opentext imaging webviewer 10.2.0 user guide

OpenText Imaging Web Viewer User Guide This manual describes how to work with OpenText Imaging Web Viewer. Web Viewer is an application for viewing and commenting documents stored on OpenText Archive Server. CLWEBV100200-UGD-EN-1

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Page 1: OpenText Imaging WebViewer 10.2.0 User Guide

OpenText Imaging Web Viewer

User Guide

This manual describes how to work with OpenText Imaging Web Viewer. Web Viewer is an application for viewing and commenting documents stored on OpenText Archive Server.


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OpenText Imaging Web Viewer User Guide CLWEBV100200-UGD-EN-1 Rev.: 2011-Sept-30

This documentation has been created for software version 10.2. It is also valid for subsequent software versions as long as no new document version is shipped with the product or is published at

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All other products or company names are used for identification purposes only, and are trademarks of their respective own-ers. All rights reserved.

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Table of Contents

PRE About this document................................................................. 5 i Structure of this user guide ...................................................................... 5 ii Target group............................................................................................. 6 iii Conventions ............................................................................................. 6 iv Help functions .......................................................................................... 7

1 Getting started........................................................................... 9 1.1 Program window .................................................................................... 10 1.2 Supported file formats and functions ..................................................... 12 1.3 First steps – tips and tricks .................................................................... 13

2 Displaying documents ............................................................ 15 2.1 Changing the display size ...................................................................... 15 2.2 Navigation within a document ................................................................ 15 2.3 Rotating pages ....................................................................................... 16 2.4 Using the copy and paste function......................................................... 17 2.5 Documents with forms............................................................................ 19 2.6 Documents with hyperlinks .................................................................... 19 2.7 Compound documents........................................................................... 19 2.8 Smoothing document images ................................................................ 21 2.9 History of documents ............................................................................. 21 2.10 Favorites ................................................................................................ 21

3 Searching in documents......................................................... 23 3.1 Free search ............................................................................................ 23 3.2 Attribute search ...................................................................................... 24

4 Adding notes and annotations to documents....................... 27 4.1 Notes...................................................................................................... 27 4.2 Annotations ............................................................................................ 32

5 Other functions for documents .............................................. 43 5.1 Saving documents.................................................................................. 43 5.2 Printing documents ................................................................................ 46 5.3 Sending documents by e-mail................................................................ 47 5.4 Checking authenticity ............................................................................. 51

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Table of Contents

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5.5 Displaying and validating digital signatures in PDF documents ............ 51

6 Reference .................................................................................53 6.1 General functions................................................................................... 53 6.2 Status bar............................................................................................... 56 6.3 Annotations tool bar ............................................................................... 56 6.4 Keyboard navigation .............................................................................. 57

IDX Index .........................................................................................59

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Preface About this document

What this document describes

OpenText Imaging Web Viewer (short: Web Viewer) is a web application for displaying and printing documents in Web-based scenarios and for appending comments to these documents. The documents may be stored in OpenText Archive Server or other repositories. For example, Web Viewer is used with the following OpenText products:

OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions and OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions

• OpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions allows you to link documents to SAP business objects and then retrieve them via the SAP front end.

• OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions enables you to administer SAP documents and non-SAP business documents in dynamic folders within the SAP application infrastructure.

OpenText Transactional Content Processing Transactional Content Processing allows you to create, store, search, display and process documents on any workstation anywhere in the world.

For additional information on these products, refer to the associated documentation. For the most up-to-date information, visit the OpenText Knowledge Center (

i Structure of this user guide The structure of this user guide is organized according to the tasks and responsibilities of different users.

• “About this document” on page 5

This chapter introduces the Web Viewer functionality and explains how to use this documentation. Review this chapter to ensure that you can make the best use of this documentation.

• “Getting started” on page 9

This chapter explains how to start the Web Viewer and describes the layout of the program window. It also gives you tips and tricks on getting started with the application. A variety of functions are available, depending on the format of the displayed document. This chapter summarizes the available formats and the functions supported for them.

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About this document

vi OpenText Imaging Web Viewer CLWEBV100200-UGD-EN-1

• “Displaying documents” on page 15

There are many ways of modifying the document display and navigation between or within documents. In addition to the standard display functions, you can rotate document pages and smooth document images.

• “Searching in documents” on page 23

Various search functions allow you to find specific text or stored attributes within documents.

• “Adding notes and annotations to documents” on page 27

In Web Viewer, you can add and display notes and annotations.

• “Other functions for documents” on page 43

With Web Viewer, you can display stored documents, print documents, or store them locally to your file system as TIFF or PDF. You can also send documents as an e-mail attachment.

You can also access supplementary information or process the data contained in the documents. You can retrieve information related to document authenticity from the Archive Server.

• “Reference” on page 53

The reference section contains an overview of all the Web Viewer functions and the associated tool bar icons.

ii Target group This documentation is intended for new Web Viewer users who need the system for their everyday tasks. It is assumed that readers are familiar with the use of the operating system, standard Web browsers, and the archive system.

iii Conventions User interface

This format is used for elements in the graphical user interface (GUI), such as buttons, names of icons, menu items, and fields.

Filenames, commands, and sample data This format is used for file names, paths, URLs, and commands at the command prompt. It is also used for example data, text to be entered in text boxes, and other literals.

Note: If you copy command line examples from a PDF, be aware that PDFs can contain hidden characters. OpenText recommends copying from the HTML version of the document, if it is available.

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About this document

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KEY NAMES Key names appear in ALL CAPS, for example: Press CTRL+V.

<Variable name>Angled brackets < > are used to denote a variable or placeholder. The user replaces the brackets and the descriptive content with the appropriate value. For example, <server_name> becomes serv01.

Internal cross-references Click the cross-reference to go directly to the reference target in the current document.

External cross-references External cross-references are usually text references to other documents. However, if a document is available in HTML format, for example, in the Knowledge Center, external references may be active links to a specific section in the referenced document.

Warnings, notes, and tips

Caution Cautions help you avoid irreversible problems. Read this information carefully and follow all instructions.


Important notes help you avoid major problems.

Note: Notes provide additional information about a task.

Tip: Tips offer you quicker or easier ways of performing a task.

iv Help functions Web Viewer provides you with comprehensive help:

Click Help – Help topics from the Help menu.

The online help is displayed in HTML format in the Web browser.

Note: The documentation is available in HTML and PDF formats. To print the documentation, open the PDF file. To view the PDF file, you need Acrobat Reader 4.0 or a later version.

Build number To display the build number of Web Viewer, click Help > About OpenText Imaging Web Viewer from the Help menu. The build number gets updated when applying a patch. Example:

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About this document

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Version: indicates version 10.2.0, without patches, build 803.

Version: would indicate patch 2 for version 10.2.0.

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Chapter 1 Getting started

Web Viewer opens automatically in your Web browser when you click on the link to the document you want to display. The program executes on a Web server and displays the selected document.

