ookin up a kitchen · as the verse from romans above implies, it is okay if you ^do not know how to...

CookinUp a KitchenBy now, you should know that we have, indeed, decided to move forward in renovang our base- ment kitchen. I shared several reasons why this needs to be done in the February newsleer. We are now at the point in which we are deciding what, exactly, we want and need to do. Weve have three presentaon sessions in April to outline three possible approaches to the renovaon, in- cluding their projected prices. ALL opons address the current problems of plumbing, electrical, and meeng food service codes. 1. The minimal approach—the minimal approach keeps our current kitchen footprint with the possibility of extending into LL01 for storage. It does NOT include any cooking appliances, as they would need to be properly vented with a hood and fire suppression system. Therefore, absolutely no cooking would be done in the kitchen. All food would need to be prepared off campus and brought it. There would be updated refrigeraon and freezers, a 3-secon sink for washing/sanizing dishes, and a serving system. We would connue to use paper/plasc for serving, adding up to approximately $3000/year, not to menon the damage done ecolog- ically. This opon would cost around $235,000. 2. The middle-of-the-road—This opon adds some cooking opons, including a 6-burner oven, one stove, convecon ovens, and warmers (and proper hood venlaon above). It would mean ulizing the space currently occupied as LL01 classroom. In order to keep the price mid- dle-of-the-road, we would need to choose between geng a dish washer or the serving sys- tem menon in opon 1. Each costs approximately $25,000. We do have the opon of adding both items into the plan should the congregaon decide to do so. We would be able to meet demands for up to 100. This opon would cost around $300,000. 3. Bring it on!—This opon gives us full range of cooking abilies, including a 10-burner oven, 2 stoves, a lt-braiser, dish washer, and serving system. We would be able to meet demands for up to 200 people or more. This opon would cost around $370,000. You can download more details form the presentaon on the main page of our website at osllin- coln.org. We do hope to be able to vote on these opons at our May 20 congregaonal meeng. A couple of things you need to know as you discern your thoughts on the maer. First, we are applying for a grant from the Lincoln Health Endowment to cover up to half of the cost of the ren- ovaon. However, it only comes into play with the third opon, and we will need to partner with one or more other community groups to extend our service beyond OSLC in order to qualify for the grant. Second, we have not forgoen about the Fellowship Hall. We sll hope to expand that space into the exisng rooms and classroom along the south wall. We also need to address the inefficiencies of our HVAC system both upstairs and downstairs in the older secons of the building. These is- sues are costly, but so is trying to maintain how we operate right now. Please pray about the fu- ture and ministry of OSLC. Listen and learn about the possibilies. And join us for discussion, quesons, and decisions at the Vision Rally on May 13, 9:30a.m. and the Congregaonal Meeng on May 20, 9:30a.m. In Christ, Pastor Tobi White OSLC | May 2018 To walk with Christ and neighbor, healing brokenness together.In this Issue... Worship Schedule…..…….2 Announcements…………...3 Calendar…………….………….4 Prayers ………………………...6 Celebraons………………….6 Outreach Ministry…………6 Sharing Our Talents…….…7 Spiritual Pracce……….…..8 Our Saviours Lutheran Church 1200 S. 40th Street Lincoln, NE 68510 402-483-4126 | osllincoln.org The Quest I nside for Uning Spirit (Q.I. for U.S.) Daily Spiritual Pracce: Pray “[T]he Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.Romans 8:26 A topic that comes up a lot, especially with people expressing interest in exploring a more intenonal spiritual life, is the topic of how to pray. In previous arcles I have introduced you to breath prayers, prayer in movement, Welcoming prayer, Leco Divina, praying the Psalms, the Jesus prayer, and centering prayer - all specific types of how to pray. But I want to study this topic in a more substanve manner. In order to do that, I will spend the next several months talking about prayer. If you have recommendaons or requests for specific types of prayer, please let me know. I am always open to your feedback; and, it is nice to know that these words are not just driſting into the abyss. First and foremost, there really is not a wrong way to pray. (And I just said I am going to spend the next several months talking about prayer? Talk about spoilers!) While that is the boom line, the ulmate truth, there are many different ways to go about prayer. As the verse from Romans above implies, it is okay if you do not know how to pray as [you] ought”. The heavy liſting is really done by the Spirit, (and by God, and by Jesus). To start off this discourse, try allowing the Spirit to intercede, to intervene on your behalf. In short, let the Spirit do all the talking. You just have to show up. In praccal terms, you can recite the alphabet and ask the Spirit to put together the words you need to pray. You can feel them or think them, imagine them or sigh them. Heck, you can even sing the alphabet song! Start by mentally thinking that your intenon is for the Spirit to say your prayer for you. Then, offer up a feeling, thought, image, sigh, or song and trust that the Spirit will intercede on your behalf. Easy peasy. You just prayed. This month I pray for the Spirit to intercede with sighs deeper than any words. Alissa Gunning |Spiritual Director |Our Saviours Lutheran Church, May 2018 Fundraising for OSLC Youth This Months Opportunity: May 13th 2nd Sunday of each month From 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. at BOTH Don & Millies locaons When you order, tell the cashier you are there for Our Saviours Lutheran Church Youth and 20% of what you spend on food & drinks will go to our OSLC Youth. Readings May 5-6 Acts 10:44-48 1 John 5:1-6 John 15:9-17 May 12-13 Acts 1:15-17, 21-26 1 John 5:9-13 John 17:6-19 May 19-20—Pentecost Acts 2:1-21 Romans 8:22-27 John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 May 26-27—Holy Trinity Isaiah 6:1-8 Romans 8:12-17 John 3:1-17 May 2018 | Tidings 1

