opportunities for all 2015: information for school leavers

Options for young people thinking about leaving school Stirling Opportunities for All 2015/16

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This booklet is full of information and options for young people thinking about leaving school.


Options for young people thinking about leaving school

Stirling Opportunities for All 2015/16

Did you know?Whatever you do when you leave school, ILA funding is available for you to continue learning. ILA is £200 you are entitled to claim annually to pay for learning or training.

Anyone age 16 or over can apply, provided you earn less than £22,000 a year.

See www.myworldofwork.co.uk/section/funding for details.

OpportunitiesWhat opportunities are out there when you leave school?

This guide outlines some of the options – and tells you where to get more information about the ones that interest you.

Information, Advice and Guidance 2

Employment 4

Further Education – College 6

Higher Education – College 7

Higher Education – University 8

Volunteering 9

Stirling Skills PipeLine 10

Stage One 11

Stage Two 13

Stage Three 16

Stage Four 18

Stage Five 22

EMPLOYMENTInformation, Advice and Guidance

My World of Work also has a webchat facility so you can get help with using the interactive services in real time.

You can get information, advice and guidance on the options that you have, including staying on at school or moving to Further Education, Training or Employment:

❱❱Online❰❰Research hundreds of careers and match your interests and skills to them at:

❱ ❱ My World of Work www.myworldofwork.co.uk

❱ ❱ PlanIT Plus www.planitplus.net/

❱ ❱ Young Scot www.youngscot.org/info/jobs-careers

❱❱By phone❰❰ If you’ve had a look online and want some more expert advice, call Skills Development Scotland’s Contact Centre on 0800 917 8000, free from landlines.

❱❱Face to face❰❰In schoolTeachers can help you think about what your strengths and skills are, and what you can do to develop your skills. Some teachers will be able to tell you about career areas related to their subject.

Information StationGet information on a variety of issues including; education, employment, training, health, housing and travel. Discuss your options with Youth Services staff and volunteers, use the IT facilities, get help researching options and applying for opportunities. The Information Station is located on the corner of Back Walk and Corn Exchange Road, Stirling.

Find us on facebook or phone 01786 432160.

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Information, Advice and Guidance

Callander Youth HubGet information on a variety of issues including education, employment, training, health, housing and travel. Discuss your options with staff, use the IT facilities, get help researching options and applying for opportunities. Contact Callander Youth Project, 6 Bridgend, Callander, FK17 8AH or phone: 01877 330141

Careers Adviser Your school has a careers adviser who offers information and guidance on options and can help you make the right decisions. Ask your teacher or call the Careers Scotland Centre, 01786 462036 to find out how to contact them.

If you need some support after leaving school, the Skills Development Scotland Careers Centre (66 Upper Craigs, Stirling 01786 462036) is there to help you find work, training, college and university opportunities. They can also help you come up with alternative plans and ideas if things haven’t quite gone to plan!

Financial AdviceC.H.A.N.G.E.- Change Habbits and Naturally Gain Empowerment The CHANGE project can help you take control of your money. They can support with making sure you are getting the right amount of money either through employment or benefits. They can deliver workshops to help you manage your household budget and day to day spending. They can provide individual 1-2-1 support tailored to your specific needs. If you feel you would benefit from taking control of your finance then call callum at Raploch URC on 01786 472885 or Katie at ACE Cornton on 01786 445619.

❱❱Additional Support❰❰Many employers, as well as Further and Higher Education, are good at taking account of additional support needs, and the careers adviser can help you find out about the support available.

If you are in residential, foster or kinship care and turn 16 you are now entitled to remain in your care setting until you reach the age of 21. This is in addition to the Scottish Government’s commitment to provide support until you reach the age of 26 for care leavers to help you move into independent living at a pace which suits you.


