orangeburg times.(orangeburg, s.c.) 1872-10-16.lqgal. l&ty thooffi^ pbthe tlmj^.ih sotiricti on...

LQGAL. l&ty Tho offi^ pbthe TlMJ^.iH SoTiricti on the Corner of Russell ami .Vaiket Streets, oppo¬ site the Post Oflice. We would he pleased to have our friends eall on us,wheli they uomc to Orangeburg. l^.Y" Mr. Ktnu 'ltont.vooN is authorized it> collect and receipt for advertisements and sul>- HCi'iptiiihe to the TiiM*. CUutc?> S.rvit;e9. Pretdivtcritm Chprcjr.^-rvidfiM ;ft 11 A. M., und I P. M .Saftbatli Schoo* at \)\ A. M. Prayer meet inj; Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Hey. J. D. A/Brown, Evangelist. Church of the Redeemer (Episeopul).Ser¬ vices on the 3d and 5th SabbhsH of evorv month at 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. Sabbath School 9A A. M. Rey. $. Mx'Uichump, Hector. Methodist Church.Service» at 11 A. M. and 7 A P. M. Sabbath School at 9 A. M..- Rev. F. Atdd, Pastor. I^UliVrinJChln-t'h^-SaiS'atb' School at 9 A. Dr. P. A. Dantzler. Superintendent. V*TOWN DIRECTORY. Mavor.F. H; W. Briggmann. Clerk. E. J. Oliveins. Treasurei . Wpi. AVibcoek.. r. c - Aldermen.K.M. Oliven^ \VM WiUeoek, (!eo. Moliver, A. "Martia. Orungcbnrg Mail Arrangement. Northern, Western and Opens. . Closes. Charleston, ..... .( . 10 A. M. 1.45 P. M- ' Columbia ...... 12,8b P. M. 1. P. M. '* Ötlipe hours from SAj il. jc ."> 1*. M. Sundays 'excepted ? 1 ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS AT ORANGEBURG. PASSEN« EU. FREIGUT. DAT Tir.MXS. DAY TKAlXS. Down - - 12.05 P.M. Down - - - - 7.50A.M. l p.2.17 I'. M. Up-12.42 A. M.»*« xioiittuaixs. Down-11.58 P. M. Down - - - 0.13 I*. M. Cp ----- 2.00 A. M. Up.5.31 A. M. We are requested to correct an errone¬ ous impression which has gained public eir/'iiljition, that exhibitors at the Orauge- hurg Coiii'.ty Fair will have to pay a fee before being allowed to exhibit their ar¬ ticles. This is i:oi at till so. On the conlrarv o.xMßhitors can enter their ur- tides fjcis t»f charge, and w ill be furnished u season ticket. \Vfiich Kdnrfts in and out>uglHiut the Fair,*ut the reduced rate .of cents. * F:: j:i nutend. !;!»¦ are lemnstul l<> meet the 1'x- eciitivet .oinmhtcc pi the Oiaugchurg .Igricu!- Society on Wednesday, 23d in-t. We. are grntlli d to "*<l»serv« active preparation at ihe I'.icti r-.' Ituihllng for the coming Eatr, which pi.i- -to .: ..pas- insueccss and uUiie- liveiie.-s I he one&tl'hlrf year; A f».:H kind bl i.. i-:< hu- been . ngjg« d. am! every ctloit ;> being ma k> to ;:;:;!,«. it a Micec.-s. We trust the pcöjdi; j Of the County will aj precia'ie and sustain lid- tuji rprije oVtln S«»-i !ty with their coi trihütiom and pre.\euee. j The wcatlni !; is ttirmd i>uilccouh f.4«fct hay- ' tilg put i:i its ap] trance in the la*t few days aa.l holding his own quite briskly. We do no heu* mi much complaint among t|ie planters .it scan ity of hdairej's. The,coltou is il>iuiud mi aM.l .!»<. phi nicks a nil paying higher wages und gutting ly*s douuj] ditrin.; the <! \\'. A v- ry serious acehh »i happened la.-l Sunday to Mr. \V. T. Light foot, as he was driyiug.fuit ju lie- afternoon with his fa in by, which very ii&triy rc-mlied in the <!v-:it!i V;» o?4:: oe more i>f the parlies. W hi'e on .1 brfdge the horse .-hied and kepped olf the bridge, carrying with him the l»uyg;.V.iu which wi re seated Mr. and Mrs, Light fool, together with three children and a nit,vc of Mr. L. The water w; s quite deep enough to have drowned (hem, and i'os.dbly would h ive done pii, b. nl it not he< n for some Colored in Ii who drove up at the moment, and rescued ihoin früni the periloiH position they wen: occupying under the upturned wagon. The horse was. cut lo-i^e and rescued, and all narficx brought home, when it was found that Mr. L'.s niece was scrioii dv bort in one arm, and Mrs. L. bail an arm broken and was very painfully burl in the face. - . -a^ John Hart zog, a young man at .Vr. Wähler'« saloon, shot hiiusulf very seriously last Saturday night. It was entirely accidental, the pistol ex¬ ploding in hi- breeches pocket, the ball passing dow n the Icgaml entering the fool in whice it ju-tahout the ankle joint. W'c under.-tand that .Vr. Ifcnry Kolm bad quite a painful wound iniiictct! upon his leg about tho knee jüiut. A horse run away with him and run him against d wagon in the road. Ho fell shortly after and is not yet able lo walk. il/r. ScovBI'h yard dog bit one of his em¬ ploye-!, a colored min named Hook. Of course the dog was immediately caught, by the said I look. The Hook wrfs slightly damaged. <««i^- . i»< .'Ar. E. Kzekicl is in the market and supplied at all points. A cotton buyer, Inj abo ir. a jeweller, besides dealing largely in hardware, while he has a complete assortment of perfum¬ er! »uch liiek-tihel's. Please read the card of .Vr- T. S. AUmrgoltj and give htm a call. /Vr. A is a young iner chant who oingh-handed comes before you fo n.ln.n.»i o. ...iu..ii I.. ...til A.. "... . : . ' Last Sunday was a remarkably quiet one i" fur (own. Mr.;Brown" did not have service (here wub none a't the Baptist; tins was not the tbinlor fifth .Sabbath'of the month, so that Mr. Melliehamp was not here. Mr. Auhl held service at his (the Methodist) church in the morning and Evening. The hearts of the few who heard were sail- dene/' last .Sunday byihenr^vs that Dr. Klliott had been curried to Fort Motte in compliance with thu message that he must attend our be¬ loved just or the agbd Mr. Mellichiunp, who basso long and faithfully served his God and his peo¬ ple. We regret to heat that at lust account he was still very ill, and we hope and pray, with nil good Christians, that he may ho spared its yet awhile. Court has been busily employed, and Judge Graham has been as usuat, urbane and at the came time expeditious. To outsiders the session has not been devoid of its comicalities, some of which have been some¬ what too'soriotiR for daughter pure. ' One officer was smitten throughout ctmrt, nnd for.the first time, with the stammers. The reading of Judgo's sealed