opening address h.e. eng. adel m. fakeih, minister of labor talent & diversity leadership forum

Download Opening address H.E. Eng. Adel M. Fakeih, Minister of Labor Talent & Diversity Leadership Forum

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Post on 18-Jan-2018




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2 A highway of opportunities ahead of us...


Opening address H.E. Eng. Adel M. Fakeih, Minister of Labor Talent & Diversity Leadership Forum 1 Welcome to the Talent & Diversity Leadership Forum 2 A highway of opportunities ahead of us... 3 General Organization for Social Insurance The Human Resources Development Fund Technical & Vocational Training Corporation What the Ministry of Labor is doing for Saudi Arabia The Ministry of Labor Regulate Saudization Job market Work permits Up-skill Vocational training On-the-job training Partnership programs Support Employers Unemployed Employed Service Branch network Online channels Contact centers 4 Major labor market challenges in our country Increasing Saudi jobs in Private Sector Particular effort for youth & women Ensuring right skill level 5 Diversity in the workplace is a great strength 6 I wish you fruitful debates & a successful forum!