operations management lec 01 - intro

Operations Management Operations and Productivity Chapter 1

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Post on 07-Jul-2018




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Operations and ProductivityChapter 1

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Organizing to Produce Goods and


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Organizing to Produce Goods andervices

♦Essential functions:♦ Marketing – generates demand

♦ Operations –creates the product

♦ Finance/accounting – tracks organizational

performance, pays bills, collects money

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Organizational !unctions

♦Mar"eting♦ Gets customers

♦Operations♦ creates product or service

♦!inance#$ccounting♦ Obtains funds

♦ %rac"s money© 1995 Corel Corp.

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Sample Organization Chart s

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!unctions & 'an"









Commercial 'an"© 1984-1994

T/Maker Co.

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!unctions & $irline









$irline© !"#$!!# %/Maker &o'

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!unctions & Manufacturer








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Organizational Charts

&ommercial (ank


%eller )cheduling&heck &learing



design/layout*ault operations





-eal Estate




oans  &ommercial





%rust 1epartment

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Organizational Charts.irline

Operations2round supporte3uipment


2round Operations  Facility maintenance  &atering

 Flight Operations

  &re4 scheduling  Flying  &ommunications  1ispatching

Management science

Finance 5




2eneral edger


&ash control+nternational e6change


Marketing%raffic administration-eserations)chedules%ariffs 7pricing8)ales.dertising

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Organizational ChartsManufacturing

OperationsFacilities:  &onstruction:maintenance

0roduction 5 inentory control  )cheduling: materials control

)upply$chain management

Manufacturing  %ooling, fabrication,assembly

1esign  0roduct deelopment and design

  1etailed product specifications+ndustrial engineering

  Efficient use of machines, space, and personnel

0rocess analysis

  1eelopment and installation of production tools ande3uipment

Finance 5 .ccounting1isbursements/credits



  2eneral ledgerFunds Management

  Money market

  +nternational e6change

&apital re3uirements

  )tock issue  (ond issues and recall


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Why tudy OM?

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Why tudy OM?

♦OM is one of three ma)or functions

*marketing, finance, and operations+ of any


♦We -ant *and need + to "no- ho- goods andservices are produced,

♦We -ant to understand -hat operations

managers do,♦OM is such a costly part of an organization,

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What Operations Managers .o

Plan & Organize & taff & /ead & Control

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%en Critical .ecisions

♦ ervice0 product design,,♦ (uality management

♦ Process0 capacity design,,

♦ /ocation ,

♦ /ayout design ,,

♦ 2uman resources0 )ob design,,

♦ upply&chain management

♦ Inventory management ,♦ cheduling

♦ Maintenance ,

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%he Critical .ecisions

♦Quality management ♦ Who is responsible for 3uality?

♦ 2o- do -e define 3uality?

♦Service and product design♦ What product or service should -e offer?

♦ 2o- should -e design these products and


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%he Critical .ecisions & Continued

♦Process and capacity design♦ What processes -ill these products re3uire and in

 -hat order?

♦ What e3uipment and technology is necessary forthese processes?


Where should -e put the facility♦ On -hat criteria should -e base this location


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%he Critical .ecisions & Continued

♦Layout design♦ 2o- should -e arrange the facility?

♦ 2o- large a facility is re3uired?

♦Human resources and jo design♦ 2o- do -e provide a reasonable -or"


♦ 2o- much can -e e4pect our employees toproduce?

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%he Critical .ecisions & Continued

♦Supply chain management ♦ hould -e ma"e or buy this item?

♦ Who are our good suppliers and ho- many should

 -e have?

♦ !nventory, material re"uirements planning,♦ 2o- much inventory of each item should -e have?

When do -e re&order?

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%he Critical .ecisions & Continued

♦ !ntermediate, short term, and projectscheduling♦ Is subcontracting production a good idea?

♦ $re -e better off "eeping people on the payrollduring slo-do-ns?

♦#aintenance♦ Who is responsible for maintenance?♦ When do -e do maintenance?

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Where are the OM 5obs

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Where are the OM 5obs

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Where $re the OM 5obs?

