online returning student returning student registration save time by...

Online Returning Student Registration Save time by completing your Returning Student Registration forms online! Update student and parent contact information Update emergency contacts Electronically sign 2017-18 Parent/Student Handbook forms Complete your financial aid/benefit information How do I complete my Returning Student Registration online? 1. Visit the Parent Connection portal at 2. Log in using your PIN # and password 3. Click “Returning Student Registration” in the top right corner 4. Update your student and parent/guardian information for each section (note: each parent/guardian will need to update their information using their individual PIN/password) What if I do not know my PIN/password? If your email address is already on file: Visit and click “Need Your Login Information?” An email with your personal PIN and TEMPORARY PASSWORD will be sent to the email address we have on file. If we do not have your email address: Visit your school office or the GUSD District Office during regular business hours to register your email address and receive your personal PIN and TEMPORARY PASSWORD. For security purposes, you must verify your identity in person before registering your email address. Need additional support? Online Support: Helpful tips are available at -> Q Parent Connection. Phone Support: For additional assistance, please call the Online Returning Student Registration helpdesk at (818) 241-3111 x1577 or your school office during regular business hours. In-Person Support: Visit the GUSD District Office - ETIS Department from July 17 to August 4, Monday through Friday between 1:00 and 5:00 PM to complete the Returning Student Registration process or to get questions answered. GUSD District Office 223 N. Jackson Street Glendale, CA 91206

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Page 1: Online Returning Student Registration...Online Returning Student Registration Save time by completing your Returning Student Registration forms online! Update student and parent contact

Online Returning Student Registration

Save time by completing your Returning Student Registration forms online!

Update student and parent contact information

Update emergency contacts

Electronically sign 2017-18 Parent/Student Handbook forms

Complete your financial aid/benefit information

How do I complete my Returning Student Registration online?

1. Visit the Parent Connection portal at

2. Log in using your PIN # and password

3. Click “Returning Student Registration” in the top right corner

4. Update your student and parent/guardian information for each section (note: each

parent/guardian will need to update their information using their individual PIN/password)

What if I do not know my PIN/password?

If your email address is already on file: Visit and click “Need Your Login

Information?” An email with your personal PIN and TEMPORARY PASSWORD will be sent to the

email address we have on file.

If we do not have your email address: Visit your school office or the GUSD District Office during

regular business hours to register your email address and receive your personal PIN and

TEMPORARY PASSWORD. For security purposes, you must verify your identity in person before

registering your email address.

Need additional support?

Online Support: Helpful tips are available at -> Q Parent Connection.

Phone Support: For additional assistance, please call the Online Returning Student Registration

helpdesk at (818) 241-3111 x1577 or your school office during regular business hours.

In-Person Support: Visit the GUSD District Office - ETIS Department from July 17 to August 4,

Monday through Friday between 1:00 and 5:00 PM to complete the Returning Student

Registration process or to get questions answered.

GUSD District Office

223 N. Jackson Street

Glendale, CA 91206

Page 2: Online Returning Student Registration...Online Returning Student Registration Save time by completing your Returning Student Registration forms online! Update student and parent contact




Registering your student for the new school year is now an online process that can be completed easily. Please 

note that this online process is an alternative method to the paper forms sent home.  While the online 

method is recommended, both methods are available for those households not able to take advantage of the 

online method.  This document will give you step‐by‐step instructions on how to complete the process.  For 

secondary students, this process MUST be submitted prior to attending registration, getting schedules or 

textbook pickup. Please call the Online Returning Student Registration helpdesk at (818) 241‐3111 x1577 or 

your school office during regular business hours if you need assistance. 

I N S T R U C T I O N S:  

1. Log in:  with your Parent Connection PIN and Password at:   


2. After logging in, click “Returning Student Registration” in the top right corner.  






You arrive at this screen showing your student(s):  

If you have forgotten your PIN and 

PASSWORD, click on the “Need 

Your Login Information?” link: 

Walter Disney 

Minnie Mouse 

Page 3: Online Returning Student Registration...Online Returning Student Registration Save time by completing your Returning Student Registration forms online! Update student and parent contact

3. Edit and fill in information:  

You can edit your contact information by clicking on the “Edit” button. (Each parent/guardian will 

need to log in with their individual PIN and Password to update their information). 



Next, you will edit your child(ren)’s information by clicking on the “Edit” button for each child. 

  Update any student demographic information (primary home phone and student email address). 

Update/change Emergency Contacts for the student. Emergency Contacts are also authorized to 

pick up the student in an emergency. 

Electronically sign off on all required annual District Forms. 

Review and acknowledge Benefit information. 