sentence of a prisoner to one year in the penitentiary at hard labor was forestalled by the pardon of the Gov¬ ernor'in hand held. *.And theitadical candidate for Sheriff, 12.. I. Gain, being for ^i* sifccqtid time called upon ¦lo show1 carrse why he should not be indicted for official misconduct, having his recent nomina- Upnj before hin eye, the .Judge very naturally raid that judicial proceedings would be useless, .seeing that if the voters were determined tq elect mefbeinut parties, they miisj tbemstlvb^ siifTer. Court adjourned yesterday noon. LL-U-. . . U '-I Consigrtyes Prr Express. Mrs. W. II. Bull; P. MenD.el, W. II. Cbampy & Co., A. J.. Hydride, A. P. Avingcr «5c Brother., Mrs. S. Hough, J. C. Meaner, J. E. Prower, P. Rieh, C. I). Blume, .Mrs. L. Pearson, S. Wilson, S. A. Glover, J. II. Hook, A. C. Pair. ORANüEBURG SURVIVORS. ASS0CI-AT10N- An Fxtra and Important .5/ceting of this As. -oeiatioa will lie held a! the Store of the Secre¬ tary, on the First Day of the "AgrieuUnrttl'Faiu," at I2.j o'clock. JA-mbers are urged to \f6 punc¬ tual. By order of the President. .JOHN. A. IIA.l/ILTON, pet I d-2 &»e. O.S.A. ('() AI IN [EEC I ^iL. OZlAXO'EJiVRQ COTTON itA UKKT' The market is iiepiovbg, prices ndvune th/;' to'{ y**f lb., middlings at 17.1 els. t har!csi«»u. 173 to IsJ d>\ Prices C u r r e.nt. Bacon 1 buns : : Hi 1" <! I 12.! II Dud : : J " i 15 (.¦ Corn ' : * : : : b is' 12 ) («) Peas : : : : " 1 Oil f.i Oats : ned : : " I 25 (.>) Flour : : :. : uwt ."» 0\) Ui 5 75 Fodder : : : " 1 00 i '20 liouuh Dice : : 44 1 Dam r : : : : lb 25 (..- 50 Fggs : : : > dox 25 (»'. Turkey* : * : : pf 2 00 ('¦< 2 50 Geest : : i -. : " . 1 00 {.> \ 25 Chickens : : : ' " 20 Or. 'lM I tees Wax : : : lb 22 ® Jh ef : .. 10 Cj) jl'i Tidh.w . :j " < 10 Oi. £Lii Ordinance. Skc. IX of an adopted by the Town Council for fiscal yeao* ending 1st April, 1872, ami now re-adopted, by |>rc»ciil Council lor li-eal year bulling 1st April j 1S7."», is as fol- 111 u> : » <i <i * * 4 * For a License t<» carry on any T'ade, Busi¬ ness, oi Profession herein-after mentioned, shall be pa id, viz.: A pot hcc.n i< s, §5.00; AAihTOty- pis-t, §3.00; Architects, §;{.00, Auctioneers, S1*.00; Dagiicriau Avrist, ,§3.00; Hanks or their Branches, §5.00; Ih tail Dealer- in goods, wares and merchandise, (excluding distilled spirits,) whose annual sah s are no; over §10,000, ¦>.< 0; tim e )ibo.»c annual sa'-es are over $10,000 and under $'50,000, §10.00; those whose anual sales are over §.'50,000 §10.00; I (enlists, each, §1.00; l*rinting Offnes, Sö.00; Lawvers or Attornevs, eeh, §i.!!0; Barber*, §7.00; Taf!or4, }2tl0; Dravs, Wngfihs/Omuilnisrs, mid Carrin^es who haul for hire, each, tt.00; Circus, each, per day, t<i be paid before r xbiliition, 2-V.0Ö; MeUagerics, each, per duy, 10.00; Ptactieiiig physieianP, each, '1.00; Peddlers per month, ö.00; f litckslers, 3.00: Cabinet Makers, 2.00; Hotels, 5.00, Ihiaril¬ ing House, private, 3.00; Bakery,2.00;Milenery, 2,00; Saddle and Harness Mtikcni and rcpairgis ol same, 2.0U; Id very Stables. 5.00; < Inn Smiths and IVack Smiths, euch establishment; 3.00; Boot anil Shoe Makers,2.00;dewclursaod Watch and Clock Itopidrers, 2.00; Master Mechanics and House Btublors, 2.00. >; * » All male inhabitants of the Town, between the ages of IS and 50 years, liable to road duty, shall be subject to a compound lax of one dollar eavh. (Signed! F. II. W. I'.IDCtJ.MAXN, net !' Mayor. NOTICE. V.. KZEKIEL is now pK p.'ircd to Inn' COT¬ TON of advance money on the same.highest market prices is usual paid for all County pro¬ duce, oct !) Special Notice. The undersigned do hereby warn all pntics to desist hereafter from bunting ti] on their lam's. Though we feel that thu hunting ol gentlemen nhywhoro is in no way a trespass, we fed constrained to prohibit all, in order to reach parties who are not gentlemen) mwl who under pretense of sea rehing for game, Htou! ami commit other nuisances. We lire determined to use upon all such the extreme law. .JOHN ROBINSON, ocll 1 WM I-' trnmvsai'v- Moulding-), Bracket*, St;.ir Ki.:m- it ald¬ ers'Furnishing Hardware, E>ratu l*i|»«*f Fluor Tiles, Wut' Guards, Terra Oottti Ware, Mxirblo Imiff Slltto Miuplo Pieces. [ Window ülnss a Specialty. Circulars and Price Lists sent free on applica¬ tion, by t m , , f P. V. TOALK. f*$o. 20 Harne and iJiM'packiicy street, oct 1-Ty L'lnmciiton, SjC. Bfotice of Dismissal. Notice is hereby given that I will, on the 20th day of October next, file my final account with the Honorable Judge of Probate for Ornngeburg County, as Administrator of 11. M. Dant/.icr, [and ask for Letters of Dismissal. J. P. M. FOTJRfcS, Administrator. l'ÜK SALM. A Tract of Land of about "00 acres, about one mile from tho Town of Orangehtirg, will bo, disposed of tni reasonable terms. Abo a Milch Cow. Apply to K. KOlIINSi dS*. * net 1-4 HH.VCKEIvFORD & KK1L5,Y, FACTORS AM) UBNERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, % NWktu Atu^NTcü NVllARP, Charleston, S.C. /LOKXTS l'OK Moro Phillips' Ammoniatcd Carrihean .Sea CV'ANI). w. w. p!i.\CKi.i:roi:o. wm. aikkx ki:i.i.<°. oct 1-12 OATS. ÖEIJJX) KYI::. A Supply of fVLACK RUSTPROOF A f S just received. North Carolina and Georgia »SK1CD KYl\ aiwavs on band. sTOYALL'.S AUGUSTA FLOUIl, sacked at mill. liaeoe, Salt, Lard and Cheap Tobacco, J. A. HAMILTON'S STORE, Market Street; WAiiK v Ei\ l MÖNS MM S~ "WlIOl.KPA J.K GROCERS AND LIQ U O li 1 > !¦: A 1. r. tt tt. i(i:5 öi i.OÖ I:\tM Üay itüil i ,r: i feiern Ä/. ( I .H'J( sic il. S. C. have in stoTtr as u.-nal, a large variety of oiioc ..: i; i ks, li<j 1:0 r.k <. and in ndditioii arc rcct'ivb g th i: hii n ¦...[- meat of FAMILY &. PLANTA VU>X (iRO- ( Kit IKS, for tho ball trade, boi.glit al lowest cash prices, consisting in part of Smoked ('. Ii. SIDES AND iHOFLDEES. 1). S. SIDES A N I' JvIM ll'LDKltS. Eamilv, Extra »V Superior I lour. Nigar.i of ad < trades. A I arge Variety of tireen .'v. i''. Tea". A I «arge V ty of Chewingei .Smok¬ ing Totia. «'(>. A Large'Variety' of Havana and Domestic Sugar-, .lava Lagiiavra and I'io ('otiie. Ami Vnvi'oStB c>flici1* («ootls, such nv Sail Mackerel, IVtf. pork, Syrups, M-V-. -. ( and!. -, S|::r. Ii, Preserved und Canned Stud's ixc, jU'., ,'.