Program available for the

entire browser session

If the network connection is slow, starting the application may take some time. However, once started, Web Viewer is immediately available throughout the entire session.

Note: The command for opening a document depends on the leading applica-tion. For further information, contact your administrator or read the documen-tation of the application.

Security queries Before you open the program window, your Web browser might prompt you to accept an SSL certificate. You can choose to confirm the required SSL certificate temporarily for the duration of the session or to install it permanently. If you reject the certificate, the program will not start. For more information, ask your administrator.

Enabling JavaScript

Web Viewer needs JavaScript enabled in the Web browser. If you are unsure, ask your administrator to find out if JavaScript is enabled or read the documentation of your browser.

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Chapter 1 Getting started

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1.1 Program window When you chose to display a document, the Web Viewer program window opens with the first page of the document.

Figure 1-1: The Web Viewer program window

The program window contains the following elements:

Menu The menu allows you to select all available functions from its structure. The functions are also available using keyboard shortcuts, where applicable. You can find an overview of all menu functions and keyboard shortcuts in “Reference” on page 53.

Tool bar The tool bar allows you to perform functions by clicking on icons. You can find an overview of all available tool bar icons in “Reference” on page 53.

Note: Your administrator might have changed the settings for the menu, the keyboard shortcuts and the tool bar, so they might be different in your actual Web Viewer.

Thumbnail panel The thumbnail panel displays an overview of all documents in a miniaturized form (thumbnails). For information how to use the thumbnail panel, see “Navigation within a document” on page 15.

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1.1 Program window

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Notes panel The notes panel displays all notes that have been created for the document. For details about notes and the notes panel, see “Notes” on page 27.

Status bar The status bar is located at the bottom of the program window. It shows status information about the program.

Note: The header (the area with the blue background color on top of the window), containing the title of the document, user name and current date, might be hidden, due to the configuration of your system.

Document status icons displayed in the status bar The document status icons in the status bar indicate available document information.

Icon Name Description

Notes If activated: Notes exist.

Annotations If activated: Annotations exist.

Lines wrapped If activated: Lines are wrapped (only for text documents).

Lines cut If activated: Lines are cut to fit page width (only for text documents).

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Chapter 1 Getting started

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1.2 Supported file formats and functions Supported

functions Depending on the file format of the open document, the following functions may be available:

Plain text (ASCII)

PDF1 OTF ALF Com-pound Docu-ment2




Free search 3

Attribute search

Rotate pages

Forms over-lay

Displaying annotations

Editing an-notations

Editing notes

Changing character set in Notes

Checking authenticity

Digital signa-ture


Hyperlinks 5

Copying text 3

Copying im-age data

Notes: 1. The add-on OpenText Imaging PDF Extensions must be installed. Otherwise, PDF files are opened

embedded in the Adobe Viewer. 2. For single documents contained in compound documents, the same functions are available as for

the same format outside of compound documents. Exception: Attribute search is not available for ALF documents contained in a compound document.

3. For plain text (ASCII), PDF, OTF, and ALF documents inside compound document 4. For PDF documents inside compound document 5. For PDF and ALF documents inside compound document

Unknown document


If the format of a document is not known, the Web Viewer starts the local application that is registered for that format, in the embedded mode.

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1.3 First steps – tips and tricks

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1.3 First steps – tips and tricks Although Web Viewer is a very easy-to-use application, there are tips and tricks to make your work more efficient.

Improving the display Sometimes you want to change the look of the documents. To improve the display, see “Displaying documents” on page 15, “Rotating pages” on page 16 or “Smoothing document images” on page 21.

Finding specific information In large documents, it is not always easy to locate the required information. If you know the approximate page, you can go to that page directly and browse forward or back if necessary. See “Navigation within a document” on page 15.

If you have no idea where the information may be located, perform a search for a word or phrase, or search for a certain attribute value. See “Searching in documents” on page 23.

Displaying documents with forms Documents can be printed on standard forms, which may contain a company logo, complicated table formats, or form structures that have to be filled in. The content of the document and the form are saved separately.

Your archiving system's forms overlay function provides you with a way of linking the content to a scanned, archived form during archiving. This means that you can view form and content together in Web Viewer.

Terms and conditions of business and similar information are often printed on the reverse side of a form. When documents have reverse sides, the document data is displayed on the odd sides; the sides with even numbers show the reverse side of the form, or they are empty. You can decide how documents with forms are displayed and printed. See “Documents with forms” on page 19.

Adding notes and annotations Sometimes you want to add or edit information in the displayed documents for further processing. You cannot edit text in archived documents directly; however, you can add notes and annotations of various types and save those with the document.

Notes A note is text that is stored together with the document in the archive. This text has the same function as a note clipped to a paper document. Notes may be used, for example, if a document has to be approved by a number of different departments. A special Note Editor helps you maintain notes. See “Notes” on page 27.

Annotations Annotations can be added directly onto a document. They simulate handwritten comments on paper documents, like highlighting, striking text elements through, or adding check marks. Annotations are used, for example, when checking invoices.

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Chapter 1 Getting started

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You can search for annotations made by other users, for example, to find your boss's comments on a reviewed document. See “Annotations” on page 32.

Saving the documents locally If you want to keep a displayed document on your computer for further use, save it to your local file system. See “Saving documents” on page 43.

Security issues Besides using SSL communication, Web Viewer supports other security meas-ures. As a rule, documents cannot be edited after archiving. In order to recognize any attempts to do so illegally, a timestamp can be set by the Archive Server.

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Chapter 2 Displaying documents

This chapter explains how you can navigate through documents and customize display options.

2.1 Changing the display size Web Viewer allows you to adapt the look of the document to your needs.

In the tool bar, click Fit to screen to show the entire page of the document.

Alternatively, select View – Zoom – Fit to screen from the View menu.

In the tool bar, click Fit to height to show the page's entire height.

Alternatively, select View – Zoom – Fit to height from the View menu.

In the tool bar, click Fit to width to show the page's entire width.

Alternatively, select View – Zoom – Fit to width from the View menu.

In the tool bar, click Zoom in to zoom in on the document by a predefined factor.

Alternatively, select View – Zoom – Zoom in from the View menu.

In the tool bar, click Zoom out to zoom out of the document by a predefined factor.

Alternatively, select View – Zoom – Zoom out from the menu.

Specifying zoom factor

In the tool bar, enter the desired zoom factor (in percent) in the box between Zoom out and Zoom in.

2.2 Navigation within a document You can browse through the individual pages of a document or go to a specific page directly. The status bar indicates the page of the document that is currently displayed.

Use the icons in the status bar to navigate within a document.

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Chapter 2 Displaying documents

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In the status bar, click Show first page to go to the first page of the document. Alternatively, select View – Go To – Show first page from the View menu.

