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ORACLE 7 Documentation Catalog DPS7000/XTA NOVASCALE 7000 Database Products: ORACLE REFERENCE 47 A2 10UR 02

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Documentation Catalog







Database Products: ORACLE


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ORACLE 7Documentation Catalog

Database Products: ORACLE

November 1995







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This catalog describes the complete set of ORACLE7 technicaldocuments that GCOS 7 users can order directly from BULL.

These documents fall into two distinct categories:

• the 47 series (GCOS 7 specific)

• the 86 series (general)

This catalog identifies each document by title and BULLreference number, and gives a brief description of each. Thegeneric ORACLE books are grouped by product. Simple blockdiagrams summarize each product's manual set and illustratehow the various books are related.


This catalog will be helpful to anyone concerned with using theORACLE7 Relational Database Management System under theBULL GCOS 7 operating system.

Change bars in the margin indicate differences between thisversion of the manual and the previous version.

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Table of Contents

1. GCOS 7 - Specific Documents ..............................1-1

2. ORACLE7 Product-Specific Documents ..........2-1

2.1 ORACLE7 SERVER ...........................................................2-1

2.2 SQL LANGUAGE AND PL/SQL ........................................2-5

2.3 PROGRAMMATIC INTERFACES ......................................2-7

2.4 SQL*PLUS .........................................................................2-9

2.5 SQL*REPORT (RPT/RPF) ...............................................2-11

2.6 SQL*NET V2 ....................................................................2-13

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Table of Contents

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1-1 GCOS 7 - Specific Documentation Set...............................1-1

2-1 ORACLE7 Server Documentation Set................................2-22-2 SQL Language Manuals.....................................................2-52-3 Programmatic Interfaces Documentation Set.....................2-72-4 SQL*Plus 3.1 Documentation Set ......................................2-92-5 SQL*Report Documentation Set.......................................2-11

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1. GCOS 7 - Specific Documents

This is a set of six manuals that explain how GCOS 7 interfaceswith ORACLE.

O R AC LE7/TD SUser's G u ide

O R AC LE7Docum en ta tion

Ca ta log

O RAC LE7Insta lla tion G u ide

O RACLE7 G uideto P rocessorsand U tilities

SQ L*N et V1w ith

O R AC LE7User's G u ide

SQ L*Ne t V2w ith

G CO S 7U se r's G u ide

Figure 1-1. GCOS 7 - Specific Documentation Set

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47 A2 10UR ORACLE7 Documentation Catalog

(This catalog.) A guide to all ORACLE manuals of interestto the GCOS 7 user.

47 A2 11UR ORACLE7 Installation Guide

A rapid overview of ORACLE7, with instructions on how toinstall and use it on DPS 7000 systems under GCOS 7.

47 A2 12UR ORACLE7 Guide to Processors an dUtilities

How to call ORACLE7 processors and utilities underGCOS 7, with a description of each.

47 A2 13UR SQL*Net V1 With ORACLE7 User' sGuide

How to use the SQL*Net V1 facilities with ORACLE7 underGCOS 7 and from a personal computer under MS-DOS.

47 A2 14UR ORACLE7/TDS User's Guide

How to use ORACLE databases with TDS applications;preparing and executing ORACLE/TDS applications;special features of Pro*COBOL.

47 A2 17UR SQL*Net V2 with GCOS 7 User's Guide

How to use the SQL*Net V2 facilities with ORACLE7 underGCOS 7.

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2. ORACLE7 Product-Specific Documents

This is a set of 21 manuals that describe the generic ORACLEproducts. These manuals are grouped below by product.


The ORACLE Relational Database Management System(RDBMS) includes the database manager and several featuresthat assist users and database administrators (DBAs) inmaintaining, monitoring, and manipulating data on a variety ofplatforms. The ORACLE RDBMS includes a completeimplementation of SQL, the ISO- and ANSI-standard languagefor RDBMSs.

Refer to the GCOS 7 specific documentation (Section 1) forinformation on installing and running the ORACLE7 database ona DPS 7000.

The seven manuals described here treat general RDBMS topicsand related utilities.