There are work clubs running at the following locations:Bannockburn Library Greenacre Place, 01786 812286 Callander Library South Church Street, 01877 331544 Callander Youth Project 6 Bridgend, Callander, 01877 330141 Cowie Library Burns Terrace, Cowie, 01786 816269Killin McGregor’s Café Main Street, Killin, 01567 829421 Plean Library Main Street, Plean, 01786 816319 Stirling Cowane Centre Cowane Street, Stirling, 01786 462367 Stirling Allan Park Church Dumbarton Road, Stirling 01786 471998Raploch URC Kildean Hospital, Stirling 01786 472885 Raploch Community Hub Raploch Campus, Stirling 01786 272358 ACE Cornton 37 Johnstone Avenue, Stirling 01786 445619Stirling Youth Services Info Station For Young People (16-24)Back Walk, under Stirling Library 01786 432160 St Ninians Library Mayfield Centre 01786 472024 Throsk Community Centre Kersie Road, Throsk 01786 812021

The Information Station, Work Clubs, and Skills

Development Scotland can also help you with CVs, applications and preparing

for interviews.


Where can I find a job?The job market is competitive but there are jobs out there. Not many companies advertise in the local paper these days, so try:

❱ ❱Asking family and friends ❱ ❱ Recruitment agencies

❱ ❱ Speculative applications ❱ ❱ Work clubs

❱ ❱ Job search websites

Work clubs There are work clubs especially for young people at the Information Station on the Back Walk, Stirling, 01786 233562 and at Callander Youth Hub, 6 Bridgend, Callander, 01877 330141.

Young Working Lives is a Stirling initiative to help work-ready 16 - 24 year olds to access employment and training. Young people participate in a work experience placement and get support to search for and apply for jobs. They may also be able to apply for live vacancies whilst participating in the programme. Contact Stirling Council Youth Services on 01786 233562.

Recruitment agencies can also be helpful if you have a clear idea of the type of work you are interested in, and especially if you have some experience (paid or unpaid) in the relevant sector.

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What do I put in my application?Your application helps an employer decide whether to see you for an interview. It’s your chance to say who you are and show an employer that you’re perfect for that job. You usually need to tailor your application to each job you are applying for – read the advert or job description carefully and explain how your experience matches what they want. Once you have written your CV or application, get someone to read it over and suggest how it could be made even better.

CVs and InterviewsListed below are some links you may find helpful when preparing your CV and getting ready for an interview.

For what to put in your CVs and applications, try www.myworldofwork.co.uk/section/applying-for-a-job For a tool to help you produce a professional-looking CV, try www.myworldofwork.co.uk/landing-mycv For how to make the best impression at an interview, try www.myworldofwork.co.uk/section/interviews

How much will I earn?If you are 16 or over, you will earn at least the National Minimum Wage: (current rates)

❱ ❱ £3.79 an hour for 16-17 year olds

❱ ❱ £5.13 an hour for 18-20 year olds

❱ ❱ £6.50 for workers aged 21 and over

❱ ❱ £2.73 an hour for a Modern Apprentice under 19 years old or in the first year of the Apprenticeship

Rates may change annually in October, full information can be found at www.gov.uk/national-minimum-wage-rates


EMPLOYMENTCOLLEGEFurther Education Further Education (sometimes referred to as FE) means courses taken at college, excluding degree level courses, HNCs and HNDs.

Further Education tends to be work-focused (vocational), with courses at NC or NQ level available in a wide range of subjects.

❱ ❱ You will need Standard Grades, Nationals or Intermediate 1 or 2 for some courses but others have no formal entry requirement.

❱ ❱ Apply early! College interviews start in February and popular courses fill up fast. Try to apply by January for an August start.

❱ ❱ Some courses start in January – apply in October / November for these.

Forth Valley College has campuses in Stirling, Alloa and Falkirk.

Some of last year’s school leavers from Stirling went to:

Forth Valley College

Glasgow Clyde College

City of Glasgow College

Glasgow Kelvin College

New College Lanarkshire

Scotlands Rural College

West Scotland CollegePerth College UHI



sFurther Education

course fees are usually fully funded. You may also be

eligible for a bursary or Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) funding –

ask your chosen college for details.

