organization profile 2015-2016 - neer foundationpects of the river, also has documented a film on...

NEER FOUNDATION Organization Profile 2015-2016

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Page 1: Organization Profile 2015-2016 - NEER FOUNDATIONpects of the river, also has documented a film on the plight of the river Kali. Jal Samitis have also been made in villages to protect


Organization Profile


Page 2: Organization Profile 2015-2016 - NEER FOUNDATIONpects of the river, also has documented a film on the plight of the river Kali. Jal Samitis have also been made in villages to protect



To work towards a pollution free world where every individual can have a healthy existence and promotes sustainable development in every sphere. Through its local and national initiatives NEER Foundation links up to global initiatives and believes in creating positive global impacts.

Local people’s participation and empowerment in decision making at all levels and control over resources is the key way out of environmental degradation.


Societies Registration Act, 1860

NEER Foundation

Natural Environmental Education & Research (NEER) Foundation Address : 1st Floor, Samrat Shopping Mall, Garh Road, Meerut (UP), India

Tele Ph : 0121-4030595 Mob : +91-9411676951

Email : [email protected] Website:

Section 12 A of Income Tax Act

Section 80 G of Income Tax Act

Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act

NGO Partnership System (GoI)

Page 3: Organization Profile 2015-2016 - NEER FOUNDATIONpects of the river, also has documented a film on the plight of the river Kali. Jal Samitis have also been made in villages to protect


NEER Foundation was founded in 2004 after realizing the urgent

need for capacity building of different stakeholders involved in the

management and protection of the environment and society. Since

its appearance NEER Foundation has worked untiringly towards

developing a sustainable environment for all by means of grassroot

level activities, policy advocacy, mass awareness, community ac-

tion, field demonstrations and information dissemination. The ef-

forts of NEER Foundation have borne fruit in the form of improved

institutional and local environment and increased community par-

ticipation in various environmental and human rights issues at the

local, national and international levels.

NF strongly believes that public awareness plays a major role in

defining policy issues at various levels. Over the years NF has be-

come capable of advocating for various environmental and human

rights issues by means of collection and dissemination of informa-

tion about the resources and accessing the damages caused to our

environment and society. This has been done by outreaching to

the locals through grassroot level initiatives along with an active

participation in the policy making by interacting with various stake-

holders such as government authorities, corporate, activists, tech-

nical experts and advisors etc.

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Presently, the organization is working in the

state of Uttar Pradesh. But through its various programs

and campaigns, it has touched other states also.

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Our Director


Keeping in view, urgency of enlightening the community and making efforts at the grassroot level in order to meet the growing need of wa-ter demand, Raman Kant initiated his work towards water conservation in the year 2005. As such, he formed NEER Foundation with an objec-tive of creating awareness on various issues related to water involving the community in finding various solutions for sustainable future. With a contribution of about 95 articles published in the Hindi national dai-lies, magazines etc., Raman Kant has a wide range of experience with a deep understanding of various issues concerning water across the country. As the Founder Director of NEER Foundation it is the belief of Raman Kant that environment problems can only be ad-dressed adequately if local people are involved in decision making at all levels and have con-trol over resources. Lead by him, NEER Foundation acts as an inde-pendent, not-for-profit making voluntary organization working towards environment protection and management by means of water conserva-tion and organic farming. NEER Foundation is involved in research, campaigns, grassroot level practical work and advocacy on issues re-lated to environment and human rights. As a public interest organiza-tion, NEER Foundation has focused on strengthening of the community through their active participation to achieve sustainable development.

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Raman Kant Director Raman has done his Masters from C.C.S. University, Meerut. He started working for environment conservation in his early teens .

Devpal Singh Coordinator, Rural Development Unit

A Masters in Horticulture from C.C.S. University, Meerut.

He comes with an enriched experience of more than 15 years in the field of agriculture practices.

Sonal Bhushan Coordinator, Natural Resources Management Unit Sonal won her Gold medal in Masters in Social Work from C.C.S. University, Meerut in year 2014. She followed her instincts by leav-ing her previous career in animation (Bombay) to serve to a more fulfilling purpose.

Mayank Malik Coordinator, Environment Protection Unit

He has done his Masters in Environmental Sciences from C.C.S. University, Meerut in 2013. He is an enthusiast and puts out his

best in every program he undertakes.