4. Press “Submit” when you have completed all sections. 


5. You will receive an email indicating changes have been made to your data.  


Need additional support? 

More helpful tips are available at ( ‐> Q Parent 


For additional assistance, please call the Online Returning Student Registration helpdesk at (818) 241‐3111 

x1577 or your school office during regular business hours.  

You can also visit the ETIS Department, in person, at GUSD District Office.  Support is available from July 17, 

2017 to August 4, 2017 between the hours of 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm, to assist with  the Returning Student 

Registration process or to get questions answered. 

Walter Disney 

Minnie Mouse 

Page 4: Online Returning Student Registration...Online Returning Student Registration Save time by completing your Returning Student Registration forms online! Update student and parent contact

Inscripción en Línea para Estudiantes que Reingresan

¡Ahorre tiempo completando en la internet los formularios de inscripción para su estudiante que


Actualizar la información de contacto del estudiante y de los padres

Actualizar los contactos de emergencia

Firmar electrónicamente los formularios del Manual 2017-18 para Padres/Alumnos

Completar su información de ayuda/beneficio financiero

¿Cómo completo en línea la inscripción de mi estudiante que reingresa?

1. Visite el portal de “Parent Connection” en

2. Inicie sesión usando su número de PIN y la clave de accesso

3. Seleccione “Returning Student Registration” en la esquina superior derecha

4. Actualice en cada sección la información del estudiante/padre tutor legal (nota: cada

padre/tutor legal tendrá que actualizar su información usando su “PIN/clave de acceso”


¿Qué pasa si no tengo mi PIN/clave de acceso?

Si su correo electrónico ya está en el archivo: Visite y seleccione “Need Your

Login Information?” Se enviará un correo electrónico con su número personal de PIN y

contraseña temporal a la dirección de correo electrónico que tenemos archivada.

Si no tenemos su dirección de correo electrónico: Visite la oficina de su escuela o la Oficina del

Distrito del GUSD durante las horas laborables para registrar su dirección de correo electrónico y

recibir su número PIN personal y una CLAVE DE ACCESO TEMPORAL. Por razones de

seguridad, debe verificar su identidad en persona antes de registrar su dirección de correo


¿Necesita más ayuda?

En la internet: Encontrará consejos útiles en -> Q Parent Connection.

Por teléfono: Para ayuda adicional, por favor llame al escritorio de ayuda “Online Returning

Student Registration” al (818) 241-3111 x1577 o a la oficina de su escuela durante las horas


En persona: Visite la Oficina del Distrito del GUSD – Departamento ETIS, del 17 de julio al 4

de agosto, de lunes a viernes entre la 1:00 y 5:00 PM, para completar el proceso de

inscripción de estudiantes que reingresan u obtener respuesta a sus preguntas.

Oficina del Distrito GUSD

223 N. Jackson Street

Glendale, CA 91206

Page 5: Online Returning Student Registration...Online Returning Student Registration Save time by completing your Returning Student Registration forms online! Update student and parent contact

Dproz w;radar]o[ a,ak;rti

a®zanz (online) granzoum  

 };r vamanake .na\;q a®zanz (online) granz;lou

];r xawaki ar]anagrouj\an `orm;re

 ü Jarmazr;q a,ak;rti ou ‘no[i f;t kap fastat;lou t;[;kouj\ounn;re

ü Jarmazr;q artakarg irawiyakoum kapi t;[;kouj\ounn;re

ü Hl;ktrona\in storagrouj\amb lrazr;q 2017-2018 ’no[i/A,ak;rti t;[;kagrqi `orm;re

ü Lrazr;q ];r `inansakan øgnouj\an/krjajo,aki t;[;kouj\ounn;re  Incp;s karo[ ;m a®zanz tarb;rakow lrazn;l dproz w;radar]o[ im ;r;.a\i ar]anagrouj\an t;[;kouj\ounn;re  

1. A\z;l;*q  Parent  Connection  anwamb ‘no[akan kapi portale fasz;ow  2. Moutq gor‘;*q øgtagor‘;low ];r PIN famare … ga[tnaba®e