In the status bar, click Show previous page to go to the page that precedes the displayed page of the document. Alternatively, select View – Go To – Show previous page from the View menu.

In the status bar, click Show next page to go to the page that follows the displayed page of the document. Alternatively, select View – Go To – Show next page from the View menu.

In the status bar, click Show last page to go to the last page of the document. Alternatively, select View – Go To – Show last page from the View menu.

Go to page In the status bar, select the displayed text in the page number field (for example, “1 of 3”), enter the page number you want to go to, and then press the ENTER key. In the status bar, click Show previous page block to jump ten pages back in the document. Alternatively, select View – Go To – Show previous page block from the View menu.

In the status bar, click Show next page block to jump ten pages forward in the document. Alternatively, select View – Go To – Show next page block from the View menu.

To display an overview of all documents in a miniaturized form (thumbnails), click Toggle thumbnail panel in the tool bar. Click on a thumbnail to jump to that page directly. Alternatively, select View – Thumbnail panel from the View menu.

2.3 Rotating pages Sometimes one or more of the pages in an archived document are rotated by 90° or 180°. Normally, such pages should be rotated to their normal position after scanning, during quality control that is performed before archiving. If this was not done, you can rotate the document page to the correct position when you display it.

Note: This rotation applies only while the document is displayed. It does not change a page’s rotation for the archived document.

In the tool bar, click Rotate left to rotate the document page to the left.

Alternatively, select View – Rotate Page – Rotate left from the View menu.

In the tool bar, click Rotate right to rotate the document page to the right.

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2.4 Using the copy and paste function

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Alternatively, select View – Rotate Page – Rotate right from the View menu.

In the tool bar, click Flip to rotate the document page 180°.

Alternatively, select View – Rotate Page – Flip from the View menu.

2.4 Using the copy and paste function Web Viewer enables you to copy selected text and image data to the clipboard and paste them into other applications.

To select and copy text to the clipboard:


• The select and copy text function is available for documents of type ALF, ASCII, PDF and OTF. For other document types, the Select Text function is disabled.

• In Edit Annotations mode, selecting and copying of text is not allowed.

• If PDF documents have text on images, it is not possible to copy the text from images.

1. In the tool bar, click Select Text.

Alternatively, select Edit – Select Text from the Edit menu.

A tick mark next to Select Text in the Edit menu indicates that the Select Text function is activated. To deactivate the function, click Select Text in the tool bar again.

2. Mark the text you want to select, using the mouse.

Your selection is highlighted.

Note: To select the entire text on the page for copying, select Edit – Select Page from the Edit menu.

3. Click Clipboard copy.

Alternatively, select Edit – Clipboard copy from the Edit menu.

Security Certificate

• Web Viewer is signed with a digital security certificate. When you click Clipboard copy, a security warning dialog box might open, asking if you want to run the application with the verified digital signature. In this case, select the Always trust content from this publisher check box and click Run.

• When you remove the certificate files from the cache of your computer, the security warning dialog opens again when you click Clipboard copy.

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Chapter 2 Displaying documents

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The selected text is copied to the clipboard. You can paste it into other applications.

Limitations of the copy text function

• The copy text function does not consider font metrics. For example, if the displayed document has font size 12, blue color, and bold style, these metrics will not apply to the copied text.

• Sometimes, text copy might not be exact, due to characters rendered with different font metrics: One or two characters might be appended or discarded at start or end position of the selected text.

• If start and end positions of the selected text are in different lines, the selection area looks like a rectangle, but the text will be copied as expected.

To select and copy image data to the clipboard:

1. In the tool bar, click Select.

Alternatively, select Edit – Select from the Edit menu.

A tick mark next to Select in the Edit menu indicates that the Select function for image data is activated. To deactivate the function, click Select in the tool bar again.

2. Mark the part of the image you want to select, using the mouse.

Your selection is highlighted by a dashed rectangle.

Note: For documents of type “image”: To select the entire image for copying, select Edit – Select Page from the Edit menu.

3. Click Clipboard copy.

Alternatively, select Edit – Clipboard copy from the Edit menu.

Security Certificate

• Web Viewer is signed with a digital security certificate. When you click Clipboard copy, a security warning dialog box might open, asking if you want to run the application with the verified digital signature. In this case, select the Always trust content from this publisher check box and click Run.

• When you remove the certificate files from the cache of your computer, the security warning dialog opens again when you click Clipboard copy.

The selected part of the image is copied to the clipboard. You can paste it into other applications that are able to display image data.

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2.5 Documents with forms

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2.5 Documents with forms Documents can be printed on standard forms, which may contain a company logo, complicated table formats, or form structures that have to be filled in. The content of the document and the form are saved separately.

Your archiving system's forms overlay function provides you with a way of linking the content to a scanned, archived form during archiving. This means that you can view form and content together in Web Viewer.

Terms and conditions of business and similar information are often printed on the reverse side of a form. When documents have reverse sides, the document data is displayed on the odd sides; the sides with even numbers show the reverse side of the form, or they are empty.

You can decide how documents with forms are displayed and printed:

Show form When you open a document with a form, the form is also displayed by default. However, the document can often be more easily read if the form is not displayed. In the tool bar, click Toggle form to toggle form display on or off.

Alternatively, select View – Forms from the View menu.

Show reverse sides

If Show reverse sides is enabled, you can toggle the display of reverse sides.

In the tool bar, click Show reverse sides to toggle the display of the back of the document on or off. Alternatively, select View – Reverse sides from the View menu.

Print form and reverse

When printing documents with forms, you can decide whether to print only the form or the form with the reverse side. See “Printing documents” on page 46.

2.6 Documents with hyperlinks PDF and ALF documents may contain hyperlinks. If you move the mouse over a hyperlink, the cursor turns into a hand symbol. Next to the hand symbol, some information about the link is displayed in a small text box.

Click on the hyperlink to open the document or page that is linked.

In ALF documents, there might be hyperlinks that are associated with multiple documents. If you click on such a hyperlink, the Hyperlink Documents panel is opened at the right of the program window, displaying links to open the particular documents.

2.7 Compound documents PDF documents may serve as containers comprising several other documents. Documents inside these containers can be of all document types supported by Web

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Chapter 2 Displaying documents

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Viewer. The container documents are called compound documents. Web Viewer displays compound documents in a special way, with a Documents and a Pages tab in the Thumbnail panel.

Documents tab When a compound document is opened in Web Viewer, the Documents tab is displayed. This tab lists the documents comprised in the compound document. Click the document name in the Documents tab to display the pages of the document in the main window.

Pages tab To display thumbnails of the current document's pages in the Thumbnail panel, switch to the Pages tab. To display the cover sheet of the compound document, click Cover sheet in the tool bar. Alternatively, select View – Cover sheet from the View menu.

Functions You can use all functions of Web Viewer for compound documents, see the following list for details: Annotations

You can add annotations both to single documents inside the compound document and to the cover sheet.