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Shiv Kumar Assistant, Rural Development Unit

With his Masters in Horticulture, Shiv brings an experience of more

than 10 years of working among the rural community to promote new agricultural practices.

Rajat Tyagi Assistant, Natural Resources Management Unit An expert on Rainwater Harvesting and groundwater management, gained this raining from Central Government Water Board, Govt. of India and CEE.

Lalit Tyagi, Central Coordinator A Masters Degree holder, he has expertise in working in complex environment , handling various projects simultaneously, and enjoys a good rapport among the rural community.

Anchit Sharma Assistant, Environment Protection Unit

He gained his Masters Degree in Environmental Sciences from

C.C.S. University, Meerut. His expertise speaks itself in designing programs and mobilizing the community.

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Dr. S. B. Singh Retired Scientist (CGWB)

Sh. Paritosh Tyagi Former Chairman, CPCB

Sh. Krishnaveer Chaudhary Chairman, Bhartiya Krishak Samaj

Mr. Kamal Taori Retd. IAS

Mr. Anil Bansal Bureau Chief (New Delhi), Jansatta

Sh. K.K. Roy Advocate, Allahabad

Sh. Anil Joshi Director, HESCO


Farmers Students Teachers & Lecturers Researchers Scientists Government Departments NGOs Common People National & International Agencies and Networks

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As a speaker @

Invited by the 5th World Water Forum in Istanbul (Turkey) to deliver a presentation for the Water Experts on March, 2009.

Invited by the Thamasat University (7th South East Asia Water Sympo-sium) in Bangkok (Thailand) to address the students participating from different countries, through a presentation, on October 2009.

Invited by the Nepal Engineering College, Kathmandu (Nepal) to deliver a presentation for the Water Experts on May, 2010.

Invited by the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (India) to deliver a presentation for the Water Experts on June 5, 2010.

Member with the End Water Poverty and World Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC).

Invited at the India International Centre, New Delhi to deliver a presen-tation on Kali River Pollution and efforts of the foundation to save the river on Feb 8, 2012.

Invited by Zila Panchayat, Meerut to deliver a presentation on Kali River Pollution and efforts of the foundation to save the river on March 24, 2012. Invited by Biotechnology Department, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Agricul-tural University, Meerut, to deliver a lecture on rural water technology, on March 21, 2015.

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“Oasis Award” for its participation in World Water Monitoring Day at the hand pump near Tajmahal on August 22, 2010. The Oasis Award is awarded by WEF and IWA to the group that conducted water quality monitoring in the highest air temperature.

Prestigious “World Water Champion Award 2009, 2010 and 2011” by WEF and IWA, for its outstanding contribution in the sector of Water.

“Water Digest Award 2010-11 and 2012-13” - It has been selected as the Best Water NGO, for the Water Education category amongst the organizations work-ing on the issue of water conservation across the states.

International “Green Apple Award 2012” for its out-standing contribution towards environment conser-vation programs by the UK based The Green Organi-zation.

Awarded with “National Status Award for Intellec-tual Development - 2012”.

“Green Hero Award 2013” for its outstanding contri-bution towards environment conservation programs by the UK based The Green Organization.

Prakarti Manthan Award 2012 – October 28th, 2012 - Awarded by famous poet Sh. Ishwarchand Gambhir, Sh. Vijay Pandey of Green Care Society and Sh. Mukesh Nadan of Prakarti Manthan Magazine on behalf of Prakarti Manthan Magazine group and Green Care Society, Meerut.

Recognition by Lok Kalyan Manch, Meerut – December 23rd, 2012 - for its potential . “National Environment Jewel Award 2013” by Vishwamitr organization, New Delhi. “Vardan Karamveer Chakra 2014” for its contribution towards environment conservation and youth role.

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East Kali River– The river originating from Anthwada village of Muzafarnagar district, passes eight districts of Uttar Pradesh covering about 300 kms and meeting holy Ganga river at Kannauj. Until the decade of 80s, the river water was safe for use but the un-treated effluents of chemical plants, sugar mills, distilleries & slaughter houses etc. have made this river almost dead. This river water is black in color, containing dirt, muck as well as bad odor. It contains germs and bacteria, toxic chemicals and heavy metals giv-ing birth to several diseases and mortality factors. Along with toxic substances and heavy metals in excess levels, bacteria and causes of a number of deadly and incurable diseases have also been found. NEER has conducted sample tests of the river water, conducted research on various as-pects of the river, also has documented a film on the plight of the river Kali. Jal Samitis have also been made in villages to protect the river. Various efforts are being put in to restore and revive the Kali river.

