oracle inventory functional overview


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Oracle Inventory Functional Overview Presenter’s Name Presenter’s Title


Page 1: Oracle Inventory Functional Overview
Page 2: Oracle Inventory Functional Overview

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Oracle Inventory Functional OverviewPresenter’s NamePresenter’s Title

Page 3: Oracle Inventory Functional Overview

Purpose:This document provides an overview of features and enhancements included in Release 12. It is intended solely to help you assess the business benefits of upgrading to Release 12. 

This document in any form, software or printed matter, contains proprietary information that is the exclusive property of Oracle. Your access to and use of this confidential material is subject to the terms and conditions of your Oracle Software License and Service Agreement, which has been executed and with which you agree to comply. This document and information contained herein may not be disclosed, copied, reproduced or distributed to anyone outside Oracle without prior written consent of Oracle. This document is not part of your license agreement nor can it be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. This document is for informational purposes only and is intended solely to assist you in planning for the implementation and upgrade of the product features described. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described in this document remains at the sole discretion of Oracle. Due to the nature of the product architecture, it may not be possible to safely include all features described in this document without risking significant destabilization of the code. 


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• New Functionality with OPM ConvergenceA) Dual Unit of Measure ControlB) Material Status ControlC) Advanced Lot ControlD) Support for Indivisible LotsE) Material Aging WorkflowF) Manual Reservation and Allocation Enhancements

• Genealogy Enhancements

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OPM Convergence

Dual Unit of Measure Control

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Dual Unit of Measure ControlDescription

• One item with two units of measure simultaneously• Ideal when no constant conversion

• # of chickens vs. weight• # of rebar rods vs. length or weight

• Transact, reserve, view in both units of measure• Pricing can be done in either unit of measure• Planning and Costing still done using primary UoM • Process organizations only

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Dual Unit of Measure ControlBenefits

• Provide necessary functionality to those industries that deal in Catch Weights, such as poultry or metals

• Improve inventory management

• Allows our Clients to better meet their Customers’ needs

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Dual Unit of Measure ControlSpecify Dual UoM Control

Define Tracking for Single or Dual UOMs

Specify defaulting logic for secondary


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Dual Unit of Measure ControlEnter Transactions

Enter Secondary Quantity at Receipt and all subsequent


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Dual Unit of Measure ControlAvailable for Wireless Devices

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Dual Unit of Measure Control Considerations

• Not all modules will support secondary quantity entry• Oracle Shipping Execution, Receiving, Order Management,

Inventory, WMS, MSCA and the Process Manufacturing Modules already honor dual UOM

• Other app’s, refer to the product documentation

• Open interface will use default conversion if no secondary quantity cited

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OPM Convergence

Material Status Control

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Material Status ControlDescription

Design Beta Production

Maintain / Service Obsolete

Item Status(item master)

Uninspected Immature Active Expired

Material Lifecycle(each individual inventory instance of an item)


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Material Status ControlDescription

• Material Status Uses• User defined• List Allowed and Disallowed Transactions• Determines if product is nettable, ATP-able & Reservable

• Applied to Subinventory, Locator, Lot, and Serial • Assign at receipt of new lot or serial• Assign in subinventory & Locator forms• Location status applies to material in location and not to the

location itself• Disallowed transactions & planning actions are cumulative• Planning attributes are not available for serial status

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Material Status ControlStatus

• Better visibility through greater detail• Improve inventory control and planning• Better customer service• Flexible - User defined• Easy to use

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Material Status ControlEnable Status Control by Item

Enable status control selectively

for Items

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Material Status ControlEnable as Status-Controlled (Opt’l)

Specify which transaction types can be restricted

by status

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Material Status ControlDefine Status Codes & Allowable Txns

Specify planning attributes for

material status

Specify allowed and disallowed transactions for this material status

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OPM Convergence

Advanced Lot Control

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Advanced Lot ControlDescription- Available Capabilities

1) Additional Lot Attributes• Grade, Origination, Retest Date, Expiration Action Code,

Expiration Action Date, Maturity Date, Hold Release Date

2) Sublot Tracking

3) Lot-Specific UOM Conversions

4) Support for Indivisible Lots

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Advanced Lot ControlBenefits

• More accurate inventory tracking• Better shipping accuracy• Better customer service• Easier to use, less user involvement

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Advanced Lot Control1) Additional Lot Attributes

• Grade, Origination, Retest Date, Expiration Action Code, Expiration Action Date, Maturity Date, Hold Release Date

• Allocate a particular grade of material for specific customer or order

• Expiration Action Code allows for particular action to be taken on material when lot has expired

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Advanced Lot Control2) Sublot Tracking

• Sublot is a lot with a parent

• Automatically generate lots and sublots at receipt

• Search for lots by parent or by sublot (lot)

• Automatic sublot name generation• A concatenation of parent lot name

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Advanced Lot Control2) Sublot Tracking

Enable Sublot

Control on Item Master

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Advanced Lot Control2) Sublot Tracking

Parent Lot number entered during transaction for sublot

controlled Items

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Advanced Lot Control3) Lot-Level UOM Conversions

• Conversions can be created or modified for particular lots

• Conversion can also be added as part of receipt transaction

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Advanced Lot Control4) Indivisible Lots: Description

• Some items cannot be physically “broken” apart without special equipment (metal pipe, textiles)

