order of ahepa · chaplain/sick committee chairman jimmy senos. we’re greatly indebted and fully...


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Page 1: ORDER OF AHEPA · Chaplain/Sick Committee Chairman JIMMY SENOS. We’re greatly indebted and fully committed to our cooperation with you and appreciate your service brother. May God




Page 2: ORDER OF AHEPA · Chaplain/Sick Committee Chairman JIMMY SENOS. We’re greatly indebted and fully committed to our cooperation with you and appreciate your service brother. May God

1st Mass Initiation

NOVEMBER 18th, 2018

Page 3: ORDER OF AHEPA · Chaplain/Sick Committee Chairman JIMMY SENOS. We’re greatly indebted and fully committed to our cooperation with you and appreciate your service brother. May God

AHEPA Chapter #64 - KALO MHNA of OCTOBER ‘2020

These wishes go out to the entire community as well, and especially all the fraternal brothers of our beloved AHEPA Chapter #64 who are diligently adhering to these extreme measures of diligence throughout this very difficult time navigating ourselves during this pandemic of the COVID-19.


Please welcome our new Chaplain and Sick Committee Chairman with your complete attention to your duties of informing your membership/phone captain of any information regarding the health and welfare of yourself or any of our brethren. Your cooperation to this matter is greatly appreciated, and is essential for our communications and fellowship. Below is our new PHONE TREE including our new PHONE CAPTAINS. Please inform your captain of any corrections/adjustments to your phone number, email address, or your health concerns which will be reported to our Chaplain/Sick Committee Chairman JIMMY SENOS. We’re greatly indebted and fully committed to our cooperation with you and appreciate your service brother. May God bless your service!

AHEPA PHONE TREE - TOTAL 105 ANTHONY ARIANO - 13717 564-6955 [email protected] DR. ZISSIS CHRONIOS 903 530-7389 [email protected] WILLIAM COSTOPOULOS 717 243-1743 JAMES COSTOPOULOS 717 243-8818 [email protected]

Page 4: ORDER OF AHEPA · Chaplain/Sick Committee Chairman JIMMY SENOS. We’re greatly indebted and fully committed to our cooperation with you and appreciate your service brother. May God

CONSTANTINE MANTIS 717 728-6569 [email protected] TOM PAPAROIDAMIS 717 737-5647 [email protected] KONSTANTINE PAPPAS 717 215-6019 [email protected] GEORGE PESLIS 717 903-1921 [email protected] JOHN PESLIS 717 774-7246 [email protected] BRIAN PETRIDES 717 215-3543 [email protected] COSTA SGAGIAS [email protected] NIKOLAS SGAGIAS 717 439-9453 [email protected] HAO TRUONG 717 701-2162 [email protected] SAM BOUTSELIS LIST- 12 717 802-0681 [email protected] BILLY FOUTRES 717 580-9811 [email protected] GEORGE W. GEKAS 717 526-2184 TED GIOVANNIS 717 433-6113 [email protected] BILLY KALDES 717 574-1768 [email protected] NICK MALLOS 717 576-3296 [email protected] PETER PATURZO 717 579-3430 [email protected] PHIL PETROFF 717 432-3602 [email protected] ERIC SOLOMON 717 418-5700 [email protected] NICK STAMOS 717 385-4757 [email protected] JIMMY STAMOS 717 236-0382 [email protected] GREGORY TOULOUMES 717 756-3637 [email protected] DR. MICHAEL BILLYS – 12717 856-2553 [email protected] LTC VASEILIOS BOZOUDIS 717 798-4804 [email protected] CONSTANTINE GLYNOS 717 766-0428 THEODORE KALATHAS 717 697-2165 [email protected] TIM LELAND 717 938-0686 [email protected] CHRIS LOXAS 717 265-5858 [email protected] NICK LOXAS 717 903-1221 [email protected] JIM MALLIOS 717 412-7430 JOHN J. MALLIOS 717 856-7520 [email protected] NICK NICHOLS 717 612-8434 [email protected] GEORGE SGAGIAS 717 434-5858 [email protected] STEVE WILSBACH 717 877-6199 [email protected] CHRIST MEGOULAS - 19 717 838-3132 [email protected] BOBBY ARAHOVAS 717 651-9234 [email protected] DAVID VINCENT BOBB 717 781-0728 [email protected] GUS HRONIS 610-841-6262 [email protected] VASILIOS HRONIS 610-349-5432 [email protected] DEMETRIOS HRONIS GEORGE KALDES 717 497-6884 [email protected] JOHN KALLIMANIS 717 512-6117 [email protected] DEAN KOKOS 717 497-1144 [email protected] GUS KOKOS 717 418-1183 [email protected]