<-. Their LlgiKUS UEPA.UT- MLN'.l i- hiicd with clinic* I'oreign and Do¬ mestie as aho (he cheaper gradu-i of lh°all>|ies, ({ill, WIpjilMVii, Wines Co., Ac., U>0 UUIII01OUS to mention. Sole Agents for Old ( row, Clipper and Okab ona Whiskey, and the Celebrated Diamond (iin in hands ami cases. ang2l .'hno. THE SINGER STILL TRIUMPHANT! Till) NEW FAMILY SINGp'R :-i:\ViN(; MACH IN K WlTJI ATTAl.ll.M JiNI . l'OK AI.!. kixos ok WOlIK is fa.;t winning favor in the honfeho.M,its shown frv the rapidly increa-iim sab .. This HK\y FAMILY'SEVYIKC MACHINE is cjtpahle of a range aijd viyictV of work .-"< as \tt(s mice thought ImpOsinhlu* to j erfofm hv niachiiiery We claim and can show Ihitt il is the ehcajiest, movi beautiful, deliCiKely arrang¬ ed, nicely adjusted, easily operated, and ninoe* .' ly running of all the Family Sewing Nfacabics. It i- remavKiihlc not only lor thii ran:;' ami va- riety ofils sieving, but a!-, i.., the variciy.and dilfcreut kinds tu texture wfiich i; will ^Vwwith ci|ual ficiliiv and \ivr feel ion, using -]\k twist, linen or cbtloii ifirctjd. Otic or coarse, inaltii the interlocked-elastie-s.'ii h, alike on hoth sides of the fabric sewn. Thus, heaver cloth, or leather may he sewn with »real strength ami unifortuity of stitch ; and, in a moment, this willing anil never wearying iu-iiunicnt may he adjusted for line work <>r gauzi or gossattti r tis¬ sue, or,llftb'tucking of tarlatan, or milling,- or almost any other work which delicate lingers have hecu Known in perform. At the world's lair it received the great award of the highest shies! .1. Ki White, Agon*, Office nt Engine House, prangehurg, S. C. TU Ii $K.'ÜNI> AXNI'AjL, FAIR OK TU 15 C) ». :i 11 *r c\ 1) 11. l'g AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, Will he lield :«t ANDREWS FACTORY BUILDING. Cotnmim in- on TCF.SDA Y, October 29lh, imdi'inliiig <.!i Till 11SDAV, October pWlH jvXE&UTIVK COMMITTEE AN- EL ununcc that thev are milking a't.-ingeincnls Im double ihfl'RKii/UiAl LIST, and tdincftfiW thu attractiveness of die .PAH; in every partic- ithir. They appeal to the pcoplu of the, eomitv for tin ir osipcialioii in trArwork making it W great success. Tho h die« especially are invi¬ ted to contribute, and motu than twice as many premium?, as at the lute Fair, will he their department. The following is a summary of the premiums ofKned: DEPARTMENT A..'FIELD CROPS. For largest yield of cotton upon one acre, $10. For, largdßt yield pf corn upon live acres of high ImihK, -SI't; For (argent yield of coni upon five acres of swamp land,§lö* For largest; yield of corn upon one acru of high hind, b">. ' ' For the largest yield of corn upon one acre of swamp land, §.">. * ^ Forlar^est yield of Rice upon o:jr acre, Sä. j För/liirgest yield df Peas upon one)acre, §ö.' Lnrgi st yield «if Sweet Potatoes, upon *onc acre, :>> For largest yield of Ivisl potatoes upon J acre, $±ö0. For largest vield of turnips upon \ acre ?2..r)0. For larg -i yield of Ordntid Nuts upon one acre, S3. For lliu largest yiehf of Native Grass Hay upon one acre. §"j. For largest yield of Pea Vine Hay upon one acre, §>. For largest yield of Sorghum Syrnp from one acre, §31 For largest yield of Sugar Cane Syrup from ; acre, Sö, Parties wishing to compete for these Prctai urns must notify tho F.jcccutivo Com Ant tec he- fote.eouiine.Meing to gather the re- pective pro- duets, ii order that urrnngetnents may he made for iiu impartial test of the respective vie'ds.. These ptvinuiitis to l>e paid hi Agricultural Topis or Implements, at market rates. in.) SAMPLES OF CROPS. JOilN W. SKtd.KRS F.sft., Su}icrinten(knt'. 17 Premiums, worth from $S,00 to $10.00. (C.) GARDEN AND ORCHARD PRODUCTS. Maj. JOHN .1. ÄALfLEY,'Superintendent. 12 Premiums, worth from §1.00 to £10.00. (*>.) HOUSEHOLD DEPARTMENT. L. KEATlXti NOUKIS, Esq. Sujierintendenl. 2S Urcmiiuns, worth from §2.00 to §5.00. (ißt) MACHINERY AND MANUFACTURES. COl.. PAIL S. FFI.DF.ft, Snjut'intenilent. ._7 Preniiuins; worth from .¦.'1.00 to §20.00. IV.) LADIES' WORri, JOHN \V DAXTZLFK, 1'.-;., Superintendent. 50 Ptvinitmi-, wortii from §1.00 to $10.00. (G.) STOCK.Unites and Mule.-. Dm ALF.SMi S. .VALLEY; Superintend Premiums, Medals and Diplomas. Cattle. IlKXEY X. AXLLL, Superintendent. premiums, Medals and Diplomas', X < Klicr .Stock. Cot.. JOHN «'. KDW.VKDN, Superintendent. lH premium-!, medids and diploma-. In thi- Department especially, as w .11 as in others,, separate pfeiiii'.inis arc oIll-red for import! <l animals and articles. (El.) I'OULTRY. .1. (ti'ÖKflK \"< »S 1", Esq., Sujicriutendent. 1 ._' premiums, worth from §2.00 to $5.00. . '."(!,) . PLoiMcujyruRi;. T. C Ill HULK, L-.j., Sinjterintendrnti ."> pie mi »nun, worth from SI.00 to §8.00: (X,) ÄIISCELLANJCOU^ i JOJIN A. HAMILTON, Superintendent. .Jo premium-, worth from §2.00 to §10.00 I'UK-iUKNTS PK KM I CM. The President of the Society trfl'ers a special 810 premium for the lady ex¬ hibiting the greatest variety and number oi'ui'ticiea uselhl in keeping house. Those desiring to exhibit, or to ascertain further particulars, are rcoucnted to apply to any pf the updi rsigntd for information. Pro11 iiini- will also bu tillered for plowing and lor nthhitic iitilh A new, varied and at- trau ivc programme of utuuscmeuis will bo car- ri il Out, under the charge of;a competent coin- uiittei of gent'em n, whose names will hereaf¬ ter appear. Kvory « ili.. i wil/ he made to render the Fala worthy of the great .-Igtioultural sodioii of which Orangehurg is the centre; and in order that this shall bu the case, the work of prepara¬ tion must he participated in by all who have the uiferest of our State and county at heart, s \,Mt t:i, I ÜK, Wi8t,i;v \V. Cum.eii, II Ait rix Hicfts, I. \ V, ttnxoK II. I»I < K WITH, J.\MI.- I >. TllK/i A'aN'I Ksectttive t.'otuinitlee* IN PROBATE ObyRT. I'irrrrioN if .o it pautition. Ex parte Caroline Kariek and others. The creditor.