open architecture technical proposition

Technical Proposition Open Architecture

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Technical Proposition

Open Architecture

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ADAM Software NV [email protected] ii

ADAM Software Technical Proposition:

Open Architecture

Why Read this Technical Proposition?

Today’s enterprise marketers are facing a daunting array of challenges. The proliferation of digital

communication channels, the ubiquity of mobile devices, and the phenomenal growth of social

networks have converged to drive profound changes in how consumers and business buyers

access and consume information—and in how they interact with brands. Customer expectations

have also risen dramatically. Both consumers and business buyers now expect enterprises to

provide rich, engaging, and highly relevant content whenever they want or need it, via the device

and channel of their choice

These developments have made personalized, omnichannel marketing a competitive necessity for

most large enterprises. Delivering an outstanding customer experience has become the new basis

of competition and a primary driver of competitive advantage. And personalized, omnichannel

marketing is now an essential component of great customer experiences.

In this complex and rapidly changing environment, marketing has become increasingly

dependent on technology. Today, enterprise marketers have access to a rich variety of technology

tools to improve marketing eff ectiveness and effi ciency. What often remains challenging, however,

is to fully integrate technology tools and to align technological capabilities with real-world

business processes so that enterprises can deliver great customer experiences and maximize

marketing productivity.

Read this Technical Proposition to learn:

º Why an open architecture that enables easy integration and customization is vital for

marketing software applications

º How the software solutions off ered by ADAM Software leverage an open architecture to

provide exceptional fl exibility and interoperability to enterprise customers

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ADAM Software NV [email protected]

ADAM Software Technical Proposition:

Open Architecture


Why Open Architecture is Critical for Marketing Software . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

The Proliferation of Technology Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Integration with Other Enterprise Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Marketing Processes Vary and Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

How the ADAM Platform Delivers Exceptional Flexibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

The ADAM REST API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

The ADAM System API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

The .NET Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

ADAM Flexibility in Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

ADAM Integration Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Integration Tools Developed By and With ADAM Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Integration and Customization via the ADAM Provider Model . . . . . . . . . 13

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ADAM Software NV [email protected] 1

ADAM Software Technical Proposition:

Open Architecture

Why Open Architecture is Critical for Marketing Software

Increased marketing complexity and the need for greater marketing agility have made technology

essential for eff ective and effi cient marketing, particularly for large enterprises. Today, virtually all

signifi cant aspects of marketing—from planning and budgeting to data analytics to marketing

content management and campaign execution—depend on information technology applications

and systems.

The nature of modern marketing places unique demands on marketing technology systems.

To eff ectively support personalized, omnichannel marketing programs, software applications

must have an open architecture that provides a high level of fl exibility. In this context, fl exibility

encompasses two key software attributes:

º The ability to easily integrate an application with other information technology applications

and systems

º The ability to easily modify and/or extend the functionality of an application to meet specifi c

business requirements and needs

While software architects have long recognized the value of fl exibility for all types of business

software, fl exible software applications are particularly vital in marketing for three reasons.

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ADAM Software NV [email protected] 2

ADAM Software Technical Proposition:

Open Architecture

The Proliferation of Technology Solutions

The number of marketing technology solutions has been growing exponentially for the past

several years. In the 2016 version of his marketing technology landscape graphic (shown below),

Scott Brinker includes approximately 3.500 technology providers. When Mr. Brinker published the

fi rst version of his graphic in 2011, it included only about 350 companies.

The scope and complexity of modern marketing make it impossible for any single software

application to provide all of the functionality a large enterprise needs. As a result, many enterprises

have implemented multiple software applications from multiple vendors. In a recent study by

Econsultancy and Tealium, over half (51%) of marketers surveyed reported that they worked with

twenty-one or more marketing technology vendors. And research in 2014 by Signal found that

the average marketing technology “stack” contains as many as seventeen or more distinct tools.