Page 5: ORDER OF AHEPA · Chaplain/Sick Committee Chairman JIMMY SENOS. We’re greatly indebted and fully committed to our cooperation with you and appreciate your service brother. May God

JOHN KOKOS 717 712-7187 WILLIAM KOKOS 617 283-9513 [email protected] BILL KOTSALOS 717 574-3014 GEORGE KOTSALOS 717 566-6037 JOHN G. KOTSALOS 717 832-3238 [email protected] JOHN W. KOTSALOS 717 350-0857 [email protected] NICK KRANIAS 717 320-6420 [email protected] PETER MEGOULAS 717 418-0182 [email protected] BILL PATEREKAS 717 480-0810 [email protected] ROBERT MOELLER-12 717 319-8268 [email protected] GEORGE LOIS 717 697-9333 [email protected] KOSTA LOIS 717 385-6339 [email protected] SAM KOLOKITHAS 717 691-3691 [email protected] DR. SPERO LAPPAS 717 648-6720 [email protected] JIM LLOYD 717 507-0003 [email protected] CHARLIE MALLIOS 717 226-2127 [email protected] GEORGE MALLIOS 717 697-7164 [email protected] THOMAS J. MALLIOS 717 579-0753 [email protected] ATHAN K. MAZIAS 717 503-7344 [email protected] JIM PAPOUTSIS 717 263-1109 [email protected] DR. PETER SCHADLER 703 470-6053 [email protected] JIMMY SENOS-15 717 460-5979 [email protected] ANGELO ATHANASATOS 717 609-3214 PETER CAPATAIDES 717 732-5205 [email protected] KONSTANTINE GIANNARIS 717 350-6102 [email protected] NICK G. GEKAS 717 564-4394 CHRISTOS PANDELARAS 717 215-9052 [email protected] GEORGE PAPACOSTAS 717761-4671 [email protected] BASIL PAPOUTSIS 717 343-7269 [email protected] JOHN PAPOUTSIS 717 418-2636 [email protected] NESTOR SGOUROS 203 536-6151 [email protected] DANIEL SHAY 717 448-0547 [email protected] CHRISTOPHER STONE 717 728-3155 [email protected] NICK THEOFANIS 717 303-8586 [email protected] MICHAEL WARD 717 385-4715 [email protected] ED WARD 717 386-2322 [email protected] DIMITRI ZOZOS-22 717 648-6720 [email protected] ALKIVIADIS ALEX 717 763-0986 TOM BALAFOUTAS 717 443-7446 [email protected] PETER GLINATSIS 717 448-2526 [email protected] BILL KALATHAS 717 761-1887 ELIAS HARBILAS 717 732-9576 JOHN HARBILAS 717 512-3310 [email protected]

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GEORGE KERIAZES 717 633-7118 PETE KERIAZES 717 632-5179 TIM KERIAZES 717 870-4386 [email protected] BILL KALATHAS 717 761-1887 BILL KOLLAS 717 731-1600 [email protected] GEORGE KYRIAKOPOULOS 717 763-9317 NICK C. MALLIOS 717 226-6722 [email protected] NICKOLAS J. MALLIOS 717 422-6052 STAN MERZANIS 717 564`3881 [email protected] NICK NICHOLAS 717 564-6063 STEVE NICHOLAS 717 579-7112 [email protected] WAYNE PECHT 717 802-0617 [email protected] ATHANASIOS PETSINIS 717 241-6336 [email protected] CHRIS PETSINIS 717 713-4627 [email protected] GEORGE ZOZOS 717 561-1726 [email protected] PAUL ZOZOS 717 649-7417 [email protected]



The Scholarship Committee Chaired by Nick Stamos wishes to congratulate all the recipients who participated in the highly prestigious ceremonies following the Divine Liturgy to receive their monetary awards. We awarded 26 scholarships of which 4 students received merit awards @ $1,500 each and 22 students received general scholarships & $500.00 each. The total for ‘2020was $17,000.00. Since establishing the Ahepa/Prokop Scholarship in 2014 our AHEPA Chapter#64 has awarded 77 deserving student scholars a total of $131,300. BRAVO!