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Higher Education Higher Education (sometimes referred to as HE) is degree-level education and can be taken at university or college. Higher education includes:

❱ ❱ Degrees

❱ ❱ Higher National Certificates (HNCs)

❱ ❱ Higher National Diplomas (HNDs)

Colleges offer a wide variety of subjects at HNC and HND level. These are work-related (vocational) Higher Education qualifications. While Degrees tend to focus on gaining knowledge, HNCs and HNDs are designed to give you the skills to put that knowledge to effective use in a particular job. They are highly valued by employers, or they can be a stepping stone onto a degree course.

HNCs can take one year to complete full time. HNDs take two years full time.

Forth Valley College offers HNCs, HNDs and Degrees in a range of subjects. There are other colleges, for example in Glasgow and Edinburgh, that you may wish to find out about.

Some HNCs/HNDs link directly to university courses. Check with the college how a HNC/D might affect your

funding for other HE courses in future.



If you live in Scotland and go to a university in Scotland, you do not have to pay tuition fees. You

do need to think about the cost of living, especially if you plan to live

away from home. Find out about the funding available at www.saas.gov.


UNIVERSITYHigher Education Considering University? Find out more at www.ucas.com.

Applying: ❱ ❱ You need to apply for university through UCAS – the school will provide information on

how to do this.

❱ ❱ The entry qualifications vary depending on the course you are applying for. This can be found on the Universities website.

❱ ❱ Voluntary work experience can give you the edge over other candidates and can be vital for entry to some courses: the summer before you apply to university is a good time to do this.


Remember: colleges also offer Higher Education,

including B.A and B.Sc. degrees

9 8 Opportunities for School Leavers 2015/16

Volunteering is a great way to: ❱ ❱ Develop new skills and improve existing skills

❱ ❱ Build your confidence and motivation

❱ ❱ Show employers you’ve got drive and initiative

Show employers, universities and college you’ve got drive and initiative. They’re interested in your personal qualities and transferable skills such as time management and communication. You don’t have to have learned those things in paid work - the skills and experience you’ll develop in your volunteering role are just as relevant.

You can also gain accreditation for your volunteering such as Saltire Awards, Youth Achievement Awards, or Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards.

To find an opportunity, see www.volunteerscotland.net/ or drop in to the SVE’s Volunteer and Information Centre 15 Friar Street, Stirling. email [email protected]




Put your voluntary work on your CV just as you would a paid job – especially if it relates to the work or course that you are applying for.




Support from someone who can help you manage some of the issues in your life and can refer you on to others who can help.1stage

Support with managing some of the issues in your life. Building confidence and motivation and getting ready to build qualifications and work experience.2stage

Training and support to access accredited learning and to build your work experience.3stage

Support with job searching, CVs, application forms and interviews. Support to access employers with vacancies that match your skills. A chance to gain specific vocational qualifications and support.4stage

Support to help you settle in to your new job or to get skills and qualifications relevant to your job progression.5stage

When you know what stage you are at you can look at services available for people at that stage. All services in the guide are grouped by stage and are colour coded as shown below. For more information see Stirling Ignition, Stirling’s Local Employability Portal at www.stirlingignition.org/

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Support from someone who can help you manage some of the issues in your life and can refer you on to others who can help.

An Activity Agreement is a voluntary programme for young people 16-19 years of age who are not engaged in school, higher education, further training or employment. It can help you build your skills, confidence and self-esteem.

Activity Agreement

You will take part in a programme of activities to help you become ready for formal learning, training or employment. Activity Agreements are not time limited and are focussed on your needs. On an Activity Agreement, you work with a key person to decide on a personal programme of learning and activities to suit your needs. You may be eligible for £30 per week Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) funding while you take part.


How do I get involved?

Ask at the Information Station, speak to your Pupil Support Teacher, or ask your Skills Development Scotland Careers Adviser to find out if an Activity Agreement could be for you.