NEER is primarily involved in research work on various aspects. It is the prime objec-tive to find out facts and numbers to aide in development process and awareness of the society.

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A study report on the actual existence of natural water bodies and other water sources of the historical Parikshitgarh block of Meerut district has been published by the foun-dation. The study report gives the actual situation of these water bodies with detailed information including the exact number of ponds, johads and wells in the revenue re-cords, ponds physically present today, number of encroached ponds, number of wells and their condition, number of tube wells, groundwater level in the villages etc.

NEER Foundation collaborated with Council on Energy, Environment and Water, New Delhi (CEEW), for a program in which GIS mapping of all the ponds in Meerut district along with water sample testing was undertaken by the team. A detailed study report “Paani Ghano Anmol” has been compiled by the NEER team which includes all the data on number of ponds of the district.

Hindon, Krishni & Others - The Hindon river which is 260 kms long and passes through six districts of Uttar Pradesh, is also a running poison for the living. It is yet another dirty drain for communities that reside nearby. NEER has conducted various data re-searches to find out numbers and facts about the pollutants, levels, ill effects on health, etc.

Hindon River KrishniRiver

Kali West River

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According to scientific view, manure made from cow dung and other natural sources when used in field soil, usually take around 3 years time to fully dissolve. Only 30-35 % of the particles of this manure dissolve in the field in the first year. Even in the sec-ond year about same percentage is dissolved again. Finally in the third year, it dis-solves fully. This property of this manure makes it more stable in the field. In the soil sample test conducted, in the gap of 7 months time before and after using the organic manure in fields, improvement in the quality of soil was established. The levels of pH value, or-ganic carbon, Phosphate, Sulphur, Zinc, Iron and copper had increased considerably, whereas levels of Potassium, Manganese, organic manure, Urea, D.A.P and M.O.P. had decreased.


To analyze the levels of the Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the vegetables, eight samples of different vegetables were collected from Meerut region and sent for testing. Presences of those pesticides which are banned in the country are found in most of the vegetables. It is moreover surprising that production, sale or any kind of usage of these pesticides is banned in India, but they are still being used in Meerut region. This study report by NEER has been published in newspapers dailies. The Ministry of Agriculture has been sent these reports. It is crucial to keep a check on our vegetables content.


The samples of the bio compost produced from the model LR compost pits, had been sent for testing at the “Central Potato Research Institute Campus”, Indian Council of Ag-ricultural Research, Modipuram, Meerut, UP, India. The manure samples were tested positive for nutrients like organic carbon, phosphate, potassium, zinc, iron, manganese, sulphur, copper, etc. Samples of both liquid and solid manure were tested for their quality. The nutrient pres-ence was found in considerable amount and thus proving the LR compost made of waste agricultural leaves, a beneficial compost.

Polluted Vegetables Safe Vegetables

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NEER is primarily focused on clean water for all. Therefore to collect adequate data, wa-ter samples from different water sources and locations are sent for testing. Water sam-ples are taken from river surface, underground water, govt. hand pump water, private hand pump water, wells, johads, ponds, tube wells, etc. The water is tested for presence of pollutants, odor, color, etc. If the test reports prove the water to be unfit for use, then such reports are taken to concerned authority to take action and provide alternatives / solutions for the problem. NEER has been acting as a national coordinator for World Water Monitoring Day since few years and has won the awards for three years for best conduct. The water testing kits are easy to use and NEER has taken up water testing through these kits through par-ticipation of school children, community members, etc at different locations. Also NEER has won the recognitions for testing the water at highest temperature.

Water Quality

Village census

NEER also undertakes whole village study which is done through door to door survey method to collect detailed data about the population of the village. Due to water pollu-tion prevailing in the villages situated on the banks of Kali river, there has been numer-ous cases of life threatening ailments. Therefore, a detailed study of villages namely Morkuka, Dabal, Kota Harnathpur, Jalalpur, Aad, Kudla, Bhalolpur, Bhadeda Khemchand & Simlana,etc, of Meerut, Muzafarnagar, Baghpat districts; has been carried out. Num-bers and facts have been compiled such as number of families, monthly income, monthly medical expense, deaths in last 5 years, current patient, type of disease, if wa-ter pollution is behind the diseases, source of drinking water, etc.

