inA old :1Mmed :.'>•; ' " 'h thrr.· rhiktr~n.

Jbo"JtOO~O .. IU)' IUU~I p1 v1nis11n;_so "lltC' m a1or r 1tf;lll 1n "hr rC.,"'nh<...tmr.nt whu "'U~ld 11ul •~c11li>I.] l11Hpec1aLst i> tna:t)\I< "' ir "'">"'•rrnli•rm..,nr fnrrer­~' prulc"*'itH1dl w hJie1. J-l111i h1jih-and· td 1nl\1< '"'''" ' lh1' ' ''k~il l:lt .. l<firr into rhc ti~l1t ~1ain.:ul a11U 300 111 ~11nu1uscore on s?mt ~1< ,..,. tnr '"')'•'fir~ \\-itho:1t rccn-h1t- A1 Ill~ Pll\·bit.:'11 r ·iu1C\S ' ICst arc u1d1c· h ~llnjl II the y (1'1 r 1) I m flk(' i.C r-d li\.t: v i hi:ir. oi:liluJc and pC'ttorma nc~ gt·11n t rl11r111~. fhl•ir fir::il qjx }'Cfits. 1-lc: i)\ a \oh.lier 1n" lc..·n.\·r.fcn\11)' \ltf)~ \Vith t iryrnn nnly rccn ' i~I fnr two more .- lii1.4b c11~·oll , .... , ,. ... n r /YH I .vcn thoueh ycnr:l nn<I hO!'\t.! cht! cut 01T score bis I'"'' onrl p rr<rn l· pr rfMmnncc i•1lnw· c11m~q d•l\\'n before rbey roach ks~. ;,. .- 11 -nff "'"'"~ MC 100 high 10 their r~1cn 11011 w mml point :.1 n1:1kr rrnmolinn elghl )'i?Or'l.

"•rnntl, i1urine 11ur doily lirsr >er [Edlror's 1101a: T/13 RCf' fvr we-lc:ml/•" mmnndu updote. 1he rnp;c of clallstGHV1&n '<C11tlrcAunl.,.Jon.\'u1·. rc~nh1mcn1 wo1 brou~hr up. The iirn 26 10 J(J .rMro·. Tlw RCP fur .rr­"·rc,.'nn1 C\-pr~~ ·.t!d :he bigge&r prllblem J,'Uln1.1· HVIG 111111 .J up from I J lo 15 \\ith hr;: 1lme'.iqm~mh ii; .he lack ron,..·./ ''' opponunil)' 1or :tC.\•an\..'\!flh:ntlµn.nno· . ..\t tlu: 1.\.tt.lll'"11" lc\'cl v.·c h1""C" rlonr.. 110 ... un:1ol u t ~he c-ulistmcnt h. rm~

EarH\!1 i11 d11: w\:r:k, llu: f'i1st "C: •AC'ilOt and cut ·•l tt \\'h '' r/1n "': rln to ha\.I at1:lo.cJ 111v :t! JJ~\:iah:t! I to fill w tor the cltm 1n <l tt 11c "n111.;,,1 ne l1r k ' nnd ~uiJu11 ~~ 1 ~ 1 . \Vl1c n he asked t he spc· r t" l.11n '11111 11y •b1lrl11•r\? The :o:-...:ialil'IL t1l-uu l hi\ li.nO\\ lt:.dp,c ot the fh1ty, lnV1.·1nt;; .1r1• 1.1nrnt. 'llt£Cqfion~ thc.c tlu: ~1.ic ... ii1 li~~ n: 1' lt('d ~hctf he "1 ;1rl hr.f·n 11 n nlny hr lp L~.t pro 1no tnhlc. 1 .... r nlnlo'\t fn11r; • Trlcnrify und help soldiers \Yith Md knew •ht I'' " ~ 11it1•. wr,' I. six-ycnrcnllMmems ~nd slol'· pro

J he 111or~ I lr•m,•rl 11h.1111 1 hi~ ~re· mmine MOSc~ nn noon us pos ( ta l1'\t ·~ J"rt'dt('~'lrl"11" 111, 'lh1" n"l<'lr C 1 lhOUZ,hl siio)lc. obu ·.1 1 \.1.,lnw'< l lirrnrrh~ of Need.\. • M11ximi?.C propnmlon :or so: M~,lnv.• 11"ho•.r'1 oinrenuM nm (lrilgrcss dlcr,1 OL rJ ngei, und emphu,;1ze tho upw;...-ti ,,,o.Artt Cl<'I( ncn1n1i7..ntinn wi1h ~llnlflc!lnce of firina; e.xpcn. o ir f '"' "'"'l)''"t the nc.-:d·rnn ench lei• • De1·~lop ~n a~-cclcrJ1ed PT pru-r l 1 h. •p.·ci~li;1 hnd ochie'ed s:i~fnc grnm ~mp~aM11: thc impur­tmn nn rhe fir.;t 1hree l<1vel!>. Howeqir. mn.:c of mJxin~ 1hc Arm~ ph~iol hi' "'"'M nm moke it 10 1he mp bec-.mse fi1:1c81> 1c•1 .. ,), few c\h• •ii UJ"' ••"' n' the .. ml'l:1lng link.. es1ecm- the up- pu•h UJJb '"" "uHli;1 •<Ill~>\<• vl p<)rllrn lr:y ror promo1iuo. Ahhou~~ I cullci;.c.

ttl'r ;i rn11r lr tll p\'l•nts? .. lf you're on\! r n1n t ' hor• nr 11c'': {'llf -off qcnrc~. one pt11 nt 1' 1p1 itr Jl hil • One point c11 n <lcrcr­m1nr. thl' <li~frrr'1r11':. h\' l\ hcing cn­li'\t1•rl nnrl n n1,nr.nmmiqlionr.t1 officer. ·1 ht1t nnr p o i r,1 rfl n r.!~n mr.nn Jn:;,ine cx­tr11 nlCln\~y 1hn1 C1"ln1C.\ \Vil h the promo lion

Thcqc <11ee,~q1 ion~ ure not ,onclusive. If ~011 h~vc 111hcr idem or suggesilons. (ll~n.•c c.1nrn~1 m~. We always welcome nnn Jl'L"~ on ld.:ns 10 m hers.•

Ht1mnn1rrr l1 ~1.111m1ed 01 Fi. Hood. TX Ht: ran ,,_ .. r.-.,1<.lted vu11' n;a// al: lrnmm11r1.:i:_~c·1 hr11xl

dinn•t hov~ much use for Ma,;luw in • Hii;hl~ 0 11.,;oJtag< Louth miliia1y school1 l nni.v hn\'~ u belter appr~ciat.iu11 :w1..l ..:ivilia11 \:Jui.:alivu. of the hlerorcy of ne~d~. !n fo~l. :.;.M:.:ac:s_· _ "_:.:Di 'J.1"1 Ilic .i1Li1uJ.- or .. "lut

A .01t11dit!r .ign.• II/$ re&nll!tmenl torms b<ltorc Illa 11r.h1nJ rArf!mony.


Page 22: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp

30-Point Checklist~~ To Promote ~.P\e· ~

Pri-rates ""'~ ~,,

lly ISG La-.renct> J. Van Uorn

Back 111 l~f.'4 v:uen 1 \Vas a pr1,•ate. l asked my \l t ·c l (:i ~l ?rl ~~r·

ge.ant) Vi'111 f I n:-.c:ct, .. rt ' " rln t<'I g .... t prOtnOt("d f I 1q 110~\Vl'.r W.l'l1' ;'j111{f <if'I \\lhf\f

you' r(" t1""l lc1 ., T kn1~\V th:-.rr: hil<i 10 ht

mnr.· " ' ir rhnn rhnr, hur whnt? Knw 1hnr the ~pccioli~r promorion

freeze hn~ been :.iflad (as of Occ. l, t996), we should ~-n~i:re our b•sr quali· fied wltlier•i;•I t.hewaiwr ... uot lh•wl· dior who has l>ecu a PFC tho lvui;ost.

Bt::.:aus~ c;:~1 ly i.n u 111uliL1tt \~et i"c:J~ hav..: ln:c::u :set i ll uuly fir.: ve1..;:nl: J have Jc:vc:loye..:l a JU-point promotion \\'ork .. sheet to det.:rn1ine which soldier is the best qualiliod.

Lt ttlso clearly shnv.~ the yo11ng pr1-vate.s \Vhett th:-.y ni~('.{i ti'I rfl'I 10 er.t prn­mnfr.ft

l\.fy r.lunp~ny u~c!: thi!'. ,;t1.poinr rromocion \VOrkShCCt tO dCICnninC \Vhtt will rcccivcn promotion waiver. <;oldier' m11~1 h0 recommended hy 1heir oi cnmmnnd, demonstratepcremlal roper fmm in the next higher grode 11nd have prnvcn pcr fmmnnce of per.;onol and prnfcs.o;.ionnl conduct.

Arens ro be evaluated. poim value o.nd explanations ore:


a. A1:1'1' <J poi11t.rJ -St~ .. ,,-e o,, lasr ,.ecorrl !rtsr ts l!JlJ.]jV - J p t-.fnr;

14!1·28!-I = ,;.' pornts; 1.lil!-_,!N.J = J P'"llnft

h. Awn1rls IJ noiu•.tJ - (rr!r]it"fl!I"

nj· A1"irrl"vl"n1f'1t! = I rfan.f; A nn_v ."'1rlu f'•,.f'r.r-:~1Jr .~frd.1! fir higitrr = .~ {J()fJi/t

C CU Tffi 12 rwintsl (:on;­p/e!o.1 cwrcm res: ~ 1 pol111; c!>m JJi:.Jtcll l'u.'ren1 utst 1t1i1h f(j() percent firs11i.Jne ·gu '}" - J poilus. tl CM/i1111 ./MJJ:J;jjJ!Jl (3 pvi'lls)­su11u! culit:ge = l puini, l '~"r u.f 1..:uilt:J<e - 2 µvJ·,,,~, l rezusvl.<.ul!tf) .:;1 '1J0 11! - ] poiul!.. e, :Wili/01'\· td11caf.o,, ( l points/ -b a.s co1npJ~fed ti .._-._'>n~.s.r.:>~."Jude11cr:

f'fHll,..f" ;; ! {'flrnl; rt run-r-ut~' f'H·

rnlTf'd rn. a r.nn·1•'.'rru1dt"111"r> rnu1:ff'

= ! [WJtni. .l c 121·· li«use ~.? (Mi1~ItoJ -

HMMWV /icctt~c = I pnim; 2 f/2·tnn licr,n.'ic = 2 pniru.v; fff, . MITT = 3 poi1m. g Scn•icc po1cn1jol ( I po!.ntJ P/(//lf u; rccnli.!1. It Tirnc jn wryicc <2 poinrsj .<io! dil'Y 1>i1h 1J1e mosr 1lme In sen/cc ~ 2 poims: a/i 01/wrs ~ 1 poln;. i. T/11w i111:1"1Ufe (2 po/ms) Sol

d1e1 t•Jjfir fitt! Htt.'tSf h'!Jl! rJ.' xrade - 2

po!11ts; 111! orJ.•ers - J p.:Hnf. j J!'ra1l01ts q11ntificath111 ( J points) - 1Jrll'Jilji 1"t1h•)li ttihHf: r!f pnurnn~: ns~tgr.t"d ttil"JJ,nr>n · n1t1rkf1nn11 ;;; l p t1uJ1: "lun7><tl1n,1rl"r ::::: ;i fllil"l.f; ..,,._

}Jt~.r1 -= 3 poi11lt k Bauo{iau .5()./djer Qfthc t1Qnlh (3 pointsj 1\'o.r-nina.te.1 tn atu:nd the 11ax1 bo11rd by chain of command ~ l 1JOin1: ~:elec:1ed a.\' bauaUon i;o/dtcr vf du! 1n.unth - 3 poinfo'. I. Ex1m a:rnlilJJLeu fJ puinrs) -Suldii!rs c:un rtl.'ft: up tu throe pu/nl l tn tit:'.t •l' Ctf bv d:.:)pluvj:".'< obu1·e uru! l"'<)'Ol.'tj ,1.l<110l'!Ut'UJll! f},a/ /JUUi bit docutt!l!'Jiferl or -.-ou11n(u1 k1h:w1•/· edf{P t.:n1111p.'es uu."fuf{e e,·pe1i rat·

•ng 1n r rY•i1·.t '1,,t>d A1· $e(t 111rlt11y

1·1't"llp( t;~f Pnt; 11~fiir1nnl nd111trll11 ·

al dulir.~ pt.rfnnt-.~t·tl r>:rrptrr>na!l).~ hi9he.~.· .rtantll1rtl in npp1·.-:rranr.P. durin,g an insr,."r.tinn, f!an1rd a dn·v­cr:v b.1dge. ct~.•

Vim Hrm1 iSJ!rsr .~ergca111 of D Co, 2·2 .'I>' Reg, Camp Swn/e,., Kor.~.1 .