Notes You can add notes only to the compound document, not to the single documents inside.

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2.8 Smoothing document images

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Forms You can use forms only for single documents inside the compound document, not for the compound document itself.

Favorites You can add favorites only to the compound document, not to the single documents inside.

Other functions You can use the functions Save as, Print and Send by E-mail only for single documents inside the compound document, not for the compound document itself.


• If you rotate the first page of a single document inside a compound document, the first page of all other documents gets rotated, too.

• Attribute search is not supported for single documents inside a compound document.

2.8 Smoothing document images The legibility of documents can be impaired by the relatively coarse screen resolution. This effect can be reduced by smoothing the original image for display purposes.

To activate the smooth display for the current document, select View – Smooth image from the View menu.

Note: Images of GIF format (Graphics Interchange Format) are sometimes not displayed correctly when smoothing is activated.

2.9 History of documents The Web Viewer remembers the documents processed during a session. You can see a list of the documents' titles in the File menu. To open a document, click its title.

2.10 Favorites To remember documents for long term, the Web Viewer provides the Favorites feature. In the Favorites submenu, the following actions are available:

Add to Favorites The document is added to a list of favorites that is displayed at the bottom of the Favorites menu.

If you click on the title in the list, the document is displayed.

Note: Favorites are kept in the Web Viewer even after the current session is ended. This does not work for SAP URLs.

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Chapter 2 Displaying documents

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Remove from Favorites If the currently displayed document has been added to the favorites, this menu item is activated. By clicking it, you remove the document from the list of favorites.

Manage Favorites

To manage favorites:

1. To open the Manage Favorites panel, select Favorites – Manage Favorites.

In the Favorites field, the titles of the favorites are displayed.

2. Select a favorite by clicking on the title.

The name and URL of the favorite are displayed in the Info field.

3. To delete a favorite, click the Delete button.

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Chapter 3 Searching in documents

You often search documents for important information, such as a specific invoice number. Depending on the type of document, various search functions are available.

3.1 Free search You can search for a text of your choice in CI (coded information) documents.

To search for text in a document:

1. In the tool bar, click Search.

Alternatively, select Edit – Search from the Edit menu.

The Search panel opens.

2. Enter a search term in the Find field.

3. To search for text that matches the exact case, select the Case sensitive check box.

4. Click Search.

The search result displays in the Search panel, showing the total number of found hits and the number of hits that are currently displayed.

The hits are highlighted in the document panel.

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Chapter 3 Searching in documents

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5. To navigate between hits, use the Previous and Next buttons.

Note: If the search exceeds the beginning or the end of the document, a corresponding message displays in the Search panel.

6. To return to the plain Search panel, click the Reset button.

3.2 Attribute search You can search for certain attribute values that are defined for the document during archiving. This search is only available for print lists (ALF documents).

To search for attributes:

1. In the tool bar, click Attribute search.

Alternatively, select Edit – Attribute search from the Edit menu.

Note: If no attributes were defined when the print list was archived, this command is not available.

The Attribute search panel opens.

2. Enter the attribute values for which you want to search in the Find field.


• Which attribute fields are available depends on which attributes were assigned when the print list was archived.

• If you enter more than one value, the print list is searched for information that matches all the criteria.

3. Click the Search button.

The search results display in the Attribute search panel, together with the total number of found hits and the number of hits currently displayed.

The hits are highlighted in the document panel.

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3.2 Attribute search

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4. To navigate between hits, use the Previous and Next buttons.

Note: If the search exceeds the beginning or the end of the document, a corresponding message displays in the Search panel.

5. To return to the plain Search panel, click the Reset button.

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Chapter 4 Adding notes and annotations to documents

Adding notes and annotations to documents supports the workflows in your company.

Notes A note is a text that is stored together with the document in the archive. This text has the same function as a note clipped to a paper document. Notes might be used, for example, if a document has to be approved by different departments.

Annotations Annotations are comments, which can be added directly onto the document. Thus, they simulate handwritten comments on paper documents. Annotations are used, for example, when checking invoices. With Web Viewer, you can display and edit annotations (for PDF documents, the add-on OpenText Imaging PDF Extensions is required). OLE annotations cannot be displayed.


• Adding notes and annotations does not change the document itself.

• Locking mechanism

Notes and annotations are subject to a locking mechanism. Your open document might be opened at the same time by another user in Web Viewer, Java Viewer, or Windows Viewer. The other user might add notes or annotations to the document. In this case, you cannot add notes to the document or edit annotations. A warning message is displayed.

Some functions might be unavailable and, therefore, appear dimmed. For further information, contact your administrator.

4.1 Notes You can append a note to a document and save it with the document itself. On archiving, the note is assigned a footer containing the title, the user information, the date and time when the note was stored. After the document is archived, the note text cannot be edited or deleted. However, new notes can be added, as required. You can also print notes on a separate page when printing the document; see “Printing documents” on page 46.

Notes are stored in XML format. They support the Unicode character set UTF-8, so you can write them in any language if the corresponding font is installed on the computer. You can add a title for each note, and you can sort them using date, user, or title information. You can also search for text in these notes.

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If a document has been processed with earlier versions of Windows Viewer or Web Viewer, it might contain traditional notes in plain text. Web Viewer also supports adding traditional notes with UTF-8 character set.

The traditional notes are not displayed separately, but collected in one entry, titled Traditional Notes, that is displayed in the notes panel. In the collective entry, text, user, date and time of each traditional note are stated. You can display and print this entry the same way as the XML notes, see “Displaying notes” on page 28 and “Printing notes” on page 29. You also can change the character set of the traditional notes to UTF-8, see “Changing the character set” on page 31.

4.1.1 Displaying notes

To display notes:

1. In the tool bar, click Toggle notes panel.

Alternatively, select View - Notes from the View menu.

The notes panel opens.

Tip: Depending on the Web Viewer configuration, the notes panel may show up automatically.

The notes panel displays the notes that have been created for the document so far. You can sort the list according to title, author, creation date, or text in either ascending or descending order. Click the title bar of the column to sort.

2. Click the note to display in the Notes panel. The Show note panel opens.

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4.1 Notes

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Depending on the Web Viewer configuration, traditional notes may be displayed in a separate Trad. notes tab of the notes panel, with a yellow background. In this view, they cannot be displayed in the Show note panel. You also cannot sort them in the notes panel.

4.1.2 Printing notes

To print notes:

1. If the Notes panel is not open already, open it by clicking Toggle notes panel.

2. In the Notes panel, click Print.Alternatively, select Edit - Notes - Print Notes from the Edit menu.

The Print panel opens:

3. From Print format, select the paper size.

4. Select the page format (Portrait or Landscape).

5. Click Print.The standard printing dialog box opens.

6. Select the printing options as usual and click OK.

All notes are printed.

4.1.3 Adding notes You can add notes in XML format to archived documents.

You can also add traditional notes. See “To add traditional notes:” on page 30.