Water testing with community & School children

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LR Composting Technique - Organic Agriculture

LR Composting technique has been innovated by NF where the farmers can benefit from the biomass contained in sugarcane leaves, by converting it to compost and thus forming manure . This technique is total win-win situation from both ends. Firstly it stops the burning practice of waste sugarcane leaves which pollutes the environment and affects quality of field soil, secondly the waste leaves are being used to make organic manure both in liquid and solid form to be used in crops fields, hence saving the environ-ment with enhancing the crops and field soil. Eight model pits (with support of IGSSS New Delhi) have already been established in different farmer’s fields and the manure extracted has been used in the fields. The test reports have confirmed the manure quality of goodness and crops have benefitted from organic compost. NEER is working towards spreading this technique in all of the region and has approached state govt. to include this technique in agricultural schemes as well.

Clean Technology for “Kolhus” (Jaggery units)

The main goal of the project is to provide a cleaner and efficient way for energy production to the Jaggery producing units so as to prevent them from producing such huge environmental pol-lution & to replace the existing Kolhus with an improved green technology with improvised manufacturing process. The project is supported by MoEF (Govt.of India). NF has collaborated with Inventa, Mumbai to construct the model jaggery unit .

Report submission to Mr. Sanjeev Baliyan ji by Mr. Raman

Mr. Prakash Javedekar ji Minister of State (Independent charge), MoEF & CC

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Water & Environment Campaigns

Over the years, numerous awareness campaigns have been undertaken by NEER involv-ing school children, colleges, rural commu-nities, farmers, etc. Mass awareness is an important tool to aim for any development. In the last decade, many such campaigns have been conducted to introduce subjects like water quality, water monitoring, clean environment, pollution, tree planting, healthy food, save river, save animals, wild-life conservation, etc.. Also school children are taken to such spots for awareness which prove educational. Many a times cleanliness drives has been undertaken .

Organic Agricultural practices

Turning the fields back to organic is a task which the team has undertaken at initiation of the foundation. Till date numerous farmers have totally stopped using chemicals and instead use natural or organic fertilizers in their fields. To achieve this and to take it for-ward, timely agricultural meetings are organized in different areas so as to reach to dif-ferent farming communities.

A farmer during a demo Organic Manure preparation Farmer’s meeting

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NEER regularly publishes the research data and study reports which it undertakes, in the newspapers and magazines. To aware the public on the data reports or to inform them about latest developments in the environment sector, articles are published in Hindi and English newspapers. Also an English and Hindi quarterly newsletter “Paryavarn San-desh” is issued. A documentary film on Kali River has also been made.

Celebration of Environment Days

Publishing of Studies & Newsletter

Forest & Biodiversity Conservation

NEER celebrates each of the environment day such as World Earth Day, World Environ-ment Day, World Water Day, Earth Hour, International River Day, Groundwater week, etc. Different activities are organized on such events. A seminar, tree plantation drive, awareness campaign , debates, poster making competition, etc are undertaken to mark these days.

NF is making continuous efforts to conserve, restore and sustainably use the biological diversity of Western Uttar Pradesh. Documentation of the rich bio-treasure, sensitiza-tion of the community and implementing community managed bio-diversity conserva-tion programs are being implemented. Tree plantation is undertaken with the commu-nity to save the environment. Van Mahotsav is celebrated every year. Biodiversity con-servation at Hastinapur Sanctuary is undertaken.

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Rainwater Harvesting


NEER has been working towards facilitating individuals and organizations in setting up the rain water harvesting structures. It has already motivated and facilitated in estab-lishing rain water harvesting structures in more than 68 buildings all around the district. The main objective is to enable people to have access to potable water while at the same time restoring aquifers and reducing the pollutant levels within them.

Revival of Historical Ponds

More than seven water bodies have been revived through community participation. The revived ponds have been handed over to the group of local villagers through natural water resources com-mittees headed by Gram Pradhan for mainte-nance. Revived ponds include Gagol, Gandhari, Surajkund, Poothi, Pakka talaab Mawana, lahore-garh, Atrana, etc..