Page 23: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp

Origin of' the NC'l) C'reed ... he "~111. t.Urough ANCOC iu 1~72. Ho, ... 1;:\' \!1\ he Uot:~ 1c:1oe:rnbcr a later

wnf~It'U\;U ur ~..: 11io1 NC:Os wbere GC\."Cr •

al fem~-11..: w111111a11U ~t: 1 gea11ts 1najorob­je..:t~<l lV lht: 111aM.:uli11c: '"ording of the Cr~eJ. As" • ~•ult, Strahau noted, the Arrn!i' Ut::::,an ~i11~ (t g::11de1-llelJt ral vc-r­biun.

Still SeaT·clzi7'ig By SSG Davit! Abram•

~ l'bju~l a kw l'"'a!\'aphs ol prose, a 287-wuiJ com]X>sition with lh~m4:s t:"1nµha~itinJt charactc.r, lovallV auJ compas"on. Walk into · tho w<&jOLit\ ot Nt Us'

ofrices a11<l 4.:l1atH.:t:s iuC ~ood vou ·u bnd 11 ban.t:ini: 011 Liu: wall. So1uc str~ant~ t!"tlll hai..r; it ~ugiaved, clc.coupc~gcd i"lr cru~-~ti k:lu:J. l l is rccit:d at thou~anil" of i;raUuatiuu ceL c1110111cs evc.ry yr.11r -~ha11leJ, ye lled and sae(lmed h)' 'lr.n~ fr o>h [1urn PLLlL, U)IC(Jr:, ANCOI au<l tile Serp.c.ants. \ll~.1nr r:r.11rf«~ . For many of today's "r f)!\ , it .~~mq like the t.'Jc-ed ot the. NnnMmmi~qioncd Oflicer has bec.n f!rn111'llt forever.

l\o l cvar tlv. A i tr.r m.,~rh~ of digging lnco 1he

h"cke;ro11r.<1 of the Creed, the ~tal'f of Th" .'Vl~O.lmmiai hru; diswvcrc<l 1hat fur the rr.os1 pon rile origin~ of lhe uocu· mcnt remoln murky and rn~sl.,tiu·J>.

One thing i>clc:11:'T'ho Cr•c<l o•ulv"u from n numberu f tliffe1·•11l tc.,1svvo1 111< pnst few dec;i<l<s. A l time•, i t Ir•> Loeen called "The Co1k uf tho ~vucornmjs. siomid Offic<f," "The LoaJ<1's Code" and ''The !\CO'~ Charg<."

Jn 1986. 1.hcu-COL K euneth W. Simpwn rt::..:ou1111::11Jr:d 11takin.~ th~. Creed a11 uft:i~ial ~art of l"M 22·61.10·20 (The Army ~CO Guide). tu his JllSttfira · Liou ru1 iucludi ll~ the C'recd , n('. \Vr"'tc., '1Th~ C1ecd has bct-n arounrl rhr. Army (u1 ov~t 3Uyears and 1S\VC.ll knn\vn rn lhc NCO Corl)S. JI 1s lrc.q11rntly n~rAl nt NCO cercn1orues suC'h a~ Nr.r> ... \cnclc ­lll~ Araauauons. NC r> in<tucrions nnd dini.JlPi~ins. ·• Llascdnn c;imp<K~n'qrcmnrk, this \VOtdd pnr thr. <Xt~d':; origin Sl)mc.­whcrc in the. min- 1 95fl'~. However, the ttr$f d0C1.1m('.ntt'.<l f>r('M')f nir f'lC() },? tJY

na/ unCJ1rthr.<l wn~ cnnrnined in n 1975 mogn:i:inc rmicle chat printed a CrcrAl • ~imilor to the currem vernion, rhongh it u:ied masculine wordini; (i.e. "lender; of men" insl~:<<l of "lo:ad• r >of soldiers" ) . The ankk • lai111s t.U., Cu~eJ was devclope<l IJy a •u1u111i1Lo:<: vf l\COs m the U.S. Ar my lufantry School's Leautmhip Do:v•• hnent and i hat 1t harl


arprMNl in rhc r J:adet">hlp Workbook givr.n All RNC:OC and :\NCOCsrudenu, at thr. lnfonrrv Schollll . However. offi cial•"' rhr. Tnfiinrry School now say they h~>:r. no<l of either 1he early Creed or thr. 1 r.Mio~r:<hin WnrkhOO!{.

nr f<ohcrt H. B~uillv. hi;1orlan for rhr. 1 r.s. Arm)' Scrgeoms Major i\i;;id<­my, hns hccn rc'>enr:.hlng the Cre~d for •cvcml ycr,rs and r.nys he ib equ:Jly .iumpcd or; to the Creed·b hiswry. In rntking 10 a number of benior NCOs nround IJS/\S:'.1i\ in 199", hefounduuly one person who r~m~mbcrd anyt.Uin~ resembling n Crecc prior tu lhe :arly 1980>.

"SGM S1ew 11 lsrad r<:w<:rul.>eicd on(! from the miu-1?70s Llrnl was ' roJ<­ing. " ' Bouilly ~aiu. "'fh~ vul• ,Ji oblcm is

th!'.11 h~ could uot1t:u1e.n1be1 1norc. than Cl µl1rasc u1 l\llu. But i11hi~ 11:C'1uory, 1r \~'11'\ <liff~t~ut J10 1f1 : he one. w~ h21v('. tnrl11y ;•

CS.M (Rel) H.onn1cS: '"han. a former USAS~1A commarr .<t.r!l<:Ant mnjor, could uot recall rf'.('1ting thr. r:rr.~rl \\'hen

[n hib r•wa1 ch. Huuilly discovered t..evt!r~-11 v;;u·iatiu11~ vf Lht: lc:.\t- at ti1nes, uni" a f~'" lVUJtls '-Yt:1: allc:1ed, b1Jt son1e Vt!f~iUllS i.Jjrf~rc<l SU v1iJc:ly Lhe~ \\.CfC' al­ffiUS( au c:11t.i1i:l.¥ Ut:\o\' text "lt appears \ dial u1u1 t: t.han one ''c:rs1on (Ot lh" C1oe.J) Ir•> been u<ed at l he same ti11u:," Bouilly ilOtcd .

E•o.i tlrou)(h :he e.xacl ongin and uLi~i11;J a.utlior reLnao obscured tir his-101 \._du: hli.;t rc111ains that t he t'reed ha'< \\.'U~keJ it' \\'ay into the ve.ry fihr.r nf :-ICU bi:sincss. sh~pong tr."°kr~hip llt.~­s1ons and 1ntlnc.rr:1 ng 1ht'' \¥AY lcAdcr" thu1k, l ('in<i art l'\t') mr.rtr.r where i r t<'n'e trnm. thr. Nf:CJ r.rccct continue:; to

1n~r1rr. ~crer.nn1q to rcmcmhc r \\•here 1!1f)1 t!lmc from.•

,1hran1< i~ .>cni.?r /Oi1malis1 for Th« NCO Jnurnnl.

The NCO Crel~d No one Is more protessloMI 1118n I. I am a Noncommissioned ONlcer, a

IP.Mer Of soldiers. As a Noncommissioned Offic11r, I ,..,.1i211 that I am a mumb•r QI a lirre·honored corps, which is known RS "The BackbOne of the Army. ''

I am proud of the Corps ul Nuncumrniuioned Officers and will 8t &II times conduct myself 50 8S to brln9 credit upon tne Corps, the Mlllrory Service and my country regardless of the situation in which I lind myself. I will not use my grade or po•Hion to 8tt81n plMSUM, profit or personal safety.

Compe1enee is my watch-word. My two basic responslblllties will alway¥ be uppermost in my mind- accomplishme11l of my mission 3nd the -.uftr4': of my soldiers. I wlll s1T1ve 10 remain tactically and tcohnloally proflclem. I am aware of my role as a Nuncummiuioned Officer. I will fulfill my responsibilities inherent In thftt role. All soldiers are onllllcd to outstanding leadership; I w11 provide that leadership. I knuw rny soldiers and I will always place their needs above my own. 1 wlll ~.ommunieme eons1s1ent1y Wllh my 90ldiers ona never leave them uninformed. I will be fair ~11<l impartial when recunurn:1ruJinQ both rewards and punishment.

Officers in mt unit wlll hAve maximum lime to accomplish their dudes; 1hoy will not have to accomplish mi11v. I will earn their respect and confidence as w&ll as tMt ot my M ldler9. I will be toynt to those with whom I serve; seniors, peers and suburdinat." alikw. I will exercise initiative by tllklng appropriate 3ction in thA RMenee ot orders. I will not compromise my Integrity, nor my moral cuura9u. I will 1101 lorget, nor will I allow my comrlldes to forget that we are proteMtnnot9, Noncommissioned ONtoerc, loaders I .... ,.,

9 F


Page 24: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp

NCOs KeJ-' To Implementing Personal Protection Measures

U1· M.<\,J J•ffo·•y l.fambtl and t:J l' ~aomi Aronson

I nsccts and the c'1se;i.s£'s they transmit cont1nl1C to pose

~t-1i_ous tlue.ats to U.S. v•;1rt1ghtcr§. Some oi these d1 1\­eas:es n'lakc ~old1c.r~ tnr. 111 ti'I fight flrhi rray hr. lit:-...

threatening. L:vc.:1 \\'hen no.1i~t'·11.~r. i~ tran~mitti"cl. in"r,rt h1t<'"­alone c-;tn cansc. di~cnmf("lrt ttnd d1~tracti1"'ln frnm mi!i.~ion nr­compl1s:b1nc.nt

L\•tnts during r ... r.r.nt rlcploym~n·s <'f'lnt in 11r. '" i ll11~riltr.

soldic.rf(' ~truggli'' V\'ith i .,~r.r.t~. J\.1orr. thnn .'."ill militt11·y pr.r· ~nnn('.I ar.fJnirr..'1 msilAriA (r. pArflqi! ir. clisr.llq~ •ritn"mi1tr.1i hy mn<qnitn~~) rlurine nr~rATi.~n Rr.<IMC lf•)rr. ( I ')().:'.-I rn1) in Snm?.l i11 f>r.ng11r. {ii vi rill fiiqr,flsr. r. l~n trf1i~mirt~il hy mtVtt?11i­tn~.") "ffr.r.tcfl ~nlrlit~rs in Snmnlin nn(l <lurine Of'r.r1lli0n f :rhnld fJcmnCri1CY\l'l?4-l'J').~) in 1-Tnili.