Locking mechanism

Notes are subject to a locking mechanism. Your open document might be opened at the same time by another user in Web Viewer, Java Viewer, or

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Windows Viewer. The other user might add notes to the document. In this case, you cannot add notes to the document. A warning message is displayed.

To add notes in XML format:

1. If the Notes panel is not open already, open it by clicking Toggle notes panel.

2. Click Add note.Alternatively, select Edit - Notes - Add Note from the Edit menu.

The Add note panel opens:

3. Enter a title and your new note.

4. Click Add.The new note is archived.

Note: After the document is archived, the note cannot be changed or deleted.

To add traditional notes:

1. If the Notes panel is not open already, open it by clicking Toggle notes panel.

2. Open the Trad. notes tab of the notes panel.

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4.1 Notes

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3. Click Add note.Alternatively, select Edit - Notes - Add Note from the Edit menu.

The Add note panel opens, displaying all existing traditional notes in the Traditional Notes area.

4. Enter your new note in the Append Traditional Notes area.

5. Click Add.The new note is archived.

Note: After the document is archived, the note cannot be changed or deleted.

4.1.4 Changing the character set Documents might contain traditional notes in plain text character set. If notes are not legible due to incorrect character set, you can use the Codepage button to make notes legible. Clicking Codepage changes the character set to UTF-8. This character set is able to display characters of almost every language.

Note: The Codepage button is disabled if the notes in the document are already encoded in UTF-8 character set.

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To change the character set:

1. If the Notes panel is not open already, open it by clicking Toggle notes panel.

2. Click Codepage.

The character set of the traditional notes is changed from plain text to UTF-8, and the notes are displayed.

Clicking Codepage does not change the character set of the notes in the archive.

3. To change the character set of the notes permanently, add a new note, see “Adding notes” on page 29.

This action changes all traditional notes in plain text to UTF-8 character set, and stores them in the archive.

4.2 Annotations Annotations provide a variety of methods for marking text and attaching comments to a document. These annotations can be in text or graphical form.


When working with annotations, you must deactivate the Enable the next generation Java plug-in setting on your computer. To do so, perform the following procedure:

To deactivate the Enable the next generation Java plug-in setting:

1. To open the Control Panel, click Start – Control Panel.

2. Double-click Java.

3. In the Java Control Panel, select the Advanced tab.

4. Open the Java Plugin node.

5. Clear the check box Enable the next generation Java plug-in (requires restart browser)

6. Click OK to save the setting.

7. Restart the browser.

You can choose from the following annotation types:

Annotation type Description

Freehand Creates a free-formed line. Use this annotation type to make freehand drawings.

Arrow Creates an arrow. Use this annotation to point to parts of the docu-ment.

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Annotation type Description

Line Creates a straight line between two specified points. Use this annota-tion to underline or strike through text, for example.

Highlight Highlights text. Use this annotation to identify important text pas-sages.

Check mark Creates a check mark (tick), for checking invoices, for example.

Ellipse Creates a curved boundary that you can position over text or graphics.

Text Lets you add written comments to a document. To preserve the clarity of the document, a long comment can be displayed as an icon.

Stamp Creates a stamp (with text). The text can be predefined, using the Edit settings function.

4.2.1 Displaying annotations You can choose to show or hide annotations.

In the tool bar, click Toggle annotations to turn on or off the display of annotations.

Alternatively, select View – Annotations from the View menu.

Note: Depending on the configuration, the annotations may be displayed automatically when a document is opened using Web Viewer.

Selecting annotations by authors

You can restrict the displayed annotations to selected authors.

To select annotations by authors:

1. In the tool bar, click Select annotations to toggle the Annotations panel on or off.

Alternatively, select Edit – Select annotations from the Edit menu.

2. Under User, select or deselect the authors whose annotations you want to have displayed.

Note: Per default, all users are selected.

3. Click Submit.

4.2.2 Creating annotations You can create and edit your own annotations if you have the required permissions. Only an administrator or a user with extended rights can also edit your annotations.

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Note: On documents with forms and reverse sides, you can create annotations only on pages with document data (odd pages).

To create annotations:

1. Open the document that you want to annotate in the Web Viewer.

2. Click Edit annotations.

Alternatively, select Edit – Edit annotations from the Edit menu.

Security Certificate

• Web Viewer is signed with a digital security certificate. When you click Edit annotations, a security warning dialog box might open, asking if you want to run the application with the verified digital signature. In this case, select the Always trust content from this publisher check box and click Run.

• When you remove the certificate files from the cache of your computer, the security warning dialog opens again when you click Edit annotations.

The annotations tool bar is displayed.


If the annotations tool bar is displayed, the command menu is not available.

Tip: For an overview of the annotations tool bar buttons, see “Annotations tool bar” on page 56

3. Select the type of annotation you want to create. For example, select Arrow annotation to draw an arrow.

4. Click the location where you want to place the annotation and, for example, drag the mouse to define the size of the (graphic) annotation.

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5. Optional Optional: Define the properties of the annotation (see “Annotation properties” on page 35).

6. To save the new annotations, click Save the annotations.

4.2.3 Annotation properties You can view the properties of annotations and change the properties of your own annotations. Only an administrator or a user with extended rights can also change the properties of your annotations.

To edit annotation properties:

1. In the annotations tool bar, click Select annotation.

2. Click on an annotation.

3. In the annotations tool bar, click Edit properties of the selected annotation.The dialog box for the annotation type opens, where you can define the properties.

Tip: You can also right-click the annotation and choose Properties from the context menu:

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36 OpenText Imaging Web Viewer CLWEBV100200-UGD-EN-1 Text properties In case of an annotation of type text, the following window opens:

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To edit text properties:

1. Enter the text of the annotation in the Text Editor field.

2. Choose the settings for the text (for example, color or font). For the possible settings, see “Text annotations” on page 40.

Tip: You can modify the properties of individual text annotations.

3. Click OK.If you want to accept the chosen settings for the document, but keep the settings window open, click Apply.Click Cancel to abort. Graphic and highlight annotations You can modify the properties of graphic and highlight annotations. Open the properties window as described beforehand (“Annotation properties” on page 35)and choose the setting according to “Graphic annotations” on page 40.

4.2.4 Editing and saving annotations Note: You may change only your own annotations.

Moving You can move your own annotations.

To move annotations:

1. In the annotations menu, click Select annotation.

2. Click on the annotation you want to move.

3. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the annotation to the required posi-tion.

Moving to back You can move your own annotations to the background.

To move annotations to the background:

1. Select the annotation you want to move.

2. Right-click and select Move to back from the context menu.

Moving to front You can move your own annotation to the foreground if it is hidden by another annotation.

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To move annotations to the foreground:

1. Select the annotation you want to move.

2. Right-click and select Move to front from the context menu.

Deleting You can delete an annotation that you created.