The use of multiple marketing software applications can enable enterprises to deploy best-of-

breed solutions for their specifi c needs, but this approach will not produce maximum marketing

eff ectiveness and effi ciency unless the applications are integrated in appropriate ways. Perhaps

most importantly, a lack of integration can impair the ability of enterprises to deliver the kinds of

personalized, omnichannel experiences that customers increasingly expect. In a recent survey by

Econsultancy, respondents identifi ed the lack of integrated technology platforms as the leading

obstacle to executing coherent multichannel marketing programs.

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ADAM Software NV [email protected] 3

ADAM Software Technical Proposition:

Open Architecture

Integration with Other Enterprise Systems

The need for interoperability also extends beyond marketing software applications. In order to

deliver relevant and engaging experiences, enterprises need a holistic and comprehensive view

of their interactions with existing and potential customers. Therefore, enterprises must be able to

easily integrate marketing applications with other enterprise information systems such as customer

relationship management, enterprise resource planning, and customer service applications.

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ADAM Software NV [email protected] 4

ADAM Software Technical Proposition:

Open Architecture

Marketing Processes Vary and Change

The channels, processes, and workfl ows used in marketing can vary signifi cantly from company to

company and can change signifi cantly over time. Therefore, enterprises must be able to tailor the

functionality of their marketing software applications to fi t their specifi c business processes and to

modify the functionality as those processes change.

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ADAM Software NV [email protected] 5

ADAM Software Technical Proposition:

Open Architecture

How the ADAM Platform Delivers Exceptional Flexibility

Throughout its history, ADAM Software (ADAM) has been focused on developing software

applications (the ADAM Platform) that support mission-critical processes in large global

enterprises. ADAM has also long recognized that most enterprise customers will want or need to

integrate the ADAM Platform with other marketing software applications and/or other enterprise

information systems, and to modify or extend the functionality of the ADAM Platform to meet

their specifi c needs. Therefore, the ADAM Platform has been engineered from the ground up to

have an open architecture that provides an exceptional level of fl exibility and interoperability.

The fl exibility of the ADAM Platform is derived from two key mechanisms:

º ADAM provides two robust and fully-documented application programming interfaces that

enable access to all of the functionality of the ADAM Platform.

º All components of the ADAM Platform have been developed using the Microsoft .NET

framework and make extensive use of the provider model design pattern.

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ADAM Software NV [email protected] 6

ADAM Software Technical Proposition:

Open Architecture


In early 2016, ADAM introduced an application programming interface for the ADAM

Platform (the ADAM REST API) that is fully REST-compliant. A “RESTful” API leverages

the HTTP software protocol to enable the integration of software systems in a more

standard and easy-to-understand way. The ADAM REST API facilitates the integration

of the ADAM Platform with other software applications in three signifi cant ways:

º It eliminates the need for detailed knowledge regarding the language and architecture of

(a) the ADAM Platform, and (b) the software applications with which the Platform will be


º It allows for a “loose coupling” between the ADAM Platform and other software systems,

which makes it easier to maintain integrations over time.

º It allows full control over who can connect with the ADAM Platform and what can be passed

between the Platform and another software application.

The ADAM REST API supports two ways of consuming and navigating the API:

º HAL/JSON hypermedia—Once a resource in the ADAM Platform is retrieved, a user’s client

can bookmark the URI in its cache. The existing relation names will not change over time,

but new relations can be introduced. Links in the returned resource representation help

the user to navigate the ADAM REST API just by following those links. Using this approach

helps create API clients/servers that do not depend too much on each other and can be

developed in an independent way, as long as both the client and the server have a common

understanding of media types used in the communication. For example, an enterprise user

can start using the ADAM REST API by going to the root URI of the API and discover all the

accessible resources. From that point on, the user can follow links and explore the resources

existing throughout the ADAM REST API. Then the user can use the “select” keys, present

in most of the resources, which provide information about which sub-resources can be

embedded in that resource. This way, the user can retrieve the exact information needed in a

single request, which helps optimize the “chattiness” of the API for a specifi c use case.

