orchid pests and diseases diagnosis, treatment … pests and diseases diagnosis, ... will yellow and...

Orchid Pests and Diseases Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention by Sue Bottom, [email protected] (Revision 5) All contents copyright © 2009-2017 by Sue and Terry Bottom. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related photos may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means without the prior written permission of the author.

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  • Orchid Pests and DiseasesDiagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

    by Sue Bottom, [email protected] (Revision 5) All contents copyright 2009-2017 by Sue and Terry Bottom. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related photos may be

    reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means without the prior written permission of the author.

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Common Orchid Pests

    Plant Sap Feeding Insects Scale Mealybugs Thrips Aphids Whiteflies

    Mites Chewing Pests

    Snails and Slugs Caterpillars Roaches and Grasshoppers


  • Symptoms and Treatment of Sap Feeding InsectsScale

    Symptoms: Scale are sucking insects that attach to and feed on the underside of leaves, in leaf axils, on pseudobulbs and on rhizomes. They often are hidden under old leaves and pseudobulb sheaths. Severe infestations cause chlorotic areas to appear on the leaves and plant surfaces which will yellow and may darken and can cause the leaf to drop prematurely.

    Varieties: The white boisduval scale is the bane of the cattleya grower's existence. Mature males are cottony white masses while the mature females lay their eggs under whitish circular shields. The crawlers are the nymph state that emerge from under the shield until they find their new home. - Hard scale is another armored scale that ultimately forms a brown conical structure protecting the scale underneath it. - Soft brown scale is light yellowish to dark brown with oval to circular shells appearing on leaves, flowers, flower spikes, pseudobulbs and sometimes rhizomes and roots. Soft scale produces honeydew while hard scales do not.

  • Symptoms and Treatment of Sap Feeding InsectsScale (contd)

    Treatment: If there are only a few scale, use a Q tip dipped in isopropyl alcohol or toothbrush dipped in a pesticide like Malathion, Orthene, Summer Oil or Safer Soap (used per label instructions) to physically remove scale. For more severe infestations, apply the pesticide at the crawler stage and repeat the application 2 weeks later. Be sure to spray all plant surfaces, particularly the undersides of leaves and leaf axils. A drench with one of the Bayer products containing imidaclopridwill also kill them. With the Bayer product containing 1.47% imidacloprid, add 1.5 tsp into a quart of water and pour it through the mix to thoroughly drench the potting mix. The orchid will absorb the imadacloprid through the roots into the leaves and kill the scale from the inside out. Distance is an expensive insect growth regulator that will eliminate scale from your orchids.

    Prevention: Remove old leaf and flower sheaths to eliminate scale hiding places and allow easy inspection. Check new plants carefully before adding to the growing area.

  • Symptoms and Treatment of Sap Feeding Insects Mealybugs

    Symptoms: Mealybugs are sucking insects that attack any part of the plant but tend to stay tucked away at the junction of leaf and stem. Severe infestations cause chlorotic areas to appear on the leaves, which may darken, causing the leaf to yellow and drop prematurely.

    Treatment: If there are only a few mealybugs, use a Q tip dipped in isopropyl alcohol or toothbrush dipped in a pesticide like Malathion, Orthene or Safer Soap (used per label instructions) to physically remove the mealybugs. For more severe infestations, apply the pesticide and repeat the application 2 weeks later. Be sure to spray all plant surfaces, particularly the undersides of leaves and leaf axils.

  • Symptoms and Treatment of Sap Feeding Insects Mealybugs (contd)

    Treatment (contd): A drench with one of the Bayer products containing imidacloprid will also kill them. With the Bayer product containing 1.47% imidacloprid, add 1.5 tsp into a quart of water and pour it through the mix to thoroughly drench the potting mix. The orchid will absorb the imidaclopridthrough the roots into the leaves and kill the scale from the inside out.

    Prevention: Remove old leaf and flower sheaths to eliminate hiding places and allow easy inspection. Check new plants carefully before adding to the growing area.

  • Symptoms and Treatment of Sap Feeding InsectsThrips

    Symptoms: Thrips are very small sucking insects that feed on flowers and occasionally leaves and can transmit disease from plant to plant. Infested buds may not open and flowers may be deformed exhibiting water soaked spots. Leaves may appear pitted, stippled, silvery or bleached.

    Treatment: Thrips are the most difficult to control of all the orchid pests. Managing thrips is difficult because they are very small and easy to overlook; they are mobile, spend part of their life cycle in the soil; prefer to feed on flower parts, where systemic insecticides do not reach them; like to hide in flowers, flower buds, and leaf buds making them hard to spot and reach with pesticides; live on a wide variety of host plants; reproduce rapidly in warm greenhouses; may be present in multiple life cycles from egg to adult; hide in plant materials and are resistant to a number of insecticides. Most adult thrips are females that lay eggs into plant tissue, particularly flowers and leaves.

  • Symptoms and Treatment of Sap Feeding InsectsThrips (contd)

    Treatment (contd): Plants and flowers can be sprayed with a pesticide like Orthene, Malathion or Safer Soap and the stronger chemicals like Talstar, Avid or the Bayer imidacloprid product, rotating products and applying them in accordance with label instructions. Conserve is another alternative and it can be sprayed directly on the flower. Repeat applications will be required because thrips remain hidden on the plant or can be reintroduced to the plant from other flowers in the landscape. For severe infestations, apply chemicals twice a week for three weeks.

    Control: Good sanitation will help prevent infestation as will keeping plant hosts (flowers, citrus, gardenias, eucalyptus, etc.) separate from your orchids. Remove weeds, old plant debris, and growing medium from within and around the growing area. Eliminate old stock plants as these are a source of thrips and viruses. Removing old flowers may reduce the number of adults and eggs. Place flowers into a sealed bag or container. The thrips lay eggs that hatch in grassy areas so keep the grass mowed and weeds controlled.

  • Symptoms and Treatment of Sap Feeding Insects Aphids

    Symptoms: Aphids are sucking insects that attack buds, flowers and new growths and transmit disease from plant to plant. Buds and flower may fail to open and leaves may have a sticky deposit.

    Treatment: Wash aphids away from the plant with a jet of water. Plants can be sprayed with a pesticide like Malathion, Orthene or Safer Soap using the product in accordance with label instructions.

    Miscellaneous: The honeydew excreted by aphids and other sucking insects is attractive to ants and is an ideal medium for sooty mold. When sooty mold is present, inspect the plants for aphids, mealybugs, scale and mites.

    pictures courtesy of the American Orchid Society

  • Symptoms and Treatment of Sap Feeding Insects Whiteflies

    Symptoms: Whiteflies are small, moth-like insects that attack buds, flowers and new growth. The tell tale sign of whiteflies is a cloud of tiny white insects arising from an affected plant when it is moved or disturbed.

    Treatment: Plants can be sprayed with Malathion, Orthene or Safer Soap following label instructions. Repeat applications at 4 day intervals until whiteflies are no longer present.

    Control: Good sanitation and elimination of weeds will help prevent infestation as will keeping plant hosts separate from your orchids.

    bottom picture courtesy of the American Orchid Society

  • Symptoms and Treatment - MitesSymptoms: Mites are not insects, they are members of the arachnid family. Mites typically feed on the underside of the leaves and can be found under the leaves as small, red to brown pests. A hand lens may be needed to see them. Leaf undersides may have webbing and brown splotches from the mite excrement. The upper surface of a damaged leaf may have a silvery sheen that eventually becomes sunken and turns brown. Leaves may be streaked, stippled or spotted due to lack of chlorophyll.

    Varieties: There are three groups of mites infesting cultivated orchids, spider mites, flat mites and broad mites. The two spotted mite, or red spider mite (Tetranychidae), causes a chlorotic spot or stipple at each feeding site as chloroplasts are sucked out along with the plant sap. Leaves eventually develop a mottled or stippled appearance with webbing under the leaf in severe infestations. Flat mites, or false spider mites (Tenuipalpidae), including the Phalaenopsis mite, often feed on the upper surfaces of leaves creating a pock-marked appearance from empty and collapsed leaf cells. Flat mite feeding on thin leaves, especially the underside, is similar to the stippling caused by spider mites, but there is no webbing. Broad mites (Tarsonemidae) are microscopic in size and the initial symptom is chlorotic discoloration.

  • Symptoms and Treatment - Mites (contd)

    Treatment: Try spraying upper and lower leaf surfaces with the home cure mixture of 1 part rubbing alcohol, 1 part 409 or Murphy's Oil Soap and 2 parts water. Plants can also be sprayed with a miticide like Avid, Talstar or Kelthane following label instructions being particularly careful to contact all the undersides of the leaves. During warm weather, new generations mature every 6 days so repeat applications will be required, perhaps 3 applications at 4 day intervals. TetraSan is an insect growth regulator that can be used to keep the egg and nymph stages from maturing.

    Prevention: Mites appear during warm, dry weather. Increasing humidity and leaf wetness and, if possible, decreasing temperature help prevent infestations.

  • Symptoms and Treatment of Chewing PestsSnails and Slugs

    Symptoms: These mollusks will leave holes and notches in the leaves, flowers roots and may chew off the growing tips. Chewed areas may also appear on buds. These nocturnal pests travel on a layer of slime and this slime trail is evidence of their presence.

    Treatment: Chemical baits may be placed in the growing area. Ash and diatomaceous earth can be spread on horizontal surfaces to create a barrier though water will deactivate it. Beer in shallow tins can be spread in the growing area and the drowned pests removed the next day. Regular applications will have to be used because watering will disperse the controls.

    top pictures courtesy of www.ionopsis.com, bottom pictures courtesy of the American Orchid Society


  • Symptoms and Treatment of Chewing PestsCaterpillars

    Symptoms: Caterpillars are the immature stage of moths and butterflies. While not common, they are voracious feeders that can do a great deal of damage to flowers and leaves in a short period of time.

    Treatment: Caterpillars can be physically picked off the plant and destroyed, check the underside of leaves for their presence. Bacillus thuringiensis or Bt is a naturally occurring bacteria of insects, it is a safe and natural product that can be sprayed in the growing area following label instructions.

    Prevention: Keep the growing area clean of free of fallen leaves and debris in which insect pests and their eggs can hide. Keep the landscape free of caterpillars.

    top pictures courtesy of www.ionopsis.com, bottom picture courtesy of the American Orchid Society


  • Symptoms and Treatment of Chewing PestsCockroaches and Grasshoppers

    Symptoms: Cockroaches and grasshoppers cause damage by eating flowers, roots and new growths.

    Cockroach Deterrence: Cockroach baits can be spread in the growing area or a paste of boric acid, sugar and flour mixed with water can be spread in every nook and crevice you can find. Dont get any of the stuff on the plants themselves. Another approach is to water and then flush a mix of liquid Sevin (1 tsp/gal) through the pot.

    Grasshopper Deterrence: Crush the grasshoppers with a brick, shoe, etc. Partially bury jars filled with molasses and water and remove drowned victims the next day.

    pictures courtesy of the American Orchid Society

  • Symptoms and Treatment of PestsAnts

    Symptoms: Ants cause little direct damage. Any damage present is more likely caused by a sucking pest that caused the plant to exude honeydew (basically plant sap) to which the ant is attracted.

    Treatment: Pour a solution of Orthene or Liquid Sevin at 1 tsp/gallon through the pot. Do this outdoors because it should cause ants (and other hiding pests like roaches) to rapidly exit the pot. If you notice ants, check your plants for aphids, mealybugs, scale and mites and treat accordingly.