Page 7: ORDER OF AHEPA · Chaplain/Sick Committee Chairman JIMMY SENOS. We’re greatly indebted and fully committed to our cooperation with you and appreciate your service brother. May God


AHEPA CHAPTER #64 THANKS: To ALL the merchants for this year who have patiently been waiting for the government to ‘open up’ for merchants to frequent their restaurants at full capacity. God knows this pandemic has wreaked havoc on our society and our economy, even influencing our ‘2020 OPA CARD program so as it is! Nevertheless, we compassionately support the many philanthropic and educational causes our fraternal organization stands for without any disruption whatsoever. Thanks for your patience as we most definitely will accommodate all consumers and merchants taking part in this program.

ATTENTION PARISHIONERS: Soon most of our restaurants will be open for 50%

sit-down dining and the OPA CARD will be able to be utilized. This will benefit you, the

restaurant, also for AHEPA Chapter #64 benefit. This fundraising project has been

adopted by our Chapter#64 for the benefit of our many civic responsibilities and

philanthropic donations. We thank all who purchase these OPA cards and also the

merchants who are honoring them. It is good for $15 off any purchase of $30 or more

from any of these participating restaurants. Your card can be used only once for each

restaurant participating.

Page 8: ORDER OF AHEPA · Chaplain/Sick Committee Chairman JIMMY SENOS. We’re greatly indebted and fully committed to our cooperation with you and appreciate your service brother. May God


AHEPA Power District #4 is selling AHEPA Polo Shirts as a fund raiser. I will be collecting the funds and placing the order for our chapter. The cost is $35 (+$2 for 2XL, +3 for 3XL, etc....). If you are interested in purchasing one, you have one of three options.

1.) Mail a check made out to AHEPA Chapter #64. Please send the check along with the shirt size you order (SEE ATTACHMENT BELOW) to: Eric Solomon 5010 Muirfield Place Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 2.) PayPal: Send to [email protected] - Please make sure you note the size you are ordering when you send the money. 3.) Venmo: @Eric-Solomon-38 - Again, please make sure to indicate the size you are ordering when you send the money. *The deadline for accepting orders is December 1st, 2020. Once the shirts have been shipped, I will send out information for picking up the shirts. ** Also, please check to see if your dues for ‘’2020 is paid. (See attachment below).

AHEPA District #4 Donates 3rd Service Dog for Warriors in honor of Brother John Sempeles of Chapter #64 “Uncle Buck”

Page 9: ORDER OF AHEPA · Chaplain/Sick Committee Chairman JIMMY SENOS. We’re greatly indebted and fully committed to our cooperation with you and appreciate your service brother. May God

The National Herald


The National Herald

HARRISBURG, PA – AHEPA District #4's National Humanitarian Project for the year 2019-2020 was focused on another Service Dogs for Warriors project. District Marshal Dr.

Page 10: ORDER OF AHEPA · Chaplain/Sick Committee Chairman JIMMY SENOS. We’re greatly indebted and fully committed to our cooperation with you and appreciate your service brother. May God

Michael Billys of Chapter #64 spearheaded this program which generated the $15,000 required to purchase and train the 44th service dog for a warrior for AHEPA.

Past District Governor Charles Mackenzie made this fundraising project a success in District #4 by challenging District Marshal Dr. Billys to spearhead the project.

AHEPA District #4 embarked on this mission of securing the 3rd consecutive service dog while Dr. Billys from Chapter #64 suggested honoring the memory of Chapter #64's recently departed brother John Sempeles who contributed to the highly successful fundraising efforts of Chapter #64 being the originator of the OPA CARDS fundraising program and the Food for the Needy program which generates funds for the disadvantaged.

The National Herald

AHEPA Chapter #64 Brother John Sempeles honoring Brother Nick G. Gekas with a Lifetime Achievement Certificate presented in 2018. (Photo by Nick Theofanis)

Sempeles also was instrumental in the AHEPA Chapter #64 philanthropic and charitable efforts to disburse these monies to the less fortunate in the surrounding communities of the greater Harrisburg area. Chapter #64 raised $6,000 of the $15,000 required and is very

Page 11: ORDER OF AHEPA · Chaplain/Sick Committee Chairman JIMMY SENOS. We’re greatly indebted and fully committed to our cooperation with you and appreciate your service brother. May God

proud of their significant contribution. The District #4 goal again was to raise $15,000. This designated dog is to be named 'Uncle Buck' after the nickname of the late John Sempeles. This dog will be assigned to a veteran who suffers from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

The Chapter thanked the District #4 Chapters and individuals who donated to this cause for fulfilling a veteran's prayers of recovering from this disorder with the companionship of a service dog. With 22 veterans a day committing suicide, the Ahepans felt the need to contribute to this vital cause. Dr. Billys announced that the goal was met and applauded all those chapters and individuals of District #4 who participated in this project at the 88th District Convention which was held online on June 20.