• Item-level attribute

• Oracle Inventory will not suggest breaking an indivisible lot• System will over- or under-allocate accordingly so that only

full lots are chosen

• Move orders and subinventory transfers cannot break indivisible lots

• Allowed breaks: Split Lot form, Miscellaneous Issue form, and receipts to the same locator

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Advanced Lot Control4) Indivisible Lots

‘Lot Divisible’ flag indicates whether lots of this Item can

be divided

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OPM Convergence

Material Aging Workflow

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Material Aging WorkflowDescription

• Concurrent Request executed on any date attribute of a lot or serial

• Workflow is initiated on any date attribute of a lot or serial • Can be intiated within X days of any date attribute

• Default workflow sends notification, but can be customized to support any functionality

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Material Aging WorkflowBenefits

• Proactive management of date sensitive material

• Automated processes ensure that aging is done accurately and reliably

• Enables better lot handling and material management by scheduling alerts days (or weeks) in advance

• Better customer service in date sensitive industries, for instance, food and beverage

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Genealogy Enhancements

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Genealogy EnhancementsDescription

1) Unified view of Lot and Serial genealogy

2) Lot/serial Exclusivity

3) Lot/Serial validation on Component returns

4) Supplier Lot number tracking

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Genealogy EnhancementsBenefits

• Improve the product/component traceability • By providing genealogy view in both direct and through the

job fashions, displaying the supplier lot numbers, etc.

• Reduce the user navigation and input effort• By providing the lot-serial genealogy in a unified view,

allowing to access the serials maintenance from query lots, and the lots maintenance from the query serials forms

• Minimize liability and increase customer service• By the ability to recall or service the defective parts quickly

and accurately with the enhanced traceability

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Genealogy Enhancements1) Unified view of Lot and Serial Genealogy

• Provides both lot and serial genealogy in a single view

• Displays genealogy through the job for lot and serial components

• Displays direct genealogy for the exact lot and serial component details

• ‘Source’ tab displays the child genealogy in both job and direct fashions

• ‘Where Used’ tab displays the parent genealogy in both job and direct fashions

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Genealogy Enhancements1) Unified view of Lot and Serial Genealogy

Direct Genealogy

Genealogy through Job

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Genealogy Enhancements2) Lot/Serial Exclusivity

• Ability to establish direct genealogy linkage

• Allows users to enter the assembly lot and serial information while performing WIP material transactions

• Enabled for transactions performed using desktop

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Genealogy Enhancements2) Lot/Serial Exclusivity

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Genealogy Enhancements3) Lot/Serial Validation for WIP Returns

• Enable/Disable using profile options

• Validates component lots/serials returned with those issued to the job

• LOVs are restricted to lots and serials issued to the job

• Deletes any genealogy linkage of lot/serial components once all the quantity is returned

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Genealogy Enhancements3) Lot/Serial Validation on WIP Returns

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Genealogy Enhancements4) Supplier Lot Number Tracking

• Allows looking up supplier lot number using the ‘Material Transactions’ tab of the genealogy view

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Genealogy Enhancements4) Supplier Lot Number Tracking

Material Transactions


Supplier Lot


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Enhanced Reservations

and Allocations

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Enhanced Reservation and Allocations: Description

• Enhanced Reservations• New Supply and Demand Sources

• Serial Reservations

• Select Available Inventory Form

• Allocations• Enhanced Inventory Picking Rules

• Select Available Inventory Form

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Enhanced Reservations and Allocations: Benefits

• Enhanced Reservations• Greater predictability for material allocation

• Serial handling

• Minimized storage costs

• Intelligently create reservations according to customer demand

• Allocations• Meet more specific customer product requirements

• Combine warehouse control with system suggestion

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Enhanced Reservations Supply Sources

• Inventory Reservation form has new supply sources• Purchase Orders , Internal requisition• Discrete jobs, OPM batches, OSFM jobs• ASN, In-transit Shipments, Receiving (WMS orgs only)

• Supply document validation checks• Supply availability checks• Transfer reservation to Rec’ing on receipt (WMS org)• Transfer of reservation to Inventory on delivery• Synchronized change management

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Enhanced Reservations Demand Sources

• Inventory Reservations have new demand sources• Components for CMRO work orders

• Components for OPM batches

• Demand document validation checks

• Demand availability checks

• Synchronized change management

• Relieve reservations on job completion

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Enhanced Reservations Serial Reservations

• Only allowed against sales orders/internal orders from reservations UI

• Also allowed against account/account aliases and CMRO work orders using API

• Only allowed for on-hand serials

• Serial can be used as a “find” criteria

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Enhanced Reservations Serial Reservations

• New User Interface for entering/querying reserved serials

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Enhanced Reservations Serial Reservations

• Impact on Pick Release• Allocate any reserved serials, ignoring pick rules• Use the organization parameter ‘Allocate serial numbers’ for

remaining demand• Allow serial substitution during picking and shipping

even for reserved serials.• A reserved serial is available for serial triggered sub-

inventory transfer

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Enhanced AllocationsInventory Picking Rules

• Additional picking criteria

• Additional sort criteria

• Assign rules to items, categories, customers

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Enhanced AllocationsSelect Available Inventory Form

• Uses Picking Rules (Inventory or WMS)

• Displays system suggested material

• Support sort order in material display

• Allows user to manually select specific allocation

• Used for allocating move orders and creating reservations

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Enhanced AllocationsSelect Available Inventory Form

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