3. S;[m;*q “Returning Student Registration”  w;r…i a= ank\ounoum  4. Jarmazr;*q ];r ;r;.a\i ou ‘no[i/.namakali t;[;kouj\ounn;re \ourqanc\our bavni

famar  (N,oum^ \ouraqanc\our ‘no[/.namakal p;tq h jarmazni ir t;[;kouj\ounn;re

øgtagor‘;low ir an]nakan PIN famare … ga[tnaba®e)  Isk ;j; cgit;m im PIN famare/ga[tnaba®e  :j; ];r hl'osti fasz;n ard;n t;[adrwa‘ h^  A\z;l;*q  ka\qh=e … s;[m;*q  “Need Your Login Information?”  };r an]nakan PIN famare … VAMANAKAWOR GA{TNABAÂE ];x kou[arkwi m;x mot oun;za‘ ];r hl;ktrona\in 'osti fasz;ow!  :j; m;nq coun;nanq ];r hl;ktrona\in 'osti fasz;n^ A\z;l;*q ];r dprozi gras;n\ake kam krja,r=ani gras;n\ake% soworakan a,.atanqa\in vam;ri enjazqoum^ ];r hl'osti

fasz;n granz;lou … an]nakan PIN famare … VAMANAKAWOR GA{TNABAÂE stanalou famar! Anwtangouj\an npatakn;row% douq p;tq h na. stoug;q ];r inqnouj\oune na.qan ];r hl'osti fasz;n granz;le!  :j; lrazouzic a=akzouj\an kariqn oun;q  A®zanza\in a=akzouj\oun^  Øgtakar t;[;kouj\ounn;r karo[ ;q stanal -> Q Parent Connection-iz!  F;®a.osa\in a=akzouj\oun^  Lrazouzic øgnouj\oun stanalou famar .ndrwoum h xangafar;l^ W;radar]o[ a,ak;rtin a®zanz granz;lou gras;n\ake^ (818) 241-3111 n;rqin 1577 f;®a.osafamarow kam kapw;l ];r dprozi gras;n\aki f;t soworakan a,.atanqa\in vam;rin!  An]amb a=akzouj\oun^  A\z;l;*q  krja,r=ani  ETIS bavanmounqe% Foulisi 17-iz Øgostosi 4-e% :rkou,abji-Ourbaj% vame 1!00-iz minc… 5!00% w;radar]o[ a,ak;rtin a®zanz granz;lou kam gtn;lou ];r oun;za‘ farz;rin!  

GUSD District Office 223 N. Jackson Street Glendale, CA 91206

Page 6: Online Returning Student Registration...Online Returning Student Registration Save time by completing your Returning Student Registration forms online! Update student and parent contact

온라인  재학생  등록    

온라인으로  재학생  등록  양식을  작성하여  시간을  절약하십시오!     학생  및  학부모  연락처  정보  최신화   비상  연락망  최신화   2017-­‐18  학부모/학생  안내서  양식  전자  서명   귀하의  재정  보조/혜택  정보  작성      

온라인으로  재학생  등록  양식  방법은?    

1. parent.gusd.net에  있는  Parent  Connection  (학부모  접속)  포털  방문  2. 귀하의 PIN  #  및  Password입력  3. 오른쪽  위에  “Returning  Student  Registration  (재학생  등록)”  클릭  4. 각  섹션당  학생  및  학부모/후견인의  정보를  최신화  (유의:  각  학부모/후견인은      개인 PIN/password를  사용하여  본인들의  정보를  최신화할  필요가  있습니다)  


 본인의  PIN/password를  모르는  경우?    

귀하의  이메일  주소가  이미  파일안에  있는  경우:  방문하셔서  “Need  Your  Login  Information?”을  클릭하십시오.  개인  PIN  및 TEMPORARY  PASSWORD가  첨부된  이메일이  파일에  있는  이메일  주소로  보내질  것입니다.        

우리가  귀하의  이메일  주소를  갖고  있지  않은  경우:  귀하의  이메일  주소  등록과  개인 PIN  및 TEMPORARY  PASSWORD를  받기  위해  정규  업무  시간  중  학교  사무실  또는  글렌데일  통합교육구  사무실을  방문하십시오.  보안을  위해,  귀하는  귀하의  이메일  주소를  등록하기  전에  직접  귀하의  신원을  입증해야  합니다.      

추가적  지원이  필요합니까?    

온라인  지원:에  있는  Q  Parent  Connection에  유용한  정보가  가용  합니다.      

전화  지원:  추가  지원이  필요한  경우,  온라인  재학생  등록  도움  데스크  (818)  241-­‐3111  x1577  또는  정규  업무  시간  중  학교  사무실로  전화하시길  바랍니다.      

직접적  개인  지원:    GUSD  사무실  방문  –  7월  17일  ~  8월 4일,  월요일  ~  금요일,    오후  1:00    ~  5:00  사이,  ETIS  부서에  오셔서  재학생  등록  절차를  완료하거나  질문에  답을  얻으십시오.        

GUSD  District  Office  223  N.  Jackson  Street  Glendale,  CA  91206  

Translated  by  GUSD,  Intercultural  Department                                                                                                                                                       Sup  Office:  Online  Returning  Student  Registration   Korean  6/26/17