Cleaning the Gagol Pond Children taking a dip in revived Gagol pond

Rural Rain Center

A Rural Rain Centre has also been established at Poothi village, Meerut district where water conser-vation has been undertaken at larger scale. Anyone can visit the centre to obtain information about rainwater conservation. Around 60 thousand liters of water can be saved in a year through this model. It is the very first time, a rainwater conservation fa-cility has been built at any village in the country.

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Surajkund Pond Revival Action

Tree Plantation Drives

Plantation drives are taken frequently involving community members, school children, activists, members of various departments, etc. Over a decade has passed and tree plantation campaign has yet not lost its speed.

Tree Plantation Drives over the years

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River Policy

NEER Foundation has taken the lead to prepare a people-friendly policy draft on river in consultation with the experts and various stakeholders which was submitted to the Government of UP. Major points highlighted in the policy draft are Environmental flow, Drinking water, Agricultural use, Fair - Festi-vals - Kumbha, Domestic use, gram pancha-yat, municipality, Cultural tourism and En-ergy industry. Also contributed to the up-coming NCR Green Development Policy by Rajyasabha committee. Contribution has also been made to National Water Policy 2012-14, U.P. Groundwater policy, through facts and ideas.

Policy Proposal for Ponds Development Authority

In a meeting with Mr. Hukum Singh ji, Chairman, Parliamentary Standing committee on Water, Govt. Of India; Mr. Raman had discussed the situation of ponds of the region. A detailed report has also been submitted to him by NEER which has recorded conditions and all numbers of the ponds of this region. Mr. Hukum Singh ji has expressed his desire to visit the Meerut region along with his committee to check the conditions of ponds. Also request has been placed to form a Ponds Development Authority to overlook the

ponds separately.

Report submission to Mr. Hukum Singh ji by Mr. Raman


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Water Conservation and Awareness NF has undertaken considerable grassroot level work towards water conservation and man-agement in both rural and urban scenario. Mass awareness is being spread by the organization on water conservation and management with the active involvement of the farmers, schools, colleges, universities, government and civil society organizations and the community. Rural Area Rural community is being made aware to save the natural water resources. The organization time to time carries out research and studies on the existence of the historical water bodies. At the same time, the water bodies which have been encroached are saved through raising awareness amongst the local community. They are educated on the importance of these water bodies and are taken on exposure visits to other parts of the country where water conserva-tion is being successfully done through these structures. Historical ponds More than seven water bodies have been revived through community participation. The re-vived ponds have been handed over to the group of local villagers through natural water re-sources committees headed by Gram Pradhan for maintenance. Urban Area NF has been working towards facilitating individuals and organizations in setting up the rain water harvesting structures. We have already motivated and facilitated in establishing rain wa-ter harvesting structures in more than 68 buildings all around the district. The main objective is to enable people to have access to potable water while at the same time restoring aquifers and reducing the pollutant levels within them. Water, Sanitation & Hygiene NF time to time creates awareness on water and sanitation hygiene amongst the urban and rural com-munities of the district. Information about personal hygiene, good habits, hygienic practices during menstruation, water hygiene, proper sanitation and other issues is given to the women/girls and children. Water Pollution and Safe Drinking Water NF ensured provision of safe drinking water to the community by sensitizing them about water quality and its safeguard as well as treatment. It conducts research studies and implements solution based programs in the region facing gross violation of human right to water.


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Save River Campaign NF strives to bring back rivers of Western Uttar Pradesh, back to their lives which were earlier the life-lines of the region. This is being achieved through awareness creation among the commu-nity living on the banks, implementing pollution control measures and advocating with the gov-ernment bodies responsible for the safeguard. The organization has also taken the lead to pre-pare the first policy draft of river polity for Uttar Pradesh, for the government to formulate a pol-icy based on the points. It has made potential contribution for saving the highly polluted Kali River (E), Ganga River, Kali River (W), Hindon, Krishni & Budhi Ganga. A mass campaign has been launched wherein ‘Raksha Samitis’ and ‘Nadi Rakshaks’ have been appointed in the villages located on the banks of the rivers. A documentary has been produced on the extent and causes of the pollution of the pollution and the foundation is in the process of documenting the historical importance, present situa-tion & future of these rivers in the form of a book which would be published soon.