Snl.1icr< MC often nt i1igh ri~k ctn ring trnining nl~o. Tn Pnn­nmn, the numhcrof cn>c, of cu11tncous lcishmonio"is (n poro­sitic ctisea•c mm;mitted by sand flies) hos increased from an avcrogc elf 10 per yeor co more rban 20 cru;es in 1996 Jmong :\c1i\ e duly and Reserve l)er sonnel In the U.S. Army and ~ >·lnrinc&. ~

1r~a1men1 fur ldshm~ni~•i~ ' t n::quirc:~ bVt\:'i~1l

n1ouito1 i11~ a11d i~ ~i\•~ilabl <: al \\'.the1 Re<o.l ).ledic~I Cenk1 at ~ CO>L of •f)j)fl1Ximaldy $ lll,Ullll pee patic-n1. ' l 'he trt"<lhnt.nt takc:-s sever<l l months 1nc.lt1d1ng convale.sce-.nce fJthc.r 1·n~t" 1n-elude In~~ tn thr. nnit pr.r~nn~l l <ti~rrr.~,. flnti <tr.IFt)' in C:flrr.rr prn-17e.<•inn. These co~t' nppcnr cx­cc."ivc eivcn the relatively low co•t of nvnilnh!c p()rsnnfll pre· vcntion measures.

.., ~ • ~ a i

nnct hmv they"re 1i;;ert in the risky cn\'i ronmcnts. '11\lrlir.rq ofll'.n cocoi1n1cr. ~oldic~ofren qpcn.:i their 0\\'11 money to hnyron1· mcrcio: prnduct~ rnthcrthnn u,;c mi lirnry-is.<ucd rcpcl lenrn. A~ leaders, 1cochcr,q ond role models, l'\COs are the most imror­tanc group to mokc ecrtoin soldiers nndcrsrnnd milital')' PPM dl)Clrinc ond properly 1Lqc it in the field.

The current PPM !l)'stem oonsisrs of 33 pe.rcenc extended­durolion deer 1011011 applied ro rheslcin. permerhrln applied co rbe uniform ond proper wearing of i he BOC. The U.S. :\rmy Cenrer ior Healrh Promorion and Preventive Medicine's Tuchnlcal lnformmion Bullerin No. 36 (formerly Tuchnlcal Guide l\'o, l i ·I), Pcrsonnl Protection Techniques ,\gnlnst In­sects and Other .\rlhropods of Mlllmry Slgntflcnnce Is a use iul reference for more in deprh informmion and includes \iewgrnphs for unir rraining. Specific informa1lon abom cur nmt milimry issue insecr repellents Is not included in U.S. Army publicJ1ionx axwd:11c:tl wi1h fit:ld operation~ such :m che Suldlds J\fanu:d ufCumrnun T:1sks. Sk.111Ler•l1, Field Hy­i.:.iuou and Sanitation (P..I 21-10). Dcscrl Opur•lluns (FM 9(1-3) ur Jun~I• Op•"11iun~ (17M 90-5).

Pcrsunul Protcdlon Mca~1n-cb

, ... lfuhrng ur lhr Pirkl. Prnr>r.r

ni1c:1 con be minimized by u!ling: the mHirOJ),..S S)'5tem of Per;on11I Pro1ec1lon Measurer, (PPMs). Many w ldlers are Grill nm ndequmely kno\\>ledgeable nbom cummr military pp;..1 docrrine or don 'c ruminely prnc-1ke ii in the fid •.I. IL's nut envugb lo simply r~miml hul­diern w u.;~ "bui;jui;:e." lt mac­ltrs \1,:hal r..:v~llcn~ ate u~cu

St.nd llie1.'t ~ sen'oc1s p11rA.,ltN:; rll~HSl'I (lfllll:'thm1tni11!fl:'t) lhitl aflec.ted llll)r81Mn ?II ~ft(Vlr:~ ntP.n1/>P."°' in (~Rli

\\•coring of th~ RDl .' i; c~q.:ntinl ro minimizec.~po~cd ~kin. Trou­t~er.; should be mcl:ed lnro 1'ull> la;:et.I boots rnrher 1han bloused •inrn blou<>ing mJy allow tick or \:'1il!,lolt:r t:lllf}'. A!t~r L'Unblderint: polc11 .i•I :ic:• l sires•. •l~c:,·e~ •huul<l l>o 11..1l leJ tluwu and cul­lat~ UuUou=:J, 1:~v::\;i11Uy r1u111 d usl to da,"11 "•lic11 Ll 1(1 0}' iJ1bf>!Ch1 ar~ n:osl acljve. 'l'he L-sLiit should toe lu.:kcd u11.o I lie uuu­scn~ lo !)I C\.'COl jnseCLS r1 0 111

crawl1njlundcrneaH1. Wca1 iuga l::cld c:ip or h~ln1et serves as. a phy~t~al bnmer.t.oldie rs should shitkt· ou1 '1ll rloth1n~ be-fore rlt("\'1ng, wr11r hoth socb nnd ~h.-..<'~ \\'hr.n \\~lking and IO.)k rln~~ly hi· fnrr- rr.a<"hing into cnnccnled orcns. Tr.a~ nr hnlc~ in flT){Js shnuld he rcraircct im­mcctini.cly. Soldie~ shnuld u~c the huddy :l)'f>tem to l'requently


Page 25: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp

<.be,k:or hcl~ nn "nrty nrcn~ nm Cll:lil)'persomWy ch~ck~u anu tu ~afel~ rcm<-wr tu-k• lhAI nrc iound.

Prok<t>'n •e~in~r i:i~ccr hl1.:, ;t, ll!l;o impunanl Jaiini.t phys1c<1 I rr:11 n1n~ or off duty hours wh~n \\'d~1ii11~ •~l1irl~ ! •horr,, lm• ·•np sho~s or flip flop,. Sum~ i1u,ec" a1< •ltwctcd hy '""lt\~nc. nr perfumes. brli;ht culurb unhiny jw>'cl1 \'.

fmrn Rtprllc11L9. The u;e ur inbt:CI rcvdk111. (w11larninj( <lre1 inr skin use) ond other appl i\:ltlivn• l'-""''"·""~ pcro:c­rhrl"I for clmhlng) are 'el) d.\:Lti1c in v1v;cct111~ •11•m>t b1:-1ne inscct:i.

Oce1, dlscowrcu in L954. Im> hce.1 u•cd by lhe 111 1hl«.n ;.r_d milli<lO~ O(CIVlliunt. in :..~OfiHlH:lll.ial IJl t:litllaliV.lS a\ d *tk1n and rlorhing rcpcllen: Eince 1957. l 1 '• 111ust effective •1;•111•1 mos­qniroe> ~nd biting JrthrupuJ>. Mili1a1y-i»ue -.eel piod·Jct~ <:I'm~ in 1\\0 formula1ium;; the 11c.-c1 l•i11.: 1~'111) cdrndc.rl­duroti on 33 pcn .. i:nt lutivu i11 d ,, .. o-ouocc h1"\( ("S~

h~40 01 18'1 398:?) a111.l 1ho vl,lc1 75-pcrccnl lt•1 111d 1n • two ounce bo1tlo. a,1~mJ:.J.Jurnliu11 3J·percent elect. thr. mili-1Ll ry's prim:1r)' i11s..:L:t 1t:~l1~11l lu 1 !Ck.111 aµ phctt1r"1n, '" r:<.( 1-hfln hnlfru,conrnnll ated, l•>I> UJJ lu 1h1 cc hmes Jongrr ( I } hnu") andhaslt:!>b uJu1 whcuwmp"• od !Otte i:>-J>(ranr rtr..i , 11~A1 prhn:rril)' fur 1rcJll11b lh~ u1sc<11opclk!lt p;ul • onrl ,.,,,ton sktn and ~lo.hin ~ oal~ wlteu 33-1.oc:rcc nl dut lolhnn lnr •kin nr a perme1hri11 fu1111ulaliuu lu1 cloth111o; 11Ic. unavoil.11>1•·

Soldi~r:; •l1ou ld •vvly 33-.iciccnl dcct lol1l'.ln ;,ccnrrting 10 Jrs lub~I ab• 1l1iu l•yc1 u•c1 <:>.PO'<d sb n

S~,·~r;~) cJ:c:l ~1,.u11Laulin.~ pn:x:fuct ~ :\rt"' ·11 nt1:-r rl4•\ r lopricnt or a"'~1U1~ ~f.lplu"al for nultt•u"\· ,,~,,, ... in.--: 11,lint 1n1Ccl ·r~pcl :-.:ut \'c:r~iu11), uf \uuscrc-c n <J nd ..,.,rr .-,uflf~ .. fr1~~ r<•in:

P~1111t::tl11 n1 J.\ .a contact trrrirn nt rlnthing-only impr~gnnnt 111u~l etfectt\'C ''>'fl•n~t rrFt\\'line in~~ct~f-luch o:; t icks end mites. 11 ·, also usel:\11 "ll"'"" mn111p1irocq nnd hiting 111c~. Lr i~ udur­lc», non·•tAm111g nnn-irrirnr ine nnd re.~istnni co dc~radatiun. Oil' c.canml! llfll :• mny rcmmc 1he 1remmem but s1ard1ing d>'!C• nnt affr,., ir . Additio:tol produc:s ~uch ;,>. 1a.1Ury imp1c~­

natr.<t <k•crr Rot :~ plmned. Thrr..e mc1hods of apptyini: pt:11n~Ll1ri11 :.uc a"tolaUlt'. Re­

enrc:tlcss of1rcmme111 m~1hud , BDU• ,buulJ l•• tie.1tcd pnor 10 dcploymenr.1\llo.,. •~1·•rnl l1uu1s fu1 Iii< to com­ple1e:y Cl') befur< h:mdling. Pe11.lldf11u1 \(J.~·pc1vn1 cnn· cenrrariun) i:r a W.-<.1u11.c • 01oscl sp·•y n n f'l'>"l 681()-0l -278-t:)36) •l1uuld be applied 10 11111 • lw rMdnlly folk>\i.:in~ ldh~ I U1bll u4.tions. Une c(1n 1s rr·rpur:- 'l tn tr,'ll l one sl.!e uf BDl: h itlH.I 1 t:t1 catLt1en t ts n('C<'"'-""''1' 11ftr.r t1x w111~hings.

Th• l11<li•i<l11•f Drnam1c Ab<nrplmn Applirntio1n (llJA} kit (NSN 6840-01-3.!5-UDTI, somc1irrc< ~n"wn r< "~hn·<c nnd b;Jk~ .. 0 1 lhr "'li...t\4,14tC .. 1nethod,cun1 ""' "1ffu·1c1111.._ rr11cthrin aud m:ik1 i•I' :o treat one !<Cl ol 11111 ·, fl10) 11"' .1n<I rrouscr.; att t1ca.cJ u1 ~e:.>.iratc ba~ ("('ln tl'l 1"11ng11 r--:rmr•hrin nnd \\'O.·

te1 1ui.\tu1:. U1lc protechon I"''' f.-.r Approtimnrcly 10 tnund taiu~s, con~1dered lhc lif~ nf th~ uniform.

