or mbaslrs and german mbasxis bt parents or...

A Useful Sheet Almanack, containing local and other information, is Presented as a Supplement with this Day's Issue of the " Teesdale Mercury." THE TttKSDALK MERGgKY—WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1&15. ts ace in the you and arllugtou 11815. be held, W •oppllea land STORE ley. IELD. 115, In tu each sroduoed )n, IEU13E3, Mra s i 35, Bcupation log-room, Oatslde oal-house, i la also a I* lone by [is a good trials ot kined, aad sent |aed from pdnford; II Plaoe, In Housa |8ell by slag the> 1915, pSE9, 6 with. 7 (est feeds by Jen hen- (high; 4 Ja yard,, fa ot good i-netted r-oelt'iDar, tools, ik, with sr, oom- ihola of IH the MBSSJUS •by. topes to So long i tree. rkaoa nfforrf , etc. Barnard Cattle Urban Distriot Counci'. Pi BLIO HEALTH (MBASLES AND GERMAN MSASLES) RKOUI-ATIONS, 1915. COMPULSORY NOTIFICATION Of M E A S L E S . Dunn OF PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. O N and after the let January. 1910, eases cf Measles and German M easles ooonrricg within this District mast be notified to the Medical Officer if HeaUb, tithe* by the Dootnr in attendanoe on the case, or by the Parent, guardian, or othor person having charge cf the sufferer. Bon TO NOTIFV. Every Parent, Guardian, or other Person, as soon aa he or soe becomes aware of, or has reasonable grounds for supposing, that any person in bis or her char go is Buffering from Measles or German Measles, must af, once notify the oase to the Medical Officer of health, unlet* there is a Doctor la .v.teudarea w h o fars already done sc. How TO NOTIFY. As aooo as a oase of Measles or German Measles la recognised or suspected, write a short note to the Medical Offioer ut Health, saying tbat you think that the obitd or person who la i l l (giving the name, age, and address of the child or person) is suffering from Measles (or German Measles, as the oase may be). Send the note, or post it (prepayiog postage) In a aealed envelope, addressed to " The Medioal Offioer of Health " of the above-named Distriot. Be careful to give the name and age of the person who ia ill, and the fall address, Including the number or name of the house, the name of the street, and the parish or place. The particulars given should be sufficient to enable the address to bo promptly found. Do not wait until after you have deoided to call in a Doctor before informing the Medioal Offioer of Health. Delay is dangeroua, both to the sufferer and to other people, aa Measlea ia very infeotiona in its earliest stages. Until the Medioal Officer of Health haa been Informed, no steps oan be taken by the Oounoil to help the sufferer, or prevent infection to others. BENEFITS OK NOTIFICATION. On receiving information, the Medioal Offioer of Health will at once cause the home ot the patient to be visited by a properly qualified Health Visitor or other Officer, who will give all information and advioe in her power to assist the parent in the care and nursing of the patient. If a Doctor or nursing assistant are necessary, and the parent ia unable to pay, the Council have power to supply both medical and nursing assistance free. 1. INGRAM DAWSON, Clerk to the Council. 28, Horse-market, Barnard Castle, Deoembsr, 1915. Strrtt r'h Rural District Council, NOTIFICATION OF MEASLES AND GERMAN MEASLES. The Public Health (Measles and German Measles) Regulations, 1915 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT : DA IB or COMMENCEMENT. rj^HE above Regulations come into operation on the lst January, 1916, and shall then pply and have effect in this District and shall bo enforced and executed by tho Local Authority. NOTIFICATION or MBASLRS AND GERMAN MBASXIS BT PARENTS OR GUARDIANS. Every Parent or Guardian, or other person, as soon as be hecrrres aware of, or has reasonable grounds for supposing tbat any person in his charge is suffering from Measles or German Measles shall, unless the esse has been already notified by a Medical Practitioner, forthwith notify the oase to the Medical Officer of Health for thn District at the address given at the foot hereof, stating tho came and age of the patient and bis address. NOTIFICATION OF MBASLESANDGERMANMBASI.ES BY MEDIOAL PRACTITIONERS. Subjeot to tho provisions cf these Regula- tions, every Medical Practitioner, aa soon as he becomes aware that a person upon whom he is in professional attendanoe is suffering from Measles or German Measles, shnH forthwith make and sign a notification ot tho case sod transmit it to the Medical Offioer ol Health. FOKWARDI.NI, OF NOTIFICATIONS. A Notification to be transmitted to the Medioal Offioer of Health in pnrguance of the Regulations shall be enclosed in a soiled envelope addressed to that offioer, and may be transmitted by beicg delivered to him or by being delivered at his offioo or residence, or may be sent by prepaid letter post addressed to him at his office or bis residence. PENALTY. Any person wilfully neglecting or refasing to obey, or osrry out, or obstructing the exeontion of these Regulations is liable to a penalty not exceeding £100. DANGER OF MEASLES. Parents are warned tbat Measles is very oatohing and very dangeroua to ohildren. It Is especially dangerous to those under five years of age. Almost 10,000 children die every year in England and Wales from Measles, and over 9,000 of these are less than five years of age. The older the obild, the less dangeroua an attack ot Measles becomes. The object of the Publio Health (\Io»slos and German Measles) Regulations, 1915, and of the requirement as to Notification, is the protection of the children. Notification should therefore be sent to the Medioal Officer of Health in every oaae with- out delay. Address of Medioal Offioer of Health :— JAMES C. NELIGAN, Esq, Middleton-in- Teesdale, W. JAMES WATSON, Clerk. Newgate, Barnard Castle, 15th December, 1915. Rural District Council of Barnard Cattle, PUBLIC HEALTH (MEASLES AND GERMAN MEASLES; REGULATIONS, 1915. COMPULSORY NOTIFICATION M E A S L E S - DUTIES OF PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. O N and after the lat January, 1916, cases of Measles and German Measles occurring within thin District must be notified to the Medioal Officer of Health, either by the Doctor In attendance on toe case, or by tbe Parent, Guardians, or other Persons having charge of the sufferer. DUTY TO NOTIFY. Every Parent, Guardian, or other Person, as soon aa be or she becomes aware of, or has reasonable grounds for supposing, that any Person In his or her charge is suffering from Meaalea or German Measles, must at once notify the ease to tbe Medical Onicer of Health, unless there ia a Doctor in attendance who has already done so. How TO NOTIFY. As soon as a oase of Measles or German Meaalea is recognised or suspeoted, write a short note to tbe Medical Officer ot Health saying that you think tbat the child or person who ia i l l (giving the name, age, and addreis of the child or person) is suffering from Measles (or German Measles, as the case may be). Send the note, or post it (prepaying postage), i n a aealed envelope addressed tu The Medioal Offioer of Health " ot the above named Distriot:—Dr. NELIGAN, Middleton- in-Tsesdale. Be oarefnl to give the name and age of the Person who is ill, and the toll address, includ- ing tbe number or name of tbe house, the name ot the street, and tbe parish or place. The particulars given should be safficient to enable the addresa to be promptly found. Do NOT DELAY. Do not wait until after yon have decided to oall in a doctor before informing tbe Medical Officer ot Health. Delay ia dangerous, both to the sufferer and to other people, aa Meaalea is very infections in its earliest stsges. Until the Medioal Offioer of Health has been Informed, no steps oan be taken by the Council to help tbe sufferer or prevent infection of others. BENEFITS OF NOTIFICATION. On receiving information tbe Medioal Offioer of Health will at once cause the home of the patient to be visited by • properly qaalified Health Visitor, or other Offioer, who will give all Information and advioe in her power to assist the Parent in the care and nursing of tbe patient. If a Doctor or nursing assistanoo are necessary, and the Parent is unable to pay, the Council have power to supply both medioal and nursing assistance free. THOS. W. BAINBRIDGE, Clerk to tbe Counoil Barnard Castle, December 11th, 1915. Aliens Restriction (Amendment) Order, 13th April, 1915. T> &8ISTERS of Aliens (for use in Hotels, Inns, XV Lodging-houses, etc.,) Form A.R.—F and Form A.R.—• can be had at the M Teesdale Mercury " Office, Barnard Castle, IMPORTANT BOON TO LADIES. N O Pills or Drngs used in this treatment my never-faillog remedy, and 1 guarantee to cure all female ailments. I invite these oases that havo failed elsewhere. Stamp, free advioe.—MESSRS ROSS AND COMPANY, N O . 8, Mitre-street. Cheltenham. *Xhe teesdale iRevcuvy BARNARD OASTLE, DECEMBER 16TH, 1915 THE WAR. BIG movements of German troops towards the Western front are reported, and it is stated that the Kaiser will visit Flanders this week to elaborate plans for a new offensive. If the latter news is true the Allies will welcome it. In the House of Commons yesterday, Mr Asquith said the Army vote would be postponed until next week, owing to the impossibility of getting complete details of L,ord Derby's scheme. Last Night's Entertainment in the Victoria Hall. Last night's entertainment in tbe Victoria Hall, organised by the Workers' Association in aid of funds for comforts for our soldiers, demonstrated rare talent ia officers and rank and file cf the -0th Durhams. In sentimental and oomio song, thrilling reoitation, humorous patter and oharaoter aketohes, as well aa clog danoing and pianoforte playing, there was conspicuous ability. The programme was attractive, the audience large and enthuai&atic, and high interest sustained throughout. " Hal, the Highwayman," whioh is a play in one act, was skilfully dramatised, the characters beicg admirably sustained by Captain Jessop, Durham Light Infantry, Miss Marda Bell Irving, Mr Buoban Hepburn, Royal Soots ; Cspt. the Hon. C. Finoh, Rifle Brigade ; Mrs Guy Graham, and Miss Violet Buobanen Jardine. The funny atories of Capt. Hatherley were aparkliog in wit and mirth-provoking withal—yarns, censored and otherwise, well told by a humorous mac. The entertainment in tbe afternoon was also enjoyable, and the total proceeds satisfactory. Farewell to Barnard Castle Friends. To the Editor of the " Teesdale Mercury." DEAR SIR,—Will you kindly allow me to use your oolumns for a personal purpose ? Ill- health and circumstances in general have constrained Mrs Wade to leave Barnard Castle sooner than she had anticipated Consequently she has been unable to bid tbe personal " Good-bye " to her many friends, she deeply regrets her departure, and asks me to take this opportunity of expressing her deep sense of gratitude to the Barnard Oastle people, whom, 1 may say, we have both learnt to love and revere. Will all Mrs Wade's intimates please accept this sincere farewell -Yours faithfully, SPENCER WADE. 17, Montalbo-terrace, Barnard Castle, December 13tb, 1916. r LOB'S ; rnt. ONCE A CRIPPLE MOW A SOLDIER. Trooper B. Jones tells an interesting story. For eight long months he hobbled about on two •ticks racked with pain from rheumatio gout. Be was induced to try Baker's Backache Pellets. Xhe result was almost miraculous. After •> few doses the pain entirely ceased and his recovery; was so rapid and complete that he has BOW passerl the army doctor and is serving King aad Country at 15 years of age. Baker's Backache Pellets are a positive cure for Backache, Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Gout, Gravel, Dizziness, Dropsy, and all Kidney Troubles. Get a box to-day from your chemist. Can now be obtained at all Boots' 665 Branches, Taylor's Drug Stores, etc. Is. 3d. and 2s. 9d. per box, or post free in plain wrapper direct from Baker's Medicine Co., 125, High HoJborn, London, W.C. Trial box free (or twe stamps. Local agent :-0. CLARK SON HARK EH. [ Entertainment at Staindrop. A highly suooessf ul entertainment was given on Thursday evening by the obildren attending Slaindrop infant sohool. It was evident from the great applause which followed each item that the audience fully appreciated tbe pains taking way in which tho children bad been trained. Miss Daisy Ui.lliday opened the concert with a pianoforte solo, which was played with exquisHn taste and fee'ing. The items rendered by tbe chiltfr'o w?ri " Y ; u r King and conn trj want jou"; patriotic chorus - " Are we all bero " J " We're all under tbe j same old flag," Tippeiary," " Are we down, | hearted " t and " Soldiers of the King " I " Good-night, Mr Kangaroo " ; sung and dance j -«• Merry gipsies"; recitation What goc~ cats do " ; action song— " The ploughboya " " Under the old umbrella "; the bee game fan dauoe ; a drawing class; patriotic chorus —" Your King and country need you " and " The British navy." A. pianoforte dnett waa very nicely played by tbe Miasms Violet Brown M.A Otive Dixon. Mias Katie Walker waa ! ei cored fur the song, "Sister Susie," at I responded by singing " Till the boys come I home,'' this song, too, being greatly applauded | Part of the proceeds will be devoted to 1 providing a tea and Cbriatmaa tree tor the cnildren, and the remainder will be divided amongat patriotic funds. LOCAL AND OTHBR NOTES. Th» marriage arranged betwnau Captain Alan D. Grimkf-Drayfcon, R.G.A (R. i f O), at d Miss May Crick, seonnd daughter i f tbe Rsv. and Mrs Philip Crick, Whnviton Viocrage, will take place at Weston Church, Stafford, cn Tuesday next, December 21st. Miss Beai, who will relinquish hospital duties in Newgate ou the 20th instant, will be succeeded by Norse Diekin, of the local nursing association. The Postmaster of Barnard Castla haa written to Mr J. Ingram Dawson, Clerk to the Oonnoil, tbat probably immediately after Christmas tho postal deliveries in Barnard Oastle will be reduced to two, namely, the morning ar.d afternoon, tbe last delivery in the evening being entirely suspended, Collections and Ispatcbes will remain tho same, except thao letter-boxes will noc be cleared at 6 80a.m. It la also expect:! that tbe hours of public usiueis at the post-uffioe will be i»-»r ranged, and the post-effi^e will only be o,a*fi for business from 8 30 ».