^ of Adam Ktirick nitd ol lib son Adam Cl Kail; k, ate requi|e< to prove their demands boloio nie wit .in t v i) months ft out this dato, t-lth Sept. 1S72. THAI). C. ANDliKWS, Prohale Judtro. AT T. Gj VINCKES OP Pall and Winter Dry Woods, CLOTMI3STGr5 BOO.TB TV^D SHOES, HATH, TRUNKS, &c., WHICH WILL BK SOLD AT* TUB " V LOWEST FRZCDIS _A.nd Ooad Value»anteed. Having had" many years experience in tin? BOOT A N IZ> SHOE BUSIXKSS, JC will make a specialty of that department and warrant all GOOD"? as represented. fjfc« Gr. VINCE* ORANGEnURG, S. O. oct & N*eja X> X>j. A. C. Dike's Drug $f»re. J. S. A I b e r g o t t i " SUCCESSOR Tp T. A. JEFFORDS & CO.. * Having purchased the INTEREST of the Firm of T. A JEFFORDS & CO., Corner of Russell S'.rcct and Railroad A venue, I lake this n»ethod of vnforming my friends and former patrons that I am now LOCATED AT THE ABOVE PLACE, Where I will he happy to serve them with everything in the ' GROCERY 101X13 Of the BEST QUALITY and at LOW FIGURES. Thanking you for your Support in the past I respeetfullr ndc a corifii»*uiec same. J. -Si ALREUGOTTl. Oct ltt lv of TKAVELLEKS5 GUrÜE. Northeastern Railroad. Oiiari.kston, :;. C, June 8, 1872. Trains will leave Charleston daily at It). 1") A. M. hnd 8.00 P. M. Arrive at Charleston ,0.00 A. M. (Mondays excel >ted) ami 3 P. M. 'I rain dues not leave Charleston 8.00 P. M., Si NDAYS. Tnun having lO.lft A. M. makes throughcui nectipn to New York, via iJichnnuid and Acquia Cr ok only, going through in -11 hours. Passengers leaving hy 8.00 P.M. train have choice <tf rout, via R'fchmond and Waslmigtnn, or via Portsmouth and Bal¬ timore. Those leaving Friday hy *liis Train lay over on Sunday in Baltimore. Those leaving on Saturday remain Sun¬ day in Wiliuinglon, N. C\ This is t he cheapest, quickest and most pleasant route to Cincinnati, Chicago and other points West and Northwest with Trains mnking connection at Wash¬ ington with Western Trains of Balti¬ more and Ohio Railroad. S. S. SOLOMONS Engineer and Superintendent. P. L. (' LEAPOR, (Jen. Ticket Agent. SAVANNAH AND Uli ARLKST0N RAILROAD. C»iaui.i:ston, June 1.1, 1872. On and aller Monday, dune 17thj the Passenger Tvu-ifn.s on this Roa'd will run as fallows : EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Charleston daily - - 8.30 p. in Arrive »it'SaVtinnah daily - 9.45 p. in A rrve Savannah .= - 11.30 p. tn Leaivc at Charleston daily ¦* . 7 a. m DAY TRAIN. \ (Stimlars o*ccritrvL> ooixo t.Xt*r, on down*. Leave Greenville - - 7.H0 a m " liclton - - - - - tt.W a iu " Cokesburv ... 11.15 aim . Abbeville! - - - - 915 a u " Ncwlnsrry - - - p m « AlKton - . - - - - 4.20 p m Arrive Columbia ... - tf.00 p m S&T Connect nt Alston with trains on the Spartanhnrg ami Cnion Railroad; connecting at Columbia, S. C, will» night traun ort the South Carolina Railroad, up and down; al.<t> with trains going North and South on the Char¬ lotte, Columbia and Augusta Uailnud. and Wilmington Celnmlna and Augusta |i dlfo.vl. AlfHEVII.I.K MtAXCH; Train leaves Abbeville at {».15 A; M., connecting with (h)wn train from Green¬ ville. Leaves Cokcsbnry at 2.15 Pf M., connecting with up train from Coluinbiiw Accommodation train, Mondays, Wednes¬ days, and Fridays. T/SUve< C iksh-try a 11.15 A. M., or on the arrival of the down train from Greenville. Leaves Ahbevillo at 1 o'clock, P. M., conuecltng with np train from Columbia. ANDERSON URANCIT & BLUK ItHMtK MVX DOWN. Leave Walhalla « Pcrrvville " Pendklon Anderson Arrive Helton 5.4-"» n m l ».*_'.*. a in 7.IU a in 8.1« a in V.UO a m UP. Leave Helton M Amlersow " Pendleton *. Pcrrvville Arrive Watlialla .'l,ö(i p ui - 4.50 p ni 5.5U p tu . «.:t-"»j» fit 7.1 ö p u\ Accommodation train between Ballon and Anderson on Tuesday*, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Iy.«ave Helton at 11.50*A. M., or on arrival of down train from Greenville. Leave Anderson at 2.00 P. M.. connöctihg with up train f-om Co¬ lumbia. THOS. DODAMEAD, Gen'l Sutiennteiuhmt. Jaiiez Norton, Gun'l Ticket Agent, Leave Charleston, - - 7.40 a. m. Arrive at Savannah - 8.30 p. m. Leave .Savannah - - 11 a. in. Arrive at Charleston . 6.80 p. m. Passengers from Charleston hy 3.30 p. in. train make close eoniicctiou with Port Poval Hail road for Beaufort, Preight forwarded daily on through hills of lading to points in Florida and hy Savannah of steamship? to Boston. Prompt i.ispatch given to freights for Heaufort and points on Port Royal Rail¬ road and at as low rutes as hy any other line. '1 iekets on sale at this office for Beau* h»rt ovei Port Uoytd Railruad. CVS. CAI)SI>F>T. Engineer and Superintendent S. C. hUYLSTON, Cen. PL and Ticket Agent. Greenville and Columbia R. R. C1li;tm_>;o of r^elivWlute. 4 vN mill after TJ11'KS LAY, Hc\ toriiber ö " 9 1872, the passenger trains on this Road will Ih- ran as lbi|ov>, daily, Sundays cxcftpiod: OOINO wi:sr, on up. Leave Columbia ... 71*» a in " A Istoit.P.Oo a in " .V w berry .... 10,40 n in " Cokeshury .... 2,00 p in *' Relton .... ;;,.'i0 p m Arrive CSrceuvilie .... o.'lO j> in SOTTH CAROLINA ItAILROAH; Ciiaisi.kstox, S. ('., Mav 1». Wfi On und utlor .SUNDAY, May 10, tho passenger trains on the South Carolina Ilailroad will run .is follows: FOR AllJfSTA. Leave. Charleston - 0:30 a in Arrive tit Augusta - . 0:40 p in Pott coi.VJfn! v. Leave Charleston - 0:30 a tu Arrive at Colunihia, - 5:20 p m for t1!AlH.r«STOX\ Leave Augusta . - 0:00 a ni Arrive uf Charleston - 4:30 p in Leave Colunihia - IhOt) a in Arrive at Charleston - »":30 p in AUdUSTA nk'ut KXI'r.p^ (Sundays oxeeptcd.) Leave Charles tot - 8:30 p iu Arrive at Augusta. - - 7:35 a in Leave Augusta - - 0:15 p in Arrive at Charleston . «1:50 a id CQhV'MlUA XKHlf t:XI'ltt\s (Sundays effpfyfol.) Leave Charleston . 7:10 p hi Arrive at Colunihia - 0:30 a in Lou ye t oluinhia - - 7:50 p iu Arrive at Charleston . 0.45 a nj s:: m m KUvim. .: thai n . Leave Sjuinmervilie - 7 2"» a n> Arrive at Charleston - 8:40 a ra Leave Charleston . 3:*J5 i- m