Pe1uietlwn (4U-t1erttnl cnnrrnlrntin~) in 11 :'i.I ounce w1tle (NSN 1K;.;i1~11 - 1 \4-Jhhli) ·~ mixed with Y.Gt~r and ap v!Jcd to u:utorm< nrlti"g."' IMIAtc u.<;ing o :wo glllo:i ~pr~y "(N~N J1"l-1•1-1>41·-'' I'>) One hmtle is enough to 1re:11 eijlbt llllL .<r" rrntccti~c glove~ nnd a rnspirumr mu~t b•

THE KCO JOURN~ I /!\Plll 'lll H7

¥1.'Vj 11dllJ1.:\pli4-Jl lal.J1,:.l t 1 tf1l lCl'lt-t'"ln ins 1nu·1u-u1i rullo\\-00 v.h..:H

u"'i"~ llie ~prayer c 'lnfh1ng an1t n,·111ne arc plnccd on ~he ~l\JJ11J and spr.:t\iCd un<f, .. r rr:-<(-;.,.rc tH 0 tJ j tta.nce Ol 12 lO 18> then hllng 11n•1I rhoroughf) lirl~d . Erected 1onu. ar• tie,1!cd at rnt'Y"'"}' ''"11 iMid~ :mrrnc~;. Including nuorin~ ir p1-C«'1ir 'ipr11yrr 1rM rmc11t tn~is the li l ~ of rbo BDU. Nutli11~ n11ty "'"r r•·-trrA l r <t nflc r ;ix \.VOihing:;or on~ yi.!:tr. T~nt:1~u 1uay I>< rr-trr.111.~<1 nfter .'x month> in tropl~al ur nin• 111umh> i11 11 mrr•f,Ji'.' Cn\oif\'l'lmCnl!-.

T'.·rmmhrin iq " "ur.llogicolly 1u~k 10 i111oe~I> b~1 in huui:w> i• r••"IY r.hqmh~d nnd mpidly in:1c1i"at~r.l . Ad•olbo •~iu ut (\y~tt·mi~ r.ffcct~ ore rnre. b•Jr $~'lllptun1tr 0C \:h~ 111i<.:~I b~11sitivil~

r~n "'"'""'· The TllJt: cap l nd und~rwcur •huuld 11ut be 1rr.11r.t lf conrnmlnt11cd. the e~e~ !>lmu!J be .1~h:J wuh wa-1.~ r an,-. h r..nd ;, \\L.."i.h ... d. P~ople cxpi:ricn"i111: pcni~~c11t i1uld· h11n nr ar~ ~nn~mcd t1bou1 o:hcr t:~ llllJIJ11:~. ).huu!J J i'.111.uu· t nu ~ u:,c und r.e~k mcJit:u.l at~cntiuu. P~uu~Ll.uiH '' l11~hl\ fi)li:iC In n~h a.nd extrCnlC. C:ift; rnu ~I bt: ld J....: 11 llUL Lu 1.uula.1111 ~

nnr~ rood. eating ~upplic~. anJ water •uwlic>. Cou1a111i1Mted item' ;~ould be 1horoul:hly wa.bcu p1 iu1 lu iae.

There i> no scientific cviJenc< linkm~ Je~1 •11i.l ve111ielhnn \1-ilh 1hc ~) m;icoms rcpor.~d b} v.:1crnn• u. Ovc1dtio11 U.;<01 t Shi.::lrl•Storm (1!}9il 1991 ). s~vcral la~Ul~lUI ic• .,. cu11c1111, conclL.Ctlng acute 1u1th:ity ~~u<lit'b wi.h t:u 111


Ji11aliuu~ ul i11'-C't rcpcllcnrn:pes1lcldes ~au olhcr "t:"nt~ ui,ci.l i11 the l'e1>ia11 Gulf.

l!'q•1/pm.?m. 11~~.i 11clt> (:--ISN 841S-l~J-\IJ5-313ll) .rnc b~d net: or fn;c.i b:m1:--IS:--I 7210.{)()..~66-'li36\ l''o•idc addrht>n· al prVh!~tiun a.:ai11 ~1 111l~l in~ ... l~. Hc.ld ncls ma\· hr "'1l m O\'Cr 1ht: ban: llca<l, 1;;1v. lu: hue l .,,, hc ln1ct hnir:r 11n<1 , .. tut\ .. ~lt1~µin~. B..:U 11t:L,., 1JJV'•i1.h.: dddi: ioLtnl J'ln_"ltC'{' f1on fi'lr rhr f1"l ltl· in~ l!Vl . lia111wu:.t., l'rlh.:cl l"'cd~ and she. tt•r 11:1ll · trnt . .\n in~"rl b:u r1•1110,w1111JUS:d u. lour pole< ( l\~N 1' 1 0-00-?ri7-~MI). t-hul.h.l lJ:: '-V11~idc1cd rl nthtr 1ntt-l"\Jr1ttr"lnic pmvc inn<l~q1:111c.

Making The Syqf<'m \'\'11rk 'µ/h~ n i111vlcw~11.cU I 1\'C ~·cal s a,:t/.) th<- J 1Pl\1t t\j~ lrm , ... "*'

k11uv.·11 lu Uc: hi~llly ....: J tcc l1\"C' 10 the hel' l St1 I I· tn lh i\ "'Y~h:&.u i~ inaJcqu.ilc hcccn·~t- m1\ny \ olrh1·r<; 11 rc nnlnmiliur y,jlli ii .111d pt::-tcr 1fl Ul\I' ('f'U't'lm:"rrinl rr.) '111Ctq Of non~ Ql UIJ. l111p10\.C'c' lr1'1n•nA '"'1 Mmm.'lnrt ~nfnrremcnt is rcquirec.

So1·N3I Apprn•rhr\ n.·cn r.1 ~ rnkcn 111 mlrumlze r..'1e lD1 P•<' nt 1n..-ct h1tro 11 •rnr1mt thnr'l\Os he lp correct mrlnint: sh<>rt• ll< l'T"\1 rl"rrrin,· <1011fd h~ 1hornugh ly mughr durini; h .. <ir lr.iinine•nrl r.~il1Forccd ar.othercourne&anct during Clcld <>crr,.r• ~nMi,•.-m1m -."c rhc S)'!,tcm properly during 1hucn-11rc hmr '"'Y •rr :.t r i<l PPM docrrin~ needs to he included in n•tc-•nt mitit•ry pi:Mirnlto,n• nnd rceularl)• ICSIOO OCCOrdin~ to ''""~""' A< " for.'< mut:ip:icr. the PP\1 system hns no C'l""'· hut <tn.-rrinc needs 10 he put lnlll pmc1l~e.•

r~nnrhf'! "tmignM rn the DMsion of Pr1•11c111i1 c Mcd"inc. J.f-i,/. trr Rrrd ,frmy l11~1il111c o.r Research. Tl~~hi11;;11m, D.C .. um/ .-1m11wi1 t• 11i1h tire l11feclious Disc111e &nice. Wulrer R.t:erl , 1m1y Medical Cemcr.


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Leader's Perspective:



"Every senior NCO serving

today has matle his or her .f;Jzare of

mistakes. 1% didn ·'t reach

our positio11s becaztse we were .~u11er

sergea1its. We got ltere with <t lot o.f help. Our leaders

allowed us to niake our

mistakes and learn j'ro1n


B~ MSG Jumes H. Cllf'ford

H :iw ~oi. cwr i:v;len a i:vud Lip liom an NCO on .111 FTX. AR­TEP vr W•JXction?

I've ~ullc11 11lc111~. Haw yvur c•er wun­J :r=J ""~'" .lra1 ~CO lcdru"<l th a1 tip? A>~ ilic >ulJicr aml yuu'll 11rulJ.ilJly ii:tJ llu: NCO l<:~u u ::J L u1n l1l~ v1 lier n1is· tale~. uf W! .._u11': lt:t11t:111Uc: 1 lho~c;:

lhi11!(> we 1.ltJ 1ii;l1t th: lir >I tim<. Whv i> lhal\1 Of t..UUl);t'~ il·~ JC:l.AU~C: \~C: (t:alll .. ill·

J c liblc lc~~u11~ 1:10 11. vut ufiltali::~. Su..:· i..:c"' ".: IJ vn1 ~'u"ide~ l lJe it11po1La11l l-:~· sons o l lifc.

Jn tod~1y·~ dsa\\d:>\ .. ' ll Arn::~·: rn any of \;!I are bccoru111,:. huro d c h:-ct'! r..<..'Os. l sec this: tis a d anp,crous trend . Jt ·s not u11-l'(' t\'~(H1tible t hat 1n a .. vns1ztnA c nv1ron ­n1r11 t \VC' tr;ir fh~ r.He cl o l he.1ng l ahele-cl H'- Ii (11 1l11rc \.\.'r al1.0 fr·El r hoeing l:\h e.leA'.'I a~ 1nfl11le~nr or faih1rr.~ Nnt n, .. inz il hl ::-. t1"I '1r AI ~irh -;n l(FC~ \Vhn fAi l hA~ >l chillinP cffcc1 11n mi!l.<ion scrompli•hmcnl. A JCfldcr 1nus1 'H rikc a haloncc hctv.•ccn follure ond succe>.S in e\·erv soldier nnd cv~ry mb:Aon. ·

I uf!~r th~ fulluwin~ 1hough1; 10 NCO~ lo lrdp 1h~111cup~1•il.h failur..s in ll1::i1 w lJic1 ,,. ~Ju.J lhl.!111sc:l"1:1:-. Firl-t.. ~ ~.:vt ii. l::\1\: I yv11\: f~iJ!li Ull a Je14ul;jl IJ;jU. lly c11.1.eyt. J Jv....1:( 111;::au 1..u11Jv....1c:, t:..'<.~u,,.e

v1 1j11lV1 :.:. I dv 1 11~a11~xp::i..L. ~111J~1~:a11 :.I

dnd use it as a Jc"clopn1cn: :ool. f::,•ery sen.or ~CU scn·,ni; toda,· has made his orhcrshMeotmrslakes. We di.:ln·t reach our p011tlOn.l> because we •·ere super 'crg~•nh Wt got hcre ,.,,h 11 loro: help. < h1r lrilrtrr~ ;1llnv·:rc1 r~ to m~kr our mis· r11 k.-·~ 1tnr 1:-:.m from th C" m

R..lrhr:r ~"'.iionl' 11.<.r,<l tn 1t11rt \f1111r.rr~ orf h) hA•ine rhcrr ~hnvc n hAllnnn lmAtinc hrn\. mnny t'ia rhcrq rhcr~ \N011''1 he ifrh9 nunkc,1 "'h~ n thcypnppc<I rhAI firl' hnllo01. Ymi o1v lcnrn hv d.1ini>. . . w

A.II°'" ynur;old1e"' too..~c t\IOlldC\' n1akC'

a m1"t1tkt" I hi'~ \\111 lr'lrn l ro1n 11. T."'W111y \lrr h "t\"{' OC"\\. C(lUIJ)lllC'nt,

rcr-hno 11f)' 11nt1 ctnt'tnn r frt"'m when J "ir<t cn'i<tc.1 All ni l hot "th<' r""'11<t of C.1t1nt lr.(~ mi(lflkl'~ ,,ntl rr•um111 tn th <1rAwine M .l rtl\\t 1tt•""-''ll 11irt. " h '\11 hnkcd" M rir>t T h1"1' wh,, " '' nnt frM mnk inf fi mi~tnkr: Ari" I hr: hr't nt 1nn1')V:lt·

ing nC\'w' i,fr..y·~ nf (lo ine I 'U n~ r nno\>flrl"n llnd rl'OliVnl inn Ari' r hy rrn<ltil't nf <l clim.u c where -;o l<1 i~ r5i fr ,"I fr.~r 10 11 1\l• iniriarivc. lnirinnvc. 1 rhin k we rn n All ugree, i~ one quality we wont rn rnro11r­nga. Si:ree~~ ln llfl11lo dcmuncL' •nltlicrq Ile willing m rnl;a rls l:~.1\ qolillcr unwill­ing to mlrn rl,;l(S will nm Siii> ul lvc to complete the mlnslon. These ri~kr. ore not 1:1ken lightly. Soldiers cnlculn1c tho riski,, l>Js~tl 1111 knuwloci:c 01' the sltua lio;i. trainini:. ~quipmo~L tint.I 1hc n:is •ion. A >Vlui~r muM bti Ji:i:r1.1t11,iw 101:ur vivi:. Futituri11~ ~· luru JcCtc:t cJinlUh! Jr:~uu."' 'hi" ag~1 io:~t::i\'cnt:-.h. Sol<l14.!n w l1u dJc ~-1f1diJ tu ~:.tkc ~ 1i~~ :11 pcali.: \\'ill ll l!'\'C' I lAJ..C: A J j~J.. iu WOii. lllt)JJU!Jt;I h:tll•

d hn)t ot a suboidin,tlC' v..•.1u 1UJll.t'Jr> .1 111i, ..

