ontology work @ geoconnections’ cgdi & ccrs’ nrcan

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing - ES Ontology Work @ GeoConnections’ Ontology Work @ GeoConnections’ CGDI CGDI & CCRS’ NRCan & CCRS’ NRCan Brian McLeod [email protected] Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

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Ontology Work @ GeoConnections’ CGDI & CCRS’ NRCan. Brian McLeod [email protected] Canada Centre for Remote Sensing. Intelec Geomatics Inc. (Montreal, Quebec). GeoInnovations (technology development program). Overview. Semantic interoperability background Ontology Service Project - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Canada Centre for Remote Sensing - ESSOntology Work @ GeoConnections’ Ontology Work @ GeoConnections’ CGDICGDI& CCRS’ NRCan& CCRS’ NRCan

Brian [email protected] Centre for Remote


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Intelec Geomatics Inc. (Montreal, Quebec)

GeoInnovations (technology development program)

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• Semantic interoperability background• Ontology Service Project

– Context– Introduction– Objectives– Methodology

• Architecture• Software• Demonstration• Next Steps


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Introduction [Brodeur] Introduction [Brodeur] •Multiplication of geospatial data sources and increased

usage of geospatial information technologies– NTDB, VMap, DCF, BDTQ, OBM, Geographic Data BC;

•Geospatial data and services are more and more accessible on the Web

– Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI), NSDI;•Today, users are turned to various geospatial data

sources to fulfill their needs;•Interoperability of geospatial data and geoprocessing,

proposed at the beginning of the nineties, constitutes a solution for the sharing, re-use, and integration of geospatial data (McKee and Buehler 1998; Sondheim, Gardels and Buehler 1999).

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Problem [Brodeur]Problem [Brodeur]•Availability of multiple geospatial databases on the

Web;•Each database or information community uses a

specific vocabulary;•Databases are heterogeneous at syntactic, structural

and semantic levels;•Many users benefit from more than one geospatial

database to satisfy their needs;•Many problems such as the difficulty to locate

geospatial data–Locating: search, identification, selection and extraction of geospatial data from external sources.

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ProblemProblemNTDB1 VMap2 BC Digital Baseline

Mapping (BCDBM)3 ON Digital

Topographic Database (ONDTD)4

BDTQ5 Information sur les terres

et les eaux pour la province du Nouveau-

Brunswick6 - Waterbody - Watercourse - Irrigation Canal - Navigable Canal - Flooded area - Reservoir - Liquid


- Lake/Pond - Lake subject to

inundation - River/stream - Coastline/shoreline

- Coastline - Ditch - Flooded land - Lake - River/stream

- Flooded land - Lake - River/stream

- Canal - Cours d’eau - Lac - Mare

- Canal - Rivière–trait double - Lac (?) - Littoral (?) - Lac de rivière (?)

- Wetland - Marsh/swamp - Marsh - Swamp

- Marsh/Fen - Milieu humide (végétation)

- Marais de canneberge (?) - Marais (?)

- Road - Limited access


- Road - Car track

- Road - Accesway - Road

- Voie de communication

- Autoroute - Rue - Chemin - Route

- Artère (?) - Route collectrice (?) - Chemin local (?) - Chemin municipal (?) - Chemin d’accès aux

ressources naturelles (?) - Route en construction (?) - Rue (?)

- Vegetation - Trees - Orchard/plantation - Vineyard

- Wooded area - Vineyard - Orchard - Nursery

- Wooded area - Milieu boisé - Verger (aires


- Clairière (?) - Bande défrichée (>100m)

(?) - Pépinière (?) - Verger (?) - Rangée d’arbres (>100m)

(?) - Zone boisée (>2m haut)

(?) - Railroad - Railroad

- Railroad siding/railroad spur

- RailLine - Rail line - Voie ferrée - Chemin de fer (?) - Triage de chemin de fer

(?) - Bridge - Obstacle to air


- Bridge/overpass/viaduc (?)