To delete annotations:

1. Select the annotation that you want to delete.

2. Click Delete in the annotations bar.

Tip: You can also use the context menu.

Saving Once you have entered annotations, you can save them permanently to the archive.

Locking mechanism

Annotations are subject to a locking mechanism. Your open document might be opened at the same time by another user in Web Viewer, Java Viewer, or Windows Viewer. The other user might add annotations to the document. In this case, you cannot edit annotations in the document. A warning message is displayed.

To save annotations:

• In the annotations tool bar, click Save.

Note: If you close a document without saving the annotations you have made, the annotations are lost.

4.2.5 Displaying annotations by authors You can choose to display only those annotations created by certain authors.

To display annotations by authors:

1. In the draw annotations mode, click Select group in the annotations bar.

2. Click the name of each author whose annotations you want to display. To select several authors, hold the CTRL key.

3. Click OK.

4.2.6 Annotation summary The annotation summary allows you to select and review each annotation of the document separately.

In the draw annotations mode, click Annotation summary in the annotations bar.

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4.2 Annotations

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The annotation summary shows the details of all annotations associated with the document. New annotations are marked with an icon in the State column. You can sort the annotations shown by clicking on the table header of the entry to sort.

Toggling display of specific


Click the check box in the Display column to display or hide an annotation.

4.2.7 Annotation settings In the annotations tool bar, click Edit settings. In the Settings dialog box, define the default appearance of the annotations.

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You can define the settings for each type of annotation individually. Click the corresponding tab and select or enter according to the following lists:

Graphic annotations

Color To change the default color of an annotation type, select one of the tabs Pattern,HSB (hue, saturation, brightness), or RGB (red, green, blue) and choose the color.

Line width Select the line width (in points) from the drop-down menu.

Check mark size Select the size of the check mark annotation (small, medium, or large) from the drop-down menu.

Text annotations

Text color Click on the Color button to select a text color in the standard color settings dialog box.

Background color Click on the Background button to select a background color in the standard color settings dialog box. Select transparent to make the background color transparent (i.e. there will be no background color).

Font type Select Serif, SansSerif, or Monospaced from the Fonts drop-down menu.

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Font size Specify the font Size. Default value is 18.

Angle Select 0, 90, 180, or 270 to set the text orientation to the respective angle.

Note: If set to 90 or 270, the options Underlined and Strikethrough have no effect.

Font style Italic and Bold

Effects Underlined and Strikethrough

Iconified Select this check box to display the text annotation in the document as an icon. If the text is long, using this option makes the document easier to read.

The settings you specify are shown in the Preview area.

Stamp annotations

In the Stamps section, edit the text to be displayed together with the stamp symbol.

Text Editor Enter free text and/or select a formula from the Placeholder drop-down menu.

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Predefined Stamps You can use a stamp that has been defined by the administrator. You can edit the predefined stamps in the Text Editor.

Custom Stamps You can define a stamp in the Text Editor and use it as a custom stamp. The following options are available:

New Define a name for the new stamp.

Delete Delete the current custom stamp.

Rename Rename the current custom stamp.

Set as default The current custom stamp is set as the default stamp. In the Custom Stamps drop-down menu, it is marked with the stamp icon.

Text Annotation If this check box is selected, the stamp icon is omitted when displaying the annotation. Only the text displays.

On the right pane of the Settings dialog, you can define the stamp text format. See “Text annotations” on page 40.

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Chapter 5 Other functions for documents

Rather than accessing a document in the archive, you can store it locally in your file system to achieve better performance. When you have found the required information, you can print the document or send it by e-mail. For PDF documents with a digital signature, you can display and validate the signature.

5.1 Saving documents You can save documents displayed in Web Viewer to your local file system – in PDF or TIFF format or as a document in its original format. For text documents, searchable PDF format is also available. You can save ALF documents as searchable plain text.

To save documents to the local file system:

1. In the tool bar, click Save As.

Alternatively, select File – Save as from the File menu.

The Save as panel opens.

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2. Select the storage options:

General Output format – Select one of the following output formats:

• Tagged Image File Format (TIF)

• Portable Document Format (PDF)

• Searchable PDF, only available for documents in ALF, OTF and ASCII format


• The indentation of text is not correct when saving in searchable PDF format.

• PDF documents saved in this format might not look completely the same as documents saved in simple PDF format. They might slightly differ in color, font and table borders.

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• Plain Text, only available for documents in ALF format

• Original Format


• If you select Original Format, all other storage options are disabled.

• If you select Searchable PDF or Plain Text, the storage options are disabled, except the Page range options.

Color – Select True Color (24 Bit), Grayscale (8 Bit), or Black and White.

Original size – Check this box to save the document in its original size. If unchecked, the resulting document will be saved with the currently selected scaling.

Original orientation – Check this box to save the document with the original orientation. If unchecked, the resulting document will be saved with the currently selected orientation.

Page range Select if all the document's pages are saved or if only the currently visible page is saved, or specify a range of pages.

Advanced Quality – Choose a reduced quality to generate smaller output files.

Annotations, Form, Reverse sides, Watermark, Notes – Select the corresponding check box to include the items in the output document (if applicable).

Note: It is possible to save notes as PDF. Saving as TIFF is not supported.

3. Click Save as.

Note: If the document contains more than 10 pages, a message box is displayed, indicating that saving will take some time.

The File download dialog box opens.

4. Click Save.The standard file selection dialog box opens, where you can select the storage location within your file system.

Note: Only the document itself is stored to your file system. Forms and annotations can be stored if configured appropriately. For information, contact your system administrator.

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5.2 Printing documents You can print documents. A few additional printing options are available.

To print documents:

1. In the tool bar, click Print.

Alternatively, select File – Print from the File menu.

The Printing panel opens.

2. Select the required print options.

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5.3 Sending documents by e-mail

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• Watermarks are always printed with the document if they are enabled on the server.

• Single pages or page ranges of a print list can be printed only if an associated page information file has been saved for this print list. If no such file exists, i.e. if page numbers are not specified, and you specify a page range for printing, then only the current page is printed.

Most of the printing options are identical to those described in Section 5.1: “Saving documents” on page 43. Additionally, the following options exist:

Print format Specify the paper format for printing. Selecting Original size prints the document in the original size. If the page size is larger than the paper size of your printer, the document may not be printed completely.

Page format

Automatic Orientation Select this checkbox to print the document using the orientation of the document.

Example: The document has the following orientation: first page as Portrait, second page as Landscape, and third page as Portrait. If you select Automatic Orientation, the document will be printed with first page and third page as Portrait, second page as Landscape.

Note: If Automatic Orientation is selected, the options Portrait and Landscape are disabled.

Portrait/Landscape In case Automatic Orientation is not selected, select the page orientation (Portrait or Landscape).

3. Click Print.

Note: If the document contains more than 15 pages, a message box is displayed, indicating that printing will take some time.

The printing dialog box opens.

