optimat.sk | experti hovoria, nákupca by mal vedieť, za aké ceny môže nakupovať

Experti hovoria: “Nákupca pri operatívnych nákupoch by mal vedieť, za aké ceny môže nakupovať.” SpendMatters strana 2 Procurement Leaders strana 5 KPMG strana 6 AT Kerney strana 3 a 4

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Post on 11-Aug-2015



Leadership & Management

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Experti hovoria:“Nákupca pri operatívnych nákupoch by mal vedieť,

za aké ceny môže nakupovať.”

SpendMattersstrana 2

Procurement Leadersstrana 5

KPMGstrana 6

AT Kerneystrana 3 a 4

The Power of Analysis in NegotiationAvailability of information is changing the way many business negotiations can be conducted. An analytic approach to the negotiating battle means being armed with useful data – whether that is global market trends, price benchmarking information, target price, or history of usage and pricing from within your own organisation.

Why Analytics Now?Today, 67 percent of companies of various sizes and in many industries rely on analytics to gain competitive advantage. The number will continue to grow as companies understand analytics’ capabilities and excel at its use.With procurement, it used to be enough to identify high-quality, competitively priced suppliers. Companies will benefit from analytical sourcing, or fact-based negotiations, where data can be used to urge a current supplier to lower its prices.

Target pricingSince only very few suppliers are prepared to disclose their cost structure, use of the target pricing lever will require alternative ways of determining cost structures. Depending on the initial situation, analytical depth can be used to ascertain target prices.

The price is right - or is it?How suppliers manage their contracts is becoming increasingly important to procurement. That's because of procurement departments are often being overcharched for products and services by their suppliers.In part, it's because of an age-old problem of making sure that volume discounts and rabates are given, as appropriate. Big Data analytics have been helping procurement departments recover such overpayments for many years.

FUTUREBUY as an intelligence agentIntelligence is becoming paramount as an instrument for creating competitive advantage.Intelligence outputs will include market trends, supplier capacity, commodity price forecasts, target purchase price and other elements. Predictive modeling in the form of total cost-to-serve models will lead to greater transparency with suppliers.


OPTIMAT® analyzuje Big Data.Portál poskytuje nákupcom informácie, aby vedeli, za aké ceny môžu nakupovať

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