oney… it doesn’t add up!… ·...

Here you have an unusually truthful grassroots newsletter exposing the real group behind the Holocaust. They’re scattered across America in communities like yours right this second. Due to their covert ownership of America’s Central Bank The FED, they’ve become very powerful and now control the US govt, not you or your fellow countrymen/women. The same is true for 188 of earths’ 190 countries and they’re illegally blocking distribution of the Goyim Gazette via their total monopolization of every TV/Radio Station, Newspaper & Magazine on the Planet. (Yes, Even YOUR LOCAL Stations & Papers) They also own/control ALL the major websites like Google, Wikipedia & Facebook. The information contained herein is so suppressed this will be the first time the majority have ever gotten unbiased truths about the most important facets of their lives. And here’s the deal; the most coveted secret of these traitorous individuals to maintain is their identities. Finding them IN YOUR COMMUNITY is the most important thing you’ll ever do. Here’s a BIG tip; they’ve been corrupting governments and entire societies of Gentile/Goyim peoples going back to antiquity by calling themselves Christians, Muslims, Atheists & most importantly Jews. But they’re none of the above, they’re satanists who invested billions into propagandizing YOU with millions of messages which make it hard to speak or think negatively about “Jews” their favorite, untouchable cover. We Real Jews have unwittingly taken the heat for them on many occasions throughout history. The original story is in the Quran and the Bible where these bad apples of our world were called scribes (propagandists/historians) money changers (bankers) and pharisees (elites/politicians). Lo and behold the same is still true today, even after supposedly beating them in the First American Revolution. The Europeans our forefathers fought and died liberating themselves and us from never went away & embedded themselves in Americas’ foundation as top level asons, a cover for the same sect of satanic EL-lites who have forever plagued mankind. They’re the greedy and contemptuous leaders of Wall Street, Washington DC, Hollywood and every major corporation on earth who work for the secretive opulent originals of Eastern royalty. They look at Real Jews & Gentiles (you) as lowly hue-mans (hue of man) who are pawns and slaves to them as ordained by THEIR G-d. It all centers around . . . Their oney… It doesn’t add up! The problem is Forbes Magazine says earths’ 100 richest people are only worth $1.6 TRILLION (“T”) dollars combined. So, they couldn’t loan the US its $13T in non-foreign debt or our $11T in consumer debt (mortgages, credit cards, autos, etc.) totaling $24T. And that’s just for America, there’s also an exponentially impossible $200T the rest of the world owes. So, what’s going on here? If the richest people on earth only have $1.6T combined and couldn’t have loaned the world $224T, who did? Who loaned us their QUARTER OF QUADRILLION DOLLARS? Well, the answer is. . .NOBODY! There was no money, it was magically “abracadabra’d” into existence like all fiat currency on the planet! That means we the people don’t owe it and every dollar collected in either principle or interest is total and absolute fraud! And forget about being backed by gold, only $10T of that has ever been mined on earth! Which by the way, started with exactly zero “owners” other than we the people. That’s how America began too before being swindled out of the right to mint/print our own money, the single most important, absolutely fundamental requirement and reason for becoming a sovereign nation!!! In fact, escaping these same tax leaching bankers satanic was the entire point behind the 1 st American Revolution! 2013 marked the 100 th anniversary of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, creation of the jewish Anti-Defamation League, the IRS & the beginning of Americas’ silent rape by the Rothschild asonic Banking Mafia of Eurasia. They’re the modern embodiment of “money changers”, the degenerate fake jews Jesus spoke of in Revelations 2:9 “I know the blasphemy of those who say they’re jews and are not, but are the synagogue of satanor . The Rothschilds even used the jewish star of David as their family crest as well as on the Israeli flag when they bolstered and funded the creation of that country in 1948. (Yes, Israel’s a NEW country created by the fake jews Jesus spoke of !) It was their ancestors who circulated money they aptly called the “Half Shackle”/shekel for its use as a tool to invisibly enslave all of us to them while outrageously enriching themselves by running the world’s oldest, most murderous and destructive con job upon their fellow men, women and children of earth. Imagine that being your lifes’ work against any group of decent, unsuspecting individuals of any country or land and you’ll have an idea of what you are and mean to them. The bottom line is you’re a peasant, a pawn, a tax & debt slave who they call “Goyim”. The more you work, borrow, spend or even save, the richer, more powerful and callously indifferent they become. You are in fact at odds with them because they know they are ripping you off. They get $2 real dollars back ($1 in principle & $1 in interest) for every $0 “zero dollar” they create. That’s “money for nothing” X 2! Now ask yourself; who actually wants America to borrow 100s of BILLIONS for welfare, wars, prisons and bailouts? Who makes unthinkable TRILLIONS on your countries’ failures and the miseries of you and your fellow Americans? Consider this; Before The that’s who! the took over the US monetary system in 1913 our debt was virtually zero & there was no such thing as income tax or the IRS! And war was literally a “foreign” word to Americans. WE WERE A THRIVING NATION OF FEARLESS, CLEAR EYED, PEACE LOVING, CONSTITUTIONAL PATRIOTS, we were 100% financially sound, happy & free exactly as our forefathers intended! Now, a brief 100 years later we’re a warring nation of tax slaves, dumbed down, divided and financially crippled with bogus interest payments alone to asonic royals at about $400 BILLION per year on fictitious debt hidden within a complex shell game using bonds and the fractional reserve system to mesmerize the masses. All Americans are being “shaken down” under threat of prosecution and incarceration by their IRS & other goons w/guns for 4 full months of wages in taxes per year (federal, state, county, city, gas, phone, cable, internet, property, sales, use & etc. taxes!) The thing is “we the people” own planet earth and our governments, not the other way around, especially in America, it’s called a “democracy”! So, taxing us to pay back money printed for free and used on our behalf (at our sole cost in labor and resources) is completely asinine! But even that wouldn’t be entirely bad if our country got our funds which it’s NOT. Instead we’ve all been enriching and empowering the only real enemies America has ever had. But we don’t owe them $24T, they owe us PLUS 100 Years Interest & Damages! $714K each And yes, they have it! Forbes Magazine and its 100 richest people on earth is nothing but another massive hoax from their media. They made sure not a single is listed but they’ve always had all royal ELite the riches on earth and are the MULTI-MULTI-TRILLIONAIRES of our world now. Their rich got richer and everything is a lie. J. Edgar Hoover nailed it with;“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous they cannot believe it exists.”