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Page 1: ookin Up a Kitchen · As the verse from Romans above implies, it is okay if you ^do not know how to pray as [you] ought _. The heavy lifting is really done by the Spirit, (and by

“Cookin’ Up a Kitchen” By now, you should know that we have, indeed, decided to move forward in renovating our base-ment kitchen. I shared several reasons why this needs to be done in the February newsletter. We are now at the point in which we are deciding what, exactly, we want and need to do. We’ve have three presentation sessions in April to outline three possible approaches to the renovation, in-cluding their projected prices. ALL options address the current problems of plumbing, electrical, and meeting food service codes. 1. The minimal approach—the minimal approach keeps our current kitchen footprint with the

possibility of extending into LL01 for storage. It does NOT include any cooking appliances, as they would need to be properly vented with a hood and fire suppression system. Therefore, absolutely no cooking would be done in the kitchen. All food would need to be prepared off campus and brought it. There would be updated refrigeration and freezers, a 3-section sink for washing/sanitizing dishes, and a serving system. We would continue to use paper/plastic for serving, adding up to approximately $3000/year, not to mention the damage done ecolog-ically. This option would cost around $235,000.

2. The middle-of-the-road—This option adds some cooking options, including a 6-burner oven, one stove, convection ovens, and warmers (and proper hood ventilation above). It would mean utilizing the space currently occupied as LL01 classroom. In order to keep the price mid-dle-of-the-road, we would need to choose between getting a dish washer or the serving sys-tem mention in option 1. Each costs approximately $25,000. We do have the option of adding both items into the plan should the congregation decide to do so. We would be able to meet demands for up to 100. This option would cost around $300,000.

3. Bring it on!—This option gives us full range of cooking abilities, including a 10-burner oven, 2 stoves, a tilt-braiser, dish washer, and serving system. We would be able to meet demands for up to 200 people or more. This option would cost around $370,000.

You can download more details form the presentation on the main page of our website at osllin-coln.org. We do hope to be able to vote on these options at our May 20 congregational meeting. A couple of things you need to know as you discern your thoughts on the matter. First, we are applying for a grant from the Lincoln Health Endowment to cover up to half of the cost of the ren-ovation. However, it only comes into play with the third option, and we will need to partner with one or more other community groups to extend our service beyond OSLC in order to qualify for the grant. Second, we have not forgotten about the Fellowship Hall. We still hope to expand that space into the existing rooms and classroom along the south wall. We also need to address the inefficiencies of our HVAC system both upstairs and downstairs in the older sections of the building. These is-sues are costly, but so is trying to maintain how we operate right now. Please pray about the fu-ture and ministry of OSLC. Listen and learn about the possibilities. And join us for discussion, questions, and decisions at the Vision Rally on May 13, 9:30a.m. and the Congregational Meeting on May 20, 9:30a.m. In Christ,

Pastor Tobi White

OSLC | May 2018

“To walk with Christ and neighbor, healing brokenness together.”

