oral medication pharmacology

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  • 7/28/2019 Oral Medication Pharmacology


  • 7/28/2019 Oral Medication Pharmacology


    there has been clarificationregarding medication.Clarification should be soughtaccording to school policy(e.g., contact the LicensedSchool Nurse/Registered

    Nurse.Wash hands.Put on gloves.Identify the student toreceive the medicine. Callthe student by name andcheck with picture ID ifavailable.Explain to the student youare giving his/her medicationfor that specific time. Knowwhat the student is takingthe medication for. Ask thestudent about any sideeffects of the medication.

    Tell the student the name ofmedication and its purposewhen you give the mediationto him/her.Obtain medication cup usingseparate cup for eachstudent.

    a. If a pill or capsule, pour

    the correct amount ofmedication from themedication bottle to thecap of the bottle. Thenplace the pill or capsulefrom the cap into amedication cup.

    ORb. If the medication is liquid

    pour the correctamount of liquidmedication from the

    medication bottledirectly into a measuredmedication cup ordropper.

    Hand or give medication tostudent.Be certain the medicationwas taken.Check medication label and

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  • 7/28/2019 Oral Medication Pharmacology


    return container to securestorage area.Dismiss the student to classor appropriate school activity.Documentation &Communication:

    Document in ink.Document appropriately forthe specific hour and date.

    This indicates you have giventhe medication for that time.

    ***If medication has varyingor range of amounts thatmight be given record theamount administered.Write initials, full name, andtitle in space provided forsignatures.Return equipment to storagearea.Wash hands before contactwith another student.Report any problems orconcerns to the school nurse.

    Note:If a dose of mediation is missed for any reason, documents the time & date ofthe dose missed, documents the reason for the missed dose on the

    medication administration sheet, notifies the Licensed SchoolNurse/Registered Nurse of the missed medication and the reason (e.g., themedication was unavailable, etc) as they will need to notify the parent/legalguardian.

    Long fingernails may interfere with or make it difficult to administermedications properly and interfere with cleanliness.

    Additional comments:

    Evaluation results (check and provide information as appropriate):

    Successfully completed skill checklist: ____

    Needs to review and repeat: ____

    Areas that need review:

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  • 7/28/2019 Oral Medication Pharmacology


    Date of next review: ____________________________

    School Staff Signature______________________________________________

    School Nurse/Trainer Signature_______________________________________

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