º Plain JSON consumption—In addition to using HAL/JSON hypermedia to interact with

the ADAM REST API, clients can also consume the API using plain JSON. This is a simpler but

less robust approach, since it lacks discoverability and requires upfront knowledge of the

URI’s for all the endpoints that the client will need. For pure JSON clients, ADAM provides an

exhaustive collection of the endpoints available in the ADAM REST API.

The ADAM REST API is fully documented via a reference manual that contains a complete and

detailed explanation of the API’s functionality.

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ADAM Software NV [email protected] 7

ADAM Software Technical Proposition:

Open Architecture

The ADAM System API

ADAM also provides a “conventional” application programming interface (the ADAM System API)

that enterprises can use to customize and/or extend the functionality of the ADAM Platform and

to integrate the Platform with other enterprise technology systems. The ADAM System API delivers

a high level of interoperability and fl exibility because of two critical attributes:

º It is comprehensive and fully documented—All functions and features of the ADAM

Platform are exposed through the ADAM System API, and ADAM provides a reference

manual that co ntains a comprehensive and detailed description of the ADAM System API.

º It is a stable, tested, and proven development tool—The ADAM System API is thoroughly

embedded in the software development process used by ADAM. Our internal software

development team uses the ADAM System API to create all of the standard features and

functions of the ADAM Platform. In other words, the ADAM Platform has been built using

the same API that is available to ADAM’s customers and business partners. The regular

and extensive use of the ADAM System API by ADAM’s internal developers ensures its

comprehensiveness and stability.

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ADAM Software NV [email protected] 8

ADAM Software Technical Proposition:

Open Architecture

The .NET Framework

The Microsoft .NET framework (the .NET framework) is a software platform that is designed to

facilitate and simplify the development of software applications. The .NET framework facilitates the

fl exibility and interoperability of the ADAM Platform in three basic ways:

º Multiple language support—The .NET framework can support applications written in

several programming languages, which simplifi es the process of integrating the ADAM

Platform with software applications that are written in other programming languages. The

ability of the .NET framework to support multiple programming languages also means that

enterprise customers can modify or extend the functionality of the ADAM Platform using

code written in any .NET-compliant language.

º An extensive class library—The .NET framework includes an extensive collection of classes

called the Framework Class Library. The classes in the Framework Class Library provide access

to application functionality, and they also provide many of the components needed to

modify or extend the functionality of the ADAM Platform.

º The provider model—The .NET framework supports the use of the provider model design

pattern, a mechanism that enables developers to create applications that can be extended

or modifi ed without having to rewrite extensive portions of the application code. Essentially,

the provider model enables a developer to turn any feature or method in an application

into an extensible and swappable component. The beauty of the provider model is that it

enables an enterprise to easily modify the functionality of an application to meet current

needs and to address future needs as they arise.

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ADAM Software NV [email protected] 9

ADAM Software Technical Proposition:

Open Architecture

ADAM Flexibility in Action

Collectively, the ADAM REST API, the ADAM System API, and the .NET framework provide

enterprises a wide range of options for integrating the ADAM Platform with other technology

systems and for customizing the Platform’s functionality. The high level of fl exibility and

interoperability provided by the ADAM Platform can be illustrated using several examples.

These examples include integration tools and capabilities developed and provided by ADAM, as

well as integration tools developed by some of ADAM’s leading business partners. In addition,

many of ADAM’s customers have integrated the ADAM Platform with a variety of enterprise

information systems.

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ADAM Software NV [email protected] 10

ADAM Software Technical Proposition:

Open Architecture

ADAM Integration Tools

ADAM provides several tools for integrating the ADAM Platform with other software applications,

including Microsoft Active Directory and the Adobe Creative Cloud applications.

º Microsoft Active Directory – The ADAM Platform enables easy integration with Microsoft

Active Directory for user authentication and authorization. This integration enables

enterprises to implement a “single sign-on” system that streamlines the process of managing

user access and permissions and simplifi es the log-on process for users.