The National Herald

The late John Sempeles at an AHEPA meeting. (Photo by Dr. Michael Billys)

AHEPA District #4 Donors: Harrisburg Chapter #64 ($6,000), Allentown Chapter #60 ($4,100), Beaver Valley #400 ($1,200), District #4 ($1,000), Valley Forge #432 ($650), Chester-Delco Chapter #79 ($650), Chester County #484 ($500), and Reading Chapter #61 ($120).

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HARRISBURG CHAPTER 64 Office of the Treasurer Chartered on June 4, 1925 5010 Muirfield Place

Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 (717) 418-5700 – Phone

[email protected]



AHEPA Service Dogs for Warriors

As of: June 20th, 2020

Contributors Amount Payment

Haralambos Arahovas $100.00 Check # 374

4448 Dunmore Drive Harrisburg, PA 17112

Dr. Michael C. Billys $450.00 Check # 457/# 468/#479

10 Chelton Circle Camp Hill, PA 17011 David Bobb $100.00 Cash 620 Plaza Apts. Lebanon, PA 17042

Page 13: ORDER OF AHEPA · Chaplain/Sick Committee Chairman JIMMY SENOS. We’re greatly indebted and fully committed to our cooperation with you and appreciate your service brother. May God

Sam Boutselis $300.00 Check # 2723/#2750 5903 Westover Drive Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 LTC Vasileios Bouzidis $25.00 Cash 171 Melbourne Lane Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Hon. John F. Cherry $100.00 Check #3479 101 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Dr. Zissis Chroneos $80.00 Cash 981 Beech Avenue Hershey, PA 17033 Theodore Giovanis $100.00 Cash 2318 Forest Lane Harrisburg, PA 17112 Bernadette Hart $25.00 Check #312 50 Stream Lane Levittown, PA 19055 William Kaldes $320.00 Check # 1602/#1698/#1650 5908 Stephens Crossing Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 Gus Kokos $100.00 Check #9245 3 Saratoga Place Camp Hill, PA 17011 Cleon Kordistos $50.00 Check #9054 206 Larson Blvd. Belle Vernon, PA 15012 Nick Mallos II $50.00 Check # 5772 6240 Harding Avenue Harrisburg, PA 17112 Constantine Mantis $25.00 Cash 848 Anthony Drive Mechanicsburg, PA 17050

Page 14: ORDER OF AHEPA · Chaplain/Sick Committee Chairman JIMMY SENOS. We’re greatly indebted and fully committed to our cooperation with you and appreciate your service brother. May God

Charles Mackenzie $100.00 Cash Christ Megoulas $100.00 Check #788 75 Whitetail Lane Palmyra, PA 17078 John Mesogitis $100.00 Check #1462 100 Sugarwood Dr. Venetia, PA 15367 Gregory Nielsen $300.00 Check #1391 10416 Riverbank Terrace Bradenton, FL 34212 Pete Paturzo $100.00 Check #1715 4000 Pamay Drive Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 Brian Petrides $50.00 Check # 1803 80 Sarah Drive Dover, PA 17315 Susan, Chris, & Ellie Sempeles $1,500.00 Check #3756 300 Deerfield Rd. Camp Hill, PA 17011 Constantine Sgagias $200.00 Check #160 665 Republic Way Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 Eric Solomon $50.00 Check #3717 5010 Muirfield Place Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 James G. Stamos $300.00 Check # 1706 110 Calder Street Harrisburg, PA 17102 Gregory Touloumes $100.00 Check #1286 759 Manor Road Camp Hill, PA 17011 Hao Troung $25.00 Check # 1579 903 Wellington Drive Carlisle, PA 17013

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Dimitri Zozos $80.00 Check #1844/#3973 4 Nita Court Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 Hon. George Zozos $50.00 Check #3569 605 S. 25th Street Harrisburg, PA 17104 AHEPA Chapter 64 Donation $500.00 (AHEPA 64 General Fund) AHEPA Chapter 64 Collection $250.00 (Collected 2/24) District Credit From 2019 Donation $370.00 Total to date $6,000.00 Check #1389 Sent to AHEPA District 4, 6/20/20 $4,630 Check #1390 Sent to AHEPA District 4, 6/25/20 $1,000

Dogs for Heroes 2019-2020 scn/Ahepa

“Our nation owes a debt to its fallen heroes that we can never fully repay.”