NF has been actively working towards the protection & conservation of environment. This is done through creating awareness among the masses and undertaking outreach programs. Children have an active participation in all the programs. Following the environmental calen-dar every year, World Environment Day, Earth Day, Tree Plantation Drive, Ground Water Day, Forest Week, World Water Day, Earth Hour and other days are celebrated involving different stakeholders from the community. Project Heat In collaboration with AIESEC and Delhi University project ‘Heal the Earth’s Atmosphere To-morrow (HEAT)’ is being implementing at Meerut district. The organization has made efforts to establish a centre of HEAT program at Meerut which have given positive results. Students from four countries who are associated with ISAC under Heat Project visited Meerut to edu-cate school students about environmental education.

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WWMD NEER Foundation has lifted the torch, to spread the light of knowledge, making people aware about the water quality and its importance. This has been achieved though an association with the World Water Monitoring Day program. The foundation joined the program in 2009 and after its successful achievements was chosen as the National Coordinator of the program for India. My Clean Meerut NEER Foundation is running ‘My Clean Meerut’ campaign which aims to reach the people the Meerut City and inspire them to show their love and pride for the environment. This is an as-sociation with ‘My Clean India’, a campaign which was embarked on by Mr. Remco Van San-ten from Australia. The campaign encourages people to take personal responsibility and by that, together find ways to keep their environment clean and green. This campaign is not just about less litter and rubbish although that is very important but also for cleaner air, cleaner water, cleaner soil, and even a cleaner mind and relationships.


Analyzing the needs and priorities of the rural population, NF is making considerable for rural development. Activities undertaken involve combination of delivery and service activities and employment generation activities. It insured that all the activities are implemented un-der the leadership of Gram Pradhans who have the most important role in sustainable rural development. Kheti Sudhar Abhiyaan Farming is the mainstay of income in the region of Western Uttar Pradesh with sugarcane being the major crop. NF under this program is providing field as well as training support to the farming community right from seed to the market. Organic seed distribution, prepara-tion of organic composts and fertilizers, soil analysis, certification, value addition and market linkage are the components involved in the process.

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Aadarsh Gaon Abhiyaan NF has initiated this program for achieving sustainable rural development in the region with com-munity involvement. In the initial phase of the program, it has adopted five villages of the district wherein it will be take up different activities time to time. These include agricul-tural programs, health and hygiene, human resource development, community development and trade and industrial programs.


NF works to provide post-disaster relief as well as strengthen pre-disaster preparedness and mitigation through capacity building, public awareness campaigns, workshops and confer-ences, etc. It also plans to collaborate with corporate entities in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives in the field of disaster man-agement at State, District and sub district levels.


NF is working to promote 3’Rs of waste management. In urban areas it sensitizes the commu-nity to reduce waste, recycle it to the extent possible and its proper disposal. In rural areas, it provides alter-natives to burning of the waste; motivate the farmers and implement alterna-tives such as sugarcane leaves composting. The initiatives include Hospital Waste Management Through promotion of toxics free healthcare by spreading awareness in various states among the healthcare staff, hospitals and the general public through workshops, training programs & media coverage held from time to time. The main focus of these programs is to bring the is-sue of mismanagement in handling biomedical waste. E-waste Management Through school awareness program on E-waste and merits of recycling with special focus on school children. Municipal Waste Management It promotes awareness about the benefits of community-based waste management, as well as the impacts on traditional and informal sector recycling processes. Promotion of “Waste to Wealth” concept for income generation as well as management of solid waste.

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AIESEC, India Development Foundation of Oversees Indians, Walk Free Org, End Water Poverty, Guidestar Inida, Lead India Foundation, NGO Box, Global Giving, Indo French Water Network, World Water Monitoring Day, CEEW, Sharp Development, Samhita, The Resource Alliance, Water org, Focus on Global South, World Energy Council, Walk for Water, Development Alternatives, CMS Varavaran, IGSSS, The Institution of Engineers, Trees of the Future, - India Wa-ter Partnership (IWP), India Water Portal, Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Ministry of Water Resources & Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), Peoples Science Institute (PSI) Dehradun.

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Tree plantation

Save Ganga Yatra Save Water Campaign

River water testing by students Handpump water near Kali river Children enjoying bath in revived Gandhari pond

Meeting to save Kali River Water testing at school

Forest & Biodiversity conservation awareness Clean Environment—Safe environment campaign

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River water testing at Ganga Water Collective team visit from New York (2015)

Farmer filling LR compost pit Ponds GIS mapping and testing

Water testing training World Water Day 2015 seminar

Shramdaan by school children