>a, to 7 pro, instead ul a.m. |o b' p.m. as at prsaeat. PrivateHugh Andrew Gray, of Badgegate, Barnard Castle, haa died o( wounds received in action, in BV*rtoe Last year he nr<iisted into tl .-i 12 th Durbams, and wen tu Franca bnufc f'.inr months ago. Whilst beicg ia tbe trenobes he was hit by a pieoe of ehoii. 11.? was takeu to a French hospital, bat, unfor- tunately, never rallied, and news r»!tched this, town, on Friday, that he had died of w. ucios.' Previous to going to France he married Miss Lydia Joues, daughter of M r Thomas Jones and the late Mrs Joc6», Barnard Castle, for whom much sympathy is r.xpiesnsed. A vi rv fiae specimen of a female bxdger. taken in Teesdale, arrived at Barnard Caatlo on Saturday night. Ib was sent to Mr Robert Fawcctf, Galgate Corner, in tbe firsr. instance, and waa afterwards dispatched for the owner to Mr Hird, tsxidermist, Low Field Nurseries, West wick-lane, for preservation. During tbe past few days a very large numbei of eligible you^g men bave attested and passed the medical examination at Bernard Oastle for military servioe. News was reoeivsd from the War Office, on Friday, that Private J. R. Warson, cf Queen- street, Barnard Caatle, bad been killed in action, on November 19tb, in tho Dardanelles. Previous to the outbreak of hostilities the young fellow was in the local volunteers, and was a Natioual Reserve man. He enlisted into the 6th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment, in 1911, at Hartlepoal. He sailed for tbe Dardanelles in August. Private Watson, who is 29 years, was formerly employed ai the North Eastern County Sohool, Barnard Caatle, and leaves a widow and four ohildren to mourn his loss. Maj >r L. E. Badaoek, 6bh Battalion Durham Light Infantry, Territorial Force (son ot Mr Badnuok, solicitor, Bishop Auckland, who is a native of Barnard Caatle, previously reported unded and missing), is cow believed to have beon killed. o Acting-Quarfceronstfcr-Sargeant W. T, Guy, (-•id Line) 6th Durham Light Infantry, son of Mr James Uoy, ot Staiutun, has been home for a few days' leave. He is at present stationed in Donoaster. o Tbe Zetland foxhounds will meet on Thursday, at Bol&m,atll a.m.; and on Saturday, at Ciifle, at 11 o'olock. The Vicar ot Barnard Ciatle (tjtel Rev. H. Bircbam) has returned to his duties after his illcesa, and on Sunday laat preached at Stainton in the mointog, and in the Parish Churoh in the evening. Tbe many friends ot Mr H. S. Gargett, of Cotherstone, will be glad to hear be haa been promoted to the rack of seoond-lleut. in the 2,7 th Durham Light Infantry. Mr Gargett, who waa educated at tho Cithers tone Wesleyau Schools, under Mr Ridley, is only twenty-two years of age, and held an important position in tbe District Passenger Agent's OfSse, North- Eastern Railway, Newcastle. Ha enlisted in tbe 7.n Northumberland Fusiliers at the outbreak of the war as a private, and was quickly made sergeant He went ont to the front last April, and had the unfortunate experience ot being one of the men rushed up to aaaist tbe Canadians when tbey were gassed." Second-luenteuant Gargett was in tbe fighting line within about forty-eight hours of leaving •' canny Tyneaide," and lost bis best pal the first night, whom he wheeled on a barrow three-and-a-half miles across country, swept by shrapnel-a most daring piece of work, for whioh ha was specially commended. Mr Gargett started work on the railway under Mr Cooper, at Barnard Castle, and waa a well- known cricketer and footballer in Teesdale. We know bis many friends will wish him good luck in his new position. No fewer than 731 oompetitora from tbe regiments within the Tyne Garrison area took part in the fourth orosi-oonntry rasa of the series promoted by the North-Eaatern Diatriot Committee of the Northern Command Cross- country Association, whioh took place at South Shields on Saturday. The team raoe waa ran on handicap terms, and O Company of the 20th Durham Light Infantry (scratch) proved to be tbe winners. They were represented by Privatea D. Goodwin, J. Llewellyn, E. Robion, J. G. Shaw, F. Clark, Seoond-Lisutenant C. E. Hopklnson, Lanoe-Corporal Watson, Privates S. Hetherington, J. Willoock, and Ronse. o Laat Sunday Company Sergeant-Major E, Toobey, 2ud Northumberland Fusiliers, who was on a short visit to the town, put the local Volunteer Training Corps throngb their drill, his services being greatly appreciated by the members. Yesterday we received an expression of appreciation and thanks from Lord Derby for tbe assistance rendered, in oommon with the Press, in connection with his reorniting soheme. Yesterday morniog Mr A. E. Metcalfe Galgate, photographed an Aberdeen-Angns heifer, weighing one hundred stones, and purchased by Mr Riohard Watson, butcher, 2 Bank, Barnard Castle, at the Gateshead Anctirn Mart, on Monday. The fine black heifer, whioh attracted muoh local attenllor, is not yet two-and-a-balt yeara' c?d, waa the first prize animal in a c'ass r,f 28 won the first find special prize for tho best bullock or heif<;r fed on SPxock's cake, and aeoured the ohitmpioi> ship priz? for the bast bnllcck or heifer, r.ay breed and any age, in the sbow-yard. The animal was fed by k'r T. R. Rutter, Guncottor, Bartaaiord. o General Sir II. Sslater, &djatatu-£*ter!>! uf tho Forcoa, has approved nl the i ffor • f toe Central A«si c.*:;, ., of Volsmtser Training Corps to train ateo t o u t e d u c d e r LiirJ D^rby 'a scheme but not called up, and t'uia *pp? ..-.i has also been endorsed by Lord Derby. The Commandant and Officers of tho Tensdnle Volunteer Training Corps cordially iuvite ail men in the district who bavn eulisted noder the group nistem to take i.dvantago ; t tbe facilities *E .ided tor acqniiiog Lhe rudiments of drill, musketry, field training, sigvaUiug, ambulauoo work, etc., in their sp"'» time. Times of drills are arranged so as not to interfere with the regular occupations of tfcc.Bo joining. All men who wish to join can obtain all information from corps' oiiioials. War Items. Newbiggin Belgian Relief Fund. On Tuesday everlrg, December 7tb, Alder- man Whitley, r f Hudde»rfl»liJ, ftddreesod o n l r a moderate gathering of ti»« parishio-cra io tbe W8aleyx.n sch-r^l-ron-j;. Newbiggin, on tbu necessity of providing toed for tbe million or GO starving Belgians in B»lg!nm. As a result a committee has beeu formed, and collectors have beon appointed for the varioue parts of the parish to oolieot fortnightly any subscrip- tions which may be offered towards this cause the performance of whioh ia more of A duty than a privilege. Up-to-date tbe Secraiai'y haa received the following sums:-{a) a sub- scripts . f 10». glvnrt aii tfcr- meetirg; v.d (b) collected by Messu G. Coiiiiiaon, 2s. 3 1 ; J. W. Gibson, 5s. Id.; T. Pinkney, Is. 8d. ; R Scoit, 2s. 22. ; Geo. Nixon, 3s. Sd.; Joshua RevJle, Ss. 2d.; Reg. Balnhrids'", 4s<. l i d . ; m;d J Bead!:, 2s.; total, £ 1 18* 61 Three co!iec:ora bave noi yet brought in ti-s;r ^.jsey. Newbiggin Council School: National Egg Coliection for the Wounded. The Mlowipg ooUeotiraa were made for the wtek endiot; Hpcember lOih. 1915 : -Annie Sco>t, 10.1., Mark Anderson, 4-i.; Anuir WAtsoti, 103. ; Laura Weatmooth, tii.; Edward Calling Is. ljd.; Joseph Allinaoc, 7,d.; Arihur Wataor, CI. : Anni« Anderson, 71.3. ; Flcrrio Waarnaooth 5'1 ; Wm. Robinson, 13. ; Kdward Gibsai,, le, Si.; Harold Parmlsy, 4 1 ; A;rni,ld Picke.'i.-g, Is 3d.; and Jnlo Hutc'in- so>, J3.; total, 8*. H i * . The Malta Hospital Fund. The Treasurer b^gs acknowledge tlie receipt of 120 bib^ee frnm tfce Bible Society, writing psda from the preparatory sohool, Westwlck Lodge ; and virions articles from '-he Roker working party, r\e pirl snides, M).-:K Smith, Mrs F. Boardoao, and Mia J. G. Bnrn ; also rhi following &ubscript;ons : the pre- paratory »?hool, westwiek Lodao: Master MzEweri, on.; Masier (juack, 5s.; Master H->yle,ls; Master Pickersgill, Is,; Msnt&rGar- rit, Is.; previously acknowledged, £50 8s. 3d. ; total, £61 IF. 33. The ladies' sewiog party meet R£ain oa Thursday first, December 16'„h, bu'i will not toes, ou the two foliowicft Tburqd^s. Vouluntary Workers' Association : Creta Bridge (North). To the Editor ot the *' Tessdale wltsrunry." SIR,—Will you allow tne, through jour columns, to tcknowledgo the receipt of the following articles from Cotheistor>«, pe« Miss E. M. Moore (ohairmao of tbe Cotbv-r&toce working party):—49 muffHrs,28 pairn of: aaekv, 10 paiis of mitteiis. and 1 body-belt ? Tan.<. have been forwarded to thai County Work Depot at Northalieftoo in ^soordanca with tb« Army Cocaoii's schema for co-ordicatipg and regulating voluntary wirk throughoa-i the Uoited Kingdom. 1 shsii be glad to gi*e i n ; informatics as to tho working cf this association to organizer*, < f working parties in the diatriot, wliic••• incindes the villages of Cotherstos'e, Hoiw>ck, Hope, Harderthwaite, Lartiogcor, fjonadalo, • - - • . and ,c • kirk.-Youre Italy, AMY 8TOBART. Low Startforth ic'tall, Barnarci C .Ut. December 14'.h, 1915. DEATH OF C P ^PBIM^ON, OF LARTiKCTGN, A Weil-known Teesdale fciontraetar Monday's La g-lv-Atterried FMarM. '.'he death to k lae< j Tboraday evesiiaifc at Gartingtou, ut Mr George Pete? Robjason, joiner and undertaker, at the ripe ad?' •' ig* 1 years. The deceased c;ntleman WKB i b ^ Boa ct the late Mr and Mrs John- Robinson, of Lartington, and had resided in that viilrge ail hii life. He married Miss Chopping, of SKiingbouroe, and of tee family only one surviving daughter remains. After tbe deai'a of bis first wifo ho married Miss Piilipson, daughter of tbe late Mr and Mrs J. Pcilipaoo, of Leeds. E<gh% sons and four daagbtora were born of the m-?ri*g -t, one cf the termer dying last year. The deceased gestleaiita was a devout Roman Catholic. Ho was one cf the msnaRers of Rr. Lanre^fie 'H school, Lai -iington ><auste>d i n fcr» erection of 8 - Lau'eueVs R'-SL :n Catholic Chart*, Lartiti^-on; Wesieyan Chapel, Barnard Cattle: fro ch-tpels at C. okfle'ld aaJ. Mickletoc. Merwood Wesioyaa Chapel, the leaidenoe in G 'ot a Park, Barnard C-.i-:'t ; abd other strnchures. Th<* late Mr R jbir s >o waa heid in high esteem not oaly in tho village, but also in ttie surronading district. Maoh sympathy ia expressed for the widow and family in rheir irreparable loss. The Funeral. Tro cofha waa b'rne ft-.j ie .»Uieof the deceased genUamaa to S;. Laurerioe's Roman f.\-!'..!'.c Cbnrcb, [avMngtoo, oo Sunday «rer.;nK, whora is romaiceti .rercight. Oa Monday movnit R a soiem.i rcqoiem mass was said by ifataer j . O'Le&ry ia t »6 presence o( rcembsrs of tho family, relatives and other (rends. A letter was received from tHo Bie->.op i f Middlesbrough (Dr, Laoy) expr '-bSi •. t i s deep BTmpathy with the widow and relatives ir theii* u*d los?. A t 2 p.m the first pari of tho butial service was oou&uotoct ia the chnech by the Rev. J. O'Leary, aesiutsd by the Rev. C Donovan, of Wyelilla. Tha chuf m:urners w.co Mrs G. P. Rrhl—on. widow ; M r aad Mrs J. J. Robinson, Cotherstone, aon and d'.iighter-in-law; Mesets WiK.-id Rohinaon, Lartiogtoa; Leo Aobinsoc,Chatham; Culhuert and Harry Roblcson, Feoashout.es; and Frauk R binsop, DarHegtoo, ; Mr and Mrs C. J. Smith, B^- •»•... Caatle,a W-in-iaw and daughter; "•ic and Mrs O'Nt I 1, Darlington, Bon-in-lsw snd •j; ughter; Misses Car stance RobiasMa,Lincoln; and G. Robinsrr, T a^tington, daughters; Mrs B RoniTan,r*r.,ntatrr-la-lav; Mr T.Rabicson, Lartiogtou, Baphew; M'iasea V. aad A. Robin- t;:- , Larticgti:a; and t h e MissCE! Wiikicsoo, Ovioginp, r.iece'i; Mr and Mrs J. Ho&gett, Battle Hilf, nephew and cieco ; Mr and Mrs T. R idgere, Dirling'-o.', couaics; : ur Wm. Smith, Barnard Caatle, an3 Maater Wilfrid Rcbinsoc, Cott .Mstone, granrfsone ; Misses Hilda Smith, Hirr.ard Castle; f.^.*. O RabiLS Cctherstoae, gra'odd&ugbters ; Mr V. Scarre : jueiir, Darlibg- t;n ; Mis and Mies A M. Scarre, td.k.. Barnard Oastle ; snd about one bocdr^d friends a -'. neighbours. The bearers were Messrs T, Bthsringtoo, T. Robinson, W. Etherington, H, Weathnrell, acd Miller, Tbr> fsuerai arrat:ge- menla were e&rrUd oci, by Sir T. Ltheringwn, of CoSheratoue. Thrae beaaUlal florai tributes wor>? seot.—Ttc. Rev. Fither J O'Leary disroarxrd Utm 1-Uo w v r a s : "Acd He sai •' . • ih -Ho: - I t i s n e t f o r y e n »•• k c ^ w r':<? t i m e s sn<! 6J06if.-i*s whioti tee B.<' i f f ha.;. { ut io His o'-ia power'"(Acta of the Apostles, lakehaMse »Gd 7th verse), delivered a touching and sympathetic addrsas. Comforts for Our Troops. To the Editor of the '• 'Fecsdale Hercurj." DEAR SIR,—Tho ras>. y rat rubers of the Barnard Cistie I.-.. »>.•. Aasoolation a- ... < thcr kind friends will bo intcrciite^ to know that duriog tho month cf November m forwarded to tho Sixth Durhama as tho tzoaa 284 pairs of glove-* and mittens, 182 mufflw, S2 pairs of uocki', and 16 shirts. Frcm Saaintoa we rcceivsu a beautiful bundle oi comforts, arid socio well- knittod socks and mufflers from Langiojuale. We wi^h also to thf.uk moat sincerely the Rev, P. Crick, of Wborlton, for the mufflers which he himself knitted for our bravo fighting r.v I h»»e wool ('i* tnskirg mistens snd socks at th;-: Vic.i.'«(». Decot, which 1 Shall be giad io havo knitted Into eoksforts We cannot feel very merry and joyful this Chrisirr.