opus balustrade flyer

phone. +64 7 847 5001 fax. +64 7 847 5003 11 Grasslands Place 3204 email. [email protected] website. www.opushardware.co.nz Hamilton, New Zealand DESIGNER AND MANUFACTURER OF HIGH QUALITY HARDWARE FOR GLASS Opus Semi-Frameless Glass Balustrade

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Post on 07-Mar-2016




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OPUS Balustrade Flyer


Page 1: OPUS Balustrade Flyer

phone. +64 7 847 5001 f ax . +64 7 847 5003 11 Grass lands P lace 3204 emai l . in fo@opushardware .co .nz webs i te . www.opushardware .co .nz Hami l ton , New Zea land


Opus Semi-Frameless Glass Balustrade

Page 2: OPUS Balustrade Flyer


1/ Top Fix Suitable for top f ixin g on a ll situations.

2/ Face F ixParticula rly suited to insta lla tion on concrete

3/ Face F ix (Concealed f i x ) Provid in g a streamlin e look Particula rly suited to insta lla tion on timber with no visible f ixin gs.

Available From

Opus Manufacturing Ltd 11 Grasslands Place 3204, Hamilton, New Zealand phone. +64 7 847 5001, fax. +64 7 847 5003 email. [email protected] website. www.opushardware.co.nz



Opus Semi-Frameless Balustrade SystemYou are lucky enough to l ive in a beaut i ful countr y with unsurpassed v iews, so why not capture and enhance your aspect by install ing an Opus Balustrade system. Not only provides the required safet y but also elegance and durabil i t y g iven the unique coastal si tuat ion we of ten f ind here in New Zealand and Australia.

This Opus Balustrade system has been craf ted using high streng th ex truded aluminium and can be f inished in a powder coat colour of your choice or in one of the many anodized f inishes available.

This system is available in three standard options.

This Opus Balus t rade s ys tem prov ides super io r s t reng th compared to mos t o ther s ys tems ava i lab le and is not on l y eng ineered fo r lower cos t re s ident ia l ins ta l la t ions bu t i t s des ign s t reng th a lso ex tends in to commerc ia l and re ta i l s i tuat ions .

The Opus sys tem i s ideal f or any s i tuat ion requir ing a safe t y barr ier and par t icular l y sui ted for ins ta l la t ion on:- Decks - Sta irs (internal and external) - Internal landings - Pool fencing - Windbreaks - Privacy screensOpus handra i l op t ions are ava i lab le where requi red.

Due to the super io r s t reng th o f th is p roduc t , g las s spans o f up to 1650mm are a l l owab le in mos t s i tuat ions . The added bonus o f the c lamping s ys tem a l lows the g las s to ex tend pas t the pos t by an addi t ional 500mm, e l iminat ing the need fo r corner pos t s w i th t wo pos t s accommodat ing g las s l eng ths up to 2730mm he lp ing to reduce those expens i ve ins ta l la t ion cos t s .

Th is Opus sys tem has been des igned in New Zealand by Opus Manufac tur ing L imi ted meet ing the NZ/AUS Bui ld ing Code, so you can have to ta l f a i th in the manufac turer ’s war rant y.