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Post on 19-Jun-2020




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Page 1: oney… It doesn’t add up!… · consumer debt (mortgages, credit cards, autos, etc.) totaling $24T. And that’s just

Here you have an unusually truthful grassroots newsletter exposing the real group behind the Holocaust. They’re scattered across America in communities like yours right this second. Due to their covert ownership of America’s Central Bank The FED, they’ve become very powerful and now control the US govt, not you or your fellow countrymen/women. The same is true for 188 of earths’ 190 countries and they’re illegally blocking distribution of the Goyim Gazette via their total monopolization of every TV/Radio Station, Newspaper & Magazine on the Planet. (Yes, Even YOUR LOCAL Stations & Papers) They also own/control ALL the major websites like Google, Wikipedia & Facebook. The information contained herein is so suppressed this will be the first time the majority have ever gotten unbiased truths about the most important facets of their lives. And here’s the deal; the most coveted secret of these traitorous individuals to maintain is their identities. Finding them IN YOUR COMMUNITY is the most important thing you’ll ever do.

Here’s a BIG tip; they’ve been corrupting governments and entire societies of Gentile/Goyim peoples going back to antiquity by calling themselves Christians, Muslims, Atheists & most importantly Jews. But they’re none of the above, they’re satanists who invested billions into propagandizing YOU with millions of messages which make it hard to speak or think negatively about “Jews” their favorite, untouchable cover. We Real Jews have unwittingly taken the heat for them on many occasions throughout history. The original story is in the Quran and the Bible where these bad apples of our world were called scribes (propagandists/historians) money changers (bankers) and pharisees (elites/politicians). Lo and behold the same is still true today, even after supposedly beating them in the First American Revolution. The Europeans our forefathers fought and died liberating themselves and us from never went away & embedded themselves in Americas’ foundation as top level “ asons”, a cover for the same sect of satanic EL-lites who have forever plagued mankind. They’re the greedy and contemptuous leaders of Wall Street, Washington DC, Hollywood and every major corporation on earth who work for the secretive opulent originals of Eastern royalty. They look at Real Jews & Gentiles (you) as lowly hue-mans (hue of man) who are pawns and slaves to them as ordained by THEIR G-d. It all centers around . . .