♦%echnology#methods♦!acilities#space utilization♦trategic issues♦

6esponse time♦People#team development♦Customer service♦(uality♦Cost reduction♦ Inventory reduction♦Productivity improvement

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%he 2eritage of Operations Management

ignificant 7vents in Operations

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ignificant 7vents in OperationsManagement

%he 2eritage of

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%he 2eritage ofOperations Management

.ivision of labor *$dam mith 1889 and Charles 'abbage 1:;<+

tandardized parts *Whitney 1:==+

cientific Management *%aylor 1::1+

Coordinated assembly line *!ord#orenson#$very 1>1+Gantt charts *Gantt 1>19+

Motion study *!ran" and /illian Gilbreth 1><<

(uality control *he-hart 1><@A .eming 1>;=+

Computer *$tanasoff 1>:+

CPM#P76% *.uPont 1>;8+

%he 2eritage of Operations

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%he 2eritage of OperationsManagement & Continued

Material re3uirements planning *Orlic"y 1>9=+

Computer aided design *C$. 1>8=+

!le4ible manufacturing system *!M 1>8;+

'aldrige (uality $-ards *1>:=+

Computer integrated manufacturing *1>>=+


Internet *1>>;+

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7li Whitney

♦ 'orn 189;A died 1:<;

♦ In 18>:0 received government

contract to ma"e 1=0===


♦ ho-ed that machine toolscould ma"e standardized parts

to e4act specifications♦ Mus"et parts could be used in any

mus"et© 1995 Corel Corp.

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%aylorF Management hould %a"e

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%aylorF Management hould %a"eMore 6esponsibility for

♦Matching employees to right )ob

♦Providing the proper training

♦Providing proper -or" methods and tools

♦7stablishing legitimate incentives for -or"

to be accomplished

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♦ 'orn 1:9A died 1>@8♦ In 1>=0 created !ord

Motor Company

♦ In 1>10 first usedmoving assembly line

to ma"e Model %♦ Jnfinished product

moved by conveyorpast -or" station

♦ Paid -or"ers very -ell for 1>11 *K;#day+

2enry !ord

‘#ake them all


© 1995 Corel


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W, 7d-ards .eming

♦ 'orn 1>==A died 1>>

♦ 7ngineer E physicist

♦ Credited -ith teaching 5apan

3uality control methods inpost&WW<

♦ Jsed statistics to analyze

process♦ 2is methods involve -or"ers

in decisions

i ifi i O

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ignificant 7vents in OM

♦.ivision of labor *mith0 1889+

♦ tandardized parts *Whitney0 1:==+

♦ cientific management *%aylor0 1::1+♦Coordinated assembly line *!ord 1>1+

♦Gantt charts *Gantt0 1>19+

♦Motion study *the Gilbreths0 1><<+♦(uality control *he-hart0 1><@+

i ifi 7 C i d

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ignificant 7vents & Continued

♦CPM#P76% *.upont0 1>;8+

♦  M6P *Orlic"y0 1>9=+

♦C$.♦ !le4ible manufacturing systems *!M+

♦Manufacturing automation protocol *M$P+

♦Computer integrated manufacturing *CIM+

L Ch ll i OM

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Le- Challenges in OM

♦ /ocal or national focus

♦ 'atch shipments

♦ /o- bid purchasing

♦ /engthy product


♦ tandard products

♦ 5ob specialization

♦ Global focus♦ 5ust&in&time

♦ upply chain


♦ 6apid product


alliances♦ Mass customization

♦ 7mpo-ered

employees0 teams

  From %o

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Operations in the ervice ector

Ch t i ti f G d

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Characteristics of Goods

♦ %angible product

♦ Consistent product


♦ Production usuallyseparate from


♦ Can be inventoried♦ /o- customer

interaction© 1995 Corel Corp.

Characteristics of er ice

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Characteristics of ervice

♦ Intangible product

♦ Produced E consumed at

same time

♦ Often uni3ue♦ 2igh customer interaction

♦ Inconsistent product

definition♦ Often "no-ledge&based

♦ !re3uently dispersed© 1995 Corel Corp.

ervice 7conomies

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ervice 7conomiesProportion of 7mployment in the ervice ector











Goods ersus ervices

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Goods ersus ervices

♦Can be resold

♦Can be inventoried

♦ome aspects of

3uality measurable

♦elling is distinctfrom production

♦6eselling unusual

♦.ifficult to

inventory♦(uality difficult to


♦elling is part ofservice

  Goods ervice

Goods ersus ervices &

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♦Product istransportable

♦ite of facilityimportant for cost

♦Often easy to

automate♦6evenue generated

primarily fromtangible product

♦Provider0 not productis transportable

♦ite of facilityimportant forcustomer contact

♦Often difficult to

automate♦6evenue generated

primarily fromintangible service,

  Goods ervice  Goods ervice