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General RDBMS and Ut i l i t ies Informat ion

O RACLE7Serv er

Adm inistrator'sG uide

O RACLE7Serv er

M igrationG uide

O R ACLE7Serv er

ConceptsM anual

O RACLE7Serv er

ApplicationDev eloper's

G uide

O RACLE7Serv erUtilities

User's G uide

O RACLE7Serv er

M essagesand


O RACLE7Serv er

AddendumRelease 7.1

Figure 2-1. ORACLE7 Server Documentation Set

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ORACLE7 Product-Specific Documents

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86 A2 40PE ORACLE7 Server Concepts Manual

This manual describes all features of the ORACLE7Server. It provides information about the base ORACLEServer product and the special options, including theprocedural option, the distributed option.

86 A2 41PE ORACLE7 Server Administrator's Guide

This guide describes how to manage the ORACLE7Server. An in-depth conceptual and functional descriptionof the ORACLE7 RDBMS, via narrative, illustrations,examples, and a glossary. Intended for DBAs and systemadministrators, it may also be useful to applicationsdesigners.

86 A2 70CR ORACLE7 Server Addendum Releas e7.1

This addendum describes the improvements and newfeatures available with ORACLE7 release 7.1.

86 A2 42PE ORACLE7 Server Applicatio nDeveloper's Guide

For DBAs and applications designers; expands on theconcepts described in the ORACLE DatabaseAdministrator's Guide with emphasis on tuning, PL/SQL,data integrity, procedures and packages and a descriptionof the performance diagnostic tools.

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86 A2 65PE ORACLE7 Server Utilities User's Guide

Detailed explanations, including numerous examples, ofORACLE utilities and how to use them. Covers Export andImport, SQL*DBA, and SQL*Loader; includes errormessages specific to these utilities.

86 A2 66PE ORACLE7 Server Messages and Codes

A list of error messages specific to the ORACLE7 Server,together with explanations and suggested actions.

ORACLE product-specific error messages are contained inthe manual which describes that product. (GCOS 7specific error messages are given in Messages and ReturnCodes Directory, 47 A2 10UJ.)

86 A2 46PE ORACLE7 Server Migration Guide

Detailed explanations about the migration process of anearlier ORACLE database version, together with userapplication migration.

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ORACLE7 Product-Specific Documents

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The SQL language is the ISO- and ANSI-standard language forrelational database management systems. The ORACLERDBMS includes a complete implementation of SQL.

PL/SQL is an extension of SQL that combines the datamanipulation features of SQL with the data processing powerand sophistication of procedural languages.

Two manuals are devoted to the SQL language itself and twomanuals describe the PL/SQL extension:

SQL Language Manuals

O RACLE7 Serv erSQ L Language

Q uick R eference

PL/SQ L U ser'sG uide and Reference

O RACLE7 Serv erSQ L Language

Reference M anual

PL/SQ L R elease 2.1and Precom piler 1.6


Figure 2-2. SQL Language Manuals

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86 A2 43PE ORACLE7 Server SQL Languag eReference Manual

A complete description of SQL, together with an overviewof relational theory and the history of SQL. Modular informat, with detailed descriptions of all SQL elements andhow to use them. Includes ORACLE data dictionarytables, a summary of SQL syntax, and a glossary.

86 A2 47CR ORACLE7 Server SQL Language Quic kReference

A brief description of the key features of the SQLlanguage, including SQL DML and DDL syntax, SQLoperators, functions, and pseudo-columns, reservedwords, and data dictionary views.

86 A2 76SW PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference

A complete description of PL/SQL for the applicationsprogrammer. Explains the concepts behind PL/SQL andshows how to develop PL/SQL applications. Includessample PL/SQL blocks to help you develop your ownapplications. For ORACLE7, you must have Revision 02(or later) of this manual.

86 A2 74CR PL/SQL Release 2.1 and Precompile r1.6 Addendum

This addendum describes enhancements offered byPL/SQL release 2.1.

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ORACLE7 Product-Specific Documents

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Two types of programmatic interface allow applicationsprogrammers to write high-level language programs to accessdata in an ORACLE RDBMS:

• The Precompiler Interface translates SQL statementsembedded in high-level source code so that it can becompiled and linked into executable code.