«a-t2ai<<i when » o tbi- k ol the many aad hearts ata hornet, without those we love, no it will bo a real help and comfort to fill up our time by working for others, and, most of all, for our sailortt and soldiers who are doing so muoh for nr.—Yti&rs faithfully, SARAH E BIRCH AM, Chairman of tiw Ladies' Association, The Vioartge, Barnard Caatle, Deoembor 14th, 1915. Colonel Jeffreys, commanding officer ot the Sixth Battalion Durham Light Infantry at the front, says in a reoent letter : " I wigh to tell you that the two lots of mufflers, socks, etc, yon have kindly sent us have atrlved, scd are very muoh appreciated."— Lieutenant Bircbsat, the transport offioer, wrilies : " The parcel of oomforts for the Sixth Battalion Durham Light Infantry arrived on Friday. Will you please express the speolal thanks of my transport men sin tbe Ladies' Association ? Each received a mnfllir, a pair of woollen gioves or mittens, and a pair c f socks. The weather here is very oold just now—hard frost almost everv v.jgbt —and the welcome gifi, from the Waiea' Aesooiation will add very greatly to the men's comfort- I W«B going to say their oheerf uiness, but, no matter how trying the oiroumatano^Ef, I bave never known the me» anythirg but cheerful." Silver Wedding at Hutton Magna. On Mondav, the 6th inctsni, Mr acd Mrs George Clark- of Huttcn Magna, cel&br&tfd their silver wedding. The tact wxs announced to the villagers by the Vicar (the Rev. A. W. M. Close), who, twenty-fire jetrs agj, performed the marriage ceremony, ringing a abort peal on tbe church bells. Rokoby coursing meeting haa been absndoted until February. Nearly every eligible young man of Cotherstont haa now joined the colours. Private J. Ashrnore, of tbe 0th Durham Ligbt Infantry (Territorials),wbo has been in France nine months, ie home on leave of absence. Last week 440 egga wer» sent by the Rev. J. B Rchic8i.:ti lot tue woupded soldiers and sailor?. Tfce p'/sic? in tiie Barnard Castio Division have attested for v*r service. Puivafces G. Stoui aqd W. Walker, of the 6tt Dn^hf.m Light Iufantij, hava reinrned to Frnuce after a brief leave at Barnard Castfe. o Avert handsome iooxI pif! fo??/>fdrrit Belgian roins"'.» : ." 1 1 " w « 4 - r - at the ai.«::r.«- i * ! >'*<• m '» '»». E.^ytcy Oommu'.ec that I t * HunU>n jfork t:*u *ery g?.c«'i ou8..v giTrn a t:nek cf ooal for tte ihroo tamilits of Beigif.n ratogees—a most welcome remembrance ua this season of the year. Two giaurisoKS of Hio late Mr Thorns*E;ber- ingtea Davis, ol bariiard Castle, uuaa ol Mr F. Davis, > f New SMi'doc, have joined the British army —Thomas Lavis, who is DI;W serving al tbe Nigfriao ftooUer, in West Africa; r«cd Errest Davis, who joined the 15th Durham Licht Infantry, haa been mixing since the 26th ot September, IFPEB OAlfc MOTES. [BY OUR OWN CORRBBPONDBN1.J A large number o. rasruitis unaer Lord Derby's scheme were r.ttested BI Middietou rn Friday and Saturday, Mr R. W. Rait?, J.P., acted i . i o . l ot tbe military authorities, rod tit, «/• Ileal test was sojourned. *.* A concert, endtr tl.: auspices of tbe Uickletoc Primitive Methouiat Society, took plaoe in tbe [ostitnta Isst .•>•-.'.uiusy and was largely stkevuci*. p w wes a gojd array ot artistor, acd tn~ numerous encores showed that the performers gave tho highest satisfac- tion. Soles wr-ra recdered s.y Mrs Jewiat, Bishop Aaekiatc: Mis* Beosor, M s« Hnu« acd Mr jerks, MIddieloa; ai.u Mr R»y Walton, Romatdldrk. Dia-<« wo^s giveu by dUasrs Watson Bra•>Soy, S t a i u d r o v ; bamoroaa morologutf-, by Mr F. Wa'.soj, E/tttoton > ; violin boioE, by Mr M.Jacksou; and alarionette solos, by Mr J. J. Thompscr, Mfdaietoci. ia I,. Pinkney, of Middle!;: «. d others .bly aco^rrpr.tiifiu. The rc- : ; rcanlt of' he i ff •• r, which was on behaii of ics» t'tuas Fucad, highly ssusfaotory. *** It will be intercs.ing to U;«p- r Dale p*:;ple to kcov? tbat Mr Wm. H. Barker, ot Lacgdon Back, haa enlisted into the New Zs.alacd Engineering Tunnellicg Corps, and is in training oi Avondala raos-conrse. The COQ- tingent fs won 400 stri>nfr,:u>d will be attached to the Royal Eng'^ecrs They will complete their t.ait>ir*tr in old country, and expect to leave New Zsalard during this montn. Mr Barker copee to be able to visit Teesdale while he is in England. Mr Geo. Race, a young man belonging St. John's, is in the same ssstion. On Labour Day (October 25th) the; marched tbrocgh the street* of Anckl&od, and were loudly cat .-.red by thousands ot spectators. Previous to eiiilstment Mr Barker was engaged for two ^ears at tba Government Mental Hospital tt Tnkanui. The Superintendent (Dr. Crosby), whose p»i'enis belonged to Penrith, expreaaed his sorrow at losing Mr Birke and wished him a 8afe retsjra to h'3 tituati^B. There are quite a snnibcr c" oldc.sunt.rj^c, io this corps, including a corporal from MaUir, near Scarljorougii. 11} fepoaka highly ot camp life, which he saja ts like a good holiday. *** A acowaic/m c.i great severity was experi- enced in Teesdale ou Thursday evening, but It was of sues'. deration. A thaw set io u'o'in.. the night, and continued ou Fiiday, oauaing the river Tees to rise io a very $n tt heigh: There is still a ro<d doal of snow on the hilis in the higher part of the dale. V PriTatfB H. Ooitataa »-d H. Ward sf the R.M.S M., visited their homes laat week-tod fo» tba firs'* : im* P« tbclr cniisteiena. Th.-y look?>< sma". 'n , Ir ettiforsas BERNARD CAST! AND TEtSDAlE FARMERS' AUGUQN MAKT. ChHstm<s P^ze Show anr lak. »vTb*» annual Ciridtmas cr'-zt »h>w aod sale ot'iUe B.rnard Cttitio %nd Te?siale Farmers' Auction Mart O -moanj, Limited, v/\n held oa •W^dnesds , w: , h-. . iorw*rd very nils coll c'.ioa cf 'v. atook ar.d dairy cows and piss, numbering 47 dairy castie, 37 fat cattle. 7slotesVl bull, 152 sbeep, and 38 pigs, all of which BBBI a good market. Toe jadges were: M«ssr^ M.v)dy,W. Binges j , sad Robert Jackson, for Ut c.v.,!-; V sara If. Pigg, i. fluot snd W. D)ws;v, far fa, :-':''.ep and pigs; Messrs it MitckeP, junior, J. Gregory, and T. E. Walker, for dvlry cattle, v.'ho gave their awards aa (...low:-Fat to ck—Lord Barnard, £46, pu'Caioe.- b r Ralph Hodgeou; 2 George Atkinson, £37 10*., K .h-•> Arrowsmlth; 3, G sorge &'.kintcri. £33 5 >, Robert Artowsmith ; b.oime^ded, Joan Ecriogtun, £29, T. TbompFon. ITst heifer—John C. Metcalfe, £35 10*. Raoert Jackson; 2, Lord Barnard. £35 15s., M r Hodgson, Gainford; 3, G. a. Byers. £30, Robert Jackson; CDW Ge Atkiosoo, £30, Henry Sa5f tfa", Obiter, 85 stones—John C. Metcalfe, £27 15?., Mr Robsoo, Gainford; 2, Lord Barnard, £30 5a., rt-lpb Hodgson; 3, Lord Barnard, £29 6i. C. Jackson; commended, T. and A. Nl ohola a, £23, T. M. Peat. Pair of Kyloe bullock', -Ear! ot -trathmore, £ 2 2 10s., R. Fawoett, and £22 17a. CI. 1. Willis and Sons, Darlington ; 2, Eari of Strathmore,£23, R Faw- cci aud £21 10s., J. Teasdale; oommended, F. i , of vraihmorf. £12 17s. 6d., C. Pigg, and £19, R. Ronaon, juoior. Robson'especial prize— Joan C Metcalfe, £2715s.; oommended, George Atkinaoa, £30. Messrs Temperley's speolal— George Atkinson, £37 10;. ; 2, Lord Barnard, £35 15s. Waterloo speolal—George Atkinson, £33 5s.; oommeaded. l«"d Barnard, £30 5s. Mr G. T. Frwcett's special—Lord Barnard, £45; OOKmended, G. A. Bj era,£30. Measrs Keighley'a special—Lord Barcsrd, £29 5s. Dairy oow, caived—J. N . Wa'k--- •, £35, pnrchased by Albert Woigbtmac; 2, J. G. Dent, £ 3 4 10s., Mr Tweddeli; 3, Richard Gill, £28, Albert Weight- man. iL -calf cow—J. N. Walker, £42 5s., John Mitchell, junior; 2. E. F. Green. £38 2*. 6d., F;ed Harrison; 3, John Wilson, £31 15s., Fred Harrison ; commendei:, C. Walker, £32 12a. 6d., Mr Biackatt. Heiter calved or in-call—T. AIlioson,£28 2a. 6a., M r Foster; 2, Richard Gill, £20, T. C^arkson ; 3, R. W. Dent, £19 7a 61^ Mr Crisp. liessrs Keigh ley's special— J. N. Walker, £42 5s.; 2, J. Wtlsoo £".1 15s. Three shnarUngs —1, 2 aod ct-tcawao-.-o, John Atkinson, 76s. 6 d , 75s. and 70s. respect,»ely, Michael Pigg. Three boggs -R. W. Simps to. 84s., He.;ry* eiayer; 2, John Dent, 61c. M? liarrisun, lngieton; oom- mended, George Harriaot', 70c, Mr Robaun, G---in ford. Three niaok-faoed wethera or gitnmers—F. Forster, 40s. fid, Ruber! Arrow- smith ; 2, Josepa Charlton, 52s.. T. Toompson ; commended, F. Forstaf, 39*., Robert Arrow- smith. Two pork pigs—Earl ot Strathmore, £5 5s. eiicb, Robert Faweett; 2, Goo. Harrison, 75s. each, Fred lveaoo ; 3, tt. M. Metcalfe, 60a, Mr Conlthard ; oomtu^ndeil, R. M. Metcalfe, 63a., Henry Bayer. There was 3 very large at-.c ax...:-, oi buyers from diatao parta, aud a gaud oieM-anoe, very little being reaerved.—A turkey vaa givea by Mr TBXMM Sanderson, Batterkn IWI , ir, uid ot the Britten Farmers' Red Crois Fur.d. sod real acd £1 »«. Red Cross Society: Fgglestone's Crand tffort. The second »onaal b'.ll io cid of tlie Bri-.iah Red Cross 8oclcty was held oo Friday night ia the sohool -Toom, Eggiosco>.ve. Though (be weather wgw t^ty smiaTvoarable, fcharo was a good attendance. Da -.'M'g comm-3ioc?d at 9 o'clock, Tfep BBSifl waa supplied hy local placers prs'.ip, Meters J. Kidd, R. Robinson, and % leeton sciing aa master*oi oe-erocips. Th3 reireshniotitii were genevouily given by tho icbabltssia ol Eggltafo'. Thp slnpirig A •'God sav^tbe King"i' 6 o'cJoekthefoliowii g morcirf. hvongbli a vary pleasant evanlsg to a C2OSP On'r ii to the l'<rj?e amour/, cf oros., etc H b«irg given, tbe eoinmictet wer* able to hoid wotse" r)M ce, m\ih soppc, i a SatarsV >• bigiil, Iron ti iiatii U • 'oioak. Tl * ooamitb a teiider tlr -ir tpret sincere thauks to aii ; wsa who epatrlbattd by r,.\y o* money, refies .- meats, loan of flags* i-.v d,:coiatiug, to tho band for their excellent,' n,n«;.i o coic cvdoings, to the waltors for 'be m^oagtraent oi the naofet t»nlr. ac<i to ravre who craved the eltmec's log their patronage and sapport, The,7 r r o Lopoful ot beii .g able to Bead ^h nl £7 to toe heidqnartoreof t^e British RedCruas Sooiot., Funeral of Mrs Christopher Medley. Intermsnt in the Church Cemetery. The iasermeut took place laat Thursday Mternorn, ia the Chuteh cemetery, Barnard CiiStio, of Mrs Margaret Johns :u Hediey, wife ot Mr CbrUtjpner Hediey, of 17, Galgate, 'jf&e tieceoaed U i y was too ukagater of the Use idraaa Mrs Anthony BlasksMused leaves e nusbaud, icd two souB sod two c»nghters to moarn tier lostt. Tt.o Rev. Spencer Wade was the ifSciating clergjmsD. Van coffin was of oak, witb b'aaa m.iuulings. re iosoription on the breastplate- beiegt " Margarat Johnson Htdloj : d i e d 6ch Dscemher, 1915, aged 61 years" The chief m^nruers were Mr C Hediey, wiio<*<-.<' ; Mr and Mrs F. Htdloy, son and daughtoi -ic-la?, Barnard Castle ; Mr C. Hediey, sou, Barnard CtSlle; Mr and Mrs J. Suitor, aor -it;-law tui daughter, West Aucklaud; MIBO 'J. Ho'jley, daughter, Barnard Cabiie; iir T. Bbckett, brother, Barnard Uistla; M.-?s J. Aanmort, sister, Barnard Castle; Mr and ^ars R. Dohbau, brotcer-in-law and siater, Baruingham; Miss Hediey, graod- d»ugh»or, Bernard Cande; Mrs T. Blackett, sister-in-law, Barnard Cantlo; Mr A. BlackeiC and Mr H. Asuiuorfc, nephews, Barnard Caetie; Mrs D, Walker, Darlington ; Mrs I . Owens, Miss M. G Blackett, Mrs li.g&eu, M , L F. JohoBon, Ba -ard Caatle; »,iu Wis* L. Dobsoi, Baruiiignam, nieces; Mr H. Brown, Snndesiaod ; 4..d Mrs Wig ham, Stockton, coui>.:3 1 as general mourners included —'fibers cf tbe Barnard Castle Urbau District CoaaaiL. Mr and Mrs Towi.-s, 8u.~.derIaod; Mr W. Cattermole, Middlesbroogh; At a ''. Mrs J. Hillery, Scarglll; Miss Paaojck, B.rcard Caatle; Mrs J. Ashmoro acd Mrs A. Blackett, ban ai i Casiie; Mr u. Waikar, Darlington; iir E, bogge;:, Barnard Oastle; Mrs Carny, Sonderlaad; *ir xnd Mrs Raise, Shiidon ; Mr Ra^oe, Darii^^tcu; Mr R GUI. Lirtiogtoo ; ML J. :4oa« and Mr R. Brunskiil, Greta Bridge; aid Moijsrs J. h. ho.i,. W. JaOkaou, J. G. Jo&nsot, J. Metcalfe, A. Wiupenny, F. Welford, G. barker, M . Baeh, Ooaw.-a. H'scoa, R. Morton, G. lionoo F. Voant'Jy, G. V-'e armonth, G. H. Welford, J. E. Daat, W. Garbatt, W. Porter, T. Thompson, >'f. U F«r=.er, T. Cooper, H. Birtwi.istle, J. H. Brow. , J. G. Hail, W. J. Windrocs, J. G. Burn., r. t^oa;aman, T, Young, P. Hunter, H. A. Thompson, A. Baker, J. Rodgors, £1. Loyues aiic: many others. The bearers were Messrs Lee, Hird, Hodgson and Hark^r, B» as;d Castle. Some most beautiful wreaths and crosses were sent. Mr T. Hanter, Barns.ru Cattle, was tae nrdertaker, acd the nearee and mourning eocenes were suppled by the King's H e a d .-a- - Lord Glsmis bae returned to Glamla Castle. IIRTKr rWRtAGFS, m 5EATM8. Roll of Hosour. WATSON.—On November 19th, 1915, Private Joseph Robert Watson, 6th Yorkshire Regiment, beloved husband of Miliicent Watson, acd son ol Jcseph William and Elizabeth Wataoo, ol Wood-street, Barnard Castie, »g--d 29 years.-Killed in action in the Mediterranean. Uaat' 8 ALLISON.-OO December 12th, 1916, Mary Lily Ailitti o, third daughter of Mary Allison, of Quarry Grenge. aged 24 yearv. -To be ir*erred at tbe Disseccers' burial ground, Barnard Oast!'.', <v Thcrsaay, December 16th, aorttge to le.ira 'eairtsrae at 2 p.m. All rds. oastW, on the Ulh tessMaa, Eiis»i»ei.h DIXOLJ widow cf the tab Wstsor. Dixon, I»te 7of Seabolme Bsplasndsi, Redcir, aged 81 «irs Oiti). At Biueatene frVrttaas, afatwood «>ate of Towa Pasture), on fine 12th ins: .ot, Caaries, beloved hesbanti of Mary Ord, aged 76 years. ''> bt> interred at Barnard Oastle, on Wrdrcsday, Djc-juU-r 15.1. cortege to leave rcG^otce at 2 30 p m. 'n Memoriam- WALTON.—la laving memory ot Harry Walton, of Bail (i eel', Mickleto,?., waoaied December tCth, 1914.— Ever remembered by his mother, brother and elate: a. Return Thanks. MR CHRISTOPHER HEDLEY AND FAMILY be,-; t o r e Hal s their sioc&rn tbinks for kind letlert; rceived ar<t symr-atby shown to them in their ead berbavemsnt. frieuas kindly icvited. No PTTOIT Alt.flalfstr Btr I