tak".:.· rr;;y 11 ' f tc1r\e 1i "1 ~IJ1c 1 ') J e:tth nn il ·11n1rr h.1ttlrt1,.lrt f >ur h l,h'll"\11\ lull o f''1vr r.t)nlhi1t l1'Adrr• '"h~ m,.,11(' rhcir shore 01 mi.irAl~' 1n l""'nn·

U nd~rsrondinf! l\nt1 11une f,t il11rr C..~ll dC\'dnrmcnl IM nntl fl WI 1-

in~n~SS 10 it.kc c.1lmlr11cc ri•k• nrc im­portant lencer.;hlp :mh. The mn..1 Im ponant. howe\"er. Is ~n undem nnd1nv 1ha1 1he proper hllncllng or ffiilur~ ;~ ~ charam1r baildor for ooldlern. SOldl~rn who know t h<ywill~~l ral1tr~:.1me n1 11re le» likt:ly w tic :1buu t their action~. 1f YVl.ll w h.Jii.o:rH ~ll\..)\\- ~uu \U u~ u ru,ir. un Jc:1> t"uJi11g !c~o.! 01, th•y will bt: hunt:bl ,_;11, yoi..' who~"°" Lh•ir lead CJ ~ ~II~ V.'i.1ili11g fu1 tl1 r:111 tu bCI t:W u p bav( 11uthi11!f. lu lo~~ \\'lu:u \.":.1 ll~d OJI d1c ..:..i1. f>"'· Li thev 1-ituw lhc rc ii. 11u lhi1t!( lU ~ai11 tron1 bein~ honc\t, t.liev \1, ill uuL be. Lca<!ers "ho have a "ell-Uc•cluv<<.I stra tc:-py for J c.d1np_ with the shu111.ullJ·


• I

Page 27: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp

th Failure lngs of thoir •u~u1ui 11alcs seldom havr problems wiLl1 ;ului=r> 11111., 10 them

This Uut:s 11ut 111c: o11l latlure l11ck~ r.nn­i-:cqul:.uc.;cs. 011 lhe conlr<•ry. f~ih1rr. in 111~ AJ1uy ji, such a \C'rl011'( mFtttrr ""'(!

n:u~l J.:.-.1"·~th1t 1n .t '>''~mtt1t.:- \'w"fl)'·

f;ulurc trcqu~rtl)• h n n!}< ilr.adl)• con M:"lueuccs. lbi.""' \\'hy 11 ,~ ~ importt•nt (u1 us to untrr:c h1 n1l ii.

Jo lmd th•' h>lnnrr. I r<lfcrrcd to enrll e1, le.;.de~ mn!\t knnv.' how LO assess fall ur~s Wr mu~I hnlnnce rhe failur• ~g-.n<t th~ qolllicr's poiemial w de1·ulop 1ntn rhc h,1n~1. mOll'-'Ull!d. inoov~ti"~· •eerc .. ivc soldier who will swvi1e un lhr hnttlcfield.

I.enders mut1c l~ku inlu a\.:\:U1.11l rivi: fnrrn~ when ru;ses~l n~ failur~h-the ul'­fr.n~c. inwgrlcy. at1ltutlu. thewluk1 ·., •• rord nnd our inve:,nnum in r.he ~uluic1 . The fir.r ~rep In a;;sc:.siJ\~ 1hufailurc is tu e••hcr informnrion abou • • 1., uffcn•c. \\-Ii• the so'.dler in quosl ion at :dull'? JI ~o. \\hy? Did lh ~ <;{l:Ji~r hd•1' aJcqi.,lc

rn1ining 3nd l~~dun hip? I• tl1e1.: "'"""' euidl'.tnce in the fu1111 uf · ~gulatiu11s, SOP&. etc.? Did i1tiu1 ic• u..:..:ur'! \Va~ there prnJ)<lny J:i111:i~"',' Will tberc be some ne1:a1i"t! i1uµ UJJOll anotbt"r s car~er. su..:h dS ::t 111 i~11i ... d ,,11001 .q·Jotd fir late av.·arJ n: ... u1w11c-11d.1oon'? L'a:i tht"

~nl1lir:roorrccc che ml~t[J~c or U\.en.:u1nc thr rnilurc' Whnr hnr. huppuno<l in .ho p11q1? I,, thi~ o common urrur? Dw• it hnppcn on a regular b:1~is? Did you, u1 1K\111oone e!fe, ist ui: prt:ivious \\.au1i11~~·l

Leoders muM :11k 1J1"11"dve• tl1c>c find oiber (jU(Stium lx:f"'" !Ley 1eco111-nl~nd o r 1:ile acL.011. Svuu: u~ arc s~rivus ~nough tllid you h.e"~ no choice in your n:acLiu11 tu 111~111. 'l'hc~· ar~ rt'gu· 1:11"'1 cid1e1 !Jy law 01 pvltq·. 'J'hc.<r. m•I· l'O!ll> 1114}' IJ~ O UL Of '101.lJ haJlJ\ · 1 ·h c r.h~iln

uf .;.;uuu1ut..uJ u1ar L1<' ·e,ro11~1hlr. f,,r ini· tiatilll( d-(LOO. ""t ITT•""' t ;i\lhlfl''' i in\.OIV\'.! 111i1101 ruattt'rs :t-:!rl ,,. ... '"h. '~~• ~o your \:".aluatton. 'a'ou h"l\r th:- !"11&\W-."'r tn jndgw tlllJ t.aKe dCtlOn

T he 1nteAn tr ot thr qol<ti~r i~ nn 1111portant lt1rt1"lr to rr.nqfrtcr inn~~

•C•~in,11 the latlure •\•k yr111.-,•1r 1hcs() yuc~tions. llo\v c11f' I f1n rl nut Ai;.0111 it? l)iJ the sold1:-rbr1nA1t tn myaucntinn nr ~ .&\ he o r SJl~ .:·an~hl 1n th:- Ari~ F.vcn if '--"uu)1t an tht' a:t, ttnr~ ·h,~ 'inlfii~r toke rC'~P'J03ttnlicy fnr h1• nr hr.r rietion5? Did the sold1t'r try tn rdvr:.r 11p rh~ event or bbt1U(' Th.~~~ nrc quc.:;tlons of ch.r.rlc.r Thr. nn~wrrq rlny n mnjor ""'" .i,~ynn r:o11tl!mpln"c )OUr reaction. A <t1lt1i~r with n mnng ch&rOCl~·I is ""''h} n' )'{)Ur cff.m Weol:. chor:mers

"Soldiers who know they •viii get fair treat111ent are less likely to lie about t/1eir actions. '/'your soldiers k11ow you to be a jai r, understandi1ig leader, they will be honest with you. "

'l'l l r, Nl'O JOURNl\l.ISPRING 97

au: a -.hau:.. on nuhtdry c!tcct1vcnr~'~ 11n.l 11n1y uut deserve t .1vo1·.lhle cnn~irlC"r· :llivu.

'l'hc c;old1:r's att1h 1rl1" \VIII rithrr hr.If\ 1 :snlvc t he s1tut11111°'\n "r nii:tkr ii ~nr.oc. Ll.:.cs the so d1rr «ropni?t" th'-· i:!rrt)r? r~ tt.C' S..' ld1.:r la kin~ f"'\lh\'•~ if~rr; trnvord ·t,nlv1ng rh."" \1hu1·inn~ Soldier.-. w:to k now ,,.., .. "'rnknc.~qcq ond take a.cclon rnunprovr.nrc hcrrcr thnn 1hose \i,•ho~on

rlo no wrong. '>oldlor; muse parcicipale in 1hcir irrproven1enr. L..!·ndcn, may b~ Ahle w lead 1heir home~ Lu wat~r bu1 c1inno1 tbel!l drin~. Sul<.liun ruu•l be w filing ;o rnlcier hJLI. :ro111 failure.

C o:i~ider ;oldkr• bJi• idually. Lw;. JI cheir prior r~1:unl>. All uthc1

rhl ngu being equal. 1h~ bukli••'> • •~ur,I shou Id tall you a lot . Dun 'I 1:abl a i.:uuo.J M ldl<r 3drift ba>ud un un• nfillak~. Conqlder 1he record. l8 llt• mi>tdk< likc· ly :o be r<pemed1

FlnoLy. con-;ic.:r 1ho: inw,lmcnt )'VJ

ond li:e Arm) 1'.a•e in 1ho: sului:1. lk­) Ond clle mune}' hp~nt un 11ai11i11g, huw ml!ch haw you inv•>lvu i11 1lic •uklic1 '/

h1,·> t;ru'" wl n::u ~uu con sis .. rumly udt.I to t.h., p,.i11ciplo t111u allu•v Ille inr"r"lt Lu wmpuu11t.I. \'uuJ cJTons will on,y pa~ ufi if ~uu •lluw •uluie1 ~ to ~row.

.~Moini: fail .. 11;: 1,. .t .un1ple>. lSS'l:<".

'\ou 'an t4k.: Ll1e c:.a>"' "'d"' wt b~ crt'at .. iu~ ~l L::'I u Ji:I~(,.l C:U\'.1'.,)llUlC'Ot, or ~-0,1 1.. :.-t.1 ._.c:v.:lvp ~ous subord 11'111t('~ I hi' t1r't d!Jp10<1ch cl"('atl"\ ~1"'l:lfl1r rtt. \vhn IAr.k ini -11 ,,tivc. ,1nrl mot1v11 lio1"1 Thr. ~ccond im h111·• ""lrlicr:< with morivntion 10 perse vrrc Hnri qu.x~cC fignin t! the odds.•

f /J/Jr.rd i.• !'.'/tit 1/te J 19/li On/ /NI, An-11"'"' /IFB. MD.


Page 28: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp

. Letters to thP. HrH

COR ATTN : ATflG·CJ, [dltor llSA~IAA 11291 SGT E Church/II SL H. tlll3S. IX 7001 B·BOD2

Drill Sergeant appreciation T hAvo' ,;r,wr.rl 1hc oovcrngc of lhc

Army'q ~~~11!l1 hnrns;,la;."\nulr ~cnn­<lol wirh <liqpornging:cyc~. l om~uddcncd r.o know 1h01 women ho,·e been 1rauma 1i1cct hm 111~0 ongry rhar rhe punlfihmenr doc.~ nor opply:o borh sides. Ir doe& rnka iwo 10 rnngo.

I work in njoim ~mironmem wi1h all branches of the r'\rmed ForC4'S am.I al-1hough it r;:ally is a seriou• matt.,r. wh.,11-e"~r sumc:thiui; l:u111cs 011\ \\.t' tt"as~ ..:a<,;)1 tHh~r al.Juul i ~. I hav-: 11~\·c:1 pii.:k.c:d uv a 001'."0l'The .\1(

10Juurnl-1I urnil lbi~ 1nvL11-

i11g.. It uu1dt' 111~ 1e think all the jokes J li~ve 1u adc. :--lot onl y d1d l not ta.<.t. into cons1dcrat1on tbehard \V()rk the rlr1 11 , 1·r· }\Cants h(l\'t.' pt· r i11 ti"I tr11in in5 r.1vllir1n., mto soldier<, hut l fnrgnt ohnnt the. pri<io~ th.tit gn<'.~ \\ith thr. jo-....

r rlnn' t think thAt Y'"" mnen?:inc WAS "attr.mrtine mhnnrtnec ... " l nppln111l yn11 fnrqh1'Wing~11ppnt1 nnd npprccintion to ynur<lril: ~crgcn nrs fonhe~ocrificc:1 they nrc mnking. r do 1hinl; rbm rhlr. issue shov.s rhe true side of your drlU &er geam~. Yenrs Inter, the le11en; sem in show> the respect thmyoursoldi1m; haw for rheir drill btHgeam5. Yourcowr pho-10 ofSFC Block puu,a face 10the 1rai1sof strength and wi~dom. I hope that w" "''° all learn from ;tll of th~ ArmeJ S.,rvicd past miscakes aml continue tu slrivc w make a difference in "''ery uo<Jp's iifr.