º Adobe Creative Cloud – ADAM off ers a connector that integrates the ADAM Platform with

the applications included in the Adobe Creative Cloud (InDesign, Photoshop, etc.). This

connector enables marketing and creative personnel to access the functionality of the

ADAM Platform from within the familiar applications they use on a daily basis.

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ADAM Software NV [email protected] 11

ADAM Software Technical Proposition:

Open Architecture

Integration Tools Developed By and With

ADAM Partners

ADAM has a robust ecosystem of business partners—including digital agencies, system

integrators, and providers of complementary technologies—that help enterprises maximize

the value they derive from the ADAM Platform. Several of our leading business partners have

developed tools that integrate the ADAM Platform with other information technology systems.

These integration tools include:

º ADAM + Sitecore Connector—The ADAM + Sitecore Connector resulted from a

collaborative development eff ort by ADAM, Sitecore, and HintTech (now part of Tahzoo).

This connector integrates the ADAM Platform with the Sitecore customer experience

management (CXM) platform. Once integrated, users of the ADAM Platform and the Sitecore

CXM solution have visibility into the assets residing in both solutions. The ADAM + Sitecore

Connector enables Sitecore users to search and access all content assets in the ADAM

Platform from within the Sitecore environment. Updates to assets in the ADAM Platform are

automatically published to Sitecore, and the connector enables users of both solutions to

have full visibility into asset usage.

º ADAM/Hybris Digital Asset Accelerator—The ADAM/Hybris Digital Asset Accelerator

was developed by EPAM Systems and provides integration between the ADAM Platform and

the SAP hybris e-commerce solution. This accelerator provides bi-directional synchronization

between ADAM’s digital asset management application and the hybris e-commerce

platform, which eff ectively ensures that e-commerce sites always use current product

images and other marketing content assets. It ensures that all taxonomies are synced

dynamically, thus allowing creative teams to align asset deliverables with production

taxonomy, while also planning marketing campaigns and product launches.

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ADAM Software NV [email protected] 12

ADAM Software Technical Proposition:

Open Architecture

º ADAM/Teradata Marketing Operations —ADAM and Teradata have partnered to integrate

ADAM’s digital asset management solution with Teradata’s marketing operations platform.

This integration enables users of the Teradata platform to access and use the rich media

management capabilities of ADAM’s DAM solution from within the Teradata system. Teradata

users can upload assets to (and retrieve assets from) ADAM’s digital asset management

solution and leverage ADAM’s asset usage tracking capabilities to gain valuable insight

regarding which digital assets are most productive.

º ADAM/SDL Web Content Management—This integration enables users of the SDL web

content management solution to leverage the enterprise-class DAM capabilities of the

ADAM Platform from within the SDL WCM system. It allows SDL users to access, load, save,

and convert diff erent formats of rich media assets (videos, images, audio, etc.) from the SDL

interface. This helps ensure that websites will contain only current and brand-compliant

digital assets. The ADAM-SDL integration also enables SDL users to leverage the digital rights

management capabilities of the ADAM Platform, which helps ensure that content assets are

not used in violation of intellectual property rights.

º ADAM Extensions—In addition to the specifi c integrations just described, ADAM makes

several “Extensions” available to its customers. ADAM Extensions are plug-ins and add-ons for

the ADAM Platform that have been developed by third-party contributors (ADAM partners,

customers, and other developers). Extensions are designed to extend the capabilities and

enhance the functionality of the ADAM Platform. All ADAM Extensions are available through

free, open source code, and a complete list of currently available Extensions can be found on

the ADAM website.

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ADAM Software NV [email protected] 13

ADAM Software Technical Proposition:

Open Architecture

Integration and Customization via the

ADAM Provider Model

As noted earlier, the ADAM Platform has been developed using the .NET framework and makes

extensive use of the provider model design pattern, a software programming technique that

enables developers to easily modify and/or extend the functionality of a software application.

To use the ADAM provider model, a developer creates an abstract class or uses an abstract class

that already exists in the .NET Framework Class Library. The abstract class identifi es and describes

certain attributes of a software function, but it does not include an implementation of the

function. Then the developer creates a provider class that contains the default implementation of

the function.