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Page 1: or MBASLRS AND GERMAN MBASXIS BT PARENTS OR …teesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1915/December-15/December-15-1915-05.pdfkined, aad sent |aed from pdnford; II Plaoe, In Housa |8ell by

A Useful Sheet Almanack, containing local and other information, is Presented as a Supplement with this Day's Issue of the " Teesdale Mercury." T H E TttKSDALK MERGgKY—WEDNESDAY, D E C E M B E R 15, 1&15.


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Barnard Cattle Urban Distriot Counci'.

P i B L I O H E A L T H ( M B A S L E S A N D G E R M A N M S A S L E S ) R K O U I - A T I O N S , 1915.



M E A S L E S . D u n n OF P A R E N T S A N D G U A R D I A N S .

ON and after the l e t January. 1910, eases c f Measles and German M easles o o o n r r i c g

w i t h i n t h i s D i s t r i c t mast be not i f ied t o the M e d i c a l Officer i f HeaUb, t i t h e * by the Dootnr i n attendanoe on the case, or by the Parent , guard ian , or o thor person h a v i n g charge cf t h e sufferer.

Bon TO N O T I F V . E v e r y Parent , Guardian, or o ther Person, as

soon aa he or soe becomes aware of, o r has reasonable grounds for supposing, t h a t any person i n bis or her char go i s Buffering f rom Measles or German Measles, must af, once n o t i f y the oase to the M e d i c a l Officer of h e a l t h , un le t* the re i s a Doctor la .v.teudarea who fars a l ready done sc.

H o w TO N O T I F Y . As aooo as a oase of Measles or German

Measles la recognised or suspected, w r i t e a shor t no te t o t h e M e d i c a l Offioer ut Hea l th , saying t b a t you t h i n k t h a t the o b i t d or person who la i l l ( g i v i n g the name, age, and address of the c h i l d or person) is suffering from Measles (or German Measles, as the oase may be). Send the note, or post i t (p repay iog postage) I n a aealed envelope, addressed to " The M e d i o a l Offioer of Hea l th " of the above-named D i s t r i o t . Be careful t o g i v e the name and age of the person who ia i l l , and the f a l l address, Inc lud ing the number or name of the house, t h e name of the s t ree t , and the par ish o r place. T h e pa r t i cu la r s g i v e n should be sufficient t o enable the address t o bo p r o m p t l y found.

Do n o t w a i t u n t i l af ter y o u have deoided t o ca l l i n a Doc to r before i n f o r m i n g t h e M e d i o a l Offioer of Hea l th . Delay is dangeroua, b o t h to the sufferer and t o o ther people, aa Measlea ia v e r y infeot iona i n i t s ea r l i es t stages. U n t i l the M e d i o a l Officer of H e a l t h haa been Informed, no steps oan be t aken by the Oounoil t o he lp the sufferer, or p reven t i n f ec t i on t o o thers .

B E N E F I T S OK N O T I F I C A T I O N .

On r e c e i v i n g in fo rmat ion , the M e d i o a l Offioer o f H e a l t h w i l l a t once cause the home o t t h e pa t i en t t o be v i s i t e d by a p r o p e r l y qua l i f i ed H e a l t h V i s i t o r or o ther Officer, who w i l l g i v e a l l i n f o r m a t i o n and advioe i n her power t o assist the parent i n the care and n u r s i n g of the pa t i en t . I f a Doctor or n u r s i n g assistant are necessary, and the paren t ia unable to pay, the Counci l have power t o supply b o t h medical and nu r s ing assistance free.

1. I N G R A M DAWSON, C l e r k t o the Counc i l .

28, Horse-market , Barnard Castle, Deoembsr, 1915.

Strrtt r'h Rural District Council,


MEASLES AND GERMAN MEASLES. The Pub l ic Hea l th (Measles and German

Measles) Regulat ions , 1915 N O T I C E IS H E R E B Y G I V E N T H A T :

D A I B o r C O M M E N C E M E N T . r j ^ H E above Regula t ions come i n t o operat ion

on the l s t January, 1916, and sha l l then pp ly and have effect i n t h i s D i s t r i c t and shal l

bo enforced and executed by tho Local A u t h o r i t y . N O T I F I C A T I O N or M B A S L R S A N D G E R M A N M B A S X I S

BT PARENTS OR G U A R D I A N S . Every Parent or Guardian , or o ther person,

as soon as be hecrrres aware of, or has reasonable grounds for supposing tba t any person i n his charge is suffering from Measles or German Measles sha l l , unless the esse has been already not i f ied by a M e d i c a l P rac t i t ioner , f o r t h w i t h no t i fy the oase to the M e d i c a l Officer of Hea l th for thn D i s t r i c t at the address g i v e n a t the foot hereof, s t a t i n g tho came and age of the pa t i en t and bis address. N O T I F I C A T I O N OF M B A S L E S A N D G E R M A N M B A S I . E S

B Y M E D I O A L P R A C T I T I O N E R S . Subjeot t o t ho provis ions cf these Regula­

t ions , every M e d i c a l P rac t i t ioner , aa soon as he becomes aware t h a t a person upon whom he is i n professional at tendanoe is suffering f rom Measles or German Measles, shnH f o r t h w i t h make and s ign a not i f ica t ion ot tho case sod t r a n s m i t i t t o the Med ica l Offioer o l Hea l th .

F O K W A R D I . N I , OF N O T I F I C A T I O N S . A Not i f i ca t ion t o be t r a n s m i t t e d t o the

Med ioa l Offioer of Hea l th i n pnrguance of the Regula t ions shal l be enclosed i n a s o i l e d envelope addressed to t h a t offioer, and may be t r a n s m i t t e d by be i cg de l ive red t o h i m or by be ing de l ive red a t h is offioo or residence, or may be sent by prepa id l e t t e r post addressed to h i m a t his office or bis residence.