SGT De\mn• .\'. Bell L'SMC

Not to go back and forth , but ... Jn rei,pon~e wa lrner puhlbhijd in 1hc

Wimer% 97NCOJournul bySPCP~rcy :\. Po,;cy. my imem ·.va• nm tu put Ju"n lh" l\ation:<I Guanl>rnen 0 1· R.,s.,1vi0Lb. l h:<w also •erwJ as " TPU R"s"rvioL prior to 1:11tcri 11g, th~ AOR P1og1au1 a11J I Ju u11J~1 ~:<111~ \\. hal yL•u aJ~ ~<r:1yit1µ1 Ltu'V~"~J, I u~1i~\.·e ~OU ha"t' 1nisu..ude1~ ~tuu<l 111e.

l\'1 \' poi nt ':was to s:low that \\'hen lead · crs and C1\1ha ns \VJtlu n t;ie unit do not work togtther nnnnr h::.nri1•~. r.~prr. i ;i. I ly t.:ic li.Olchcr I '"'11'- m1· r1"'ly rrflr.r.ring,,n thr 'iirrilt1rity nf thr. ~nnrcne~~ or d~n line with inrlivictunhwhokccp All r.hiq hickcr­ing going ticr ... ·cen :~ldicrs and ci>ilian:1. Gunrc~mcn and Re>ervls1fi. Regular Army and oll or 1he niorememioned.

I am a firm believe.r rhor norhlng will work for us ii we all don't work 1ogether. Remember the Tutal Arm~ Concept and let'~ 1r: aswklion; 1ueliminJ1e th~•ep:<­ration ofbrand1 d~f11itio11 and roJefin., lJUfSd•Ob <IS •impl~ th• Al'lll)' or .he United•> of Amcri""·

SGT Briw1 K. E•'i1111 Juc.·k.w; ,f1;il/r!, .l\i(.'

Stop lbc htbanity! 1'he ,'\1l'O l ounra{ i!i. supposed to be

the professional publication oft.le Nl_'U Coq>s. Yet 1norc andn1orc: J an1 rcddln~ ~on1e dcc1cC'dlr un protcss1onal le.Htrs: I an1 d1sappo1nrcd to.)"'lnfin11r ti"'I rr.arl thr. \vhining 1tn.1 gririns fri1n1 Nf:CJs ()f 1hr.

w 111pu11c11ts i11 this a11d utbcr public~­tiou~.

It ~~..:111s tu 111<: ! li dl W 111~ J1 awJ o\\.·11, \'.'C have f(Jf)lOltCll ~Ol'l1C basic1 ules. J-.'ilst, ''-·~ are all in this to,i;rcthcr. Second, tt takes thc\\•_10Jc tea111 to win. Instead, ,,,c .have adopted a ·~ IJe.neration X - 111c iu-sf" mentaht}•. l{cccnt le1te-J·s have.p;onc beyond prolernonal ducourse.. I'm •tra •d Iha I we. have.sunk into a bM habit of f"'tl)' snipm,>? at c.ach o:her . I expect hcrtr.r from l\(.f I.~

rar.h nf n~, nn matfc.r \vhat O\l r cnm· pnn.-·nt, nr;\nr.h, nr l\'1.CJ'\, i~ i1 thr. ~am::-.

hr.Flt Non..-.~1y hri~ it any '"•~tf~r thr.n t1nt')l-hr.r. Fnr.h or 11;' hfl:l {)11r h11rtt.~n~ t{) h r. y..,~ICA<I or JY1en 1ionine nflm~s flntt 1Hi ltr.."!qlline ~pccific lc1tcrs. l'll nffcr this Od\~Cc: Tt) ""C:Os CVC l)'\\'hCrc 1 qny, gc1 your act together, do your j11hs and stop worrying nh0u1 cvcry!\nc c:~c. We'll 1111 he hcucr off when vou do. To rhc cdi!()­rlal smfr I sny. >pore us from rhis bicker ing be1Ween 1hose "'ho don't " ·nnr 10 be mam playern. SJveyourlimitetlspuc~ for mur~ proft!.;.!>ional dibcu:;sions.

SGM ,/umqs H. Clifford Ft. Di.1. NJ

Child Abuse'?? The nrriclc "Drc~•ccl 1n Drill" hySSG

Dtvid /\brum5. should hove bee.n tilled "Child '.'leglecc :\ sslsred by U.S. :\rmy."

You went into gr em deta il on SSG Ni chellc Bro\vn's ttays und hours as a single p:mmc and drill S\lrgeanc. Bu: ~ou only LOuche<l on 1h~ hardship~ the 5 )e:1r old chil:J mu>.t endur<.<. Reading b<l"e•n lh4' Ii nob .,f" ittL•n•• 4mil ity lime· 2100-0300 l1uu rb ur c ig:1t· \\'ct:k ~."i.:l~~. I~ tl1isS-y~a1 -oltl chilJ "•i11g ""!!.lc~t;J to tho tlcgr•< vr 1..:hikl abuh~'l

You j.11i11tet.1 the atlide. R: aJ it. Re­p o rt it.

MS<i )11111•" £. Bull Ki1rf!r.rpo1·1, ·1:1v

f.YJWrlen~t'lt In Wor vs Rxpr.rlr.11r/11g \\'or Tlii~ is in 1e{c1c11i.:: to the letter: '1 ln­

cxpcric11ced u 1 \\'ar'!'' in the \V1ntcr 9&-47 1>sue o-t ll1e t\'t 'I J .lo:11nnu.l~1-_,.s,,,·1_.; _ _ _



Page 29: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp

1.etters to th~ Edilo~

Leo11a1d ;, ~1 obabl• • mr l\m; hnw tiv<r, l ~<lic\'c .n~ mi\\r<l rhc poinr o[ SlvlA. (Rct.) Dunaway'' nrriclc.

SMA l>unaway.1111 nnr imply thar rho wnOi'-' ' 1ctcn('..C ·n 1n the orricle \\'ere nut w 111b.1t. Utcour<r t 1~ywcrecomba1. TI1•y wo 1c >lmpty 'hnrt-livccl period:• ol' wmb<1L andd1d nntrmwirtc rhc opportu 11i . ic~ lv h:comc. "'r'(J"'ricnccd.'' rhut loug .. tcJ nl cxpo,11ri· tnA rnmhmenvJrun 11u:11t v1o"tdc:§

Havu•A bu llet•, hMh friMdly and en c:111~ 1 \\. h12z111~i1\·~rt'lnc'; hCfid and :;col n~ i..:uuu ..-idc,. d <: 1~ r.~ricncing war. l l i~ nut ne4..C'\'-f'rily, h•)W~vcr. becomini: i;x .. f1C1 icncc<' in thr. mAny orher aSJ)<.'\:I uf war tnvnl,·rtt 1n Ji1ng rcrm oonfli::1s.

~s<; I ""'Mrd :>ho uld be ju~1ifololy proud nf hi• nu.1mp~~hmcn1~. I le shm1 In not how0ver. com;hkr himb":i' •• cxpcrli·nr,"tt nq thl.."Se who h:&\'t: M:~11 :ai~

.I<'> h.~11,. (nnd rhan mmc) l ime arnl lime •g•i" - nnd chat is ~x:1~tly SMA Dull· •way'• point.

horizomal l.1JJe1,1ulJC d1mb ni1 •rrl thr grenatlc 1l11 v,,... n;c .. 1 a~;; mi"n· surtn11~111 ul tlii: abjo·111nS11I 1n11'\ tin ll•u d1i11i.," '1'11<• ln1ld 't'""l hir Ocxor mu...."-11~ wlu"~ .:u d .n '"a kin~ A..,ll ro,1d mar.:l1i11~. Sil-ups zlso ht11l rl <t"'"!\ nh t.lumi11a.I 111u).l.: 1C'\ and 11 r th<·. \f1mr. rim(! k~ep lhc lv,vi:L hac kstronA, ~·hir.h rn n h~ anJ :ib.:1 l¥tak a1ca tor m~ny 'nl<iic~ nnll ci\'iliwi>. Me~unn~ the Nirrlinrc.qpir.1 lOl) b)~h:n: us111~ th=- t~<t·milr- run i; Clf'I

~.,~•ll•lll 14u1dc to: a'"'""f qo:dicrq' h1.:a1 l a11U lu n~ cond1t1nn1n!'; Runntng JSl';i~ls Ilic \Old1e r 1n 1no111r.n t~ when ~uj1.·k 1no"cru("nt m1ty n.-- nccc~;ory nnd luu~ J i>tan'e road m.,rhini; nr \lt9l~lng i• • •q~ued l h·· nnty rhine rhnt cnn pre I'••• <ou torw• lkingwirh h~111')' loads fur ~_vcci-lic C 1~t?i11r"" i~ 10 r1n ju:·a rilnt.

Ro4d morrhirg rope climbing. uh stack <OllT'•.-•. er~nnllc throwbg. low crawhn)l .1nt1 the hnri?AlntC.l lndd~r a r< all tool< thot c.1n i'c u~cd In ndcllthm tu p..,,h. "P' .. \i l·11pq nncl running co build 1h~ •111·

--------- tlir.r 10 he h~1ter ot le t.o rn~c1 tl1c 1 i~u1 ~ CSU (Jl..i) Jerry Lo"

Kh'leen. I A

More l"T comm<'nfq t'hi' r i~ In re~ponb~ 1.u SFC K•·

pl•n\ .,r icl~ i:1 the Winter 96-97 NCU Jnuninl. H~ I; corr<ct in ,1atiu~ th•t he hn• icvcr Seen pUhlt·Uµ' UI >i.·Ul)S done •1nring combat. and tha1 .v111c sokhr r< " 'ho hod max~J d1oi1 Al'I Ttcll 0111 <l11 r­ing dep;u»m~nl• while •'1uuldenng I hrir oombar loJlh..

Theobjt:c. ur APFI' is to me'""'~'"'' overall ph~·icalJiluc«ol thr r• rtiri pnnr. Ii due. lhi· U)' USlll.I\ the r 1.-h·ups fl' II mcasu10 ol 1l1e >Olchrr • llppcr ll<)d} st r~J11,\tl1, •l'ccdlcally th•' <Mulder. trlccp :illd ll"~lv1.1I mU>cl~• Th.· ~ir-up meo ~Uit:~ tltt: iibdom1.,:ll rn '1 h ip r~e"or 111Ubi;lc~. I he hvo~mll1' ru n is n meftf.Ur~ men I orrhc cardiorr.,pirntnrycnournncu urtlio •oldter A 11 of thr•c events are onl)' aguiJc as to the nwrnll fit~s:rnfthe >111 Ji:t, 1101 nnctl)' thr~e. rhing,~ the wldi~r cau Lio lo ~et 1n •hapc or co gee hi111'!rur­•=lf 1cad1• tor rnmhat.