Page 16: ORDER OF AHEPA · Chaplain/Sick Committee Chairman JIMMY SENOS. We’re greatly indebted and fully committed to our cooperation with you and appreciate your service brother. May God

“To those in uniform serving today and to those who have served in the past, we honor you today and every day.”

Veterans are a symbol of what makes our nation great, and we must never forget all they have done to ensure our freedom.”

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We did not pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the

same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.


AHEPA Chapter #64 chooses to combine this event in conjunction with the Archdiocese commemoration of AHEPA DAY To Honor and Remember our Deceased Brothers and Military Veterans on this Day of Memorial is our continuing duty and obligation. Soon over 116 AHEPA Chapter #64 brothers will have the opportunity to attend the Divine Liturgy and the subsequent ceremony outside in the courtyard in future ceremonies while coffee and refreshments will continue to follow the Memorial Ceremony sponsored by AHEPA Chapter#64.

AHEPA Chapter #64 also appreciates all Ahepans who have participated in the ceremonies dedicated for the AHEPA Day - Memorial Service all these past annual times of remembrance throughout the years. A Trisagion Service usually is celebrated immediately following the Divine Liturgy. (approximately 11:30 am) in the Cathedral Court Yard. This Trisagion Service is in honor of our dearly departed Brother AHEPANS and all past and current Military Veterans of our Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Community.

The following is Col. Vasilis (Bill) Bozoudis’ speech from last year ‘2019:

Commemoration of “AHEPA & Memorial Day” at the Greek Orthodox Church

"On behalf of the Hellenic Army General Staff, I would like to recognize and honor all those military, men and women, who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in service to this great nation of the United States of America.

It is our continuing duty and obligation to Honor and Remember the departed AHEPAN Brothers, and all past and current Military Veterans of our Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Community, on this Memorial Day.

Page 17: ORDER OF AHEPA · Chaplain/Sick Committee Chairman JIMMY SENOS. We’re greatly indebted and fully committed to our cooperation with you and appreciate your service brother. May God

Greece has played an important role to the national security interests of the United States. The United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Greece, have been some of the United States’ most loyal and trusted Allies. Greece and the United States have long-standing historical and political ties, shared democratic values, and participation as Allies, during World War I and II, the Korean War, the Cold War, the Persian Gulf War, and the War on Terror.

Today, the two nations continue to have strong National Security Collaboration in the Eastern Mediterranean and in the Balkans. The democratic principles of ancient Hellenism inspired the Founding Fathers of these United States, and the AHEPA Founders in 1922. AHEPA has an impressive history in educating the American public about the historic friendship between Greece and the United States.

Memorial Day is an important day for both the United States and Greece. I am personally deeply honored to stand with you today, commemorating the sacrifices of those who have laid down their lives, in service to this Nation.

“Our way of life has been shaped and made possible by those who have served, and by those who were lost”. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE. This is the reality of military service, and this is what we commemorate on each and every Memorial Day.

I want to acknowledge and thank especially all my fellow AHEPA Brothers, as well as all Americans, Hellenes, and the many Greek Friends and Americans with Greek heritage. May our departed veterans Rest in Peace and May their Memory Be Eternal.”