In this Issue... Worship Schedule…..…….2 Announcements…………...3 Calendar…………….………….4 Prayers ………………………...6 Celebrations………………….6 Outreach Ministry…………6 Sharing Our Talents…….…7 Spiritual Practice……….…..8

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church 1200 S. 40th Street

Lincoln, NE 68510

402-483-4126 | osllincoln.org

The Quest Inside for Uniting Spirit (Q.I. for U.S.)

Daily Spiritual Practice: Pray “[T]he Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with

sighs too deep for words.” Romans 8:26

A topic that comes up a lot, especially with people expressing interest in exploring a more intentional spiritual life, is the topic of how to pray. In previous articles I have introduced you to breath prayers, prayer in movement, Welcoming prayer, Lectio Divina, praying the Psalms, the Jesus prayer, and centering prayer - all specific types of how to pray. But I want to study this topic in a more substantive manner. In order to do that, I will spend the next several months talking about prayer.

If you have recommendations or requests for specific types of prayer, please let me know. I am always open to your feedback; and, it is nice to know that these words are not just drifting into the abyss.

First and foremost, there really is not a wrong way to pray. (And I just said I am going to spend the next several months talking about prayer? Talk about spoilers!) While that is the bottom line, the ultimate truth, there are many different ways to go about prayer. As the verse from Romans above implies, it is okay if you “do not know how to pray as [you] ought”. The heavy lifting is really done by the Spirit, (and by God, and by Jesus).

To start off this discourse, try allowing the Spirit to intercede, to intervene on your behalf. In short, let the Spirit do all the talking. You just have to show up. In practical terms, you can recite the alphabet and ask the Spirit to put together the words you need to pray. You can feel them or think them, imagine them or sigh them. Heck, you can even sing the alphabet song! Start by mentally thinking that your intention is for the Spirit to say your prayer for you. Then, offer up a feeling, thought, image, sigh, or song and trust that the Spirit will intercede on your behalf. Easy peasy. You just prayed.

This month I pray for the Spirit to intercede with sighs deeper than any words.

Alissa Gunning |Spiritual Director |Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, May 2018

Fundraising for OSLC Youth

This Month’s Opportunity: May 13th

2nd Sunday of each month From 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.

at BOTH Don & Millie’s locations When you order, tell the cashier you are there for Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Youth and 20% of what you spend on food & drinks will go to our OSLC Youth.


May 5-6 Acts 10:44-48 1 John 5:1-6 John 15:9-17

May 12-13

Acts 1:15-17, 21-26 1 John 5:9-13 John 17:6-19

May 19-20—Pentecost

Acts 2:1-21 Romans 8:22-27

John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15

May 26-27—Holy Trinity Isaiah 6:1-8

Romans 8:12-17 John 3:1-17

May 2018 | Tidings 1

Page 2: ookin Up a Kitchen · As the verse from Romans above implies, it is okay if you ^do not know how to pray as [you] ought _. The heavy lifting is really done by the Spirit, (and by

Date May 5 & 6 May 12 & 13 May 19 & 20 May 26 & 27

Altar Flowers

Altar Guild Imogene Matejka, Janet Leick, Anna Allison

FEAST Meal Provider OPEN St. Andrews OPEN OPEN

Meals on Wheels Marti & Lisa OPEN Tony Dresbach OPEN

2 Tidings | May 2018 May 2018 | Tidings 7

Sharing Our Talents Altar Flower sign-up is hanging on wall beside the elevator (cost is $29). Those wishing to serve on Altar Guild, can contact Elaine at: [email protected] and those wishing to serve with hospitality can contact one of the leaders listed below.

Thank you to the hospitality volunteers & leaders who served in April!

UPDATE: Hospitality Teams are no longer assigned months. Those serving at either service are invited to participate at often as you desire. Leaders will send a sign-up genius link to ALL hospitality

participants for a service time.

