online hands-on trainings (real worlds in virtual environments)

Beim CA:SE-Verfahren wird die Kavitation in einer Düsenströmung stromabwärts einer Tauchmotorpumpe erzeugt. In der Düse wird die Strömungsgeschwindigkeit so weit erhöht, bis Dampfdruck im engsten Querschnitt er- reicht wird. Die kollabierenden Kavitations- blasen induzieren Mikrowirbel, welche die mechanische Belastung auf die Filamente her- vorrufen. P 18.04 Online Hands-on Trainings (Real Worlds in Virtual Environments) Dr.-Ing. J.-T. Meyer 1) (E-Mail:[email protected]), Prof. Dr. rer. nat. A. Georgiadis 1) , Dipl.-Ing. S. Schwarz 1) 1) Universität Lüneburg, Volgershall 1, D-21339 Lüneburg. DOI: 10.1002/cite.200580366 During the last years a number of electronical- ly supported learning and training applications have been developed in the field of automation and mechatronics. The Control-Net network provides 15 hands-on trainings in electrical engineering as well as in communication technology (see Fig.). The conception of these modules is described with a focus on the technical realisation and the benefits for the students or trainees. Furthermore, a cost analysis is presented, which is an important part of the sustainability discussion. Distant learning applications in this field ensure the possibility to improve the usage of resources available at various universities in a network. The Control-Net network (www.wir-lernen-die- is an example of a small network sharing expertise and available online hard- ware. Based on our knowledge in sensor technolo- gy we have developed an online hands-on training for measurement engineering with respect to the control of real processes. During this practical training the learner will experience the reliable measurement of physical state variables in a real process by means of various sensors to monitor several state variables, which have to be measured con- tinuously (e.g., temperature, static pressure, airflow velocity, concentration, and obscurati- on). Additionally, the learner will perform the analysis of the executed measurements consi- dering measurement errors and the expected result with respect to the sensor position. The control of the online module has been developed with LabView from National Instru- ments running under a Linux operating sys- tem. The front panel provides the control of the process as well as the measurement of the sensor signals, which will be stored on the students PC during the course of the online hands-on training. Figure. Basic didactical concept. 1254 Chemie Ingenieur Technik 2005, 77, No. 8 Praxisforum 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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Page 1: Online Hands-on Trainings (Real Worlds in Virtual Environments)

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