Frank Aftosmes John Alexakis *James Alexander George J Alexis Peter J Alexis Michael D Angelos Samuel AnthonyJames M Apostolopoulos Stylianos Apostolopoulos EE Beidleman Constantine Bekas *Anast Belehas *Arthur Belehas Constantine Dean Belehas *George Belehas James Belehas James Bethas Charles M Billys James Billys Mike Billys Tony Billys Christ Blanas Peter G Boretos Jonas J Bostontzoglou Andrew Boutselis George J Boutselis John Boutselis Dino B Buchignani James A Caggiano Phillip Calla Rev Demetrios Cassis Spiro W Chaltis Louis Charas *Spiro Chianos Pete Chrissides Teddy Christopher Peter Class John Colban *George Coloviras *William Coloviras Emanuel Cosmides Costas Costopoulos Elias Cotsarelis James Deseris Charles Diamond Dennis Diamond *John Dinos Mihaili C Dimopoulos George A Diplarides Aristides E Elias Andrew Fountos James W Foutres Dean Leo Galanis Christ Gekas Constantine Gus Gekas Gust Gekas John G Gekas Tom Gekas *William Gekas Charles P Gethouas Paul Gethouas Paul G Giannaris *George Giovanis John G Giovanis Theodore G Giovanis *Gust Hampilos Theodore G Hampilos Christos Harbilas Timothy C Harbilas Theodore C Harbilas Constantine W Haydon Emanuel Hillaris George Hines Christ Janavaris John Janavaris August Jatras Jr Christ Johnson Baios Jolas Bill Jones LTG Nicholas P Kafkalas James Kaldes Peter Kaldes Stephen P Kaldes George Kalodikis Emanuel Kalogeropoulos *Dionisios Kalopedis

Page 18: ORDER OF AHEPA · Chaplain/Sick Committee Chairman JIMMY SENOS. We’re greatly indebted and fully committed to our cooperation with you and appreciate your service brother. May God

Evangelos Kamberis Hristos K Kanelakis *George Kanelopoulos Frank J Kanes Gus Karagianis George Karagiannis James Karagiannis John A Karagiannis Frank Karnouskos Charles Karras Steve Karras George Karikakis *George Kathales Efthimios Katsaris Athanasios C. Katsaounis Athanasios N Katsaounis Louis Katsetos *Charles Kokos John L Kokos Paul L Kokos Constantine A Kokolis Gust Kokolis Charles Kollas Athanasios C Kontanis Athanasios N Kontanis James Kontogianis Nick Kounas Hon John C. Kunkel Ernest Kranias James Kravarites John Kritikos Theodore Lalos James N Laskaris Theodore N Laskaris Constantine Leventis George Lazos John Leos *Thomas Leras Steve Lewis Nick Lias J Edward Mack Charles Mallios Constantinos N Mallios Gus Manellas James K Maragos Anthony K Maranitsis Anthony K Martin Christopher Matangos Harry C Matangos Nick Mavropoulos E Tim Mavros John Mavros Nick Mavros George Megoulas Nicholas Meligakis Thomas V Meligakis Constantine Gus Meklis Rev Elias L. Mentis John N Mihalakis Peter N Milonopoulos James Monos Sr *Gus Moskovou Frank Nicholas John F Nicholas William B Nichols Petros I Nicolaidis *Anthony Notarys *Nicholas Notarys Andreas K Panagakis *Constantinos Papachristou Nick Papanagopoulos George J Pappas John Pappas George Parianos Charles Pass *Edward Paul Anthony Frank Pazakis Nick Papoutsis Thomas N Papoutsis DDS George Paranios *Andy Poulos Anthony S Poulos Sr George Progoulos John L Prokop Samuel A Red DDS *Joseph Rolles Michael Rolles Ross Rolles Jr *Ross Rolles Sr William M. Rounsley *Edward Sanderson Angelo Sardelis Harry Scarmeas James G Schinas Thomas L Scoropanos James Scotes Anthony Seletos *George Sempeles George J Sempeles James Sempeles John Sempeles Peter W Seras George Sgagias Athanasios Tom Sgagias George V Shoemaker *Louis Spanos Bishara Srouji Louis Stamatopoulos George N Stamos *Edward Stratakos Earnest Tekos Archie Terris Dennis Theodoratos George Theodoropoulos Theodore Theodoropoulos George P Tombros Harry Touloumes James Touloumes James J Touloumes Jr John N Touloumes Nick S Touloumes Samuel N Touloumes Spero J Touloumes Gust Triantos James Triantos John Tsucalas Loucas C Tzanis MD John Vacandios Sr John S Vacandios Jr Joseph L Vacandios Thomas Vallas Jerry D Veronikis Steve Veronikis Michael D Vovakes Harry M Vovakes Harry D Vovakes Hon Bob H. Yanich Arris G Zannos George Zakis *Charter Members


AHEPA Chapter #64 Virtual Zoom Meeting – Monday, October 19th at 7 PM


Dr.Michael C. Billys,Ed.D.

Page 19: ORDER OF AHEPA · Chaplain/Sick Committee Chairman JIMMY SENOS. We’re greatly indebted and fully committed to our cooperation with you and appreciate your service brother. May God