ALL announcements and communications are to be sent to either Laura Pester at [email protected]

or Pastor Tobi White at [email protected].

Please Remember:

To print your name legibly when you sign in the register books

To submit all address changes and email updates to Laura in the OSLC office To submit any announcements to [email protected]

To follow ‘Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Lincoln’ on Facebook & Twitter and get event updates, worship inspiration, and photos from our services and ministries

Staff & Leaders

Pastor: Tobi White [email protected]

Director of Discipleship: Karrie Lickliter [email protected]

Director of Outreach Ministries: Jan Riedman—[email protected]

Director of Worship, Music & Arts: Julie Cross—[email protected]

Office Manager/Bookkeeper: Laura Pester—[email protected]

Assistant Organist: Jan Malone

Bell Choir Director: Krista Connelly

Choir Accompanist: Lila Revesz

Sexton: Jeff Hoadley [email protected]

Nursery Attendant: Mandy Nesheim

Council President: Rich Sincovec [email protected]

Vice President: Judd Chatelain

Council Secretary: Patti Horstman

Council Treasurer: Denise Essman [email protected]

Council Property Steward: Kent Reinhard

Congregational Care Team Mission Advocate:

Alice Timm

Stewardship Team Mission Advocate:

Jennifer Verhein

Outreach Ministry Team Mission Advocate:

Wanda Hein

Faith Formation Team Mission Advocate:

Cindy & Alyssa Zimmer

OSL Foundation President: Gary Hein —[email protected]

OSLC Leadership

Mission Statement

“Called and compelled by our

hope in Jesus Christ, we em-

power our community to

care, learn, teach, lead, and


Hospitality Leaders

5:30 Lisa: [email protected] Rob & Annie: [email protected] 8:15 Chris: [email protected] Jeff: [email protected] 10:45 Mary: [email protected] Rita: [email protected] Stu & Denise: [email protected] Jay & Kim: [email protected]

May Worship Schedule

Summer Worship Schedule begins May 27!

We will be moving to a 1-service Sunday format for the summer. Saturday worship remains at 5:30p.m. Sunday worship will be at 10:00a.m. Educa-tion Hour at 9:00a.m. Topics for education TBD. May 5-6 5:30p.m. Now the Feast Liturgy with Holy Communion, personal absolution 8:15a.m. Now the Feast Liturgy with Holy Communion, personal absolution 10:45a.m. Now the Feast Liturgy with Holy Communion, personal absolution May 12-13 5:30p.m. Holden Evening Prayer, no communion 8:15a.m. Watoto Children’s Choir, no communion 10:45a.m. Watoto Children’s Choir, no communion May 19-20—Pentecost, Blessing of graduates 5:30p.m. Now the Feast Liturgy with Holy Communion 8:15a.m. Now the Feast Liturgy with Holy Communion 10:45a.m. Now the Feast Liturgy with Holy Communion

Summer Schedule Begins May 26-27—Holy Trinity 5:30p.m. Now the Feast Liturgy with Holy Communion 10:00a.m. Now the Feast Liturgy with Holy Communion

Watoto Children’s Choir coming to OSLC in May! Watoto Children’s Choirs have travelled extensively since 1994, shar-ing a message of hope for Africa’s orphans and widows. To date, the choir has toured six continents and performed to enthralled audienc-es in schools, retirement homes, churches, parliaments, state houses and royal palaces. The Watoto Children’s Choir concert acts as a fundraising event for Watoto.

Each child in the Watoto Children’s Choir has suffered the loss of one or both parents and now lives in a Watoto village. The experience of travelling on a choir helps the children to develop confidence and boldness, as well as broadening their worldview.

Accompanied by a team of adults, the choir presents Watoto’s vision and mission by sharing personal stories, music and dance. While on the road, the children act as advocates for the millions of other Afri-can children who have experienced the same heartbreaking pain and suffering as them.

Join the choir in worship May 13 for Mother’s Day at both Sunday services. If you can house one or more children, please contact Julie Cross at [email protected]. We’ll also be looking to provide cer-tain meals for them while they are with us. More details to come.