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Page 1: Orangeburg times.(Orangeburg, S.C.) 1872-10-16.LQGAL. l&ty Thooffi^ pbthe TlMJ^.iH SoTiricti on the Corner ofRussell ami .Vaiket Streets, oppo¬ site the Post Oflice. Wewould hepleased

LQGAL.l&ty Tho offi^ pbthe TlMJ^.iH SoTiricti on

the Corner of Russell ami .Vaiket Streets, oppo¬site the Post Oflice. We would he pleased tohave our friends eall on us,wheli they uomc toOrangeburg.

l^.Y" Mr. Ktnu 'ltont.vooN is authorized it>collect and receipt for advertisements and sul>-

HCi'iptiiihe to the TiiM*.

CUutc?> S.rvit;e9.Pretdivtcritm Chprcjr.^-rvidfiM ;ft 11 A. M.,und I P. M .Saftbatli Schoo* at \)\ A. M.

Prayer meet inj; Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock.Hey. J. D. A/Brown, Evangelist.

Church of the Redeemer (Episeopul).Ser¬vices on the 3d and 5th SabbhsH of evorv monthat 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. Sabbath School 9AA. M. Rey. $. Mx'Uichump, Hector.

Methodist Church.Service» at 11 A. M.and 7 A P. M. Sabbath School at 9 A. M..-Rev. F. Atdd, Pastor.

I^UliVrinJChln-t'h^-SaiS'atb' School at 9 A.Dr. P. A. Dantzler. Superintendent.

V*TOWN DIRECTORY.Mavor.F. H; W. Briggmann.Clerk.E. J. Oliveins.Treasurei. Wpi. AVibcoek.. r. c -

Aldermen.K.M. Oliven^ \VM WiUeoek,(!eo. Moliver, A. "Martia.

Orungcbnrg Mail Arrangement.

Northern, Western and Opens. . Closes.Charleston, ..... .( . 10 A. M. 1.45 P. M-


Columbia ...... 12,8b P. M. 1. P. M.'* Ötlipe hours from SAj il. jc ."> 1*. M. Sundays'excepted ? 1



Down - - 12.05 P.M. Down - - - - 7.50A.M.l p.2.17 I'. M. Up-12.42 A. M.»*« xioiittuaixs.Down-11.58 P. M. Down - - - 0.13 I*. M.Cp ----- 2.00 A. M. Up.5.31 A. M.

We are requested to correct an errone¬

ous impression which has gained publiceir/'iiljition, that exhibitors at the Orauge-hurg Coiii'.ty Fair will have to pay a feebefore being allowed to exhibit their ar¬

ticles. This is i:oi at till so. On theconlrarv o.xMßhitors can enter their ur-

tides fjcis t»f charge, and w ill be furnishedu season ticket. \Vfiich Kdnrfts in and out>uglHiut the Fair,*ut the reduced rate.of 7ö cents. *

F:: j:i nutend. !;!»¦ are lemnstul l<> meet the 1'x-eciitivet .oinmhtcc pi the Oiaugchurg .Igricu! Society on Wednesday, 23d in-t.

We. are grntlli d to "*<l»serv« active preparationat ihe I'.icti r-.' Ituihllng for the coming Eatr,which pi.i- -to .: ..pas- insueccss and uUiie-liveiie.-s I he one&tl'hlrf year; A f».:H kind bli.. i-:< hu- been . ngjg« d. am! every ctloit ;> beingma k> to ;:;:;!,«. it a Micec.-s. We trust the pcöjdi; jOf the County will aj precia'ie and sustain lid-tuji rprije oVtln S«»-i !ty with their coi trihütiomand pre.\euee. jThe wcatlni !; is ttirmd i>uilccouh f.4«fct hay- '

tilg put i:i its ap] trance in the la*t few daysaa.l holding his own quite briskly.We do no heu* mi much complaint amongt|ie planters .it scan ity of hdairej's. The,coltou

is il>iuiud mi aM.l .!»<. phinicks a nilpaying higher wages und gutting ly*s douuj]ditrin.; the <! \\'.

A v- ry serious acehh »i happened la.-l Sundayto Mr. \V. T. Light foot, as he was driyiug.fuitju lie- afternoon with his fa in by, which veryii&triy rc-mlied in the <!v-:it!i V;» o?4:: oe more i>fthe parlies. W hi'e on .1 brfdge the horse .-hiedand kepped olf the bridge, carrying with himthe l»uyg;.V.iu which wi re seated Mr. and Mrs,Light fool, together with three children and anit,vc of Mr. L. The water w; s quite deepenough to have drowned (hem, and i'os.dblywould h ive done pii, b. nl it not he< n for someColored in Ii who drove up at the moment, andrescued ihoin früni the periloiH position theywen: occupying under the upturned wagon. Thehorse was. cut lo-i^e and rescued, and all narficxbrought home, when it was found that Mr. L'.sniece was scrioii dv bort in one arm, and Mrs.L. bail an arm broken and was very painfullyburl in the face.

- . -a^

John Hart zog, a young man at .Vr. Wähler'«saloon, shot hiiusulf very seriously last Saturdaynight. It was entirely accidental, the pistol ex¬ploding in hi- breeches pocket, the ball passingdow n the Icgaml entering the fool in whice itju-tahout the anklejoint.

W'c under.-tand that .Vr. Ifcnry Kolm badquite a painful wound iniiictct! upon his legabout tho knee jüiut. A horse run away withhim and run him against d wagon in the road.Ho fell shortly after and is not yet able lo walk.

il/r. ScovBI'h yard dog bit one of his em¬

ploye-!, a colored min named Hook. Ofcoursethe dog was immediately caught, by the saidI look. The Hook wrfs slightly damaged.

<««i^- . i»<

.'Ar. E. Kzekicl is in the market and suppliedat all points. A cotton buyer, Inj abo ir. a

jeweller, besides dealing largely in hardware,while he has a complete assortment of perfum¬er! »uch liiek-tihel's.

Please read the card of .Vr- T. S. AUmrgoltjand give htm a call. /Vr. A is a young inerchant who oingh-handed comes before you fon.ln.n.»i o. ...iu..ii I.. ...til A.. "... . :.

' Last Sunday was a remarkably quiet one i"fur (own. Mr.;Brown" did not have service(here wub none a't the Baptist; tins was not thetbinlor fifth .Sabbath'of the month, so that Mr.Melliehamp was not here. Mr. Auhl held serviceat his (the Methodist) church in the morningand Evening.The hearts of the few who heard were sail-

dene/' last .Sunday byihenr^vs that Dr. Klliotthad been curried to Fort Motte in compliancewith thu message that he must attend our be¬loved just or the agbd Mr. Mellichiunp, who bassolong and faithfully served his God and his peo¬ple. We regret to heat that at lust account hewas still very ill, and we hope and pray, withnil good Christians, that he may ho spared its

yet awhile.