Their oney… It doesn’t add up! The problem is Forbes Magazine says earths’ 100 richest

people are only worth $1.6 TRILLION (“T”) dollars combined. So, they couldn’t loan the US its $13T in non-foreign debt or our $11T in consumer debt (mortgages, credit cards, autos, etc.) totaling $24T. And that’s just for America, there’s also an exponentially impossible $200T the rest of the world owes. So, what’s going on here? If the richest people on earth only have $1.6T combined and couldn’t have loaned the world $224T, who did? Who loaned us their QUARTER OF QUADRILLION DOLLARS? Well, the answer is. . .NOBODY! There was no money, it was magically “abracadabra’d” into existence like all fiat currency on the planet! That means we the people don’t owe it and every dollar collected in either principle or interest is total and absolute fraud! And forget about being backed by gold, only $10T of that has ever been mined on earth! Which by the way, started with exactly zero “owners” other than we the people. That’s how America began too before being swindled out of the right to mint/print our own money, the single most important, absolutely fundamental requirement and reason for becoming a sovereign nation!!! In fact, escaping these same tax leaching bankers satanic was the entire point behind the 1

st American Revolution!

2013 marked the 100th

anniversary of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, creation of the jewish Anti-Defamation League, the IRS & the beginning of Americas’ silent rape by the Rothschild asonic Banking Mafia of Eurasia. They’re the modern embodiment of “money changers”, the degenerate fake jews Jesus spoke of in Revelations 2:9 “I know the blasphemy of those who say they’re jews and are not, but are the synagogue of satan” or “ ”. The Rothschilds even used the jewish star of David as their family crest as well as on the Israeli flag when they bolstered and funded the creation of that country in 1948. (Yes, Israel’s a NEW country created by the fake jews Jesus spoke of !) It was their ancestors who circulated money they aptly called the “Half Shackle”/shekel for its use as a tool to invisibly enslave all of us to them while outrageously enriching themselves by running the world’s oldest, most murderous and destructive con job upon their fellow men, women and children of earth. Imagine that being your lifes’ work against any group of decent, unsuspecting individuals of any country or land and you’ll have an idea of what you are and mean to them. The bottom line is you’re a peasant, a pawn, a tax & debt slave who they call “Goyim”.

The more you work, borrow, spend or even save, the richer, more powerful and callously indifferent they become. You are in fact at odds with them because they know they are ripping you off. They get $2 real dollars back ($1 in principle & $1 in interest) for every $0 “zero dollar” they create. That’s “money for nothing” X 2! Now ask yourself; who actually wants America to borrow 100s of BILLIONS for welfare, wars, prisons and bailouts? Who makes unthinkable TRILLIONS on your countries’ failures and the miseries of you and your fellow Americans? Consider this; Before The that’s who! the took over the US monetary system in 1913 our debt was virtually zero & there was no such thing as income tax or the IRS! And war was literally a “foreign” word to Americans. WE WERE A THRIVING NATION OF FEARLESS, CLEAR EYED, PEACE LOVING, CONSTITUTIONAL PATRIOTS, we were 100% financially sound, happy & free exactly as our forefathers intended!

Now, a brief 100 years later we’re a warring nation of tax slaves, dumbed down, divided and financially crippled with bogus interest payments alone to asonic royals at about $400 BILLION per year on fictitious debt hidden within a complex shell game using bonds and the fractional reserve system to mesmerize the masses. All Americans are being “shaken down” under threat of prosecution and incarceration by their IRS & other goons w/guns for 4 full months of wages in taxes per year (federal, state, county, city, gas, phone, cable, internet, property, sales, use & etc. taxes!) The thing is “we the people” own planet earth and our governments, not the other way around, especially in America, it’s called a “democracy”! So, taxing us to pay back money printed for free and used on our behalf (at our sole cost in labor and resources) is completely asinine! But even that wouldn’t be entirely bad if our country got our funds which it’s NOT.

Instead we’ve all been enriching and empowering the only real enemies America has ever had. But we don’t owe them $24T, they owe us PLUS 100 Years Interest & Damages! $714K each And yes, they have it! Forbes Magazine and its 100 richest people on earth is nothing but another massive hoax from their media. They made sure not a single is listed but they’ve always had all royal ELite the riches on earth and are the MULTI-MULTI-TRILLIONAIRES of our world now. Their rich got richer and everything is a lie. J. Edgar Hoover nailed it with;“The individual is handicapped by coming face

to face with a conspiracy so monstrous they cannot believe it exists.”