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Foundation Building ministry in our community for over 25 years.

“As each has received a gift, employ it for one another as good stewards.” ~1 Peter 4:10

As Memorial Day approaches, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Foundation invites you to donate to the Foundation to honor someone special to you or as a memorial to a deceased loved one. In the past, the Foundation has been able to support the following ministries and events this past year (partial list):

Because we desire to build for the future of God’s Church, we also have dedicated funds to support seminary students and those preparing for ministry. Please consider investing in the work of the Body of Christ! For those wishing to do-nate, donors will be recognized in the Memorial Day weekend (May 26-27, 2018) OSLC bulletin & June Tidings. Anony-mous donations are also welcome. Please make your gift by May 18 to ensure it can be listed in the Memorial Day weekend bulletin due to printing deadlines.

Kimangaro Parish Bridges to Hope Good Samaritan Fund

Lutheran Center Building Project Sounds Like Love trip

Faith Partners Nebraska Reformation trip to Germany Star Wars charity character

Complete form and return with your gift. OSL FOUNDATION 2018 MEMORIAL DAY REMEMBRANCE

Date: _______________ Your Name(s): _________________________________ Gift Amount: _______ Given in memory of: ______________________ Given in honor of: ______________________ __ Undesignated Gift __ Designated for Seminary Scholarship __ List my name in the bulletin __ I wish this gift to be anonymouus

Page 3: ookin Up a Kitchen · As the verse from Romans above implies, it is okay if you ^do not know how to pray as [you] ought _. The heavy lifting is really done by the Spirit, (and by

1—Ryan Pillard, Steven Sufficool

3—Linda Reed

4—Tilley Vech

5—Rachel Johnson, Alyssa Zimmer

6—Donna Bristol, Andrew Fleek, Shirley Skrobecki

7—Jenifer Nelson

8—Pete Thompson

9—Riley Breyer, Jan Steinkamp, Jerry Varner

10—Ashlynn Brunke

11—Breanne Cole, Ronda Eitmann

12—Patti Horstman

13—Chloe Blum, Ayden Kolman

16—Myrna Becker

17—Don Gunning, Lorie Scherling

18—Rylan Frost, George Haase, Ron Lechner

19—James Moyer-Wilksen

20—Stephanie Caudy

22—Christine Cooper, Donna Durrette, Bruce Riedman, Jason Schrad, Nick Thompson

23—Ross Mann

26—Jacob Cederdahl, Ray Gartner, Tawny Snider

27—Abigail Burke, Margaret Nelson, Jake Yoder, Richard Kehlenbeck

29—Sean Erickson

30—Britt Flink

31—Alissa Gunning, Marlin Pals, Justin Reed

27—Max & Judy Marquart

29—Stephen Kachman & Kathy Hanford

Events & Notices

Because we believe in relationships, opportunities to bless one another, and grow together...

The last day of Sunday School is May 20th! Parents, you are welcome to join your children in their classroom as they celebrate the end of this Sunday School Season!

Blessing of Graduates Please join us as we Bless our Gradu-ates at all Services on Saturday, May 19th and Sunday, May 20th.

Summer Worship Schedule begins May 27. We will be moving to a 1-service Sunday format for the summer. Saturday worship remains at 5:30p.m. Sunday worship will be at 10:00a.m. Education Hour at 9:00a.m. Topics for education TBD.

Growing our Garden! Topsoil or good gardening soil is need-ed to fill the OSL garden beds. Please contact Jan (402-483-4126) if you have dirt available, know where we can get it or can help in hauling.

Lincoln Marathon Sunday, May 6! Plan your timing and route so that you don’t miss out. For marathon route and clo-sure info, go to: https://www.lincolnmarathon.org/raceday/

Because we know that it takes a whole community to make a difference in the world...

Summer FEAST Meals - We have several opportunities for groups, families or individuals to prepare or serve a meal for our FEAST partners. You don't have to do the whole meal. You can provide food, prepare a main course, bake bars or cookies, or serve. There is a full calendar in the kitchen downstairs. Check it out, pick a date and let Jan know what you would like to do (402-483-4126).