    Prevention: Keep plants and the growing area free of sucking pests to minimize the honeydew attractant, although sometimes healthy vigorous orchids exude honeydew naturally.

  • Common Pesticides for the Treatment of OrchidsChemical Name

    Active IngredientApplication Rate (tsp/gal)

    Floral Damage?


    Mode of Action Scale Mealybugs Thrips Whiteflies Aphids Mites Caterpillars Fungus Ghats

    Bayer 3 in 1

    Imidacloprid 0.47%

    Bayer Tree & Shrub

    Imidacloprid 1.47%

    Cygon 2E

    Dimethoate 23%

    Kelthane 50W

    Dicofol 51%

    Malathion 50% EC

    Malathion 50% EC

    Neem Oil

    Neem Oil

    Orthene Powder

    Acephate 97%

    OrthenexAcephate, Fenbutatin oxide


    Permethrin 10%

    Safer 3-in-1

    Sulfur 6.48%, Soap 12.38%

    Summer Oil Spray

    Paraff inic Oil


    Bacillus Thuringensis

    5 - 6 No? Yes4A Nicotinic

    Acetylcholine Receptor



    x x suppression

    suppression x x x15.75 No? Yes4A Nicotinic

    Acetylcholine Receptor



    x x

    1.5 Yes No No x x x

    x x x

    x2 No No Unknown

    x x

    6 No No 16 Desiccation or Membrane Disruptors

    x x

    x x x3 No No 1 Acetycholine Esterase Inhibitors

    x x

    1 No Yes? 1 Acetycholine Esterase Inhibitors

    x x x x

    x x x

    suppression6 No Yes? 1 Acetycholine Esterase Inhibitors

    x x x x x


    48 No No 1 Acetycholine Esterase Inhibitors

    x x x

    x x x x1.3 No No 3 Sodium Channel Blockers

    x x

    2.5 Yes No 16 Desiccation or Membrane Disruptors

    x x x x

    x x x x

    x x2 - 4 No No 11 Disruptors of Insect Midgut Membranes


    WQ Tests

    DateWell WaterPond Water

    pHTotal Alkalinity (ppm)Total Calcium (ppm)Total Magnesium (ppm)Total Dissolved Solids (ppm)pHTotal Alkalinity (ppm)Total Calcium (ppm)Total Magnesium (ppm)Total Dissolved Solids (ppm)http://www.lenntech.com/calculators/conductivity/tds-engels.htm (from EC mS/cm to TDS ppm)


    Sue: Sue:very droughty, pond water is after dosatron7.4360180

    Sue: Sue:450 calcium carbonate5007.610574

    Sue: Sue:185 calcium carbonate300Pinch a Pennymultiply CaCO3 from pool company by 0.4 to get to Ca


    Sue: Sue:very droughty, pond about 2 inches above intake6.43611346.5550

    Sue: Sue:EC of 0.866.8126534.6339

    Sue: Sue:EC of 0.53QAL



    MultimineralStains flowers. For 1:20 spray, want 5%. Add 24 oz multimineral and 8 oz water so fill to 30 oz line, spray at 8 oz/gal, will make 3.75 gallons each time. 3 Batches for all orchids, uses 9 cups, at 40 cups/2.5 gal, can treat 4.5 times per container. Stains plants and flowers, use half strength next time, 4 cups into 500 gallon dosatron mix should yield 60 ppm.

    Delete first tabletsp/galppm Cationtarget nutrientppm N or Sother nutrientCitationtarget ppmtsp/gal

    Sue: Sue:use density conversion value of .174 oz/tsp per a generic fertilizer formulation http://www.ladyslipper.com/fert.htmhttp://www.firstrays.com/measuring_fertilizers.htmequivalent ppm N or Stsp/gal targetppm other nutrient

    Sue: Sue:use density conversion value of .174 oz/tsp per a generic fertilizer formulation http://www.ladyslipper.com/fert.htmhttp://www.firstrays.com/measuring_fertilizers.htm

    apply aloneCa(NO3)2

    Sue: Sue:15.5-0-0-19http://www.southernag.com/labels_msds.html0.3280Ca65Nhttp://www.greenhouse.cornell.edu/crops/factsheets/FertilizerCalculations.pdf

    Sue: Sue:.07 oz/gal is 100 ppm CA, 81.4 ppm NO3800.32650.3465

    apply togetherKNO3

    Sue: Sue:13-0-46http://www.growercentral.com/index.cfm?siteAction=showFamilyDetails&familyID=234757&CFID=4982355&CFTOKEN=68860.17100K28Nhttp://www.greenhouse.cornell.edu/crops/factsheets/FertilizerCalculations.pdf

    Sue: Sue:.07 oz/gal is 100 ppm CA, 81.4 ppm NO31000.17280.1728


    Sue: Sue:16% Magnesiumhttp://www.southernag.com/labels_msds.html0.17

    Sue: Sue:http://www.firstrays.com/magnesium_supplementation.htm25Mg30Shttp://www.greenhouse.cornell.edu/crops/factsheets/FertilizerCalculations.pdf

    Sue: Sue:.07 oz/gal is 100 ppm CA, 81.4 ppm NO3250.17300.1830

    % N% P% K% other% othertsp/galtarget ppmother ppmconstants


    Sue: Sue:15.5-0-0-19http://www.southernag.com/labels_msds.html15.


    Sue: Sue:13-0-46http://www.growercentral.com/index.cfm?siteAction=showFamilyDetails&familyID=234757&CFID=4982355&CFTOKEN=688613.


    Sue: Sue:16% Magnesiumhttp://www.southernag.com/labels_msds.html11.013.00.1725Mg30S












    Equa 4oz fert per gal irrigation water = target ppm / (75 100 df) where df = the decimal fraction of the element of interest

    Equa 5ppm = ounces fert per gal irrigation water 75 100 df

    2009 Spray Schedule - Disinfection, Fungicides, Bactericides, Pesticides and Snake Oils



    Chemical Name Active IngredientApplication Rate (tsp/gal)Floral Damage?Systemic?Mode of ActionScaleMealybugsThripsWhitefliesAphidsMitesCaterpillarsFungus GhatsComments and Caveats - Always Check Product Label for Information on Proper Use and PrecautionsFeb 09 BWI Price

    Commonly Available Pesticides

    Bayer 3 in 115.75No?Yes4A Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor DisruptorsreceptorxxsuppressionxxxDo not use with summer oil. Use with weak fertilizer to enhance uptake.

    Imidacloprid 0.47%

    Sue: Sue:mites - fluvalinate 0.61%diseases - Tebucanazole 0.65%

    Bayer Tree & Shrub5 - 6

    Sue: Sue:5.25No?Yes4A Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor DisruptorsreceptorxxsuppressionxxxDo not use with summer oil. Use with weak fertilizer to enhance uptake.

    Imidacloprid 1.47%

    Cygon 2E1.5YesNoNoxxxxxNot labeled for use on orchids, some growers have reported severe phytotoxicity after use. Use in cool weather only. Not for use on tolumnias.

    Dimethoate 23%

    Kelthane 50W2NoNoUnknownx

    Dicofol 51%

    Malathion 50% EC3NoNo1 Acetycholine Esterase InhibitorsxxxxxHarms some ferns.

    Malathion 50% EC

    Neem Oil6NoNo16 Desiccation or Membrane DisruptorsxxxxxInsecticide, Miticide and Fungicide

    Neem Oil

    Orthene Powder1NoYes?1 Acetycholine Esterase InhibitorsxxxxxRepeat at 2 week intervals if crawlers continuously appearing. Apply no more than 3 times consecutively. Can be mixed with fungicide.

    Acephate 97%

    Orthenex6NoYes?1 Acetycholine Esterase InhibitorsxxxxxsuppressionFenbutatin oxide is a miticide, Acephate is an insecticide. Same additional comments as for Orthene above.

    Acephate, Fenbutatin oxide

    Sue: Sue:Acephate 4%, Fenbutatin oxide 0.75%

    Permetrol1.3NoNo3 Sodium Channel Blockersxxxxxx

    Permethrin 10%

    Safer 3-in-148NoNo1 Acetycholine Esterase InhibitorsxxxxxxxUse only if temperatures below 90oF. Don't apply within 30 days of using oil sprays. Don't apply to ferns.

    Sulfur 6.48%, Soap 12.38%

    Summer Oil Spray2.5YesNo16 Desiccation or Membrane DisruptorsxxxxxUse only if temperatures below 90oF. Don't apply within 30 days of using sulfur or mix with fungicide, copper or Captan. Don't apply to ferns or palms.

    Paraffinic Oil

    Thuricide2 - 4NoNo11 Disruptors of Insect Midgut Membranesxx

    Bacillus Thuringensis

    Specialty Pesticides

    Avid 0.15 EC0.24-mites 0.48-thrips

    Sue: Sue:Fred says 1 tsp/gal for thripsNoNo?6 Chloride Channel ActivatorsactivatorssuppressionsuppressionsuppressionxHarms some ferns. Use weekly for 3 weeks when thrips immature then alternate. Residual control may be enhanced by adding summer oil.$40/8 ozRuben mites and thrips (Ardent)

    Abamectin 2.0%

    Conserve0.36-thrips 1.2-mitesNoNo5 Nicotinic Acetylcholine ReceptorreceptorxsuppressionxCan be used 3 times consecutively on one generation of thrips then alternate. Spray flowers, then use imidacloprid for systemic control (avoiding flowers).$144/qtPhillip thrips

    Spinosad 11.6%

    DiscusNot for use in greenhouses$238/gal

    Imidacloprid & Cyfluthrin

    Sue: Sue:2.94% and 0.70%

    Decathlon 20 WP0.25No?No?3 Sodium Channel Blockerscrawler stagexxxxxxAlan-avid, decathlon & overture for thrips

    Cyfluthrin 20%


    Sue: Sue:Insect Growth Regulator0.48-0.72NoYes7C juvenile hormone mimicsxsuppressionxsuppressionxHarms some ferns.

    Pyriproxygen 11.23%

    Enstar II

    Sue: Sue:Insect Growth Regulator0.3 - 0.6YesNoNoxxxxxx$73/5 oz


    Floramite0.12 - 0.24No?No?No?xAlternate use with other miticides.$250/qtEFG uses


    Marathon II0.10YesYes4A Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor DisruptorsreceptorxxsuppressionxxApply to cattleyas only, no dendrobiums and no thin leafed orchids. Do not use with summer oil. Use with weak fertilizer to enhance uptake. $240/qtPhillip use after Conserve

    Imidacloprid 21.4%

    Mavrik Aqua Flow0.3 - 0.6

    Sue: Sue:lower rate okay, use higher rate with severe infestationNo?No?3 Sodium Channel BlockersxxxxsuppressionxAt low to medium use rates, controls aphids, thrips, whiteflies, leaf-feeding caterpillars; at higher rates, mites will also be suppressed or controlled.$101/qtEFG uses

    Fluvalinate 22.3%

    Merit 75WP0.10Yes!Yes4A Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor DisruptorsreceptorxxxxSee Marathon comments. Note that Merit is 3 times stronger although the same application rate is listed, very phytotoxic at this application rate.$240/qt

    Imidacloprid 75%

    Mesurol 75 W1.5 - 3??1 Acetycholine Esterase InhibitorsxxxpH of liquid should be below 7, don't apply more than 2 times per year, do not apply with oil$240/qtFred Clarke thrips

    Methiocarb 75%

    Overture 35 WP

    Sue: Sue:Insect Growth Regulator2NoYesUnknownxxTranslaminar, controls insects by both contact and ingestion activity, although contact activity is dominant and faster than ingested activity$97/1 lbFred Clarke thrips

    Pyridalyl 35%

    Preclude TR

    Sue: Sue:Fogger, Insect Growth Regulator2 oz. aerosol can / 1500-3000 sq ftNoYes7 juvenile hormone mimicsxxxxxxxxWill not kill adult thrips, juvenile insect growth regulator.$172/12 2oz

    Fenoxycarb 4.8%

    Safari 20 SG0.5 - 1No?Yes4A Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor DisruptorsreceptorxxxxUse spreader sticker to increase effectiveness.$395/3 lbEFG uses

    Dinotefuran 20%

    Sanmite 75 WP1.10

    Sue: Sue:1 1 oz bag/25 galNo?No?15 Mitochodria Electron Transport InhibitorsxxAlternate use with other miticides.$87/1 ozEFG uses

    Pyridaben 75%

    Talstar Flowable0.6 - 1.3YesNo?3 Sodium Channel BlockersxxxxxxxMite control most effective in spring to early summer.$180/gal

    Bifenthrin 7.9%

    Tristar 70 WSP0.12No?No?No?xxxxDo not apply more than 5 times per year.