Court has been busily employed, and JudgeGraham has been as usuat, urbane and at thecame time expeditious.To outsiders the session has not been devoid of

its comicalities, some of which have been some¬what too'soriotiR for daughter pure. '

One officer was smitten throughout ctmrt,nnd for.the first time, with the stammers.The reading of Judgo's sealed sentence of a

prisoner to one year in the penitentiary at hardlabor was forestalled by the pardon of the Gov¬ernor'in hand held.*.And theitadical candidate for Sheriff, 12.. I.Gain, being for ^i* sifccqtid time called upon¦lo show1 carrse why he should not be indicted forofficial misconduct, having his recent nomina-Upnj before hin eye, the .Judge very naturallyraid that judicial proceedings would be useless,.seeing that if the voters were determined tq electmefbeinut parties, they miisj tbemstlvb^ siifTer.

Court adjourned yesterday noon.LL-U-. . . U '-I

Consigrtyes Prr Express.

Mrs. W. II. Bull; P. MenD.el, W. II.Cbampy & Co., A. J.. Hydride, A. P.Avingcr «5c Brother., Mrs. S. Hough, J. C.Meaner, J. E. Prower, P. Rieh, C. I).Blume, .Mrs. L. Pearson, S. Wilson, S. A.Glover, J. II. Hook, A. C. Pair.

ORANüEBURG SURVIVORS. ASS0CI-AT10N-An Fxtra and Important .5/ceting of this As.

-oeiatioa will lie held a! the Store of the Secre¬tary, on the First Day of the "AgrieuUnrttl'Faiu,"at I2.j o'clock. JA-mbers are urged to \f6 punc¬tual. By order of the President.

.JOHN. A. IIA.l/ILTON,pet I d-2 &»e. O.S.A.


The market is iiepiovbg, prices ndvuneth/;' to'{ y**f lb., middlings at 17.1 els.

t har!csi«»u. 173 to IsJ d>\

Prices C u r r e.nt.Bacon 1 buns : : Hi 1"

<! I 12.! IIDud : : J " i 15 (.¦Corn '


: : : b is' 12 ) («)Peas : : : : " 1 Oil f.iOats : ned : : " I 25 (.>)Flour : : :. : uwt ."» 0\) Ui 5 75Fodder : : : " 1 00 (» i '20liouuh Dice : : 44 1 1»Dam r : : : : lb 25 (..- 50Fggs : : : > dox 25 (»'.Turkey* :


: : pf 2 00 ('¦< 2 50Geest : : i -. : "

. 1 00 {.> \ 25Chickens : : :

'" 20 Or. 'lM

I tees Wax : : : lb 22 ®Jh ef : }« .. 10 Cj) jl'iTidh.w . :j " < 10 Oi.

£Lii Ordinance.Skc. IX of an adopted by the Town

Council for fiscal yeao* ending 1st April, 1872,ami now re-adopted, by |>rc»ciil Council lorli-eal year bulling 1st April j 1S7."», is as fol-111u> :

» <i <i * * 4 *For a License t<» carry on any T'ade, Busi¬

ness, oi Profession herein-after mentioned, shallbe pa id, viz.: A pot hcc.n i< s, §5.00; AAihTOty-pis-t, §3.00; Architects, §;{.00, Auctioneers,S1*.00; Dagiicriau Avrist, ,§3.00; Hanks or theirBranches, §5.00; Ih tail Dealer- in goods, waresand merchandise, (excluding distilled spirits,)whose annual sah s are no; over §10,000, ¦>.< 0;tim e )ibo.»c annual sa'-es are over $10,000 andunder $'50,000, §10.00; those whose anual salesare over §.'50,000 §10.00; I (enlists, each, §1.00;l*rinting Offnes, Sö.00; Lawvers or Attornevs,eeh, §i.!!0; Barber*, §7.00; Taf!or4, }2tl0;Dravs, Wngfihs/Omuilnisrs, mid Carrin^es whohaul for hire, each, tt.00; Circus, each, per day,t<i be paid before r xbiliition, 2-V.0Ö; MeUagerics,each, per duy, 10.00; Ptactieiiig physieianP,each, '1.00; Peddlers per month, ö.00; f litckslers,3.00: Cabinet Makers, 2.00; Hotels, 5.00, Ihiaril¬ing House, private, 3.00; Bakery,2.00;Milenery,2,00; Saddle and Harness Mtikcni and rcpairgisol same, 2.0U; Idvery Stables. 5.00; < Inn Smithsand IVack Smiths, euch establishment; 3.00;Boot anil Shoe Makers,2.00;dewclursaod Watchand Clock Itopidrers, 2.00; Master Mechanicsand House Btublors, 2.00. >; * » All maleinhabitants of the Town, between the ages ofIS and 50 years, liable to road duty, shall besubject to a compound lax of one dollar eavh.

(Signed! F. II. W. I'.IDCtJ.MAXN,net !'Mayor.

NOTICE.V.. KZEKIEL is now pK p.'ircd to Inn' COT¬

TON of advance money on the same.highestmarket prices is usual paid for all County pro¬duce, oct !)

Special Notice.The undersigned do hereby warn all pntics

to desist hereafter from bunting ti] on theirlam's. Though we feel that thu hunting olgentlemen nhywhoro is in no way a trespass,we fed constrained to prohibit all, in order toreach parties who are not gentlemen) mwl whounder pretense of searehing for game, Htou! amicommit other nuisances. We lire determinedto use upon all such the extreme law.

.JOHN ROBINSON,ocll 1 WM I-' trnmvsai'v-

Moulding-), Bracket*, St;.ir Ki.:m- it ald¬ers'Furnishing Hardware, E>ratu l*i|»«*f FluorTiles, Wut' Guards, Terra Oottti Ware, MxirbloImiff Slltto Miuplo Pieces. [

Window ülnss a Specialty.Circulars and Price Lists sent free on applica¬

tion, by t m , , f P. V. TOALK.f*$o. 20 Harne and iJiM'packiicy street,oct 1-Ty L'lnmciiton, SjC.

Bfotice of Dismissal.Notice is hereby given that I will, on

the 20th day of October next, file myfinal account with the Honorable Judgeof Probate for Ornngeburg County, asAdministrator of 11. M. Dant/.icr, [andask for Letters of Dismissal.

J. P. M. FOTJRfcS,Administrator.

l'ÜK SALM.A Tract of Land of about "00 acres, about

one mile from tho Town of Orangehtirg, will bo,disposed of tni reasonable terms. Abo a MilchCow. Apply to K. KOlIINSi dS*. *

net 1-4



Charleston, S.C.


Moro Phillips' Ammoniatcd Carrihean .SeaCV'ANI).

w. w. p!i.\CKi.i:roi:o. wm. aikkx ki:i.i.<°.oct 1-12


A Supply of fVLACK RUSTPROOFA f S just received.North Carolina and Georgia »SK1CD

KYl\ aiwavs on band.sTOYALL'.S AUGUSTA FLOUIl,

sacked at mill.liaeoe, Salt, Lard and Cheap Tobacco,

J. A. HAMILTON'S STORE,Market Street;

WAiiK v Ei\ l MÖNS MM S~"WlIOl.KPA J.K

GROCERS ANDLIQ U O li 1 > !¦: A 1. r. tt tt.

i(i:5 öi i.OÖ I:\tM Üay itüil i ,r: i feiern Ä/.

( I .H'J( sic il. S. C.have in stoTtr as u.-nal, a large variety of

oiioc ..: i; i ks, li<j 1:0 r.k <.

and in ndditioii arc rcct'ivb g th i: hii n ¦...[-

meat of FAMILY &. PLANTA VU>X (iRO-( Kit IKS, for tho ball trade, boi.glit al lowestcash prices, consisting in part ofSmoked ('. Ii. SIDES AND iHOFLDEES.

