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orange customers and mobile media

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Orange presentation given at the Making Mobile Marketing Work event, 29th June 2010, Birmingham


  • 1. orange customers and mobile media

2. 3. research study into mobile media

  • Quantitative study of 2,000 mobile media users conducted online
  • Qualitative study of 10 users video diary and blog

Who are mobile media users? Send & receive emails Watch TV Send & receive pictures / MMS Search the internet Send & receive videos / MMS Download music Download ringtones Find local information Download games Listen to music Download screen logos Play games Listen to the radio Download wallpapers/pictures Use the internet Use Bluetooth Source : Exposure, Orange Home UK plc, March 2009 4. usage 5. mobile media usage Base : All respondents mobile media users (2003)Source : Exposure, Orange Home UK plc, March 2009 dload games 19% use internet 53% dload music 17% video MMS 31% dload tones 23% email 26% picture MMS 64% bluetooth 63% play games 55% listen to music 49% search internet 37% radio 31% dload pics 19% local 14% dload logos 8% TV 4% 6. Base : All who use each mobile media in mo re than one placeSource : Exposure, Orange Home UK plc, March 2009 87% use their mobile for media at home download music download ringtones download wallpapers / pictures listen to music listen to the radio play games watch TV search the mobile internet find local information use the internet send & receive emails send & receive pictures / MMS send & receive videos / MMS use Bluetooth on bus or train 80% 0% at home when out and about at work 7. 8. Base : All who have used each mobile media in the last 6 monthsSource : Exposure, Orange Home UK plc, March 2009 send & receive emails listen to music listen to the radio use the internet search the mobile internet use Bluetooth play games watch TV send & receive videos / MMS send & receive pictures / MMS find local information download music download ringtones download wallpapers / pictures 81% of use mobile media once a week or more 39% 36% 25% 37% 39% 24% 29% 42% 29% 29% 40% 37% 25% 39% 36% 25% 38%37% 24% 42% 34% 18% 39% 43% 18% 36% 46% 17% 39% 44% 17% 41% 42% 7% 37% 56% 5 20% 75% 4 24% 72% weeklymonthly or less daily 9. what makes mobile special? 10. mobile is perceived as the most innovative and personal medium Source : Exposure, Orange Home UK plc, March 2009 another plus is Im the only user where as a laptop I share with the wife! Its the first time I have been able to do It with my new phone so I like to try new things personalised i nnovative fun creative stylish entertaining relaxing mood setter persuasive trustworthy information comprehensive up to date convenient immediate for me undemanding mobile media magazines interneton PC TV radio newspapers 11. 35% of mobile media users have engaged in mobile commerce mobile as a transaction platform Base : All respondents mobile media users (2003)Source: Exposure, Orange Home UK plc, March 2009 Image by Chole Wolfe-Cowen of the Young Creatives Network 12. Base : All mobile internet users who access internet once a month or more (867)Source : Exposure, Orange Home UK plc, March 2009 users want made for mobile content I wish more sites had a 'mobile' option, so that it looked good and was easy to navigate with a mobile, that's the only thing that keeps me from using my laptop sometimes. 13. trust & cost 14. claim is it important that the sites they access on mobile are for brands that they trust Base: All who access mobile internet once a month or more (n=867) Source: Exposure, Orange Home UK plc, March 2009 85% maybe its because Im quite new to the web on my phone but it just doesnt feel as secure as it does when Im using my pc 15. Base : All who have never clicked through on ads on mobile internet(n=220)Source : Exposure, Orange Home UK plc, March 2009 I don't want to be paying to access advertising! 62% In a hurry and want to go straight to what I amlooking for 50% I was concerned about the cost, it is too expensive 28% haven't come across advertising that is relevant to me 25% I am not sure how much it costs 24% Im not sure what happens if I click on the ad & where it will take me 21% 72% are concerned around cost & advertising 16. the mechanics ofmobile marketing 17. Base : All respondentsmobile media users (2003)Source : Exposure, Orange Home UK plc, March 2009 70% find adverts beyond the banner formats appealing coupons 59% sponsore games 37% local information 32% SMS push toweb site 28% sponsored screen savers 27% ads fortickets / reservations 25% sponsored videos 22% sponsored web pages 21% picture MMS ad 17% SMS ad 16% video MMS ad 15% Web display ads 13% SMS sales alerts 32% 18. Base : All who have noticed advertising on mobile internet(n=383)Source: Exposure, Orange Home UK plc, March 2009 users level of comfort depends on what you offer them start a video/ begins a download(18%) text with a number to call(17%) purchase something which is charged to phone bill(16%) text with a link for further info(24%) launch a game(21%) start to download something relevant from the ad(20%) taken to the advertiser's site(47%) 19. agree icons that explain what to expect when clicking on ads would encourage them to interact more with mobile advertising Base: All who have noticed advertising on mobile internet(n=383)Source: Exposure, Orange Home UK plc, March 2009 76% ..thats an advert, and if clicked on that Id end up subscribed to some crazy thing.. 20. putting into practice 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Red Nose Day 28. 29. 30. 31. Conclusions Source : Exposure, Orange Home UK plc, March 2009 mobile marketing works! Itsthe most personal and innovative medium we must treat mobile as unique we must reassure audiences about cost and trust innovation, relevancy and reassurance are key tomobile marketing