P E N A L T Y . A n y person w i l f u l l y neg lec t ing or re fas ing

t o obey, o r o s r r y ou t , or o b s t r u c t i n g the exeont ion of these Regula t ions is l i ab le to a pena l ty no t exceeding £100 .

D A N G E R OF M E A S L E S . Parents are warned t b a t Measles is ve ry

oa tohing and v e r y dangeroua to oh i ld r en . I t Is especial ly dangerous t o those under five years of age. Almos t 10,000 c h i l d r e n d ie every year i n England and Wales f rom Measles, and over 9,000 of these are less than five years of age. The o lder t h e o b i l d , t he less dangeroua an a t t ack ot Measles becomes.

The objec t of the Publ io Hea l th ( \ I o » s l o s a n d German Measles) Regula t ions , 1915, and of t h e r equ i rement as to No t i f i ca t ion , is the p ro tec t ion of the c h i l d r e n .

Not i f i ca t ion should therefore be sent to the Med ioa l Officer of H e a l t h i n every oaae w i t h ­ou t delay.

Address of M e d i o a l Offioer of Hea l th :— J A M E S C. N E L I G A N , E s q , M i d d l e t o n - i n -Teesdale,

W. J A M E S W A T S O N , C le rk . Newgate , Barnard Castle, 15th December,


Rural District Council of Barnard Cattle,

P U B L I C H E A L T H ( M E A S L E S A N D G E R M A N M E A S L E S ; R E G U L A T I O N S , 1915.


M E A S L E S -D U T I E S O F P A R E N T S A N D G U A R D I A N S .

ON and af ter t h e l a t January , 1916, cases of Measles and German Measles o c c u r r i n g

w i t h i n t h i n D i s t r i c t must be not i f ied to the M e d i o a l Officer of Hea l th , e i t he r by the Doctor I n a t tendance on toe case, or by tbe Parent, Guardians, o r o the r Persons hav ing charge of t h e sufferer.

D U T Y TO N O T I F Y . E v e r y Parent , Guardian , or o ther Person, as

soon aa be o r she becomes aware of, o r has reasonable grounds for supposing, t h a t any Person I n h i s or her charge is suffering from Meaalea or German Measles, must a t once n o t i f y the ease to tbe M e d i c a l Onicer of Hea l th , unless the re ia a Doctor i n at tendance who has a l ready done so.

How TO N O T I F Y .

As soon as a oase of Measles or German Meaalea i s recognised or suspeoted, w r i t e a sho r t no te t o tbe M e d i c a l Officer ot Hea l th say ing t h a t you t h i n k tba t the c h i l d or person w h o ia i l l ( g i v i n g the name, age, and addre i s of t h e c h i l d or person) is suffering f rom Measles (or German Measles, as the case may be) . Send the note , or post i t (p repay ing postage), i n a aealed envelope addressed t u

The M e d i o a l Offioer of Hea l th " ot the above named D i s t r i o t : — D r . N E L I G A N , M i d d l e t o n -in-Tsesdale.

Be oarefnl t o g i v e the name and age of the Person w h o i s i l l , and the t o l l address, i n c l u d ­i n g tbe number or name of tbe house, the name o t the s t ree t , and tbe parish or place. The p a r t i c u l a r s g i v e n should be safficient t o enable t h e addresa t o be p r o m p t l y found.

Do N O T D E L A Y . Do no t w a i t u n t i l after yon have decided t o

o a l l i n a doctor before i n f o r m i n g tbe M e d i c a l Officer o t H e a l t h . Delay ia dangerous, bo th t o the sufferer and t o o ther people, aa Meaalea i s v e r y in fec t ions i n i t s ear l ies t stsges. U n t i l t h e M e d i o a l Offioer of H e a l t h has been In fo rmed , no steps oan be t aken by t h e Counc i l t o help tbe sufferer or p reven t i n f ec t i on of o the r s .

B E N E F I T S OF N O T I F I C A T I O N . O n rece iv ing in fo rma t ion tbe Med ioa l Offioer

of H e a l t h w i l l a t once cause the home of the p a t i e n t to be v i s i t e d by • p rope r ly qaal i f ied H e a l t h V i s i t o r , or o ther Offioer, who w i l l g i v e a l l I n fo rma t ion and advioe i n her power t o assist the Parent i n the care and nurs ing of t b e pa t ien t . I f a Doctor o r nu r s ing assistanoo are necessary, and the Parent is unable t o pay, the Counci l have power to supply both medioal and nu r s ing assistance free.

THOS. W. B A I N B R I D G E , C le rk t o tbe Counoil

Barna rd Castle, December 11th, 1915.

Aliens Restriction (Amendment) Order, 13th April, 1915.

T > & 8 I S T E R S of Al i ens (for use i n Hote ls , Inns , X V Lodging-houses, etc.,) F o r m A . R . — F and F o r m A . R . — • can be had a t t h e M Teesdale M e r c u r y " Office, Barnard Castle,


NO P i l l s or Drngs used i n th i s t r ea tmen t my never - fa i l log remedy, and 1 guarantee

t o cure a l l female a i lments . I i n v i t e these oases t h a t havo fa i l ed elsewhere. Stamp, free adv ioe .—MESSRS ROSS A N D C O M P A N Y , N O . 8, M i t r e - s t r e e t . Chel tenham.

*Xhe teesdale iRevcuvy B A R N A R D O A S T L E , D E C E M B E R 16TH, 1915

THE WAR. B I G movements of German troops

towards the Western front are reported, and it is stated that the Kaiser will visit Flanders this week to elaborate plans for a new offensive. If the latter news is true the Allies will welcome it. In the House of Commons yesterday, Mr Asquith said the Army vote would be postponed until next week, owing to the impossibility of getting complete details of L,ord Derby's scheme.

Last Night's Entertainment in the Victoria Hall.

Las t n igh t ' s en te r ta inment i n tbe V i c t o r i a H a l l , organised by the Workers ' Associat ion i n a id of funds for comforts for our soldiers , demonstrated rare t a l en t i a officers and r ank and file cf the -0 th Durhams. I n sen t imenta l and oomio song, t h r i l l i n g r eo i t a t ion , humorous pa t t e r and oharaoter aketohes, as w e l l aa c log danoing and pianofor te p l a y i n g , there was conspicuous a b i l i t y . The programme was a t t r a c t i v e , the audience large and enthuai&atic, and h igh in t e res t sustained th roughout . " Ha l , the Highwayman ," w h i o h is a play i n one act, was s k i l f u l l y dramat ised, the characters be i cg admirab ly sustained by Capta in Jessop, Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y , Mis s M a r d a B e l l I r v i n g , M r Buoban Hepburn , Roya l Soots ; Cspt . the Hon . C. F inoh , Ri f le Brigade ; M r s Guy Graham, and M i s s V i o l e t Buobanen Jardine. The funny atories of Capt. Ha the r l ey were apa rk l iog i n w i t and m i r t h - p r o v o k i n g wi tha l—yarns , censored and o therwise , w e l l t o l d by a humorous mac. The en te r t a inment i n tbe afternoon was also enjoyable, and the t o t a l proceeds sa t i s fac tory .

Farewell to Barnard Castle Friends. T o the E d i t o r of the " Teesdale M e r c u r y . " D E A R S I R , — W i l l you k i n d l y a l low me to use

y o u r oolumns for a personal purpose ? I l l -hea l t h and circumstances i n general have constra ined M r s Wade to leave Barnard Castle sooner than she had an t i c ipa t ed Consequently she has been unable t o b i d tbe personal " Good-bye " t o her many fr iends, she deeply regre ts her depar ture , and asks me to t ake t h i s o p p o r t u n i t y of expressing her deep sense of g r a t i t u d e t o the Barnard Oastle people, whom, 1 may say, we have bo th l ea rn t to love and revere. W i l l a l l M r s Wade's in t imates please accept t h i s sincere f a r e w e l l - Y o u r s f a i th fu l ly , SPENCER W A D E .

17, Monta lbo- ter race , Barnard Castle, December 13tb, 1916.

r LOB'S ; r n t .

ONCE A CRIPPLE MOW A SOLDIER. Trooper B . Jones tells an interesting story. F o r e ight long months he hobbled about on two • t i ck s racked w i t h pain from rheumatio gout . B e was induced to t r y Baker's Backache Pellets. Xhe result was almost miraculous. Af te r •> few doses the pain entirely ceased and his recovery; was so r ap id and complete tha t he has BOW passerl the army doctor and is serving K i n g aad Country at 15 years of age. Baker's Backache Pellets are a positive cure for Backache, Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Gou t , Gravel , Dizziness, Dropsy, and a l l K idney Troubles. Get a box to-day from your chemist. Can now be obtained at a l l Boots ' 665 Branches, Taylor 's Drug Stores, etc. Is. 3d. and 2s. 9d. per box, or post free i n p la in wrapper direct f rom Baker's Medicine Co., 125, H i g h HoJborn, London, W . C . T r i a l box free (o r twe stamps.

Local agent : - 0 . C L A R K SON H A R K EH. [

Entertainment at Staindrop. A h igh ly suooessf u l en te r ta inment was g i v e n

on Thursday evening by the ob i ld ren a t t e n d i n g Sla indrop in fan t sohool. I t was ev iden t f rom the g rea t applause w h i c h fo l lowed each i t e m tha t the audience f u l l y appreciated tbe pains t a k i n g way i n w h i c h tho ch i ld ren bad been t r a ined . Miss Daisy Ui . l l iday opened the concer t w i t h a pianoforte solo, w h i c h was played w i t h exquisHn taste and fee ' ing. The i tems rendered by tbe c h i l t f r ' o w ? r i " Y ; u r K i n g and conn t r j want j o u " ; p a t r i o t i c chorus - " A r e we a l l bero " J " We're a l l under tbe

j same o ld flag," T i p p e i a r y , " " A r e we down, | hear ted " t and " Soldiers of the K i n g " I " Good-night, M r Kangaroo " ; sung and dance j - « • M e r r y g i p s i e s " ; r e c i t a t i o n — What goc~ • cats do " ; ac t ion song— " The ploughboya "

" Under the o ld umbre l la " ; the bee game fan dauoe ; a d r a w i n g c lass ; p a t r i o t i c chorus — " Y o u r K i n g and coun t ry need you " and " The B r i t i s h navy ." A. pianoforte d n e t t waa very n ice ly played by tbe Miasms V i o l e t B rown M.A O t ive D i x o n . Mias K a t i e Walke r waa

! ei cored fur the song, " S i s t e r Susie," a t I responded by s ing ing " T i l l the boys come I home,'' th i s song, too, being g rea t ly applauded | Par t of the proceeds w i l l be devoted to 1 p r o v i d i n g a tea and Cbriatmaa t ree tor the

c n i l d r e n , and the remainder w i l l be d i v i d e d amongat p a t r i o t i c funds.


T h » marr iage arranged betwnau Capta in Alan D. Grimkf-Drayfcon, R.G.A (R . i f O ) , at d Miss May Cr ick , seonnd daughter i f tbe Rsv. and M r s Ph i l i p Cr ick , Whnvi ton Viocrage, w i l l take place a t Weston Church , Stafford, cn Tuesday next , December 21st.

Miss Beai, who w i l l r e l i nqu i sh hospi ta l du t ies i n Newgate ou the 20th ins tan t , w i l l be succeeded by Norse D i e k i n , of the local nu r s ing association.

The Postmaster of Barnard Castla haa w r i t t e n to M r J. I ng ram Dawson, C le rk t o the Oonnoil , t b a t probably immedia te ly after Chris tmas tho postal de l iver ies i n Barnard Oastle w i l l be reduced to t w o , namely, the morn ing ar.d afternoon, tbe last d e l i v e r y i n the evening being e n t i r e l y suspended, Col lect ions and

Ispatcbes w i l l remain tho same, except thao let ter-boxes w i l l noc be cleared a t 6 80a.m.

I t la also e x p e c t : ! t ha t tbe hours of pub l i c us iueis a t the post-uffioe w i l l be i»-»r ranged,

and the post-effi^e w i l l on ly be o,a*fi for business from 8 30 ».>a, to 7 p r o , instead u l

a.m. |o b' p.m. as a t prsaeat.

P r i v a t e H u g h Andrew Gray, of Badgegate , Barnard Castle, haa d i ed o( wounds rece ived i n ac t ion , in BV*rtoe Last year he nr<iisted i n to t l . - i 12 th Durbams, and wen t u Franca

bnufc f'.inr months ago. W h i l s t be icg i a tbe trenobes he was h i t by a pieoe of ehoii. 11.? was takeu t o a French hospi ta l , ba t , unfor­tuna te ly , never r a l l i e d , and news r» ! t ched t h i s , t own , on Fr iday , t ha t he had d ied of w. ucios.' Previous to go ing t o France he mar r i ed Miss L y d i a Joues, daughter of M r Thomas Jones and the la te M r s Joc6», Barnard Castle, for whom much sympathy is r.xpiesnsed.