    Sue: Sue:For a really toxic stew for use in very cold weather when you have lots of protective equipment on, add into a 5 gallon bucket 1 tsp Tristar, 2 oz Cygon and 2 tsp spreader sticker. Not for use on tolumnias.$63/16 grFred Clarke uses


    TetraSan 5 WDG0.84 - 1.7

    Sue: Sue:each packet contains 2 oz, at lower rate will make 25 gal and for severe infestations make 12.5 galNo?Yes?8 Chitin Synthesis InhibitorsxKills mite eggs and nymphs but not adult, apply with adulticide if infested, treated adult mites will not produce viable eggs. Translaminar.$89/lbFred Clarke uses

    Etoxazole 5%

    Ruben says ardent for thrips and Karmax for weeds

    Alan says rotate avid, overture and decathlon for thrips

    &14Pesticides for the Treatment of Orchid Pests&10by Sue Bottom, [email protected]

    Page &P of &N


    Chemical Name Active IngredientApplication Rate (tsp/gal)Floral Damage?Systemic?Mode of ActionScaleMealybugsThripsWhitefliesAphidsMitesCaterpillarsFungus GhatsComments and Caveats - Always Check Product Label for Information on Proper Use and PrecautionsFeb 09 BWI Price

    Bayer 3 in 115.75No?Yes4A Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor DisruptorsreceptorxxsuppressionxxxDo not use with summer oil. Use with weak fertilizer to enhance uptake.

    Imidacloprid 0.47%

    Sue: Sue:mites - fluvalinate 0.61%diseases - Tebucanazole 0.65%

    Bayer Tree & Shrub5 - 6

    Sue: Sue:5.25No?Yes4A Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor DisruptorsreceptorxxsuppressionxxxDo not use with summer oil. Use with weak fertilizer to enhance uptake.

    Imidacloprid 1.47%

    Cygon 2E1.5YesNoNoxxxxxNot labeled for use on orchids, some growers have reported severe phytotoxicity after use. Use in cool weather only. Not for use on tolumnias.

    Dimethoate 23%

    Kelthane 50W2NoNoUnknownx

    Dicofol 51%

    Malathion 50% EC3NoNo1 Acetycholine Esterase InhibitorsxxxxxHarms some ferns.

    Malathion 50% EC

    Neem Oil6NoNo16 Desiccation or Membrane DisruptorsxxxxxInsecticide, Miticide and Fungicide

    Neem Oil

    Orthene Powder1NoYes?1 Acetycholine Esterase InhibitorsxxxxxRepeat at 2 week intervals if crawlers continuously appearing. Apply no more than 3 times consecutively. Can be mixed with fungicide.

    Acephate 97%

    Orthenex6NoYes?1 Acetycholine Esterase InhibitorsxxxxxsuppressionFenbutatin oxide is a miticide, Acephate is an insecticide. Same additional comments as for Orthene above.

    Acephate, Fenbutatin oxide

    Sue: Sue:Acephate 4%, Fenbutatin oxide 0.75%

    Permetrol1.3NoNo3 Sodium Channel Blockersxxxxxx

    Permethrin 10%

    Safer 3-in-148NoNo1 Acetycholine Esterase InhibitorsxxxxxxxUse only if temperatures below 90oF. Don't apply within 30 days of using oil sprays. Don't apply to ferns.

    Sulfur 6.48%, Soap 12.38%

    Summer Oil Spray2.5YesNo16 Desiccation or Membrane DisruptorsxxxxxUse only if temperatures below 90oF. Don't apply within 30 days of using sulfur or mix with fungicide, copper or Captan. Don't apply to ferns or palms.

    Paraffinic Oil

    Thuricide2 - 4NoNo11 Disruptors of Insect Midgut Membranesxx

    Bacillus Thuringensis

    Sue: Sue:For a really toxic stew for use in very cold weather when you have lots of protective equipment on, add into a 5 gallon bucket 1 tsp Tristar, 2 oz Cygon and 2 tsp spreader sticker. Not for use on tolumnias.Ruben says ardent for thrips and Karmax for weeds

    Alan says rotate avid, overture and decathlon for thrips

    &14Commonly Available PesticidesTreatment of Orchid Pests&10by Sue Bottom, [email protected]



    Chemical Name Active IngredientApplication Rate (tsp/gal)Floral Damage?Systemic?Mode of ActionScaleMealybugsThripsWhitefliesAphidsMitesCaterpillarsFungus GhatsComments and Caveats - Always Check Product Label for Information on Proper Use and PrecautionsFeb 09 BWI Price

    Avid 0.15 EC0.24-mites 0.48-thrips

    Sue: Sue:Fred says 1 tsp/gal for thripsNoNo?6 Chloride Channel ActivatorsactivatorssuppressionsuppressionsuppressionxHarms some ferns. Use weekly for 3 weeks when thrips immature then alternate. Residual control may be enhanced by adding summer oil.$40/8 ozRuben mites and thrips (Ardent)

    Abamectin 2.0%

    Conserve0.36-thrips 1.2-mitesNoNo5 Nicotinic Acetylcholine ReceptorreceptorxsuppressionxCan be used 3 times consecutively on one generation of thrips then alternate. Spray flowers, then use imidacloprid for systemic control (avoiding flowers).$144/qtPhillip thrips

    Spinosad 11.6%

    Decathlon 20 WP0.25No?No?3 Sodium Channel Blockerscrawler stagexxxxxxAlan-avid, decathlon & overture for thrips

    Cyfluthrin 20%


    Sue: Sue:Insect Growth Regulator0.48-0.72NoYes7C juvenile hormone mimicsxsuppressionxsuppressionxHarms some ferns.

    Pyriproxygen 11.23%

    Enstar II

    Sue: Sue:Insect Growth Regulator0.3 - 0.6YesNoNoxxxxxx$73/5 oz


    Floramite0.12 - 0.24No?No?No?xAlternate use with other miticides.$250/qtEFG uses


    Marathon II0.10YesYes4A Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor DisruptorsreceptorxxsuppressionxxApply to cattleyas only, no dendrobiums and no thin leafed orchids. Do not use with summer oil. Use with weak fertilizer to enhance uptake. $240/qtPhillip use after Conserve

    Imidacloprid 21.4%

    Mavrik Aqua Flow0.3 - 0.6

    Sue: Sue:lower rate okay, use higher rate with severe infestationNo?No?3 Sodium Channel BlockersxxxxsuppressionxAt low to medium use rates, controls aphids, thrips, whiteflies, leaf-feeding caterpillars; at higher rates, mites will also be suppressed or controlled.$101/qtEFG uses

    Fluvalinate 22.3%

    Merit 75WP0.10Yes!Yes4A Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor DisruptorsreceptorxxxxSee Marathon comments. Note that Merit is 3 times stronger although the same application rate is listed, very phytotoxic at this application rate.$240/qt

    Imidacloprid 75%

    Mesurol 75 W1.5 - 3??1 Acetycholine Esterase InhibitorsxxxpH of liquid should be below 7, don't apply more than 2 times per year, do not apply with oil$240/qtFred Clarke thrips

    Methiocarb 75%

    Overture 35 WP

    Sue: Sue:Insect Growth Regulator2NoYesUnknownxxTranslaminar, controls insects by both contact and ingestion activity, although contact activity is dominant and faster than ingested activity$97/1 lbFred Clarke thrips

    Pyridalyl 35%

    Preclude TR

    Sue: Sue:Fogger, Insect Growth Regulator2 oz. aerosol can / 1500-3000 sq ftNoYes7 juvenile hormone mimicsxxxxxxxxWill not kill adult thrips, juvenile insect growth regulator.$172/12 2oz

    Fenoxycarb 4.8%

    Safari 20 SG0.5 - 1No?Yes4A Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor DisruptorsreceptorxxxxUse spreader sticker to increase effectiveness.$395/3 lbEFG uses

    Dinotefuran 20%

    Sanmite 75 WP1.10

    Sue: Sue:1 1 oz bag/25 galNo?No?15 Mitochodria Electron Transport InhibitorsxxAlternate use with other miticides.$87/1 ozEFG uses

    Pyridaben 75%

    Talstar Flowable0.6 - 1.3YesNo?3 Sodium Channel BlockersxxxxxxxMite control most effective in spring to early summer.$180/gal

    Bifenthrin 7.9%

    Tristar 70 WSP0.12No?No?No?xxxxDo not apply more than 5 times per year.

    Sue: Sue:For a really toxic stew for use in very cold weather when you have lots of protective equipment on, add into a 5 gallon bucket 1 tsp Tristar, 2 oz Cygon and 2 tsp spreader sticker. Not for use on tolumnias.$63/16 grFred Clarke uses


    TetraSan 5 WDG0.84 - 1.7

    Sue: Sue:each packet contains 2 oz, at lower rate will make 25 gal and for severe infestations make 12.5 galNo?Yes?8 Chitin Synthesis InhibitorsxKills mite eggs and nymphs but not adult, apply with adulticide if infested, treated adult mites will not produce viable eggs. Translaminar.$89/lbFred Clarke uses

    Etoxazole 5%

    Ruben says ardent for thrips and Karmax for weeds

    Alan says rotate avid, overture and decathlon for thrips

    &14Specialty PesticidesTreatment of Orchid Pests&10by Sue Bottom, [email protected]



    Chemical Name Active IngredientApplication Rate (tsp/gal)Floral Damage?Systemic ?Bacterial DiseasesFungal RotsLeaf and Flower BlightsComments and Caveats - Always Check Manufacturer's Label for Information on Proper Use and PrecautionsFeb 09 BWI Price

    Soft RotBrown RotBrown SpotBlack RotFusarium WiltRoot RotSouthern BlightAnthracnoseLeaf SpotsRustsBotrytis



    Commonly Available Fungicides and Bactericides

    Captan 50W3NoNoxxxxxxDip or spray, directed soil surface spray. Do not use with oil sprays.




    Dithane, Mancozeb

    Sue: Sue:Protect DF too4.5 Powder 1 LiquidNoNoxxxLeaves heavy residue on leaves.

    Mn,Zn,Ethylene bisdithiocarbamate

    Kocide3YesNoxxxxxDo not use with Aliette. Do not use on Dendrobiums.

    Copper Hydroxide

    Liquid Copper4 - 6YesNoxxxxxDo not use with oil spray. Do not use on Dendrobiums.