Page 2: oney… It doesn’t add up!… · consumer debt (mortgages, credit cards, autos, etc.) totaling $24T. And that’s just

Their edia & YOUR ind!

Bilking BILLIONS of people on earth out of 100s of TRILLIONS in wealth for centuries while remaining alive to enjoy it requires serious propaganda & mental conditioning on your peasants. The most critical states of mind for dictators to maintain among their sheople are division, confusion & fear. But DIVISION goes away by uniting against a common enemy and CONFUSION is cured by consuming factual info like this. That leaves FEAR which everyone knows disappears with action. Think of this like pulling off the band aid or standing up to the bully who’s really a coward. That is exactly the case here and they know when enough of us awaken, we’ll easily overcome them at the drop of a hat. It’s a deadly game of numbers played by dictators around the globe since time began. They live in houses of cards to this day and rely upon a detailed 6200 page guide their forefathers have been building on generation after generation of lying, cheating, manipulating and oppressing Goyim for 2000 years.

The Hebrew “Babylonian Talmud” isn’t just some silly, unused text, it’s the cornerstone of Judaism for every synagogue on earth. The Talmud’s dangerous and racist teachings say Jews are far superior to soulless Goyim. In fact rape and pedophilia on Gentiles is legal, and by the way; catholic bishops/cardinals, the most prolific pedophiles in existence, read the Talmud too! Also, millions of corporate board members and head politicians around the globe use the Talmud in asonry & satanism along with another secret jewish book called the kabbalah. These are the satanic game books of U.N. EL-ites/royals who seek to rule over earth in a “New World Order”. Now here’s where you need to pay attention; their NWO BEGINS with “End Times” of the bible. Do re-read that. It’s a very old plan! Satanism is the oldest BIBLICAL religion on earth from the days of pyramids and slavery in Egypt. Basically, satanism is slavery but we have all been methodically, mentally trained by scribes not to take it or the idea of evil seriously. As if it were all fiction, an old story w/long gone characters or just a silly fad for teenagers , pop stars & shadowy outcasts. The problem is you got those ideas from corps who’ve produced ALL of your entertainment! Here’s a few;

Just saying “Hollywood” pretty well covers the fake jewish creators of every highly suggestive cartoon, TV series and movie you’ve ever “taken in”, all popular music you’ve ever “listened to” and the entirety of graphics you’re mentally “familiar with” in games and millions of commercials. Do you think it’s had any impact on you? For starters, could they have changed some of your most basic core values and human instincts such as making you tolerate or even like many of the things and people you’d otherwise instinctively avoid, strongly oppose or flat-out hate? Take satanists for example, have you been trained into tolerating or even being a fan of people from a you know is based on evil, hate, deception and biblical sin destruction that involves disgusting ritual sexual abuse of girls/boys as well as blood sacrifices of them and innocent animals?

Everyone knows this about satanism, the image of a bloody pentagram is the first that comes to mind for most. So why do we tap our feet, dance & cheer to stars like Madonna, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga and 1,000s of others who’ve made it perfectly clear they’re satanists? That’s quite an accomplishment, wouldn’t you say? It’s similar to us watching images of oppressed people lining up en masse to cheer on their psychotic communist dictators who we on the outside can clearly see don’t care one iota about their people. They’re mentally conditioned exactly as we are by the same royals/elites who know being found out and eliminated by us is their single most pressing threat in life. But how and when did this happen? Why didn’t your favorite reporters, news anchors, columnists, talk show and radio hosts warn you about this alarming monopoly of the entertainment industry? Well, it might be due to the fact they’re employees of the 5

conglomerates who now own/control all media on earth;

Those 5 companies & a few partners who falsely claim to have total control over all the news and info you rely on. be jewish,

ALL OF IT. They choose what stories & subjects to focus on and/or spin to their benefit. They shape your opinions and views about them and everything that goes on in our world. Incredibly, ALL of your media has been owned/controlled by these same reptiles since the very beginning. The controls every single form of media on earth down to YOUR LOCAL PAPERS, TV & RADIO STATIONS;