'l11crc .rr many exercises and typ<su.' equ1pmrnl 11~flll in hulldlng uppu buJy slren._rh <;rrnng shoulder mu•d<• '"" aUi'lw )'1' 11 to do such thin~8 a ... u~i11w. tl1c

THE N<'O.trll ll!~AL'bl'lllNG rn

of mmh11· und everyday •ulJic1 iu~. SF(" f.;nplClll, [ WJ> J !.o'Ji•1 uftl:c ,old

PTr~t. f cnn~uy th~.lUJ;iy'> P"f l'o~rar.1

when usetl proptirl~ ca11 "" ""'Y .~ood on the body unJ L•uilJ you 1'"1 V""' spccil •r MOS withi11 th" Arnov. 1'11: adYanrc­ment or l.::.huulu_p.\. .tlld cd u-..":thnn in p~)~i\:'JI f1u .. c:~ hd'O been Ir< mr ncl()l1c; and I Led th a, oy ~oini; h"''k In th r olrl \Va_", it '"uulu ~ct ush;iirL: V.'r. don't. ncl!d tu Jig.i i:~~ 111 the an.~fl of r'h}'i:ticnl firnc:~.

but :.uul1.1uc to !tnt1:- fnrw1'rd ~he 2L~t -.;cutu'1' t.5 a n.-'lri' ti· ond combnt 1~(1~\' ;.\J nly

& : l"\I t i .,w, FM 3!0 41. F'.1.1 350-15 :111<1 thr Master J'lrncss 'lhtlnln~ .\-lanu• I

SFC Lum.,, BunJ./I• Ft. Be1111it:~. u..i

nrlll s1~rgmrnl~ and l" l' remarks I r~all~ oujuved th: W1 nr.- r 91'.·'17 ;,.

sueanJ ilt:.\:114J>h".s6on L1erlr1ll '-"'rtrAnt . The pro-.:.1J111 ~e~c.:t 1o::i fr1trr1 ~ on P.-'\~C 12 cuulJ Uh~ ~vn1e ac d1t1nnnl informn tion. Tho•o aµplyic~ lor thr tlcscrvc drlll :;i:r~l.!a1u J.n.1i.i t11.:in ma~ h:\V1" 1 he rnnk ~rj lc1i;i \"ai•cd ro co'l'ornl They mn)' :Uu lta\~ tlu:u ·1m,.. in , ... rvi~~ rcqulremcnl wai1.c:-d tn lhrr.c ycr. rs.

As all dnll sori;cam •lut ' a1 = SSG •nLI SFC. the urll: !it:r~<1111l µ1 v11rnu. "' .1 good opclon Cur q &J.'1liliou w ldicrs in

over:;1rcni:l h u1.U Lb lu cnJYi1111..c u1 rank.and e:-'Oerienw.1l1~ 95rh Di,· need• dnll ~·· gearm; in OhlJhuma, Tc,~, Lou1sian> i\rkJn;>h and 'ldJ1a,1". Any Re~rv< recruiter >huuld lie auto Iv IJOint cMd1· dOles in uw rii;m Jio cc Lion v 1 ju't cout~ct locnl unil 't for JL.VJ-: i11fu11u.t~10.u.

I aloowJnllal ruwu1111e11t on~ l<ll<r rrom SFC P~· ·~A. in the Wl!IU r ,.

sue. Hih l.:llcr s<cuu:d lu 1nd1cate lh• I • N:11ional GJ:11J1:o.11u111 01 N.eserv1st r11 n­nm mainl:ti.1 tli<1e .. c1 otJ1lnc« th•t rhr. ..\cti\~t: Cvn1JXJ...!.t:llt soldier (.ln

I t:;U'J111it l:t••I on:y h a .. 11t1tun." kr:~l'l hiro (Lu1u IJ~ 111w. 1n top .)h11 r1 I w1'\r k hc­l\"t.:..:11 4 5 a ud &U hours fl \Vr'1· ll nt my Ci · ,·ilia.11 juU, Ju lcn:.r ... ,r hvr hn11r{('\f vnlun tc:1 \"u1.1. d11j still h,, .... m11noec<t to ti-...:u1 c: JOllJ on n1y :\(r rhrr-~ l"Ct)l)rd APl-' l \. l'lo1h.1f"' .. ,1r1 ;,., whn wanr to 111t.1nta1n h1>\h 'tanch1r<lq n1ighL consider µ1v1ng t•r ~nm,· nf the hour:. t:pen1 in l n:.-nr 01111.· t r l<"vi~inn . video game; ~nu '"ct h:tr\. <)nc htlllr Of :nh?O!~ 1r:iinic~ thrr..· hmc< r. we~~ will cl" wun~~"' fo1 mo~I Jlt~Oplc.

SFC Dlm'tl £. K11i11/01 Ji/ 811. 37.51); !11{. /.un,;w~ VJ..

nnckhonc ol' !he Arm~ broken'? l'rn dll A1111y J{:servn.t \.\In•"' r<"'.l':t'.ntly

~ct~ndoJ .lie f\ C:O . .\c•dcmy Im thr. Pro­n1a~ U:~Jc:1..,l11 .J Dcvclop.,irnt r."lurit' :ii Fl. Le"'"· WA f\ow .. nynn~ ll\t~ n• ;.i11 A.&.1Hy KcsC"rv1" 'n lrl11" r. )'OU h.:tr..::!I}' lio1v~ tune to ,,crnm:"Jiqh lhc 1ni:1.<ion in v11c , .. ·cc:ken<l ort oftfl~ mon1'1, le t nlone :each cxtr.1 th1•g• lik~ land no1•igatJon.

I thoujthl hnngnn NC'O menm being c.pabk"' hrong ' · eonrl l llllder nnd b:rv· llli; th<' •h• •ty to trnin :111ldler&. [ gu~"" I v.·t1s "''rc1113 1 h r rnttfiC 1 WOfl told that. ~ 1 -lhmgh r mart~ honor grad of my das• (""c .. --. .. ;...ini fi~t-time ··goes"' on ~"t:~­th1ng rnne~rniig lender.;hipl. I. JS a fulJ. time civilinn, hJve co fir~. fiml W iii<·

wh~r.~Mhcrrhcm dowmnwn LU1>Al 1~dc, rn 1rnin for lnnd na'iJ:"lio11 •11J lloeu 1 c-111rn to PLDC anJ •ldl l all uve1 ap.arn. Thnr'sa slJp in Iii. fan:. H yvu lail acl'" Cl~5choo:. dv>'uu rc:~Althcc nt1rc k"mf'\·


Page 30: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp

Letter~ to th~ Editor

lo1 '? AuJ e.« wheu do I find the time lu sla1t ovet '.'

'l'his is one reaso n l'vc tound that the. 1nilitary loses "Aoodn soldiers. Yes, J am a p.ood sold,.,r. llut o!'llectwe Jan. :n, lY~. the d~y I coutdn·t find my w•y from a tre.c tn annthr.r trr.r., \Vhir:h m~nnt hm not fi ttn l'>o· •n K\.f'I, T •m now 100 r c.rrr.nt r.i\ili• n. Snmenne nccth tn tell me c~•rslywhcn I will need lond novign­tinn . T wcnt. tn Dr.sen: Shicld/Smrm n.' a mcctic•I ~upply spcciali~t ond hod co de liver ond pick up supplies. Kot once did r get a mop ond 3 grid coordinate. Sure, reoch land na\1garion ut PLDC if you musr. bur why sbould It be n grndundon requiremenr when 1t is nm a nece5shy In mday's .'\rmy. And why two day~ before graduation afte.r the 5oltlicr ha~ cnduretl rhe mess and long hour5 am.I pai,setl with fl>ing colors?

'l' about shooting down om:'b ego. And !he junior ~nlislod shoulJ alwa~sbe moli\'al~J. Y1:ah, 1·igl1 t. I've u.:~11 iu 9112 yoaJs, si.' uf which !lave been spem ~an 1::-4. J quit. l he ot l1artin~ all O\'('f a_gatn ... tor \Vhat?? ln f'U"i"IVC \Vhfl t

l'vr. olrc.My rrnvr.n? Thankq A Int ser­genn ri; mnjor ... thoile of you who o.lreody hove your stripes and mos1 likely diun ' t have 10 go through this in yuur <la~.

Is It jusr me or does anyone e lse feel the sJandar<lb re~:udin~ l;rnJ navi~alion (ui Rc>c1•c suluie1 ~ u1 PLDC ueed to l>o chan.o;c:d'! Who says because. it-·s the Army> the n1l~ti riln' t he r.hnnec.:t?

Yes, l,m hurt h.":<'.Rll~C". I \\'r.n• frnm hnnnr grllrl11"1r. fl) heing nn ern<l11Atr. "1

oil. All hcc•u~ of n skill !'ct hct my mili­tnry career thnt l'll never need.

SPC Pamela Hale 31 lih COSCO.M. Los Angeles. C.4

Even mnrc PT cnmments J{~cently I an article. hy SGM

l{obest S. ){u§h, "Training tn Max PT." (!>ummer 1993) J think the pmgram is .~reat and plan to pass it on ro my peers. lloweve.r, I have El fr.\\' rlnnhts r.nn1":i'rn· ing the crccutinn nf thr. prngrllm.

The num~r nf •ct~ tn hr. pr.rfC\lmcrl is nnt spr.rifit.<I fC\r thr.ili•mnnil on<I wi<lr. orm r11sh-11p•. The sn mc thine goes fnr the turn •nil hnuncc, ft111tcr kicks nnct leg


the Lui o and bounce. tlutter kick:! aod le,;: spreaders. LO pcrtcr1u the crunches, the article pro"1des ditferent var iations ot the e.xercise but the numl:oes ol se.ts, e.1-lher total or hyvariah"n i~ Mt speofied Any hrl(' in mnking thi• rrogrnm d r.arr.r will hr. grr.•tty •

S(;T All'J: llqev .H.'lrlr Fina.nee 8.V, Ft. Buchanan. PR

{Ediulr's .Vote: Buausc thlr lran individ­lllJ/ pragrart~ the chans pnll'idcd with the

Book Revim·IS

urtic/4! ";.," '"" "un1blfr ~r repfl.ilion~· for ~u.'h r.\en:i~r wltfll Wxin11i11Jt thh· prQ· gro11t. J.01/o,._, ll•t i11.J·lru,·tiun ... · 11J ll1f l·turt u( fht a11it:le by 11.riug yo11.1· lasl APF1' 1·c:urrl· lo dett1711ine "-'htrt the sforlin}l poi111 for )'nto· protJmn1 thould be. 1'hrte .refs~( en('/, i'JY!rt:ift n.ri' pt.rf11rruM wilh one-n1i1111lt

ri':.rt:f f>rlh•pf.n. lh, .r1tt. ll"t'rtfJ,tt! nf tl1t. popu• lan·ty nf l.hif artirfe, th.-staff 1.t r.n11.ridl!rit1g running u lJgain in an up<:t>ming i.wv. "f The XCO Jnurnol.]

Won ti or "hat our \•urk wuuld louk liko if\•: woro abl~ tu en"apH1late ewry­thin~ into cor;x>ratt: terrns? Wo're all familiar

Hope is Not a Method

vide '' lip service" 10. It rakes leaders who unden;mnd their orga nization and demon strate their commh mem to the organlza ti on '5 values ro ensure ewryone has a 5ense­uf s~curicy and belief their work is aooum­pli•hini: th~ oq;aniza­tiuu·s airnb.

wilb lheArmy's u•• ~fwr­poralo t~rm• su~h as ~· d O\\'llSid11g_"' :.!UJ :t l\:t:IIgl-

1100ri11g,. tu help ~ofiuo what Jiroctiuu tho pu.t­Cukl Wai A1mr will L<ike, whal it will luuk liko a11J

hou1 \"t: will get the: It:.

GE:>l fRfL) ~on R. Snlll• and

COL (Rtit.) MJl'l.uuil \~ Hwrper

U!Jntinur JifJ, Jr;W, I!.95 flll{)M :PP.~ (/ID)

A1k 1 Deseic SbieJJI Stofnl~ we had a li\f!'at sense of acco1n­plish1ncnt as wed~usizcd toacco1lllno· d~te lhe post-Cold W~r world. A.lier rr:arh ng th is honk, tti· rr.11rlr.r~ho11lc1 fr.1"'1 the ••me ~r.n~c nf A<'<'.nmplishm<>nt. Thi• experience i~ whnt !he Author~ wnnr rn shore with thecorroro.teworld. Redefin­ing rhe way you do ;h.lng:; and changing what m:1y \'cry well be your nature :u; an instituliun is diffiw.t, ~·l re\•ardini:.