    Copper salts-fatty,rosin acids

    Neem Oil6NoNoxxxInsecticide, Miticide and Fungicide

    Neem Oil

    Physan (Consan)

    Sue: Sue:Can use 10% pool algaecide as a replacement @ 2 tsp/gal, may spot flowers2NoNoxxxSoak divisions for 3-5 min in 1.5 tbsp/gal. Directed soil surface spray for Damping Off. 1.5 tsp/gal for g/h surface and 1 tbsp/gal for pot disinfection.

    Quaternary Ammonium Chloride

    Phyton 270.8 - 2.4YesNoxxxxxxFungicide and bactericide. Do not use with Aliette. Do not use on Dendrobiums. Do not spray on flowers.

    Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate

    Specialty Fungicides and Bactericides

    Aliette WDG5-9 foliar .8-1.5 drench?YesdrenchCan use as protectant drench, do not spray within 7 days of copper fungicide use, do not mix with Mancozeb, metal ions or spreader sticker.$150/5.5 lb

    Fosetyl aluminium 80%

    Chipco 260193.0No?YesdrenchxReview label information.$87/2 lb


    Banrot 40WP0.5 - 1.1

    Sue: Sue:6-12 oz/100 gal drench40 lb/cf 1.1-2.2 cups/100 galtreat 400 sq ft bench spacethen flush pots with half again as much water to distribute in potsYesYesxdrenchdrenchdrenchxxxDo not tank mix with copper, spray as indicated or drench, wash foliage after drench application and water into pot, alternate after 2 consecutive uses, add wetting agent for better coverage.$67/qt

    Etridiazole 15% Thiophanate Methyl 25%$38/4-8 oz

    Cleary's 3336 WP0.7 - 1NoYesdrenchdrenchdrenchxxxDo not tank mix with copper. Spray as indicated or drench. Alternate after 2 consecutive uses. Add wetting agent for better coverage.$67/qt

    Thiophanate Methyl 50%$38/4-8 oz

    Compass 50WDG.2 - .4No?Yes?xxxDo not use with organosilicate based products.$472/1 lb

    Trifloxystrobin 50%

    Exotherm Termil1 can / 1000 ft2NoNoxxxClose all vents, turn all fans off, set can above foliage level in central part of greenhouse and ignite with a propane torch.$82/24


    Protect DF

    Sue: Sue:Dithane4.5NoNoxxx

    Mn,Zn,Ethylene bisdithiocarbamate

    Subdue Maxx0.05 (7-30 drops)NoYesdrenchdrenchFor molds caused by water, considered most effective for molds and root and stem rots, prevents and cures disease.$232/qt

    Metalaxyl 21.3%

    Terraclor 75% WP0.4 - 0.8 drenchNo?YesdrenchdrenchdrenchMostly used as protective drench and soil incorporation$74/gal

    Pentachloronitrobenzene 75%

    Truban 25% EC0.18 - 0.5?YesdrenchUse as protectant drench, wash foliage after drench application, $64/qt


    Zyban0.75 - 1.5

    Sue: Sue:0.75 as preventative, 1.5 as curativeNoYesdrenchdrenchdrenchxxxDo not use on Gloxinia$60/8-6oz

    Mancozeb+Thiophanate methyl

    &14Fungicides and Bactericides for Treatment of Various Orchid Diseases&10by Sue Bottom, [email protected]

    Page &P of &N


    Chemical Name Active IngredientApplication Rate (tsp/gal)Floral Damage?Systemic ?Bacterial DiseasesFungal RotsLeaf and Flower BlightsComments and Caveats - Always Check Manufacturer's Label for Information on Proper Use and PrecautionsFeb 09 BWI Price

    Soft RotBrown RotBrown SpotBlack RotFusarium WiltRoot RotSouthern BlightAnthracnoseLeaf SpotsRustsBotrytis



    Captan 50W3NoNoxxxxxxDip or spray, directed soil surface spray. Do not use with oil sprays.




    Dithane, Mancozeb

    Sue: Sue:Protect DF too4.5 Powder 1 LiquidNoNoxxxLeaves heavy residue on leaves.

    Mn,Zn,Ethylene bisdithiocarbamate

    Kocide3YesNoxxxxxDo not use with Aliette. Do not use on Dendrobiums.

    Copper Hydroxide

    Liquid Copper4 - 6YesNoxxxxxDo not use with oil spray. Do not use on Dendrobiums.

    Copper salts-fatty,rosin acids

    Neem Oil6NoNoxxxInsecticide, Miticide and Fungicide

    Neem Oil

    Physan (Consan)

    Sue: Sue:Can use 10% pool algaecide as a replacement @ 2 tsp/gal, may spot flowers2NoNoxxxSoak divisions for 3-5 min in 1.5 tbsp/gal. Directed soil surface spray for Damping Off. 1.5 tsp/gal for g/h surface and 1 tbsp/gal for pot disinfection.

    Quaternary Ammonium Chloride

    Phyton 270.8 - 2.4YesNoxxxxxxFungicide and bactericide. Do not use with Aliette. Do not use on Dendrobiums. Do not spray on flowers.

    Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate

    &14Common Fungicides and BactericidesTreatment of Various Orchid Diseases&10by Sue Bottom, [email protected]



    Chemical Name Active IngredientApplication Rate (tsp/gal)Floral Damage?Systemic ?Bacterial DiseasesFungal RotsLeaf and Flower BlightsComments and Caveats - Always Check Manufacturer's Label for Information on Proper Use and PrecautionsFeb 09 BWI Price

    Soft RotBrown RotBrown SpotBlack RotFusarium WiltRoot RotSouthern BlightAnthracnoseLeaf SpotsRustsBotrytis



    Aliette WDG5-9 foliar .8-1.5 drench?YesdrenchCan use as protectant drench, do not spray within 7 days of copper fungicide use, do not mix with Mancozeb, metal ions or spreader sticker.$150/5.5 lb

    Fosetyl aluminium 80%

    Chipco 260193.0No?YesdrenchxReview label information.$87/2 lb


    Banrot 40WP0.5 - 1.1

    Sue: Sue:6-12 oz/100 gal drench40 lb/cf 1.1-2.2 cups/100 galtreat 400 sq ft bench spacethen flush pots with half again as much water to distribute in potsYesYesxdrenchdrenchdrenchxxxDo not tank mix with copper, spray as indicated or drench, wash foliage after drench application and water into pot, alternate after 2 consecutive uses, add wetting agent for better coverage.$67/qt

    Etridiazole 15% Thiophanate Methyl 25%$38/4-8 oz

    Cleary's 3336 WP0.7 - 1NoYesdrenchdrenchdrenchxxxDo not tank mix with copper. Spray as indicated or drench. Alternate after 2 consecutive uses. Add wetting agent for better coverage.$67/qt

    Thiophanate Methyl 50%$38/4-8 oz

    Compass 50WDG.2 - .4No?Yes?xxxDo not use with organosilicate based products.$472/1 lb

    Trifloxystrobin 50%

    Exotherm Termil1 can / 1000 ft2NoNoxxxClose all vents, turn all fans off, set can above foliage level in central part of greenhouse and ignite with a propane torch.$82/24


    Protect DF

    Sue: Sue:Dithane4.5NoNoxxx

    Mn,Zn,Ethylene bisdithiocarbamate

    Subdue Maxx0.05 (7-30 drops)NoYesdrenchdrenchFor molds caused by water, considered most effective for molds and root and stem rots, prevents and cures disease.$232/qt

    Metalaxyl 21.3%

    Terraclor 75% WP0.4 - 0.8 drenchNo?YesdrenchdrenchdrenchMostly used as protective drench and soil incorporation$74/gal

    Pentachloronitrobenzene 75%

    Truban 25% EC0.18 - 0.5?YesdrenchUse as protectant drench, wash foliage after drench application, $64/qt


    Zyban0.75 - 1.5

    Sue: Sue:0.75 as preventative, 1.5 as curativeNoYesdrenchdrenchdrenchxxxDo not use on Gloxinia$60/8-6oz

    Mancozeb+Thiophanate methyl

    &14Specialty Fungicides and BactericidesTreatment of Various Orchid Diseases&10by Sue Bottom, [email protected]



    Greenhouse DisinfectionFungicide and Bactericide ApplicationsPesticide ApplicationsSnake OilsObservations

    BotrytisBacterial DiseasesBlack RotLeaf SpotsScaleThripsMites


    Sue: Sue:S - SprayP - Poof buds and flowersO- Outside treatmentD-DrenchB-BombF-FogChemicalDateChemicalDate

    January30-JanDistance imidacloprid14-JanPAvidseeing some isolated scale

    30-JanS imidacloprid












    ShadeclothInterior Panels7 Grommets, 13'1" x 17' with grommets along 17' section that runs north south

    Exterior Panels7 Grommets, 13' x 11'6"' with grommets along 13' section that runs north south

    MultimineralStains flowers. For 1:20 spray, want 5%. Add 24 oz multimineral and 8 oz water so fill to 30 oz line, spray at 8 oz/gal, will make 3.75 gallons each time. 3 Batches for all orchids, uses 9 cups, at 40 cups/2.5 gal, can treat 4.5 times per container. Stains plants and flowers. Used 4 cups in 500 gallon mix, equals 30 ppm Ca (0.25 gal/500gal*60000ppm).

    Delete first tableppm Cationppm N or SCitationtarget ppmtsp/gal

    Sue: Sue:use density conversion value of .174 oz/tsp per a generic fertilizer formulation http://www.ladyslipper.com/fert.htmhttp://www.firstrays.com/measuring_fertilizers.htmequivalent ppm N or S

    Sue: Sue:use density conversion value of .174 oz/tsp per a generic fertilizer formulation http://www.ladyslipper.com/fert.htmhttp://www.firstrays.com/measuring_fertilizers.htmapply aloneCa(NO3)2

    Sue: Sue:15.5-0-0-19http://www.southernag.com/labels_msds.html1/3 tsp/gal90Ca73Nhttp://www.greenhouse.cornell.edu/crops/factsheets/FertilizerCalculations.pdf

    Sue: Sue:.07 oz/gal is 100 ppm CA, 81.4 ppm NO31200.489890

    apply togetherKNO3

    Sue: Sue:13-0-46http://www.growercentral.com/index.cfm?siteAction=showFamilyDetails&familyID=234757&CFID=4982355&CFTOKEN=68861/3 tsp/gal200K57Nhttp://www.greenhouse.cornell.edu/crops/factsheets/FertilizerCalculations.pdf

    Sue: Sue:.07 oz/gal is 100 ppm CA, 81.4 ppm NO33000.5085200


    Sue: Sue:16% Magnesiumhttp://www.southernag.com/labels_msds.html1/3 tsp/gal

    Sue: Sue:http://www.firstrays.com/magnesium_supplementation.htm65Mg78Shttp://www.greenhouse.cornell.edu/crops/factsheets/FertilizerCalculations.pdf

    Sue: Sue:.07 oz/gal is 100 ppm CA, 81.4 ppm NO31000.482865

    % N% P% K% otherothertsp/galtarget ppmother ppmconstants


    Sue: Sue:15.5-0-0-19http://www.southernag.com/labels_msds.html1600190.50125Ca102N31-Dectsp/ozhttp://www.greenhouse.cornell.edu/crops/factsheets/FertilizerCalculations.pdf


    Sue: Sue:13-0-46http://www.growercentral.com/index.cfm?siteAction=showFamilyDetails&familyID=234757&CFID=4982355&CFTOKEN=6886130460.50300K85N


    Sue: Sue:16% Magnesiumhttp://www.southernag.com/labels_msds.html110.5275MgS

    2009 Spray Schedule - Disinfection, Fungicides, Bactericides, Pesticides and Snake Oils



    Greenhouse DisinfectionFungicide and Bactericide ApplicationsPesticide ApplicationsSnake OilsObservations