4. Select the printing options as usual and click OK.

5.3 Sending documents by e-mail The Web Viewer enables you to send the current document as an e-mail attachment.

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To send a document by e-mail:

1. In the tool bar, click Send by E-mail.

Alternatively, select File – Send by E-mail from the File menu.

The Send by E-mail panel opens.

Security Certificate

• Web Viewer is signed with a digital security certificate. When you open the Send by E-mail panel, a security warning dialog box might open, asking if you want to run the application with the verified digital signature. In this case, select the Always trust content from this publisher check box and click Run.

• When you remove the certificate files from the cache of your computer, the security warning dialog opens again when you open the Send by E-mail panel.

Your administrator can configure if you have only the option to send the e-mail via your local mail client (Send via Mail Client button) or additionally from the server (Send button). If only the local mail client is enabled, the Send by E-mail panel looks different, see the following screenshot.

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If both ways of sending e-mails are enabled, the Send by E-mail panel looks like the following screenshot.

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Note: If you send the e-mail using the Send via Mail Client button, you can leave the fields To, Subject and Text empty. Enter these parameters inside the e-mail in your mail program. See step 6 on page 51.

2. In the To field, enter the e-mail address of the recipient.

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5.4 Checking authenticity

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3. In the Subject field, enter the heading of the e-mail.

4. In the Text field, enter the text of the e-mail.

5. For settings in the General, Page range and Advanced fields, see the corresponding description in “Saving documents” on page 43.

6. Click the Send button.

An e-mail with a copy of the current document in the attachment is sent.

Alternatively, click the Send via Mail Client button.

Note: A message box is displayed, indicating that you must wait for the mail client applet to download. This will take some seconds. Then, click the OK button.

A new e-mail is opened by the default mail program that is installed on your computer (either Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes) with the current document in the attachment.

Note: If you are using Lotus Notes, the version should be 8 or above.

You can now send the e-mail, using all functions that are provided by your mail program.

5.4 Checking authenticity If documents are given a signed timestamp during archiving by the Archive Server, you can check the authenticity of this archived document. The timestamp, which was created at the time of archiving, is compared with the signature of the current document. If both signatures do not match, then the document may have been changed since archiving.

To check the authenticity of a document:

1. In the File menu, click Check Authenticity.

Note: The Check Authenticity menu entry is enabled if the document has a timestamp.

The Check Authenticity panel opens, displaying information about the timestamp.

2. To close the Check Authenticity panel, click Hide.

5.5 Displaying and validating digital signatures in PDF documents In case, a PDF document is digitally signed, a Signature icon is displayed as active in the tool bar and a Signature menu entry in the View menu is enabled. A question mark icon is displayed over the signature in the document panel.

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To display and validate digital signatures in PDF documents:

1. To display the signature information for the signed PDF document, click the Signature icon in the tool bar or select Signature in the View menu.

The Signature panel is displayed. It lists all digital signatures in the document.

A tick mark next to Signature in the View menu indicates that the Signature panel is currently displayed.

2. To display the signature information, click the + icon next to the signature. To collapse the signature information, click the - icon next to the signature.

3. To display the certificates of a signature, select the signature and click the Show certificate button.

A signature can have multiple certificates. You can select all available certificates from the drop down list in the Certificates field.

To return to the Signature view, click Hide certificate.

4. Check the signature and certificate information and decide if you trust the certificate.

5. To validate a signature, select it in the Signature panel and click Validate.

The question mark icon in the document panel changes into a green tick mark. The Validity entry in the signature information changes from Unknown Validity to Valid.

6. To close the Signature panel, click the Signature icon in the tool bar or select Signature in the View menu.

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Chapter 6 Reference

6.1 General functions The following is a list of all available functions and their corresponding icons, locations in the menu, and keyboard shortcuts. Performing Web Viewer functionality with keyboard shortcuts requires a numeric pad with dedicated keys like +, -, HOME, END. Some systems do not contain a numeric key pad. In such cases alternative shortcuts with function key can be used as described in the following table.

Note: Your administrator might have changed the settings for the tool bar, the menu and the keyboard shortcuts, so they might be different in your actual Web Viewer.

File menu The File menu comprises the following menu entries:

Function Icon Tool bar Menu entry Shortcut

Save document Save as Save as CTRL+S

Send document by e-mail

Send by E-mail

Send by E-mail


Print document Print Print CTRL+D

Check Authenticity — — File – Check Authenticity


Edit menu The Edit menu comprises the following menu entries:

Function Icon Tool bar Menu entry Shortcut

Free search Search Search SHIFT+CTRL+F

Attribute search Attribute search

Attribute search


Add notes Add note (in the notes panel)

Notes – Add note


Print notes Print (in the notes panel)

Notes – Print notes


Show annotations of author

Select anno-tations

Select anno-tations


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Function Icon Tool bar Menu entry Shortcut

Edit annotations Edit annota-tions

Edit annota-tions


Select image data Select Select CTRL+E

Select text Select Text Select Text CTRL+ALT+T

Select page — — Select Page CTRL+ALT+G

Copy to clipboard Clipboard copy

Clipboard copy


View menu The View menu comprises the following menu entries:

Function Icon Tool bar Menu entry Shortcut

Toggle thumbnails Toggle thumbnail panel

Thumbnail panel


First page Show first page

Go To – Show first page


Previous page Show previ-ous page

Go To – Show previ-ous page


Next page Show next page

Go To – Show next page


Last page Show last page

Go To – Show last page


Previous page block Show previ-ous page block

Go To – Show previ-ous page block


Next page block Show next page block

Go To – Show next page block


Display notes Toggle notes panel

Notes F9

Display annotations Toggle anno-tations

Annotations F10

Show form Toggle form Forms F12

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6.1 General functions

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Function Icon Tool bar Menu entry Shortcut

Show reverse sides Show re-verse sides

Reverse sides SHIFT+F12

Display digital signa-tures

Signature Signature SHIFT+S

Display cover sheet of compound document

Cover sheet Cover sheet SHIFT+C

Smooth image — — Smooth im-age


Fit to screen Fit to screen Zoom – Fit to screen


Fit to height Fit to height Zoom – Fit to height


Fit to width Fit to width Zoom – Fit to width


Zoom out Zoom out Zoom – Zoom out

ALT+-alternatively: ALT+FN+?