Raploch Community Enterprise- ALBAActivity Agreement Taster Sessions-Half day taster sessions run every week in a variety of practical skills workshops and can include football, hill walking, local trips and visits.

ALBA offers young people and adults the opportunity to get involved in a flexible part time programme offering Landscaping, Construction, Retail, Hospitality, Health and Social Care, Womens Group. It offers a chance to try out landscaping and construction skills on live projects across Stirling. Contact RURC - 01786 472885.

Callander Youth Project CYPYou will work one to one and be given the opportunity to work with other young people within the Youth Project. Opportunities exist to experience a work placement in hospitality as well as receive guidance and support to progress into further education, employment or training. Contact CYP - 01877 330141.

“I actually do like coming here, it gets me up

in the morning coz I know I’m doing stuff. If I wasn’t here I

would probably be more lazy and unmotivated to do anything. Everything about my Activity Agreement so far has

helped me to start thinking about my future. I find it easier to talk to people now, through doing this Activity Agreement I hope to get the

confidence to do whatever I decide to do -Activity Agreement participant

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Support with managing some of the issues in your life. Building confidence and motivation and getting ready to build qualifications and work experience.

Stirling Council Youth Services The Youth Services Employability Fund Stage 2 programme takes a sensitive and paced approach to providing you with the opportunity to understand your current skills. It will allow you to identify how to develop your independent living skills, improve your core skills in communication and increase your employability skills through participation in programme activities including volunteering and work experience. The programme offers 1:1 and group based activities.

Accredited Employability Units covering Job Search, CV Building, Interview Skills and Work Experience will give you real qualifications to take with you into your next training or job. To see more information find us on www.services4youth.com in the “Stuff For Young People”.

Contact 01786 233562 or email [email protected]

Forth Valley CollegeProgrammes are available in Lifestart (Alloa), providing a link to adult and community services and Workstart (Stirling and Alloa), giving you a chance to develop interpersonal skills and follow individual study programmes based on your needs. Contact 01786 406080.



Raploch Community Enterprise- ALBAThe stage 2 Employability Fund Programme prepares you for employment by supporting you to identify your existing skills and knowledge and helping to build upon them through both the Personal Development Award (SQA, SCQF Level 3) and the work experience placements. Placements are available in a variety of employment sectors including Retail, Hospitality, Care, Landscaping, Construction and Administration.

ALBA offers a positive environment where trainees choose the training programme that will give them a taste of what working in certain sectors involves. Training courses offered across the year will include landscaping, construction, hospitality, sports coaching, business, tourism, health and care. Team building, health awareness and computer skills are offered as well as workshops to develop employability skills. Contact 01786 472885.

Vision Training The programme is delivered in a group environment and is person-centred, focussing on literacy, numeracy and personal development skills. You will get support to progress into college, training or employment. Contact 01786 449974.

Venture Trust - Living Wild: Chance for a ChangeDesigned for young men and women (16-30) who are subject to Community Payback Orders or other criminal justice Orders, seeking to make positive life changes. The programme can last up to 15 months and offers you 1-to-1 advice and support before and after a 10-day wilderness-based personal development journey. They’ll help you build confidence, motivation and core personal skills that will help you in all aspects of your life, learning and steps towards jobs and training. There are a limited number of place available, so please ask your social worker or keyworker to contact at Venture Trust- 0131 228 7700. For more information, see http://www.venturetrust.org.uk/programmes/

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Venture Trust - Next StepsA personal development programme for women in Scotland who have been involved in offending but want to change their lives for the better. You will be supported by our outreach team before experiencing a five day wilderness journey, followed by ongoing community-based support from us and other partners. You will overcome challenges, unlock new skills and talents, and get support to achieve your personal goals. There are a limited number of places available, so please ask your social worker or keyworker to contact at Venture Trust- 0131 228 7700. For more information, see http://www.venturetrust.org.uk/programmes/

ALLOWANCE AND TRAVEL You may be eligible for a training allowance of

£55 plus travel costs



Training and support to access accredited learning, to gain qualifications or build your work experience.