- Bridge - Trestle

- Bridge (roadway)

- Bridge (railway) - Culvert

(roadway) - Culvert (railway)

- Pont - Pont


- Pont (?) - Ponceau (petit) (?)

Spatial pictogram descriptions: :0D ; :1D ; :2D ; ?:unknown geometry ; :multiple geometry ; :alternate geometry (see [Bédard, 1999 #231] and [Brodeur, 2000 #149] for more details). [Natural Resources Canada, 1996 #240]; 2[VMap, 1995 #117]; 3[BC Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks (Geographic Data BC), 1992 #121]; 4[OBM, 1996 #120]; 5[Québec, 2000 #123]; 6[New Brunswick, 2000 #243].

How does someone assess if the result he/she gets from his/her request corresponds to the initial perception of the reality he/she had in

mind when he/she sent that request?

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Context – Metadata discoveryContext – Metadata discovery

• To bridge terminology and language gaps

• Search exactly the same concepts, vocabulary and language that the database uses; otherwise, their search may not yield relevant results.

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Project – Multiusage, Project – Multiusage, Multistandard, and Multilingual Multistandard, and Multilingual Geospatial Ontology ServiceGeospatial Ontology Service

• Develop a geospatial ontology service that can be used by applications and other services

• The project was funded in March 2003 under the CGDI GeoInnovations program

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ObjectivesObjectives• Examine requirements related to

geospatial ontologies• Identify the operations that a service must

fulfill to meet requirements• Define Web protocols to access the service• Develop the service using interoperability

standards• Technology assessment

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ParticipantsParticipants• Developers

– CRG, Université Laval– Intelec Geomatics

• Users– Ministry of National Defence– Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec– Ministry of Fisheries and Oceans (CHS– Natural Resources Canada (CTI-S & CCRS)– NatureServe Canada– Environment Canada– Commission for Environmental Cooperation

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InputsInputs• Scope

– Language known by client (service)– Ontology of keywords

• Ontology in text or DBMS • Initial Content (GCMD-bilingual, IHO B6

and S57)• Guide for building ontologies• UTF-8 for character encoding

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Protégé - software relatedProtégé - software related

• Free, open source, java

• Customizable editor

• Plugins can be added

• Database can be accessed by an API

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Canada Centre for Remote Sensing - ESS

Protégé can be useProtégé can be usedd for the following for the following

• Class modeling. Protégé provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that models classes (domain concepts) and their attributes and relationships.

• Instance editing. From these classes, Protégé automatically generates interactive forms that enable you or domain experts to enter valid instances.

• Model processing. Protégé has a library of plug-ins that help you define semantics, perform queries, and define logical behavior.

• Model exchange. The resulting models (classes and instances) can be loaded and saved in various formats, including XML, UML, and RDF (Resource Description Framework). Protégé also provides a scalable database back end.

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Canada Centre for Remote Sensing - ESS

Data ModelData ModelONTOLOGIE



Schem a Nam e MCD OntologieOGM3

Schema Information Project Nam e

File Nam eMJ ProulxIndividualCRG- Univers ité LavalOrganization

d:\m arie\ogm2\m cd\m cd_ogm _v5.vsdVers ion Vers ion Date4.0 07-07-2003


Perceptory 2003


Français - Canada (latin)Anglais - États -Unis (latin)



identifiantnomcode nomdéfinitionpréférévernaculaire 0,1langage !: langage


catégoriethèm etermevariablelieu...



identifiantnomtype d'ontologiedom aine d'intérêtsys tèm e de coordonnéesresponsable !date dernière m aj/langage!: langage


idenfiantnom type: nom typedéfinitionpréférélangage !: langage


identifianttitrenom alternatifbrève descriptionéditiondate publicationurlSourcelangage !: langage


organisationpersonne contactcourrielnum éro téléphoneadresse !


identifiantdate dernière m aj

provie nt 1,Ndocum

ent 0, N

documente 0,N

provient 1,N

0,Nes t équivalent à 0,N


type relation: type relationpréféré 0,1cons truction/identifiant ontologie 0,1pourcentage


englobant (part/whole)synonym e (related)quas i-synonym e (related)polysém ie (related)