    BotrytisBacterial DiseasesBlack RotLeaf SpotsScaleThripsMites


    Sue: Sue:S - SprayP - Poof buds and flowersO- Outside treatmentD-DrenchB-BombF-FogChemicalDateChemicalDate

    January6-JanExotherm TermilWell water on 1/5/12, a little botyrtis so we bombed gh


    March8-MarSAvid30% shade cloth up 3/26, not too many blooms


    April2-AprDistance, Imidaclopridclean pond filter and change UV filter 4/30. Not too much in bloom except phals

    May25-MayTetrasanAvid Tetrasan cocktail puts a serious hurt on thrips


    June7-JunSAvidfucking thrips, switched to pond water on 6/28

    July10-JulPhyton 27 (phals)12-JulSAvid10-JulTalstar (phals) Avid/Tetrasan (catasetums)Broad mites on phals? Fog with Resmethrin before watering 7/16, not really effective




    August31-Aug19-AugSubdue (drench)11-AugSConservesomething eating orchids, cockroaches? snails? caterpillars? lots of moths & 1 caterpillar, spread roach & snail bait



    SeptemberVanda movngConsan, Copper, Zyban on VandasVanda movngConsan, Copper, Zyban on VandasVanda movngConsan, Copper, Zyban on Vandas6-SepSAvidvandas in HH 9/29, burned roots with bleach/algaecide then final copper, physan, zyban spray



    October5-OctDistance, Imidacloprid5-OctSImidaclopridpoof flowers & buds for thrips 2x/wk change every 3 wks, 30% down 10/15, lime and diat. earth under benches

    M8 Th11PAvid

    M15 Th18PT23



    December9-DecPAvidNo thrip damage, but thrips on flowers 12/8, well water 12/24

    ShadeclothInterior Panels7 Grommets, 13'1" x 17' with grommets along 17' section that runs north south

    Exterior Panels7 Grommets, 13' x 11'6"' with grommets along 13' section that runs north south

    MultimineralStains flowers. For 1:20 spray, want 5%. Add 24 oz multimineral and 8 oz water so fill to 30 oz line, spray at 8 oz/gal, will make 3.75 gallons each time. 3 Batches for all orchids, uses 9 cups, at 40 cups/2.5 gal, can treat 4.5 times per container. Stains plants and flowers. Used 4 cups in 500 gallon mix, equals 30 ppm Ca (0.25 gal/500gal*60000ppm).

    Delete first tableppm Cationppm N or SCitationtarget ppmtsp/gal

    Sue: Sue:use density conversion value of .174 oz/tsp per a generic fertilizer formulation http://www.ladyslipper.com/fert.htmhttp://www.firstrays.com/measuring_fertilizers.htmequivalent ppm N or S

    Sue: Sue:use density conversion value of .174 oz/tsp per a generic fertilizer formulation http://www.ladyslipper.com/fert.htmhttp://www.firstrays.com/measuring_fertilizers.htmapply aloneCa(NO3)2

    Sue: Sue:15.5-0-0-19http://www.southernag.com/labels_msds.html1/3 tsp/gal90Ca73Nhttp://www.greenhouse.cornell.edu/crops/factsheets/FertilizerCalculations.pdf

    Sue: Sue:.07 oz/gal is 100 ppm CA, 81.4 ppm NO31200.489890

    apply togetherKNO3

    Sue: Sue:13-0-46http://www.growercentral.com/index.cfm?siteAction=showFamilyDetails&familyID=234757&CFID=4982355&CFTOKEN=68861/3 tsp/gal200K57Nhttp://www.greenhouse.cornell.edu/crops/factsheets/FertilizerCalculations.pdf

    Sue: Sue:.07 oz/gal is 100 ppm CA, 81.4 ppm NO33000.5085200


    Sue: Sue:16% Magnesiumhttp://www.southernag.com/labels_msds.html1/3 tsp/gal

    Sue: Sue:http://www.firstrays.com/magnesium_supplementation.htm65Mg78Shttp://www.greenhouse.cornell.edu/crops/factsheets/FertilizerCalculations.pdf

    Sue: Sue:.07 oz/gal is 100 ppm CA, 81.4 ppm NO31000.482865

    % N% P% K% otherothertsp/galtarget ppmother ppmconstants


    Sue: Sue:15.5-0-0-19http://www.southernag.com/labels_msds.html1600190.50125Ca102N31-Dectsp/ozhttp://www.greenhouse.cornell.edu/crops/factsheets/FertilizerCalculations.pdf


    Sue: Sue:13-0-46http://www.growercentral.com/index.cfm?siteAction=showFamilyDetails&familyID=234757&CFID=4982355&CFTOKEN=6886130460.50300K85N


    Sue: Sue:16% Magnesiumhttp://www.southernag.com/labels_msds.html110.5275MgS

    2009 Spray Schedule - Disinfection, Fungicides, Bactericides, Pesticides and Snake Oils



    Greenhouse DisinfectionFungicide and Bactericide ApplicationsPesticide ApplicationsSnake OilsObservations

    BotrytisBacterial DiseasesBlack RotLeaf SpotsScaleThripsMitesMessenger


    Sue: Sue:S - SprayP - Poof buds and flowersO- Outside treatmentD-DrenchB-BombChemicalDateChemicalDate

    January28-JanBanrot (drench)28-JanBanrot (drench)18-JanSConserveFucking thrips!



    Sue: Sue:Cygon for outside drench


    February9-FebSAvidI love Avid cause thrips hate it!


    March3/11 + 3/26 (power wash)30% shade cloth up 3/27, not too many blooms, was it the Merit?

    April17-AprBanrot (spray vandas)17-AprBanrot (spray vandas)20-AprDistance (spray cattleyas)1-AprSAvidthrips are back and I was in denial, starting to see a very few crawlers



    MayDid Merit application reduce flowering? Sure haven't had to spray this month though




    July13-JulLiquid Copper (spray phals)25-JulBanrot (spray all)25-JulBanrot (spray all)21-JulTetrasan Bayer Soap (spray thin leaved + phals)Fish EmulsionMites on cats in 3rd week, black rot on catts and cats at end of month


    Sue: Sue:old thrip damage on flowers, no active thrips

    August20-AugAlgaecide (spray all)9-AugSOrthenex

    Sue: Sue:a very few thrips, applied half strength per Scully, 12 gal, 3 tsp/galMultimineral 8/10



    Sue: Sue:thrip damage but see no live thrips, applied half strength per Scully, 12 gal, 3 tsp/gal


    Sue: Sue:thrip damage but see no live thrips, applied half strength per Scully, 12 gal, , 6 tsp (0.5 tsp/gal)

    October8-OctAlgaecide (spray vandas)17-OctBayer & Distance (light spray main gh)11-OctSOrthene

    Sue: Sue:thrip damage some live thrips, applied half strength per Scully, 12 gal, 6 tsp (0.5 tsp/gal)30% shadecloth down 10/10, thrips again, cycle seems to have halted with underbench spray, then Avid


    Sue: Sue:seems like it was double or triple strength under benches that stopped the thrip cycle


    Novembera very few thrips on flowers late in the month


    December10-DecKocide (phals and paphs)10-DecBanrot for Collar Rot (phals and paphs)Collar rot on phals, Preclude doesn't seem to be thrip answer, thrips spotted on 12/26



    ShadeclothInterior Panels7 Grommets, 13'1" x 17' with grommets along 17' section that runs north south

    Exterior Panels7 Grommets, 13' x 11'6"' with grommets along 13' section that runs north south

    MultimineralStains flowers. For 1:20 spray, want 5%. Add 24 oz multimineral and 8 oz water so fill to 30 oz line, spray at 8 oz/gal, will make 3.75 gallons each time. 3 Batches for all orchids, uses 9 cups, at 40 cups/2.5 gal, can treat 4.5 times per container. Stains plants and flowers, use half strength next time,

    Delete first tableppm Cationppm N or SCitationtarget ppmtsp/gal

    Sue: Sue:use density conversion value of .174 oz/tsp per a generic fertilizer formulation http://www.ladyslipper.com/fert.htmhttp://www.firstrays.com/measuring_fertilizers.htmequivalent ppm N or S

    Sue: Sue:use density conversion value of .174 oz/tsp per a generic fertilizer formulation http://www.ladyslipper.com/fert.htmhttp://www.firstrays.com/measuring_fertilizers.htmapply aloneCa(NO3)2

    Sue: Sue:15.5-0-0-19http://www.southernag.com/labels_msds.html1/3 tsp/gal90Ca73Nhttp://www.greenhouse.cornell.edu/crops/factsheets/FertilizerCalculations.pdf

    Sue: Sue:.07 oz/gal is 100 ppm CA, 81.4 ppm NO31200.489890.00

    apply togetherKNO3

    Sue: Sue:13-0-46http://www.growercentral.com/index.cfm?siteAction=showFamilyDetails&familyID=234757&CFID=4982355&CFTOKEN=68861/3 tsp/gal200K57Nhttp://www.greenhouse.cornell.edu/crops/factsheets/FertilizerCalculations.pdf

    Sue: Sue:.07 oz/gal is 100 ppm CA, 81.4 ppm NO33000.5085200.00


    Sue: Sue:16% Magnesiumhttp://www.southernag.com/labels_msds.html1/3 tsp/gal

    Sue: Sue:http://www.firstrays.com/magnesium_supplementation.htm65Mg78Shttp://www.greenhouse.cornell.edu/crops/factsheets/FertilizerCalculations.pdf

    Sue: Sue:.07 oz/gal is 100 ppm CA, 81.4 ppm NO31000.482865.00

    % N% P% K% otherothertsp/galtarget ppmother ppmconstants


    Sue: Sue:15.5-0-0-19http://www.southernag.com/labels_msds.html1600190.50125Ca102N0.174tsp/ozhttp://www.greenhouse.cornell.edu/crops/factsheets/FertilizerCalculations.pdf


    Sue: Sue:13-0-46http://www.growercentral.com/index.cfm?siteAction=showFamilyDetails&familyID=234757&CFID=4982355&CFTOKEN=6886130460.50300K85N


    Sue: Sue:16% Magnesiumhttp://www.southernag.com/labels_msds.html110.5275MgS

    2009 Spray Schedule - Disinfection, Fungicides, Bactericides, Pesticides and Snake Oils



    Greenhouse DisinfectionFungicide and Bactericide ApplicationsPesticide ApplicationsSnake OilsObservations

    BotrytisBacterial DiseasesBlack RotLeaf SpotsScaleThripsMitesMessenger


    Sue: Sue:S - SprayP - Poof buds and flowersO- Outside treatmentChemicalDateChemicalDate

    January11-JanSubdue11-JanZyban2 week freeze with misters, Botrytis!

    February21-FebExotherm Termilmicrofungus on phals and paphs, cold water damage on phals, botrytis!!!


    Phal&Paph23-FebPhyton 27

    MarchCattleya repotting, drench w/ Banrot, 3/27 put up center panel shadecloth 7 grommets

    Thin Leaf27-MarPhyton 2727-MarPhyton 2727-MarTetrasan

    AprilFish Emulsionadd banrot to all repotted orchids at 1 tsp/gal

    May22-May18-MaySubdue (spray)18-MayDistance18-MayTetrasanFish Emulsionphal triage, spray repotted phals and paphs with phyton; seeing aphids on onc spikes



    Sue: Sue:though Dosatron, next time keep agitated cause it plugs up3-JunZyban

    Sue: Sue:Sue:8 gal, 4 tbsp, always difficult cause it plugs sprayerSeaweedWOW, things must be good if there's nothing to bitch about!