By usiui; "·'JJCri•uccs uf mililary as 'vc:ll as ~01 lJULaLt: lcaJt"l S, Llu; authu1 s Oulliue fai..:tu1~ ic:q_ui1e<l fu1 sh vu~ lc:aJ .. e1sbiµ iu~ 1 aµiuly clu11!/.i11gaml JeUliluJ­iug eJl\•lloLUueut. Tl.c: fust c1 ilii..:dl laclu1 is the ability to u1li11tai11 focus '4.1lu:u chaos~ aJI aiouJld audit's eas.v Lu l~c: yow cu1u:~ultaliu11 011 \•.:liat ~uu ha\·~ lu acco111ylisll. While 1.iaiutdiuwg yuu1 fu. cus, it's equally i01portanl to 1ecop,nile the hazards of the "treadmill" - th:

The authors list th1: "Six lmporat.ivcs" by

OEN Ca d E. Vuuuu that wc ro a p<Lrl of the A rm\':S ha11slOu11atiou fJu111 Vi~L­nan1. L'hcy wen:: rccruitU114 and 1e laiu .. 1ng quahty soldiers; dtvt.loping leadc-Js, tr?11ning Hnit~. modernizing the-. torct-, r.rcAtine thr. rieht kinrl~ nf unit.\, .:.nrl rle.­velnpint <lnctrinc fnr the cmplnpnr.ntof 1M force. Sullivan • nd H•rpcr pnint 011 1

rhe~e aren't fixed ond may not be rhe same 5tructure that rhe pO£t Cold 'Mir Army .,.111 need.

We •~in take pride in our accomplibh· mculs iu Po1·sian Gull. We 1:an aloo take satisfa~tiun in all lllat """'" accom­l'li•hod Jurin~ the downsizini: and 'Ve shou)J loukfurwarJ to theoppununitie5 ahoaJ fur all •okJien, in creating !he Anny for tomurruw. If.,.~ appl~ !he au­lhu1s' mclhUUS, WO will IJo reaJy 10 Uefeal auy a<.l1.1cJsa1 y. a11y\.\1li.:re, wu.h:r any c.;u11-J i1iu11» We will uut !Jo a fur"" that will

cycle of doin)l 111ort tb1nt,\S, taster and ':hoµe:' lO wiu. fastcJ· in o rder to .

Values ar<!' somethminou can't pro - JSG Vincent E. M11Lltia•


Page 31: OneTouch V2.2 Copy - · !NCO Journal Vol 7,No.2 Sp

But the backbone of the Army •

IS ... The NCO Creed ha• many attribute~ I can identify with. Quite a ftw could be

highlighted for di•cu.-ion, but none ca.n be debated. There is, however, one attribute lhat rise• above the othe,.,., When lhl• allrlbute is

viewed .iod uodeNtood by the men .md women who thi• uniform, It •hould produce

a r1~newed excellence toward duty and an acute awarene'" of one's •elf . I hat attribute

states: The NCO is the ba<kbone or the Army.

What is a bacl.bon.-11 envision a •pinal column where the different vertebrae join

together, endo•ing and prottcling the •pinal cord. I see- many v•rtebue, regardll'!>s

or size or po•ition, together for that common goal of pmtcction. Whether

lwi•ting. tu ming or bt'nding. each vertebra perform• it• la•!. to the fullest of its

ability. And hrre we are, va11·ing in rank and job title, to11e-ther a• onr.

Knowing that, we depl'fld on each other to "ecute our dutil'• to the brst of our

abilitie• .

So when the twi•IN, lum& and bend~ come in our indi•idual lives, in our

section• or unit•, we will •till be able to stand.

l"he word "backbone• ~ymboliJes a strength that I• r.trely •een, nol often

tall.ed about, but alway• 1ire•ent. Just like the roundalion of a building - you

don't see it, you don' t 1•11. about it, but for that building lo •land .it'• <'•~ential.

The foundation lie\ there, invi,ible to the n•kt'd "Y"· not intimidated or over­

sh•dowed by the buildi•g ii supports. I reali1e ..-hen peoplt' loo!. at the building

it support~. they •ee lhe •plendor and be•uty or lht' •rchrtecturr, the ma.sivenes>

of its width •nd tht' in•piring heighL Bui the} !>eldom qut'•tion the uniqu<'

cr•ftsmanship, the depth of the workmanship or the •tren11th or purpo-.. of

the found•tion. llow wonduful it i• to have• humble •piril

The backbone, the foundalion, the '!CO, ha• a groundworl. nnt laid with mortar

or cement, but with a ~lrong <ense of pride. The backbone;, pridt• th•t weathel'!l lhe

elements o( change, a pride that lurnR a task into a job of e.ct•llMC<', a pride, though

encompa-..ed by h•rd stripei., •till has a heart of compa.,sion. I hal compai.sion

reacht's our Mlow comrade•, in~piring them to be the be•t they can be. I he backbone

ii. a pride that 11oes on from •unup lo sundown and from ' undown lo •unup. It

shcltcts .\nd bl~n"-.,'ht .1 n.ltion.

That pride, th•t comp•S>ion. that strength of character, i• the inblliblC' proof you

Ml! thr backbone of the Army.

~NCO Journal

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Defense Secretary Charts Course

lly Lind:i D. Kowryn

William S. Cohen wn"worn in as the 201 h secrelarv of de-fense Jan. 24 by Vice President Al Gore. •

Cohen replaces Willi nm J. Perry, who served a11he Penrn· goo'' helm for nearly three ycurs :ind as deputy defense secre· ta ry for one year.

Duringhisconfirn1ation hearing, Cohen oaid he will cont in­ue the administration'scffons to reduce the nucleurthrcat.cs­tablish relations with Russia. build NATO's Partnership for Peace and steer the sccunty alliance 10ward expanding 11s membership.

Cohen said he intends to huild upon these in tcrnnt ionabc· curity accomplishments. '"Whtie "e arc n01 nnd cannot he the world's policeman. neither can we become a prisoner o l world events, isolated and tucked >nfely away io a continental cocoon." he said.

Cohen pledged 10 continue to attract the high quality of people necessary 10 preserve the na1ion's 111ili1ary oupcriority. "The in­creasing complexity of technology. 1hc quickening puce ufwurfan.: and grO\ving un· predicrnbility of che intc rna1 ionul ,cene re· quire that our people he more :tdupuible and agile than ever." Cohen s;nd.

Maintaining high rcadmc-ss will be a priority. he said, so U.S. force;. cnn rc,pond 10 any crisis. Cohen said he sha red the view 1hat quality of life - pay, compensation, housing and medical benefils-is a key e le­ment of readiness.

age, loyalcy and willi ngnc" of our men and women in uniform 10 put their lives at stake isa nat ional 1rc1M1rc that ,hould nev­er be taken for granted." he 'aid. "When our forces ure sent to fight. clear ohjectives mus1 he sec to which >'C arc firm ly com· n1ittl"!tl and \vhich \\-!.! h~1ve 1he n1eans to acb ievc deci~ivclv."

The new secrcrnry "'id U.S. forces not only respond 10 crises.. but nlw perrorn1 important n1ission~ every day.

··When our ship• pa1rul sirncegicwaters. our aircraft lly c1;,. tant skic' and our soldic~ dc.:ploy on exercises. chey arc nu1 merely on c:tll in the event "'1mc1hing happen<' Cohen 'aid. .. By Lhosc very actions. ing is happening; they ~ire in­lluencing the vie'vs and Jccisinu~ of foreign countries. be 1hcy friend; in need of assurance or foes 111 ncecl ot deterrence. Our fo rce; in their daily operations are shaping the world, no t 1ncrely "'i11ting 10 respond to 1hc cri..::is of 1he n1on1ent ."

Kozn1yn 11•n1t .. ~s for American Forces Press Sctv icc.

/Jiogmphy: William S. Cohen IVilli111n S. Cohen H'n'etl thrt!e tenn\· 111 thP

U.S Senate jiJr fhe >fllfe of Mo111c ( 1979-1997) arul fhree fenn.< 111 fire llome of Repn•senraf11·es from Mai11e "t Second Cun· gressio11al Di.wncf (1973-1979)

Modernizing 1hc force will be anot her priority, Cohen said. ··The massive reduct ion in force sm1c1ure following !he e nd of the

Ht1 sen•ed on 1/te Senare Annt'd Se11'itet and Go•·emmenral llffairJ commiuees from 1979 rn 1997. He was a member of sire Senate Selrrr Crmm1illee 011 flll1' //igc11ce from 1983 10 1991aml1'195 /U 1997. and Ire ren•etl as l'icc clwin11a11 from /</87 fo 1991.

' '" i11flue111ia/ •wee 011 tl~ft'llse and i111cr· Secretary of Oofensc Wllllam S. Cohen

national .\ecunty t'lo.\llt'S. Coht>n ltrlpetl craft rlrr Goldwmer-Niclw/., D11D /leorgmrizafirm Arr of /9,Y6. He 1w11 1lr,• &nme <(HJ11wr of fire GI Bill of 198-1 mu/ fir<' s11l»e1111r111 en· hnnce111ert1\ to thi.'i /(J11dnu1rk li•gisla1ion

Cold War allowed"' to 1crn1ina1c or defer a mul1i1udc of pro­gram~ \\tilhin :1cccp1uhlc" he said ... •n1i" trend mu't OO\\' be rcvl!rscd."

DoD will continue its progress in acquisit ion reform. deal­ing \vi th excess inrras1n1cturc and adopting best hu.'linc~ prac· 1ices unde r his leadership, Cohen said. '"Achieving a JlrOper match of strategy, progroms and resources to meet our ;ccu ri­ry needs of chc prc..::cnt l-lnd 1hc ruLur(." po~.:. a n1ajnr cht1l­lcngc," he snid.

Cohen 'aid he expects 1he Quadrennial Defen'e Review now under wny will present tough but necessary deci,ions. During the process, however, he will not Corge1 1he review's ma in purpose is to ensure the U.S. militury can figh1 and win the nation's wa"'.

The grnvcst responsibili1y a defense secre tary has, Cohen said, is advising 1he president on the use o f force. ··Tue cour-

I hi effurfs led fO fire crearwfl oflh<! f?apid Deployment Frm:c. w/iich lmrrdrvelopctl i11ro 1/1t• U.S. Cemml Com1111111d. and fhe nu1ntin1e pre·po,itio11111g progra111, IN1th nf 1,·hich H £'re kt'\' to tht• 1ucce;s of flw G11/f 114rr. lie ullf1 m·1111flr1J1~d flll' lnfelli!,'l!llCe 01•11r..·igJ11 R;'fnrut Ar't nj' /(}()/ 11111/ l1 1gis/111uJn 1/,.1,lgnrrl JIJ nv.•r· h1111/ U.S. co11mcrimell(~e11et• 1'fforrs am/ ro defc11d oglli11sf for· eign politict1! and i11d1H-11ial e,\·pionaxe.

Tire Nuncun1111is.\io11etl Officers A.s.\·ocit11in11 prcsentt·d llhn 1/r,• J1111g11artl A wan/ i11 19/JO 111ul 1/u' L. Merrel el Ri1·er.1A11•t1rcl i11 1983 for his work 011 behalf ofmilirlll)' perso1111cl. /11 1996, he re­wfre1l 1/1e U.S. Special Opt•ra11ons Cmnrntmd Medal.

(Ada1ncd lrom the Senate biography of William S. Cohen)