Rem arque: ce m odèle est le résultat conjoint de lam odélisation des projets GRID et GéoinnovationOGM3 dont le RDDC- Valcartier et le CRG-Université Laval sont partenaires.






idetifianttype règle: type règledéfinitionlangage !


m inusculelem m atisation m asculinlem m atisation plurielnom versus adjectifretrait s ignes diacritiques


régit 0,Nest régit par 0,N



- - - et - - - condition "et", i.e. les deux relations doivent être sais ies.

/ classe, attribut ou association dérivés

! attribut com plexe i.e. com posé de plus ieurs attributs

0,1 cardinalité (association, attribut et géom étrie)

exis tence/évolution (date de naissance, m ort ou évolution)d'une classe, attribut ou association

géom étrie or géométrie dérivée

évolution spatiale (date début et fin de validité de la géom étrie)



identifiantbounding box !


num éronom feuilletéchellesys tèm e découpage

localise 1,1réfère 0,1,

inclut 0,Nes t incluse 0,N


identifiantadresseURLServiceprivilèges 1,Ncom pétences 1,N

GetOntologyGetPreferedGetSim ilarGetTrans lation



est g



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• GetCapabilities• GetOntology• GetDefinition• GetPrefered• GetSimilar• GetTranslation• GetGraph

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Entry PageEntry Page

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Server CapabilitiesServer Capabilities

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GetOntology RequestGetOntology Request

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GetOntology ResponseGetOntology Response

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GetDefinition RequestGetDefinition Request

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GetDefinition Response 1GetDefinition Response 1

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GetDefinition Response 2GetDefinition Response 2

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GetPrefered RequestGetPrefered Request

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GetPrefered ResponseGetPrefered Response

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GetSimilar RequestGetSimilar Request

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GetSimilar ResponseGetSimilar Response

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GetTranslation RequestGetTranslation Request

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GetTranslation ResponseGetTranslation Response

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GetGraph RequestGetGraph Request

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GetGraph ResponseGetGraph Response

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Thank youThank you

Questions ??Questions ??

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M3GO Protégé-2000 Presentation

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Protégé - software relatedProtégé - software related

• Free, open source, java

• Customizable editor

• Plugins can be added

• Database can be accessed by an API

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Canada Centre for Remote Sensing - ESS

Protégé can be useProtégé can be usedd for the following for the following

• Class modeling. Protégé provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that models classes (domain concepts) and their attributes and relationships.

• Instance editing. From these classes, Protégé automatically generates interactive forms that enable you or domain experts to enter valid instances.

• Model processing. Protégé has a library of plug-ins that help you define semantics, perform queries, and define logical behavior.

• Model exchange. The resulting models (classes and instances) can be loaded and saved in various formats, including XML, UML, and RDF (Resource Description Framework). Protégé also provides a scalable database back end.

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M3GO implementation inside Protégé is composed of 3 metaclasses:


A metaclass is a template, or a class whose instances are themselves classes

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Each metaclass is defined by a set Each metaclass is defined by a set of attributes called slotsof attributes called slots

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SubclassesSubclasses• M3GO uses 11

subclasses to implement the model

• Each subclass is also defined by a series of properties (slots)

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Adding a slotAdding a slot

Slots are properties or relationships between classes

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Building an OntologyBuilding an Ontology

Building an ontology is done by implementing previously defined metaclasses in a hierarchical manner

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Example: a ValleyExample: a Valley

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Forms are automatically generated and fully Forms are automatically generated and fully customisablecustomisable

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Protégé’s pluginsProtégé’s plugins

• Storage– CLIPS – XML – XML Schema – RDF – OIL (Ontology Inference Layer) – DAML+OIL – UML– XMI

• Visualization– Jambalaya – TGVizTab– OntoViz

•Project and file management –BeanGenerator –DataGenie–Prompt


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Thank youThank you

Questions ??Questions ??