We’re exactly like the billions of others they’ve oppressed around the globe using DIVISION, CONFUSION & FEAR. If you read or watch their news, you’re subjecting yourself to advanced propaganda designed to dumb you down and make you subservient. Their goal is to make sure you don’t know we the people have all the real power and control and that the media in all its’ forms is nothing short of a weapon being used against you and yours. Realizing that will be among the greatest ongoing epiphanies you’ll ever experience. The Govt & Business leaders IN YOUR COMMUNITY behind this deception are backstabbing traitors who think they’ve got you totally fooled! They’re all on the same team and political parties are ruses created to occupy infantile minds w/never ending arguments on divisive subjects like abortion, gay marriage, racism, gun rights, and

They pick all the equality in America which is NOT a democracy. candidates in key elections so they can’t lose and only let us vote on minor laws while orchestrating huge media productions to make it look like you have a choice. But you don’t they win regardless. and

Everything is a lie including most of the history scribes popularized in museums and educational materials. For instance pro-jewish stories, books and movies such as Schindlers’ List and Anne Frank are now standard curriculum in schools everywhere! But do 14 year old girls really have multiple sex affairs while hiding from Nazi death camps? Did ball point pens exist in 1943? Why are there 9 versions of Anne Franks’ Diary? Could her handwriting change 4 times in one year? Who would lie about such things?

Page 3: oney… It doesn’t add up!… · consumer debt (mortgages, credit cards, autos, etc.) totaling $24T. And that’s just

The urder & adness! Real Jews ask; why are schools devoid of info on far worse

genocides than the holocaust like the murders of 100 million peaceful native peoples of North, Central & South America? Did educators really just forget to include those long, torturous & illegal invasions or the fact they were planned and incentivized by European elites? Those outnumbered the 1.5 million person holocaust by 66 times! Also, what about the 110 million innocent and peaceful African men, women and children brutally rounded up by jews and put aboard their ships bound for slavery? Those jews mercilessly beat, raped & murdered 100 million innocent mothers/fathers in front of their children to mentally break the youths for servitude. That horror outnumbered the holocaust by 50X and jews did it too! A great and telling question is; would you vote to brutally murder all of those innocent human beings if given the same choice today? No? Well, now you know the difference between killers and yourself. satanic

These are the murderers who took us to war against millions of middle eastern innocents. (There were no WMDs, Hussein wasn’t w/Bin Laden or Al Queda, he had nothing to do w/9.11, remember?) The are now intentionally running your country into the ground while setting the stage for a govt. shutdown to end in martial law. Then, UN Troops would carry out pinpoint GPS assisted backyard executions of adult goyim and FEMA camp roundups of the rest for RFID chipping and permanent enslavement under their new Digital Currency for the New World Order. And FYI; you’re already on “the list”, all goyim are and there’s 900 designated FEMA camps in North America, multiple crypto currencies ready for use and bogus presidential executive orders have ended our constitutional rights against use of military forces on us. The writing is on the wall and it’s

. It was the Rothchilds and other satanic scum like all happened beforePrescott Bush (GW’s gramps) that backed Hitler, an jew who brutally murdered 50 MILLION Christians not unlike 43% of America today. They didn’t teach us that in school either did they?

Auschwitz was the largest propaganda event in history done to ensure jews are pitied on the skirts of Real Jews. Now even when Real Jews speak the truth about satanic jews we’re called anti-semites and anyone seeking justice for these murderous degenerates is labeled anti-govt! These liars & hypocrites will scream and wale “anti-government, “anti-semite” & “conspiracy theory” all day long to evade justice. This is what happened in Germany 100 years ago when scores of decent Gentiles began awakening to the same truths you’re discovering now. MILLIONS of us unwittingly immigrated here under the wings of the , that’s how America became a satanic jewtopia. Now they are YOUR LOCAL govt. officials, judges, attorneys, bankers, media people & other opulent liars who are living in YOUR NEIGHBORHOODS right now. And they’re united to overthrow us who they’ve divided with petty subjects like race, class, age, sex, politics and religion via their media. So, what were unbeatable 50 to 1 odds are now (5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+5=50) to 1.

That’s the famous “divide and conquer” strategy. It works until we the “dividees” figure out we have a common enemy. Then, all bets are off & it’s time to call their bluff, IT’S TIME TO UNITE. Their only hope is that we’ll remain divided or frozen in confusion & fear instead of following our hearts to rise up while exposing them. It’s happened time and time again throughout history, fake jews have been run out of 109 countries! This is how the “truth shall make you free” and why “we have nothing to fear but fear itself”. They want Americans to cower while divided and alone in defensive strategies such as stocking up with supplies, guns and food instead of uniting as an offensive team. If you stop to think about it, you’ll realize they’ve instilled those futile ideas and others like being arrested for protesting against them. But it’s still our sons/daughters, fathers/mothers & friends/neighbors whose feet fill the “boots on the ground”. We’re Americas’ soldiers/police and we don’t arrest each other for saving our lives! The key is; martial law can only work if they’re undetected among us, their neighbors who’d easily overcome them before their U.N. blue hats arrive to protect them. That’s what this info is for; to identify jews in your community & let them know they won’t be safe, this is how we stop Martial Law. You’ll soon agree, these little newsletters hold the keys to all our futures.