Labels & Box Tops Don't forget to clip and save Best Choice Labels for Layettes with Love, and Box Tops for Education for Randolph School. Place them in the labeled boxes in the west hallway. Every 1,000 labels provides $30 in cash to by supplies for layettes. Each box top is worth .10 and is used to purchase school equipment. Together we can do a lot!

Meals on Wheels When you deliver Meals on Wheels, you help Elders remain in their homes by providing a hot, noon meal. You can help daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or as an on-call driver. Routes take about 90 minutes and begin at 10:45 a.m. A reliable automobile, valid driver's license and proof of insurance are required. Our Saviour's volunteers are needed for each Sunday. If you would like to volunteer, more information, including a volunteer form is available at www.tabitha.org.

Free Family Support Group for friends or family with loved ones struggling with substance abuse. The group is led by Brenda Moes, Bryan Independence Center community out-reach liaison and meets every Thursday, 6 - 7 p.m., at the Inde-pendence Center, 1640 Lake St. If you would like more infor-mation, contact Brenda at 402-481-4895, or [email protected]


Because we know we learn and grow best in faith when we do it together. And we value that growth in children

and adults of every age...

“La Mer” Community Bible Experience It’s happening again!! Are you ready for a fun, inside out, upside down, inter-active way to explore God’s Word? Join us for “La Mer” (la-may, meaning, “The Sea”). “La Mer” is an adventurous way to experience select Bible stories together. We ’hit the sea’ on Wednesday, June 6th from 7:15p.m.-8:15p.m. for our first of eight La Mer experiences for 2018. We will have a short, lively retelling of a Bible story, crafts and who knows what else. This unique, fun experience is for EVERYONE!!!

Yesterday's Youth please join us Thursday, May 3rd for our potluck luncheon at OSLC, followed by a tour of South Street Temple; B’nai Jeshurun Tour at 1:00p.m.

In June: Please join us Thursday, June 7th at 12:00p.m. for our catered picnic in the Community Room, fol-lowed by Patriotic Music provided by Chris Sayre!

Bible Study Tuesdays at 1:00p.m. to study the Gospel accord-ing to John. Tuesdays at 7:00p.m. to study the book of Acts.

VBS Decorating Please join us Monday, May 14 from 6:00p.m. until 8:00p.m. as we make decorations for VBS. We will provide Scotch-A-Roos for desert!! Come when you can, for as long as you can! Whatever fits your schedule! Remem-ber, no skills are needed!

Spiritual Practice/Book Club Mondays, 7-8:30p.m. in the BAC. We will be studying Fr. Thomas Keating’s book Open Mind, Open Heart: 20th Anniversary Edition, followed by prac-ticing what we’ve learned from 8-8:30pm. Come for the book study or join us for centering prayer, or both! A few copies of the book are available in the church library. The book is not required to attend. If you have questions or would like to join, call or text Alissa Gunning at 402.580.4526.

Music Opportunities at OSLC! Do you play a musical instru-ment? Sing? Want to try handbells? We would love to have you participate in our music ministry. Please contact Julie Cross at [email protected] for more information. Thank you!

WANDERING WONDER SEEKERS is a group of women and men who gather generally twice a month (2nd & 4th Wednes-days), 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. for a meal together and a lively conversation over a bible study series or a book of spiritual nature. Different church denominations are represented among its current participants. During the months of April and May, the group is gathering at St. Paul United Methodist Church, 1144 “M” Street, downtown Lincoln. The book now being read is The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World. The book shares insights about a 5-day conversation held between exiled Tibetan priest, the Dalai Lama and South African Bishop Desmond Tutu. New members always invited and welcome. For more information, contact Jodi Rapp (402) 489-1338 or Jeff Hoadley at OSLC 402-483-4126. Our next gathering is Wednesday, April 25th, at. St. Paul United Meth-odist Church in Room 131.

6 Tidings | May 2018 May 2018 | Tidings 3



A Note from Outreach Ministry: How does our garden grow? With lots of help!