1). S. SIDES A N I' JvIM ll'LDKltS.Eamilv, Extra »V Superior I lour.Nigar.i of ad < trades. A I arge

Variety of tireen .'v. i''.Tea". A I «arge V ty

of Chewingei .Smok¬ing Totia. «'(>.

A Large'Variety' of Havana and DomesticSugar-, .lava Lagiiavra

and I'io ('otiie.

Ami Vnvi'oStB c>flici1* («ootls,such nv

Sail Mackerel, IVtf. pork, Syrups, M-V-. -.( and!. -, S|::r. Ii, Preserved und Canned Stud'sixc, jU'., ,'.<-. Their LlgiKUS UEPA.UT-MLN'.l i- hiicd with clinic* I'oreign and Do¬mestie as aho (he cheaper gradu-i of lh°all>|ies,({ill, WIpjilMVii, Wines Co., Ac., U>0 UUIII01OUSto mention.

Sole Agents for Old ( row, Clipper and Okabona Whiskey, and the Celebrated Diamond (iinin hands ami cases.

ang2l .'hno.



MACH IN KWlTJI ATTAl.ll.M JiNI . l'OK AI.!. kixos ok WOlIKis fa.;t winning favor in the honfeho.M,its shownfrv the rapidly increa-iim sab ..

This HK\y FAMILY'SEVYIKC MACHINEis cjtpahle of a range aijd viyictV of work .-"< i«as \tt(s mice thought ImpOsinhlu* to j erfofm hvniachiiiery We claim and can show Ihitt il isthe ehcajiest, movi beautiful, deliCiKely arrang¬ed, nicely adjusted, easily operated, and ninoe* .'

ly running of all the Family Sewing Nfacabics.It i- remavKiihlc not only lor thii ran:;' ami va-riety ofils sieving, but a!-, i.., the variciy.anddilfcreut kinds tu texture wfiich i; will ^Vwwithci|ual ficiliiv and \ivrfeel ion, using -]\k twist,linen or cbtloii ifirctjd. Otic or coarse, inaltiithe interlocked-elastie-s.'ii h, alike on hoth sidesof the fabric sewn. Thus, heaver cloth, orleather may he sewn with »real strength amiunifortuity of stitch ; and, in a moment, thiswilling anil never wearying iu-iiunicnt may headjusted for line work <>r gauzi or gossattti r tis¬sue, or,llftb'tucking of tarlatan, or milling,- oralmost any other work which delicate lingershave hecu Known in perform.

At the world's lair it received the greataward of the highest shies!.1. Ki White, Agon*,

Office nt Engine House, prangehurg, S. C.


OK TU 15

C) ». :i 11 *r c\ 1) 11. l'gAGRICULTURAL SOCIETY,

Will he lield :«t

ANDREWS FACTORY BUILDING.Cotnmim in- on TCF.SDA Y, October 29lh,

imdi'inliiig <.!i Till 11SDAV, OctoberpWlH jvXE&UTIVK COMMITTEE AN-EL ununcc that thev are milking a't.-ingeincnls

Im double ihfl'RKii/UiAl LIST, and tdincftfiWthu attractiveness of die .PAH; in every partic-ithir. They appeal to the pcoplu of the, eomitvfor tin ir osipcialioii in trArwork making itW great success. Tho h die« especially are invi¬ted to contribute, and motu than twice as manypremium?, as at the lute Fair, will he olicrcd.intheir department.The following is a summary of the premiums


For largest yield of cotton upon one acre, $10.For, largdßt yield pf corn upon live acres of

high ImihK, -SI't;For (argent yield of coni upon five acres of

swamp land,§lö*For largest; yield of corn upon one acru of

high hind, b">. '


For the largest yield of corn upon one acre ofswamp land, §.">. *

^ Forlar^est yield of Rice upon o:jr acre, Sä.j För/liirgest yield df Peas upon one)acre, §ö.'Lnrgi st yield «if Sweet Potatoes, upon *onc

acre, :>>For largest yield of Ivisl potatoes upon J

acre, $±ö0.For largest vield of turnips upon \ acre

?2..r)0.For larg -i yield of Ordntid Nuts upon one

acre, S3.For lliu largest yiehf of Native Grass Hay

upon one acre. §"j.For largest yield of Pea Vine Hay uponone acre, §>.

For largest yield of Sorghum Syrnp fromone acre, §31

For largest yield of Sugar Cane Syrup from; acre, Sö,

Parties wishing to compete for these Prctaiurns must notify tho F.jcccutivo ComAnttec he-fote.eouiine.Meing to gather the re- pective pro-duets, ii order that urrnngetnents may he madefor iiu impartial test of the respective vie'ds..These ptvinuiitis to l>e paid hi AgriculturalTopis or Implements, at market rates.


JOilN W. SKtd.KRS F.sft., Su}icrinten(knt'.17 Premiums, worth from $S,00 to $10.00.

(C.)GARDEN AND ORCHARD PRODUCTS.Maj. JOHN .1. ÄALfLEY,'Superintendent.12 Premiums, worth from §1.00 to £10.00.


L. KEATlXti NOUKIS, Esq. Sujierintendenl.2S Urcmiiuns, worth from §2.00 to §5.00.


COl.. PAIL S. FFI.DF.ft, Snjut'intenilent.._7 Preniiuins; worth from .¦.'1.00 to §20.00.


JOHN \V DAXTZLFK, 1'.-;., Superintendent.50 Ptvinitmi-, wortii from §1.00 to $10.00.

(G.)STOCK.Unites and Mule.-.

Dm ALF.SMi S. .VALLEY; SuperintendPremiums, Medals and Diplomas.

Cattle.IlKXEY X. AXLLL, Superintendent.

premiums, Medals and Diplomas',X < Klicr .Stock.Cot.. JOHN «'. KDW.VKDN, Superintendent.

lH premium-!, medids and diploma-.In thi- Department especially, as w .11 as in

others,, separate pfeiiii'.inis arc oIll-red forimport! <l animals and articles.


.1. (ti'ÖKflK \"< »S 1", Esq., Sujicriutendent.1 ._' premiums, worth from §2.00 to $5.00.

. '."(!,) .

PLoiMcujyruRi;.T. C Ill HULK, L-.j., Sinjterintendrnti

."> piemi »nun, worth from SI.00 to §8.00:


i JOJIN A. HAMILTON, Superintendent..Jo premium-, worth from §2.00 to §10.00I'UK-iUKNTS PK KM I CM.

The President of the Society trfl'ers a

special 810 premium for the lady ex¬

hibiting the greatest variety and numberoi'ui'ticiea uselhl in keeping house.

Those desiring to exhibit, or to ascertainfurther particulars, are rcoucnted to apply toany pf the updi rsigntd for information.

Pro11 iiini- will also bu tillered for plowingand lor nthhitic iitilh A new, varied and at-trau ivc programme of utuuscmeuis will bo car-ri il Out, under the charge of;a competent coin-uiittei of gent'em n, whose names will hereaf¬ter appear.

Kvory « ili.. i wil/ he made to render the Falaworthy of the great .-Igtioultural sodioii ofwhich Orangehurg is the centre; and in orderthat this shall bu the case, the work of prepara¬tion must he participated in by all who havethe uiferest of our State and county at heart,

s \,Mt t:i, I ÜK,Wi8t,i;v \V. Cum.eii,II Ait rix Hicfts,I. \ V, ttnxoK II. I»I < K WITH,J.\MI.- I >. TllK/i A'aN'I

Ksectttive t.'otuinitlee*

IN PROBATE ObyRT.I'irrrrioN if .o it pautition.