    Phal&Paph11-JunPhyton 278-JunSConserve

    Sue: Sue:flowers only

    Thin Leaf23-JunAvid

    Sue: Sue:with BT cause I have caterpillars

    July19-JulBanrot19-JulBanrot5-JulSConserveFish EmulsionDenial is a wonderful thing except 4 thrips. Started summer nighttime watering (June next yr)


    August31-Aug25-AugSubdue (spray)25-AugDistanceSeaweedthrips on buds and flowers - you must start spraying weekly! Erwinia on paphs





    Sue: Sue:Bayer Tree and Shrub plugs ortho sprayer filters3-SepSOImidacloprid3-SepImidaclopridSeaweedincredible thrip damage on buds and flowers, some black rot on catts



    October3-OctPConserve25-OctTetrasanStill some thrip damage, alternate Conserve, Avid, Orthene, Tetrasan, imidacloprid



    November23-NovBanrot (Microfungus)2-NovSTalstarThrips finally under control




    Sue: Sue:Cygon, 6 gal, 2 tsp/gal, to kill thrip eggs under benchesMore blooming cattleyas than ever before! well water 12/16


    2009 Spray Schedule - Disinfection, Fungicides, Bactericides, Pesticides and Snake Oils


    Greenhouse DisinfectionFungicide and Bactericide ApplicationsPesticide ApplicationsSnake OilsObservations

    BotrytisBacterial DiseasesBlack RotLeaf SpotsScale, Thrips, etc.MitesMessenger


    January27-JanExotherm Termil29-JanConsan29-JanSubdue (foliar)29-JanOrthenex19-Jan

    Sue: Sue:what I thought was botyrtis on catts might have been thrips!

    February9-Feb11-FebExotherm Termil10-FebCaptan10-FebZyban10-FebOrthenex24-Febput up 30% interior shadecloth






    May29-May11-MaySubdue drench 2.5 oz in 3 gal @ 1%29-Maymites on emerging catasetums, scale & mites on thin leaf orchids



    June22-JunSubdue (foliar)30-JunCaptan3-JunOrthene

    Sue: Sue:thrips and scale22-Juncrawlers crawling, infested with thrips, lots of flower damage



    Sue: Sue:thrips


    Catts29-JunConserve Distance

    Sue: Sue:thrips, scalegreatly reduced from earlier spraying, more precautionary

    July3-Jul27-JulSubdue drench 2.5 oz in 3 gal @ 1%29-JulConserve

    Sue: Sue:new floral damage, also spray for mites as a preventative29-JulConserve

    Sue: Sue:new floral damage, also spray for mites as a preventativeno signs of scale, a very little floral damage (thrips), bud blast from heat


    August11-Aug9-AugOrthenex15-Augthrips! lots of buds! some rot on catts & cats, mites on cats


    September6-SepSubdue drench 2.5 oz in 3 gal @ 1%22-SepZyban

    Sue: Sue:all but catts, mostly for vandas in hoop houses9-Sep and 23-SepDistance Conserve Conserve Orthene

    Sue: Sue:9/9: 12.5 gallons, fill to 32 oz, set to 2.5 oz/gal, add 1/2 pack TetraSan, 1 oz. Distance and 4.5 tsp Conserve 9/23: Conserve and Orthene for thrips9-SepTetraSansome rot, lots of bud blast, heat? mites on cats, thrip damage showing up, lots of buds


    October24-OctBanrot drench 3 cups in 3 gal @ 1%24-OctBanrot drench 3 cups in 3 gal @ 1%some black rot on catts

    Novemberremove shadecloth in November next year

    December7-DecCaptan7-DecDistance7-DecTetrasansome scale, removed interior shadecloth, do before move schoms in next year


    2009 Spray Schedule - Disinfection, Fungicides, Bactericides, Pesticides and Snake Oils


    Chemical Name Active IngredientApplication Rate (tsp/gal)Floral Damage?Systemic?ScaleMealybugsThripsWhitefliesAphidsMitesCaterpillarsFungus GhatsComments and Caveats - Always Check PProduct Label for Information on Proper Use and Precautions

    Commonly Available Pesticides

    Bayer 3 in 115.75No?YesxxxxxDo not use with summer oil. Use with weak fertilizer to enhance uptake.

    Imidacloprid 0.47%

    Sue: Sue:mites - fluvalinate 0.61%diseases - Tebucanazole 0.65%

    Bayer Tree & Shrub5 - 6

    Sue: Sue:5.25No?YesxxxxDo not use with summer oil. Use with weak fertilizer to enhance uptake.

    Imidacloprid 1.47%

    Kelthane 50W2NoNox

    Dicofol 51%

    Malathion 50% EC3NoNoxxxxxHarms some ferns.

    Malathion 50% EC

    Neem Oil6NoNoxxxxxInsecticide, Miticide and Fungicide

    Neem Oil

    Orthene Powder1NoYes?xxxxxRepeat at 2 week intervals if crawlers continuously appearing. Apply no more than 3 times consecutively. Can be mixed with fungicide.

    Acephate 97%

    Orthenex6NoYes?xxxxxsuppresionFenbutatin oxide is a miticide, Acephate is an insecticide. Same additional comments as for Orthene above.

    Acephate, Fenbutatin oxide

    Sue: Sue:Acephate 4%, Fenbutatin oxide 0.75%


    Permethrin 10%

    Safer 3-in-148NoNoxxxxxxxUse only if temperatures below 90oF. Don't apply within 30 days of using oil sprays. Don't apply to ferns.

    Sulfur 6.48%, Soap 12.38%

    Summer Oil Spray2.5YesNoxxxxxxxUse only if temperatures below 90oF. Don't apply within 30 days of using sulfur or mix with fungicide, copper or Captan. Don't apply to ferns or palms.

    Paraffinic Oil

    Thuricide2 - 4NoNoxx

    Bacillus Thuringensis

    Specialty Pesticides

    Avid0.24-mites 0.48-thripsNo?No?suppresionsuppresionsuppresionxHarms some ferns. Use weekly for 3 weeks when thrips immature then alternate. Residual control may be enhanced by adding summer oil.

    Abanectin 2.0%

    Conserve0.36-thrips 1.2-mitesNoNoxsuppresionCan be used 3 times consecutively on one generation of thrips then alternate. Spray flowers, then use Marathon II for systemic control (avoiding flowers).

    Spinosad 11.6%


    Sue: Sue:Insect Growth Regulator0.48-0.72No?YesxxxxHarms some ferns.

    Pyriproxygen 11.23%

    Marathon II0.10YesYesxxsuppresionxxApply to cattleyas only, no dendrobiums and no thin leafed orchids. Do not use with summer oil. Use with weak fertilizer to enhance uptake.

    Imidacloprid 21.4%

    Merit 75WP0.10Yes!YesxxxxSee Marathon comments. Note that Merit is 3 times stronger although the same application rate is listed, very phytotoxic at this application rate.

    Imidacloprid 75%

    Safari 20 SG0.5 - 1No?YesxxxxUse spreader sticker to increase effectiveness.


    Talstar Flowable0.6 - 1.3YesNo?xxxxxxxMite control most effective in spring to early summer.

    Bifenthrin 7.9%

    TetraSan 5 WDG0.84 - 1.7

    Sue: Sue:each packet contains 2 oz, at lower rate will make 25 gal and for severe infestations make 12.5 galNo?Yes?xKills mite eggs and nymphs but not adult, apply with adulticide if infested, treated adult mites will not produce viable eggs. Translaminar.

    Etoxazole 5%


    Chemical Name Active IngredientApplication Rate (tsp/gal)Floral Damage?Systemic ?Bacterial DiseasesFungal RotsLeaf and Flower BlightsComments and Caveats - Always Check Manufacturer's Label for Information on Proper Use and Precautions

    Soft RotBrown RotBrown SpotBlack RotFusarium WiltRoot RotSouthern BlightAnthracnoseLeaf SpotsRustsBotrytis



    Commonly Available Fungicides and Bactericides

    Captan 50W3NoNoxxxxxxDip or spray, directed soil surface spray. Do not use with oil sprays.




    Dithane, Mancozeb

    Sue: Sue:Protect DF too4.5 Powder 1 LiquidNoNoxxxLeaves heavy residue on leaves.

    Mn,Zn,Ethylene bisdithiocarbamate

    Kocide3YesNoxxxxxDo not use with Aliette. Do not use on Dendrobiums.

    Copper Hydroxide

    Liquid Copper4 - 6YesNoxxxxxDo not use with oil spray. Do not use on Dendrobiums.

    Copper salts-fatty,rosin acids

    Neem Oil6NoNoxxxInsecticide, Miticide and Fungicide

    Neem Oil

    Physan (Consan)

    Sue: Sue:Can use 10% pool algicide as a replacement @ 2 tsp/gal, may spot flowers2NoNoxxxSoak divisions for 3-5 min in 1.5 tbsp/gal. Directed soil surface spray for Damping Off. 1.5 tsp/gal for g/h surface and 1 tbsp/gal for pot disinfection.

    Quaternary Ammonium Chloride

    Phyton 270.8 - 2.4YesNoxxxxxFungicide and bactericide. Do not use with Aliette. Do not use on Dendrobiums.

    Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate

    Specialty Fungicides and Bactericides

    Aliette WDG5-9 foliar .8-1.5 drench?YesdrenchCan use as protectant drench, do not spray within 7 days of copper fungicide use, do not mix with Mancozeb, metal ions or spreader sticker.

    Fosetyl aluminium 80%

    Chipco 260193.0No?YesdrenchxReview label information.


    Cleary's 3336 WP0.7 - 1NoYesdrenchdrenchdrenchxxxDo not tank mix with copper. Spray as indicated or drench. Alternate after 2 consecutive uses. Add wetting agent for better coverage.

    Thiophanate Methyl 50%

    Compass 50WDG.2 - .4No?Yes?xxx

    Trifloxystrobin 50%

    Exotherm Termil1 can / 1000 ft2NoNoxxxClose all vents, turn all fans off, set can above foliage level in central part of greenhouse and ignite with a propane torch.


    Protect DF

    Sue: Sue:Dithane4.5NoNoxxx

    Mn,Zn,Ethylene bisdithiocarbamate

    Subdue Maxx0.05 (7-30 drops)NoYesdrenchdrenchFor molds caused by water, considered most effective for molds and root and stem rots, prevents and cures disease.