Callandar Youth Project CYP - Access to HospitalityYou will have an opportunity to learn in a real working environment and gain experience cooking, serving and working in all areas of the Bridgend Cafe and Callander Hostel. Contact 01877 330141.

Vision offers a wide variety of opportunities to help you gain work experience including placements in Retail, Hairdressing, Warehousing, Childcare and many more, as part of their programmes. Contact 01786 449974.

Forth Valley CollegePathfinder (Alloa, Stirling and Falkirk) giving you an opportunity to find out what college is about - August and January Start. Contact 01786 406080.

❱ ❱STIRLING Hospitality – 10 week programme, work placement with hospitality department in the Raploch and Stirling Campus. Covering Certificate of Work Readiness

❱ ❱ALLOA Construction – 13 week programme – 5 weeks full time in college covering the Certificate of Work Readiness

❱ ❱ FALKIRK Construction – 13 week programme – 5 weeks full time in college covering the Certificate of Work Readiness

Raploch Community Enterprise- ALBAThe stage 3 Employability Fund Programme prepares you for employment by supporting you to identify their existing skills and knowledge and helping to build upon them through both the Personal Development Award (SQA, SCQF Level 4) and the work experience placements. Placements are available in a variety of employment sectors including Retail, Hospitality, Care, Landscaping, Construction and Administration. Contact 01786 472885.

17 16 Opportunities for School Leavers 2015/16

You can be referred to a Stage 3 programme by Skills

Development Scotland, Jobcentre Plus or any of the providers mentioned.

Enable Based at Enable Scotland’s Stirling office, Springkerse Industrial Estate.The programme is aimed at young people with additional support needs (ASN) who have the capacity to sustain extended work placement experiences. You will develop your employability skills with a mixture of informal workshops and hands on work placement experiences. In addition you will undertake SQA qualification in Personal Development. We offer a programme which will work with small groups, will be relaxed and informal and will provide practical opportunities to develop employability skills.You will be centre based for the first four weeks (in some cases, if ready, you may go directly into work placement). Thereafter you will go out into your work placement for a further eight weeks. These will be discussed with you to ensure you are making informed choices as to the type of work you would like to enter. In your last week you will be brought back into the centre to ensure you complete your SQA award and discuss the next stage and your options. 13 week course requiring continuous two days attendance per week, together with participation in community projects and work placements. You will be expected to attend for at least 16 hours per week. Contact 01698 737000.




My World of Work is here to help you through every stage of your working life, from school right up until you retire. It can give you a hand with every step of the way from researching careers to building your first CV. Check it out at http://www.myworldofwork.co.uk


Support with job searching, CVs, application forms and interviews. Support to access employers with vacancies that match your skills. A chance to gain specific vocational qualifications and support.

Community Jobs Scotland Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) is a programme aimed at helping long-term

unemployed young people aged 16-19 into employment. Opportunities consist of at least 16-25 hours per week and are paid at the minimum wage, additional training and employability support. Vacancies are advertised with Jobcentre Plus and Skills Development Scotland.

Stirling Council Young Working Lives If you are work ready and need help to find a job, this programme may be

for you. There is access to the Work Club, helping with CV, application and interview support and links with local employers to promote employment and training opportunities.

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Stirling Council Employability Service If you have faced barriers getting a job due to a health-related condition

the Employability Service may be able to help. They can give advice and guidance and organise assessments, training, work experience and employment opportunities. Contact 01786 432678.

Raploch Community Enterprise- ALBA Raploch Community Enterprise – Alba offers an opportunity to gain work

experience alongside a construction & landscaping squad, gain additional training in these areas and where appropriate work towards certified training such as CSCS card or the ECDL. Contact 01786 472885.