Being is what they fear most and you matter in this found out effort so HAVE NO FEAR because it can cost us all our lives! Always remember they are VERY FEW in numbers, this is a “con”-fidence game, a bluff. They’ve programmed you to retreat into a corner by yourself where you’d feel/BE vulnerable and weak. SO, DON’T DO THAT AT ALL! DO THE OPPOSITE! Share this with some friends and family members you can trust then watch your level of confidence rise! Use these newsletters and a US $1 Bill as perfect icebreakers anywhere you go. Make copies, share this freely online and sponsor an edition of your own for your area with your “Numbername” on it. Make income if desired. This is how we begin taking back a multi-billion dollar media industry which means there’s a lot of money to be made with Our Media! But that’s only the beginning, we’re on the verge of massive changes with hundreds of Trillions in blood money to seize while taking back Our Kingdom.

And storming castles is a job for everyday Joes/Janes like you. Do your part to win. This is Your Country & Your Life, it’s time You had a real say in it! And while deprogramming will take time, the world will begin making more and more sense. The truth is the only thing missing from most of our lives, that’s why educating ourselves and each other is so important. Think of yourself as a hero in “Harry Potter meets Luke Skywalker in the Matrix”. It may seem surreal and hard to believe at times but you’re not alone, we’ve all been deceived. As it is written, Satan has deceived the whole world. And going into denial would cost us everything so, it’s not an

option. (Besides, denying the truth is a sign of weakness and insanity) It’s also a sin. According to some top authorities like Moses, Mohammed and Jesus, denying the truth will cost you your soul! We don’t do sermons but in the coming issues reveal

the first real, scientific evidence of a creator that jews have hidden from us for millennia. (Yes really and it’s irrefutable!) You’re now helping expose the greatest lies and truths ever told and your life is about to change for the better, FAR BETTER!!! Living in hypnosis and fear of satanic liars isn’t acceptable, Godly or healthy. And there really are only 2 peoples on earth, US and THEM. Whether anyone likes it or not, we’re all choosing sides. Your action or inaction will determine who/what you’ve chosen to serve, good or evil, God or satan, your kind or theirs. There’s no grey area & no excuses. Also, not being sure of things yet doesn’t matter, rest assured that won’t last beyond the next issue! Until then, just for fun, get this to at least 2 people as a gag & say; “ha, ha, check this out!” Or, if all your bells and whistles are already going off as they should be, you’ll want to share it like Paul Revere. Either way, have exactly the same amount of fear, NONE. These are sucker punching cowards who’ve always known we’re all in a fight for our lives. But now you do too and they fear this, they fear you with the truth. They will use every dirty trick in the book to intimidate and deter you from uniting and informing other non-satanic Americans. Just remember they own the media and the net so everything is a lie to Divide, Confuse & Scare you. It’s all a con, don’t buy it. Have faith you are on the winning team with millions of brave and caring Americans from all walks of life who want to help, WHILE YOUR MORTAL ENEMIES WON’T.

Figuring out “who’s who” is just that simple! Use these short, easy to share publications as your favorite tools for the job. Whether handing them out for free or selling them, satanists will react defensively and come up with dozens of excuses to avoid the truth just like all liars you’ve ever known. Watch them shrink, squirm & lash out in desperation w/anti-semitic, anti-govt rhetoric or try to call you a hater, racist or terrorist when they are all the above! The 1

st time you

experience their hypocrisy, your eyes will be wide open. Just keep your wits about you and recall that no sane person on your team would wriggle, react defensively or say anything other than “Thank You!” for sharing these grassroots newsletters. Read this one again and take note each issue prints on a single sheet of 11x17 or two 8.5x11s. (hint, hint) Unite, Educate and Act!

Page 4: oney… It doesn’t add up!… · consumer debt (mortgages, credit cards, autos, etc.) totaling $24T. And that’s just