• The ORACLE Call Interface (OCI) allows high-level languageapplications to access data in the ORACLE RDBMS bymaking direct calls to ORACLE subroutines contained inlanguage-specific run-time libraries.

These interfaces are described in five manuals:

Programmat ic Inter faces Documentat ion Set

Program m er 's G uideto the O R AC LE Call Interfaces

Pro*CobolPrecompi lerSupp lement

Pro*CPrecompi lerSupp lement PL/SQ L R elease 2.1

and Precom pile r 1.6Addendum

P rogram m er's G u ideto the O RA CLE

P recom pilers

Figure 2-3. Programmatic Interfaces Documentation Set

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86 A2 77CR Programmer's Guide to the ORACL EPrecompilers

For use with the language-specific supplements notedbelow. Contains an overall description of the interface foreach language. Explains transactions, error detection andrecovery, and advanced programming techniques.

86 A2 74CR PL/SQL Release 2.1 and Precompile r1.6 Addendum

This addendum describes enhancements offered by theORACLE Precompilers release 1.6.

86 A2 15SL Programmer's Guide to the ORACL ECall Interfaces

How to use the ORACLE Call Interface for C and COBOL.Deals with transactions, error detection and recovery, andadvanced programming techniques. For ORACLE7, youmust have Revision 03 (or later) of this manual.

86 A2 79CR Pro*COBOL Supplement

A separate supplement to the Programmer's Guide to theORACLE Precompilers specific to COBOL.

86 A2 78CR Pro*C

A separate supplement to the Programmer's Guide to theORACLE Precompilers specific to C language.

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SQL*Plus is a tool for executing ad-hoc SQL statements tocreate, store, modify, manage, retrieve, print, format, andmaintain information in an ORACLE database. The commandlanguage is easy to use but powerful enough to serveexperienced as well as new users.

Two manuals deal with SQL*Plus:

S Q L*P lus 3.1 Docum entation Set

SQ L*P lusQ uick Reference

SQ L*P lusUser's G uide

and Reference

Figure 2-4. SQL*Plus 3.1 Documentation Set

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86 A2 90CR SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference

How to use SQL*Plus to create, access, update, print, andmanage information in an ORACLE database. Includesdetailed descriptions of SQL*Plus commands in referenceformat.

86 A2 30PE SQL*Plus Quick Reference

A list of all SQL*Plus commands and usages, applicable toall versions of SQL*Plus. For the experienced user. ForORACLE7, you must have Revision 01 (or later) of thismanual.

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SQL*Report combines text formatting capabilities with the SQLlanguage query capabilities to enable you to generate a widevariety of documents that can include information derived fromORACLE databases.

There are two SQL*Report manuals:

SQ L*Report Docum entation Set

SQ L*ReportAddendum

SQ L*ReportUser's G uide

Figure 2-5. SQL*Report Documentation Set

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86 A2 15SW SQL*Report User's Guide

Describes how to use SQL*Report V1.0 by demonstratingthe use of RPT (Report Text Generator) and RPF (ReportText Formatter). Syntax and commands are explainedthrough examples and diagrams.

86 A2 15SW ADD ASQL*Report User's Guide

Describes V1.1 features and enhancements ofSQL*Report.

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2.6 SQL*NET V2

SQL*Net V2 allows ORACLE tools and applications to access,manipulate, share and store data in ORACLE databasesresiding on remote servers. SQL*Net enable data accessbetween multiple database servers.

Two manuals deal with SQL*Net V2.

UnderstandingSQ L*Net

Version 2.1

O RACLE NetworkProducts M essages

M anual

86 A2 85CR ORACLE Network Products Message sManual

This manual provides information required to understandand use the problem resolution facilities of the ORACLENetwork Products.

86 A2 86CR Understanding SQL*Net Version 2.1

Describes SQL*Net V2.1 including: SQL*Net functionality,architecture of SQL*Net and Using SQL*Net V2.1.

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Title : DPS7000/XTA NOVASCALE 7000 ORACLE 7 Documentation Catalog DatabaseProducts: ORACLE

Reference Nº : 47 A2 10UR 02 Date: November 1995



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