Ex parte Caroline Kariek and others.The creditor.^ of Adam Ktirick nitd ol

lib son Adam Cl Kail; k, ate requi|e< toprove their demands boloio nie wit .int v i) months ft out this dato, t-lth Sept.1S72. THAI). C. ANDliKWS,

Prohale Judtro.



Pall and Winter Dry Woods,CLOTMI3STGr5 BOO.TB TV^D SHOES,


LOWEST FRZCDIS_A.nd Ooad Value»anteed.

Having had" many years experience in tin?

BOOT A N IZ> SHOE BUSIXKSS,JC will make a specialty of that department and warrant all GOOD"? as represented.


oct & N*eja X> X>j. A. C. Dike's Drug $f»re.

J. S. A I b e r g o t t i" SUCCESSOR Tp


Having purchased the INTEREST of the Firm of T. A JEFFORDS & CO.,Corner of Russell S'.rcct and Railroad A venue, I lake this n»ethod of vnforming myfriends and former patrons that I am now

LOCATED AT THE ABOVE PLACE,Where I will he happy to serve them with everything in the '

GROCERY 101X13Of the BEST QUALITY and at LOW FIGURES.Thanking you for your Support in the past I respeetfullr ndc a corifii»*uiec

same. J. -Si ALREUGOTTl.Oct ltt lv


TKAVELLEKS5 GUrÜE.Northeastern Railroad.

Oiiari.kston, :;. C, June 8, 1872.Trains will leave Charleston daily at

It). 1") A. M. hnd 8.00 P. M.Arrive at Charleston ,0.00 A. M.

(Mondays excel>ted) ami 3 P. M.'I rain dues not leave Charleston 8.00

P. M., Si NDAYS.

Tnun having lO.lft A. M. makesthroughcui nectipn to New York, viaiJichnnuid and Acquia Cr ok only, goingthrough in -11 hours.

Passengers leaving hy 8.00 P.M. trainhave choice <tf rout, via R'fchmond andWaslmigtnn, or via Portsmouth and Bal¬timore. Those leaving Friday hy *liisTrain lay over on Sunday in Baltimore.Those leaving on Saturday remain Sun¬day in Wiliuinglon, N. C\This is t he cheapest, quickest and most

pleasant route to Cincinnati, Chicagoand other points West and Northwestwith Trains mnking connection at Wash¬ington with Western Trains of Balti¬more and Ohio Railroad.

S. S. SOLOMONSEngineer and Superintendent.


C»iaui.i:ston, June 1.1, 1872.On and aller Monday, dune 17thj the

Passenger Tvu-ifn.s on this Roa'd will runas fallows :

EXPRESS TRAIN.Leave Charleston daily - - 8.30 p. inArrive »it'SaVtinnah daily - 9.45 p. inA rrve Savannah .= - 11.30 p. tnLeaivc at Charleston daily ¦*

. 7 a. m

DAY TRAIN.\ (Stimlars o*ccritrvL>

ooixo t.Xt*r, on down*.

Leave Greenville - - 7.H0 a m" liclton - - - - - tt.W a iu" Cokesburv ... 11.15 aim. Abbeville! - - - - 915 a u" Ncwlnsrry - - - p m« AlKton - . - - - - 4.20 p m

Arrive Columbia ... - tf.00 p mS&T Connect nt Alston with trains on the

Spartanhnrg ami Cnion Railroad; connectingat Columbia, S. C, will» night traun ort theSouth Carolina Railroad, up and down; al.<t>with trains going North and South on the Char¬lotte, Columbia and Augusta Uailnud. andWilmington Celnmlna and Augusta |i dlfo.vl.

AlfHEVII.I.K MtAXCH;Train leaves Abbeville at {».15 A; M.,

connecting with (h)wn train from Green¬ville. Leaves Cokcsbnry at 2.15 Pf M.,connecting with up train from ColuinbiiwAccommodation train, Mondays, Wednes¬days, and Fridays. T/SUve< C iksh-try a

11.15 A. M., or on the arrival of the downtrain from Greenville. Leaves Ahbevilloat 1 o'clock, P. M., conuecltng with nptrain from Columbia.


Leave Walhalla« Pcrrvville" Pendklon

AndersonArrive Helton

5.4-"» n ml ».*_'.*. a in

7.IU a in8.1« a inV.UO a m

UP.Leave HeltonM Amlersow" Pendleton*. Pcrrvville

Arrive Watlialla

.'l,ö(i p ui- 4.50 p ni

5.5U p tu. «.:t-"»j» fit

7.1 ö p u\Accommodation train between Ballon

and Anderson on Tuesday*, Thursdays,and Saturdays. Iy.«ave Helton at 11.50*A.M., or on arrival of down train fromGreenville. Leave Anderson at 2.00 P.M.. connöctihg with up train f-om Co¬lumbia. THOS. DODAMEAD,

Gen'l Sutiennteiuhmt.Jaiiez Norton, Gun'l Ticket Agent,

Leave Charleston, - - 7.40 a. m.Arrive at Savannah - 8.30 p. m.Leave .Savannah - - 11 a. in.Arrive at Charleston . 6.80 p. m.

Passengers from Charleston hy 3.30p. in. train make close eoniicctiou withPort Poval Hail road for Beaufort,

Preight forwarded daily on throughhills of lading to points in Florida andhy Savannah ofsteamship? to Boston.Prompt i.ispatch given to freights forHeaufort and points on Port Royal Rail¬road and at as low rutes as hy any otherline.

'1 iekets on sale at this office for Beau*h»rt ovei Port Uoytd Railruad.

CVS. CAI)SI>F>T.Engineer and Superintendent

S. C. hUYLSTON, Cen. PL and TicketAgent.Greenville and Columbia R. R.

C1li;tm_>;o of r^elivWlute.4 vN mill after TJ11'KS LAY, Hc\ toriiber ö" 9 1872, the passenger trains on this Roadwill Ih- ran as lbi|ov>, daily, Sundays cxcftpiod:

OOINO wi:sr, on up.

Leave Columbia ... 71*» a in" AIstoit.P.Oo a in" .V w berry .... 10,40 n in" Cokeshury .... 2,00 p in*' Relton .... ;;,.'i0 p mArrive CSrceuvilie .... o.'lO j> in

SOTTH CAROLINA ItAILROAH;Ciiaisi.kstox, S. ('., Mav 1». WfiOn und utlor .SUNDAY, May 10, tho

passenger trains on the South CarolinaIlailroad will run .is follows:

FOR AllJfSTA.Leave. Charleston - 0:30 a inArrive tit Augusta - . 0:40 p in

Pott coi.VJfn! v.

Leave Charleston - 0:30 a tuArrive at Colunihia, - 5:20 p m

for t1!AlH.r«STOX\Leave Augusta . - 0:00 a niArrive uf Charleston - 4:30 p inLeave Colunihia - IhOt) a inArrive at Charleston - »":30 p in

AUdUSTA nk'ut KXI'r.p^(Sundays oxeeptcd.)

Leave Charlestot - 8:30 p iuArrive at Augusta. - - 7:35 a inLeave Augusta - - 0:15 p inArrive at Charleston . «1:50 a id

CQhV'MlUA XKHlf t:XI'ltt\s

(Sundays effpfyfol.)Leave Charleston . 7:10 p hiArrive at Colunihia - 0:30 a inLouye t oluinhia - - 7:50 p iuArrive at Charleston . 0.45 a nj

s:: m m KUvim. .: thai n .

Leave Sjuinmervilie - 7 2"» a n>Arrive at Charleston - 8:40 a raLeave Charleston . 3:*J5 i- m