A v i rv fiae specimen of a female bxdger. t aken i n Teesdale, a r r i v e d a t Barnard Caatlo on Saturday n igh t . Ib was sent t o M r Rober t Fawcc t f , Galgate Corner, i n tbe firsr. instance, and waa af te rwards d ispatched for the owner to M r H i r d , t sx ide rmis t , L o w F ie ld Nurseries, West wick-lane, for preservat ion .

D u r i n g tbe past few days a v e r y large numbei of e l i g i b l e you^g men bave a t tes ted and passed the medical examinat ion a t Bernard Oastle for m i l i t a r y servioe.

News was reoeivsd from the War Office, on F r iday , t ha t P r iva te J . R. Warson, c f Queen-s t reet , Barnard Caatle, bad been k i l l e d i n ac t ion, on November 19tb, i n tho Dardanel les . Previous t o the outbreak of hos t i l i t i e s the young fe l low was i n the loca l volunteers , and was a Na t ioua l Reserve man. He enl i s ted i n t o the 6 th Ba t t a l ion Y o r k s h i r e Regiment , i n 1911, a t Har t l epoa l . He sai led for tbe Dardanelles i n August . P r iva t e Watson, who is 29 years, was fo rmer ly employed a i the N o r t h Eastern County Sohool, Barnard Caatle, and leaves a w i d o w and four oh i ld r en to mourn his loss.

Maj >r L . E . Badaoek, 6bh B a t t a l i o n Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y , T e r r i t o r i a l Force (son ot M r Badnuok, so l i c i to r , Bishop A u c k l a n d , who is a na t ive of Barnard Caatle, p revious ly repor ted

unded and missing), is cow bel ieved t o have beon k i l l e d .

o Acting-Quarfceronstfcr-Sargeant W. T, Guy,

(-•id L ine ) 6 th Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y , son of M r James Uoy, ot Sta iutun, has been home for a few days' leave. He is a t present s ta t ioned i n Donoaster.

o Tbe Ze t land foxhounds w i l l meet on

Thursday, a t B o l & m , a t l l a.m.; and on Saturday, at Ciifle, a t 11 o'olock.

The Vica r ot Barnard C i a t l e (tjtel Rev . H . Bircbam) has r e tu rned to his dut ies af ter h i s i l lcesa, and on Sunday laat preached a t S ta in ton i n the mo in tog , and i n the Parish Churoh i n the evening.

Tbe many fr iends ot M r H . S. Garget t , of Cotherstone, w i l l be g lad to hear be haa been promoted to the r a c k of seoond-lleut. i n the 2,7 th Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y . M r Garget t , who waa educated a t tho C i the r s tone Wesleyau Schools, under M r R id l ey , is on ly t w e n t y - t w o years of age, and held an impor t an t pos i t ion i n tbe D i s t r i c t Passenger Agent ' s OfSse, N o r t h -Eastern Ra i lway , Newcastle. Ha enl i s ted i n tbe 7.n Nor thumber land Fus i l i e r s a t the outbreak of the war as a p r i v a t e , and was q u i c k l y made se rgean t He went on t t o the f ron t las t A p r i l , and had the unfor tunate experience ot be ing one of the men rushed up t o aaaist tbe Canadians when tbey were

gassed." Second-luenteuant Garge t t was i n tbe fighting l i ne w i t h i n about fo r ty - e igh t hours of l eav ing •' canny Tyneaide," and los t b is best pal the first n i g h t , whom he wheeled on a barrow three-and-a-half miles across coun t ry , swept by s h r a p n e l - a most d a r i n g piece of work , for w h i o h ha was special ly commended. M r Garge t t s t a r ted w o r k on the r a i l w a y under M r Cooper, a t Barnard Castle, and waa a w e l l -known c r i cke te r and footbal ler i n Teesdale. We know bis many fr iends w i l l w i sh h i m good l u c k i n his new pos i t ion .

No fewer than 731 oompet i tora f rom t b e regiments w i t h i n t h e Tyne Garr ison area took pa r t i n the f o u r t h oros i -oonnt ry rasa of the series promoted by the North-Eaatern D i a t r i o t Commit tee of the N o r t h e r n Command Cross­coun t ry Associat ion, w h i o h took place a t South Shields on Saturday. The team raoe waa r a n on handicap terms, and O Company of the 20th Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y (scratch) proved to be tbe winners . They were represented by Privatea D. Goodwin , J . L l e w e l l y n , E . Rob ion , J . G. Shaw, F . Clark , Seoond-Lisutenant C. E. Hopklnson, Lanoe-Corporal Watson, Pr iva tes S. He the r ing ton , J . Wi l l oock , and Ronse.

o Laat Sunday Company Sergeant-Major E ,

Toobey, 2ud Nor thumber land Fus i l i e r s , who was on a shor t v i s i t to the town, pu t the loca l Volunteer T r a i n i n g Corps t h rongb t h e i r d r i l l , his services be ing g rea t ly apprecia ted by the members.

Yesterday we received an expression of apprecia t ion and thanks from L o r d Derby for tbe assistance rendered, i n oommon w i t h the Press, i n connect ion w i t h his r e o r n i t i n g soheme.

Yesterday morn iog M r A . E. Metcalfe Galgate, photographed an Aberdeen-Angns heifer, w e i g h i n g one hundred stones, and purchased by M r Riohard Watson, butcher , 2 Bank, Barnard Castle, a t the Gateshead A n c t i r n M a r t , on Monday. The fine black heifer, w h i o h a t t r ac t ed muoh local a t t e n l l o r , is not y e t two-and-a-balt yeara' c?d, waa the first p r ize animal i n a c'ass r,f 28 won the first find special pr ize for t ho best bu l lock or heif<;r fed on SPxock's cake, and aeoured the ohitmpioi> ship pr iz? for the bast b n l l c c k or heifer, r.ay breed and any age, i n the sbow-yard . The animal was fed by k ' r T. R. R u t t e r , G u n c o t t o r , Bar taa iord . o

General Sir I I . Sslater, &dja ta tu -£* te r !>! uf tho Forcoa, has approved n l the i ffor • f toe Cent ra l A«si c.*:;, ., of Volsmtser T r a i n i n g Corps to t r a i n ateo t o u t e d ucder L i i r J D^rby 'a scheme bu t not ca l led up, and t'uia *pp? . . - . i has also been endorsed by L o r d Derby. The Commandant and Officers of tho Tensdnle Vo lun tee r T r a i n i n g Corps co rd i a l l y i u v i t e a i l men i n the d i s t r i c t who bavn eul i s ted noder the group n i s t e m to take i .dvantago ; t tbe fac i l i t i e s *E . ided tor a c q n i i i o g Lhe rud iments of d r i l l , muske t ry , field t r a i n i n g , s igvaUiug , ambulauoo work , etc., i n t h e i r s p " ' » t ime. Times of d r i l l s are a r ranged so as no t to in te r fe re w i t h the regular occupations of tfcc.Bo j o i n i n g . A l l men who w i s h t o j o i n can obta in a l l in format ion from corps' oiiioials.

War Items. Newbiggin Belgian Relief Fund.

On Tuesday e v e r l r g , December 7tb, Alder ­man W h i t l e y , r f Hudde»rfl»l iJ , ftddreesod o n l r a moderate ga the r ing of ti»« pa r i sh io -c ra io tbe W8aleyx.n sch-r^l-ron-j;. Newbigg in , on tbu necessity of p r o v i d i n g toed for tbe m i l l i o n or GO s t a r v i n g Belgians in B»lg !nm. As a resu l t a commit tee has beeu formed, and col lec tors have beon appoin ted for the varioue par ts of the par ish t o ool ieot f o r t n i g h t l y any subscr ip­t ions w h i c h may be offered towards th i s cause the performance of w h i o h ia more of A d u t y than a p r i v i l e g e . Up-to-date tbe Secraiai 'y haa received the f o l l o w i n g s u m s : - { a ) a sub­s c r i p t s . f 10». glvnrt aii tfcr- m e e t i r g ; v . d (b) col lected by M e s s u G. Coi i i i iaon, 2s. 3 1 ; J. W. Gibson, 5s. I d . ; T . P inkney, I s . 8d. ; R Scoit , 2s. 22. ; Geo. N i x o n , 3s. Sd. ; Joshua RevJle, Ss. 2 d . ; Reg. Balnhr ids '" , 4s<. l i d . ; m;d J Bead! : , 2s.; t o t a l , £ 1 18* 61 Three co!iec:ora bave n o i ye t b rought i n t i-s;r ^ . j s ey .

Newbiggin Council School: National Egg Coliection for the Wounded.

The M l o w i p g ooUeotiraa were made for the w t e k endiot; Hpcember l O i h . 1915 : -Annie Sco>t, 10.1. , M a r k Anderson, 4-i.; Anuir WAtsoti, 103. ; Laura Wea tmooth , tii.; Edward Calling I s . l j d . ; Joseph Al l inaoc , 7 , d . ; A r i h u r Wataor , C I . : Ann i« Anderson, 71.3. ; F l c r r i o Waarnaooth 5'1 ; Wm. Robinson, 13. ; Kdward Gibsai,, l e , Si.; Haro ld Parmlsy, 4 1 ; A;rni,ld Picke. ' i .-g, I s 3d . ; and J n l o H u t c ' i n -so>, J 3 . ; t o t a l , 8*. H i * .

The Malta Hospital Fund. The Treasurer b^gs acknowledge t l ie

rece ip t of 120 bib^ee frnm tfce Bib le Society, w r i t i n g psda from t h e prepara tory sohool, Wes twlck Lodge ; and v i r i o n s a r t i c l e s from '-he Roker w o r k i n g pa r ty , r\e p i r l snides, M).-:K Smi th , M r s F . Boardoao, and M i a J. G. Bnrn ; also rhi f o l l o w i n g &ubscript;ons : —the pre­para tory »?hool , w e s t w i e k L o d a o : Master MzEwer i , on.; Mas ie r ( juack, 5s.; Mas te r H->y le , l s ; Mas te r P i cke r sg i l l , I s , ; Msn t&rGar -r i t , I s . ; p rev ious ly acknowledged, £ 5 0 8s. 3d. ; to ta l , £ 6 1 I F . 33. The ladies ' sewiog pa r ty meet R£a in oa Thursday first, December 16'„h, bu'i w i l l not toes, ou the t w o fo l iowicf t T b u r q d ^ s .

Vouluntary Workers' Association : Creta Bridge (North).

To the E d i t o r ot the *' Tessdale wltsrunry." S I R , — W i l l you a l low tne, t h r o u g h j o u r

columns, to t cknowledgo the r ece ip t of the f o l l o w i n g a r t i c l e s f rom Co the i s to r>« , pe« Miss E . M . Moore (ohairmao of tbe Cotbv-r&toce w o r k i n g par ty ) :—49 muffHrs,28 pairn of: aaekv, 10 p a i i s of mi t t e i i s . and 1 body-bel t ? Tan.<. have been fo rwarded to thai County Work Depot a t Nor tha l i e f too i n ^soordanca w i t h t b « A r m y Cocaoii 's schema for co-ord ica t ipg and r egu la t ing v o l u n t a r y w i r k throughoa-i the U o i t e d K i n g d o m . 1 shs i i be g lad to gi*e i n ; i n fo rma t i c s as t o tho w o r k i n g cf th i s association t o organizer*, < f w o r k i n g par t ies i n the d i a t r i o t , wliic••• inc indes the v i l lages of Cotherstos'e, Hoiw>ck, Hope, H a r d e r t h w a i t e , L a r t i o g c o r , fjonadalo, • - - • . and ,c • k i r k . - Y o u r e I t a l y , A M Y 8 T O B A R T .

L o w S t a r t f o r t h ic'tall, Barnarci C .Ut . December 14'.h, 1915.


A Weil-known Teesdale fciontraetar

Monday's La g-lv-Atterried F M a r M . '.'he death to k lae< j Tboraday evesiiaifc

at Gar t ingtou , ut M r George Pete? Robjason, jo ine r and under taker , a t the r i p e a d ? ' •' ig* 1 years. The deceased c ; n t l e m a n WKB i b ^ Boa c t the la te M r and M r s John- Robinson, of L a r t i n g t o n , and had resided i n t h a t v i i l r g e a i l h i i l i f e . He mar r i ed Miss Chopping, of SKi ingbouroe , and of t ee fami ly on ly one s u r v i v i n g daughter remains. A f t e r tbe deai'a of b is first w i f o ho mar r i ed Miss P i i l i p s o n , daughter of tbe la te M r and M r s J . Pci l ipaoo, of Leeds. E<gh% sons and four daagbtora were born of the m-?ri*g-t, one c f the termer d y i n g last year. The deceased gestleaii ta was a devout Roman Cathol ic . Ho was one cf t h e msnaRers of Rr. Lanre^fie'H school, L a i - i i n g t o n H« ><auste>d i n fcr» erect ion of 8 - L a u ' e u e V s R'-SL :n Cathol ic C h a r t * , L a r t i t i ^ - o n ; Wesieyan Chapel, Barnard C a t t l e : f r o ch-tpels a t C. okfle'ld aaJ. M i c k l e t o c . M e r w o o d Wesioyaa Chapel, the leaidenoe i n G 'o t a Park, Barnard C-.i-:'t ; abd o ther strnchures. Th<* la te M r R jbir s >o waa he id i n h i g h esteem not o a l y i n t ho v i l l age , b u t also i n t t i e su r ronad ing d i s t r i c t . Maoh sympathy ia expressed for the w i d o w and fami ly i n r he i r i r reparab le loss.