    Metalaxyl 21.3%

    Terraclor 75% WP0.4 - 0.8 drenchNo?YesdrenchdrenchdrenchMostly used as protective drench and soil incorporation

    Pentachloronitrobenzene 75%

    Truban 25% EC0.18 - 0.5?YesdrenchUse as protectant drench, wash foliage after drench application,


    Zyban0.75 - 1.5

    Sue: Sue:0.75 as preventative, 1.5 as curativeNoYesdrenchdrenchdrenchxxxDo not use on Gloxinia

    Mancozeb+Thiophanate methyl

    Comments and Caveats - Check Manufacturer's Label for Information on Proper Use and Precautions


    1. Convert the ppm recommendation to a weight basis (oz/100 gal)

    70desired ppm

    15% nitrogen in fertilizerMiracleGro 15-5-15 CaMag

    16% nitrogen in fertilizerJack's Ca-Mg Well Water

    6.2oz fert/gal H2OMiracleGro 15-5-15 CaMag

    5.8oz fert/gal H2OJack's Ca-Mg Well Water

    2. Adjust the rate from step 1 for bucket fill level (oz)5galfill level

    0.3oz fert in bucketMiracleGro 15-5-15 CaMag

    0.3oz fert in bucketJack's Ca-Mg Well Water

    3. Adjust the rate from step 3 for the injector ratio0.2%1:500

    1.0injection ratio (%)0.5%1:200

    100injection ratio1.0%1:100

    29.17oz by wt in bucketJack's Ca-Mg Well Water2.0%1:50

    3.65cup by vol in bucket

    Jack's Professional 16-4-20-3-1 Orchid Well Water

    Desired Application Rate (tsp/gal)

    0.3Jack's Professional 16-4-20-3-1 Orchid Well Water1 tsp200 ppm N

    Injector Setting0.5 tsp100 ppm N

    1.0injection ratio (%)0.25 tsp50 ppm N

    100injection ratio0.1 tsp20 ppm N

    Addition Rate (cups/5 gal)

    3.4cups added to full bucket

    Fish Emulsion

    Desired Application Rate (tsp/gal)

    1.0Fish Emulsion

    Injector Setting

    1.0injection ratio (%)

    100injection ratio

    Addition Rate (cups/5 gal)

    10.4cups added to full bucket

    data entry cell

    calculated cell


    500100:1 ratio


    165tsp for 500 gal3 tsp/tbsp, 2 tbsp/oz, 8 oz/cup

    3cups in 500 gal


    1. Convert the ppm recommendation to a weight basis (oz/100 gal)

    100desired ppm

    12% nitrogen in fertilizerJack's Ca-Mg RO

    16% nitrogen in fertilizerJack's Ca-Mg Well Water

    11.1oz fert/gal H2OJack's Ca-Mg RO

    8.3oz fert/gal H2OJack's Ca-Mg Well Water

    2. Adjust the rate from step 1 for bucket fill level (oz)5galfill level

    0.6oz fert/bucketJack's Ca-Mg RO

    0.4oz fert/bucketJack's Ca-Mg Well Water

    3. Adjust the rate from step 3 for the injector ratio0.2%1:500

    1.0injection ratio (%)0.5%1:200

    100injection ratio1.0%1:100

    41.67oz by wt in bucketJack's Ca-Mg Well Water2.0%1:50

    5.21cup by vol in bucket

    Jack's Professional 16-4-20-3-1 Orchid Well Water

    Desired Application Rate (tsp/gal)

    0.1Jack's Professional 16-4-20-3-1 Orchid Well Water1 tsp200 ppm N

    Injector Setting0.5 tsp100 ppm N

    0.5injection ratio (%)0.1 tsp20 ppm N

    200injection ratio

    Addition Rate (cups/5 gal)

    2.1cups added to full bucket

    Fish Emulsion

    Desired Application Rate (tsp/gal)

    1.0Fish Emulsion

    Injector Setting

    0.5injection ratio (%)

    200injection ratio

    Addition Rate (cups/5 gal)

    20.8cups added to full bucket

    data entry cell

    calculated cell


    500100:1 ratio


    1500tsp for 500 gal3 tsp/tbsp, 2 tbsp/oz, 8 oz/cup

    31cups in 500 gal


    Orchid Genera Commonly AffectedSymptoms of DiseasePathogen Causing DiseaseTreatment

    AngraecumYellow spot on leaf undersurface, spot enlarges in irreregular pattern, becomes sunken and turns purplish brown to black. The corresponding top leaf surface becomes first chlorotic and finally necrotic.Cercospora Leaf Spot caused by Cercospora angraeciSanitize plant, reduce leaf wetness. Systemic fungicide like thiophanate methyl (like Cleary's 3336) or protectant fungicide like mancozeb. Alternate systemic and protectant fungicide use.

    CattleyaSmall necrotic sunken blackened spots Bacterial Brown Spot caused by Pseudomonas cattleyaePhysan or captan as bactericides and copper based fungicides (will cause flower damage).

    Damping off of seedlings as the fungus invades the soil line causing water soaked lesions that enlarge rapidly OR dark to black lesions on roots, stems or leaves. Leaf lesions may be soft and one sided on the leaf.Black Rot caused by Pythium ultimum and Phytophthora cactorumDrenches of Truban or Terrazole or systemic fungicides like Aliette or Subdue

    Yellow, thin shriveled leaves and pseudobulbs that are somewhat twisted. Causes root rot. Diagnostic symptom is found in rhizome as a circle or band of purple discoloration in the epidermis and hypodermis with light pink vascular bundles. Fusarium Wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cattleyaeDiscard infected part of rhizome and pseudobulb, plant only part of plant showing no purple discoloration. Drench or dip sanitized plants in a thiophanate methyl (like Cleary's 3336) or iprodione based fungicide.

    Brown discoloration on leaves which is round or irregular, more or less sunken, yellow to light green and sharply defined. As disease progresses, fruiting bodies develop in dead areas.Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gleosporioides and Glomerella speciesSanitize plant, reduce leaf wetness. Systemic fungicide like thiophanate methyl (like Cleary's 3336) or protectant fungicide like mancozeb. Alternate systemic and protectant fungicide use.

    Large circular to irregular spots on lower surface of mature cattleya leaves OR uniform tiny spots on the lower surface of leaves. Tiny, slightly sunken, purple brown spots, can be thousands of tiny spots. Upper leaf surface becomes chlorotic.Cercospora Leaf Spot caused by Cercospora speciesSanitize plant, reduce leaf wetness. Systemic fungicide like thiophanate methyl (like Cleary's 3336) or protectant fungicide like mancozeb. Alternate systemic and protectant fungicide use.

    DendrobiumLight yellow spots on leaf undersides. Spots enlarge in circular pattern, may become slightly sunken and purple-black with advancing margin remaining yellow. A yellow green area may be noted on top of leaf. Old spots are purplish black. Cercospora Leaf Spot caused by Cercospora dendrobiiSanitize plant, reduce leaf wetness. Systemic fungicide like thiophanate methyl (like Cleary's 3336) or protectant fungicide like mancozeb. Alternate systemic and protectant fungicide use.

    Tiny sunken yellow lesions on either leaf surface which continue to enlarge into circular or irregular patterns, eventually causing leaf drop.Septoria Leaf Spot caused by Septoria selenophomoidesSanitize plant, reduce leaf wetness. Systemic fungicide like thiophanate methyl (like Cleary's 3336) or protectant fungicide like mancozeb. Alternate systemic and protectant fungicide use.

    MiltoniaWater soaked spots on the tip or margin of a leaf, often on newly developing leaves, which spreads to pseudobulb. Pseudobulb becomes yellow to orange, and looks like it is eaten or burned away. They become tough and leathery.Miltonia scorch or bacterial tip burn and streak caused by unidentified bacteriaCut away diseased parts. Apply Physan or captan as bactericides and copper based fungicides (will cause flower damage).

    OncidiumTiny, slightly sunken, purple brown spots with a raised light tan center on the leaf underside. With age, the entire spot becomes sunken and may coalesce with other spots. Upper leaf surface becomes chlorotic.Cercospora Leaf Spot caused by Cercospora speciesSanitize plant, reduce leaf wetness. Systemic fungicide like thiophanate methyl (like Cleary's 3336) or protectant fungicide like mancozeb. Alternate systemic and protectant fungicide use.

    PaphiopedilumSmall round to oval water soaked spots often in the middle of the leaf. Color changes from light brown to very dark chestnut brown enlarging in all directions. Brown Rot caused by the bacteria Erwinia cypripediiPhysan or captan as bactericides and copper based fungicides (will cause flower damage). May become systemic within host if it reaches the crown or stem and therefore incurable so the plant should be destroyed.

    PhaiusTiny sunken yellow spots on leaf undersides. As disease advances, spotting is visible on both leaf surfaces, enlarging to about 1/4 in. They are sunken purplish-black with a raised margin of darker colorCercospora Leaf Spot caused by Cercospora epipactidisSanitize plant, reduce leaf wetness. Systemic fungicide like thiophanate methyl (like Cleary's 3336) or protectant fungicide like mancozeb. Alternate systemic and protectant fungicide use.

    PhaiusOrange yellow patches on leaf underside enlarging in circular pattern which may eventually cover the entire lower surface. Top surface of leaves becomes chlorotic.Rust caused by Uredo behnickianaIsolate and sanitize plants. Apply Captan fungicide.

    PhalaenopsisSmall water soaked lesion which turns brown or black, may have yellow edgesBacterial Brown Spot caused by the bacteria Pseudomonas cattleyaePhysan or captan as bactericides and copper based fungicides (will cause flower damage).

    Dark greyish green lesion that rapidly enlarges, affected areas are soft decayed, brown in color and offensive smellingBacterial Soft Rot caused by the bacterias Erwinia carotovora and Erwinia chrysanthemiPhysan or captan as bactericides and copper based fungicides (phytotoxic)

    Base of stem turns light yellow , later dark brown, and infections spreads to roots and leaves. White fungus growth can sometimes be seen on stems. Rapid collapse and rotting of roots, pseuodobulbs and leaves. Thrives at 85oF and high humidity. Collar Rot (syn Southern Blight or Orchid Wilt) caused by the fungus Sclerotium rolfsiiApply Captan, Cleary's and Dithane weekly for three weeks. Apply Cleary's as a drench after repotting. May have to remove infected plants and destroy them.

    VandaUniform tiny, slightly sunken, purple brown spots on the lower surface of leaves. Upper leaf surface becomes chlorotic and may become purple brown with ageCercospora Leaf Spot caused by Cercospora speciesSanitize plant, reduce leaf wetness. Systemic fungicide like thiophanate methyl (like Cleary's 3336) or protectant fungicide like mancozeb. Alternate systemic and protectant fungicide use.

    Tiny dark purple elongated lesions on either leaf surface. Lesions are parallel to veins elongating into diamond shaped areas. With age, may turn tan and raised black fruiting bodies develop.Guignardia Leaf Spot caused by Guignardia speciesSanitize plant, reduce leaf wetness. Use Captan,, mancozeb or thiophanate methyl based fungicides. Repeat applications required.