The benefi t of the provider model is that it enables enterprises using the ADAM Platform to

create their own provider classes that contain alternative methods of implementing application

functions. This capability makes it easy to customize the functionality of the ADAM Platform and to

integrate the Platform with other information systems.

“The ADAM Provider Model makes it easy to customize

the functionality of the ADAM Platform and to integrate it

with other information systems.”

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ADAM Software NV [email protected] 14

ADAM Software Technical Proposition:

Open Architecture

Integration and Customization via the ADAM Provider Model Continued

The diagram below depicts just some of the ways that the ADAM Platform leverages the provider

model to deliver exceptional software fl exibility.

Many of ADAM’s customers use the provider model together with the ADAM REST API and/or the

ADAM System API to customize the functionality of the ADAM Platform to fi t their specifi c needs

and to integrate the Platform with other applications. We can illustrate the fl exibility this provides

with several examples.

º ERP Integration—Several ADAM customers have integrated the ADAM Platform with

an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. For example, Stanley Black & Decker has

integrated its ADAM Platform with six ERP systems. In this implementation, the ERP systems

serve as the data source for the product content management component of the ADAM


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ADAM Software NV [email protected] 15

ADAM Software Technical Proposition:

Open Architecture

º User Authentication—Out-of-the-box, the ADAM Platform includes a complete internal

system for user authentication (a user data store, login functions, etc.). As noted earlier,

the ADAM Platform also enables enterprises to use Microsoft Active Directory for user

authentication and authorization. Enterprises that want to use another authentication

mechanism can easily create a new provider class that implements their preferred user

authentication tool. For example, Microsoft has integrated its ADAM Platform with Windows

Live ID for user authentication at one of its public websites (

º Media Engines—By default, the ADAM Platform will ingest any type of fi le and is capable of

showing the fi le type as an icon. To generate a preview and thumbnail of a fi le, the ADAM

Platform includes out-of-the-box support for several media engines that are capable of

rendering most popular fi le types. If an enterprise needs to work with a type of fi le that the

ADAM Platform does not support by default (such as, for example, proprietary/legacy fi le

formats or CAD fi les), the enterprise can use the provider model to develop a custom media

engine or add a new third-party media engine.

º Order Delivery—The ADAM Platform provides out-of-the-box support for several content

delivery mechanisms, including fi le copy, HTTP download, and FTP-push and pull. The

provider model enables enterprises to easily add other delivery mechanisms to the

ADAM Platform. For example, Square Enix (Eidos) has integrated a DVD robot as a delivery

mechanism in its ADAM Platform. In this implementation, if a user attempts to download a

combination of assets that exceed a specifi ed total fi le size, the system automatically creates

a DVD.

Integration and Customization via the ADAM Provider Model Continued


1. The ROI of Tag Management (Econsultancy, in association with Tealium, 2015).

2. Overcoming Barriers to Cross-Channel Success: Optimizing the Marketing Technology Stack

(Signal, 2014).

3. Quarterly Digital Intelligence Briefi ng: The Multichannel Reality (Econsultancy, in association

with Adobe, 2015).

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ADAM Software NV [email protected]

ADAM Software Technical Proposition:

Open Architecture

ADAM Software Technical Proposition


About ADAM Software

ADAM Software is a global provider of media workfl ow and marketing technology

software. We off er enterprises the ability to manage, structure and deliver media

between people, processes and systems. Working with our partners enables us to

implement our software globally while providing workfl ow solutions to all types

of enterprises. What drives us is a passion to organize media intelligently, making it

easier and more accessible to everyone.

ADAM Software

Kortrijksesteenweg 1108A

9051 Gent


P: +32 9 381 63 36

F: +32 9 381 63 46

Email: [email protected]


ADAM Software US, Inc.

WeWork – Charging Bull

Offi ce 10.013

25 Broadway, 9th fl oor

New York, NY 10004

P: +1 646 568 7880