The Funeral. T r o cofha waa b ' r n e ft-.j • ie .»Uieof t h e

deceased genUamaa to S;. Laurerioe's Roman f.\-!'..!'.c Cbnrcb , [ a v M n g t o o , oo Sunday «rer . ;nK, whora is romaicet i . r e r c i g h t . Oa Monday movnit R a soiem.i r cqo iem mass was said by i fa taer j . O'Le&ry i a t » 6 presence o( rcembsrs of tho f ami ly , r e l a t ives and o ther ( r e n d s . A l e t t e r was rece ived f rom tHo Bie->.op i f Midd le sb rough (Dr , Laoy) expr'-bSi •. t i s deep BTmpathy w i t h the w i d o w and re la t ives i r theii* u*d los?. A t 2 p.m the first p a r i of t ho b u t i a l service was oou&uotoct i a the chnech by the Rev. J . O 'Leary , aesiutsd by the Rev. C Donovan, of W y e l i l l a . Tha c h u f m : u r n e r s w .co M r s G. P. R r h l — o n . w i d o w ; M r aad M r s J. J . Robinson, Cotherstone, aon and d ' . i i g h t e r - i n - l a w ; Mesets WiK.- id Rohinaon, L a r t i o g t o a ; Leo Aob insoc ,Cha tham; C u l h u e r t and H a r r y Roblcson, Feoashout.es; and F rauk R binsop, DarHegtoo, ; M r and M r s C. J . Smi th , B^- •»• . . . Caatle,a W- in - i aw and daughter ; "•ic and M r s O 'Nt I 1, D a r l i n g t o n , Bon-in-lsw snd • j ; ughter ; Misses Car stance RobiasMa,Lincoln ; and G. R o b i n s r r , T a^t ington, d a u g h t e r s ; M r s B R o n i T a n , r * r . , n t a t r r - l a - l a v ; M r T .Rab ic son , L a r t i o g t o u , Baphew; M'iasea V. aad A. R o b i n -t;:- , L a r t i c g t i : a ; and t he MissCE! W i i k i c s o o , O v i o g i n p , r . iece ' i ; M r and M r s J. Ho&get t , Bat t le H i l f , nephew and cieco ; M r and M r s T . R idgere, D i r l i n g ' - o . ' , coua ics ; : u r W m . Smi th , Barnard Caatle, an3 Maater W i l f r i d Rcbinsoc , Cott .Mstone, granrfsone ; Misses H i l d a Smi th , H i r r . a rd Cas t l e ; f.^.*. O RabiLS Cctherstoae, gra'odd&ugbters ; M r V. Scarre : j u e i i r , D a r l i b g -t ; n ; M i s and Mies A M. Scarre, td.k.. Barnard Oastle ; snd about one b o c d r ^ d fr iends a -'. neighbours. The bearers were Messrs T, B t h s r i n g t o o , T . Robinson, W. E t h e r i n g t o n , H , Weathnre l l , acd M i l l e r , Tbr> f suera i arrat:ge-menla were e&r rUd oci, by Sir T . L t h e r i n g w n , of CoSheratoue. Thrae beaaUla l florai t r i b u t e s wor>? seot.—Ttc. Rev. F i t h e r J O 'Leary d i s r o a r x r d Utm 1-Uo w v r a s : " A c d He sai •' . • ih-Ho: - I t is n e t for yen »•• k c ^ w r':<? t imes sn<! 6J06if.-i*s whio t i tee B.<' i f f ha. ; . { u t io His o'-ia p o w e r ' " ( A c t a of the Apostles, l akehaMse »Gd 7 t h verse), de l ive red a t o u c h i n g and sympathe t ic addrsas.

Comforts for Our Troops. To the E d i t o r of the '• 'Fecsdale H e r c u r j . " D E A R SIR,—Tho ras>. y rat rubers of the Barnard

C i s t i e I . - . . »>.•. Aasoolation a- ... < t h c r k i n d fr iends w i l l bo i n t c r c i i t e ^ to know t h a t d u r i o g tho month c f November m forwarded to tho S i x t h Durhama as tho tzoaa 284 pairs of glove-* and mi t t ens , 182 m u f f l w , S2 pairs of uocki' , and 16 sh i r t s . F rcm Saaintoa we rcce ivsu a beaut i fu l bundle o i comforts, arid socio w e l l -k n i t t o d socks and mufflers f rom Lang io jua l e . We w i ^ h also to thf .uk moat s incere ly the Rev, P. C r i c k , of W b o r l t o n , for the mufflers w h i c h he himself k n i t t e d for our bravo fighting r.v I h » » e wool ('i* t n s k i r g mistens snd socks a t th;-: Vic.i. '«(». Decot, which 1 Shall be g iad i o havo k n i t t e d Into eoksforts We cannot feel v e r y mer ry and j o y f u l t h i s Chrisirr.«a-t2ai<<i when » o t b i - k o l t h e many aad hearts a t a hornet, w i t h o u t those we love, no i t w i l l bo a rea l help and comfort to fill up our t ime by w o r k i n g for others , and, most of a l l , for our sailortt and soldiers who are do ing so muoh for nr .—Yti&rs f a i t h f u l l y , S A R A H E B I R C H A M ,

Chairman of t i w Ladies ' Associat ion, The V i o a r t g e , Barnard Caatle, Deoembor

14th, 1915.

Colonel Jeffreys, commanding officer ot the S i x t h Ba t t a l ion Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y a t the f ron t , says i n a reoent l e t t e r : " I wigh t o t e l l you t h a t the t w o lo ts of mufflers, socks, e t c , yon have k i n d l y sent us have a t r l v e d , scd are ve ry muoh appreciated."— Lieu tenan t Bircbsat, the t ranspor t offioer, wril ies : " The parcel of oomforts for the S i x t h Ba t t a l ion Durham L i g h t I n f a n t r y a r r i v e d on F r i d a y . W i l l you please express the speolal thanks of my t r anspor t men sin tbe Ladies ' Association ? Each received a m n f l l i r , a pai r of woollen gioves or mi t tens , and a pai r c f socks. The weather here is ve ry oold j u s t now—hard frost almost everv v.jgbt —and the welcome g i f i , from the W a i e a ' Aesooiation w i l l add very g rea t ly t o the men's comfort- I W « B go ing t o say the i r oheerf uiness, bu t , no mat te r how t r y i n g the oiroumatano^Ef, I bave never known the m e » a n y t h i r g bu t cheerful ."

Silver Wedding at Hutton Magna.

On Mondav, the 6th i n c t s n i , M r acd M r s George Clark- of H u t t c n Magna, ce l&br&t fd t h e i r s i lve r wedding . The tact wxs announced to the v i l l age r s by the V i c a r ( the Rev. A . W. M . Close), who, t w e n t y - f i r e j e t r s a g j , performed the marr iage ceremony, r i n g i n g a abort peal on tbe church bells .

Rokoby cours ing meet ing haa been absndoted u n t i l February .

Near ly every e l i g ib l e young man of Cothers tont haa now jo ined the colours.

P r iva te J . Ashrnore, of tbe 0th Durham L i g b t I n f a n t r y (Ter r i to r i a l s ) ,wbo has been i n France nine months, ie home on leave of absence.

Last week 440 egga w e r » sent by the Rev. J . B Rchic8i.:ti l o t tue woupded soldiers and sailor?.

Tfce p'/sic? i n t i i e Barnard Castio Div i s ion have at tested for v * r service.

Puivafces G. S t o u i aqd W. Walker , of the 6 t t Dn^hf.m L i g h t I u f a n t i j , hava r e i n r n e d t o Frnuce after a b r i e f leave at Barnard Castfe.

o A v e r t handsome iooxI p i f ! fo??/>fdrrit Belgian

r o i n s " ' . » :." 1 1 " w « 4 - r - at the ai.«::r.«- i * ! >'*<• m '» '»». E.^ytcy Oommu'.ec t ha t I t * HunU>n j fork t:*u *ery g?.c«'i ou8..v g iTrn a t : n e k cf ooal for t t e i h roo t a m i l i t s of Beigif.n ratogees—a most welcome remembrance ua t h i s season of the year.

T w o giaurisoKS of Hio l a te Mr Thorns*E;ber-ingtea Davis, o l ba r i i a rd Castle, uuaa o l M r F . Davis, > f New SMi'doc, have joined the B r i t i s h army —Thomas Lav i s , who is DI ;W se rv ing a l tbe N i g f r i a o f tooUer , i n West A f r i c a ; r«cd E r r e s t Davis , who jo ined the 15th Durham L i c h t I n f a n t r y , haa been m i x i n g since the 26th ot September,


A large number o. rasruitis unaer L o r d Derby's scheme were r . t tested B I M i d d i e t o u r n F r iday and Saturday, M r R. W. R a i t ? , J.P., acted i . i o . l ot tbe m i l i t a r y au thor i t i e s , r o d tit, «/• I lea l tes t was sojourned.

* . * A concer t , e n d t r t l . : auspices of tbe

U i c k l e t o c P r i m i t i v e Methou ia t Society, took plaoe i n tbe [ o s t i t n t a Iss t .•>•-.'.uiusy and was l a rge ly stkevuci*. p w wes a gojd a r ray ot a r t i s to r , acd t n ~ numerous encores showed t h a t the performers gave tho highest satisfac­t i o n . Soles wr-ra recdered s.y M r s Jewiat , Bishop A a e k i a t c : M i s * Beosor, M s« Hnu« acd M r j e r k s , M I d d i e l o a ; ai .u M r R » y Wal ton, Romatd ldrk . D i a - < « wo^s g i v e u by dUasrs Watson Bra•>Soy, S t a i u d r o v ; bamoroaa morologutf- , by M r F. Wa' .soj , E / t t t o t o n > ; v i o l i n boioE, by M r M . J a c k s o u ; and a la r ione t t e solos, b y M r J. J . Thompscr , Mfdaietoci . ia I , . P inkney , of M i d d l e ! ; : «. d others .b ly aco^rrpr.tiifiu. The r c - : ; r can l t o f ' he i ff •• r, w h i c h was on behai i of ics» t ' tuas Fucad, h i g h l y ssusfaotory.

*** I t w i l l be i n t e r c s . i n g to U;«p- r Dale p*:;ple

t o kcov? t b a t M r Wm. H . Barker , ot Lacgdon Back, haa en l i s ted i n t o the New Zs.alacd Engineer ing T u n n e l l i c g Corps, and is i n t r a i n i n g o i Avondala raos-conrse. The COQ-t i n g e n t fs won 400 stri>nfr,:u>d w i l l be a t tached to the Roya l Eng '^ecrs They w i l l complete t h e i r t.ait>ir*tr i n o ld coun t ry , and expect to leave New Z s a l a r d d u r i n g t h i s montn . M r Barker copee to be able to v i s i t Teesdale w h i l e he is i n England. M r Geo. Race, a young man be longing St. John's, is in the same sss t ion. On Labour Day (October 25th) t h e ; marched t b r o c g h the s treet* of Anckl&od, and were loudly cat .-.red by thousands ot spectators . Previous to e i i i l s tment M r Barker was engaged for t w o ^ears at tba Government M e n t a l Hospi ta l tt Tnkanu i . The Super intendent (Dr. Crosby), whose p » i ' e n i s belonged to Pen r i th , expreaaed his sorrow at los ing M r B i r k e • and wished h im a 8afe retsjra t o h'3 t i t u a t i ^ B . There are q u i t e a snnibcr c" o l d c . s u n t . r j ^ c , i o this corps, i n c l u d i n g a corpora l from M a U i r , near Scarl jorougii . 11} fepoaka h igh ly ot camp l i f e , w h i c h he saja ts l i k e a good hol iday .

*** A acowaic/m c.i g rea t sever i ty was exper i ­

enced i n Teesdale ou Thursday evening, bu t I t was of sues'. de ra t ion . A thaw set i o u 'o ' in . . the n igh t , and con t inued ou F i i d a y , oauaing the r i v e r Tees to r ise i o a very $n tt he igh: There is s t i l l a r o<d doal of snow on the h i l i s i n the higher pa r t of the dale.