The garden surrounding the east parking lot began as a FEAST project. Men built the boxes, others planted, wa-tered and weeded. We learned a lot the first year, most importantly, the short time our partners have on Sunday morning is not enough to keep the garden looking good. We are thankful for neighbors, friends and members who have stopped to water, pull a few weeds or just enjoy the space. We invite you to stop by, water if you can, or just linger in the shaded areas. You might be surprised at who you meet. FEAST partners will begin planting on May 20th, and all are welcome to join us. This is becoming what we hoped for, a place for neighbors and friends to gather.

In our church family prayers, we remember:

Because we, the Body of Christ, carry each other through trials and struggles...

Those Ill: Gretchen Zwetzig, Connie Dresbach, Chuck Cullen, Sandi Marquart, Susan Baade, Chuck & Judy Putty, Debbie Main, Laura Mussman, Allen Hegemann, Warren Oppegard, Darla Stewart, Cindy Helter, Rex Marquart, Beverly Ordaway, Julie Tallichet, Naomi Maske, Sandy Harms, Katie Underhill, Diana Grabarkewitz, Clint Hansen, Mar-lin Pals, Jean Lado, Larry Ebberson, Audrey Herrington

Homebound: Betty Alm, Verna Chudly, Mark Foster, Myrtle Hiatt, Pat Linsenmeyer, Jack & Maxine Magwire, Naomi Maske, Lois Meyer, Wayne Mumford, Warren Oppegard, Carol Rosenlof, Christ Sexton, Margaret Shaw, Gene Staberg, Tena Steinkamp, Dorothy Wise

Service Personnel: Jonah Lux, Coty Surrounded, David Green, Nicho-las John Broers, Erin Kocher, Phil Kocher

Our partners in Mission: Lincoln Area Cluster Churches; Kimangaro Parish in Tanzania

Grieving: Elsa & Dave Larson at the death of her sister, Kathy Renstrom; Matt & Tami at the death of their mother, Janice Templin; Carolyn Teachout and Tom, Jill & William Teachout at the death of her husband and Tom’s father K. Dan Teachout and at the death of Jill’s mother Karole Kahldal. Baptized: Tatum Ray Samek, son of Wade & Brittni Samek

Graduates: Katie Cooper, Emily Dresbach, Derek Eitzmann, Derek Hahn, Trenton King, Michael Johnson, Annika Novotny, Mira Patel, Brendan Rauner, Sierra Umland, Emma Wobig, Noah Yoder

Page 4: ookin Up a Kitchen · As the verse from Romans above implies, it is okay if you ^do not know how to pray as [you] ought _. The heavy lifting is really done by the Spirit, (and by

May 2018

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

April 29

8:15 a.m. Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School/Ed. Hour 10:00 a.m. Guided Meditation 10:45 a.m. Worship 12:00 p.m. FEAST 2:00 p.m. Deeper Christian Life Minis-tries 7:30 p.m. AA Meeting

April 30 7:00 p.m. Jubilee Rehearsal 7:00p.m. Renee Splichal Larson Book-Signing/presentation

1 8:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast Group (Stauffer's Café) 1:00 p.m. Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Bible Study led by Dan War-ren 7:00p.m. Mary/Martha Group

2 7:30 a.m. Sunrise Sisters 11:30a.m. Pharmacy Solutions Mtg 5:30p.m. Foster Care Review Board 5:45p.m. Bells Rehearsal 6:45p.m. Catechism 7:15p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

3 7:00 a.m. Men’s Study Group 12:00p.m. Yesterday’s Youth 7:00 p.m. ‘A Safe Place’ Support Group 7:15p.m. Set Free Rehearsal

4 7:30 p.m. Everyone’s Step Group

5 10:00 a.m. Layettes of Love (formerly Newborns in Need) 2:00p.m. Harms graduation party 5:30 p.m. Worship

6 8:15 a.m. Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School/Ed. Hour 10:00 a.m. Guided Meditation 10:45 a.m. Worship 12:00 p.m. FEAST 2:00 p.m. Deeper Christian Life Minis-tries 7:30 p.m. AA Meeting

7 5:30p.m. Property Meeting 7:00p.m. Spiritual Practice/Book Study 7:00p.m. Ray of Hope 7:00 p.m. Jubilee Rehearsal