You Train These programmes aim to get you into either Microsoft Office applications

training to a fairly advanced level, in particular to a level where you can achieve a Microsoft Outlook or Word exam, or Microsoft technical training to enable you to achieve a highly recognised industry certification. Contact 01786 478478.

Enable- Stage 4: Training for the Care Sector The programme is aimed at unemployed adults without a disability who

want to secure employment in the care sector supporting clients with a disability.

The first 2/3 weeks core training for the care sector will be delivered. This will involve you undertaking training within: First Aid, Food Safety, Moving and Handling and Health and Safety in the workplace. You will then be placed within local nursing homes or within supported living settings to support people to live independently within their own communities. The work placements can last for up to 6 weeks and helps to ensure you develop the necessary skills to work within the care sector, whilst also giving you the opportunity to assess if the care sector is the right career choice for you. During placements you may be offered a job. Contact 01698 737000.



❱❱Self-Employment Contacts❰❰www.psybt.org.uk www.bgateway.com www.shell-livewire.org www.yes.org.uk

Self-EmploymentIf you’re serious about starting your own business, there are several organisations that can help you.

❱❱PSYBT❰❰ Prince’s Scottish Youth Business Trust

If you are in Scotland, aged between 18 and 30 and want to run your own business, PSYBT can provide the following:

❱ ❱ loans of up to £7500 and grants of up to £1000

❱ ❱ advice on your business plan

❱ ❱ access to training, like free book-keeping courses

❱ ❱ information on events such as our business networking club

❱ ❱ opportunities to attend exhibitions

❱ ❱ information about how to increase the profile of your business

❱❱Business Gateway provides practical information and help to entrepreneurs of all ages. Whether you are starting out or looking to grow your business, have a look at their website to find support, free local training and events and up to date information on regulation and tax.

❱❱Shell LiveWIRE is the UK’s biggest online community for young entrepreneurs aged 16-30.

❱❱YES❰❰ Young Enterprise Scotland sometimes runs courses for school leavers aspiring to start their own business or studying business, such as the INSPIRE course. Contact YES through the website and ask for details of any opportunities coming up.


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Modern Apprenticeship (MA)A Modern Apprenticeship is a real job, where you receive training while you work and get paid. In most cases, apprentices work towards SVQ Level 2 or above, studying part-time for between two and four years to gain the qualification.

Modern Apprenticeships are available in many industries. Apprentices progress through the levels of qualification available in their industry.

Where can I find a Modern Apprenticeship?❱ ❱ Vacancies are advertised directly by employers – see the EMPLOYMENT

section (pages 4-5) for advice on where to look.

❱ ❱ Search for vacancies on www.mappit.org.uk, www.apprenticeshipsinscotland.com. and the SDS Forth Valley Facebook page.

❱ ❱ Vacancies are also advertised by industry training providers – try an internet search for “training providers in [your chosen industry]”. They may know of employers with vacancies and some will help you find an employer.

❱ ❱ Use your local contacts (family, friends, neighbours) to find out about local companies who may be looking for an apprentice.

Employer Recruitment IncentivesEmployer Recruitment incentives may be available for employers who recruit a young person 16 -24 years old who has been unemployed for at least six months. You can get further information from Jobcentre Plus or Skills Development Scotland.




Support to help you settle in to your new job or to get skills and qualifications relevant to your job progression.

Stirling Council Employability ServiceIf you have faced barriers getting a job due to a health-related condition the Employability Service may be able to help. They can give advice and guidance and organise assessments, training, work experience and employment opportunities. Contact 01786 432057.

Job Centre PlusJobcentre Plus provides resources to enable you to find work, through Jobpoints (touch-screen computer terminals), Jobseeker Direct (telephone service) and the Jobcentre Plus website. They offer information about training opportunities.They also administer claims for benefits such as Income Support, Incapacity. Contact 0345 6043719 or visit their website www.gov.uk/jobsearch

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Phone 0845 277 7000Email [email protected]