V PriTatfB H . Ooitataa » - d H. Ward sf the

R.M.S M . , v i s i t ed t he i r homes laat week- tod fo» tba firs'* : im* P« tbclr cni is teiena. Th.-y look?>< sma". 'n , Ir ettiforsas



ChHstm<s P^ze Show anr l a k . » vTb*» annual C i r i d tmas cr'-zt »h>w aod sale

o t ' iUe B . r n a r d C t t i t i o %nd Te?s ia le Farmers ' A u c t i o n M a r t O -moanj , L i m i t e d , v/\n he ld oa •W^dnesds , w: , h - . . i o r w * r d • ve ry n i l s co l l c'.ioa c f ' v . atook ar.d da i ry cows and piss, number ing 47 d a i r y castie, 37 fa t ca t t l e . 7 s l o t e s V l b u l l , 152 sbeep, and 38 pigs, a l l of w h i c h BBBI a good market . Toe jadges w e r e : — M « s s r ^ M.v)dy,W. Binges j , sad Robe r t Jackson, for Ut c .v . , ! - ; V sara I f . P igg , i . fluot snd W. D ) w s ; v , far f a , :-':''.ep and p i g s ; Messrs i t M i t c k e P , j u n i o r , J. Gregory, and T . E. Walker , for d v l r y ca t t l e , v.'ho gave t h e i r awards aa ( . . . l o w : - F a t t o c k — L o r d Barnard , £ 4 6 , pu'Caioe.- b r Ralph Hodgeou; 2 George A t k i n s o n , £ 3 7 10*., K .h-•> A r r o w s m l t h ; 3, G sorge & ' .k in tc r i . £ 3 3 5 >, Rober t A r t o w s m i t h ; b .o ime^ded, Joan Ec r iog tun , £ 2 9 , T . TbompFon. ITst heifer—John C. Metca l fe , £ 3 5 10*. Raoer t J ackson ; 2, L o r d Barnard. £ 3 5 15s., M r Hodgson, G a i n f o r d ; 3, G. a. Byers. £ 3 0 , Rober t J ackson ; C D W Ge A t k i o s o o , £ 3 0 , Henry Sa5f tfa", Obiter, 85 stones—John C. Metca l fe , £ 2 7 15?., M r Robsoo, G a i n f o r d ; 2, L o r d Barnard, £ 3 0 5a., r t - l p b Hodgson ; 3, L o r d Barnard , £ 2 9 6 i . C. Jackson; commended, T . and A . N l oho la a, £ 2 3 , T . M . Peat. Pair of K y l o e bul lock ' , -Ear! ot - t r a t h m o r e , £ 2 2 10s., R . Fawoet t , and £ 2 2 17a. CI. 1. W i l l i s and Sons, Dar l i ng ton ; 2, E a r i of S t r a t h m o r e , £ 2 3 , R Faw-c c i aud £ 2 1 10s., J . Teasdale ; oommended, F. i , of v r a i h m o r f . £ 1 2 17s. 6d., C. P igg, and £19 , R . Ronaon, j u o i o r . Robson'especial prize— Joan C Metca l fe , £ 2 7 1 5 s . ; oommended, George Atk inaoa , £ 3 0 . Messrs Temperley 's speolal— George A t k i n s o n , £ 3 7 10;. ; 2, L o r d Barnard, £ 3 5 15s. Water loo speolal—George A t k i n s o n , £ 3 3 5s.; oommeaded. l « " d Barnard, £ 3 0 5s. M r G. T . F r w c e t t ' s spec ia l—Lord Barnard , £ 4 5 ; OOKmended, G. A. Bj e r a , £ 3 0 . Measrs Keighley 'a spec ia l—Lord Ba rc s rd , £ 2 9 5s. Da i ry oow, caived—J. N . Wa'k--- •, £ 3 5 , pnrchased by A l b e r t W o i g b t m a c ; 2, J . G. Dent , £ 3 4 10s., M r T w e d d e l i ; 3, R i c h a r d G i l l , £ 2 8 , A l b e r t We igh t -man. i L - c a l f cow—J. N . Walker , £ 4 2 5s., John M i t c h e l l , j u n i o r ; 2. E. F . Green. £ 3 8 2*. 6d., F ; e d H a r r i s o n ; 3, John Wilson , £ 3 1 15s., F r e d Har r i son ; commendei:, C. Walker , £ 3 2 12a. 6d., M r B iacka t t . Hei te r ca lved o r i n - c a l l — T . A I l i o s o n , £ 2 8 2a. 6a., M r Fos t e r ; 2, R icha rd G i l l , £ 2 0 , T . C^arkson ; 3, R. W. Dent, £ 1 9 7 a 6 1 ^ M r Cr isp . l i e s s r s Ke igh ley's special— J . N . Walker , £ 4 2 5s.; 2, J . Wtlsoo £".1 15s. Three shnarUngs — 1 , 2 aod ct-tcawao-.-o, John Atk inson , 76s. 6 d , 75s. and 70s. r e s p e c t , » e l y , Michae l P igg . Three boggs - R . W. Simps to. 84s., He.;ry* eiayer; 2, John Dent , 61c. M ? l i a r r i s u n , l n g i e t o n ; oom­mended, George Harr iaot ' , 70c, M r Robaun, G---in fo rd . Three niaok-faoed wethera or gi tnmers—F. Forster, 40s. fid, R u b e r ! A r r o w -s m i t h ; 2, Josepa Char l ton , 52s.. T . Toompson ; commended, F . Fors taf , 39*., R o b e r t A r r o w -s m i t h . Two pork p igs—Ear l ot S t ra thmore , £ 5 5s. eiicb, Rober t F a w e e t t ; 2, Goo. Harr i son , 75s. each, F r e d lveaoo ; 3, t t . M . Metca l fe , 60a, M r Conl tha rd ; oomtu^ndeil, R . M . Metca l fe , 63a., Henry Bayer. There was 3 v e r y large at-.c ax...:-, o i buyers f rom diatao parta , aud a gaud oieM-anoe, v e r y l i t t l e be ing reaerved.—A t u r k e y vaa g ivea by M r T B X M M Sanderson, B a t t e r k n I W I , i r , u i d ot the Br i t ten Farmers ' Red C r o i s Fur.d. sod rea l acd £ 1 »«.

Red Cross Society: Fgglestone's Crand tffort.

The second » o n a a l b ' . l l io c i d of t l i e Bri-.iah Red Cross 8oc lc ty was held oo F r i d a y n i g h t i a the sohool-Toom, Eggiosco>.ve. Though (be weather wgw t^ty smiaTvoarable, fcharo was a good attendance. Da-.'M 'g comm-3ioc?d a t 9 o'clock, Tfep BBSifl waa suppl ied hy local placers prs' . ip, Me te r s J. K i d d , R. Robinson, and % leeton s c i i n g aa mas t e r*o i oe -e roc ips . Th3 reireshnioti t i i were genevoui ly g iven by tho i c b a b l t s s i a o l E g g l t a f o ' . Thp s lnpir ig A •'God sav^ tbe K i n g " i ' 6 o ' c Joek the fo l iowi i g m o r c i r f . hvongbli a va ry pleasant evanlsg to a C2OSP On'r ii to the l'<rj?e amour/, c f o r o s . , e t c H b « i r g g iven , t b e eoinmictet wer* able to ho id w o t s e " r ) M ce, m\ih s o p p c , i a SatarsV >• b i g i i l , I r o n ti i i a t i i U • 'oioak. T l * o o a m i t b a te i ider t l r - i r tpret s incere thauks to a i i ; wsa who e p a t r l b a t t d by r,.\y o* money, ref ies .-meats, loan of flags* i-.v d,:coiatiug, to tho band for t h e i r excellent,'n,n«;.i o co ic cvdoings, to the wal to rs for ' be m^oagtraent o i the naofet t » n l r . ac<i t o ravre who craved the e l t m e c ' s log t h e i r patronage and sapport , The,7 r r o Lopoful ot beii.g able to Bead ^ h n l £ 7 t o toe he idqna r to reo f t^e B r i t i s h RedCruas Sooio t . ,

Funeral of Mrs Christopher Medley. Intermsnt in the Church Cemetery.

The iasermeut took place laat Thursday M t e r n o r n , ia the Chuteh cemetery , Barnard CiiStio, of M r s M a r g a r e t Johns :u Hediey, w i f e ot M r C b r U t j p n e r Hediey, of 17, Galgate, 'jf&e tieceoaed U i y was too ukagater of the Use i d r a a a M r s An thony BlasksMused leaves e nusbaud, i c d t w o souB sod t w o c » n g h t e r s t o moarn tier lostt. Tt.o Rev. Spencer Wade was the i f S c i a t i n g c l e r g j m s D . Van coffin was of oak, w i t b b'aaa m. iuul ings . r e i o s o r i p t i o n on the breastplate- b e i e g t " Marga ra t Johnson H t d l o j : d i ed 6ch Dscemher, 1915, aged 61 y e a r s " The chief m^nruers were M r C Hediey, wiio<*<-.<' ; M r and M r s F. H t d l o y , son and daughtoi - i c - l a? , Barnard Castle ; M r C. Hediey, sou, Barnard C t S l l e ; M r and M r s J. S u i t o r , aor - i t ; - law tui daughter , West A u c k l a u d ; M I B O 'J. Ho ' j ley , daughter , Barnard C a b i i e ; i i r T. B b c k e t t , b ro ther , Barnard U i s t l a ; M.-?s J. Aanmor t , s is ter , Barnard Cas t l e ; M r and ^ars R . Dohbau, b ro t ce r - in - l aw and siater, B a r u i n g h a m ; Miss Hediey, g raod-d » u g h » o r , Bernard C a n d e ; M r s T . B lacke t t , s i s te r - in - law, Barnard Can t lo ; M r A. BlackeiC and M r H. Asuiuorfc, nephews, Barnard Caet ie ; M r s D, Walker , D a r l i n g t o n ; M r s I . Owens, Mis s M . G Blacke t t , M r s l i . g & e u , M , L F . JohoBon, Ba - a r d C a a t l e ; »,iu Wis* L . Dobso i , Barui i ignam, n ieces ; M r H . Brown, Snndesiaod ; 4 . . d M r s W i g ham, Stockton, coui>.:3 1 as general mourners inc luded —'f ibers cf tbe Barnard Castle Urbau D i s t r i c t CoaaaiL. M r and M r s Towi.-s, 8u.~.derIaod; M r W. Cat te rmole , M i d d l e s b r o o g h ; At a ''. M r s J . H i l l e r y , S c a r g l l l ; Miss Paaojck, B . r c a r d Caa t le ; M r s J . Ashmoro acd M r s A . B lacke t t , b a n a i i C a s i i e ; M r u . Waikar , D a r l i n g t o n ; i i r E , bogge ; : , Barnard Oas t le ; M r s Carny, Sonder l aad ; * i r xnd Mrs Raise , Shi idon ; M r Ra^oe, D a r i i ^ ^ t c u ; M r R GUI . L i r t i o g t o o ; M L J . :4oa« and M r R . B r u n s k i i l , Gre ta B r i d g e ; a i d Moijsrs J . h . h o . i , . W. JaOkaou, J . G. Jo&nsot, J . Metca l fe , A. Wiupenny, F . Wel fo rd , G. barker , M . Baeh, Ooaw.-a. H'scoa, R. M o r t o n , G. l i o n o o F . Voant 'Jy, G. V-'e armonth, G. H . Welford , J . E. Daat , W. Garba t t , W. Por ter , T . Thompson, >'f. U F « r = . e r , T . Cooper, H . B i r t w i . i s t l e , J . H . Brow. , J. G. H a i l , W. J . Windrocs, J . G. B u r n . , r . t^oa;aman, T, Young , P. Hunter , H . A . Thompson, A . Baker, J . Rodgors, £1. Loyues aiic: many others . The bearers were Messrs Lee, H i r d , Hodgson and Hark^ r , B» as ;d Castle. Some most beaut i fu l wrea ths and crosses were sent. M r T . Hanter , Barns.ru C a t t l e , was tae n rde r t ake r , acd the nearee and mourn ing eocenes were suppled by the K i n g ' s Head .-a- -

L o r d Glsmis bae r e tu rned to Glamla Castle.

IIRTKr rWRtAGFS, m 5EATM8. Roll of Hosour.

W A T S O N . — O n November 19th, 1915, P r iva t e Joseph R o b e r t Watson, 6 th Y o r k s h i r e Regiment , beloved husband of M i l i i c e n t Watson, acd son o l Jcseph W i l l i a m and E l i zabe th Wataoo, o l Wood-street, Barnard Castie, »g--d 29 y e a r s . - K i l l e d i n ac t ion i n the Medi te r ranean .

Uaat' 8 A L L I S O N . - O O December 12th, 1916, M a r y L i l y

Ai l i t t i o, t h i r d daughter of M a r y A l l i s o n , of Quarry Grenge. aged 24 yearv. - T o be i r * e r r e d a t tbe Disseccers' b u r i a l g round , Barnard Oast!'.', <v Thcrsaay , December 16th, ao r t t ge t o le . i ra 'eair tsrae a t 2 p .m. A l l

rds. oastW, on the

U l h tessMaa, Eiis»i»ei.h D I X O L J w i d o w cf the tab Wstsor. D i x o n , I » t e 7o f Seabolme Bsplasndsi, R e d c i r , aged 81 « i r s

Oi t i ) . — A t Biueatene frVrttaas, a fa twood «>ate of Towa Pasture), on fine 12th i n s : .ot , Caaries , beloved hesbanti of M a r y O r d , aged 76 years.

''> bt> i n t e r r e d a t Barnard Oastle, on Wrdrcsday , D j c - j u U - r 15 .1 . cor tege to leave r c G ^ o t c e a t 2 30 p m.

' n Memor i am-W A L T O N . — l a l a v i n g memory ot H a r r y W a l t o n ,

of Bai l ( i eel ' , Mickleto,?., w a o a i e d December tCth, 1914.— Ever remembered by his mother, b ro the r and elate: a.

Return Thanks. M R CHRISTOPHER H E D L E Y A N D F A M I L Y

be,-; t o re Hal s t h e i r s ioc&rn t b i n k s for k i n d le t l e r t ; r ce ived ar<t symr-atby shown t o them i n t he i r ead berbavemsnt.

frieuas k i n d l y i c v i t e d . No PTTOIT A l t . f l a l f s t r B t r