Zoom in Zoom in Zoom – Zoom in

ALT++alternatively: ALT+FN+:

Rotate left Rotate left Rotate Page – Rotate left


Rotate right Rotate right Rotate Page – Rotate right


Rotate by 180° Flip Rotate Page –Flip


Favorites menu The Favorites menu comprises the following menu entries:

Function Icon Tool bar Menu entry Shortcut

Add to Favorites — — Favorites – Add to Fa-vorites


Remove from Favor-ites

— — Favorites – Remove from Favorites


Manage Favorites — — Favorites – Manage Fa-vorites


Help menu The Help menu comprises the following menu entries:

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Function Icon Tool bar Menu entry Shortcut

Get help — — Help – Help Topics


— — Help – About OpenText Imaging Web Viewer


6.2 Status bar The following information is displayed in the status bar:

Status Icon Status bar

Document has notes The document has notes

Document has annotations The document has annotations

Lines are cut Lines are cut (only for text documents)

Lines are wrapped Lines are wrapped (only for text documents)

6.3 Annotations tool bar The annotations tool bar provides the following functions.

Save the annotations

Delete the selected annotation

Edit properties of the selected annotation

Select annotation

Freehand annotation

Arrow annotation

Line annotation

Highlight annotation

Check mark annotation

Ellipse annotation

Text annotation

Stamp annotation

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6.4 Keyboard navigation

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Select group

Annotation summary

Edit settings

Toggle display of annotations

6.4 Keyboard navigation Web Viewer offers keyboard navigation using the various keys, e.g., arrow and tabulator keys.

Keyboard navigation

Keyboard navigation enables users to move focus from one user control to another using keys. Navigation does not necessarily affect the selection and does not, by itself, cause activation. But, after giving the focus to a control, you can activate a control’s function, by pressing Enter.

Keys Arrow keys allow users to navigate in menus and submenu that are opened. The following keyboard operations within opened menus are provided:

• up and down: moving the focus to submenu entries by navigating vertically by one row

• right: opening a submenu within a menu, if there is another submenu; otherwise moving to the next main menu item

• left: closing an open submenu, if there is another submenu; otherwise moving to the previous main menu item

• Esc: close all opened menu and submenu item windows

• Enter: perform the action of the highlighted menu or sub menu items

• tabulator key, see “Tabulator navigation” on page 57

Tabulator navigation

In general, pressing the tabulator key moves focus through the major controls, following a predefined order. You can reverse the direction by using shift-tabulator, which moves the focus through the controls in the reverse direction. Each press of the tabulator key moves the focus to the next object in tabulator order. Controls with focus are highlighted (doted rectangular).

Tabulator navigation is provided for the following elements:

• header

• menu bar

• status bar

• tool bar

• navigation panel

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• thumbnail panel

• dialog panel

• notes panel

• annotation item

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AAdd document to favorites 21 Adding

notes 29 Annotation settings 39

graphic annotations 40 stamps 41 text annotations 40

Annotations 27, 32 arrow 32 check mark 33 creating 33 deleting 38 displaying 33 displaying by authors 38 editing 33, 37 editing properties 35 ellipse 33 freehand 32 graphic 37 hiding 33 highlight 33, 37 lines 33 moving 37, 37 moving to background 37 properties 35, 37 saving 35, 38, 45 selecting by authors 38 stamp 33 summary 38 text 33, 36 types 32

Annotations tool bar overview 56

Arrow key navigation 57

Arrows annotations 32

Attributes searching 24

Authenticity checking 51

BBack page

See “Reverse sides”

CCharacter set

notes 31 Check

See “Check mark” Check mark

annotations 33 CI documents

searching 23 Codepage button

notes 32 Color

saving 45 Compound documents 19

Cover sheet 20 Documents tab 20 functions 20 Pages tab 20

Conventions 6Copy and paste 17

image data 17 text 17

Cover sheet compound documents 20

Creating annotations 33

DDigital signatures

displaying 51 PDF documents 51 validating 51

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60 OpenText Imaging Web Viewer CLWEBV100200-UGD-EN-1

Displaying annotations 33 digital signatures 51 fit to height 15 fit to screen 15 fit to width 15 forms 19 notes 28 reverse sides 19 rotating 180° 17 rotating left 16 rotating pages 16 rotating right 16 smoothing images 21 zoom factor 15 zooming in 15 zooming out 15

Documents checking authenticity 51 printing 46 saving 43 sending by e-mail 47

Documents tab compound documents 20


annotations 33, 37 Ellipse

annotations 33

FFavorites 21

add document 21 manage 22 remove document 22

File format 12 functions 12

First page 16 Fit to height

document display 15 Fit to screen

document display 15 Fit to width

document display 15 Form

saving 45 Forms 19

displaying 19

hiding 19 reverse sides 19

Free search 23 Freehand

annotations 32 Functions

compound documents 20 overview 53 supported 12

GGo to

first page 16 last page 16 next page 16 previous page 16 specific page 16 ten pages back 16 ten pages forward 16

Graphic annotations settings 40

HHelp 7Highlight

annotations 33 History of documents 21 Hyperlinks

ALF documents 19 PDF documents 19


overview 53 Image data

copy and paste 17


navigation 57

LLast page 16 Legibility

improving 33 Lines

annotations 33

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document display 15 Manage favorites 22 Menu 10


arrow key 57 first page 16 go to page 16 keyboard 57 last page 16 next page 16 previous page 16 tabulator 57 ten pages back 16 ten pages forward 16 thumbnails 16 within the document 15

Next page 16 Notes 27, 27

adding 29 changing character set 31 character set 31 Codepage button 32 creating 29 displaying 28 printing 29 sorting 28

OOpenText Archiving and Document Access for SAP Solutions 5

OpenText DocuLink for SAP Solutions 5Orientation

saving 45 Output format

saving 44 Overview

annotations tool bar 56 functions 53 icons 53 status bar 56

PPage format

printing 47

Page range saving 45

Pages rotating 16

Pages tab compound documents 20

PDF documents digital signatures 51

Previous page 16 Print lists

printing 47 Printing

documents 46 notes 29 original size 47 page format 47 page range 47 reverse side 19 watermarks 47

Program starting 9window 10

Properties annotations 37 text 36


saving 45

RRemove from favorites 22 Reverse side

printing 19 Reverse sides

displaying 19 saving 45

Rotating 180° 17 left 16 pages 16 right 16


annotations 45 color 45 documents 43

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form 45 orientation 45 output format 44 page range 45 quality 45 reverse sides 45 size 45 watermark 45

Searching 23 attributes 24 free search 23

Searching text free search 23

Security 51 Selecting

annotations by authors 38 Selector 37 Sending documents

by e-mail 47 Settings

text properties 36 Shrinking

document display 15 Size

printing 47 saving 45

Smoothing images 21

Stamp annotations 33

Stamp annotations settings 41

Starting Web Viewer 9

Status bar 11 overview 56

Status icons 56


navigation 57 Ten pages back 16 Ten pages forward 16 Text

annotations 33 copy and paste 17 properties 36

Text annotations settings 40

Thumbnail panel 16 Thumbnails

toggle 16 Toggle thumbnails 16 Tool bar 10 Transactional Content ProcessingTCP 5Typography 6


digital signatures 51


saving 45 Watermarks

printing 47

ZZoom factor

document display 15 Zooming

document display 15 fit to height 15 fit to screen 15 fit to width 15 in 15 out 15