    Orchid Diseases Commonly Affecting Orchids Organized by Genusby Sue Bottom, [email protected]&

    Page &P of &N

    Monthly Checklist

    MonthTo Dos

    JanVent greenhouse with fans to keep fresh


    MarStart repotting Mar 1, Repot phals, drench with consan

    AprRepot zygos, phaius, paphs, catts

    MayRepott catts, Finish all major repotting by May 31

    JunRaise temp fans kick on to 83 and 86

    JulWhen really hot and humid so water wall doesn't work and temperatures get over 92, set vent to on; at 10 am set exhaust fans to on, wet down floor and walls with 2 tsp/gal algicide and mist plants with 1 tsp/gal algicide at 10, noon and 2, fans back to auto at 7 pm, drain water wall tank twice at each spraying to keep water cool



    OctLower temp fans kick on to 81 and 85




    VolumeYearIssueCostSpecial Issues of Interest







    cdc: cdc:ebay




    4719833-Aerides odoratum



    cdc: cdc:ebay


    cdc: cdc:ebay


    cdc: cdc:ebay


    cdc: cdc:ebay4Q $1.125


    cdc: cdc:ebay3Q$1.125



    cdc: cdc:ebay2&4Q@$2.25





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    cdc: cdc:special issue from Orchid Digest



    cdc: cdc:special issue from Orchid Digest



    cdc: cdc:special issue from Orchid Digest


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    &"Arial,Bold"&12Orchid Digest

    Fung-Bact Delete

    Product Name (active ingredients)Application Rate (tsp/gal)Damages Flowers?Systemic?TreatsCommentsPersonal Recommendations

    Aliette4 - 7.5?YesDamping Off, Pythium and Phytophthora Root and Stem RotsCan use as protectant drench, do not spray within 7 days of copper fungicide use, do not mix with Mancozeb or spreader sticker,Ruben recommends

    Captan 50W3No??Anthracnose, Black Spot, Botrytis, Brown Rot, ScabDip or spray, directed soil surface spray. Do not use with oil sprays.Fred Clarke recommends spraying in Feb and Nov

    Cleary's 3336 WP (Thiophanate Methyl)2 as Spray .75-1/gal as drenchNoYesAnthracnose, Ascochyta, Black Spot, Botrytis, Cercospora, Phomopsis, Septoria (does not control Pythium or Phytophthora), maybe Sclerotinia (from Geiger's).do not tank mix with copper. Spray as indicated to left or drench for stem, crown and root rots, including botrytis, fusarium, rhizoctonia and sclerotinia, Alternate after 2 consecutive uses, Add wetting agent for better coverageRuben recommends

    Compass (Trifloxystrobin)Anthracnose, Black Spot, Botrytis, Downy Mildew, Septoria Leaf Spot, Powdery Mildew, Rust, Scab, Myrothecium, and Rhizotonia.Ruben recommends

    Consan, Physan Fungicide, Bacteriacide and Algacide2NoNoBotrytis, Damping Off, ErwiniaSoak divisions for 3-5 min in 1.5 tbsp/gal, Directed soil surface spray for Damping Off, 1 1/2 tsp/gal for g/h surface disinfection, 1 tbsp/gal for pots, etc. disinfection, 1 oz/30 gal for evap cooler every other week

    Daconil (Chlorothalonil)2.3MaybeNoAnthracnose, Black Spot, Botrytis, Cercospora, Phytophthora, Sclerotinia (from Geiger's).Not mentioned in any of the orchid books, Not labeled for orchids, For outdoor use only

    Dithane M45, Mancozeb, Protect T/O (Mn, Zn and ethylene bisdithiocarbamate)Dry - 4.5, Wet - 1NoNoAnthracnose Blights, Brown Rot Blight (Sclerotinia), Flower Blights (Botrytis, Sclerotinia), Leaf Spot (Cercospora, Septoria), RhizoctoniaLeaves heavy residue on leaves

    Exotherm Termil (chlorothalonil (tetrachloroisophthalonitrile))I can/1000 sq ft greenhouse areaNo?Leafspots and Foliar Blights (Cercospora, Fusarium, Septoria) Flower Spots and Blights (Botrytis), Phytophthora Leaf Blight, RustsClose all vents, turn all fans off, set can above foliage level in central part of greenhouse and ignite with a propane torch

    Immunex2?NoAnthracnose, Leaf Spots, MildewsNot mentioned in any of the orchid books, Not labeled for orchids, Believe for outdoor use only

    Kocide3YesNoAnthracnose, Bacterial Blight, Black Spot, Leaf Spot, Powdery Mildew, ScabDo not use with Aliette, Do not use on Dendrobiums/

    Liquid Copper4 - 6YesNoAnthracnose, Bacterial Spot, Botrytis, Cercospora, Early Blight. Leaf Spots, Melanose, MildewsDo not use with oil spray

    Phyton 271Yes?NoFungicide and bactericide

    Pool Algicide (10%)2NoNoUse as a Consan replacement, sterilize greenhouse, pots and plants, will cause spotting on flowersClaudia recommends

    Rovral (Iprodione)?YesUse as a drench. Use no more than 3 times in 12 months to prevent resistant strain development. GET MORE INFO FROM LABEL

    Subdue (metalaxyl)0.05 (7 - 30 drops)NoYesDamping Off, Pythium and Phytophthora Root and Stem RotsFor molds caused by water, considered most effective for molds and root and stem rots, prevents and cures disease

    Truban0.3 - 1?YesDamping Off, Pythium and Phytophthora Root and Stem RotsCan use as protectant drench, wash foliage after drench application, GET MORE INFO FROM LABEL

    Zyban (Cleary's + Dithane)0.75 as preventative, 1.5 as curativeNoYesAnthracnose, Botrytis, Flower Spot and Blight (Sclerotinia), Leaf Spot and Blight (Botrytis, Cercospora, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Septoria)Do not use on Gloxinia


    Orthenex Insect & Disease Control (acephate, resmethrin, triforine)Aerosol CanNoYesPests: Aphids, Mealybugs, Scales, Thrips, Mites Diseases: Black Spot, Mildew, RustCan use as a bomb by spraying over entire growing area

    Advanced Bayer All-in-One Rose & Flower Care6Yes, for MonthsYesPests: Aphids, Mealybugs, Scales, Thrips Diseases: Black Spot, Mildew, Rust, BlightHigh dose will hurt leaves, For flowerbed application; 1 oz/gal so one 32 oz container per 2 gallons of water in eductor bucket

    &12Fungicides for Use on Orchids


    Pesticides Delete

    Product Name (active ingredients)Application Rate (tsp/gal)Damages Flowers?Systemic?TreatsCommentsPersonal Recommendations

    Avid (abamectin)Mites, Leafminers, Aphids, Thrips, WhitefilesRuben recommends

    Cygon 2E (dimethoate)1.5YesNoScale, MealybugsSome growers have reported severe phytotoxicity after using Cygon. Use in cool weather only. Not for use on tolumnias.Fred Clarke recommends spraying in Feb and Nov

    Discus (imidacloprid, cyfluthrin )1.5YesYesAphids, Mealybugs, Mites, Scales, Thrips, WhitefliesRuben recommends

    Distance (pyriproxyfen)Whiteflies, ScalesRuben recommends

    Enstar (kinoprene)

    Floramite (bifenazate)Spider MitesMix with Mavrik for spider mite controlGeorge Hausermann recommends

    Kelthane (dicofol) 2NoNoSpider Mites

    Knox Out 2FM (diazinon)

    Sue: Sue:diazinon bannedScales

    Malathion 50% EC3NoNoAphids, Mealybugs, Scale Harms some ferns

    Marathon 1% (imidacloprid)2 ml/4 galNo???YesScalesApply to cattleyas only, no dendrobiums and no thin leafed orchids. Do not use with summer oil. Use with weak fertilizer to enhance uptake.Donnie Kim recommends

    Mavrik Aqua Flow (fluvalinate)0.3NoNoAphids, Mites, WhitefliesGood broad spectrum insecticideGeorge Hausermann recommends

    Merit (imidacloprid)0.1 as foliarYes, for MonthsYesScale, Aphids, WhitefliesDo not use with summer oil. Use with weak fertilizer to enhance uptake. Can be used as drench 3-4 tsp/1000 sq ft

    Oil Spray2.5YesNoMealybugs, Scale, Spider Mites, WhitefliesTemperatures should be below 90oF. Do not apply within 30 days of using sulfur. Do not tank mix with fungicide or copper. Do not apply with Captan. Do not apply to Maidenhair or Cocos palms. Can be used to shine leaves.

    Orthene 755 powder (acephate)1NoYes?Aphids, Mealybugs, Scale, Thrips, Whiteflies Repeat at 2 week intervals if crawlers continuously appearing. Apply no more than 3 times consecutively. Can be mixed with fungicide.

    Orthenex (was Isotox) (fenbutatin oxide, acephate)6NoYes?Aphids, Mealybugs, Mites, Scales, Thrips, WhitefliesRepeat at 2 week intervals if crawlers continuously appearing. Apply no more than 3 times consecutively. Can be mixed with fungicide.

    Pentac?NoResidualMitesSlow acting, long residual action.

    Safari 20 SG (Dinotefuran, (RS)-1-methyl-2-nitro-3-(tetrahydro-3-furylmethyl) guanidinefurylmethyl)guanidine)Yes?Good broad spectrum insecticideGeorge Hausermann recommends

    Sanmite [2-tert-butyl-5-(4-tert-butylbenzylthio)-4-chloropyridazin-3(2H)-one]MitesGeorge Hausermann recommends

    Talstar (bifenthrin).7 - 2.4NoNoCaterpillars, Spider Mites, Fungus Gnats, Aphids, Mealy Bugs, Leafminers & Rollers, Scales, Thrips, White Flies

    Tristar (acetamiprid)0.2??Mealybugs, Scale, Spider Mites, WhitefliesFor a really toxic stew for use in very cold weather when you have lots of protective equipment on, add into a 5 gallon bucket 1 tsp Tristar, 2 oz Cygon and 2 tsp spreader sticker. Not for use on tolumnias.Fred Clarke recommends spraying in Feb and November


    Orthenex Insect & Disease Control (acephate, resmethrin, triforine)Aerosol CanNoYesPests: Aphids, Mealybugs, Scales, Thrips, Mites Diseases: Black Spot, Mildew, RustCan use as a bomb by spraying over entire growing area

    Advanced Bayer All-in-One Rose & Flower Care (imidacloprid, tebucanazole)6Yes, for MonthsYesPests: Aphids, Mealybugs, Scales, Thrips, Mites Diseases: Black Spot, Mildew, Rust, BlightHigh dose will hurt leaves, For flowerbed application; 1 oz/gal so one 32 oz container per 2 gallons of water in eductor bucket

    &12Pesticides and Bactericides for Use on Orchids



    Chemical Name Active IngredientApplication Rate (tsp/gal)Floral Damage?Systemic ?ScaleMealybugsThripsWhitefliesAphidsMitesCaterpillarsFungus GhatsComments and Caveats - Always Check Manufacturer's Label for Information on Proper Use and PrecautionsFeb 09 BWI Price

    Commonly Available Pesticides

    Bayer Tree & Shrub5 - 6Yes?YesxxxxApply to cattleyas only, no dendrobiums and no thin leafed orchids. Do not use with summer oil. Use with weak fertilizer to enhance uptake.

    Imidacloprid 1.47%

    Cygon 2E1.5YesNoxxxxxNot labeled for use on orchids, some growers have reported severe phytotoxicity after use. Use in cool weather only. Not for use on tolumnias.


    Kelthane 50W2NoNox


    Malathion 50% EC3NoNoxxxxxHarms some ferns.


    Neem Oil6NoNoxxxxxInsecticide, Miticide and Fungicide

    Neem Oil

    Summer Oil Spray2.5YesNoxxxxxxxUse only if temperatures below 90oF. Don't apply within 30 days of using sulfur or mix with fungicide, copper or Captan. Don't apply to ferns or palms.

    Paraffinic Oil

    Orthene 755 Powder1NoYes?xxxxxRepeat at 2 week intervals if crawlers continuously appearing. Apply no more than 3 times consecutively. Can be mixed with fungicide.


    Orthenex6NoYes?xxxxxFenbutatin oxide is a miticide, Acephate is an insecticide. Same additional comments as for Orthene above.

    Fenbutatin oxide, Acephate



    Thuricide2 - 4NoNox

    Bacillus Thuringensis

    Specialty Pesticides

    Marathon II0.10Yes?YesxxxxApply to cattleyas only, no dendrobiums and no thin leafed orchids. Do not use with summer oil. Use with weak fertilizer to enhance uptake.$240/qt


    Talstar Nursery0.60Yes?No?xxxxxxx$180/gal


    Tristar 70 WSP0.12No?No?xxxxDo not apply more than 5 times per year.

    Sue: Sue:For a really toxic stew for use in very cold weather when you have lots of protective equipment on, add into a 5 gallon bucket 1 tsp Tristar, 2 oz Cygon and 2