online marketing tips - how having a presentation ready can give you new opportunities

Online Marketing Tips - How Having A Presentation Ready Can Give You New Opportunities It's an excellent idea to always have a presentation ready, even when you are not the scheduled speaker. Being ready to step in front of a group on a moment's notice can be extremely valuable, no matter what field you are in. you'll want to have some notes, a PowerPoint presentation, and a catchy title to get the audience's attention quickly. In 2008 I attended Armand Morin's Big Seminar for the first time. One of the speakers was unable to attend because he was out of the country and had some paperwork that needed to be filled out before he could return to the United States. It became obvious that he would not be back in time to do his talk, so Armand had a find a replacement. Someone he had known for awhile stepped up and said that he had a presentation with him that would be perfect for the theme of the event. Armand took a look and he was given the opportunity of a lifetime when he stepped up on the stage to speak to almost a thousand people who had come to the event to learn from a variety of speakers. You can do this same thing if you are willing to put some thought into it and be prepared. Make some notes about the various topics you can speak on. I have about five topics that cover a wide range of information I am able to share. You should be able to come up with two or three that would be of interest to an audience. Turn your notes into a PowerPoint presentation, creating both a long and a short version. The long version would go for about ninety minutes, while the short one could be delivered in about thirty minutes. The reason for this is that different venues require presentations of different lengths.

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Page 1: Online Marketing Tips - How Having A Presentation Ready Can Give You New Opportunities

Online Marketing Tips - How Having A Presentation Ready Can Give You New


It's an excellent idea to always have a presentation ready, even when you are not the scheduled speaker. Being ready to step in front of a group on a moment's notice can be extremely valuable, no matter what field you are in. you'll want to have some notes, a PowerPoint presentation, and a catchy title to get the audience's attention quickly.

In 2008 I attended Armand Morin's Big Seminar for the first time. One of the speakers was unable to attend because he was out of the country and had some paperwork that needed to be filled out before he could return to the United States. It became obvious that he would not be back in time to do his talk, so Armand had a find a replacement. Someone he had known for awhile stepped up and said that he had a presentation with him that would be perfect for the theme of the event. Armand took a look and he was given the opportunity of a lifetime when he stepped up on the stage to speak to almost a thousand people who had come to the event to learn from a variety of speakers.

You can do this same thing if you are willing to put some thought into it and be prepared. Make some notes about the various topics you can speak on. I have about five topics that cover a wide range of information I am able to share. You should be able to come up with two or three that would be of interest to an audience. Turn your notes into a PowerPoint presentation, creating both a long and a short version. The long version would go for about ninety minutes, while the short one could be delivered in about thirty minutes. The reason for this is that different venues require presentations of different lengths.

Now you'll want to practice your presentation out loud in front of a mirror several times. I do mine over and over to make sure I have covered everything I intended to share, don't have any typos, and have the timing down right. Then save it to a flash or jump drive and always carry it with you, especially when you go out of town to another event.

Being able to come forward in an emergency and have a presentation that's ready to go will give you a reputation as being someone who is

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knowledgeable, generous, and willing to help out in a pinch, all great qualities of a successful entrepreneur.

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