8 8:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast Group (Stauffer's Café) 9:30a.m. Lydia Circle 9:30a.m. Martha Circle 12:00p.m. Worship Planning 1:00 p.m. Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Bible Study led by Dan War-ren

9 7:30 a.m. Sunrise Sisters 9:30a.m. Esther Circle 11:00a.m. Wandering Wonder Seekers 5:45p.m. Bells Rehearsal 6:45p.m. Catechism

10 7:00 a.m. Men’s Study Group 10:00 a.m. Staff Meeting 7:00 p.m. ‘A Safe Place’ Support Group 7:00 p.m. Council Meeting

11 1:45p.m. Shear Country Group 6:00 p.m. AA Intergroup Meeting 7:30 p.m. Everyone’s Step Group

12 5:30 p.m. Worship

13 Mother’s Day

Don & Millie’s Day 8:15 a.m. Worship—Watoto Choir 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30a.m. Vision Rally 10:00 a.m. Guided Meditation 10:45 a.m. Worship—Watoto Choir 12:00 p.m. FEAST 2:00 p.m. Deeper Christian Life Minis-tries 7:30 p.m. AA Meeting

14 6:00p.m. VBS Decorating/Scotch-a-roo snacks provided 7:00 p.m. Jubilee Rehearsal

15 Laura begins sabbatical 8:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast Group (Stauffer's Café) 1:00 p.m. Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Bible Study led by Dan War-ren 7:00p.m. Mary/ Martha Group

16 7:30 a.m. Sunrise Sisters 5:45p.m. Bells Rehearsal 6;45p.m. LAST DAY OF Catechism 7:15p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

17 7:00 a.m. Men’s Study Group 7:00 p.m. ‘A Safe Place’ Support Group 7:15p.m. Set Free Rehearsal

18 7:30 p.m. Everyone’s Step Group

19 9:30 a.m. Family & Friends of Inmates Group 10:00a.m. NAIA Meeting 5:30 p.m. Worship & Blessing of Graduates

20 Tidings Deadline

8:15 a.m. Worship & Blessing of Graduates 9:15a.m. Regular Blood Pressure Checks 9:30 a.m. LAST DAY OF Sunday School 9:30a.m. Congregational Meeting 10:00 a.m. Guided Meditation 10:15a.m. Regular Blood Pressure Checks 10:45 a.m. Worship & Blessing of Graduates 12:00 p.m. FEAST 2:00 p.m. Deeper Christian Life Minis-tries 7:30 p.m. AA Meeting

21 7:00p.m. Spiritual Practice/ Book Study 7:00p.m. Ray of Hope 7:00 p.m. Jubilee Rehearsal

22 8:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast Group (Stauffer's Café) 12:00p.m. Worship Planning 1:00 p.m. Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Bible Study led by Dan War-ren

23 7:30 a.m. Sunrise Sisters 9:00a.m. Chat and Tie 11:00a.m. Wandering Wonder Seekers 5:45p.m. Bells Rehearsal 7:15p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

24 7:00 a.m. Men’s Study Group 10:00 a.m. Staff Meeting 11:00 a.m. Staff Lunch 7:00 p.m. ‘A Safe Place’ Support Group 7:00 p.m. Grace Circle

25 7:30 p.m. Everyone’s Step Group

26 5:30 p.m. Worship

27 10:00 a.m. Worship 12:00-5:00p.m. Margaret Nelson’s Birthday Party 12:00 p.m. FEAST 2:00 p.m. Deeper Christian Life Minis-tries 7:30 p.m. AA Meeting

28 Memorial Day Office Closed

7:00 p.m. Jubilee Rehearsal

29 8:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast Group (Stauffer's Café) 1:00 p.m. Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Bible Study led by Dan War-ren

30 7:30 a.m. Sunrise Sisters 9:00a.m. Chat & Tie 5:45p.m. Bells Rehearsal

31 Synod Assembly

7:00 a.m. Men’s Study Group 7:00 p.m. ‘A Safe Place’ Support Group

June 1 Synod Assembly

7:30 p.m. Everyone’s Step Group

June 2 Synod Assembly

10:00a.m. Layettes of Love 5:30 p.m. Worship